Readiness of Transit Oriented Developmen

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Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners

VOLUME 20 ISSUE 1 (2022), Page 155 – 165



Sabri Ahmad1, Mohamad Fadhli Rashid2, Robiah Suratman3

PLANMalaysia (Department of Town and Country Planning)
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying


The transit-oriented development (TOD) concept is a planning strategy in

metropolitan areas that involves mixed use of land for transportation systems,
especially railway stations, as the basis for planning the TOD concept. The
question raised is whether suburban areas are suitable and ready to implement the
TOD concept which is included in the suburban districts’ local plan. The aim of
this paper is to evaluate the readiness of implementing the TOD concept model
for 14 suburban railway station areas in seven of Perak’s local government
administrations. The methodology used is a mixed quantitative and qualitative
approach, applying the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and case study method to
develop the readiness model and evaluate the readiness level of the TOD concept
in suburban areas. Twenty indicators from 4 key elements in the TOD readiness
model were identified, such as population density, transit system, economic
development, and land development potential. The findings indicated that all 14
railway stations involved have not yet achieved a 100 per cent level of readiness
in implementing the TOD concept model.

Keywords: Transit Oriented Development, Readiness Model, Railway Station,

Suburban, Design and Development Research

Deputy Director at PLANMalaysia. Email: [email protected]
Sabri Ahmad, Mohamad Fadhli Rashid & Robiah Suratman
Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Concept Implementation in Perak’s Suburban Areas

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a development concept which focuses on
human residential areas and activities that are located around transportation nodes
such as railway stations, motorized stations, and air and water transport.
Transportation network is a main pillar in the development of TOD, where it
eases the movement of people to travel to other places. Based on several research
conducted in big cities such as Doha, Copenhagen, and Perth, TOD can help to
solve many problems caused by rapid development such as traffic congestion,
land usage, population density, and usage of motorized vehicles (Al-Harami and
Raffaello, 2019; Furlan and Saeed, 2019).
In Malaysia, the concept of TOD has been applied in several areas,
especially by the Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) and Iskandar Regional
Development Authority (IRDA) using the Local Plan and Master Plan (Abdullah
et al., 2020). However, in suburban areas, the concept of TOD was not the main
vision for their future development (Azmi et al., 2021). This situation can change
completely according to Gomez et al (2019) if the local authority plans for future
development based on four elements of TOD, which are density, potential of land
use development, economic development, and transit system. The Perak State
Structured Plan highlighted a proposal for TOD around the railway stations in
Ipoh, Taiping, Tapah, Tanjong Malim, Batu Gajah, and Kampar
(PLANMalaysia@Perak, 2020). However, only Ipoh is considered to be ready
for TOD implementation due to its status as a City Council and as the capital of
the state of Perak. The big question therefore is: when is it suitable for the TOD
concept to be applied in a specific area, especially in suburban areas? Hence, the
main objective for this paper is to assess the readiness of TOD concept
implementation for future development in Perak’s suburban areas.

TOD in Suburban Areas
Urbanization has produced many new townships or residential areas to
accommodate the needs and demands of urban workers. These new developments
are usually located at the end of the city boundary known as a suburb. These types
of developments are usually in high demand among urban workers because they
are suitable with their income. However, this situation results in a waste of
productive time for travelling and also causes air pollution. Besides that, the
optimum usage of transportation facilities only occurs at a certain time, usually
in the morning, which can be viewed as a waste because building these facilities
cost extremely large sums of money (Ahmad and Suratman, 2020). Hence, many
countries have taken steps to implement the concept of TOD in their development
planning, which can connect many areas using their transportation network and
public transport as their medium for travelling.

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TOD is also related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United
Nations, where this concept emphasizes the transportation sector as the basis for
a given area’s development, especially in the context of infrastructure, public
transport system, service delivery system, capability, and efficiency of
transportation (MacDonald et al., 2018). Sustainable transportation can also help
to achieve good economic integration, preservation and conservation of the
natural environment, increase social equity, health, urban resilience, urban and
rural connection, and rural productivity (Ramlan et al., 2021). To achieve better
TOD, there are four main principles for planning and development which can be
used in suburban areas, which are:

1. Emphasis on centralized areas and types of densities and mixed land

use activities.
2. Relationship between the central area and the rapid transit site such as
train stations.
3. Development based on density and design requirements in each central
area which are managed by a specialized development agency.
4. Financial mechanism which can allow transit and TOD to be built
between the transit and central area.

Criteria for TOD’s Model: Malaysia’s Policy

In Malaysia, the development concept of TOD has been discussed at the highest
level in the Third National Physical Plan (NPP3) which was introduced in 2016
(PLANMalaysia, 2016). In that plan, two detailed guidelines were introduced by
PLANMalaysia and Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD): the Transit
Oriented Development Policy Guidelines in 2016 (APAD, 2016) and the Transit
Oriented Development Guidelines in 2018 (PLANMalaysia, 2018) respectively.
The planning for TOD was highlighted in NPP3 via the First Core:
Dynamic Growth of Urban and Rural Areas. To succeed in this core, public
transport services in urban areas need to be upgraded to form a new stable and
sustainable public transportation network. Also highlighted in this core was the
Malaysian Government’s aim to increase the percentage of public transportation
usage in Peninsular Malaysia to 40% in 2030 and 60% in 2050, while for non-
primary cities, the target is 30% in 2030 and 50% in 2050 (PLANMalaysia,
2016). To achieve this target, TOD has been proposed in several strategic
locations. On the other hand, High-Speed Rail and Electric Train Service (ETS)
have already been integrated together with Light Railway Transit (LRT), Mass
Rapid Transit (MRT), and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to improve public
transportation services in urban areas.

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Sabri Ahmad, Mohamad Fadhli Rashid & Robiah Suratman
Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Concept Implementation in Perak’s Suburban Areas

Readiness criteria in TOD

The TOD concept has been researched by many researchers to explore the best
design to maintain a sustainable quality of life in surrounding areas. In general,
TOD is a concept to enable a dense population area to enjoy a perfect lifestyle by
using a systematic infrastructure (Rosni et al., 2018) based on four main elements
in TOD, which are:

i. Population Density: always reflected in local economic development

(Wang et al., 2019; Hassan et al., 2018). The TOD concept has been
introduced to ease the movement of people and at the same time help to
manage and maintain the surrounding environment (Ab Majid et al.,
ii. Transit System: can be defined as a system which includes public
transportation and private ownership vehicles for movement purposes
(Renne, 2016; Hassan et al., 2018). To make the railway system more
efficient, another public transport mode is used as a support such as
public bus service (Iseki and Eom, 2019).
iii. A dynamic Economic Development is essential for every country. One
of the focus points of TOD is to establish a dynamic economic
development, which can help to increase job and business opportunities
for the people (Wang et al., 2019; Samat et al., 2019), tax collection
(Kaneko et al., 2019; Hendrastuti, 2021), and to increase the usage of
resources (Economic theory) (Samat et al., 2019; Tahir and Malek,
iv. Potential for Land Development - TOD focuses on the potential for
land development in the transit infrastructure radius, which can benefit
from transit investment such as the construction of pedestrian
walkways, better access to job location, and reducing traffic congestion,
air pollution, and greenhouse gases (GHG) (Cervero, 2020; Ma et al.,
2018; Malaysian Industrial Development Finance, 2017).

A considerable amount of research listed out different TOD indicators that can
be used to ensure uniformity of TOD in every area of each country. All these
indicators are based on four main principles of TOD, which are, transit system,
density, potential of land development, and economic development.

In order to develop a TOD readiness model, a design and development research
(DDR) approach was chosen which focuses on 4 main elements and 20 indicators
of TOD (Mohd Ridhuan et al., 2014). DDR is a systematic process which is made
up of three main phases, which are phase of research, phase of design and
development, and phase of model implementation.

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Phase 1: Phase of research

Phase 1 is important in order to ensure there is a need for the TOD readiness
model to be developed. This phase also explains the extent to which TOD is
needed in suburban areas and whether the areas are ready or not for TOD
implementation. A questionnaire form was used in this phase. 35 respondents
took part in this phase from different positions in 7 local authorities in Perak state.
Each of these local authorities was chosen based on their homogenous population
density around the existing train station in their jurisdiction area. The final
findings in this phase are shown in the indicator list, which can be chosen to
develop a readiness model in the next phase.

Phase 2: Phase of design and development

In this phase, the respondents were made up of 20 experts in different fields such
as urban planning, transportation planning, land use, and land management. An
interview session was conducted among these 20 experts to design and develop
the model using the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) method. These 20 experts
gave their expert opinions related to the 20 indicators, which are found from the
literature reviews and questionnaires from Phase 1. The final findings in this
phase will be used for the Fuzzy Delphi Method in Phase 3.

Phase 3: Phase of model implementation

Fuzzy Delphi is a method used in Phase 3, which can be used to assess the
usability of the model in suburban areas and to determine the ranking order for
each indicator based on importance to TOD. All 20 experts in Phase 2 were
chosen to be part of Phase 3. The final findings from this phase is a complete
model of TOD readiness based on 20 indicators, which were properly aligned
based on importance ranking and complete with a measurement for each

Case Study of Perak using TOD Readiness Model

The TOD readiness model was used for an in-depth analysis by implementing an
assessment of the readiness of railway stations with the local authorities involved
in suburban areas through a case study approach (qualitative analysis). This
approach was implemented in the study area in 14 railway stations involving 7
local authorities in Perak. These 7 local authorities were categorised as suburban
areas due to their status as a Municipal Council. All of the railway stations
existing land use within a radius of 800 meters from the station (Figure 1) were
considered to determine development of TOD. Several methods of data collection
were involved based on 20 indicators (Table 1) along with measurement
recommendations for those indicators such as primary data, survey, physical
observation, and secondary data from government agencies. After the evaluation
of each train station in each local authority, the analysis of the level of readiness

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Sabri Ahmad, Mohamad Fadhli Rashid & Robiah Suratman
Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Concept Implementation in Perak’s Suburban Areas

of TOD in the affected areas was explained to find out the current position of the
level of readiness of railway stations and local authorities in developing the
concept of TOD.

Figure 1: Existing Land Use within 800 Meter Radius from Railway Station

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The findings of this study can be divided into two sections, which are the
proposed indicators and measurements which can be used to assess TOD
readiness, and the application of this model in selected areas in Perak’s suburban

Indicators and Measurements for TOD Readiness

At the end of DDR, a complete model for TOD readiness was produced complete
with suggested measurements from the experts’ opinions. This model can be used
in a suburban area to determine whether it is ready for TOD implementation or
not. The complete model for TOD readiness is as in Table 1.

Table 1: Complete Model of TOD Readiness

Rank TOD Element TOD Indicator Measurement
1 Population Density Population Density Minimum 1500 persons/km2/LA
2 Potential of Land Mixed Land Use Minimum 100% from TOD zone can be
Development developed.
3 Economic Level of Mixed Land Use Minimum 50% from TOD area is mixed land
Development use.
4 Transit System Number of Interchange with Minimum 1 mode of public transportation
Different Mode connected with station.
5 Transit System Accessibility to Station Minimum distance is 400 / 800 m from station.
6 Transit System Connectivity with Other Minimum 1 route is connected to the station.
7 Transit System Parking- Car Existing parking for cars
8 Transit System Frequency of Transit System Minimum 78 trips/ day
9 Economic Taxes Received by Local Minimum RM 100 million/ year (Majlis
Development Authority Perbandaran)
Minimum RM 50 million/ year (Majlis Daerah)
10 Transit System Parking- Bicycle Existing parking for bicycles
11 Transit System Parking- Specific Group Existing parking for specific group of people
such as disabled persons
12 Economic Amount of Existing Minimum 20% from Local Authority
Development Businesses jurisdiction
13 Population Density Commercial Density Minimum 20% from TOD zone
14 Transit System Security Existing security aspects at station such as
CCTV and security guard
15 Population Density Employment Density Minimum 20% from TOD zone
16 Economic Private Investment in Local Minimum 30% of land use are industry and
Development Authority Jurisdiction commercial
17 Transit System Peak-hour Passengers 300 passengers (2 trips)
18 Transit System Facilities Existing proper facilities for train station such as
seating, toilets, cafeteria, and good ventilation
19 Transit System Non-Peak Hour Passengers 100 persons (1 trip)
20 Transit System Information Display Existing information display aspects such as
information board, LED and direction board

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Sabri Ahmad, Mohamad Fadhli Rashid & Robiah Suratman
Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Concept Implementation in Perak’s Suburban Areas

Application TOD Readiness in Perak’s Suburban

There are 14 train stations from 7 different local authorities in Perak’s suburban
areas that were identified to test the completed TOD readiness model (Table 2).
As a result, all 14 train stations are still not ready to implement TOD at present.
4 stations, namely Sungkai Railway Station, Kuala Kangsar Railway Station,
Taiping Railway Station, and Kamunting Railway Station are 45% ready for TOD
implementation, while another 10 stations are only about 40% ready. This
percentage is seen to be an obstacle to successful TOD when all these railway
stations do not meet the definition of the TOD concept, which consists of four
main elements, namely population density, potential of land development,
economic development, and transit system. From 4 main elements of TOD, only
one element of the transit system was achieved in all 14 train stations, while only
3 train stations had completed the element of potential for land development. In
terms of density, none of the stations achieved the minimum population for TOD;
despite that it is the most important factor for consideration to apply the concept
of TOD in an area. Since all these stations did not achieve the target of 100%, it
will make it difficult for the local authorities to implement TOD in the near future.

Table 2: Complete Model of TOD Readiness





Element Indicator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Population Density Population Density X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Potential of Land Mixed Land Use
X X X X √ X X X √ X √ √ X X
Economic Level of Mixed Land Use
Transit System Number of Interchanges with
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Different Modes
Transit System Accessibility to Station √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Transit System Connectivity with Other Routes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Transit System Parking- Car √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Transit System Frequency of Transit System Service X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Economic Taxes Received by Local Authority
Transit System Parking- Bicycle X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Transit System Parking- Specific Group √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Economic Amount of Existing Businesses
Population Density Commercial Density X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Transit System Security √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Population Density Employment Density X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Economic Private Investment in Local
Development Authority Jurisdiction
Transit System Peak-hour Passengers X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Transit System Facilities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Transit System Non-Peak Hour Passengers X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

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Transit System Information Display √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

TOD READINESS (PERCENTAGE) 40 40 40 40 45 40 40 40 45 40 45 45 40 40
Railways Legend:
1=Tanjung Malim Railway Station; 2=Behrang Railway Station; 3=Slim River Railway Station; 4=Tapah Road Railway
Station; 5=Sungkai Railway Station; 6=Kampar Railway Station; 7=Batu Gajah Railway Station; 8=Sungai Siput Railway
Station; 9=Kuala Kangsar Railway Station; 10=Padang Rengas Railway Station; 11=Taiping Railway Station; 12=Kamunting
Railway Station; 13=Bagan Serai Railway Station; 14=Parit Buntar Railway Station.

In conclusion, the developed model of TOD readiness was successfully
developed, which involves 20 indicators in four elements, where previous studies
had not considered implementing a study of the level of readiness of TOD,
especially in suburban areas. This model can serve as a tool to evaluate and
measure the level of readiness of a railway station and also local authorities in the
planning and development of the TOD concept, where it was proven to be
successful. This model may also be used as a proposed study in the development
of guidelines for TOD in the suburbs, especially for the Local Authorities which
have a TOD concept in their Local Development Plan.
In the context of Perak, all railway stations in Perak’s suburbs are not
ready to accept, implement, and adopt the concept of TOD in their areas. In order
to implement TOD in suburban areas in Perak, all the proposed indicators must
be prepared such as population density, potential of land development, economic
development, and transit system in these areas. However, the aspect of population
density is the most important element in implementing TOD because with high
demand, the TOD development will appear more effective.

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Received: 29th March 2022. Accepted: 13th April 2022

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