Effects of Spiritual Intelligence

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Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.


Original Article

Psychological Effects of Spiritual Intelligence and Creativity on Happiness

Mohammadreza Tamannaeifar 1*, Marzieh Hossain panah 2

1. Department of Psychology,Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.

2. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
* Corresponding Author: Mohammadreza Tamannaeifar, Department of Psychology,Faculty of Humanities, University of
Kashan, Kashan, Iran. Email: [email protected]


Background and aim: The role of happiness and its sustained positive outcomes is evident in various
aspects of life. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors affecting happiness. The purpose of this
study is to investigate the role of spiritual intelligence and creativity in happiness of students.

Methods: This was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population of this study is all second-
grade high school students in Karaj city in the academic year of 2017-2018. 414 students were selected by
multistage cluster sampling. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHI), King's Spiritual Intelligence
Questionnaire (SISRI), and Abedi's Creativity Questionnaire (TC) were used for collecting data.

Results: The results showed that there is a significant correlation between spiritual intelligence and
happiness (r = 0.43), between creativity and happiness (r = 0.40), between spiritual intelligence and
creativity (r = 0.53). The results of regression analysis showed that spiritual intelligence and creativity
predict 22% of happiness variance.

Conclusion: The production of personal meaning (the component of spiritual intelligence) and fluidity
and innovation (the components of creativity) are strong predictors for happiness.

Keyword: Happiness, Spiritual Intelligence, Creativity, Flexibility

Introduction Happiness is a person's judgment of the

degree or amount of the quality desirability
Happiness is a psychological concept with of his/her entire life. Happiness is one of the
many definitions and dimensions and is cognitive-motivational structures (2), which
synonymous with words such as gladness, seems to have a vague and mysterious
vitality, and cheerfulness. Considering the concept (3,4) and unclear definition. In
fact that humans unconsciously seek analyzing the concept of happiness, most
happiness and happiness increases the theorists point to two cognitive and
awareness, creativity, and facilitates social emotional components. Cognitive
relationships and activities and helps to components refer to life satisfaction and
maintain health and increase the life span of emotional components refer to states such as
people (1), analyzing its nature, factors that laugh, humor, as well as the balance
effects it and its consequences are important.
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

between positive and negative emotions (4, compatibility mechanism that helps people
5). Happiness has three basic components: to control the stressors better (14).
positive emotions, life satisfaction and a lack
One of the new concepts of intelligence is
of negative emotions (4). The emotion
spiritual intelligence, which includes a type
component is the domination of positive-to-
of adaptation and problem-solving behavior
negative feelings and the focus on the
that incorporates the highest levels of
emotional dimension of positive situations
growth in different cognitive, ethical and
of life (4, 6) and the wide range of emotional
emotional areas, and it is defined as an
actions from relaxation to feeling of pleasure
ability to approach spiritual powers, a source
and contemplation (2). Emotional responses
for better understanding, discover the
are an important part of human
meaning, spiritual existential analysis, and
physiological interactions that affect their
practical behaviors (15, 16). This
ability to survive and maintain health against
intelligence gives people an overview of the
various diseases. Happiness has benefits for
experiences and experiences of life and
the quality of couples' relationships, income,
enables them to reframe their experiences
productivity, socialization and creativity (7)
and deepen their knowledge and
and has positive effects for different people,
understanding (17). Spiritual intelligence
such as increasing feeling of altruism, doing
involves different ways that can coordinate
the job better and having more power of
inner life and soul with outer life and lead to
problem solving (3). The person is happy,
happiness (18). Spirituality creates the
healthy, educated, outspoken and optimist,
power that affects physical situations,
and has strong, friendly and stable
feelings, thoughts and communications.
relationships and religious attitudes (5,6).
People with spiritual experience and
Accordingly, it can be said that happiness as
religious beliefs can confront stress and their
a positive concept, is essential for staying
spiritual problems. In fact, spirituality has a
healthy (8, 9). For this reason, many
protective effect, which results in achieving
researches has been done about what makes
physical and mental health, the purpose and
happiness (10, 11). Should we seek
meaning of life, hope, optimism and
happiness in wealth, education, and other
improvement of the individual's mental
material factors, or in family and
condition. (18). Spiritual attitude helps
community? Happiness has roots in
people to make sense over life problems, be
environment or inheritance? (9). Some
hopeful and optimistic about the future. In
theorists believe that it is possible to achieve
this situation, a person has a spiritual
lasting happiness by paying attention to
assessment of the situation in dealing with
spiritual values and goals, meaningfulness of
problems, and trying to make every event
life and love of God (12). Spirituality is the
meaningful causes the initial stress of a
foundation of knowledge (13). which affects
person to be reduced (19). A person with
the overall satisfaction of life. In fact,
high spiritual intelligence makes
personal spirituality predicts more
inconveniences of psychological pressures
satisfaction of life, and it is assessed as a
and inevitable deprivations that occur in the
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

life cycle, meaningful and consider them not religious response with high scores of
as disasters but as challenges for the growth Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. The
human. Therefore, the events do not results of Alex and colleagues (27) indicate
disappoint him/her and he/she is able to the role of spiritual intelligence in marital
maintain his positive mood or recover it satisfaction.
quickly (20, 21). Spiritual intelligence has
Ellison (1991) states that people with a high
an impact on the physical and mental health
religious inclination are happier and have
of people and helps them to maintain their
more pleasure in life, and exhibit less
own stability; reduce their anxiety and
negative psychosocial responses in
communicate more deeply with others (22).
confrontation of life-threatening events (28).
Praying and spiritual communication with
People who have spiritual tendencies
God and being in spiritual life is one of the
respond better to situations when they deal
important factors in creating happiness (23).
with the damages, and they manage
Individuals with a religious attitudes can
positions of pressure producing better and
increase their happiness with the belief that
their depression is lower (29). Spiritual
there is a great destination in the world (23).
health, with an internal tendency toward
According to Rice (2001), value-based
religion and serious commitment to religion,
happiness is a result of a meaningful life,
can be regarded as the ultimate goal, and
and one of the most important and most
having a purpose in life is positively
effective ways to meet the desires is
correlated with joy (29). However, Hassan
approaching to spirituality that can meets the
Doust et al. (2016) showed that there is a
desire to honor and respect. This value-
significant weak relationship between
based way leads to greater happiness (24).
spiritual intelligence and happiness. In the
Spiritual Happiness is the only happiness
analysis of the subscales of happiness and
that is endless and imperishable. This feeling
spiritual intelligence there is a significant
of happiness is desirable coexistence with
relationship between satisfaction dimensions
the hardships and psychological pressures of
of life, self-respect, well-being and consent.
life (25).
Mohammadi and Mazidi (30) showed that
The relationship between spiritual religiosity can lead to cognitive setting
intelligence and happiness has been studied strategies of emotion and consequently to
in some researches. Muckergie and Brown's provide mental health and happiness. Rajabi
(2005) study showed that people living in (31) showed that spiritual intelligence and
religious countries are happier. Based on this its components (perception and
research, low levels of religious behavior communication with the existence and
reduce happiness. Maselko & Kubzansky spiritual life with the inner core) have a
(26) showed that religious activities are positive and significant correlation with
more related to health and well-being. Lewis happiness. Ebrahimi Koohbanaei et al. (32)
et al. (12) showed that there is a significant showed that life satisfaction (one of the
relationship between high scores of high happiness component) and emotional
internal religious orientation and positive intelligence have a significant relationship
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

with spiritual intelligence. Soleimani et al. providing a creative and effective idea can
(33) found that the training of spiritual be effective in self-acceptance, personal
intelligence increases the quality of life and growth, and sense of having a goal in life,
happiness of students. Raeisi (2013), dominance on environment, autonomy, and
Bagheri (2011), Azerbaijani (2010) and positive relationships with others. People
Yaghoubi (2) also found that increasing the who suffer from depression and anxiety and
spiritual intelligence of students increases are in difficulty in dealing with everyday
their happiness(25,26). Naderi et al. (34) life, use less creative methods in
showed the relations,hip between spiritual encountering issues of life (38). In
intelligence and life satisfaction in the adolescence, spirituality is an important
elderly. source of hope, ideals, worldviews and role
models that affect the development of
Creativity is another factor that can affect
identity (39). Smart use of spiritual
happiness (28). Some studies confirm the
intelligence can lead to positive lives,
positive and significant relationship between
including emotional well-being, positive
creativity and happiness (29). Eisenck (35)
social functioning and increased quality of
regards creativity as a psychological process
life (40). Adolescents who have a high level
that leads to problem solving, idea making,
of happiness and well-being are more active
conceptualization, making artistic forms,
in their academic life and have high
theories and productions that are novel and
educational achievement (41). Spiritual
fresh. Silva (36) sees creativity as a state of
experiences create a profound insight that
mind in which multiple human intelligences
opens up new perspectives to life, this
are used integrated; from his point of view,
insight and vision enables a person to work
creativity is an extreme ability, which has
well and innovatively choose solutions to
cognitive aspect and can accurately and
life and education issues (9).
effectively gather together all power to the
goal of innovation and initiative. Given the The relationship between happiness and
fact that there is a mutual relationship creativity has been studied in some
between creativity and cognition, it can be researches (Kioslosky). Damian and
said that as the formation of emotional states Robbins (42) have shown the relationship
plays a role in our thinking manner, between happiness and creative thinking in a
cognitive processes also affect mood and research. A research by Dianaros (43)
emotional states (37). Human faces showed that positive emotions lead people to
problems in life and tries to find effective play, discover, enjoy, and share in the cycle
and useful ways to solve them. On this basis, of these experiences as long as they
he/she sometimes uses the experiences of experience a safe environment. Then, people
others and sometimes he is thinking of increase their personal and social resources
creating new ways of solving problems (28). through new experiences, inventions and
Creativity enables the person to use learning, and create an innovative mindset
innovative ways to deal with the problems of throughout life. He found that self-efficacy
everyday life and solve them. Accordingly, subscale has a positive correlation among
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

students with happiness scales: life that there is a relationship between

satisfaction, mental happiness, and well- spirituality and increasing employee
being, joy and moderate feelings. In satisfaction, effort, cooperation, creativity,
particular, self-efficacy of creativity has a and performance. Milman (2003) and
positive and meaningful relationship with Howeli and Harman (38) also found that
creating a positive idea and meaning with all employees who feel that their organization
components, with the exception of negative gives them a strong sense of spirituality and
and negative emotions. Germelin (44) a true sense of purpose, are more creative
showed in a research that those who do and innovative in their work and experience
creative activities increase their self-esteem more personal growth. (49). Researches
and happiness significantly. Sohrabi and show that some abilities such as creativity
Zarrini (45) showed in their research that and spiritual awareness have grown because
creativity education increases the happiness of religion (15). Accordingly, creative
and has a positive effect on the orientation people have aesthetic characteristics (King
of students' lives. Amirpour (70) found that 2008). They also have thought, planning,
critical thinking, which is one of the creativity and attributes of consistency.
dimensions of creativity, can play an Azad Marzabadi (49) investigated the
essential role in the happiness of students. relationship between organizational and
They found that happy and creative people occupational spirituality with creativity in
receive positive feedback and are more his research and concluded that there is a
successful in interacting with others. Jafari meaningful positive relationship between
and Talebzadeh's (46) also showed that all spirituality with psychological
components of creativity were meaningful empowerment and creativity.
predictors for happiness, and the component
Although some researches have been done
of expansion was the strongest predictor of
on the relationship between happiness and
happiness. Yaghoubi et al. (2) and Karami
spiritual intelligence and creativity, but the
and Ali Abadi (47) reported a positive and
relationship between these variables has not
significant relationship between creativity
been studied simultaneously and the
and happiness. Also, creativity components
contribution of each of these variables has
were significant predictors for happiness.
not been studied in happiness predictor.
Khosravani et al. found that people who
Therefore, the aim of this study was to
have less creativity are more anxious and
explain the relationship between happiness
depressed and experience less relaxation.
and spiritual intelligence and creativity and
The relationship between spiritual determine the role and contribution of each
intelligence and creativity has also been of the happiness predictor variables. The
studied in some researches. Research by results of this study could include practical
Nick and Miliman (48) have reported the implications for preventive educational
relationship between spirituality and interventions - counseling with the aim of
increasing innovation in the workplace. promoting happiness in students.
Also, McWicker's (2003) study has shown
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

Methods Spearman Brown method of two-half (0.91)

and 0.91 by Gutman method (8). This
The present study is a descriptive- questionnaire includes six areas of life
correlational research. Happiness is satisfaction, pleasure, efficiency, control,
considered as the criterion variable and self-esteem and Relaxation. In Ghassemi's
spiritual intelligence and creativity as a research (2012), its reliability is obtained
predictor variable. The research population 0.89 by using Cronbach's alpha.
includes all secondary high school students
in the first and second grade of B) King's Spiritual Intelligence
experimental, mathematical and human Questionnaire (SISRI)
sciences students of Karaj city in 2017-2018. The questionnaire was designed in 2008 by
The research sample was selected using King, has 24 grades and has four sub-scales:
cluster sampling and it was determined 414 critical existential thinking, the production
students according to Morgan table. From of personal meaning, transcendental
the four educational regions of Karaj, the consciousness, and the extension of
first and third districts were selected as consciousness. The higher score in this
samples. In each district, six schools (three questionnaire, shows the more spiritual
female and three male schools) were intelligence. Items are with a 5-degree Likert
randomly selected. Two schools of first and scale (from "Does not apply to me in any
second experimental classes and two schools way" until "It is completely applicable to
of first and second mathematics classes and me". The Cronbach's alpha coefficient is
two other schools of the first and second 0.92 and its subscale alpha coefficients are
classes of humanities from female schools from 0.78 to 0.91 (51).
and also male schools were chosen
completely randomly. Each class was C) Abedi Creativity Questionnaire (CT)
included 40±2 students. Three This tool has 60 questions, which is graded
questionnaires were used to collect based on the three-degree Likert spectrum
information in this research: (0-2) (38). The reliability of this
A) Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI) questionnaire was obtained by using
Cronbach's alpha for fluid 0.75, initiative
Argyil (1990), after consulting with Beck, 0.67, flexibility 0.61 and expansion 0.61.
reversed his depression scale sentences to Abedi, using confirmatory factors analysis
include other aspects of happiness. Finally, method, showed that this tool has acceptable
the final form of questionnaires with 29 validity at the same time. Rezaei and
questions was designed with 4 options (50). Manouchehri (2008) based on the three
(3). obtained an alpha coefficient of 0/90 for major indicators of special value, the ratio of
this tool (quoted by Barkhori et al., 2009). variance explained by each agent and the
Alipour and Noorbala (1999) calculated the declined design, extracted seven factors for a
internal consistency and Cronbach alpha of 60-item set of creativity questionnaires.
Oxford Happiness questionnaire 0.93. The They used Varimax rotation to name the
reliability of this tool was reported by
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

factors, which led to extraction of expansion expansion of relationships with others,

factors, fluid, enjoyment of new followed by increasing of social support.
experiences, paying attention to details, Many scholars believe that happiness should
solving difficult and complex problems, become the fundamental goal of education.
innovation and flexibility. In assessing the Nel Noddings believes that happiness and
validity and reliability of this questionnaire, education are closely related, it means the
the coefficient the Cronbach Alpha got a achievement of whatever people wants and
total of 0.87. The reliability of this study sometimes Blissful is considered to be
was obtained 0.65using Cronbach's alpha equivalent to happiness. Happiness is an
(2). acceptable progress process towards the
goal. Walterman found that enjoyable
Results happiness has strong connection with the
According to Table 1, there is a significant challenge, experience of competence, effort,
correlation between spiritual intelligence concentration, sense of self-expression and
and happiness (r = 0.43), between creativity having certain goals. Lazarus believes that
and happiness (r = 0.40), between spiritual positive excitements like happiness facilitate
intelligence and creativity (r = 0.53). Table and maintain targeted behavior (39).
3 shows that spiritual intelligence and Students with higher levels of happiness and
creativity are significant predictors of high satisfaction in their lives are more
happiness in students and predict 22% of involved with homework, have better
variance of happiness. The results show that performing in their homework assignments,
the role of spiritual intelligence is greater in and do their homework more by their
predicting happiness. Table 4 shows that personal abilities than luck and external
among the components of the production of factors; they can cope with psychological
personal meaning, the significant predictor pressures better. Such students can
is happiness in students. This component communicate, collaborate, and socialize
explains 26% of the variance of happiness. with other people, teachers and peers; they
Table 5 shows that fluid and Creativity create better solutions to solve problems. In
components predict 15% of happiness educational environments, several factors
variance in students. such as pursuing academic goals, doing
educational assignments, preparation and
Discussion intellectual concerns for having a proper job,
Happiness is considered as a positive earning money for financial independence,
emotion (8,9). believe that happiness and having social skills in effective
includes three components: the cognitive communication with peers and teachers can
component, which is the process of be considered as serious challenges. Serious
information that leads to thinking and ones (52). Considering the importance and
optimism; the emotional component, which the role and the consequences of happiness,
is the positive and happy creation, and the it is important to study its affecting factors.
social component, which expresses the Accordingly, the present study has be done
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

with the aim of explaining happiness based the person to control his/her anger from the
on spiritual intelligence and creativity. The physiological, cognitive and emotional
results of this study showed that there is a dimensions and helps to take responsibility
significant positive correlation between for him/her actions in the conflicts.
spiritual intelligence and happiness in Interpersonally, religious practices create a
students. This finding is consistent with the situation in which a person pays attention to
research results of Amini Javid, Zandipour God at anger and provides support for both
and Karami (53), Hassan Doost, et al (54), couples to avoid conflicting. Relationship
Charkhabi et al. (55), Yaghoubi et al. (2). with God has an interactive and
Research of Reiss et al. (56) showed a compensatory role in relation to marital
significant negative relationship between relationships (58). Spirituality is an
spiritual intelligence and depression and a organized system of beliefs that includes
positive and significant relationship between moral values, customs, participating in the
spiritual intelligence and happiness and religious community for a more
concluded that by promoting spiritual conscientious belief in God or a supreme
intelligence through education, students' power. Religious beliefs are an effective
depression was decreased and happiness was way to deal with the problems and painful
increased. Finds. Charkhebi et al. (55) experiences, and on this basis, affects human
showed that spiritual intelligence relationships at times of trouble and
intervention significantly reduced the discomfort. The research results of Rahimi
interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive Pardanjani et al (16), Leach and Lark
compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, (2004), and Lawler- Row (59) have shown
invasion, phobia, paranoid thoughts, and that people with higher spiritual intelligence
psychosis. They point out that promoting are more forgiveness and those who are
spiritual intelligence helps to improve affected by their religious beliefs are
mental health. Yaghoobi et al. (54) also forgiving. These findings of researchers is
stated that the level of depression in people consistent with the findings of the present
with higher spirituality is lower. Yaghoobi et study based on the role of the component of
al. (57) and Hossein Dokht et al. (29) found the personal meaning production (one of the
that individuals with high spiritual components of spiritual intelligence) in
intelligence have a greater chance of gaining predicting the happiness of students.
knowledge and understanding, which
Another result of this study was that there is
provides the basis for achieving perfection
a significant positive correlation between
and progress in life, meaning that happiness
creativity and happiness in students. This
is beneficial in the improvement and
finding is consistent with the results of
satisfaction of life and the spirit of higher
Herzog (29), Kerr (60), Rydeen (61), Ai-Girl
participation. Spirituality plays an important
and Dianaros (62), Damian and Robins (42),
role in marital satisfaction and of course the
Farokhi et al. (2015), Jafari and Talebzadeh
happiness of the spouses, so that religious
(46) Menati et al. (38), Amirpour (2012),
beliefs and intercourses, internally, enable
Soleimani and Tabiyanian (25). In a research
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

that creativity education directly increases of this research to other educational levels
happiness and the effect of creativity should be done with cautious. Also, the
education on happiness in the process of findings of this study are obtained with self-
pursuing stage is stable. Soleimani and report tools that the obtained information
Tabiyanian (25) achieved a positive and may be distant from reality. It is
significant relationship between the fields of recommended that similar research be
creativity and happiness in their research. As carried out in other educational levels.
mentioned earlier, creativity is being novel Doing this research with different tests and
and fresh in the first place, and secondly, tools for measuring variables of research can
creativity needs usefulness; it means that in add value to the results. It is possible that in
the intended field, solves part of the the relationship between the three
constraints and requirements and increases components of spiritual intelligence,
activities (63). On the other hand, the happiness and creativity, the main role
happiness is "the people’s judgment of the relates to spiritual intelligence. Therefore,
degree or amount of quality desirability of studies based on structural equation will be
his/her entire life" (64), as well as the stable, more useful for clarifying this.
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Table 1: Correlation coefficients of spiritual intelligence, creativity and happiness
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

Variables 1 2 3
1.Spiritual Intelligence 1
2. Creativity 0/53** 1
3. Happiness 0/43** 0/40** 1

Table 2: Correlation coefficients of spiritual intelligence components, creativity and happiness

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Critical

2. Production of
-0/52** 1
personal meaning

3. Transcendental
-0/52** 0/59** 1

4. Expanded state
0/033** 0/42** 0/52** 1
of consciousness

5. Fluid 0/39** -0/47** 0/40** 0/26** 1

6. Expansion 0/31** 0/25** 0/31** 0/26** 0/57** 1

7. Innovation 0/36** 0/39** 0/39** 0/28** 0/68** 0/64** 1

8. Flexibility 0/40** 0/36** -0/37 0/15** -0/53** -0/43** -0/60** 1

9. Happiness 0/27** 0/51** 0/34** 0/24** 0/37** 0/28** 0/36** 0/29** 1

Significant at 99/99 confidence level (P <0/01)

Table 3. Regression analysis results to predict happiness based on spiritual intelligence and creativity

R2 R2 Significant
Steps Predictor Variables B Β t R R2
Modified Changes level

Spiritual Intelligence 0/44 0/43 9/68 0/43 0/000

1 0/18 0/18 0/18
The fixed value 26/74 9/78 0/000
Spiritual Intelligence 0/31 0/30 5/90 0/000

2 Creativity 0/22 0/24 4/73 0/47 0/22 0/22 0/04 0/000

The fixed value 4/44 0/82 0.41

Table 4. Regression analysis results to predict happiness based on spiritual intelligence components
Int J Med Invest 2019; Volume 8; Number 2; 91-107 http://www.intjmi.com

R2 R2 Significant
step Predictor Variable B β t R R2
Modified Changes level

Production of
1/95 0/51 13/16 0/001
1 personal meanings 0/51 0/26 0/26 0/26
fixed value 27/841 13/16 0/001

Table 5: Results of regression analysis to predict happiness based on creativity components

R2 R2 Significant
Steps Predictor Variable B β t R R2
Modified Changes level

Fluid 0/83 0/37 8/07 0/000

1 0/37 0/13 0/13 0/13
fixed value 11/466 2/23 0/026
Fluid 0/50 0/22 3/61 0/000

2 Creativity 0/62 0/21 3/48 0/40 0/16 0/15 0/02 0/001

fixed value 5/771 1/66 0/27

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