Stressors of Third Year College
Stressors of Third Year College
Stressors of Third Year College
This work is designed to examine the stressors of College Business
Administration Major in Marketing Management in Divine World College of
Calapan, and also to know how to cope with those stressors at home and at
school. Because if stress gets harder and lead to anxiety problem, it can cause
depression. The objective of this study is to examine the stressors of College
Business Administration Major in Marketing Management in Divine World
College of Calapan and the associated risk when stress is not managed
properly and how they would be able to test themselves for further approaches
and strategies. To achieve this objective, four (4) research questions were tested
and the literature review was mainly focused on the causes, effects and ways of
managing their stress. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire
while convenience sampling method and random sampling technique were
adopted for the study. Data collected and analyzed were driven from the four
(4) research questions posed. A sample size of 100 from a population of over
the larger number of the total population was used due to the COVID-19
pandemic. From the findings, it was discovered that stress could be controlled
to enhance students’ performance. The study discovered that by educating
students on how to manage stress, staying focus, having enough rest,
exercising a lot and effective time management can help to manage stress in
order to enhance the balance where they study hard, play hard and have
leisure times without worrying about stress out through their body and mind.
Figure 1: The Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress
In the Lazarus and Folkman transactional model of stress and coping, any
response to a stressor has two main components, namely an appraisal of the
severity of a stressor which is encountered, and an appraisal of how well the
stressor can be managed by the individual. It is a framework for evaluating the
processes of coping with stressful events. Stressful experiences are construed
as person-environment transactions. These transactions depend on the impact
of the external stressor. (Illustration below)
College – Business
Administration Major in
Marketing Management Identified Stressors of
Students College – Business
Administration Major in
Stressors and Coping Marketing Management
Strategies Students in DWCC
At home
At school (e-learning)
H1. There is a significant Stressors and Coping strategies in College – Business
Administration Major in Marketing Management Students at home and at e-
The result found it significant because the students have less time but
they are required to complete many responsibility and this leads to stress
(Safree Yasin & Dzulkifli 2010). The study found that the ability to deal with
stress was just as important. How students cope up stress is an important
factor in its severity. A negative or excessive perception of stress contributes to
the fact that students suffer from psychological and physical impairment
(Murphy & Archer, 1996). Students who are able to manage stress effectively
perform much better than those who are unable to manage stress (Khan, Altaf,
& Kausar, 2013).
Research Methodology
Research Design
This study used phenomenology type of qualitative research that puts
premium or high value on people’s thinking or point of view conditioned by
their personal traits. It provides the procedural outlines for the conduct of any
investigation. To identify the effect of stress on academic performance of
students in the College of Business Administration Major in Marketing
Management of the Divine World College of Calapan. This research design
concerned with how the researchers goes about answering the research
questions by way of knowing what data to gather, the source of data, the intent
behind it and the justification of the particular research design decision
(Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2007).
According to Baraceros (2016), qualitative research is an act of inquiry or
investigation on real life events.
Research Locale
The study was undertaken at the College of Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management of the Divine World College of Calapan. This is
because the study area was closer to the researcher and access to information
was easy.
Respondents of the Study
According to Leedy and Ormrod (2010), population can be seen as the
target group about which the researcher is interested in gaining information
and drawing conclusions.
The respondents of the study were the one-hundred (100) students from
the College of Business Administration Major in Marketing Management of the
Divine World College of Calapan, Second Semester School Year 2021-2022.
Sampling Technique
Owing to the larger number of the total population of the study, the
researcher selected a representative few or unit from a larger group or
population through sampling techniques. According to Malhotra, Birks and
Wills (2013) sampling is the process of selecting a representative few or unit
from a larger group or population, which is used as a basis of estimating
certain characteristics or elements about the group or population. Arnold and
Randall, (2010) also held similar view when it was concluded that sampling
deals with the selection of respondents chosen in such a way that represent
the total population as good as possible.
A convenience sampling method will be used to identify or get in contact
with our respondents. A convenience sampling is a type of nonprobability
sampling method where the sample is taken from a group of people easy to
contact or to reach. Then a random sampling technique was used in selecting
participants from each group to form our sample size. Self-administered
questionnaires were issued to the respondents.
Research Instrument
The study utilized self-structured questionnaire which was administered
to the respondents. The questionnaire dealt with items that will answer the
Stressors of College – Business Administration Major in Marketing
Management Students in Divine World College of Calapan. Questionnaire is a
set of questions with a definite purpose designed for a target group of people to
be administered by themselves within a particular time frame. According to
Plano and Badiee, (2010), questionnaire guarantees high efficiency in data
collection and high generalizability of results over the more intensive research
designs. However, Creswell and Plano (2011) emphasize that questionnaire
lacks flexibility in that once a questionnaire has been designed and distributed
out it becomes difficult to change the categories of data collected. The use of
carefully structured questionnaire enabled the collection of large quantities of
data and also had a wider coverage at less cost. Few interviews were also
conducted, personal observations were also made. However, care was taken in
order not to be biased in giving an objective analysis of what was observed.
Reliability of the Instrument
The researcher requested the assistance of three College teachers to
validate and revalidate the content of the research instrument and found
Data Gathering Procedure
The questionnaire was self- delivered to the respondents. The
respondents were taken through the questions to avoid any doubts that could
have occurred. The answered questionnaires were retrieved from the
respondents a week after it had been administered to them. Some of the
questionnaire were delivered in the lecture halls and were retrieved
immediately after the lectures.
Being late 5 8 13
Poor internet connection 16 12 28
Academic workload 7 4 11
Examination 5 3 8
Deadlines of assignment/projects/
8 11 19
Poor sleep schedule 2 2 4
Boredom 4 3 7
Interruption 5 3 8
Strict teachers 1 1 2
Table 2. Stressors of College – Business Administration Major in
Marketing Management students at e-learning (school).
The table 2 shows the stressors of the College – Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management students at e-learning (school) in which poor
connection/internet is the most common stressor of the students. Second is
their deadlines of assignment/projects/activities. Third is being late, the other
commonly problems of the students and academic workload at the same level.
Next is examination and interruption but most of the affected are the girls. And
then boredom also trigger the students to lose their cool together the poor sleep
schedule but boys and girls are affected. Lastly, is the strict teachers, just
unpleasant to have and to be stress because of the stressors at e-learning
By calming down and getting your mind off stressing things, for
example, different hobbies and sports. - exercise, time outs and time
A work life balance practice
Break, meditation
Students taking some time off and relaxing their minds
Sports and physical activity
Individuals should find their own ways of decreasing stress levels. For
example, involving in your favorite hobbies like jogging, yoga or bicycling
etc. or playing video games for reasonable time. Maybe even hanging out
with friends.
Engage in fun and entertaining activities
Depending what causes the stress and how it affects each person, it is
important to remember even in the middle of rush day or week, have a
moment for yourself and do something that you like and that takes your
mind out of the stressful things, such as reading a book you like.
Handling problem gently and positively.
Practice deep breathing
Attending parties with friends by accepting the situations, by sharing
with close friends
Seek for guidance on stressful issues and give yourself a "me time".
To organize school activities like games and entertainments programs
this will involve most students.
Staying focused and having enough rest
Having enough time for yourself and talking to others if there becomes
the need.
Positively mindset when you having situations or problems
Minimizing quizzes and assignments
Gaining much leisure time
When you are being taught on how to manage it
By having enough sleep
Workload on students in terms of lecture and quizzes should be reduced
Proper time management
Eating well
Education on the need for resting etc.
Guidance and counseling
Connect with supportive friends
Take a picture with friends
Listening to my favorite songs
Reading e-book
Stress can be managed by external factors, for example: the situation is
getting better and causing no worries. However, it is more important for
the people themselves to deal with stress on their own: try to solve the
problem, arrange the time for busy schedule, meet with doctor or if they
cannot change anything, accept it as a matter of life
The above responses were related to how stress can be managed.
Majority of the respondents argue that having enough time and getting engaged
in extracurricular activities like sports and other entertaining hobbies play
significant role in helping to deal with stress. Also seeking guidance and
counseling or discussing with friend helps a lot.
As for the questionnaires it implies that stress commonly affects the girls
rather than boys. It is a line to literature of Shannon and Elizabeth (2008) in
which gender differences were also belongs and have relation in stress
especially in adolescent period. It stated that the personal concerns is
associated with the academic stress in which there are the expectation from
others in taking test, academic subjects, activities and boy experiences stress.
In contrary, the Wang and Gong (2001) comparative study which tackled
about the mental stress of different types or students has the result that the
boys have a stronger, bigger and longer stress than girls because it is cited that
boys are not able to share easily their problems but according to the
questionnaire the proponent lend to the students, boys has their own ways and
strategies to cope with those stressors and according to them they do not mind
it at all.
Moreover, Qi and Wu (2004) has a point that stress came from the changing
in life readjustment but indeed, students have their ways and strategies to
cope with it. Fulfilling also with Ross, Neibling and Heckert (1999) which stated
that the stress experiences or stressors have several explanations for increased
stress levels in college students, because of the pandemic. Students have to
make adjustments for the pressures of studies, housing arrangements and
changes of lifestyle contribute to stress experienced.
The study concluded that the students from College of Business
Administration Major in Marketing Management is prompt to stressors at home
and even at school (e-learning). The academic environment of the students can
be highly competitive so they must rely on their coping style to handle school-
related stressors successfully. Also, they must be aware to their stressors at
home. Every students need to feel free from stress. The stress that must cope
with too many transactions. The school (e-learning) conflicts or even home
conflicts can drive the students at risk. These were; restrictions at home,
household chores, parents combat, poor sleep schedule, deadlines of
assignment/projects/activities, academic workload, feeling tired during the day
and occasionally do not feel well.
Further findings from the study indicated that students stress believe
interruption while busy and poor internet connection for their online class has
a big effect on their performance. Stress leads to being late in class, reduces
academic morale of students, failure in completing assignments on time and
also Lack of good time management and lack of support. Hence, academic
stress has an inverse relationship with students’. The more the stress, the less
the student will perform at school and at home. But handling it with the ways
and strategies on coping with stressors is helpful. The less stressful situation,
the healthy a student will became. The students confess some points for the
strategies and ideas that can be used in a precise effective way. Those are
make time for fun and entertaining activities like games, listening to music,
sleep enough, spending quality time with friends/family and eat more food to
avoid thinking too much stressful situations. Coping with their stressors leads
to deep breathing exercise, reading books, listening to music, sports and
physical activity, bond with pet and also meditation.
Meanwhile, this study said so that it is the decision of the student on
how they cope up with the stressor. Unlike Presnall (2008) the coping ways
stated by the students are drinking alcohol, hanging out with friends and using
drugs are the immediate solutions to their stress, while this study has the
student respondents that use positive techniques ways or strategies in coping
with stress just like in Grandea (2006) that respondents used positive stress
oping mechanism.
In addition to that, the study indicated that by educating students on
how to manage stress, staying focus, having enough rest, exercising a lot and
effective time management can help to manage stress in order to enhance
students’ academic performance.
Stress is a normal part of life and something you cannot control, however
you can control your response to stress. Here some recommendation for a more
efficient coping ways, strategies and techniques;
1. To recover fast from stressors at home. You must accept that there are
events you cannot control, especially when you know there are times when
you have given all that you can to a situation, it allows you to expend energy
where it can be more effective. And also learn to relax, have a purposeful
relaxation and meditation is essential in training your body to relax.
Relaxation should be a part of your daily lifestyle.
2. To recover fast from stressors at school. Keep a positive attitude because
sometimes the way you think about things can make all of the difference.
Your attitude can help offset difficult situations. Be active regularly because
being active also helps your body more easily fight stress because it is fit.
You can also make a list. Specifically, list things for which you are grateful
because those who tend gratitude tend to feel less stressed that push their
button every time they are arguing or they were doing trouble and pranks to
lose their cool.
3. For best coping strategies at home. You may take walk. Getting your body
moving and shifting focus can give you quick boost in mood and provide an
opportunity to get a new frame of mind. You should eat well-balanced
meals, keep staying on track with healthy eating habits which great way to
manage stress. And also, rest and sleep, always take your body needs, time
to recover from stressful events, sleep an important part of caring for
yourself. You can also do meditation. Meditation can boost your mood,
shifts your focus away from stress and creates is other changes in you that
can help you to be less reactive with stress.
4. For best coping strategies at school. You may count your breaths. This can
double as mini- meditation and used anywhere wherein you relax. This can
help you focus on the present moment, bring your thoughts inward and
relax your body at the same time. Also, you must learn control stress
because stress comes from how you respond to stressful events, find your
stressors and effective ways to cope with it. Always remember that the key is
to have idea of how to cope with the different types of stress is having some
stress relievers to feels good. In a way that you are relieve from having
stress. You may not be able to take more than one habit at a time, so just
apply one habit and build it to your life. Feel free from stress whatever your
ways are always remember to be positive every time you deal with it.
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