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Nowadays, more and more people are starting to use the internet. At the same time, online
games have become extremely popular among the young generation thus leading to the proliferation of
online games addiction on a global platform. Online gaming has become one of the most addictive
internet activities to date (Wan and Chiou, 2006). Based on established researches, the thesis is
interested in discovering the reasons behind why young people start to play online games as well as now
playing such games affects the study habit and daily lives of them. Many of us have stayed up late more
than once playing our favorite computer or online games. And some of us have even heard complaints
from our families and significant others about the amount of time we spend playing online games rather
than with them and their studies. Maybe a few of us have even wished we could sneak in a game while
we were at work. But this is really a problem nowadays. It might be. Psychologists and scientific
researchers are beginning to recognize that playing too much online games is a growing phenomenon.
News stories are bringing creating a growing awareness of the problem, and some gaming companies
are even facing lawsuits from bereaved parents.

An online game is a video played over some form of computer network. This is usually the internet or
equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current. Because of this,
the researcher was prompted and desires to know if the selected high school students are not studying
or focusing well to their studies just to play online games and what are the possible effects of this said
topic. This study is trying to show the relationship of their Study habits and playing online games to the
selected Senior high school students in Bestlink Bulacan Inc. The result of this study will depend upon
the response of the said population.

Online games is a kind of habit that will affect in our life weather it maybe good or not but when
you in, this online games and you become addicted it hard for you to stop this habit, online games is like
a cigarette or other vises that when you try in this habit it maybe your brain starts to find those situation
that you played online games and it will affect in our study habits. Online games can give our happiness
but online games can give a several problems and commonly it can change our status in life. Online
games has to create to enhance are skills in use of computers, ”Massive Multiplayer Online Games” or
“MMOG” are online games that commonly played with the students.

In this generation commonly internet is the source of information specially in study habit of every
students they are fastest to get information through internet in 5-10 seconds they get what to want to
know compared to all generations but we’ve been talk through the use of internet its only aseconds but
anyway using online games through internet is addictive but and it has a good to enhance are use of
computer. But when it comes to study habit of senior high school of Bestlink Bulacan Inc. It has aborting
learning system.

The relationships between online games and study habit of senior high school students is most of them
are already habit of playing an online games that’s why online games have affects on they study habit.
Compare on the none user of online games is does not affect on them study. For examples they are a
senior high and one of them he/she does not playing online games and one are the user of online games
of you have saw them grades in same subjects as well, the none user mostly have a high grades compare
to the online games user because base on my own experience I have a not good stats in terms of my
study, in my case my priorities is the Online games so what im saying is online games maybe affect the
study habit of different people or students but not all the time, some people I have seen they are
addicted too on the playing online games but if you see him grades in all subjects he is good as well why
because some people addicted or playing online games but they are priorities is them study habit or
they future as well. So what im saying again is most of people have different goals in life, maybe the
others is have a choice between them study and the online games, maybe they goals is being good as
students while good in playing online games then while the others is to be a good player in a computer

In my case my priorities is playing online games while being good in my study but I cant deny that while
im study and play online games I just want to play more than studies .

Statement of the Problem

How do Online Games Impact/Affect on Study Habit of Senior high School Students?

Specifically, This study seeks answers to the Following questions:

1. What is the profile of Respondent in terms of:

1.1 Sex;
1.3 Age; and

1.3 Online games user?

2. How may Online games be Described in terms of:

2.1 Pleasure;
2.3 Time Allotment; and

2.3 Feature of games?

3. How may Study habit be measured according to:

3.1 Time management;

3.3 Motivation; and

3.3 Interest?

4. Do Online Games Exert significance effects on Study Habit?


Research study will help the readers to understand about the impact of online gaming. Future
researches may serve as a basis for future research that they will conduct.

This study will be a benefit to the following:

Students. As a student, Online gaming can be detrimental to one’s health and social life. I identify the
impact on how many hours a day we spend and stay positive in the whole time and it is important to us
to identify the negative aspects of the problem and it is also important to focus on the goal and progress
that we have made. If we choose to stop online games we can achieve our dreams.

Teachers. This study is important because it can help teachers to teached them students about the
positive and negative effects of online games in their study habit. And it is also help to prevent the
increasing addictive people in playing online games. This study will sure that playing online games is
have a good and bad effect in students, teachers and their child and also to their relatives.

Parents. This study is important because as a parents, they need to know what are the commonly issues
about teenagers and to know if their child is addicted or have a status about playing online games and
also as a parents they teached them child how to prevent playing online games and to prevent being
addicted to playing online games and to teach how may online games can harm or help them they will
be benefited by they will have more time and communication with their children. They surely know how
to limit their child from playing online games by guiding them wisely.
Community. Most online gamers gain friends within the games they play,even though they haven’t seen
those friends in person. There is a bonding happening and it can build a strong relationship.

School. Ofcourse when this study published or be success the school can fixed or help many students on
how may them get over on playing online games not only on how but also on why, why they really
needs to stop or stay on playing online games because of some effect on them study habits if we say
some of they students are playing online games and lets say they are addicted to, school can help them
to prevent playing online game.


The online games exert significance effect on study habit.

The online games do not exert significance effect on study habit.


This study focuses on the effect of online games in study habit of senior high school students in Bestlink
College Inc. Year 2017-2018. The said respondents were composed of 100 selected students from
different strands. This study that student’s personal information such as sex, age, and online games
user. The results were obtained from testing the students by asking the students how do online games
impact/affect on study habit of senior high school students through survey. This study covers the online
games addiction can be described as the excessive or compulsive use of computer which persist despite
serious negative consequences for personal, social, or occupational function. We choose sex as a profile
of our respondent because some people I have seen mostly boys are playing online games than girls,
and we choose age because one of my group member has learn playing online games at the age of 11
years old so if I ask a senior high school students they are in 17-19 year old and it is fully enhance with
the using of computer or play with. We choose if they are online games user because it is important as a
respondent we need to know if they are relate to our topic. We choose Online games because it is
commonly issues of teenagers and we choose study habit because something are most affected when
students are addicted of playing online game.

Online games refer to games that are played over some form of computer network, most often the
Internet. Online games can range from simple text-based games to games incorporating complex
graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously.

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