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Analyses and the Cause of Corrosion and Materials Loss at the

Base of a Three-Phase Separator in Petroleum-Based Processing
H. Ding a,b*, H.B. Li a*, D.T. Qi a, Z. Zhang a, G.Q. Qi a,b, B. Wei a and X.H. Cai a

a Tubular Goods Research Institute, China National Petroleum Corporation, State Key Laboratory for Perfor-
mance and Structure Safety of Petroleum Tubular Goods and Equipment Materials, Shaanxi Xi’an 710065,
b. Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072,

Abstract:The three-phase separator was perforated after four years’ service. The perforation posi-
tion is at the bottom of the vessel under the baffle plate in an oil transfer station. In order to find out
the causes of corrosion and perforation of the vessel, it was investigated by chemical analysis using
a direct-reading spectrometer, microstructure examined by optical microscope(OM), and lab simu-
lated corrosion experiments by electrochemical workstation, and the corrosion products examined
with scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS) in this paper. The
analyses indicated that the coating at the base of the pressure vessel failed and this led to the direct
exposure of the carbon steel plate to the corrosive medium. The reason for the corrosion and perfo-
ration is that base material in the concealed place of the vessel contacts with the medium directly
and corrodes due to coating failure. If the vessel carbon steel connects with the baffle plate stainless
steel to form a hetero-metallic couple in the corrosive medium, the vessel inner wall’s corrosion will
be further accelerated.

Keywords: Three-phase separator; Perforation; Corrosion; Galvanic;

1. Introduction
Oil is a kind of non-renewable resources, it exploited out from the deep stratum of
earth will inevitably carries out some formation water and associated gas. Three-phase
separator is used for separating the produced wellhead fluids into gas, oil and water by
their density difference. Because of the existence of CO2 and H2S acidic gas media in the
gaseous products, highly mineralized produced water, especially the chloride ion. After
four years’ service, a three-phase separator’s bottom was perforated. A 30×50 mm perfo-
ration was found in the bottom plate, and the thickness of the plate near the perforation
position is seriously reduced, as shown in Fig. 1. There are two three-phase separators in
the oil transfer station. The crude oil separated from the separators is heated by the heat-
ing furnace and then pumped to the combined station. The oil transfer station is the main
block of the joint station, producing 900 t/d of oil. The produced water is about 300m3/d
and is injected back in stratum.

© 2022 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

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Baffle plate

the bottom vessel

Figure 1. The perforating position of three-phase separator.

The plate of the vessel is made of Q245R carbon steel with a thickness of 12 mm.
Samples were taken from the etched and perforated bottom plate of the vessel as shown
in Fig. 2(a), marked as hole A. The baffle plates made by 316L stainless steel with a thick-
ness of 0.5 mm as shown in Fig. 2(b).

(a) (b)

Hole A

50 mm Baffle plate

Figure 2. Failure samples of three-phase separator. (a) The perforated bottom plate of the vessel; (b)
The 316L stainless steel baffle plates.

Metal made equipment were corroded by hydrogen sulfide has been investigated in
some of the literatures[1-3], other researchers also studied the vessels and pipe chloride-
induced corrosion[4] and stress assisted corrosion[5-7]. Although, many scholars studied
the three-phase separator were about the designation through computational fluid dy-
namics[8-11], simulate the internal flow field of the three-phase separator[12] and detec-
tion technology[13]. However, the corrosion of a three-phase separator is rarely been stud-
ied. In this paper, we studied a three-phase separator perforation in the bottom of the
vessel, which corroded by the medium environment containing hydrogen sulfide, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, and chloride ions [14-17].
The objective of this work is to find out the causes of corrosion and perforation of the
vessel, the physical and chemical properties and corrosion resistance of the samples were
tested comprehensively. According to the test results, combined with the field service con-
ditions for comprehensive analysis, finally find out the cause of failure and put forward

2. Experimental
In order to find out the corrosion cause of the three-phase separator, a series of ex-
periments were carried out. According to GB/T 4336-2016 standard[18], the chemical com-
position samples were taken from the perforated vessel bottom plate was analysis by
ARL4460 photoelectric direct reading spectrometer. The perforated vessel bottom plate
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sample was cut and prepared for the metallurgical examination. The MeEF4M metallo-
graphic microscope and image analysis system were used to observe the microstructure
and grain size of the perforated vessel bottom plate.
To study the corrosion mechanism of the sample in service-environment, the high-
temperature high-pressure autoclave was utilized to simulate the corrosion behavior of
the of failure vessel samples in the laboratory[19] as shown in Fig. 3. The specific ion con-
centration is shown in Table 1. The simulated solution was prepared by using deionized
water and pure grade chemical reagents (Na2SO4, NaHCO3, NaCl, CaCl2, KCl, MgCl2, and
SrCl2) to prepare the simulated solution. The pH value of the simulated solution was fitted
by using dilute hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide solution. The exact simulation test
parameters are given in Table 2.

Table 1. Simulated ionic composition of aqueous solution.

Ion (mg/L) HCO3- Cl- SO42- Ca2+ Mg2+ Sr2+ K+ Na+

Concentration 110 70700 332.7 7519 770.5 406.5 558.4 32800

Table 2. Simulated corrosion test conditions.

Total Partial pressure of Partial pressure Flow

Temperature Medium Time Oxygen
Pressure CO2 of H2S velocity
40℃ 0.5 MPa 0.03 MPa 0.01 MPa Simulated solution 168h Contain 0

Figure 3. The metallographic structure of the perforated sample base material.

Corrosion simulation test samples were taken from the vessel bottom plate, with
sampling specifications of 50 mm×10 mm×3 mm. As the baffle plate is relatively thin, the
hanging specimens were taken from the baffle plate with a length of 50 mm and a width
of 10 mm, so the two kind of samples’ area are almost the same. Use tin-welded and cop-
per wire to connect the different material hanging specimen, and the welding end is sealed
with silica gel.
The electrochemical workstation was used to test the open-circuit potential (OCP) of
the Q245R carbon steel sample, 316L stainless steel sample, and Q245R carbon steel and
316L stainless steel coupling sample were tested at 40℃ and saturated carbon dioxide
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respectively. Besides, the dynamic potential polarization curves of Q245R carbon steel
sample and 316L stainless steel sample were tested either. The potential scanning param-
eters of OCP are given in Table 3.

Table 3. Electrochemical test parameters of OCP.

Sample Scan range(mV) Scan rate(mV/s)

Carbon steel ocp-250~ocp+500
Stainless steel ocp-250~ocp+1500

Finally, the samples near the perforation site of the bottom plate were analyzed by
TESCAN VEGA3 XMU scanning electron microscope (SEM) energy dispersive spectrom-
eter (EDS).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Chemical composition
The material composition of the sample is shown in Table 4. As the result, the chem-
ical composition of the perforated sample conforms to the requirements of the GB 713-
2014[20] Q245R carbon steel, this standard identical to ISO 9328-2.

Table 4. Chemical composition of the perforated sample (wt.%).

Element C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Nb V Ti Cu Al
GB 713-2014 ≤0.20 ≤0.35 0.50~0.10 ≤0.03 ≤0.01 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.08 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≥0.02
Measured 0.13 0.21 0.53 0.015 <0.008 <0.1 <0.03 0.011 <0.02 <0.1 <0.015 <0.02 0.03

3.2. Metallographic analysis

The metallurgical structure of the perforated vessel bottom plate sample is Fer-
rite+Pearlite (F+P) with a grain size of 8.0 and no abnormal structure was found around
the corrosion perforation area, as shown in Fig. 4. The grain size is a kind of characteriza-
tion of the metallurgical, the larger the grain size, the smaller the crystal shape, the better
the strength, toughness and plasticity.

corrosion perforation

Figure 4. (a) Metallographic structure of the base material; (b) Metallographic structure around the
corrosion perforation.

3.3. Simulated corrosion analysis

The corrosion rate results are shown in Table 5. The average corrosion rate of carbon
steel is 0.5347 mm/a which connected with stainless steel, and that of carbon steel samples
without connection with stainless steel is 0.3744 mm/a. The macroscopic morphology of
the specimens before film removal is shown in Fig. 5, and the macroscopic morphology
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after film removal is shown in Fig. 6. According to the corrosion degree specified in NACE
RP-0775-2005[21], the test results are classified as severe corrosion (>0.25mm/a).

Table 5. Corrosion rate result of the specimens.

Average corrosion rate

Condition Corrosion rate (mm/a)
Carbon steel + Stainless steel 0.59 0.53
Carbon steel 0.38 0.37

(a) (b)

Figure 5. The macroscopic morphology of the sample before film removal (a) Carbon steel connected
to the stainless steel; (b) Carbon steel.

(a) (b)

Figure 6. The macroscopic morphology of the sample after film removal (a) Carbon steel connected
to the stainless steel; (b) Carbon steel.

3.4. Electrochemical experimental analysis

The OCP curve of different materials over time is shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed
that the OCP of Q245R carbon steel alone is about -0.717 V vs AgCl/Ag, and that of 316L
stainless steel alone is about -0.45 V vs AgCl/Ag. The coupling potential (CP) of Q245R
carbon steel and 316L stainless steel is -0.706 V vs AgCl/Ag.
Fig. 8 shows the dynamic potential polarization curves of Q245R carbon steel and
316L stainless steel. The corrosion of Q245R carbon steel is active dissolution, and the cor-
rosion potential is -0.7661 V vs AgCl/Ag, the corrosion current is 1.48×10-4 A/cm2. The cur-
rent of anodic polarization curve increases rapidly with a positive shift of potential. The
316L stainless steel is passivated, and the passivation current density is about 5×10-6
A/cm2, the pitting potential is about 0.1 V vs AgCl/Ag.
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Figure 7. Curves of OCP of different materials with time.

Figure 8. The dynamic potential polarization curve in the simulated liquid.

The OCP of Q245R carbon steel is negative 240 mV compared with that of 316L stain-
less steel as shown in Fig. 7, and the corrosion potential of Q245R carbon steel is also sig-
nificantly lower than that of 316L stainless steel as shown in Fig. 7. Therefore, when they
are coupled, the Q245R carbon steel is the anode, the positive potential shift, the anode
reaction rate increases, the cathode reaction is inhibited. 316L stainless steel is the cathode,
the negative potential shift, the cathode reaction rate increases, the anode reaction is in-
hibited. On the other hand, the corrosion current of Q245R carbon steel is 1.48×10-4 A/cm2,
much greater than the corrosion current of 316L stainless steel. Therefore, the coupling
potential of Q245R carbon steel and 316L stainless steel is only slightly positive than that
of Q245R carbon steel. However, according to the polarization curve, the current of Q245R
carbon steel increases rapidly with the positive shift of the potential, so the coupling cur-
rent will greatly increase, the anode of Q245R carbon steel is significantly promoted, that
is, the corrosion accelerates.

3.5. Electron microscope analysis

The SEM image of the sample near the perforated hole A in Fig. 2 as shown in Fig.
9(a). The surface is relatively concave and convex with a lot of pitting pits. The pits local
magnification is showed in Fig. 9(b), indicating that corrosion products are loose.
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(a) (b)

Figure 9. (a) SEM image near the perforated hole A; (b) Corrosion products in the pitting pits.

Other micro corrosion perforations were found besides the hole A in Fig. 2, one of
those SEM image as shown in Fig. 10(a), the micro corrosion perforation is elliptic, with a
diameter of 1.7 mm. The microstructure of corrosion products near the micro corrosion
perforation as shown in Fig. 10(b), and the corrosion products are abundant.

(a) (b)


Figure 10. (a) SEM image of the micro corrosion perforation; (b) The microstructure of corrosion
products near the micro corrosion perforation.

EDS was performed to analyze the distal and proximal ends of the micro corrosion
perforation in Fig. 10(a). The specific inspection locations are showed in Fig. 11, and the
detection results are presented in Table 6. According to the test results, the Cl and S ele-
ment content of Spectrum 2 were higher than Spectrum 1, indicating that the chloride ion
and Sulfur plays an important role in the formation of corrosion perforation.
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Spectrum 1

Spectrum 2

Spectrum 2

Spectrum 1

Figure 11. EDS analysis of the corrosion perforation.

Table 6. Energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) analysis of corrosion perforation result (wt.%).

Element C O Al S Cl Ca Fe Tb Total
Spectrum 1 8.72 32.00 / / 0.41 1.06 54.66 3.16 100.00
Spectrum 2 9.16 29.80 0.41 0.45 0.81 0.61 58.76 / 100.00

4. Root cause analysis

Based on the above test results and analysis, the chemical composition of the samples
submitted for inspection meets the requirements of the GB 713-2014 standard for Q245R
carbon steel. The metallographic structure of the perforation site is Ferrite+Pearlite(F+P),
and there is no abnormality in the structure around the perforation, which the materials
of the samples submitted for inspection meet the standard requirements.
The simulated corrosion test shows that the corrosion rate of single Q245R carbon
steel is 0.3744mm/a as shown in Table 4, which is serious corrosion (>0.25mm/a). When
the sacrificial anode is consumed and the bottom plate of the vessel is not coupled with
the corrugated plate, if the inner wall of the vessel is in direct contact with the medium,
the corrosion of the inner wall of the vessel will be reduced at a rate of about 0.37 mm/a.
When Q245R carbon steel contact with 316L stainless steel, because the corrosion potential
difference between them is 240 mv, forming a pair of heterogeneous metal points, that
Q245R carbon steel is the anode of potential pair. Its potential shifts forward as shown in
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The corrosion current increases sharply and the corrosion accelerates
obviously. Similarly, the simulation test also shows that the corrosion rate of Q245R car-
bon steel after coupling is 0.5347 mm/a as shown in Table 4, which is significantly higher
than that of single Q245R carbon steel, thus the couple pair further promotes the corrosion
of Q245R carbon steel.
The SEM analysis of the failed vessel showed that near the perforation site surface is
relatively concave and convex with a lot of pitting pits as shown in Fig. 9(a,) and there
were abundant loose corrosion products on the surface as shown in Fig. 9(b), which indi-
cated that serious pitting corrosion occurred in and around the perforation site of the ves-
sel. Other micro corrosion perforations were found besides the hole A in Fig. 2, one of
those SEM image as shown in Fig. 10(a), the micro corrosion perforation is elliptic, with a
diameter of 1.7 mm. EDS analysis result of the hole as shown in Fig. 11, the closer to the
micro corrosion perforation, the higher the chloride and sulfur content. Therefore, indi-
cating that the chloride ion and sulfur plays a key role in the formation of pitting pits,
eventually leading to corrosion perforation.
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During the four years of service, the sacrificial anode of the three-phase separator
was replaced twice in the process of maintenance, and the perforation occurred at the
bottom of the vessel under the baffle plate, which is a hidden place and not easy to find.
The enormous consumption of sacrificial anode indicates that the coating has fallen off or
the inner wall of the vessel has been directly contacted with the medium. When the sacri-
ficial anode is exhausted, the vessel inner wall which protected by the sacrificial anode
will be failed. Combining with the above test results, it is shown that serious corrosion
will occur on the inner plate of the vessel when the substrate contacts with the medium
directly, the Q245R carbon steel and baffle plate 316L stainless steel coupled form galvanic
corrosion[22-24], the corrosion will accelerate significantly.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The metallographic structure of the base material of the vessel sample is normal, and
the chemical composition meets the quality requirements of Q245R carbon steel in GB 713-
2014 standard. The reason for the corrosion perforation of the base material of the con-
tainer sample is that the metal base material in the hidden part of the container is directly
in contact with the medium, mainly oxygen corrosion, and a small amount of carbon di-
oxide corrosion and hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The inner wall of the container sample
submitted for inspection can form serious corrosion when the substrate is in direct contact
with the medium under working conditions. If it is in contact with corrugated plate stain-
less steel to form a heterometallic couple, the corrosion will be further accelerated.
It is suggested to strengthen the inspection of corrosion risk in hidden parts of con-
tainers in the process of reconditioning, without leaving dead corners, especially for ves-
sels with obvious consumption of sacrificial anodes. Perfect insulation measures between
the baffle plate and support to prevent direct contact of dissimilar metals and galvanic

Acknowledgement:This work has been supported by Tubular Goods Research Institute, China
National Petroleum Corporation, State Key Laboratory for Performance and Structure Safety of
Petroleum Tubular Goods and Equipment Materials.

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