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Comment On The Title of The Novel

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REG NO. : 1911330108026

Comment on the title of the novel PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.

Analyse the poem given

Write a story by given idioms .


Pride and Prejudice contains one of the most cherished love stories in English literature
: the courtship between DARCY and ELIZABETH . As in any good love story , the
Lovers must elude and overcome numerous stumbling blocks , beginning with the
tension caused by the lovers own personal qualities . ELIZABETH pride makes her
misjudge DARCY on the basis of the poor first impression , While DARCY prejudice
against ELIZABETH poor social standing blind him , for a time , to her many virtues .
AUSTEN , meanwhile poses countless smaller obstacles to the realization of the love
Between ELI ZABETH and DARCY , including Lady CATHERINE’S attempt to
BENNET’S idiocy and WICKHMAN’S deceit . I n each case anxieties about social
connection or the desire for better social connection interfere with the working of love .
DARCY and ELIZABETH’s realization of a mutual and tender love seems to imply
that AUSTEN views love as something that can be captured if only an individual is able
to escape the warping effects of hierarchical society . AUSTEN does sound some more
realist notes about love using the character of CHARLOTTE LUCAS who marries the
BUFFON MR. COLLINS for his money to demonstrate that the heart does not always
dictate marriage . yet with her central character . AUSTEN suggest that true love is a
force separate from society and one that can conquer even the most difficult of


Pride and Prejudice depicts a society in which a women’s reputation is of the utmost
importance . A women is expected to behave in certain ways . Stepping outside the
social norms makes her vulnerable to ostracism . this theme appears in the novel when
ELIZABETH walks to Netherfield and arrives with muddy skirts, to the shock of the
Reputation conscious miss BINGELY and her friends . At other points , the ill
mannered , ridiculous behaviour of MRS.BANNET gives her a bad reputation with the
more refined DARCY and BINGELY . AUSTEN pokes gentle fun at the snobs in these
examples but later in the novel when LYDIA elopes with WICKHAM and lives with
him out of wedlock the author treats reputation as a very serious matter . By becoming
WICKHAM’S lover without benefit of marriage , LYDIA clearly places herself outside
The social pale and her disgrace threatens the entire BENNET family . The fact that
LYDIA’S judgment however terrible would likely have condemned the other BENNET
Is Sister to marriage less lives seems grossly unfair . why should ELIZABETH’s
Suffer along with LYDIA’S ? DARCY intervention on the BENNET behalf thus
becomes all the more generous but some readers might resent that such an intervention
was necessary at all . If DARCY money had failed to convince WICKHAM to marry
LYDIA , would DARCY have still married ELIZABETH ? does his transcended of
pride and prejudice is certainly emotionally satisfying , but in many ways it leaves the
theme of reputation and the importance placed on reputation , unexplored . One can
ask of pride and prejudice , to what extend does it critique social structure and to what
extend does it simply accept their inevitability ?


The theme of class is related to reputation in that both reflect the strictly regimented
nature of life for the middle and upper class in regency England . the lines of class are
strictly drawn . while the BENNET who are middle class may socializen with the upper
class BINGELY’S and DARCY they are clearly their social inferiors and are treated as
such . AUSTEN satirizes this kind of class consciousness, particularly in the character
of MR. COLLINS who spends most of his time toadying to his upper class patron lady
CATHERINE de bough . though MR. COLLINS offers an extreme example he is not
the only one to hold such views. His conception of the importance of class is shared
among others by MR.DARCY who believes in the in the dignity of his lineage mis
BINGELY who dislikes anyone not as social accepted as she is and WICKHAM who
will do anything he can to get enough money to raise himself into a higher station MR
. COLLINS is therefore also more subtly directed at the entire social hierarchy and the
conception of all those within it at its correctness in complete disregard of others more
.worthy virtues . thought the DARCY ELIZABETH and BINGELY JANE marriage
AUSTEN shows the power of love and happiness to overcome boundaries and
Prejudices thereby implying that such prejudices are hollow , unfeeling , and
unproductive . of course this whole discussion of class must be made with the
understanding that AUSTEN herself is often critized as being a classist she doesn’t
really represent anyone from the lower classes those servants she does portray are
generally happy with their lot. AUSTEN does criticize structure but only a limited
slice of that structure .


Family is an integral theme in the novel . all of the character operate within network
Family connection that shape their decision and perspective . for the female character
particular the influence and behaviour of their family member is a significant factor in
their lives . because the business of life was to get her daughter married , the Bennet
constantly have to navigate their mother’s plans and schemes . while male of the
character like MR.DARCY and MR.BINGELY have much more social and financial
independence they still rely on the judgement and CAROLINE BINGELY and LADY
CATHERINE de burgh . individuals never lead totally autonomous lives and that
individuals actions have wider communal implication .


ELIZABETH BENNET considered herself to have very high standards of integrity and
Is often frustrated and disappointed by the way she sees others behaving . she
complains bitterly to her sister that the more I see of the word the more am I
dissatisfied with it and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human
character she behaves in ways she considers consistence with her definition of integrity
has been rewarded because she marries a partner who will truly make her happy . she
has also come to see that she can something be too rigid and judge too quickly since she
mistaken about the nature and ethics of WICKHAM and DARCY . the novel both
endorses the importance of integrity and reminds reader not to be too quick to pass
judgement on who has it and who doesn’t .


GENDER is a key theme in pride and prejudice . the story takes places at a time when
gender roles were quite rigid and men and women had a very different set of option and
influences . marriage is a pressing question for female character like CHARLOTTE
LUCAS and the BENNET sister because marriage is the only women can achieve
economic stability and autonomy . as upper class women they would not have been able
to work to earn a living or live independently , marriage offered one of the only ways to
move beyond their birth families . however a women marriageability relied on an
impeccable reputation for chastity and for women like GEORGIANA DARCY or
LYDIA BENNET a reckless decision to trust the wrong man could permanently ruin
their future prospects . LYDIA elopement causes LIZZY to exclaim with horror she is
lost forever . if LYDIA is living with WICHKAM without being married to him her
reputation will be destroyed .


He was born on April 25 ,1792 , Fairford , Gloucestershire , Eng-died March 29 , 1866
Bournemouth , Hampshire , Anglican priest , theologian , and poet who originated
helped lead the OXFORD MOVEMENT which sought to revive in Anglicanism
high church ideals of the later 17th - century church ordained in 1816 KEBLE was
educated at the University of oxford and served as a tutor there from 1818 to 1823 when
he left to assist in his father’s parish . in 1827 he published the Christian year a
of poems for Sunday and festivals of the church year . widely circulated the book did
more than any other to promulgated the ideas of the high church movement
Anglicanism . KEBLE was professor of the poetry at oxford from 1831 to 1833
However he had become known as a leader of the oxford movement which was
Generally considered to have been initiated by his sermon NATIONAL
, given that year on July 14 at the university chapel . centred at oxford the
sought at first to respond to government efforts to appropriate church funds and
properly but gradually expanded its activities to a more general theological and
pastoral agenda . KEBLE wrote 9 of the oxford movement’s 90 tracts for the times
which were intended to rouse the Anglican clergy against the theory of a state controlled
church and which caused the movements advocates to be known as Tractarians .
Tractarians encouraged study for the early church fathers edited their work and
Arranged for their translation . when John Henry Newman’s conservation to
Catholicism in 1815 threatened the continued of the Oxford movement KEBLE
E.B.PUSEY managed by their persistence to keep the movement alive. KEBLE
Served as a country vicar at HURSELY FROM 1836 until his death is remembered
much for his lyrics as for his Tractarian role . among his books of versa are included
psalter or psalms of David and the poems for childhood Lyra Innocentium he
wrote numerous hymn lyrics including “ O GOD OF MERCY, GOD OF MIGHT “ .
1869 Keble college oxford was founded in his honour .

a verse or poem that is , or supposedly of being sung to the accompaniment of a
instrument or that expresses intense personal emotion in a manner suggestive of a
.Lyrics poetry expressed the thoughts and feelings of the poet and is
Contrasted with narrative poetry and verse drama which relate events in the form of
story . Elegies , odes , and sonnets are all important kinds of lyric poetry .

Once in the moon this thing were happen . peoples are feelings under the weather . you
can solve this like a piece of cake . if you help we will be like fit in fiddle says the people
. god says giving someone the cold shoulder sorry giving all the cold shoulder .

Thank you .

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