Does Community Have Value

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Y'lendell b.ry
t'/11 A l)l.ll;t:Nsli ()tr
, -l'lrcy
2. Iravc nurintrrinctl rhc [)ricticcs of rrcig,hborlroocl.
'l'hcy lravc rrrirint;tirtcd thc dorrrcstic arts of kitchcn artcl
girrrlclr, ltlrrsclroltl irntl lxlrttestcacl.
4.'lhey lrrrvc lirrritctl thcir rrse oI tccltrrology so as lrot to
Does Community
tlisplace oi llienltc :rvlilrrIrlc ltunratt lrrllor or :rvirilirblc free
s(irlrccs of lrowt:r (tltc strtr, wirttl, wlttcr, irrttl srl tlrt).
Flaue a Value?
.5. lrcy hlvc lirnitcrl thcir flrrrrs to rt scrrlc that is conrpirtiblc
both rvith tlre pltcticc of ne iglrlrorlrootl :tttrl rvitlr thc o[)tirrrttn)
use o[ lorv-porvcr tecltrtoltlgy.
6. lly thc prrrcticcs rrrrrl lirrrits rrlrcarly rrtctttiturccl, they have
li nritetl thcir ct.rsts.
7. l'lrey lrrrvc ctlrrerttctl tlrcir clriltlrcrt to livc rtt h<lttte rttttl scrvc
tlreir corrtrtrrrrrities. r986
'l'lrcy cstccni frrlrrrirrg ls lroth rl
B. I)racticrl ltrt ittrcl ir spilitual
tl isci pl inc.
'l'hcsc principlcs tle f irtc rt woril to [rc livcd irr by lrtrntrrn ltcings,
rrot :r worlcl to bc exploitcrl [ry nrarral;ers, st<lcklxlltlers, attd cx- Cornrr.runity is ir concept, like hunraniry or peace, thrrr virtually
[)crts. ll() orrc has taken thc trotrble to qturrrcl with; cvcn its rvorst
cnernies praise it. The re is ...rlmost no procluct or proje ct thrrt is not
N() l l:S bcing aclvocated in the nrme of cclrnnrunity irnl>rovenrent. Ve arc
tolcl that we, As a cornnrunity, are better off for the porvcr irrrlus-
r. lrr corrvcrslttiort.
tiI try, the dcfensc industry, the conrrnunicarions inclustry, tlte trflns-
z. ltr>[rrrt llcrltrroncr, "'l lrc Act oI \Vrrk," Occrsiorutl l'rrpcr tltc
(lorrrrcilof selt<rl;rrs(Vrrslrirrlirorr, t).(i.: l.rbrrrryo[ Oorr1'.rcss, r9tl4), portltion industry, thc agriculrure inclrrstry, rhc food in.lrrstr.y,
l). zo. the healtlr inrlustry, the'reclical inclustry, thc i.s.rn.ce iriclustry,
1. Iiric (lrll, A I loly'l\ tlttiott of \Yorkittl1' (5Lrf Iolk, l:rrglrrrrtl: (-iolgt-r-
the sp.rts irrrlustry, thc beauty irrclrrstry, thc entertai'rr)e.t i.-
rxlozrt l'rcss, rgtl 1), p. 6t. clustry, thc rnining industry, the eclucation incltrsrry, tlre lrrrv irr-
a. lbid., p. 65. jl clustry, the governnrent inclustry, ancl the re ligion incltrstry. yrtr
5. Willilnr S:r{irc, "lvl'rke ltlt .\i.t l)c;rtlly Sirrs--A l{c-cxitrtrinrttiort
Slrorvs (lrccrl to llc rt Virtuc," Ootrlicr-J,rrtrtrll (l-otrisvillc, l(y.),7 coultl look into rny one of thesc inclustrics ancl find rnanv 1.rcople,
.l:rrr., r9ll6. sonrc of thcnr iu in(luentill positions, rvlro are certifilbly "corrr-
6. lrr cortvers:ttiort. rnurrity spiritctl."
7. ll:rtch Act, tJrritcil St;rtcs ()otlc, Scctiort j{i rb. Irr flrct, lrorvevcr, neithcr ortr cconorny, nor our govcrnrn(,nt,
It. N'lrrrry Strlrrgc, "'l lrc |-corxrttric Strttcttrrc ol rr Strst;rirrlblc Agricul- nor our eclucational systern runs ou the irssurilption thrt corn-
trrrc," irt Mettittg !lx' I:.xltctt,tlitttrs of llr L,tttr!, ctl. Wcs Jirckson,
rrrrrnity h"s 'l vrluc-t vlltrc, thlrt is, thlrt corrlls in rrrry pmcri-
Wcrrrlcll llcr t-y, ;trttl l!t tt.c (.olttutrt (S:trt lit ltttr:isco: l''lor tlr l\rirlt Itrcss,
r9t1.1), p. rrtl. cal .r'llor'vcrIrrlwrry.'l'lrc valucs that arc assignccl to corrrrrrrrrrity
9. lbitl., p. rr(,. iire crnotiorll l ancl spirittl.ll- "1;111111 s1 "-rvh ich rrrir kes i r tl rc
l)()11S (i()MMUNI'fY llAVti A'vALUtr-' rtlr
arc tncIcly v()cirl.l]rrt clocs ctlttlttrttt)ity hllve
gctllcr: hotrsccleartitrg, wrrllprtpe ring, qrrilting, crttrltiltg, cookirrg
sul)te cr r_ri 1>ictics tl[rt
or ccollonric? ls ctlrttrtitrlrity rrcccsslrry? lI
for ficl.l crcws.'fhotlg,h Ltlyce ltlolcc.l trp to tllcsc rvtttttctt ittttl
'c' tlrlt is ltrrrctiri:rl
,, ,,,,'1,,a
cllle rl tlre nr "Miss Srrzy," "Miss llcrthy," alttl so oll, ll)ost o( tltcrrr
ir rltxs n()t llirvc rr vulrrc thut is Pr;rcticrrl rrrrtl cctlrtonric, if it
clllotiollal all(l wcrc still (qirly yotrng, irr tlrcil liltc thirtics or elrly ftlrtits.'Ilrcv
r)()t Dectssrlry, lliert catl it llilvc ll valtlc that is
for thcir wcrc rt set{oI hcltrty, ltttlttorotts, inilLrstriorrs wolncllr rvlto s,trv
spiritual?-(lrttt "cortrttrurrity valttcs" bc Prcscrvecl sinrply
(NV. sirkci (1,r. 5e .cig5lxt's, fo' cxrt'tplc, if t6cy cl, trot wlratcvcr was frrtttry atttl loveil to lllltke trp ftrrtttv tlrttttes for
'c.1tlc <lt5cr? C-rrrr tlrc'c bc a lrlrvcst fes- things.
.cctl circlt i,tltcr,lr ",,tlt 'I'hey bccanrc Loyce's te.lchers,lntl ttorv, rtearly fifty ye ars l:ltcr,
tivirl rvherc t[crc is t,., lt,rrucrt? l)ocs ccotrorlry ltrlvc spirittlal
shc rcnrcnrbe rs with rvltrtnth lnd ple:rstrre the ir kinclncss to lte r
ltlss o[ their carc for her.'['ltcy ltelpc.iher to leartr to cook a,t..l ..,t',
Srrclr (ll.lcsti()lIs rrrc bcirrg fotcctl tt1-',ott rls ll()w [ly thc

I'orD clcrrlirlg with the rn by thcir to work irr the hog killing artcl in the ficlcl (for, at plantirrg rrnd
.,,t,,,rtrt,,'iry. Wc rrrt tliseotrrrrge cl f
(ltresti()lls rlnd otllcrs Iurrvest titucs, the worlrcrl wcltt to the ficlcl rvith thc rnerr); tlrcy
tlif{ictrlty itt strcll J tirllc lls this, lrntl yct tllesc
thlt lookcd after her when shc was sick; they taught ltcr llrrrctic:rl
likc thcrn rire in.lisllcnsatllc to tls, [()r tllcy clcscribc thc wtlrk
'We crul only be euc<>ttragctl ttl sec that this work, things, and things having to clo with tlreir mtrtuitl wonlllllhoo(l
\\,c lilust clo.
do- atrd corntnunity life. Althouglr shc hacl rnorc fortttal schooling
tlrorrgh rlillicrrlt, rs frrscirrrrrirtg rrncl hollcftrl' lt is hortrework'
cvcrybtltty--a* hr ns than lrty <lf thctrt, she srrys n<lw, l'livcrything I knorv llcrrrnc.l
,,trl. i,t l)rlrt by cvcrybotly, ttscftrl ttl
cxPcllsivc' elitist projccts that now frour those pcr:plc," Ancl thc lnctl were as kincl arlcl trscftrl tti
I)ossiblc trrllike thc tttassivc,
Olvcn ls tlre wotttctr wcrc to I-tlycc. "1'hcy took rrs ttrttlcr tltcir
r.',,1i,t'rs virttrlrlly cvtry g()vcrlllllcllt ()[ tlrc rvtlrltl'
by ruvirrg,," shc says.
l],,tt,l,.f,,rc I go rrny [ar.tltcr, lct ttlc rrtakc clcltr lvltilt I trrcan 'l"lrc
lls I kllow' nre u fltrrt.rccl their own f:rrnts, [rttt, like tlre wolllcll' tltcy ditl
cottttttttttity. I will givc rts l)rtrtictllrlr lrll cx:llllplc
tlrc big jobs together. And wltcn they workecl togcthcr' tlrey rrtc
togcther. 'l'ltey always had a big clinner. "Thcy ttcvc'r slrirked
cliuner," Loyce says, "tltitt was one tlritrg sttre." lrt ltot rveittlicr,
ln.l ntovctl to rl larttl in hilly cotltltry Ilellr l)ort ltoyll, Kentucky'
chickcrt wotrlcl be tlre only frcsh nrcirt availablc, rnd they iltc il lot
Slrc wits scvclltccll; Owcrr wrts ci1',lrtccn' -I'he
of chickcn. wotnett were pcrfectiottists ar rnaking ttttocllcs,
Loyce hrrcl grrrtlrrntcrl Iroril lrigh school ilntl hltl
[rce tt to collcgc
I f:rrtrt slrc did lly our stirnclards now, thcse people werc Poor.
[0r 1I slrrlrr whilc. Altlrorrgh she hrrcl bccn rnisctl tlrr
bcing I frtrtttcr's wifc on a srtlilll' raugcd iu sizc frorn thirty-sevcn ro pcrhlps a htrndrccl acres. [Jttt
rtclt kttow a grclt r'lc,,l al:ottt
()wcrt hirtl littlc lll()llcy| ltrtl slrc lrlcl only tlrc t[rirty-scvcn'ircrc firrtll wils elttircly tillable, Tltc tlthe rs
llotlr, lrillsitlc 1,l.lcc. Str. lrrrtl includcd r lclt <lf "hill artcl lttlllcr."'l'ltctt, as llow' lllost of thc
to lcnrrt tltriclcly rltc lrts oI subsistctrcc'
tuoncy ntacle ott tlrc llrotlrtcc of tlrat pllce wls tttaclc lly lll0lltlfilc'
Rrrttrrr;rrcly, tlrcy rvcrc living iil rr trciglrborlrtlotl tlf
and by well- turcrs artcl ntcrcltants in other plnces; probably rto lrtltrsclroltl
closcly botrrttl toBctlrcr by f'rrnily rics or fricrlclsltips "l'he subsistettcc econollly \vils
'l'his rrciglrtlorhood Brosscd lnorc than $t,ooo a ycnr,
cstirtrlishe tl l)rlrrcills .,f nu.,rk ,r,',1 1rl.^r,,r.. 'l'hc
ncccssilrily clnborttc ittttl strottg,, pcople raisctl nttcl slittrlih'
irrclrrtlccl, irr vrrryitrg tlcgrccs 0[ irrtintircy nrrtl irrtcrtlcllcnclcttcc,
terecl thcir owlr nreatr rlisctl vcgeta[llc garclctls, proclircccl thcir
rtitlc,, al[ ,,''.,l.. .,l. lcss rvitlritr rvlrll<irr1i tlistattcc,,l.hc
tlrcy tlitl to' own nlilk, [tuttcr, nrttl cggs,'l'lrcy gnthcrcd thc rviltl [rtrit rrs it
woilr('rl lit'1it ltortst'irrtlivi''lrrirlly, Irtrt rlll thc llig itttrs
/ r^\
rlJ r l)()[S COI\'1MUNI'l Y ItAVI A VAt-tJli r t'l .)

riPcrrc.l. l hcy .rrnlrctl rrrrtl .lrie.l rtrrrl crrrccl arrcl P|cscrvcct.'l'lrcy

( ,)h rro lorrgcr exists. Ily the cnel cr.f Vlrlcl Wrr ll, it rvlrs botlr
s1,c,rt litrle lD()ncy.'l'ltc crrslr for rlrc hotrsclrolcl clllltc luitillly [rolll .,ri {{lt.l'ft'al'lixl tlre fl,"";iii,l?r its oltl lifc irrc ro\v
,1,..,,1.91 ,..rt.;lrrr,,r,t,l c.r. lr l.rr rrr tlrrt c 6r'l9rrr rrrilk cgws [6r nrairrly rrrcnrr>ries.
'l'lrc rcrsons why it no lotrgcr exists lrc tltltnerotts lttttl cclrtr-
tllitt glttrPtlst. l.oycc Le tttcttl[lcrs tlrrrr lrcr wcckly clcr\lll cllcck was
rlrrcc tloll:rrs; rlr(]y ltLrrllicrctl h:rlf,rI rl[it ft,r grocerics lrncl gls- plcxIy irrtc]rclatccl. Sorne of rhcnr are : increascrl [arttt irtcorttc
olirrc ior tltc c:tr lrrrtl lrrrlt [t.'r pltyrttcttt ort rt tlcllt' tltr ri.g rf tcr,1,. nu^r,@ ; rii;m
'Ilrcsr ntoclcttt collvc- crrcc oI raclicl rrrrtl tlrcrr o{ tclcvisiorrl rising ecortotttic exrrectr!-
Proltlc w()rlic.l liarcl, ,rrrrl lvitll(lut ilrry
rricrrccs 6r'lrrtr6r silvefs.'l'ltcy Irrtl l)o tract()rs, ttcl clcctricity' tl<l tions: chrrnrins social faslrions: sclrool consoli(latiotr: nrrtl thc
rcIrigclrtqrs, l]o witsliitlg tl)llellillcs, tlo vllctlunl clclrrrcrs.'I-lteir rapid iritruduction of indrrstri'll techuology irrt<-r agriculturc lftcr.
()rrc luxury wils tllc telcPlronc plrty linc, wlrich ctlst fifty cclrts ir thc war. Anrl so the disappearance of this comnruttity into the
ilr()iltlr. lJrrr rv.rrk rvas irr lirrrirerl (lurlntiticsi tlrcy clitl rrot rn<lrlcrn lvorlrl antl the inclrrstrillecononry is both a frtct:tttcl, to a
rvor.k rrt rril;ltr 9r irrv;ry Ir',r|lr lr()rrrc; tlrcy krrt'rv tlrt:ir lvttrl<, tltcy crlrrsitlcrablc cxtcnt, an understandtrblc firct. r .. ,._ / .. ,

kncrv lrorv ttt rvttrk,:rntl tlte y krtr:w r-:rtclt ()tllcr' ['oyec slys,
"'l'llcy lJut we rnust tlrke care not to stop rvith thc Itil?tr ,.Lig'iiliiii.''
.lt,llt't ol t'xIlrrirtirrl', ",, ttl .lo it lot anrl uncle rstanding of hcts. Wc nrust go ahcad to asl< if the firct
hcir rvor k *,,, flifiiiif i.l rvirlr rlrcir iurruscr)re or; sonrctinre s it exists for our goocl, if it cln be uttc'lerstood to otrr good, and iI its
'llrll<. lvirs vcry irrtPort:rnt: 'l lrcy w()rkecl cxistence is necessrtry or irtescapable. After establishing thrrt I
t.trs tllcir iltiluscnlcllt.
r()llcrllcr irrrd talketl;rhcy srrw clch othcr in I'tlt't l{oyrtl orrSatur- cornnrur-rity has cliecl, for cxautple, we rtlusr ask rvho has bce tt
.l,,i,tigltt rrn.l trtlkctl; ort Strtt.lrly ttiorttiti13 rhcy wcrlt to clltlrch scrvcd by its clclth.
.,rrly sr0o.l rrrorrrrtl 0rrtsidc etrcl t;rlke tl ; lvllcrt cllttrclt was Strch a conrnuttity as lhave clescritred hrs often bectt c'lr-
ovcr, tltcy trrlkctl:ttt.l rvct'c irt lttl llttrry to B() h()llrc' icaturcrl .".r ?iliil'iJ.iirnd often sentirnentaliz.ecl. But, lookcd lt
Irr the strrnrrrcr tlrt'y rvorrlrl gct lifty P<lrrrrtls O[ icc rrncl llllrkc
ice in its facts, as my friencl recalls thcrn, it escapes both extrerttes.
tttltkc ltrt- 'l he pcople rvcrc tunnifcstly ct;tral to their lot; they rvcre tttt( ttrt[-
Ll,etuil, lrrrrl clrt tlrc lvlrolc f,'cczcr Irrll' lrrrcl s()lllctilllcs
()rIr(.r, iut(l cirr rllirr. ln tlrc rvirrtur tlrcy rvotrlrl irll gtl to sottlclrocly's ish or sttrpitl. Ott tltp.olhcL hlncl, they we re not perfect; tltey rve rc
' \a4iuuttl. -

Ir()trsc,rr rriglrt arrtl l)ol) c()rtr,,rrr.l tltc rrrcrr r.vottltl llllty clrrtls
rrrttl llot livinll arr'iilfll. 'l'ltc cottttnutrity was llot itlltlrr.lrtc citlrcr ttr
rlrc rvonrclr tvotrl.l talk. l lrcy plrryc.l a lot. Ortc of thc hotrsc- change or to the ncecl to change. Atryone flnriliar witlr thc history
liolds hatl books tlrat e r>ulrl bc borrorvccl. l.oycc's privrrtc allltlsc- of faruring on Kentucky hillsicles kttows its practiccs corrld :rl-
nlcnts we l.c r.e atling aDtl crtrbroirle ry. Slrc rlocs tttlt re tttcttr[lcr cvcr rvays have been inrprovcd.
Ilut another fact that wc ntust now reckon rvitlr is thlt this
Bcttittg l<lttestltltc tlr lrorccl.
cornrnunity clid not change by irnproving itself. lt chrrtgetl by
'l-lcrc :rrc, rrs I scc ir, *v. ii,JUiU i..-ir'"i,,,,,, ,Ltis tci96[
.[ trrrning lwrry f qortr itsplf, frotrt its placc, frctnr its orvn ltossibility.
r9ltl: So.rehow ttr.iillblilfli exhaustcd ancl'broke thc ccnte r.
6.,1,,u., cIfr:ctive l'cl success[ul irs a c'tu.tuIlity. lt did lvSat community, like thousands of similar ones, was not chlnged by
Y. k,t.,* tlr.rt rt gtlocl coltlllltlliity ''lt>es: lt stlpportcd itself' rnything thrrt it thought of, nor by anything thought o[ by rny-
,ttilusct[ itscli, ctlrrsillcd itscl[, rtrrcl pilssecl its klrowlcclgc on
to bocly who believed that cotnnrutrity had a practical or att eco-

tlrc yorrrrg. lt rv:ts st.rtttctlrilrg ttl btrild tln' noruic value. It was changcd, partly to its own blarne, by force s,

' I tj.l l)()t:S (l()NlMtJNI I Y ItAVli A Vi\l-Uli I8i
,.'rf}. '/ ./' ---d'
I oriliirr:rtirr1,, otttsiclc irsrlf, tllrlt tlitl rrot cttltsitlct, Itttrch lcss clcsirc' It is c;rsy to suppose, as nlllny powe r[ulpcople applrcntly hrvc
F*q",/' tlrc wclfrrre ol tlre cxistcrtcc oI crtrttttttrrtiticS.'I his crlrrtrrtttrli' cl<-rrrc, th'ttlrc 1>riuciplc of rlr f:r.rily f,rr*rs a..l irr
ty, likc;ury otllcr, hrrtl to clrlrtge arttl ttccclctl to chartgc, btrt whlt rural cor'r'u'ities rvill be bad for the larger econorny, [lut this
ii its own lifc, its olvtt gotltl, hltl l>ecn thc stantlartl by rvhich it has proved to be a dangerotrs and clestnrcrive error.
clrrrrrgcrl, ratlrcr tllrlrt rhc prtlfit of tlistelrt crltrcl)rellcurs atrcl cor- is bad for rhe i.dustrial eco.omy a.d for thc
econorny of the finarrciers; it is good fo. tl.,cl acrrnl, real-rvorltl
l)orat ior)s ?
Wc rrrc lcf t rvitlr (lue stiplls--'--thrtt ollr :ttltl otllcrs. ecououly by which people live ancl are fed, clothecl, ancl house rl.
ls srrclr u c.rrr'rrr.iry {lJi;fltii.ii lvly rttsrvcr, J*!.,!'siiiitii,Bty, i, lilr cxarnple, in r918, i'the tinrc of srbsiste.ce, there wcrc tllrce
ycs. llrrt tlr;rt is rltr llr)s!vct' r)otori()tlsly strllicct to tlic chrrrgc tlf thriving groccry storcs thlt were patrorrized by the rrcighborlroocl
scrrtirncrtrrtlity ol tt.rst:tlgi;t. l'coplt: lvill lsk iI l"rvlnt to ttlrll lhave bce. talking aborrt-c,rrc at l)re^n'n's l-ick arrcl
lxrck tlrc ckrck." Arrrl so I :trn lttrsltctl along trl atltltltcr (ltlestiolr' 1l l)ort Itoyal. N.w therc is ore, ar r).rt ltoyal. l-rrc "sta.t.lurd
nlorc inte re stittg ottc: ls strcli I ctlttlturtttityJlgscss{y? Again, I of living" (rleterminecl, evide ntly, by how rnuch nroncy is spcrrr)
tlrirrk, tlre llllswcr tlltlst bc ycs, lttttl ltcre rvtl ltltvc ltcccss to solne Itas increasecl, but cornntunity Iife has cleclined, e.,r,,o,r,i..lly
nlilnller of prtltlf. and every orher way. ln the neighborhoods around Port l(oyal, rve
l:or ortc thirrg, tlrc place tlrlce occtrpictl by tlrlt cttttttnuuity is now have rnany modern conveniences, but rve buy and pry [or
rigrv <icctrl'rictl [ly pcoltle rvhtl arc Ittlt, irt tlte slttte closc, cffectivc thenr fartlrcr and farther fro'r honre. A'd rve havc fervcr
'l fcwcr pe.plc at lr.arc wlro know how to
sellsc, rl corrtrrttrttity. lrc 1;lircc is tttl ltlrtgcr cetltral to its <lwtt trrcsc c.rrvc-
irrtt,r'rst rrltl its owt) cc()p()llly.'l'he ltcoplc cltl tlot stll)l)Ort tllellr-
ttie.ces aucl keep thern r'nniug. p.rt rtclyal, i'other rvortls,
selvcs st.r rlruch frorn thc ltlace or so rtlttclt by nrutLral work ancl cxists for "the cconomy"-thirt abstract accur'ulatio'of r'o'e ^'rv-
Ire lp ,rs t [c ir p rcrle ccss.irs tlid; t lre y [rr rr r islr rrr trch lcss
qf t lrcir 6wtt tary powcl' tlrat aggra.clizes corporatio's ard gover^'rcuts arrcl
rlpluscg)e nt lrld collSollltiort; pttrChirsiqg has tttore ;rttcl nrorc rc- that does not corlcern itsclf at all for the exisrence of l)ort ltoyll.
pl:rce d growirtg atttl rnlking; irttcl lcss lrltl lcss of local knowledgc
rrrrtl prrtcticll skill is pllssccl ott ttl thc yotlllg,. ln r9ill, thc cotrl- For rnany ycars, I think, thc pcople of rural America havc bcerr
'l'tlclly, tltC cOlrt- strrrggling rvirh the realiz_ation thar wc are living in a colony. lr
rrrtrrrity rrrrcl its ccolloluy we re ltlttttlst itlcntical.
rurrrrity is clclirrcd lllos(ly by tlrc rttcre irloxirrrity of its peoplc to is an irony cspccially bitter for Anrericans rhat, h;rving casi off
gtre ur16tlrcr'.'l'hc ltcoltlc be lolrg, ofte ll to tlrcir gwn tlctrittrctrt, to thc c.lo'ialisrn o[ Errgland, we hrvc proceecled to i,'posc l cl,r-
it rtaliottol ccotlollly lvlttlse ccl)tcrs arc far front hotttc. rttcstic coltl'ialisnr o'our own Ilncl people, and ye t we
l:6r rtttgtltct'tltittg, rvt: tt<lw ltavc llcftlrc trs tlrc frliltrrc gf t[e 'ot
rlc'y tlrat Inost of thc' nrlcle ou thc prorltrcts thrrt rr.c
inclustrill systellr of lgriculttrrc tlilt strpltlanted thc conrrttttnity produce in rural Ame rica-food and fiber, finrbe r, nrinenblc lrr-
rrrrcl tlrc wrrys of r,,)3ti.'l'lrcrc is, stl [,tr lls l.illll ilwilrc, l1o way of cls a'cl nrircrals of all kirrds-is rnacle by othe r pcople i'.tlrcr
tlenyirrg, tlrc lrrilrrre ttf arr rtgrictrltttral systctrt t['.tt clcstroys [otlt plirces. we crrnnot clcny that all of thesc funclarrentalc:ntcrpris.s,
lrrrrtl ;rrrtl pt'oplc, rrs rlrc irr.'lttst lill systcrrt is norv tloirrg. OIviotrs- as row corrductecl, involvc thc clestructio'of the land artl
ly, rvc rrcc.l a wrry of flrrrtting tlrlt ltttlrchcs llcoplc to thc lllrld pcoplc. we cannot deny thnt thcrc is no
Provisi.n bcirrg nracle a.rr
rrrrrch rrror.c irrtirnrttcly, crrlc[rrlly, rttttl tlctrtt>crlticrrlly t[an tlrc irt- .o tho'ght bcing take irr a'y segrne <-rf the rural eccl'or'y for
tlrrsrriirlsystcnl lyrs [>ccrt lblc to tlo, atttl wc cltrl rtcitIcr establish tlrc long-tcrnr wclfare' o[ the people 'rlvho arc doing the rvork.
l;rlrrrirrg 1or I)rcscIVc it witlrotrt sttcct:sSItll crlttlntttttitics. lrtclccrl, rve cltrrr()t dcny that our lcadcrs al)pcrlr to take frlr grarrt-
I u6 l)ol:-s C()MNluNt'f Y
crl rlrnt tllc cvclltr,rill (lcstnrction of livcs, livclihoods, lrclnrcs, aud 'l'hat thc eco.orny
of of rural Anrcricir is a colo.i.l cco.-
eorrrrnrrnitics is rrrr :rcccptirblc, tlrotrgh not lr cl)rlrg,crt[rle, cost of onry became plain as soou as thc roclr eco'o'ries
protlrrction. l'lrc rvrrshctl-rltrt fitrrn nrrcl [xtttkrrtpt frrtncr, thc of subsistencc
wcrc replacecl by rhe so-called ,,consuurer econonry.,,
strip-rrrirretl rrrtlrrrrtrirr lrrrcl thc rrrrcrnpklyctl or tliscltsccl rnirtcr, .l,11r..,J'lit,l
'lhc ol( klcrrI ec.'onrics of subsistercc, rvhicrr in Ar'crica
tlrc clcur-e rr[ [olcst :rncl tltc rle prcssccl loggirrg torvrt--ull arc seen oftcr irco.rplete and inrperfect, rverc neverthcless sources of
rrs tl)e nlcrc rrrrttrrrrl lcstrlts tiI so-cltlled l'rcc crttcrprisc.'l'hc pat- lo-
cal strength and inclcpenclcnce,'and, irs I hlve suggcste(l,
tclrr of irrrlustri:rl "rlcvekrpnrcttt" on tlrc f:rrrtr:tncl irt tltc forcst, rts rhcy
werc a bcgi''i'g or which lvc cotrrd hrve builr. 'I-'heir
in tlrc coll licltls, is tlrat ol corn[rustion unrl ex[rirustiou-tror rcpl,rcc-
mcrrt by tlre "co'sunrcr eco'omy" rras brought
"growtlr," l biologicrrl rrre tuphor that is invlriably contraclictecl a lrrrrpless ,1.1,.,,-
clence ondistlnt markets, on transportecl rnnnufirctrrre.l goo,ls,
lly intltrstrirtl I)racticc. on cash, and on credit.
'l'hc frrtrlt of rr cokrnial ecoltonly is thet it is tlishtlrrest;it nris-
rcl)resellts rcrrliry. ln prrrcticc, it is siruply l wly of kecping costs llve n so crrrsory a description of one of
the olcl local strbsistence
oIf rlrc books of irn exploitivc intcrcst.'l'he cxllloitive intcrest is econornies as I gave at the beginning of this essay
reveaIs thnt irs
rrbse nt fronr thc cor-ulrrysi(lc c.xitctly as if tlrc countrysiclc wcre a ccononric aisets were to a consiclerable extent intangiblc:
[orcign colony.
'l'hc rcsrrlt of this sc1>llatiorr is that the truc costs crrl_
ture-b<-lrtre knowledge, atrirudcst and skills; family
a,r.l cu,l.,-
o[ productioll ilre not llaicl by the exploitive iltterest but ottly turu'ity colrere^ce1 farnily a'd cor'rnu'iry labor;
suf fcrcd by the exploitecl larrd ancl peoplc.
colony, whether
a'd curt"rl or
religious principles such as respect frx gifts (natural
or tlivinc),
[orei1;n or ilorrrcstic, bcconres trrrstalllc, b<lth as arl ccosystcrtt all(l hurniliry, fidclity, charity, and ncighboJin.rr. Such
irs:l conllur.rnity [rec;ttrsc c<tkrrriitlisrn cltles trtlt 1>errnit thc dc- furthcrmore, wcre nrainly sun-lrowered, using plants
vclol'rnrcrrt clf strong local cconornies. 'l'lre ccononry of rr colony
lncl thc:
boclies of animals ancl hur.ans as "solar converters."
lly rrrerr.s of
cxl)orts only "rarv nuttcli:rl" rtrtcl irrrllolts only Iinishccl gootls. lt neighborhood, knowleclge, ancl skill, rhey rverc
turning frce sup_
btrys urrrl sclls on rrlrlkcts ove r wlticlr it luts tt.,r corltrol; thus, botlt plies to cco'ornic fldva.tage. 'ltheirs *n, ,,n
eco.or'y tlrirt rook ts clrrrin valLrc lrortr tltc ct>l<lrry.'l ltc cct.rttottty tlf a colony is placc, largely, off the bo<lks.'l-he wondcrful
fact, therr, is thrt
tlrrrs us Ilr'rrs possi[rlc Irr>trr l:. li. Sclrtrrtritcltcr's jtrst (lncl sl[c) those ancl spiritrrar varucs trrirt arc now
itlcrrl ol- "locirl proclrrctiott fronr locll resottrccs ftlr locll ttse,"
s. irrc'rrsc-
q'c'tially associated with the idea of conrmunity rvere e c<.rr.r.rric
'l'he way that a national e cortonty prcys on its itltertlalcolorties
assets in thc clld cornr'unities, and they procrucecl
cc.r...ric rc-
is lly tlic dcstructiun of cornrtrttuity-that is, by the clestrttction su lts.
of thc pLinciplc o[ locllse lf-suf(icie ncy not only in the locllccon- 'I'his fi^rli.g
car lle c.rr,borarerr by an exar'plc tlrat is cor-
onry btrt rrlso in thc local ctrliLrrc.'llrtrs, local li[c bcconrcs thc tcnrporary' th.trgh sor'ewhat rrore re.lovccl fro'r
rlcpe ndcnt-irr.lecd, thc victirn-lrot ittst of thc [oocl itrtlttstry,
r'y ow' irc-
q.aintn'ce t.d culture. David Klirre a^d his fa'rily, rvh.
tlrc tnrrispc>rtatiorr intlrtstry, the p<lwcr irttltrstrics, tltc vlriotts nrernbers of o.e of thc A'rish conrrnu'ities i.
the hilly c:.urrrry of
irgLi[>trsincss irrclustrics, ancl so cltt, [>ut also of thc cntcrttitrtnetlt, castertr Ohio, lrave a farnr of rz3 acres thar, even
in the prcscnt
thc e cltrc;rtiorr, ancl thc re ligion incltrstrics-all involvirtg change \atcl tinrcs, is succcssful, lroth econonrically ancl agriculturally. lr
fr.,'rrn lloorls orrce cltc,rp r,r frce to expensive gootls hlving t<l bc is onc of tlrc f:rrms thirt, in my tlrinking
about agricrrlturc, I lrlve
lrorrglrt. trscrl ls rt stlrrrrlirrtl.
,r(r (.()tvtNltJNI l.\,
] lli\Vlr
()l tlrc Klrrrcscs'l?. r:l('r('s,s('vcrty-livcrrre ilrill)lc,twcrrr.y-rri.clrrc
l)avitl wlrat c.,,.,rrrunify
ilr l)r' I)ilsturc, tcn.lru l.,rcstccl, fivc rtrc irt rlrclrrrrd tncl to rrir'. r re said that -r,,.,, ,,.,1,11
his s.rt
wcrc'lowing irit^e 'lec't
spring 1,..",,,i",""r. lrou'rl
it,.rnlcrrs, rrrrtl [.rrr':lrc ()cc'l)ic(l by [lrriltlirrg,s.'l'lrc rrrajor nrol)ey- lri.r rrrtl
!icc sevc.tec. teallrs at
nrrkirrgcntcrPrir;t:sol tlrcf:rrrrrrrre ltlirily,f twcrrty-tlrr-cc(lrrcr.rr- work on thc neigrrboring farms. tear's nrrci trrc rrrc'trrivi'g I-rc k'cru
sc)'e()\\'s (rvitlr rrlrorrt;rn ctInl rrrrrrrllcr of Ircifcrs), arrcl scvcrr t^.,i, nni he krr*v tlrrrt if hc
wcre hrrrt rlr sick, tlrose nrcn ancl those tearns
lrrrrrl s'vs urrrl rr Ir.:rr.'l lrc liclcl crrps, raisecl rrrrirrly t. [rc [cd orr

would be al rv<_rrk
i orr lris frrrrn.
tlrr 1ll;rcc, lrrc lr;ry, co.l, oilts, lrrrl rvlrclrt.'l hcre uls. tlrc or-
'rc Corr.liti.))r...1 as we all are
clr:rrrl rrrrtl grrrtlc's, lifry lrryirrg hc.s, fifty Prrllets, fifty r.osters now by irrclustrial asstrrnptiorrs,
I.r tlre trr[llc, rr.d scvc. hives.f bccs. l'lrc farrrr co,rbirres c..r-
r''st be carefrrl llor to nliss or rve
to uncrerestinratc thc point of
reply: It is a practical .f .r.ripii.,,
rpi.iru.t co'clitio..
tncrcialrrrrtl str[rsistcncecntcr'priscs,arrtl itssubsister)ceorllor.rse-
Ir.ltl ec.rr.rrry is .[rvi.trsly stro'g, pr*lrrcirrg sruuc rrrlrke table
wir' the Anris', econorny is not r'erery uin
a fu'ction of cor.r.rr-
nity,; the conrnrunity.ncl
srrrPltrs. Irr rrrltlitirln ro rhc fanrily's su[rsistencc, tlris [arnr has the a.onornr rra u,.runf f
trrig't, i^deecl, call a'Amislr , the sarnc. Wc .
[rccrr grossirrg:r[xrrrt $5o,ooo rr ycur lrrtl rrcttirrg $z5,ooo ro .onrn.,uniiy .'luring..ouorny,
for ir
is basect or
rhc love of neiglrbors, ;r;;;,;;;;: ancl of placcs. .t.lrc
$1o,oo<-r. lrr rgtl 5, rlre gross wrrs $47,ooo, arrrl thc llct $2 j,ooo. c<-rrrnrLrrrity acconrplis^cs "f
tlre procluctiv.
lrr tlrc rrrirlsr.l irrr rig,ricrrltrrrul tlcPrcssiorr, this is. strrrtli.g ac- ,uurk ,r.,r, i, ,.,.orrary
to a.y econor'y; the cco'omy
corrrl;lishrrrent. Agrlin, it is rrn cc<lrulnric result thlt is only sorne- supports arrd preserves t'e llrtl
ancl tlre peclple' T'e eco.or'y ctlrrrptrtrrtrlc; ir is rrccorrnterl for, irr prrrt, by thc rclig,i<_rtrs, cannot prey o' trre cor'r'trrrity
because it is rrot alienaterl
crrltrrrrrl, lrrrrrily,:rrrtl ct.urrrnrrrrity crlrelerrcc that is still nrain- frorn thc..rnr,ri,,niry, ir is rhc
ttrunity' we shotrld trotice, coru_ [ry the old or.clcr Arrrislr, wlrrsc wiry rf lilc, irrclucling thcir too, that Drrvid tral describecl
rhe eco-
'or'ic helpful'css, t^e c'ariry, t'at is
".r,,r.f to tlre lifc of
tcclrrrolrl,,y, rrrrrkcs Pos:;i[rlc the rurrxirrrrrrrr rrtilizrrtirlrr of rrlrttrr.irl
cor'rrru.ity_-arrrl frec t1y 1119n1bg15_.tlrat
(:trrtl tlrc'e l,r'c clrt:aP .r' l'cc) cllcr.lly .rrrl le r tilrty. A r/i'ccotr't-
f arn()ng rn<-rst of tlrc rc.^t
irrg.l D:rvitl rr.rl l'-lsic l(lirrc's ccrrrr-rrrry rv,rrlcl Iravc t'c<,1'siclcr, as of us, by the insurance
rvcll, tlrc cxtcnsivc srr[tsritrrtiorrs oI rr:rtrrr.rrl rrrrtl cultrrrrrl gifts for
llut lcr us g. a littre frrrtlre r rrrcr
ptrr chrrsctl srrpplics. speculare,. rlre rerrtio^ betrvee lr
'llrut l),virl KIirrc is a sulrsiste'ce-'.sccl fanrily eco.o,ar,.,,.f''
uls, lirr cxccllc't cr.rrrsc'vutir-lrrist tncl a local-sa5 a county-econonly.
., ,ire Kli'escs,, rr
rrirturr\lisr, wlrtt rnuy de lay I h:ry,cuttirrg irr orilcr to allow bobo- It is easy to irssunre, as I hirvc
said, t'at a srrbsisrc'ce_basccl
llcrllilirrlis t, farnily;;;;
lirrl<. lcrrvc tlrc rrcst, rrr;rkcs lrirrr cvcrr norc trscfulto trs
,l'"t:l:g.. c,cororny oI thc t.c.rity .,r;;;,;,;;:;;lrwould be bacl f.r
ils :ut cxilnll)lc. l:or a palt ol tlrc Arrrislr rirrtlcr.strrrrrlirrg, of good rcr us p.t [,csitrc
t^c Klinc firrr';rn i.rlustrial Olrio
rvork, built irrto tlrcir rcclrnrilogy rtrrrl thcir nrctlulcls, is this rc- farrn uf rU. acres (or orre
sqrare ancl le t us say th;rt thi.s fnr,r.,
spcct for l)lttrlrc. l;rrlrrrirrl;, ttl thc Klirrcs, is tlrc 1tro1>cr lrrrsbrrnding 'ilc), grorr., $zoo,ooo rrntl
ttus $zo,ooo. (l tlrink tlrirr
rhosc are srfc
oI nltulc] rr stcrv:rr-tlly,c:rlc [or tl)c llrrtllrill irrfcgr.itics lrrrl prt-r- for'rirl rcrr i.
,f *,"., for orrr prrrposc,
r't'sst's tlrirt plcct.rlc lrrtl strltport tlre lifc <lf thc fltrrrr.
rvcs cr trs rri a I fa rr'ers',,". .;,;;; ;.;".cr i t i'rpossi b rc
to ncr ro pcrccnt of gross.).-l'his
[)lvicl orrcc rittcrrrle cl rr corr[crcrrcc otr tllc subjccr of ccunuru- scltrare rnilc of land is
farrrred by o.e family, a,,.1 r,,r".r,
rr t y. Wlr lt is corl rrr rur i ly, tlrc corr [crccs wcr.c asl< i ng, :rrrcl how cln
tl.,.refnr. d;;;;;;", "".
rvc lrrrvt' it i Ar strrrrc poirrt, l;rtc irr tlrc ploccctlirrgs, tlrey lskccl
cquip.rrrcnt. Iirr ycars, ls
thc '. rlrc farr's
h^r*'b;;;, i.,rvi.g
arrrl the farnrs have been gettirrg
'e.plclarger, tlre suppliers arrcl scr_

.n", l"' ' ')

,",nr6- tl' s t;tt Nt lvr t, N r 'r'Y llAVt: A Vi\l-Ul:
viccls ol
frrrrrr rrrrrclrirrcs, rvlrielr lr:rvc rrlso [lcen gettirrg largcr, str().* lvorl(lcco.orny.'r'lrc llecessilry
clisrincti'' t,.r.,, ,r.,rull,l
Iutvc bccrr witlrtllrrwirrl3 ttlwurtl tlrc lrtlgcl towns. Norv irrtlrrstrirrl te rrr)orrlry pcrnrl^c't
cc().oalic str.c.gth. A ,.'ati,r,.,"r aa.,,,_
l.rrlrrrcrs nrust sonlctlrrrcs tlrive lsrorrishing tlistrrrrces Irlr pltrts only nlrly brrrgcon at thc exr)cnse
of its ro.n'r aau,.r.,,,rics, as orrrs
:trtrl rcpirirs. l'i.rr tlre farlncr-of a llrrge irrtlustlial [urrn, thc cco- has been d<li'g, bLrt, <lbviously,
it crn.lo f.r a rvlrilc. -l.hc
nornic ccntcr lrirs thrrs rrrr>vcrl llir [reyond tlrc local conrnrurrity, l.national econonly, we nlay be strrc,
lrrrl wc nu.lst sul)pose tlrar a lrrrgc ltcrccntage of his olterating ll_.r"..'iu,,1..,of rvoukl not be
.telrsrrr;ttlle by ,,gross
c()sts l,r()cs tlrrtsirlc tlre loc;rl corurnrrrrity. 'rtti'nal w'ich .tr.. ,Jt,
irv'lve .ct ficits of, say, topsoil
de 'rocluct,,, 'trry,
u. ,,,,,l.rgr,r,rrrcl rvutcr. lt
llut rr s.lrrarc rrrilc of cvcrl reitsorrlbly gootl llrrrl worrlcl contltin 'rcrrlto lre nreasrrretr by tlre
rvorrlrl lravc
6earrrr of irs conrrrru.ities,
fivc f urrrrs n)orc or lcss tlrc siz.c <iI thc'Klirrescs'. lf rvc strpposc thlt lrrrnran arrcl nrtrrral. lrotrr
tlrc lrrurilics rvoulrl irve rrrgc three clrilclren crlch, this rvould in- If rhcse cornnrunities are givelr no standing
cr-c:lsc tllc lrtrrrlrrr ltoprrlrrtirlrr tll tlrc stltrarc rnile fronr fivc to
in the conrptrla_
tio's, rlren all costs ancl benclits ro lnti
trve rrty-five . Srrclr rrn increrrsc in polrrrlrrtiorr inrplics a rccltrction in
f.u,', tr.,. corrrrrrrr.iry
arc "cxternalizetl," and a
may shcxv a profit to every-
the scrtlc of ctpripnrcnt, which irr runr irrrplies un irrcreasc of busi- body else's loss' 'r'he cost of .o-n',unii
rtcss lilr krcirlsupplicrs rrtrcl rnech:rrrics. lvlorctivcr, thc population
," ...rr of irs rrrcr'bcrs
is rcsrraint, linritario', of scale.
ittcrc:tsc irtrplics rrrr irrcrc;tsc ol'bLrsincss fol locltlslrops lrrrtl btrsi-
t* b.r,.firr,-rvir^i' accepra'ce
of t'nt iir'itatior, are tllc rnany
rrel's, lr,rnr"n ..rr rrtrrral, rrrrrtc-
Itcssr:s ol irll kirrtls. lI rvc irsc tlrc Klirrcs'f,rrrri ccorronry rrs:r lllsc rial rrrrcl clthe
rwisc' trrrrt a comnlunity rrrirkcs frccry
:trtd srrPPosc tlr:rt tlrc livc l.urrns irvcrrrgc $5o,ooo a ycar gnlss ltrrcl avrrilablc to its r.errbcrs. If a.
or .-ir.,,;ri
,pprni.i.t., li,,rir^tio,., scrrlc is .f
$r5,ocro rl ycirr nct, tlrcrr rvc sec Illilt thcy increlse fhc gross in- ttot acceprccl, thcn thc cornrntrrrity
is sitnply rcplacerl by 1..g.._
r'orrrc ol tlrc srlrurrc rrrilc by orrly $5o, llrrt, irrtlivirlrrully, thc scalc wlrt-r rv.rk irr is,rari<lr
.,ra L, thc <risp.sscssctr
livc ll rrns crrclr worrlcl l)ct $ j,ooo l ycrr r nlorc than tlrc lerge farnr, a'd cxcluded poor, wrro .lo nor sray
irr pt... t ,,t clrifr rlrc
lurrd tollctlrcl they worrltl increirsc the ncl. irrconrc orr tlre square citics whe rc they are corrntccl, ,,,,
lung., n:; ,,rurplr',r,, farrne rs (or
ruilc to $ r z5,ooo, lrrr irrcrcasc oI rrct rivcr thc lrrrg,e sirrglc fnrnr of nriucrs or woocls workcrs), [,ur ..Ju.,,,pfuf"l.,,
$ r o 5,ooo. lf the hrrrnan nrrcl natural .u,nnluuiri.r'..J
corrr;xrrison is r)ot cr)tircly sllccrrlurivc; Mlrty Stmrrg,c
s:tys, f<lr inst:rrr.'c, tlt:tr irr lo'"vrt, irr tlrc yc:rls r9'7(t-19tl 3, srnlll
i rr t'e conr p. r.ii.,rr,
ri.,, t'c la rge f" r,,, ;,1,.8,1ftff
ilcts as l sil>lr<'r' to drairr ec...mic lilil:
ard.thcr varucs.ut of tlrc
lrtrrris :rclricvctl " tttrtre ()utl)ut pcr tlollur irrvcstccl" than llrgc l<rca li ry i'to
tlrc,,gross rrario'al procltrct.,, t-t., ;, t.'^pp.,rs bcc,usc
frrrrrrs. "lrr fact," lrc srlys, "thc largcr tlrc farnr, thc lower thc our- its rech'olog1; functions on behalf
of rhe nati,.iil ec.rro*y, rror
put l)e r dclllar investqll." Flclrvcvcr, since nry cornplrison lltust bc thc lrrcal conrrrrurrity.
irt lcust ptrtly sl)eculrrtivc, I cllrl l)ol)c only to sugg,cst a 1>ossibility
opcned corrrrnrrnitics to exPloirirrion
tlrrrt lras becn ignorccl: tlrat srrong conrrnlrrritics inrply strclng ,,.I,1. !r',,that,has
{'rcsrr'ctror) lras .rways
bee n re acly cash for rocal pe oprc. gtrt trrcrcl
Iocll ccorrornics rrnrl vicc versa-thirt, intleecl, strong cotnrnu- has never bee. ls nruc' cas^ furih.,r,r,i,.,g ;;;i,. locrl
rritics rrrrrl strong lclcirl econonries rrre iclcntical. people
to people elservhere-":l far. 'l.lre ,uiply of ,.n,ly'.rri, 's
l)oes this rucln th1lt, rrs loc:rl ec<lnoruics grow strong, therc tenclecl fo l;e unclepenclable !y 1.,r,
u, ,.rn1rorr.l i, lr, r',ru,,ify
nir.lst l)c tr corrcornitlrrrt lvclrkcning oI tlrc nlrtictrxrl ccon<lrny? Ido colnc ils a srrbstitute fort'irrgs,nor. ^"<J
1r"rn.,oncnf nnd t^urr
not tl)ink so. StronB locrtl ccorulnrics evcrywlrcre woulcl, it seenrs cash, and hrrcler to replace, once
to nrc, incvitlbly ;rdd up to stronll nationrrl ccononries atxl to a 1'lrc only preventive arrd rhe orrly
rcmetly is for thc peoplc ro
clroosc orrc lrrrotlrt'r'urrrl tlrcir llllrcc, ovcl rlrc rc',vrtltls of[crctl tlrcrrr
[ry orrrsrtlc irrvcstors. 'l lrc locirl c<-lnrrrrunity rnust unclcrstrrnrl it-
st'l[ [irr:rll y rrs a conuuu nit y ol' int crcst-:l colllruou tlcllcnrlcncc
()rr ir e('nun()rr lil'c;rnt[ it c()nnu()rl glornr.l. An.l bcclrrsc il c()nl-
nrunity is, lly tlclirritit>n, ltltccd, its succcss c:lllllot be dividecl .\
Irorrr tlrr strccess oI its pl:rcc, its rr;r(rrrirlscttirrg:rrrtl srrrrorrnrlings:
its soils, [orests, grirssliul(ls, lrlurrts lrrrtl :rrrinr;rls, rvlrtcr, light, lrrtcl
lir. l'lrc nvo cc<-lrrorrrics, tllc nirtrrrlrl lrnrl tlrc lrunrirrr, strpport clrch
otlrcr; c:tr. lr is tlrc otlrcr's lropc oI rt tltrrrt[rle rrrrtl rr livrrIrlc li[c.

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