The Sumerian Harp of Ur
The Sumerian Harp of Ur
The Sumerian Harp of Ur
Author(s): F. W. Galpin
Source: Music & Letters, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Apr., 1929), pp. 108-123
Published by: Oxford University Press
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Accessed: 18-11-2019 16:49 UTC
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Introduction AS:uleriani Mlasical Instrumnents. 1. Thle Bow-shapedI
Harp. 2. The Sumierians. 3. The Development anzd Distribution of
the Harp. 4. Th1e Derivatives of the Bow-shaped Harp.
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(1) It miiay be well at the outset to explain the raclical difference between
thle true lyre and the true harp, as the instrunments discovered at UiJ havie
hitlherto been alt classed as ' harps.' The Lyre has a somewlhat small and
shallow body or sound-box from eaclh end of which rises a post or armn joined
together again at the top by a cross-bar. The strings are usually attached
to the bottomi of the body and pass across the table or fronit of the souind-box
oiler a sh.llow bridge to tlhe cross-bar, wlhere they are tuined: iln mor e
developed examples they are fixed to a bridge bar on the table. The general
outline of the whole instruiment is rectanguilar. On the Harp, however, the
strings do niot lie .lelass the sound-box, but rise from it to a projectinig ariI
springing from one end of it; on this arm are the tuning pins. The general
ouitline of the harp is triangular; in Oriental and African instruments the
thiird side has, almost invariably, no structural completion, but in the Scan-
dinaviani or European harp a front support or pillar joins the top of thce
arm to the lower end of the body. There are, of course, occasional hybrids
created by the whim of the maker or the fancy of the artist; but in all the
hest forms the characteristic type is constailt. In the psaltery the sound-box
underlies the whole length of the strings across which they are stretched; the
outline of the sound-box or body, and therefore of the instrtumelnt, may varv
(onsiderably, but the player on the psaltery cannllot uise hiis hautd,s on bothi
sides of the strings as on the lyre and harp.
(2) cf. Ernest-de Sarzec. Decouvertes et (Chalhe, 1893, pl. 23.
(3) The inetlhod of fine tuning these lyres is very interesting, as it is also
found on many of the lyres of Greece and Ronie. After the strinig is drawn
roulnd the top bar at the approximate pitch, the end is twisted over a small
rod of wood: by pressing down the end of the rod the pitch is 'slightly raised;
by pressing it up it is flattened. This device is still used on the Abyssinian
lyre. See V. MaAillon, Cat. Brussels Conservatoire Museum, Vol. ITI., p. 87.
B. Ankermann, Die Afrikeaischen Musikinstrutne0te, p. 24.
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(4) The Times January 22, 1929. As two uprights are mentioned in the
case of the thira instrument, I class it as a lyre.
(5) Curt Sachs: Die instrumente d. alten Aegypten, 1921. III. 51; see also
(b, cl. Alex. Christianowitech La Musique Arabe, 1863. Ill. I1.
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c.d. Section and contour of body (from existing indications and typical an-alogy.)
IFig. II. Lyre, Sistrum anid 1Tabor. Fig. 111. Lyre-player and Singer,
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9* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
* ~~~13
1. Bactrian Harp (c. 250 B.C.-25o A.D.) 2. Pompeian Harp (c. 79 A.D.) 3. Burmese Saun (modern)
4. Egyptian shoulder Harp (c. 3000 B.C.) 5. Egyptian upright Harp (C.2300 B.C.) 6. Egyptian
Harp (c. 1500 B.C.) 7. Adamaua Harp (WestCentral Africa). 8. Ombi (FanTribe, W. Central
Africa). THE ANGLE HARP. 9. Assyr-iain horizontal Hat-p (c. 650 B.C.) 10. Assyrian
upright Harp (c. 650 B.C.). 11. K'unlg-hiou (Chiina c.6oo A.D.) 12. Moorish Harp (c 1200 A.D.)
THE ORIENTAL PILLAR HARP. 13 14. Ostyak Harps (Western Siberia). 15 Cambodian (?)
JIarp (S.E. Asia)
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(7) The Times, Jan. 12, 1928: See also Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
July, 1928, and The Antiquaries Journal, Vol. VIII. Oct., 1928.
(8) The appearance of the figure of a bull or a bull's or calf's head on these
instruments is due to the fact that Nannar the popular Moon God and
patron of Ur, was callod the powerful bull or heifer of Anu God o
He is represented with crescent horn6 and a long flowing eard having the
colour of lapis lazuli.
(9) See also C. L. Woolley The Sumerians, 1928, p. 28.
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(10) The photographs on this plate are reproduced with the permaission of
7he Director of the British Museum. Figs. II and III are from a 6hell
plaque on the supposed body of a lyre, and from the King's Standard
(11) As will be seen I do not attach much importance to Wilk-inson's illus-
trations of very mcdern pegs with holes said to be shown in harps of the
3rd millennium B.C. at Beni-Hasan. See Sir J. G. Wilkinson, Manners anc
Customs of the Ancient E9gptians, 1837-41. Also C. Engel, Music of the
Alost Ancient Nations, p. 222.
(12) Even on the Egyptian harp of the eighteenth dynasty the strings could
not have been attached directly to the peg but some system of loop or nut
must have been used: for the pegs are at the back of the neck which, being
Rfat at the side, causes the strings to jar.
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We may well ask, who are these Sumerians now standing in the
forefront of the musical history of the world? Who are these people
whose doings in peace and war are picturedfor us so realistically on their
mosaic inlays? Who are the men and women whose adornments in gold
and silver, wrought with consumnmate art, we can to-day handle and
admire? The answer is not easily given, for it is evident that when
they come before us in these early days of history revealed by the
recent discoveries in Babylonia- or, as we now call it, Iraq, they
appear as a civilised, industrious, art-loving nation. We see them,
in fact, at the zenith of their greatness and are permitted to witness
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its afterglow and decline: one day we hope the dawn will be disclosed
as archtuologist and ethnologist unfold their earliest story.
To this good end, shall not Music too lend her aid? Let me
begin by briefly stating some of the more recent opinions expres
concerning the origin and racial affinity of the Sumerians. It is,
I think, generally conceded that they-or, at any rate, their ruling
castes-were not the original inhabitants of the delta formed by the
Euphrates and Tigris. A very interesting and probable sketch of
the formation of this fertile tract of ' Sea Land,' as it was called,
has been given by Mr. Woolley(13) and it is clear that, until some sort
of lagoon was produced by the creation of a bar of silt across the
upper end of the Persian Gulf, the alluvial tract, known afterwards
as the Land of Sumer, must have been very slow in its extension.
The older and firmer soil seems to have been occupied by a Semitic
race and, although the Sumerians were naturally brought under strong
Semitic influence, they were not Semites. Nor were they ' Aryans '
from the north, for in othnic type and language they were quite
distinct. (14) There is, we are also told, ' no trace of any round
headed element of the Hittite type nor of a Mongolian type,' and
'one can still trace the ancient Sumerian face eastward among the
inhabitants of Afghanistan and Baluchistan until the Valley of the
Indus is reached-some 1,500 miles distant from Mesopotamia.'('5)
Again, in continuation of the foregoing racial clue, ' It is to the
Dravidian ethnic type of India that the ancient Sumerian bears most
resemblance . . . he was very like a Southern Hindu of the Dekkan
who still speaks Dravidian languages.'(16) From a close study, how-
ever, of the recently discovered mosaics I cannot but think that
upon this Dravidian element in the mass of the population there was
super-imposed a superior type with a long face, regular features and a
prominent straight or convex nose, and that it is- the original home
of this type we need to find, for to its possessors the culture of the
Sumerians was due. Reference has just been made to the Dravidian
speaking tribes of the Dekkan: they are various, but chief among
them are the Ghonds and the Koles. They originally inhabited the
N.W. Province of India, but owing to the pressure of nomad invaders
(the Aryans, for instance, about 2000 B.C.) were driven southward.
In connection with their primitive religious worship they hold dances
which centre around a national Ghond epic ' The Song of Lingal.'(17)
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(18) His personality was afterwards merged in that of the celestial musician
Narada (cf. A. H. Fox Strangways Music of Hindostan, 1914).
(19) Sculptures from the Amravati Tope, Brit. Museum.
(20) James Ferguson, Tree and Serpent Worship, 1873.
(21) Albert Gruienwedel, Alt-buddhistiskhe Kuzltsthtten in Chtinesisch-
Tutrkestan, 1912.
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they reached the head of the Persian Gulf.(26) With them no doubt
went the harp and Dravidians.
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progress, enshrines this truth(28) and, quite recently, it has been dis-
covered that the Badari of Upper Egypt, the oldest agriculturalists
of the Nile Valley, not only had affinities with the Dravidians of
India but knew also the use of copper, as the Sumerians did, though
the prehistoric Egyptians did not. In the twelftlh dynasty which
began about the year 2,600 B.C. we observe a remarkable elaboration
of the simpler instrument; it is, still bow-shaped without a front pillar,
but placed on a stand or on the ground when in use (pl. II, 5). This
development reached its highest pitch in the great harps of Thebes
with their elegant form and ilnumerous strings. Yet the simple
bow-shaped instrumiient remains still ill the southern part of the Nile
Valley, for in the five-stringed Nanga of Nuibia we have its counter-
part. Carried by Phlenician traders to the shores of Greece and
Italy it appeared as the vabila or nablinum(29) (pl. II, 2). More
interesting, however, is tlhe fact that it has travelled westward across
Africa, borne thither by Nilotic tribes under the pressure of invasion
and consequent rnigration. In the more distant provinces such as
Adamnaia and the Kameruln, we notice it with 6-10 strings and in
construction more like the earlier type (pl. II, 7). In the harp of the
Fan tribe (pl. II, 8) there is a peculiar extension of the body: to it
is now braced the curved neck, buit it appears to be a relic of the
time when the harp wa,s played with the neck resting against the
shoulder as in the Sumerian larp; the present African method of
holding the ordinary bow-shaped harp is with the neck forward
and away from the player as in the Bactrian harp. For the Kundi
or harlp of UJgand:i the stiell of a tortoise is generally used or its repre-
sentation in wood and a similar oval formed bo(ly has been observed
in o0l Egyptian examples, but in all specimens of the modern African
harp the tuning pegs are inserted into the side of the neck: these
side pegs-remliniseent again of the TLand of Sitinier-mark it off
from the ordinary stringed instrunments of Africa, suich as the popular
Semitic lyre known as the Kissar, which is gradually driving out the
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old harp; for those are without tuning pegs except in cases where
Turkish or Moorislh instruments have est-ablished themselves.-30)
As I have miientioned the bow-shaped harp of Uganda, I will draw
attention to a barbarous practice which was in voguLe amongst the
Baganda (as the people of Uganda are called) and had its couinter-
part also anlongst the Sumiierians. For the valuable and prolific
discoveries at Ur are due to a burial cult which happily (lied out
amongst civilised races long ages ago. It was, however, the custom
in the land of Sumer, upon the death of a King or Queen, to gather
the servants of the royal household, guards, horsemen, dancing girls,
even members of the harem, and to slay them in the open space
outside the royal tomb. The bodies were then laid arouind in order
with their weapons, carts drawn by asses or oxen (for the horse was
unknown), instruments of music and beautiful apparel, in order that
they might minister to the needs of their deceased master or mistress
in the shadowy and mysterious Bevond. I quote now from a descrip-
tion of the old burial customs in Uganda, performed only on the
death of a King or Queen :(31) ' When the hood (over the entrance
of the tomb) was let down to close it, the wives of the late King who
had been bound were placed at intervals round the tomb fronm the
left of the doorway onwards and were cluibbed to death: the men
mentioned above (viz., the chief cook, the chief brewer, the chief
herdsman, the keeper of the King's well and the chief in charge of the
sacred fire) were clubbed to death on the right side of the door; these
and hundreds more were killed and sent to attend upon the King,
who was supposed to need them in the other world. None of their
bodies were buried, but they were left where they fell around the
tomb.' And another point of similarity: amongst this African tribe
(the Baganda) there is a system of clans dating from an unknown
antiquity; one clan, claiming as their forefather the first King's
great friend who came to UJganda with him, is of lighter build than
the rest and its members have fine Roman features. This clan
(30! As is well known, the musical bow, that is, the how-shaped harp in
its first and simplest form, is in common u,se throcliouit the wlhole of Southerin
Africa below the Equator; in Nortlhein Africa it is uinknown, and between
the two the bow-shaped harp in its developed form is found in a wvell-defiined
but narrow streak of couintry from east to west. Owing to its peculiar
exelusiveness and manifest superiority over the primitive form I dlo not
consider that it. is indebted for its existence in Africa to the muisical bow of
the Soutlh. Tt is gradually disappearing udcder pressure from the east: in
UTganda tlte Biisoqa lyre (the Kissar) is occupying the ground. It appears
as though the use of thle archer's bow as a. musical instrument is co-mmon
to man whether in Africa, Asia or elsewlhere; btut the harp cannot be
classed among the primitives. The musical bow of Souith Africa seems
to have had its own line of development throuig;h the Wamr bee or Volga to
the Band,lj or Afiican psaltery, and they are all destitute of tutning pegs.
The triangular Kru harp, so popular around Sierra Leone, evidently owes
its origin to the otitside influience of another continent.
(31) Johr, Roscoe, The Bagavda, 1911, pp. 107 ff., p. 157.
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supplies the judge of the King's Court, wlho acts as his represen-
tative when absent from the capital. Could that forefather have had
Sumerian blood321 as Mwell as features? At any rate, it was the
degenerate strife of the clan system which laid the older nation at
the merey of its enemies and, towards the close of tlle third inil-
lenniUmI1 B.C., proved its downfall.
(32) From the East African alcheological expedition we are learning. that
the earliest inhabitants of the district around the great lakes had Asiatio
cha.racteristics and not those of the present day African.
(33) C. Sachs, Real Lexikont, ' Winkeltypus,' s.v. Harfe.
(34) Sidney Smnith, Early History of Assyria, 1998.
(35) The little circles on the edge of the hocly -are probably the headcls of
pins fixing the skin ' table ' lap to the woodeti franme of the harp, and cer-
tainly not tuning pegs, as they are much more in number than the strings.
They may be, however, simply ornamental.
(36) This smaller instrument is )robably tfle sabka or sab)eca of Daniel,
cli. III, 5, so imisrendered ' sackbuV' in our English Version. From it was
derived the popular Trigon of classical times.
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position with the bar below; in playing it both hands are employed
as on the smaller harp, but there is no plectrum. This curious method
of carrying the instrument may have been found convenient for
processional use, but it is exactly opposite to the way in which the
large Egyptian harp was held, for there the bar or neck was always
uppermost (pl. II, 5). So conspicuous is this peculiarity that the
' Assyrian ' large harp is easily recognisable in widely distant areas.
It appears in Egypt shortly before or in the early part of the first
millennium B.C., as may be seen in a primitive wooden statuette
preserved in the British Museum, (37) where it has six strings and
guiding pins on the lower bar, or in a more elaborate specimen with
twenty-one strings and guiding pins, now in the Louvre at Paris.(38)
It has been observed in Asia Minor and in Greek art connected there-
with in the fifth century B.C. ;(39) it iS found in the rock sculptures of
Persia in the sixth century A.D. ;(40) in Northern China, where in the
seventh centuiry A .D. it was cornsidered a barbaric instrument and not
to be cultivated ;(41) in Korea as the Shiragi-Koto;(42) it is seen in the
ha.nds of a Moorish girl in a Seville MS. of the thirteenth century ;(43)
and in the representation of a Turkish lady dated 1583, by Melchior
Lorch. (44) It still has a precarious existence in the Arab Junk,
at corruption of the old Persian name Chank.
I do not, however, consider that we are indebted to this larger
angle-harp for the graceful shape of our own Northern or Scan-
dinavian harp, because it is evident that the latter was evolved from
an instrument which was held witlh the body or sound-box downward;
and we seem to have, at last, a positive link between it and the older
bow-shaped type in the harps of the Ostyak tribes of Western Siberia
(37) J. Stainer, 31usic of the Bible. Ed., 1914, plate 5. 1 have there sug-
gested that the Hebrew nebel-azor is a dialectical varianit of nlebel-ashor the
Assyrian ' harp.
(39) C. Engel, MJultsic of the most Anlcient Nations, p. 193. Surely this
harp, so frequtently illustrated, is always shown upside down; the tassels of
the strings should hang away from the bar and not lie over the instrument.
(39) Vase, 8015, Munich Museum: see Victoria and Albert Museum
(40) Robert Ker Porter, T'ravels in Georgia, Persia, &c., 1824.
(41) Illlustrations occur in and from the earlier centuries of our era: this
is from Ch'2ri shih uyo shit, in the Camhnridge University Library, by the cour-
tesy of the Rev. A. C. Moule see also The New China Review, Hong Kong,
1919. The illustration on pi. II, 15, is of a curious instrument, in the
Brussels Conservatoire of Mulsic TMluseum, described as Chinese (Cat. Vol. I,
p. 141). This can hardly be correct and M. Ernest Clof;son, the curator,
agrees that it nmay be from Cambodia- or Assam. It appears to he due to a
policy of despair, as the curved neck of the, bow-shaped harp is bent so far
forward that the strings cannot be tuned without the help of a supporting
(42) F. T. Piggott, The Music and Musical Instruments of Japan, 1893.
(43) Escorial Library, Madrid: cf. J. F. Riafo, Notes on Early Spanish
Music, 1887.
(44) C. Engel, Cat. S. Kensington Muiseum, 1872.
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(pl. 11, 13, 14). 1 havle already alluded to the source from which it
is probable that they received their harp; apparently it came to them
without a froint pillar or suipport, for ve are assured that the instru-
rnent is complete without it,(45) Iand the small specimen (pl. II, 14),
now in the Asiatic Etthnographical Collection at the British Museum,
bears out this statement; for the froint support lias been ' sprunig in
as an afterthouglht aid tlhus prevents the emlpiloyment of tlle longest
string. The Finns, racially connected with the Ostyaks and coming
from Western Siberia inito Europe in the seventh century of our era,
brought this harp with them; it is stated that the last harper, who
did not use the front pillar, <lied in Estoniia about a century ago. (46)
It is to this migration, I believe, we owe the Northern type with its
fore pillar ;(47) like the Sumerian lharp it is the offspring of the bow-
shaped instrtuments of Bactria anid Iran and, permeating the whole
of Europe during the past thousand years, holds an honoured place
in the finest orchestras of to-day.
As this paper goes to press another ' harp ' has been- reported
withl a particularly finie calf's head, imiodelled in copper, and a
paniel of mosaic wzork wvith hum,aln figures in shell set against a back-
grotund of hapis lazuli, as on the woonderful harp foumid last year. . . .
We have practically finished ouir work in this part of the city.' C. L.
Woolley, The Timles, February 26, 1'929. Since this form of
Suimeriani decoration is common both-t to lyre and harp, there is noth
in the brief description to show the actual type of instrunment. It
probably a lyre.-F. W. G.
(45) C.. Sachs, i?eal Lexikot, s.v. Shotang. Illustration (pl. :I, 13) of
instrument in Hainburg Mlfuse,nr fii Volkerkunde, from C. Sachs Handbuch
dler Musikinstrutmentekun de, 1920.
(46) C. Engel, Music of the Most Ancient Nations. p. 34.
(47) For the subsequent development of the northern or Europeain harp see
H. Panum, Harp and L,re in Northern Europe, International Musical
Society Quarterly Magazine, Year VII, pt.1, 1905, and F. W. Galpin,
Old English Instrumetits of Mlusic, 1911. It must be remenibered that the
first three illustrations in Panum's paper are dated too early - Gerbert's
harp is from a drawing in a MS. of the 12th or 13th century; the MS.
Vespasian (Brit. Mus.) harp is on an inserted page of the 13th century; the
' Reliquiary of S. Mogue's ' harp is on the outter case made in the 11th century.
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