4 Analysis of Equipment Maintenance Operation and Repair in A Construction Industry
4 Analysis of Equipment Maintenance Operation and Repair in A Construction Industry
4 Analysis of Equipment Maintenance Operation and Repair in A Construction Industry
valued at Rs.0.421 cores, in 1960 it had 934machines Equipment selection analysis considers various
valued at Rs.12 cores, in 1970 it went up to 643 machines factors but not necessarily limited to the above mentioned.
valued Rs.21 cores and in 1979 it was 16048 machines It leads to alternatives for acquiring the required
valued Rs.297.5 cores. Of these l6048 machines, 1494 equipment. It is then for the management to make decision
numbers valued at Rs.26.35 cores were owned by private after careful consideration of all the facts. In most cases
companies, 7134 machines valued Rs.132.73 cores were the final equipment selection decision is likely to be a
owned by State Governments and the remaining by the compromise between what is ideally required and what can
Central Government. Out of the total stock of equipment in actually be obtained economically.
1979, 74 percent of equipment by value was imported and
these were mostly excavators, tractors, dumpers, scrapers, VII. DATA COLLECTION AND
graders and loaders. Equipment like cranes, locomotives, ANALYSIS
belt conveyors, vibratory rollers, forklifts and pile driving
equipment were imported even though indigenous stock DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS
was in hand. Some equipment like cableways, rocker PLANNING FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT
shovels, ditchers and trenchers, asphalt distribution, paver Equipment planning on major construction
finishers and spreaders were totally imported. Thus, the projects includes besides its selection, the decision about
import component of construction equipment in India working shifts, number and size of machines, the matching
remained high till 1979. Rapid indigenization took place of units working in a team, procurement schedule and the
thereafter. The domestic production of construction arrangement of necessary technical staff to operate, service
equipment reached nearly USD 1.9 billion in 2000, from and repair of the equipment. Planning of workshop and
the previous year's output of USD 1.6 billion. store facilities is also an important aspect of equipment
The expanding construction market is pushing up planning.
the production of technologically advanced machinery in The type of equipment selected for removal of
India. Currently Indian firms manufacture a limited range soil usually depends upon soil and valley conditions and
of construction equipment. Major construction equipment upon the characteristics of material to be handled. The
manufacturing companies are Bharat Earth Movers number and size of machines selected depend upon the
Limited (BEML), Heavy Engineering Corporation, magnitude of work, working days available and number of
Hindustan Motors (HM), Larsen and Turbo (L & T), shifts worked in a day. Size matching of all equipments
Escorts JCB, Ingersoll Rand etc. Other prominent working in a group is vital. The procurement plan must be
manufacturers of construction equipment in the mid in line with the construction schedule. Also, planned with
segment are Condequip, Alien Build well, Gujarat equipment procurement should be the spare parts for it and
Apollo, Ashok Engineering, Leo Road Equipment, and supplies of fuels, oils, lubricants etc. for its operation.
Jaypee etc. Many of these companies have technical Suitable service facilities are vital to realize the planned
collaboration with foreign firms. The growth of output rate of equipments. Availability of operation and
construction equipment by values during the period 1940- maintenance staff having adequate quality and number for
2000 is taken from ―Construction Equipment Industry in the operation of equipment is essential to obtain full
India‖ production. The use of mathematical models of the
o Maintainability: operation of equipment can be used for planning and
o Ease of repair and maintenance. selection of construction equipment
o Vendors after sales and service, repairs, spares and Equipment planning shall include the following
maintenance. aspects.
o Availability of spare parts. o Selection of equipment.
o Standardization consideration. o Number and sizes of units.
Economic Considerations o Matching capacities.
o Owning costs. o Schedule of procurement.
o Operating costs. o Arrangement of skilled staff for operation and
o Re-sale or residual value after use. maintenance.
o Replacement costs of existing equipment. o Establishment of service and repair facilities.
o Unit cost of production. o Maintenance of spare parts inventory.
Commercial Considerations o Decision regarding number of shifts per operation.
o Use of available equipment. A systematic approach in respect of planning for
o Buy second-hand or new equipment. equipment is necessary, incorporating all the factors
o Rent equipment. detailed above. In addition an important factor to be
o Hire-purchase equipment. considered is the necessary inter-disciplinary acceptance of
o Purchase or lease. the planning for equipment. In a majority of the cases a
Civil Engineer may head project whereas the construction
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equipment management will demand close liaison with IX. FAILURE MODE EFFECT
mechanical and electrical engineers. It will be prudent to ANALYSIS (FMEA) AS A TOOL
have detailed consultations among the disciplines before
the final choice of the equipment. FORCARRYING OUT MAINTENANCE
A contractor is frequently confronted with the ANALY
problem of the selection of the most suitable equipment as Create severity, occurrence, and detection ratings.
he plans to execute the project. Once the failure mode has been defined and the
potential effects of failure have been determined, the team
LIST OF EQUIPMENTS IN THE CORDIAL GROUP must assess the severity, occurrence and detection of
failures and give those aspects numeric ratings. Severity
means how serious the failure will be. Give it a rating from
one to ten, where ten is the most severe failure.
In the same way, you rate the occurrence of
failure - how frequently you see the failure. Detection
indicates how easily that fault or failure can be detected.
The detection scale is the reverse of the other 2 scales,
with 1 being the easiest or most detected and 10 being the
hardest or most difficult to detect. Obviously, for this
rating system to work, its vital that all team members
understand what constitutes a failure. Each potential effect
of failure is given a severity, occurrence and detection
rating. Those numbers are multiplied to produce a Risk
Priority Number (RPN).
Example: One potential failure is that a worker
gets his arm cut off in a 60 A FMEA is a stable and
seasoned design tool, Often called a Failure Mode Study,
this design and maintenance engineering tool has existed
and matured for some time, as engineers try to figure out
why a machine unexpectedly broke down or how a part
slowly came out of tolerance.
By contrast, FMEA is a formal process that
allows in-house experts to concentrate on failures and fix
them. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is important
because it focuses on failures and potential problems. If it's
done early enough in the process, we can anticipate
LIST OF EQUIPMENTS IN THE TRINITY GROUP problems and engineer them out of the system. And the
earlier you catch potential failures, the more money you
Software can be developed to enhance the
efficiency of the Failure model analysis (FMEA). For the
present study only four parameters are considered for
analyzing modes and defects of failure. But software is
used for the analysis more parameters can be used in the
analysis. There by level of risk of failure can be reduced
and more saving in the cost of maintenance can be
a) Both the companies followed a combination of
preventive maintenance and breakdown maintenance.
b) On an average ( considering a group of 9 equipments) it [5] Deodhar.S.V, construction equipment and job planning –
is found that utility of Cordial was 13.76 percent more than khanna publishers, 2.
Trinity information modeling) technology’,Automation in
c) On an average (considering a group of 9 equipments) it Construction 35 (2013) 285–295
is found that total expenditure on maintenance of Cordial [6] Ibrahim Motawa, Kate Carter, ‘Sustainable BIM-based
is 33.14 percent more than that Of Trinity. Evaluation of Buildings’.
d) For maintenance of plants such as hot mix ,batching [7] Abdulsame Fazlia, Sajad Fathia, Mohammad
plant, crushing plant rather than simply relying on HadiEnferadi , MayramFazlib, BehroozFathic,’Appraising
preventive maintenance a better option is to effectiveness of Building Information Management (BIM)
go in for a combination of breakdown (minimum, in project management’,Procedia Technology 16 (2014)
percent),preventive predictive(maximum percent) 1116 – 1125
maintenance also known as reliability centered
e) From the analysis it is found that Cordial are in a better
position as compared to Trinity in optimizing equipment
utility, usage and total maintenance cost.
a) Breakdown maintenance should be avoided as far as
b) A combination of Preventive maintenance and
predictive maintenance will give better results for
c) Reliability centered maintenance should be followed for
maintenance of plants.
d) Proper manpower planning and maintenance scheduling
synchronized with optimum utilization should be aimed at
for improving interdepartmental conflicts.
f) FEMA can effectively use to find out in advance the
failure modes and hence precautionary measures can be
g) In a tower crane risk priority number is more for
improper inspection and improperly trained operator.
h) In a motor grader risk priority number is more for
improperly trained operators, which indicates that the
operator must be trained properly.
i) In a concrete-mixer risk priority number is more for
adjustments and repairs not done by a competent
designated person.
Thus failures vary for each equipment due to RPN value.
Thus RPN plays a vital role for each equipment failures.
[1] Campbell D. H, Construction Equipment Management,
Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1974.
[2] J.K. Visserand J. Jordaan, A maintenance strategy
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[3] M.Waris, Mohd. ShahirLiew, Mohd. FarisKhamidi,
AraziIdrus, Criteria for the selection of sustainable on site
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[4] Chitkara .K.K, construction project management–
planning, scheduling ,controlling Tata McGraw-
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