Chapter IV Discussion With RRL

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This chapter is intended to explore the common significant experiences, their perspective

on parenthood, and teenage fathers’ view on themselves as fathers.

Sense of Freedom

The teenage fathers were more likely to do whatever they want before they were fathers,

like playing games and going out anytime. The view was also implied from the study which

concluded the dependence and involvement in the family as decreasing and increasing in the

involvement in the peer group (Hartup, 1983; Gottman and Parker, 1986). Before the teenage

fathers became a father and experience parenthood, the respondents often spend most of their

time going out with their peers. They spend a lot of times where they can interact and engage in

some activities such as loitering, playing computer games, going out anywhere they want with

their friends. As a result, these teenage fathers lose time for their family as compare to their

peers. Without the guidance of the family, teenage fathers tend to do things freely.

The study of (Hartup, 1983; Gottman and Parker, 1986). That indicates that parenthood is

incompatible with this heightened participation in peer activities. If a parent do not neglect

his/her old ways and if their mind is still diverted to going out or choose to spend a lot of time to

theirs peers, this will cause to be an hindrance to fully accept the responsibility of being a father.

On the other hand, The previous study supports the result of this study which concluded that, It

seems that the respondents are more restricted of the responsibilities of fatherhood now that they

have a child.

Feeling Apprehensive

The teenage fathers initially felt scared when they knew that they were about to become fathers.

This result could be supported and gives a similar data about the study of (Njambatwa, 2013, p.

123). Which concluded Teenage pregnancy was viewed of teenage fathers as something that

have negative impact for the rest of their lives. It was perceived as negative for serves as

hindrance to achieve their ambitions in life (Njambatwa, 2013, p. 123). The Initial reaction of

teenage fathers when they knew they were about to become a father was to think about how they

study and support themselves and their offspring’s financially that may affect the way on how

they plan or see their future since they should now focus on the welfare and needs of the child.

Also, it is more important to give time on taking care of their child more than their own hobbies

that will make it harder for the teenage father to achieve all their ambitions.

In terms of reflecting, The study of (Kanku & Mash, 2010) had given a result that states; Drop

out teenage parents will experience hard time to find jobs because they do not have qualification

for higher educational attainment. The Data gathered by this study supports on why the

respondents felt afraid because it is harder to find a job to sustain the needs of the child. Since

the respondents are still in the age wherein they should only go to school, This triggers their

emotions. Through the result of this study, the respondents faces the fear that they won’t be able

to be the father that the child needs. Given that if they are not graduated from high school to

college it will be massively hard for them to find job to support their children financially.

The respondents also experiences fear that their partners would be greatly affected by the

incident. In addition, they fear that they would disappoint their parents. In terms of the fear of

disappointment that they could give to their parents, The research study of (Chideya & Williams,

2014; Madiba & Nsiki, 2017; Maiden, 2013) Gave some conclusion that teenage fathers we’re

profoundly motivated and was more eager to become a better person since they are facing

obligations that does not only encompasses themselves but also their partners and children,

because of this teenage fathers planned to have a better educational attainment to find a good

employment. They expect themselves to be role model to their child through providing them

However, their perception of being a good father were only limited to financial support. The fear

of disappointing their parents and not being able to take care of their partner had been a reason

why the teenage fathers work harder, study harder or strive for their ambitions more since they

have these loaded responsibilities that they need to provide.

Accountability to Responsibility

The respondents of the study find it challenging to focus on their child and provide them the care

that they need while the respondents are away studying. The following studies sighted reasons

and provide date on why it is challenging, Adolescent fatherhood have led to adolescent father to

consider the focus of needs from themselves to their own child(Maiden, 2013). Since the thought

and care of the teenage fathers are divided, it causes them to lose attention on times of studying.

One of the possible main reasons why adolescent fathers chose to drop out from school is that

they lack of support offered by social institutions including the system of school (Maiden, 2013).

School Institutions or Educational department do not uphold any system that could give

understandings or special works for the teenage fathers when it comes to school tasks. In a result,

it is very challenging for the teenage fathers to cope with the rules and guidance of the school

without changes despite that it will become harder for them compared before they become a

father because the time that they have for studying is now divided but still they need to do tasks

or school paper works just like how they are doing it before without any hindrances or

responsibility. Making it harder for them to focus and accomplish the task for their studies.

The respondents are pressured of the thought that they are held responsible for all the aspects in

the child’s life, particularly the financial matters. This study is supported by the previous study

of (Swanson, 2013) that states that The social workers also believe that teenage fathers have a

more prominent role and should be more involved in raising their children’s lives, The

perception of the people about how they view teenage fathers on how the financial responsibility

should be shoulder by the teenage fathers affect them to feel the eagerness in proving themselves

tha they could provide however It may result and things become too much since the respondents

are still in the young age. This creates tension and pressure to overcome all the responsibilities

that they have in connection to how people view then. There is also another study that has the

same implication that concluded that he social perception among the teenage fathers is somehow

connected to their responsibility that as a father, they are expected to commit the role as the main

provider for the needs of the child, partners, and mainly seen as the breadwinner of the family

(Berger & Langton, 2011). People seems to insist that the responsibility of the fathers are to

provide and become the breadwinner of the family. The view of the people to the teenage fathers

affect them to feel the tension on becoming the ideal father that they should become that is why

they feel pressured and pushed to become someone they have to be.

Family-Relationship Influence

The study of (Mueller, 2010). Indicates that Teenage fathers may also seem as very

vulnerable to parenthood that is why they need support from their responsibilities, and even

education to sustain their needs . This study of Mueller supports the answers nor the gathered

data of this research that the respondents have given which states that the respondents were most

likely to accept fatherhood when their families influence them through supporting the

respondents on their role as fathers. The respondents are conscious about how their age and the

style that their life has becomes an hindrance to fully accommodate or provide the children’s

need and also their partners. In that reason they seek help from their parents to guide them and

also support them throughout their early responsibility as a teenage father. . Moreover, The

respondents also consider their children and their partners as their motivation to continue. In

terms of indulging those motivation to become a more responsible teenage father This can be

supported by the study of Andres that initially address the teen age fathers who became a better

person, These teenage fathers strive to earn money to support their child and partners without

being dependent on their parents in terms of financial matters. (Andres et. al, 2015).

Sense of Happiness, Difficulty, and Guidance

The respondents of this study has varied views on parenthood. One thinks that parenthood was

actually fun, but at the same time was overwhelming. The view of the teenage fathers justifies

the results in this study through the study of (Andal ,Alqueza, Castillo &Llanto 2006) that says

Most of the teenage fathers think that they can raise their child well and could provide support

to their child needs. They also have a positive attitude and optimistic mind set towards

fatherhood. The feelings of these teenage fathers about having a child showed optimism. To

discuss, The result of the current study shows positive emotions towards their own experiences

on parenthood, In comparison to the study of Andal, Alqueza & Llanto 2006 it also uphold that

number of teenage fathers have appreciated and lean their perspective when it comes to

parenthood as a positive experience of their life, Thinking that they are very optimistic about

their status as a father it gives them a way to enjoy taking care of their baby that opens the

relationship between their children very light handed and ignite it happily.

In accordance to the study of Swanson, 2013 the view towards the teenage fathers is they should

play a prominent role and should be involved actively in raising their children’s lives. The result

of this previous study have supported the outcome of our current study which is one of our

respondent sees parenthood as something that revolves around the child and ensuring that the

child will be taking the right path. To discuss, the view of the society are somehow exercises

and created the commitment of the teenage fathers to their children not just by financial matters

but also the involvement of interaction and guidance that they should do in terms of taking care

of their children for their future.

Another respondent, however does not have any clue regarding parenthood and that he then

doesn’t have any insight on how he is going to be as a father. In this case, the study of (Fuller, T.

R., White, C. P., Chu, J, Dean, D, Clemmons, N. Chaparro, C. King, P. (2018). Insisted that

there are many implemented orientation that can help teenagers or young fathers that are

reported to only have limited or no contact with their partners, health visitors, and social workers

to help them become knowledgeable about parenthood. The case of this respondent implies that

he might not be actively participating and aware about the advocacies or agendas that prevents,

help, and guide teenage pregnancy. Behind all the implementations and activities.The

constructed the data of the previous study can help teenagers who are not knowledgeable enough

just like this respondent are health professionals, organizations for in they have the right

knowledge to address the root causes of teenage pregnancy. Also, for a respondent like this, In

the contrary for not him being totally aware it is very disturbing for him not to gain some or

even little consciousness about this issue since there are a lot of organization enhancing

sustainability to reduce teen pregnancy, eliminate disparities, and improve the lives of vulnerable


Time Management and Financial Stability

The teen fathers find it very challenging to take care of their child especially that they are still

studying.  As a result, they struggle to find time for their baby. The study of (Andres, 2015) does

not support the gathered data of this current study. In the contrary, The previous study states that

the priorities of the teenage fathers which are to study and take care of their baby at the same

times had delivered them into a positive side. Having a baby pushed them to be encouraged and

be enlightened from the essence of education. Also, studying gives them calmness and rest in

terms of being pressured about the betterment of their future and also their child as well.

The respondents also find it difficult to meet the financial needs of their child. Since they do not

have jobs yet, the pressure to provide the financial needs of their child is present. The study of

(Andres, 2015) Inside the Philippine context majority of the teenage fathers might feel it hard

and challenging when it comes to financial needs however they are ready to face the work or

hardships that they should do in order for them to provide sufficient financial needs of their baby

without the support of their parents. On their very young age they insisted that they can

accomplish the responsibilities because they are dedicated enough, In addition the primary help

that they need is not through financial support but emotional support to overcome the pressure

and stress.

Evident Changes on Parenthood

The respondents seem to have undergone noticeable positive changes on both the behavior and

perspective aspect towards parenthood. In the contrary to the portrayed behaviours of the

teenage fathers of the society in accordance to the study of (Johanssin & & Hammarén, 2014),

Teenage fathers were reflected to have some negative actions towards their partners and the

child. This current study will set as an example of transition on how we could view teenage

fathers since the result of this current study indicated that these phenomena had created positive

impact about how they deal with parenthood.

The present study shows that the reason behind these changes is the fact that as teen fathers, they

have responsibilities to perform while raising their child. This data is supported by the study of

Andres et. al., (2015) that gathered a result which concluded that the lives of teenage fathers

were changed into a positive side. Teenage fathers nor the respondents have the responsibility to

take of their child especially when it is not a time for school, by this, Teenage fathers chose to

eliminate unnecessary agendas such as peer related commitments so that they will be able to

take care of their children at times that they are free from school. Continuously focusing on their

child’s welfare, they have changed their old ways before becoming a father.

The respondents are more focused on being parents and are more responsible compared to

when they were not yet fathers. Teen fathers of this study are able to accept and appreciate fatherhood

now that they are fathers. The study of Andres et. al., (2015) concluded that this phenomena made

the teenage fathers dedicated and inspired to become more responsible in comparison to what the

teenage fathers were before. Because of the priorities of the teenage fathers, acceptance of

responsibility was highly appreciated making it more positive in the aspect of parenting

Foundation of the Family

The teenage fathers of this study’s definition of the word father is not limited to just the provider

of the family but, they also consider a father as a strong and loving man that is always willing to

sacrifice and would always make time for his family. In the study of Chideya & Williams,

(2014), being a good father is just about the capability of providing financial support. In contrast

to the present study, a good father should encompass a good and healthy relationship among

their children and partner.

The respondents also consider a father as someone who will never give up easily as he is the

foundation of the family. The study of Andres et. al. (2015) supports the data gathered in the

present study. Fathers are said to be the strongest member of the family that will not give up

easily, surpass hardship, and face consequences of their action.

Financial Provider

The ratings of the teenage fathers to themselves on how they think they are doing as fathers are

coherent to each other as they focus their state of fatherhood on the concept of fathers as the

main financial provider. The study of Andal, Alqueza, Castillo, & Llanto,( 2006) presented the

same view that the teenage fathers think they can raise their child well and provide the support

that their children need. Also, teenage fathers have a positive perception towards parenting.

Two of the respondents said that they do not have the confidence yet to assume that they are

good fathers since they still cannot provide their children’s’ needs. The study of Berger &

Langton (2011) shows that the perception of the majority states that the primary role of a father

is to be the main provider for their children and breadwinner of the family. However, Niall gave

himself a rating of 10, since he believes that being a good father is not just limited to the concept

of being a good provider but also to give the love and attention that the child needs. On the

contrary, the study of Madiba & Nsiki (2017) concluded that the perception of being a good

father was only limited to financial support.

Dreamer for His Family

Teenage fathers seem to have big and high hopes for him and their families. This view supports

the study of Andal, Alqueza, Castillo, & Llanto, (2006). Most of the teen fathers think that they

can raise their child well and they could provide the needs of their child. The respondents have a

positive attitude and optimistic mind set towards fatherhood. This shows that despite all of the

challenges they have encountered because of early parenthood, they still have clear goals and

ambitions as to what they want for their future in order for the betterment of the respondents’

child . This supports the view of Chideya & Williams, 2014; Madiba & Nsiki, 2017; Maiden,

(2013). Teenage fathers plans to have better educational attainment to find good employment.

They expect themselves to be role models to their child. Aside from the respondents’ goals on

their career, they also dream foe them to be a better individual for their child. One respondent

added that he wishes to raise a god-fearing child. This supports the view of Andres et. al. (2015)

They are more determined to work hard primarily for their children.

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