679 Serafin V Lindayag

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A.M. No.

297-MJ, September 30, 1975

LINDAYAG, respondent.

Avelina Serafin, borrowed the sum of P1,500.00 without any collateral or security from an old
friend. When they wrote her a letter of demand, she promised to pay them and said that if she
failed to keep her promise, they could get her valuable things at her home.
Upon failure to pay the debt, a criminal complaint for estafa was filed against Serafin.
Respondent judge issued a warrant of arrest; which then was served on Saturday, a time when
the bonding companies are closed, thus cannot raise bail and compelled to be detained for three
days. Serafin filed an instant administrative complaint for capricious and malicious admission a
criminal complaint for estafa against her and causing her wrongful arrest and detention, against
respondent Santiago Lindayag, municipal judge of Guiguinto, Bulacan. She contend that the
charged against her was baseless, for there are no elements of estafa present but only failure to
pay a debt. Respondent then dismissed the case.
Whether or not there was a violation committed by the judge when it ordered the imprisonment
of plaintiff for non-payment of debt?
Yes, there was a violation committed by the judge.
The Judiciary Act, Republic Act No. 296, precisely requires in section 87 thereof that "(N)o
warrant of arrest shall be issued by any municipal judge in any criminal case filed with him
unless he first examines the witness or witnesses personally, and the examination shall be under
oath and reduced to writing in the form of searching questions and answers."
In the case at bar, the respondent utterly failed to comply with this requirement of searching
questions and answers in his examination of the complaining witness. Worse, the one question
propounded by him shows that he did comprehend that the "criminal" complaint involved a mere
failure to pay a simple indebtedness and yet he found probable cause of the herein complainant's
guilt of estafa and forthwith issued the warrant of arrest against her — which would indicate that
either he believed that non-payment of an indebtedness constitutes the crime of estafa which
would make him guilty of gross ignorance of the law or although knowing the law, of
nevertheless disregarding it and giving due course to the town police chief's "prosecution" on
behalf of the municipal secretary which would constitute an utter betrayal of his oath of office to
render justice to every man.

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