Ethics Class 9

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E hic -09

4. Code of E hic /Cond c

Enco age peci c fo m of beha io .
C. E hic C. Cond c
Range of Wide Limi ed
I e
Speci ci Weak S ong
Impac Cogni i e Beha io al

Adhe ence Re pon ibili Acco n abili

depend pon
E ample Oa h , In eg i E.C. Model
Pac Code of
7. Enco aging E hical Beha io
i. Iden if a ea he e e hical iola ion
a e mo e likel o occ . publicinterface
ii. Enco age people o iden if and
howchancesofcorrective action
epo iola ion . few chances
iii. Safeg a d indi id al making ch
epo .

Whi leblo e P o ec ion Ac (2011)

7. Enco aging E hical Beha io
CASE- 02
- Gi l applie fo pa po ; policeman demand
and ake b ibe d ing e i ca ion.
- La e , in online e , gi l e eal hi o go .
- Policeman come back; e gi l lap op o
mail e ac ion o go .; ad i e he no o
epea ch beha io . theeat

Sho ld he gi l complain again?

Will ha c ea e a i k fo he ?
WHY a he info. e ealed?
E hic -09

E hical Conce n & Dilemma in

Go . and P i a e In i ion
Conviction Heighesekruien

KiranBedi E.sheoedhaeau

Choose Battles
ended situation
y open
1. E hical Dilemma - concep & fo m .
2. E hical Conce n in P . In i ion .
3. Re ol ing E hical Dilemma . Decision
Due Open Turmoil
121wrong HR Wlw or
Takea decision Create a balance
CASE - 01
The police a e a man ho he pec
kno he loca ion of a bomb in he ci . The
man denie po e ing an ch info ma ion
and claim ha he i innocen .
Narco Analysis 6house

Sho ld he police o e him?

Will o e de ni el p od ce he eqd. info.?
E en if i p od ce he info., i o e e hical?
To e: delibe a el in ic ing ph ical o men al
pain. teleologicalapproach
If o don To e If o To e

- Doe no e eal he info. - Ma mi lead o op he pain.

- Bomb goe off. - F he agg a a e hi ca e.
- Innocen people die. - Mo e iolence in he long n.

UN Con en ion on To e (1984) approach
"No e cep ional ci c m ance ha oe e " can
j if o e( a , p blic eme genc , e o i ac ).
Canno be j i ed a a mean o p o ec p blic .
Canno be j i ed b o de f om pe io .
I o e j i ed if i a e li e ?
25 Co n ie ; 27,000 people e ed. bees Tereogism

59% of he people; 19 co n ie - NO. France

To e i immo al and Sweeten

eaken h man igh anda d .

S ppo fo o e a high in co n ie ho
a hem el e a engaged in a ggle
again iolence. Moreterrorism
(I ael- 43%; USA- 36%; India- 32%)
E hical Dilemma
a choice be een compe ing p inciple , he e
a i f ing one o ld lead o a comp omi e of
he o he .

i) M l iple co e of ac ion a ailable.

ii) Nece i of making a choice.
iii) Comp omi e of ome p inciple in e e

Th , a pe fec ol ion i no po ible.

E hical Dilemma
I NOT a choice be een igh and ong.
Choice i be een o eq all de i able o
nde i able al e na i e .
Sho ld e l in inne moil.
Innovation is notrequited drivea balanced answers
Th ee Ci c m ance : IMovie
Whatdoyou BB
mean this 1. C i i of Con cience Elswowden
by Elmwood
you 2. Con ic of In e e 1gal
prefacingyourself law hasnosanctity
3. Con ic of D ie harms outperfect
1. C i i of Con cience
CONSCIENCE: j dgmen made . . .
mo ali of an ac ion.
intellectual judgement individual senseof morality

C i i of Con cience
i) Indi id al en e of mo ali i diffe en
f om collec i e mo ali .
ii) Indi id al mo ali i apped be een
compe ing al e .
Solonian Imphal

1. C i i of Con cience ZeroAce


Pe onal Pa en i in a coma- ained medical
e pen e ill ha m he f e of child en.
Socie al A b ilde ge pe mi ion fo 15 oo ; b ild
you 25. RegulatoryAuthority EveryAuthorityknew EAT
All a ha e been old; b ilding i n afe.
xxx If he b ilding i demoli hed, b ilde ill go
bank p can e n he homeo ne
LERALA mone . safety vs money
Na ional P e en i e de en ion la help main ain
ec i b endange he libe ie of he Xxxx
people. AFSPA Allowed Ideal
NoachountablleylsRepeated Human
Dereliction Duties violated
of g
2. Con ic of In e e
Indi id al ha a pe onal in e e ha can
in ence he objec i e pe fo mance of hi d ie .
Pe onal / P ofe ional o P blic In e e .
pe fo ming an o cial d ha in ol e a famil
membe (in e ie , ope a ion, adj dica ion).
eeking emplo men in he p . ec o po -
e i emen . Estsecy
3. Con ic of D ie Information
Effec i e pe fo mance of one d ad e el
affec he o he .
MPLAD Scheme.
Heinlen Parliament Local Area Development 5Cr
Exec utilise
Legislative oversea supervise
De eloping be e al e
- p ac ical in igh
Vi i a ho pi al/ Empa h , Compa ion,
o phanage/ old-age home G a i de, Re pec fo life
Vi i a mon men /m e m P ide, Pa io i m, Sec la i m
Vi i a na ional pa k/ ek/ Re pec fo na e,
ildlife e e e / oo En i onmen al en i i i
Read abo he li e of Fo i de, Di cipline, Sac i ce,
g ea pe onali ie H mili , Spi i of Se ice
Spo S i e fo e cellence, elf-
belief, po i i i , eam pi i ,
di cipline, deci ion making
Whydoes castematter TajMahal RedfishIndicate
E hical Conce n in P . In i ion

B oade han p blic ec o - in ol e he

f ndamen al mo i e of PROFIT.
P i a e in i ion ha e o im l aneo l
a i f h ee pa ame e :
1. Legali Gort
2. E hicali
3. P o abili
26 Feb 2020
Ac ion of P . In i ion
deciding about themanagement
Spots future
P o abl T flightpricing
Ex dynamicsaicing
e 1

Ex Product
in ion
law but not Ex
illegal 3 I surrogate
Honda 10kW advertising
sold Iran Ideal
bylApeul tooocomplaint ethical
E hical g Legal finatimumwoes

Recall maintain cos.RO discourage

makebudwbvowals Shorttrustilongterm seelegalities
happyfree term loss
Ac ion of P . In i ion
Legal + E hical CSR; Cha i ; Dona ion
b no P o able Aldrohot companies
Legal + P o able yS oga e Ad e i ing
b no E hical parts D namic P icing Air
Wage De e mina ion
E hical+ P o able P od c Recall
b no manda ed b La a GR Mechani m
S cce ion Planning
Stevejobs Apple
Re ol ing E hical Dilemma
Pe fec e ol ion ma no be po ible.
Depending pon he i a ion, can e one o
a combina ion of: combination
try touse
1. U ili a ian App oach ofthesesolutions
2. Righ App oach
3. J ice App oach fanciemi i i i
4. Common Good App oach
5. Vi e App oach
limitations it can't focuson means
justconsiders ends
1. U ili a ian App oach decisionmay becomequestioned
afterapot time
G ea e good fo g ea e n mbe
500 ( End o e Mean ) Gooo max

Sho ld a illage be di placed fo

con c ion of a dam ha inc ea e µ3bn_people ene g

ec i , e en if he lo e hei adi ional
a of life fo e e ?
bCr II KlNrE
If he AFSPA p e e e na ional ec i ,
can i be con ide ed j i able? 3bn o

Sho ld he S a e ha e he a h. o ake a life?

justified as per utilitarian approach
IC 814 Masood Azhar U.SChinaRussia
CASE - 02 to
follow Utilitarian
A igh i h 150 people on boa d ha been
hijacked. The hijacke a e demanding he
elea e of 3 ha dened e o i in e change
fo he afe e n of he ho age .
If he e o i a e elea ed, he can ca e
man mo e a ack and dea h in he f e.
9 11 WTO Perrsylvania Pentagon
American shotitdown Utilitarian
Sho ld he e o i be elea ed?
Wha i he e hical conce n?
2. Righ App oach
Re pec he igh of he akeholde
( Mean o e End ) Banana
f 154Annum
Doe a api / e op i de e e legal Pakistan
ep e en a ion? Yes RightsApproach
I clinical e ing of medicine on animal Bihaetlilgam
e hical? killingof animals Kerala Dogs
yselective Himachal Monkeys
I he c lling/ ne e ing of animal e hical?
E hana ia; Capi al P ni hmen .
CASE - 03
Some e o i a e in ol ed in an a ack a
m l iple loca ion in Delhi- one of hem a
inj ed b he police and cap ed. He i aken
o a ho pi al in a c i ical condi ion.
The police need o in e oga e him o ge info.
abo he e o i plan . The doc o kno
ha hi ma co he pa ien life. GoodAjmalKatyab
Sho ld he in e oga ion be allo ed? Executed
Wha i he e hical conce n?
Social political costof upholding one'snight is toocostly
peercapita vs proportionate
3. J icetotes
App oach votes in


Eq al ho ld be ea ed eq all Ai14
justice approach proportionate

A e e e a ion nfai o ho e ho a e no
en i led o hem?
Sho ld ha eholde igh in a p . compan
be di ec l ba ed on he n mbe of ha e
he o n? No unefualsshouldn't be
treated equally
ya ion be ed in ape ca e ?
Sho ld media
Riskassociated withgoalsfemale
fixedtan willingly voluntarilylake an action
4. Common Good App oach
c5 gaincludingyou
or 2 P omo e condi ion ha a e o e e one s

ad an age
Iup here is
publicparticipation important
Gorakhpur Encephalitis due to lack sanitation
Wh ho ld I no li e o ide omeone
el e ho e? 6cg you are promoting commonGood
Wh ho ld a pe on pa a e in a em
he e a compliance i ba el 3% ?
Wh ho ld a de eloped na ion allo en o
di placed ef gee ? Maju thin Utilitarian
militaryconscription Voluntary CommonGoodA
burdenis WMdtht
Limitations sharingof kommonGood Authority Utilitarian
Afever rider afn
Herdmentality DANIPS
of of
because locus 5. Vi e App oach
Self-di ec ion, con i en i h highe
p inciple x Ufs
A ba man nick a ball and i ca gh b he
elde . The mpi e doe no no ice he nick
and decla e him no o . Sho ld he
If thebatsmanknows heshouldwalkaway
ba man admi he h? RahulD Sachin Pointe
Ges Afeigny
In an e amina ion, he in igila o ep o of
he hall fo a fe min e . Almo in an l , a
lo of he candida e a cop ing f om one
ano he . Wo ld o al o chea ?
Curtainedlocus control the

5 Benchma k fo E hical Deci ion


1 UTILITARIAN Doe hi deci ion p od ce he mo

APPROACH good and do he lea ha m?
2 RIGHTS Doe hi deci ion be e pec he
APPROACH igh of all ho ha e a ake?
3 JUSTICE Doe hi deci ion ea people eq all
APPROACH o p opo iona el ?
4 COMMON GOOD Doe hi deci ion e e he
APPROACH comm ni a a hole, no j ome
ec ion ?
5 VIRTUE Doe hi deci ion po a me a he
APPROACH o of pe on I an o be and be een
a ?

U ing he App oache


CONCERN: Ad e e impac of Clima e Change.

1. Common Good App oach- nde anding
ha i affec e e one; all ho ld
con ib e.
P oblem- na ion ha e neq al capaci ie .
2. J ice App oach- Common b
diffe en ia ed e pon ibili .
U ing he App oache
CONCERN: High le el of ai poll ion in Delhi.

Carpooling no

1. Common Good App oach: Odd-E en

cheme. wantto
their habits 1
y people ha e diffe en need .
P oblem-
2. J ice App oach- e emp ion fo ome
ec ion .
1. 2nd ARC- Repo IV

- Chap. 2- Sec. 6( O ce of P o )- Page 37-40.

2. BBC UK- E hic of To e.

3. B. Emman el . S a e of Ke ala-SC 1986.

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