Giving A Class To WA State and FL Because They Collect ADA Funds and Deny ADA Rights To Americans

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Department of

Corrections, Sec Cheryl


Stop stealing ADA Funds and

denying ADA Rights. See
below – STAY Transparent
DOD/ Austin
and Chris
Response to
Amy B.
void order
Letter to
Affidavit of
Proof the WA State court have infiltrated
Executive Order 13164 Allow Americans to ask the
UNITED STATES INC and Contractors for ADA
Reasonable Accommodations both Orally and in
Writing. It also reminds them that they cannot
deny the request unless their business is going
broke. ADA RA is a guar·an·tee right just like
Justice and Hazard BOND protection
Note: Everything is a rich man’s game. When Amy B. Jackson and Randolph Moss sends me and
Bradley a void order through the mail (18 USC 1341 violation) they strategically sent it to protect their
brothers and sisters in FL and WA State because I added Brad and WA STATE ADA Clients. Had I not
responded with an Affidavit, they would have deleted them. I responded with an Affidavit on 17 Jan
2023 certified mail return receipt.
Order 13164
• You can ask for ADA RA
orally and or in writing
They received
ADA Funds to
protect us.
where is the
money going?
1990 ADA Act/1973 Rehabilitation Act section 501 states the UNITED STATES INC and Third-Party
contractors provide ADA reasonable Accommodations without fail unless you are going broke
1990 ADA Act/1973 Rehabilitation Act section 504 states the UNITED STATES INC and
Third-Party contractors allow all programs in America to be fully accessible
1990 ADA Act/1973 Rehabilitation Act section 508 states the UNITED
STATES INC and Third-Party contractors allow electronic technology to
be accessible
Note: Amy B. Jackson and Moss denied us
electronic filing in violation of section 508 to
hide their (United States Inc, Bar
Association’s and etc, misdeeds/crimes ).
Meanwhile, FL put our declaration on the
record in FL using an EMAIL?
Pay attention to the electronic filing and how
orders are submitted through JAWs
(Electronic filing in FL). BLUF the courts (sting
operation) are playing with us.
6 March

This is what
fraud looks

As of date,
SMJ has not
on the
This is what
fraud upon
the court
looks like
Every Judge in Brad’s case is playing tag team
wrestling with Brad
Judges doing tag team courthouse wrestling
Lin Wood ref: Medical. It
is against the law to use
your medical against you
if you don’t give consent.
I our case we demand
transparency to the
NOTE: 18 USC 245 states it is a crime for the UNITED STATES INC and
contractors to lie and BS while they are violating our GOD-GIVEN
NATURAL RIGHTS (18 USC 241, 18 USC 242).

42 USC 1983 KKK Act states if they (2 people or more) violate your GOD-
GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS they will pay you/make you whole.

42 USC 1985 states 42 U.S. Code § 1985 - Conspiracy to interfere with

GOD GIVE HUMAN RIGHTS [civil rights]. Cannot prevent officers from doing their duty, (2) Obstructing
justice; intimidating party, witness, or juror, (3) Depriving persons of rights or privileges
42 USC
allows for
under the
KKK Acts
Justice Anna’s Affidavit ref:
United States and United States
of America INC
have to be
If the United
States Inc,
DOJ and the
BAR stand
behind equal
the court, and
etc., they
agree we can
equally sue
them under
the 1990 ADA
Acts for
causing a
health issue
Pay attention to what the EXECUTIVE ORDER 13164 means. Once ADA is
requested orally or in writing, it cannot be denied by any UNITED STATES
INC PEDO Corporation and or contractor. 18 USC 245 also states it is a
crime to trick (gaslight) any of my ADA clients including Eileen, WA State
women in prison, Brad and etc…!!! Title II states nobody gets immunity
and violations of the ADA Act state $75,000 for the first offense and
$155,000 thereafter. And fraudulent inducement states victims receive 3
times. So, get your bonds ready (See our 17 Jan affidavit as it is also a
felony not to report any claim to the bar).
Where is our
under the law
Why is WA State
Once my ADA Clients ask for reasonable
accommodations, they must give it to them
without gaslighting them. A delay of ADA RA is a
denial which they cannot do as per EXECUTIVE
ORDER 13164, DOJ and VA attorneys in building
810 – See 5975.5
2 Nov 2022, Dr Sanchez video tapes Shaunel , Laura and Ashley ref: being magnetic. She states she
cannot find any documents of the medical records as per their polices. Murray response and said
medical staff met with her and the other to review their concerns, NOT FOR A MEDICAL EXAM??? He
states Sanchez was asked to be a witness. He gaslights. He states Dr. Sanchez took video to review
with other medical staff.
14 Nov 2022, Shaunel states that she went to take a MRI as per directed and the MRI tech said no
because metal melts. She states that the medical doctors said the medal was not real or NORMAL. She
is having medical issues with her armpits and need help. Response: Murray gaslights her.
14 Nov 2022, Shaunel complains because she knows she is being gaslit
24 Nov 2022, Drivers /Transportation Officer was questioned ref: Shaunel did she refuse the MRI
BLUF: She did not want to lose her job.
15 Nov 2022 on or about – Transgender tell Shaunel and her roommate to suck his dick three times.
9 Nov 2022, Shaunel, Ashley and Laura receive and exam together (Privacy Act Violation) while Dr.
Sanchez take photos for who?
9 Nov 2022, MRI contacted my Aunty Eileen and told her it was dangerous to put Shuanel in the MRI
because she is a magnetic due to the Covid and medals melts
9 Nov 2022, Shaunel tell Dr. Boyce that she gave her all the information ref: being magnetic and said it
was not real, however when she went to get an MRI, they told her otherwise. Boyce said she was going
to schedule a meeting with Colter who also covered it up.
10 Nov 2022, Informed WA State that I was Shaunel’s ADA Advocate and to back off. I informed DOD to
investigate their war crimes.
14 Nov 2022, Shaunel informs the resolution specialist, Murray that she cannot find the video tape of
Dr Sanchez tape recording on 11/2/ 2022
11 Nov 2022, Shaunel was called by medical to review her medical records and found nothing.
11 Nov 2022, informs staff that I am her medical records. I call nobody returns my ADA Calls.
On or about 11 Nov, I contract Cheryl Strange and tell her to call me back ref: Shaunel. 1 hour later
they trigger Shaunel via going in the hole.
17 Nov 2022, Shaunel informed Health Service that she has an ADA Advocate.
9 Nov 2022,
21 Nov 2022, Shaunel Contacts OMBUDS Office regarding MRI concerns. UMBUDS they investigate and
resolve complaint related to health, safety, welfare and rights. They have a due diligence to stop the
crimes. They said to file a grievance?
7 Dec 2022, Asked Murray to send her the log for her grievance. There are 5 logs with nothing?
7 Dec 2022, Dr Boyce and De Culter give Shaunel medication that does not work. Shaunel Complains
and request her to extend ice and pillow for her arm.
7 Dec 2022, Shaunel asked for records ref: MRI visited as it is not in her record
14 Dec 20022, Office of the Corrections OMBUDS (rigged)
12 Dec 2022, Shaunel Ask again for a status on her medical grievance
19 Dec 2022, Shaunel asked Murray when are her grievances going to be answered
28 Dec 2022, Email to SGT HENSON ref: Tell his people to back off they are committing a crime
Kallie LeTellier tells Dr.
Colter that she is
magnetic, random pieces
of metal stick to her why
as this has never
happened before.

Dr. Colter states, “I don’t

know why but as far as I
can tell, this is not
28 Dec 2022, Raven Cutler asked Dr. T. Boyce that
she is magnetic. She wants to know why. Dr. Boyce
response is, “I DON’T KNOW”.
Shaunel, Ashley, Laura, Raven, Kallie, Tammy,
Filomena, Alicia Goemaat, Jennifer,
2 Jan 2023, Ashely informed me that she was
raped by another female in the prison. She tells
me that she reports it to the OFFICE OF THE
CORRECTIONS OMBUDS and they do nothing.
They tell her that he documents were found
unopen on their desk for over a year.
On Dec 30, 2022, Jessica Perva attempts to
interview Ashely without me.
18 USC 1506
hide any
Department of
• Bonding is a valuable investment for companies,
contractors or small businesses seeking to build trust with
customers. A bonded company has purchased one or
more kinds of surety bonds. A bond is a promise between
three entities – the customer, the company, and a bonding
agency. You want to choose a company who works with a
reputable carrier so you can count on the company to
fulfill its service promise. If an organization fails in its
promise, the customer can file a claim with the org to
recover any funds invested for the unfulfilled service. The
bonding company has secured funds or identified assets
and has placed these funds or assets in control of the
state. If you need to file a claim against the organization,
these funds are available to reimburse you.
BONDING INFO It is tax fraud to
use the courts
In commerce, it is a felony to settle a
for the Officer/Public dispute which
Office to not receive and could be
report a CLAIM to its settled
bonding Company and it is peacefully.
a felony for the agent of A They are using
TO PAY THE CLAIM… THE Court to play
Draft Part 3 of 3 final to follow with pictures/hard evidence GIVEN RIGHTS
of fraud, waste and abuse within the UNITED STATE INCt –IT:S BUSINESS
Pay attention and you will see how they
commit RICOs.
See how VA Attorneys, ORM (Court Clerks)
and VA Supervisors make 3 fake premade
claims on 12 Feb (8 days before we turns
our timely claims into ORM)
VA Attorneys, ORM and VA
Supervisors attempt to Force
us to take 3 Fake Claim
premade claims by throwing
away our 21 Claims and
using the Department of
Defense’s Safe Server in
violation of 18 USC 1001,
United States Inc, Defacto Government 1505, 1506, 1341, 1512,
1513, 1514A, 1519, 241,

Pay attention how the cabal hides the
truth/civil rights acceptable claims.
Americans pay trillions for their
These are the original 21 Civil Rights claims

Note: These are the 21 real timely Civil

Rights Claims against the VA/United VA leaders are involved in covering
Stated Inc. Watch how the cabal gets
their pawns to alter the records using up the criminal acts.
DOD’s safe server
VA violates our rights using the DOD
Safe server twice. They use interns
[JADA] to do their dirty work.
Proof they
know what
they are doing.
They use
interns as
We move from the EEOC/ORM
informal phase to the formal
phase. Although we have 21
acceptable claims VA Attorneys
get Pawn Angela Meyers to
attempt to approve 9 fake claims
vs accepting the 21 claims. We
is involved
NOTE: On 18 June, VA HQ ordered Robert back to work against his board certified doctors orders and
denied him ALL benefits (ADA, ADA Advocate, Dr. Prices orders, effective RA, FMLA leave, and etc) 6 weeks
later on 14 Aug Robert suffered a stroke. While he was recovering VA filled his personal records up with
void letters of reprimands, 5 day suspensions and etc. They also hired a workers compensation worker,
Judy Lane to deny all benefits and allow Voncelle to lie on her report. VA also denied a safety inspection.
According to OSHA regional they denied the OSHA Safety inspection because it would generate a
congressional. On or about 31 March, VA ordered Robert back to work against 6 board certified doctors to
finish the job. When Austin and I told Robert to quit on 2 April, VA HQ said NO. They called a code red on
me and said they were going to throw away Robert’s resignation request/affidavit. On 6 Jun Voncelle
James said, had Robert come back to work VA would have fired him? She (VJ) also said in court that the
VA Attorneys in building 810, Angela, VA Sec director, Blackwell, General Counsel, James Byrnes, DOJ and
Amy B. Jackson were working together to throw out our higher court case against the UNITED STATES INC
by 24 June 2019. They all got caught !
• 18 June 2018 VA order Robert back to
work against his board-certified doctor’s
orders and illegally retaliated against
Robert and me (his ADA Advocate) until
Robert suffered a stroke on 15 Aug 2018,
6 weeks later. When Robert was
hospitalized, VA HQ and Pawns continued
to set him up with a 5-day suspension
without pay, denial of RA OSHA Safety
Investigation, emergency leave and etc.

• Note: The Post Office, Dr. Anne Klein,

DOD, VA leaders have an obligation to
turn VA in.
VA Attorneys, ORM and
VA Supervisors attempt
to Force us to take 3 Fake
Claim premade claims by
throwing away our 21
Claims and using the
Department of Defense’s
Safe Server in violation of
United States Inc, Defacto Government
18 USC 1001, 1505,
1506, 1341, 1512, 1513,
1514A, 1519, 241, 242,

Ref: VA’s EEOC/ORM PROCESS – FORMAL Phase. They use an untrained Pawn, Angela Meyer.
Angela attempts to give us 9 Fake Claims vs. our 21 civil rights claims. We oppose.

EEOC formal phase (Angela Meyers), mediation phase (PA investigators aka Cindy Boyd’s bosses),
Investigation phase (Post Office Investigator, Dr. Anne Klein/Gail Leary), OEDCA (VA FAKE TEAM),
and District Court/DOJ (Alan Burch, and Judges Amy Jackson/Judge Moss) . The 9 Fake claims [and
Voncelle James 6 June, 13 Jun, 9 July testimony] will provide us free discovery and prove our case.
All of these Criminals/Traitors are working together

BLUF: It does not matter what you give these criminals/traitors, they have a strategic plan to
gaslight their victims and try to force you to take whatever they give you in violation of 18 USC
1519 and 18 USC 241, 1964 and 1983 KKK Act
These 9 fake claims proves everyone is connected in the crime. It also proves that DOJ, VA
Attorneys and Amy B. Jackson all work together.

The only way DOJ and Amy B. Jackson could have found these 9 fake claims in 2021 is if they
went into the 2018 safe server/transmittal records. This means they knew about the 200
acceptable human rights violation all along. When Attorney Judy Valois from Sarasota told us, “IT
kill us (see Tara Jones statement), put us in Jail using fake void orders or kill our first born (See
Texas judges and clerks statement to Lance and me). Also note that on or about 9 June after
Zurich settled out of court with us, Amy B. Jackson attempted to dismiss them from our court
case when she was on our QUO Warranto. I reported Amy to DOD.
We oppose the 9 Fake claims in the
formal EEOC/ORM Process. We oppose
Angela Meyers on affidavit. Found in the
Transmittal records. Note the Transmittal
records are rigged.
VA use ignorant
EEOC/ORM investigators
to tell us lies
Response to VA ORM Angela Meyers
When Civil Rights
are done willfully,
the perpetrator pays
for subject matter
experts. Once they
discovered our
team, VA cancelled
mediation 3 days
before and
mediation using
Attorney Judy Valios
from Florida vs the
Attorneys in
building 810. Our
Concern, the name
fake claims.
• VA asked us to mediate in March 2018. We agree if VA is serious and will play by the rules (See transmittal
• Once VA found out who our support time of experts were, VA/ORM cancelled mediation at the last minute
causing us to lose money getting our team to come here. VA refuses to pay for our support team’s cost. VA
reschedule mediation on or about 9 April.
• The only way we agree to attend mediation is if VA agree to give us $300,000 for every civil rights violation that
we can prove. This is in writing and found on the transmittal file. We use Fort Meade’s EEOC Policy as an example
vs VA’s. As per 1981A, when VA intentionally discriminates there is no cap, and they pay for subject matter experts/
attorney cost. I request/demand an outside mediator. We use NO Corrupt Attorneys. Robert is an attorney and my
instructor, Briggs help write/pass the ADA 1990 Act. My other SME are medical reps and well known.
• Before mediation, we demand an outside mediator.
• Everyone is provided our terms/contract.
• 1 day before mediation, GS15 Angela Kendrix denies Robert’s effective reasonable accommodation in violation of
the ADA Act, VA police 5975.1, Executive Order 13164 and Dr. Prices orders.
• 1 day before mediation VA’s investigator from PA aka Cindy Boyd’s Boss contacts us and attempt to give us 9 fake
claims. We oppose.
• VA hires the Post Office, Gail Leary and Dr. Klein in violation of MD 110. We give them 62 Civil Rights claims on
16 May 2018. On or about 2 June, the Post Office uses the 9 fake claims for their questions! We oppose. Dr. Klein
said she was paid by VA and had her hands tied. We demand justice and learn there is no such thing.
Before mediation (Cindy Boyd’s
boss from PA) attempts to get
us to agree to these 9 fake

Note: Cindy Boyd is who the

Attorney’s in building 810 told
Voncelle James to use when
she stole our medical records.
9 Fake Claims provide to us by VA PA Investigators before mediation. We refuse to sign. We want to use our REAL
Case transferred to the Post Office which
falls under the Executive Branch aka United
Pay attention and you will see how they
commit RICOs.
9 April 2018, VA breech the mediation contract.
We demand an outside investigation on 16 May
2018. Our Outside investigation is approved. We
had no clue until later VA paid Dr. Klein under
the table. We checked her financials later. She
was paid $500,000. We complain.
On 6 May 2018, we update our claims
before turning everything over to the
Post Office Investigators. By this point and
time, VA violated 62 acceptable civil
rights. We submitted the claims to the
post office on 16 May. VA cannot touch
our case after 16 May, but they do
Case transferred to the Post Office which
falls under the Executive Branch aka United
These are 65 acceptable
claims found in the
transmittal record. Note
there are more acceptable
claims found in volume #1
62 claims submitted to the Post Office on
16 May 2018.
The Formal Complaint stamped on the
documents indicates these claim have
been accepted and found in the
transmittal records. Note: Judges and
Lawyers have the truth on hand. They are
simply playing a game to get us to
consent to giving up our rights. They only
have a certain amount of time to torture
us. This game is called Legal Abuse
Syndrome which is a WILLFUL CRIME.
• After waiting weeks for the Post Office (Dr. Anne Klein and
Gail Leary to: (1) take our 62 claims and (2) provide us with
questions, we discovered they coordinated with the VA and
the VA gave them the same 9 Fake Claims to use
We complain again
Once we complained to the Post Office,
they amend the complaint.
We asked for the case to be transferred to
Issue: The Post Office, Elizabeth Hawkins
goes into the mail room and diverts our
request back to VA!!! (See next page).
Once I discovered Hawkins went into the
mailroom and diverted our mail, I
confronted her. Hawkins tells request a
spin off and not to file charges against her
as she is going to retire on 28 Aug.
Hawkins talks. She said to file against the
(VA’s dirty little secret ref: Hiring the Post Office, Gail Leary and DR. Klein illegally)
*We are forced to go through the rigged EEOC/ORM System for 180 days.

*We discover more fraud, waste and abuse (the EEOC Judges are corrupt see Volume 27 of the
transmittal record, perjury is allowed by VA leaders, VA doctors and Third-party contractors).

*We inform everyone. OSHA REGIONAL said nobody can help due to Presidential EXECUTIVE
ORDER 12196 which allows the criminals to investigate themselves.

*Nobody wants to help due to the illegal retaliation, death threats, National Security Violation,
and illegal retaliation.

BLULF: Everyone takes their orders from the attorneys, businessmen, General counsel in building
When VA orders Robert back to work on 18 Jun 2018 against his board-certified doctor’s orders, my son and I
reached out for help but were ignored.
Robert’s doctors, Dr Price reach out to VA, but VA leaders and ADA Directors ignored her.
Robert suffered a stroke as Dr. Price predicted. Robert suffered a stroke on 15 Aug 2018 [6 weeks] after VA ordered him back to
work against her orders and denied effective RA.
While Robert was in the hospital, VA cover, DOJ, Courts and etc continue to cover up their crimes.

On 29 Jan 2019, Austin and I file in district court under the Zone of interest. We prove standing. We ask for Reasonable
Accommodations under Title II and III to expediate the court process as we knew DOJ could not defend any of the defendants due
to the Westfall Act.
DOJ asked Judge Amy Jackson to dismiss our RA request. We complain and asked the Court to recuse Amy Jackson. She refused.

On or about 2 April VA orders Robert back to work against 6 board certified doctors orders to finish the job. Robert doctors told
Austin and I if Robert returned back to work against their orders, Robert would end up like his younger brother, Carl. Carl died
after his stoke on 2 Feb 2019.
We go to VA in DC to give them Robert’s resignation documents. VA General Counsel (James B., Angela Kendrix) orders VA security
to: (take my military ID card, deny Robert’s resignation and to call the cops on me). I run out of the building and complain on
record to VA leaders, DOJ, Fort Meade Police and Former President Trump.

From 2018 to date, we have been set up at every corner. Our sons have been targeted. Austin medical insurance have been
manipulated, our entire family’s medical, personal records have been violated and used in court illegally. We have been run off the
road, hit by semi-trailers, and warned by VA tort Attorney, Tara Jones that they will run us off the road until we are dead.
Everything documented and recorded. By the grace of God we are alive.

VA is nothing more than a safety and health issue that cost Americans, soldiers, veterans and their family members their lives,
livelihood, children, and trillions.
As of date DOJ and the Federal Court have stolen
our money, used Pawns, MD state courts,
Criminal Courts, Prosecutors and Judges to try to
intimidate us and make up into the criminals THAT

DOJ and the Federal Courts also used the same 9

fake claims to deny us our rights. When we
challenged them, Judge Moss continues to write
void orders that he has no authority to write as the
evidence shows.
Proof Judge Amy B. Jackson and DOJ Allan went into the
2018 Transmittal record and attempted to settle with us
using the fake 9 claims vs the truth. Note they offered us
this deal after they could not put us in their jail using
fraud, waste abuse and their pawns.
Proof they are all in it together.
Same Fake Claims Designed by VA Attorneys in Building 810 in 2018.
DOJ wanted to give us as a settlement. Note: Amy B. Jackson’s name is on it. There only one way DOJ got this document. He had to have gone into the transmittal record.
If this is a fact, they know how VA breached their contract with us at mediation on 9 May 2018. So the question is why is DOJ still lying and gaslighting us.
Items Amy B. Jackson, Judge
Randolph Moss, DOJ and the VA
attorneys in Building 810 are hiding
They are not
adding our
documents to
the record for
the record.
See Transmittal Record and
the 10th Amended

Request the
court to
transfer due to
the Criminal
Activity with
Even the DOJ Civil Rights
Division is corrupt
We made sure Judge Amy B. Jackson had a copy of everything on 29 Jan 2019 as we did not want to
cause Robert and Austin further stress. Robert had just lost his only brother after his stroke and Austin
watched VA try to kill his father with their administrative trickery games to include stealing medical
records and ordering Robert back to work while he was RECOVERING FROM HIS STROKE THEY (VA)
caused. . I asked for ADA RA to expedite the case because Amy, DOJ, VA attorneys had access to the
human rights violation. Instead, Amy played with VA by: (1) ordering her clerk to tell us not to issue the
summons until after Robert returns to work against his board- certified doctors orders, (2) allowing
DOJ touch our case and deny ADA RA which they cannot do as per HIPAA, ADA Act, 5975.1 page 24-25
and (3) Westfall Act.

I report VA’s nonsense to DOD, Joe Dunford. I gave him and his staff a 300 page report who VA is
committing National Security Crimes (NIST), collecting ADA Funds and denying ADA rights, and
cheating Americans while using the Army’s Safe Server.
• Everyone (Executive Branch aka VA,
DOJ and DOD) have the truth but
everyone want to waste time, money
and cause a preventable health issue
Proof DOJ is
corrupt as
Judge Moss is
rights again. What
else is new.
On 9 November 2022, we asked for ADA RA from
DOD to investigate the war crimes in WA State
Proof Washington State is ignoring ADA Rights and Article
VI/1964 Human Rights Act and Executive Order 13164 ref:
oral/written ADA Reasonable Accommodation, 18 USC 241, 18
USC 242, 18 USC 245, 42 USC 1983, 42 USC 1985, 42 USC
1986, Charter of the Forest, and GOD’s Natural Law (See
Eileen’s ADA RA request)
Pay attention and you will see how they
commit RICOs.

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