Accomplishment Career

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Laganac, Balatan, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2018-2019
Seminar Workshop on Career Guidance for Grade 10, 11, and 12

Day 1 (March 6, 2019)

 Registration of the Participants

Registration of the participants was done before the opening

program. The seminar-workshop on Career Guidance was participated
by the Grade 10, 11, and 12 students of Laganac High School.

 Opening Program

The activity was formally started with an opening program

facilitated by the master of the ceremony, Ms. Lyza A. Abinal. During
the opening program, the SSG President, Mr. Prince Ervin E. Soñas
led the opening prayer which was then followed by national anthem
led by Ms. Jonna Cristina B. Platilla, YES-O President. As part of the
opening program, the participants were presented by SHS Guidance
Coordinator, Mrs. Ma. Ludilyn B. Agapito and they were oriented by
the JHS Guidance Coordinator, Mrs. Mechi G. Bricia that made the
flow of activity smooth and organized.

Jonna Cristina Platilla

as she leads the National
Anthem during the
opening program
Ma. Ludilyn Agapito,
SHS Guidance
Coordinator during the
presentation of the

Grade 10, 11, and 12

student participants
attending the opening

Mechi G. Bricia, JHS

Guidance Coordinator
orienting the seminar-
workshop participants
 Seminar-Workshop Proper
After the opening program the seminar-workshop proper was
done. The participants were divided into three classes such as Grade
10, 11, and 12 class. For Grade 10 class, the resource speaker/
facilitator of the four Modules was the JHS Guidance Coordinator
while for the SHS Career Guidance Module since there are 8 modules
for each grade several resource speakers were involved namely: SHS
Guidance Coordinator, Mrs. Ma. Ludilyn B. Agapito, Dr. Carlos E.
Egos, Mr. Francisco C. Abonita, Mrs. Alen E. Cortez, Mrs. Hazel M.
Boaquiña, Ms. Lyza A. Abinal, Mr. Reymund D. Embuestro, Mr. John
Karl A. Monedero, Mr. Salgie P. Sernal Mrs. April Rose C. Notra, and
Mrs. Elezen G. Valdez.

The Resource Speakers

of the Seminar-workshop
on Career Guidance

During the first day of the Seminar-Workshop, Grade 10

accomplished the Module 1 and 2 which was facilitated by Ma’am
Mechi their resource speaker. For Senior High School, the first
module was discussed by Ma’am Ludilyn and Sir Caloy in Grade 11
and 12 respectively. It was then followed by the module 2 which was
discussed by Sir Francisco in Grade 11 and Ma’am Ludilyn in Grade
The Grade 11 Students
attentively listening to
the discussion of Module
1: Road to the Right

Discussion of Module 2
to the Grade 11 by Sir
Francisco Abonita

Two modules were also discussed in the afternoon; these are the
modules 3 and 4. Module 3 was facilitated by sir Reymund in Grade
11 and Sir Karl in Grade 12.

Sir Reymund discussed

to the Grade 11 the
Module 3
The last session for day 1 in SHS was the module 4 which was
facilitated by Ma’am Rose for Grade 11 and Ma’am Elezen for Grade

Discussion of module 4
to the Grade 11 students
by Ma’am April Rose

Day 2 (March 8, 2019)

 Continuation of the Seminar-Workshop Proper

Ma’am Mechi discussed the remaining two modules for Grade
10, the Module 3 and 4. For senior high school students, four modules
were discussed for each grade. In Grade 11, module 5, 6, 7, and 8
were discussed by Ma’am Alen, Ma’am Elezen, Sir Salgie, and
Ma’am Ludilyn respectively. On the other hand, in grade 12, Ma’am
Hazel discussed the module 5 while ma’am Lyza discussed the
module 6. After the break, the module 6 was discussed by Sir Karl
and Sir Carlos discussed the last module.

Sir Karl facilitating the

Grade 12 students in
performing the activity in
module 6
Ma’am Hazel facilitating the Grade 12 in one
of the activities in Module5

Ma’am Alen discussed to

the Grade 11 the module
5 of the Career Guidance
Ma’am Elezen while
discussing the Module 6
to the Grade 11 Students

Dr. Egos explains to the

Grade 12 the importance
of setting goals and
career plans

The students actively participated in the different activities in

the modules. They enjoyed in performing the activities and at the
same time they were challenged.

Grade 12 students
helping out each other to
come up with a group
Grade 11 students in
their paper made
profession outfits

A grade 12 student
presenting the group

A grade 11 student
shares to the class her
output done
Grade 12 EIM students
busy in making their
group yell

Grade 12 students
actively participating
and enjoying the activity

 Closing Program
The closing program started with an invocation led by Daisy P.
Advincula, Grade 11 participant which was followed by the national
anthem led by Andrew P. Norcio, Grade 12 participant. The
Certificates of Commendation were then awarded to the resource
speakers by Ma’am Francy T. Perillo, LHS principal and assisted by
the SSG Adviser, Sir David V. Ortiola.
Awarding of Certificate of Commendation
to the Resource Speaker

After the awarding of the certificates to the resource speakers, a

representative participant of each class (Meryl Ann C. Brimbuela,
Grade 10, Ma. Catherine C. Lorzano, Grade 11, and Prince Ervin
Soñas, Grade 12) gave their impressions regarding the career
guidance seminar-workshop. The school principal, Ma’am Francy
imparted an inspirational and encouraging message to the participants
after their impressions. The participants received certificates of
participation awarded by the proponents and the school principal and
best participants per class were also selected by the facilitators and
warded during the closing program. On the latter part of the program,
Dr. Carlos E. Egos gave his closing remarks.

Grade 10 and 11 students as they

gave their impression during the
closing program
Andrew P. Norcio, ome
of the three best
particpants awardees of
Grade 12

Awarding of Certificate
of Recognition to Prince
Ervin E. Soñas as Best
Participant of Grade 12

Prepared by:



Recommending Approval:

Principal I


By Authority of the Schools Division Superintendent:


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