LLB Sem-1 Law of Crime Paper

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a (Peinted Pages 4) (201119) LL.B. Sem. Roll No... 11203 LL.D. Examination, December-2019 Law-V LAW oF crimes.1 arc) (-1004) (et?-courno) Time : Three Hours] ~ [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt questions from. all Sections as per instruetiorts™ shes anh awel & Bifergare wer ee al Section-A/T6:3i (Very Short Answer Questions) (co arg seer) Note: Attemptallthe five Questions ofthis section. Fach question carries 4 marks, Very Short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. she + it i mest & ax AG wet se 4 sia aor frre 75 wrth 3 oR ay eR BANE # 4x5=20 1, Write a note on Solitary confinement: venre ofeeter oR Remo aitfarel Pr http://www.ccsustudy.com Write a shorf note on concept of crime. “onrerer Bh graeme” 8 ierey te | Four persons went armed with guns to the house of A to B commit robbery. One ac- cused robbed the house one. accus: Caused injury to ‘A’ #.1d two other accused standing outside the"house to help Co-ac- cused. Whether all thie four accused are li- able for the offence? ae & feet an cafin ele wise agate a BUT vw seh Sw AT ew se SAT he oer ger at area arse ae Sh waren & Ba GE ee aT ORY ome sea fore seer #1 Write short: notes-on sdetuitige———. eemen” oR fer Ream SSI” AA, intending or knowing himself to be likely permanently to disfigure Z's face, gives Z a blow which does not permanently disfigure Z's face, but which cause Z to suffer severe bodily pain for the space of twenty days, Which crime A has committed. — 8 STE TIT BA A TST STAG BE FS ae ee te Oat oT ant wes faghis oe tl Th tet x ere oxen & fares a or ee wert ws G faghhr at adi dian fog, oat dhe Bea aw aha hes gr ant edt 1-3 ate ar one fre Section - 8/ GUE - @ (Short Answer Questions) (erg serga e3) Note: This section contains three questions. At- tempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks, Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. 10x2=20 ate: Se as Fate wea a fel Soe at a ‘Be wee we 10 sikh oor Bl sea 200 cred og SR atfia 6. Explain various types of Punishment to which, offenders are Jiable under the Indian Penal Code. ° anette & wife & arena far are ave sree af fea one il aes HAN 7. What is wrongful restraint? Distinguish it from wrongful configement. se arcs ayer ae BP sats aR B arare cifsrat 8. Write a note on Sedition. rome ees fet feral” Section - C/as - # (Detailed Ansiver Questions) (Parag seigter re Note: This section contains five questions: © _ tempt any three questions. Each oe ton carries 20 marks. Answer #5 Tent 7S: in detail. 7 eNO. 1120313, ste: ere A afer @h fed dis wet a ee APRIL set SET 20 oiast a #1 eT gee riféaa 81 9, State the circumstances when culpable ho- micide does not amount to murder? a oferta a ae Re et ear at 10,_ Discuss Criminal trespass. How does it differ from house breaking? Refer to cases. mars ae a woh a ae ye aH aba fir &) rel haere 8 aHRAEA 11, "Mistake of fact is good defence, Mistake of Law is not.” Discuss. Illustrate your answer. gen hye ram were 8, “aR yr aE ae SAL sere Saree HBr aifSeaL 12. Explain the offence of Mischief. Substantiate ee toneoe eo Br arm a fe | oR ER BT ay _ in brief the offences relating to mar- ‘fee fers 8 era areca cape aoL http://www.ccsustudy.com 12034

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