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Unit 01_A True Renaissance Man

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] I think he is Leonardo Da Vinci. I know that he drew many famous paintings.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
He was 14 years old.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. a
1. The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man are still famous.
2. He did it because he didn’t want anyone to steal his ideas.

Practice Your Reading Skills

2nd paragraph: skilled painter / The Last Supper / Vitruvian Man
3rd paragraph: inventions / flying machines
4th paragraph: great scientist / nature / notes
5th paragraph: genius

2nd: skilled painter / The Last Supper / Vitruvian Man
3rd: inventions / flying machines
4th: great scientist / nature / notes
5th: genius

Summing Up
Renaissance / paint / artist / examples / flying machines / talented / nature / notes / read

Vocabulary Review
1. extraordinary 2. backwards 3. skilled 4. fascinated 5. term 6. observes 7. Ability
Unit 02_The Great One

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I like baseball. My favorite baseball player is Shin-soo Choo.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
He was chosen as an All-Star for the Pittsburgh Pirates 12 times.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d
1. [Sample answer] I think winning the National League Most Valuable Player Award was his
greatest achievement.
2. He sponsored baseball clinics and provided baseball equipment and basic supplies.

Practice Your Reading Skills

2nd paragraph: poor family / got to the Major League
3rd paragraph: successful baseball career
4th paragraph: helped and supported others / plane crash
5th paragraph: Roberto Clemente Award

2nd: poor family / got to the Major League
3rd: successful baseball career
4th: helped and supported others / plane crash
5th: Roberto Clemente Award

Summing Up
poor / achieved / Hispanic / career / generous / neighbors / overseas / crash / kindness / name

Vocabulary Review
1. soaring 2. volunteered 3. contributed 4. effort 5. presented 6. supports 7. legend
Unit 03_Help the Cocoa Farmers!

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] I think the things on the left are some sort of fruit. I could guess that the small,
brown things on the right are their seeds.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
Its goal is to make sure that farmers get paid enough for their crops to continue farming and
supporting their families.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a
1. They are mostly grown on small farms.
2. I can help change them by buying fair trade products that are marked with special labels that
say “fair trade.”

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. low / grow / expand / unhealthy
2. started / better
1. Their children cannot go to school and must work on their parents’ farms.
2. The water and soil become polluted, harming the environment.

Summing Up
beans / price / unfairly / earn / forests / harmful / fix / movement / label

Vocabulary Review
1. pollutes 2. ingredient 3. decision 4. fertilizer 5. provides 6. profit 7. products
Unit 04_30 Hour Famine

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I have. I felt tired, and I didn’t want to do anything but rest.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
They haven’t eaten for 30 hours.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d
1. They are doing it in their school gym.
2. [Sample answer] It would be hard, but I could do it to help poor children around the world.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. We are very hungry and . . to raise money for hungry
children around the world.

2. The principal wakes us up

. . but there are still lots of
hungry children in the world.

3. Finally, we have completed a

30 Hour Famine . . starting to fall asleep.

4. I feel bittersweet because I

can have a big lunch now,
. . at 1:30 p.m.

5. I am daydreaming about food

. . don’t have any energy to

1. We are very hungry and don’t have any energy to play.
2. I am daydreaming about food and starting to fall asleep.
3. The principal wakes us up at 1:30 p.m.
4. Finally, we have completed a 30 Hour Famine to raise money for hungry children around the
5. I feel bittersweet because I can have a big lunch now, but there are still lots of hungry children
in the world.

Summing Up
stomach / energy / lunch / whistle / standing up / proud / participated / raise / starving / forget
Vocabulary Review
1. murmured 2. bittersweet 3. fortunate 4. growled 5. go without 6. a bunch of
7. raise
Unit 05_Cinderellas Around the World

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, there is. The Korean folktale about Kongji and her stepsister Patji is similar to

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go on
The eagle took her sandal.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T
1. He thought it was from the gods, so he decided to marry its owner.
2. She treated Ye Xian badly because Ye Xian was more beautiful than her daughter.
3. He found her using one of the slippers she lost at the festival.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. R/Y 2. R/Y 3. Y 4. Y 5. R/Y 6. R 7. R
1. She is from Greece.
2. She doesn’t attend the Pharaoh’s party.
Ye Xian
1. She is from China.
2. She goes to a spring festival.
1. lose their shoe
2. treated badly by other people
3. marry the king of their country and live happily ever after

Summing Up
Cinderella / teased / eagle / Pharaoh / searched / China / festival / golden / magic / marry

Vocabulary Review
1. dropped 2. similar 3. fit 4. succeed 5. appear 6. ancient 7. forced
Unit 06_The Dragon Boat Festival

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] They are rowing a boat that looks like a dragon.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
Sticky rice is used to make zong zi.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b
1. One of the team members beats a drum to help the others row at the same time.
2. [Sample answer] My favorite holiday is New Year’s Day.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. story / official / drowned
2. visitors / past
3. biggest / lunar
4. remembered / races / dumplings
1st: The Dragon Boat Festival, one of China’s biggest festivals, is an annual event of the lunar
2nd: The story behind the festival is about Qu Yuan, an official who jumped into the Miluo River
and drowned.
3rd: Qu Yuan’s story is remembered through dragon boat races and delicious rice dumplings
called “zong zi.”
4th: Enjoyed by both Chinese people and visitors, this festival links China’s past and present.

Summing Up
holidays / official / drowned / captured / boats / sticky / remembered / dumplings / culture

Vocabulary Review
1. drowned 2. link 3. preparing 4. involved 5. opposed 6. row 7. Lunar
Unit 07_Frank Lloyd Wright

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] One special feature is that it is built over a waterfall, allowing the water to flow
naturally beneath it.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
It is built on a piece of solid rock over a waterfall.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F
1. Unlike other architects, Wright wanted to make buildings that were a natural part of their
2. Its earth-toned brick walls and low, wide roof blend well with the flat land.
3. It looks like a spider web.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. elements / ramp
2. organic
3. functional
4. influences
5. environment / nature
1st: Frank Lloyd Wright designed buildings that are functional, beautiful, and quite unique.
2nd: Wright wanted his buildings to blend into the environment and used nature in his designs.
3rd: The Winslow House and Fallingwater house are examples of Wright’s organic architecture.
4th: The Guggenheim Museum also includes elements of nature in its roof and long ramp.
5th: Wright still influences architecture, making him America’s greatest architect.

Summing Up
beautiful / organic / surroundings / designs / walls / waterfall / roof / shell / greatest

Vocabulary Review
1. influence 2. inspired 3. solid 4. consider 5. blend 6. architect 7. functional
Unit 08_The Phantom of the Opera

Warm-Up Question

[Sample answer] Maybe he wears a mask to keep his identity secret. Or maybe he is terribly ugly.

Key Vocabulary


Before You Go On

He lived in the sewers beneath the Paris Opera House.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea

Details: Multiple Choice

1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b


1. Christine promised the Phantom that she would marry him if he let Raoul go.

2. He cried out in pain and then disappeared forever, leaving her and Raoul free to love each

Practice Your Reading Skills



. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
1. Christine soon became
. . teach Christine how to sing.

2. Christine fell in love a famous opera singer.

3. The Phantom of the Opera with her childhood boyfriend,

began to Raoul.

4. The Phantom of the Opera the Paris Opera House ballet

kidnapped choir.

5. After her father died, Christine Christine and Raoul because

joined he became very jealous.

6. Because of Christine’s kiss, the and let the couple go free.

Phantom of the Opera
realized her sacrifice

1. After her father died, Christine joined the Paris Opera House ballet choir.

2. The Phantom of the Opera began to teach Christine how to sing.

3. Christine soon became a famous opera singer.

4. Christine fell in love with her childhood boyfriend, Raoul.

5. The Phantom of the Opera kidnapped Christine and Raoul because he became very jealous.

6. Because of Christine’s kiss, the Phantom of the Opera realized her sacrifice and let the couple
go free.

Summing Up

music / joined / voice / face / famous / childhood / agreed / kissed / terribly

Vocabulary Review

1. disfigured 2. disappeared 3. threatened 4. kidnapped 5. jealous 6. realized

7. admire
Unit 09_Earth Hour

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] We can save electricity and make less trash.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
10% of the city’s hourly electricity was saved.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T
1. The first Earth Hour was held in Sydney, Australia, in 2007.
2. People do many activities that do not need electricity, like having campfires or parties lit by
3. Governments support Earth Hour by turning off the lights on famous monuments.

Practice Your Reading Skills


1. Earth Hour started in 2007 ∙ ∙ all participate in Earth Hour.

2. Homes, businesses, and

∙ their unnecessary lights and
governments ∙ electronics to save the earth.

3. Earth Hour teaches us good as a global warming campaign and

lessons, ∙ ∙ has grown into a worldwide event.

4. Earth Hour is an event where like how to stop global warming.

people turn off
∙ ∙
1st: Earth Hour is an event where people turn off their unnecessary lights and electronics to save
the earth.
2nd: Earth Hour started in 2007 as a global warming campaign and has grown into a worldwide
3rd: Homes, businesses, and governments all participate in Earth Hour.
4th: Earth Hour teaches us good lessons, like how to stop global warming.

Summing Up
unnecessary / earth / occurring / cities / turning / require / governments / support / global

Vocabulary Review
1. switch off 2. participate 3. concerns 4. continent 5. opportunity 6. unite
7. monument
Unit 10_Waste Usefully

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I do. I put the right amount of food on my plate and eat all of it.

Key words

Before You Go On
It means to use fewer resources in our daily lives.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c
1. The 3Rs are reduce, reuse, and recycle.
2. [Sample answer]
 We can also reduce the amount of shampoo we use to keep our water clean.
 We can even form teams to pick up trash in our local parks and forests.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. F 2. O 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. O
Fact: It[Garbage] usually goes into landfills or is burned, which is harmful to the environment.
Opinion: It[Recycling] is an easy thing everyone can do!

Summing Up
environment / amount / buying / reuse / washable / Donating / useful / recycling bins / waste

Vocabulary Review
1. harmful 2. reduced 3. buried 4. resources 5. garbage 6. throw away 7. landfills
Unit 11_The Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes! In Korea, Insadong Street is famous for having many traditional stores to
shop in.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
They can find fashionable clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, and more.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T
1. It was built to remember the soldiers who fought in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic
2. [Sample answer] I would like to go there because I love French culture and architecture. I would
also like to enjoy French coffee and cake in the many cafés!

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. The Avenue des Champs-
Élysées has
. . make the

2. Visit the Avenue des Champs-

. . are held on the Avenue des

3. The Avenue des Champs-

Élysées is
. . lots of famous shopping and
dining places.

4. Special events like parades

and the Tour de France
. . a beautiful street that people
visit for many reasons.

5. Old buildings and the Arc de

. . if you go to Paris.

1st: The Avenue des Champs-Élysées is a beautiful street that people visit for many reasons.
2nd: Old buildings and the Arc de Triomphe make the Avenue des Champs-Élysées a tourist
3rd: The Avenue des Champs-Élysées has lots of famous shopping and dining places.
4th: Special events like parades and the Tour de France are held on the Avenue des Champs-
5th: Visit the Avenue des Champs-Élysées if you go to Paris.

Summing Up
visit / reasons / attraction / palaces / dining / brands / fashionable / delicious / parades / stage

Vocabulary Review
1. tourist attractions 2. fancy 3. charm 4. occasion 5. cheered 6. traffic 7. purpose
Unit 12_The Cave of Crystals

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] I have been to a huge cave called Gosu dongul. I saw many types of rocks
shaped like humans and animals. It was amazing!

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
It is located in Mexico.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
1. The narrator wore vests with ice packs and masks that cooled the air.
2. It weighs over 55 tons.
3. The narrator felt hot because of the heat that came from the magma below the cave.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. Opinion 2. Fact 3. Fact 4. Opinion 5. Fact 6. Opinion 7. Opinion 8. Fact
Fact [Sample answer]
- The van drove down the mine’s narrow, winding passage.
- We wore gloves, boots, helmets, and headlights.
- It was first discovered accidentally by miners in Mexico.
- It has over 170 of the largest crystals in the world.
Opinion [Sample answer]
- Everything in the cave was beautiful.
- The time inside the cave was too short!
- Cold water never tasted that good.
- This one was definitely the most fantastic one I have ever seen.

Summing Up
path / cool / discovered / largest / form / stay / high / drink / lucky

Vocabulary Review
1. entrance 2. huge 3. magnificent 4. narrow 5. extreme 6. weighs 7. accidentally
Unit 13_A History of Pizza

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] I usually see pepperoni, green pepper, olives, and cheese.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
Most people think pizza is from Italy.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. d
1. [Sample answer] Garlic, meat, and tomatoes can be found on modern pizza.
2. It became popular in the U.S. after World War Ⅱ.
3. [Sample answer] My favorite pizza is Gorgonzola pizza.

Practice Your Reading Skills

Ancient Pizza
Greece / spices / herbs / fruit / No
Modern Pizza
Italy / garlic / meat / tomatoes / Yes
baked / flat, round bread
Ancient pizza
1. Greece 2. spices / herbs / fruit 3. cheese / tomato sauce
Modern pizza
1. Italy 2. garlic / meat / tomatoes 3. cheese / tomato sauce
1. toppings 2. baked 3. flat, round bread

Summing Up
history / Italy / spices / baker / created / cheese / toppings / introduced / spread

Vocabulary Review
1. delicious 2. baked 3. invented 4. Modern 5. flat 6. imagine 7. add
Unit 14_The History of the Bicycle

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] It was probably much simpler than bicycles of today.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
He made it go forward by pushing the ground with his feet.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
1. Kirkpatrick Macmillan’s bicycle is considered to be the first modern bicycle because its rider
didn’t have to touch the ground to power it.
2. It was nicknamed the “boneshaker” because its iron frame and tires made it very painful to ride.
3. It had handlebar grips and smaller, equally sized wheels.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. Kirkpatrick Macmillan added
. . the first two-wheeled bicycle,
but it had no pedals.

2. Karl Drais invented . . making pedals directly power

the front wheel.

3. Pierre Michaux improved the . . which made the bicycle more

bicycle by comfortable to ride.

4. John Boyd Dunlop invented a . . foot pedals to the bicycle.

tire filled with air,

5. John Kemp Starley invented a . . had handlebar grips and

safer bicycle that equally sized wheels.

In 1818, Karl Drais invented the first two-wheeled bicycle, but it had no pedals.
In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan added foot pedals to the bicycle.
In 1863, Pierre Michaux improved the bicycle by making pedals directly power the front wheel.
In 1885, John Kemp Starley invented a safer bicycle that had handlebar grips and equally sized
In 1888, John Boyd Dunlop invented a tire filled with air, which made the bicycle more
comfortable to ride.
Summing Up
two-wheeled / push / pedals / front / dangerous / safer / grips / equally / tires / recreation

Vocabulary Review
1. ride 2. popular 3. name 4. comfortable 5. transportation 6. rear 7. improved
Unit 15_A Happy Accident

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I love popsicles. I think they are made from sugar and fruit juice.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
A wooden stirring stick was used.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c
1. He started selling them at a park in 1923.
2. Frank Epperson’s children first began using it.

Practice Your Reading Skills

[ mixed ] – [ left / accident ] – [ morning / frozen ] – [ creation ]

Summing Up
invented / outside / stirring / handle / neighbors / introduced / park / country / enjoyed

Vocabulary Review
1. mixture 2. entirely 3. combine 4. store 5. flavor 6. introduced 7. treat
Unit 16_Winter

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] In winter, it is very cold, and it often snows.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
She was so sad and angry that she didn’t allow anything to grow.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F
1. She went around the world and touched all the earth’s seeds.
2. It was always summer on the earth.
3. Persephone ate three seeds in the underworld, so Zeus decided she should spend three
months of every year there. During that time, Demeter is sad and doesn’t allow anything to grow.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. Hades kidnapped
. . because she was sad and
2. People were starving soon,
. . with Hades for three months.

3. Persephone must stay

. . but she had eaten three

4. Helios told Demeter

. . so Zeus decided to help.

5. Demeter didn’t allow any

plants to grow
. . Persephone and took her to
the underworld.

6. Zeus ordered Hades to return

. . what happened

1. Hades kidnapped Persephone and took her to the underworld.
2. Helios told Demeter what happened to Persephone.
3. Demeter didn’t allow any plants to grow because she was sad and angry.
4. People were starving soon, so Zeus decided to help.
5. Zeus ordered Hades to return Persephone, but she had eaten three seeds.
6. Persephone must stay with Hades for three months.

Summing Up
goddess / daughter / kidnapped / underworld / angry / growing / king / seeds / solution / winter

Vocabulary Review
1. belongs to 2. blames 3. ordered 4. refused 5. starving 6. picked 7. stays
Unit 17_Thunder and Lightning

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I have. It was very scary. The flashing lights and loud sounds of thunder
frightened me at night.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
It becomes very hot, five times hotter than the sun. And then it suddenly changes its size.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F
1. It is because light travels faster than sound.
2. Light travels at about 300,000,000 meters per second.
3. It would be about three kilometers away.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. Lightning / hot / expands / small / thunder
2. Light / sound

Summing Up
travel / heating / small / size / slower / before / gap / flash / count / three

Vocabulary Review
1. divided 2. find out 3. clap 4. struck 5. extremely 6. thunderstorm 7. expands
Unit 18_Thor

Warm-Up Question

[Sample answer] Yes, I have heard about him. I know he uses a hammer to fight enemies.

Key Vocabulary


Before You Go On

Thor was the god of thunder and the sky.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea

Details: Multiple Choice

1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c


1. The king of the giants stole it.

2. The name “Thursday” comes from “Thor’s Day.”

Practice Your Reading Skills


1. hammer / tales 2. brave / temper 3. protector 4. powerful 5. Norse


1. Thor was the god of thunder and the sky in Norse myths.

2. Thor was strong and brave, but he had a hot temper.

3. Thor’s mighty weapons made him more powerful.

4. Thor’s hammer played an important role in many tales.

5. Thor is still well known today as a protector of the people.

Summing Up

thunder / enemies / iron / stronger / magical / threw / important / bride / protector / calendar

Vocabulary Review

1. mighty 2. enormous 3. central 4. deadly 5. revive 6. reveals 7. temper

Unit 19_The Tour de France

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] I can ride a bike, but not very well. I once rode my bike to a lake several
kilometers from my house.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
It lasts for 23 days.

Check Your Comprehension

Main Idea
Details: Multiple Choice
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c
1. It is about 3,500 kilometers long.
2. [Sample answer] I think it is a difficult race because it lasts for such a long time.

Practice Your Reading Skills

1. stages / lasts
2. shortest / wins
3. Parts / mountains
4. race / difficult
1st: The Tour de France is the world’s most famous bicycle race and difficult sporting event.
2nd: Parts of the Tour de France go through many different European countries and mountains.
3rd: The Tour de France has 21 stages and two rest days, meaning that it lasts for 23 days.
4th: The rider with the shortest total time wins the Tour de France!

Summing Up
bicycle / sporting / covers / European / passes / different / jersey / leader / total / wins

Vocabulary Review
1. recorded 2. steeper 3. enter 4. circle 5. overall 6. stage 7. including
Unit 20_Basketball Journals

Warm-Up Question
[Sample answer] Yes, I learned the rules of basketball in my gym class at school.

Key Vocabulary

Before You Go On
A Canadian PE teacher, James Naismith invented it.
Check Your Comprehension
Main Idea
Details: True or False
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T
1. He invented it because it was too cold to go outside.
2. It was because someone had to climb up a ladder and take the ball out of the basket every
time someone scored.
3. [Sample answer] The peach baskets have been replaced by metal hoops with a net. This makes
the game much faster.

Practice Your Reading Skills

The original version of basketball The modern version of basketball
Timing two halves of 15 minutes four 10-minute quarters
Ball soccer ball basketball
Moving passing the ball without running bouncing the ball up and down
the ball while running
Baskets peach baskets metal hoops with a net
Speed slow fast
1. pass / kick 2. 10 / 10

Summing Up
original / halves / allow / dribbling / net / ladder / slower / rules / kicking

Vocabulary Review
1. climbed up 2. grabbed 3. scored 4. indoor 5. hang 6. bounces 7. quarters

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