Activity Worksheet On Plate Boundaries

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Christian Faith Andrews Ll.

De la Pena
I. Complete the three Frayer Model graphic organizers.
 Identify the three types of plate boundaries and write the name of each
type inside the oval at the middle of each Frayer Model organizer.
 Fill in the required information in each window/box for each of the three
Frayer Model organizers.


Definition Facts/Characteristics
 Where two plates are moving Borders between the plates that are
toward each other  moving towards each other and colliding.
When two oceanic plates collide, ocean
trenches and volcanoes can form. 

Examples Convergent Plate Boundary Non-examples

 Pacific Ring
Of Fire
Continental to Continental
Oceanic to Oceanic

Definition Facts/Characteristics

Occurs when two tectonic plates Most divergent plate boundaries

are underwater and form submarine
move away from each other. mountain ranges called oceanic
spreading ridges.

Examples Divergent Plate Boundary Non-examples

Mid-Atlantic ridge, A tectonic boundary

where the Eurasian where two plates are
Plate that covers all moving away from
of Europe separates each other 
from the North
American Plate.

Definition Facts/Characteristics
Plate boundary along which the relative Places where plates slide sideways past each
motion between the two plates is other. At transform boundaries lithosphere is
parallel to the strike of the fault and is neither created nor destroyed. 
geometrically the arc of a small circle
about the pole of rotation between two

Examples Transform Plate Boundary Non-examples

San Andreas Fault in
When the collision of
two plates is not in
relative motion
specifically parallel.
1. How did you classify the three types of plate boundaries? What was your basis?
- I recently watched the video posted about this, this made me easy to understand because the
video was clear and discussed properly. It is quite comprehensible that there are only three of
them characterized by different action, functions, and classifications.

2. What processes occur along each type of plate boundaries?

- Convergent boundaries - where two plates are colliding.
- Divergent boundaries – where two plates are moving apart.
- Transform boundaries – where plates slide passed each other.

3. What made you say that the items you listed under the “Non-examples” window are such? How did
you classify these as non-examples?
- I listed some of the opposite definition of the selected plate boundaries. Non-examples are words
that oppose the real definition, so that we can easily identify the meaning of the certain terms.


1. How would you deal with living near a plate boundary?
- Living near boundaries is totally threatening, some of the most destructive natural hazards that
occur on Earth. It is where earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions takes place. The boundaries
of plates are called fault lines, two plates slide slowly, sometimes the energy releases quickly
causing them to slide fast and cause an earthquake, would you want to make your house between
these fault lines?

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