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F.sc.I Math Question Bank CH# 1

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 Fast Revision:

Number System, Rational and Irrational numbers, Decimal Representation

of Rational and Irrational numbers, Properties of Real numbers.

 Prove that for any real numbers a,b, a. 0=0

a c ad +bc
+ =
 Prove b d bd by rules of addition.

1 1

a b
1 1
1− .
 Simplify a b by justifying each step.

 Prove √ 3 is an irrational number.

 Discussion of MCQ’s :

Q No.1


(1) The solution of the equation x+a=b , if a> b and a,b ∈ W is not possible

in the set of __________

(a) Whole numbers (b) Integers

(c) Rational numbers (d) Real numbers

(2) √2 is a __________ number.
(a) Natural (b) Whole

(c) Rational (d) Irrational

(3) The constant ratio of circumference of any circle to length of its

diameter is

(a) e (b) 7

(c) π (d) 3.1416

(4) A prime number is can be a factor of a square only if it occurs at

least __________ the square.

(a) Once (b) Twice

(c) Thrice (d) Four times

(5) If n ∈ P then √ n represents

(a) Irrational numbers (b) Integers

(c)Natural numbers (d) Rational numbers

(6) ∀ a,b ∈ R , a=b ⇒b=a is called __________ property.

(a) Reflexive (b) Symmetric

(c) Transitive (d) Trichotomy

(7) If ∀ a,b,c∈ R , c >0 then a> b= _________

(a) ac <bc (b) ac >bc

(c) ab< ac (d) ab>ac

(8) Which one of the following is Golden rule of fractions?

a ka 1 1 1
= . =
(a) b kb (b) a b ab

a c ac 1 1 1
. = + =
(c) b d bd (d) a b ab

(9) The set {−1,1 } possess closure property with respect to

(a) Multiplication (b) Addition

(c) Division (d) Both (a) & (c)

(10) Which property is used in the equation 2. 1+ (−2.1 ) =0 ?

(a) Additive Identity (b) Additive Inverse

(c) Multiplicative Inverse (d) Multiplicative identity

(11) The property used in the inequality 1>−1⇒−3>−5 is

(a) Multiplicative (b) Additive

(c) Reciprocal (d) Trichotomy

(12) The additive identity element in the set of Natural numbers is

(a)1 (b) 0

(c) 10 (d) Does not exist

(13) ∀ a∈ Z , then multiplicative inverse of ‘a’ is

(a) a (b) 1

(c) a −1 (d) Not possible

(14) Which one of the following is a field?

(a) N (b) Z

(c) R (d) W

(15) Which one of the following is a recurring decimal number?

(a) 2.232526 ... (b) 0.3333...

(c) 2. 2525 (d) 0.31331 ...

Q No.2


(1) For real numbers a,b show that (−a)(−b )=ab by stating the properties


a c
(2) Prove that. b = d ⇔ ad=bc. (To be solved in class)

a b a+b
(3) Prove b + c = c by rules of addition.

4+16 x
(4) Simplify 4 by justifying each step.

(5) Explain Non-terminating decimal number with examples. (To be

discussed in class)

Q No.3


(1) Prove √ 2 is an irrational number.

1 1

a b
1 1
1− .
(2) Simplify a b by justifying each step. (To be solve in class)

 Fast Revision:

Complex Numbers, Powers of i , Operations on Complex numbers,

Properties of Complex numbers.

 Simplify (−1 )
2 .

 Simplify ( 2,6 )÷ (3,7 ) .

 Prove that the sum as well as the product of two conjugate complex

numbers is a Real number.

 Find the multiplicative inverse of ( 4 ,−7 ) .

 Factorize 3 x 2 3 y 2.

 Separate 1+i into real and imaginary parts.

 Discussion of MCQ’s : 1,3,4,9,14.

(1) Which of the following represents a complex number?

(a)3+4 (b) [ 3,5 ]

(c)cos300+isin 300 (d) 3-4

(2) √ 5 is a/an ___________.

(a) complex number (b) Rational number

(c) Real number (d) Real number

(3) If z=3−4 i , then the imaginary part is

(a) 4i (b) -4i

(c) 4 (d) -4

(4) (−i ) 19=

(a) -i (b) i

(c) 1 (d) -1

(5) (-1)19=

(a) -i (b) i

(c) 1 (d) -1

(6) √ −16
25 =

4 4
− i i
(a) 5 (b) 5
16 16
i − i
(c) 25 (d) 25

(7) ( 8,−5 ) - (−7,4 ) =

(a) ( 1,−9 ) (b) ( 15,−1 )

(c) ( 15,−9 ) (d) ( 1,15 )

(8) ( 5,−4 ) (−3,−2 ) =

(a) ( 23,2 ) (b) (−23,−2 )

(c) (−23,2 ) (d) ( 23,−2 )

(9) The multiplicative identity of the complex number (5,6)is

(a) 1 (b) ( 0,1 )

(c) ( 0,0 ) (d) ( 1,0 )

(10) The Additive identity in C is

(a) 0 (b) ( 0,1 )

(c) ( 0,0 ) (d) ( 1,0 )

(11) The multiplicative inverse of the non-zero complex number (a,b) is

( a
(a) a + b a +b
)2 2 2 ( a
(b) a + b a +b
)2 2 2

( −a
(c) a + b a +b
)2 2 2 ( −a
(d) a + b a +b
)2 2 2

(12) The additive inverse of the complex number z=−4 i+3 is

(a) 4 ,−3 (b) (−3,−4 )

(c) ( 3,4 ) (d) (−3,4 )

(13) If z=( 5,−6 ) is a complex number, then z =?

(a) 5,−6i (b) 6 i−5

(c) 6 i+5 (d) 6+5 i

(14) The set C of complex number does not satisfy the

(a)Additive properties (b) Order properties

(c)Multiplicative properties (d) Distributive properties

(15) The real part of the complex number 1+i is

(a) 1 (b) 2


(c) 2 (d) −1


(1) Define Complex numbers. (To be discussed in class)

(2) What are the conjugate Complex numbers? (To be discussed in


(3) Prove that the sum as well as the product of two conjugate complex

numbers is a real number. (To be solve in class)

(4) Simplify (5,-4)÷(-3,-8).

(5) Factorize 9a2+16b2

(6) Find the multiplicative inverse of ( √ 2 ,- √ 5 ).

(7) Find the sum and difference of the complex numbers(8,9) and(5,-6)

(8) Show that (a,b) represents a Complex number.

(−2+3i )
(1) Separate 1+i into real and imaginary parts.

(2) Verify the distributive law of complex number(a,b)[(c,d)+e,f)]=(a,b)(c,d)+


(3) Verify multiplication properties of Complex numbers.

 Fast Revision:

The Real Plane and Complex Plane, Modulus of complex number.

Polar form of a Complex number. De Moivre’s Thcorem.

|z .z | |z |⋅|z |
 ∀ show that 1 2 = 1 2

|z |−|z 2|≤|z 1 +z 2|≤|z 1|+|z 2|

 ∀ show that 1

 ∀ show that ( z−z )2 is real number.

 Simplify
(− 12 − √23 i ) .

 Simplify ( 3− √−4 ) .

 Express 1+ √ 3i in polar form.

( )
1−√ 3i
 Find out real and imaginary parts of 1+ √ 3i

 Discussion of MCQ’s : 1,2,3,6,9,13.

(1) If z=0−3i, then it lies in/on

(a)OX, (b) OX

(c)Third Quadrant (d) Second Quadrant

(2) The principle argument of the complex number lies in

(a)- π ≤ θ≤ π (b) - π π

(c) - π π (d) - π ≤ θ<¿ ¿ π

(3) The moduli and argument of the complex number 1 −√ 3i respectively are

(a) 2 and 600 (b) 2 and 300

(c) 2 and -600 (d) 2 and -300

(4) The distance from origin to the point representing the complex number

is called

(a) Modulus (b) Argument

(c) Conjugate (d) Argand diagram

(5) If z is a non-zero complex number, then z =?

2 2
|z| |z|
(a) z (b) z

(c) a−bi (d) both (b) & (c)

|z +z |
For any two collinear complex numbers z 1 and z 2 , 1 2 is

¿|z 1|−|z 2| (b)
¿|z 1|+|z 2|

=|z 1|+|z 2| (d)
¿|z 1|+|z 2|

(7) If z=1+i , then polar form of z is

(a) √ 2 ( cos60 +i sin 60 ) √ 2 ( cos450−i sin 450 )
0 0

(c) 2 ( cos 45 +i sin 45 )

0 0
(d) √ 2 ( cos450 +isin 450 )

(8) ( cosθ+i sin θ )n =cos nθ+isin nθ , ∀ n∈ Z is called

(a)Argand theorem (b) De Moiver’s theorem

(c)Binomial theorem (d) Binomial series

( cos θ+isin 3 θ )
(9) ( cos θ+i sinθ )2 =

(a) cos 4 θ+i sin 4 θ (b) cosθ+i sin θ

(c) cos2 θ+i sin2 θ (d) cos 4 θ−i sin 4 θ

(10) i =

(a) i (b) −i

(c) 1 (d) −1

(11) z=z iff

(a) z is real (b) Im( z)=0

(c) Re( z)=0 (d) z=2+3 i

(12) 5+2 √−4 =

(a) 5−4i (b) 5+2 i

(c) 5+4 i (d) 5−8i

0 0
(13) The Cartesian form of 2 cos 60 + i2 sin 60 is

(a) 1+2i (b) 1+ √ 3i

(c) 1−√ 3i (d) −1+ √ 3i

2 2
(14) ∀ z ∈C , z −z is a _____________ number

(a)Complex (b) Real

(c)Imaginary (d) Rational

(15) The multiplicative inverse of the complex number (1,2) lies in


(a)First (b) Second

(c)Third (d) Fourth


|z .z |=|z1||z 2|,∀ z 1 ,z 2 ∈C .(To be Solved in Class)
Show that 1 2

(2) Show that

z 1 +z2 =z 1 +z 2 , wherez1 , z 2 ∈C .

(3) Express the complex number 1+ √ 3 i in polar form. (To be Solved in


(4) Separate ( √ 3 +i)3 into real and imaginary parts

(5) Prove that if z=z,then z is real.

(6) Simplify (a+bi)-2

(7) Show that z2+z-2 is a real number.

(8) Simplify (2+ √−3 )(3+ √−3 )in the form of a+bi


z 1 +z 2
(1) If z1=2+I,z2=3-2i,z3,=1+3i, then express z2 in the form of a+bi.

(2) Show that

|z 1|−|z 2|≤|z 1 +z 2|≤|z 1|+|z 2| .(To be Solved in Class)

( )
1 √3
− − i .
(3) Simplify 2 2

(4) Show that

= z 2 ,z2≠(0,0)

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