Five Level Fcmli Features and Applications
Five Level Fcmli Features and Applications
Five Level Fcmli Features and Applications
V Vte
S43S1S |Sas |SS
L1 1
ds Cmbnuti'on
Sau S12 Sa S Ss Sa S22 S4
VA 1 1
= 10 capac
pared with Nc= 4 for the
diode-clamped type.
2. Balancing capacitor voltages: Unlike the diode-clamped inverter, the FCMLI has
redundancy at its inner voltage levels. A voltage level is redundant if two or more
valid switch combinations can synthesize it. The availability of voltage redundan-
cies allows controlling the individual capacitor voltages. In producing the
output voltage, the inverter can involve different combinations of capacítors al-
lowing preferential charging or discharging of individual capacitors. This flexibil-
ity makes it easier to manipulate the capacitor voltages and keep them at their
proper values. It is possible to employ two or more switch combinations for mid-
dle voltage levels (i.e., 3Va4, Vael2, and Vae4) in one or several output cycle to
balance the charging and discharging of the capacitors. Thus, by proper selection
of switch combinations, the flying-capacitors multilevel converter may be used in
real power conversions. However, when it involves real power conversions, the
selection of a switch combination becomes very complicated, and the switching
P, P, Pa, Ps, Pi, and so on. Ps, then the next sequence i