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Moshell 64bit Installation UserGuide

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USER GUIDE 11(189)

Prepared (also subject responsible, if other) No.
EAB Finn Magnusson 1553-CXC1328930
Document responsible/Approved Checked Date Rev. File
EAB Finn Magnusson 2022-09-04 EM moshellUserGuide.tex

6. DeleteMO to delete an MO from the node

1.6.4 Performance Management Service

Moshell supports the following operations from the performance management service:
• List Scanners and Event Filters
• Create Scanner
• Stop Scanner
• Resume Scanner
• Delete Scanner
• Set Event Filter

1.6.5 Log service

Moshell supports fetching and parsing of the following logs:

• availability log
• system log
• event log
• alarm log
• command log
• O&M security event log
• COLI log
• Hardware inventory log
• JVM events log (upgrade log)

1.6.6 File transfer

Moshell can download/upload files and directories to/from the node, using http, ftp or sftp.

2 Installation and user settings

2.1 Installation for Unix (Solaris/Linux)

Copy the moshell installation package moshellxxx.zip to your home directory /home/youruser or to the temp directory /tmp.
Very important: do not store the zip file inside the moshell folder otherwise the installation will be corrupted.
Then go to the folder containing the zipfile (cd <folder>) and run the following commands:

unzip -o moshellxxx.zip
bash moshell_install

When prompted to enter the directory where you want to install moshell, it is recommended to specify your HOME directory ( ~).
If you have executed moshell_install from your home directory then you can press the enter key and the current directory is
If a previous moshell installation already exists, it is recommended to install in the same directory as the old one. This way, all
your custom files (jar/xml files, site files, etc.) get copied across to the new revision and the old revision gets moved to a different
location so you can still access it if needed.
When prompted to enter the path to java, make sure to use Oracle Java. Other Java distributions such as OpenSDK are not
supported by moshell.
Note: In the case of AMOS installation use option -a, ie: bash moshell_install -a (must be run as root on OSS
USER GUIDE 12(189)
Prepared (also subject responsible, if other) No.
EAB Finn Magnusson 1553-CXC1328930
Document responsible/Approved Checked Date Rev. File
EAB Finn Magnusson 2022-09-04 EM moshellUserGuide.tex

Note: for linux 64-bit, the 32-bit libc library is required, the package name is libc6-i386 or glibc.i686 or ia32-libs.
(Other packages which may be needed for certain commands are python and expect.)
Running moshell for the first time:
If you have set the PATH variable correctly in your ~/.bashrc file, you should be able to run moshell from any directory. E.g:
moshell <ipaddress>
If this is the first time moshell is installed in this location, then it will download a number of jar files from the node. No progress
indicator will be shown so just be patient as it will take a few minutes. Progress can be seen by doing "ls -l" in the moshell/jarxml
directory. For more information about user settings etc, check the user guide.
If the Moshell execution fails on linux with the following error:

moshell/commonjars/lib/lin64/filefuncs.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

Then try to run the following commands, while logged in as root:

chcon -t texrel_shlib_t ./commonjars/lib/lin64/libz.so.1

chcon -t texrel_shlib_t ./commonjars/lib/lin64/filefuncs.so

If Moshell is unable to connect to the node on port 22, try executing the program moshell/commonjars/ssh manually. If it fails with
the following error:

moshell/commonjars/ssh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot restore segment prot after reloc:

Then try running the following command, while logged in as root:

chcon -t texrel_shlib_t commonjars/ssh

2.2 Installation for Windows (using Cygwin or WSL)

When running on Windows, Moshell uses a unix emulator known as Cygwin. From Windows 10 it is also possible to run Ubuntu
or Debian directly on Windows, using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

2.2.1 Installation for Cygwin 64-bit

Go directly to step 10, MoShell Installation, if you have already installed and configured Cygwin previously.

1. Download the file http://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe and store it under

C:\users\youruser\cygwin_setup\, then execute it from that folder with the context menu "Run as administrator".
If that does not work then try to start a DOS command window as Administrator and execute the setup-x86.exe file from the
DOS window.
2. Choose "Install from internet", then click Next.
3. Root Directory C:\cygwin64 (It is not recommended to choose a different directory, especially if it contains spaces).
4. Choose a Download Site. For instance cygwin.mirror.constant.com is known to work well but probably others work fine too.
5. In the "Select Packages" View menu, choose "Category", then add the following packages:
• under Archive select zip and unzip
• under Database, select postgresql
• under Graphics, select gnuplot
• under Libs, select libglib2.0_0, libssp0, zlib, libxml2
• under Net select curl, inetutils, openssh, openssl, net-snmp-utils (5.7.3), net-snmp-libs (5.7.3)
• under Perl select perl, perl-XML-Simple, and perl-IO-Tty
• under Python select python39
6. Click Next, install will start. Wait for installation to complete.
7. Copy the file moshell/examples/cygwin_install/cygwin_install.txt to C:/cygwin64 (also available from
http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/cygwin_install.txt). .
USER GUIDE 13(189)
Prepared (also subject responsible, if other) No.
EAB Finn Magnusson 1553-CXC1328930
Document responsible/Approved Checked Date Rev. File
EAB Finn Magnusson 2022-09-04 EM moshellUserGuide.tex

8. Click on Start –> Run.

In the "Run" window, type: cmd , then press <enter>.
A DOS window opens. At the DOS prompt, execute the following commands:
cd cygwin64
bin\perl.exe cygwin_install.txt
This will create the following files: c:/cygwin64/etc/profile, c:/cygwin64/cygwin64.bat,
c:/cygwin64/home/youruserid/.bashrc, c:/cygwin64/home/youruserid/.minttyrc,
If those files already exist, they are automatically moved to the folder c:/cygwin64/tmp/installbackup.
9. Open a new cygwin terminal window. The window should be black with white text and the prompt should like this: [~]$
If not, then go through all the steps again and make sure you haven’t missed out anything.
More info about Cygwin installation issues can be found at: http://cygwin.com/faq/faq0.html
Uninstall instructions for cygwin can be found at
10. Moshell installation. Follows these steps if you already have a working Cygwin environment.

• Copy the moshell installation package moshellxxx.zip to your home directory c:/cygwin64/home/youruserid
• Open the cygwin shell and run:
unzip -o moshellxxx.zip
bash moshell_install

When prompted to enter the directory where you want to install moshell, it is recommended to specify your HOME directory
( ~).
If you have executed moshell_install from your home directory then you can press the enter key and the current
directory is selected.
If a previous moshell installation already exists, it is recommended to install in the same directory as the old one. This way,
all your custom files (jar/xml files, site files, etc.) get copied across to the new revision and the old revision gets moved to a
different location so you can still access it if needed.
When prompted to enter the path to Java, just type java .
11. Running moshell for the first time
If you have set the PATH variable correctly in your ~/.bashrc file, you should be able to run moshell from any directory. E.g:
moshell <ip-address>

2.2.2 Installation for WSL

For more information refer to the post on https://eteamspace.internal.ericsson.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=898808172

1. Make sure you have Windows 10 64-bit build 16215 or higher.
To check the build, open Run (WindowsKey + R) and type winver. If lower than 16215, upgrade your windows 10 version
to latest.
2. Open PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Then restart your computer when prompted.
3. Open the Microsoft Store and in the searchfield, enter wsl or linux. Select a distribution (preferably Ubuntu, or Debian),
then from the distribution’s page, select Get.
4. Launch a new instance of the distribution that was installed. The first time, you will be prompted to define a username and
Use for instance the Ericsson username and enter a password of your choice.
5. From the linux shell, execute the following commands:
• sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade . (If any questions apear, you can just press "Enter")

sudo apt-get install unzip zip postgresql vim gnuplot libglib2.0-0 inetutils* expect binutils
USER GUIDE 14(189)
Prepared (also subject responsible, if other) No.
EAB Finn Magnusson 1553-CXC1328930
Document responsible/Approved Checked Date Rev. File
EAB Finn Magnusson 2022-09-04 EM moshellUserGuide.tex

sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssl python2.7 libxml-simple-perl libio-pty-perl default
• sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata (then select your timezone, eg "Europe" and "Stockholm")
6. Download moshellxx.zip from http://newtran01.au.ao.ericsson.se/moshell/ and store somewhere such as your downloads
folder C:/users/xxxx/downloads
Then copy the moshellxx.zip installation package to your WSL file system by doing the following command in the linux shell:
cp /mnt/c/users/xxxx/downloads/moshellxx.zip ~/
Then run the moshell installation from the linux shell, eg:
unzip -o moshellxx.zip
bash moshell_install
7. Update the linux PATH environment variable to be able to run moshell from anywhere:
echo export PATH="${PATH}:$HOME/moshell" >> ~/.bashrc
INFO: Unlike CYGWIN, WSL does not support handling files of the WSL file system from the Windows file explorer.
However it is possible to access files of the Windows file system from the WSL shell by putting "/mnt" in front of the path.
For instance , in order to copy a dcgm.zip from c:/users/myusername/downloads to the WSL home folder, do the following
command from a WSL shell:

mv /mnt/c/users/myusername/downloads/xxxx_dcgm.zip ~/
Procedure to upgrade from WSL1 to WSL2 (for better performance)
1. Check if BIOS virtualization is enabled. Start "Task Manager" and go to "Performance" and CPU and on the left hand side
check "Virtualization" that it is in state "Enabled".
2. Enable Virtual Machine feature. Open PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
3. Set WSL 2 as default version. Open PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command:
wsl --set-default-version 2
4. Restart machine.
5. Check WSL version assigned to Linux distributions right now: wsl -l -v
6. Set WSL2 version to linux dist. Will take a few minutes. If it only takes 1-3s, please restart PC again to make sure WSL has
taken effect. wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2 wsl -l -v
7. Other useful commands wsl --update wsl --shutdown

2.3 Moshell directory structure

The moshell directory contains a number of files and subdirectories:

• logfiles/ To store the logfiles generated by the various utililites (moshell, mobatch, swstat, etc.)
• examples/ Example of input files required by the utilities (command files, site files, etc.)
• cmdfiles/ Place to store your command files (to be used by mobatch, monode, telbatch, telnode, etc)
• sitefiles/ Place to store your sitefiles (to be used by mobatch, telbatch, swstat, swup, etc.)
• jarxml/ Place to store jar files (oms.jar and vbjorb.jar) and xml-MOM files (used by Moshell). Specific to certain nodes.
• commonjars/ Place to store jar files common to all nodes
• moshell The file used to startup moshell. Contains some customizable variable settings.
• mobatch Run moshell commands on several nodes in parallel
• gawk Script interpreter used by the various utilities
• prog.awk, funcs.awk Main code for moshell, cannot be run on its own.
• moshellUserGuide.pdf Help file
• rncaudit Audit and consistency check of rnc data towards cell data CDR, utranrelations CDR, baseline, uerc, etc.
• swstat To view SW revisions, CV’s and delete old upgrade packages
• rbsaudit Audit and consistency check of rbs data towards rbs data and baseline. Generation of mobatch corrective scripts.

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