Heart Attack at A Glance

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Myocardial Infarction (aka “Heart Attack”)


Acute myocardial infarction, commonly known as The outward signs and symptoms of a heart attack
heart attack, occurs when the heart is starved of can vary widely from person to person. Many people
oxygen because blood flow through one or more of do not experience the crushing chest pain that has
the coronary arteries — a group of vessels that been dramatized on television and in movies.
surround and supply the heart — is blocked. The lack The most common symptoms include:
of oxygen causes chest pain and results in irreversible
damage, eventually leading to the death of heart
Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center
muscle (called myocardium).
or left side of the chest. It usually lasts for more
Atherosclerosis, the progressive accumulation of fat, than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.
cholesterol, and other substances within the walls of The discomfort can feel like pressure, squeezing,
the coronary arteries, is largely to blame. These waxy fullness, or pain. It also can feel like heartburn or
substances, together known as plaque, build up over indigestion, and can be mild or severe.
time, narrowing the opening of the blood vessels.
When a piece of plaque ruptures, a blood clot forms,
Patients experiencing a heart attack may feel pain
completely obstructing blood flow and resulting in a
or discomfort in one or both arms, the back,
heart attack. (This NHLBI video illustrates the biology
shoulders, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
behind a heart attack.)
(above the belly button).
Heart attack is a leading cause of death around the
world. According to the World Health Organization,
This is sometimes a patient’s only symptom, or
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, is
it may occur before or along with chest pain or
responsible for 10% of the disability-adjusted life
discomfort. It can occur when at rest or with
years lost in low- and middle-income countries, and
mild physical activity.
18% in high-income countries. (Disability-adjusted
life years, or DALYs, combine years of potential life
lost due to premature death with years of productive
life lost due to disability. They can be thought of as There are several diagnostic tests physicians use to
“healthy years of life lost.”) In the United States, diagnose a heart attack. They include:
someone suffers from a heart attack roughly every
34 seconds.
An EKG is a simple, painless test that detects and
records the heart’s electrical activity. The test shows
how fast the heart is beating and its rhythm. It also
records the strength and timing of electrical signals
as they pass through each part of the heart. An
Office of Communications EKG can detect signs of heart damage due to
coronary heart disease as well as signs of a
617-714-7151 • [email protected]
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previous or current heart attack.
• BLOOD TESTS Once the diagnosis of a heart attack is confirmed,
During a heart attack, heart muscle cells die and doctors initiate treatments aimed at promptly
release proteins into the bloodstream. Blood tests restoring blood flow to the heart. The two main
can detect and measure the amount of these treatments are “clot-busting” medicines and percuta-
proteins: higher than normal levels suggest a neous coronary intervention (PCI), sometimes referred
heart attack. Commonly used blood tests include to as coronary angioplasty, a procedure used to open
troponin tests, CK or CK–MB tests, and serum blocked coronary arteries.
myoglobin tests. Blood tests often are repeated
to check for changes over time.
Thrombolytic medicines, also called “clot busters,”
• CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY are used to dissolve blood clots that are blocking
Coronary angiography is a test that uses dye and the coronary arteries. To work best, these medicines
special x-rays to highlight the insides of the must be given within several hours of the start of
coronary arteries. This test often is done during a heart attack symptoms. Ideally, the medicine
heart attack to help find blockages in these blood should be given as soon as possible.
vessels. To get the dye into the coronary arteries,
doctors use a procedure called cardiac catheteriza-
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a
tion. A thin, flexible tube known as a catheter is
nonsurgical procedure that opens blocked or
put into a blood vessel in the arm, groin (upper
narrowed coronary arteries. This procedure also
thigh), or neck, and then threaded into the
is called coronary angioplasty.
coronary arteries, where the dye is then released
into the bloodstream. Special x-rays are taken A thin, flexible tube with a balloon or other device
while the dye is flowing through the coronary on the end is threaded through a blood vessel,
arteries. The dye lets doctors study the flow of usually in the groin (upper thigh), to the narrowed
blood through the heart and blood vessels. or blocked coronary artery.

TRE ATMENT Once in place, the balloon is inflated to compress

the plaque against the wall of the artery. This
Early treatment for a heart attack is critical to prevent restores blood flow through the artery. During the
or limit damage to the heart muscle. Therefore, some procedure, the doctor may put a small mesh tube
treatments are given right away if a heart attack is called a stent in the artery. The stent helps prevent
suspected, even before the diagnosis is confirmed. blockages in the artery in the months or years after
These include: the procedure.

• Oxygen therapy
• Aspirin to help thin the blood and prevent further
blood clotting
Beta blockers decrease your heart’s workload. These
• Nitroglycerin to reduce the heart’s workload and medicines also are used to relieve chest pain and
improve blood flow through the coronary arteries discomfort and to help prevent repeat heart
attacks. Beta blockers also are used to treat
• Treatment for chest pain
arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).

Myocardial Infarction (aka “Heart Attack”) • Broad Institute • Page 2

• ACE INHIBITORS Lifestyle choices, such as poor diet and physical
ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure and reduce inactivity, can hasten the progression of atherosclerosis.
strain on your heart. They also help slow down Smoking also raises the risk of CHD and heart attack.
further weakening of the heart muscle.
Other medical conditions, such as high blood choles-
• BLOOD THINNERS terol, high blood pressure, and diabetes also contrib-
Anticoagulants, or “blood thinners,” prevent blood ute to an increased risk of these disorders.
clots from forming in your arteries. These medi-
One of the most significant advances in the field in
cines also keep existing clots from getting larger.
the last several decades is the use of cholesterol-low-
• ANTICLOTTING MEDICINES ering drugs called statins. These drugs block the
Anticlotting medicines stop platelets from clump- production of cholesterol in the liver and result in
ing together and forming unwanted blood clots. lower levels of LDL cholesterol, the so-called “bad
Examples of anticlotting medicines include aspirin cholesterol,” which can lower the risk of heart attack.
and clopidogrel.
While lifestyle factors play an important role in heart
• OTHER MEDICINES health, genes do too, particularly when heart attacks
Medicines may also be given to relieve pain and occur early in life (before age 50 in men and before
anxiety, treat arrhythmias (which often occur 60 in women). It is well known that within individual
during a heart attack), or lower blood cholesterol families, rare mutations in genes associated with LDL
(these medicines are called statins). cholesterol contribute to early heart attack. More
common mutations also can play a role, and recent
population-based studies have identified more than
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) also may
45 regions of the genome associated with early heart
be used to treat a heart attack. During CABG, a
attack risk. Genome-based studies continue to probe
surgeon removes a healthy artery or vein from
this question with the goal of uncovering new
the body. The artery or vein is then connected,
biological insights into coronary heart disease and
or grafted, to the blocked coronary artery. The
heart attack risk and, hopefully, new avenues for
grafted artery or vein bypasses — that is, goes
prevention and therapy.
around — the blocked portion of the coronary
artery, providing a new route for blood to flow The material above is collected from the following
to the heart muscle. sources:
• Johns Hopkins Heart and Vascular Institute
• Cleveland Clinic
• American Heart Association
• National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Heart attacks most often stem from coronary heart
• World Health Organization, The Atlas of Heart Disease
disease (CHD), a condition in which a waxy buildup,
and Stroke
called plaque, accumulates over many years in the
walls of the coronary arteries. This accumulated
Last updated December 2014
plaque, known as atherosclerosis, greatly increases
an individual’s risk of heart attack.

Myocardial Infarction (aka “Heart Attack”) • Broad Institute • Page 3

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