Bài Thực Hành Cuối Khóa: Period 13 Unit 2: Your Body And You

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LISTENING – The Food Pyramid
Date of planning: ……/……./2018 Date of teaching: ……/……./2018


1. Language focus: To provide some vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder - To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students: Read through English Unit 2 - Listening at home
1. Class organization: (1 minute)
2. Check up: (5 minutes) Ask some pairs of Ss to talk about good and bad habits
3. New lesson: (35 minutes)
Lead in Do as appointed
Let Ss make a list of food and drink Good Bad
that are good and bad for us vegetable/ fruit/ fish meat/ oil/ coffee
milk/ fruit juice/ beer and wine/
mineral water alcoholic drink
1. What do you usually have for Do as appointed
lunch and dinner? Do you care I often have rice, meat, and sugary drink
about the nutritional value of the I rarely have vegetable and fruit juice for my lunch and
things you eat? dinner
Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and We know little about the nutritional value of the things
answer the questions we eat
2. Look at the picture below. What Do as appointed
do you think the listening is about? Look at the food pyramid we can see that in order to
Now listen control our weight, we should not only have a healthy
Let Ss work in groups and describe diet but also do regular exercise.
the food pyramid As can be seen from the food pyramid, we should eat
more foot from the bottom part of the pyramid
(vegetable, fruit, whole grains) and fewer from the top
Play the tape twice (red meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drink and
3. Listen again and decide whether Do as appointed
the statements are T or F 1. F – simple 2. T
Let Ss work in pairs to do this task 3. F - fewer/ at the bottom 4. T
5. F - a quarter of
4. Listen again divide the plate into - Do as appointed
sections and label which food
should be in each section
Ask Ss to work in groups and do this Vegetable
task (varied)
Check if Ss’ responses are correct.
whole fish, nut
grains poultry,

5. Talk about the

4. Consolidation: (3 mins) - Vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet

- Listening skills
5. Homework: (1 min) - Vocabulary related to the topic of family life - changing roles
- Vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet
- Listening skills - Do the task again - Read Unit 2 - Writing at home

Câu 1: Viết 01 đoạn phân tích để chỉ ra những điểm phù hợp hay chưa phù hợp của giáo án này trong
việc đáp ứng các yêu cầu về phương pháp dạy học tiếng Anh theo Chương trình GDPT 2018.
Điểm phù hợp của giáo án:
- Có lồng ghép các kỹ năng Speaking khi dạy Listening, thông qua câu hỏi ở hoạt động 1 (What do
you usually have for lunch and dinner? Do you care about the nutritional value of the things you
eat?) và hoạt động 2 (Look at the picture below. What do you think the listening is about?). Những
câu hỏi này giúp cho học sinh nắm được nội dung của bài nghe.
- Giáo án chú trọng vào tính tích cực hoạt động của học sinh. Trọng giáo án, giáo viên đóng vai trò là
người hướng dẫn, học sinh là người hoạt động thông qua các hoạt động thảo luận, nghe, trả lời câu
Điểm chưa phù hợp của giáo án:
- Không thấy phần giải thích từ mới của giáo viên và phần sửa bài cho học sinh sau hoạt động nghe.
- Khi dạy nghe, điều quan trọng là học sinh phải hiểu được mình nghe nôi dung gì. Do đó, khi sửa bài,
giáo viên nên cho học sinh xem Tapescript của từng đáp án để học sinh hiểu bài, đặc biệt đối với
những học sinh còn yếu kỹ năng nghe.
- Cuối bài học, nên có một hoạt động nhỏ để học sinh củng cố lại kiến thức vừa học.
Câu 2: Viết lại hay cải thiện giáo án nói trên cho phù hợp hơn với yêu cầu của Chương trình GDPT
LISTENING – The Food Pyramid
Date of planning: ……/……./2018 Date of teaching: ……/……./2018


1. Language focus: To provide some vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder - To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students: Read through English Unit 2 - Listening at home
6. Class organization: (1 minute)
7. Check up: (5 minutes) Ask some pairs of Ss to talk about good and bad habits
8. New lesson: (35 minutes)
Lead in Do as appointed
Let Ss make a list of food and drink Good Bad
that are good and bad for us vegetable/ fruit/ fish meat/ oil/ coffee
milk/ fruit juice/ beer and wine/
mineral water alcoholic drink
1. What do you usually have for Do as appointed
lunch and dinner? Do you care I often have rice, meat, and sugary drink
about the nutritional value of the I rarely have vegetable and fruit juice for my lunch and
things you eat? dinner
Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and We know little about the nutritional value of the things
answer the questions we eat
Call on some Ss to answer the
2. Look at the picture below. What Do as appointed
do you think the listening is about? The listening is about the food pyramid.
Now listen
Ask some Ss to talk about what they
think the listening may be about.
Have Ss respond briefly to give their
opinions on the listening they are going
to do.
Have Ss listen to the recording to see if Listen to the tape
what they hear matches what they
3. Listen again and decide whether Do as appointed
the statements are T or F 1. F – simple 2. T
Introduce some new words : diet, 3. F - fewer/ at the bottom 4. T
food pyramid, whole grains, refined 5. F - a quarter of
Have Ss listen to the recording once
or twice before answering the
Let Ss work in pairs to do this task
Call on Ss to check their answers.
4. Listen again divide the plate into - Do as appointed
sections and label which food
should be in each section
Ask Ss to work in groups and do this Vegetable
task (varied)
Ask Ss to work in pairs and describe
the plate they have just drawn. whole fish, nut
Call on some Ss to talk in front of the grains poultry,
class. beans

9. Consolidation: (3 mins) - Vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet

- Listening skills
10. Homework: (1 min)- Vocabulary related to the topic of family life -
changing roles
- Vocabulary related to food pyramid and a healthy diet
- Listening skills - Do the task again - Read Unit 2 - Writing at home

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