IFB Industries Annual Report 10-11

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Chairman Mr. Bijon Nag Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Bikram Nag Directors Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Mr. Somen Bal Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Mr. R. Muralidhar Mr. K. M. Unnikrishnan

REGISTERED OFFICE 14, Taratala Road Kolkata 700 088 Tel : (091) (33) 3048 9230 Fax : (091) (33) 2401 4182, 2401 4579

CORPORATE OFFICE Plot No. IND-5, Sector I East Kolkata Township Kolkata 700 107 Tel : (091) (33) 3984 9524 Fax : (091) (33) 3984 9676 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

AUDIT COMMITTEE Chairman Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Members Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Mr. Somen Bal

CONTENTS COMPANY SECRETARY Mr. G. Ray Chowdhury Notice ................................................................... Directors Report ................................................. Corporate Governance Report .......................... AUDITORS Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants Ten Years Highlights ......................................... Auditors Report ................................................. Balance Sheet ....................................................... REGISTRAR AND SHARE TRANSFER AGENTS CB Management Services (P) Ltd. P 22, Bondel Road, Kolkata - 700 019 Tel : (091) (33) 2280 6692/93/94, 4011 6700 Fax : (091) (33) 2287 0263 E-mail : [email protected] Profit & Loss Account ........................................ Cash Flow Statement .......................................... Schedules to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account ........................................ Balance Sheet Abstract ....................................... 27 49 50 24 5 11 12 18 19 20 23 24 25 26

Regd. Office : 14, Taratolla Road Kolkata 700 088



NOTICE is hereby given that the 35th Annual General Meeting of the members of IFB Industries Limited will be held at Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre, IA - 290, Sector III, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 091 on Friday, the 29th day of July, 2011 at 10.00 a.m to transact the following : ORDINARY BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the financial year ended 31st March, 2011 and reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. To appoint a Director in place of Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. K.M.Unnikrishnan who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification the following resolution as a special resolution : RESOLVED THAT M/s. Deloitte Haskins & Sells (ICAI Registration No. 302009E), Chartered Accountants be and is hereby appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting upto the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorised to fix their remuneration and out of pocket expenses payable to them." SPECIAL BUSINESS 5. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution, with or without modification(s), as an Ordinary Resolution: RESOLVED THAT the consent of the company be and is hereby granted in terms of Section 293(1)(a) and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification or reenactment thereof, for the time being in force), to the Board of Directors of the company (hereinafter referred to as the 'Board', which term shall include any committee thereof), to mortgage and/or charge in addition to the mortgages and/or changes created/to be created by the company, in such form and manner and with such ranking as to priority and for such time and on such terms as the Board may determine, all or any of the moveable and/or immoveable, tangible and/or intangible properties of the company, both present and future in favour of Lending Financial Institutions/ Banks/ Bodies Corporate/ Firms/ Foreign Investors or persons, lender(s), agent(s), trustee(s) for securing the borrowings of the company availed/to be availed by way of loan(s) (in foreign currency and/or rupee currency) and securities ( compromising fully/partly convertible debentures and/or non-convertible debentures with or without detachable or non detachable warrants and/or secured premium notes and/or floating rates notes/bonds or other debt instruments), commercial papers, issued/to be issued by the company whether in India or abroad term loans/fund based working capital loans/short term loans/temporary loans/letter of credit/guarantees/and to secure any other form of borrowing made from time to time, together with interest at the respective agreed rates, additional interest, compound interest in case of default, accumulated interest, liquidated damages, commitment charges, premia on pre-payment, remuneration of agent(s), trustee(s), premium (if any) on redemption, all other costs, charges and expenses, including any increase as a result of devaluation / revaluation / evaluation / fluctuation in the rates of exchange and all other monies payable by the company in terms of loan agreement(s), head of agreement(s), debenture trust deed or any other document entered into/to be entered into between company and the lender(s)/agent(s)trustee(s), in respect of the said loans/borrowings/debentures and containing such specific terms and conditions and covenants in respect of enforcement of security as may be stipulated in that behalf and agreed to between the Board thereof and the lender(s)/agent(s)/trustee(s). Registered. Office : 14, Taratala Road Kolkata - 700 088 Date: 27th May, 2011 By Order of the Board G Ray Chowdhury Company Secretary

IFB INDUSTRIES LTD. NOTES : i) A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy, to attend and vote on a poll on his behalf and such a proxy need not be a member of the Company. Proxies in order to be effective must be deposited at the Registered Office or with the Registrars and Share Transfer Agents of the Company, M/s CB Management Services (P) Ltd., not less than 48 hours before the meeting. The Registrar of Members of the Company and the Share Transfer Registers shall remain closed on from27th July, 2011 to 29th July, 2011 (both days inclusive). The members are requested to a) b) c) notify immediately any change in their address to the Company. bring their copy of the Annual Report to the meeting. write to the Company's Registrar & Share Transfer Agents, M/s CB Management Services (P) Ltd enclosing their share certificates for consolidation into one folio for better investor service, if they have more than one folio in identical order of name(s).

ii) iii)


Additional information, pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with Stock Exchanges, on Directors recommended by the Board of Directors for appointment/ reappointment at the Annual General Meeting is appearing in the Report and Accounts. Explanatory Statements under Section 173(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 for resolution nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 are annexed hereto. The Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI) has mandated the submission of Permanent Account Number (PAN) by every participant in securities market. Members holding shares in electronic forn are, therefore, requested to submit the PAN to their Depository Participants with whom they are maintaining their demat accounts. Members a holding shares in Physical form can submit their PAN details to the Company/ Registrars and Transfer Agents M/s C.B.Management Services ( Pvt) Ltd.

iv) v)


Resolution no. 2, 3, 4 & 5 Resolution no. 2 & 3 Details of Directors seeking reappointment in Annual General Meeting ( in pursuance of clause 49 of the Listing Agreement) Name of Director Date of birth Nationality Date of Appointment on the board Qualification Experience in functional areas Shareholding in the Company List of Directorship held in other Companies Committee Membership Resolution No. 4 As the Company is a widely held Company and its shares are traded on the Stock Exchanges regularly, a part of its share capital is sometimes held by the financial institutions who now routinely invest in the stock market. As this may sometime attract the provisions of Section 224A of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company proposes to appoint the Statutory Auditors by Special Resolution as abundant precaution. Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra 06.09.1946 Indian 21.06.2003 Post Graduate & PhD from IIT Business Executive Nil Nil Three Mr. K. M. Unnikrishnan 03.06.1945 Indian 21.06.2003 B.Com., Diploma in H.R. Management Business Executive 570 nos Nil One

The board recommends passing of this Special Resolution. None of the Directors is interested/ concerned in the resolution. Resolution No 5 This is an enabling resolution to obtain power from the Shareholders of the Company u/s 293 (1) (a) of the Companies Act to mortgage and/or charge in addition to the mortgages and/or changes created/to be created by the company, in such form and manner and with such ranking as to priority and for such time and on such terms as the Board may determine, all or any of the moveable and/or immoveable, tangible and/or intangible properties of the company, both present and future in favour of Lending Financial Institutions/ Banks/ Bodies Corporate/ Firms/ Foreign Investors or persons, lender(s), agent(s), trustee(s) for securing the borrowings of the company availed/to be availed by way of loan(s) (in foreign currency and/or rupee currency). The board recommends passing of this Resolution. None of the Directors is interested/concerned in the resolution. Registered. Office : 14, Taratala Road Kolkata - 700 088 Date: 27th May, 2011 By Order of the Board G Ray Chowdhury Company Secretary

Important Communication to Members

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken a " Green Initiative in the Corporate Governance " by allowing paperless compliances by the companies and has issued circulars stating that service of notice/ documents including Annual Report can be sent by e-mail to its members. To support this green initiative of the Government in full measure, members who have not registered their e-mail addresses, so far, are requested to register e-mail addresses, in respect of electronic holdings with the Depository through their concerned Depository Participants. However, those who intend to receive the above documents in physical form, please exercie their option by visiting the Web Page www.cbmsl.com/green.php of our Registrars. Members who hold shares in Physical form are also requested to visit Web Page www.cbmsl.com/green.php and register their email IDs and also to exercise their option, if they intend to receive the documents in physical form.


DIRECTORS REPORT to the Shareholders

Dear Shareholders, Your Directors present the 35th Annual Report and Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2011. 1. FINANCIAL RESULTS : (Rs. in thousand) For the For the Year ended Year ended 31st March, 31st March, 2011 2010 Sales and Other Income Profit Prior to Finance Charges & Depreciation Less : Finance charges Depreciation Profit before Taxation Less : Provision for Taxation Current Tax Deferred Tax Profit after Tax Balance brought forward from previous year Preference Dividend paid including Dividend Tax Transfer from General Reserve Transfer to capital redemption reserve Balance carried to Balance Sheet 2. 122,320 62,722 503,118 (1,201,069) (697,951) 37,483 537,644 (1,541,614) 37,099 160,000 (1,201,069) 2,550 104,124 688,160 2,574 86,815 575,127 6,975,425 794,834 5,568,264 664,516 4. A) Engineering business and the continuing steady performance by Appliance business which grew by 25.03%. Engineering Division grew by 24.74%. Pretax Profit increased by 19.6% to Rs. 68.81 crores. Earning Per share for the year stands at Rs. 14.24. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Industry Structure & Developments The Indian industry witnessed an impressive turnaround during the financial year compared to the previous year.The market recorded a robust growth owing to easing of the overall credit crunch and alleviation of the effects of the global economic downturn. The overall industry grew at a very healthy pace. Renewed investment focus in various industry verticles such as Automobiles, Real Estate, Textiles, Paper, FMCG, F&B, Cement, Metal processing and infrastructure projects also provided an extremely conducive environment. India is the world's second fastest growing economy and the rapid increase in urbanization and in number of households from 231 mn in 2010 to about 254 mn by 2015 is expected to help Indian home appliances industry to expand from Rs. 229 bn in 2010 to Rs. 397 bn by 2014. The growth is also influenced by rising rural penetration levels of electrical home appliances and their replacement demand. Rising disposable income, boom in real estate & housing, stable prices of household appliances, rising distribution network & availability of financing services are the leading demand drivers for the industry. Changing mindset and lifestyle of consumers and the increasing number of working couples are expected to fuel growth in the industry. The automobile industry in India has posted a good performance in the last year and one of the sectors that is benefiting from the downstream good effects is the auto ancillary sector that supplies inputs to build automobiles. The auto ancillary industry gets demand from OE (Original Equipment) manufacturers and the replacement market. Rising industrial production, credit and consumer confidence will all lead to a demand for autos and consequently for auto ancillaries. B) Opportunities & Threats The overall consumer durable industry is expected to grow at a 11%+ CAGR to Rs. 400 bn over the next four

DIVIDEND In view of the accumulated loss, the Board regrets its inability to recommend any dividend to equity shareholders for the year. REVIEW OF OPERATION Your Company completed another year of steady performance with strong topline growth and high quality earnings. All business segments posted sound growth in revenues and enhanced their market standing. Gross Turnover for the year grew by 26.9% to Rs. 772.6 crores. Net Turnover other than service & other income at Rs. 634.9 crores grew by 24.9% driven by higher


years from Rs. 230 bn at present. The growth will be supported by by a higher growth in rural markets. The rising income levels, double-income families, shorter replacement cycle and increasing comsumer awareness are expected to be the key growth drivers for industry volume growth. Washing machine industry sales are expected to reach Rs. 36 bn by 2014 from Rs. 27 bn in 2010 growing at a CAGR of 12% over the same period. Average realisations are expected to improve as volume mix shifts in favour of fully automatic washing machine. Although irregular nature of water supply across both urban and rural regions led to demand being confined largely to semi-automatic models as fully automatic models require continuous supply of running water, the share of fully-automatic machine is expected to go up to 45% by 2014. Microwave ovens have emerged as the fastest growing category in India's Rs 250 bn consumer durables market. Currently, the market of mocrowave ovens is estimated over 2mn units with LG, Samsung and IFB being the market leaders. Microwaves are witnessing aggressive growth because consumer durables companies are also expanding the sector by launching new products and building awareness. The acceptability of M.W.O is expanding as Indian consumers have started accepting microwave ovens as proper cooking devices rather than just reheating appliances. According to the Investment Commission of India, India is among the most competitive manufacturers of auto components in the world. India is also becoming a global hub for research and development (R&D). Companies like Daimler Chrysler, Bosch, Suzuki, Johnson Controls etc have set up development centres in India. Many international autocomponent majors including Delphi, Visteon, Bosch and Meritor etc have set up operations in India. Auto manufacturers including GM, Ford, Toyota, etc. as well as auto component manufacturers have set up International Purchasing Offices ( IPOs) in India to source for their global operations. In the changed scenario the opportunity for growth of the Company has increased manyfold. Threats Increase in rawmaterials price including steel, aluminium, copper etc and exchange rate fluctuations. During 2010-11 input materials cost has increased by 19%.

Reduction in unsecured financing by institutions- Due to non-recovery of some of the disbursed loan, many financing institutions have now started reducing their exposure to such unsecured loans. This alongwith loan at enhanced interest rate may adversly impact the overall volume growth of the consumer durables due to lack of funding options. Emerging competition from organised retailers The organised retailers, recently, have resorted to market their own private labels across all categories including home appliance to counter the impact of increasing competition within organised retail and adverse macroeconomic conditions. Any significant growth of private labels like Koryo, Croma etc could impact the growth of the branded players in the future. Increase in rawmaterial price, intense competition and threats from competitors in the area of pricing are major causes of concern. RBI in its financial stability report has exressed concern over the slow down in the economy. Indian corporates are getting whipsawed by high input prices and rising financing costs. While the companies benefited from the early stages of inflation that translated into higher sales and profits, they are now feeling the pinch as the same effect is holding back consumption, and causing higher prices for their inputs. The successive interest rates increases have resulted in slowing down the economy GDP Growth slipped to a five quarter low of 7.8% during January-March quarter. C) Segment wise performance The Home Appliance Division has improved its turnover and profitability as compared to last year. The profitability of the division has grown due to growth in volume and value. Introduction of new models in washing machine and microwave oven category at competitive prices has enabled good growth. Washing machine sale in value term for the year recorded a growth of 24.25% over last year. Out of which front loader washing machine sale has grown by 23% and top loaders has grown by 36% over last year. Microwave oven sales in value term recorded a growth of 31% over last year. However, the growth and momentum of microwave oven business was largely hit due to non-availability of product. At present all the manufacturers are facing a serious crisis with respect to increase in labour cost and capacity issues coupled with RMB appreciation.

IFB INDUSTRIES LTD. Contribution percentage has marginally reduced due to increase in material cost, increase in scheme cost and lower increase in service income. The company has entered the commercial laundry equipment business & has launched the same pan India. Enquiry of this segment has been encouraging and the company expects moderate sales from this category going forward. The Company has also entered kitchen appliances and modular kitchen business. Though the Engineering Division recorded growth in sales but profitability of the division reduced substantially and is largely due to increase in material cost, ancillary cost, repair cost etc. To revamp and increase its capacity the company took the plan to modernise its tool room at Bangalore; add new fine blanking presses as well as modernize the old ones. In the financial year under review the company installed one no press at Bangalore and modernised tool room at Bangalore. The company is negotiating with customers to recover material cost overrun and is hopeful to recover atleast part of them. D) Outlook The overall economic outlook seems to be favourable for recovery in the global economic environment and the Indian economy is also poised to grow. According to most indications, industrial growth will be over 15% and the GDP growth will be over 8%. The automobile sector led by passenger cars should grow in the range of 12-15%. With the expected GDP growth, we expect Appliances growth in our product categories to be robust and thus we would expect 20%+ sales growth. Our focus would be to improve our service function as well as to invest in technology for better performance. We have implemented SAP and this will help us to bring down inventory as well as to react faster to market needs apart from bringing about other improvements. Our focus would also be to improve our distribution channel by penetrating deeper into smaller towns. We have already completed our expansion-cummodernization of our washing machine factory at Goa. This expansion would ensure state-of-the-art new generation washing machines of higher capacities and the excess capacity we would use to market for OEM sales through buyers in Europe, Africa, Asian countries, E) etc. However launch of our new models were delayed due to last minute vendor issues- thus launch was delayed by eight months. We would also like to strengthen our direct sales channel as well as our customer retention programs in order to sell more IFB products to the same customer leading to more business per customer on a recurring basis due to recurring service income via AMC's as well as sale of additives, etc. To compete with our competitors and to offer high quality products to our customers, the company is modernising its R&D Lab at Goa. Civil work has already been completed. Equipment commissioning and completion of the seating area plus the training centre are likely to be completed by Q1 2011-12. IFB has invested in its Fine Blanking operations in order to meet the growing demands of the Indian automobile industry. However, we have also de-risked by marketing our fine blanked products to other industries which are also high growth. We are focusing on domestic demand and have built up capacities to meet the same. We will look at exports at a later date as the long working capital cycle is not suitable for us. We have invested in modernizing our Tool Room to international standards and we will add new fine blanking presses as well as modernize the old ones. This jump in investments will, we hope, ensure doubling of our sales by 31st March, 2013. Liquidity position of the Company was comfortable and the company remain debt free. Company remained focussed on its working capital management. Interest & dividend income from placement of temporary surplus funds with mutual funds increased on account of higher surplus fund and increase in interest rates to Rs 19689 thousands compared to Rs 15938 thousands at the end of previous year. As in the past, the Company has maintained excellent relationship with its bankers and was able to avail and negotiate favourable terms for various banking facilities. Concerns Our concern in the Fine Blanking business is pressure on prices from customers' end as well as pressure of higher material costs due to upward revision of commodity prices from time-to-time.

Over and above frequent rawmaterial price increase, our major concern in Appliances is threat from competitors in the area of pricing apart from HR challenges which is, however, a concern of every growing company. To overcome the same, we have substantially increased our investment in training and we hope to increase the same further as well as bring in better HR practices in order to reduce attrition. We, however, feel that at the Senior Management level, more face-to-face contacts with others working in IFB and solving their problems will lead to lowering of the attrition rate. F) Internal Control Systems and their adequacy The Company has adequate system of internal controls and checks and balances to ensure that its assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from unauthorized use. The strength of these systems is continuously being monitored by inhouse internal auditors & also by PWC and the findings of these audits are reported to the Audit Committee of the Board and also to the Board of Directors. The adequacy of the internal control system has also been examined by the statutory auditors. Human Resources IFB is a knowledge-driven organization and its greatest asset is the experience and skill of its employees. Recognizing that the workforce will provide critical competitive edge in its growth endeavor, IFB has laid major emphasis on acquiring, maintaining and developing its human asset base. We offer wide range of career development programs including on the job training, job rotation etc. Our belief is that by investing in these programs we will have a highly motivated work force. Due to changes in H.R Policy the attrition rate of the executives of the company has been reduced to minimum. As a result of focused attention the employees at all levels have actively participated in the effort to sustain and improve the performance of the Company even in the most difficult times. The Company had 1173 nos. employees at the end of March 2011. As in the past, industrial relations continued to remain cordial at all locations in the Company. H) Risk Management The Company is exposed to several risks. They can be

categorised as operational risks and strategic risks . Some of the major risks in each category are described below. There are other risks that could have a material effect on the Company's performance and financial position. The Company has taken several mitigating actions, applied many strategies and introduced control and reporting systems to reduce and mitigate these risks. Operational Risks Environmental issue The company has no pending material environment related issues. Since most of the Company's manufacturing process consist of the assembly of components, the environmental impact from the company's plants are remote. However, environmental requirements are complex and tend to become more stringent with time & the Company will constantly innovate to keep up with requirements as per law. Product warranty and recalls It has become almost mandatory to incorporate such clause in International contracts. However, the Company has so far not accepted any contract with such draconian clause but in the event the company accepts contracts with such clause, the company is exposed to product liability and warranty clause in the event our product fails to perform as expected. A recall claim or a product liability claim brought against the Company in excess of the Company's coverage may have a material adverse effect on the Company's business. Strategic Risks Dependence on supplier The company largely depends on vendors in order to meet its delivery commitments. Consequently, there is a risk that disruption in supply chain could lead to the company not being able to meet its delivery commitments and as a consequence to incur extra costs. The Company's strategy is to reduce this risk by maintaining multiple suppliers in all significant component areas . Patent & Proprietary Technology The Company's strategy is to protect its innovations with patents and to vigorously defend its trademarks and knowhow against infringements and unauthorized use. There can be no assurance that any patent now owned by the company will have protection against competitor that develop similar technology.


IFB INDUSTRIES LTD. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT Statement in this Management discussion and Analysis describing the Company's objectives, projection, estimates and expectations may be ' forward looking statement' within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ substantially or materially from those expressed or implied. Important developments that could affect the company's operations include market competition, significant change in political & economic environment in India, litigation, exchange rate fluctuation, change in interest rates etc. 5. DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 217 (2AA) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 To the best of knowledge and belief and according to the confirmations and explanations obtained by them, your directors make the following statements in terms of Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956: a) In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures; The Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profits of the Company for that period; The Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; These accounts are prepared on a going concern basis. 8. AUDITORS M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants, retire at the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. They have signified their willingness to accept reappointment and have further confirmed their eligibility under section 224(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956. 9. DIRECTORS In view of Sec 274(1) (g) of the Companies Act prescribing disqualification for directors in the event of nonredemption of debentures ( privately-placed), a writpetition was filed before the High Court at Calcutta challenging the applicability of said section 274(1) (g) which is pending for final disposal. An interim order dated 14.05.2004 has been passed by the Hon'ble Calcutta High Court directing Union of India and its authorized agents, servants or otherwise from giving any effect or further effect to or taking any step in pursuance of the provisions contained in section 274(1)(g) of the Companies Act, 1956 In the mean time all the debentures have been fully redeemed by December 2007. Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra and Mr.K.M.Unnikrishnan retire as directors by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment. The particulars of directors seeking appointment / reappointment are given in Corporate Governance section of this Report. 10. PERSONNEL The Directors would like to place on record their appreciation of the dedication and hard work put in by employees at all levels. Particulars of employees as required to be furnished pursuant to Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 , read with rules thereunder, forms part of this Report. However, as per the provision of Section 219(1) (b) (iv) of the Companies Act,1956, the reports and accounts are being sent to all the shareholders of the Company excluding the statement of particular of employees. Any shareholder interested in obtaining a copy may write to the Company Secretary of the Company. 11. ESPS The Company implemented the Employees Stock Purchase Scheme 2008 in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India ( Employees Stock Option



d) 6.

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE As stipulated by Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, a Report on Corporate Governance along with a Certificate from the Auditors is given separately in this Annual Report.


DELISTING FROM DELHI STOCK EXCHANGE The application for delisting to Delhi Stock Exchange is pending.

Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guide lines, 1999 ( ' the SEBI Guidelines'). The Compensation committee, constituted in accordance with the SEBI Guidelines, administers and monitors the scheme. The applicable disclosures as stipulated under the SEBI Guidelines as at March 31, 2011 ( cumulative position) are given below: a) b) Total no. of equity shares issued to employees in ESPS 1593449. Exercise price Rs 10/- per share to employees belonging to workers category and for rest of employees Rs 15/- per share., plus applicable taxes, as per law. Employee wise details of shares alloted under ESPS to : i. Key Management person : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Mr. A.K.Nag Mr. A.S.Negi Mr. B.M.Shetye Mr. Dipak Mitra Mr. Gautam Dasgupta Mr. G Ray Chowdhury Mr. Indroneel Goho Mr. Probir Chatterjee Mr. Rajshankar Ray Mr. S.Bhattacharya Mr. Siddhartha Chatterjee 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 17,500 25,000 25,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 13. d) e) 12.

iii. Identified employees, who were issued shares during any one year, equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital of the company at the time of issuance - nil Diluted Earning Per share ( EPS) pursuant to issuance of shares under ESPS Rs 14.24 Consideration received against the issuance of shares Rs. 235 lacs plus applicable taxes.

ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO As required by the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988, the relevant data are given in the Annexure to this Report. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Your Directors would like to place on record their sincere appreciation to the employees, Customers,Shareholders, banks and also Central & State Government Offices and all others for their co-operation and support.


ii Any other employee who is issued shares in any one year amounting to 5 % or more shares during the year - nil

On behalf of the Board Bikram Nag Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Place : Kolkata Dated : 27th May, 2011 R. N. Mitra Director




INFORMATION AS PER SECTION 217(1)(E) READ WITH THE COMPANIES (DISCLOSURE OF PARTICULARS IN THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS) RULES, 1988. A. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The Company's operations involve low energy consumption. However, the Company took adequate measures to optimise use of energy through improved operational methods. Energy consumption at all points is monitored and statistical analysis is done for improvement.


TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION The Company is a leader in its respective product category and this has become possible due to absorption of technology in the quickest possible time and for in house Research & Development. Further, development activities were carried out to make the products more suitable for Indian conditions, e.g. quality of water, fluctuating power supply and environmental pollution. The Company's R&D activity focuses mainly on application of new materials, new process, latest electronic system and metal processing technology. The units could also indigenise critical electronic components, e.g. speed control unit, switches, thermostats, magnetic valves, etc. in shortest possible time. The Company is now actively involved in upgrading computer design software, wash lab equipment, development of new models, etc.


FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO During the year under review, the Company earned foreign exchange equivalent to Rs.17,444 thousand. Details of Foreign exchange outgo on account of imports, expenditure on travelling, knowhow, royalties etc and Export earnings are shown in note no. 14 under the heading 'OTHER INFORMATION' forming part of the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.



(Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement) Companys Philosophy on Corporate Governance The Company is committed to good Corporate Governance. The Company fully realizes the rights of its shareholders to information on the performance of the Company and considers itself a trustee of its shareholders. The Company is of the view that Good Corporate Governance is an optimum mix of regulatory compliances as well as voluntary disclosures and practices. The Company is focused on attaining the highest levels of transparency, fairness, accountability and integrity in its dealings with all the constituents of its business i.e. the stakeholders. Towards this end, substantial disclosures on the Board of Directors and its Committees, financial and stock performance has been made in this Annual Report. Board of Directors At present the Board comprises seven directors - out of which four are Independent directors, one non executive Director and two executive Directors. Composition of the Board and the category of the Directors as well as details of their directorships in other companies/committees are given below: Director Category Number of other Directorships of Public Ltd. Companies 1 1 3 Membership of Board Committees of other Companies

Mr. Bijon Nag Mr. Somen Bal Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Mr. R. Muralidhar Mr. K. M. Unnikrishnan Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Mr. BikramNag

Executive Chirman Non-Executive Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Jt. Executive Chairman & MD

Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and Annual General Meeting : The Board of Directors met seven times during the last financial year, on the following dates : 26.4.2010, 04.05.2010, 31.05.2010, 30.07.2010, 29.10.2010, 06.11.2010 and 29.01.2011. The attendance at the Board Meetings and Annual General Meeting during the year were as follows : Name of Directors Board Meeting Mr. Bijon Nag Mr. Somen Bal Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Mr. R. Muralidhar Mr. K.M.Unnikrishnan Mr. Bikram Nag 3 7 5 7 4 7 6 Attendance Annual General Meeting Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present



Board Agenda Meetings are governed by a structured agenda. The Board members, in consultation with the Chairman, may bring up any matter for the consideration of the Board. All major agenda items are backed by comprehensive background information to enable the Board to take informed decisions. Remuneration of Directors Remuneration committee consists of two Independent Directors. Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra, Mr Somen Bal and Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya are the members of the committee. No meeting was held during 2010-2011. Remuneration to non-executive Directors At present non-executive Directors are paid sitting fees of Rs 20,000/- for every meeting of Board and Rs 5000/- for every Audit Committee & Remuneration Committee meeting and Rs 1,000/- for other board committee meetings. However no sitting fee is paid to the members of committee of directors for attending share transfer / investors grievance committee. Remuneration of Executive Chairman & Joint Executive Chairman & MD The remuneration of the executive chairman/ Joint Executive Chairman & MD is reviewed and recommended by the remuneration committee to the Board and approved by shareholders in General meeting. The Company does not have any Stock purchase plan for its Directors. Details of remuneration paid to Directors for the year ended 31st March, 2011 are as follows Directors Mr. Bijon Nag Mr. Somen Bal Mr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Mr. R. Muralidhar Mr. K.M. Unnikrishnan Mr. BikramNag * Includes fees for Committee Meetings. Mr. Somen Bal , Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya and Mr K.M.Unnikrishnan nonexecutive Directors are holding 2030, 1000 and 20 nos equity shares respectively of the Company as on 31st March 2011. No other non-executive Director is holding any share of the Company. Audit Committee The Audit Committee comprises three directors, out of which two are independent at present. The Terms of Reference of this Committee cover the matters specified for Audit Committees under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement as well as Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956. The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing with the management the financial statements and adequacy of internal audit function and to discuss significant internal audit findings. The Committee acts as a link between the management, external and internal auditors and the Board of Directors of the Company. During the year five meetings were held on the following dates : 31.05.2010, 30.07.2010, 06.11.2010 & 28.01.2011 The constitution of the Committee and the attendance of each member of the Committee are given below: Name Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra Mr. Somen Bal Mr. Radharaman Bhattacharya Designation Chairman Member Member Category Independent Director Non-Executive Director Independent Director Profession Professional Professional Professional Committee Meetings Attended 4 4 4 Sitting Fees * 135,000 115,000 135,000 70,000 110,000 Salary & Perquisites 1,853,626 Com. (Rs.) Total 1,853,626 135,000 115,000 135,000 70,000 110,000


Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee The Share Transfer and Investors Grievance Committee has been authorised to approve transfer of shares, etc. In order to expedite the process, the Board of Directors has also delegated the authority to approve the share transfers to the Company Secretary of the Company. During the year 23 meetings of the Committee were held on the following dates: 16.04.2010, 30.04.2010, 15.05.2010, 31.05.2010, 28.06.2010, 20.07.2010, 27.07.2010, 10.08.2010, 23.08.2010, 31.08.2010, 20.09.2010, 4.10.2010, 29.10.2010, 15.11.2010, 30.11.2010, 15.12.2010, 31.12.2010, 17.1.2011, 31.1.2011, 15.2.2011, 28.2.2011, 15.3.2011,31.3.2011 The members of the Committee at present are as follows: Name Mr. Somen Bal Mr. K. M. Unnikrishnan Share Transfers : F All Shares have been transferred and returned within the prescribed time limit, provided the documents were complete. F Total number of shares transferred during the year 2010-2011 was 27,699. Investor Relations : The Companys Registrars and Share Transfer Agent CB Management Services Pvt. Ltd. are fully equipped to carry out the transfer of shares and redress investors complaints. All complaints received from Shareholders have been cleared within the financial year. There is no complaint which has remained un-addressed. General Body Meetings : The location and time of the Annual General Meeting held during the last 3 years are as follows: Annual General Meeting 32nd Annual General Meeting Date 06.08.2008 Time 10:00 a.m. Venue Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre IA Sector III, Bidhannagar Kolkata 700 091 Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre IA Sector III, Bidhannagar Kolkata 700 091 Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre IA Sector III, Bidhannagar Kolkata 700 091 No. of Special Resolutions Passed 3 Designation Member Member Category Non-Executive Director Independent Director

33rd Annual General Meeting


10:00 a.m.

34th Annual General Meeting


10:00 a.m.

The special resolutions were usually passed on show of hands and mostly unanimously. There was no resolution passed by postal ballot last year. Presently the Company does not have any proposal for postal ballot. Notes on Directors appointment / re-appointment : Dr. Rathindra Nath Mitra, 64 an Indian national has been a Non-Executive, Independent Director since June 2003. Dr. Mitra is a technocrat having post graduate degree from IIT, Kharagpur and also has done his PhD from IIT, Kharagpur. He is having more than 39 years of rich professional experience. Earlier, he worked in Hindusthan Copper Ltd. Mr. K.M.Unnikrishnan , 66 an Indian national has been a Non-Executive, Independent Director since June 2003. Mr. Unikrishnan is a commerce graduate & has got post graduate diplomas in Human Resources Management and in general management. He has over 30 years experience in Administration and HR matter. Earlier, he worked in IFB Industries Ltd. CEO/CFO Certification : The Financial statements and the Cash Flow Statement for Financial year 2010-11 have been certified to the board by Mr. Bikramjit Nag, Joint Executive Chairman & MD and Mr. S. Bhattacharjee, CFO in accordance with clause 49 ( V) of the Listing Agreement.



Code of Conduct : The Board of IFB has laid down a code of conduct for all Board members and Senior Management of the Company. The Code of Conduct is available on the website of the Company. All Board members and Senior Management personnel have affirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct. Disclosures Related Party Transactions During the year under review, besides the transactions reported elsewhere in the Annual Report, the Company has not entered into any transaction of material nature, with its promoters, the Directors or the Management or relatives etc that may have potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large. During the last three years there were no penalties or stictures imposed on the Company by stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority for non-compliance of any matter related to capital market Non mandatory requirement : The Company does not have whistle Blower policy. The Company has not complied with non-mandatory requirements regarding sending half yearly financial performance to each household of shareholders, training of Board members, mechanism for evaluating non-executive board members . The Company has had no occasion so far to use the postal ballot. Means of communication : The quarterly and half yearly results of the Company are forthwith communicated to the stockexchanges with whom the Company has listing agreements as soon as the results are approved and taken on record by the board of directors of the Company. Further the results are generally published in Financial Express ( English) and Sambad pratidin- ( Bengali).No presentation was made to institutional investors or analysts during the year. The quarterly and halfyearly results are also displayed in Company website. Audit Qualification : The Company is in the regime of unqualified financial statements. General Shareholder Information : (a) Annual General Meeting : Date Time Venue

: : :

(b) Financial Calendar : Financial Reporting for first quarter result second quarter / half yearly result third quarter result (c) Date of Book Closure (d) Dividend payment date (e) Listing of Equity Shares on Stock Exchanges

29th July, 2011 10 A.M. Eastern Zonal Cultural Center IA-290, Sector-III, Bidhannagar, Calcutta-700 091 April to March

Stock Code :

ISIN No. :

within 14th day of August within 15th day of November within 15th day of February 27.07.2011 to 29.07.2011 (both days inclusive) Dividend is not recommended The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd., Kolkata National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Mumbai The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd., (Applied for Delisting) The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd., Kolkata 10019067 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Mumbai IFBIND The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. 505726 INE559A01017



Stock Market Data : NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Period April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 High (Rs.) Low (Rs.) 99.70 87.05 102.05 81.95 149.00 92.20 152.00 127.30 178.90 132.70 183.80 135.00 178.40 154.00 173.00 110.35 134.00 103.00 129.85 104.10 115.35 85.00 159.75 102.60 SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCE VERSUS THE NSE INDEX Monthly Volume 581376 993863 7463978 2424271 4061818 3675112 1309313 936971 741442 512071 308585 4904193

Share price performance versus NSE Index

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
A pr M il 1 ay 0 Ju 1 ne 0 Ju 10 l A y 1 ug 0 Se . 1 pt 0 O . 10 c N t. 1 ov 0 D .10 ec Ja . 1 n 0 Fe . 11 b M . 1 ar 1 . 11

7000 6000 5000 3000 2000 1000 0 4000

Month (g) Registrars and Share Transfer Agent : CB Management Services (P) Ltd. P 22 Bondel Road, Kolkata 700 019 Tel 2280 6692-93-94/4011 6700 Shareholders 16061 766 345 163 103 84 120 93 17735 Percentage 90.56 4.32 1.95 0.92 0.58 0.47 0.68 0.52 100.00 Amount in Rs. 1760779 639778 538565 427959 375750 405314 871337 30437414 35456896 Percentage 4.97 1.80 1.52 1.21 1.06 1.14 2.46 85.84 100.00

(h) Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March, 2011 Slab of Shareholdings in nominal value 1-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3000 3001-4000 4001-5000 5001-10000 10001 and above Total




IFB High Nifty



Shareholding Pattern as on 31st March, 2011 : Shareholder Category 1. Promoters Group 2. Mutual Funds and Unit Trust of India 3 Banks, Financial Institutions & Insurance Companies 4. Foreign Institutional Investors 5. Bodies Corporate 6. NRIs / OCBs 7. In transit in Depository System 8. General Public Total : Number of shares held 25,373,199 512,483 3,078 1,201,355 1,756,961 747,409 72,421 5,789,990 35,456,896 % of shareholding 71.56 1.45 0.00 3.39 4.96 2.11 0.20 16.33 100.00


Dematerialisation of Shares As on 31st March, 2011, 27745052 shares (78.25 %of the Company's total number of shares) are in the dematerialised form. At present the Company's shares are compulsorily traded in dematerialised form, as per notification issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The ISIN allotted for the Equity Shares of Company is INE559A01017.

(k) Secretarial audit for reconciliation of capital The Securities and Exchange Board of India has directed vide Circular No. D&CC/ FITTC /CIR-16/2002 dated December 31, 2002 that all issuer companies shall submit a capital integrity, reconciling the total shares held both in both the depositories, viz, NSDL and CDSL and in physical form with total issued and paid-up capital. The said certificate, duly certified by the practicing Company Secretaries is submitted to the Stock Exchanges within 30 days of the end of each quarter. (l) Outstanding GDRs/ADRs or any convertible instruments : : There are no outstanding GDRs/ADRs or any other convertible instruments. (n) Investor Correspondence : 14, Taratolla Road, Kolkata - 700 088 JL-71, P.O. Bishnupur, Gangarampur, West Bengal L-1, Verna Electronic City, Verna, Selcete, Goa - 403 722 62, 64 & 66, Corlim Indl. Estate, Corlim, Ilhas, Goa - 403 110 E-3, New Indl. Area II, Mandideep 462 046, Bhopal, Dist. Raisen, M.P - 462 046 16/17, Visveswariah Indl. Estate, Whitefield Road, Bangalore 560 048.

(m) Plant Location

Corporate Office : Plot No. IND 5, Sector I, East Kolkata Township, Kolkata 700 107 Tel : (033) 3984 9475 Fax : (033) 3984 9676 E-mail : [email protected] Registrar and Share Transfer Agent : CB Management Services (P) Ltd. P 22, Bondel Road, Kolkata - 700 019 Tel : (033) 2280 6692-93-94/2486, 4011 6700 Fax : (033) 2287 0263 E-mail : [email protected] On behalf of the Board

Place : Kolkata Dated : 27th May, 2011

Bikram Nag Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director

R. N. Mitra Director


AUDITORS REPORT on Corporate Governance

To the Members of IFB Industries Limited We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by IFB Industries Limited, for the year ended on 31st March, 2011 as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with Stock Exchanges. The Compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. Our examination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing Agreement. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Kolkata, 27th May, 2011

For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 302009E) Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner (Membership No. 054785)



10 Years Highlights
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

(Rs. million)
2009-10 2010-11

SALES AND EARNINGS Sales & other income Profit/loss () before tax Profit/loss () after tax Depreciation/amortisation Dividends Retained earnings ASSETS & LIABILITIES Fixed assets (Gross) Fixed assets (Net) Total assets (Net) Represented by Net worth Total borrowings (2055) 4684 (2798) 5092 (3654) 5548 (3984) 5171 (3939) 4731 (3552) 3983 (3132) 3445 204 459 1034 3709 2423 2742 3602 2094 2372 3595 1695 1972 3630 1390 1618 3674 1095 1240 3744 865 904 3799 710 818 3884 721 1122 4029 824 1575 4469 1388 2212 1923 (711) (711) 172 1631 (782) (782) 234 1890 (856) (856) 218 2139 (344) (344) 208 2306 (131) (138) 183 2947 363 353 128 3901 385 373 84 4568 3163 3151 76 5568 575 538 87 6975 688 503 104

RATIOS Earnings per share (Rs.) (after extraordinary) Earnings per equity share (Rs.) (before extraordinary) Net worth per equity share (Rs.) (161.72) (209.65) (273.84) (275.25) (259.04) (214.89) (190.57) 1.51 13.22 29.15 (51.14) (57.88) (63.96) (61.76) (16.43) (6.79) 7.55 19.05 16.87 14.24 (55.94) (60.49) (64.18) (25.76) (9.32) 20.20 21.08 165.94 16.87 14.24

OTHERS Number of employees Rate of dividend (%) 651 606 635 657 686 705 877 988 986 1173


AUDITORS REPORT to the Members of IFB Industries Limited

1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of IFB Industries Limited (the Company) as at 31st March 2011, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement of the Company for the year ended on that date, both annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Companys Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 (CARO) issued by the Central Government in terms of Section 227(4A) of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to in paragraph 3 above, we report as follows : a. we have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of our audit; b. in our opinion, proper books of account, as required by law, have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those books; c. the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account; d. in our opinion, the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in compliance with the Accounting Standards referred to in Section 211(3 C) of the Companies Act, 1956; e. in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and gives a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India : i. in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March 2011; in the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date and



iii. in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows of the Company for the year ended on that date. 5. On the basis of written representations received from the Directors as on 31st March 2011, taken on record by the Board of Directors, and specially in view of the order dated 14th May 2004 passed by the Honble Calcutta High Court on a writ petition filed by the Company and the existing Directors challenging the applicability of Section 274(1)(g) of the Companies Act, 1956 which is pending final disposal, none of the Directors has been considered as disqualified as on 31st March 2011 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 274(1)(g) of the Companies Act, 1956.



For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 302009E) Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner Kolkata, 27th May, 2011 (Membership No. 054785)



ANNEXURE to the Auditors Report (Referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date)
(i) (ii) Having regard to the nature of the Companys business/activities/result, clauses (vi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xvi), (xviii) and (xix) of CARO are not applicable. In respect of its fixed assets : (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of the fixed assets.

(b) The fixed assets were physically verified during the year by the Management in accordance with a regular programme of verification which, in our opinion, provides for physical verification of all the fixed assets at reasonable intervals. According to the information and explanation given to us, no material discrepancies were noticed on such verification. (c) The fixed assets disposed off during the year, in our opinion, do not constitute a substantial part of the fixed assets of the Company and such disposal has, in our opinion, not affected the going concern status of the Company. As explained to us, inventories were physically verified during the year by the management at reasonable intervals.

(iii) In respect of its inventories : (a)

(b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the Management were reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (c) in our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has maintained proper records of its inventories and no material discrepancies were noticed on physical verification.

(iv) The Company has neither granted nor taken any loans, secured or unsecured, to/from companies, firms or other parties listed in the Register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. (v) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, having regard to the explanations that some of the items purchased are of special nature and suitable alternative sources are not readily available for obtaining comparable quotations, there are adequate internal control procedures commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business for the purchase of inventory and fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services. During the course of our audit, we have not observed any major weakness in such internal control system.

(vi) In respect of contracts or arrangements entered in the Register maintained in pursuance of Section 301 of the Companies Act 1956, to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us : (a) The particulars of contracts or arrangements referred to in Section 301 that needed to be entered in the Register, maintained under the said Section has been so entered.

(b) Where each of such transactions is in excess of Rs 500 thousands in respect of any party, the transactions have been made at prices which are prima facie reasonable having regard to the prevailing market prices


at the relevant time except in respect of certain purchases for which comparable quotations are not available and in respect of which we are unable to comment. (vii) In our opinion, the internal audit functions carried out during the year by the internal audit department of the Company and by a company appointed by the Management have been commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (viii) We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the Company pursuant to the rules made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under Section 209(1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of manufacture of electrical motors and machine tools and are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. We have, however, not made a detailed examination of the records with a view to determining whether they are accurate or complete. To the best of our knowledge and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Central Government has not prescribed the maintenance of cost records for any other product of the Company. (ix) According to information and explanations given to us in respect of statutory dues : a. The Company has generally been regular in depositing undisputed dues, including Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Customs Duty; Excise Duty, Cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it with the appropriate authorities. There were no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Provident Fund, Sales Tax. Income-tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty Cess and other material statutory dues in arrears as at 3lst March 2011 for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. Details of dues of Sales Tax, Service Tax, Excise Duty and Cess which have not been deposited as on 31st March 2011 on account of any dispute are given below :
Nature of dues Sales tax including entry tax and trade tax Value (Rs. in Thousand) 27,977 Period to which amount relates 1996-97, 1998-99, 2000-01 to 2006-07 Forum where dispute is pending Assessing Officer, Assistant Commissioner, Joint Commissioner and Senior Joint Commissioner, Commissioner Appeals, Appellate and Revisional Board, Appellate Tribunal. High Court, CEGAT, Commissioner Appeals, and Assistant / Additional Commissioner of Central Excise, Central Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT). Civil Judge Court Senior Division, Thane and Bombay High Court



Name of the Statute Central Sales Tax Act & Local Sales Tax Act

Central Excise Act, 1944 Excise duty, and Chapter V of the Finance Service tax Act, 1994, as amended including penalty


2000-01, 2004-05 to 2009-2010

Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act, 1949

Cess including interest on Cess


2004-05, 2005-06 2006-07 and 2007-2008




The accumulated losses of the Company at the end of the financial year are less than fifty per cent of its net worth and the Company has not incuned cash losses during the financial year and in the immediately preceding financial year. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not defaulted in the repayment of dues to banks. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions of the guarantees given by the Company for loans taken by others from banks are not prima facie prejudicial to the interests of the Company.

(xi) (xii)

(xiii) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, and on an overall examination of the Balance Sheet, we report that funds raised on short term basis have not been used during the year for long-term investment. (xiv) The Company has not raised any money through public issues during the year. (xv) To the best of our knowledge and according to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud by the Company and no fraud on the Company has been noticed or reported during the year.

Kolkata, 27th May, 2011

For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 302009E) Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner Membership No. 054785



BALANCE SHEET as at March 31, 2011

As at March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 Rs. 000 As at March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000

Schedule I. SOURCES OF FUNDS 1. Shareholders Funds a. Share Capital b. Reserves and Surplus 2 Deferred Tax Liability TOTAL II. APPLICATION OF FUNDS 1. Fixed Assets a. Gross Block b. Less: Depreciation c. d. 2. 3. Net Block Capital Work in Progress 4 5

1 2

362,194 2,447,842

2,810,036 100,205 2,910,241

355,175 2,383,643

2,738,818 37,483 2,776,301

3 4,323,283 3,080,773 1,242,510 145,945 1,388,455 461,735 3,960,064 3,205,319 754,745 69,287 824,032 106,424

Investments Current Assets, Loans and Advances A. Current Assets a. Inventories b. Sundry Debtors c. Cash and Bank Balances B. Loans and Advances

888,302 390,581 279,981 482,085 2,040,949

853,318 279,825 365,444 474,895 1,973,482 1,096,968 231,738 1,328,706 362,100 697,951 2,910,241 644,776 1,201,069 2,776,301

Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions a. Current Liabilities 6 b. Provisions 7 Net Current Assets 4 Profit and Loss Account TOTAL
Notes to Financial Statements 12

1,438,198 240,651 1,678,849

Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Balance Sheet In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner Place : Kolkata Date : May 27, 2011

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary Bikram Nag R. N. Mitra S. Bhattacharya G. Ray Chowdhury



PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended March 31, 2011
Year ended March 31, 2011 Schedule INCOME Gross sale of products Less: Trade scheme and discounts Sales (net of trade scheme and discounts) Less : Excise duty Sales (Net) Service Income Other income Total : EXPENDITURE Raw materials, stores consumed, trading purchases and (increase) / decrease in inventories 9 Employees remuneration and benefits 10 Operating and administration expenses 11 Depreciation / amortisation 3 Financial charges (others) Total : Profit before taxation Provision for current tax Less : MAT credit entitlement Provision for deferred tax Profit after taxation Balance brought forward from previous years Preference dividend paid Corporate dividend tax there on Transfer to capital redemption reserve Balance carried to balance sheet Basic and diluted earnings per share - Rs. Notes to financial statements 12
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary Bikram Nag R. N. Mitra S. Bhattacharya G. Ray Chowdhury Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Profit and Loss Account In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner Place : Kolkata Date : May 27, 2011

Year ended March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 6,086,664 691,131 5,395,533 315,183 Rs. 000

Rs. 000 7,726,002 977,805 6,748,197 398,768

Rs. 000

6,349,429 305,270 320,726 6,975,425

5,080,350 259,182 228,732 5,568,264

4,003,553 630,009 1,547,029 104,124 2,550 6,287,265 688,160 (136,074) 13,754 (122,320) (62,722) 503,118 (1,201,069) (697,951) (697,951) 14.24 (31,710) (5,389) (100,000) 100,000

3,069,986 507,314 1,326,448 86,815 2,574 4,993,137 575,127 (37,483) 537,644 (1,541,614) (1,003,970) (37,099) (160,000) (1,201,069) 16.87



CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended March 31, 2011
Year ended March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 A. CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Profit before Tax Adjustment for : Depreciation / amortisation Write off of debts / advances Provision for Doubtful debts and advances Write back of liabilities no longer required Write back of provisions no longer required Write off of Fixed Assets Capital WIP Written off Loss on disposal of Fixed Assets Unrealised Exchange Loss / (gain) Financial Charges Employee Stock Purchase Scheme Expense Dividend income Profit on sale of mutual funds (net) Operating Profit Before Working Capital changes Movement in working capital : (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories (Increase)/Decrease in Sundry Debtors and Loans & Advances (Decrease)/Increase in Current Liabilities and Provisions Cash Generated from Operations Direct Taxes paid Net Cash from Operating Activities B. CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of fixed assets Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets Purchase of investment in Mutual Funds Proceeds from sale of Investments in Mutual Funds Dividend received Net Cash used in Investing Activities C. CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from issuance of Share Redemption of preference Share Preference Dividend Paid Corporate Dividend Tax Financial Charges Net cash from / (used in) financing activities Net change in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH & CASH EQUIVALENT, END OF YEAR [Refer schedule 5(A)C] 688,160 104,124 10,733 6357 (98,084) (9,038) 2,980 3,077 7,147 (5,849) 2,550 60,690 (11,774) (230) 760,843 (34,984) (147,652) 468,929 286,293 1,047,136 (151,012) 896,124 (648,399) 2,518 (1,397,300) 1,050,518 3,098 (989,565) 10,528 (2,550) 7,978 (85,463) 365,444 279,981 Year ended March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 575,127 86,815 4,649 6,443 (7,950) (9,909) 3,651 38 1,790 2,574 12,434 (2,287) 673,375 (227,829) (215,345) 295,114 (148,060) 525,315 (78,387) 446,928 (269,500) 10 (524,700) 420,565 (373,625) 62,722 (160,000) (31,710) (5,389) (2,574) (136,951) (63,648) 429,092 365,444

Notes : 1. The above Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under indirect method as per Accounting Standard 3 Cash Flow Statement notified under section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956. 2. The figures in the bracket indicate cash outflow, except for adjustments for operating activities. In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Partner Place : Kolkata Date : May 27, 2011 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary Bikram Nag R. N. Mitra S. Bhattacharya G. Ray Chowdhury



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

As at March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 SCHEDULE 1 SHARE CAPITAL Authorised : 65,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each (Previous year 65,000,000 shares of Rs. 10 each) 30,000,000 Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each (Previous year 30,000,000 shares of Rs. 10 each) Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up : 35,456,896 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, fully paid up (Previous year 34,755,046 shares of Rs. 10 each) (Of the above equity shares 2,950,760 equity shares were allotted as fully paid up by way of bonus shares by capitalisation of Share Premium) Add : Forfeited Shares Rs. 000 As at March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000

650,000 300,000 950,000

350,000 300,000 950,000 347,550






30,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs 2.50 each partly paid up (Previous year 30,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 2.50 each, partly paid up) 362,194 355,175

Balance as on April 1, 2010 SCHEDULE 2 RESERVES & SURPLUS Capital Reserve Debt Restructuring Reserve Capital Redemption Reserve Share Premium Account Revaluation Reserve 2,500 898,061 160,500 1,305,250 17,332 2,383,643

Addition during the year

Withdrawal during the year

Balance as on March 31, 2011

64,199 64,199

2,500 898,061 160,500 1,369,449 17,332 2,447,842


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

Particulars of Assets

(Rs. 000)

As at April 1, 2010 Additions A) TANGIBLEFreehold Land (@) Leasehold Land Leasehold Land R and D Leasehold Land Building Building R and D Building Plant and Machinery Plant and Machinery R and D Plant and Machinery Computer Computer R and D Computer Furniture and Fixture Furniture and Fixture R and D Furniture and Fixture Motor Vehicle B) INTANGIBLE Computer Software Computer Software R and D Computer Software Technical Knowhow Technical Knowhow R and D Technical Knowhow Total Previous Year Capital WIP Capital WIP Rand D Capital WIP Capital WIP - Previous Year Capital WIP - Previous Year Rand D Capital WIP - Previous Year 71,901 23,326 22,024 1,302 364,206 354,196 10,010 3,337,578 3,334,748 2,830 46,600 43,565 3,035 70,505 68,979 1,526 15,472 30,476 30,461 15 3,960,064 3,865,354 69,287 69,287 10,361 10,361 67,204 67,204 421,264 420,896 368 14,023 12,808 1,215 8,762 8,750 12 13,237 7,749 5,488 80,044 80,044 604,534 142,914

Adjustments/ Disposals (235,371) (235,350) (21) (1,801) (1,793) (8) (2,342) (2,342) (780) (1,021) (1,021) (48,204)

As at March 31 2011

As at April 1 2010

For the year 639 595 44 12,509 12,189 320 62,762 62,622 140 6,125 5,952 173 4,928 4,847 81 447 11,407 10,961 446 5,307 5,307 104,124 86,815

Adjustments/ Disposals (223,060) (223,039) (21) (1,737) (1,729) (8) (2,107) (2,107) (745) (1,021) (1,021) (228,670) (44,505)

As at As at March 31 March 31 2011 2011 18,558 17,586 972 261,612 254,487 7,125 2,686,101 2,685,255 846 33,036 30,097 2,939 45,179 44,374 805 12,576 18,404 17,951 453 5,307 5,307 3,080,773 3,205,319 71,901 4,768 4,438 330 169,798 166,913 2,885 837,370 835,039 2,331 25,786 24,483 1,303 31,746 31,013 733 2,116 24,288 19,238 5,050 74,737 74,737 1,242,510 754,745 145,945 57,642 88,303 69,287 69,287

As at March 31 2010 71,901 5,407 5,033 374 115,103 111,898 3,205 491,179 489,076 2,103 17,952 17,691 261 28,147 27,345 802 2,598 22,458 22,450 8 754,745 702,345 69,287 69,287 10,361 10,361

71,901 23,326 17,919 22,024 16,991 1,302 928 431,410 249,103 421,400 242,298 10,010 6,805 3,523,471 2,846,399 3,520,294 2,845,672 3,177 727 58,822 28,648 54,580 25,874 4,242 2,774 76,925 42,358 75,387 41,634 1,538 724 14,692 12,874 42,692 37,189 5,503 80,044 80,044 3,960,064 145,945 57,642 88,303 69,287 69,287 8,018 8,011 7 3,205,319 3,163,009

(241,315) 4,323,283

560,565 (483,907) 472,262 (483,907)(*) 88,303 78,774 (19,848) 78,774 (19,848)

(*) Includes Capital WIP Written off during the year amounting to Rs. (000) 3077 (@) Gross Block includes an amount of Rs. (000) 17332 (Previous Year : Rs. (000) 17332) resulting from revaluation in an earlier year. Note: (a) R and D denotes Research and Development (b) For sanction of import letter of credit/ buyers credit amounting to Rs 3,00,000 thousand for capital goods by Standard Charted Bank, following securities have been created : (i) 1st charge on all present and future movable properties of the Company situated at Goa Plant, Verna, Salcete ( except exclusive charge to term lenders). (ii) Exclusive charge on plant & machinery financed by the Bank such as assembly conveyor, drum fabline, cabinet fabline, press tools and moulds for tub front and rear including movable plant & machinery, furniture & fittings, equipments, computer hardware & software, machinery spares, tools, accessories and other movables. (iii) Equitable mortgage by way of first charge in respect of non agricultural land situated at Verna, Salcete.



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

Face Value Quantity March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010 Amount March 31, 2011 (Rs. '000) March 31, 2010 (Rs. '000)

Rs. LONG TERM QUOTED OTHERS (AT COST) I. In Equity Shares Ashok Leyland Ltd. 1 (Face value of Rs. 10/- per share subdivided into 10 shares of Rs. 1/each fully paid up w.e.f. July 7, 2004) Total CURRENT UNQUOTED - OTHERS
I. In Mutual Funds 1. ICICI Prudential FMP Series 53 1 Year Plan D Cumulative 2. ICICI Prudential Blended Plan B Daily Dividend Option - I 3. Kotak FMP Series 29 - Growth 4. Kotak Quaterly Interval Plan Series 5 - Dividend 5. DWS Treasury Fund InvestmentRegular Plan-Daily Dividend-Reinvest 6. Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund - XVII Series 1 - Growth Plan 7. Reliance Interval Fund - Quaterly Plan Series I - Retail Dividend Plan 8. JP Morgan India Treasury Fund Super Inst. Daily Div Plan - Reinvest 9. LIC NOMURA MF Interval Fund Series 1 - Monthly Dividend Plan 10. LIC NOMURA MF Income Plus Fund Daily Dividend Plan Total - In Mutual Fund Total Aggregate book value of unquoted investment Aggregate market value of quoted investment 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10



5,000,000 9,994,536 3,000,000 2,998,701 4,999,499 2,501,392 3,495,992 4,054,744 10,000,000 -


50,000 100,020 30,000 30,000 51,105 25,014 35,010 40,584 100,000 461,733 461,735 461,733 85

106,422 106,422 106,424 106,422 84

Movement during the year Investments purchased and sold/redeemed Face Value Name of Mutual Fund Rs.
Purchased 1. ICICI Prudential Liquid Institutional Plus Plan - Div - Daily 2. ICICI Prudential FMP Series 53 - 1 Year Plan D Cumulative 3. ICICI Prudential Blended Plan B Institutional Dividend Option - II 119 10 10 169,120 5,000,000 7,698,008 20,043 50,000 80,000 Quantity March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010 Amount March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000)


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

SCHEDULE 4 INVESTMENTS (Contd.) Investments purchased and sold/redeemed Face Value Name of Mutual Fund Rs.

Quantity March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010

Amount March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

ICICI Prudential Interval Fund V - Monthly Interval Plan A Institutional Dividend 10 ICICI Prudential Floating Rate Plan D Daily Dividend 100 ICICI Prudential Blended Plan B Daily Dividend Option - I 10 UTI-Fixed Income Interval Fund - Monthly Interval Plan - II - Institutional Dividend Plan - Payout 10 Kotak FMP Series 29 - Growth 10 Kotak Quaterly Interval Plan Series 5 - Dividend 10 IDFC Ultra Short Term Fund Monthly Dividend 10 DWS Treasury Fund Investment- Instl PlanMonthly Dividend- Payout 10 DWS Treasury Fund Investment- Regular PlanDaily Dividend-Reinvest 10 Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund - XVII Series 1 Growth Plan 10 Reliance Quaterly Interval Fund - Series III Institutional Dividend Plan 10 Reliance Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - Daily Dividend Option 11 Reliance Money Manager Fund Liquid Fund Retail Option - Daily Dividend Plan 1001 Reliance Interval Fund - Quaterly Plan - Series I Retail Dividend Plan 10 Reliance Money Manager Fund - Institutional Option - Daily Dividend Plan 1001 JP Morgan India Treasury Fund Super Inst. Daily Div Plan - Reinvest 10 Bharti AXA Treasury Advantage Fund-Institutional Plan - Daily Dividend(Re-investment) 1000 LIC NOMURA MF Liquid Fund - Dividend Plan 11 10 10 13 11 10 10 10

5,027,903 504,472 9,994,536 3,999,880 3,000,000 2,998,701 4,948,290 4,998,550 12,825,756 2,501,392 2,998,411 6,750,254 29,686 3,495,992 140,131 4,054,744 80,382 37,565,985 55,695,352 15,000,000 7,910,141 9,402,650 9,982,812 -

19,128,721 21,655,120 22,602,304 3,989,825 21,104,434 993,565

50,280 50,459 100,020 40,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 131,105 25,014 30,000 75,208 29,719 35,010 140,323 40,584 80,382 412,478 556,954 150,000 100,000 100,010 100,143 2,557,732

210,035 216,551 240,408 40,024 211,044 9,936 927,998

22. LIC NOMURA MF Income Plus Fund Daily Dividend Plan 23. LIC NOMURA MF Interval Fund - Series 1 Monthly Dividend Plan 24. LIC NOMURA MF Income Plus Fund Growth Plan 25. HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan - Daily Dividend Reinvestment 26. HDFC Cash Management Fund - Treasury Advantage Plan - Wholesale - Daily Dividend Option 27. LIC NOMURA MF Floating Rate Fund Short Term Plan - Daily Dividend Plan 28. LIC NOMURA MF Savings Plus Fund Daily Dividend Plan



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

SCHEDULE 4 INVESTMENTS (Contd.) Investments purchased and sold/redeemed Face Value Name of Mutual Fund Rs.

Quantity March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010

Amount March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000)

Sold/ Redeemed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ICICI Prudential Liquid Institutional Plus Plan - Div - Daily ICICI Prudential Blended Plan B Institutional Dividend Option - II ICICI Prudential Interval Fund V - Monthly Interval Plan A Institutional Dividend ICICI Prudential Floating Rate Plan D Daily Dividend UTI-Fixed Income Interval Fund - Monthly Interval Plan - II - Institutional Dividend Plan - Payout IDFC Ultra Short Term Fund Monthly Dividend DWS Treasury Fund Investment- Instl PlanMonthly Dividend- Payout DWS Treasury Fund Investment- Regular PlanDaily Dividend-Reinvest Reliance Quaterly Interval Fund - Series III Institutional Dividend Plan Reliance Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - Daily Dividend Option Reliance Money Manager Fund Liquid Fund Retail Option - Daily Dividend Plan Reliance Money Manager Fund - Institutional Option - Daily Dividend Plan Bharti AXA Treasury Advantage Fund- Institutional Plan - Daily Dividend(Re-investment) LIC NOMURA MF Liquid Fund - Dividend Plan LIC NOMURA MF Income Plus Fund Daily Dividend Plan LIC NOMURA MF Interval Fund - Series 1 Monthly Dividend Plan LIC NOMURA MF Income Plus Fund Growth Plan HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan Daily Dividend Reinvestment HDFC Cash Management Fund - Treasury Advantage Plan - Wholesale - Daily Dividend Option LIC NOMURA MF Floating Rate Fund - Short Term Plan - Daily Dividend Plan LIC NOMURA MF Savings Plus Fund - Daily Dividend Plan 119 10 10 100 10 10 10 10 10 11 1001 1001 1000 11 10 10 13 11 10 10 10 169,120 7,698,008 5,027,903 504,472 3,999,880 4,948,290 4,998,550 7,826,257 2,998,411 6,750,254 29,686 140,131 80,382 37,565,984 66,337,521 5,000,000 7,910,141 9,402,650 9,982,811 19,128,721 11,012,952 22,602,304 3,989,825 21,104,434 993,565 20,043 80,000 50,280 50,459 40,000 50,000 50,000 80,000 30,000 75,208 29,719 140,323 80,382 412,478 663,375 50,000 100,000 100,010 100,142 2,202,419 210,035 110,130 240,407 40,024 211,044 9,936 821,576


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

As at March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 Rs. 000 As at March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000

SCHEDULE 5 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES A. CURRENT ASSETS (#) a. Inventories (As taken, valued and certified by the Management) Raw materials and components (including goods in transit) Work-in-progress Finished goods (including goods in transit) Gifts and Point of Purchase Materials Stores and spare parts b. Sundry Debtors (unsecured) Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months : Considered good Considered doubtful Other Debts : Considered good Considered doubtful Less: Provision for doubtful debts Cash and Bank Balances Cash on hand (including cheques in hand) Remittance in transit Balances with scheduled banks On current accounts On deposit accounts(*)

257,864 82,370 426,106 7,458 114,504 7,274 7,419 14,693 383,307 159 398,159 7,578 14,144 3,951 232,589 29,297


248,292 69,929 400,904 6,296 127,897 3,836 10,981 14,817 275,989 552 291,358 11,533 17,816 8,040





279,981 1,558,864

192,156 147,432

365,444 1,498,587

* Includes margin money deposit of Rs. 7119 thousand (Previous Year : Rs. 703 thousand) B. LOANS AND ADVANCES (Unsecured) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received : Considered good Considered doubtful Less : Provision for doubtful advances Capital Advance Deposit with customs, port trust, excise and others MAT credit entitlement Advance fringe benefits tax (net of provision for fringe benefits tax of Rs. 12,242 thousand) Advance income tax (net of provision for current tax of Rs. 236,074 thousand) Other Current Assets
(#) For Sanctioned working capital limit of Rs 3,00,0 00 thousand, current assets are subject to paripassu first charge both present and future, second charge on movable fixed assets of Goa unit and equitable mortgage by way of second charge in respect of leasehold land and building together with all fixed plant & machinery in favour of Standard Chartered Bank.

225,304 5,901 231,205 5,901

225,304 39,754 102,206 113,754 165 142 760 482,085 2,040,949

179,784 4,626 184,410 4,626

179,784 75,624 119,322 100,000 165 474,895 1,973,482



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet

As at March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 SCHEDULE 6 CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry Creditors For Goods : total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 1,812 692,433 342 383,499 Rs. 000 As at March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000

For Expenses : 333,317 1,027,562 12,777 305,784 92,075 1,438,198 There is no amount due and outstanding as at Balance Sheet date to be credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund 359,190 743,031 13,340 244,894 95,703 1,096,968

Security Deposits Advance from Customers Other Liabilities

SCHEDULE 7 PROVISIONS Provision for Current Tax (net of tax deducted at source and advance tax in previous year of Rs. 85,204 thousands) Provision for Employee Benefits Provision for Warranty 37,700 202,951 240,651 14,796 35,004 181,938 231,738


SCHEDULES to Profit and Loss Account

Year ended March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 SCHEDULE 8 OTHER INCOME Interest Income [Tax deducted at source : Rs. 481 thousand (Previous Year : Rs. 1,406 thousand )] Dividend from investment in Mutual Fund Profit on sale of mutual funds (net) Sale of Scraps Insurance Claims Rental Income Gain on exchange fluctuation Writeback of liabilities no longer required (*) Writeback of provision no longer required Recovery of advance written off in earlier years Excie duty on differential stock Miscellaneous income 7,685 11,774 230 129,662 5,062 8,244 21,754 98,084 9,038 4,871 24,322 320,726 13,651 2,287 94,145 222 9,347 10,118 7,950 9,909 51,000 30,103 228,732 Rs. 000 Year ended March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000

(*) Includes liability for custom duty payable to Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) pertaining to Advance License and EPCG Schemes Written back Rs. 81,880 Thousand (Previous Year : Nil)

Income related to Research and Development at Verna, Goa included in above Schedule 8 are : Gain on exchange fluctuation Miscellaneous income SCHEDULE 9 RAW MATERIALS, STORES CONSUMED, TRADING PURCHASES AND (INCREASE)/DECREASE IN INVENTORIES a) Raw Materials Consumed : Opening Stock 248,292 Add : Purchases 2,623,795 2,872,087 Less : Closing Stock (257,864) Net Consumption of Raw Materials b) Purchase of Trading Goods c) Stores and Spares Consumed d) (Increase)/Decrease in Finished Goods, Work in progress : Opening Stock Finished Goods 400,904 Work in progress 69,929 470,833 Less : Closing Stock Finished Goods 426,106 Work in progress 82,370 508,476

84 20 104

(235) (235)

2,614,223 1,175,516 251,457

128,434 2,316,299 2,444,733 (248,292)

2,196,441 697,309 271,982

283,533 91,554 375,087 400,904 69,929 470,833

(37,643) 4,003,553

(95,746) 3,069,986 1,082 1,082

Expenditure related to Research and Development at Verna, Goa included in above schedule 9 are : Raw materials consumed 1,195 1,195



SCHEDULES to Profit and Loss Account

Year ended March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 SCHEDULE 10 EMPLOYEES REMUNERATION AND BENEFITS Salaries, Wages and Bonus Contribution to Provident and Other Funds Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses Expenses on Employee Stock Purchase Scheme Expenditure related to Research and Development at Verna, Goa included in above schedule 10 are : Salaries, Wages and Bonus Contribution to Provident and Other Funds Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses SCHEDULE 11 OPERATING AND ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Rent Insurance Freight, octroi and carriage Power and fuels Ancillary cost Rates and taxes Office expenses Advertisement and sales promotion Travelling Repairs : Buildings Plant and machinery Others Excise duty on differential stock (Gain)/loss on disposal of fixed assets Capital WIP Written off Write off of assets Write off of debts / advances Provision for doubtful debts and advances Bank charges Directors sitting fees Service expenses Warranty expenses Miscellaneous expenses Expenditure related to Research and Development at Verna, Goa included in above schedule 11 are : Rent Insurance Ancillary cost Office expenses Travelling Repairs Plant and machinery Repairs Others (Gain)/loss on disposal of fixed assets Bank charges Miscellaneous expenses Rs. 000 468,362 47,597 53,360 60,690 630,009 22,497 1,219 882 24,598 50,655 5,859 197,415 67,674 233,466 31,141 136,457 314,767 153,156 7,658 23,763 17,040 1,867 18,503 10,269 Year ended March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 Rs. 000 415,349 44,656 34,875 12,434 507,314 22,176 4,881 1,152 28,209 33,963 4,437 180,416 53,197 193,831 18,537 114,911 260,777 110,332

48,461 7,147 3,077 2,980 10,733 6,357 14,341 565 115,802 54,099 92,877 1,547,029 214 118 879 2,399 1 (3) 4 6,329 9,941

30,639 6,339 38 3,651 4,649 6,443 5,644 188 70,636 147,786 80,034 1,326,448 21 235 2,910 11 4 5,148 8,329


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

SCHEDULE 12 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands. I. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES : 1. Basis of accounting and preparation of financial statements The financial statements have been prepared to comply in all material respect with the applicable accounting principles in India, mandatory accounting standards notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1956. The Company follows the accrual method of accounting under historical cost convention modified by revaluation of certain fixed assets as and when undertaken. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company. The preparation of financial statements requires the Management to make estimates and assumptions that affects the reported amounts of assets and liabilities including Contingent Liabilities as of the date of the financial statements and the reported income and expenses for the reporting period. Although these estimates are based upon historical event and managements best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results could differ from those estimates. Material estimates used in these financial statements that are susceptible to change as more information becomes available include useful economic lives of property, plant and equipment, impairment, retirement benefits, guarantees, warranties and income taxes. 2. Revenue recognition Revenue from sales of products is recognized upon the transfer of significant risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods to the customers, which generally coincides with their delivery to customers. Sales are net of Value Added Tax/ Sales Tax and returns. Revenue from Services is recognized on prorated basis over the period of contract. Interest on deposits is recognized on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. Dividends from investment are recognized when the Companys right to receive payment is established. 3. Fixed assets Fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition/construction or at revalued amount less depreciation and impairment losses. The cost of asset comprises its purchase price and any other attributable cost incurred for bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Where a fixed asset has been revalued upwards, the revalued amount is credited to owners interest under the head Revaluation Reserves. Capital work in progress includes advances for capital items, items under installation and items in transit. In case of own manufactured items like tools, jigs, proportionate burden of overhead as applicable is also treated as part of cost. Expenditure incurred on replacement/ modification to fixed asset is capitalized only when such expenditure results in increase in the economic life of such asset. 4. Intangible assets Software expected to provide future enduring economic benefits is stated at cost less amortization. All upgradation/enhancements are charged off as revenue expenditure unless they bring significant additional benefits.



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 5. Depreciation / Amortization Depreciation is provided at the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 on straight line method on plant and machinery and other fixed assets excepting building where written down value method is followed. Assets whose actual cost does not exceed five thousand rupees are fully depreciated in the year of acquisition. Intangible assets are amortized over the best estimate of its useful life ranging between a periods of 3 to 5 years. 6. Impairment of fixed assets Consideration is given at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment of the carrying amount of the Companys fixed assets. If any indication exists, an assets recoverable amount is estimated. An impairment loss is recognized whenever the carrying amount of assets exceed its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the greater of the net selling price and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value based on an appropriate discount factor. 7. Foreign currency transactions Transactions denominated in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transaction. Any income or expense on account of exchange differences either on settlement or on remeasurement of transactions is recognized in the profit and loss account. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are remeasured at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of the balance sheet and resultant gain or loss is recognized in the profit and loss account. Non monetary items denominated in foreign currency are carried at cost. 8. Investments Long Term investments are stated at cost less diminution in value, if any other than temporary. Current investments comprising investments in mutual funds are stated at lower of cost and fair value. 9. Inventories Raw materials, components, work in progress and stores and spares are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Finished goods are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost includes all expenses incurred in bringing the goods to their present location and condition. Cost is ascertained on weighted average method. 10. Employee Benefits i) ii) Short term employee benefits are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered. Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognized as an expense in the Profit and loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognized at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to the profit and loss account.


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 11. Taxes on Income Tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current income tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities in accordance with the Indian Income Tax Act. Deferred income taxes reflect the impact of current year timing differences between taxable income and accounting income for the year and reversal of timing differences of earlier years. Deferred tax is measured based on the tax rates and the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realized. In situations where the Company has unabsorbed depreciation or carry forward tax losses, all deferred tax assets are recognized only if there is virtual certainty supported by convincing evidence that they can be realized against future taxable profits. At each balance sheet date the Company re-assesses unrecognized deferred tax assets. It recognizes unrecognized deferred tax assets to the extent that it has become reasonably certain or virtually certain, as the case may be that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realized. 12. Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources. Contingent Liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the notes. Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements. 13. Government Grants Grants received from the Government authorities with reference to investments under investment subsidy schemes and no repayment is ordinarily expected in respect thereof are treated as capital reserve. 14. Segment The Company discloses Business segment as the Primary segment. Segments have been identified taking into account the nature of products, the different risks and returns, the organisation structure and internal reporting system. The Companys operation predominantly relates to manufacture of home appliances and fine blanking business. The Company primarily caters to the domestic market and export sales are not significant and accordingly there is no reportable secondary segment 15. Cash and cash equivalent Cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement comprise cash at bank and on hand and short term investments with an original maturity of three months or less. 16. Earnings Per Share Basic Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the year attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. For the purpose of calculating diluted earning per share, the net profit or loss for the year attributable to equity shareholders and weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares. 17. Disclosure requirement for Derivatives Instruments Premium or discount on forward contracts are amortised over the life of the contract. Foreign exchange forward contracts are revalued at the balance sheet date and the exchange difference between the spot rate at the date of the contract and the spot rate on the balance sheet date is recognized as gain/loss in the Profit & Loss account.



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(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) II. NOTES ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS : 1. Share Capital During the year the Company has issued 701,850 (previous year 891,599) fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each to its employees under IFB Industries Limited Employees Stock Purchase Scheme 2008 of which 701,850 (previous year 812,199) shares were issued at premium of Rs 5 per share. 2. Impairment The Company has reviewed potential generation of economic benefits from its cash generating units and concluded that there is no further impairments during the year. 3. Dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises There are no Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, to whom the Companies owes dues, which are outstanding for more than 45 days as at March 31, 2011 except for the details mentioned below. Information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined to the extent such parties have been identified on the basis of information available with the Company. Disclosure of payments due to suppliers as at March 31, 2011, pursuant to notification no. GSR 719 (E) dated November 16, 2007 are as below: Rs. 000 Details Balance of Sundry Creditors as on March 31, 2011 Principal amount due to micro, small and medium enterprises Principal amount due to others Interest accrued and dues as on March 31, 2011 Interest on payments due to micro, small and medium enterprises Interest on payments due to others Interest due and payable on amounts paid during the year to micro, small and medium enterprises beyond the appointed date Paid during the year Principal amount (including interest) paid to micro, small and medium enterprises beyond the appointed date Principal amount Interest thereon Principal amount (excluding interest) paid to micro, small and medium enterprises beyond the appointed date Others Interest accrued in prior year and paid during the year Interest accrued during the year and paid during the year 1,812 1,025,750 342 742,689 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010


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(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 4. Employee Benefits (a) Gratuity and Leave Encashment The employees gratuity fund scheme, determined as post employment benefit, is managed through Insurance Companies under a defined benefit plan. The present value of obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Projected Unit Credit Method, which recognizes each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. The obligation for unfunded leave encashment determined as other long term benefit plan is recognized in the same manner as gratuity. I. Reconciliation of Opening and Closing balances of Defined Benefit obligation : Rs. 000 Leave Encashment (Unfunded)

Gratuity (funded)

March March March March March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 31, 20011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the year Current Service Cost Interest Cost Plan Amendments Cost/(Credit) Actuarial losses / (gains) Benefits Paid Defined Benefit obligation at year end 52,051 4,767 3,975 3,476 3,081 (4,737) 62,613 36,396 4,414 2,785 9,838 (1,382) 52,051 39,270 4,130 3,002 (8,433) (1,573) 36,396 28,443 4,864 2,221 5,090 (1,348) 39,270 22,549 4,904 1,590 1,628 (5,348) 25,323 18,228 3,899 1,311 21,580 5,592 1,693 14,643 2,594 1,085 5,430

1,961 (7,790)

(2,850) (2,847) (2,172) 22,549 18,228 21,580 Rs. 000

II. Reconciliation of Opening and Closing balances of fair value of plan assets :

Gratuity (funded)

Leave Encashment (Unfunded)

March March March March March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 31, 20011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the period Expected return on plan assets Actual Company contributions Actuarial Gain / (Loss) Benefits Payments Fair value of plan assets at the end of period Actual return on plan assets 39,596 3,476 12,455 (554) (4,737) 50,236 2,922 32,114 2,621 4,349 1,894 (1,382) 39,596 4,515 27,022 2,513 5,150 (998) (1,573) 32,114 1,515 20,065 1,883 6,953 (532) (1,347) 27,022 1,351 5,348 (5,348) 2,850 2,847 2,172

(2,850) (2,847) (2,172) -



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) III. Reconciliation of fair value of assets and obligation : Rs. 000 Leave Encashment (Unfunded)

Gratuity (funded)

March March March March March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 31, 20011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Net Asset/(Liability) at the beginning of period Employer Gains/(Expense) Employer Contributions Net Asset/(Liability) at end of period IV. Expense recognized during the year : (12,455) 12,455 (4,282) (12,248) 4,349 5,150 (8,376) 6,953 (22,549) (18,228) (21,580) (14,643) (8,122) 5,348 (7,171) 2,850 505 (9,109) 2,847 2,172

(12,377) (12,522)

2,816 (10,825)

(12,377) (12,455)

(4,282) (12,248)

(25,323) (22,549) (18,228) (21,580) Rs. 000

Gratuity (funded)

Leave Encashment (Unfunded)

March March March March March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 31, 20011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Current Service Cost Interest cost Expected Return on Plan assets Past service cost Actuarial Losses/(Gains) Total employer expense recognized in Profit and Loss Account V. Actuarial assumptions : 4,767 3,975 (3,476) 3,476 3,635 4,414 2,785 (2,621) 7,944 4,130 3,002 (2,513) (7,435) 4,864 2,221 (1,881) 5,622 4,904 1,590 1,628 3,899 1,311 5,592 1,693 2,594 1,085 5,430

1,961 (7,790)








9,109 Rs. 000

Gratuity (funded)

Leave Encashment (Unfunded)

March March March March March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 31, 20011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Discounted rate Expected return on assets Salary escalation Mortality 8.00% 8.00% 5.00% 8.00% 8.00% 5.00% 7.80% 7.80% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 5.00% 8.00% 5.00% 7.80% 8.40% -

5.00% 10.00%

5.00% 10.00%

L.I.C. L.I.C. L.I.C. L.I.C. 1994-96 1994-96 1994-96 1994-96 ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate

L.I.C. L.I.C. L.I.C. L.I.C. 1994-96 1994-96 1994-96 1994-96 ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market. The above information is certified by the actuary. VI. Percentage of each category of plan assets to their fair value of plan assets as at March 31, 2011 The plan assets of the trust has been invested 100% (previous year 100%) with the schemes of insurance companies. VII. Net asset/(liability) recognized in Balance Sheet (including experience adjustment impact) Rs. 000 Leave Encashment (Unfunded) March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 (25,323) (25,323) (1,628) NA (22,549) (18,228) (21,580) (22,549) (18,228) (21,580) (2,372) NA 411 (2,529) NA 10,319 (6,434) NA 1,004

Gratuity (funded)
March March March March 31, 2011 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2008 Defined benefit obligation at end of the period Plan assets at end of the period Funded status Experience gain/(loss) adjustments on plan liabilities Experience gain/(loss) adjustments on plan assets Actuarial gain/(loss) due to change on assumptions (b) Provident Fund and Superannuation Fund : (62,613) (52,051) (36,396) (39,270) 50,236 39,596 32,114 27,022 (12,377) (12,455) (3,081) (10,812) (554) 1,894 974 (4,282) (12,248) -

In addition to the above benefits, employee of the company receives benefits from provident fund and superannuation fund, a defined contribution plan. The employee and employer each make monthly contribution to Governments Provident Fund equal to 12% of the covered employees eligible salary. The company contributed Rs. 35,220 thousand (Previous year Rs. 32,134 thousand) to defined contribution scheme during the year ended March 31, 2011. 5. Managerial remuneration : March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) 565 1,546 303 263 2,112 March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000) 188 1,546 303 205 2,054

a) b)

Directors Sitting Fees Remuneration to Whole-time Director : Salary Contribution to Provident and Superannuation Fund, a defined contribution plan Monetary value of perquisites

Provisions for gratuity in respect of Whole-time Director are not included above, as actuarial valuation is done on an overall basis. The computation of profits under section 349 of the Companies Act, 1956 has not been given as no commission is payable to the Whole-time Director.



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 6. Commitments and contingencies : March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) i) ii) Outstanding capital commitments Disputed sales tax matters, excise duties contested in appeals
(These disputes mostly relate to arbitrary disallowances of claims of the Company under various state laws, which are under appeal. The management is of the view that these demands are not sustainable in law and is hopeful of succeeding in appeals.)

March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000) 302,479 46,608

129,366 48,421

iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)

Indemnity bonds executed in favour of excise and customs Guarantees given by the bankers on behalf of the Company(*)(#) Letter of credits Corporate Guarantee for Advance licenses Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts (#)(@) Corporate Guarantee to bank on behalf of Associate Company

10,000 6,780 53,772 149,844 47,004 10,000

21,019 149,844 45,958 -

(*) At 31st March 2010, bank guarantees includes four bank guarantees of Rs 13,734 thousand in favour of DGFT in respect of EPCG licenses. Such Bank guarantees were invoked by the beneficiaries and the company has disputed the claim by way of writ petition filed before the Calcutta High Court. The Honble High Court had earlier granted an order of status quo on September 18, 2003 and since extended from time to time. In the meantime, the said guarantees expired on September 30, 2003.Thereafter the Honble High Court by an Order dated May 11, 2010 directed the company to renew the said guarantees. The said order dated May 11, 2010 was modified by a further order dated May 19, 2010 directing the company to deposit the aggregate amount of guarantees in the form of fixed deposits in favour of The Registrar, Calcutta High Court, original Side to secure possible claim of DGFT in place of old bank guarantees. The company has made the fixed deposit pursuant to the said order amounting to Rs 13,800 thousands which have been lodged by the Companys banker Standard Chartered Bank with the DGFT. At 31st March 2010, the Company had an outstanding provision of Rs 81,880 thousands for customs duty payable to DGFT due to nonfulfillment of export obligations under Advance License and EPCG Schemes. Pursuant to direction from the DGFT dated 24th February 2010 the period for fulfillment of export obligations against 11 Advance Licenses was extended by 5 years with effect from 29th September 2009. Moreover vide direction from DGFT dated 23rd February 2011, the Company got an extension for fulfillment of export obligations under 5 EPCG Licenses for a period of 12 years from 30th January 2009 to 29th January 2021. Consequent to such directions from DGFT, the Company has written back the provision of Rs 81,880 thousand and recognized the same as Other Income for the year ended 31st March 2011. (#) At 31st March 2010, Guarantees given by the bankers on behalf of the Company included a bank guarantee of Rs 1,563 thousand obtained in connection with execution of a civil contract awarded by State Health Department, Govt. of West Bengal. Following a dispute the Health Department, Govt. of West Bengal invoked the said Bank Guarantees whereupon, the Company challenged such invocation by way of a writ petition before the Honble Calcutta High Court. The Honble High Court was pleased to allow interim order of injunction dated May 22, 2003 restraining the respondent not to give any effect to the invocation of guarantees till further order with the condition that the guarantee shall be renewed from time to time. The bank guarantee expired and has not been renewed since the case has been dismissed by the Honble Calcutta High Court. The amount has been included in Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts as at 31st March 2011. (@) Includes claim relating to material rejection amounting to Rs. 45,441 thousands (Previous year Rs. 45,958 thousand). The management is of the opinion that the claim is not tenable.


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 7. Segment reporting - Information pursuant to Primary Business Segment Year ended 31st March, 2011 Engineering Rs. 000 Revenue - External Total Revenue Segment Results before interest Less : Interest Profit before tax Segment Assets Segment Liabilities 702,401 626,028 219,525 212,382 2,496,854 1,860,767 1,408,142 1,001,881 691,884 417,143 151,387 151,926 1,288,059 1,029,575 1,288,059 1,029,575 133,304 152,388 Home Appliances Rs. 000 5,585,507 4,472,273 5,585,507 4,472,273 553,985 420,046 Unallocated Rs. 000 101,859 66,416 101,859 66,416 3,421 5,267 Total Rs. 000 6,975,425 5,568,264 6,975,425 5,568,264 690,710 577,701 2,550 2,574 688,160 575,127 3,891,139 2,903,938 1,779,054 1,366,189

Other Segmental Information : Depreciation / Amortization Capital expenditure Non Cash Expenditure other than depreciation / amortization

28,569 23,741 80,352 70,985 20,408 6,286

64,203 57,338 593,283 102,217 53,713 18,423

11,352 5,736 7,557 28,638 9,716 2,468

104,124 86,815 681,192 201,840 83,837 27,177

(figures for the previous year, March 31, 2010, have been shown below each item) Segment revenue, segment result, segment asset and segment liabilities include the respective amount identifiable to each of the segments as also amounts allocated on reasonable basis. The expenses, which are not directly relatable to the business segment, are shown as unallocable corporate cost and grouped as Unallocated. Assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated between the segments are shown as unallocable corporate assets and liabilities and are grouped as Unallocated.



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 8. Related party transactions The Company has the following related parties in accordance with Accounting Standard 18 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India : Associate Companies : IFB Agro Industries Limited, Travel Systems Limited (formerly Travel Systems Private Limited) Investor Company : IFB Automotive Private Limited Key Management Personnel : Mr. Bijon Nag, Executive Chairman Mr. Bikram Nag, Joint Executive Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Gautam Dasgupta, Mentor of IFB Home Appliances Mr. Dipak Mitra, President- Legal Mr. A K Nag, Sr. Vice President, Corporate Affairs Mr. S Bhattacharya, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Indroneel Goho, Chief Financial Officer-HAD Mr. B.M. Shetye, Vice President Mr. P Chatterjee, Vice President Finance Mr. Siddhartha Chatterjee, Unit Head Engineering Mr. G. Ray Chowdhury, Company Secretary Mr. Rajshankar Ray, Vice president- Sales Mr. A.S. Negi, Vice President - Service Mr. B.D. Jung , President R&D (resigned w.e.f. 30th November, 2010) Mr. T.R. Ramesh, Regional Manager - West Mr. Sukhdev Nag, DGM Accounts and Finance Mr. Jayanta Chanda, Finance Head, Goa Factory Mr. Ranjan Mohan Mathur, Regional Head North Mr. Arup Das, Senior Manager Mr. Partha Sen, CEO - Kolkata Engineering Mr. K. R. Krishna Prasad, DGM-Bangalore Engineering Mr. Soumitra Goswami, DGM - Accounts and Finance
Key Management Personnel Rs. 000 March 31, 2011 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Sales, Service and Other Income 20 Sale of Fixed Assets 5 Purchases Purchase of Fixed Assets Allotment of Shares including share premium 2,531 Redemption of redeemable Preference Shares including Dividend Outstanding Balances : Debtors Advances/ Deposits 760 Creditors Other Receivables viii) Remuneration 73,142 ix) Expenditures on other services 15 x) Recovery of advances written off xi) Corporate Guarantee xii) Loans Received March 31, 2010 3,600 845 50,995 Associate Companies/ Investor Company Rs. 000 March 31, 2011 322,788 1,337 40,510 20,900 4,281 3 57,046 10,000 March 31, 2010 200,489 6,863 694 1,91,710 28,116 17,902 256 2,480 36,554 39,600 1,000

Transactions with related parties :

Total Rs. 000 March 31, 2011 322,808 5 1,337 2,531 40,510 21,660 4,281 3 73,142 57,061 10,000 March 31, 2010 200,489 6,863 694 3,600 1,91,710 28,116 18,747 256 2,480 50,995 36,554 39,600 1,000


SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 9. Auditors remuneration [excluding service tax of Rs. 552 thousand (Previous year Rs. 455 thousand)] : March 31, 2011 (Rs. 000) Audit fees Others Reimbursement of expenses 3,070 2,186 100 5,356 10. Interest income comprises Interest on Interest on bill discounting Interest on deposits and others March 31, 2010 (Rs. 000) 3,070 1,218 130 4,418

2,631 5,054 7,685

13,651 13,651

11. Basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) : a) Profit after taxes available to equity shareholders (Rs. 000) b) Adjustment for cumulative preference dividend (Rs. 000) c) Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding d) Basic and Diluted earning per share of face value Rs 10 each (in Rs.)

503,118 35,332,282 14.24

537,644 4,456 31,602,542 16.87

12. Warranty The Company warrants that their products will perform in all material respects in accordance with the Companys standard specifications in effect at the time of delivery of the products to the customers for the warranty period. Accordingly based on specific warranties, claims and claim history the Company provides for warranty claims. The movements in the provision for warranty cost is as follows : March 31, 2011 Rs. 000 Opening balance Additional provision during the year Provisions utilised during the year Closing balance Provision for warranty is expected to be utilized over a period of one to four years. 181,938 54,099 33,086 202,951 March 31, 2010 Rs. 000 81,243 1,47,786 47,091 181,938



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 13. Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities (net) March 31, 2011 Rs. '000 March 31, 2010 Rs. '000

The break up of deferred tax assets/ liabilities is as under Deferred Tax Asset Timing difference on account of : Unabsorbed Depreciation Doubtful Debts and Advances Leave Encashment Gratuity Provision for sales tax and cess

4,373 8,216 6,535 19,124

16,948 5,368 7,490 4,137 33,943

Gross Deferred Tax Assets (A) Deferred Tax Liabilities Timing difference on account of : Depreciation

119,329 119,329 (100,205)

71,426 71,426 (37,483)

Gross Deferred Tax Liabilities (B) Deferred Tax (Liability)/Assets (Net) (A-B) 14. Other information :

31 March, 2011 (Rs. 000) 541,391 8,740 1,016,218 437,015

31 March, 2010 (Rs. 000) 628,077 365 619,435 127,635


Value of Imports calculated on CIF Basis : Raw Materials and Component Stores & Spares Trading Goods Capital goods Expenditure on Foreign Currency (on accrual basis) on account of : Foreign Travel Professional Fees Repairs and Maintenance Sales Promotion Others


15,635 10,683 831 -

10,034 8,337 75 44 208


Earnings in Foreign Currency (on accrual basis) on account of : FOB value of Exports




SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) 15. Particulars regarding Capacity, Stocks and Sale of Finished Goods and Raw Materials consumed : a) Particulars regarding Capacity and Production :
March 31, 2011 Units of Measurement Press Tools & Dies Rs. 000 Nos. Fine Blanked Components Motor Home Appliances Nos. Nos. Nos. Licensed Capacity 6,000 85 59,500,000 NA 400,000 Installed Capacity 6,000 85 59,500,000 100,000 250,000 Actual Production 16,105 74 66,175,400 148,061 183,298 Licensed Capacity 6,000 85 59,500,000 NA 400,000 March 31, 2010 Installed Capacity 6,000 85 59,500,000 100,000 225,000 Actual Production 8,588 23 56,446,629 150,541 196,588

Note : Installed Capacity is certified by the Management and is for a period of twelve months.


Stock and Sale of Finished Goods (excluding gifts and point of purchase materials) :
March 31, 2011 Unit of Measurement Press Tools & Dies Rs. 000 Nos. Fine Blanked Components Rs. 000 Nos. Motor Home Appliances (Manufacturing) Rs. 000 Rs. 000 Nos. Home Appliance (Trading ) Others Total Rs. 000 Rs. 000 Rs. 000 Opening Stock 460 46 8,914 444,191 5 280,593 24,676 110,932 400,904 Sale (Gross) 16,406 82 1,303,213 66,060,846 13,376 3,715,383 195,974 2,676,465 1,159 7,726,002 Closing Stock 1,849 38 11,753 558,745 154,096 12,000 258,408 426,106 Opening Stock 44 9,509 549,882 166,423 8,907 107,601 283,533 March 31, 2010 Sale (Gross) 10,088 21 1,019,351 56,552,320 12,642 3,356,864 180,819 1,679,139 8,580 6,086,664 Closing Stock 460 46 8,914 444,191 5 280,593 24,676 110,932 400,904

Note : (I) Wherever Installed Capacity are only in terms of value, the information above are also in terms of value only.



SCHEDULES to Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

(Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in Rupees thousands) c) Raw Materials and Stores & Spares consumed : Raw Materials
Quantity (MT) March 31, 2011 IMPORTED Steel Comp & Spares Consumables INDIGENOUS Steel Copper Brass Aluminium Comp & Spares Consumables TOTAL 13,455 207 2,122 323 16,805 9,927 168 317 11,722 761,734 96,293 590 36,613 1,132,576 2,614,223 29.14 3.68 0.02 1.40 43.33 100 597,391 61,754 31,776 749,654 406 2,196,441 27.20 2.81 1.45 34.13 0.02 100 227,380 90.43 23,543 9.36 251,457 100 262,778 8,838 271,982 96.62 3.25 100 698 1,310 54,430 531,987 2.08 20.35 123,256 632,204 5.61 28.78 534 0.21 366 0.13 March 31, 2010 March 31, 2011 Value (Rs. 000) % March 31, 2010 % March 31, 2011

Stores & Spares

Value (Rs. 000) % March 31, 2010 %

16. Disclosure requirement for Derivatives Instruments The Company uses foreign currency hedges to manage its risks associated with foreign currency fluctuations relating to certain firm commitments and highly probable transactions. The Company does not use derivative contracts for trading or speculative purposes. i. The outstanding forward exchange contracts for purchase of foreign currency as at 31st March, 2011 are : No of Contracts 3 ii. USD in 000 1,205 Rs. 000 54,505

The year end foreign currency exposures that have not been hedged are:
Particulars USD Equivalent in 000 286 4,450 Rs in 000 12,912 201,275 EURO Equivalent in 000 617 787 Rs in 000 39,550 50,023 JPY Equivalent in 000 346 Rs in 000 192 Total Rs in 000 52,462 251,490

Amounts receivable in foreign currency Amounts payable in foreign currency

17. Previous years figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Joint Executive Chairman & Managing Director Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary Bikram Nag R. N. Mitra S. Bhattacharya G. Ray Chowdhury


Balance Sheet Abstract and Companys General Business Profile

I. Registration Details Registration No. Balance Sheet Date II. Capital Raised During the Year (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Public Issue Bonus Issue N I L N I L Rights Issue Private Placement 7 N I L 0 1 9 2 9 6 3 7 State Code 2 1 3 1

0 3

1 1

III. Position of Mobilisation and Deployment of Funds (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Total Liabilities 4 5 8 9 0 9 0 Total Assets Sources of Funds Paid up Capital Secured Loans Deferred Taxation Application of Funds Net Fixed Assets Current Assets Accumulated Losses 3 6 2 1 9 4 N I L 1 0 0 2 0 5 Reserves & Surplus Unsecured Loans Current Liabilities

4 5 8 9 2 4 4 7 1 6 7 8

0 9 0 8 4 2 N I L 8 4 9

1 3 8 8 4 5 5 2 0 4 0 9 4 9 6 9 7 9 5 1

Investments Misc. Expenditure

4 6 1

7 3 5 N I L

IV. Performance of Company (Amount in Rs. Thousand) Turnover + Profit before Tax 6 8 8 1 6 0
(Please tick appropriate box + for profit, for loss)

6 9 7 5 4 2 5

Total Expenditure + Profit after Tax

6 2 8 7 5 0 3

2 6 5 1 1 8

Earnings per Share V.

1 4 .

2 4

Dividend Rate %


Generic Name of Three Principal Products /Services of Company (as per monetary terms) Item Code No. (ITC Code) Product Description Item Code No. (ITC Code) Product Description Item Code No. (ITC Code) Product Description Item Code No. (ITC Code) Product Description 4 5 0 1 1 0 0 W A S H I N G 7 0 8 9 9 0 0 F I N E B L A N K E D T O O L S O V E N C O M PO N E N T S 4 6 2 2 9 0 0 M A C H I N E 5 1 6 9 0 0 0 M I C R O W A V E M A C H I N E


Regd. Office : 14, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA 700 088


ATTENDANCE SLIP 35TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on 29th July, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre at Bidhannagar, IA-290, Sector III, Bidhannagar, Salt Lake Kolkata700 091 A member/proxy wishing to attend the Meeting must complete this Slip before coming to the Meeting and hand it over at the entrance. If you intend to appoint a proxy, please complete the Proxy Form below and deposit it at the Companys Registered Office, at least 48 hours before the Meeting. Please bring your copy of the Annual Report to the Meeting. I record my presence at the 35th Annual General Meeting Name, Address & Folio No./DPID No. of Shareholder(s)

Name of Proxy in BLOCK LETTERS (if the Proxy attends instead of the member)

Signature of Member/Proxy

Regd. Office : 14, TARATALA ROAD, KOLKATA 700 088


I/We............................................................................................................................................................................................... of .................................................................................................................................................................................................... being a member/members of the above named Company hereby appoint ....................................................................... Mr./Mrs./Miss ............................................................................................................................................................................ of .................................................................................................................................................................................................... or failing him/her ....................................................................................................................................................................... of .................................................................................................................................................................................................... or failing him/her ....................................................................................................................................................................... as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the 35th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on the 29th day of July, 2011 and at any adjournment thereof. Signed this ......................... day of ............................................... 2011. Regd. Folio/DPID/BEN No. : No. of Shares : Signature Re. 1/Revenue Stamp

Note : This instrument of Proxy shall be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 (FOURTY EIGHT) hours before the time of holding the Meeting.

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