Demand Letter For VAWC Case

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September 3, 2020

Takas Sur, St. San Pedro,
San Jose, Antique

Re: Demand Letter for Support

Dear Mr. Cordova,

I write on behalf of my client AGNES MAREFEL P. JADRAQUE, who was your common-law
partner and the mother of your three (3) children, namely: Japeth Cordova (12 years old), Jepth
Cordova (10 years old), and Jay Emmanuel Cordova (7 years old), who are under my client’s care and

Ms. Jadraque has disclosed your irregularity in providing financial support to your family, as a
father. She expressed her pain that you could provide nothing at all to your children.

For this reason, this letter serves as a formal reminder of your obligation to provide. You are
bound by law to provide support. As such, our client is asking for financial assistance to cover the basic
children support expenses based on Article 194 of the Family Code, and these include:

Below are the Monthly Expenses of the Family:

Description Amount (in Php)

1. Food/Grocery 800
2. Transportation 500
3. Tuition 1, 500
4. School supplies and needs 700
5. Uniforms 1, 500
6. Medicines 1, 000
7. Vitamins 800
8. Electricity 1,500
9. Water 150
10. Children’s allowances 500

Under the said law:

Art. 194. Support compromises everything indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing,
medical attendance, education and transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of the family.

The education of the person entitled to be supported referred to in the preceding paragraph shall
include his schooling or training for some profession, trade or vocation, even beyond the age of majority.
Transportation shall include expenses in going to and from school, or to and from place of work.

My client and the children are demanding the amount of Php 9,000.00 per month or a substantial
amount that you can provide in consideration to the expenses discussed above. Unfortunately, you have
not given any financial support to my client and children for almost six (6) years now. You are capable of
paying substantially more to support my client and the children’s basic needs and other related expenses.

Your continuous deprivation of your family’s basic needs plus ABANDONMENT are grounds to file
civil and/or criminal case(s) against you --- Economic Abuse and Emotional/Psychological 1Abuse under
RA 9262. Your intentional disregard of your obligations as a father is inherently abusive.

Please be informed that compelling us to resort to the aforementioned would be to your gross
disadvantage as it would entail a lot of effort and money, not to mention embarrassment and additional
attorney’s fees.

Your immediate and favorable compliance within 10 days from receipt of this demand is
OBVIOUSLY DESIRED. Otherwise, we shall be constrained to file the necessary cases of RA 9262
or Anti VAWC Law against you and/or Support under the Family Code.

Truly yours,


Legal Counsel

LBC Track No. _______________

Date: ______________________

Section 5 of the RA 9262 specifically:
C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim-
by causing her and the children tremendous pain and suffering due to abandonment, neglect, verbal abuses, threatening to
kill as well as displaying your mistress in public places.

D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent- by your refusal to provide
for the 3 children, our client has been tied up with the domestic chores that she can barely rest and her productivity has been
affected. She gave up her career as a midwife to be there for the family. Now, she resorted to financial assistance from
family members because you left her with 3 children to feed and take care. She is crippled financially and her career
advancement is by now impossible to attain.

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