Dangers of Cupping
Dangers of Cupping
Dangers of Cupping
Figure 1. A, Multiple symmetric annular ecchymotic patches on the right shoulder. B, Hemorrhagic vesicles within the lesion
suction for other 5 to 10 minutes. Surprisingly, complement system, which increases the levels of
after some time, during a CT performed five days interferon and tumor necrosis factor. This might
before the appearance of the annular ecchymotic explain positive outcomes in patients with auto-
lesions for which he was referred to our center, immune diseases7.
he complained of pain, and the following day In addition, CT may stimulate pain receptors
hemorrhagic vesicles appeared. Annular lesions with the increase of the frequency of impulses
completely healed in two weeks using mometa- and the ultimate closure of the pain gates, leading
sone furoate ointment twice a day. to pain relief (Pain-Gate Theory)5,7.
Because of these potential properties, CT in
all its varieties (dry, wet, needle, herbal/bamboo,
Discussion water, moving and pulsatile) has been used in
several dermatologic diseases and related symp-
CT is used in alternative traditional Chinese toms, including post-herpetic neuralgia, chronic
and Persian medicine for the treatment of a broad idiopathic urticaria, psoriasis and psoriatic arthri-
range of conditions4-6. Although it has been used tis, acne vulgaris, erysipelas and eczema8.
all around the World for centuries, probably since However, a systematic review of the available
ancient Egypt, the exact mechanism of action studies performed by Soliman et al8 in 2018 re-
remains obscure despite an increasing number of vealed that there is only a theoretical value of CT
studies and meta-analysis6. in these conditions, in absence of randomized
The latest studies hypothesize that CT might clinical trials and robust data. More recent stud-
cause the release of Nitric Oxide (NO) from ies, focused on psoriasis, neurodermatitis and
endothelial cells. Therefore, it might induce an- chronic idiopathic urticaria, yielded similar re-
ti-inflammatory effects and an increased vascu- sults, as they were conducted in countries where
larization. Moreover, CT seems able to stimulate standard and alternative treatments were carried
local inflammation at first, then it activates the out together9-11.
The good and the bad of cupping therapy: case report and review of the literature
Table I. Summary of case reports with demographics, reason of CT and cutaneous reaction.
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