Stockholders' Equity Part 1

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Stockholders’ Equity Outline

The Corporate Corporate Presentation and

Preferred Stock Dividend Policy
Form Capital Analysis

State Issuance of Features Financial Presentation

corporate law stock Accounting condition and Analysis
Capital stock Reacquisition for and dividend
or share of shares reporting distributions
system Stock split preferred Types of
Variety of stock dividends
ownership warrants Disclosure of
interests restrictions


The Corporate Form of Organization

Three primary forms of business organization

Proprietorship Partnership Corporation

Special characteristics of the corporate form:

1. Influence of state corporate law.
2. Use of capital stock or share system.
3. Development of a variety of ownership interests.


The Corporate Form of Organization

State Corporate Law

Corporation must submit articles of incorporation to
the Security and Exchange Commission.

Corporation is governed by the Revised Corporation

Code of the Philippines or Republic Act 11232.


The Corporate Form of Organization

Capital Stock or Share System

Each share normally carries the following rights:
1. To share proportionately in profits and losses.
2. To share proportionately in management (the right to
vote for directors).
3. To share proportionately in assets upon liquidation.
4. To share proportionately in any new issues of stock of the
same class—called the preemptive right.

LO 1 Discuss the characteristics of the corporate form of organization.


The Corporate Form of Organization

Variety of Ownership Interests

Ordinary stock represents basic ownership interest.
Bears ultimate risks of loss.
Receives the benefits of success.
Not guaranteed dividends nor assets upon dissolution.

Preferrence stock is created by contract, when stockholders’

sacrifice certain rights in return for other rights or privileges,
usually dividend preference.

LO 1 Discuss the characteristics of the corporate form of organization.


Corporate Capital

Common Stock
Share Premium
Capital Account
Preferred Stock

Three Primary Retained Earnings

Sources of Equity Account

Treasury Stock

Other Comprehensive
LO 2 Identify the key components of stockholders’ equity.


Corporate Capital

Issuance of Stock
a. Authorized– the maximum number of stocks and
amount that a corporation can issue
b. Subscribed – the shares and amount that a
stockholder has promised to pay.
c. Paid – amount paid on the subscription
d. Issued and outstanding – the number of shares and
amount that have been fully paid and certificate of
stock has been issued to the stockholder.


Corporate Capital

Issuance of Stock
Shares/stock are issued either at:
1. Par value stock.
2. No-par stock.
3. Stock issued with other securities.
4. Stock issued in noncash transactions.
5. Costs of issuing stock.


Corporate Capital

Par Value Stock

The par value is the stated value per share. This price was
printed on paper stock certificates.

A par stock has a minimum value per share assigned by

the company that issues it.

LO 3 Explain the accounting procedures for issuing shares of stock.


Corporate Capital

Example 1: Park Seo Jeon Corporation issued 300 shares

of P10 par value common stock for P3,000. Prepare Park
Seo Jeon ’ journal entry.

Journal entry:
Cash 3,000
Common stock (300 x P10) 3,000


Corporate Capital

Example 2: Park Seo Jeon Corporation issued 300 shares

of P10 par value common stock for P4,100. Prepare Park
Seo Jeon ’ journal entry.

Journal entry:
Cash 4,100
Common stock (300 x P10) 3,000
Share Premium 1,100


Corporate Capital

No-Par Stock
Reasons for issuance:
Avoids contingent liability.
Avoids confusion over recording par value
versus fair market value.


Corporate Capital

Example 3:
3: Do Kyungsoo Corporation issued 600 shares of
no-par common stock for P10,200. Prepare Do Kyungsoo’s
journal entry if (a) the stock has no stated value, and (b) the
stock has a stated value of P2 per share.
Journal entry:
a. Cash 10,200
Common stock 10,200

b. Cash 10,200
Common stock (600 x P2) 1,200
Share premium 9,000


Corporate Capital

Stock Issued with Other Securities

Two methods of allocating proceeds:
1. the proportional method and
2. the incremental method.

LO 3 Explain the accounting procedures for issuing shares of stock.


Corporate Capital
Example 4:4: Kim Soo Hyun Corporation issued 300 shares of P10
par value common stock and 100 shares of P50 par value preferred
stock for a lump sum of P14,200. The common stock has a market
value of P20 per share, and the preferred stock has a market value
of P90 per share.
Number Amount Total Percent
Common stock 300 x $ 20.00 = $ 6,000 40%
Preferred stock 100 x 90.00 9,000 60%
Fair Market Value $ 15,000 100%

Allocation: Common Preferred

Issue price $ 14,200 $ 14,200 Proportional
Allocation % 40% 60% Method
Total $ 5,680 $ 8,520


Corporate Capital
Example 5: Kim Soo Hyun Corporation issued 300 shares of P10
par value common stock and 100 shares of P50 par value preferred
stock for a lump sum of P14,200. The common stock has a market
value of P20 per share, and the preferred stock has a market value
of $90 per share.

Journal entry (Proportional):

Cash 14,200
Preferred stock (100 x P50) 5,000
Share premium-preferred 3,520
Common stock (300 x P10) 3,000
Share premium-common 2,680


Corporate Capital
Example 5: Kim Soo Hyun Corporation issued 300 shares of $10 par
value common stock and 100 shares of P50 par value preferred
stock for a lump sum of P14,200. The common stock has a market
value of P20 per share, and the value of the preferred stock is

Number Amount Total

Common stock 300 x $ 20.00 = $ 6,000
Preferred stock 100 x -
Fair Market Value $ 6,000

Allocation: Common Preferred

Issue price $ 14,200
Common (6,000) Method
Total $ 6,000 $ 8,200

LO 3 Explain the accounting procedures for issuing shares of stock.


Corporate Capital
Example 5: Kim Soo Hyun Corporation issued 300 shares of P10
par value common stock and 100 shares of P50 par value preferred
stock for a lump sum of P14,200. The common stock has a market
value of P20 per share, and the value of the preferred stock is

Journal entry (Incremental):

Cash 14,200
Preferred stock (100 x $50) 5,000
Share premium-preferred 3,200
Common stock (300 x $10) 3,000
Share premium-common 3,000


Corporate Capital

Stock Issued in Noncash Transactions

The general rule: Companies should record stock
issued for services or property other than cash at
either the:
fair value of the stock issued or
fair value of the noncash consideration
received, or
Par value of the shares
whichever is more clearly determinable.
LO 3 Explain the accounting procedures for issuing shares of stock.


Corporate Capital
Example 6: Song Jong Ki Corporation was organized on January
1, 2020. It is authorized to issue 500,000 shares of no par
common stock with a stated value of P1 per share. Prepare the
journal entry to record the following.

April 1 Issued 24,000 shares of common stock for land. The

cost of the land was P50,000; the fair value of the stocks is
P75,000 and the fair market value of the land was P80,000.

Land 75,000
Common stock (24,000 x P1) 24,000
Share premium – common 51,000


Corporate Capital
Example 6: Song Jong Ki Corporation was organized on January
1, 2020. It is authorized to issue 500,000 shares of no par
common stock with a stated value of P1 per share. Prepare the
journal entry to record the following.

April 1 Issued 24,000 shares of common stock for land. The

cost of the land was P50,000; the fair market value of the land
was P80,000.

Land 80,000
Common stock (24,000 x P1) 24,000
Share premium - common 56,000


Corporate Capital
Example 6: Song Jong Ki Corporation was organized on January
1, 2020. It is authorized to issue 500,000 shares of no par
common stock with a stated value of P1 per share. Prepare the
journal entry to record the following.

Aug. 1 Issued 10,000 shares of common stock to attorneys in

payment of their bill of P50,000 for services rendered in
helping the company organize.

Organization expense 50,000

Common stock (10,000 x P1) 10,000
Share premium - common 40,000


Corporate Capital

Costs of Issuing Stock

Direct costs incurred to sell stock, such as
underwriting costs,
accounting and legal fees,
printing costs, and
should be reported as a reduction of the amounts
paid in (additional paid-in capital).

LO 3 Explain the accounting procedures for issuing shares of stock.


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