Salsa : Tornado is a violent storm. It has strong winds that whirl around in a funnel shape. It
can sound like a freight train or a jet. Rain, hail, high winds, and lightning often come with a
tornado. It is hard to predict when tornado will strike. Luckily, a tornado only lasts about ten
minutes. Twisters and whirlwinds are other names for tornadoes.
Sheryl : The signs of a tornado are very subtle, before it hits, the winds may die down and
the air may be very still. A debris cloud can indicate if a tornado's location is not visible. In
fact, the tornado was also not marked by a thunderstorm, but instead saw a clear and even
sunlit sky before.
Gazi : Tornadoes themselves form when there is a change in wind speed and direction that
creates the effect of rotating horizontally. In the few cases that have been observed,
tornadoes occur more frequently in the evening, when thunderstorms are common, generally
in spring and summer. However, it is also difficult to predict if a tornado can occur at any
Virra : Tornadoes can start when a mass of warm air hits a mass of cold air. A huge
thundercloud forms and rain pours down. Warm, moist air from the ground rises up towards
the cloud. Cold, dry air mixes with this warmer air. This creates a churning wind.
Yaffa : Next, an updraft is formed when more warm air rushes in. This updraft sucks air
away from the ground. It also makes the wind flip into a vertical funnel. This funnel stretches
down and scoots along the ground. As the swirling winds pick up dirt from the ground, the
funnel grows darker.
Zafira : The twisting wind of a tornado causes serious damage. A tornado’s funnel is like a
giant vacuum cleaner. It sucks up anything on the ground it touches. Tornadoes can lift
vehicles, cut power lines, and tear off roofs. They can ruin crops and other vegetation. Even
the weakest tornadoes have severe effects. They can destroy chimneys, roof shingles,
satellite dishes, and tree branches. The worst tornadoes can flatten trees and crush metal
buildings. Flying debris also causes much damage. People can be hurt or killed by a tornado
Salsa : Tornado is a violent storm. It has strong winds that whirl around in a funnel shape. It
can sound like a freight train or a jet. Rain, hail, high winds, and lightning often come with a
tornado. It is hard to predict when tornado will strike. Luckily, a tornado only lasts about ten
minutes. Twisters and whirlwinds are other names for tornadoes.
Salsa : Tornado adalah badai yang dahsyat. Ia memiliki angin kencang yang berputar-putar
dalam bentuk corong. Itu bisa terdengar seperti kereta barang atau jet. Hujan, hujan es,
angin kencang, dan kilat sering kali disertai dengan tornado. Sulit untuk memprediksi kapan
tornado akan menyerang. Untungnya, tornado hanya berlangsung sekitar sepuluh menit.
Twister dan angin puyuh adalah nama lain untuk tornado.
Sheryl : The signs of a tornado are very subtle, before it hits, the winds may die down and
the air may be very still. A debris cloud can indicate if a tornado's location is not visible. In
fact, the tornado was also not marked by a thunderstorm, but instead saw a clear and even
sunlit sky before.
Sheryl : Tanda-tanda tornado sangat halus, sebelum terjadi, angin mungkin mereda dan
udara mungkin sangat hening. Awan puing dapat menunjukkan jika lokasi tornado tidak
terlihat. Nyatanya, angin puting beliung itu juga tidak ditandai dengan badai petir, melainkan
terlihat langit cerah bahkan diterangi matahari sebelumnya.
Gazi : Tornadoes themselves form when there is a change in wind speed and direction that
creates the effect of rotating horizontally. In the few cases that have been observed,
tornadoes occur more frequently in the evening, when thunderstorms are common, generally
in spring and summer. However, it is also difficult to predict if a tornado can occur at any
Gazi : Tornado sendiri terbentuk ketika ada perubahan kecepatan dan arah angin yang
menimbulkan efek berputar secara horizontal. Dalam beberapa kasus yang telah diamati,
tornado lebih sering terjadi pada malam hari, ketika badai sering terjadi, umumnya pada
musim semi dan musim panas. Namun, juga sulit diprediksi kapan saja angin puting beliung
bisa terjadi.
Virra : Tornadoes can start when a mass of warm air hits a mass of cold air. A huge
thundercloud forms and rain pours down. Warm, moist air from the ground rises up towards
the cloud. Cold, dry air mixes with this warmer air. This creates a churning wind.
Virra: Tornado dapat dimulai ketika massa udara hangat menghantam massa udara dingin.
Petir besar terbentuk dan hujan turun. Udara hangat dan lembap dari tanah naik ke atas
menuju awan. Udara dingin dan kering bercampur dengan udara yang lebih hangat ini. Ini
menciptakan angin yang berputar.
Yaffa : Next, an updraft is formed when more warm air rushes in. This updraft sucks air away
from the ground. It also makes the wind flip into a vertical funnel. This funnel stretches down
and scoots along the ground. As the swirling winds pick up dirt from the ground, the funnel
grows darker.
Yaffa : Selanjutnya, updraft terbentuk ketika lebih banyak udara hangat masuk. Updraft ini
menghisap udara dari tanah. Itu juga membuat angin berputar menjadi corong vertikal.
Corong ini membentang ke bawah dan meluncur di sepanjang tanah. Saat angin yang
berputar-putar mengambil kotoran dari tanah, corong menjadi lebih gelap.
Zafira : The twisting wind of a tornado causes serious damage. A tornado’s funnel is like a
giant vacuum cleaner. It sucks up anything on the ground it touches. Tornadoes can lift
vehicles, cut power lines, and tear off roofs. They can ruin crops and other vegetation. Even
the weakest tornadoes have severe effects. They can destroy chimneys, roof shingles,
satellite dishes, and tree branches. The worst tornadoes can flatten trees and crush metal
buildings. Flying debris also causes much damage. People can be hurt or killed by a tornado
Zafira : Angin puting beliung dari puting beliung menyebabkan kerusakan serius. Corong
tornado seperti penyedot debu raksasa. Menyedot apa pun di tanah yang disentuhnya.
Tornado dapat mengangkat kendaraan, memotong kabel listrik, dan merobek atap. Mereka
dapat merusak tanaman dan tumbuh-tumbuhan lainnya. Bahkan tornado terlemah pun
memiliki efek yang parah. Mereka dapat menghancurkan cerobong asap, sirap atap,
parabola, dan cabang pohon. Tornado terburuk dapat meratakan pohon dan
menghancurkan bangunan logam. Puing-puing terbang juga menyebabkan banyak
kerusakan. Orang bisa terluka atau terbunuh oleh serangan tornado.