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Toxicity of prescription


Beta blockers toxicity

• Beta-blocker toxicity can produce clinical manifestation including
bradycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and
• The presentation may be range from asymptomatic to shock.
• Beta-blockers have been in use for nearly 50 years.
• In addition to their traditional role in treating hypertension and other
cardiovascular disorders, beta-blockers are also used for additional purpose
such as migraine headache, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, anxiety, and
various other disorders.
• As a result of their expanded use, the incidence of overdose with these
agents has also increased.

• Beta-blockers act as competitive inhibitors of catecholamines, exerting
their effects at both central and peripheral receptors.
• Blocked of beta-receptors results in decreased production of
intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) with an
inhibition of multiple metabolic and cardiovascular effects of
circulating catecholamine.
• Beta-receptor blockade reduces heart rate, blood pressure, myocardial
contractility, and myocardial oxygen consumption.
• Beta2-receptor blockade inhibits relaxation of smooth muscle in blood
vessels, bronchi, the gastrointestinal system, and the genitourinary
• In addition, beta-adrenergic receptor antagonism inhibits both
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, which may result in
• Prognosis is largely dependent on the initial response to therapy (6-
12 h post-ingestion) as drug levels are likely to have peaked at this
• In addition, beta-blockers that are lipid soluble and have marked
antidysrhytmic (ie, quindine-like) effects are more lethal (eg,
propranolol, sotalol).
• Underlying cardiac or pulmonary disease places the patients at
increased risk for poor outcome.

History and Physical Examination

• Ideally, the clinician should determine the specific beta-blocker
involved, the quantity, and the time of the overdose.
• Unfortunately, theses details are often not immediately available.

• When a history of intentional overdose is lacking, beta-blocker

toxicity can go unrecognized as a cause of bradycardia and

Initial evaluation
• The initial evaluation of a patient that is in coma should include
consideration of an overdose. If a patient is suffering from bradycardia
and hypotension, the clinician should consider a beta-blocker or
calcium channel blocker overdose. Other symptoms may include
hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and seizures.
• Beta-blocking drugs may cause hypoglycemia by inhibiting
glycogenolysis. Myocardial conduction delays with increased
contractility characterize the acute beta-blocker ingestion.
• Cardiac output may diminish with resulting hypotension from
bradycardia and negative inotropy.
Initial evaluation
• Beta-blockers that are not sustained release formulation are all rapidly
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The first critical signs of
overdose can appear 20 minutes post-ingestion. In all clinically
significant beta-blocker overdose, symptoms develop within 6 hours.
• Although the half-life of these compound is usually short (2-12 h),
half-lives in the overdose patient may be prolonged because of a
depressed cardiac output, reduced blood flow to the liver and kidneys,
or because of the formation of active metabolites.
• Bradycardia with hypotension and shock defines severe beta-blocker

CNS symptoms
• A depressed level of consciousness and seizures may occur as a result
of cellular hypoxia from poor cardiac output, a direct CNS effect
caused by sodium channel blocking, or even as a result of
hypoglycemia. The lipid-soluble agents have increased distribution
into the brain, and these agents are associated with severe CNS
• Bronchospasm is a rare complication of beta-blocker therapy or
overdose but is more likely in patients who already have
bronchospastic disease.
• Pulmonary edema had been reported to occur as resulted of cardiac

• Administration of charcoal is indicated when the patient is alert and
cooperative. Ipecac syrup is contraindicated.
• If the patient is hypotensive, administer (20 ml/kg) of isotonic
intravenous fluids. If the patient dose not respond to these measures,
the following interventions may be considered:
• Inotropes and chronotropes
• Glucagon
• Gastric decontamination
• Benzodiazepines
• Hemodialysis
• The pharmacotherapy of beta-blocker overdose may include a variety
of inotropes and chronotropes, such as epinephrine and atropine, for
hypotension and bradycardia. Doses of these agents should be titrated
to response.
• Glucagon can enhance myocardial contractility, heart rate, and
atrioventricular conduction; many authors consider it the drug of
choice for beta-blocker toxicity. Because a glucagon bolus can be
diagnostic and therapeutic, the clinician can empirically administer
glucagon and check for response. An upper dose limit has not been

• For gastric decontamination, gastric lavage (with appropriate
protection of the airway) is preferred over emesis because of the rapid
absorption and occasionally precipitous onset of toxicity that may
place the patient at risk for aspiration. Gastric lavage may be
beneficial if the patient present to the hospital within 1-2 hours of
• Hemodialysis may be useful in severe cases of atenolol overdoses
because atenolol is less than 5% protein bound and 40-50% is excreted
unchanged in urine.
• Consider hemodialysis or hemoperfusion only when treatment with
glucagon and other pharmacotherapy fails.

• Monitoring include repeat physical examinations, serial electrocardiogram,
and continuous measurement of urinary output after replacement of a foley
• End points of therapy may include the following:
• Heart rate >60 beats per minute
• Blood pressure >90 mm Hg systolic
• Evidence of good organ perfusion (improved urine output)
• The goal of therapy in beta-blocker toxicity is to restore perfusion to critical
organ system by increasing cardiac output. This may be accomplished by
improving myocardial contractility, increasing heart rate, or both.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) toxicity

• ACE inhibitors, such as lisinopril, enalapril and captopril, block the

conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, thereby lowering
arteriolar resistance and subsequently reducing blood pressure.
• Overdoses have been widely reported and mild toxicity may be
produced with a single, supra-therapeutic dose; however, severe toxic
effects and deaths rarely occur.
• Overdose with ACE inhibitors may cause hypotension, tachycardia,
and acute renal failure. However, the majority of overdoses are
asymptomatic and serious morbidity is rare.

Mechanism of toxic effects

• These drugs inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) which
converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II which is a potent
vasoconstrictor and stimulator of aldosterone.
• In overdose these drugs do not seem to have any additional effects and
the toxicity seen is very similar to that seen with the first dose in
therapeutic use.

Clinical effects
• The principle adverse effect of ACE inhibitor overdose is hypotension,
although hyperkalemia and renal failure may occur. Hypotension is
generally not life –threating and renal failure is reversible.
• It is possible some other acute adverse effects of ACE inhibitors, such
as angioedema, may occur after overdose. Treatment is primarily
supportive to maintain an adequate blood pressure and urine output.
• Its well known that cough, angioedema and bronchoconstriction are
adverse effects with therapeutic use of ACE inhibitors.
• However, the primary toxic effect of ACE inhibitors in overdose is an
extension of their pharmacologic effect (hypotension).
Clinical effects
• Aldosterone promotes excretion of potassium and because ACE
inhibitors decrease the release of aldosterone, potassium may
accumulate in the body causing clinically significant hyperkalemia.
• Potassium retention enhances sodium excretion producing
hyponatremia. Acute renal failure has rarely been reported in
hypotensive patients.
• Monitoring of BUN and serum creatinine is important, particularly if
significant hypotension is present or if the patient has preexisting renal
disease, congestive heart failure or hypovolemia.

Investigations and Treatment

• In patients with renal impairment, on regular ACE inhibitors or other
cardiac medication, electrolytes and renal function should be monitored.
• Patients should be given adequate fluids, if necessary with IV fluids, to
maintain a satisfactory blood pressure and a good urine output.
• Oral activated charcoal may be given to patients who have ingested a large
overdose if they present within 1-2 hours.
• Hypotension should be treated with IV fluids (normal saline). Small doses
of vasoconstrictors (e.g adrenaline) may be given if the patient fail to
• If bronchoconstriction occurs, beta2-agonist such as salbutamol are

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