Iacovino 2012

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Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446

DOI 10.1007/s11920-012-0277-8


Psychological Treatments for Binge Eating Disorder

Juliette M. Iacovino & Dana M. Gredysa &
Myra Altman & Denise E. Wilfley

Published online: 17 June 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most prevalent Keywords Binge eating disorder . Eating disorders . Loss of
eating disorder in adults, and individuals with BED report control . Psychological treatments . Treatment review .
greater general and specific psychopathology than non- Randomized controlled trials . Cognitive behavioral therapy .
eating disordered individuals. The current paper reviews Guided self-help . Interpersonal psychotherapy . Behavioral
research on psychological treatments for BED, including weight loss . Dialectical behavior therapy
the rationale and empirical support for cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), dialecti-
cal behavior therapy (DBT), behavioral weight loss (BWL), Introduction
and other treatments warranting further study. Research
supports the effectiveness of CBT and IPT for the treatment Binge eating disorder (BED) is characterized by recurrent
of BED, particularly for those with higher eating disorder binge eating (i.e., eating an unusually large amount of food
and general psychopathology. Guided self-help CBT has accompanied by a sense of loss of control) in the absence of
shown efficacy for BED without additional pathology. significant compensatory behaviors (e.g., self-induced vom-
DBT has shown some promise as a treatment for BED, but iting, excessive exercise). BED affects 3.5% of women and
requires further study to determine its long-term efficacy. 2.0% of men in the USA [1], and is similarly prevalent
Predictors and moderators of treatment response, such as across racial/ethnic groups [2–4]. Although children and
weight and shape concerns, are highlighted and a stepped- adolescents are less likely than adults to meet the criteria
care model proposed. Future directions include expanding for BED, related behaviors such as loss of control eating
the adoption of efficacious treatments in clinical practice, (i.e., the experience of loss of control over eating regardless
testing adapted treatments in diverse samples (e.g., minori- of the amount of food consumed) are prevalent [5–7].
ties and youth), improving treatment outcomes for nonres- Binge eating disorder is associated with significant mor-
ponders, and developing efficient and cost-effective bidity, including medical complications related to obesity
stepped-care models. (e.g., type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease), eating disorder
psychopathology (e.g., weight and shape concerns), psychiat-
ric co-morbidity, reduced quality of life, and impaired social
functioning [8]. The clinical significance of BED has been
J. M. Iacovino (*) : D. M. Gredysa well established [9, 10], and its diagnosis has been suggested
Department of Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis, for inclusion in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Campus Box 1125, One Brookings Drive,
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (www.dsm5.org).
St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
e-mail: [email protected] Although BED is associated with significant impairment,
prognosis is good with appropriate therapeutic intervention.
M. Altman : D. E. Wilfley Treatments for BED target binge eating, associated eating
Department of Psychiatry,
Washington University School of Medicine,
disorder psychopathology, and the prevention of excess
Campus Box 8134, 660S Euclid, weight gain or modest weight loss. The present paper will
St. Louis, MO 63110, USA review randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of psychological
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446 433

treatments for BED in order to inform current clinical practice The largest RCT to date to evaluate the efficacy of CBT for
and future research. The rationale and empirical evidence for BED was conducted by Wilfley and colleagues [29] and
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal psycho- compared group formats of CBT and IPT [29]. After 20
therapy (IPT), behavioral weight loss treatment (BWL), and sessions of either CBT or IPT, 79% and 73% of participants
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), as well as promising respectively, were abstinent from binge eating, and 59% and
alternative treatments, will be presented (see Table 1). Predic- 62% were abstinent at 1-year follow-up [29]. Further, an
tors and moderators of treatment outcome, which may aid in examination of long-term follow-up data showed that
developing and delivering more effective and efficient treat- improvements were well maintained over 4 years [30•].
ments, will also be reviewed. Studies that followed have provided further support for the
While pharmacological treatments for BED have re- effectiveness of CBT for BED.
ceived much attention in recent years [11], the current A study comparing 15 sessions of CBT (63% abstinence)
review focuses on RCTs of psychological treatments deliv- to a wait-list control (18% abstinence) demonstrated the
ered alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy (see superiority of CBT over no treatment [16]. At 1-year
Table 2), given evidence that pharmacological treatments follow-up, 80% of the sample (including wait-list controls
are not as efficacious as psychological treatments [12]. A who had received CBT), were abstinent [16]. Additionally,
recent meta-analysis of psychological and pharmacological Munsch and colleagues [27] found that CBT produced
treatments for BED found that psychotherapy and structured superior abstinence rates to BWL (i.e., 80% vs. 36% respec-
self-help treatments had more robust effects on outcomes, tively, based on completer analyses) [27], and at 1-year
including binge abstinence [12]. Finally, the long-term effi- follow-up, CBT was associated with significantly fewer
cacy of pharmacological treatments is largely unknown, binge days than BWL [27].
owing to a lack of follow-up research [11]. Studies have also examined the efficacy of CBT combined
with pharmacological treatments. Grilo and colleagues [25]
compared CBT plus placebo or fluoxetine with placebo or
fluoxetine alone, and found that CBT conditions were associ-
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
ated with higher abstinence rates as compared with medication-
only, suggesting that the addition of fluoxetine to CBT does not
confer any additional benefit in terms of reducing binge eating
[25]. Conversely, the addition of 200 mg of topiramate to CBT
The rationale for modifying CBT for BED is based on the
produced significantly larger abstinence rates (84% abstinence)
restraint model of binge eating. This model posits that
compared with CBT plus placebo (61% abstinence); however,
problematic eating patterns and concerns about shape and
no follow-up was conducted [31]. Thus, it remains unclear as to
weight result in extreme restriction [13, 14]. This promotes a
which pharmacological agents, if any, may enhance the long-
dysfunctional pattern of over- and under-restriction, in
term effectiveness of CBT.
which patients alternate between dietary restraint and binge
eating. The goal of CBT is to disrupt this “diet-binge cycle”
by promoting healthier, more structured eating patterns
Guided Self-Help CBT
(e.g., regular meals and snacks), improving shape and
weight concerns, and encouraging the use of healthy
Guided self-help CBT (CBTgsh) addresses the need for more
weight-control behaviors (e.g., engaging in flexible dietary
widely disseminable therapies for BED. Such treatments are
restraint). CBT encourages patients to normalize eating pat-
low cost and require minimal specialist care. The majority of
terns by setting goals and using self-monitoring to develop
CBTgsh treatments provide participants with the self-help
flexible restraint and modify negative views of themselves
manual Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairburn
in order to reduce binge eating.
[32], as well as regular brief meetings with a therapist. Like
traditional CBT, guided self-help targets binge eating by pro-
Empirical Evidence moting regular eating patterns and moderate dietary restraint
through self-monitoring and problem-solving strategies. The
Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most studied and well- therapist’s role is to encourage adherence, aid in goal devel-
established psychological treatment for BED [14]. Overall, opment, and provide the rationale for CBTgsh. Studies have
research has shown that individual and group formats of CBT shown that CBTgsh produces superior outcomes compared
are associated with significantly higher abstinence rates com- with a wait-list control, treatment as usual, and guided self-
pared with no treatment [13, 15–20], supportive therapy [21], help BWL [25, 33–36, 37•], and produces similar outcomes to
and BWL [22–25, 26•, 27], with individual and group therapy IPT [39•] for individuals with low levels of additional pathol-
formats producing similar long-term results [28]. ogy. It produces consistent reductions in binge eating and

Table 1 Overview of the psychological treatments for binge eating disorder (BED)

Treatment Theoretical approach Treatment targets Empirical support for BED

Behavioral weight loss Promote weight loss by decreasing energy intake and Making gradual lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, No strong empirical support for BWL over specialist
(BWL) increasing energy expenditure and eating habits treatments for BED on either weight loss or eating
pathology outcomes
Self-monitoring of food intake, exercise, and Specialized treatments are more effective than BWL
thoughts about food in the long term
Weight loss goal of one pound per week BWL may be an effective weight loss option for
responders to CBT or IPT
Cognitive behavioral Disturbed eating patterns and problematic thoughts/ Address chaotic eating patterns (e.g., encourage Strong empirical support for therapist-led CBT in
therapy (CBT) beliefs related to eating, shape, and weight regular meals) short- and long-term outcomes
contribute to binge eating
Change dysfunctional thoughts about the self and the Self-help CBT may represent a worthwhile first-line
importance of weight and shape treatment; however it is not recommended for
Encourage healthy weight-control behaviors patients with low self-esteem and/or high shape
(e.g., self-monitoring and exercise) and weight concerns. Retention also remains a
Interpersonal Interpersonal stressors contribute to using binge Target social deficits and promote mastery in Strong evidence demonstrating a short- and
psychotherapy (IPT) eating as a way to cope with negative affect interpersonal domains long-term reduction in binge eating, comparable
to results found in CBT
Address problems in four primary areas:
interpersonal deficits, interpersonal role disputes,
role transitions, and grief
Dialectical behavior Difficulty regulating affect leads to pathological or Teach healthier ways to modulate negative emotional Preliminary research shows promising results for
therapy (DBT) maladaptive behaviors, such as binge eating arousal binge abstinence.
Achieve proficiency in four domains: mindfulness More research must be conducted to examine its
skills, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and long-term efficacy and success compared with
interpersonal effectiveness other specialist treatments
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446
Table 2 Selected randomized controlled trials of treatments for BED

Study Treatment conditions n Male Caucasian Attrition Dose Post-treatment Follow-up outcome
(%) (%) rate (%) outcome (% abstinent) (% abstinent)

[13] a) CBT 23 0 91 17 10 sessions (10 weeks) a) 79* a) 46% remained abstinent

b) Wait-list control 21 0 b) 0
[20] a) CBT 18 0 86 33 16 sessions (16 weeks) a) 28* NR
b) IPT 18 11 b) 44*
c) Wait-list control 20 c) 0
[22] a) BWLT 37 0 NR 27 30 sessions (36 weeks) a) 19 a) 14
b) BWLT + CBT 36 17 b) 37 b) 28
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446

c) BWLT + CBT + desipramine 36 23 c) 41 c) 32 (3 month)

[105] a) CBT 39 14 NR 14 12 sessions (12 weeks) a) 55* (see [15])
b) Wait-list control 11 9 b) 9
[15] a) BWLT + CBT 93 0 92 18 30 sessions (36 weeks) a) 33 NR
1-year follow-up data from
[17, 22, 105]
[33] a) Guided self-help CBT 24 0 97 33 Self directed (12 weeks) a) 50* a) 41, 50
b) Unguided self-help CBT 24 0 b) 43* b) 37, 40
c) Wait-list control 24 4 (12% overall) c) 8 (3, 6 months)
[35, 36] a) Therapist-led CBT 16 0 97 12 14 sessions (8 weeks) a) 69* a) 55, 56, 67
b) Partial self-help CBT 19 10 b) 68* b) 69, 70, 85
c) Structured self-help CBT 15 27 c) 87* c) 64, 75, 75 (1, 6, 12 months)
d) Wait-list control 11 18 d) 13
[106] a) CBTgsh 40 (82.5% BED) 0 95 3 a) 6 sessions (10 weeks) a) 68* NR
b) CBT unguided self-help 3 b) 10 weeks b) 55
[68] a) Cognitive therapy 37 0 NR 14 15 sessions (15 weeks) a) 67 a) 86*
b) Behavioral therapy 37 BED 0 37 b) 44 b) 44 (6 months)
[29] a) CBT 81 17 94 11 20 sessions (20 weeks) a) 79 a) 59
b) IPT 81 17 91 9 b) 73 b) 62 (12 months)
[25] a) CBTgsh 37 21 77 13 Self directed (12 weeks) a) 46* No follow-up
b) BWLTgsh 38 33 b) 18
c) Wait-list control 15 13 c) 13
[25] a) CBTgsh + orlistat 25 12 88 24 6 brief individual sessions (12 weeks) a) 64* a) 52
b) CBTgsh + placebo 25 20 b) 36 b) 52 (3 month)
[25] a) CBT + fluoxetine 26 23 89 23 16 sessions (16 weeks) a) 50* No follow-up
b) CBT + placebo 28 21 93 21 b) 61*
c) Fluoxetine 27 30 100 22 c) 22
d) Placebo 27 (108) 15 (22) 74 (89) 15 (20) d) 26
[23, 24] a) BWLT + CBT + fluoxetine 28 22 77 32 16 sessions (BWLT) a&b) 62* (CBT) 68, 61, 70, 74
(6, 12, 18, 24 months)
Table 2 (continued)

Study Treatment conditions n Male Caucasian Attrition Dose Post-treatment Follow-up outcome
(%) (%) rate (%) outcome (% abstinent) (% abstinent)

b) BWLT + CBT + placebo 25 20 sessions (CBT) c&d) 33 (BWLT) CBT>BWL (24 months)
c) BWLT + fluoxetine 32 (5 months)
d) BWLT + placebo 31
[48] a) Group CBT 47 9 98 21 16 sessions (16 weeks) a) 62* a) 65, 68
b) Group psychodynamic IPT 48 23 b) 60* b) 62, 57 (12 months)
c) Wait-list control 40 18 c) 9
[31] a) Group CBT + topiramate 37 3 62 19 19 sessions (21 weeks) a) 84* No follow-up
b) Group CBT + placebo 36 6 53 28 b) 61
[16] a) CBT 30 6 NR 7 15 sessions (20 weeks) a) 63* a & b) 80 (groups analyzed
together) (12 month)
b) Wait-list control 22 0 b) 18
[37] a) CBT 44 9 NR 30 16 sessions (16 weeks) + 6 monthly a) 41 a) 52
follow-up sessions
b) BWLT 36 14 25 b) 58* b) 50 (12 month)
[107] a) Group CBT 22 9 68 32 10 sessions (10 weeks) a) 8 a) 22
b) CD-ROM CBT 22 9 64 41 10 weeks b) 13 b) 13 (2 months)
c) Wait-list control 22 5 77 9
[108] a) Adapted motivational interviewing (AMI) 54 0 89 11 1 AMI session + self-Help handbook a) 28* NR
b) Control 54 15 Self-help handbook b) 11%
[25] a) CBT + booster session 18 0 NR 6 8 sessions (8 weeks) + 5 booster a) 11* a & b) 41, 23, 25 (3, 6, 12 months)
sessions during follow-up
b) Wait-list control 18 0 b) 0
[109] a) Psychoeducational treatment (PET) 13 0 91 8 11 sessions (12 weeks) a and b) 78 (groups a and b) 87 (12 months)
analyzed together)
b) Wait-list control 27 59
[57] a) DBT-BED 50 14 80 4 20 sessions (21 weeks) a) 64 a) 64
b) Active comparison 51 16 73 33 b) 33 b) 49 (12 months)
group therapy (ACGT)
[37] a) CBT-GSH 59 8 98 12 a) 8 sessions (12 weeks) a) 64* a) 75*, 64*
b) Treatment as usual (control) 64 (48% BED) 95 6 b) 28 b) 44, 45 (26, 52 weeks)
[39] a) CBTgsh 66 18 82 30 10 sessions a) 62 a) 59, 62
b) IPT 75 15 77 7 20 sessions b) 67 b) 55, 64
c) BWLT 64 11 88 28 20 sessions (24 weeks) c) 64 c) 50, 47 (12, 24 months)
[41] a) CBTgsh (internet-based) 37 0 NR 24 Self directed (6 months) a) 35* a) 43
b) Wait-list control 37 11 b) 8 b) NR (6 months)
[26] a) CBT 45 36 76 24 a & b)16 sessions (24 weeks) a) 44 a) 51, 51
b) BWLT 45 38 80 31 c) 16 sessions (16 weeks—CBT); b) 38 b) 33, 36
16 sessions (24 weeks—BWLT)
c) CBT followed by BWLT 35 20 74 40 c) 49 c) 49, 40 (6, 12 months)
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446 437

associated psychopathology at post-treatment and long term

follow up [38].
In a primary care setting, Striegel-Moore and colleagues
[37•] compared eight sessions of CBTgsh, which included an
Follow-up outcome

additional module targeting body checking and avoidance, to

(% abstinent)

treatment as usual (TAU) [37•]. Post-treatment CBTgsh was

associated with superior abstinence rates (64%) as compared

with TAU (45%) [37•]. Attrition rates in this study were

typical of those reported in others [25, 33]. In another large
outcome (% abstinent)

study, Wilson and colleagues [39•] found that CBTgsh and

IPT were associated with similar abstinence rates (65% and

67%), and with significantly larger abstinence rates than BWL

(47%) 2 years following treatment [39•]. However, CBTgsh
b) 72
a) 60

was associated with significantly larger attrition rates than IPT

and was rated by participants as being less acceptable before
the start of treatment [39•]. Furthermore, CBTgsh was less
effective than IPT for individuals with higher baseline binge
eating frequency or lower self-esteem plus higher eating
disorder psychopathology [39•].
21 sessions (6 months)

Additionally, a study comparing CBT formats requiring

varying levels of therapist involvement found that, post-
treatment, therapist-led and therapist-assisted (i.e., video-
delivered psychoeducation followed by therapist-led

discussion and homework review) CBT formats were more

effective than a self-help group with no therapist involvement.
However, by 12-month follow-up, the three groups produced

similar abstinence rates, suggesting that laypersons delivering

rate (%)

CBT in a group format may be as effective as therapist-led


group CBT [34]. Importantly, however, 12-month abstinence


rates reported in this study were quite low (around 20%) [34].
Recent studies have also examined CBTgsh delivered


through scalable technologies, including the internet, but un-

derstanding of their long-term efficacy is limited. Two studies

of web-based CBTgsh have shown them to be associated with



significantly larger abstinence rates than a wait-list control

[40]. Abstinence rates in these studies were sustained at
6 months, but neither compared CBTgsh with a control group
at follow-up [40, 41]. Thus, it is clear that further research is
warranted to elucidate the long-term effectiveness of CBTgsh

delivered through scalable technologies that may be particu-

larly attractive to adolescents and young adults.
Overall, research suggests that CBTgsh is an effective treat-
ment for BED, particularly compared with no treatment. How-
b) CBT + nutritional counseling

ever, few studies have compared CBTgsh with active

treatments [42]. Notably, CBTgsh is associated with higher
Treatment conditions

attrition than specialist treatments (e.g., IPT and CBT) and

appears to be less effective for individuals with a more severe
* Significant difference
a) CBT + diet
Table 2 (continued)

pre-treatment eating disorder and general psychopathology

[39•, 43]. Thus, CBTgsh may be an appropriate treatment for
individuals with BED that is uncomplicated by additional
pathology (e.g., high negative affect, weight and shape con-
cerns). Furthermore, the level of training required by a CBTgsh


“therapist” is not clear and should be studied further. It may be

438 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446

that laypersons may provide guidance just as effectively as self-esteem [39•], and thus may be a more appropriate first-
trained therapists for a subset of individuals. line treatment for such individuals.

Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
The majority of individuals with BED struggle with overweight
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) has been applied to the
and obesity and have a higher average body mass index (BMI;
treatment of BED based on a strong body of evidence
kg/m2) than their non-BED overweight and obese counterparts
demonstrating a consistent relationship between poor inter-
[52]. Thus, BWL, the most commonly implemented treatment
personal functioning and eating disorders [44, 45]. The
for adult obesity, has been examined as a potential treatment for
interpersonal model of binge eating posits that social prob-
BED. BWL focuses on weight loss through moderate reduc-
lems create an environment in which binge eating develops
tions in caloric intake and increased physical activity, rather
and is maintained as a coping mechanism, serving to reduce
than targeting binge eating directly. It is hypothesized that the
negative affect in response to unfulfilling social interactions
improved eating and activity patterns promoted in BWL will
[46]. Binge eating may, in turn, worsen interpersonal prob-
result in less binge eating and successful weight loss.
lems by increasing social isolation and impeding on fulfill-
ing relationships, thereby maintaining the eating disorder
Empirical Evidence
[46]. People with BED often present with suppressed affect;
so, instead of expressing negative affect, they eat to cope.
Research shows that BWL is not as effective as specialist
IPT helps individuals acknowledge and express this painful
treatments for BED in reducing binge eating. Notably, a recent
affect so that they can better manage negative feelings
meta-analysis found that BWL only inconsistently produced
without turning to food. IPT also seeks to reduce binge
reductions in binge eating [53]. A study that compared guided
eating pathology by supporting the development of healthy
self-help formats of BWL and CBT found that CBTgsh was
interpersonal skills that can replace maladaptive behaviors
associated with significantly higher abstinence rates than
and promote a positive self-image [47].
BWLgsh and a wait-list control (46%, 18%, and 13% respec-
tively) [25]. As described above, both IPT and CBTgsh were
Empirical Support shown to produce superior binge abstinence rates compared
with BWL 2 years following treatment [39•]. Another study
Interpersonal psychotherapy is the only treatment that has found that compared with BWL, CBT produced superior post-
shown comparable long-term outcomes to CBT. As dis- treatment abstinence rates and 12-month follow-up reductions
cussed earlier, Wilfley and colleagues [29] compared CBT in binge eating [27]. Researchers have also examined the
with IPT and found equivalent abstinence rates post- efficacy of BWL in conjunction with CBT. Devlin and col-
treatment, and at the 1-year and 5-year follow-ups [29, leagues [23] compared 20 sessions of CBT plus BWL and
30•]. Further, IPT was shown to be more effective than either fluoxetine or placebo, to BWL plus placebo or fluoxetine
BWL two years following treatment [39•]. Psychodynamic [23]. Post-treatment, all CBT conditions were associated with
IPT, similar to IPT but with an additional focus on reducing significantly greater abstinence rates (62% overall) than BWL
cyclical relational patterns and negative internalizations, conditions (33% overall) [23]. Over the course of follow-up,
was found to perform comparably to CBT both post- abstinence rates increased in both groups, with CBT conditions
treatment and at 12-month follow-up [48]. IPT has also been remaining superior to BWL conditions at 2-year follow-up
applied to the treatment of loss of control eating in adoles- [24]. Similarly, a sequential program of CBT followed by
cents, and has demonstrated greater efficacy than a standard- BWL did not confer greater benefit than CBT alone with regard
of-care health education program [49]. to binge abstinence at the 1-year follow-up [26•]. However,
Importantly, IPT demonstrates a number of advantages preliminary data suggest that rapid responders in BWL do
relative to CBT-based treatments, such that patients rate IPT significantly better than non-rapid responders, with long-term
as more acceptable and report greater expectations of suc- binge abstinence rates similar to patients receiving specialist
cess [39•, 50, 51]. IPT may also be more effective for racial/ treatment, and weight loss maintained at 12-month follow up
ethnic minority patients, including African–Americans, who [26•]. Thus, while BWL is more easily disseminable than CBT
were less likely to drop out of IPT than CBTgsh and BWL or IPT, when compared to specialist treatments for BED, cur-
in one study [39•]. Finally, IPT has shown greater efficacy rent evidence indicates that BWL is not an effective treatment
for patients with more severe eating pathology and lower for binge eating in the short- or long-term for most individuals.
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446 439

Dialectical Behavior Therapy rather than external food cues, and has been associated with
greater reductions in binge eating than a wait-list control [59].
Rationale Mindfulness has also shown some promise as an adjunct
treatment for BED. The purpose of mindfulness is to increase
The modification of DBT for BED is based on the affect awareness of binge triggers, while increasing self-control and
regulation model of binge eating, which posits that binge maintaining an attitude of self-acceptance [60]. An initial pilot
eating occurs in response to intolerable emotional experien- study of mindfulness-based CBT reported post-treatment
ces when more adaptive coping mechanisms are not acces- abstinence rates of 40% [60]. Finally, adding exercise and
sible. Engaging in binge eating is hypothesized to provide virtual reality therapy to specialist treatments for BED has
temporary relief from negative affect, reinforcing the behav- shown efficacy for enhancing weight loss and body image
ior. This model of binge eating has been the focus of outcomes respectively [61–65]. In sum, adjunct therapies for
considerable research, and has sparked interest in the use BED may garner more robust treatment outcomes, but this
of DBT as a treatment for BED [54]. DBT comprises four possibility must be tested in larger and more diverse samples.
focal areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regula-
tion, and interpersonal effectiveness. The latter component
is often omitted in the study of DBT for BED to avoid Additional Treatment Considerations
overlap with IPT, and to decrease the length of treatment
[55]. The main goal of DBT is the development of adaptive Weight and Shape Concerns
emotional regulation skills and their implementation in daily
life [56]. A large number of individuals with BED endorse overconcern
about weight and shape. Clinical levels of overconcern, re-
Empirical Evidence ferred to as overvaluation of weight and shape, have been
associated with greater pre-treatment psychopathology and
Completer analyses from a large study of DBT for BED poorer treatment outcome, and researchers have suggested it
showed that 89% of DBT participants were abstinent post- be included in the DSM-5 as a severity specifier [66]. Thus,
treatment, compared with 12.5% of controls [56]. However, effective treatments for BED must also have an impact on
abstinence rates dropped to 56% at the 6-month follow-up weight and shape concerns in order to truly reduce distress and
and comparisons with the control group were not reported prevent relapse among those with BED.
[56]. More recently, group DBT was compared with active Indeed, in studies that have included weight and shape
comparison group therapy (ACGT) [57•]. ACGT was concerns as an outcome, treatments for BED have shown a
designed to share therapeutic factors with DBT (e.g., thera- positive impact. CBT has been shown to be associated with
pist alliance, therapeutic optimism, and treatment expect- significantly greater reductions in weight and shape con-
ations), without any of the specific components of DBT or cerns compared with no treatment and fluoxetine in both the
other BED treatments [57•]. Both DBT and ACGT resulted short and the long term [19, 67]. Furthermore, CBT,
in comparable abstinence rates both post-treatment (64% CBTgsh, BWL, and IPT are associated with similar
and 36% respectively) and at the 12-month follow-up decreases in weight and shape concerns, both post-
(64% and 56% respectively) [57•]. Importantly, DBT was treatment and at up to 2 years following treatment [27, 29,
associated with significantly lower dropout rates than 37•, 39•].
ACTG, suggesting that DBT was more acceptable to partic-
ipants [57•]. Furthermore, as discussed below, certain pre- Weight Loss
treatment participant characteristics predicted better out-
come following DBT vs ACTG [58]. While these findings Treatments for BED have demonstrated a minimal impact
are promising, more research must be conducted to examine on weight loss. However, studies have shown that including
the long-term efficacy and success of DBT compared with an exercise component in CBT is associated with greater
other specialist treatments for BED. weight loss compared to CBT-only, suggesting that exercise
might enhance clinically meaningful and sustained weight
loss following specialist treatment for BED.
Alternative or Adjunctive Treatments Although studies have shown that BWL produces signif-
icantly greater weight loss post-treatment (as compared to
Additional treatments for BED have been studied, and may CBT, IPT, and CBTgsh), these differences are not main-
enhance outcomes when included within specialist treat- tained long-term [27, 39•]. Furthermore, the addition of
ment programs. Appetite Awareness Training targets binge BWL during or following CBT does not appear to confer
eating by promoting recognition of and response to internal any additional benefit [23, 24, 26]. Notably, one study found
440 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446

that those abstinent from binge eating following CBT who providers to identify when treatments should be discon-
subsequently received BWL experienced weight loss post- tinued versus when further improvements can be expected.
treatment (average of 4.0 kg), whereas those who were not Furthermore, identifying baseline predictors of rapid re-
abstinent experienced weight gain (average of 3.8 kg) [15]. sponse may enhance the potential for matching treatments
Thus, BWL may be an effective weight-loss treatment for to individuals with certain baseline characteristics.
those who are abstinent from binge eating following spe-
cialist treatment, but this finding must be replicated. Pretreatment Psychopathology
Nonetheless, research suggests that abstinence from binge
eating is associated with long-term weight maintenance and Higher baseline psychopathology has consistently been
modest weight loss [26•, 27, 30•, 39•, 68]. Importantly, one found to have a negative impact on the effectiveness of
study found that individuals with BED reported an average BED treatments [39•, 76–80]. Personality disorders have
12-month weight gain of 15 pounds before beginning treat- been shown to predict greater post-treatment eating dis-
ment, whereas weight has been shown to remain stable for up order psychopathology and depression following CBTgsh
to 4 years following group CBT and IPT [30•, 69]. This can be and BWLgsh [77], as well as higher levels of binge
illustrated by using the example of a patient who binges the eating one year following group CBT and IPT [76, 79].
minimum of four times per month. If a binge is estimated to In addition, pre-treatment depressive symptoms predicted
contain 1,000 kilocalories, then binge abstinence will prevent reduced likelihood of post-treatment abstinence following
the intake of 4,000 kilocalories per month, thus preventing CBT [78], and a lifetime history of depression predicted
weight gain of 1.1 pounds per month, and 13.7 pounds per reduced likelihood of abstinence for 2 years following
year [70]. Thus, psychological treatments for BED likely IPT, BWL, and CBTgsh [39•]. Further, higher trait neg-
prevent the upward weight trajectories of individuals with ative affect was associated with higher post-treatment
BED. eating disorder psychopathology and attrition from CBTgsh

Predictors, Mediators, and Moderators of Treatment Weight and Shape Concerns

A number of predictors, mediators, and moderators (i.e., Reductions in weight concerns over the course of treat-
predicts differential treatment response at different levels ment have been found to fully mediate the association
of the moderator) of treatment outcomes have been iden- between CBT and abstinence [16]. Similarly, greater
tified. These data may be useful in developing stepped- weight and shape concerns have been found to predict
care models that optimize treatment type, duration, and less likelihood of post-treatment abstinence following
intensity for a given individual, with the ultimate goal of group CBT and IPT [79], as well as greater levels of
producing more robust outcomes and lowering overall eating disorder psychopathology following CBTgsh [77].
treatment costs. Furthermore, Grilo and colleagues found clinical over-
valuation of weight and shape to be the most salient
Nonspecific Predictors predictor of post-treatment and 12 month abstinence fol-
lowing both CBT and fluoxetine [81•].
Rapid Response
Dietary Restraint
The best-studied predictor of treatment outcome is rapid
response, defined as ≥65–70% reduction in binge eating Overall, moderate dietary restraint, which is an ultimate
by the fourth treatment session [71–74]. These studies goal of CBT-based therapies, is associated with better
show that compared to nonrapid responders, rapid res- treatment outcome. Increases in flexible restraint and
ponders are more likely to be abstinent immediately fol- decreases in rigid restraint over the course of CBTgsh
lowing BWL, BWLgsh, and fluoxetine. Conversely, in were found in one study to predict higher likelihood of
CBT and CBTgsh, rapid responders and non-rapid res- abstinence post-treatment and at the 3-month follow-up
ponders show similar abstinence rates up to 12 months [82]. Higher pre-treatment maladaptive restraint was
post-treatment [71–74]. Notably, one study found that a found to predict relapse for 6 months following DBT
15% reduction in binge eating by week 1 rather than a [83]. Additionally, a greater number of previous diet
65–70% reduction by week 4, was predictive of post- attempts were found to predict a lower likelihood of
treatment abstinence following therapist-moderated and post-treatment abstinence following CBT [78]. Further-
self-help CBT treatments [75]. Further defining the influ- more, classifying patients into pure dietary restraint
ence of rapid response on treatment outcome may enable (DR) and dietary restraint-negative affect (DRNA)
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446 441

subtypes demonstrates some predictive validity [84]. The fluoxetine [81•]. Additionally, participants with lower self-
DRNA subtype is associated with greater frequency of esteem saw greater reductions in depression if they received
binge eating post-treatment compared with the DR sub- CBT rather than fluoxetine. Finally, those categorized as
type, suggesting that individuals who display high levels having negative affect or overvaluation of weight/shape
of dietary restraint and negative affect represent a more subtype saw greater reductions in eating disorder pathology
severe and treatment-resistant subtype of BED [84]. and depression if receiving CBT versus fluoxetine [81•].
Furthermore, although DBT and active comparison group
Demographics therapy (ACGT) were found to produce similar long-term
outcomes, those who reported earlier onset of overweight
Lower levels of educational attainment have been found to and dieting (i.e., <15 years old) or who met criteria for
predict poorer treatment outcome. Lower education was avoidant personality disorder reported a reduction in binge
found to predict non-abstinence following IPT, CBTgsh, days post-treatment only if they received DBT [58].
and BWL [38]. Additionally, a meta-analytic review of Overall, current research has identified nonspecific pre-
predictors of treatment response found that lower education dictors of both short-term and long-term abstinence, such as
predicted higher binge frequency and lack of binge remis- rapid response, negative affect, weight/shape concerns, and
sion following treatment [85]. This review also found that extreme dietary restraint. These variables have also been
African-Americans were more than twice as likely to drop found to predict dimensional outcomes, including depres-
out of treatment as compared with Caucasians. However, sion and eating disorder psychopathology. A small number
African-Americans demonstrated greater reductions in glob- of studies have identified moderators of treatment outcome,
al eating disorder psychopathology than their Caucasian including pre-treatment eating disorder severity, negative
counterparts. Additionally, an earlier age of onset of binge affect, and overvaluation of weight and shape. Further re-
eating (at or before age 16) was found to predict lack of search is needed to replicate these findings and to establish
abstinence post-treatment [105]. the reliability of these predictors and moderators in order to
Grilo and colleagues [81•] also identified important de- inform the development of treatment matching algorithms
mographic predictors of treatment outcome. They found and stepped-care models.
that, when comparing CBT plus fluoxetine, CBT-only, and
fluoxetine-only, younger participants were more likely to
achieve abstinence than older participants when given
fluoxetine, whereas older participants saw greater reductions Future Directions
in depression if given CBT. Further, older age at BED onset
predicted faster reductions in binge eating frequency and A potential next step for clinicians and researchers is to
eating disorder psychopathology if receiving CBT versus respond to the National Institute for Mental Health’s strategic


Only a limited number of studies have identified moderators

of treatment outcome. Sysko and colleagues [43] identified
two classes of severity that predicted differential response to
IPT, CBTgsh, and BWL [39•, 43]. The highest rates of
abstinence were found for “class 2” (i.e., most frequent
binge eating and compensatory behaviors, highest weight
and shape concerns and negative affect, and most distress)
individuals receiving IPT and “class 3” (i.e., similar levels of
binge eating to “class 2,” with lower levels of exercise and
compensatory behaviors) individuals receiving CBTgsh
[43]. Within this sample, IPT was also associated with
superior 2-year abstinence rates among participants with
lower baseline self-esteem and/or higher baseline eating
disorder psychopathology [39•].
Grilo and colleagues [81•] found that higher pretreatment
binge eating frequency predicted greater reductions in eating Fig. 1 Potential stepped care model for the treatment of binge eating
disorder psychopathology if receiving CBT as opposed to disorder (BED)
442 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446

plan (National Institute of Mental Health Strategic Plan, http:// specific sub-populations (e.g., ethnic minorities) are still a
www.nimh.nih.gov) to: matter of inquiry. Notably, studies suggest that African-
Americans with BED are less likely to drop out of IPT than
1. Enhance the public health impact of current treatments
CBTgsh and BWL [39•]. It will be important to include key
2. Incorporate the diverse needs of patients
stakeholders (e.g., patients, families, community health pro-
3. Promote discovery in the brain and behavioral sciences
viders) in treatment development to modify treatments so
4. Chart mental illness trajectories to determine when,
that they address eating- and weight-related issues in a
where, and how to intervene.
manner appropriate and acceptable to the target population.

Enhance the Public Health Impact of Current Treatments Promote Discovery in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences

There is a need to translate evidence-based treatments for Treatments that can simultaneously address binge eating and
BED into clinical settings in order to increase access to care. obesity may be identified through basic biological and be-
Although there are robust treatments for BED, their use in havioral research investigating their causal mechanisms.
clinical practice is relatively scarce [86]. Dissemination and Research has shown that high fat/sugar foods, and drugs
implementation science will enable the identification of the of abuse act similarly on brain reward pathways [91, 92],
most effective strategies for training practitioners and imple- and there is growing evidence of brain reward dysfunction
menting treatments in diverse clinical settings in a sustain- in both BED and obesity [93–95].
able manner. For example, researchers may examine the Such brain abnormalities may be linked with behavioral
relative effectiveness of traditional training models (e.g., problems [93], sometimes labeled “reinforcement pathology”
expert-led workshops) versus models that promote systemic [96], including high impulsivity and the inability to delay
change (e.g., training staff to become expert trainers and gratification [97–99]. In addition, overabundance of high fat/
supervisors), to identify which will most likely increase sugar foods in the environment may place individuals with
adoption, penetration, and sustainability of treatments. genetic, neurological, and/or cognitive-behavioral vulnerabil-
Furthermore, the potential for telecare, the internet, and ities at increased risk of the development of binge eating and
other technologies to enhance access to treatments for BED obesity.
is a burgeoning area of research. For example, one study As such, psychological treatments for BED may produce
found that email bulimia therapy (i.e., participants interact- even more robust outcomes when including adjuvant phar-
ing with therapists via email) was more effective than self- macotherapies or behavioral therapies that specifically target
directed writing and a wait-list control in reducing binge brain reward system abnormalities associated with rein-
eating [87]. Internet-based CBTgsh has also shown prelim- forcement pathology. For example, a behavioral therapy that
inary efficacy [88, 40, 41], and other technologies such as targets high food reinforcement may focus on enhancing the
texting and daily electronic diaries have shown efficacy for availability of alternate reinforcers across the home, school/
problems such as smoking and obesity [89, 90]. Such stud- work, and community milieus. Indeed, treatments with a
ies demonstrate that scalable therapies for BED may be as socio-environmental approach have been shown to produce
effective as more intensive treatments. However, relatively weight maintenance in the long term for overweight children
high attrition rates seen in such therapies must be addressed [100, 101], as such strategies create healthy zones across
effectively by, for example, enhancing treatment engage- settings and promote sustainable outcomes. The integration
ment and adherence (e.g., adding social networking of state-of-the-science research on the treatment and preven-
components). tion of both BED and obesity is crucial to producing more
robust treatment outcomes.
Incorporating the Diverse Needs of Patients
Chart Mental Illness Trajectories to Determine
Research suggests that certain treatment modalities are more When, Where, and how to Intervene
effective than others for individuals with particular pre-
treatment characteristics. Incorporating such knowledge into It is well-known that binge eating pathology in childhood
treatment planning may enable the development of success- and adolescence is associated with excess weight gain over
ful stepped-care models. For example, individuals with time and increased risk of developing BED [7, 102, 103].
BED uncomplicated by additional pathology may be initial- Early identification and treatment of children at risk for the
ly treated with CBTgsh, whereas those with high levels of development of BED will be critical, as psychological inter-
eating disorder psychopathology or negative affect may be ventions are likely to be most potent during transitional
treated initially with group or individual IPT or CBT (see periods of adolescent brain development [104]. Treatment
Fig. 1). Additionally, methods for adapting treatments to studies with children and adolescents with early onset or at
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14:432–446 443

high risk of developing BED are imperative. IPT has been References
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Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Heather Waldron 16. Dingemans AE, Spinhoven P, van Furth EF. Predictors and medi-
for her assistance in preparing this manuscript. ators of treatment outcome in patients with binge eating disorder.
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5T32HL007456, NIMH grants 5K24MH070446-09, 1R01MH095748 17. Eldredge KL, Agras WS. The relationship between perceived
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18. Gorin AA, Le Grange D, Stone AA. Effectiveness of spouse
Disclosure J.M. Iacovino, D.M. Gredysa, and M. Altman reported no involvement in cognitive behavioral therapy for binge eating
potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article. D.E. Wilfley has disorder. Int J Eat Disord. 2003;33:421–33.
received research grants from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and 19. Schlup B, Munsch S, Meyer AH, et al. The efficacy of a short version
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