10 Task Performance 1 - ARG Flores

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Case Study: Solar Cell Manufacturer

Follow the suggested outline below in answering the case study:

I. Background.

- Solar Cell manufacture is a rapidly expanding industry. However, staff members

claimed to have a poor work-life balance, and some of them quit. Another issue
is that some departments' allotted budgets are erroneous, imprecise, and
unreasonable. As a result, the management advised the two (2) units to adopt
control charts, while other employees grumbled about their heavier task. In other
words, they are not aware of the Control Chart's significance. Therefore,
management wanted to include a program to help employees understand the
significance and advantages of the control chart.

II. Statement of the Problem.

How can Solar Cell Manufacturer control or eliminate attrition and overspending
in their organization using control charts?

- The first step to take is Commit to SPC, which is the top management must show
full support in the implementation of SPC since it requires spending money,
utilizing human resources, changing the culture of the organization, and hiring
staff with new skills. This will help control or eliminate attrition and overspending
in their organization using control charts. Then, determine the target processes.
Once enhanced, these procedures must have a significant impact on the
organization's overall success.
What steps should the top management employ to overcome the resistance of
the employees in the change initiative?

- The SPC committee must receive fundamental training in statistical data from the
top management. The committee members will have the necessary information
to establish goals and choose which processes should be attacked first. Second,
provide thorough training for the teams and operators who will be directly
involved in the gathering, charting, and interpretation of SPC data. The use of
high-quality tools and flowcharts must be covered in the training.

What steps in implementing Statistical Process Control (SPC) should Solar Cell
Manufacturer apply to succeed in the initiative?

- Develop the appropriate control chart that will be used to monitor the different
steps in the production process. This is to ensure that causes of output variation
were fully eliminated, and correct procedures are being undertaken daily.
Through the help of a consultant must set objectives for the program. The
objectives must be based on a target measure of success in terms of customer
feedback, elimination of waste, and lower cost of production.

III. Areas of Consideration

- The manufacturer of solar cells uses control charts in all its production
processes. Employees, however, are unaware of the advantages of control
charts. As a result, the senior management team decided to offer a one-day
awareness training to help employees understand the goals and requirements of
the company's control chart project. All senior management team members were
also given executive awareness training for them to comprehend the value and
advantages of control charts in the workplace, improve awareness, and stop
whining. In other words, they can assist in resolving issues facing the business.
V. Alternative Courses of Action

Alternative Courses of Action I

The business Solar Cell can offer suitable, thoughtful criticism in order to improve
employee effort and performance. The benefit is that feedback enables workers
to evaluate their accomplishments, identify areas for improvement, and hone
their skills. The consequences of neglecting the opportunity to provide feedback
to your staff include a potential for employee churn and a reduction in business

- The Kaizen Approach, which can be summed up as ongoing improvement of

everything at all levels and all the time, is one of the many strategies that a firm
can utilize. What's crucial is that each person of the organization plays a crucial
part in the implementation. In other words, all members must work together, and
one of the roles is that of the employee, who is in charge of taking part in Kaizen
through collaborative activities, ongoing self-improvement activities, and
improving job abilities through education and training. Improved teamwork and
problem-solving abilities are two of the main benefits of kaizen, but one of its
biggest drawbacks is that individuals are constantly resistant to change.

Alternative Courses of Action II

- Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance means that if employees are overworked,

they will be unhappy. To make sure that everyone's effort is evenly distributed
and they aren't constantly being pressured to stay late or start early, encourage
everyone to take a proper lunch break. Employees will feel more at ease at work
because there won't be any pressure or stress, but this could also mean that
other employees won't give their best effort.
- Employees want to feel that their effort is valued, thus they like rewards like
certifications and other things. Make a conscious effort to recognize their
accomplishments and value their efforts. The benefits include an increase in
employee loyalty and creativity, while the drawbacks include increased business
costs and lost productivity.

Alternative Courses of Action III

- The cause-and-effect diagram that the SPC committee creates must include all
the variables that can have an impact on the output during the production
process. The entire firm, from top management to the operators, must work
together to eradicate these issues once the causes of output variances have
been recognized. The benefit is that by removing the unique reasons of variance,
they can enhance the organization. Therefore, it can greatly aid the organization
in resolving the issue. It is challenging to identify and analyze the drawback in
order to get the best result from this.

- The process can be flow-charted by the company, which requires that the
operators and the SPC committee construct a graphical depiction of the complete
manufacturing process. The inputs, outputs, and all intermediate steps for each
operation must be represented graphically. This has the benefit of giving a
general overview of the system and showing how the many phases relate to one
another, but it also has the drawback of being time-consuming to utilize.

V. Recommendation

- I shall suggest the Kaizen Approach as a substitute for control charts in the first
Alternative Courses of Action. The Kaizen technique, which is referred to as a
quality control, teamwork, and continuous improvement tool, promotes effective
change management in an organization while minimizing risks. No matter their
position within the organization, every employee is expected to collaborate
actively as part of this approach. The goal is to improve the production process
steadily and gradually. This strategy essentially pools everyone's skills to
produce a way to improve.

- Maintaining a work-life balance helps employees of the Solar Cell Company stay
healthy, which is a crucial component of a productive workplace. It also helps
employees avoid burnout and minimize stress. One of the most prevalent health
problems at work is chronic stress. A company's ability to focus and concentrate
increases when it can establish and maintain a healthy work-life balance. They
will greatly reduce health issues and absences by encouraging them to take care
of themselves and establish balance.

- Solar Cell Firm can use a flow chart to collect data and information about a
process as a tool for decision-making or company performance assessment. In
addition to that, they can offer a graphic depiction and aid project teams and the
firm in understanding the relationships between the various steps in a process.

VI. Management Lessons Learned

- In this case, company must provide an alternative solution when problems

happen. Plan your business growth. Poor planning is one of the main obstacles
to growing a company and you should research a lot to collect data to solve the
company's problem. Financial planning is also vital. You have to invest money up
front during the growth phase and the return on that investment can take a while
to be realized. Company should pay their employees based on the effort while
working there and remember that offer higher wages is more likely to attract and
retain more productive workers or employees. Aside from that, ask employees if
they are willing to take overtime instead of pushing them to work even they are
not willing. Lastly, provide an proper training for them to enhance their skills and

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