Maam Elvie Research
Maam Elvie Research
Maam Elvie Research
A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of Education
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Master’s Degree
Master of Arts in Education
1. The Problem 1
Hypothesis 3
Conceptual Framework 3
Definition of Terms 5
Research design 13
Research Instrument 15
Data Gathering 16
Strong Guidelines 16
Statistical tools 17
References 19
skills that will improve their performance on the job. Professional development
is the strategy schools and school districts use to ensure that educators
needs of their students. They learn and problem solve together in order to
ensure all students achieve success. School systems use a variety of schedules
to provide this collaborative learning and work time for teachers. When time set
reports about student results, they realize the benefits to teachers and their
leaders, and parents have a responsibility to ensure that educators within their
fail to meet even minimum levels of quality and fall short of what teachers want
and need. Systems at the school level to support teachers and identify their
words says that The lack of time for professional learning (e.g. attending
reports and other tasks. Teachers were not fully trained in the changes of
curriculum to meet its requirement. A one-week seminar is not enough. Not all
that are in the far-flung areas. Getting into seminars, etc. is difficult because
we are expected to be at school to teach and guide students at all times. Taking
units for MA or attending training will mean that students will be left
unattended as there is no system to cover for teachers who aren't around for
everyone and be cooperative with the others. It just hard for the teacher to
development and job performance as basis for action plan. This study will
and their job performance and how the action plan will be created as their
performance of some teachers and the need for professional training and
learning was on top of the imperatives for teachers. The process of this study is
problems anchored with the teacher’s profile that connect with their job
development and job performance. It will focus to all teachers and school heads
The study will be deals with the Teachers professional development and
job performance as basis for action plan. Specifically, it will seek the answer of
progress throughout the school year and work toward district-wide goals (Julia
improved student outcomes, with the biggest improvement seen with students’
social-emotional development.
Conceptual framework
A. Profile of
A. Administration of
1. Sex Action
C. Four Group
4. Highest
B. Extent of teacher’s
C. Job Performance
DepEd Camiguin Officials: The result of this study will serve as a base date to
developing, this study helps the school heads stands to reason that teachers
who stay up-to-date and informed about what works and what doesn’t are
To the teacher, it helps teachers to equip and empower them with the
To the students, this study will help the students to develop their interest in
push through their desire to discover the new upgraded way of addressing
action planning.
Future researchers, that the study will be source of a more depth study and
their job performance as basis for action plan. The data collection will be
Guinsiliban that will represent the population. This study will not cover the
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined to give the reader a clear understanding of the
Age. This refers to the age of the teacher’s respondent that serves as part of the
Sex. refers to the gender differences either male or female teacher respondent
Number of years in teaching. The overall length of service is the total time
spent at a job or some other socially beneficial activity, regardless of the nature
of the activity and the length of the intervals between work periods. It is the
Chapter 2
This chapter covers the related literature and studies. It includes the
to boost the status of the teaching profession. Among those efforts, securing
the necessary number of teachers and providing suitable TPD for their
2030, including 24.4 million primary school teachers, and 44.4 million
secondary school teachers. The South Asia region—which has the second-
at the primary level and 10.9 million at the secondary. Because of the
region, the average student-teacher ratio stands at 34:1 in primary schools and
countries includes not only the absolute scale of securing teachers necessary
degree program (UNESCO Bangkok Office 2015). In Viet Nam, student teachers
follow a 3−year program of college education to teach at the primary and lower
secondary level, while those wishing to teach at the upper secondary level must
according to the Teacher Policy Action Plan (Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sport [MoEYS] 2015). Although selective qualifications are required to enter the
teaching profession, there may be cases where such requirements are adjusted
to solve the problem of teacher shortages for some countries (Mulkeen et al.
required number of teachers and may allow teachers to teach without having
TPD is even more important in countries where teachers do not have all the
academic preparation they should have. Teachers’ salaries remain low in some
seem to earn up to one-third less than the average income. Cambodia is also
one of the representative countries known for having a lower salary for teachers
teachers’ salary in the Philippines is less than one-sixth of the average in the
to teachers engaging in other side jobs, leaving teaching, and even having
For teachers and their needs for professional development (PD), self-
both the instructor and the students, including curriculum and instruction,
teamwork, and personal and professional growth objectives are necessary for
professional development for teachers and the methods for enhancing it. Each
student and adult learns something new in school. Adults' knowledge and
transfer of skills between students and adults. Students have a variety of skills
and abilities when they enter the classroom. There is still a need to address
these various learning levels even when some children may be high, low, or
average learners. Teachers have the resources to improve their instruction and
have an influence on students of all academic levels when they have access to
teachers are able to learn. The teacher's skill set is expanded through ongoing
professional development, and the areas in which they are currently effective
are further developed. It's crucial to examine the keys to enhancing teacher
development would benefit not only the instructor but also the student. The
size fits all." In professional learning contexts, it's critical to differentiate the
way teachers offer content. Teachers too require tailored training and content
delivery, just like students do. Finding targeted and personalized professional
development (PD) that improves a teacher's skills is the key to bettering teacher
development is creating clear goals for the teacher and their growth. A firm
also necessary. Teachers frequently solicit feedback from their pupils in order
to assess and modify their teaching methods. Teachers who want to change
their instructional practices must first collect student feedback. Teachers can
their performance as well as on how well they are teaching the material and
quality education to students. Many articles are floating on the internet stating
the must 21st century skills of teachers and students (Stauffer, 2020). Most
teachers keep attending training to improve their skills especially in the area of
research that gives the readers fresh perspectives based on what the random
students and teachers are saying and feeling about the competencies that each
one should possess in the Philippines. Among the competencies derived from
creativity, funniness, and disciplinarian on the top 5. These are based on the
The study focuses on the basis of action plan that have been used by
growth in the new normal approach of learning. The most important aspect of
the study relates to the assistance given by the school administration for
creating action plan in the classroom. The main purpose of this study is to find
goals. The study design will be based on the qualitative approach focusing on
discussion. For the focus group, discussion two Head teachers and three
teachers were selected from the three different schools. The researcher
action plan by teachers doing and support from the School administration).
The ideas or perspectives of teachers and head teachers were analyzed and
interpreted logically. This research will be subject for potential publication that
will be useful for the researcher in her promotion. It will also serve as a
reference to the teachers and school administration that will conduct the same
study in the future. The community can also benefit in this study that will give
enroll their children. On this study, it will empower the teacher’s professional
development in the new normal learning in relation to the action plan made by
the teacher.
research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical tools that will be
Research Design
some type of research. The data will be gathered through the user of survey-
respondents. The data includes survey and other things that can record during
Guinsiliban Camiguin.
The respondents of the study will be all elementary and secondary teachers
Research Instrument
Part I. Personal Profile of the respondents includes Age, Sex, Civil status, and
Part II. The questions to be answer by the respondent. Will use Likert Scale in
to the statement.
subject for content and construct validity. The researchers ask 3 experts to
utilize Post Test Method. The researchers will administer the questionnaire to
54 teachers of both elementary and secondary. The first result will be recorded
as Post-Test.
Alpha and it yielded a coefficient of 0.88 that mark high correlation, the survey
The researchers will conduct the study from all teachers both elementary
questionnaire to the respondents and gave them time to answer after the
instruction will be given. The researchers retrieve the questionnaires and the
Scoring Guideline:
Statistical Tools
determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status and
Problem 2. The weighted mean will use to analyze the extent of teacher’s
Ethical Considerations
The researchers will ask permission from the district in charge as well
Part II: The extent of Teachers Professional Development in new normal as basis of action plan.
4- Highly Extent (HE) 3-Much Extent (ME) 2-Less Extent (LE) 1-No Extent