Service Diagnose R5-Serie Drive Control-Rev2

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Service and Diagnose

HCX / HCY drive system

DATE: 03/2010

Revision: 02

1 Diagnose Functions 5
1.1 CHECK warning light 5

2 Service Functions 7
2.1 Error Memory Script 8
2.1.1 Changing COM port and language settings 9

3 Error list HCX 10

4 Error list HCY 12

1 Diagnose Functions

1.1 CHECK warning light

After every system start (turn ignition key on) the drive system electric is checked.
During this time (approximate 3-4 seconds) the CHECK warning light is on. When this test is finished, and the
system has no actual error the warning light will go out. If the system finds an actual error, the warning light is
permanent on. When the system finds an error during normal use, the warning light will immediately start blinking.
Automatically the error will be stored inside the drive system.

Figure: location of CHECK warning light in instrument panel.

Note: The correct function of the warning light must be monitored by the driver. The drive system can not extend
physical limits. In case of faults the driver has to drive carefully because the behaviour of driving the vehicle can
be changed.

Note: In case of any detected system error the warning light is on. The drive system functionality is reduced or
completely switched off.
The error cause has to be repaired as soon as possible, because the safe state of the drive system can only be
guaranteed for a limited time until a second failure can occur.
2 Service Functions:

With the diagnose software Control and Document (ConDoc) it is possible to carry out service functions and to
make complex diagnostics. All important external and internal values are shown to the user. The write access to
the controller is protected with a service and a calibration code. Depending on these codes the user can use
different access levels. The calibration level is only for development engineers.
The service level can be used by authorized sweeper machine technicians. In this mode the user can check and
clear the error memory.

Note: Only use ConDoc version 1.15 or higher.

Figure: ConDoc Diagnose Software

The drive system of RAVO sweepers consists of one controller. RAVO has upgraded several software versions
for the controllers in use by RAVO. From the upgraded software versions, a reliable error memory has been
integrated inside the EEPROM of the used controllers by RAVO. These are:

HCX controller used on R530/R540 and R560 sweepers Software version V1.37 02/06
HCY controller used on R560-ABS sweeper Software version V1.35 02/06

From these software versions it is possible to check the EEPROM of the above mentioned controllers on errors
which came up in the past.
2.1 Error Memory Script

Before you can use the error memory reader you have to create the folder C:\errors on the hard disk of the
Service Laptop. Then you have to connect the Service Laptop with the RS232 interface of the used controller and
start the ConDoc Software.
During the first connection with the used controller all necessary files are automatically copied from the controller
board to the hard disk of the Service Laptop. The automatically created folder name consists of the controller
name and its software version and is located in the ConDoc installation folder. For example:

C:\Program files\Condoc\HCX_03BMv1.37 for the R530, R540 and R560 sweeper

C:\Program Files\Condoc\HCY_01_Ev1.35 for the R560-ABS-series sweeper

Inside these folders, you will find several files. One of them is the file ERRMEM.CSL file. This file is a CONDOC
Script file.
To read out the error memory you have to start the ERRMEM.CSL script file with mouse double click, the error
memory of the controller is read and stored in a standard windows text file on the hard disc C:\errors. The user
can see all error memory entries with an error description and time stamp. These files can also be printed.

The name of the text file depends on the HARDWARE name of the controller. For example:
HCX_13BM #30560.TXT.
The number is the unique serial number of each controller board. After closing the editor window the user is
asked if the error memory should be cleared (only if there are errors stored). Every time reading the same
controller the unique file is extended with the actual error messages. The latest error codes can be found
on the end of the txt file.

Figure: Error memory Script Windows

Note: Only use the automatically downloaded script file from the actual connected controller.
2.1.1 Changing COM port and language settings

During the first connection with the used controller all necessary files are automatically copied from the controller
board to the hard disk of the Service Laptop. The automatically created folder name consists of the controller
name and its software version and is located in the ConDoc installation folder. For example:

C:\Program files\Condoc\HCX_03BMv1.37 for the R530, R540 and R560 sweeper

C:\Program Files\Condoc\HCY_01_Ev1.35 for the R560-ABS-series sweeper

Inside these folders, you will find several files. One of them is the file CONFIG.CF_ file. This file is a CF_file which
contains the original settings of COM port, baudrate, destination and default language for output inside the
TXT file.
The CONFIG.CF_ file can be edited with standard Windows editor notepad. For activating the changes you have
to rename the file to CONFIG.CFG.

Original settings are:

COM port = 1 If a USB adapter is used, COM port must be changed to the selected one
Baudrate = 38400
Destination = C:\\errors
Language = DEUTSCH Possible to change to ENGLISH

Figure: Changing COM port setting

Note: The standard configuration for ConDoc and *.CSL file(s) is COM port 1. For setting up the COM port , use
the 'Options' -> 'Port' Menu.
3 Error list HCX

Figure: Terminals of HCX drive controller

Figure Connector and terminals of HCX control unit

Connector Controller incl. Pins RAVO PN: 2030404

Extractor RAVO PN: 25080
Error code: Component: Pin connection: Detail:
1012 Pressure sensor A 25 = Signal Unknown (not specified) error
1013 (current 4-20 mA) Short circuit
1014 Cable break / open wire
1015 Range error
1022 Pressure sensor B 39 = Signal Unknown (not specified) error
1023 (current 4-20 mA) Short circuit
1024 Cable break / open wire
1025 Range error
1042 Foot throttle 19 = GND Unknown (not specified) error
1043 20 = Runner Short circuit
1044 21 = +5 Vdc Cable break / open wire
1045 Range error
7013 Proportional solenoid 7 = Positive Short circuit
7014 Pump forward 6 = negative Cable break / open wire
7015 Range error
7023 Proportional solenoid 9 = Positive Short circuit
7024 Pump rearward 8 = negative Cable break / open wire
7025 Range error
7033 Proportional solenoid 11 = Positive Short circuit
7034 Motor left side 10 = negative Cable break / open wire
7035 Range error
7043 Proportional solenoid 13 = Positive Short circuit
7044 Motor right side 12 = negative Cable break / open wire
7045 Range error
8054 Brake light output relay 26 = Output R8 Cable break / open wire
8064 CHECK warning light 40 = Output KL40 Cable break / open wire

F001 Canbus HCX – EDC 30/31 = CANBUS CAN communication error with diesel engine electronic
F007 Wheel speed sensor 5 = Frequency Missing drive speed signal
F008 Pressure sensor A Pressure sensor A, high pressure exceed after restart
F009 (current 4-20 mA) Pressure sensor A, high pressure exceed at standstill
F00A Pressure sensor A, high acceleration pressure exceed
during drive
F00B Pressure sensor A, high brake pressure exceed during

F00C Pressure sensor B Pressure sensor B, high pressure exceed after restart
F00D (current 4-20 mA) Pressure sensor B, high pressure exceed at standstill
F00E Pressure sensor B, high acceleration pressure exceed
during drive
F00F Pressure sensor B, high brake pressure exceed during

F010 Pressure sensor A and B measuring at the same time a

high pressure
FFFF Main power supply cut off before CHECKSUM saved
into error memory
4 Error list HCY

Figure: Terminals of HCY drive controller

Figure Connector and terminals of HCX control unit

Connector Controller incl. Pins RAVO PN: 2030404

Extractor RAVO PN: 25080
Error code: Component: Pin connection: Detail:
1012 Pressure sensor A 25 = Signal Unknown (not specified) error
1013 (current 4-20 mA) Short circuit
1014 Cable break / open wire
1015 Range error
1022 Pressure sensor B 39 = Signal Unknown (not specified) error
1023 (current 4-20 mA) Short circuit
1024 Cable break / open wire
1025 Range error
1042 Foot throttle 32 = GND Unknown (not specified) error
1043 20 = Runner Short circuit
1044 38 = +5 Vdc Cable break / open wire
1045 Range error
7013 Proportional solenoid 7 = Output Short circuit
7014 Pump forward Cable break / open wire
7015 Range error
7023 Proportional solenoid 9 = Output Short circuit
7024 Pump rearward Cable break / open wire
7025 Range error
7033 Proportional solenoid 11 = Output Short circuit
7034 Motor left side Cable break / open wire
7035 Range error
7043 Proportional solenoid 13 = Output Short circuit
7044 Motor right side Cable break / open wire
7045 Range error
8054 Brake light output relay 6 = Output R8 Cable break / open wire
8064 CHECK warning light 8 = Output KL40 Cable break / open wire

F001 CANBUS HCY – EDC 22/36 = CANBUS CAN communication error with diesel engine electronic

F002 CANBUS HCY - ABS 30/31 = CANBUS CAN communication error with ABS electronic (System 1)
F003 CAN communication error with ABS electronic (System 2)
F004 CAN communication error with ABS electronic (System 3)
F005 ABS send permanent the same data
F006 Speed limit active, ABS-error (ABS-CAN-error)
F008 Pressure sensor A Pressure sensor A, high pressure exceed after restart
F009 (current 4-20 mA) Pressure sensor A, high pressure exceed at standstill
F00A Pressure sensor A, high acceleration pressure exceed
during drive
F00B Pressure sensor A, high brake pressure exceed during

F00C Pressure sensor B Pressure sensor B, high pressure exceed after restart
F00D (current 4-20 mA) Pressure sensor B, high pressure exceed at standstill
F00E Pressure sensor B, high acceleration pressure exceed
during drive
F00F Pressure sensor B, high brake pressure exceed during

F010 Pressure sensor A and B measuring at the same time a

high pressure
FFFF Main power supply cut off before CHECKSUM saved
into error memory

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