BST WFC Qa PLN 00001.0.ifi

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Doc No: BST-WFC-QA-PLN-00001 Rev: 0

Issue Date: 10/02/2020
This is a controlled document


Prepared By: Designation: Date:

Y Mak HSEQ Manager 10/02/2020
Reviewed By: Designation: Date:
A Munir Project Engineer 10/02/2020
Approved By: Designation: Date:
J Preston Project Manager 10/02/2020

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................5
2 PROJECT DETAILS....................................................................................................................5
3 SCOPE OF WORK.....................................................................................................................5
4 Definitions and Abbreviations.................................................................................................5
5 Quality Management Plan ......................................................................................................7
5.1 Purpose and Scope of this plan .........................................................................................................7
5.2 Inputs to the QMP .............................................................................................................................8
6 Quality Management System..................................................................................................9
6.1 Quality Policy.....................................................................................................................................9
6.2 Project Start-up Quality Planning ......................................................................................................9
6.3 Project Quality Objectives and KPI's..................................................................................................9
6.4 Quality Management System Review and Quality Improvement ...................................................10
6.5 Quality Reporting ............................................................................................................................11
6.6 Quality Culture ................................................................................................................................11
6.7 Knowledge management.................................................................................................................12
7 REFERENCES, STANDARDS, CODES AND REGULATIONS .........................................................12
8 LEADERSHIP ..........................................................................................................................12
8.1 Quality Policy...................................................................................................................................12
8.2 Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities ...................................................................12
8.2.1 Project Director ...............................................................................................................................12
8.2.2 Project Manager..............................................................................................................................12
8.2.3 Project Engineer ..............................................................................................................................13
8.2.4 Site Supervisor.................................................................................................................................13
8.2.5 HSEQ Manager ................................................................................................................................13
9 PROJECT TEAM .....................................................................................................................14
9.1 Project Organizational Chart ...........................................................................................................14
10 CONTRACT REVIEW...............................................................................................................15
11 CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS, DRAWINGS AND DATA ..............................................................15
12 PRODUCT..............................................................................................................................15
12.1 Purchasing .......................................................................................................................................15
12.2 Suppliers and Subcontractors..........................................................................................................15
12.3 Receiving Inspection........................................................................................................................15
12.4 Customer or External Providers Property .......................................................................................16
12.5 Preservation of Product...................................................................................................................16
12.6 Control of Nonconforming Product.................................................................................................16
12.7 Non-conformance Reporting...........................................................................................................17
12.8 Identification and Traceability.........................................................................................................17
13 PROCESS CONTROL ...............................................................................................................17
13.1 Project Management.......................................................................................................................17
13.2 Design Management and Drawing Control .....................................................................................17
13.3 General as Constructed Requirements............................................................................................18
13.4 Request for Information (RFI)..........................................................................................................19
13.5 Drawing and specification document control .................................................................................19
13.6 Drawings and specifications ............................................................................................................19
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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
13.7 Inspection and Test Planning...........................................................................................................20
13.8 Hold Points ......................................................................................................................................20
13.9 Records............................................................................................................................................20
13.10 Off-site Inspections .........................................................................................................................21
13.11 Onsite Inspections ...........................................................................................................................21
13.12 Survey Control .................................................................................................................................21
13.13 Monitoring & Reporting ..................................................................................................................21
13.14 Plant and Equipment Management ................................................................................................22
13.15 Non-Conformance and Corrective Action .......................................................................................22
13.16 Technical Queries ............................................................................................................................22
13.17 Variation ..........................................................................................................................................22
13.18 As-Constructed Data........................................................................................................................22
13.19 Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Information Management ...........................................22
13.20 Technical Requirements ..................................................................................................................23
13.21 Durability .........................................................................................................................................23
13.22 Entry into Service and Completion Acceptance ..............................................................................23
13.23 Testing and Commissioning Requirements .....................................................................................24
13.24 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing.....................................................................................24
13.25 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing...........................................................................................24
13.26 Witnessed Site Acceptance Testing.................................................................................................25
13.27 Site Integration Testing ...................................................................................................................25
13.28 Change Management - Control .......................................................................................................25
13.28.1 Prior to issue for construction................................................................................................26
13.28.2 After Issued for construction .................................................................................................26
13.28.3 Field Changes .........................................................................................................................26
13.28.4 Design changes initiated by consultants ................................................................................27
13.28.5 Risk Assessment of changes...................................................................................................27
14 COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................27
15 TRAINING .............................................................................................................................27
16 AUDITS .................................................................................................................................27
17 RECORDS MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................28
18 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................28
18.1 Project Plans....................................................................................................................................28
18.2 Policy ...............................................................................................................................................28
18.3 Procedures ......................................................................................................................................29
18.4 Registers ..........................................................................................................................................29
18.5 Forms...............................................................................................................................................29
18.6 ITP and IS Forms ..............................................................................................................................30
19 REVISION ..............................................................................................................................30
20 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................30
20.1 Appendix A – Quality Policy.............................................................................................................31
20.2 Appendix B – ITP Template..............................................................................................................32
20.3 Appendix C – Quality Management System ISO 9001 Certificate ...................................................34

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
Westforce Construction has developed this Quality Management Plan with the objective of producing a quality
outcome for the client of this project.
Westforce Construction is committed to the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management
System that fulfils the requirements of the client’s specification PTA 190043, Attachment 1 ‘Principal’s Project
Westforce Construction Management Team subscribes to the above and, in fulfilling the assigned
responsibilities, shall ensure that all project personnel including employees and subcontractors are made
aware of the requirements.


Project Title: PTA Ashfield and Meltham Stations Car Park Facilities
Client: Public Transport Authority
South West of Meltham Station, off Railway Parade, Opposite Sussex Street
or South West of Meltham Station and;
North West of Ashfield Station, off Railway Parade between Wood Street
and Jackson Street
Contract Number PTA 190043
Commencement Date: January 2020
Completion Date: May 2020

Table 1 – Project details

The scope of work for this project consists of the design and construction of the new cark parks at Meltham
Station and Ashfield Station. The works include:
 Providing appropriate security, lighting, CCTV and ease of wayfinding for PTA patrons;
 Providing all car park associated infrastructure, including groundworks, retaining walls, safety handrails,
drainage, landscaping, CCTV, signage, rail reserve fencing, transitions, tie-ins, finishes and other works as
 At Ashfield Station:
o Kiss n Ride facilities;
o Maintain access to the storage yard at the Eastern end of the site and include an access gate at
the Western end which can accommodate (longer than standard) semi-trailers carrying rails
accounting for their turning circles;
o Provide suitable location for and facilitate installation of Pay By Plate payment machine facilities
 At Meltham Station:
o Take existing station car park arrangements into consideration of overall parking strategy.

4 Definitions and Abbreviations

The below definitions and abbreviations are included in this and or other Westforce Project Plans.
ACROD Australian Council for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
AS Australian Standard
BDC Basis of Design Construction Document
BIM Building Information Model

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
CAD Computer Aided Design
CCTV Closed-circuit television
CPTED Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Engineering entity contracted to Westforce to deliver a specific engineering
scope of work
DC Document Controller
DDS Design Definition Sheet
Project document detailing the design scope and requirements included in
Design Brief
the contract.
Formal change to the agreed design and may occur at any stage during
Design Change
design or construction
DfMA Design for Manufacture and Assembly
information from 3rd parties (e.g. PTA, Westforce construction team, sub-
Design inputs contractors, consulting engineers, architects, service providers equipment
vendors, etc.), that influences the final design and specification
DP Design Package
DMP Design Management Plan
DMT Design Management Team
Comprehensive, systematic examination of the design output to ensure the
Design Review desired outcomes have been achieved. Mandatory design reviews include
constructability and safety in design
DSL Design Scope Leader
Confirms that the results of the design activities meet the PTA design criteria
Design Verification
and brief
Ensures that the resultant product performs the intended functions, by
Design Validation establishing through objective evidence that a deliverable product conforms
to the PTA’s intended and implied requirements.
Design execution plan, setting out how the design will be managed on a
specific project
D&C Design and Construction
DMP Design Management Plan
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EIS Entry into Service
EHVHID Environmental Hazard Identification
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZOP Hazard & Operability
HSEQ Health Safety Environmental Quality
IDC Interdisciplinary Design Check
Document/Drawing issue status – Issued for Construction
IFC Project Manager - Westforce Construction nominated person responsible for
delivering the project
ITP Inspection &Test Plan
IS Inspection Sheet
LGA Local Government Authority
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OLE Overhead Line Equipment
Master Document / Deliverable Register – Handover Documentation
MRWA Main Roads WA
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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
NZS New Zealand Standard
NCR Non-Conformance Report
PA Public Address System
PTA Public Transport Authority
PEP Project Execution Plan
PSP Principal Shared Path
RfI Request for Information
SAP Safety Assurance Plan
Supplier Engineering Manager (SEM) – Westforce Construction’s nominated
person responsible for managing the design element of the project.
SiD Safety in Design
SWTC Scope of Works and Technical Criteria
Supplier Responsible Engineer (SRE) – Westforce Construction nominated
person responsible for the design/delivery element of the project.
TQ Technical Query
QA Quality Assurance
VE Value Engineering
Vendor Equipment supplier contracted
Inspections and checks of completed works that are undertaken during
Verification design and construction to confirm that the completed works will fulfil the
specified requirements of the previous stage.
WFC Westforce Construction
WBS Work Breakdown Structure WPC
WPC Western Power Corporation
WUC Work Under Contract
Table 2 Definitions and Acronyms

5 Quality Management Plan

5.1 Purpose and Scope of this plan
This Quality Management Plan (QMP) and the broader Project Management System describes the strategic
and methodological management approach to be used by WFC for the delivery of the project. The Quality
Management Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and AS/NZS ISO
The QMP forms part of the Project Management Systems and Controls. It is a part of the suite of the plans
that together outline how the project will be managed to ensure an integrated approach to meeting contract
The other Management plans that interface with the Quality Management Plan include:
 Traffic and Transport Management Plan
 Safety Management Plan
 Risk Management Plan
 Design Engineering Management Plan
 Project Management Plan

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
The QMP outlines the policies, procedures, objectives and strategies that will be implemented to demonstrate
how risks affecting quality on the project are being managed and to ensure quality is successfully managed in
accordance with the contract as specified in the Contract.
The preparation of the Quality Management Plan is not merely to satisfy PTA requirements, but to ensure that
the WFC project team considers and discusses how they will deliver the project and by its documentation
conveys this to all stakeholders.
This QMP describes the specific quality controls that will be implemented on the project to deliver a quality
product to PTA. This plan is designed around the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle of control and improvement
to meet the project requirements and satisfy the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001.

Figure 1: Plan Do Check Act Cycle

PLAN: These are the activities that WFC would undertake up front on a project, to ensure that we deliver the
Contract, Client and Project requirements the first time - e.g. Establishing the quality objectives, control of
documents, organisation roles and responsibilities, subcontractor’s quality system, drawings management etc.
DO: These are activities that WFC undertake during the execution of the Project, to implement what was
planned - e.g. Maintenance and archiving of quality records, quality reporting and review.
CHECK: These are activities that WFC undertake to confirm the conformance of an aspect of the project by
studying the actual results (measured and collected in “DO” above) and compare against the expected results
(targets or goals from the “PLAN”) to ascertain any differences, - e.g. Non- Conformances, Defect
Management System, inspections, and surveillance of subcontractors.
ACT: These are activities that WFC would undertake to review effectiveness and improve performance as
necessary - e.g. Auditing and analysis of data.
WFC's systems are founded on the tried and tested WFC quality management methodology which is third-
party accredited to AS/NZS ISO9001. This Quality Management Plan outlines the processes relating to the
delivery of the project.
This QMP has been developed to establish the project objectives for the delivery of the project.
Health and Safety (HSP) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP), whilst integrated, have been developed
to address the project's specific requirements and risks.
5.2 Inputs to the QMP
In principle this Quality Management Plan (QMP) has been developed in accordance with the following
contract documents:
 Scope of Works and Technical Criteria (SWTC)
 PTA Specifications - Quality Systems
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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
6 Quality Management System
The WFC QMS has been developed in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001 and is independently certified by
British Standards Institute (BSI).
WFC QMS is maintained on the company server, approved Processes set the minimum operational
requirements for all employees. The processes define the direct instruction or must-do activities. Where
required for clarity, or should more information be required to apply the procedure direction, there will be an
associated guideline to provide a more detail on process.
The processes provide access to procedures and supporting documentation. Employees are required to check
the WFC server regularly for current revisions of documents.
Within WFC, there is a series of gateways that require mandatory authorisations to proceed:
 Gateway 1 – Interest
 Gateway 2 – Bid
 Gateway 3 – Offer
 Gateway 4 – Sign
 Gateway 5 – Start
 Gateway 6 – Construct
 Gateway 7 – Complete
 Gateway 8 – Close
 Gateway 9 – Review
 Gateway 10 – Change.
Project-specific documents must be approved by the Project Director before incorporation into the project
management plans. Modification of standard company documents is not allowed without the written approval
of the process owner.
WFC shall ensure this QMP is developed in accordance with PTA Requirements and is adhered to by all internal
personnel and suppliers/subcontractors.
6.1 Quality Policy
The Quality Policy, which has been signed and endorsed by WFC Managing Director, are to be displayed in
main project office, see Appendix A for the current Quality Policy at the time of submission of this plan.
6.2 Project Start-up Quality Planning
During the Project Start-up, the Project Director or his delegate will liaise with the Health Safety Environmental
Quality Manager HSEQM to ensure that:
 All WFC Project Start Up and Mobilisation ‘Quality’ activities have been completed;
 Specifications are analysed and quality deliverables are identified and managed;
 A detailed project specific Quality Management Plan is created and approved by PTA;
 A HSEQ Manager is nominated, developed, supported and their quality responsibilities included in their
project specific roles and responsibilities; and
 Project Quality IT Systems for Document Management, Records Management and Construction
Management are configured and implemented.

6.3 Project Quality Objectives and KPI's

WFC project quality objectives are as follows:
 Meet client’s expectations in respect to service and quality in accordance/as stated in contract
 Provide clear communication of quality requirements, to ensure that approved methods; procedures,
inspection and test plan, and audit programme are in place and complied with

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
 Deliver the project on time with minimum delays due to defects and rework, thereby also minimising the
cost of rework during the life of the project
 Submit Quality contract deliverables as required by the contract in the timeframes specified
 Provide prompt detection of non-conformances and defects and ensure timely and effective close out of
corrective actions
 Continually improve performance through regular reviews/assessments of existing processes.
Additional quality objectives may be established and agreed between PTA and WFC, as required.
Key performance indicators (below) and associated plans/processes will be established to help ensure the
above quality objectives are achieved. The Project Director will manage these KPIs and communicate them to
the project team and subcontractors during inductions. Table 2 outlines the proposed quality KPIs.

KPI Target Period of


To have all WFC personnel complete the 100% induction attendance for all Monthly Review
Project induction personnel working on WFC.

All Critical Suppliers and subcontractors 100 % Pre-qualification assessments Monthly Review
that tendered post contract award are undertaken for all
assessed and approved for use on the suppliers/subcontractors
project. (Supply relevant items which form
part of the Permanent Scope Works)

Ensure all NCRs / corrective actions are 100% NCRs and corrective actions to Monthly Review
investigated and addressed effectively as be closed out by subcontractors and
identified in SWTC. WFC within the agreed timeframes.
Those NCR's that require specific time
frames shall be specified in the NCR.

Ensure compliance to approved 100% Audits completed in accordance Monthly Review

management plans and identify areas for with the agreed project quality audit
improvement. schedule.

To ensure handover documentation is All applicable documentation End of Project

submitted in accordance with contract submitted to the PTA is accurate,
requirements. complete and submitted within
Contractual requirements on practical

Submission of Contract Deliverables All Quality Contract Deliverables are Monthly Review
available to PTA prior to
commencement of the activity.

Table 3 – Specific Objectives

6.4 Quality Management System Review and Quality Improvement

The WFC team is committed to continual review and improvement of the business management system to
identify opportunities to improve project outcomes.

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
Management review meetings shall be conducted covering the Quality aspects by WFC Leadership team every
12 months or more frequently as required at the discretion of the HSEQ Manager or Project Director. The
meeting shall be minuted and shall record the below as a minimum which shall be considered as the inputs:
 Review of results of Audits
 Risks & Opportunities
 Quality KPI performance
 Non-Conformance trends
 Subcontractor performance
 Changes and proposed improvements to our processes and systems
 Client feedback
 Improvement Initiatives

For any significant actions, an action plan may be compiled detailing the issues raised and actions being taken
to mitigate or rectify the issue, who is responsible to action, and a target date. This process will be monitored
by the HSEQ Manager.
Minutes of the management reviews shall be maintained and the HSEQ Manager shall identify appropriate
actions to be taken.
The Quality Management System is also periodically reviewed at a business level. These reviews will focus on
both internal and external influences that impact the overall quality management system. Where necessary,
changes or modifications to the systems documentation will be communicated. Approved modifications and
improvements resulting from reviews are incorporated into the management system and communicated
throughout the organisation to promote consistent, best practice standards and continual improvements
across all operations. The HSEQ Manager will monitor any changes to requirements and make necessary
changes to the Quality Management System.
6.5 Quality Reporting
PTA may review Quality documentation on request. Quality shall be discussed as a meeting agenda item at
the Monthly Contractor meeting.
The meeting may discuss the following items as and when required:
 review and report on the Quality Management Plan including details with respect to quality
management performance.
 a summary of the inspection and testing of products and services associated with the Project Works
during the preceding month;
 results of corrective action or improvements taken on the quality system since the last meeting;
 a schedule of all outstanding non-conformances, identifying which non-conformances have been closed
out; and
 a summary of quality reviews and audits (internal and external) undertaken by the Contractor during the
preceding month.

6.6 Quality Culture

All WFC personnel play important roles in delivering quality. The ethos requires quality in all aspects of the
company’s operations, with processes being undertaken ‘Right First Time’ with defects / waste eradicated
from operations. In such an environment, employees have a high degree of involvement and ownership in
their work. To foster an environment where involvement, continuous improvement and teamwork flourish,
managers are encouraged to:
 treat employees as valued team members
 actively seek ideas on problems and solutions from all people in the work place
 empower people to make decisions and implement solutions
 push decision making down to the lowest possible level

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 collaborate with the entire workforce
 remove barriers as identified by employees

6.7 Knowledge management

Sharing knowledge between project teams and continuous improvement is embedded within business
processes and in accordance with WFC QA Procedure. WFC Server is populated with lessons learned and
information submitted from projects across various sectors. The Project team is required to refer to the server
to ensure they understand all of the potential risks and opportunities associated with the work packages they
are managing. Where additional clarity or further information is needed, personnel are to consult directly with
the relevant subject matter expert.
WFC holds internal forums to share best-practices and lessons learned. In addition to building a continuous
improvement culture, this approach strengthens interpersonal relationships for effective, collaborative and
transparent team work and communication.


The project shall be constructed in accordance with relevant standards, codes, acts and regulations as
referenced in the contract documents, drawings and specifications. Access to the latest Australian standards
is available via WFC online standards access.


8.1 Quality Policy

The Project Director supported by the project team shall ensure that the requirements of the Quality Policy
are communicated to all project personnel and reflected in the project related processes.
Copies of the Quality Policy are available in the site office, crib room and on Westforce Construction server.
8.2 Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
8.2.1 Project Director
The Project Director is the person overall responsible for the execution and delivery of the project and as such
shall ensure that the mobilisation of sufficient competent person to efficiently manage, execute and verify the
works in accordance with the contractual requirements.
The Project Director will delegate the detailed responsibility for compliance with the project specified quality
requirements to the Project Manager.
8.2.2 Project Manager
The Project Manager has the overall responsibility for the management of quality on the project and is
responsible for the following activities:
 Implementing this Quality Management Plan and associated procedures;
 Ensuring that the activities required by this Quality Management Plan are planned, implemented and
controlled and their progress monitored;
 Determining the sequence and interaction of the processes involved in delivering the requirements of
the contract;
 Communicating the requirements of the contract to all affected groups, employees, subcontractors
and customers, and resolving problems that arise at the interfaces between such groups;
 Authorising any requests for exemption from the quality management system requirements;
 Liaison with the project team on project issues, including any non-conformance;
 Liaison with regulatory agencies regarding requirements for approvals, licenses, permits where
 Selecting plant and equipment that is safe and meets regulatory requirements;
 Assessing and monitoring the capability of service providers in the supply chain, and verifying that
they meet quality requirements;
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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
 Approving subcontractors’ quality plans and systems;
 Planning and implementing training and induction for the project, including establishing competencies
 Reviewing the results of any audits conducted.
 Approval of ITP and IS;

8.2.3 Project Engineer

The Project Engineer is responsible for all site activities including the following:
 Responsible for day to day management of the project, subcontractors and equipment including
quality, safety and environment;
 Implementing this Quality Management Plan and associated procedures;
 Receiving, in-process and final (or acceptance) inspection and testing;
 Identifying/recording quality problems;
 Implementing corrective and preventative actions;
 Initiating/recommending solutions to identified issues;
 Controlling further processing/delivery/installation of nonconforming product until deficiencies or
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected;
 Managing monitoring and measurement devices;
 Ensuring that workers has the competency to perform tasks assigned;
 Prepare ITP and IS for review and approval;
 Sign off the ITP at the end of work
 Maintaining project records;
 Compiling all quality records and prepare MDR; and
 Managing project related documents and records in accordance to Westforce Quality Management
System and the client where applicable.
8.2.4 Site Supervisor
The Site Supervisor is responsible for all site activities including the following:
 Responsible to assist Project Engineer on the day to day management of the project, subcontractors
and equipment including quality, safety and environment;
 Implementing this Quality Management Plan and associated procedures;
 Receiving, in-process and final (or acceptance) inspection and testing;
 Identifying/recording quality problems;
 Implementing corrective and preventative actions;
 Initiating/recommending solutions to identified issues;
 Controlling further processing/delivery/installation of nonconforming product until deficiencies or
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected;
 Managing monitoring and measurement devices;
 Ensuring that workers has the competency to perform tasks assigned; and
 Maintaining project records.
8.2.5 HSEQ Manager
The HSEQ Manager is responsible for:
 Assisting Project Manager in establishing, reviewing and executing this Quality Management Plan;
 Reviewing and updating this Plan as and when required;
 Representing Westforce Construction on all HSEQ matters; and
 Conducting project audits.

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9.1 Project Organizational Chart

Project Director
Jacob Preston

Plant Manager Project Manager HSEQ Manager

Travis Grigg Jacob Preston Yvonne Mak

Project Engineer
HSE Advisor
Abid Munir Simon Griffin

Site Supervisor
Joe Sorohan


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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
As soon as possible after contract award, the Estimator hands over the tender documents to the Project
Manager. The Project Manager is responsible for scheduling a kick off meeting attended by all key personnel
for the project. This is a meeting reviewing all aspects of the job and follows a standard agenda on WQA-FM-
001 - Kick Off Meeting.
When formal contract documents are received, the Project Manager in conjunction with Estimator reviews
the contract against the tender documents. This review not only includes contract and commercial matters,
but also technical. The Project Manager ensures that all relevant matters from the tender submission, post
tender correspondence, minutes of meetings and all post tender negotiation are included in the contract
documents in a concise manner.
When completed and all anomalies are satisfactorily resolved with the Client, the Project Manager presents
the contract for signature with a completed copy of the contract review sheet to the Managing Director.


Management system documents are managed by the HSEQ Manager and assisted by the Document Controller
in accordance with WQA-PR-001 Management System Document Control. A Document Register is kept on the
Westforce server, with all employees, both in Perth and at an on-site remote location, being able to access to
the current versions of the documents.
WQA-PR-007 Managing Project Documents and Data define the process in the identification, management
and storage of project related documents, drawings and information. All documents shall be transmitted via


12.1 Purchasing
Purchasing shall be managed in accordance with WQA-PR-012 Purchasing and shall maintain Project materials
in accordance with Contract requirements., PTA 190043, Attachment 1 – ‘Principal’s Project Requirements’
Clause 15.4 ‘Quality of Materials and Workmanship’
12.2 Suppliers and Subcontractors
Only Westforce Construction approved suppliers and subcontractors may be engaged for works. A register of
approved subcontractors is maintained. Management of suppliers and subcontractors is detailed in WQA-PR-
013 Supplier and Subcontractor Management.
A critical subcontractor Must have a Third-Party Certified Quality System in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001
and/or Third Party Certified Environmental Management System in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 14001 (where
Suppliers and the subcontractors shall compile all quality records into a Final Handover Documentation
Package in accordance with SWTC requirements, which shall be maintained and stored up to practical
completion of each separable portion at the project offices. Thereafter such records shall be maintained and
stored at WFC project office and shall be easily retrievable
West Force or Sub-Contractors / Suppliers, shall comply with requirements in accordance with PTA 190043
12.3 Receiving Inspection
Receiving inspections shall be carried out on all materials received on sites. The materials will be checked for
compliance against the purchase orders, specified project requirements and regulatory requirements. Delivery
dockets will be reviewed and signed off against the inspected delivery. Where there are materials that do not
conform to the specified requirements, the items will be separated and marked to prevent unintended use or
until the status of the product can be resolved.

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12.4 Customer or External Providers Property
Any products, materials or services supplied by the customer or external providers, which are to be
incorporated into the project, shall be inspected by the project team on receipt, and controlled so as to ensure
that identification, traceability and quality is maintained in accordance with contract requirements.
12.5 Preservation of Product
Items received for inclusion in the project are inspected, identified, handled, packaged, stored and released in
a controlled manner so as to safeguard against loss, damage or deterioration of those items, therefore
maintaining the integrity of the final product.
Any product that is lost, damaged or otherwise unsuitable shall be recorded as a nonconforming product and
reported accordingly.
12.6 Control of Nonconforming Product
Non-conforming product shall be prevented from progressing through the installation or test process by
quarantining it in a separate location (if appropriate), or affixing a reject identification on the article or item.
Apparent non-conformances issued by the PTA using PTA Non-Conformance Observation and Report Forms
regarding any aspect of the installation shall be logged as a Non-conformance and corrective action. Proposals
for rectification work of non-conformances shall take all durability objectives, safety objectives and
performance requirements into account.
If the PTA considers that the resolution of the non-conformance does not conform to the requirements of the
SWTC, the PTA may:
 notify the Quality Manager of the non-conformance in question and request them to review the disposition
for the non-conformance;
 request the Quality Manager to effect a review of the corrective action to the quality system as necessary
to prevent recurrence of the non-conformance; or
 specify any parts of the Works or Temporary Works that are not to proceed until the nonconformance is
 On receipt of a notification from the Principal that the resolution of a non-conformance does not comply
with the requirements of the SWTC, the Quality Manager must:
 submit a new non-conformance report in accordance with the requirements of this section;
 effect a disposition or corrective action to the quality system as required to minimise any repetition of the
non-conformance identified in the notification;
 obtain independent verification of the proposed disposition;
 submit to the Principal all documentation associated with the new non-conformance report; and
 comply with that notification.
In all cases where the proposed disposition of the non-conformance is to accept the nonconformance as is or
will result in work which does not meet the requirements of the SWTC:
 The Quality Manager must make a written report on the adequacy and practicality of, and any alternatives
for, the disposition proposed and submit that report together with the non-conformance report to the
designer and independent Design Verifier responsible for the design and verification of the item and the
 The designer must review the report and recommend with appropriate substantiation one of the following
a. the proposed disposition is accepted; or
b. the proposed disposition is not accepted and a different disposition be submitted.
 The designer must submit the proposed disposition to the Design Verifier, who must then verify that the
proposed disposition is in accordance with this SWTC.
 The Contractor must promptly forward a copy to the Principal no later than two Business Days after
receiving the independently verified disposition.
 The Contractor must not implement any proposed disposition without:
a. prior advice from the designer in accordance with this section;
b. prior receipt of independent verification of the proposed disposition;
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c. a copy being forwarded to the Principal; and
d. the procedure herein being satisfied.
WQA-PR-009 Control of Nonconforming Product defines the methods and responsibility for the identification,
segregation, evaluation, documentation, and where necessary the disposition of non-conforming products,
that do not meet the specified requirements. This is to ensure that accidental use or installation of non-
conforming product is prevented.
Proposed remedial action / disposition, must be approved by PTA prior to any rectification / rework
Prior to acceptance & closure of NCR’s PTA is to verify compliance of remedial action / disposition works, and
subsequent review of applicable documentation / records.
12.7 Non-conformance Reporting
WFC will maintain a non-conformance register that records all nonconformance details including:
 The details of the non-conformance;
 The party reporting the non-conformance;
 The party responsible for implementing the disposition and corrective actions;
 The date of implementing the disposition;
 The date of implementing the corrective action;
 Whether the Contractor’s designer’s and/or Design Verifier’s approval is required;
 Whether comment by the Principal is required or has been received;
 Detailed advice of all engineering and technical changes resulting from non-conformance reports that have
been actioned; and
 Correlation of the non-conformance with Contractor or PTA Hold Points.
WFC shall submit a written report on a monthly basis to the PTA, certified as correct by the Quality Manager,
containing a schedule of all current non-conformances, including “use as is” status, identifying the information
outlined above for PTA review and approval.
12.8 Identification and Traceability
Where the need exists for identification and traceability of products, materials or services, the Project Engineer
shall implement processes as applicable to meet client requirements such as:
Item identification shall be maintained during all phases of receipt, storage, installation, testing and
commissioning by tagging traceable to a drawing number or equipment number or batch number as
applicable, to the nature of the product. Identification of incoming materials will be confirmed against delivery
For materials and/or products, which have to be incorporated into the works, traceability shall comprise of:
final location within the works, delivery documentation from the supplier and if required by the client, details
of origin from the supplier.


13.1 Project Management

WHS-PR-027 Project Management describes the project management procedure from planning, programming
and budgeting, through to the production of ITPs, induction processes and project completion.
13.2 Design Management and Drawing Control
Design Control and Management will be undertaken in accordance with the Design Engineering Management
Major or significant changes to all drawings shall only be initiated by using the Change Request / Request for
Information (RFI) form which must be authorised in accordance with the agreed delegation of authority on
the project.

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The RFI form captures if there are any design change or SWTC change, the RFI"'s can be filtered in future to
identify all the RFI's that have design change.
Minor changes to detailed drawings may be handled by the local project site team. All such changes shall be
recorded and included in “As-Constructed/As-Built” drawings.
WFC shall provide the following design deliverables:
1. 15% Design Drawings
2. 85% Design Drawings
3. 100% Design Drawings
4. IFC Design Drawings
Design Reports must be completed in accordance with 8203-000-003 Guideline – Drafting Stage 4 Design
13.3 General as Constructed Requirements
The general as constructed requirements include:
1. The Contractor shall provide, "As Constructed" records in accordance with PTA requirement using the survey
grid PCG 94. These must be lodged with the PTA during the progress of the Works as required.
2. The survey shall be completed by an approved licensed surveyor who will mark up the information in red
ink on a copy of the plans. Where necessary, the Contractor shall also provide a DXF copy of the as constructed
data in accordance with the local authority requirements.
3. If the Contractor wishes to backfill immediately after Testing and before "As Constructed" information has
been obtained, they will be required to re-expose the line at any location for this information to be obtained,
at their own cost and expense, inclusive of all materials, labour, dewatering, shoring up, notices, fees and all
other payments.
4. Where construction takes place in stages, staged designs must be superseded with As-Constructed
Documentation, accurately reflecting the final arrangements constructed on site.
5. As-constructed documents are required for both staged and final arrangements.
6. As constructed details of the locations of services must be provided to PTA in hard copy and 3D model
7. The drainage information shall be detailed for each reach of pipe with pit numbers as shown on the design
plans and shall include:
8. Location - pit centres shall be located in relation to the road centreline when located behind the kerb or in
relation to cadastral boundaries within public access ways;
a. pit details - size and type of pit with reduced levels to AHD of the pit floor, cover, trap and pipe
invert level;
b. pipe - pipe size, class, length, grade, joint type and type of bedding;
c. crossings - location, level and piling or keel details of sewer crossings.
9. For road works, design levels as shown on all cross sections and kerb grading drawings shall be confirmed
as correct or altered accordingly. Any ducts that have been installed shall be marked up on a copy of the road
works plan and submitted to the PTA.
10. For earthworks, all as-constructed levels must be provided over the site in a digital / electronic format. The
survey shall sufficient to provide contours at 0.2m intervals and overlaid on the pre-calculation plan, which
shall be supplied by the end user. An approved engineering surveyor shall complete the survey.
11. For retaining walls, an as-constructed survey of the retaining walls shall be completed and shall include
the following information as a minimum:
a. wall position in relation to the lot boundaries;

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b. top and bottom wall levels;
c. location of steps in the top and bottom of the wall;
d. width of the base of the wall.
12. The retaining wall survey must be completed by an approved engineering surveyor who will mark up the
information in ink on a copy of the plans.
13. The Contractor shall provide evidence that walls have been constructed as per the engineering design and
documentation of changes that have been implemented during the construction process. The evidence shall
be in accordance with the Project Plans
14. The retaining wall as-constructed plan must be lodged with the PTA for Acceptance prior to the backfilling
of the walls.
15. All signs must be located and placed within the relevant authorities’ GIS systems complete with metadata
as applicable
13.4 Request for Information (RFI)
TeamBinder Document Control is to be used by WFC personnel and Subcontractors to raise and track RFIs.
The formal “Request for Information” (RFI) system will be established, whereby any member of the Team can
request technical information from any other member of the Team, or its suppliers. WFC will co-ordinate all
requests from subcontractors.
Where a drawing change or clarification is required, a Request for Information (RFI) shall be raised and issued
to the relevant approving authority.
Requests for Information (RFI) formalise and expedite information retrieval and are to be raised for all
situations where clarification is required.
The Request for Information (RFI) Register must include sufficient detail to allow adequate assessment and
must specify the date when the information is required.
All verbal confirmations need to be documented as soon as possible through raising an RFI.
13.5 Drawing and specification document control
Only drawings that have been checked and approved shall be released for manufacture and construction
unless issued through a Site Instruction.
TeamBinder is the approved Collaboration and Document (Drawing) Control System for this project. will also
be used for correspondence between all parties on the project for Construction related matters and formal
TeamBinder will be used for the management of incoming and outgoing new and revised drawings,
specifications, and shop drawings, as well as all construction related documentation. It records the documents
in a central register to provide version control and status with transmittals used to distribute the information.
Refer to WFC Records and Archive Management Procedure which details the document control procedure.
13.6 Drawings and specifications
All drawings and specifications will be kept on the project documentation system, TeamBinder, and will be
maintained by our document Controller for the project.
A Drawing Register may be generated through TeamBinder to control the receipt and issue of drawings
(including Design, Shop/Detail, Supplier, Contract, etc.).
Drawings and specifications shall be replaced when revisions are issued. Mark-up drawings for ‘As-
Constructed’ information is to be clearly identified.
Latest drawings shall be available from the project documentation system & TeamBinder; any other
documents printed shall be considered uncontrolled.

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13.7 Inspection and Test Planning
Project activities required to ensure that the product meets quality requirements are monitored for
conformance by using Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) and related verifying records. The ITP details all required
inspection and testing in logical sequence throughout the construction process and inspection results shall be
noted on the ITP accordingly.
The ITPs shall be prepared in accordance with contract requirements and shall be submitted to the client for
approval using WFC ITP register (WQA-FM-006 - ITP Register).
All quality control testing must be carried out by a laboratory holding current National Association of Testing
Authorities (NATA) registration for all test methods.
13.8 Hold Points
Any witness, hold, review or inspection points shall be clearly identified in the ITP’s.
A schedule of Quality Hold Points shall be developed reviewed and approved by PTA prior to works
commencing. This schedule shall be kept on the project drive and available for review at any time. Each Hold
Point shall be assigned a designated authority to release the Hold Point.
On reaching any of the nominated Hold Points, WFC shall notify the PTA of that event at least 24 hours in
advance. The notification shall include all relevant test results and conformance checks. WFC shall not proceed
beyond that Hold Point without the release by the PTA. PTA will have the right to amend or extend the
nominated Hold Points as considered necessary.
The Quality Manager must (independently of the Contractor’s designated authority) be satisfied that all
processes preceding any Hold Point comply fully with the SWTC and must:
 Where authorised according to the Schedule of Hold Points, certify that the work may proceed on that
section of the Project Activities; or
 Recommend to the Principal that work may proceed on that section of the Project Activities.
 On receipt of a recommendation from the Quality Manager, the PTA must promptly:
 a. be satisfied that work may proceed and notify the Contractor of the authorisation to proceed; or
 b. take action in accordance with section 2.12. c. the release of a Hold Point by the PTA, allowing the work
to proceed beyond that Hold Point, will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for carrying out all
or any part of the Project Activities in accordance with the requirements of the SWTC.
13.9 Records
Records will be kept as identified in each ITP to verify compliance of the process or product to the
specifications. This will include concrete cylinder tests, compaction testing, NDT tests and other client specified
test results. The Project Engineer is responsible for maintenance of these records.
The Project Engineer is responsible for managing and referring to the relevant ITP, and for ensuring that works
are carried out in accordance with the specifications outlined in the ITP. The Project Director shall review the
ITPs on a periodic basis.
Other records of inspections may include Inspection Sheets (IS), certificates of compliance, test reports,
completed forms and checklists etc. Records must be legible and filed in a manner that ensures ease of
retrieval in accordance with WQA-PR-006 Records and Archive Management.
An MDR will be prepared, compiling all the inspections records and other quality records at the end of the
Inspection and test records must be acknowledged appropriately and dated to confirm that the inspection
checks have actually been carried out and that specified requirements have been met.
Where discrepancies are noted on third party inspection records these must be closed out by signing and
dating against each item at the discretion of the Quality Manager. Photographic evidence of compliance shall
be produced. These records are to be retained in the Project files.
Subcontractors are to provide Quality Control documents for their scope of works to the WFC for acceptance
and use on the project progressively and as part of final handover to WFC.

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13.10 Off-site Inspections
Where applicable, all major fabricated or overseas purchased equipment and materials shall be inspected as
construction/fabrication/assembly process progresses and prior to delivery to site. All procured items that
result in an impact on the project’s critical path shall have established an offsite inspection regime. These off-
site inspections are not applicable for off the shelf items.
Offsite inspections will be carried out in accordance with the Inspection and Test Plan or method statements
and with approvals/acceptance recorded. Inspection and test records (ITRs/Checklists/Test Records) must be
signed and dated to confirm that the inspection checks have been carried out and that specified requirements
have been met and completed as per the ITP. Additional inspection visits shall be undertaken to verify that
identified deficiencies have been addressed. Inspections may be undertaken on the project site, storage areas
or the supplier’s premises.
Inspections undertaken on site shall be documented on the respective ITR and/or the quality verification check
sheet or Daily Site Reports or Issues Register for that item of work.
Inspection and testing, both off-site and on-site, shall be carried out by inspection personnel who have
appropriate experience and/or qualifications, as determined by the Project Director. The necessary resources,
by way of documentation, plant and equipment will be provided including all relevant Inspection Documents.
13.11 Onsite Inspections
Onsite inspections will be carried out in accordance with the Inspection and Test Plan, method statements and
with approvals/acceptance recorded. Inspection and test records (ITRs/Checklists/Test Records) must be
signed and dated to confirm that the inspection checks have been carried out and that specified requirements
have been met.
Where discrepancies are noted on inspection records these must be closed out by signing and dating against
each item. These records are to be retained in the project files.
Product may be accepted, and work permitted to proceed where test results are not yet available (e.g. 28-day
concrete strengths) under a system of positive recall. In these cases, the product shall be positively and
uniquely identified, and location recorded to subsequently permit removal or rework should the product be
found nonconforming.
Sampling for conformance testing shall be undertaken in a random and unbiased manner and not restricted
to locations defined or used for setting out the works.
Where a sample is removed from the works, the sample shall be replaced (unless otherwise specified) with
similar material, placed and finished in accordance with specified requirements.
13.12 Survey Control
Initial survey control is provided by PTA or a Westforce Construction appointed registered surveyor. Westforce
Construction undertakes detailed survey from the provided benchmarks and control and is responsible for set
WFC shall satisfy itself in relation to the accuracy and completeness of the survey and mapping information
provided, and shall take account of the details provided by the surveys. Additional surveys and assessments
shall be carried out where necessary to facilitate the detailed design and construction.
13.13 Monitoring & Reporting
The Project Engineer will be responsible for the overall monitoring and reporting requirements. WHS-PR-016
is established to ensure that regular monitoring and measurement of significant hazards, aspects and
operational controls are established in order to enable effective HSEQ management and planning. Monitoring
and measurement are required to evaluate continuous improvement as well as measure operational control
WQA-PR-003 Project Reporting details the requirements of Safety, Quality and Accounts reporting for projects.

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13.14 Plant and Equipment Management
Procedures for management of plant and equipment are detailed in WQA-PR-011 Plant Management. The Site
Supervisor is responsible to ensure that equipment is checked daily on the prestart checklist, serviced regularly
and any mechanical problems rectified.
Project specific registers are maintained for all electrical equipment, lifting gear, working at heights
equipment, plant and equipment, fire equipment, ladders, whichever required.
Measuring and testing equipment and corresponding calibration records are also managed in accordance to
the procedure. A summary of all measuring and test devices used is maintained on WHS-REG-002 Plant &
Equipment Register. The Project Manager will ensure that controls are in place to make sure that only
calibrated, functional devices are used on site.
13.15 Non-Conformance and Corrective Action
WHS-REG-011 Incident/ Non-conformance, Hazard & Corrective Action Register is maintained summarising
non-conformances identified by both client and Westforce Construction. The register records the non-
conformance, corrective action taken, person responsible and close out.
WQA-PR-002 Non-conformance, Corrective and Preventative Action defines the processes to ensure that non-
conformances are promptly identified, and corrective and preventative actions are adequately taken to close
out the non-conformances. The non-conformances include non-conforming activities, processes, services,
systems failures or complaints.
13.16 Technical Queries
The Project Engineer will maintain a Technical Query Register. This will include queries submitted to the client
by Westforce Construction. The register records the basis of the query, the recommended solution and the
reply received.
13.17 Variation
The Project Engineer will maintain a Variation Register. This will include Variations submitted by both client
and Westforce Construction. The register records the basis of the variation and the reply received.
13.18 As-Constructed Data
Records of ‘As Constructed’ information will be kept during the project. This information will be transferred
on a full set of the latest revision of the contract drawings or kept electronically. ‘As Constructed’ data will be
presented to the client at the conclusion of the project in accordance with the contract.
All major design or project issues shall be captured in the internal register. Any issue that requires a change to
the design or scope shall be approved by the SEM and entered into the Change Register for subsequent
approval by the PTA. The register shall be submitted through TeamBinder to the PTA.

13.19 Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Information Management

The Project Information Model (PIM) shall be progressively populated at each data exchange with the project
information content identified by the SWTC and the Asset Information Requirement (AIR) guiding
documentation listed below;
 PTA Specification, 8840-000-001 Asset Reference Codes Register (Technical)
 PTA Specification, 8840-000-002 Asset Reference Codes
 PTA Specification, 8810-000-008 Building Information Modelling Specification
The asset information shall be of a consistent format adopting and maintaining unique asset names, informing
the population of the Asset Information Model (AIM).
WFC shall monitor and report any data inconsistencies which are to be addressed by the originating supplier
of the data.
All asset information requirement deliverables are to be labelled and named consistently and developed
cumulatively to enable comparison and validation in accordance with the Asset Reference Codes (8840-000-

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002). Deliverables are to re-use unique asset names defined in earlier deliverables with all external identifiers
such as Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) are to be maintained.

Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) BIM (Building Information Modelling) and Information Management
policies, processes and technologies shall be used to achieve the following objectives:
 To create a detailed Project Information Model (PIM) that contains high quality accurate and up-to-date
multidisciplinary graphical and non-graphical design information that is progressively developed from
concept through to Final Design. During the construction phase, the PIM will be progressively
maintained to be an accurate record of construction progress and ultimately become the certified as-
constructed/built record. The PIM must be used during the design and construction phases of the
project to achieve:
a. Project information delivered efficiently improving accuracy and consistency of design to
assist PTA decision making processes;
b. efficient design coordination, removal of duplicate design effort and reduction in errors and
rework within the design team;
c. identification and resolution of technical criteria and design quality issues such as clash
detection, constructability and operational maintenance access; and
d. To provide the PTA with a complete and accurate Asset Information Model (AIM) containing
detailed information on assets and facilities that is an accurate and certified record of what
has been constructed and installed.

13.20 Technical Requirements

BIM Management The role of the BIM Manager function is to:
 provide PTA with a point of contact for all BIM related matters and queries from the date of the contract
award to Final Asset Handover;
 oversee the execution of the BIM Management Plan by any parties working with project information;
 ensure the completeness and accuracy of the Project Information Model is maintained during the design
and construction stage up to and including the transfer of the Project and Asset Information Models to
the PTA; and
 progressively capture and extract all AIM information from the PIM in a format suitable to support PTA
asset management

13.21 Durability
The durability assessment report shall be submitted by WFC to PTA at the completion of the final design of
each element of the works, as part of the relevant design package and also for;
 products,
 materials,
 assets and
 construction processes
To ensure that the project will achieve the durability and whole-of-life performance of each element of the
Works over the design life and maintenance period.

WFC shall report non-conformances which may impact the durability performance of elements of the Works
to PTA as and when they arise.
13.22 Entry into Service and Completion Acceptance
Entry into Service (EIS) requirements shall be in accordance with all relevant PTA Specifications and Code of
Practice prevailing at that time when the activities of acceptance and handover of the Project Works are
undertaken. Acceptance requirements shall be in accordance with PTA Doc No. 8110-400-013 "Entry into
Service procedure".

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This section provides the requirements for acceptance of new and modified “Communication Systems”. The
requirements of this section apply to all the Works as applicable to the Project scope. WFC shall:
 Carry out all remedial work to address punch-list items and non-conformances
 Organise and co-ordinate other suppliers to provide testing of equipment for each of the communication
 Notify the Principal of inspection and test readiness at 4 weeks in advance so that the Principals can
attend, audit and witness
 If required then:
 Rework again to address non-conformances
 Carry out Testing of all outstanding and non-conformance items
 Finalise all ‘As Constructed’ Drawings

The Contractor must prepare and handover the following minimum deliverables for all communication
Systems to the PTA including:
 Test Certificates, Test Log records and other test plans & documentation produced during testing &
 Factory Acceptance Testing Plans, certificates & drawings
 ITPs and Inspection & Test Certificates for installation and testing activities
 Quality Assurance Documents (survey/audit reports of signalling system)
 Defect list closed out
 Non-Conformances closed out

Acceptance requirements of any MRWA assets such as PSP lighting, associated Switchboard and the like shall
be in accordance with MRWA requirements.
13.23 Testing and Commissioning Requirements
WFC is responsible for the Testing and Commissioning of the all Communication Systems and must ensure that
all Communication Systems are tested in accordance with PTA’s Specifications and Standards.
WFC shall perform end to end integration and testing of all physical and logical interfaces to remote
equipment. The overall process shall consist of following minimum different phases:
 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing
 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing
 Witnessed Site Acceptance Testing
 Site Integration Testing
Refer to PTA specifications, standards, code of practice for additional details related to different phases of
Testing and Commissioning.
13.24 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing
During this phase, WFC Shall document the Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Test cases and procedures.
WFC Shall deliver the minimum following deliverables but not limited to:
 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Test Procedures Document
 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Tests Execution & Record Sheets
 Pre-witnessed Factory Acceptance Test Certificate

13.25 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing

During this phase, the WFC shall:
 Document the factory acceptance test cases and procedures
 Notify the Principal of inspection and test readiness at 4 weeks in advance so that the Principals can
attend, audit and witness
 Carry out Factory Acceptance Testing and rework to address non-conformances

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`WFC shall deliver the minimum following deliverables:
 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Tests Procedures Document
 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Tests Execution – Performance
 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Tests Execution & Record Sheets

13.26 Witnessed Site Acceptance Testing

During this phase the WFC Shall;
 Define and document the site acceptance test cases and procedures
 Notify the Principal of inspection and test readiness at 4 weeks in advance so that the Principals can
attend, audit and witness
 Organise and co-ordinate other sub-contractors to provide testing of equipment associated with each of
the communication system.
 Carry out staged system to equipment interface Site Acceptance Testing and rework to address

13.27 Site Integration Testing

During this phase, WFC shall
 Define and document the Site Integration test cases and procedures
 Notify the Principal of inspection and test readiness at 4 weeks in advance so that the Principals can
attend, audit and witness
 Organise and co-ordinate testing of equipment for each of the communication system
 Carry out staged communications, networking and interlocking Site Integration Testing and rework to
address non-conformances
 Define and execute a roll back plan if required.

WFC shall provide PTA the following deliverables;

 Site Integration Tests Execution & Record sheets
 Site Integration Tests Procedures Document
 Site Integration Tests Execution - Communications and Networking and
 Site Integration Tests Certificate

WFC shall ensure that;

 all Communication Systems infrastructure and equipment are fully integrated into existing
Communication Systems and are compliant and interoperable with existing PTA business systems and
 the design, construction and commissioning activities allow coordination, collaboration and cooperation
of sub-consultants and suppliers to the Project, to effect changes required to existing operational
systems, equipment and services without loss to those services.
All Systems integration testing will be performed at all PTA operational control centres
13.28 Change Management - Control
Change is defined as any modification to an existing agreement. The Westforce Design Manager is responsible
for managing change initiated by the Design Leaders.

The objectives in managing change are;

 Ensuring the integrity of the design solutions (in fulfilling the project objectives)
 Minimising impact on the design, construction and procurement programmes
 Minimising impact on the design, construction and procurement costs

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 Ensuring that changes (proposed, approved, under consideration) are actively managed and conclusively
closed out
 Ensuring that all design changes represent value-for-money for the PTA

Changes to the design may arise from a number of sources:

 Client initiated changes

 Design initiated changes
 Supplier initiated changes
 Subcontractor initiated changes
 Changes to design standards and legislation
 Discovery of latent conditions during investigations and construction

13.28.1 Prior to issue for construction

Design changes arising out of co-ordination or other matters and having a cost or programme implications or
requiring changes to design will be issued by the Design Leader to the PTA for approval if required. This
consultation may include preparation of technical briefing notes or similar documents to demonstrate the
merit of the change. Any changes or departures from the brief will be reported in the weekly Reports.

Any changes in design which materially alter risks or safety in design aspects of the project should be
highlighted by the Design Leader to the PTA as part of the resubmission of the drawings. Any issues highlighted
by Design Leader will be included by the Westforce Design Leader in the risk register or safety in design register
as appropriate.

13.28.2 After Issued for construction

Changes initiated after the “Issued for Construction” (revision 0) phase will be managed through the “Project
Change Request Form” process. This process is designed to manage changes to Specifications, documentation,
or materials. This process is as follows:

1. The change must be approved in principle by the relevant design engineer and/or PTA Project
Engineer, through RFI or Material Approval raised by the Supplier’s Responsible Engineer (SRE)
2. A Project Change Request (PCR) form shall be raised by the SRE
3. The Project Change Request form shall be approved by the Supplier’s Engineering Manager for
Construction (SEM), and then tabled with and approved by Westforce Management
4. The SEM is responsible for controlling the PCR process and capturing any impacts to Safety in Design
through the SiD management process.
5. All PCRs will be assigned an identification number and formally documented through TeamBinder by
the SEM for Construction.

13.28.3 Field Changes

It is anticipated that some changes may be initiated in the field during possession works which may not have
been captured in advance through the processes described above.

 Any such changes shall be immediately addressed in the first instance through a field review of the Job
Hazard Analysis (JHA) to ensure the safety of personnel and the assets
 The Supervisor will be responsible for assessing the implications of the change, and shall agree and
appropriately document the change with the SEM and/or design engineer and/or PTA Project Engineer
in line with this assessment
 Permanent changes must be captured within a reasonable time frame

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
13.28.4 Design changes initiated by consultants
All consultants outside Westforce must notify the SEM prior to any design change being made to any design
documentation after it has been issued for construction. The respective consultant will provide the following
details associated with the change to the Westforce SEM:

 Reason for the change requested

 The anticipated cost and programme impact of the change
 The design documentation reference numbers that will be affected by the change
The East Perth Design Manager will then approve or reject the proposed change. The purpose of this process
is to ensure all changes to design documentation are clearly communicated to all parties and are acceptable
to the Alliance.

13.28.5 Risk Assessment of changes

Any changes in design which materially alter risks or safety in design aspects of the project should be
highlighted by the Design Leader to the PTA as part of the resubmission of the drawings. Any issues highlighted
by Design Leaders will be included by the Westforce SEM in the risk register or safety in design register as

All communication with the client will be carried out as per contract requirements. Project correspondence to
be transmitted to / from PTA via TeamBinder.

WQA-PR-010 Human Resources and Training Management describes all the internal and external health,
safety, environmental and quality training management processes implemented at Westforce Construction.
Adequate resources are provided to ensure that Westforce Construction employees attain the required
competence levels through induction and training. The identification of training required to fulfil competency
requirements is undertaken through training needs analysis.
All Westforce Construction staff are encouraged to participate in recognized training courses that can provide
better understanding and improved workplace skills.

Project audits will be conducted in accordance with the WFC Audit Procedure to ensure the documented
procedures and processes are being followed.
A company audit schedule confirms the timings of audits and the processes to review. The current audit
schedule is a live document and the latest version shall be updated and maintained in the WFC company Drive
and available for review on request. The status of the Audit schedule shall be presented during the Monthly
meetings with the client on request. WFC shall submit the Audit schedule prior to commencement of works.
Audits may be conducted on the activities carried out by the project team, and professional firms appointed
by WFC. Construction Process, Supplier and Subcontractor audits are also carried out, which shall be reflected
on the Audit Schedule.
Audits shall be conducted at intervals agreed with PTA, Independent Certifier and WFC in accordance with
WHS-PR-015 Auditing.
In principle, Internal Audits shall be completed once a year, and Secondary Party Quality Audit shall be
completed for critical subcontractors within 4 weeks of start-up for those subcontractors and suppliers which
are not managed under the third party certified quality management systems and those activities that are
deemed critical by WFC Management Team, with the initial audit being completed within four weeks of the
subcontract commencement and carried out at 3 month intervals.

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The internal and second party quality audits must be performed by suitably trained (Quality Auditor
qualification to ISO 9001 &/or ISO 1901) and experienced auditors who are independent of the WFC’s
management of the Project Works, unless otherwise agreed by PTA and Independent Certifier.
Findings will be agreed and reported together with proposed corrective actions. The latter will be verified and
signed off at a follow up audit/close out meeting. Records will be kept.
Internal and second party quality audit reports shall be made available to PTA Representative within 5 days of
the completion of each quality audit.
If this project site is selected for a WFC external audit, personnel on site and the client representative will be
informed with considerable time prior to the audit date.
Internal audits are scheduled in accordance with project duration and project risks on an audit schedule. The
audit scope is defined in WHS-FM-015 Audit Program.
Project specific audit schedule requirements
1. all system elements, processes, procedures, products, and services associated with the
requirements of Rail Safety National Law (WA) Regulations 2015 Schedule 1 must be subject to an
internal quality audit every 12 months during the course of the Project Activities;
2. all system elements, processes, procedures, products, and services outside of the requirement of
Rail Safety National Law (WA) Regulations 2015 Schedule 1 must be subject to an internal quality audit
based on the risk of that system element, process, procedure product or service as it correlates to the
project schedule;
3. the risk assessment process that will be applied to determine the priority of audit for relevant
system elements, processes, procedures, products and services. The output of the risk assessment
must be indicated on the Quality Audit Schedule; and

WQA-PR-006 Records and Archive Management defines the requirements for the systematic control of HSEQ
records including project records, from their creation and active use to inactive storage, archiving and disposal.
All quality related records, reviews and test results will be available for inspection by the PTA at all reasonable
times. Where requested by PTA, WFC shall provide a copy of such records, reviews and test results.
WFC shall maintain control charts of end product test results (including for example densities, moisture
contents, aggregate properties and concrete slumps and strengths) and construction tolerances, lead test
results and instrumentation and monitoring data for inspection by the PTA at all times.
Quality records associated with testing, inspection, product data, Design Verifier’s review and responses,
minutes, directions etc must be maintained, and kept available for inspection by PTA at any time;
Throughout the Non-Conformance Correction Period, WFC shall supply to the PTA copies of all records in
respect of any rehabilitation and remedial work requested within two (2) Business Days of the request. The
Contractor must also provide history of work done on any asset during the Non-Conformance Correction


18.1 Project Plans

BST-WFC-PM-PLN-00001 Project Management Plan;
BST-WFC-PM-PLN-00002 Design and Engineering Management Plan;
BST-WFC-RS-PLN-00001 Safety Management System
BST-WFC-TM-PLN-00001/02 Traffic Management Plan

18.2 Policy
WQA-POL-001 Quality Policy
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18.3 Procedures
WQA-PR-001 Management System Document Control
WQA-PR-002 Non-Conformance, Corrective & Preventative Action
WQA-PR-003 Project Reporting
WQA-PR-006 Records and Archive Management
WQA-PR-007 Managing Project Documents and Data
WQA-PR-008 Communication, Consultation and Reporting
WQA-PR-009 Control of Nonconforming Product
WQA-PR-010 Human Resources and Training Management
WQA-PR-011 Plant Management
WQA-PR-012 Purchasing
WQA-PR-013 Supplier and Subcontractor Management
WHS-PR-016 Monitoring and Measurement
WHS-PR-027 Project Management

18.4 Registers
WQA-REG-001 Archive Register
WQA-REG-002 Training Matrix
WQA-REG-003 Approved Subcontractors List
WQA-REG-004 HSEQ Document Register
WQA-REG-006 Tender Register
WQA-REG-007 Contracts Register
WQA-REG-008 Records Matrix
WQA-REG-009 Project Document Control Register
WQA-REG-010 Plant & Equipment Master Register
WQA-REG-011 Client Satisfaction Register
WQA-REG-013 Purchase Order Register
WQA-REG-014 Transmittal Register
WQA-REG-015 Change Management Register
WHS-REG-011 Incident/ Non-conformance & Corrective Action Register

18.5 Forms
WQA-FM-001 Kick Off Meeting
WQA-FM-002 Technical Query
WQA-FM-003 Technical Query Register
WQA-FM-004 Non-Conformance Report
WQA-FM-006 ITP Register
WQA-FM-007 Employee Training Request
WQA-FM-010 Variation Notification
WQA-FM-011 Variation Register
WQA-FM-015 Transmittal Advice
WQA-FM-020 Site Diary
WQA-FM-021 Variation Submission Form
WQA-FM-025 Project Variation Dayworks Sheet
WQA-FM-026 Client Satisfaction Survey
WQA-FM-027 Supplier Performance Review
WQA-FM-028 Subcontractor Performance Review
WQA-FM-034 Project Cost Report
WQA-FM-035 Project Close Out Meeting
WQA-FM-036 Employee Training Evaluation
WQA-FM-037 Subcontractor Prequalification
WQA-FM-038 Change Management Form

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18.6 ITP and IS Forms
C2090-WQA-ITP-001 Installation of Fence
C2090-WQA-ITP-002 Earthworks and Pavements
C2090-WQA-ITP-003 In-situ concrete
C2090-WQA-ITP-004 Electrical and Communication
C2090-WQA-ITP-005 Installation of Drainage System
C2090-WQA-ITP-006 Structure Erection
C2090-WQA-ITP-007 Installation of Kerbs
C2090-WQA-ITP-009 Signs, Pavement Marking and Bollards
C2090-WQA-IS-002 Earthworks Inspection
C2090-WQA-IS-003 Concrete Pre pour Inspection
C2090-WQA- IS-00401 Conduit Test
C2090-WQA- IS-00402 Main and Submain Cabling
C2090-WQA- IS-00403 Communications
C2090-WQA- IS-00405 Commissioning of Sub circuit
C2090-WQA- IS-00406 Testing and Commissioning
C2090-WQA- IS-00407 Cable Installation Inspection
C2090-WQA- IS-00408 Conduits Installation Inspection
C2090-WQA-IS-010 Earthing
C2090-WQA-IS-005 Drainage System

Date Rev By Amendment
11/11/2019 A Yvonne Mak New Document for approval
06/01/2020 B Abid Munir Amended to include PTA Plan review feedback
10/02/2020 0 Abid Munir Issued for construction


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20.1 Appendix A – Quality Policy

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20.2 Appendix B – ITP Template

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QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Westforce Construction
20.3 Appendix C – Quality Management System ISO 9001 Certificate

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