Power of Attorney Between Principal and Agent
Power of Attorney Between Principal and Agent
Power of Attorney Between Principal and Agent
1) The attorney in fact shall have the limited power to sign the principal’s name to certain documents as if
the principal himself/herself were signing on said documents. The documents, upon which the attorney in
fact shall have the authority to sign the principals’ name, are limited in scope to the following: Security
Agreement, Hold Harmless Agreement, Private Agreement, Common Law Copyright Notice, Fee Schedule
as well as various “Acceptances for Value” on commercial documents and various necessary filings, and
documents included in the Secured Party Creditor Process, the Common Law Copyright Notice Process,
the Assumed Name process, the Fee Schedule process and the Consumer Reporting Agency Correction
2) The special power of attorney shall become effective immediately and shall remain in effect until the
documents are prepared or until revoked or terminated as specific in paragraph 3 or extended as specific
in paragraph 4.
3) The power of attorney may be revoked, suspended, or terminated in writing by principle with written
notice to the designated attorney in fact.
4) The power of attorney may be extended as necessary by written authorization of principal with written
notice to the designated attorney in fact.
5) The designated and acting attorney in fact and all persons dealing with the attorney in fact shall be
entitled to rely upon this power of attorney so long as neither the attorney in fact nor any person with
whom he was dealing with at the time of any act taken pursuant to this power of attorney, had received
actual knowledge or actual notice of any revocation, suspension, or termination of the power of attorney
bey death or otherwise. Any action so taken, unless otherwise invalid or unenforceable, shall be binding
on the heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of the principal.
6) The estate of the principal shall hold harmless and indemnify the attorney in fact form all liability for acts
done in good faith and not fraud of the principal.
7) The laws of The State of _____________________ shall govern this power of attorney.
This power of attorney is signed on this _________day of the month ___________, AD 20__ to be effective
Notary Public
My Commission expires: ________________________