Introduction To DNA Astrology

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Esoteric Aastro (@esotericaastro)

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Welcome to the world of Astrology where Mysticism is explained to any common man as
Esoteric science.

Now, in this version of Astrology which is popularly coined as DNA Astrology by

Vishal of Tamil Nadu. DNA Astrology is one of the Major important branches of
Astrology under Vedic science of Ancient Tamil civilization. There are many other
branches like Brigu, Nadi, Janani, etc in astrology but we will focus only on DNA
Astrology as it's usage is very simple & easy to comprehend to the common

Now, in this PDF, we shall discuss the vary basics of Astrology, the foundation of
foundations. They are as follows:

☆ Sunday → Sun → Lord Surya aka Helios (Greek Myth)

☆ Monday → Moon → Lord Chandran aka Poseidon (Greek
☆ Tuesday → Mars → Lord Sarai (Tamil) aka Kujudu
(Telugu) aka Ares (Greek Myth) aka Hercules (Greek Myth)
☆ Wednesday → Mercury → Lord Budhan aka Hermes (Greek
Myth) aka Loki (Norse Myth)
☆ Thursday → Jupiter → Lord Brihaspati aka Zeus (Greek
Myth) aka Thor (Norse Myth)
☆ Friday → Venus → Lord Shukrachariya aka
Odin (Norse Myth) aka Lucifer (Christianity)
☆ Saturday → Saturn → Lord Shani aka Hades (Greek
☆ Saturday [post sunset] & or Amavasya [new
moon days] → Lord Rahu
☆ Tuesdays & or Pournami [full moon days]
→ Lord Ketu

In the above details, I have mentioned about Navagrahas aka Demi Gods who were
first mortals & then become Gods due to blessings of Lord Shiva & Lord Vishnu. They
have been born a certain way due to writings of Lord Bhrama, the creator.and were
successful in receiving their boons to become the Demi Gods they were intended to
be. If they were unsuccessful, like many a versions of them before, another version
of them would eventually succeed & attain Godhood like they were intended.

In Christianity, one of the greatest religion of the World which is based on the
teachings of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, has the concept of Four Horseman in the
book of Revelations.

The Four Horsemen are none other than:

- Conquest → Ketu
- War → Mars
- Famine → Rahu.
- Death → Saturn

When reading about the characteristics of each planet, you'll understand why I
associated the characters of 4 Horsemen to these Navagrahas. Also, the whole world
was One & I believe one day it will again become One as in One People, One country,
One Nation, One Religion & One Race of Humans as predicted by Lord Veera Bhramendra
Swamy of Cuddapah who wrote Kalagnanam. Every prediction has come true & will come

I do hope this PDF reaches worldwide spreading his fame as predicted by him & I
believe with absolute surly that will!

~ Guruvae Saranam Thiruvadi Saranam ~

Sun →
Father, Government, Soul, Health, Identity, King, Politician, Doctor, Nurse,
Minister, Human Resource,
President, Medicine, Vitamin D, Calcium, Bones, Thyroid, Eyes (Right for Males &
Left for females), Authority, Fame, Ego, Fame, Praise, High self esteem,
superiority complex, freedom, "I", East direction, Team Leader, Admin, Leader or
Leadership, Boss, High Blood Pressure, Heart, Body Heat, Manager, Royalty, self
centered, over ambitious & commanding. Even Herbs of medicinal value. Patriarchy.
Father side of the Family. Emperor, Dictator.

Moolatrikona : Leo aka Simham

Exalted Sign : Aries aka Mesham

Debilitated Sign : Libra aka Tulam

Own: Leo

Moon → Salt, Water, Cooking, Foods Restaurant, Mother, Emotions, Sea, Matriarchy,
constant change, Home, Mind (conscious mind), chef, maid (Saturn + Moon),
consideration, digestion & digestive organs, blood & blood circulation, empathy,
pearl, liquids, society, community, together, equality, go with the flow attitude,
Eyes (left for Males & Right for Females) & saliva. Socialist.

Moolatrikona: Taurus aka Vrishiba

Exalted: Taurus aka Vrishiba
Debilitated: Scorpio aka Vrichika
Own: Cancer aka Karkaltaka (Telugu) aka Kadagam (Tamil)

Mars → Fast, Impatience, No relaxation, Rushing attitude, Anger, Machines, Weapons,

No enjoyment, got, soldier, Police, Metal Idol making, Masculinity, Asset, Younger
Brother, Males, Male Friends, Muscle, Fights, Martial Arts, Body Building, Minor
Accident, Surgery, Fractures, Quarrels, Disputes, Body Building, Body Guard,
General, Military, Fire, Energy, Husband, Boyfriend, Testosterone,Murder,Action,
before time, quick decision, impulsive, hot items, Aggressive & Aggression and
Gangs, Mercenary, Gangsters, Convicts & Thugs. Anarchist. Vigilante.

Moolatribona: Aries aka Mesham

Exalted = Capricorn aka Makaram
Debilitated: Cancer aka Kadagam
Own: Aries aka Mesham
Scorpio aka Vrichikam

Mercury → Intelligence, Speech, Writing, Pen, Astrology, Memories, Data, Library,

Printing, News, Newspaper, LGBTQ At, ID Card, Documentation, Documents, Camera,
Minor, Witness, evidence, neutral, strategy, strategist, Brainy,Dubbing Artist,
Writer, Mimicry Artist, Memory Power, Comedian, Logic, Predictor, High IQ, Planner,
exact → not less or more, on time precisely, self thinker, The WHY?, Cameraman,
Social Media, Marketing, Nervous system Skin, Lungs, Breath, Mantra, Tantra,
Yantra, Atharvana Vedam aka Witchcraft, Mediator, Commission Agent, Messenger,
Student, Studies, Stationary, Books, Education, Criminal Mind, Businessman, Mixed
Caste, Interracial, Air + Ether, Adapter, Pattern finder-implementer-breaker.

Moolatrikona: Virgo aka Kanya

Exalted: Virgo aka Kanya
Debilitated: Pisces aka Meenam
Own : Gemini aka Mithun am
Virgo aka Kanya

Jupiter → Fat, Brain, Gold, Bank Balance, provider, Children, Spirituality, Gods,
Asta Maha Siddhi aka supernatural powers, Dharma, Justice, Judge, Siddhas,
Patience, Meditation, Stoicism, Philosophy, Peacefulness, Silence, Monks,
Cholesterol, Motivation, Motivational speaker, Noble, Priest, Sages, Generosity,
Ethics, Honesty, Principles, Liver, Teacher, Professor, Researcher, Wealth,
Importance to others but not to own family members, childbirth, publication,
release, cholesterol, 24×7 Meditator, Ether energy. Teacher to Devangals aka Gods &
Demi Gods. Traditionalist.

Own: Dhanusu aka Sagittarius

Pisces aka Meenam
Moolatrikona: Dhanusu aka Sagittarius
Exalted: Cancer aka Kadagam
Debilitated: Capricorn aka Makaram

Venus → Entertainment, Enjoyment, Spy, Dream killer, Beauty, Fashion, Sex, sex
Organs, Breasts, Penis, Ovary,
Testicles, Sperm, Design, Actor, Actress, Wife, Girlfriend, Secrets, Illuminate,
Cinema Industry, Model & Modelling Industry, How to do wrong things the right way,
Clan God or Goddess aka Kula Deivam, Criminal Mind, Love, Lust, Spender, Teacher to
Asuras aka Demons, justify wrong w/reasons & reasons & flashbacks, perfect liar,
cheater, prostitution, luxury, beauty, comfort, attraction, art, graphics, acting,
music instruments, drawing, animation, video edit, trendy, High EQ, sweets,
commercial, demon, evil, opportunist, selfish, Boutique, women, women before
marriage, women who married & not yet pregnant, feminism, Tailoring, affection,
attachment, patient in love, premarital issues, emotionally weak, 0 to little self
control, dance, choreography passion, romance, desires, cannot judge others
properly, etiquette, mannerst poshness. Spender, 0 Bank Balance, Cash in Hand,

Moolatrikonam: Tulam aka Libra

Own : Tulam aka Libra

Vrishiba aka Taurus
Exalted: Pisces aka Manan
Debilitated: Virgo aka Kanya

Saturn: Security Guard, Hard worker, Slave, Lazy, can sleep for 10 + hrs,
indecisive, Never coming to a conclusion, death, lifespan, cold, slow, dependent,
lawyer, law, Rule follower, will make others wait, delay, Faith, Carbon,
Archeology, Buried Things, Museums, Marbles & Tiles, Cool items, Follower, Can't
think on own, inferior, humiliation, submission, inferiority complex, humbleness,
toxic shame, shock from fear, fear, nervousness, poor people, handicapped people,
opinion asker, negativity, envy, thief, waste, human waste, cool items, dirty,
darkness, victim.

Own: Capricorn aka Makaram

Aquarius aka Kumbam
Exalted: Tulam aka Libra
Deb: Aries aka Masham
Moolatrikona: Aquarius aka Kumba.

Rahu → Ancestors, Travel, Driver, Transport of all kinds, Logistics, Roads,Tar,

Oils, Alcohol, Labs, Rubber, Plastics, Electricity, Brainwashing, Subversion,
Thunder & Electricity, Clouds, Super fast driver, Chemical, textile, Govt Official,
No retirement, greed, export import, illegal dealing, days, petrol bunk, gas
station, chemical engineering, historic facts, archeology, carbon dating, ✗ Ray,
Library, Museums, Rock & Stone Idol making, Marbled Ties, must control unnecessary
thought flow, over smart, never satisfied, automobile engineer, electrician,
smuggler, pirate, alchemist, science, Aliens, foreign language or culture, aid,
major sudden high level accident, nuclear energy, spirit, unseen energies,
evolution, radiation, cancer, crabs, Amavasya,North Node, New moon,. Never
satisfied, Past life unfulfilled wishes,. Non traditional, communist. Bipolar.
Overly Empathetic with zero boundaries. Factory, Junk food.

Own: None
Moolatrikora: Kanya aka Virgo
Exalted: Vrichika aka scorpio
Debilitated: Vrishiba aka Taurus

Ketu → Kula Deivam, Flag, Hair, Nails, Narcissist, worried about opinions of
others, unfulfilled wishes or duties of past life, easily satisfied, Pownami aka
full moon day, Granam Karagan aka Rationalist knowledge possessor, never validates,
24×7 survival mode, cat on wall, has no identity, makes you hate everything,
nihilist, win it all or lose it all, do or die, mirage, gives no respect even after
doing everything & says it was your duty & I don't owe anyone anything, attention
seeker, poser, coward, chitragupta [Karma logger]

Own: None
Moolatrikona: Pisces aka Menem
Exalted: Taurus aka Vrishiba
Debilitated: Vrishika aka Scorpio

Now, let us come to what curse each nakshatra possess:

1) Aswini → Sunday → Sun aka Surya

2) Bharani → Monday → Moon aka Chandra
3) Kritik a → Tuesday → Mars aka Servaiakakuga
4) Rohini → Wednesday → Mercury aka Budhan
8) Misused am → Thursday → Guru aka Jupiter
6) Thiruvadhurai aka Asda aka Audra → Friday → Venus
7) Punarpoosam aka punawasu → Saturday → Shani
8) Poosam aka Pushpa → Kari Naal → Rahn
a) Ashlesha aka Agilyam → Sunday → Surya
10) Magha → Monday → Moon
11) Purvaphalgun aka Pooram → Tuesday → Mar
12) Uthanaphalguni aka Uthiram → Wednesday → Mercury
13) Hasta → Thursday → Guru
14) Chitra → Friday → Venus
15) Swati → Saturday → Shain
16) Vizhagam aka Visaakam → Rahn
17) Anuradha aka Anshan → sun
18) Dyesta aka Kelton → Moon
19) Moolam → Servai aka Mar
20 Purvashade aka Pooradam → Budhan
21) Uttara shade aka Uthiradam → GURU
22) Shravan aka Thiruvonam → Venus
231 Dhanista aka Avittam → Shami
4) Sadayam aka Satabhisha → Ratiu
25) Purva Bhadra aka Pooratathi → sun
26) Uttara Bhadra aka Uttirathi → person
27) Revati → Mars
Birthstar of Navagrahas: -

Sun → Hasta
Moon Mriguseera
Mars → Uttarashada
Mercury → Avittam
Gun → Poosam
Venus → Magha
Saturn → Revati
Rahu → Bharani
Ketu → Ayilyam

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