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Gavin Bennet, Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch

Iron Crown Enterprises
Author: Gavin Bennet, Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch; Perfection Seeker” Eckert, Terry Ford, David “It’s Black &
Chapter Openers: Jonathan Cassie, White” Gilbreth, Joel Holcomb, Christopher Hopler,
Thom Jones, Brad “The Critic” Kelsey, Rick “The Roaming
Special Contributions: Chris Adams, Robert Baxter, Spirit” McFadden, Rich “Cthulhu’s Librarian” Miller, Jay
Nicholas H.M. Caldwell, Jonathan Cassie, Lori Dugger, Tim “Lazvon” Moran, Jason Mulligan, Jason Peters, Eric “The
Dugger, Brad Kelsey, Heike A. Kubasch, Jonathan White Manipulative Dwarf ” Reed, Anthony Roberson, John Ross,
(Belynar map, Sefnar map), Sarah Wroot (Cyradon Map); John “Whipped by Life” Sather, Lisa Susan Skittone, Aaron
Cover Art: Randy Galegos; Smalley, Jack Snyder, Brad Williams ;
Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch, Brad Williams;
ICE Staff—
Interior Art: Toren Atkinson, Peter Bergting, David President: Heike A. Kubasch;
Bezzina, Joel Biske, John Dollar, Craig Henderson, Mike
CEO: Bruce Neidlinger;
Jackson, Jeff Laubenstein, Jennifer Meyer, Cara Mitten,
Colin Throm; Keirston Vande Kraats; Jonathan White, Editing, Development, & Production Staff: Heike A.
Keiran Yanner; Kubasch, Bruce Neidlinger, Tim Dugger, Lori Dugger,
Art Direction: Jeff Laubenstein; Web Mistress: Monica L. Wilson;
Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson; Corporate Mascots: Gandalf T. Cat, Rajah T. Cat,
Phoebe T. Cat, Ember T. Cat, Matsi T. Cat;
Proofreading: Lori Dugger, Tim Dugger, Heike
Kubasch, Sherry Robinson, Brad Williams, and our ICE Cheering Section & Moral Support: Karl &
wonderful playtesters; Helga Kubasch, John Seal, Claudia & Alexandra Aulum,
Elke Lübbert, Inge Bendfeldt, Peggy, Christoph & Helen
Playtesters: Darrin Anderson, Wade “The Soulless”
Bendfeldt, Alex Dugger, Judy & Hasmukh Shah, John Ross,
Beckman, Curtis Bennet, Tracy Bloom, Brent Bockholt,
Brad Williams, Brent Knorr, Jonathan Dale, Mario Butter,
Coy Cardwell, Jonathon Dale, Sandy “Schlaghilda—the
the Guild Companion (www.guildcompanion.com), and
other east” Dieckman, William Dieckman, Mark “The
all ICE fans everywhere: Thanks for keeping the faith!

Copyright © 2005 by Aurigas Aldeberon LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission. Produced and
distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman St, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902.
Stock #4300 ISBN 1-55806-607-1

OVERVIEW ........................ 4 The Climate ......................... 40 COSMOLOGY ................... 98
The Setting ............................. 5 The Mountains The Worlds ............................. 99
of Cyradon ....................... 41 Holy Magic ........................... 100
How to Use This Book ........... 5
The Forests of Cyradon ....... 42
Cyradon Glossary ..................... 6 Deities ................................... 100
Cyradon Rivers ..................... 44
The Story So Far… ................... 8 Tarahiri Deities ................... 100
Swamps ................................. 45
The Present: Escape Skaldi Deities ...................... 102
The Devastation ..................... 45 Dwarven Deities ................. 103
to Belynar .............................. 9 The Highlands ...................... 46
New Life & New Hope ........ 10 Gryx Deities ........................ 103
The Camal Sea ...................... 47 Sithi Deities ........................ 104
The People .............................. 11 The Schirae Trails ................. 47 The Gryphons .................... 106
The Elves .............................. 11 The Whispering Hills ........... 47 Elvish Beliefs ...................... 107
The Gryphons ..................... 12 The Gap of Orius ................. 47 Gnomish Deities ................ 108
The Gnomes ........................ 12 The Western Devastation ..... 48 Nagazi Deities ..................... 109
The Nagazi .............................. 12 The City of Belynar .............. 48
Religious Orders ................... 110
Other Races ......................... 12 The Blunt Hill Eyrie ............. 50
The East .................................. 50 MAGIC ......................... 115
The Newcomers ...................... 12 Anias Magical Traditions ..... 117
The Dangers ........................... 13 The Daybreak Country ........ 50
The Ruins of Ischea .............. 50 Cyradon Magical Traditions ... 120
Themes and Mood ................. 13 Cyrad Geomancy .................. 120
Ramsel .................................. 51
THE WORLD OF MITHRA ..... 14 Janieal ................................... 52 Magical Orders ..................... 122
The Heavens ........................... 15 Emmanel .............................. 53 Cantrips ................................ 124
Mithra: – the World ............... 16 Desnia ................................... 54 Alternate Spheres ................. 128
Cyradon Calendar .................. 17 Penlasse ................................. 55 Additional Spells .................. 128
Weather & Climate ................. 17 Arimispia .............................. 56 BELYNAR, THE CITY OF
Ancient History ...................... 18 The Southlands ...................... 58 GRYPHONS ............... 135
The First Age (aka The Selant .................................... 58
Belynar: Close Up ................. 136
Age of the Dragons) ........ 18 Taravant ................................ 59
Belynar Map ......................... 140
The Second Age (aka The Jalapur .................................. 59
Aneirin .................................. 59
Underground Belynar .......... 143
Age of Saena) .................. 18
The North ............................... 61 The Re-Awakened Land ....... 143
The Third Age (aka The
Age of Emperors) ............ 19 Llyrius ................................... 61 BESTIARY ...................... 146
The Gryphons ........................ 26 Mellianour ............................ 62 Monstrous Ecology .............. 147
The Elves ................................. 27 Neras ..................................... 62 Encounters ............................ 147
Humanity ............................... 28 Ciastan .................................. 62 Monstrous Locations ........... 150
The Nagah .............................. 29 The Five Cities ...................... 64 Monstrous Templates ........... 152
Cairnus ................................. 65 Monstrous Descriptions ...... 153
The Nagazi .............................. 29
Andalasa ............................... 65 ADVENTURING ............... 166
The Gryx ................................. 29 The Mountains
The Mablung Dwarves ........... 30 Adventure Seeds ................... 169
of the Moon ..................... 65
The Rhona .............................. 30 Adventuring Locales ............ 171
The City of Blackflame ........ 66
THE CONTINENT OF ANIAS ... 31 Cyradon Campaigns ............ 176
The City-State Kingdom
Tarahir .................................... 32 of Qumar .......................... 66 INDEX .......................... 179
The Theocracy of Asut ........... 32 Cyradon Economy ................. 67
The Treaty Kingdoms ............. 32 CHARACTER CREATION ....... 68
Skaldi Kingdoms .................... 33 Who am I? .............................. 69
Sithi Forests ............................ 33 Races & Cultures .................... 70
Neldor ..................................... 33 Anias Races & Cultures .......... 71
Eastern Steppes ....................... 34 Cyradon Races & Cultures ..... 76
Southern Lands ...................... 34 Blood Talents .......................... 82
Western Jungle ........................ 35 Professions .............................. 86
Recent Events .......................... 35 Talents ..................................... 90
In the Dwarven Homelands .. 36 Special Starting Items ............ 90
THE CONTINENT Training Packages ................... 91
OF CYRADON .............. 38 Anias Training Packages ...... 91
Geographic Overview of Cyradon Training Packages ... 94
Cyradon .............................. 39 New Equipment ..................... 96

1 Chapter One Overview


tave, the burly, bearded bowman, notched

an arrow and fired while Barrin, more lithe
and better gifted with a blade, ran to engage
the five fearsome-looking foes pursuing them
up into the mountains.
“This might be it,” Stave said as Barrin blew
past him.
“This isn’t our day,” Barrin replied, breathing
heavily, recalling the decision that brought the two Skaldi
to this place.
Less than a year ago, the two brothers were both
young mercenaries, hired by the Tarahir to help defend
their lands against the Orsai. The pay was great and the
opportunities for adventure were unparalleled. What
they did not count on was what happened – the Tarahir
were losing their war.
Barrin swung a mighty blow, dealing doom to one of his
assailants. An arrow flew by, missing his ear by a finger’s
width. Another Orsai goon went down. But three remained.
They circled Barrin...

Chapter One Overview
The world has forgotten. The old things are gone. THE SETTING
Many great nations have fallen. In the deserts of the
Gryphon World (“GW”) is the core setting product line
south, the priests of the current empire forbid magic and
for Iron Crown Enterprises’ High Adventure Role Playing
the worship of the old gods. In the east, armies gather
(HARP) role playing game. “Cyradon” is the first release for
and jockey for position, laying waste to all they fight over.
this new setting. It is designed to be a low-level setting, to suit
Wars crash like waves over the land. People die.
both new players with starting characters and more advanced
But what if we could remake the world anew? What
players who will enjoy the challenge of guiding low-level
if the old magics and the great beasts of the sky were not
characters through a dangerous world. The key word with
as forgotten and lost as the bards' tales make you think?
Gryphon World is “fun” – it is meant to be a swashbuckling,
What if they merely lie sleeping in a land long lost to
romantic, fictional setting. Player Characters in GW can
legend? What if you could come through warfare and
make a difference. The fate of the world does not rest upon
death, slavery and suffering to find someplace new where
the shoulders of the Player’s Characters, but their actions can
you could make a new life, yet have this place be older
certainly shape the future of this rediscovered land. The
than the oldest stories told at your grandmother’s knee?
player’s characters will be the focus of the adventures: there
Far away, under a sky filled with unfamiliar stars,
are no ancient gods stalking the earth, no satanic dark lords,
stands an ancient city built in a time before the empires
and few high level characters.
of the north fell. Nestled in a mountain range at the
The players can make dozens of different character
center of a vast desert wasteland, the city is carved into
types, from the ancient elvish warrior fighting to protect
the remains of a dormant volcano. In the highest reaches
their lands, to a Gnome mystic trying to steer a path to a
of that city, in rooms carved from the mountains, the
glorious destiny, or certain doom. Play a grim Skaldi
Gryphons watch and wait… Cyradon is waiting. The long
tribesman, far from home but burning with a rediscovered
forgotten things stir in their sleep.
idealism. Play an elvish Sithi tracker or a gruff, practical
Gryphon World – the world of Mithra - is a com-
Dwarf of the mountains. Play a magician knight of the
plex, fractured world. On Cyradon, elvish kingdoms
New Tarahiri mountain kingdoms who has sworn to see
strive to carve out an existence on the borders of a
Tarahir reborn. Or play a Gryphon, the fading lords of the
continent petrified by magical fire through political
sky as they prepare for a time of tumult that will see them
intrigue and martial might. In the cracks and forgotten
restored to their position of greatness, or doomed forever.
places, the Gnomes struggle to preserve what life there is
Glorious adventures await. Explore the vast central
as well as restore the damage done by the great cataclysm.
lands of Cyradon, hunting the Aberrations and making
To the west, the civilized, literate Nagazi Lizardmen guard
war on the cursed Schirae tribes. Scale the sharp peaks of
the ancient knowledge of the Mithrans—that may be the
the mountains, seeking out the lost secrets of a forgotten
key to the salvation of Cyradon. Most Gryphons keep to
race. Delve into the ruins of the elvish cultures of old,
themselves in their eyries, setting only their exiles and
seeking treasure, magic and wisdom. Travel east into the
castoffs to stand guard over the ruins of the forgotten
lands of the Elves and play the games of court and
city. Legend has it, the only mortals to live on this place
intrigue. Explore the city of Belynar and help rebuild it,
were human magicians, and the humans of Cyradon are
shaping it to your will and creating a city whose name will
long dead. How will the races of Cyradon react to a new
become famous throughout the world. Soar with the
influx of humanity? How will the balance of power be
Gryphons in the wide sunset sky.
altered? Will the humans choose to stay here since the
world they knew was shattered? HOW TO USE THIS BOOK
This is a time when new destinies, alliances, and
battle lines will be forged. To use this book you only need the HARP rulebook,
available from Iron Crown Enterprises. The setting is also
largely compatible with Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing,
and earlier editions. The book is compatible with such
HARP support books as Martial Law and College of
Magics. All you need to get started, however, is the HARP
rulebook. The other support books compliment the setting,
but are not required to get started exploring Cyradon.
This book represents an overview of the continent of
Cyradon, which is the continent the Gryphons, the Rhona
Gnomes the Arali Elves, and the Nagazi Lizardmen call
home. Cyradon is an island continent, somewhat like
Australia in our world, but part of a wide archipelago of
smaller island landmasses, rather more like Indonesia,

1 Chapter One Overview

Malaysia and the Philippines. The inhabitants of the stands in the center of the Devastation. Created approxi-
continent must struggle to decide what to do about the mately five centuries ago, as a result of a magical ritual
humans, and the humans must find some way of making a gone awry, the Devastation has been leeching the life force
niche for themselves. of Cyradon ever since.
This book gives a detailed character creation chapter to Dwarves (Mablung) – The Dwarves are a short, hardy,
guide new players through the design of characters who live mountain people. It has been many years since they involved
on the world of Mithra. It lays out the background of each themselves in the affairs of the world around them.
of the player races, and offers new variant profession Echoes – The magic of Cyradon—the Echoes are the
templates and training packages. power of the land made manifest. Elven mages and other
The history and geography of the continent are powerful beings can tap this power.
summarized to provide a framework for you to develop
Elves (Raesha) – The Elves. The term “Raesha” is
your own ideas and stories. The book also examines the
used to describe the various elvish races as a whole. Many
cosmology of the setting and discusses how the different
of the Raesha do not recognize that the various kindreds
races use magic. Finally, the book provides ideas and hooks
are related. Few Raesha live longer than several hundred
to create your own epic stories in Cyradon.
years. Time wears away at them, and they can be slain by
violence or accident. Tracing elvish heritages is a compli-
CYRADON GLOSSARY cated and contradictory field of study, and the various
Anias – Anias is the Human term for the land known kindreds have drifted far apart over the millennia. There
to the Elves as the Westerlands. Anias is the place of origin are several tribes of Raesha on Mithra, all descended from
of the human refugees. It lies several thousand miles west the Mithrans. They are rare only on Anias. Raesha
and north of the continent of Cyradon. It is not one kindreds include the Arali, the Sithi, and the Danae.
continent, but several subcontinents linked together. Gnomes (Rhona) – The Rhona Gnomes dwell in the
Arali – The most numerous and aggressive of the deep valleys and forests of Cyradon, mainly in Aneirin.
elvish kindred, many Arali dwell on Cyradon. They hold They have worked for centuries to try to heal the scars of
themselves apart from the other Elves, and even from their the Devastation. The Rhona have close ties to the Danae.
fellow Arali. The Arali of the different nations of Cyradon Gryx – The Gryx are a peaceful nomadic race
see themselves as separate races. originally from the far eastern lands of Anias. Their
Belynar – Belynar is one of the most enduring names fearsome, savage appearance belies their gentleness. The
for the ancient city guarded by the Gryphons in the heart Gryx fled Orsai oppression and were among the refugees
of the Devastation. Belynar is built onto the side of (and who arrived in Belynar.
inside) an extinct volcano. The city is a sad, eerie, empty Janieal – An Arali elvish kingdom in southeastern
place, once home to half a million souls, now it is home to Cyradon and the major political rival of Desnia. The
a few thousand humans, Gryx, Sithi, Gryphons, Dwarves Janieal Arali are more moderate than the Desnians.
and Arlai. Juras Mountains – Named the “Grey” Mountains by
Cyradon – On old maps, arrows point east to Cyradon, the Skaldi, the Juras run diagonally across Anias, roughly
the mythical “land of the Cyrads” beyond the mountains and northwest to southeast, cutting the continent into the broad
the sea, long lost to humanity. The Cyrads were descendants grasslands and deserts of the south, and the wild forested
of the Mithrans. They vanished long ago, though many country to the north. The Juras run all the way from the
peoples of many lands consider the Cyrads to be their western sea coast to the Eastern Ocean. Passes are few, and
ancestors. The term ‘Cyradon’ therefore has two separate they have traditionally marked the extent of Tarahiri and
meanings. One is geographical; Cyradon is the human name (later) Orsai territories.
for the Daybreak Country. The other is more metaphorical, Memra – Memra is the name for the solar deity
meaning a place beyond the reach of mere mortals. worshipped among many of the cultures in western and
Danae – A small elvish tribe of Cyradon. The Danae southern Anias. The Orsai worship him as a powerful
make their home in the Aneirin Forest. warrior deity who destroys the weak and corrupt.
Desnia – The most powerful nation of the Elves, home Mithrans – An ancient race that gave birth to the
to the Desnian Arali. Desnia is a maritime nation off the Elves and the Cyrads. The Mithrans are now no more, but
eastern coast of Cyradon. Desnia’s military superiority, the ruins of their fabulous cities can be found across the
ambition and discipline gives them an influence and respect world of Mithra.
far beyond their wealth or numbers. The Desnians are Nagah – The Nagah are a race of strange
remarkable for their golden skin and fierce dark amber eyes. Lizardmen. They are rarely seen, and largely ignored.
Devastation – The Devastation is a cursed, lifeless They make their nests beyond the western Mountains of
region in the heart of Cyradon. The ancient city of Belynar Evening on Cyradon.

Chapter One Overview
Nagaral – The Nagaral are a semi-barbaric race of Serai”, the shadow dancers.
Lizardmen, related to both the Nagah and the Nagazi. Royal Roads – A Royal Road is a geomantic portal
They live in city-states surrounding the Bay of Malan in that links two or more places. The Roads were created by
northwestern Cyradon. the Cyrads for peaceful exploration and transport. At the
Nagazi – A civilized group of the Lizardmen, the height of their power, the Cyrads explored much of the
Nagazi have a small thriving confederation of city states known world and opened Royal Roads between their
in the area of the ruins of the ancient Mithran city of domains. Travel down a Royal Road takes a traveler
Evefalim. through the skin of the world and into the lifeblood of the
Narsin/Narsi – The Narsin were an order of magi- earth itself. Travel is not instantaneous – it can take several
cians in ancient times that came together in the small minutes or even hours to pass through the roads.
city-state of Tarahir. Through their influence, Tarahir Schirae – A group of Elves that were twisted and
came to dominate its neighboring city-states, and deformed by the same powers that created the Devasta-
eventually become an empire that claimed much of the tion. They have lost their elvish longevity
known world on Anias. The Narsin and grace and now appear as
withdrew from Tarahir centuries muscular, scarred savages
before the Empire collapsed. with vestigial wings. The
They feared that the day Schirae have, since the
would come when the Devastation, evolved
Empire would turn on into
the mages. They an intensely violent
managed to re- and
open the Cyrad tribal society.
Royal Roads and Sen-Serai
flee to Cyradon. (a.k.a. Shadow
They rebuilt Dancers) – An
Belynar, turning order of elvish
it into a city that mystics, the Sen-
began to eclipse Serai are said to
Arali power. The dance with the
Narsin and the shadows of the
Shivan Arali were dawn. They
destroyed when a maintain the two
great magical beacon towers of
ritual went the equatorial north
wrong; the of Cyradon and are
destruction also the guardians of much
burned the life from lost knowledge. The
the center of the continent Sen-Serai failed to prevent the
of Cyradon, creating the Devastation, and failed to stop the tragedies
Devastation. that preceded the Devastation. The Sen-Serai believe that
“Narsi” is the name of a member or members of the they now have one final chance to set things to rights.
order. The term means “seeker” or “scholar” in the old Sithi – The Sithi are Elves from the forested lands
Tarahiri. The term has become synonymous amongst the north of the Juras Mountains. Sithi archers are feared by
Gryphons with ‘idiocy’ and ‘arrogance’. the Orsai and Skaldi alike. The Sithi are of the same stock
Orsai –A desert-dwelling human culture that as the Danae.
absorbed the remnants of the Tarahiri Empire. Feared as Skaldi – One of the names given to the humans that
ruthless and decisive warriors, they serve a harsh make their homes to the north of the Juras Mountains and
priesthood, sometimes referred to as the “Theocracy.” all the wide lands beyond. Pale of skin, with yellow or dark
The Orsai are tall, sometimes bearded, olive skinned hair, the Skaldi represent a broad sweep of cultures,
humans. Their primary military strength lies in their languages and traditions. Regarded universally as barbar-
feared light cavalry. ians in the “sophisticated” lands of the old Tarahiri
Qumar – The small kingdom of Elves in the Empire, some Skaldi tribes are fearsome warriors. In the
northeast of Cyradon. Qumar is the home to “Sen- west, north of the Juras, the Skaldi form, with the Tarahiri,

1 Chapter One Overview

the people of the Treaty Kingdoms, the mercantile powers the continent of Cyradon after the Devastation. The Veil
which dominate the northwestern seas. was a thick wall of mist that isolated the continent from
Tarahir – Once a small trading post between the the rest of the world. The Veil collapsed almost a year
lands of several powerful tribes, Tarahir rose to become before the arrival of the human refugees from Anias. The
the first powerful human city-state controlling an impor- Sen-Serai are the only force in the world other than the
tant trade route between the western sea and the eastern Desnian navy who were capable of navigating their way
plains, and then the center of an empire. At its height, the through the Veil. The Sen-Serai passed through the mists
Tarahiri Empire controlled all the lands south of the Juras using subtle magics. The Desnian navy used brute force to
Mountains, all the way to the River Confluences to the blast the magics aside.
south. While Tarahiri Satraps were effective, their Orsai Wyverns – Created by the Great Dragon, Moril, to be
horsemen were their most feared military asset. Like all her servants. They are incredibly strong, powerful and
empires, Tarahir’s influence declined. Tarahir was sup- long lived. The Wyverns are the Gryphon’s oldest enemies.
ported by the powerful Narsin, wizards of incredible Westerlands – The Arali name for the human lands across
power. Tarahir itself remained an important trading post, the sea. The Skaldi term is Anias. The actual usage is both
but the city itself was long past its prime. After the fall of negative and derogatory. Westerland (similar to the Arali word
the Tarahiri Empire, it later became a province of the for Wasteland) implies death, destruction, plague and loss. It
Theocracy of Asut to the south. Poor and heavily taxed by is little wonder that the Arali are less than excited when people
the distant Orsai nobility, it became a hotbed of rebellion. from those self same Westerlands arrive in their territory.
Tarahiri, The Confederation of, (or) Alliance of –
After the Empire of Tarahir fell, and the Orsai created an THE STORY SO FAR…
empire of their own. Some of the old Satraps and mer-
The events in this book take place on two of the
chant families crossed the Juras Mountains, and set up
continents of Mithra: the great continent of Anias and the
homes to the north. They made uneasy alliances with the
smaller island continent of Cyradon. Our tale begins in
Skaldi tribes. As the Orsai expanded their empire, they
Anias—both in the distant past and in the immediate past.
started invading Skaldi lands through the passes in the
Long ago, a race known as the Cyrads migrated from
Juras. The old “Tarahiri” nobility and the Skaldi fought
lands across Mithra to the small continent that became
them, and eventually defeated them. With aid from the
known as Cyradon. They were the most powerful and
Treaty Kingdoms, the Tarahiri confederation fortified the
civilized of the races. Their capital on Cyradon was the city
passes, and established small kingdoms in the foothills on
of Belynar, which they carved into the side of an ancient
either side of the Juras. As religious strife threatened the
volcano. The Cyrads shared their home with several other
Orsai Empire, people fled to the relative safety of the
races, including the mighty Gryphons.
Tarahiri exiles’ kingdoms. After decades, these kingdoms
Descendants of the ancient Mithrans, the Cyrads
came to be called the Tarahiri Confederation. The
traveled across the world of Mithra and beyond through
kingdoms’ stated claim was to rebuild the glory of the
their famed “Royal Roads”—mysterious magical portals.
empire of Tarahir. In reality they are buffer states, sup-
Then one day the Cyrads vanished. Some say the Cyrads
ported by the Treaty Kingdoms to ward off outright war
were destroyed by a plague or by Dragons, others that they
with the Orsai Empire.
took a Royal Road beyond the stars to a new home.
Treaty Kingdoms, The – Powerful human maritime Some time later, a second wave of immigrants landed
and mercantile states whose influence extends from the upon Cyradon. Claiming to want to be free of the younger,
Juras to the small port cities in the extreme northwest. The upstart race of humans, many Elves took part in this
Treaty Kingdoms are a loose alliance of city-states that migration. They were drawn to Cyradon because of the
pool their military resources to protect each other from “Echoes”, the land’s inherent powerful magic.
outside attack, and to ensure their merchants are pro- The Arali Elves were the most numerous immigrants to
tected. Their naval forces and merchant fleets dwarf Cyradon. Their arrival on Cyradon signaled a continuation of
anything the Tarahiri Empire ever had. Though the Orsai their ancient political rivalries and Machiavellian intrigues.
have launched raids on Treaty Kingdom territory, and They set about founding kingdoms—Janieal, Desnia, Shivan,
Orsai ships have clashed with Treaty Kingdom fleets, the Ischea, and others. Another elvish race, the Danae were forced
Orsai know better than to declare war on the Treaty into secondary roles as the Arali vied for dominance. The Arali
Kingdoms. The Treaty Kingdom’s military orders, includ- gradually grew apart from each other and the Danae. They
ing the powerful Pascalline Order, are more than a match came to see themselves as separate “races’; while they acknowl-
for the Orsai cavalry. edged a racial kinship with other Arali, they denied kinship
Veil – The Veil was a magical defense erected around with the other Elves. The other races of Cyradon such as the
Nagazi and the Gryphons wisely refused to take sides in these

Chapter One Overview
disputes. For centuries the precarious balance of power held... The Arali were both envious and contemptuous of the
Then the Narsin came to Cyradon. The Narsin Narsin. They despised the Narsin for being human, but
persuaded the Arali to allow their order to reoccupy envied and coveted their power. Powerful Arali actively
Belynar. Sensing potent allies, the Arali agreed. Over time, conspired to use the Narsin to defeat their rivals and to
the Narsin and their city grew. The Narsi had time, magical establish hegemony over all of Cyradon. In an effort to
power and unlimited resources at their disposal, and outdo the other Elves of Cyradon, the Shivan Arali bribed
turned their efforts to magical experimentation. They the Narsi to alter their race; nothing less than wings and
created many new species and magical servants. Bored, the the power of flight would satisfy the Shivan Arali.
Narsin instituted a series of games where these creations The Arali of Desnia attempted to stop the magic ritual
would battle one another. As time passed, this minor that would give the Shivan wings. Their efforts were
diversion became an overwhelming feature of the Narsi catastrophic—the resulting magical backlash released an
society, driving them to create more and more creatures intense pulse of magical energy that swept out from
and constructs for use in battle. Many powerful Arali also Belynar, killing or twisting everything in its path, people,
took part in these games, purchasing monsters for their plants, animals, everything! Nothing was left of the central
stables and to fight in the coliseum. Over time, much of the highlands except for the blasted lands and hordes of
Arali and Narsi cultures descended into decadence. strange new monsters. Thus was born the Devastation.
The backlash transformed and twisted the
surviving Shivan Arali They lost their longevity
and grew vestigial wings upon their backs. They
became the Schirae.
Angry and grief stricken, the Arali survivors
blamed the human newcomers for the Devastation.
Tapping the Echoes of Cyradon, the Arali of Desnia
crafted the Veil, a magical barrier meant to drive
away all those who sought to reach Cyradon. The
Veil was a massive wall of mist that surrounded
Cyradon to prevent outsiders from approaching.
The Desnians also used the Echoes to re-seal the
Royal Roads that the Narsin had opened, to prevent
others from arriving by that method.
The Veil lasted for centuries, until just a year
or so ago, when an Arali poet, discovered that the
use of the Echoes to power the Veil was also
destroying both the Echoes and all of Cyradon by
depleting the power of the land rather than
allowing it be used to heal the land. Taking matters
into his own hands, the poet forged a ritual that
destroyed the Veil.


On the war-torn continent of Anias, an
empire arose from the ashes of one much older.
The old Empire of Tarahir was a literate and
civilized society, but in its sprawling, bloated
corruption, it grew complacent. The Empire of the
Orsai is a younger, hungrier breed, still learning
how to stretch its muscles and grow. Governed by a
sect of politician-priests, the Theocracy of Asut
guided the empire according to the will of their
desert god, Memra. The Orsai Empire is a warrior
culture dominated by powerful nomadic tribes.
They have claimed the territory of the Tarahiri
Empire from their former masters.

1 Chapter One Overview

But Tarahir still stood; a rich subject state which had never With such a diverse group, the Rhona elders decided
fully bowed to the Orsai. In an attempt to possibly to try the ritual of Estrousal one more time in honor of
recapture some of their former glories, the Tarahiri the meeting of so many different races in one location.
rebelled, denying the authority of the Orsai over them. Thus a small group, comprised of all the races present
The old successor kingdoms to the north marched in ascended to the very top of the volcano upon which
support of the uprising, but to no avail. The Orsai Belynar was built to perform this ritual. It took half the
defeated them all, and laid waste to the city of Tarahir. night, and at its conclusion the focus of the ritual, one of
As Tarahir burned, a motley band of refugees, the famed Tears of Life exploded in a pulse of energy,
soldiers, and mercenaries fled into the mountains. something that had never happened before in all the
Attempting to find shelter and protection, they fled into a years that the Rhona had been performing the ritual.
cavern complex that was the remains of ancient dwarvish The following morning, as the sun rose over the
city. They hoped to hold their Orsai pursuers off long distant peaks of the Mountains of Morning, many
enough for reinforcements to arrive. Instead, they noticed the change that had taken place over Belynar and
stumbled onto a magical portal. A young mage remem- its surrounding area. Where once there was nothing but
bered a tale written on a crumbling parchment. The the blasted red sand of the Devastation, there was now
Cyrads had built magical roads across the world, from city grass and trees, animals and even crops growing in fields!
to city…If this was an ancient Cyrad portal, the mage The Ritual of Estrousal has restored the land to the way it
reasoned, it most likely led to a Cyrad city or perhaps was before the Devastation, including the plants and
another dwarvish city…But where?...How to activate some wildlife!
it?...Perhaps a prayer was answered, for as the Orsai closed However, this was only a temporary respite; the ritual
in on the caverns, the portal sprang to life, offering the had restored only a small portion of the Devastation to
refugees an uncertain future. The refugees took the escape life, a portion that would eventually erode away again in
offered to them. When the Orsai swept through the but a few short years, a decade or two at most. For the
caverns their scouts found only a few traces of the healing to become permanent, even more of the Devasta-
survivors. The portal had closed. The whereabouts of the tion must be healed, enough so that the land is once
refugees remained a mystery. again strong enough to fight off the corrupting influence
The portal led to Belynar, once the greatest city on the of the Devastation. The land needs to be restored fully.
island-continent of Cyradon and half a world away from The land needs heroes to save it.
anything they ever knew.
Several thousand people, human, Gryx, and Sithi,
scared, tired, and hungry, emerge into the great square on
the largest of the plateaus of the great city. In the peaks
overlooking the city, a tiny community of Gryphons – WHAT DOES CYRADON MEAN?
creatures of myth and fear in Anias – stood watch over the
To human scholars, “Cyradon” is the Cyrad
desert, holding ancient enemies at bay.
name for a distant continent claimed by the
Any other race in Cyradon would have killed the
Cyrads as part of their empire in ancient times.
human refugees where they stood, but the Gryphons
The Cyrad empire is said to have started in the
understood that the coming of the humans meant a time
Juras Mountains of Anias and then stretched
of great change was here.
north and south and somehow far to the east
NEW LIFE & NEW HOPE across the sea to a distant land. Over time, the
term “Cyradon” has come to mean “over the hills
Shortly after the arrival of the refugees in Belynar, a
and far away”, a distant country shrouded in
mixed contingent of Desnian and Janieal scholars arrived
myth, whose existence is questioned by many
to look into fluctuations of the Royal Road that had been
teachers. “Away to Cyradon” is a Tarahir term
detected weeks before. The Desnian and Janieal Arali have
which means lost or distracted. “Ah that boy is
arrived to find that the Gryphons and Rhona are already
always woolgathering,” a father or a schoolmaster
present and working to aid the newly arrived refugees.
might say, “he always seems to be away to
To everyone’s surprise, a dwarvish contingent
Cyradon.” But Cyradon does indeed exist.
arrived through the Royal Road portal only a few short
To the Gryphons, Cyradon means the Place
days after the refugees. And finally, representatives of the
of Sanctuary.
calm and civilized Nagazi arrived, seeking to aid and
learn more about the refugees and the events now
unfolding here in Belynar.

Chapter One Overview
THE PEOPLE on the steppes of Anias. Eventually growing weary of
humans, the Arali and other elvish kindreds set out
There are several intelligent races in Cyradon. Some across the sea eastward in their mighty ships, eventually
races are native; others have come to the isolated island making Cyradon their new home.
continent over the millennia seeking shelter, enlighten- The Elves are hardly ever numerous in the Daybreak
ment, or conquest. In the very heart of the continent, only Country. They produce few children, and their city’s
the Gryphons and Gnomes attempt to eke out an exist- populations are dwindling so that they are half empty.
ence. They watch over these wastelands and ensure that if Once a vibrant, powerful race, the Arali are quiet
ever an opportunity arises to restore the land, they are and hesitant now. They mask their frailty with a haughty
ready to make such an attempt. arrogance. They pretend that nothing has changed and
All of the player character races in Cyradon are the land is as it ever has been. They play at their Great
humanoids, except the Gryphons. Many of them are Dance of intrigues, power plays and rivalries, bestriding
exotic: the unearthly Arali Elves with eyes of brightest the lands like would-be kings. Sometimes, they even
sapphire; the child-like Gnomes, discharging their faithful manage to fool themselves. Five hundred hundred years
duty to protect the world; the Gryphons with their ago, their entire society collapsed into degeneracy and
beautiful feathers and dreams of flight. All of the player decadence, contributing to the ruin that befell Cyradon
character races are fighters. None of them are pushovers. at the hands of the Narsin. Many of the elder Arali died
All of them will give their last breath just to keep life and and now, a younger generation stands poised to take up
hope alive for the briefest of moments. the reins of power. The arrival of the humans will set
their courts aflutter with new feints and ploys to gain
THE ELVES some perceived upper-hand, but perhaps it will lead the
The Elves are a long-lived race who claim ancestry Arali back to their former glory – or destroy what’s left
from the Mithrans. As the Elves grow older, their youth of them.
falls away and they lose touch with their mortality and The Arali are divided: in the south east of the
their physicality. They enter a chrysalis state and emerge Daybreak Country, the Arali are agrarian, and almost
as one of the spirits of the stars. But until then, though rustic. They make their homes on the seashore, and in
ageless, they die as easily as any other. The Elves are slight the woodlands, and in a small city hidden in the wood-
and slender, with unearthly eyes and luminous skin. lands. Their blood has mingled with the Danae. Further
Their skin tones range from alabaster white to a dusky north, in the cities of Janieal and the Amber Hall, the
copper color. Their most distinctive feature, however, is Arali are urban, cosmopolitan and civilized. They pay
their range of eye colors: sapphire blue, emerald green, professional soldiers to guard their walls, and rarely
ruby red and sunset indigo. travel beyond the safety of their lands.
There are numerous kindreds of the Elves scattered In the furthest north, the tiny port city of
across the world. The Arali were among the most Stormhold plays host to the mysterious Sen-Serai Elves.
successful kindred. They occupied vast swathes of land These “shadow dancers” are magicians and seers and

1 Chapter One Overview

scholars. They are forbidden to participate in politics or THE GNOMES

the “mortal affairs” of their cousins to the south. But
The Gnomes, who call themselves the Rhona, are a
the time has come for the Sen-Serai to break the laws of
slight, almost child-like people, their tallest barely four feet
the Arali.
tall. Slender and dainty, the Rhona are creatures of the
THE GRYPHONS earth and the wild, and it was through their actions – and
indeed, sacrifices – that life remains in the Daybreak
The Gryphons are a mortal race. They have the Country. Like the Arali, the Rhona are long-lived, but their
classic winged lion-eagle appearance of mythology. lifetime is much shorter. Like the Arali, they too undergo a
Their colors range from panther black to leonine gold chrysalis, changing utterly, and becoming one with the
and a variety of other colors, mostly determined by powers of the planet itself.
tribe and heritage. They cannot carry humans or heavy
burdens on their backs—their flight is magical and THE NAGAZI
although they are tremendously strong, their backbones
Created by the Dragons of ancient legend as slaves,
are not strong enough to support the weight of a
the Nagazi are Nagah who gained their freedom during
human. (Their bones are lighter than that of a lion or a
the First Age. Left in barbarism, they slowly clawed
tiger.) A great insult amongst the Gryphons is to call
their way to the rudiments of civilization. Stumbling
someone a “Hippogriff ”, after the hated slave race
upon the ruins of Evefalim, an ancient Mithran city,
created by the human wizards through crossbreeding to
their wise ones discovered and partially translated some
carry burdens for them. Gryphons are hunters, poets,
of the ancient Mithran texts found there. These texts
artists and dancers - they live to dance across the dawn-
led to a new age of enlightenment for the Nagazi, as
lit sky, savor the thrill of feeding, and the calm silence
they now called themselves. The Nagazi have created a
of the night. They do not deign to be slaves.
small confederation of city states, and have opened
They were once rulers of the sky, hunters who
trade relations with all those around them, including
rode the winds and danced amongst the stars. The
the more barbaric Nagaral city-states to the west, the
human wizards tried to enslave them, once. They cast
Arali settlements along the coast to the east, and even
off their shackles and fled to the farthest reaches of
with the Arali of Ciastan who have closed their borders
the world. Now they make their homes in five eyries
to other Arali.
on Cyradon. The Blunt Hill eyrie sits among the high
Nagazi are humanoid reptiles standing an average of
cliffs and carved rooms of Belynar. The Gryphons also
6' in height. They have a tough leathery skin that varies in
watch over two small river valleys in the mountains
hue from brown to a deep green. They have only a
south of Belynar which miraculously escaped the
vestigial tail, and retractable claws on their hands, which
devastation. Their decisions will shape the future of
have only 3 fingers and thumb unlike many other races.
the world, and the lives of the human refugees cower-
The Nagazi are very cosmopolitan and refined, with
ing in the city below.
impeccable manners towards all others. They dislike
The Gryphons are intelligent and highly civilized.
fighting but will do so if they have to. They prefer negotia-
They are a much-underestimated race with a wide range
tion and trading to conflict.
of interests from magic to sculpture, to cooking, to
painting, to magic, to poetry. They are outgoing and not OTHER RACES
prejudiced against other races. They are no fools,
There are other races on Cyradon. Since the action on
however, and their friendliness does not translate to
Cyradon is initially, at least, set in a small geographical
submissiveness. Some are adventurous, some are home-
area, this book focuses only on the newcomers to Cyradon
bodies, but they all share an intellectual curiosity and a
and the races that they will encounter first. Future
love of learning new things. They can do most things
Cyradon products will detail new races, and new Player
humans do, though they cannot handle most weapons.
Character options.
Gryphons fight with their claws and talons. They cannot
wear heavy amour. Their claws are preternaturally sharp THE NEWCOMERS
and responsive and are capable of very delicate manipu-
The Sithi – The Sithi are Elves from the forested lands
lation. They are normally not aggressive but, like most
north of the Juras Mountains. Magical, independent, and
intelligent species, are fiercely protective of their families
curious, the Sithi are eager to explore Cyradon.
and friends. They make very bad enemies.

Chapter One Overview
The Dwarves (Mablung) – The Dwarves are a short, A short distance from Belynar lies the coliseum. Here the
hardy, mortal mountain people. It has been many years constructs lie inert under the stadium, waiting for their long-
since they involved themselves in the affairs of the world dead masters to call them forth again. The coliseum con-
around them. In the past the Mablung had been allies of structs are massive monsters out of mythology and night-
the Cyrads, and many Royal Roads had linked Mablung mare, created by some of the most creative enchanters to have
and Cyrad cities. While the portals had not functioned in ever lived. They are intelligent, adaptable and highly danger-
many centuries, the Mablung still guarded them, and ous. They made for spectacular combat in the days of the
made periodic attempts to reactivate portals that led to arena games, but now, the constructs represent a deadly
desirable locations such as Blackflame. threat. The constructs are no longer bound by the coliseum
Humanity –Men, women, and children. Civilians and limits – they may range far and wide across the city and the
soldiers, they are those fortunate to escape the massacre at surrounding hills should they be awakened.
Tarahir. Many of their fellows were killed when the city was Who knows what dangers may await in the lands to the
burned and sacked; many more were marched away to west of Cyradon? Are there other races? Are there more
slavery or worse fates. They are a mixed lot, citizens of a monsters? Beyond the Mountains of Evening lies an
city that was once the most cosmopolitan in the known unimaginable expanse of jungle that has never been explored
world. This is their chance to start again – but it may also fully. What secrets does the jungle hold and what dangers?
be too great a challenge for them to cope with. And finally, there is an old saying amongst the
Gryx – The peaceful nomadic Gryx will have new Gryphons: “Until the Dragons wake” – a sad term of
roles thrust upon them on Cyradon. goodbye, a half-remembered saga from old legend. When
the Dragons wake, the Gryphons say, the world will shake
THE DANGERS and everything made by mortal hands will be undone.
This is a hostile, empty, and barren land. The portal When this is to occur, not even the Gryphons can say nor
leaves the newcomers stranded at the doorstep of the would they if they knew.
dusty ruins of Belynar. Food and water are scarce and top
priorities. Beyond the distant mountains to the east, the THEMES AND MOOD
Arali kingdoms lie in fear of the return of humanity and This is a setting for High Adventure Role Playing
steel themselves for the confrontation. (HARP). “High Adventure” is the key here – swashbuck-
But these are trivial problems. In the mountains ling heroes, sweeping romances, desperate struggles,
surrounding the Devastation, the Schirae make their mighty victories, the clash of ancient civilizations and the
homes. The Schirae were once Elves who gave up their redemption of all that has fallen. The aim is to create a
near immortality for a precious dream, and are now a setting that will generate epic sagas and fun adventures.
vicious, broken, degenerate race who scar their faces and The setting has many elements: dark undead crea-
mutilate their bodies. The Arali say they are cannibals and tures, vicious inhabitants of the Devastation, noble
refer to them as ‘the fallen’. When famine strikes their Gryphons, sleeping Dragons, otherworldly faerie spirits,
high mountain pastures, they sweep down upon the Arali and passionate and beautiful Elves. The exact mix is for
kingdoms like locusts. Their shamans hunt Gryphons and the Gamemaster and the players to decide upon. Do you
take Elves as slaves. want a saga where a desperate humanity must make the
They dwell inland, in the mountains and along the ultimate sacrifice to save the land? Perfect. Do you want a
edges of the desert. What little territory they can claim as saga where a ragtag band of ne’er do wells become mighty
their own often is unable to support their numbers as heroes? Perfect. Do you want a darker saga, shadowed by
they breed like rabbits. When their numbers get too great, treason and deception? That would also work perfectly.
the Schirae seek relief, either through expansion or
culling through war.
Differences between the Schirae and the Arali are
obvious: each Schirae has vestigial wings on their back,
their complexion is dark gray in color, and their bodies
bear little resemblance to their Arali cousins. These Dark
Elves are descended from a tribe who sought to learn the
secret of flight. They transformed themselves using
magic, but their magic failed. It burned away their
immortality and their ethereal beauty.
They will be most interested in the arrival of human
refugees for a fresh source for slaves and hunting them
will provide much sport.

Chapter Two Mithra


ut before he could swing again in defiance of

death, one of the Orsai facing him let out a
surprised grunt and fell to the ground. His
brothers hesitated, and in that time sealed
their fates. Barrin swung a mighty blow
and Stave’s last arrow hit home. They were
safe, at least for a time.
“You there,” Stave and Barrin heard a voice
from the woods, powerful but lilting somehow,
speaking Tarahir. Barrin and Stave were on their guard.
Was it an Orsai trick? At some distance, Barrin noticed a
shifting pattern in the trees. Someone was there. He
stepped forward.
“I am Roalan of the Sithi,” he said. “I call you friend.”
“We would have been fine,” Barrin said.
“Perhaps, but in these dark days, any help is likely to
be appreciated.”

Chapter Two Mithra


The following sections of this chapter provide the
Game Master (GM) and the Player with some impor-
Mithra has but a single moon, called Sellio. Sellio
has a diameter of 2,600 miles, and it rides in orbit
220,000 miles from Mithra. In comparison, Sellio is
tant information about Mithra in general. This in-
about 1/3 larger in the night sky than Earth’s Moon.
cludes information on the solar system, weather, and
Sellio orbits Mithra once every 28 days, and unlike
how time is marked.
Earth’s Moon, it does not have one face locked to be
CONSTELLATIONS always facing the planet.
Different cultures often associate Sellio with that
The night sky is thick with stars. Many different
particular culture’s deity of the night.
cultures have perceived patterns in the stars, and given
these patterns names. Some cultures may believe that the COMETS
patterns are representations of their gods, or other beings While they are not extremely common, several comets
placed in the heavens for the doing of great deeds, or as visit the Mithran system on a regular basis. Of these, the most
punishment for great evils. well known comet is known as Gelkan, the Harbinger. It is said
Due to the variable nature of the night sky because of that this comet, which is visible for 21 weeks out of every 500
the different seasons, and different locations on Mithra, years, heralds world-shaking changes. It is currently visible in
different civilizations often give different names to the the night sky of Cyradon. It was first sighted the night that the
various patterns that they find. refugees arrived from Anias. Its closest approach to Mithra was
The GM may wish to design some simple star charts on the second night of the Festival of Arene. This was the night
and assign patterns, forming constellations, if it is to have that the Rhona performed the Ritual of Estrousal and healed a
bearing on a particular group or campaign. large portion of the Devastation although it was relatively small
It is important to note that the stars seen from compared to the remainder of the Devastation.
Cyradon are much different than those seen from Anias, There are two other comets that make regular
where the refugees originated. Those constellations that appearances in Mithra’s night sky. The first is Beljor, who
were in the southeastern sky, as seen from Anias would be appears once every 108 years, and the second is Velniv;
located in the northwestern sky as seen from Cyradon, if which appears once every 150 years. Both of these comets
they can be seen at all. are visible for only a few days, a week at most. They are
often thought to bring bad fortune with them when they
THE MITHRAN SOLAR SYSTEM return to Mithra. It is rare for more than a single comet to
Mithra is the third planet out of seven within its solar be seen in a given year. Seeing two of the comets in a
system. It has a diameter of 8,300 miles, making its single year is thought to bring extremely bad fortune. All
circumference a little bit more than 26,000 miles, or a three comets are only visible within a single year once
little larger than Earth. Of the other planets, the first two, every 13,500 years. On the night that the Rhona per-
and the fourth planet are terrestrial, or rock, planets. The formed the Ritual of Estrousal, all three comets were
remaining three planets are gas giants. Ihasai, the largest visible in Mithra’s sky simultaneously. This rare conjunc-
of the three has spectacular rings about it, the only one of tion is seen only once every 27,000 years.
the three with rings. The planets in the Mithran system
are all visible in the night sky at various times. METEORS
Mithra has a very active night sky.
Just a little over 12 million miles away is
Mithran Solar System a dense asteroid field that orbits Mithra’s
Name Diameter (miles) Type Distance* Year** Moons sun. Sometimes these asteroids will
collide and send fragments spinning in
1 Nirus 3,200 Rock 55 184d 2
all directions, even towards Mithra.
2 Tazel 4,600 Rock 71 276d 0
Those that reach enter Mithra’s atmo-
3 Mithra 8,300 Rock 92 360d 1
sphere and fall to the ground are called
4 Asteroids — Rock 104 — —
meteors. Many of these meteorites are
5 Tinnubrus 7,500 Rock 128 575d 3
made of special materials and substances
6 Achan 30,000 Gas 210 5.1y 6
that are highly magical or have a strong
7 Ihasai 35,000 Gas 340 8y 5
affinity for magic. This makes them
8 Phelgas 28,500 Gas 701 29.8y 9
prized by those who work magic,
* = in millions of miles especially those who work on creating
** = given in Mithran days (d) or years (y) magical items.

Chapter Two Mithra


The following image shows the World of Mithra. It Cyradon is the smallest of the four continents, and at
does not show the entire world, only a large portion of it that only just passes as one. There are a number of islands
that includes the two major locations that are important among the Shatterings that come near the size of Cyradon,
to the setting. but not near enough. Cyradon is nearly 1,800 miles wide.
Cyradon is the home to several unique cultures and to
ANIAS the Devastation, a huge wasteland created by a magical
ritual gone horribly awry.
Anias is the largest of the four continents on Mithra,
extending over 9,000 miles from east to west at its widest THE SHATTERINGS
point and nearly an equivalent distance from north to
This is the collective name given to the many islands, both
south as well. It is the home to many different cultures.
large and small that lie between Cyradon and Anias. Legend
Along the western coast of Anias, just north of a large
has it that they were once all part of the continent of Anias, but
bay lies the Treaty Kingdoms, with the Skaldi lands north of
that something caused that great land to be sundered and that
them and the Sithi forests covering the northern-most
the Shatterings is all that is left of that portion of the continent.
portion. To the east of the bay, along the shores of the lake,
and just south of the Juras Mountains lies Tarahir. South of THE OTHER TWO CONTINENTS
Tarahir lays a few foothills, and then the Great Desert, home
On the map of Mithra, the edge of one of the other two
of the Theocracy of Asut and their Orsai Empire. The
continents can be seen. The last continent is off the map
Empire covers the entire Great Desert, and the majority of
completely. These are being left deliberately undeveloped so
the lands south of it to the Great River Confluences

Chapter Two Mithra

that a Game Master (GM) can place a continent on which he is WEATHER & CLIMATE
already running a campaign in one of these two locations.
Chapter 10, Adventuring will go into this and several
other ways of incorporating Cyradon into a campaign in
Thanks to the Veil that the Arali used to hide their
land from the world, Cyradon has a most unusual climate.
more detail. It does not get as hot as other lands along the equator do.
Even though the Veil is gone now, the altered weather
CYRADON CALENDAR patterns still remain.
The following table shows the average low and high
Each race tells time in its own way. However, when
temperatures for each month as well as the chances for
the different races start to interact with each other, they
Overcast skies, cloudy skies, and rainfall.
will often devise a common method of
marking time and the passing of the seasons.
On Cyradon, the most common method used Month Average Average Chance Chance Chance
is the calendar used by the Arali. It is un- Low High of of of
known as to whether they devised it them- Overcast* Cloudy Rain**
selves or acquired it from the Narsin. In any Cilia 44 57 46 27 40
case, it is now the default calendar used by the Festival of Arene 45 58 17 17 23
races of Cyradon. Seius 48 64 45 35 40
The refugees are slowly being taught this Lunia 56 75 47 33 40
calendar as well by their Gryphon, Rhona, and Trinius 61 84 40 40 42
Nagazi friends, and even by the Arali who also Festival of Helis 61 84 40 40 36
happen to be in the city as well. Verus 67 85 38 40 33
Celva 65 84 40 35 33
THE MONTHS Minia 57 79 46 21 33
Mithra has a year that is 360 days long. Festival of Paleron 57 79 46 21 36
This year is divided into 12 months of 29 days Salius 51 68 40 25 38
each. In addition to these 12 months there are Vestoria 41 58 50 30 35
four three day festivals celebrating the equi- Helvia 40 51 50 25 34
noxes and the solstices. The first day of spring Festival of Drucaran 39 51 50 25 34
coincides with the first day of Cilia, the first Sirnis 38 54 50 27 33
month of Spring. This is also the first day of Dionis 41 56 50 25 32
the Arali year. *= Total cloud cover
WEEKS & DAYS **=Chance of rain if Overcast. Half the chance if only Cloudy
When using the above calendar, the
months are also
divided into
weeks, with each Cilia
week being 6 days Spring Festival of Arene
long. The names Seius
of the individual Lunia
days are as Trinius
follows, starting Summer Festival of Helis
with the first day Verus
of the week: Celva
Fall Festival of Paleron
Avlia Helvia
Winter Festival of Drucaran

Chapter Two Mithra

ANCIENT HISTORY were to be her eyes and ears as well as her army, going to


battle against the other Dragons and the Saena for her.
The Nagah were slaves—mining the precious metals and
stones that she loved, fetching and various other menial
(AKA THE AGE OF THE DRAGONS) tasks, and serving as a food source for herself and her
At the beginning was darkness. From this darkness wyverns if the need arose.
came the eternal ocean, and from it, land. When the gods And so it came that Moril unleashed her armies and
had separated the earth from the water and the water from slaves upon the world. In the wars that followed, Moril
the sky, they filled the world with life. This life included and many of the great Dragons were slain, along with
the great Dragons, the Saena, and all the beasts, trees and many Saena, while some entire races were completely
flowers of the field. wiped from the face of
The Dragons are Mithra. The few surviving
considered the oldest of Dragons, wyverns, and
the great races to Nagah fled, hiding
awaken. The common themselves away from all
telling speaks of a races. This ends the first
forgotten god, harness- age. For millennia, no
ing the powers of water, Dragons were seen.
earth air and fire into his
masterpiece. Legends THE SECOND AGE
also tell of how other (AKA THE AGE OF
gods created other life as
well—the Saena—the
great beasts of the earth, After the demise and
sky, and waters, and all disappearance of the
the other races, both Dragons, the world
beautiful and terrible. belonged to the Great
There are also legends Beasts, the Saena. The
telling of how the gods great beasts developed and
filled the world with spoke their own lan-
their “children”. guages, worked intricate
Since the Dragons magic and made their
are considered to be the homes in the vast forests,
oldest, scholars have on the sharp peaks of the
debated over them the longest. Beyond the common mountains, in the empty
creation legend, some say that the Dragons were spirits deserts, and in the depths of the ocean. They were lords
that chose to take corporeal shape. In this, they say, over all, masters of the world, great predators who fed on
Dragons were not unique—that all life that first awoke on the animals. The world was a single continent at this time.
Mithra came from spirits that took earthly shape. The But then one morning, something else awoke. Tall
Dragons were no less than gods who had chosen to claim creatures of the land below, with eyes that burned like the
the world as their own if this belief were to be followed. sunset, and hair the color of the stars. Later ages came to
Wise, powerful, magical, and strong, the first Dragons call these creatures the immortals, or the Mithrans. Their
ruled the world for a time. magics were beyond the magics of the Great Beasts. Their
Through sheer power, the Dragons established their songs could be heard from the dawning of the sun to the
dominion over the other races, but their reign was setting of the moon; magic songs of bewitchment and
tenuous. While more powerful than the other beings on enchantment. With their songs, they lured the Great Beasts
Mithra, jealousy was rampant, causing the Dragons to to their homes and learned their language and their magics.
fight amongst themselves for supremacy. The Saena also For a time, the Mithrans were content to share the forests,
challenged the Dragon’s lordship. In an effort to defeat her fields, mountains, lakes, and the seas with the Great Beasts.
rivals, Moril, a great Black Dragon, devised a way to create Eventually, the Mithrans moved to the center of that
servants and slaves to increase her power. Deep within her great continent and raised a great Tor, an artificial
lair, from a pool of her own blood and stillborn Dragon mountain that reached miles into the sky. At the summit,
embryos, she created Wyverns and Nagahs. The Wyverns they built a great city, and the Great Beasts of the sky and
the Mithrans came together on common ground. The

Chapter Two Mithra

Mithrans learned the magics of the air and the ways of the c 11000 AE
sky, winds, and weather. The Mithrans became obsessed
with flight, wishing to walk the path of air and the stars as
the winged Great Beasts did. Sometimes, the Great Beasts
First appearance of the race calling themselves
the Cyrads.
c 15500 AE
would allow princes of the Mithrans to mount them and
First appearance of the Elves.
be borne across the skies. But these small tastes of
freedom were not enough. For some, it was both an c 18000 AE
obsession and an ambition. Some wrought new magics The Cyrads nation grows to cover all of Anias and
that could bear them across the sky like the birds and they begin spreading to other continents.
Great Beasts. But these magics were exceptionally hard to c 18735 AE
work and required too much power to control safely. The Cyrads begin creating the Royal Roads, a
Some of the Mithrans, instead of working to fly on their network of magical gates connecting distant
own, worked to enslave the Great Beasts. locations across the world. Many of the portals to
Legends say this breach of trust lead to a great war in the Royal Roads are located in Dwarven outposts,
that city in the sky. A war so great, the continent itself was further enhancing the already close relationship
sundered in to hundreds of pieces, spread across the face between the dwarves and the Cyrads.
of Mithra. This catastrophic event marks the end of the
c 20650 AE
second age.
The Cyrads move their capital to a small conti-
In ages to come, human wizards would claim that the
nent that they name Cyradon, and found the city
Sundering was mere myth and that the continents moved
of Belynar on the slopes of an extinct volcano.
apart because of forces inside the earth itself, shifting and
moving over many millennia. One thing that is often c 21150 AE
omitted from these statements is that a great amount of The Elves build their first cities. These are located in
evidence shows that the continents split at a single, central the fertile lands northeast of the Juras Mountains.
point – precisely where the legendary Tor is claimed to c 21250 AE
have been. The first appearance of Humans, descendants of the
Cyrads. Within the next 500 years, several other new
THE THIRD AGE races also appear or are discovered. On Anias, there
(AKA THE AGE OF EMPERORS) are the Gryx, who are believed to be children of the
The ancient history of the Age of Emperors uses an Saena or perhaps a mixture between the children of
arbitrary system of dating. Dates are noted as the number the Saena and the children of the Mithrans. The
of years from the beginning of the astrological Age of Gryphons appear on Cyradon, definitely children of
Emperors, which is also the last time that all three comets the Saena, and on various islands among the
where in the sky at the same time. Such dates are listed as Shatterings, the Aoifar, lion centaurs who also
follows: 1000 AE. (AE stands for Age of Emperors). appear to be a mixture of the children of both the
Saena and the Mithrans. The Gryphons are quickly
The following timeline incorporates only two of the befriended by the Cyrads upon arrival in Cyradon.
many different dating systems used on Mithra. The first is
the Age of Emperors and the second is the dating used by c 21283 AE
the Elves of Cyradon. The Elven dating uses Imperial The Black Dragon awakens within the Madairian
Reckoning (IR) for their dating and they restarted their Forest on Cyradon, and makes a few forays into other
calendar upon reaching and settling on Cyradon. lands, only to be confronted and stopped by a few of
the remaining Saena.
c 01 AE
As the great war that sundered the Tor draws to a c 21300 AE
close, the three great comets are seen in the night The Cyrads withdraw from Anias, leaving it to the
sky, marking the beginning of a new age, the Age of Humans, Elves, Gryx and Mablung.
Emperors. After the destruction of the Tor, the c 21425 AE
Saena and the Mithrans sign a truce and agree to Realizing that it cannot rule with the Saena who
leave Mithra to the younger races. remain on Mithra looking for it, the Black Dragon
c 50 AE goes into hiding, and puts out the call for all remain-
The last of the Mithrans and all but a few Saena ing Nagah and Wyverns that it can contact with his
leave Mithra for worlds unknown. magic, binding them to his service. He gives them
totems through which he rules his new servants.

Chapter Two Mithra

One tribe, for whatever reason, resists this call and c 22650 AE
travels into the mountains to the northeast. They Belynar is completed. The Dwarves move from the
eventually find the ruins of an ancient Mithran city many outposts that they built near Belynar, as their
known as Evefalim, and are met by mysterious own living accommodations, to the site of their
beings known as the 7 Sages. own city of Blackflame.
c 21500 AE c 23000 AE
The Elves found the empire of Neldor. The Sithi The Neldor Empire stretches from the Eastern
Elves move into the forests to the northwest of the Steppes all the way to the western sea. Everything
Juras Mountains. north of the Juras Mountains belongs to the Elves.
c 21750 AE c 23700 AE
A Cyrad explorer discovers numerous tribes of Several related tribes of Nagah, tired of the
Nagah living in the western jungles of Cyradon. constant war that they have been fighting with the
These tribes are cannibalistic and extremely Cyrads, Aoifar, and Gryphons, move to the coast
antagonistic. This is the start of an undeclared war north of a spur of the western mountain range.
between the Nagah and the Cyrads. There they build a village on the site of what will
c 21775 AE become the first of the five city-states, Zhur-
The Gryphons, living primarily on the islands to the Tarbok. The Nagaral are set apart from their
east of Cyradon, offer to aid their friends the Cyrads in savage brethren by having tails that only go to
any way that they can against the Nagah. their knees.

c 21792 AE c 23789 AE
The Cyrads contact the Aoifar, on several of the The chieftain of a human tribe, whose name is
islands of the Shatterings and asks several tribes to lost, places a standing stone on the outskirts of
move to Cyradon and found a colony. his village. This stone, covered in undeciphered
runes and symbols, was located in a small
c 22380 AE courtyard in Tarahir; it was lost in the most
The Cyrads make a treaty with the Mablung recent fall of Tarahir.
Dwarves. The Dwarves are fascinated by the
Belynar building project—there is knowledge to be c 24124 AE
gained and great work to be done. The Dwarves The small village becomes an important rest stop for
offer to assist the Cyrads with the building of traders. More and more traders from all over begin
Belynar, in exchange for the privilege of building meeting other traders in the village of Tarahir.
their own city, Blackflame in the northern moun- c 24543 AE
tains. The first of the underground chambers are The city of Tarahir forms as a small city-state and
opened inside the slopes upon which Belynar rest. center of trade as it is located on the convergence
of several trade routes.

Chapter Two Mithra

c 24348AE c 25355 AE/38 IR

The Cyrads withdrawal from all other continents
and lands on Mithra, limiting themselves solely to
the continent of Cyradon. No reason is ever given
The Northern War ends with the Skaldi agreeing to
pay tribute to Tarahir in exchange for a cessation of
hostilities and a promise from Tarahir that they
for this. will not expand into Skaldi territory again.
c 24375 AE c 25375 AE/58 IR
First mention of Tarahir in recorded history. It is The Narsin discover the Royal Roads, and open
a small trading village. the way to Belynar. The Gryphons, at first
c 24500 AE thinking them the descendants of the Cyrads
The Cyrads vanish. It is unknown where they have allow them to occupy the city. The Shival Elves
gone or why. The Gryphons form the Blunt Eyrie welcome the Narsi and allow them to move
on the slopes above Belynar after promising to into Belynar.
watch over the city. The Gryphons have no idea c 25434 AE/117 IR
what happened to the Cyrads, only that they are A schism develops between major factions of Arali
gone, and that it is time for them to honor their Elves, and one group leaves Janieal and settles on
promise of watching over the city. the island of Desnia. Several smaller groups settle
c. 24730 AE upon the two islands collectively known as
The Dwarves abandon Blackflame because the Penlasse. Another faction moves north and settles
mines have all played out. They close it up prop- in the land known as Ischea.
erly, planning on returning in a few thousand years c 25467AE/150 IR
once the magical minerals and metals have had The Narsi withdrawal from Anias altogether,
time to regenerate. moving to the city of Belynar on Cyradon. They
c 25130 AE still use the Royal Roads looking for those with
The empire of Tarahir is formed as its armies magical talent and for people to serve them and
conquer all the land to the south of the Juras perform menial tasks within their city.
Mountains, and north of the Great Desert. c 25517AE/200 IR
c 25150 AE The Narsi hold the first coliseum games in honor
The founding of the Narsin (Order of the Lords of of the bicentennial of the Elves moving to
Magic) in Tarahir. The members call themselves Cyradon. The games are a resounding success,
the Narsi (Lords of Magic). prompting the Narsi to start holding them once
every ten years. Only constructs and monstrous
c 25300 AE creatures are used during the games.
The Elves, tired of dealing with Humans, or so they
claim, begin an exodus from Anias to find a land c 25530 AE/213 IR
that they can call their own. Only the Sithi remain Some of the most southern provinces of Tarahir
behind, refusing to bow to the will of the Arali who rebel, and break away from the Empire.
have come to rule Neldor. c 25545 AE/228 IR
c 25310 AE The Tarahiri Empire sends its legions south to
With the aid of the Narsin, the Tarahir Empire quell the growing rebellions.
extends south and covers the Great Desert and the c 25567 AE/250 IR
lands south of it all the way to the River Confluences. The southern provinces of the Tarahir Empire
c 25317 AE/1 IR succeed in their rebellion when the legions that are
The Elves found their new nations upon the small sent to put down the rebellion defect and join the
continent known as Cyradon. The Arali Elves settle rebels instead. Tarahir loses all lands south of the
on the east coast, while the Shivan Elves settle in Great Desert.
the highland plains surrounding Belynar. The c 25577 AE/260 IR
Shivan, daunted by Belynar, decide to build their Other provinces have begun rebelling as well.
cities elsewhere. To the west and north, the Skaldi refuse to pay
c 25335 AE/18 IR tribute any longer. In the south, the provinces
The Tarahir Empire tries to extend northward of the Great Desert and all around it also
through passes into the Skaldi lands, but the Skaldi declare their independence.
resist and thus begins the Northern War.

Chapter Two Mithra

c 25592 AE/275 IR creating the first true Hippogriff, among other

2 Legions from the northern provinces, who have

been continually losing against the Skaldi insurrec-
tions, are sent south to quell more uprisings
creatures. This causes a rift between the Gryphons
and the Narsi, and the Gryphons abandon the
Blunt Eyrie, leaving the humans to themselves and
among the Orsai tribesmen of the Great Desert. their games.
c 25642 AE/325 IR c 26240AE/923 IR
Tarahir has lost all outlying provinces. The Great The Theocracy of Asut expands south as far as
Desert is now fully in the hands of the Orsai the southern range of mountains, where they
tribesmen. To the north, the Skaldi have de- encounter the Mablung Dwarves. That encoun-
stroyed any troops sent against them, and forced ter and the following battles are disastrous for
Tarahir to pull back. To the west, the land has the Orsai of the Theocracy. The Theocracy
been broken up into smaller kingdoms. Tarahir finally sees that they will never subjugate the
controls only its main city and the lands between Dwarves and ceases hostilities against them after
the rivers and the mountains. 50 years of war. The Theocracy of Asut’s
c 25692 AE/375 IR southern border ends just north of this small
Tarahir is in open rebellion in the small amount of mountain range, and the Theocracy turns its
lands left to it. eyes northward.
c 25709 AE/392 IR c 26304AE/987 IR
Tarahir’s government is completely overthrown The small kingdoms and nations in the west,
by the rebels. A new government is setup, one south of the Juras Mountains form numerous
run by a council, rather than by kings. This treaties and become known as the Treaty King-
council is governed by the various guilds and doms. These treaties are formed for mutual
merchant houses of Tarahir. Tarahir now defense against the Theocracy of Asut and its
controls nothing more than the city of the same Orsai warriors.
name, and the lands to the east between it and c 26381AE/1064 IR
the Juras Mountains. The Theocracy of Asut moves northward to the
c 25754 AE/437 IR trading city of Tarahir. Tarahir agree to pay
Within the Holy City of Asut, a conclave is called tribute to the Orsai, as they are called, in ex-
of all the priests of Memra among the Orsai. The change for not being destroyed. Other small city-
priests state that Memra has decreed, in omens states east of the largest north-south river, which
sent to many of the priests, that the Orsai shall rule is also the eastern boundary of the Treaty King-
the Great Desert and all the lands around it. doms, quickly follow suit.

c 25800 AE/483 IR c 26460 AE/1143 IR

The Theocracy of Asut is formed as the last Orsai The comet Beljor is visible in the sky. The Narsi
tribes of the Great Desert are brought under the try to work a great ritual to grant wings and the
control of the ruling council of priests. power of flight to a large group of Shival Arali;
unfortunately, the ritual is interrupted by a
c 25817 AE/500 IR contingent of Desnian Arali wanting to stop
This year marks the first year that Arali Mages what they see as an abomination. The disrupted
have constructs entered in the coliseum games. ritual goes horribly awry, sending out a wave of
The frequency of the games is also moved up to Devastation that destroys/petrifies the highland
once a year. The Narsi also start experimenting plains and all life within it. Many are killed
on creatures in order to make them tougher and outright. They are the lucky ones. Many of those
more spectacular for the games. who are not killed are somehow transformed
c 25840 AE/523 IR into monstrous creatures. Those Arali who have
The Theocracy of Asut begins expanding to the south survived become known as the Schirae.
of the Great Desert. They begin the slow process of c 26477 AE/1160 IR
assimilating the small nations and kingdoms formed The Schirae Wars: The Schirae have gathered into
after the rebellions against Tarahir. loose tribes and begun raiding into the surround-
c 25982AE/665 IR ing lands. At one point, Janieal itself is nearly
A Narsi Mage captures one of the Gryphons from overrun by the Schirae. These battles last nearly
the Blunt Eyrie and performs magical experiments, 100 years before the Schirae are finally defeated

Chapter Two Mithra

and forced back into the mountains surrounding Wars, and finally decides to cut itself off from the
the Devastation with the aid of the Gryphons. rest of Cyradon.
c 26482 AE/1165 IR c 26720 AE/1403 IR
The Arali Elves, seeing the Devastation, and the The Revelation of Memra. The Theocracy of Asut,
Schirae, are sorely grieved and determine that they which in times past tolerated the religions of its
will cut themselves off from the rest of the world. member states, declares that Memra has revealed to
In one of the largest rituals ever performed, the them that all other religions are heresy and must be
Arali Elves create the Veil, a misty barrier that expunged. Worship of Memra, the Orsai view of
prevents any travel through its perimeter unless Memra more exactly, is now the only religion
one possesses the special charms devised for allowed within the Theocracy.
allowing travel through the Veil. c 26767 AE/1450 IR
c 26495 AE/1178 IR The Theocracy of Asut, having consolidated all the
The Theocracy of Asut tries to expand into the tribes of Orsai living in the Great Desert under one
Treaty Kingdoms, but are stopped by the religion begin expanding the doctrine religious
combined forces of the Treaty Kingdoms and intolerance to the south, slowly removing all other
the Skaldi who have come to their aid. religions from public worship.
c 26578 AE/1271 IR c 26790 AE/1473 IR
The Gryphons, blaming themselves for leaving The Arali decide to expand by building several
the Narsi alone and for the disaster that led to the more cites along the northern coast of Cyradon,
Devastation and menace known as the Schirae, making it easier to trade with Cairnus. Each city is
resume their vigil over Belynar. They see their its own little kingdom and populated by colonists
lapse as a great shame, and thus start the practice from Janieal and Desnia.
of populating the Blunt Eyrie with those who c 26792 AE/1475 IR
have shamed themselves or lost honor among The small but thriving Ischean kingdom com-
other Gryphons. pletely disappears without a trace. Several groups
c 26665 AE/1348 IR of adventurers who enter Ischea in attempts to find
Something happens in the Eastern Steppes which out why do not return. Ischea is declared to be a
causes many Gryx to start migrating west. As they cursed land, and the various groups of Elves agree
slowly move west, the Gryx erect fearsome totem to stay out of Ischea in the future.
poles, which always face to the east. The Gryx c 26800 AE/1483 IR
refuse to explain their purpose and continue to The Elves of Llyrius encounter the Nagazi who
create them everywhere that they go. have expanded from Evefalim in the mountains
Ischea closes its borders. Ischea has been growing down to the coastal city of Ciastan. Trade rela-
more and more isolationist ever since the Schirae

Chapter Two Mithra

tions are opened as the Nagazi are an extremely c 26942 AE/1625 IR

2 peaceful people.
c 26817 AE/1500 IR
The Orsai of the Theocracy of Asut move in and
After years of an underground war, and then
open warfare for the last ten years, the Orsai are
defeated and driven back to the south with the
take over Tarahir directly, changing its status aid of the Treaty Kingdoms and the Skaldi.
from protectorate to colonized city. They begin Tarahir and the Treaty Kingdoms continue to
the suppression of all religions other than their patrol the river to the south of Tarahir to
own version of Memra. Many religions continue prevent the Orsai from invading again, but they
to practice their worship in secret. do allow traders through.

c 26877 AE/1560 IR c 26947 AE/1630 IR

The Elven city of Mellianour is attacked and The Theocracy of Asut begins to slowly move
razed by the Schirae in the largest attack since troops from its more southern provinces to the
the end of the Schirae Wars. The attack was so north in secret. They are determined to not allow
sudden and swift and deadly that it is not Tarahir to get away with declaring independence.
discovered for over a week. A ship from Llyrius Meanwhile, skirmishes continue to occur along
is the first to discover the carnage. the border.
c 26882 AE/1565 IR c 26958 AE/1641 IR
The island city of Cairnus closes its borders and The Theocracy of Asut becomes even more
ports to all Elven ships. However, they will still intolerant. They begin murdering Gryx living
allow Nagazi ships to dock for trade purposes, within their borders, claiming that they are
though the Nagazi are restricted to a very small demon-spawn. Many of the Gryx were exem-
area of the port city. plary citizens. Thousands die and yet thousands
more escape, many to the lands to the north
c 26887 AE/1570 IR and to Tarahir.
The Second Revelation of Memra. The ruling
priests of the Theocracy of Asut declare that the c 26965 AE/1648 IR
use of magic is now illegal and punishable by Although the Theocracy had grown
death. They begin by burning all known wizards lax in its enforcement against of the ban against
and mages. However, alchemists, for some un- magic over the years, the crusade against the Gryx
known reason, are still tolerated, so long as they do has re-ignited fierce enforcement of the ban against
not cast spells. magic as the Gryx are claimed to be evil mages
who consort with demons. The Gryx are not the
c 26917 AE/1600 IR only ones to be condemned, as many Orsai scouts
A council is formed in secret in Tarahir. This are also found to have been using small magics.
council is looking for ways to throw off the They are also condemned.
oppressive rule of the Orsai. The council
contacts the Treaty Kingdoms for aid. c 26970 AE/1653 IR
The Theocracy of Asut begins a full scale invasion
of Tarahir, claiming that it and the Treaty King-
doms and the Skaldi are nothing more than
nations filled with evil magic users and the
demon-spawn known as the Gryx.
c 26977 AE/1660 IR
The Theocracy is finally able to cross the river
that has been protecting the north from the
invasion. However, reinforcements arrive for the
northern armies in the form of Sithi archers and
troops. The Sithi Elves have joined the war
knowing that the Theocracy will come after them
once they have subjugated the Treaty Kingdoms
and the Skaldi. This is not a war of expansion, but
a war of extermination.

Chapter Two Mithra

c 26997 AE/1680 IR The Orsai armies reach Tarahir and begin to put
Over 20 years of war have left the lands very
bleak. Many of those captured are led away into
slavery. Luckily for Tarahir, they and their allies
it under siege. However, before the siege is
complete, thousands of refugees are able to
escape into the Juras Mountains. The leader of
have kept the Orsai of the Theocracy in the lands the Orsai forces sends troops after the refugees
between the rivers until now. The Orsai break to exterminate them. Several large groups of
through and cross the northern river on both refugees are slaughtered, others escape across
the eastern and western sides of the lake to the mountains. One large group is pushed ever
Tarahir’s south. Both armies then begin converg- deeper into the mountains.
ing on Tarahir, driving thousands of refugees c 27000 AE/1683 IR
towards the city. The largest group of refugees from Tarahir, pushed
c 26998 AE/1681 IR ever deeper into the mountains, stumbles upon an
The combined armies of the Treaty Kingdoms, the ancient Dwarven outpost and takes refuge in it.
Skaldi, the Sithi Elves, and Tarahir are able to This outpost holds one of the fabled Royal Roads,
defeat the Orsai army approaching from the east, and it is somehow activated, transporting the
while holding the western army to a crawl. Refu- refugees to the city of Belynar on Cyradon.
gees continue to pour into Tarahir. Having been watchful ever since the fluctuation in
c 26999 AE/1682 IR (Spring) the Royal Roads was detected, the Dwarves detect
Having defeated the Orsai army to the east, the the use of the Royal Road by the refugees. Within
northern armies move west to stop the other days, they open the Road themselves and send their
Orsai army. However, the western Orsai army own people through.
has been biding its time, waiting for reinforce- c 27000 AE/1683 IR
ments of its own. Those reinforcements arrive in All three comets are seen in the night sky of
the spring of the year, and the Orsai begin a new, Cyradon. On the middle night of the Festival of
stronger push towards Tarahir. Arene, the Rhona Gnomes perform the Ritual of
c 26999 AE/1682 IR (Summer) Estrousal, with highly unexpected results.
The Orsai army continues to receive reinforce-
ments on almost a daily basis. They continue to THE ORIGINS OF THE RACES
grow stronger and stronger, slowly but always The world of Mithra is the birthplace of many races—
pushing the northern armies back towards Tarahir. too many to detail in a single product. The following
c 26999 AE/1682 IR (Autumn) section focuses on the history of Cyradon’s key races, as
The Orsai win a major victory, wiping out nearly known by present day scholars.
half of the northern armies. The commander of
the combined armies sends several companies of
men to begin evacuating Tarahir before the Orsai
can reach it while the rest of the remaining army
will fight a holding action to keep the Orsai away
from Tarahir for as long as possible.
An Elven Bard, realizing that the Veil is actually
hurting Cyradon rather than just protecting it
from outsiders, gives his life and destroys the Veil.
c 26999 AE/1682 IR (Winter)
The Mablung Dwarves detect that Royal Roads
are once again active, early in the winter. It was
only a small fluctuation, but the Dwarves are
hoping that the Royal Roads are becoming active
once again. They begin preparing a large expedi-
tionary/colonization force to re-open the city of
Blackflame if it is possible to get to Cyradon.

Chapter Two Mithra

THE GRYPHONS movement of the stars and the winds. They developed an

2 The Gryphons call themselves the Eldest. The

Gryphons were hunters – perhaps the greatest of all the
animistic system of worship. They concluded that the
world was made of spirit turned to matter. And in death,
all return to the world, to a union with the spirit.
predators – and their tales tell of hunts and their
Gryphon philosophers sought to speak to the spirits.
dominion over the earth. Fast and vicious, and patient
Some became shamans and magicians. Their culture
and crafty as situation permitted, keen of eye and quiet
developed rapidly. Free to soar in the skies as hunters,
of paw… there was nothing the Gryphons could not
gatherers, and makers, they had time to think, to play
hunt. Their strong wings gave them flight; their sharp
and discover. Game was plentiful.
beaks could rend the strongest meat; their preternatural
They spread out across the world, making their
claws were keen and dexterous. But one thing separated
eyries in the mountains, in the forests, and on the rocky
them from the vagaries of the food chain. The
seashores. As they spread out, through different lands
Gryphons were intelligent.
of different climes, they adapted further. Distinct
There were other hunters in those ancient days. These
colorations occurred, depending on climate and
predators were never named. But the Gryphons did not
habitat. The vast grasslands of the distant southern
merely adapt. They thrived.
lands played host to Gryphons with a deep yellowish
Intellect brought them language and their dexterity
hue. In the jungles dwelled Gryphons whose fur was the
enabled the Gryphons to carve tools. They turned
deepest blue-black. In the winter in the utter north, the
language into writing, which they carved into standing
gryphon’s fur thickened against the cold, and change to
stones surrounding their communities. With writing came
a grey-white, the better for camouflage amongst the
the study of places, memories and events. The Gryphons
snowfields and ice floes.
were the first historians. They recorded the names of the
They were one of the dominant races for millennia.
dead, and the works of their chieftains. They carved
They were powerful, dynamic, inquisitive and civilized.
poetry and philosophies on their tall menhirs.
They built villages in the high places; tiny by the standards
But they did not stop there. Having recorded their
of today’s humanity, but big enough. They were dominant
thoughts, they developed systems of philosophy and the
enough to specialize. Some would grow to be hunters,
basis of science. Gryphon dreamers investigated the
others recorders, others carvers, and still others priests or
shamans. In those days, little could challenge the
Gryphon’s domain. They were the top of the food chain.
This is where the Gryphons’ story and the tales of
the Arali Elves oddly connect. The histories of the Arali
speak of the ancestors of the Arali, the so-called
“Mithrans” awakening in the cool northern forests. The
world consisted of but one continent then. The Mithrans
were creatures of the earth, not the sky. Their magics
were greater and more potent than the shamanism of the
Gryphons. The Gryphons attempted to drive them out of
their ranges, but they too were ensorcelled. The
Mithrans, beautiful, and undying spread out across the
continent. But the Mithrans looked into the sky, looked
into the azure blue realm beyond their reach, and they
were envious.
Their envy cracked the very world, and sundered the
one ancient continent into four. Stories remember the
cataclysm that broke the power of the Mithrans, killed
most of their number, and stole much of their power.
The surviving Mithrans were transformed by the
cataclysm, dwindling into mere Arali and Cyrads—
shadows of their former glory. The Gryphons survived,
but were diminished.
But their time had truly passed. On two of those
continents, the much reduced and fallen children of the
Mithrans, the Arali and Cyrads, dominated. For a time, the
Cyrads, Elves and Gryphons lived together. They learned

Chapter Two Mithra

much from each other. However, the population of Elves developed at a leisurely pace, expending huge efforts
Gryphons continued to dwindle while the Elves, Cyrads and
Humans continued to expand. Forests and plains became
farmland and cities. Rivers were dammed. The Gryphons
to create perfection.
But even then, even in the brief golden age of elvish
culture, they were pitifully few. At most, there could not
longed for wilder, untamed country where they could fly have been more than a million Elves. Although many
free, and retreated to Cyradon. Elves blame their diminished numbers on human
expansion—the real culprit is their low birthrate. Many
THE ELVES small elvish settlements simply vanished because too few
The kindreds of the Elves are the descendants of children were born to sustain them. Many Elves also
the Mithrans. In the aftermath of the fall of the Tor, the deliberately chose not to live in proximity with humans,
Elves scattered across the world in large migrations. and moved on when humans got too close for comfort.
Each of these migrations
formed a tribal identity. The
ancestors of the Arali went The Cyrads are an old
northeast, across the newly and mysterious race. They
formed sea, to the vast disappeared long ago, some
northeastern steppes of say to war, others to plague;
Anias. Separated by geogra- some even say that they
phy and increasingly by departed from the world
culture, the kindreds became altogether. They arose on the
more and more distinct. In continent of Cyradon. Their
terms of philosophy, culture, name literally means “the
warfare, spirituality and people of Cyradon”.
lifestyle, the kindreds The Cyrads were a
adapted to their circum- wandering race, descended
stances and became less and from the Mithrans. Their
less like their kin. journeys took them far and
The Arali were perhaps wide across the world. They
the most successful kindreds. were a long lived race, but
The Arali occupied vast unlike their elvish cousins,
swathes of land on the steppes not immortal. They were
of Anias. The Arali established powerful magicians, skilled
a vast kingdom in the north- healers and mighty warriors.
ern Neldor Valley, with The Orsai of the distant south
territories reaching as far as remember them as great
the grinding ice of the pole. generals, and honorable
The Elves flourished for a mercenaries. Orsai songs and
time after the fall of the Tor. tales still recall the General
They were able to multiply, Asah, and the holy paladin
dominate, and explore the Cellos. The Cyrads said that
world. The Elves saw them- they came out of the distant
selves as the lords of the living south, from “the lands of the
earth, set above all things. The sun”. The Orsai remember
Gryphons and the Rukhs and them as “light skinned” and
other descendants of the Saena “grey haired” and some Orsai
were fewer, and unable to tribes, even now, claim
challenge the Elves’ power, descent from Cyrad ancestors.
assuming that they would even Cyrad geomancers
want to. The Elves laid the learned the secrets of the
foundations for their great rivers of mana pulsing
realms – the now fallen ocean beneath the earth. They
realm of Ilion, the endless learned to construct their
pastures of the Steppes, the tree cities of the Neldor Valley. fortresses and cities in harmony with this power. They also
Extremely long lived, with no force to challenge them, the learned ways of harnessing this power to allow them to

Chapter Two Mithra

travel great distances in a short period of time. They

2 created the Royal Roads – passageways through the

otherworld – to link their cities. The Cyrads built cities on
all the continents of the world. Each city was mere hours
away from each other, courtesy of the Royal Roads. The Cyrads are long gone.
A safe, populous and wealthy people, the Cyrads Popular legend holds that it was one
lived their long lives in peace. The Cyrads had no such Scion of the Cyrads who
desire to challenge other races like the Elves, and built became a prince of Tarahir, and set
their own realms—Mithra, they said was large enough that city on its road to empire.
for all. Linked by the Royal Roads, the Cyrads had Amongst the Orsai, it is traditional
little need to struggle between the few passes between for chieftains to claim Cyrad blood to
the habitable valleys of the highlands. They were self- legitimize their rule, or political
sufficient; their shepherds and farmers of the passes claims. Some of the founders of the
and vales provided the meat and produce. Trade Narsin might have been Cyrads, but
brought them luxury goods and a steady stream of again, this is purely speculative.
apprentices, eager to study under the masters. And the Player characters who are from
Cyrads were masters of all things. They were the the Tarahir, Orsai, or Skaldi, popu-
greatest bards, the mightiest warriors, the deftest lace can take a Lesser Blood Trait
sculptors, and wisest planners. Cyrad wizards and representing Cyrad heritage. It is
druids were known to be the greatest in the world. even possible that some Elves might
They were also peaceful, and disinclined to fight have some Cyrad blood in their
among themselves—but fierce foes of evil. It was as if veins. Those with Cyrad heritage
the Cyrads would inherit the earth. They were long might display the telltale bronze
lived, but mortal enough to understand their limita- skin, and light brown (almost grey)
tions, making them capable of works of vast energy hair. Such characters are typically
and creativity. Unlike the humanity of Anias, they taller and more muscular than their
were long lived enough to see their works completed. fellows, and can expect a slightly
Thus they could afford to create the amazing stone extended lifespan.
cathedrals and palaces of their cities. They were
infinitely adaptable – they could travel the world and
be comfortable everywhere. They were a fiery and
passionate people.
All of the Cyrad cities were linked by the Royal Roads,
and the Western Road, a Royal Road linking an outpost of
a western Khuldivia kingdom with the eastern passes to
the Elvish kingdoms to the east. This road passed the
outskirts of the central city and linked the western desert HUMANITY
and the river valleys with the elvish heartlands for the first
time in millennia. Humanity is the legacy of the Cyrads. Somehow in
Even now, in these late years, poets still sing about the their wanderings one group of Cyrads changed—cursed
great nation of the Cyrads before its fall. Imagine a vast or blessed by the gods some say. According to many
city carved into the heart of the world, one says, into the Elves, humans are “barbaric, mortal, and hideous. And
spine of the mountains and down into the vast under- worst of all—they are relatives.” Ugly, mortal, and
ground lakes. Imagine a people who lived their long lives reproducing like rabbits. Well let’s just say that in elvish
under the sky of stars and in the cool of the shade. eyes, humans are proof that some god has a perverse
Imagine the lights they made, lights that stole a little of the sense of humor. Some snobbish Arali even deny outright
sunlight and burned through the night. that humans are descended from the Cyrads, arguing
And then, two thousand years ago, the Cyrads that no being so wild and strange could ever have Cyrad
disappeared. From the great cities came nothing but blood. Even the less prejudiced Arali don’t like to be
silence. The doors were closed. The lights had gone out. reminded of the relationship.
The Cyrads passed into myth. Like their Cyrad forebears, humans are infinitely
And thus the Cyrad’s creations have remained, empty adaptable. They are also considerably more aggressive and
and haunted, until this day. warlike—though no more warlike than the Elves. Because

Chapter Two Mithra

humans are the most populous of races on Mithra, they ebony totem carved in the shape of the Dragon to
have inevitably, come into competition with the other
races for resources. And to do the Elves justice, some
humans are nasty, treacherous, smelly and barbaric. In
watch over and protect them. The Black Dragon
offered them power and wisdom. With the aid of the
Black Dragon, Nagah sorcerers can call storms,
some places, humans have in the past driven Elves off their unleash tidal waves and shake the very earth. The
lands, but the reverse also holds true. totem is the Dragon’s eyes and ears, punishing rebel-
Humans spread to all the continents of Mithra except lious Nagah and watching the actions of the tribe. The
Cyradon. They flourished most on Anias. In some places Black Dragon charged the Nagah with the duty of
humans supplanted the Elves and the remnants of the keeping the forest free of outsiders. At one time there
Saena—sometimes by force, but more often due to the were Arali cities in the Madiarian; one by one they fell
dwindling numbers of the latter groups. Humans, being to the Nagah.
practical, had no compunction about occupying aban- The Black Dragon totems are infused with an old
doned elvish settlements. draconic power. A strange, oily substance eternally bleeds
The other races of Mithra often find humans from the Dragon’s form into the Nagah birthing pools.
disconcerting and disturbing. For one thing—they seem The black pools are rich with magic and knowledge. When
to have appeared out of nowhere and spread like wildfire. a Nagah child is born, it is baptised in the pool’s pitch
Humans are brash, curious, inventive, and aggressive black water, and there he hears the voices of his ancestors.
towards their own kind and other races, and rush in To many, the Nagah are a myth, a tale told to foolish
where other races fear to tread. Sometimes it seems like Gryphon children. To others, the Nagah are a constant
groups of humans can’t agree on anything, and on the threat, an evil waiting to be unleashed on the world again.
whole, they seem to have a veritable gift for stirring up
trouble. If there is a sleeping Wyvern or worse a Dragon THE NAGAZI
in the vicinity, trust the humans to wake the blighted One tribe of Nagah failed to heed the Dragon’s call.
monster up. Trust them too, to use magic without the Perhaps they were immune, or too strong, or too remote.
proper safeguards, activate a curse or two, cut down trees Instead of living deep within the Madiarian, the tribe
unnecessarily, and to pollute rivers… Human survival is made their home on the edge of the forest hunting and
something of a mystery to the other races. But better to farming. They called themselves the “Nagazi.” They
give them wide berth to avoid the accompanying chaos. craved light and air and sunlight and warmth. Their
Still some races privately admit that humans certainly ancestors had been slaves who escaped Moril’s dominion
make life interesting, and are drawn to them. before the great war.
As time passed and the tribe grew, they colonized the
THE NAGAH ruins of Evefalim, a city that had been home to the
The Nagah went into hiding after the defeat of Moril. Mithrans. This proved to be a boon for the Nagazi. With
They had been bred as slaves and Dragon fodder, and intelligence, hard work, a little magic, and divine help,
freedom almost killed them. Most killed each other for generations of Nagazi sages deciphered the writings of the
food, but a few learned to survive as bands of wandering Mithrans and explored the ruins of the city. They came to
hunters in the Madiarian Forest. In their wanderings, the despise the barbaric ways of their fellow Nagah, and opted
Nagah never forgot the great Dragon queen who had given instead for civilization.
them life and brought them death.
As time passed most of the surviving Saena came to
believe that the Nagah and the Wyverns were extinct, and
that the sleep of the Great Dragons was permanent. Then
in the Madiarian a Great Black Dragon awoke, hungry and
full of ambition. But the world had changed during his
sleep. His kindred still slept. A few tentative conflicts with
several of the few remaining Saena soon drove him back
into the forest. Alone he could never rule. The Black
Dragon remembered Moril and her servants and how she
had almost come to rule the world. Perhaps he could
succeed where she had failed.
Using his magic, the Black Dragon summoned all
the wyverns and Nagah that he could find, and bound
them to his service. Each tribe of Nagah was given an

Chapter Two Mithra

Over the centuries, the Nagazi rebuilt the ruins of not make servants and followers; she made children to

2 Evefalim and established a small, prosperous kingdom in

the north west of Cyradon. Ever thirsty for knowledge, the
Nagazi benefited from contact with the Cyrads, the
love and nurture. She made her children cheerful,
hardworking, practical and curious.
Contrary to popular beliefs, dwarven life is not
Mablung and the Elves. The Nagazi, are philosophers, built around mining and smithing. They do mine,
poets, inventors, artists and craftsmen. They also maintain since they live in the mountains and need metals and
a strong army, to protect their borders from incursions gems for their work. Dwarves also farm well—well
from the Nagah and the Schirae. enough to grow crops at altitudes most human
cultures cannot. Dwarves practice many crafts and
THE GRYX trades, and they dwell above ground as often as they
No one is certain of the origins of the Gryx. Orsai dwell in underground cities. They are often restless,
Theocrats believe that the Gryx have demon blood. constantly on the hunt for new and interesting
Others say that the Gryx are monsters, or at the very resources, and new places to settle. They prefer to
least related to monsters. The Gryx have several dwell in the mountains, since according to their
legends about their origins. The most common legend folklore, Vasila makes her home in a high mountain
is that long ago, one of the gods made their race from valley, and that is where they first walked the earth.
the bones of fallen giants. The Gryx legend claims that THE RHONA
they were once giants themselves, but when they The Rhona dispute the Gryphons’ claim to being
displeased the gods, they were diminished in size and the eldest race. The Rhona say that they are descen-
cast out of their homelands. The Gryx then settled on dants of spirits that took mortal shape shortly after
the steppes, only to be driven out once again. Some- the world was made. Small and unobtrusive, they
day, the Gryx say, they will be allowed to return to claim to have seen and survived the coming of the
their ancestral home. Dragons, the rise and fall of the Mithrans, and the
birth and death of many races. They are not civiliza-
THE MABLUNG DWARVES tion builders, preferring to live quietly in small
The Dwarves are “the children” of the goddess Vasila, groups, without drawing attention to themselves. The
who made them long ago. According to dwarvish myth, Devastation changed that, forcing the Rhona to take a
the Mablung first walked the earth around the time of the hand in the survival of Cyradon, and to interact
birth of the Mithrans. This may well be true, since the actively with other races. The Rhona have a huge store
Dwarves worship the ancient Mithran deities. Vasila did of lore of the ancient days. However, they do not share
their lore or speak of their origins with outsiders.

Chapter Three Anias



e thank you,” Barrin said. Stave just glowered

at Roalan. He did not like being helped in
battle, particularly by an Elf.
“You are not Orsai,” Roalan said.
“You’ve got that right,” Stave said.
“Neither am I,” said another voice, this one
to the left of the two Skaldi. “But I could use
your help.” He also spoke Tarahir, but he did
not show himself. There was a rustling in the
leaves and underbrush off to the left. Roalan
went to it and found Agarek of Tarahir, the clever,
warrior son of a rich Tarahir nobleman, cut off from
his people.
“We are not safe here,” Roalan said. “That was an
Orsai scout team coming up from the lowlands.
There’s an abandoned fortification atop this hill; very
ancient, but perhaps a refuge.”
Agarek stood up. “I am wounded, but I will be fine
with a little rest.”
“Join us,” Roalan said, looking at Barrin and Stave,
who hesitated only a moment.
“How far is this fort?” Stave asked.
“It’s just this way,” said the Sithi.

Chapter Three Anias

Anias is a large continent roughly similar in size to Desert. These priests came to power and became the
Asia. The continent is geographically and climatically rulers of various tribes by uniting them in their hatred of
diverse; with regions ranging from humid rain forests on the northerners whose rulership they had just recently
the southern peninsulas, to moderate and temperate thrown off.
plains, arid deserts, rugged mountain ranges, dark and

3 ancient forests, cold and desolate rocky steppes, and

many, many miles of winding rivers and coastline, all with
diverse races and cultures, empires and kingdoms.

Located southwest of the Juras Mountains, north of
the Great Desert, and east of the Treaty Kingdoms, Tarahir
is a human city-state in a very strategic location as it is a
hub for commerce heading in all directions.

Once the priests had consolidated rule of the tribes of

the Great Desert, they expanded outwards, first to the east
and west, conquering the coastal lands, more through
promises of glory and a shared outlook than through
arms. Then the fledgling empire looked to the south,
conquering all the lands down to the River Confluence in
the southeast.
At this point, the Theocracy then turned its eye
northward to Tarahir, and the priests decided that it too
should be part of the Empire and that their god ordained
this expansion.


Lying on the northern coast of the Great Bay, the
Situated just north of a small lake near the moun-
Treaty Kingdoms are made up of many smaller king-
tains, Tarahir is a natural gateway to many different lands,
doms. These many small kingdoms made alliances
and as such often has peoples from many different lands
among themselves to protect themselves from both the
within its city walls.
Skaldi to the north, and the ever-expanding Orsai
Once the center of a great empire, Tarahir now stands
Empire to the south.
alone, holding only the lands between the rivers to the
west and south and the mountains to the northeast. There
are many small subject cities and towns within this area,
all looking to Tarahir for protection.


After the fall of Tarahir in its prime, many of the
lands once ruled by it became free states in their own
rights. Among these was the human nation that became
known as the Theocracy of Asut. Also known as the Orsai
Empire, this powerful nation is on the rise, conquering
anything in its path and absorbing it into the whole.
The Theocracy is a large, though sparely populated
land; it rules the Great Desert and the lands to the south,
down to the river confluences.
After the fall of the Tarahir Empire, the priests of the
holy city of Asut united the human tribes of the Great

Chapter Three Anias

Conflict with the Skaldi in the north eventually died SITHI FORESTS
down as all began realizing the threat posed by the
Theocracy of Asut in the south. The large tracts of forests between the Skaldi King-
The Treaty Kingdoms eventually made treaties with doms on the coast and the Juras Mountains in the east
the newly formed ruling council of Tarahir, as they knew belong to the Sithi Elves. When the Arali Elves elected to
leave Anias to find a new homeland, the Sithi remained.
that to get to the Treaty Kingdoms; the Orsai would have
to go through Tarahir first.
The population of the Treaty Kingdoms is a mixture
of human and Sithi peoples.

The Skaldi Kingdoms lie north of the Treaty Kingdoms
and west of the Juras Mountains. Filled with many small
kingdoms, often warring amongst themselves, the Skaldi are a
rugged, tough human people. In all of their history, they have
never been truly conquered, not even by the mighty Tarahir
Empire. Though they paid tribute, the Skaldi retained their When Tarahir
independence, and were among the first provinces to rebel. put out the call for
aid against the
Theocracy of Asut, the
Sithi sent archers and other
warriors, knowing that if
Tarahir fell that it would only be a
matter of time before the Orsai expanded northward into
their forests.

Once home to the Arali Elves, Neldor was a vast
kingdom in its own right before the Arali abandoned it in
their exodus to find a new homeland away from the ever-
increasing numbers of humans.

When Tarahir asked for aid against the Orsai of the

Theocracy, the Skaldi were more than willing to sell their
blades as mercenaries. They knew that if the Theocracy
were not stopped, that it would conquer all of Anias.

Chapter Three Anias

Now Neldor is an unpopulated land, or so many SOUTHERN LANDS

think. During their western migrations the Gryx avoided
the northern portions of Neldor, only traveling through South of the River Confluence lays a fertile land, rich
the southern portion, just north of the eastern-most spur in good farmland and mineral deposits. Lush jungles cover
of the Juras Mountains. the southern-most section of Anias and from these come
many exotic plants and animals.
3 Tales abound of the strange and sinister creatures now
inhabiting northern Neldor, but nobody who has gone to
find out the truth has ever returned. These tales talk about
creatures living beneath the ground, creatures that look
like giant insects, yet act like people. Could these be true?

The vast Eastern Steppes were once home to many
different wandering tribes of Gryx. Several centuries ago,
something mysterious happened that was apparently the
cause of their mass migration across the Juras Mountains.

The Gryx do not speak to outsiders of their exodus

from the Eastern Steppes, but as they moved west, they
carved and left fierce totem poles along their route, always
facing towards their ancient homelands. These totem poles
all depict demonic figures with fierce expressions and
features, though no two are ever alike. Some scholars
speculate that the Gryx leave these totems in an act of
defiance against whatever forced them to flee their
homelands. All this remains just speculation as the Gryx
refuse to talk about it.
This land is firmly held by the Dwarves. The Mablung
Dwarves hold the mountains in the west, and other tribes
and groups of Dwarves make their homes in other areas.
When the Orsai of the Theocracy of Asut tried to
annex the dwarven lands, they literally ran into something
that they could not handle. The Dwarves used tactics that
the northern horsemen could not stand against, cunning
traps, and deadly ambushes kept the Orsai from crossing
the rivers south into dwarven lands. To the west of the
mountains, the jungle and its inhabitants made sure that
nothing made it into dwarven lands.
The Southern Jungle is a vibrant, deadly land, whose
inhabitants also live within the Western Jungle. A strange
race to say the least, they are never seen unless they want
you to see them.

Chapter Three Anias

WESTERN JUNGLE of New Tarahir, and it became clear that nothing could be
done to stop the fall of the city.
The mysterious inhabitants of the Western Jungle A Skaldi general named Grayson was chosen to lead a
kept the Orsai horsemen out of the dwarven lands when small, swift cavalry force that would evacuate the city.
they tried to annex them. Meanwhile the rest of the alliance army fought a desperate
delaying action to give Grayson’s troops time to evacuate
the city. Grayson’s troops reached New Tarahir in time, but
many citizens refused to leave, trusting the city’s walls to
protect them. A few thousand people did choose to
evacuate, and Grayson led the refugees, north into the
mountains, away from the Orsai.
After three days of travel, the refugees spotted a huge
gout of smoke can be seen to the south—New Tarahir was
burning. Grayson led the refugees ever deeper into the
mountains, hoping to lose the pursuing forces. The
refugees were able to stay ahead of the troops chasing
them for a few days, but each day brought the enemy that
much closer to finding them. Then one of the forward
scouts came back with a report about how the canyon they
were following dead-ended only a few miles ahead of the
refugees. With the enemy behind them, and the rear guard
working to slow them down, Grayson sent the scouts back
forward to look for a way out of the canyon.
The scouts discovered the entrance to a long abandoned
Dwarven outpost that was large enough to hold all the
refugees. He led the refugees into the outpost and his rear
guard made one more attack on the approaching enemy before
The inhabitants of the jungle are largely unknown, joining the refugees inside the outpost, closing the entrance so
rarely leaving their lands. Those few who have met them that it would take a while for the Orsai troops to break in.
and lived say that they are a small race, vaguely elven in Grayson gathered the refugees in the main hall of
appearance, yet with a tough leathery skin akin to the outpost, and informed them that the enemy was
Gnomes. This race also apparently lives high up in the just outside, and that he would have his troops
trees of the jungle, to better avoid the ground dwelling looking for another exit. As he spoke to the refugees, a
predators that thrive in this beautiful, yet deadly land. bas-relief archway in the wall behind Grayson began
Friends to the Dwarves, this race trades with them in glowing, and the wall inside the arch disappeared,
return for things that they cannot make themselves. becoming a hazy mist.
Outsiders only see the jungle dwellers if they want to Quickly consulting with a few of the scholars among
be seen. Some of the Orsai horsemen who lived long the refugees, they determined that the archway was one of
enough to escape back the way that they came have come the fabled Royal Roads often used by the ancient race
to call them tree-demons for their ability to remain known as the Cyrads. They reasoned that the magic portal
unseen and for the eerie laughter and noises that accom- had to lead to someplace better than their current loca-
panied the attacks that chased them off. tion. None of the scholars or mages among the refugees
knew what had caused the Royal Road to activate. Was it
RECENT EVENTS the presence of the refugees themselves? Was it the work of
As the Theocracy of Asut became increasingly the gods or of some other entity? Nobody knew, and at
intolerant, many people fled its borders for the safety of that point, with an enemy army tying to break into the
Tarahir and other lands. The priesthood’s intolerance only Dwarven outpost, nobody really cared. The outpost that
grew, however, and they decided to cleanse the world of they thought would be their tomb had suddenly offered an
mages, non-human races and any who did not follow escape to possible safety, and thus Grayson took it.
Memra. Their first target was New Tarahir. Grayson began herding the refugees into the portal, and
The war lasted twenty years. The Orsai fought only after insuring that all were through safely, he finally
unceasingly against an alliance of the Tarahir forces, the plunged into the portal himself. As soon as he stepped from
Sithi Elves, and the Skaldi and the Treaty Kingdoms. the portal at the other end, it closed, leaving the wall behind
Eventually, the Theocracy troops began to close on the city the arch as if there had never been a tunnel there.

Chapter Three Anias

Taking a look around him, Grayson’s heart sank and After much discussion, the Dwarves decided to send a
felt very heavy. It appeared that the portal had led his party through the Royal Roads should the Gatekeepers
people to a ruined, abandoned city, somewhere on the side determine that they were fully active once again. With the
of a desolate mountain. Before he could even begin to give destination of the Road set for Belynar, the Dwarves
orders, one of his Sithi scouts, came running up to report decided that they would make this a colonization party

3 that visitors awaited them over by the edge of the moun-

tain terrace that they were on. As Grayson followed the Elf,
he shouted orders to his captains, to keep the refugees
who would relocate and re-inhabit Blackflame, a city
situated near some of veins of several different magical
metals. Long ago played out, the mineral deposits should
together and defended, and to be wary until he returned. have more than enough time to fully regenerate. Among
Rounding the corner of a large pyramid shaped this group would be several of the Gatekeepers, so that the
structure, Grayson stopped dead in his tracks as he faced Roads could be opened back to the dwarven lands
the six Gryphons waiting there. Grayson was even more whenever the Dwarves wanted to send material back.
dumbfounded when one of the Gryphons began speaking, Volunteers were gathered and materials prepared.
in what he recognized as an elvish tongue. It wasn’t the Lots of material, food, and other equipment were packed
language of the Sithi, which Grayson knew well, but it was and made ready to be sent through the portal when or if it
related and he could even understand about half of what opened. Everything was in readiness and would be able to
the Gryphon was saying. But it didn’t really matter exactly go with but a few days notice.
how much he understood, as he understood the important Then it happened! The Trallen Gatekeepers were
part, the Gryphon was saying “Welcome to Cyradon”! right, and not only was an open Road detected, but it was
open for a long time as well. The Gatekeepers were beside
IN THE DWARVEN HOMELANDS themselves with joy. Final preparations were begun!
Millennia ago, when the Dwarves helped the Cyrads build The Gatekeepers worked their magic and for the first
their city of Belynar, and helped setup the portals for the Royal time in over five centuries, the Dwarves once again had
Roads, part of the payment for that aid was the knowledge of access to the Royal Roads. As the Dwarves marched into
how to access and use the Royal Roads to travel the world. the portal, the Gatekeepers fell in place with them.
Approximately five hundred years ago the Royal Roads Minutes later they marched out of the portal upon a scene
closed abruptly. Nothing that the Dwarven magic users, the that they had never imagined. Belynar was in ruins, there
Trallen, did would re-open the Roads. As the years passed, were humans everywhere, and there were a bunch of Elves
very few Trallen passed down the knowledge of how to as well. But besides all that, the Dwarves had a problem—
operate the Royal Roads to their apprentices. A small group none of the Gatekeepers that entered the Royal Road came
of Trallen, calling themselves the Gatekeepers, were the only out of it on the Belynar side; although other Trallen
ones to keep the knowledge alive. They kept watch over among the group did. Once the last of the dwarven party
Royal Roads, developing spells and magics to alert them if came through with all of their gear, the Road immediately
the Roads were ever activated again. shut. The Dwarves in Belynar had no way to return home.
Then came one winter when the wards and spells Back in the dwarven lands of Anias, the Road closed
watching the Royal Roads were activated. The Roads had shortly after the last of the colonization party passed
flickered, come to life for a few seconds. However, for through. Moments later, it opened back up on its own
some reason the various gates that the Gatekeepers accord, and out tumbled the Gatekeepers who had gone to
watched over had all been set to a single destination: Belynar. All they knew was that they entered in their proper
Belynar, the ancient capital of the Cyrads. place and order, when suddenly they had the sensation of
falling only to land back in the dwarven homelands.

Chapter Three Anias

Chapter Four Cyradon



he fort was of a design alien to Tarahir, Skaldi

and Sithi, perhaps dwarven? It was certainly
ancient, but, peculiarly, it had clearly been
recently occupied. Cooking fires that retained the
last remnants of heat, a few packs, abandoned,
many confused footprints. The bodies of dead
and broken Tarahir and Skaldi.
“We can rest here for a short time to allow
Agarek to regain his strength,” Roalan said. “I know a
track through the deep woods we can use to circle back to
Tarahir and the conflict.”
“The Orsai have been here,” Barrin said. “This is
their handiwork.”
“Which means they’ll come again,” Stave said. “I’ll watch the
path up,” he said, leaving the three to gather their thoughts and
strength. But they did not get long to do so.
Agarek sat by the fire while Barrin sharpened his blade.
“Orsai!” Stave shouted as he entered the room. “At least a
hundred! Let’s go!”’
They made to flee down the path Roalan knew but
instantly the sensitive Elf knew it was blocked.
“Back inside,” he said. “We’ll have to defend this fort.”
But the fort could not be defended by four men. They fled
deeper and deeper into the complex...

Chapter Four Cyradon

Cyradon is home to the Gryphons. The Gryphons GEOGRAPHIC OVERVIEW OF CYRADON

once inhabited much of the world, but their numbers
have dwindled. Their few remaining eyries cling to the Cyradon is just one of the larger islands in a long
highest peaks in the mountains of Cyradon, far removed archipelago of fourteen large islands and thousands of
from the distant realms now claimed by the other races. smaller subsidiary islands stretching from the southern
The Gryphons are the protectors of a long and glorious pole past the equator into the cooler tropics and almost
history and participate in a vibrant and dynamic culture into the temperate north. Beyond the archipelago lies a
on Cyradon. Even as their time wanes, their noble spirit vast ocean. The Elven races call the broken isles of the
leads them to stand in defiance of the march of time. archipelago the ‘Shatterings’ and believe that Cyradon is
On old Anias maps, arrows point east to Cyradon, the land that retained most of the character and life of the
the mythical ‘land of the Cyrads’ beyond the moun- world when the four continents were one.
tains and the sea, long lost to humanity. The Cyrads From the southern most tip of the realm of Aneirin,
were descendants of the ancient Mithrans. The Cyrads in the south, to the northern most tip of Cyradon, the
vanished long ago, though many races and cultures still distance is about 1,475 miles. From the eastern-most
claim to be descended from the Cyrads, or claim them peninsula of Desnia to the western-most realms is
as their ancestors. The term ‘Cyradon’ therefore has approximately 2,100 miles.
two separate meanings. One is geographical; Cyradon If old maps are to be believed, a ship could sail from a
is the human name for the Daybreak Country. The landing on the western most side of Cyradon to the a port
other is more metaphorical, meaning a place beyond in the eastern most reaches of what is now the Orsai
the reach of mere mortals. Empire in about fifteen to twenty days. While this means
that Cyradon is not terribly distant from anywhere else, it

Chapter Four Cyradon

is surrounded by deep blue water, and most sailors in the through the Gap, the land opens into a deep, broad valley
eastern ends of the Orsai Empire and the smattering of between the central and southern mountains. Rains still
free ports nearby are brown- or green- water sailors such fall here occasionally, but not enough to fuel much
as fishermen and coastal traders. Ignorance, not geogra- growth. Beyond the valley lies an open wilderness that
phy, keeps Cyradon separated from the rest of the world, eventually leads you down into the alluvial swamplands
now that the Veil has fallen. of the Tanolain, a haunted and mysterious place, avoided
Cyradon was once a green and verdant place, strad- for hundreds of years.
dling the equator of Mithra just like other islands in the Now, if you were looking very closely as we passed
‘Shatterings’. Its northern peninsula extends a few hun- along the Shivals, you may have, with a trained eye,
dred miles north of the equator, but is surrounded on noticed several valleys that looked out of place.
4 three sides by sea, and chilled by a cool deep sea current;
the Northern Cape is chilly. The center of the continent of
Shielded from the Devastation by geography and the
mysterious Rhona Gnomes, it is rumored that the
Cyradon is desolate and lifeless. The Devastation de- Gryphons of Blunt Hills Eyrie hunt here. The valleys
stroyed the central highlands, but the Mountains of the are fed by mountain streams that drain away into
Morning shielded the eastern Elven-Arali realms from its nothingness in the desert beyond.
catastrophic effects. The Devastation is a place of desolate, Beyond the Mountains of Evening in the west, nature
stony valleys, sandy plains and barren plateaus where has reclaimed her land. Sheltered from the Devastation
nothing grows, and is bisected by the relatively young and beyond the influence of the Elven-Arali, the Sunset
volcanic Shival Mountain Range. These highlands were Country is a wild, untamed land, covered in the rainforest
once fertile farming lands, but now a barren desert of red, and tropical vegetations normally found along the
warm sand flows across the plains like the waters of the Mithran equator. The combination of the imposing
ocean. North of these highlands lies the Camal Sea, a Mountains of Evening, the Devastation, and the denseness
strange body of water surrounded by vast empty plains of the jungles has kept these lands undisturbed and
stretching as far as the eye can see. West of the highlands, untouched for many centuries.
beyond the Tanolain River, soar the Mountains of Evening.
The southeastern tail of this western range is made up of THE CLIMATE
fifteen great craggy peaks called the Fifteen Sisters, their By rights, Cyradon’s climate should be equatorial,
dusty heights advancing along the Tanolain, eventually having but a hot and humid summer season for most of
fading into foothills. Beyond the Sisters, the heart of the the year, and several weeks of a rainy, monsoon season and
Mountains of Evening (or Red Mountains) rise, com- climate. The northern portion of the ruined kingdom of
manding the landscape. Containing the highest peaks on Ischea is on the equator, but since the climate of Cyradon
the continent, their snowy shoulders hunch as if to hold has been warped, twisted, and bent by millennia of
up the sky. interference by the Narsi and the Elves in the form of the
We begin our tour of Cyradon starting from the city Echoes, the actual continental temperature and weather
of Belynar in the heart of the range is very different. Cold deep ocean currents have
Devastation on the northern edge been forced to flow further inshore on the northern and
of the Shival Range. Traveling eastern coasts. This cold ocean water chills the prevailing
south along the eastern slopes of winds coming off the sea and substantially cools the air
the Shival Range, we inland. In the north, around The Stormhold, this interfer-
come to a great pass ence has lead to a constant turmoil of the surrounding
that spans the gap waters with almost perpetual storms, high winds and
between the powerful waves continuously battering the shore.
lower end of The Elves still mark the seasons according to the
the Shivals passing of the stars, but in general, the seasons do not
and the manifest as one would normally expect, which is also
Ashman likely caused by the same Narsi and elvish magical
Range to the tampering of ages past. The weather remains at a relatively
south. This constant level that most Skaldi would refer to as ‘late
pass is known spring’. Being equatorial, the climate is naturally warm
as the Gap of most of the time, but the altered currents lead to cooler
Orius and is evenings often punctuated by brief, intermittent rain
guarded by the showers. Some variation to this is provided during the
White Sentinels. marked seasons, but not to the degree that you would
Passing westward

Chapter Four Cyradon

expect from normal seasons and weather patterns. ‘Spring’ Beyond the mountains lie the warmer highlands
and ‘Autumn’ bring slightly warmer weather as the sun is surrounding the Camal Sea. This great inland sea is
directly overhead. ‘Summer’ is observed, when the sun exceptionally deep, and even in the hottest days, the Camal
passes to the north of the equator while ‘Winter’ is marked remains icy cold. The Camal is filled from deep, subterra-
when the sun passes to the south of the equator. During nean springs and rivers, and drains by two surface rivers,
these seasons, the climate tends toward what is considered the Tanolain and the Marisant. In ages past, these lands
the norm for Cyradon with a few notable exceptions. were the hottest of all of Cyradon. Even when the Elves
Early autumn is noted for its heavier than normal came, their interference had only minor affects upon the
rains and cool winds as the prevailing winds shift south climate. The rivers and the Camal Sea fed water to much
and bring the naturally cooler air of the southern ocean
across the lands. However, due to the interference of the
Elves, these cool winds are joined by other cold air
of the land, and the valleys were rich and fertile, although
they did require irrigation for crops to grow. The high-
lands were typically poor, scrubby and dry. Only the
masses, and together they drive cold air across the Shivan Arali, a tougher and more adaptable lot were able
continent. The last weeks of autumn are particularly to thrive in the Highlands. Now, the land is devastated,
beautiful, when the rains fail and the air comes down out lifeless and cursed. The earth seems to be warmed by an
of the mountains, cold and crisp. The fallen leaves are ancient fire while the sky is empty, cold, and dead.
covered with spider webs of frost and the sun sinks low Further south, the Shival Range cuts deep into the
and golden across the lands. Camal highlands. Only the highest peaks escaped the
In winter, the lands on either side of the mountain corruption of the Devastation, and it is here that clouds
ranges receive a fine dusting of snow. But this snow never occasionally form and snow falls. Water is born here, full
lasts long, melting away and running off in a few short of life, dropping down into the few hidden valleys and
days or weeks. Despite everything, the land beneath is still then draining away to the dead desert beyond. This water
quite warm from the sun and the snow never really settles. can help to restore the Devastation, or wash away the
The coasts are typically cool, temperate and enjoy hopes of many.
heavy tree cover. Even before the Devastation, these lands
were more fertile and more pleasant to dwell in than the THE MOUNTAINS OF CYRADON
central lands. The mountains of Cyradon are alpine in nature,
Further inland, the peaks of the Mountains of sharp, steep, rugged and relatively young. They form long
Evening and the Mountains of Morning as well as the knots of tall peaks with very few traversable passes. The
smaller subsidiary ranges, the Ashman Mountains and the four main ranges – the Morning and Evening ranges, the
Mountains of the Moon are snow-capped year round. The Shival, and Ashman– were driven up as part of an endless
inland mountains are alpine in nature, and would have a complex of mountains which snakes across the continent
median snowline that is a barely nine thousand feet high, a of Cyradon, the Shattering archipelago and the eastern
trait that is out of place, being more common to less lands of the continent of Anias, making the Cyradon
tropical climes. Each of the mountain ranges generate mountain ranges part of the same complex of geological
their own weather, channeling weather patterns through activity responsible for Juras Mountains on Anias. Thus,
the peaks and forcing winds down into the lowlands. when a citizen of the old city of Tarahir looks up into the

Chapter Four Cyradon

lofty peaks of the Shival Range looming over Belynar, he tation. Due in part to a partial shielding by the Shival
can feel strangely at home. Most of the mountain ranges range and their distance from Belynar, they were able to
stand well over 12,000 feet on average, with the tallest protect the lands to the south from the affects of the
peaks soaring above 18,000 feet. Devastation’s original blast, and have served to keep the
Devastation from encroaching south over the years. The
THE MOUNTAINS OF EVENING Ashmans do not reach the heights of their eastern or
The Mountains of Evening rise from the roots of the western kin nor do they have the broken appearance of the
western forests to scrape the very sky. Called the ‘Red Shivals. Starting in the east where they meet up with the
Mountains’ by some and the Sunset Mountains by others, Mountains of Morning, the peaks retain much of the
these mountains were born of deep, reddish-colored coloring of the eastern range, but as it marches west, the
4 stone. When the sun sets behind them, they almost seem
glow, if even for the briefest of moments. The purple of
prevailing color turns to a dusty grey. Presumably, this is
one source for their name. With prevailing winds coming
the sky reflects the red of the mountains, bringing the from the south off of the ocean, any winds from the
whole western sky to life. Snow covers the peaks in a sharp Devastation are forced north and away from the delicate
blue-white that only serves to accentuate the red moun- forests of the south.
tains more. At sunset, ice on the peaks traps the light long
after the sun has gone, causing the heights to glow red THE FORESTS OF CYRADON
long after the lands to the east have passed into darkness. The forests of Cyradon are home to many hardwoods.
Only two forests remain in their original, unaltered state –
THE MOUNTAINS OF MORNING the Forest of Ischea and the vast Madairian Forest beyond
The Mountains of Morning were formed from a deep the Mountains of the Evening. Both places are vast, dank
blue-grey stone, and at midday they shine as blue as the mazes of trees and ivy. There are three other major forests
deepest sea. Snow-capped, the mountains are swathed in a on Cyradon: the strange Melanae Forest, the watchful Idrisil
veil of clouds and mist that is magically maintained by the and the haunted Yftelan Wood, all of which have been
Elves of the eastern shores to keep the corrupted winds of altered and changed over the past centuries. The Queen’s
the Devastation at bay. Below Mountains of Morning, Woods is a groomed forest presenting a feeling of a massive,
covered continually in clouds are the Whispering Hills, the sculpted garden than that of an actual free growing forest.
western foothills of the Mountains of Morning and home
to what most consider Schirae territory. The Mountains of THE FOREST OF ISCHEA
Morning are sometimes called the Sunrise Mountains. The Forest of Ischea seems to exude a feeling of anger
and hostility and ground-hugging fog that easily disori-
THE SHIVAL RANGE ents travelers. This is an ancient hardwood rainforest with
The Shival Range is a slightly shorter than their a malignant aura exuding from it. What ever happened to
mountainous kin, averaging just barely over 11,000 feet. the elvish Arali nation of Ischea has surely tainted these
The mountains here are of a volcanic, yellowish stone. The woods, but no one who has ventured into these woods has
continuity of the high ridges of this range is broken by a returned to speak of what they saw or heard. One ancient
string of seven much shorter volcanic peaks. This range Cyrad highway passes through this dark rainforest, but no
does not soar the same way as its sister ranges to the east one dares travel this road any longer. Here are rumors,
and the west. The mountains look a little wrong – like hints and mysteries regarding the missing Arali of the
looking at broken teeth, one poet said. Still, if one stands Ischea Nation, but no one has been able to substantiate
in Belynar and looks up to the mountains marching across any shred of truth to even the most plausible rational for
the sky to the southwest, the mountains are imposing and their disappearance. This is very dark and foreboding
wild, yet beautiful. Many of the peaks still bear the forest that even the Schirae do not frequent.
poisoned, grey snow that was left after the Devastation.
The Shival Range was born in ancient times as part of a MADIARIAN FOREST
volcanic up-thrust. When tectonic shifts drove new The Madiarian is thousands of square miles of dense
mountains up, they decimated a number of the older rainforest, the old primeval forest of Cyradon. The land
volcanic peaks in their youthful zeal to reach to the sky. beneath the trees is vast, trackless and unmapped, much of
it mired in dank swamps. Perhaps mapping is impossible.
THE ASHMAN MOUNTAINS Hidden by the thick cover of the hardwood trees, the land
The Ashman mountains of the south are occasionally rises up into a stone forest of tall karst formations. The karst
dismissed as a sub-range of the Mountains of Morning, forms a dense maze of rock; the tree cover above means the
but they have a character and significance all their own. sky can barely be seen. Arali mapping expeditions often got
The Ashmans form the southern boundary of the Devas- hopelessly lost, and more than a few never returned.

Chapter Four Cyradon

The karst formations are concentrated to the south of The Aneirin woods have, over time, been transformed
the forest. Very few known paths lead through the mazes. into temperate woodlands, home to oak, ash and beech,
With little access to the sky and a lack of suitable anchor- giving way to tall pines on the slopes of the Ashman
ages, very few attempts were made by the Arali to colonize Mountains to the north. The soil is rich and fertile: where
the western shores of Cyradon. Those few attempts that others would have stripped the earth of this forest for
were made all failed after just a few short years. tillage, the Rhona have cultivated a beautiful and diverse
The Madiarian was therefore ignored. They called it botanical garden spanning hundreds of miles. Rhona
Wyvern’s Sleep; it was a joke in a way. The woods were so settlements can be found high among the branches of the
dense, so hostile, so alien and so unconquerable, anything world trees or beneath its mighty roots. Very few trails or
could exist there. Even Wyverns could sleep there.
In the north, the forest thins, slightly and the terrain
eases. There are no karst formations in the north, nor any
roads lead through the Wood, and beyond them the forest
is wild and trackless, belonging to the wild animals that
inhabit the area.
barely hidden gorges and clefts. Somewhere in the depths
of the forest, the Nagah make their homes. Since the THE MELANAE FOREST
Devastation, the Nagah’s numbers have increased steadily. The Melanae Forest, with its coal black trees bearing
Unlike intruders into their realm, they know all the paths slate grey leaves, is a place of sadness and death, and
through the karst. They know the hidden topography of nothing survives long inside these woods. The forest
their forests, and Nagah shamans know when their holy stretches from the Schirae strongholds on the northern
realm has been penetrated. edges of the Whispering Hills to the borders of the northern
Sensible travelers would do well to avoid the place.

plains. In the time before the Devastation, the Melanae was

THE IDRISIL WOOD the remnant of a much larger woodland area that was
When the Arali first arrived upon Cyradon, they slowly destroyed by the Arali. If the Devastation had not
found the Idrisil Wood, and with it, the huge trees that claimed the land, the Melanae Forest would be gone by
give the area its name, the Idrisil. These mountainous now. Instead, the warped remnants of this forest and its
“world trees” boasted heights well over 500 feet. The Arali inhabitants stand in mute testament to the evil of the past.
explorers encountered, living among the Idrisil, a small
race of Gnomes known as the Rhona. THE YFTELAN WOOD
In the western reaches of the Idrisil Wood, the Rhona The Yftelan Wood lies in the western portion of the
have cultivated an almost impenetrable tangle of the Devastation. Originally a half drowned forest rising out of
native redwoods and undergrowth. They refer to it as the the murky waters of the Mire; the Yftelan was once a
“forest wall”. For thousands of years, this living wall has teeming place of vibrant life. Snakes, crocodiles and rare
protected the Rhona’s lightly settled lands from the Nagah birds made their homes in the shadowy pools of the forest.
to the west. The jungle-like forest died on the day of the Devastation,

Chapter Four Cyradon

but seems to have come back to life, twisted by the magics highlands. The irrigation dried the river so much that it
that fueled its demise. Faerie creatures, mad with pain, lure would only flow in the spring and fall rains. During these
travelers to their deaths in the black waters between the periods, the rain watered the hills and for about nine
trees. Strange creatures, descended from the chimerical weeks during each of the two seasons, the Marisant River
breeds of ancient times lurk in the darkness, waiting. The would flow again. Though the Shivan Arali have been
small villages of the poorest caste of Shival Arali stand only gone for centuries, their irrigation canals and ditches still
as empty husks, burned and haunted amidst the black trees. divert the waters for the majority of the year from
allowing the river to flow.
THE QUEEN’S WOOD The Marisant should have been an important route
The Queen’s Wood in the Daybreak Country, is for trade and communication, but with the waters being
4 considered the most beautiful forest of all, and is almost
more of a massive garden extolling the virtues of nature,
diverted for irrigation, the route was not reliable enough.
The Desnian Arali built an imperial highway along the
just to the north of the city of Janiel. Spruce trees march route of the Marisant, and the highway still stands today, a
down from the heights, framing the blue-grey rock of the huge stone dike looming over the red-brown mud of a
mountains. Below, the forest spreads out as far as the eye dead river.
can see – one thousand square miles of deciduous
woodland maintained for millennia through hard work THE MERIONA RIVER
and care. Delicate bridges cross the streams and pools of The Meriona River pours down from the Mountains
the woodlands. Mansions of the Janiel aristocracy rise out of the Moon, a branch of the Mountains of Morning that
of the trees, their design and construction molded into the runs to the west just north of the Melanae Forest. The
shapes and colors of the surrounding woodlands. Sea river is not large and is not navigable. It is a rushing,
breezes from the east rustle the leaves. Cold mountain roaring white-water river, pouring out of the pure white
winds dispel the warm summer air. At night, the stars snows of the northern mountain down into the green
shine down through a leafy canopy that is just open seaside planes. The ancient Mablungen Dwarves called it
enough to the sky. the “River of White Souls” and they cast offerings into its
ever-flowing waters, to be carried out into the endless sea.
CYRADON RIVERS The river, they said, was endless and pure, and brought the
souls of the sleeping dead home.
The Tanolain River is the mightiest river in THE JANIEL RIVER
Cyradon. The ancient Tanolain opened the heart of The Janiel River is born of two smaller rivers. The
Cyradon to the southern sea. A mile wide at its broadest Favalla, which flows down from Mount Favus, and the
point, the Tanolain drains from the freshwater Camal Jansel. From the summit of Mount Favus one can look
Sea to the Tanolain Delta. The river meanders its way west down upon the mists of the Whispering Hills,
slowly through the western hills of the Devastation. A north towards Ischea and east out over the ocean. The
strange, oily scum floats on top of the water now, word Favus means “vision” in the ancient elvish
causing the surface to reflect a rainbow of colors. The tongue, and the river is called the ‘River of Visions’.
Tanolain meets the Hannas River at the city of Jalapur. The river follows the line of the mountains south until
The water of the Hannas represents the western it reaches the Jansel, forming the Janiel River that
boundary of the Devastation. The clean mountain flows out into the Bay of the Moon. The Jansel is a
water endlessly drains the red poison of the sand, but much slower river draining northwards from the
just enough living water flows into the Tanolain to help foothills of the Mountains of Morning. The Jansel
dilute the poison before the river opens out to sea in meets the Favalla about 12 miles upstream from the
the tropical marshes of the Delta. The Tanolain flows city of Janieal. The resulting river, the Janiel River, is a
past towns and villages, hill forts and temples, all slow moving and broad river that flows past the white
ruined, standing like bare skeletons in the red dust of walls of the city of Janieal, opening onto three mas-
the western Devastation. sive, carved channels used as the harbor docks for the
city. Beyond the channels, the river meets the sea. The
THE MARISANT RIVER Janiel River is sometimes called the River of Lit
The Marisant River is a seasonal river that rarely Moon– beautiful white beacons burn along its banks
flows anymore. Once it was a small river draining the from the confluence to the sea, bathing the river in a
Camal Sea northwards to the Llyrius Delta. As the Shival pale white gleam. The lights illuminate a sadly quiet
Arali expanded their realm, they used the river for and empty Janiel harbor, where only dozens of ships
irrigating the notoriously difficult land of the central lie at anchor instead of the hundreds of ages past.

Chapter Four Cyradon

At one time, the wetlands of Cyradon were beautiful
and alive. The wetlands of the Tanolain Delta were home The Devastation is not a crater, nor is it a desert in
to a countless diversity of rare and exotic creatures. The the truest sense of the word. It is truly a lifeless, petrified
shady swamps of the Yftelan Mire were smaller, but no less place; the Devastation is better understood as a curse
alive; the swamps were home to deadly species of snake upon the soil, water and the air, leeching life directly
and spider and insect, but no less beautiful for all that. In from the land. The Devastation is more lifeless than even
the Sleep of Rivers, west beyond the Mountains of Evening the deserts of the Orsai Empire, where flowers sleep just
and even the Madairian Forest, ancient human ancestors below the surface waiting for the rain to fall so they may
lived in their crannog-like huts in the reeds safe from all
harm. That idyllic picture is no longer to be found.
bloom for an instant. When the rain falls upon the
Devastation, the red, gritty earth merely dies a little
more. But life here is not extinguished; rather it is frozen,
THE TANOLAIN DELTA LANDS petrified, oddly preserved, but no less desolate. At the
The Tanolain Delta lives still, bound by strange epicenter of the Devastation, much of Belynar still
magics and haunted by twisted creatures. The flowers and survives, its ancient stone buildings withstanding the
reeds still bloom and live, but the dilute poison of the worst fire in creation. The city is built of stone, on and in
Devastation continually seeps into the slow waters of the the slopes and core of an extinct volcano, and the Narsi
mudflats, killing and twisting. The lands are now hostile, magicians of old leeched much of their mana directly
threatening and uncomfortable. The air seethes and seems from its warm heart.
to suck the breath from a person’s lungs. Strange shadows In the immediate area of the epicenter, where the
play under the waters and the wind seems to come in otherworldly fire burned brightest, the earth was
slowly and limply, if there is any breeze at all. The Desnian scorched, turning the sand into a hard, cracked, glassy
Arali were all driven from the Tanolain Delta long ago and
they have no inclination to return any time soon. Some
force still lies at the fetid heart of the Delta wetlands, and
no one has challenged it yet.


The Yftelan Mire was once part of a large series of
wetlands spanning the area between the headwaters of the
Hannas River and the western shores of the Camal Sea.
Arali interference eventually changed this through irriga-
tion. Diverting large quantities of water to their own cause,
the Arali lowered the water table, shrinking the mire to its
present size. The snakes and lizards of the mire seemed to
become more dangerous and more poisonous. The Mire
today is doubly dead, a murdered land which had truly died
a millennium ago. Deep quagmires await the unwary
travelers, and strange fungi – the only living thing which
survived the fires of the devastation – release poisonous and
hallucinogenic spores into the water and dank air.
The Sleep of Rivers empties the confluences of a dozen
slow rivers pouring the green and muddy waters from the
Madairian Forest and the Mountains of Evening into the surface. The glassy sand is red and sharp, but if true,
coastal marshes that open out into the Naryan Sea. The clean, living water could fall upon it, the soil could be
lands are empty, wind scoured and brown with mud and restored. The land was rich once, but it was far from the
river grasses. But the Sleep of Rivers is alive. No living soul fertile, coastal elvish city-states of the east. That’s
has come to this land in a long time, and the Sleep of Rivers probably why the Narsin were allowed to take and keep
has been spared the tragedies that have befallen the land the city of Belynar for their own.
elsewhere. Just beneath the waters, visible at low tide, are the The desert runs for about 120 miles or more in
ruins of the old crannogs and villages of the ancient races. every direction from Belynar. The sand, finer and

Chapter Four Cyradon

sharper than normal sand, lies heavily on the ground. from the hills, accumulating in the small river channels.
Wind blows this sand easily, sending hot and sharp The rivers flooded in many places, stealing more soil away.
waves into the faces of travelers. The climate here was Safe in their cities, the Arali scarcely noticed. The lime-
once slightly warmer than the coastal plains, but not stone tops of the hillsides were bared giving an eerie skull-
the oven temperatures of the Orsai deserts. Now, like appearance.
however, the temperature is fiercely hot, day and night, Then came the Devastation. The soil was apparently
beyond the mountains. The sand retains some of the burned to a red sandy glass, the trees were blasted and
heat of that magical fire and the sand warms the air. burned into oblivion, the rivers dried up, the earth itself
This land is a freakish, unnatural desert, an abomina- was corrupted, and all living things died in one hideous
tion on an island of abominations. moment. It is often referred to as Bale Toshk Traka, the
Midnight Death Sun, because the entire area of the
Devastation glowed as bright as day for several hours once
Known as the Camal Highlands or the Neruda the Devastation had been triggered.
Highlands, the highlands are the true heart of the Devas- Now, the Highlands are a tangle of bare stony hills
tation. This series of rugged hills cut through by an with their distinctive limestone weathering bare to the
ancient complex of watersheds, all drain down into the sky. Winds of red sand slash up and down the valleys.
Camal Sea. The hills are largely limestone, and if Gryphon Dunes have accumulated from drifts of sand, and the
legends are to be believed, the entire region was sub- topography is almost unrecognizable when compared to
merged under a shallow sea hundreds of thousands of the years before the Devastation. The land had been a
years ago. The sea dried up long ago, leaving these beautiful variety of terrains, fauna and wilderness. Now
highland hills exposed and a true wilderness area for a it is a wasteland.
long time. The Tanolain River follows an old rift valley that
slopes towards the south and the sea. The flattest region in
the Highlands is the wide plateau that lies below the city
of Belynar, to its north. The plateau, broken only by a dry
lakebed and the remains of an ancient canal system,
spreads out for a hundred square miles north of the city.
The plateau, once well supplied with fresh water and
mostly sheltered from the prevailing wind, was home to
the richest farmland in the heart of Cyradon, at least
before the Devastation.
Because the wilderness was never fully tamed, ruins
are few and far between. However, here and there, an
explorer might find the remains of an old farming
community, temple, fortress or town. The beautiful
architecture that was marred by the Devastation is a
The Shivan Arali poignant reminder of what came before. A traveler would
built isolated farmsteads do well to beware these ruins come nightfall though. All
and eventually cities and sorts of creatures, twisted by the Devastation, inhabit the
fortresses, all self-sufficient. Dusty roads and game-trails highlands, and the ruins scattered across it.
linked these, villages and towns as small islands of Beneath the sand and barren hills, one can find the
civilization amidst the scrubland, rainforests, swampland old water channels and deep caves opened by millennia of
and vast savannah-like grasslands. The main avenue of rain and weathering. These places have a strange beauty to
communications was the Camal Sea, whose coast is them. Some even are far enough below the surface to
dotted with the ruins of little port towns. At one time, escape the poisons of the Devastation. Many of the larger
thousands of ships once plied their way across the sea cave complexes show signs of being inhabited. Devastation
and up and down the Tanolain River, but no longer. creatures sleep here, sustained by the fine trickle of living
Still, by the time of the Devastation, the Shivan Arali water bubbling up from beneath the earth. Schirae often
had managed to tame much of this inhospitable region. make their lairs in such places as well, using these caves to
They built their roads through the forests, built new towns launch raids against the Gryphons or Rhona.
and cut out a series of canals to link the outposts of their Travel is hard, maps are impossible to keep, and the
domain. Hundreds of years before the Devastation, a slow going is treacherous.
process of desertification had begun. Soil was eroding

Chapter Four Cyradon


Originally the heart of Arali trade on the west side of The Whispering Hills lie to the west of the Mountains
the Mountains of the Morning, the Camal Sea was where of Morning. The hills and the mountains beyond repre-
the Imperial Highways and the vast canals and the sent the high water mark of the terrible wave of sorcery
tributaries of the Tanolain all came together at the centre that tainted the land to the east of Belynar.
of the continent. Small ports dotting the shores of the sea The hills and lower slopes of the mountains are
sent goods to ports all across Cyradon. The fishermen shrouded in a thick soupy mist the never disperses. Those
plied a rich trade here. Now, the sea is a dead, sterile, few who enter the mist and live to return have claimed
poisoned place. The water tastes alkaline and putrid. Red that it is alive and that they can hear it whispering in both
scum floats on the waters and storms howl off the dying
waves, bringing stinging mists and vile rains. Even the
rage and pain.
Some Arali scholars believe that perhaps the mist is a
clearest water has a sickly greasy sheen to it. corrupted Veil, or perhaps created by the Schirae,
The Ritual of Eoustral saved some of the waters, perhaps formed by the Devastation itself somehow. All
bringing life back into its depths by healing and reviving that is known for sure is that for those who enter the
several of the largest underground springs deep beneath mist, breathing is difficult and sometimes even painful,
the surface of the sea. But even that may not be enough to and that it brings with it dizziness, and a loss of a
save this sea. The seas’ level had been dropping since person’s sense of direction.
before the Devastation as the little bays filled with silt and It has also been speculated that the mist may have
irrigation channels sucked the water away from the something to do with the many abominations and
Marisant River. However, with the return to life of the unusual creatures that have appeared on the central
powerful springs beneath the sea, its level may once again highlands. However, this has never been proved.
rise since many of those irrigation ditches have long been
filled in by sand blowing across the Devastation. THE GAP OF ORIUS
The Gap of Orius is the small valley between the
THE SCHIRAE TRAILS foothills of the Ashman to the south and the tail end of
The old elvish roads, carved by ancient elemental the Shival Mountains to the north. The Gap is sixty
sorcery and expert stonemasonry, still crisscross the land. miles wide, and it is a journey of one hundred and
Close to the epicenter of Belynar shifting sands now seventy miles from the western entrance to the eastern
obscure the roads. These small roads, barely wide enough narrow. On either side of the Gap, at the narrow
for two carriages to pass one another were the grand, entrances, stand a pair of huge pillars carved out of
thoroughfares connecting the few cities of the central granite and marble. These huge statues are ages old,
highlands. The roads were raised anywhere from a few and their features worn well away by wind and time,
inches, to several feet above the surrounding terrain to and barely recognizable as humanoid in form. Collec-
give those who traveled them as smooth and level a ride as tively, they are known as the White Sentinels because of
possible. They were paved with hard, deep-seated rock their sheen in the noontime sun.
that never rutted, and never softened. The road’s bound-
aries were marked with small white marble domes only a
few inches high. Nearer to the towns, every second dome
was crowned with a brazier, burning eternally, lighting a
traveler’s way.
Built during the time of the Narsi in Belynar, the
roads connected elvish lands in the east to all of the major
cities on the central highlands and even north to the city
of Neras, which was built shortly before the Devastation.
Now, these roads are mostly submerged, the wild
desert winds having long ago thrown the red glass sand The Gap is one of the few places in the central high-
across everything. No one is left to see to the mainte- lands that was fully protected from the Devastation, even
nance or upkeep, or to clear the sands away. These roads more so than the few valleys scattered deep within the
belong to the Schirae now. They now use the elvish Shival Range. While the lands all around it were damaged
creations to visit war and death upon the Elves. Some- by the Devastation, the Gap was untouched. The Devasta-
times the Schirae clear the roads, at other times they tion just ends abruptly at the feet of the White Sentinels.
mark the old way with Balefires, an ancient magic that The Gap would seem to be a perfect place to settle
produces a translucent green flame visible only to those down, except that the natural lay of the land acts as a
who can sense magic. natural wind funnel. This focuses and intensifies of the

Chapter Four Cyradon

winds and gales coming up from the Tanolain Delta. The and constructs were blown from the lands and the grand
sky above the small valley located in the center of the homes of the Shival aristocracy were blasted down to rock.
Gap is a churning whirlwind, helping to increase the Beyond, to the north, the Yftelan marshlands
speed of the wind before it shoots out through the represented the boundary of the Shival realm. In the
eastern pass. Not even the Gryphons can fly through this south, the grasslands were bordered by the Tannolain
constant maelstrom. and Hannas Rivers.
Ground travel through the Gap is quite easy, and
often unhindered by the deadly winds above. However, the THE CITY OF BELYNAR
Gap is filed with the unceasing roar of the wind above,
making communication almost impossible. Perhaps it was
4 for this reason that nobody ever settled there.


Long stretches of empty desert lie to the west of the
inland sea, land that was once farmland and home to
the wealthiest aristocrats of the Shival Arali. These Arali
were the first to invest in Narsi projects to build
constructs. The Shivals of the western territories
wanted cheap labor, and the Narsi constructs appeared
to be a perfect solution.

The haunting, ruined city of Belynar stands at the

heart of Cyradon. Much of Cyradon’s sad and tragic
history has occurred here or been influenced by the city.
Now, the city stands at center of events again: the rebirth
of the continent begins here. In the shattered ruins of old,
arrogant and decadent cultures, the refugee newcomers
are determined to make the city their home. Under the
guidance of the Gryphons and the Rhona, they have taken
the first steps to putting the land to rights.
Recently, the area was a dead wasteland. Now, because
of the Rhona, a small fragile rebirth has occurred. The cost
of this action was tremendous. One of the precious,
incredibly rare Tears of Life was sacrificed in the Ritual of
Eoustral. Skaldi poets call the newborn realm “the Re-
Awakened Land.”
The land is not the only thing that has “Re-Awak-
ened”. Egg-laying creatures of both the sky and the land
once again roam the area around Belynar. Over the
course of a single night and the day that followed, both
the petrified eggs of creatures and plant life of all types
With rich lands were not only restored, but it seemed that several months
producing rich crops, worth of time passed for them in those few hours. Birds
the Shivals of these lands were hatched and grew to full size in mere hours. Crops of
wealthy and leisured. With the aid of the Narsi and their fruit, vegetables, and grains planted long ago and
constructs, they never had to worry about toiling the destroyed by the Devastation again sprouted and were
fields. While other Arali were aghast at this flagrant ready to harvest by the end of the day. What had once
decadence, there was nothing they could do about it, had looked like weeks of slow starvation, privation and
they even wished to. despair was replaced with hope and joy.
When the Devastation came it seemed to take out an The Shival Range is dotted with a dozen weather
especial vengeance on the western territories. The houses worn volcanic ‘plugs’ (the Gryphon name for these

Chapter Four Cyradon

mountains is the ‘Blunt Hills’), one of which is the heart of damaged; the Devastation was not the only force that
Belynar. Looming above the Blunt Hills are higher alpine assailed it.
mountains, far younger and sharper, the home of the The city is the very heart of the Devastation, the place
Gryphons of the Blunt Hills Eyrie. These mountains are from where the waves of pain and death and sorcery broke
filled with lodes of metal, just waiting to be mined. through, but peculiarly, here and there, one can find places
Belynar looks out across the highland plains. Cliffs the deadly energies didn’t touch.
rise up on either side, towering sandstone rocks. Like The human refugees arrived into a large courtyard
other cities of Cyradon, Belynar is built from the living called the Gates of Morning. The courtyard was long,
rock of a mountainside. Unlike other cities, it is also built wide and awe inspiring, looking out over the red sands of
into the rock of the volcano. With its distinctive Cyrad
architecture and design, Belynar is unique.
The City of Belynar has had many occupants, over
the Devastation. But it is just a small shelf – a former
meeting place for the rich in ancient times – a tiny part
of a vast city.
the millennia. At one point it was home to hundreds of The city is built on many ledges – Streitos in the
thousands of people. The city spread all the way around language of the Cyrads, a word meaning both “street”
the mountain. A hierarchy of property is obvious: the and “shelf.” On the mountain –facing side of each
richer folks lived higher up the mountain, on the east Streitos, huge, mansion-sized buildings of many designs
side, facing the dawn and a spectacular view of the plains and sizes have been built, cut into the bedrock of the
and the distant peaks of the Mountains of Morning. mountain. Each Streitos is linked by sets of stairs – for
Poorer folk built homes on the western side; but even humans - and gentle ramps – for horses and carts.
there, the views were spectacular – mountain water falls Independent from the Streitos, thousands of people lived
with white water sluicing down from the permafrost to in smaller buildings and cottages up the mountain
the valleys below. slopes, and down around the lakeshore. Most of these
Inside the city were workshops, forges, and other wooden cottages and outbuildings were destroyed in The
places of creation and storage. The volcano may have been Devastation. A few shells of these smaller houses remain:
dormant, but the magma still came close to the surface, a few crumbling walls or scattered stones where families
warming the stone foundations of the city. Deep in the lived. The streitos mansions are made from marble and
furnace-hot chambers where magma still ran, mages and granite, and roofed with pale slate and are beautiful to
their servants forged their creations. Hundreds feet above, behold. They are very fine and sturdy buildings that
at the bottom of the bowl of the crater, the mages built a survived the destruction of the city, and centuries of age
vast courtyard. They may have intended to use it as a and neglect. There are enough streitos mansions to
stadium, but even at noon, little light shone down to the house the entirety of the refugee population so that even
bottom. To the east and the west, the mages excavated old the poorest of the Tarahiri, Skaldi, Gryx or Orsai, even
lava tunnels and turned them into wide avenues. The those with the lowest social status, can now dwell amidst
western tunnel led to the huge freshwater lake that formed the Narsi finery of old.
the city’s core water supply. The eastern tunnel led out At the summit of the mountain, four beacon towers
onto a wide, sunlit courtyard that was the place for the once stood. The cone at the top of the hill is irregular, so a
greeting of dignitaries. lot of work went into making the beacon towers appear to
The courtyard overlooks a long dry lakebed. There are be of equal height and size. The beacon towers were
ruined houses scattered around the lakeside; they have covered with white limestone and bright blames burned
been bleached white an age ago. Huge, fertile and produc- here every night. Now two towers remain, and they are
tive farms were once found beyond the roads. To the broken and almost ruined.
northeast, just north of the northern road, vast ruins of a
See Chapter 8: Belynar – The City of Gryphons for
coliseum stand. Blasts of sorcerous energy have torn away
more information
at the walls, and at the spectator’s enclosure. What’s more,
the various entrances to the labyrinth below (and such a
thing can be assumed to exist) have been blocked off and
sealed solid with what can only be described as molten
metal poured into each of the entrances and exits.
The Southern Road skirts the side of the lakebed and
then follows the line of the mountains south and out of
sight. Eventually, it leads to the old elvish Imperial
Highway. Little walled ruins lie scattered out amongst the
sandy wasteland, and the coliseum has been particularly

Chapter Four Cyradon

THE BLUNT HILL EYRIE The Gryphons of the Blunt Hill Eyrie are a tough,
caustic and ill-tempered lot. They come from all of the
The Blunt Hill Eyrie is the smallest of the Gryphon Eyries, Gryphon tribes, and are outcasts and mavericks. They
a small community of Gryphons living in the peaks just below were given leave to rebuild this eyrie, and look down on
the snowline on the high crags of the Shival peaks to the south the “cursed city” (as Gryphon lore names it) in return for
of Belynar. The eyrie overlooks Belynar and from its outposts, overseeing the city and ensuring that the magicians never
one can see almost everything that occurs in the city. Like other return. If the Narsi return or any who may wish to
Eyries, its denizens do not dwell exclusively within the Eyrie’s emulate their folly take up residence, they are to be slain.
boundaries. Some of the younger Gryphons actually make
nests for themselves – rooms, to be more accurate – in Belynar,
4 and in some of the farmer’s cottages scattered around.
The Daybreak Country is the home of ancient
elvish civilizations.
The Eastern Ocean bounds the Daybreak Country
to the east and by the Mountains of Morning to the
west. The Daybreak Country refers not only to the
coastal lands on the continent itself, but also the islands
to the east of Cyradon. The islands, Penlasse, Desnia
and Arimispia are large, mountainous realms. Two of
them play host to extensive elvish cultures. The third is
barred to the Elves by ancient law. Though all Elves
refer to their protected realm as the “Daybreak Coun-
try” they are not united as one, and no single power
dominates the others.

dark twisted

Chapter Four Cyradon

The Daybreak Country has only been inhabited by the The Ischim forbade travel along these roads once they
Arali Elves for a little less than 1700 years. The oldest elvish closed their borders, well before they disappeared com-
cities are almost certainly Janiel and its sister city, and oft-times pletely. Now no one travels these roads for fear of what ever
rival, Emmanel. Janiel and Emmanel watch over the fertile caused the fall of Ischea. Stories abound of lone travelers
coastal plain, and dominated much of the ocean going travel. attempting to use these old roads disappearing some where
along the way. Rumor has it that the Ischim built a system
THE RUINS OF ISCHEA of roads of their own, linking their strange and chthonic
Ischea was a young Elven nation that broke off from temples and cities, but the way onto these roads from the
the traditional views of the Janiel and Desnian kingdoms main ones were hidden and one could spent a mortal
centuries ago. It was ruled by Nathalie, the Lady of the
Ischim, from her capital city of Lindoranen.
Some say that the fall of Ischea was a penalty for
lifetime searching for them without success. The rumor
continues that anyone found looking for these roads could
expect to be slain by the mysterious denizens of the forest.
Nathalie’s arrogance in breaking away from Desnia and The mountain city of Lindoranen, the ‘Amber City’
Janieal, and that the combined might of those nations was sits on the mouth of the Lindal River and at sunset, can be
more than the young Ischea could bear. Others claim the fall seen from far out to sea. Sailors and Pirates alike steer a
of Ischea was proof of the queen’s ties to the darker aspects of wide course from these waters as well. Any ships that
witchcraft that she used to rule and protect her nation. ventured to close have never been seen again, all cargos
No one knows what truly happened to cause the fall and crews lost.
of the proud and secretive nation of Ischea, but all sensible Most maps portray Ischea as a forest. Some older
folk agree that something dark, mysterious and definitely documents suggest that the realm had three major cities and
dangerous lurks there now. Even seasoned travelers and a dozen smaller ones as well as a number of ancient temples,
adventures know enough to fear treading too closely to many dating back to a time before the coming of the Elves.
this oppressing forest kingdom. A name frequently mentioned on these older maps is
The City of Lindoranen was the throne city of Ischea. the temple or city of Ardana. No two maps agree as to the
Lying in the sultry tropical north of the Daybreak Coun- location of this place. Ardana, they say, is the heart of
try, it was once known as the Amber city, as it was carved darkness, the blackest place in a black land, and potentially
from the strange translucent amber-colored rock found the true source of the downfall of the Ischean Elves.
here but nowhere else in the world. At sunrise and sunset, Those who remember encountering an Ischean Elves
the sun catches the minarets of the city and illuminates recall them as charming, highly educated and witty
the moss covered amber stones, bathing the ruins in an company. They appeared a little more focused perhaps,
eerie greenish-golden light. but certainly not evil. It should also be noted that there are
Ischea was, and still is a tropical hardwood rainforest, a no Gryphon eyries within the borders of Ischea, and the
place where the humid climes of old remain, and were once Gryphons will not enter the realm, under any circumstan.
home to the mysterious and compulsive Ischim. The land is
dark, dense and almost impenetrable, and most other beings RAMSEL
(Elves, Rhona, or otherwise) consider the climate to be too Ramsel was once a small Arali city-state. It was built
humid. The forests have a peculiar feeling or sense of on the western side of the Mountains of Morning, and
“otherness” that even some supernatural creatures fear. served as a major trade city between the Shivan Elves of
Ischea’s southern border is not a fixed thing. It seems the central highlands and the Arali Elves of the coast. The
to truly begin along the foothills of the easterly spur of the Elves of Janieal had a sister city that mirrored Ramsel on
Mountains of Morning just north of the Queen’s Wood. the eastern slopes of the Mountains of Morning, the
Because of the humidity and vastness of the forests, the mining and smithing city of Mirdana.
realm generates its own weather, as clouds form from the Ramsel was at the height of its glory during the years
tree’s breath in the mornings, and drop rain back on the following the arrival of the Narsi in Belynar. The presence
forest in the evening. The heavy, hazy, silvery shadow of of the mages brought many Elves from the coast,
the realm can be seen for a long way off, even as far south especially for the coliseum games once they began. Ramsel
as the estuary of the Janiel River. The strange hues and became more than just a small trading city; it became a
density of the clouds is a constant reminder of the major stopover point for those traveling to Belynar.
impenetrable mystery and threat of the realm. Then came the Devastation. Ramsel, like many other
There are two roads cutting through the realm, towns and cities was destroyed by magical energy that
stretching from the port of Janieal to Qumar, one running washed over the central highlands. Many of its citizens were
along the mountains and one running along the coast. The killed, or worse. In the centuries since the Devastation, the
coast road turns inland to meet the mountain road about Arali have left the ruins of Ramsel strictly alone. Very few of
100 miles south of Lindoranen. the Schirae have even ventured far into the ruins.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Ruler: Gabrialla, of the House of Queens
Capital: the Throne City of the realm is the city of Janieal.
The full name of the realm is the Protectorate of the city
of Janieal.
Population: ca. 1,000,000
Races: Janieal Arali (92%), Rhona (6%), Desnian Arali (2%).

4 Government: Monarchy, advised by a council of state,

elected by the nobility.
Religion: The people of Janieal are ancestor worshippers
paying homage to their predecessors on the high days of
the year.
Major Towns: The city of Emmanel is the second
largest city of Janieal. The military garrison of the
Watchtowers forms the smallest city. The other major
city in the realm of Janiel is the forge city of
Mirdana, just north of the Watchtowers guarding the
pass to Ramsel.
Provinces: The realm is divided almost equally into
twelve duchies, assigned in trust for the people of Janiel
to the nobility. The duchies are redrawn with every new
monarch, so the exact layout shifts constantly.
Enemies/Allies: Janieal is the natural rival to Desnian
ambition, and while the two realms respect each other
grew rich and powerful, Janieal endured, quietly, slowly
and share a common bloodline and common nobility
and thoughtfully building a large, wealthy and calm realm,
(through intermarriage), Janieal’s different philo-
one without any of the will to power of the Desnians and
sophical and intellectual tradition often puts it at odds
none of the blatant consumption of the Shivans. Janieal is
with Desnia. Still, along with Aneirin and Desnia, the
said to be the moderate voice of the Arali, a realm and a
people of Janiel keep watch over the Devastation and
people who place noblesse oblige and the pursuit of
the Schirae. The lords of Janiel are on good terms with
knowledge and wisdom far above the hollow accomplish-
the Gryphons of all the eyries of Cyradon and the
ments of their fellows.
Rhona people.
Janieal is the greatest of the cities, carved from the
Major Products: The Arali of Janieal are the finest white marble of the southerly reaches of the Sunrise
armorers in the world. Their weapons and armor are Mountains. Janieal is said to be the oldest of all the
sold to Aneirin, Desnia, Penlasse, Llyrius and Ciastan. Arali cities, and home to the Hall of the Elders, the
Ciastan, in turn, sells them to both Cairnus and the five greatest royal court. It is a hotbed of intrigue, both
city-states of the Nagaral. The lowland plains west of mercantile and political. Janieal and its subject city of
Emmanel produce rich crops such as wheat. The Arali Emmanel control the largest Arali kingdom (referred to
also raise sheep and kine in the pasturelands further as the Realm of Janieal, if it is spoken about at all),
south. Janieal fishermen feed themselves and their maintaining the watchtowers guarding the passes
towns with year round catches. Janieal has been through the mountains from the Devastation and
attempting to become self sufficient since the years maintaining the old highways. In the centuries before
following the Devastation. the Devastation, Janieal entered into a disastrous
If Desnia is the realm that dominates the lives of the alliance with Desnia. Janieal’s authority and reputation
Elves and represents the Arali’s crown of power, Janieal was used to further Desnia’s political aims. The people
represents the heart of the Arali kindred. Janieal was the of Janieal still blame the Devastation on Desnian
first place the Arali anchored when the arrived in Cyradon ambitions and tinkering.
and it is the oldest of the elvish realms. When the Shivans

Chapter Four Cyradon

When the Shivans were carving out a vast empire to

the west and building vast cities and temples, the Arali of
Janieal built the twin cities of Emmanel and Janieal. The city of Emmanel is Janieal’s twin “in honor and
Though carved from the earth like other elvish cities, the prestige” set against the Aeris Mountains that guard the
sister cities appear to have grown from the land that realm of Janieal from the sea winds. Emmanel is the
somehow rock and rain and the movements of the earth poet’s city, while Janiel is the Queen’s city. It stands at the
conspired to build a city, a place where no mortal or eastern end of the Southern Highway and in ancient
immortal hands have touched. times its position made it rich from transporting goods
So while the Shivans gave way to the power of back and forth across the Bay of the Moon to Janieal.
Although the caravans no longer come, and the acad-
Desnia and both the Desnians and the Shivans fell from
grace during the Devastation, Janieal survived, almost
untouched. While Janieal has a large and effective army,
emies of poetry and tragedy no longer throng with
students, the city remains rich.
it is one dedicated to defense. Janieal has a powerful The focus of the city is the Tower of the Daystar, a long
inshore navy, but they do not attempt to extend their elegant white spire that soars up from the mountainside up
influence beyond their borders. This lack of meddling past the gaps in the peaks behind. It stands at 900 feet tall,
has given Janieal a great deal of respect and indeed, and from there one can look through the gaps on the Aeris
influence, over their neighbors. peaks and look outwards the sea and the rising sun. Atop
Still, the politics and intrigues of the Daybreak the tower sits a huge crystal which catches the first rays of
Country flow around Janieal. It has had occasion to the sun and reflects them in all directions. This beacon can
attempt to counterbalance Desnia’s power (seeing Desnia be seen for many miles in all directions. It is rumored that
as being powerful, but somewhat foolish). These external on a cloudless day, you can see the light of the Daystar
politics dominate Janieal’s internal politics: various beacon from Janieal.
factions demand closer relations with Desnia (or more Emmanel is still a major population center, with
distant relations); others see Janieal’s position vis-à-vis about a fifth of the realm’s population dwelling here. The
the realm of Aneirin as weakening Janieal’s society. Other city has a rather different atmosphere than any of the
political factions seem to stem from feuds and intrigues other Arali cities. It feels cosmopolitan, restful and safe.
generated by the external politics, and thus the city of Here, if nowhere else, the Elven love of living and lust for
Janiel is a hotbed of political infighting. The House of pleasure and comfort has found a natural home. Strangers
Queens, the ruling household of the realm remains aloof come and go, traveling from all across the Daybreak
from these conflicts, but the House of Queens needs Country and the Isles to sample the fine wines and other
advisors and ministers, and those advisors and ministers delights of the Poet’s City.
are not aloof.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Ruler: Prince Absalan is the monarchial ruler and Royal
Council elected by the aristocracy.
Capital: The Haven of Desnia.
Population: 600,000
Races: Desnian Arali (98%), Rhona (1%), Gryphons (1%).
Government: Militaristic oligarchy.

4 Religion: A heavily ritualistic religion of ancestral

worship. Some observers have noted that the ritual is more
important than the actual worship.
Major Towns: There are no other major Arali towns – the
other communities live in scattered villages and armed
garrisons. The ancient Tysteres Eyrie of the Gryphons,
where the lord of the Gryphons dwells sits in the moun-
tains looking down on the Haven of Desnia.
Provinces: The various noble families of Desnia have
carved up the island into packages of territory, and they all
sponsor military garrisons and training areas “for the
good of the nation.” This means the island is divided into breeding of horses. Desnian horses are the only horses upon
roughly twenty four small “counties” which have no Cyradon, and Desnia holds a near monopoly on them.
official significance, but plenty of de-facto power. Desnia is also the only source of pearls in Cyradon. These
Enemies/Allies: Desnia is Cyradon’s hyper-power. Its gems are highly prized and sought after
small sizes belie its huge influence. The Desnians like to Desnia is a mighty island kingdom located on the
imagine themselves alone against the world. The realm is easternmost of the isles. It grew over the years, into a
not threatened by any neighbors, but it is the cause of a lot powerful Arali kingdom that dominated the affairs of
of resentment amongst the other races and elvish peoples much of Cyradon. Desnia was not an empire, rather a
Major Product: Desnia is a major consumer of goods. Even “hyper power” economically, militarily and influentially
now, when trade is sparse, Desnia imports much of what it superior to all its rivals. Desnia was at its height before the
needs. The only areas in which Desnia specializes are in the Devastation and the Arali of Desnia remain arrogant and
construction of warships, the training of soldiers, and the retain much of their innate sense of superiority. They have
a powerful military and vast navy, but their society

Chapter Four Cyradon

continues to fracture. Many Desnian maps still record the Desnia is also home to the Gryphon’s Ancient Eyrie,
continent being named “Desnia.” Desnian culture is deeply the Eyrie of Tysteres, which sits far above the city of
conservative. That conservatism works against it, and Desnia, unapproachable by any, and home to the High
Desnia has become increasingly alienated from its King of the Gryphons.
neighbors. Desnia remains the pre-eminent power, with
finances, a military and a spirit that makes it impossible to PENLASSE
ignore. Desnian warriors ensure the Schirae do not Ruler: The Desnian Vice Admiral of
overwhelm the Daybreak Country, and Desnian fleets the Fleet rules Penlasse in the
guard the coast name of Desnia. His writ
When the human magicians came to Desnia, the
humans merely confirmed what the Elves had known all
along: the Desnians were the most important of the elvish
does not extend far
beyond the capital.
Instead the indi-
kindreds, and the natural leaders of the Arali. But as the vidual communi-
Narsi discovered, strength, intelligence, and creativity is no ties elect leaders.
substitute for wisdom. Capital: Palas
As Desnia’s power and influence advanced, Desnia began
to specialize. They abandoned farming, and started import- Population:
ing much of their food requirements. They turned 350,000
pasturelands into vast training areas for their armies and Races: Arali (66%),
their cavalry. They raised horses (though, obviously, not for Rhona (21%),
slaughter) on the old farmland. The only area where Desnia Gryphons (13%).
was self-sufficient was in its fishing and pearl industries, but Government: Feudal
Desnian sailors did not man the Desnian trawlers. The ships system with lands and titles
were crewed with sailors from other nations, hired specifically offered by the Desnian aristocracy
for those tasks as the Desnians considered it beneath them. in return for allegiance.
Desnia evolved a peculiarly aristocratic society where
only warriors (and veteran warriors at that) were allowed Religion: None.
a voice in society. This practice continues to this very day, Major Towns: The Haven of Windward, on the south
so much so that Desnia has started to atrophy. It is not a eastern shore of the north isle, and the Eyrie of Miralyr in
nation or a realm. It is the world’s richest and most the Sinare Mountains on the southern island.
powerful aristocracy with an attendant army. Provinces: For administrative purposes, the realm is
The city of Desnia is a squat grey, working city of straight, divided into two provinces, the north and south isles. A
broad avenues and high defensive walls. The city exists to Desnian noble on behalf of the Vice Admiral of the Fleet
provide a home for the Desnian royalty and to service the administrates each province.
needs of the vast Desnian navy. There are no galleries, no
Enemies/Allies: Penlasse has no real enemies, being
theatres, no temples, no parks and no monuments.
shielded from all invaders by the sea. The Penlasseal
The king is always referred to as a “Prince.” This is a
people tolerate the Desnian overlord-ship, and generally
diminutive term, ensuring that the king respects the
ignore it. However it is possible that Penlasse could find
authority of the powerful aristocratic Royal Council. It is
itself fending off a Desnian invasion.
also used because of the old Desnian conceit that one day
a Desnian would become the High King of all the Elves of Penlasse is famous for its warm climate, white sand
the world. Until that day comes, they say, the Desnian king beaches and crystal clear seas. The people of Penlasse are a
remains a Prince. mixed group of Arali from Desnia and Janieal, Rhona, and
Desnia has a new king. Prince Absalan has risen the Danae of Aneirin. The Gryphons of Penlasse also mingle
through the ranks of the army and taken his father’s with the other races quite freely. The majority of the inhabit-
throne after his father’s ship sank on a voyage to the ants of Penlasse are those from the other nations who have
northern isles. Absalan is young, and he bristles against tired of the many political games played between the nations.
the authority and conservatism of the royal council. Penlasse is supposedly in alliance with Desnia, but its
Still, to many Elves, Desnia’s time is long past. The realm people remain clear of politics. Penlasse is home to many
is too ossified, too top heavy and brittle to survive a serious other Arali who wish to avoid the politics of the other
crisis. Even Prince Absalan knows that his realm is under city-states. The Arali of Penlasse will happily describe
threat. He does not know where the threat will come from. themselves as “elvish” or “Penlasseal” before calling
The knowledge has made him reactionary and preemptive, as themselves Desnian, Janieal or even Arali.
he tries to prevent every issue becoming a crisis.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Penlasse is the northern-most of the Easterly Isles.

Separated from the southern isle of Desnia by the Wind-
ward Straits, Penlasse was once part of a larger landmass AN-MAINYA & MAINYA
that linked Desnia and Penlasse to Cyradon. Ancient An-Mainya is a Gryphon term for
cataclysms, the movement of the earth and undersea royalty. It most often refers to the princes of
earthquakes broke the isles apart, and flooded the lands the royal line of Gryphons who rules the
between. Penlasse is therefore very similar in appearance, various eyries and who report to the Mainya,
flora and fauna, to Desnia. or king, of the Gryphons.
Penlasse is the overall name given to the two northern
isles. Both isles are close together, with but a stretch of two
4 miles separating them. The small strait was, in ages past, a
deep lake. Eventually the sea broke in on either side and
claimed the freshwater depths for its own, eroding away
the thin line of hills on either side.
The northern isle is the richest, comprising of
relatively flat, lowland terrain that is both fertile and Ruler: The Island is administered by the An-Mainya of the
easily farmed. The isle retains a great deal of its primeval Gryphons, from the ancient Eyrie of Tysteres on Desnia.
tree cover and thus the soil is spared from the erosion Capital: The largest eyrie is Gemar on the southern sweep
caused by the constant whipping winds that sweep of the island.
easterly from the permanent storms that surround the
Population: 18,000
Stormhold, to the west.
Races: Gryphons (100%). No others are known to live here.
The southern isle is home to the city of Palas, where
the Penlasseal royal court meets. The city is more of a Government: The Island is a protectorate of the An-
stronghold, a redoubt, than a city and its utility is almost Mainya of the Gryphons. The An-Mainyas of the two
purely defensive and administrative. Trade happens in the Eyries owe fealty to the Mainya of the ancient Desnian
low lands, in temporary farmers’ fairs and small towns. Eyrie of Tysteres.
Palas sits on a honeycomb of supposedly Mablung carved Religion: The Island’s Gryphons are animists.
tunnels that can provide refuge for every soul on the Major Towns: Piremor is the other major Eyrie, on the
southern isle in times of crisis. The Deep Redoubt has north sweep of the island.
never been used, as no invaders have ever truly landed
upon their shores. Provinces: For administrative reasons, the island is
The southern isle, despite the presence of the royal divided into two provinces, known as the protectorate of
court and throne city, is a poorer place, but also marked Gemar (south) and the protectorate of Piremor (north)
by a primal, wild, natural beauty. The high slopes of the
Sinare Mountains are craggy and empty and almost
heartbreakingly beautiful. The land is desolate and alien
and untouched by mortal hands. Few Arali dwell here.
In the intrigue-ridden maelstrom that is Arali politics,
Penlasse is considered to be a tributary realm to Desnia.
Desnia considers Penlasse to be a subsidiary ally and as
such, ignores it. This suits the Penlasseal people. They
consider the games of state and trade that rage between
Janieal, Desnia and Aneirin to be both infantile and
divisive. They have never been wronged by any of these
powers, so why should they wish to take sides. Since
Penlasse is considered to be firmly in Desnia’s “camp,”
Desnian diplomats and Janiel politicians don’t bother
attempting to inveigle Penlasse in their intrigues.
Penlasse does not keep a standing army, or a navy. It
does have a well-equipped and well-manned coast guard,
which exists to both rescue endangered mariners and to
defend against seaborne assault. Inland, a small number of
military orders help guard the realm.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Enemies/Allies: The Island is a safe have for the Curiously, though the isle is the ancestral home of
Gryphons. The southernmost of the eastern isles, the royal Arimispian line of the Gryphons, the Tysteres
Arimispia is closed to the Elves. A few small fishermen’s Eyrie, the Gryphon High King’s throne eyrie is not on
havens are allowed, and the occasional elvish mystic this isle: it is on Desnia. But to the Gryphons, Desnia
seeking solitude for contemplation is sometimes toler- and Arimispia are but one territory, ruled by the High
ated. But this land belongs to the Gryphons, and the King. Gryphons wishing to approach their high king
Gryphons will not accept any challenge here. must make the long and arduous journey across the
The isle of Arimispia is in actuality almost two straits and request
smaller isles. It is an audience.
formed of two larger
landmasses linked by a
long peninsula. The
Though the
Arimispians are
more likely to
waters around the indulge in pomp
peninsula is very and ceremony than
shallow, and at low tide any other tribe, the
a traveler can walk out mere fact that a
across the bay on foot Gryphon would take
and look on the sunken the trouble to brave
fields and forests, lost the winds of the
under the water. straits is enough to
The isle is similar to make the High King
the other isles; it is grant an audience.
mountainous wild and Behind the formal-
unkempt and prone to ity, Gryphon
extremes of temperature egalitarianism
found nowhere else on remains intact.
Cyradon. The isle is The isle is home
pristine, primeval and to the Gryphon Eyrie
wild. Wild herds of deer, of Piremor, a smaller
boars and bison roam town than the
the pasturelands on the Ancient Eyrie, but
west, leeward, side of the still impressive. The
isle. The circle of life is Eyrie overlooks the
well balanced: the herds sheltered western
are regulated to prevent forest, and is home to
them overgrazing, or the Whitewings, the
over breeding. The sea eagle featured
Gryphons only hunt the Gryphons who hunt
food they need. Other and fish in the wild
predators, including seas of the ocean.
wolves, are left alone to Further south,
hunt naturally. on the southernmost shore (said to be the southernmost
The western part of the isle is a plain, broken only by place in Cyradon) lays the eyrie of Gemar (the Gryphons
low granite hills, and small forests. The prevailing wind is call much of the southern landmass of Arimispia
from the east, so the mountains shelter the western lands Gemar). Gemar is the place where the Gryphon farmers
from the worst of the weather. The eastern side is also a and vintners make much of the wine, juice and produce
plain, but it is far rockier and more broken. Gales howl which the Gryphons of the other eyries consume (and
constantly out of the ocean and blast against the rocky indeed, trade with elvish realms such as Desnia and
shore. The land here is heavily forested, with oak and Janieal). The eyrie sits in a sheltered river valley, a few
beech in the lowlands, and pines further inland on the miles from the southern shore. In the valley, the
mountainsides. The wind is so strong that the shoreline is Gryphons grow vines for their wines and trees for their
covered in crippled, stunted oaks, no more than a dozen apples. Further inland, to the northeast, the Gryphons
feet high, at most, which form an almost impenetrable maintain vast fields under cultivation.
maze of branches and brambles.

Chapter Four Cyradon


Ruler: Lord Jarlon currently holds the position of
South of the Devastation lies the swampy delta of the
Speaker, and thus heads the council.
River Tanolain, whose tributaries rise in the Mountains of
Evening and flow down to the southern ocean. Most of Capital: Selant
these waters pass through the Devastation and are cursed Population: 15,000
by it. Drinking the seemingly living and fresh water of the
Races: Arali (96%), Aoifar (1%), Danae (3%).
Tanolain south of the Devastation can cause sickness and
sometimes death. Even worse, the drinker becomes tainted Government: A council of Princelings rules this city. Every

4 by the Devastation, although this is a long and slow

process. The river seems to glow a sickly green at night,
and while it still brings life to the estuary lands, the life is
10 years, they elect a new Speaker, who acts as the leader of
the council.
Religion: None
twisted and sickened by the curse. Major Towns: Jalapur and Taravant (both uninhabited)
The lands are warm, tropical and vibrant. Birds not
seen in millennia nest in the trees and strange, almost
Provinces: None.
extinct animals make their homes in the rainforests and
the deep valleys. No Schirae dares enter these lands, Enemies/Allies: The Princelings consider the Aoifar to be
because a strange power protects it. their allies, especially as the Aoifar continue to guard the
These lands are understood to begin, in the east, on southern border of the Madiarian Forest, keeping incursions
the boundaries of the Danae’s forest kingdom, and in the of Nagah down to almost nil. The Schirae are only an
west, in the foothills of the Mountains of Evening. The occasional problem, rarely venturing into the southlands, but
land is technically all rainforest, with tropical hardwoods when they do, the Princelings are quick to cut them down.
to be found almost everywhere.
In topographical terms, the southlands are relatively
flat, its wide vistas only broken by the occasional range of
low, rolling hills and clumps of rainforest. The lowland
plains sit on top of a layer of sedimentary rock, broken only
by limestone veins. The limestone reaches have better
drainage, but more treacherous traveling. Under the
limestone lay pothole caves and underground rivers that eat
away at the ground – and sometimes the ground gives way.
In general though, the land above these limestone veins is
rich and fertile, and though no one tends it, beautiful
flowers and plants spring from the earth. The only excep-
tion is the slightly taller range of hills, the fifteen sisters,
which rise on the western side of the Tanolain River. These
hills are born of limestone too, but their earthen crown has
long ago been blown away by the wind, leaving bare scarred
rock frowning down over the land.

Hidden somewhere deep within the swampy delta of

the River Tanolain, Selant has escaped the notice of the
other Arali for over 5 centuries and that is the way that the
Princelings want it. Selant was originally founded by a
faction of Arali who wanted to scour the Devastation and
to recover what magics that they could from the ruins,
believing that the key to restoring the land to health lay
within the magics that originally destroyed it.. The other
Arali did not want to allow this, so they loaded up ships
and left. The other Arali thought that they had left
Cyradon for good, but they were wrong. The renegades
returned and began setting up their own stronghold.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Over the centuries, the Princelings have been very waters claiming some of the outlying streets. High walls
cautious to avoid the notice of the Arali and the surround the city, two yards thick. Old legend has it that the
Gryphons. Living in the Tanolain Delta as they do, the wrath of a dead god split a mountain into eight pieces and
Princelings are no longer as altruistic as they once were. the Tanolain River diverted its course through the shattered
Over time, the foul waters flowing down the Tanolain have mountain. The river passes high escarpments, which frown
affected them as well as the land in which they live, and down on those passing through the city.
now the Princelings are all subtly mad. The city is built within the river valley created by this
Their skin has taken on a grayish green cast, and a shattered mountain. Sheer cliffs line the north-eastern side
number of the Princelings have manifested very weak of the valley, and it is there that Jalapur was originally
versions of the abilities gained by the Devastation Aberra-
tions (see Chapter 9 for more information on Aberrations).
It is unknown how much of the Narsi magics have
built. It then spread south, and across the river to the west
and eventually filled the whole of the valley.
Jalapur was spared direct destruction by the mystical
been recovered from among the ruins over the centuries, energies of the Devastation, but that only prolonged its
but it is certain that they continue their search. The demise. The tainted waters of the Tanolain is what brought
Princelings see the arrival of the refugees in Belynar as a about the doom of the inhabitants. Within but a few
great opportunity to be able to delve into the secrets that months, those who had not fled east to the Daybreak
have long been buried and unavailable to them within. Country, there to eventually die, were dead or mutated
They are even now preparing agents to send northwards in much like those from Taravant, only at a much slower pace.
the hopes of gaining even more of the lost magics. However, the result was the same in the end. Many Shivan
Arali were either dead or transformed into monsters, drawn
TARAVANT into the Devastation for some unknown reason.
This city straddles the Tanolain River about half way
between the Camal Sea and the confluence of rivers where ANEIRIN
Jalapur is located. Taravant was once one of the only two Ruler: Lord Fergheal of Aneirin, High Chancellor.
cities built by the Shivan Elves living in the central highlands.
Capital: the port of Aneirin
It was also the seat of many of the Shivan mages that
participated in the coliseum games of the Narsi in Belynar. It Population: 350,000
eventually became a center for many of the experiments used Races: Danae (45%), Arali (5%), Rhona (48%),
to create the contestants within those games. Gryphon (2%).
Being further away from the epicenter of the Devasta-
Government: Aneirin is ruled by a Council of Elders. Each
tion, the mages of Taravant tried to mount a defense against
village selects council members every ten years, with
the powerful energies sweeping across the country from
different villages selecting their Councilors in different
Belynar. While this protection saved many of the buildings
years. The Council then selects one of its own members, in
from outright destruction, the people were not so lucky.
a five-year cycle, to be the High Chancellor, the speaker of
Within hours of the mystical wave, the people of Taravant
the council and the ruler of Aneirin.
began mutating and changing. Most died outright as their
bodies could not handle the changes being wrought. They Religion: The Danae of Aneirin follow the Rhona in their
were the luckier ones. Those that did survive became rituals praising the powers of nature.
Aberrations, monsters never before seen in Cyradon. The
city was abandoned as the newly created creatures, forgetful
of who and what they once were, wandered into the
wastelands in search of food and slaughter.
The city has become a deadly place, especially after
nightfall. Twisted creations of the Shivan and Narsi mages
of old stir from their slumber and emerge from their
hiding places to hunt. Horrid things drift in out of the
Devastation, seeking warm blood or flesh to eat. Major Towns: The
other major town in the
JALAPUR realm is the Gryphon Eyrie of
Jalapur stands on the confluence of three rivers. It was, Orius. Most Danae and Rhona communities are
in its time, the mightiest city in Cyradon. Its time has long small villages amidst the forest.
past. To its north lays the edge of the Devastation. To its Provinces: Aneirin has no provinces, though each of the
south, the wetlands of the Estuaries rise up, their murky small villages claims protectorates of the Idrisil forest
around them.

Chapter Four Cyradon

Enemies/Allies: The realm is pressed between the magical Aneirin is also home to the Danae, the elvish
terrors of the southlands on their western frontier and the kindred of merchants and craftsmen and mariners. Ships
ravages of the Devastation on their northern frontier. from Aneirin ply the coastal waters of the Daybreak
Major Products: The people of Aneirin are excellent countries. Aneirin’s council of ministers refuses alle-
carpenters. They also provide a lot of the seasonal man- giance to either Janieal or Desnia. Part of the old high-
power required in Janieal and Desnia. Aneirin wines, way cuts through Aneirin’s forests, but it is poorly
made in the highlands, also command decent prices. maintained. The highway leads north to the ruined city
of Ramsel, in the Devastation.
Aneirin, in the south, is the home of the Rhona Gnomes The Danae Elves are the most rustic of the Elves of
and the Danae Elves. The few Arali who dwell here are said to Cyradon. They are of the same stock as the Sithi Elves
4 be “wild” and “barbaric.” Aneirin has none of the grandeur
and pride of the northern cities. It is more of a territory than
from Anias, having traveled to Cyradon with the Arali
centuries ago. At some point after their arrival, the Danae
a city-state. At its heart is an old town carved into the rocks of decided to move to Aneirin, with the blessings of the
a natural southern harbor. But most of the city, if such it Rhona who share a similar outlook on life.
could be called, exists built into the World Trees, giant oaks of Aneirin is home to the ancient World Trees, the
the forest that surround the town. The Rhona have built their Idrisil, cared for and watched over by the Rhona. The
communities and homes in the branches of these trees and in trees, the size of a small mountain, are planted in a ring
the caves below. The forests of Aneirin are home to several around the three main Aneirin cities, and others are
small Rhona towns and villages. planted along the border with Janiel and the border on the
estuaries to the west. Guarded by the mountains to the
north, the sea to the south, and the Idrisil to either side,
Aneirin is a closed, safe realm, where the Danae are free to
govern their own affairs.
Though is it closed, and though it is somewhat safe,
the Danae constantly struggle to defend it. The southwest
spurs of the Mountains of Morning, known to the Danae
as the Sentries, are riddled with wide and hard to defend
passes. Schirae raids, while not common, do occur, along
with attacks by stranger creatures from the Devastation.
To combat these infrequent intrusions, the Rhona and
the Danae mount patrols made up by volunteers from the
young of both races. Along the southern edge of the
mountains are a string of forts that house the troops that
handle the patrols along with a number of villages who
exist to support the forts. These troops also work to
protect the fledgling Idrisil that have been planted around
the passes. It takes thousands of years for a Idrisil to reach
full height, thus it will still be centuries more before the
passes can be closed against these intrusions.

The Danae of Cyradon are of the
same racial stock as the Sithi Elves
from Anias. Any player wishing to
play a Danae may use the racial
information of the Sithi, and the
Cultural information of the Rhona
for such a character.
Refer to Chapter 5, Character
Creation for more information on the
Sithi race, and the Rhona culture.

Chapter Four Cyradon

As time passed, Lord Anclamir reclaimed the

THE NORTH abandoned Shivan city of Neras to the south, and built
Mellianour further along the coast to the east to act as a
The northern sea is wide and wild, and only the
way station for ships traveling within the often storm
mariners of Qumar dare to brave its huge waves and
tossed sea between the northern islands and the
gusting winds. Some say the sea’s elemental anger is a
Cyradon coast.
result of the Veil placed by the Elves in ages past. The
people of Qumar have little practical reason to brave the
North Cape, in any weather, and most assume that there is
nothing out there.

Ruler: Anclamir, Lord of Llyrius
Capital: Llyrius
Population: 260,000
Races: Arali (95%), Nagazi (3%), Rhona (1%),
Gryphon (1%).
Government: Llyrius operates under a feudal system, with
the various Elven inhabitants offering tribute and alle-
giance to the Lord at Llyrius in return for protection.
Religion: A heavily ritualistic religion of ancestral wor-
ship. Some observers have noted that the ritual is more
important than the actual worship. Llyrius is the “capital” of the realm. It is a small, grey, rain
swept town, huddled behind the high walls that guard the
Major Towns: The only other major town in Llyrius since
landward approached to the city. South of the walls, low hills
the destruction of Mellianour is Neras.
rise, bald and treeless, where scant grass grows. Between the
Provinces: The realm is divided into a dozen small walls and the hills, the Elves have planted gardens and small
protectorates, centered on fortified villages along the coast. farms, to grow produce for the town. A second layer of
Enemies/Allies: The Schirae constantly besieges the fortifications exists beyond the fields, defending the farmers
realm of Llyrius. Someone is always fighting somewhere. from Schirae incursions. Resistance to such incursions is so
The realm has a strong trading alliance with Ciastan fierce and organized that the Schirae rarely try.
across the bay. Inside the city, the streets all run in twisted curves
down the hill from the walls to the port. Visitors might
Major Products: Llyrius is home to excellent craftsmen
wonder at this, but the reason is simple: the curves deflect
who trade with Ciastan, Janieal and Desnia. Llyrius also
the sea breezes and the constant rain from the sea,
produces crops such as rice and peppers.
meaning that someone can cross the street and go about
A little over 200 years ago, a young Desnian ship their business without being soaked. Still, the odd layout
captain was patrolling the waters around island of adds to a feeling of claustrophobia, one hardly lifted by
Cairnus and was blown off course by a sudden squall. looking out at the grey, surging, sea. There is a square,
Captain Anclamir was blown past the small island that functional fortification in the centre of the city, which
marks the entrance to the Bay of Evening. Having taken serves as the palace and the main garrison. Its battlements
damage to his ship, he looked for a place to anchor and command a broad view of the harbor and the sea beyond,
make repairs. He was very surprised to suddenly find and out towards the hills.
other ships approaching his. Below the town, the Elves have constructed a deep
Aided by the friendly Nagazi, the captain was soon harbor defended by huge sea walls. The sea walls have a
able to make sail back to his duties and then to home a dual purpose. They blunt the tide and shelter the ships
year later. Upon reaching home, Captain Anclamir behind them; they are also defensible. If someone was to
petitioned for and received permission to start his own attack the town from the sea, the defenders could bring
colony on the eastern side of the Bay of Evening. He then archers and siege engines to bear against them. At the far
recruited a number of Arali to be colonists and within a end of the harbor, jutting out into the sea, a huge light-
few short years, Llyrius became a major port city trading house stands, where a beacon flame is lit every night.
with the Nagazi to the west.

Chapter Four Cyradon

MELLIANOUR took much longer for the effects to be felt, but by that
time, it was far too late.
Mellianour was once a way station and trading post Neras remained uninhabited for close to 300
along the bay, where Desnians ships could shelter, and take years, until Lord Anclamir decided it was time to
on supplies after their long voyage around the Northern retake and rebuild the city, expanding his small, but
Cape. It was linked by road to the larger cities of Llyrius
and Neras.
Mellianour sits upon the seacoast and is battered by
the same foul weather as the rest of the northern coast as
is rolls down off the Qumar peninsula.

sturdy realm. Anclamir had the city rebuilt and

repopulated, and fortified with a large wall, sparing no
expense to provide protection for the city from the
Schirae in the mountains. Anclamir also learned from
the city’s previous history, and made sure that nobody
Mellianour was a thriving city until approximately used the tainted water from the Marisant at any time,
130 years ago. In the course of a single night, the having all the water needs of the city being supplied
largest force of Schirae ever assembled attacked and from the Meriona River, from well above where it
thoroughly destroyed the city and then disappeared joined with the Marisant.
without a trace. Neras is well fortified by its stout wall and also by the
It was over a week before the destruction was discov- standing army quartered within the city. Although they suffer
ered, as that was the next time a ship sailed into the frequent raids, the Schirae have never invaded Neras.
Mellianour harbor. All that they found was ruins, and
many dead bodies. It was the dead Schirae that told them CIASTAN
who had attacked and destroyed the city. All of the city’s Ruler: Aboyk, High Regent
ships were missing and no trace of them has ever been
found in the years since. Capital: Ciastan
Lord Anclamir has tried several times to rebuild Population: 1,000,000
Mellianour, but each attempt has failed as those sent Races: Nagazi (92%), Nagaral (3%), Arali (3%),
would flee in terror, claiming that the city was now Rhona (2%).
haunted, filled with ghosts and demons. After a century,
Anclamir has nearly given up hope of ever restoring the Government: The Regency Council. This Regency Council
city. He has even put out up a reward for those who can is made up of nobles, officials, mages, and representatives
once again make the city safe to be inhabited. of every major school, academy, college and university
within their nation.
NERAS Religion: The Nagazi worship the 7 Sages. Quasi-
Neras was, once upon a time, a Shivan Elven city mystical beings that are rumored to have led the Nagazi
before the Devastation. Neras was situated between to Evefalim and taught them to read and understand the
the Marisant and Meriona Rivers and above the ancient Mithran texts found there and brought them to
swampy estuary as they reached the Bay of Evening. true civilization.
Neras was a farming community and provided many Major Towns: The only other major town is Evefalim.
types of crops, rice from the paddies along the edges Provinces: The realm is too small to be divided into provinces.
of the swamps, and grains and other crops from the
highlands above the city. Enemies/Allies: The realm of Ciastan has trade agreements
Unfortunately, Neras had the same problems as with Llyrius to the east, with Cairnus to the north, and with
Jalapur did, only because of the Marisant being seasonal, it the Five Cities to the west. They act as a hub of commerce

Chapter Four Cyradon

for the entire northern region. The only enemies that the within the Mountains of Evening. There the 7 Sages, who
Nagazi have are the Nagah from the Madiarian Forest to the are now revered as gods among the Nagazi, visited them.
southwest, who occasionally make raids across the moun- From ancient texts found within the Mithran ruins, the
tains into Nagazi territory. The Schirae attack the Nagazi Sages gave the Nagazi their first true civilization, complete
very infrequently, but it does happen occasionally. with arts, crafts, magic and lore.
Major Products: Ciastan trades raw materials such as iron As the Nagazi developed, education became and
and wood to Llyrius and precious stones and granite to important part of both their lives and their culture and
the Five Cities. The lands around Ciastan offer excellent they developed a form of government based upon that, the
grazing land, so meat and wool products contribute Regency Council, comprised of representatives from every
greatly to the Ciastan economy. major craft and learning institution.
Seeking the perfect site for their capital, the Nagazi
settled upon Ciastan, and there built the greatest city of
their fledgling nation. Evefalim had also continued to
thrive as the Nagazi restored it, but it was a holy city to
them, a great center of learning, and not to be sullied
with politics.
Since settling on the eastern side of the Mountains
of Evening, the Nagazi had kept contact with The Five
Cities around the Bay of Malan. When the Nagazi
encountered Lord Anclamir’s damage ship, they
quickly realized that they were in an exceptional
position, able to bring prestige to their people by
becoming a center for trade between the Nagaral and
the Elves. And as time progressed, this realization
came true. Even more so when Cairnus closed their
ports to all Arali ships, allowing only the Nagazi to
trade with them.
The city of Ciastan is a beautiful place. The Nagazi
believe in functionality first, and then beauty, however
they do combined the two whenever possible and
Centuries ago an offshoot of the Nagah race, known proper planning allows them to incorporate both.
as the Nagazi discovered the ancient city of Evefalim

Chapter Four Cyradon


Ruler: Overlord Nadai of Zhur-Tarbok, First Amongst Equals.
Capital: Zhur-Tarbok
Population: 600,000
Races: Nagaral (100%).
Government: An Overlord rules each of the Five Cities,
and together they form a council to oversee the relations
between each of the autonomous City-States.

4 Religion: The Nagaral of the Five Cities build temples to

their ancestral gods. Even though worship of the Black
Dragon is forbidden within the Five Cities, there is a
there is always a dizzying array of shifting allegiances,
portion of the population who worship it in secret.
guilds and power bases among the Underlords as they
Major Towns: There are no villages or smaller towns jockey to make themselves or their clan the next in like to
within the rule of the Five Cities, only the cities them- be elected Overlord upon the death of the current
selves. In order of age they are Zhur-Tarbok, the oldest, Overlord. The great clans command allegiance, but
then Zhur-Ghark, Zhur-Zevoral, Zhur-Rakon, and finally merchant can buy it. Guilds are respected, but the war
the youngest of the cities, Zhur-Kreelak. leaders of the hunter-armies command far more power.
Provinces: Each city is nominally independent. Each city When the leaders meet, courtiers must untangle the
claims lands around the city as their own. Most people live twisted web of influence and power to work out who is the
in the shadows of the cities. most senior in the room. Such is the way it always has
Enemies/Allies: The Five Cities, especially the southern been for the Nagaral. However, when an external enemy or
ones, are often the frequent target of attacks by Nagah crisis threatens, the leaders instinctively know whom to
raiders from the south. Recently, even Zhur-Kreelak has turn to. The most senior figure amongst the Nagaral is
been attacked, but this attack came by sea and was made currently the Overlord Nadai of Zhur-Tarbok.
by creatures never before seen by the Nagaral. The cities are marvels of architecture and design.
Major Products: The Nagaral of the Five Cities are They are filled with elegant carvings and stonework that
shipbuilders, craftsmen and farmers. They are keen almost rivals that of the Dwarves. The Nagaral are master
woodsmen, and they export timber to Ciastan and artisans, and Nagaral notables are great patrons of the
sometimes directly to Llyrius. The staple diet is fish from crafts. Though the primary function of Nagaral society is
the northern sea, supplemented with fruits and rice from to remain free of enslavement, they do not want to live like
the small farms surrounding the cities. beggars either. The cities are colorful places of sandstone
roofs, marble paved streets and painted buildings. The
The Five Cities are five small Nagaral city-states built cities are kept in excellent repair and they are more vibrant
around the Bay of Malan. They are all port cities, high and alive than anything else in the north.
walled fortifications watching the south. The Nagaral are In recent times, Nagaral ships have gone missing,
more warlike and combative than their kin to the east, and and Nagaral patrols to the south and west have vanished.
it is not unusual to see them carrying weapons at all times. The leaders have not decided what actions to take: do
The Nagaral are suspicious of strangers and overtly hostile they ask for help from the Nagazi and the Arali? Do they
to all they meet. However, they also have an extremely prepare for war? Do they send agents abroad to discover
strong code of honor, and will not hurt or attack those the truth? Perhaps the Five Cities could hire human
who have done them no wrong. adventurers to help them…
Each city is ruled exclusively and entirely by its
Overlord. Once, long ago, the Overlord was selected
through trial by combat, to ensure that they had the
strongest and most capable leader to protect the clans.
However, since settling on the coast, this custom has
slowly died away and a new Overlord is selected more by
political combat and maneuvering of the Underlords
than physical combat, although assassination is some-
times an option.
The Underlords are much like nobles in other
nations, leaders of the great clans among the Nagaral, and

Chapter Four Cyradon

CAIRNUS all contact with Desnia, and to not allow any elven ship to
enter its port. Realizing that they still needed to trade for
The Cairnus is green, forested and fertile; it is two some goods, the Schirae did allow the Desnian lords to
hundred miles long, and fifty miles deep. Hilly in the continue trading with the Nagazi, so long as no Elves were
central interior, it is covered by dense deciduous forests. aboard their ships.
Only around the coastline have significant clearings It took several years to fully accomplish, but the
occurred. These clearings were made to create farms, or Schirae finally got the isolation that they craved. It was
the sites of fishing villages. The farms and villages are then time to embark upon their real plan, to use the
connected by well maintained forest roads, which wind Elves living upon Cairnus to complete the transforma-
through the woods, and all connect to the city of Cairnus.
The weather is mild, and rainy, in summer. In winter,
the winds change and bring constant squalls of sleet and
tions started by the Narsi. Using a foul ritual, the
Schirae use the blood of elven sacrifices to form a
cocoon in which they can complete their transforma-
rime from the north. tions. This is a long slow process, requiring frequent
Cairnus was originally settled Desnian Arali, and was sacrifices, so only a few dozen Schirae have been
traditionally a semi-independent state under the protec- through the ritual so far.
tion of Desnia. The Arali of Cairnus were among the most Upon completion of the ritual, the newly trans-
avid collectors of exotic monster specimens. Unlike the formed Schirae emerges from the cocoon. The
mainland Desnians, however, they did not abandon their Quendilone, an ancient word meaning “reborn”, as they
hobby after the Devastation. This monstrous preoccupa- call themselves emerge with fully functional wings,
tion strained relations between Cairnus and Desnia and their skin a deep blood red in color, with wicked
contacts between the two states continued on a dimin- looking talons in place of fingernails and a shock of
ished scale. stark white hair crowning their heads. To top it off, the
Quendilone appear to have a lifespan much longer than
the Elves from which they feed. One of the side effects of
the process seems to be that the Quendilone crave fresh
blood for sustenance.
While knowledge of the Schirae and the
Quendilone is not generally known on Cairnus, the
populace is beginning to suspect something is seriously
wrong. Far too many young Elves have gone into the
manor houses and the strange temple that the Desnian
lords built, never to return.

Andalasa is about 150 miles wide and 220 miles long.
For the most part, Cairnus remained a quiet, tranquil It is largely a flat, rocky plain open to the sea. Small oak
place, trading first with Desnia, and then with Llyrius and trees, unable to grow higher than a few feet because of the
even Ciastan. Then everything changed. speed of the wind, cover the shoreline. Gorse, heather and
Mellianour was utterly destroyed, and the Schirae brambles cover most of the shoreline. Further inland,
that destroyed the city did not melt back into the protected from the wind by low stonewalls, a chain of hills
mountains as the Elves in Llyrius thought. Instead, up to 800 feet high breaks the island. Beyond the hills, the
they took the ships that lay at anchor and sailed across land flattens out again. At the north end of the island, the
to Cairnus, stopping in a hidden cove. In this cove, a old fortress of Sarawan, a slate grey Desnian fortress
large number of Schirae disembarked and stole quietly surrounding a tall beacon tower, looks out into the empty
onto the island. The stolen ships and their captive grey sea .
crews then set sail once again and have not been heard It is home to large flocks of sheep, a few hardy
from since. shepherds, and myriads of sea birds.
The Schirae that remained on Cairnus moved
quietly and with stealth, slowly capturing each Desnian THE MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON
lord and his household. Within a few short years, the
Schirae had total control over the island, though few The western outcrop of peaks in the Mountains of
knew it. Morning range, are referred to as the Mountains of the
Once control had been gained, one of the first things Moon. The arc of mountainous terrain is about 200 miles
they did was to have the Desnian lords of Cairnus cut off

Chapter Four Cyradon

in length. The valley below is sheltered from the storms, THE CITY-STATE KINGDOM OF QUMAR
and was saved from the Devastation by the shelter of the
Mountains of Morning. Ruler: The Council of the Sen-Serai.
The peaks are smaller than their cousins to the east, Capital: The Stormhold of Qumar
and lower. Many are below the snow line. The small range
gives way to hills and those hills progress down towards Population: 300,000
the sea, getting smaller as they go. Races: Arali Elves (99%), Other (Less than 1% - some
Rhona and the occasional Gryphon visitor).
THE CITY OF BLACKFLAME Government: Largely anarchic; the Sen-Serai council

4 Deep in a valley, about ten miles from the where

the Mountains of Morning and the Mountains of the
Moon meet, a bare, bald, unremarkable hill, if searched,
makes decisions in times of Crisis.
Religion: None, though the Sen-Serai lead ceremonies of
a canny explorer might find a gate heavily camouflaged
by peat and grasses. Inside the gate is a long tunnel, Major Towns: The Stormhold of Qumar, Ciranos (south-
heading south. west of the Stormhold).
Provinces: The land is not divided into provinces, though
the major towns are considered administrative centers.
Enemies/Allies: Qumar is largely neutral: the Sen-Serai
have free passage in all the lands of the East. The realm is
under constant though manageable assault from the
Schirae of the Whispered Hills.
Major Products: Qumar is self sufficient for most goods.
Qumari fish are considered a luxury in Desnia and Janieal
and command high prices there. The Qumari also make
excellent ships, and the realm does a (now much reduced)
trade in shipbuilding and repairs.
Beyond this tunnel, a ten-mile walk in the pitch dark
lays another gate. On the gate, in several languages,
including that of the Mablungen, the Gryphons and the
Cyrads, it reads: this gate has been sealed, by the order of
Thane Manion of Everfrost. Above the message is an old,
old carving, in the language of the Mablungen. It reads:
Welcome to the Flame in the Dark.
This is Blackflame (as it came to be called) was the
first, and the last dwarven colony in Cyradon. Blackflame
outlasted its subsidiary colonies. The Dwarves abandoned
it two thousand years ago, when the veins of magical
metals and minerals ran out.
If one can get past the heavy gates, six levels of the
city are open to be explored. The city is empty, awaiting
the return of the Dwarves. Blackflame is empty, but not
stripped. It is filled with mining and forging equipment,
and other tools, carefully preserved, for the day when the
mining work can begin.
The city of Qumar is carved into the rock of the
northernmost peak of the Sunrise Mountains. Legends
say that this was once a mountain raised by the
ancients to touch the very sky. The Sen-Serai, reclusive
scholars and sorcerers, maintain an ancient temple
high on that peak. At the centre of the temple complex
is a beacon tower. The Sen-Serai ensures that the
beacon burns at all times. Arali mariners called that

Chapter Four Cyradon

beacon tower “Stormhold.” It is a small city. Its people CYRADON ECONOMY

are mariners and fishermen.
To the southwest, the port town of Ciranos waits The Elves are long-lived beings, but they still need
for ships rounding the cape. It is a place where ships to eat, and they still demand luxuries. These needs fuel
and their crews can rest before continuing on across trade. However, since the Devastation, trade and
the storm-tossed inner sea or before attempting to communications have been kept to a minimum. Schirae
round the cape itself if they are going the other raids are an infrequent but ever present threat. Desnian
direction. Ciranos is a dreary place, almost constantly warships demand tolls for passing through their
under low grey clouds of the perpetual storms found claimed waters. Few elvish leaders wish to be seen
consorting with others; too much mistrust and suspi-
around the peninsula.
The Sen-Serai themselves are all marked with
distinctive silver hair and grey eyes. They are noted for
cion has built up over the years. But trade does con-
tinue, just on a smaller scale. If the Daybreak Country
their thoughtful ways and quiet demeanor. They are slow were home to humans, this would result in widespread
to anger; but it is also said that once offended, they are poverty and poor infrastructure. Not so amongst the
implacable foes. Elves. They go about their business much as they have
The Sen-Serai are known almost everywhere in always done. Trade is more insular.
Cyradon, in their grey, hooded cloaks, their form fitting The Elves enjoy a wide diet – meat, fish, vegetables
robes and leather armor. Their name comes from their and fruit. Diet varies by region, depending on availabil-
nightly ritual of dancing on their highest towers, under ity. The wide plains between Emmanel and Janieal yield
the stars, as the sun sets in the west. It is said that all the a bountiful crop of corn, fruits and other things. The
benevolent spirits of the land dance with them and when small hills on the plains are pastures for cattle and
the dawn comes, the spirits are empowered to bring light sheep. Elves much prefer fish, but the red meat occa-
and life to the day. Their mystic’s powers are feared, but sionally supplements the diet, and they raise sheep for
those of a scholarly nature pay court to them, eager to wool. The lands claimed by Janieal are therefore self
study under such masters. sufficient, but fishermen sell their wares to the towns in
The Sen-Serai preside over the greatest libraries in the realm of Aneirin and vintners in the northerly lands
the Daybreak Country. Amongst the Sen-Serai, the are always interested in buying Janieal grapes. Thus
most revered are the teachers, the eight mystics whose trade carries on. It is small scale, based on luxuries, not
wisdom is judged to be the greatest. The teachers are staples, and tends to operate on a system of credit and
identified by their beautiful facial tattoos, studded with barter. Money rarely changes hands.
tiny blue crystals. Desnia remains an importer for most things. Its
The Qumari have a simple military and social central grasslands are used for the rearing of horses and
hierarchy. An honorary queen rules the land, stretching the training of cavalry, not for cultivation. Its ships are
from the borders of Ischea, to the Stormhold. The queen is warships, not trawlers or merchantmen. But Desnia is
elected from the ranks of the female Elves every sixty incredibly wealthy and militarily powerful; Desnia gets
years. Serving the queen are the aforementioned teachers. very good deals from other elvish merchants.
Below them are the guilds. The guilds are organizations of Desnia and Ciastan are the sole regular minters of
artisans. Below them are the Warders, the military force currency, based around a coinage called Crowns. There are
who keep the borders secure. The patrol guards the land, four types of coins in use in Cyradon. These are the
using harmless drugs and traps to snare and befuddle Copper Penny, the Silver Shilling, Gold Crown, and the
stray and uninvited guests or wild animals. Hostile Platinum Talon. These coins match the coinage system
invaders can expect a far deadlier reception. given in the HARP rulebook.
Qumar is a barren, craggy realm, broken by thick and With the signing of the trade agreements between
unexplored forests and a few scarce pasturelands. It is Llyrius and Ciastan, coinage between the Nagazi and
constantly battered by sea borne storms and only the the Arali was standardized. The Nagazi then introduced
hardiest plants and animals can survive here. In theory, this coinage to the Nagaral, who have also taken to
the realm of Qumar claims the wide plains and forests using it on a more regular basis as well. Janieal will
between the Mountains of Morning and the Mountains of mint coins only on special occasions, or as needed from
the Moon, as well as the Dwarf hold of Blackflame. But in bullion that they have on hand. These commemorative
truth, they have long abandoned those lands. Only in their sets are often more valuable to collectors as a full set
two cities and the surrounding areas do they still live. than the actual value of the coins.

Chapter Five Character Creation


nd when all hope seemed lost, they found a large,

open portal. It was so charged with magic that even
the magically-dull Skaldi could tell it was special.
“Through the portal!” Roalan said.
They vanished in a crackle of magic through a
Royal Road, emerging seconds later under bright
sun. Before them stood the fabled city of Belynar.
Rescued from certain death, they were on Cyradon.
“What the?” Barrin and Stave said in
unison, awestruck.
“It’s certainly better than dying back in that
fort,” Roalan said.
“Definitely,” Agarek said. “But where are we?”
“You’re in Belynar,” said a sweet voice from behind them.
They turned quickly, weapons drawn.
“I am Elena,” the well-dressed and obviously Tarahir
woman said. “And, I hope, you are among friends.”
“Cyradon,” Roalan said with something approaching awe in
his voice.
“Correct, Elf,” Elena said. “Let me show you around.”

Chapter Five Character Creation

did not make his living entirely honestly, he was a

Creating a character is much more than rolling loyal citizen of Tarahir and fought bravely to
dice, assigning numbers, and buying skills and talents. defend his city against the invaders. His subterfuge
Begin by creating a history for your character. The best skills helped him escape the fall of the city and
way to do this is to ask the GM give the group some join the refugees.
pointers as to what sort of characters he or she would
• Why did you choose not to live under Orsai rule?
like for the campaign, and work from there. Flexibility
For example: Were you forced to leave your
is important for both players and GMs, but with some
home by the onslaught of Orsai troops? Were you
creativity on both sides, the results can be surprising
a soldier defending your homeland? A mage or a
and effective.
cleric fleeing religious oppression?
WHO AM I? Example: Skhan was completely uninterested in
politics prior to the war. He did, however, take strong
Cyradon is a rich complex setting with a story exception to the Asut Theocracy trying to impose their
that catapults characters into a dramatic situation. beliefs on him and other people. In any case, as a loyal
When creating characters, players will have to consider
their characters’ backgrounds carefully—since this is
pivotal to the character they will be playing. Players
citizen of Tarahir, he would have fought to defend the
city against any threats.
• You’ve lost your home and perhaps your family.
have two choices:
The Royal Road has closed behind you. How is
1. Your character is from Anias, and is new to your character dealing with the loss?
Cyradon. The character could be one of the • What are your character’s immediate goals? Does
human, Gryx or Sithi refugees who arrived via he or she have any long term goals?
the Royal Road, or one of the Dwarves who Example: There’s no going back. Skhan accepts
arrived shortly after the refugees. There are that. He knows that he’s luckier than most—he
three human groups among the refugees: only lost his home, his livelihood, and friends. He
Tarahir, Skaldi, and rarest of all, Orsai. For had no family to lose. Right now his priorities are
information on creating a character from helping the refugees survive. And if those bossy
Anias, turn to pp. 71-76. Arali Elves think they can drive the humans out of
• If you are playing one of the refugees, begin Cyradon, he has news for them. What’s next? Well
creating your character by answering the for one, those ruins have definite possibilities.
following questions: After that, who knows?
• Who are you, and what did you do before war OR:
forced you to flee your homeland? How did you 2. Your character is a native of Cyradon. In this
make your living? case the character must be a Gryphon, Elf,
Example: Skhan was a carpenter in the city of Nagazi, or a Gnome For information on
Tarahir. In his spare time, he served in the Tarahir creating a character from Cyradon, turn to pp.
militia. He led a comfortable, peaceful life prior to the 76-82.
war. In HARP terms, Skhan is a human from Tarahir • Now ask yourself the following question: “Why is
with an urban cultural background. He has some my character in Belynar at this point in time?”
combat experience—so he is probably a Fighter. Are you a Gryphon of the Blunt Hills Eyrie? A
However by exploring Skhan’s history a little Janieal Arali scholar? A member of the Nagazi
more, other options begin to appear. Perhaps trading party?
Skhan is really a Thief or a Rogue masquerading • “How do I feel about the newcomers?” Since your
as a Fighter? Apprenticed to a carpenter as a child, character will probably be adventuring with these
Skhan soon discovered that carpentry wasn’t the newcomers, he or she most likely feels drawn to
only thing his master did. In truth his business them in some mysterious way.
was mostly a front to disguise his illicit activities. • “Does my character have any special goals and
Skhan turned out to have a knack for his master’s ambitions?”
alternative profession, and inherited the business Example: The humans have returned to Cyradon.
when his old master died. Skhan made a decent Marreda, a gryphon of the Usirae pride, is certain that
living as a thief, and also supplemented his income Cyradon is poised on the brink of momentous events.
by fencing stolen goods. Skhan is/was an ethical Perhaps their return is the explanation for the
thief, who stole only from people who could afford restlessness that first drew her to the Blunt Hills Eyrie
it, and is not particularly greedy. Although Skhan and to keep watch on Belynar. These newcomers

Chapter Five Character Creation

fascinate her, and remind her of the old stories. RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS
Whatever the future holds, Marreda is determined to
be in the thick of things. Once you have selected your race, record the informa-
tion below on your character sheet. An explanation of the
In HARP terms, Marreda is a Gryphon Usirae (Mage).
items included on the table can also be found below.
By using these questions to create a character
background players will know what race and what Racial Stat Modifiers – These racial modifiers are
profession their characters are. They should then added to the character’s natural stat bonuses and should
generate their character stats normally, and buy skills, be recorded in the proper column on the stats section of
talents or special perks. The sections below detail special the character sheet.
information that players need to create characters for a Endurance – Endurance is the amount of damage (or
Cyradon campaign. “concussion hits”) a character can endure. This bonus is
added to the character’s Endurance skill when figuring the
RACES & CULTURES character’s total Concussion Hits

5 Gryphon World deliberately departs from many

fantasy role-playing conventions. The humans on
Cyradon are in the minority, and without a strong support
Power Points – Power Point Development is used to
calculate the number of Power Points available to a caster.
These Power Points are what the caster would use to cast
network to fall back on. The Elves have no intention of any spells that they know. This bonus adds directly to the
giving way to humans and fading into the background. skill and helps determine the character’s total number of
Age has not made them patient or necessarily brought Power Points.
them wisdom. And they are not sweetness and light—
Resistance Bonuses – Some races are naturally able to
these folks definitely have an attitude and a huge, histori-
shrug off the effects of wounds and fatigue, weariness of
cal chip on their shoulders. The Gnomes hold the future
the mind, and magic more easily than others. These racial
of Cyradon in their hands, guarding an ancient secret that
bonuses are added to the proper Resistance skill (see
can bring rebirth or destruction. And finally the Gryphons
Chapter 6) whenever a Resistance Roll is made.
aren’t humanoid at all, presenting players with some
• Stamina – This racial bonus helps resist the
unique role playing challenges.
effects of poisons, diseases, and other physical
The setting is also decidedly non-traditional. There
ailments. This bonus is added to the Resistance:
are few cities on Cyradon, and not all of them will
Stamina skill.
welcome a visit from a group of adventurers. Huge
• Will – This racial bonus helps resist mental
swathes of Cyradon lie unexplored, and its history is
effects such as those caused by spells. This bonus
troubled. The racial tensions of the present are a reflection
is added to the Resistance: Will skill.
of Cyradon’s complex past. Adventurers will need to be
• Magic – This racial bonus helps resist effects that
tough, creative, and self-reliant to survive.
are magical in nature (outside of spells that affect
the mind, as above). This bonus is added to the
Resistance: Magic skill.

Racial Statistics Table

Race Name Racial Stat Modifiers Power Resistance Bonuses
Anias Races St Co Ag Qu SD Re In Pr Endurance oints Stamina Will Magic
Human +* +* +* +* +* +* +* +* +30 +30 +10 +10 +10
Gryx +4 +3 +0 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 +45 +15 +20 +5 +5
Dwarf (Mablung) +2 +5 +0 +0 +4 +0 +0 +0 +50 +10 +20 +10 +0
Elf (Sithi) +0 +0 +1 +3 +0 +1 +2 +4 +20 +40 +5 +5 +20
Cyradon Races
Gryphon +5 +3 -4 +4 +0 +1 +1 +0 +40 +20 +10 +10 +10
Gnome (Rhona) +0 +2 +2 +2 +0 +2 +3 +0 +25 +35 +10 +5 +15
Elf (Arali) +0 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +2 +4 +15 +45 +5 +10 +15
Lizardman (Nagazi) +3 +2 +0 +1 +2 +0 +2 +1 +40 +20 +10 +10 +10
* = Human races in Cyradon receive 8 points to place among their stats as they like. However, no stat may have
a bonus greater than +3.

Chapter Five Character Creation

CHOOSING A CULTURE gives the Adolescent Skill Ranks for each of the Anias and
Cyradon specific cultures presented below.
Cyradon provides several unique cultures that players
In the descriptions below, the starting languages are
may select for their characters in addition to the more
given using the following notation: Tarahiri Common (S
generic cultures provided in the HARP rulebook. In the
5/W 5), indicating 5 skill ranks in Speaking the language,
following section, each race is immediately followed by the
and 5 ranks in Writing the language. This should be noted
culture most commonly associated with the race. The
in the proper section of the player’s character sheet.
following table gives a quick overview of which cultures
are most commonly available to which races. ANIAS RACES & CULTURES
Players should select a Culture that best suits their
character’s background. While each race has details
regarding their preferred Culture, a player may elect to hail
from a different Culture, such as the alternatives provided Humans are in the minority in Cyradon. The only
in the racial descriptions. Selecting a Culture is a one-time humans currently on Cyradon are those who came as
along the Royal Road. Most of the refugees, including the
choice and cannot be altered. The chosen Culture deter-
mines a character’s Adolescent Skill ranks, starting lan-
guages, attitudes, common motivations, and outlook on life.
Orsai among them, were fleeing the repression of the
Asut Theocracy.
At the end of the Races & Cultures section is the table that All ties to the humans’ homeland have been severed.
While some of the survivors may cling to the traditions of
their former lives, cooperation is paramount for survival.
Cyradon Setting Cultures Out of the many diverse people who came to Belynar, a
Human Cultures Arali Cultures single unique culture will emerge in time that is a blend of
many different ways.
Nomad* Nomad*
The majority of the humans who traveled the Royal
Rural* Rural* Roads to escape the war are of Tarahiri or Skaldi stock.
Sylvan* Sylvan* However, there are also a number of Orsai, traders caught in
the city, prisoners caught as the refugees fled and deserters
Urban* Urban*
from the Orsai army as well. In addition to these, there is
Skaldi** Arali (Desnian)** also a smattering of other humans from other far off lands.
Tarahiri ** Arali (Janieal)** Tarahir was a city of commerce, and thus had people from
many different lands. When the war came upon Tarahir,
Mablung Cultures Gryxian Cultures
many of those traders and visitors were cut off from home.
Deep Warren* Nomad* Most of these merchants and visitors fled into the moun-
Shallow Warrens* Rural* tains along side then citizens and soldiers of Tarahir, and
together they survived long enough to reach Cyradon.
Underhill* Sylvan*
DEMEANOR: Humans are the most adaptable, versatile,
Rural* G'Shul** and diverse race on Mithra. They continually strive to
Mablung ** Gryphon Cultures build and expand, to reach above and beyond their
Rhona Cultures Nomad* current means. Unfortunately, this drive to succeed
often puts them in direct conflict with both the other
Rural* Rural* races of the world and even other humans during the
Shallow Warrens* Sylvan* course of their lives.
Sylvan* Gryphon** APPEARANCE: Humans run the gamut of skin coloring
Underhill* Nagazi Cultures and body shape. They are one of the most diverse
races when it comes to appearance.
Rhona** Rural* Tarahiri – The Tarahiri are a mix of many different
Sithi Cultures Shallow Warrens* human races that have interbred with each other for
Rural* Urban* countless years. Male Tarahiri stand about 5'10" tall
with the females averaging about 4" shorter. Tarahiri
Sylvan* Nagazi** come in all sorts of different body types, and their
Sithi ** skin is usually a light olive complexion.
Orsai – The Orsai have dark skins, ranging from
*HARP Culture
grayish olive tone to a very deep bluish-black,
**Unique Cyradon Culture

Chapter Five Character Creation

depending upon the region that their tribes originate war with one another or selling their swords as merce-
from. Male Orsai are, on average, about 5'11" tall with naries. Thus they have a more martial outlook on life.
the females averaging about 9" or 10" shorter. The SPECIAL ABILITIES:
majority of the Orsai have the dark olive skin tone
Profession Adaptability – Being extremely adaptable,
with the rock-like grayish cast to it.
all humans receive a 5 point discount on the number
Skaldi – The Skaldi are among the tallest of the of Development Points necessary for a change of
human races in Cyradon. Standing a bit over 6' tall Profession, requiring only 15 points instead of the
on average, with the female Skaldi standing just a few normal 20.
inches shorter, they have a light or pale skin color,
Bonus Skill Ranks – Humans excel in learning skills
with blond, red, or light brown hair.
at a young age. Their astute nature merits a one-time
LIFESPAN: Humans have an average lifespan of bonus of 5 ranks, which may be spent on skills found
about 100 years, although this will vary from indi- in any of the character’s Favored Categories.
vidual to individual.
Skill Specialization – With minds capable of unwa-
CULTURE: Humans come from many different
5 types of cultures. A player may select from the
Urban, Nomad, Rural or Sylvan cultures from the
vering focus, humans may select one skill during
character generation to receive a +10 bonus.
HARP rulebook for his character, or alternatively he
may select one of the distinct Cyradon cultures
Additional Human Racial Information
listed below). Base
Base Height Weight Modifier
Tarahiri – The Tarahiri culture is an urban-based
Male 5'10" 180 5
culture that centers on crafts and trading.
Female 5'2" 120 4
Skaldi – The Skaldi culture is based upon the rural
Adulthood Lifespan Increment
template, but the Skaldi are warriors who are often at
25 130 3

TARAHIRI CULTURE are already planning to make the ruined magician’s city a
place to rival Tarahir at its height.
Tarahir was a good sized city, filled with all the hustle
and bustle that is implied. It was a center of commerce for PREFERRED LOCATIONS: Those from Tarahiri prefer big
many different peoples and thus became a melting pot of cities to any other type of location. They like the
traditions and cultures. The Tarahiri people retain some of protection that the walls give them. Those from the
their pride, and their mercantile spirit. They remain outlying areas prefer smaller towns that mimic the
cosmopolitan. They remain tolerant (if grudgingly) of bigger cities.
other races and religions. Now, the people of Tarahir are CLOTHING & DECORATION: Tarahiri apparel runs the
resigned to the loss of their city. Infinitely adaptable, they gamut from low-born folk draped in rags, to those

Chapter Five Character Creation

of noble blood dressed in extravagant fineries. For west, and even south into and beyond the Great Desert.
those involved in the defense of Tarahir, armor However, since the rise of the Asut Theocracy, the Gryx
normally consists of soft or rigid leather with steel who settled in the Orsai lands have been slaughtered just
pauldrons or perhaps a metal breastplate. Those for being different. Many were able to escape to the north,
from Tarahir prefer daggers, long knives, and short and they sent out a call to their brethren asking for aid.
swords as weapons. Hundreds, if not thousands of Gryx men and women
DEMEANOR: As varied as the clothing, nearly any responded and traveled to Tarahir to battle the Theocracy
disposition or motivation can be found among the and their hordes. A number of them were among the
citizens of Tarahiri. However, commerce was a big refugees who escaped to Cyradon.
part of the life of those in Tarahiri and therefore DEMEANOR: Though their fearsome appearance
negotiation and being able to trade for or buy just suggests a savage mind, the Gryx are a peaceful race,
about anything is a common attitude. preferring to tend to their own affairs. It is rare to find
STARTING LANGUAGES: Tarahiri Common (S 6/W 5), a Gryx in a violent profession, although it does
one additional language (S 4/W 3) occasionally happen.

APPEARANCE: Gryx stand about 6' in height, with females
ranging only a few inches shorter. All Gryx are extremely
Hailing from the rugged lands north of Tarahir, the muscular and are very large by racial standards, often
Skaldi have a culture that reflects their way of life. Theirs is weighing between 250 and 300 pounds.
a wild life, where the Skaldi spend much time in smaller Despite their best intentions, the Gryx are an un-
battles between their various clans. The Skaldi culture sightly race. Their skin is dark and blotchy, and their
values bravery and skill in combat. hair is coarse. A low, protruding brow, deep-set eyes, a
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: Skaldi prefer to live in small, flattened, upturned nose and tusk-like teeth often
isolated, villages and hamlets in the hills and find them mistakenly labeled as monsters by other
valleys of their lands. Many Skaldi communities races at first sight.
chose to dwell close to Sithi woodlands, usually in a LIFESPAN: The Gryx have an average lifespan of about
fertile defensible valley. They are uncomfortable in 80 years, although a few exceptional individuals have
warmer climes. lived as long as 95 years.
CLOTHING & DECORATION: Coming from the wilderness CULTURE: Gryx can be found in almost any commu-
of the northlands, the Skaldi often wear heavy leathers nity, but prefer the Nomad, Sylvan, or Rural cultures.
and furs along with coarse cloths of colors that reflect However, they most prefer their own G’Shul culture.
the darker earth tones. In combat, some wear chain Special Abilities:
armor in combination with various bits of rigid
leather. The Skaldi prefer such weapons as broad- Lightning Reflexes – All Gryx enjoy extremely swift
swords, long swords, spears, daggers, and long bows. reflexes, granting them a +5 bonus to their Initiative roll.
DEMEANOR: Big, broad, white skinned, red cheeked Dense Musculature – With a sturdy bone structure
men with long dirty hair, screaming imprecations and and musculature, all Gryx receive a +5 bonus to both
fighting like madmen – or so the stories say. This is their OB and DB. The weight alteration brought
true enough, up to a point, but like all stereotypes it about by this natural heftiness has already been
disguises a wider reality. The Skaldi tend to be a calculated into the Gryxian Base Weight.
tough, though good-natured, people. The Skaldi Night Vision – Gryx can clearly see up to 100' easily
tribes tend to be dour and grim and distrusting of on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon they can
strangers. When amongst friends, the Skaldi are see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In total darkness
relaxed, uncouth and good company. they are as blind as the majority of the other races.
STARTING LANGUAGES: Skaldic (S 6/W 5), one additional
language (either Cana or Tarahiri Common) (S 4/W 3) Additional Gryx Racial Information
Base Height Weight Modifier
The Gryx are spread all across Anias, living among Male 6'0" 250 6
many different cultures and nations. They originally hail
Female 5'10" 200 5
from the Great Steppes to the far east of Tarahir, but a
Adulthood Lifespan Increment
couple hundred years ago something drove them from
17 80 2
their homelands. They have since continued to migrate

Chapter Five Character Creation

G’SHUL CULTURE strength and directness in others and dislike what

they consider to be fripperies. To the Dwarves,
Driven out of their homelands far to the east, the something that is artistic should be functional as
Gryx of Anias have adapted to a wandering, nomadic life well. This shows in their demeanor and dealings
across the continent. As they spread across Anias, the with others.
G’Shul leave totem poles dotting the landscape. These
APPEARANCE: Dwarvish men stand around 4' 5" tall,
totems always face easterly, in the direction of their lost
while women are slightly shorter (4' 3"). A very stocky
ancestral homeland.
race, the Dwarves look as though they have been
The Gryx refer to themselves as the G’Shul, or the
compressed, their bodies expanding in width. Often
homeless, and the name of their culture is taken from this
weighing twice what would be expected for someone
as well. Many tribes have become traders over the years,
their size, they generally average 200 pounds.
and are often the only connection isolated communities
have with the outside world. Male Mablung are very fond of their beards, which
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The G’Shul have no preferred may grow to lengths that hang past their waists! For
many Mablung, hair and beards (for men) are almost
5 locations, other than their original homeland, the
Eastern Steppes, to which they cannot return. They
wander from town to town, from forest to forest, all
always woven into braids, weaving in colored stones
and beads and rings that are more than just decora-
across Anias. They travel all over Anias, often using tions. These items will each have a special signifi-
brightly painted enclosed wagons or tents for shelter cance to the Dwarves,
during their treks from one place to another. LIFESPAN: Dwarves are a long-lived race, with the
CLOTHING & DECORATION: In battle, the G’Shul prefer average being from 300 to 400 years of age.
light leather armor, usually reinforced by small metal CULTURE: The Mablung come from a wide variety of
plates sewn into the lining. Everyday G’Shul clothing cultures. In addition to the Mablung culture, these
is simple and consists of sturdy leather trousers, or include the Deep Warrens, Shallow Warrens,
skirts for the women with a long sleeve shirt, and Underhill and Rural cultures.
topped off with a sleeveless leather vest that goes SPECIAL ABILITIES:
down to mid-thigh. The vests may also be decorated Night Vision – Mablung can clearly see up to 100'
in a variety of ways from adding beads, to enameling easily on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon
designs on the leather. Each vest is unique and reflects they can see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In
something about its wearer. total darkness they are as blind as the majority of the
DEMEANOR: The G’Shul are a quiet peaceful people other races.
and dislike fighting when it is not needed. They tend Dense Musculature – With a sturdy bone structure
to not trust any but other G’Shul tribes. The G’Shul and musculature, all Dwarves receive a +5 bonus to
refuse to teach any but other G’Shul their language, or both their OB and DB. The weight alteration brought
how to read their message sticks. about by this natural heftiness has already been
STARTING LANGUAGES: Taloc (S 6/W 5), Tarahiri calculated into the Dwarven Base Weight.
Common (S 4/W 3) Hammer Throw – Dwarves are naturals with
Hammers and Axes. They have the ability to throw
DWARVES (MABLUNG) one-handed Hammers and Axes a great distance and
with accuracy. When using a one-handed hammer or
Dwarves are found on most of the continents of
axe as a thrown weapon, it has all the range attributes
Mithra. They are, as a rule, tough, practical,
(range increment, etc.) of a Short Bow. This ability
hardworking, energetic and honest. They are also
does not extend to other thrown weapons.
curious, and enjoy exploring new lands and places.
Although they are builders and craftspeople by nature,
they have a great respect for the natural world—and Additional Mablung Racial Information
harvest the resources they need for they life and work
with care and respect. Base Height Weight Modifier
Note: Players may elect to use Dwarves from the Male 4'5" 200 6
HARP rulebook in place of the Mablung Dwarves. Female 4'2" 150 5
DEMEANOR: Dwarves are very straightforward and Adulthood Lifespan Increment
dislike ‘beating around the bush’. They admire 50 350 5

Chapter Five Character Creation

MABLUNG CULTURE stockier and more muscular than their fellows. Sithi
average 5' 6" tall, with females of the race ranging
The Mablung culture is built upon a rugged ethic that
only a few inches shorter. All have very lithe forms
prevails through every aspect of their lives. It stresses hard
with Elven males weighing around 140 pounds.
work and hard play once work is done for the day. This
culture also stresses crafting of almost any type, be it Sithi have upswept ears that top off in delicate
smithing or gem working or even just woodcarving. Every points, although these are more rounded than those
person in this culture is trained to perform at least one of other Elves. Male Sithi are unable to grow beards.
type of crafting work, and many times more than one, Their skin color is often a light brown, similar to
depending upon the ability of the individual. that of an acorn, while their eyes are often some
shade of grey or green.
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: This culture prefers to live close
LIFESPAN: Sithi are quite long-lived yet do not live as
to the materials that they desire to craft. Thus cities,
long as their other elvish cousins. Most Sithi live for
towns and villages located on, in, or under rugged hills
approximately 450 years, remaining young in appear-
or mountains are the norm, especially if there is a vein
ance until just a few short months before their death.
of precious metals, gemstones, or rare wood near. That
is not to say that the Mablung people do not appreciate
the open air – they do. It’s just that sitting around in
CULTURE: Sithi have a unique culture that is based
upon the Sylvan culture. Most Sithi will be from this
the fresh air doing nothing achieves little. or the Sylvan or Nomad cultures, although it is
possible that an individual has been raised in
CLOTHING & DECORATION: Rugged, tough clothing, in
another culture.
somber earth tones are the norm. Bearded males tend to
decorate those beards with colorful beads and braids. SPECIAL ABILITIES:
Individuals with a higher social standing within this Enhanced Senses – With acute senses honed to
society are generally denoted by more ornate decora- perfection, all Sithi gain a special bonus of +10 to all
tions and accoutrements. When going into battle, the General Perception rolls.
Mablung prefer war hammers, battle-axes, spears, short Outdoorsman – Sithi are naturally adept out in
swords, daggers, and crossbows. In armor, the Mablung nature. They gain a +15 bonus to all skills from the
almost always wear chain or variations of heavy leather Outdoors category and the Herbcraft skill.
covered in studs and rings (rigid leather base). Night Vision – Sithi can clearly see up to 100' easily
DEMEANOR: Being very reserved, this culture does not on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon they can
trust outsiders easily, but once a person has been see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In total darkness
named as a friend, they are a friend for life, and are they are as blind as the majority of the other races.
often considered to be like family for the one who
named them as a friend. SITHI CULTURE
STARTING LANGUAGES: Mablad (S 6/W 5), one additional The Sithi culture is built around their Sylvan roots
language (S 4/W 3) and their life within the forests of the northlands. The
Sithi live in small villages and hamlets, or sometimes semi-
ELVES (SITHI) nomadic tribes that travel through the great forests of the
The Sithi are an elvish kindred that chose to remain north within limited areas.
on Anias, instead of participating in the migration to PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The Sithi prefer forests, green
Cyradon. Unlike many of their brethren the Sithi have no hills and grey skies – or so the song goes. In truth,
problems getting along with humans, and over the while they prefer to make permanent homes in
centuries their blood has often mingled with that of the temperate climes, they will happily live anywhere for
neighboring human communities. The Sithi dwell in several years. They are hardy and curious and enjoy
forestlands, and are excellent archers, rangers and trackers. the challenges of living somewhere new.
They live in close harmony with nature.
Note: The Sithi are only slightly different from the
Elves presented in the HARP rulebook. Players may freely
use Elves from HARP as Sithi or the Sithi as presented
here for characters.
DEMEANOR: The Sithi deeply respect nature and this
shows in their outlook on the world around them.
APPEARANCE: The Sithi are said to be the most like
humans of all the elvish tribes. They are shorter,

Chapter Five Character Creation

CLOTHING & DECORATION: Varies, but the Sithi tend to tive and civilized. They are also a wise race, that honors
dress in muted earth and forest colors, and wear their commitments and guard things they hold precious.
practical and hard wearing clothing. The Sithi prefer soft Gryphons share many characteristics with the raptors and
and rigid forms of leather armor when it is needed. For with the large cats, but are related to neither.
weapons they use spears, javelins, staves, and bows, both Gryphons’ talons let them do many of the things that
long and short. While the Sithi do have metalworking humans can do with their hands: cook, write, paint,
skills, those are saved for daggers, and jewelry and such. inscribe or etch runes, carve wood, work metal etc. They
Swords are rare among the Sithi, a relatively new concept can use most standard magic items including rings. They
introduced by contact with the Skaldi. cannot use two-handed melee weapons or long bows,
DEMEANOR: The Sithi are often a bit aloof from the short bows and composite bows. They can use one-
affairs of others (other than their Skaldi neighbors). handed swords, but prefer to fight with their beaks and
Their aloofness is not because they believe themselves talons. They can and do use crossbows on occasion.
to be superior, but because they have had bad dealings Gryphons can only wear armor that has been specially
in the past and are wary. Once past their defenses, it designed to accommodate their physique. (See the

5 can be seen that the Sithi are vibrant people who fully
enjoy life.
equipment section later in this chapter for more details.)
Gryphons cannot carry riders on their backs—their
backbones cannot support the weight of a rider. They
STARTING LANGUAGES: Cana (S 6/W 5), one additional
language (S 4/W 3) would also consider this demeaning—if circumstances
forced a Gryphon to carry a two-legged comrade, the
Additional Sithi Racial Information Gryphon would carry the individual in his or her talons.
Base Special Note: While Gryphons can fly, they are
Base Height Weight Modifier
Weight quadrupeds. When moving on the ground, they must keep
Male 5'6" 140 3 two opposing limbs on the ground. When standing still,
Female 5'3" 120 3 they can remain upright by keeping their two rear limbs
Adulthood Lifespan Increment on the ground.
60 450 8 As a result, they are at a distinct disadvantage in
conventional hand-to-hand combat. While a Gryphon
could theoretically wield a sword in combat, they don’t
CYRADON RACES & CULTURES fight in this way because it doesn’t make sense. Gryphons
take a different approach to combat—using their ability to
GRYPHONS fly and their speed to their advantage. Gryphons have
The Gryphons are a wild, freedom loving people, who developed a special style of Martial Arts and special
strive to find joy in every day. They are dynamic, inquisi- weapons that maximize their advantages and minimize

Chapter Five Character Creation

their vulnerability in combat. Garuda Gryphon fighters moves 10' per round. This also scales up or down
will ambush their foes from above and behind whenever accordingly if the Gryphon happens to be taller or
possible; they often wear talon and claw tips that allow shorter than average. A 5' 2" tall Gryphon, with a
them to inflict extra damage on their foes. Like all Quickness stat of 95 would have a Base Movement
intelligent warriors, they choose the terrain of a battle Rate (BMR) of 14' per round (10' + 1' + 3') while a
with care. Gryphons are keenly aware that they need Gryphon, with the same Quickness stat, who was
ample room to maneuver to fight; they will also do only 4' tall would have a BMR of 12' per round (10' -
everything that they can to avoid being pinned down. 1' + 3').
They also prefer not to fight in narrow corridors. To calculate the Base Flight Rate (BFR) of a Gryphon,
DEMEANOR: Gryphons love the freedom that flight you must first calculate its BMR, and then double it.
gives them, but they are also extremely serious about Thus a Gryphon with a BMR of 14' per round has a
any oaths that they give. They are curious and BFR of 28' per round and a Gryphon with a BMR of
intelligent and enjoy exploring. 12' per round would have a BFR of 24' per round.
LIFESPAN: Gryphons only live for approximately 80
APPEARANCE: Most Gryphons have the body and
hindquarters of a large feline while having the head
and fore quarters of a large bird of prey, the various
years, although there have been instances of one or
two who live to close to 100.
types of each separate the Gryphons into 6 tribes: CULTURE: Gryphons will normally take the Gryphon
The Gwalchmei have a hawk-like head and shoulders culture provided, although Sylvan, Rural or Nomad
and plumage and leonine hindquarters. cultures are not unknown. If the player selects one of
The Shahaba are noted for their grey and black the cultures from the HARP rulebook, he should
mottled plumage and their merlin - like heads. They swap out the ranks in missile weapons for ranks in
have the hindquarters of a mountain lion. Flying/Gliding.
The Gandharvas have the forequarters of a black SPECIAL ABILITIES:
eagle and the hindquarters of a black jaguar. Flight – Gryphons can fly. Their Base Flight Rate
The Whitewings have the forequarters of an osprey (BFR) is twice their Base Movement Rate (as noted
and the hindquarters of a lynx. above, the BMR of an average sized Gryphon is 10',
The Arimaspias have the forequarters of a golden making their BFR 20') and Pace Modifiers Apply
eagle and the hindquarters of a lion. normally. Flight is extremely tiring, and they may
only stay aloft a maximum number of hours equal to
The Manannan have the forequarters of a sea eagle,
their total Constitution bonus. For each encumbrance
and the hindquarters of a leopard.
level above Light, their BFR is reduced by half, and so
The fore quarters of the Gryphon differs from normal is the amount of time they may stay aloft (i.e.
birds of prey in that they have 3 forward talons and one Medium encumbrance = ½ normal BFR and time
rear talon on each front appendage, allowing them to aloft. Heavy encumbrance = ¼ BFR and time aloft).
use their talons just like a human uses their hands. Gryphons, being natural aerialists, gain a bonus of
While they may not have quite the same amount of +50 to the skills Aerial Combat and Flying/Gliding.
manual dexterity, they can manage extremely well.
Natural Weapons (Talons) – Gryphons have talons
Occasionally a Gryphon is born with the full body of a that you can use as weapons, delivering a Small
cat and the head of a bird of prey. This is normally the Slash critical. They may learn skill with them as a
mark of a Gryphon who has the Shapechanger talent. Martial Arts skill.
Male Gryphons stand approximately 4'6" tall with Enhanced Senses – With acute senses honed to
females just a few inches shorter. Most Gryphons perfection, all Gryphons gain a special bonus of +10
also range between 4' and 6' in length, with an to all General Perception rolls.
approximate wingspan of about 10' when their
wings are fully extended. An average sized Gryphon
has a BMR of 10'. Gryphons of larger or smaller Additional Gryphon Racial Information
sizes do adjust their BMR accordingly. Quickness Base
Base Height Weight Modifier
bonuses also apply normally. Weight
Male 4'6" 250 3
Special Note: Because Gryphons are quadrupeds,
they are faster than other PC races of roughly the Female 4'4" 240 3
same height. Where a human or a Dwarf of the same Adulthood Lifespan Increment
height would only move 7' per round; a Gryphon 17 80 2

Chapter Five Character Creation

DAMAGE & FLIGHT distance equal to or less than the Gryphon’s
BMR. When a Gryphon pounces, he is able to
If a Gryphon receives any maneuver penalties
move his BMR in a single bound and make a
during combat, their ability to fly will be adversely
Medium Unbalancing attack (Martial Arts Sweeps/
affected by the severity of the maneuver penalty.
Unbalancing criticals) against his target. The
Generic penalties ranging from -1 to -20 will have no
Gryphon receives a -20 modifier to this attack roll. If
effect upon the Gryphon’s ability to fly. Generic
the critical result indicates that the foe has fallen,
penalties from -21 to -50 will result in the Gryphon
then Gryphon has landed on top of the target and
only being able to fly at one half of their normal BFR.
has it pinned. Starting the following round, so long as
Generic penalties greater than -50 will result in the
the target remains pinned, the Gryphon may make
Gryphon not being able to fly at all.
Rending attacks (see below).
When using the optional Hit Location rules,
Improved Pounce: Those Gryphons who know
the Garu Martial Arts Style will use their style skill
for the attack. Garu practitioners also do not get the -
anytime that an attack would result to a strike to the 20 applied to their Pounce attack.
shoulders, arm, or hand, roll 1d10. If the result is
odd, then the attack has struck the Gryphon’s wings. REND
If the result is even, then the attack has struck the
If a target has been pinned through the use of
Gryphon’s fore limbs.
the Pounce, the Gryphon may, so long as the target
When using these rules, the Gryphon’s ability to
remains pinned, make a Rending attack (Small Slash
fly is impaired only by damage to his wings. For every
Attack with rear claws) on the target each round. The
-10 received, reduce the Gryphons BFR by 3' per
target receives no DB other than from armor and/or
round. Should the penalties be greater than -50, the
magical bonuses and the Gryphon’s OB is modified
Gryphon will be unable to fly at all.
by -20 for this attack.
COMBAT ACTIONS & SPECIAL ATTACKS Improved Rend: The use of the Garu style allows
for the Rending attack to be of Medium size, and it
Gryphons automatically gain access to the receives no negative modifier; however the style skill
following special Combat Actions and Special is used as the OB not the Gryphon’s base OB for
Attacks, which have been designed specifically for claw/talon attacks.
them. Those Gryphons who have learned the
Garu Martial Arts Combat Style are able to use STOOP
the Improved versions of the Combat Actions
The Stoop attack is an attack from above. The
listed below.
Gryphon flies in and basically does a downward
The GM should determine whether or not a
charge against a target on the ground. Like the
Gryphon is physically able to perform the Combat
normal Combat Action, Charge, the Gryphon gains a
Actions listed in the HARP core rules.
+1 to OB and a -1 to DB for every foot of distance
GRYPHON DODGE & SUDDEN DODGE traveled in the dive, with the modifiers not exceeding
+50 to OB and -50 to DB. The character’s skill in
When a Gryphon performs a dodge, it is unlike Aerial Combat is used for this attack. If the target of
when a human, Dwarf, or Elf performs a Dodge. the Stoop is aware of the attack, and has a Pole Arm,
When a Gryphon dodges, this normally accom- they automatically gain initiative over the Gryphon
plished by the Gryphon leaping straight up into the this round. The actual attack itself is a Medium
air. Gryphons can leap up a distance equal to their Sweeps/Unbalancing attack, and if the result indicates
BMR. Other than this difference, the mechanics for that the target falls, then the Gryphon is on top of the
Dodge and Sudden Dodge work exactly as they do in target and has him pinned.
the HARP core rules. Improved Stoop: The Gryphon gains an
POUNCE additional bonus to his Stoop attack equal to the
number of ranks he has in the Garu combat style.
Gryphons are very dangerous fighters. A
Gryphon may pounce upon any foe that is within a

Chapter Five Character Creation

GRYPHON CULTURE jokers, regaling listeners with witty and clever

humor. Beyond the jokes, Gryphons are a serious
Soaring high above the ground is a way of life for
and a loyal people, capable of great depths of
those with wings. The culture of the Gryphons reflects
passionate responses to many things. Gryphons
their fierce spirit and independent nature. Upon reaching
make quick and fast friends with people they trust,
maturity, Gryphons segregate themselves into Prides,
and such friendships last for life.
based upon their occupation. Each tribe or eyrie has the
same Prides as all the others. Each pride represents a niche STARTING LANGUAGES: Rukha (S 6/W 5), one additional
or set of basic skills within the Gryphon society and is language (either Elu or Tylst) (S 4/W 3)
represented by individual Training Packages later in this Note: Only characters with a natural means of flight,
chapter. The Prides are as follows: unaided by magic, may select a Gryphon Culture.
Garuda – These are the warriors of the Gryphons. GNOMES (RHONA)
They protect the eyrie and hunt game to feed
The Rhona Gnomes are a strange, slight people of the
the tribe.
wilderness, an offshoot of the HARP race of Gnomes, who
Meeta – The Meeta are the scouts of the Gryphons.
They will act as spotters for the Garuda, or be the
ones to explore new places more often than not.
make their homes in the deep forests and valleys of the
Land of the Dawn. Those who live in the Shival Moun-
tains have worked for centuries to preserve what life
Varaghra – These are the Gryphon priests, and
remains there. Now that a large portion of the Devastation
animists. They are spiritual leaders of the tribe.
has been restored, the Gnomes are feeling hope again for
Atriah – The Atriah are the largest Pride among the
the first time in those long centuries of their devotion.
Gryphons. They are comprised of all those
Gryphons who do not fall within one of the Note: Players may elect to use Gnomes from the
other prides. HARP rulebook in place of the Rhona.
Usirae – The Usirae are those Gryphons who are able DEMEANOR: The Gnomes (Rhona) have a deep respect
to use magic. for nature and an affinity with the earth, and like to
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: Gryphons make their homes in nourish it as best that they can. They hate the
widely spaced mountain communities called Eyries. Devastation and those who caused it, but do not
The Eyries are extended villages, spread out over blame a whole race for the actions of a few. They are
several square miles of mountainside or high altitude also very secretive after spending so many years
valley. Gryphons love to sleep under the stars, but hiding from the Schirae as they attempted to heal the
they also shelter themselves from prevailing winds wounds of the Devastation. They have learned to
and weather. In some places Gryphons sleep in tree excel in the arts of concealing the entrances to their
houses, if they don’t have higher ground nearby. communities, so much so that these entrances can
CLOTHING & DECORATION: Gryphons do not normally only be discovered if the Rhona actually wish them to.
wear clothing. They prefer to wear harness with APPEARANCE: Rhona resemble miniature humans,
special straps on which to hang their gear. Most will averaging 4' in height, with females ranging only a
normally have some sort of pack or pouch attached few inches shorter. Rhona of all ages have wrinkled,
to this harness. Gryphons will don flowing robes leathery skin.
that do not interfere with their wings for ceremonial LIFESPAN: Gnomes have been known to live as long as
purposes. In combat, Gryphons normally do not 300 years, although they average closer to 250 years.
wield weapons; they prefer to use their claws. They
CULTURE: Rhona have a unique culture, loosely based
do wear specially designed armor that doesn’t
upon the Shallow Warrens culture common to other
impede their flight. (See the equipment section later
Gnomes. However, there are some clans of Rhona who
in this chapter.)
have set up Rural, Sylvan, or Underhill cultures. The
DIET: Gryphons are omnivorous. They hunt, fish and inhabitants of these more open communities usually
grow crops and fruits. They can eat raw meat, in times live within the lands of others such as the Arali.
of need; however they don’t really like it as much as
well cooked well spiced food. Gryphon cooking is
Night Vision – Rhona can clearly see up to 100' easily
delicious and quite palatable for those of other races.
on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon they can
DEMEANOR: The Gryphons are more feline than see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In total darkness
avian in their approach to life. They are often they are as blind as the majority of the other races.
sarcastic and sardonic. But they are also sensual,
Natural Camouflage – Rhona have the innate ability
affectionate and good company. They are frequent
to alter the hue of their skin and clothes, so as to

Chapter Five Character Creation

closely resemble their surroundings. This camouflage ELVES (ARALI)

grants a bonus of +25 to all Stalking/Hiding attempts.
The Arali Elves are cousins to the Cyrads. Both races
Sense Magic – Gnomes have the innate ability to
are descendants of the Mithrans. Since then, the Elves
sense the presence of active magic, and are allowed a
have split into several distinct sub-races, of which the
General Perception roll (with a -20 modifier) to
Arali are but one. Tiring of having to share land with the
detect it. The Gnomes may only concentrate on the
humans of Anias, the majority of the Arali Elves mi-
detection in any one 5' area within 100' of himself
grated to Cyradon.
each round.
Note: Players may elect to use Elves from the HARP
rulebook in place of the Arali.
Additional Rhona Racial Information
DEMEANOR: The Arali are an arrogant lot. They see
Base Height
Weight Modifier themselves as the only true descendants of
Mithrans and see their elvish brethren as less than
Male 4'0" 70 2
themselves. The Arali, particularly those from
5 Female
50 2
Desnia, unjustly blame many things upon the
humans. The Janieal Arali are more open-minded
than their Desnian cousins, but are still more
condescending than friendly. While believing
themselves to be very civilized, many Arali harbor a
RHONA CULTURE deep-rooted antagonism for the Nagazi because
Rhona culture is dominated by the insatiable curios- deep down they know that the Nagazi are more
ity, inventiveness, and humor of the Rhona themselves. civilized then they are.
The Rhona make full use of their surroundings so that it is APPEARANCE: The Arali are a tall race, the males
almost impossible to spot the entrance to Rhona Warrens standing about 6' on average with an extremely
unless you know exactly what to look for and where. slim build. They have sharply chiseled features
Rhona culture promotes magical study and research as including a pronounced slant to their eyes, which
well as ingenuity and humor. They take great pleasure in are often of an extremely vibrant color of unusual
the magic of life and find it odd if others do not. shades. Their ears are slightly pointed, but this is
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The Rhona make their warren not nearly as pronounced as the upswept points of
homes and ceremonial sites in areas of broken hills, Sithi ears.
small woodlands and rough country as these LIFESPAN: Arali are longest-lived of the races. They can
terrains provide them with more protection. The live up to 500 years, retaining a youthful appearance
favored place for a Rhona warren is in a sheltered, until just before the end. Those nearing their end will
defensible valley often undergo a ritual that will allow them to trans-
CLOTHING & DECORATION: Rhona prefer tough fabrics form into a being of pure spirit, ascending to a higher
that help them blend into their surroundings, as it plane of existence.
makes them feel more in tune with their surround- CULTURE: The Arali have two main cultures on
ings. When in combat, the Rhona wear leather Cyradon, the Janieal and the Desnian culture.
covered with studs (rigid leather) and wield short However, there are those who prefer a quieter life and
blades, short bows, and the Gnorish, a short flexible Arali may also be from the Sylvan, Nomad, Rural, or
shaft topped with a weighted end. Urban cultures from the HARP rulebook.
DEMEANOR: Rhona see themselves as the healers and SPECIAL ABILITIES:
protectors of nature. They worked hard over the Spirit Sense – The Arali are extremely in tune with
centuries to preserve their mountain homes from the the Otherworld, the source of mana, as well as the
creeping of the Devastation. They are more in tune home or source of many spirits. This tie is so
with their surroundings than just about any other strong that Arali can actually sense the presence of
race. They wish nothing more than to see the Devas- spirits, strong auras of magic wielders, and places
tation healed, and the arrival of the humans and the of power with a Perception maneuver modified by -
subsequent events have given them hope that it may 30. If the Arali has the Sense Magic Talent, they
be accomplished. may sense strong magical auras and places of
STARTING LANGUAGES: Tylst (S 6/W 5), one additional power with a normal Perception maneuver.
language (either Elu or Rukha) (S 4/W 3)

Chapter Five Character Creation

Night Vision – Arali can clearly see up to 100' easily as arrogant as their kin, however, they are still arrogant
on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon they can and often have the “we know best” attitude.
see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In total darkness PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The Janieal prefer to build their
they are as blind as the majority of the other races. cities upon the eastern slopes of large hills and
Internal Stability – Arali have an extremely strong mountains. This way they can gain the first rays of
sense of self. They receive a +10 modifier to all sunshine as early as possible.
Stamina RRs versus Stun. CLOTHING & DECORATION: Janieal Arali prefer fine
fabrics and rich vibrant colors for their clothing. In
Additional Arali Racial Information times of trouble and battle, they clothe themselves in
Base light chain armor. As with the Desnians, Janieal use
Base Height Weight Modifier the Masuna, although very few Janieal wield it with
Male 6' 150 3 the Masi. Janieal Arali troops also use the Arula, a
Female 5'9" 125 2 heavy spear with a leaf shaped head on one end, and
sheathed in studded steel at the other.
DEMEANOR: The Janieal view themselves as the big
brother to all the other races. They are slightly
condescending and patronizing to the other races, but
DESNIAN CULTURE in a kindly, “we know best” attitude.
Desnia is a very militaristic society. All Arali from STARTING LANGUAGES: Elu (S 6/W 5), one additional
Desnia spend time as part of their military, working to language (either Rukha or Tylst) (S 4/W 3)
better their small nation. Within the rigid confines of
their society, the Desnians enjoy a lot of pomp, formality,
and pageantry. The Danae Elves dwell in the area of Cyradon known
as Aneirin. They are identical to the Sithi Elves for stats
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The Desnian Arali prefer to
and racial abilities. However, their culture and outlook is
build their cities and towns near important strategic
identical to that of the Rhona.
locations as this will aid them in times of war. They
Sometimes the Danae hire themselves out to people
prefer locations that are easily defensible.
in other lands, so it is possible that some may be among
CLOTHING & DECORATION: When not in combat, the the Arali contingents that arrive in Belynar, and that a
Desnian dress in fine clothing of various manufac- player may wish to play a Danae.
ture. They prefer tunics and vests upon which to show
off their military regalia and medals. In combat, the LIZARDMEN (NAGAZI)
Desnian wear armor comprised of a mixture of light
Created by the Dragons of ancient legend as slaves,
chain mixed with plate armor. The Desnians preferred
the Nagah gained their freedom during the First Age. Left
weapon is the Masuna, a long, thin, slightly curved
in barbarism, they slowly clawed their way to the rudi-
blade that is wielded one-handed, often used with
ments of civilization in the depths of the Madiarian forest.
either a shield or a matching long knife, known as the
Two sub-groups of Nagah split off from the rest and
Masi in the other.
traveled north. One group settled the northwestern coast
DEMEANOR: Arali from Desnia are all almost univer- of Cyradon and became the Nagaral.
sally arrogant and condescending. They like to claim The other group continued to the east and came upon
to the chosen children of the first race, the Mithrans. the ruins of Evefalim. One of their wise ones discovered
They tend to believe that they are never wrong. They and partially translated some of the ancient Mithran texts
tend to treat everything as some sort of contest or found there. These texts led to a new age of enlightenment
battle, even politics. for the Nagazi, as they now called themselves. The Nagazi
STARTING LANGUAGES: Elu (S 6/W 5), one additional have created a small confederation of city-states, and have
language (either Rukha or Tylst) (S 4/W 3) opened trade relations with all those around them,
including the more barbaric Nagaral city-states to the
JANIEAL CULTURE west, the Arali settlements along the coast to the east, and
Seeing themselves as a moderating force upon the even with the Arali of Ciastan who have closed their
ambitions of the Desnians, those from Janieal are often borders to other Arali.
more open-minded and less condescending than their DEMEANOR: The Nagazi are very cosmopolitan and
Desnian cousins. This means that the Janieal Arali are not refined with impeccable manners towards all others.

Chapter Five Character Creation

They dislike fighting, but will do so if they have to. limited to such. Being civilized they can adapt
They prefer negotiation and trading to conflict locations to suit their needs
APPEARANCE: Nagazi are humanoid reptiles standing CLOTHING & DECORATION: As a culture who are rarely
an average of 6' in height. They have a tough leathery idle, Nagazi clothing is comfortable and practical
skin that varies in hue from brown to a deep green. first, decorative later. The Nagazi love jewelry,
They have only a vestigial tail, and retractable claws especially gold and silver jewelry worn as necklaces,
on their hands, which have only 3 fingers and thumb earrings armbands and wristbands. The members of
unlike many other races. each class tend to decorate their “primary tool”- a
LIFESPAN: The Nagazi are not quite as long-lived as warrior’s spear, an artisan’s hammer or a merchant’s
they Elves, Gnomes, and the Dwarves, living only 150 astrolabe – with intricate designs symbolizing name,
years on average. family ties and history. For clothing, the Nagazi
CULTURE: The Nagazi have a very cosmopolitan culture prefer tunics and leggings, and soft leather boots or
unique to themselves. However, Nagazi may also shoes. They make fine cloths and materials and
come from the Urban, Shallow Warrens and Rural create exquisite clothing. In times of battle, they will
5 cultures found in the HARP rulebook as well.
often augment the natural toughness of their own
hide with leather scale armor (rigid leather) or light
Tough Hide (Minor) – Nagazi have a tough leathery chain. While the Nagazi have their claws as weapons,
skin that provides a natural +20 to their DB. they prefer to extend their reach using finely curved
swords, and bows and spears.
Night Vision – Nagazi can clearly see up to 100' easily
on a starlit night. By the light of a full moon they can DEMEANOR: The Nagazi come across as cosmopolitan,
see up to 500' as if in broad daylight. In total darkness tolerant and generally good-natured. They have wide
they are as blind as the majority of the other races. smiles and long booming laughs. They have a sharp
sense of humor and delight in gently ribbing all in
Natural Weapon (Claws) – Nagazi have natural,
their presence. This love of life easily can easily
retractable claws that they may use as weapons in
become wrathful violence if they or their loved ones
combat, delivering a Small Slash critical. They may
are threatened.
learn skill in using their claws as a Martial Arts skill.
STARTING LANGUAGES: Common (S 6/W 5), one
additional language (S 4/W 3)
Additional Nagazi Racial Information
Base Height
Weight Modifier
Many players prefer to customize their characters by
Male 6'0" 250 6
creating a character with a mixed racial heritage. To do so,
Female 5'10" 200 5
the player should select one race to be the primary
Adulthood Lifespan Increment influence for the character. Players may then use their DPs
20 150 3 to purchase one Greater or two Lesser Blood Talents to
become either the hybrid of two races (such as the Half-
Elf), or to have the heritage
NAGAZI CULTURE of several races!
The Nagazi are a forward-looking culture. They prize The original race Blood Talents
education above all. Getting a scholarship to a magical selected becomes a Anias Races Cost
academy or a religious college is one of the easiest methods character’s Base Race, Dwarf (Greater) 2
for a lower class Nagazi to be able to raise their social class. determining the character’s Dwarf (Lesser) 1
Many lower or middle class Nagazi will often become traits and abilities. Blood Sithi Elf (Greater) 2
adventurers just for the opportunity to earn wealth for Talents (whether Lesser or Sithi Elf (Lesser) 1
education in order to raise their social status. This respect Greater) modify or add to a
for education is so widespread within the Nagazi culture, character’s racial abilities or
that they rule themselves through a Regency Council. This natural affinities. Blood Cyrad 10
Regency Council is made up of nobles, officials, mages, and talents may only be chosen
representatives of every major school, academy, college and at the time of character creation.
university within their nation. This section will provide Blood Talents needed to
PREFERRED LOCATIONS: The Nagazi prefer to build create racial hybrids. Given that the starting time
towns and cities in humid climates, but are not period for Cyradon is just a few days; or weeks at most;
after the arrival of the refugees from Anias, it will not

Chapter Five Character Creation

be possible to have characters who come originally For the purpose of taking Blood Talents, a character
from Anias to have the blood of one of the Cyradon may not acquire a Blood Talent for his base race; this
races flowing through its veins. Nor will it be possible includes the variants presented here. Thus a Dwarven
to play a character from Cyradon who has the blood of character may not take the Dwarven Blood Talent, nor may
one of the Anias races flowing through his veins. No a Dwarven Character acquire a Mablung Blood Talent.
Cyradon Blood Talents are given because the races of
Cyradon do not mix with each other, or are not com- MABLUNG DWARF BLOOD (LESSER)
patible enough to produce progeny. The character has a bit of Mablung blood in his
ancestry, marking him with slightly dwarvish features. The
ANIAS RACES BLOOD TALENTS player may also select any one of the following Special
Abilities to replace any one of the character’s normal racial
Human and Gryx Blood Talents are identical to those
Special Abilities. Once selected, it cannot be altered.
from the HARP rulebook and should be used. Addition-
• Dark Vision (Greater)
ally, characters may have Dwarven (Mablung), Elven
• Dense Musculature
(Sithi) or Cyrad Blood Talents by selecting the proper
talents from the HARP rulebook or using the ones listed
in this section accordingly.
• Hammer Throw
Cost: 1
Adolescent Skill Ranks Table
Anias Races Cyradon Races
Cultural Skills Naga-
Tarahiri Skaldi G'Shul Mablung Sithi Gryphon Rhona Desnian Janieal
Ambush 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Animal Handling 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Appraisal 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Armor 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 0
Attunement 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0
Climbing 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Crafts 3 1 0 3 0 1 1 1 3 2
Flying/Gliding 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
Endurance 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Healing 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Herbcraft 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Jumping 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Locks & Traps 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lore (Local Region) 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2
Navigation 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 1
Perception 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1
Riding 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Runes 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 0
Stalking & Hiding 2 1 1 0 3 1 3 1 1 1
Swimming 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2
Tracking 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1
Weapon Skills* 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 2
Weapon Skills** 2 2 3 2 3 0 1 3 1 2
*Skill in using a melee weapon, or a natural attack (learned as a Martial Arts Strikes type of skill).
**Skill in using a missile weapon.

Chapter Five Character Creation

LANGUAGES Razhus: Razhus is an artificial language

The following is a partial list of the created by the Narsi to record their
languages spoken in Cyradon: findings and notes. It grew from a code
into a full-blown language. The language
Tarahiri Common: Tarahiri common, also was created to exclude outsiders and hoard
known as Tarahiri Vulgate, is the distant descen- precious Narsi magical knowledge. It has its
dant of a much older language filtered through roots in several ancient languages, including
centuries of commercial contact with many other Elu. Over the years, the Narsin claimed that they
races and peoples. It is a rich, expressive language. must speak Razhus for their spells to work, and that
Tarahiri Common is spoken, or at least understood, Razhus was an “ancient language of the gods” and
over a wide variety of lands. Skaldi and Treaty various other impressive sounding lies. Currently, it is
Kingdom merchants speak the Vulgate fluently, and almost impossible to find anybody from Anias who is
many Orsai leaders and traders also understand the schooled in the arts of magic that does not know this
language. Being the common language, texts in
5 Tarahiri range from grocery lists, plays, poetry, and
fiction, textbooks, and scholarly works.
language. Razhus is the language of spell scrolls and
arcane texts.
Rukha: The language of the Gryphons, it is de-
Empasan: Empasan is the source of the Tarahir scended from the ancient language of the Saena.
tongue. Scholars have refined it over the centuries into This language is filled with warbles and cries, but
a chilly, stilted and formal language. The language of also with lots of glottal stops clicks, clacks and liquid
scholars, diplomats and nobles, it is useful because it is tones. The Gryphons use Rukha to record their
precise and rarely ambiguous, but it is also tricky to histories, poetries, and observations.
learn. Empasan is used for legal documents, especially
Mablad: A spicy, frank, forthright tongue. The
contracts, wills, and formal scholarly treatises.
language of the Mablung is guttural. Speakers tend to
Knowledge of Empasan is considered a mark of
develop a strange accent, one that can render even
education and refinement.
High Tarahiri into sarcastic, impatient accent. The
Chanit: Chanit is the ancient language of the guard- language of the Mablung suits them perfectly. Mablad
ians of Asut and the official language of the Theocracy, texts tend to be practical and business like.
spread by priests and merchants all across the Great
Cana: The song language of the Sithi, Cana is a
Desert. A sometimes guttural, sometimes musical
descendant of the ancient language of the Elves but
language, it comes to life when sung in. The grammar
having absorbed many parts of old Skaldi vocabulary.
and vocabulary make the language rhythmic and fluid.


One of the character’s parents is a Mablung, making The character has a bit of Sithi blood in his ancestry,
him half- Mablungen. His features are heavily marked, marking him with slightly Sithi features. The player may
denoting his dwarvish heritage. The player may select any select any one of the following Special Abilities to replace
two of the following four abilities to replace any two of the any one of the character’s normal racial Special Abilities.
character’s normal racial Special Abilities. Once selected, it cannot be altered.
• Dark Vision (Greater) • Enhanced Senses
• Dense Musculature • Outdoorsman
• Hammer Throw • Night Vision
• The character’s Mablung blood has a strong Cost: 1
influence on his physique, determination, and
o Constitution: +2 One of the character’s parents is a Sithi, making him
o Self Discipline: +2 half-Sithi. His features are heavily marked, denoting his
o Average the lifespan of both your races. Sithi heritage. The player may select any two of the
Cost: 2 following four abilities to replace any two of the
character’s normal racial Special Abilities.
• Enhanced Senses
• Outdoorsman

Chapter Five Character Creation

To a Skaldi it sounds maddeningly familiar, but are law codes, histories, some poetry, and
understanding is just out of reach. Cana is a commemorative inscriptions.
vibrant, living, language, as useful for trade as Tylst: Tylst is the language the Rhona. It is a
romance, musical enough for song, but rich in soft guttural language filled with many
insult, and harsh for anger. Speakers of this glottal stops and clicks. The Rhona have few
language may understand Elu at half the normal written texts.
number of ranks. The Sithi have a large body of Gazial: The sibilant language spoken by the Nagazi.
recorded history, literature, and natural observation. It is a soft, hissing language first descended from that
Elu: Elu is the language of the Arali of the Daybreak of the Wyverns and Dragons. The Nagazi have the
Country. Elu is a sophisticated, charming language finest libraries on Cyradon. Every Nagazi child is
with ancient roots in the tongue of the Elves, but taught to read and write. All Nagazi scholars write
adapted to the civilized realities of life in the city- literate, intelligent scholarly works. Nagazi merchants
states of the Daybreak Country. Soft, poetic and keep thorough financial records, Nagazi craftspeople
seductive, it is perfect for expressing passion and
despair. Elu is also the most common tongue spoken
on Cyradon prior to the coming of the humans.
enjoy writing clear, insightful treatises on their work,
and even Nagazi legal texts are miracles of clarity and
conciseness. If it’s important, the Nagazi write it
Speakers of Elu may understand Cana at one half of down. What is more, they also keep excellent track of
their ranks in this language. Arali texts reflect the all information that they record.
passions, prejudices, and views of their authors to an Taloc: Taloc is the language of the Gryx. It is a harsh
intense degree. There is no such thing as an “objec- guttural language, which like Tylst, is filled with
tive” Arali history. While there is a large body of Arali many glottal stops and clicks. While Tylst and Taloc
writings, races such as the Gryphons feel strongly that may contain some of the same type of sounds, they
any “factual” Arali texts must be taken with a grain of are two completely different languages with no
salt—a very large grain at that. relation to one another. This language has a rather
Skaldic: Language unites the Skaldi more than odd written form. The Gryx do not write on paper
culture, race or law. It is a rolling, liquid tongue, as the other races do, instead they carve on message
with many regional accents; however, these differ- sticks, and Taloc is always the language that they use
ences are minor enough that the Skaldi may easily to do this. The written form of Taloc was specifically
understand one another. The Skaldi do not have a designed for the message sticks, and the language
large body of written literature; most skaldic texts itself reflects this as well.

• Night Vision • Magically Inclined – The character gains a special

• The character’s Sithi blood has a strong influence +5 to all spell casting.
on his swiftness, bearing, and lifespan. • Elemental Affinity – The character gains a special
o Quickness: +2 +5 to all OB’s, DB’s, spell casting and skill
o Agility: +2 bonuses relating to a single element (air, earth,
o Average the lifespan of both your races. fire, or water).
Cost: 2 • Night Vision
• Dark Vision
CYRAD BLOOD (LESSER) • Enhanced Senses
The character has a bit of Cyrad blood in his ancestry, • Internal Stability – The character gains a +10 to
marking him with slightly unusual features. Those with Resistance Rolls versus Stuns from wounds.
Cyrad Blood automatically add 6 inches to the average • Innate Resistance – The character receives a +5 to
height for their race, and may not be shorter than this all Resistance Rolls.
height. The character also has golden hue to his skin color, Cost: 10
and straight black hair. Those with Cyrad Blood cannot
grow a mustache or beard either. The player may also
select any one of the following Special Abilities to replace
any one of the character’s normal racial Special Abilities.
Once selected, it cannot be altered. Normally only humans
may acquire this Blood Talent.

Chapter Five Character Creation

PROFESSIONS the powers wielded by the Narsi. Without the massive

libraries and faculties of the Narsi the human study of
Players are free to choose any of the standard HARP magic declined in scope.
professions when creating Cyradon characters. Since Cyradon is a diverse land, and there are several
adventurers tend to be mavericks, imaginative players can different magical traditions. Each tradition uses its own
even create unusual racial and professional combinations; method for casting spells. These traditions are described
such as an Orsai mage. After all who would be more likely in Chapter 7, Magic. Each tradition has its own Sphere of
to be fleeing the tyranny of the Asut Theocracy? magic along with their unique methods of casting.
All of the professions from HARP are available within Additionally, these traditions also have the following
Cyradon, although certain professions may be limited to changes/options available to them.
certain races, or groups of races. Below is a brief overview
Drei and Cealla Mages: Players who wish to play one
of the professions and how they relate to Cyradon.
of these types of mages must exchange one of their
CLERICS Favored Categories for the Outdoor category.
Alchemists: If College of Magics is available, then
5 Players who are interested in creating playing
Clerics should read the chapter on Cosmology first.
Doing so will give them a better picture of the Cleric’s
those Mages who belong to the Society of Alche-
mists should use the Thaumaturge profession from
varying roles in Cyradon. Cyradon priests are not the that product.
generalist Clerics of HARP. Each belongs to a specific Gramarye: Rhona mages of this tradition should be
order, which restricts them accordingly. The Cosmology allowed to select either the Elementalist or the
chapter provides several sample religious orders that Vivamancer from College of Magics if it is available.
players may select from. Players and GMs may also use
these samples as a guide in creating additional religious MONKS
orders if they like. The Monks of Gryphon world are ascetics who
seek to master the body and mind, and are able to
FIGHTERS exceed the normal mortal limitations through rigor-
In a world wracked by conflict, Fighters are every- ous training and discipline. There are three main
where. From the Scarlet Battalions of the Arali of Desnia orders of Monks within Cyradon; one originating
to the knightly orders of the Treaty Kingdoms and the among the humans from Anias, one belonging to the
cavalry of the Orsai, Fighters can be found on every Rhona, and one originating among the Nagazi. One
continent, in every land, and in every city. The Fighter is thing all three orders have in common is that they will
perhaps the most common profession amongst the Skaldi take in anybody who wishes to learn. However, while
people and their kin. these three are the best represented, this does not
mean that there are not other orders, or that charac-
HARPERS ters may not belong to them.
Harpers in the Cyradon setting are much the same
as Harpers in any other, except that they are also called RANGER
Bards in some locales. Orsai bards sing their sad dirges Rangers are the trackers, hunters and guerilla
of the desert and recite the old epics. Skaldi bards warriors of the wilderness. They are born on the
compose bawdy barrack room satires and bloodthirsty frontiers, far from the comforts of the cities and trained
marching songs. Arali bards sing the old heartbroken in the rigors of survival under the sky and the arts of
lays of the Daybreak Country, and of the wild passions tracking and ambush.
of the First Race. There are several orders in Anias and Cyradon
teaching the skills of the Ranger. Each of these orders
MAGES is distinct from each other, drawing from their own
A thousand years ago, the Narsi ensured the domi- tribal cultures and racial traits. There are two distinct
nance and survival of the Empire of Tarahir. These Ranger variants available along side the normal
powerful Mages drew their apprentices and philosophies Ranger. Both of these variants, the Venturer’s Clerks
from many sources; from the wisdom of the Orsai elders and Gherek Scouts, have their own Spheres of spells
to the Seidheri of the Skaldi, from the secret arts of the separate from those of a normal Ranger. Refer to
Elves to the forgotten tomes of the Cyrads of an earlier Chapter 7 for more details.
age. And then the Narsi destroyed themselves. The
current practitioners’ powers are limited compared to

Chapter Five Character Creation

ROGUE & THIEF Perform Alchemy (-40): This is the sub-skill that is
actually used in the creation of a “potion”. Alchemists
Rogues and Thieves on Gryphon Word do not differ
may create spell “potions” for the base form of any
much from their compatriots in other fantasy settings. Their
spell that they know. An Alchemist may also know the
motives and goals vary widely, which can make them
methods for creating one spell “potion” (whose spell
interesting, flexible characters to run. Every race on Cyradon
he does not know) or one formula “potion” for every
has members who practice these skills—mostly in secret.
five ranks in the Alchemy skill.
WARRIOR MAGE (Mystical Arts - In/Re - All-or-Nothing)
The Warrior Mage is one of the most uncommon CANTRIPS
professions on Gryphon World. The most famous Warrior
Mages are those of the Pascalline Order, dedicated to the Cantrips is the skill used in learning and casting the
defense of the Treaty Kingdoms. Still, other Warrior Mages minor magical effects (also known as cantrips) that
may be part of a tradition handed down among families comprise Low Magic spells. All Low Magic spells cost 1 PP
to cast and cannot be scaled upwards to increase their effect.
for generations; both on Cyradon and Anias. The
Pascalline Order is a variant Warrior Mage and has its own
Sphere of spells separate from those of a normal Warrior
For every rank gained in the Cantrips skill, a caster
learns one new cantrip, e.g. Anna has 5 ranks in the
Mage. Refer to Chapter 7 for more details. Cantrips skill and so knows 5 cantrips. See Chapter 7, page
124 for a complete list of available cantrips.
SKILLS To cast a Low Magic spell that he knows, a caster
makes an open-ended maneuver roll, adding his total
Once players have chosen a race and profession for
Cantrips skill bonus, and then consults the Utility
their characters, they should purchase skills. All HARP
column of the maneuver table to determine the result. As
skills are available to all races and professions. Addition-
with normal scalable spells, results may range from
ally, there are several skills not present in HARP that will
Fumble to Failure through Normal effects to the multi-
be useful or interesting to have. These new skills are
plication of some spell attributes (i.e. Double, Double x2,
described below, and then afterwards is a small section
and Triple). The last set of possible outcomes is the only
detailing some important skills that players should
way in which a cantrip may achieve a more potent effect
seriously think about having their characters acquire.
than the norm. All other rules regarding spell-casting
(such as requiring extra PPs for wearing armor) are
NEW SKILLS applicable to Cantrips.
The majority of the skills presented in this section A caster must have at least one rank in Cantrips and
represent skills actually presented in the other HARP know the desired cantrip in order to cast it; like normal
products, Martial Law and College of Magics. They are Spell Casting, Cantrips may not be used untrained.
reproduced here for the convenience of the player and (Mystical Arts - Re/SD - Utility)
GM. Other skills from those books may also be included if
the GM permits. CHARMCRAFT
ALCHEMY Charmcraft is the skill used to identify magical
charms and to research the occult ingredients and sigil
Alchemy is the skill used to identify magical “potions” patterns required to create them. Use of this skill is
and to research the occult ingredients and sigil patterns optional and requires College of Magics.
required to create them. Alchemists must specialize in one
of the following categories of alchemy: Create Charm (-40): This is the sub-skill used in
charm creation. A caster may create one type of
Potions: These are liquid or gaseous compounds charm for every five ranks possessed in the
which must be imbibed. Charmcraft skill.
Lotions and oils: These compounds must be applied (Mystical Arts - In/SD - All-or-Nothing)
to the skin or surface of the intended target.
Candles: The effects are imbued into the wax of the COMBAT STYLES & MANEUVERS
candle and it must be lit for the effect to occur.
Powders: These fine powders must be sprinkled on HARP contains several combat styles that charac-
the target or burned for their effect to occur. ters may learn. The following styles add to the list of
possibilities available for them. The styles listed here are
Use of this skill is optional and requires College of Magics.
learnable only by those of a given race. If Martial Law
or College of Magics is available, then the styles

Chapter Five Character Creation

presented in those, and other future HARP products

may be available to characters.
Authors Note: The flying combat
Aerial Combat – The ability to attack while flying or penalty is –80 and not –160, as with
gliding. This skill must be learned by any creature or mounted combat on a flying creature,
character that attacks while flying regardless whether because when the flyer is the one moving
the ability to fly is natural or magical. This skill may and attacking they have more control over
not be learned unless the character learning it has some their own movement than a rider would
means by which to fly. The normal penalty for attack- have when attempting to control another
ing while flying is –80. By using Aerial Combat creature. Reactions are much quicker and
training, this modifier is reduced by the character’s targeting is much easier.
bonus with this style automatically without a maneu-
Special Note: Gryphons, being natural
ver roll. (i.e. a total skill bonus of 80 means that the -80
aerialists, gain a bonus of +50 to the skills
modifier is reduced to 0). Modifiers from the Flying/
Aerial Combat and Flying/Gliding.
Gliding skill and this skill are cumulative.
5 It is possible to increase your Aerial Combat skill
beyond what is necessary to reduce the penalty and
receive a bonus for attacking while flying. If the
penalty has been reduced to zero, then _ the skill Blades Weapon Groups, with the Masuri being the
bonus beyond that may be used as an OB bonus. For default weapon for Long Blades and the Masiri being
example, if a character’s aerial skill bonus is 96, they the default weapon for the Short Blades. The Masuri is
would receive a +8 OB bonus on their attack ((96 – a long, thin one handed sword with a slightly curving
80) / 2 = 8). blade. The Masiri is a smaller version of the Masuri,
(Combat – St/Ag – Special) being only half the size of the longer blade. When using
Arula-ka – This style uses the Janieal weapon this style, the character may make two separate attacks
called the Arula (see below), which does both Slash and the base OB for these attacks is the total bonus in
and Crush critical. To use this style, the character is this style with a -20 modifier. The weapon used in the
required to have twice as many ranks in the Staves off-hand, normally the Masiri, receives an additional -
Weapon Group as they do in this style, and the Arula 20 modifier. Each weapon may be used to attack and/or
must be the primary weapon for that Weapon Group. parry separately, and when parrying, the amount used
When using this style, the character may make 2 for parrying is subtracted only from the weapon
attacks per round, one with each end of the weapon. making the parry, not from both weapons.
When parrying, one half of the amount of the parry is (Combat – St/Ag – Combat)
subtracted from both attacks.
(Combat – Qu/Ag – Combat) FLYING/GLIDING
T’Zier – This style uses the Gryxian weapon
This skill provides the basic knowledge for the use of
called the War Fork. It is a 6' long staff topped with
natural or artificial wings (e.g. feathered wings, parachute,
two blades in a “U” shape, with the sharpened edges
hang glider, etc.). Flying/gliding has a natural –75 for all
on the outside (Slash or Puncture criticals) and a
types of maneuvers preformed while flying/gliding if this
studded metal knob on the other (Crush criticals). To
skill is not learned or developed. The higher the skill level,
use this style, the character is required to have twice as
the better chance the character has to accomplish a
many ranks in either the Staves or the Pole Arms
maneuver. This skill does not allow a character to fight
Weapon Group as they do in this style, and the War
while flying/gliding. For that you must learn the Aerial
Fork must be the primary weapon for that Weapon
Combat skill. The bonus for this skill goes to reduce the
Group. When using this style, the character may make
penalty associated with flying maneuvers.
2 attacks per round, one with each end of the weapon.
It is possible to increase your Flying/Gliding skill
When parrying, one half of the amount of the parry is
beyond what is necessary to reduce the penalty and receive
subtracted from both attacks.
a bonus to maneuvers. If the penalty has been reduced to
(Combat – Qu/Ag – Combat)
zero, than _ the skill bonus beyond that may be used as an
Masumasi – This style is normally only learned by maneuver bonus. For example, if a character’s Flying/
elite Desnian soldiers of the Palladine Order. This style Gliding skill bonus is 96, they would receive a +10 bonus
requires that the character have an equal or greater on flying maneuvers ((96 – 75) / 2 = 10).
number of ranks in both the Long Blades and Short (Outdoor – Ag/SD – All-or-nothing)

Chapter Five Character Creation

MARTIAL ARTS COMBAT STYLES Maneuver roll, using his style bonus, to initiate the
Stone Fist technique. When using the Stone Fist
The following Martial Arts Combat Styles can be used
technique, all attacks are resolved on the Impact
to expand the list available in the HARP core rules. These
Critical Table. Use of the Stone Fist technique follows
styles are only available to Monks from of a given Order,
the normal rules for using Chi Skills. It takes one full
as detailed in the section for Training Packages.
round to initiate the Stone Fist technique.
Ji’Corva Style – This style requires that the (Combat – SD/Co – Combat)
character have an equal or greater number of ranks in
Martial Arts Strikes, Chi Focus, and the Acrobatics Garu Style – This is the Gryphon style of martial
skill as he has in this style. Being of Nagazi origins, combat. Characters knowing this style must have an
this fluid style tries to represent balance in both equal or greater number of ranks in Martial Arts Claw
attack and defense just as with (Strikes), Flying/Gliding, and Aerial Combat as
everything else. When he does in this style. When
attacked, the character using this style, the
may make a Medium
Acrobatics maneuver
(this does not count
Gryphon’s claw attacks are
increased in size from Small
to Medium. The Gryphon
against their actions also gains access to the
for the round). If improved versions of the
successful, they may Gryphon Combat Actions
reduce any critical (see the sidebar on page
received by a number 78). If the Gryphon is using
equal to their ranks the talon/claw tips with this
in the Acrobatics style, then he gains a +10 to
skill. This is called criticals done. This +10 can
the Receding Wave. allow the Gryphon to
On the round exceed the Damage Caps by
following the use of up to 10 points.
the Receding Wave, (Combat – SD/Ag –
the character may Combat)
make a Medium Chi
Focus maneuver roll IMPORTANT SKILLS
(this roll also does When choosing skills,
not count against players should avoid
the character’s overspecialization. To
actions) and if survive, characters will
successful the need a broad range of
character can skills so they can cope
increase the critical with a wide variety of
delivered by a challenges. Outdoor
Martial Arts Strike survival skills will be
that round by a number equal to the number of ranks especially important. Don’s leave home without a good
that the character has in Chi Focus. This is called the selection of the following skills:
Thundering Wave.
At least one Weapon Skill! It’s a rough world out there.
(Combat – SD/Ag – Combat)
Survival/Foraging: Provisioners are in short supply
Stone Fist Style – This is a sturdy defensive style. A on Cyradon. Food and water in the vicinity of Belynar
character learning this style is required to have an are scarce. Money can’t buy what is not available.
equal or greater number of ranks in Martial Arts
Perception: Vital. We recommend purchasing at
Strikes and in the Chi Focus skill as he does in this
least one rank of Perception each level. Paranoid types
style. When using this style, the character gains a +20
like game designers usually purchase two ranks per
to DB when parrying, and to all attempts to resist
level, at least.
being knocked down or moved. Additionally, the
character may use the skill may make a Medium Climbing: This skill will help your character cope with
the rough terrain that he or she will be encountering.

Chapter Five Character Creation

Acrobatics: At least one rank. TALENTS

Contortions: Useful for escaping bonds and
squeezing into tight spaces. Buy one rank to start. In addition to the Talents available in HARP, character
may also acquire Talents from Martial Law and College of
Healing: Most adventures will take place far from
Magics if these products are available.
convenient healers. ‘Nuff said.
Herbcraft: Take an interest in the plant life. If your SPECIAL STARTING ITEMS
character is a newcomer to Cyradon, ask a local for
pointers on helpful or harmful flora. It can save your life. During character creation only, the Player may also
spend the character’s Development Points on the acquisi-
Mundane Lore: Newcomers to Cyradon won’t have
tion of certain special starting items. The following list is
any local knowledge, but Cyradon natives should
in addition to the list of special starting items from HARP.
invest in some lore skills like area knowledge, danger-
ous animals, etc. Item Cost
Resistance: All of the resistance skills. Another Arcurian Short Bow 20

5 potential lifesaver.
Rope Mastery: Some one in the adventuring party
should have this skill.
Arcurian Composite Bow
Arcurian Long Bow
Argentian Cuirass
Elenterial Lodestone 20
Trading: If you can’t buy what you need, you
might be able to trade for it. Arcurian Short Bow – The Arcurian Short Bow is a
Appraisal: To paraphrase: “Every adventurer weapon of extraordinary manufacture and craftsmanship.
knows that the secret to survival is knowing what to It requires a character to have a Strength of at least 75 to
throw away and knowing what to keep…” use and has the Range Increment and other stats of a
Composite Bow. Any fumbles made with this weapon
Attunement: Certain magic items won’t work
ignore results of “weapon breaks”. These are one of the
unless your character can attune to them. Chances are
preferred weapons of the Arcurias Bowmen. Not all
these will be the really great items.
bowmen have an Arcurian bow, and they are never sold,
Runes: Spells are not just for spell casters. only awarded for feats of valor. It would be extremely rare
Navigation: Cyradon has almost no roads. for a non-Sithi to have one, but not impossible as bows
Without this skill, a group’s chance of getting lost and have been awarded to outsiders on occasion or passed
dying in the wilderness increases astronomically. down through families.
Tracking: Everyone should have at least one rank Arcurian Composite Bow – The Arcurian Composite
of Tracking. Bow is a weapon of extraordinary manufacture and
Armor: Everyone should wear some sort of armor. craftsmanship. It requires a character to have a Strength of
Endurance: Don’t skimp on Hits. at least 85 to use and has the Range Increment and other
stats of a Long Bow. Any fumbles made with this weapon
Jumping: At least on rank.
ignore results of “weapon breaks”. These are one of the
Swimming: A vital survival skill. Remember the preferred weapons of the Arcurias Bowmen. Not all
action starts on the shore of an inland sea… bowmen have an Arcurian bow, and they are never sold,
Locks & Traps: Every adventurer should know how only awarded for feats of valor. It would be extremely rare
to pick a simple lock and how to recognize and for a non-Sithi to have one, but not impossible as bows
disarm a simple trap. have been awarded to outsiders on occasion or passed
Stalking & Hiding: Even if you are not a stealthy type, down through families.
the time comes all too soon when you’ll need to hide. Arcurian Long Bow – The Arcurian Long Bow is a
Talent: Shield training. This can give even spell weapon of extraordinary manufacture and craftsmanship.
casters a good defensive edge in combat. It requires a character to have a Strength of at least 90 to
use and the modifiers for Range Increments are only a -5
This may seem like a very long list of skills, but
instead of the normal -10. Any fumbles made with this
remember your character does not have to invest a large
weapon ignore results of “weapon breaks”. These are one
amount of ranks in all of these skills. One or two ranks
of the preferred weapons of the Arcurias Bowmen. Not all
in most of the skills above are plenty. Also for what it’s
bowmen have an Arcurian bow, and they are never sold,
worth, these are the HARP skills that we the designers
only awarded for feats of valor. It would be extremely rare
purchase when we are creating our characters. By third
for a non-Sithi to have one, but not impossible as bows
level our characters usually have at least one rank in each
have been awarded to outsiders on occasion or passed
of these skills.
down through families.

Chapter Five Character Creation

Argentian Cuirass – This steel breastplate is highly *May select to divide these ranks in any one or more
prized by the more magic-oriented members of the spells available through the character’s professional Sphere
Argentian Legion. The breastplate is coated in a special or from the Universal Sphere.
silvery material that keeps it from tarnishing and keeps it
clean at all times. The breastplate also acts as a +3 PP ARCURIAS BOWMAN
Adder, but only to counter the extra Power Points required Guarding the Sithi homelands from invasions, the
by the breastplate itself. Arcurias Bowmen are some of the most deadly archers in
Elentirael Lodestone – This is a reddish colored stone the world. Their bows are of unprecedented quality and
shaped much like an oversized wolf ’s fang about 6" long. durability and the archers themselves are rarely, if ever,
These rare items are widely prized by those who know seen before they make their deadly strikes.
how to use them. The Lodestone acts as a focus item, Prerequisite: Only those of Sithi blood may acquire this
granting the caster with a +5 to all spell casting. Addition- Training Package.
ally, it grants a +5 bonus to inscribing runes of all types, Skill Rank
and to sensing active magic. The Lodestone must be held, Armor 2
much like a wand, in order to be used.

Stalk & Hide
Weapon Group (Bows) 5
Players can use the Training Packages below to help Weapon Group (any*) 3
customize their characters. These packages reflect cultural
*This weapon group may be any group other than
biases and interests of both Anias and Cyradon, and can
Bows that the character selects.
be a big aid in creating characters. As always, GMs and
players should feel free to create Training Packages that
suit their campaign and play style.
The Training Packages have been divided between
Anias and Cyradon. Characters from Anias, you may have
access to the Anias Training Packages, and characters from
Cyradon may have access to the Cyradon Training
packages. Certain of the following Training Packages have
prerequisites, which may place restrictions on who may
take them. These prerequisites may be based on profes-
sion, race or some other aspect of a character.


Alchemists study the art of creating potions using
spells and occult formulae. Their need for obscure organic
ingredients to supply mana for potions and to serve as the
key constituents broadens their learning to encompass
related mundane lore. Some alchemists apply their
knowledge of toxins to create poisons rather than anti-
dotes. All Alchemists must specialize in a specific branch
of alchemy: potions, lotions, candles, or powders
Skill Ranks
Alchemy 5
Arcane Lore (Spell Lore) 2
Herbcraft 2
Mundane Lore (Fauna Lore) 2
Mundane Lore (Flora Lore) 2
Poisoning 2
PP Development 2
Spell Casting* 3

Chapter Five Character Creation


Heirs to the ancient military cohorts of Tarahir, the The Skaldi Bladgorn are mercenaries. Having been drawn
Argentian Legion are pledged to defend the passes of the from a dozen tribes who made their homes between the Jura
Jura Mountains from the Orsai. Despite their claims of Mountains and the Treaty Kingdoms, they formed the bulk of
ancient heritage, the people of “New Tarahir” are typically the army attempting to liberate Tarahir. Many fell in battle, but
of Skaldi blood, and draw income from the Treaty King- some survived to help the Tarahiri refugees flee the city.
doms. Nonetheless, the Argentian Legionnaire retains the Prerequisite: Only those of Skaldi blood may acquire this
discipline and training of his forebears and the legionnaires, Training Package.
whether mounted or on foot, are respected foes. Many, Skill Rank
although not all, of the Legion are Warrior Mages. Armor 4
Skill Rank Brawling 4
Arcane Lore (spells) 2 Healing 4
Armor 3 Survival 4

5 Healing
Power Point Development 2

Weapon Group (Swords) 4

Spell Casting (one spell*) 2 The Charmweaver’s charms are relied upon by young
Survival 2 and old alike to preserve them from magical and mon-
Weapon Group (Swords) 3 strous threats. When uncanny misfortune befalls the tribe
*This spell must be from either the Universal Sphere or disease strikes down the healthy, the malice of an
or the character’s professional Sphere. The player may angered Charmweaver may be blamed and respect turn to
select which spell gains the ranks. superstitious fear and revenge.
Skill Ranks
Cantrips 2
Charmcraft 5
Divination 2
Healing 2
Herbcraft 3
Mundane Lore (Fauna Lore) 2
Mundane Lore (Flora Lore) 2
PP Development 2

The Fesharian Acolytes have the respect of all Orsai –
and the fear and resentment of the Theocracy priesthood.
The Theocracy considers the Fesharians to be heretics.
They practice several different styles of martial arts, both
armed and unarmed. The Fesharians rely on a deep
spirituality augmented by years of austere training to
always remain calm and to know when or when not to
fight. The core of Fesharian belief is this: always help those
in need of help. They make no distinction between Orsai
or Skaldi or Tarahiri, or indeed human and Elves.
Fesharian Acolytes will never leave a situation unresolved.
Skill Rank
Chi Defense 3
Chi Focus 2
MA Combat Style (Dragon Style) 2
MA Combat Style (Monkey Style) 2
Martial Arts Strikes 2
Martial Arts Sweeps 2
Mundane Lore: Memran Theology 3
Weapon Kata (Staves) 2
Weapon Kata (Swords) 2

Chapter Five Character Creation

As the G’Shul travel across Anias, they are protected,
led, and supplied in the wilderness by a small but elite
group known as the Rovers. The Rovers are hunters,
trackers, guides and scouts all rolled up into one.
Skill Rank
Navigation 4
Perception 3
Signaling 2
Stalking & Hiding 4
Tracking 4
Weapon Skill (Missile) 3

During their many years of wandering, the Gryxian
G’Shul learned many things about the properties of
plants and herbs and how to best use them and prepare
them. Over the years, the Osh’Tahl Herbalists became
well known, especially within the many small communi-
ties that the G’Shul traveled to. In those remote commu-
nities, the Osh’Tahl Herbalists were often the only
doctors to be found.
Skill Rank
Foraging/Survival 2
Healing 4
Herbcraft 4
Horticulture 2
Mental Focus 2
Mundane Lore: Flora 2
Mundane Lore: Herbs 2
Perception 2


GHEREK SCOUT A mysterious Order who can only be identified by the
Among the Orsai are the elite Gherek Scouts. These black briar rose tattoo on the nape of their neck, the
men are skilled at infiltrating behind enemy lines and Pascalline Order is one of the few military orders of Anias
gathering information on the enemy. A number of Gherek to admit women among their ranks. They work as advisers
Scouts escaped from the tyranny of the Theocracy of Asut, to other military units and usually wear the armor of
fleeing to Tarahir when the Theocracy renewed its war those units or their own personal armor.
against practitioners of magic, especially since the Scouts Prerequisite: The Pascalline Order only accepts Warrior
often used small amounts of magic to aid them in their Mages into their ranks.
jobs. This made no difference to the Theocracy; to them Skill Rank
all magic was evil and needed to be exterminated. Armor 3
Prerequisite: This Training Package is only available to Healing 2
those of the Ranger Profession who are of full Orsai blood. Mundane Lore (Tactics) 5
It has never been taught to any outsiders. Resistance (Stamina) 4
Skill Rank Riding 2
Armor 2 Survival 2
Perception 4 Weapon Group (Swords) 2
Riding 2
Stalk & Hide 5
Survival 4
Weapon Group (Swords) 3

Chapter Five Character Creation


The Skaldi rarely go to war without their warrior poets, The Palladines of Desnia are an elite order of their
the Skalgorn. These strange – some say insane – men charge military. They specialize in the Masumasi style of combat,
into the thick of the fighting with their warrior brethren, a very deadly two weapon style.
singing battle songs and, in the aftermath, leading the dirges Prerequisite: Only those of Desnian Arali blood may
for the dead, and the songs of victory. The Skalgorn often acquire this Training Package.
carry certain musical instruments including a bodhran like Skill Rank
small war drum to a small “battle harp” with highly strung Armor 4
strings which produce a sharp, brittle note. Foes of the CA&M (Masumasi) 4
Skaldi can recall the strange and eerie and nerve wracking First Aid 4
music coming out of the misty hills, followed by the tense Weapon Group (Long Blades) 4
pounding of the battle drums followed by rains of arrows… Weapon Group (Short Blades) 4
Prerequisite: Skalgorn are Skaldi only. No one else is

5 quite so…insane.
Lore (Skaldi history)
The Garuda are the Warriors of the Gryphon society. It is
they who protect the eyrie from intruders and other threats.
Play Instrument (War Drum) 4 They are fierce in battle and their airborne attacks can be
Play Instrument (Battle Harp) 4 devastating to those one the ground. One of the other primary
Singing 4 tasks for the Garuda is the hunting of game to feed the eyrie.
Weapons Group (Axes) 4 Prerequisite: Only Gryphons may acquire this Training
Skill Rank
If you need to travel someplace that you have never Armor 2
been before, it is best to hire a guide. The best, and often CA&M (Ariel Combat) 4
the most expensive, guides are the Venturer’s Clerks. These Healing 2
guides use their skills and spells to the best of their Flying/Gliding 4
abilities in order to get their charges to their destination, MA Combat Style (Garu Style) 4
no matter where that may be. Martial Arts (Claws) 4
Prerequisite: Must have access to the Clerk’s Sphere of spells.
Craft: Cartography 4 The Rhona are normally a very peaceful, however
Herbcraft 3 living within the confines of the Devastation can be very
Foraging/Survival 3 dangerous. To protect themselves, they formed the Graym
Trading 2 Warders to guard and protect their holdings.
Navigation 3 Prerequisite: The character must be Rhona to acquire
Spell Casting this package.
(Universal/Clerk Sphere only) 5 Skill Rank
Chi Defense 2
MA Combat Style (Stone Fist Style) 4
ATRIAH APPRENTICE Martial Arts Strikes 4
The Atriah comprise the largest group among any Weapon Kata (Gnorish) 4
Gryphon eyrie. They are the craftsman and farmers; they
tend to the needs of the eyrie and everyday life. JANIEAL INFANTRYMAN
Prerequisite: Only Gryphons may acquire this Training The average infantryman from Janieal is taught this
Package. style with their standard weapon, the arula. The arula is a
Skill Ranks staff with a leaf shaped blade at one end, with the other end
Appraisal 2 shod in studded steel. They are taught to not only use this
Craft (one craft) 5 weapon effectively, but to also work together with others.
Mundane Lore (related to craft) 5 Prerequisite: Only those of Janieal Arali blood may
Perception 3 acquire this Training Package.
Trading 5

Chapter Five Character Creation


Armor 4
CS&M (Arula-ka) 3 The Varaghra maintain the spiritual links of the
Healing 4 Gryphons with their ancestors and the spirits of the world
Mundane Lore (Tactics) 4 around them. Some call them shamans or animists or even
Weapon Group (Staves) 5 priests. They are none of these, yet all of these both at the
same time.
MEETA APPRENTICE Prerequisite: Only Gryphons may acquire this Training
The Meeta are the scouts of the Gryphons. They Package.
search out new places to explore, spy on enemies, and even Skill Ranks
search out likely hunting grounds for the Garuda. Arcane Lore (Spirit Lore) 5
Prerequisite: Only Gryphons may acquire this Training Mundane Lore (Religious dogma) 5
Package. PP Development 3
Skill Rank Resistance (Any) 3
Martial Arts (Claws)
Spell Casting* 4
* = Ranks may be applied only to spells from the Universal
Sphere or the character’s Professional Sphere.
Perception 4
Stalk & Hide 4
Survival 4

After the Nagazi settled Evefalim, they discovered many
old texts and manuscripts in the ancient ruins. Among
those were the ones that became revered by a small group
who later founded the S’tok Monastery. Over the years, the
teachings of those manuscripts have allowed a small
portion of the Nagazi to work towards spiritual enlighten-
ment through striving for unity of mind, spirit, and body.
Skill Rank
Acrobatics 3
Chi Defense 3
Chi Focus 3
MA Combat Style (Ji’Corva Style) 3

Martial Arts Strikes 4
Weapon Kata (Staves) 4

The Usirae are considered to be somewhat fey or odd
to the rest of the Gryphon society. They deal with things
that, once upon a time, ended up causing the Devastation.
This causes the other Gryphons to be both in fear and in
awe of them at the same time. They are not quite outcasts,
but other Gryphons tend to avoid them when possible. initiate
Prerequisite: Only Gryphons may acquire this Training
Skill Ranks
Alchemy 2
Arcane Lore (Spell Lore) 3
Cantrips 3
PP Development 2
Resistance (Any) 3
Runes 2
Spell Casting* 5
* = Ranks may be applied only to spells from the Universal
Sphere or the character’s Professional Sphere.

Chapter Five Character Creation

NEW EQUIPMENT length with just a flick of the wrist. It is comprised of

several hollow steel tubes that fit within each other. On
The following is a list of equipment that is new for the end of the smallest tube is a solid steel weight or
Cyradon. The first table is weapons that are common stud that is used to make attacks with. To open the
in the Cyradon setting. The second table is for Gnorish, the wielder just flicks his wrist which causes
Gryphon armor, which is slightly different than armor the tubes to extend out and lock into place with click as
for other races. small button on each inner tube slips into a specially
WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS prepared hole on the next larger tube.
Talon Tips: These are specially developed gloves
Arula: The Arula is a type of Janieal Spear or Pole worn by Gryphons. They allow a Gryphon to make a
Arm. It is 7' long and weighs about 6 lbs on average. On Medium Slash attack rather than a Small when using
one end it has a broad, leaf-shaped head, and quite often their natural attacks. They come in two distinct forms.
the other end is capped with a sheath of studded metal. The first are the forelimbs of the Gryphon and designed
Masuri: The Masuri is a favorite weapon of the to fit over their talons. The second form fits over the
5 Desnian Elves. It is a long sword with a slight curve.
Masiri: The Masiri is an elvish short blade, often used
in conjunction with the Masuri.
Gryphon’s hind feet and basically enhances the claw
attacks that are possible with those limbs. The listing in
the table is for a single pair of Talon Tips for either
Gnorish: The Gnorish of the Rhona Gnomes is a front or hind legs.
small compact weapon that extends out to about 18" in War Fork: Originally developed from pitchforks
used to tend their
mounts and animals,
Gryphon Armor the War Fork has
Total developed into a
Item DB Camouflage DB* Cost Weight (lbs.) Production Time deadly weapon. It
Soft Leather offers several different
Helm 1 2 3 2 sp 2 2 days types of attacks and is
extremely deadly in
Gorget 1 2 3 2 sp 2 2 days
the hands of a warrior
Pauldrons 3 2 5 2 sp 2 2 days
skilled in its use. It
Cuirass 5 9 14 6 sp 8 3 days has a length of
Shirt 8 11 19 8 sp 12 4 days approximately 7' and
Rigid Leather is often decorated
Helm 3 2 5 6 sp 3 3 days with symbols telling
Gorget 3 2 5 6 sp 3 3 days the history of the
Pauldrons 4 2 6 6 sp 5 3 days weapon itself.
Cuirass 10 9 19 16 sp 10 8 days
Shirt 14 11 25 20 sp 15 10 days
Full Suits
Soft Leather 10 15 25 12 sp 16 10 days
Rigid Leather 20 15 35 32 sp 21 18 days
* Refer to the Armor Descriptions below for details

Item Cost Weight Production Time Attack Size/Type Weapon Group Fumble
Arula 15 sp 5-8 lbs 4 days Med. Slash/Crush Staves or Pole Arms 01-04
Masuri 25 sp 4-6 lbs 5 days Medium Slash Long Blades 01-03
Masiri 20 sp 1-2 lbs 3 days Small Slash Short Blades 01-02
Gnorish 15 sp 2-3 lbs 4 days Medium Crush Clubs 01-02
Talon Tips 20 sp 2-3 lbs 6 days Medium Slash Martial Arts Strikes 01-02
War Fork 20 sp 6-10 lbs 6 days Staves or Pole Arms 01-04

Chapter Five Character Creation


The new armor listed in the above table refers solely When the Ritual of Estrousal was performed, it
to Gryphon Armor. Gryphons have developed lightweight brought a number of species of animals back to life,
armor that they can wear whilst flying. This armor comes including the Stionoir. Different types of Stionoir are used
in two forms, soft leather and rigid leather. Due to their as mounts and one type even makes a good herd beast.
different physiques, Gryphons can only wear armor that The information given below is supplemented by the
has been specifically made for Gryphons. This physique Stionoir entry in the Bestiary.
also limits the actual pieces of armor that can be worn by
a Gryphon. STIONOIR
A full suit of Gryphon armor consists of a helm, a gor- Stionoir are large flightless bird-like creatures that are
get and shirt, or a helm, a gorget, pauldrons, and a cuirass. native to Cyradon. There are four major types of Stionoir
The helm covers the Gryphon’s head, the gorget covers his and several lesser varieties. The four major types are what
neck, pauldrons cover his shoulders, a cuirass covers his chest are concerned here. The first one is nothing more than a
and back, and a shirt covers a Gryphons shoulders, chest,
and back. These are the only pieces that a Gryphon can wear.
For the sake of simplicity, a gryphon’s body has the
food source and the other three are types of mounts.
Areya: The Areya Stionoir stands about 4' tall, yet
weighs around 700 lbs. This creature is slow and heavy,
same number of hit locations as a normal humanoid body, and makes an excellent source of meat and is a common
and Gryphon armor covers the same hit locations and food source. The Areya has, in the past, also been used to
has the same defensive bonus as the equivalent piece of pull wagons and carts as they have an extremely good
human armor. carrying/pulling capacity.
Camouflage DB: Gryphons normally apply painted Aumo: The Aumo is one of the most common types
camouflage designs to their armor to make them more dif- of Stionoir and it makes and excellent mount, and is
ficult to see while flying. These camouflage patterns are often used as such. An adult Aumo can carry up to 700
sky colored on the front of the armor and earth colored on lbs maximum. At half that load, 350 lbs, it can still move
the back of the armor. The Camouflage DB listed on the up to a dash, reducing its maximum pace by 1 for every
table above is the Defensive Bonus gained by the Gryphon 75 lbs above the half way mark, until its maximum pace
from the camouflage designs. This bonus applies against is reduced to a Walk. The Aumo is a favored mount for
ground based ranged attacks and attacks from other air- the Nagazi.
borne foes while they are flying, and against all attacks from Okin: These mounts are slightly smaller and lighter
above when they are on the ground. It provides no bonus than the Aumo and have a smaller weight capacity than its
to foes on the ground while the Gryphon is also on the larger cousin. It can move up to a Dash with a load of up
ground. Another effect of the camouflage armor is that it to 250 lbs. Its maximum pace is reduced by one for every
makes a flying Gryphon Extremely Hard to locate with a 50 lbs beyond that. The Okin is the favored mount of the
Perception maneuver. Janieal and Desnian Elves.
Metal Armor: Gryphons cannot wear normal metal Vatoh: The Vatoh are the smallest of the three types
armor and fly. They can however wear ultra-light magical of Stionoir mounts. They can move at a Dash with as
metal armors. The Gryphons have legends of fabulous much as 100lbs of weight. For every 25 lbs above that,
metal armors that were made for them by the Cyrads. their maximum pace is reduced by 1. The Rhona Gnomes
Magical Armor: Magical pieces of Gryphon armor do use the Vatoh as mounts.
exist, and are highly prized by Gryphons who go into battle.

Animal Cost BMR MPH Max Pace MN Bonus Ht/Wt Capacity (lbs)
Areya Stionoir (herd beast) 40sp 10 3.4 Dash 10 4'/700 600
Aumo Stionoir 20gp 18 6 Dash 30 7'/950 700
Okin Stionoir 45sp 16 6 Dash 40 6'/800 500
Vatoh Stionoir 50sp 20 6 Dash 20 4'/300 200

Chapter Six Cosmology


t would not be a stretch to say that Stave,

Barrin, Agarek and Roalan were each stunned, pleased
and cautiously hopeful after they had seen more of
what Belynar had to offer. For the Skaldi, the prospects
of adventure, glory and riches seemed nearly endless.
This was what they became mercenaries for in the first
place! And home would be there when they returned.
For Agarek, the bitter truths of Tarahir’s war became
quickly obvious. But there were many Tarahir in
Belynar...this could be a new home, a fresh start. Roalan
quickly found his way to the Sithi community and broke
bread with them, thanking the gods for his deliverance
from the evils of the wars that tore Anias apart.
But the bonds formed over the course of a few hours
desperation back in the woods on Anias were stronger than any of the
four expected. Just a few days after arriving at Belynar, Stave, Barrin,
Agarek and Roalan found themselves seated together in a ruined public
square, drinking their fill.
“We have done well together,” Roalan said.
“And there is a lot we can do” Agarek said “If we work together.”
“This place is huge, and almost totally unexplored,” Stave said.
“So,” Barrin asked, “where to?”

Chapter Six Cosmology

THE WORLDS who are about to be born. When an Elf is born, they say
that the star which is directly overhead is the birthstar of
Mystics and philosophers speak of several worlds. the newborn child, and the flame from which his spirit has
sparked. Thus many elven families (particularly the Janieal
THE MATERIAL WORLD and Desnian Elves) have constructed silver mirrored
The first world, the lowest world, is the world of basins in their homes open to the sky. The Elves call these
earth. This is the world, the physical realm. basins the “Pool of Hearts.” When a child is born, the stars
which can be seen in the basin are the child’s life stars.
Proud parents record the pattern of stars in the basins and
Mithra has one moon, a large blue white globe which etch it on platinum scrolls.
orbits the planet in a regular cycle. Its bluish hue is most Certain of the elder elvish spirits, wandering the
noticeable the further one gets from the equator. In the realms of spirit between the Ocean and the world of life,
equatorial lands, over Cyradon, the moon is a pale and are linked by their own birth stars to certain realms of the
almost empty globe casting pitiless and cool light down heavens. Some Elves even pray to these ancients for
onto the world below. guidance. See “Elvish Fellowships,” below.
The Narsi believed that beyond the orbit (or
sphere) of the moon, the void began. All things below THE OTHERWORLD
the moon, they wrote, can be understood and de- Beyond the earth is the world of spirit. The realm of
scribed. All things beyond cannot. Whether this is true
or not cannot be proved, only disproved. But it gave the
Narsi the sense that Mithra was a lonely place, a place
spirit is the realm of the dead, and the half living, and the
place where elemental spirits take form. In many ways the
world of spirit is not really a world, rather an echo of the
of life and light in an empty void. This melancholy physical world, a shadow to the physical world’s light.
attitude did not, sadly, prevent them from almost Living things do not live here; they may visit on occasion,
destroying the world. in dreams, or more perilously, through magical travel. It’s
THE ETERNAL OCEAN & THE POOL OF HEARTS possible that the spirit world is actually part of the
physical world, just hidden.
Beyond the Sphere of the Moon lies the Eternal
Ocean, in which the stars and worlds are mere THE OUTER PLANES
islands in the tide. Everything is born
Beyond the spirit world lie the
from that ocean of nothingness
outer planes. The outer planes
and potential, and all things
are the realms of the higher
return to the ocean in the
spirits, the messengers
end, or so the Elves say.
of the gods, the gods
The spirits of
themselves and other
fallen Elves some-
such creatures.
times have enough
will and passion to THE VOID
remain whole.
Beyond the
Such spirits walk
furthest ex-
the ways between
tremes of the
the Eternal
mortal realms,
Ocean and the
the place where
living world,
the stars gutter
guarding the
and fade is the
secret paths and
void. This is the
looking over the
black emptiness
vast dance of the
of the time before
stars. The stars, the
the coming of light
Elves say, are the
and life. The Void is
burning sparks of
bereft of energy and
passion and life of Elves
motion. It exists as a state
who have died, or Elves
of oblivious nothingness.

Chapter Six Cosmology

But intelligences lurk there. What they are is un- on them in need, just as a follower of a deity would. How
known. The Narsi made one attempt to catalogue these many different deities are there? Does a single god or
beings: they stopped when the magicians studying the goddess take different forms for different cultures? This
void attempted to kill themselves. The Order speculated question has never been settled. A religious scholar might
that these things were the last fragments of the souls of the argue that human goddess Mia-sha and the Dwarven
things of an older universe. They labeled these powers goddess Tamine are one and the same. The gods of Mithra
“demons” and then they closed the study and never do not reveal their secrets.
mentioned them again. They encountered these beings on
occasion in the years following, and more than a few TARAHIRI DEITIES
mages met their deaths fighting them. The most commonly worshipped god in Anias is
While the void exists beyond the physical universe, a Memra. Memra is the youngest of an old and largely
part of the void bleeds into the emptiness between the forgotten pantheon. Memra came to be seen as an avatar
stars and its chill undertow effects the fringes of the of the ultimate god of the sun; eventually he came to be
spirit world. worshipped as the “king of the gods”. A god of life and
On at least two occasions, mortal occultists have light, Memra was the major deity of the people of Tarahir
drawn forth some of the power of the void for some and the New Tarahiri city states. Other deities popular
unknown reason. among the Tarahir were, Mia-Sha, (Memra’s spouse), and
Nirgal, the patron of merchants. Most Tarahiri cities had
Holy magic is the touch of the divine on earth: be it
huge temples to these deities, clad in white marble. At the
peak of the Empire, from southern Skaldi tribes in the
north to the people of the city of Asut in the south all
the breath of God, the passions of the deities of the Skaldi
pantheon, or the subtle workings of the gryphon yazatas. worshipped at the white temples. However, the masters of
Every culture has its society of “holy” magicians. Holy Tarahir knew that religion was an important political tool,
magicians call on God or the gods to work wonders for and as the empire grew, the deities of other peoples joined
their followers. Those who do study the arts of holy magic the imperial pantheon. While they encouraged other the
are remarkable individuals who try to study the inner people of the empire to worship Memra and his fellow
workings of their god’s teachings and tend to the needs of deities, they issued Edicts of Tolerance forbidding any
their community. Those who do make the sacrifices and official interference in the construction of other temples,
undertake the arduous studies to learn the secrets of holy or the activities of other religions.
magic are highly respected and valued by their fellow When the empire retreated, the worship of imperial
priests. To most, the sight of a cleric working miracles is deities remained, curiously unchanged. It left a massive
enough to confirm that their god exists. However, most cultural imprint and the cults even grew, finding worship-
will convince themselves that when they see someone who pers in the cities and ports of the new Treaty Kingdoms, or
is obviously worshipping a “false god” using such holy in the heavily defended mountain vales of the city-states
magic, they are witnessing charlatanry or arcane magic. to the north of Tarahir.
The following section details a number of deities To the south, in the Theocracy of Asut, worship of
worshipped on Mithra. This is not a comprehensive or all- Memra became all-encompassing and eventually pushed
inclusive list and should not be taken as one. Only those out most of the other deities. The Theocracy then actively
deities with relatively large followings are detailed. strove to destroy those who worshipped anything other
Following it is a section which details a few of the holy than the state religion. This, along with many other
orders that can be found in Cyradon, either among the factors, eventually led to the war between Tarahir and the
refugees or those who already inhabit Cyradon. As with Theocracy, leaving Tarahir destroyed and a ragged band of
the list of deities, this is not a comprehensive or all- refugees fleeing through the mountains and finally
inclusive list. through one of the Royal Roads to Belynar on Cyradon.
The human refugees stranded in Belynar have found
DEITIES themselves in a place where everything is alien. They have
What is the definition of a deity on the world of sought solace in communion with their gods – because
Mithra? Definitions vary from culture to culture. A where ever they are, only the gods can hear them. The
Gryphon philosopher might argue that the mountain refugees have no familiar temples, no places of worship, so
deities of Rasa and Elgan are really yazatas, and not deities. they have improvised. Old Cyrad and Narsi temples and
A worshiper of Rasa and Elgan might conversely argue meditation chambers have been converted to small temples
that the yazatas are really deities. After all, the Gryphons for their gods. The congregations are small and the décor is
revere the yazatas, hold ceremonies in their honor, and call sparse or non existent (some have found some small Narsi

Chapter Six Cosmology

religious tokens commemorating Memra and added them MIAH-SHA

to their altars). But the temples have become important
places nonetheless. Few have any dreams of establishing Miah-Sha is worshipped as one of the elder deities of
churches. Many have come to see worship not as expres- Memra’s pantheon. A goddess of fertility and plenty, she is a
sions of divisions, but as an expression of common popular figure of worship. Miah-Sha is a popular goddess in
humanity. The strange faiths and attitudes of the Gryphons, the New Tarahiri League cities, and is considered the patron
Elves and Gnomes are too different, too alien to be fully deities of the various libraries and skolastikosa (schools of
understood (at least by a non specialist). But even to a philosophy for the noble born) of those realms. Miah-Sha is
worshipper of Memra, the Shrine Deities and the Skaldi a loving, but firm, deity. She is also worshipped by tribes
gods are oddly familiar and reassuring. who try and eke life out of the desert and the dry foothills
But still, tensions boil below the surface and as time of the eastern Juras Mountains.
passes, sharper divisions will appear between the small Sigil: The sigil of Miah-Sha is a wreath of vine leaves,
human cults. symbolizing both the harvest and the cycle of life. The sigil
While the Memra listed below is the same deity is rarely displayed in public.
worshipped by both the refugees and the Orsai of the Aspects: Miah-Sha has one aspect, that of the goddess of
Theocracy of Asut, the forms of worship are much different. fertility. She is invoked in spring and at harvest. The “planting
Only the Tarahiri version of Memra is listed below. moon” and the “harvest moon” are named for her and some
consider her a moon goddess. She is considered a “life
Memra is the youngest of the Elder
goddess”, of rebirth and new beginnings.
Allies: Miah-Sha is Memra’s beloved
Pantheon. To some, he is omnipresent
wife and equal.
and omnipotent; to these people he is
a harsh and judgmental god, a god of Enemies: Miah-Sha is the
fire and deserts, wrath and plagues. goddess who drives away the
To others he is merely a god ghosts of the unhallowed dead.
between, a subtle, hidden and Those who still walk after they
secret power. When he is called have died are beyond her laws,
upon, he intercedes with the and must be destroyed.
multitudes of spirits and
powers and the universe. NIRGAL
Sigil: The Sigil of Nirgal is an ancient deity who
Memra is the sun, was worshiped by the Mithrans.
represented by a flaming Nirgal is the patron deity of
star symbol. merchants, travelers, and craftsmen.
He is said to be the inventor of
Aspects: Lightbringer,
currency, the builder of cities, and
life giver, herald of the
the inventor of all crafts. Legend
dawn, guardian of
also ascribes the invention of the
warriors, the god of fathers
scale to Nirgal, thus making him
and children, the bull god,
the patron deity of just and honest
the messenger god, the last
business dealings. Nirgal prizes
of the Elder Pantheon.
honesty, hard work, creativity, and
Allies: Miah-Sha, order without rigidity.
Nirgal, Samia. Sigil: A scale, compass, a
Enemies: Memra is house, a hammer, and a phoenix.
said to be the one who Aspects: Knowledge, insight
guards the way between creativity, fairness and honesty, order,
the universe of the living and civilization.
and the void. Creatures of
the Void, such as demons Allies: Mia-Sha, Memra, Samia.
are his enemies. Enemies: Destructive, evil forces—
demons, undead, evil monsters.

Chapter Six Cosmology

Samia is the goddess of love—playful, mischievous, Perkuna is a heroic god, noted for his lightning spear.
and full of laughter. She embodies true love, and is the He is the slayer of monsters and demons and the guardian
patron of lovers and happy families. Of all the gods, Samia of Skaldi communities. When he and his company mount
is said to interfere most in earthly affairs—constantly their magical steeds and hunt for monsters, there is
striving to bring suitable parties together to promote love thunder and lightning. Perkuna is a plain spoken, honest
matches. Samia is the protector and guardian of all lovers, god who despises trickery and deceit. The Skaldi invoke
both young and old. Perkuna’s name when swearing oaths.
Sigil: A lovers knot. Sigil: A lightning blast or a spear.
Aspects: Love, goodness, harmony, spring, rebirth, Aspects: Combat, hunting, justice, storms.
Allies: Perkuna is the first among equals of the
Allies: Nirgal, Mia-Sha, Memra. Skaldi pantheon.
Enemies: Evil beings, rigid, narrow-minded people Enemies: Perkuna is bitter enemies with the evil god
with no sense humor, the haughty and the arrogant. Y’gin; he is also the foe of monsters and demons.


6 The Skaldi worship a whole pantheon of Gods, from
Perkuna, the god of storms, to the Goddess of fire, Vella to
Niamh is the wife of Perkuna. She is the goddess of
the harvest, the protector of women, and a goddess of
virtue, wisdom and self discipline and of healing magic.
the Moon mother, Niamh. A small, scarcely organized,
priesthood leads the worship of these gods. Few of these Niamh embodies the peaceful, more civilized aspects of
priests, however, have any sort of mystical power. They are Skaldi culture.
primarily educated peasants, praised more for their Sigil: The symbol of Niamh is a twisted knotted circle.
storytelling than their abilities to bring divine favor. Aspects: Harvest, crops, healing, wisdom, crafts.
There’s something stoic and worldly about Skaldi belief Allies: She stands beside all those who work the earth
practices. As one Skaldi joke has it: we made a deal with and who seek wisdom and understanding. Niamh sits at
the Gods. They leave us alone, if we leave them alone. Perkuna’s side as his counselor and helpmeet.
The exceptions to this are the Seidheri; they are highly Enemies: Y’gin, and other evil gods.
educated and they do command some mystical abilities.
But these abilities are due more to intense magical training VELLA
and learning than any sign of divine favor. The Seidheri According to the Skaldi, Vella stole the secret of magic
don’t make a big issue of this fact, nor do they keep it a from the ancient dragons and gave it to the fathers of men.
secret. Seidheri are necessary for civic functions, not She is the goddess of magic, and knowledge. Vella is also
merely interceding with divine forces, or leading temples. the giver of runes. Her position in the Skaldi pantheon is
The ancestors of the Skaldi tribes were animists and ambiguous, since knowledge and magic can be used for
ancestor worshippers. The Skaldi never abandoned their both good and evil.
ideas about the afterlife. The Skaldi priests do not talk of Sigil: A rune.
an eternity in the presence of the gods. The Skaldi tribes Aspects: Magic, fire, runes, forbidden
speak of an afterlife where all a soul’s loved ones wait to knowledge, learning.
greet them, or a place of gentle breezes and easy hunting. Allies: Variable—depending on whose side she is on.
Skaldi visions of the afterlife are heavily influenced by the Vella usually stands with the good Skaldi gods.
realities of their lives. The Skaldi afterlife is like a Skaldi Enemies: Dragons, demons, Y’gin.
man’s time on earth, only easier and better. What brings
joy and ease in this life is the stuff of the Skaldi afterlife. Y’GIN
Y’Gin was born of a Skaldi maiden and a demonic
father. He stands between the world of the dark and the
world of the night. He is the killer and the trickster. He
was Perkuna’s worst enemy. There are no temples to Y’gin
and no official priests. His presence is acknowledged, but
he is not openly worshipped.

Chapter Six Cosmology

Sigil: The Symbol of Y’Gin is single flame, a candle in Sigil: Hammer and anvil.
the dark. Aspects: Crafts, Smithing, Mining, Building, Trade,
Aspects: Death, pain, winter, the trickster god, the Commerce, Fairness.
lord of midnight, the patron of sorcerers.
Allies: Y’Gin is the god of the rogues and thieves He Allies: Vasila, Tamine, Atla and other dwarvish deities.
works against Perkuna. Enemies: Enemies of the Dwarves, and evil gods.
Enemies: Y’Gin constantly strives against Perkuna’s
insistence on goodness and nobility. ATLA
DWARVEN DEITIES Atla is the embodiment of the mountains and sky. His
realm is where the mountains meet the sky. He is a god of
The Mountain People worship ancient Mithran weather and storms, flying creatures and animals that
deities, and are a deeply spiritual people. This spiritual- dwell in the high mountains. He is also the god of
ism is reflected in their intense sense of community and dwarven dreamers, mystics, poets, artists, and of inspira-
deep loyalty to each other – and their tolerance of others. tion. He is also the patron of travelers.
As Dwarves farm their mountain vales, or delve their
mines and build their cities, they are working with the Sigil: An eagle.
very stuff of creation – clay, fire and stone. Touching the Aspects: Storms, travelers, the arts, animals,
stuff of creation with one’s bare hands, they say, puts one flying creatures.
in closer contact to the divine than any prayer. The
Dwarves prefer to live their lives in accordance to their
gods’ wishes, rather than “frittering it away in temples
Allies: Vasila, Tamine, Mikuel, and other dwarvish deities.
Enemies: Enemies of the Dwarves, and evil gods.
and endless religious services.” After all they say—talk is
cheap. Any one can claim fidelity to a god—but in the TAMINE
end it’s an individual’s actions and life that are a true Known as “The sower”, Tamine is the goddess of
expression of his or her faith. plants and growing things. She also sows veins of
The only moments when the Mountain People precious and magical metals and gems beneath the earth.
outwardly and actively pray to their gods are before and She is the patroness of miners, farmers, gardeners and
after battles, and at the birth of a child. In these instances, dwarven rangers.
the Mablung thanks the gods for life, and asks the gods for Sigil: A flowering tree.
a little help if the cause is just, or the child is worthy.
Aspects: Plants, farming, harvest, mines, growth, life.
Allies: Vasila, Atla, Mikuel, and other dwarvish deities.
Vasila is known as “The little grandmother” of the
Dwarves. The Dwarves revere her as their creator and Enemies: Enemies of the Dwarves, and evil gods.
the wise old grandmother of their tribe. She is their
teacher and protector—all dwarven children are placed GRYX DEITIES
under her protection at birth. The Dwarves consider The nomadic Gryx worship many deities. In their
themselves to be her children. According the dwarven travels the Gryx adopted deities and religious practices
legend, other deities bestowed gifts on her children at from the many cultures of Anias, including those of the
birth. These “gift givers” are worshipped by the Dwarves Elves. Players running Gryx clerics may choose to be
as their patron deities. followers of any of the deities of Anias.
Sigil: A hearth and a spindle. However, the most commonly worshipped gods by
the Gryx are the Shrine Deities of the Juras Mountains. In
Aspects: Birth, children, life, protection. fact, it has been the migrations of the Gryx themselves
Allies: Mikuel, Tamine, Atla, and other dwarvish deities. that has re-awoken worship of these deities and spread
their worship through the Treaty Kingdoms and the
Enemies: Enemies of the Dwarves, and evil gods. southern Skaldi tribes.
The Mablung also worship Nirgal, but call him
The high valleys of the Juras Mountains are dotted
Mikuel. According to dwarvish legend, when Vasila created
with hundreds of shrines to half forgotten deities of the
the Dwarves, Mikuel taught them various crafts; mining,
old tribes of the hills and mountains above Tarahir. The
metallurgy, building, so that they might have a roof over
tribes have long been absorbed into the southern Skaldi or
their heads, carpentry and other necessary skills.

Chapter Six Cosmology

New Tarahiri populations, but fragments of their old Allies: Rema has no allies, he walks alone. He
language and worship survive even now, passed down watches over those who call his name when lost in the
through the generations from mother to daughter. dark or the storm.
Enemies: All who do not respect this god are Rema’s
The shrine deities have proved oddly popular, viewed
enemies. He will destroy them without mercy or care.
as links to an ancient and barely understood world. A few
samples are included below. The shrine deities are usually ELGAN
symbolized by animals such as cats, wolves and deer. The In summer, Elgan soars on the warm south winds,
deities all have small informal cults amongst the new bringing warmth to the high vales. In winter, Elgan enters
Tarahiri and Southern Skaldi people. A number of the fires and beats his wings in the hearth fires of the
independent clerics in Tarahir, the Treaty Kingdoms and people of the hills. Elgan means both “hawk” and “fire” in
the southern Skaldi lands practice the old shrine faith. the old aboriginal language.
Sigil: Elgan is represented by a hawk. Elgan is said to
be a spirit of fire incarnate in birds of prey. Elgan’s
Rasa heals by the touch of his fur. He visits the dying followers keep hawk feathers near their hearths.
and infirm at night and either eases their pain or allows Aspects: Fire, summer, the sun, birds of prey.
them to pass peacefully. Rasa simply means “cat” in the old Allies: Elgan is a close ally to Rasa, though the
aboriginal language. deities belong to different worlds and their shrines are

6 Sigil: Rasa is represented by a small mountain cat. His

followers keep pet cats (something almost unheard of
elsewhere) to show their affection for their god and to
never close.
Enemies: Elgan has no enemies.
allow their god to watch them through the cats’ eyes. SITHI DEITIES
Aspects: Healing, killing undead, life, cats, justice. The Sithi gods are personifications of the world the
Allies: Rasa is an ally of Elgan; both are domestic deities. Sithi live in. The Sithi gods are spirits born of the Boreal –
Dairda the oldest god of oak and riddles, Huaithe the
Enemies: Rasa is said to be the enemy of murderers spirit of hawthorn and fire, Iogha the spirit of yew and of
and is the god who tries to bring rest to the undead. war, Uira the goddess of the wild heather of the hills and
REMA healing, Saille the river goddess and willow spirit, Beith
the spirit of birch and winter and Luais the protector spirit
Rema is a wolf god who is said to walk the night of the Rowan Tree. The ancestors named these spirits long
during storms, hunting prey and protecting his followers. ago; woke them from their deep slumber to serve the
Sigil: Rema is represented by a wolf in his shrines. His Mithrans. The Mithrans fell and left those spirits awak-
followers wear wolf teeth on a necklace. ened in the Boreal. It would take an age for their distant
Aspects: Storms, hunting, night, darkness, combat. fallen descendants, the Sithi, to speak to them again. The

Chapter Six Cosmology

Boreal spirits are old and have been worshipped since HUAITHE
ancient times. The Sithi do not bow to the Boreal gods, Huaithe is the spirit totem of power. He is the most
but the Boreal gods love the Sithi. They entreat with each dangerous and most blessed of the Boreal Gods. He rules
other as equals. The Boreal gods can be harmed by the fire, which is both a blessing and a curse in the Boreal
felling of a mere tree. The forests of the Boreal are vast, forests. He rules the lightning storms – the birth of fire in
however, and the Boreal gods remember. But the bravest the Boreal. His influence can bring cooling rain in the
of the ancient Sithi went and knelt before the Boreal Gods summer or destructive fires. Cealla – Sithi magic workers
and made alliance with them. Those Sithi, the makers of – utter spells in Huaithe’s name, in the hope that his
alliance, were the first Draiocht. influence will ensure the spells they are wielding work. But
The Boreal Gods are the Sithi’s protectors and most Cealla know that Huaithe is a wild power and often
guardians. Beith leads the souls of fallen mortal Sithi into will make magic go awry for his own reasons.
the sleeping heart of the earth. Saille brings water and Sigil: Huaithe is represented by the rune symbol of
spring to the forest. Huaithe is the spirit of fire and magic. the hawthorn tree.
When Sithi warriors carve their longbows, they pray to Aspects: Huaithe is the totem spirit of fire and magic.
Iogha to make their bows strong and make their aim true. Huaithe is the patron totem of Cealla – Sithi magic
In return, the Sithi commit themselves to the service of the workers. He is also the totem of survival in winter.
Boreal gods. Newborn Sithi are marked with the sign of Allies: Huaithe, for all his wild and unpredictable
one of the Boreal gods. The sign commits the newborn
Sithi to serve his patron god and never to harm his god. A
child born to Iogha can never fell a Yew tree for any
ways is the protector of the young. Mothers place a piece
of hawthorn branch under their child’s pillow to protect
them from childhood ailments. Huaithe is also the spirit
purpose other than the making of bows. A child born to called upon by travelers, wishing to be kept safe from
Saille cannot desecrate a stream for any reason. Woe betide storms and other perils of the road. Huaithe is a loyal
to any of the Sithi who violates that ban. The Boreal gods servant to Dairda, however, and does his bidding.
have ways to punish offenders, and their reach is long. Enemies: Huaithe is unpredictable and wrathful.
Those who must fear his wrath most are magicians who
DAIRDA do not pay him homage in his domain. There is a story
The Oak is the oldest of trees, the Sithi say, and is the told by the Sithi of how Narsi accompanying Tarahiri
lord of wisdom and law. An oath spoken under an oak, or legionaries into the Boreal came to a hideous end for not
a treaty signed on the bark of an oak is holy and cannot be offering the correct respect to the hawthorn tree.
undone without offending fate. Dairda is the spirit called
upon when a king is crowned: Sithi lords all wear oak
leaves on their crown as a sign of honor. Dairda is not to Uira is the totem spirit of young girls, and the spirit
be trifled with. If the Oak is offended, he can turn all of of healing. She is also the totem spirit of farmers and
the powers and creatures of the forest against the offender. herbalists. She is the “daughter” of Dairda and is consid-
ered to be the spirit of mercy, interceding with the more
Sigil: The sigil for Dairda is the Sithi rune for Oak.
powerful spirits.
Aspects: Dairda is the spirit of riddles, the Sigil: Uira is the totem of the heather plant, and is
overseer of treaties and the lord of the forest and all symbolized by the rune Uira, or a sprig of the plant worn
that dwells therein. by a worshipper.
Allies: Dairda is the ally of chieftains and kings who Allies: Uira looks over those Cealla who specialize in
are both strong and generous. Dairda is the chief tree and herbs and healing and is also the spirit who blesses those
thus commands the allegiance of all things of the forest, who need rest. All of the other Boreal totems will come to
from the smallest of animals to the faerie spirits to the her aid if she desires it. She may be a spirit of mercy, but
Sithi themselves. she is also protected.
Enemies: Uira has no enemies, but if one carrying her
Enemies: Dairda is the enemy of oath breakers and sigil is harmed, then she can call upon many allies to
traitors. He hates cowards. The Sithi mark criminals with destroy the life of the sinner.
Dairda’s sigil and chase the criminal through the forest. If
the criminal survives the ordeal (hunted by both the Sithi BEITH
and all the things of the forest) he is considered innocent. The Sithi say that the birch trees have their roots in
the underworld where the souls of the honored dead
sleep in eternal peace. When a dead Sithi is honored and

Chapter Six Cosmology

then burned, the funeral pyre is scattered with birch The Gryphon people do offer prayers and small
trees. Those who wish to survive the cold of winter, or sacrifices to a pantheon of spirits called the Yazatas. The
wish to die honorably often pray to the birch tree. Beith Yazatas (described under Yazatas, below) are the link
is perhaps the most feared of the Boreal deities. She is between the mortal life of the Gryphons and the divine
not unpredictable like Huaithe. She is very predictable, and distant realm of the gods. The Yazatas are commemo-
and unstoppable. Once someone has been marked for rated by ceremonies held around an eyrie’s hearthstone, or
her disfavor, their fate is as inevitable as the coming of by private meditation on festival days. When a Gryphon
winter. She always moves slowly and unstoppably. Some Varaghra calls upon the old pantheon, he is in fact calling
say that Beith enjoys the slow fear and despair of the one on the Yazatas who act in the name of the old pantheon.
that angered her. This of course leads to many debates over how metaphori-
Sigil: Beith is the birch totem, and is represented by cal the old pantheon are, how powerful the Yazatas truly
the runic symbol of the birch tree. are, and where they fit in the scheme of things. Each eyrie
Aspects: Beith is the goddess of winter and the – indeed, each Varaghra shaman – has a different answer
spirit of death. Beith leads the souls of fallen Sithi into for these questions.
the underworld. Finally, the Gryphons do speak of a being they call
Allies: Beith commands the all the souls of the “god.” For many, God is a personification for the universe,
restless dead who fall under the shadows of the birch tree the cosmos as a whole. “We are all god and god is all of us”
(even now, many Sithi execute their criminals in the they say. For others, God is a real and living force, the

6 shadow of the birch, so enslaving the criminal for

eternity to Beith). She can send these ghosts to terrorize
prime mover, the giver of life. Beyond the Yazatas, beyond
the Elder Pantheon lies the essence of all that is: that
essence is god. To these Gryphons, “God” is providence, a
her victims, or to keep watch on those who carry her sigil
far beyond Sithi lands. The other spirits are said to be unifying power driving the cosmos. This God is a meta-
somewhat afraid of Beith. phor for life itself. To others, god is the ultimate father of
Enemies: Beith has no true enemies. She relentlessly all the elder deities, the being that awoke at the dawn of
and remorselessly ends all those who would be her enemy. creation in the dark of utter night. God is the figure that
Harming someone who is marked with her sigil marks created life and offers grace for those mortal creatures who
them as an enemy. follow his laws. To these Gryphons, God is similar in
concept to the human god Memra
THE GRYPHONS In the end, though these considerations are a small
part of Gryphon life. For Gryphons, to soar on the
The Gryphons are animists. To the Gryphons, morning winds, watching the sun rise is the greatest
everything is a spirit, as vital a personality as every appreciation they can give the world. Gryphons love living
living thing. Everything is a spirit: a rock is a spirit, a so much that what comes before and what comes after
blade of grass is a spirit, a fox is a spirit and an ant is a matters little.
spirit. Each of these spirits has individual traits and
each must be respected. So while a Gryphon hunts and THE YAZATAS
devours a deer, the Gryphon must also respect the fact The Yazatas are not just one type of spirit, but many.
that the deer is a vital and vibrant personality, just like Some are the ghosts of old Gryphon shamans and
the Gryphon. After eating, Gryphons also whisper a warriors; others are the elemental spirits who have
brief prayer of thanks. clustered close to the Gryphons over time. Still others
The Gryphons do remember a pantheon of gods; seem to be older again, and the Gryphons believe these
however, this remembrance is primarily metaphorical. ancients are the children of the old pantheon of the gods.
Gryphon poets will speak of Kala-Meeta, the old goddess Some are the spirits or memories of the ancient Saena,
of death and sleep, and Simath, the goddess of life, and watching over the last Saena race.
Dala, the God of fire. The Gryphons call these gods the The Gryphons all believe that the Yazatas watch over
first pantheon. These were the gods worshipped by the them. However, many disagree on the exact nature of the
Cyrads. Whether the Cyrads learned these names from the Yazatas and their purpose. Most agree that the Yazatas
Gryphons is debatable. Even now, Gryphon animists, subtly interfere in the living world to help protect their
studying the arts of healing and power will separate their charges. Some say the Yazatas have become personifications
studies into realms. Each realm is named for the First of elemental forces. Others claim that the Yazatas are the
Pantheon god. A Gryphon animist who is learning the link between mortals and the divine, interceding for
ways of fire will study the realm of Dala. An animist who mortals with a distant god. Still others say that the Yazatas
wishes to study the power of life and rebirth will study the are in fact gods themselves, lesser deities born of mortal
realm of Simath. desire, deities who serve both the distant god and humanity.

Chapter Six Cosmology

Gryphons Shamans (Varaghra) call upon the Yazatas What few elvish Clerics, called Asyr, there are
for aid and guidance. When the shamans work magic, they reside primarily in small monasteries or wandering
are asking for the Yazatas’ intercession. When the Varaghra the lands aiding those in need. The Asyr believe that
need to make important decisions, they pray to the spirits there needs to be a balance in nature and among the
for wisdom. When the Varaghra sleep, they listen for the spirits and they work to maintain that balance.
whispers of the Yazatas to gain insight. However, this has caused numerous sects within the
The Yazatas work by forcing hundreds of subtle Elven religion as elvish philosophers cannot agree
changes in the world. They draw together hundreds of upon what constitutes that balance.
threads of events and decisions to create an effect else-
where. If the Yazatas want two Gryphons to meet and have THE ELVISH SPIRITS
a child, the Yazatas will delay one Gryphon’s flight, cause Akin to the faerie lords, the elvish spirits are the
another to lie awake sleepless, cause yet another to feel powerful wills and passions of the Elves who have
slightly ill – all causing one of the Gryphons to be some- slipped from their shackles of mortality to wander
where he normally would not be, and make another take a between the earth and stars. Most fallen Elves return to
journey in another’s stead, leading eventually to a fateful the earth and the sky. Their love and their life returns to
meeting. The Yazatas are rarely so arbitrary, but it leads the source of all things. They are reborn later as an
the Gryphons to assume that everything happens for a entirely new personality. But some, whose identity and
reason. It’s a comforting idea. will are so strong to prevent them dissipating into the so-
The Gryphons do not make a habit of naming the
Yazatas, but they do believe that different yazatas have
different personalities. They consider each eyrie, each
called Pool of Life ascend to greater power. Making their
homes in shafts of moonlight and in palaces of gossamer
spirit behind the moon, the spirits walk the earth and
holy place to have a Yazata present. Different rivers, intercede on behalf of their descendants, watching over
seasons and mountains will also have Yazatas present. the Elves people as a whole.
Gryphons will therefore speak of the Yazatas of the Each of the elvish tribes has a number of such
Ancient Eyrie, the Yazatas of Piremor, the Yazatas of guardians. The spirits guarding the Elves are puissant and
the Upper Airs, and the Yazatas of the Tanolain River.
The Yazatas are considered to have the same
ornery personalities the Gryphons treasure in them-
selves. The Yazatas are certainly not seen as holy,
serene creatures. If the Yazatas are the closest thing the
Gryphons have to the idea of fate, then fate has a
black, wicked sense of humor. The Yazatas do things
for the hell of it as often as they do things to help out
mortals. The Gryphons also say that the Varaghra
become more like the Yazatas as they get old and the
Varaghras’ bad habits rub off on the spirits. If the
world seems to become stranger and cussed, they say,
it’s the accumulated cranky humor of generations of
old Varaghras sharpening their claws on the threads of
reality grouching through eternity.

The Elves of Cyradon do not have an “official
religion.” Instead, the Elves participate in quiet, private
worship, revering deities and spirits that individual Elves
or elvish families feel close too. The Elves also send small
prayers of remembrance to their ancestors who have faded
from the mortal world and are now free spirits under the
sky. The Elves do not build public temples, but worship
instead in small family shrines, or in sacred open spaces.
Beyond the more personalized interaction with the spirits,
the Elves share the Gryphon’s pantheist or animistic view
of the world.

Chapter Six Cosmology

wise. They subtly speak into the dreams of their children, ers, but form the core of Rhona society. The gnomish
to warn or try and guide their listeners to wisdom. rituals seem to be about attracting the attention of their
One of these spirits is the daughter of the founder faerie kin, and something called “stirring the cauldron of
of the realm of Desnia. Her name is Kera. While her the sky.” The Rhona religious practices imbue the earth
father and brothers created a militaristic culture, she with a power and a love and a sense of holiness akin to
struggled to make the Elves of Desnia appreciate art the elvish “Echoes”.
and poetry. She was as much a warrior as the rest of her To the Gnomes, the universe is the deity. The
family. She is said to have died in battle. Her spirit lives universe, as understood through the earth, the moon and
on, watching over Desnia. Another of the spirits is the sun, encompass all that is. The Gnomes are a living
Sanda of Penlasse, a wandering knight in his day who part of the universe made flesh, or so their legends say.
fell fighting an enemy “born of the sea”. He died They are tiny sparks of the universal essence made
through impetuosity, the legends say, and now his spirit mortal, and thus the Gnomes have a powerful purpose in
walks the night counseling patience. Elvish passion has the universe. Despite this grand claim, the Gnomes only
been the undoing of the elvish people before. The Elves have the vaguest of ideas about how to execute their
of Penlasse are somewhat inclined to listen. Their “duty” as part of the universe. gnomish culture is based
Desnian overlords are not. on long tradition. Even those Gnomes who have passed
Most of the elvish spirits are little more than ghosts, but beyond, into the otherworldly realm shared by the
it is said the most powerful of these spirits are puissant spirits, the doubt continues: what is the duty of the

6 enough to walk with the gods, and command the very

elements. When the greater spirits speak, the oceans churn,
the winds blow, and fires gutter and die. Only in times of
Gnomes, and how does one accomplish it? In many ways,
the gnomish rituals encompass elvish and Gryphon
spirituality. The Gnomes share the Gryphon sense of
great crisis do they speak, and the phenomena associated animism: they believe that spirit imbues all matter. They
with these brief but important conversations are well known also believe, like the Elves, that they are bound to the
to soothsayers and fortune tellers as omens of ill repute. otherworld by their souls. However, that essential doubt
At other times, the spirits merely guard the Pool of about the Gnomes purpose means that the Gnomes cling
Life, living in dreaming slumber, at one with the tides and even more tightly to their ritualistic sense of duty. The
the winds and the tremors of the earth. Still, the spirits Gnomes have concentrated their animistic beliefs into
lend their strength to the whispering echoes, the hidden the worship of three totems: Moon, Sun and Earth. The
power that infuses all elvish lands to one degree or dedication to these totems now defines a lot of gnomish
another, and their breath gives power to elvish Paladins, society and morality.
Clerics and Weavers. Gnomish rituals are led by animists who are chosen
Some of the lesser spirits act as guides on the paths of randomly for that one ceremony. The ceremonies last one
mist walked by elvish magicians. Other than the spirits full night, on the night of the full moon. Gnomes who are
who guide travelers along the paths of mist, the spirits do away from their communities will still attempt to com-
not act directly to help their descendants. Rather, they try memorate the celebration, and will carry a flask of holy
and subtly influence people through their dreams and wine with them on all their journeys.
imaginations to act to protect the Elves – and life itself.
Such interventions might include a poet being inspired to GNOMISH TOTEMS
write a song which contains a message that only the The Gnomes place strange offertory sculptures at
chosen one will understand. Other interventions are more the center of their warrens or glades. The sculptures
subtle still, with the birds moving in a certain way, or the are representation of the sun, the moon or the earth.
wind getting a little cooler when an Elf contemplates and Each totem is different, and only a trained eye can tell
important decision. what the sculpture represents. Each tribe has different
However, the spirits are not neutral. They are prima- ways of portraying the sphere in question. Each totem
rily interested in the survival of their descendants. They represents the tribe and their connection to the
remember old grudges. They have their own agendas and universe. Each totem becomes, in a way, a deity made
keep their own counsel. Many seek to continue old feuds of the love and life of the gnomish tribe. Each gnom-
through their descendants. ish cleric carries a totemic symbol with them (a silver
bracelet for the moon, a gold coin for the sun, or a
GNOMISH DEITIES bronze brooch for the earth) that spiritually links
The Rhona gnomes have a complex and varied set of them to that “deity” at all times.
spiritual practices, which they do not share with outsid-

Chapter Six Cosmology

SUN Sigil: Earth’s followers wear a dark bronze brooch at

their shoulder.
Gnomish clerics who follow the sun tend to focus on Aspects: Fire, war, death, survival, bravery.
nature and life and healing. Gnomish tribes who adopt Allies: Earth looks over warriors and those who learn
the sun as their totem tend to be gentler, and of a better the truth of the world through hard experience. Earth is
disposition towards strangers. Choose the day, these close to those who fight and those who toil the lands
gnomish say, and join us in the noontide light. without hope of reward. Earth looks over the old and the
Sigil: Sun is represented by a small gold coin, worn infirm and waits for them to join him. Earth chooses the
around the neck or woven into a gnomish cleric’s hair. brave, and Earth dooms the cowards.
Aspects: Healing, life, nature, growth, compassion. Enemies: Earth has no time for cowards who reject
the gifts of life, or those who do not fight to save what is
Allies: Sun looks over everything, and brings warmth right and good. Earth is the enemy of assassins and those
to all who are alive. who strike from behind. Earth remembers those who
Enemies: Sun calls for the end of all undead things harm the world out of folly, and Earth is the enemy of the
and the restoration of all under his face. Those who Narsi and the Schirae.
practice dark magic are his enemies.
Moon is a trickster goddess, and the goddess of
storms and the night. She is an unpredictable and passion-
Known as “The Wise Ones”, the Sages are the seven
deities who brought the gifts of civilization and
ate totem, and those who follow her tend to adopt these
traits. Difficult, moody and secretive clerics are identified learning to the Nagazi. According to the Nagazi, when
immediately as being “moon’s children”. their ancestors discovered the ruins of Evefalim, they
Sigil: Moon is represented by a silver bracelet worn prayed in the ruins of one of the temples for guidance.
on the right arm. The ancient gods of Evefalim sent seven sages to
Aspects: Night, darkness, trickery, women, mysteries, instruct the Nagazi in the arts of knowledge, magic, and
sleep, childbirth, storms, justice. civilization. Each sage has equal stature, and as a group
Allies: Moon looks over thieves, tricksters and those they represent the arts, skills, crafts, and knowledge
who seek mysteries. She watches over women and over necessary for a harmonious, thriving civilization. To
children. She is revealed in anger during storms, but the that end, there are no specialty Nagazi clerics who are
gnomish all know that storms are part of the world, and in followers of just one of the sages; a Nagazi priest is a
their wild rage, life can survive and begin anew. priest of all the sages. The Nagazi holy year is marked
Enemies: Moon is a storm totem and she despises all by 8 major religious festivals; seven three day festivals
who do not respect her. Those who wander abroad during each dedicated to one of the Sages, and a 7 day festival
her storms are either brave or stupid. She tests the brave. dedicated to all of the Sages.
She destroys the stupid. Those who harm those she looks 1. Anu (male deity): The teacher and loremaster.
over (such as women or children) are her enemies, and her Anu’s province is reading, writing, mathematics,
followers must work in her stead to bring enemies to history, education and lore. He is most often
justice. Followers of the Moon totem often hunt Schirae shown as an older distinguished Nagazi scholar
raiders back to their lairs and kill them. instructing the young. Anu’s festival marks the
beginning of the new school year.
EARTH 2. Turan (male deity): The “maker”. Turan is also a
Between Moon and Sun lies Earth. Earth is the teacher—he taught the Nagazi the crafts they
totem of the world. Earth is the totem of mortal experi- needed to rebuild Evefalim. He also gave them
ence: Fire and War. Earth is the totem of hard won currency and taught them city planning and
experience and earth is the totem of those who are engineering. Shoddy workmanship and dishonest
patient. Followers of the Earth totem are the least business dealings are considered an affront to
numerous, but they are an important part of gnomish Turan. His festival is marked by trade competi-
society. Those who follow Earth survive. Without the tions, guild feasts, the beginning and end of
clerics of Earth and their bronze brooches, the gnomish apprenticeships and journeymenships, and the
may not have survived the horrors of the Devastation launch of new businesses.
and the rise of the Schirae. Earth’s followers tend to be
silent and grim.

Chapter Six Cosmology

3. Naunet (female deity): Naunet is the goddess of marked by art competitions, poetry readings
fertility, agriculture, love, marriage and families. and theatrical festivals.
She awakened the sleeping fields surrounding 6. Menhit (Male deity): Menhit is the god of law,
Evefalim and taught the Nagazi how to plant philosophy, and justice. He is also the god of
and gather the fruits of the earth. Her teachings wisdom and compassion, and of war. In his
promote respect for the natural world, and have aspect as the god of war, Menhit acts as the
taught the Nagazi the how to live in harmony protector of the Nagazi against aggressions, and
with nature. Her province is also love, marriage, battles fought to right injustice. Menhit does not
and families. Naunet is the guardian of the condone wars for gain or aggression.
home and hearth, and the protector of the eggs 7. Kami (female deity): Kami’s spheres are healing,
and hatchlings. Her festival in the spring is a medicine, spirituality, insight, balance, whole-
time of betrothals and marriages. Her festival is ness, harmony, integration. She is the greatest of
considered an especially auspicious time for the teachers; Kami teaches the Nagazi how to
eggs to hatch. use the arts and gifts of the other Sages in
4. Neith (female deity): There were no mages harmony. Kami is also the goddess of healing.
among the Nagazi until the coming of Neith. Hatchlings born during her festival often
She founded the first college of magic among become healers or clerics.
the Nagazi, and picked each student person- Sigil: As a group—seven interlocking circles, a tree

6 ally. Neith taught not only magic, but the

responsible practice of magic. Powerful
magics, she taught did not give the mage the
with seven flowering branches, a seven-stranded braid.
Aspects: Varied.
Allies: Each other, and various Mithran and other deities.
right to impose his or her will on others. Enemies: The forces of evil.
Neith decreed that any mage who abused his
or her power would be stripped of their magic RELIGIOUS ORDERS
permanently. Hatchlings born with magical This section details several religious orders available
talents are said to be favored by Neith. Her to players. Not all possibilities are represented, but those
festival marks the selection of students for given should be enough to give the players and GMs the
magical training. ability to craft their own from the information given
5. Dania (female deity): Dania is the patron of above. Some of the religious orders below list more than
the arts: music song, dance, poetry, theatre, one profession as possible members.
painting, literature, sculpture, and all arts that A few priestly orders are discussed below in general
inspire and refresh the spirit. Here festival is terms to help flesh out the background of clerical charac-

Chapter Six Cosmology

ters. The list is not – and could not be – exhaustive. It is feuds and disputes and test the battle readiness of young
possible that not all of these orders will be present in warriors. In times of war, the Seidheri will also leads troops,
Belynar. Which ones are present depends on player and either directly, or as an advisor to other war leaders.
GM preference.
Favored Categories: Clerics of this order place both
The spells given for each order use the common name
of their selected Favored Categories into the Influence
of the spell as listed in the HARP rulebook. However, each
Category, gaining a total of 6 ranks in that category.
Order will have unique names for the spells within its
Sphere. It is left up to the Player and the GM to come up Spells: Seidheri have access to training in spells from
with individual names as they want. the following list. They gain access to all of the spells
listed under Seidheri Sphere and may select any 5 spells
SEIDHERI from the Selectable list to bring the total for their sphere
The Seidheri are an old priesthood. They walk at the up to 20 spells.
heart of Skaldi society, men and women protected by
ancient blood laws, and feared by many and respected by
all. Wielders of powerful magic and tremendous political Seidheri Sphere Selectable Spells
influence, the Seidheri are best considered as a tradition Bladeturn**
rather than a priesthood, or a profession. The most Changing Ways
senior Seidheri are the Brehai, the interpreters and ***
enforcers of the blood laws – judges, diplomats and
oftentimes, war leaders. These Seidheri are the only ones
entitled to lead all of the Skaldi tribes in times of war.
Divine Hammer*
Drain Life*
Chieftains and kings may hold temporal power, but the Fear***
magic and traditional clout wielded by the Seidheri over- Fire Nerves**
ride the word of kings. Jolts***
Holy Symbol*
Focus: All of the gods. Mage Armor**
Merging Ways**
Culture (Temple Locations): The Seidheri do not Major Healing*
build temples. They hold ceremonies in the old abandoned Past Visions***
faerie forts, stone circles and passage tombs of the ancients. Rune Mastery**
Membership: Skaldi humans and Sithi. Shock**
Turn Undead*
Stun Cloud**
Benefits of Membership: The Seidheri have access to a * = Spells from the Cleric Sphere
great deal of political power and legal clout among the Skaldi. ** = Spells from the Mage Sphere
They will always be given shelter and food by any Skaldi. *** = Spells from the Harper Sphere
Restrictions: The Seidheri may never violate an oath.
Symbol: A series of strange runes, tattooed into the
Seidher’s flesh.
Dress: Practical wool and leather clothing. Most carry
an engraved oak spear, denoting office - usually a PP
Adder by use of the Holy Symbol spell. The spear is often a
+10 OB weapon of quality as well.
Structure: The heads of the order are the Brehai
(judges). The lowest rung of the order are called bards.
Philosophy/Purpose: The Seidheri are the glue that
holds Skaldi society and culture together. They ensure that
the blood laws are respected.
Activities: The Seidheri travel from village to village
offering their services to all that need them. They settle

Chapter Six Cosmology

BROTHERHOOD OF THE EARTH Spells: Members of the Brotherhood have the

following spells as their sphere. They gain access to all of
Focus: Niamh. the spells listed under Brotherhood Sphere and may
Culture (Temple Locations): Varies. Temples are select any 6 spells from the Selectable list to bring the
usually simple affairs (temples not made with hands) in total for their sphere up to 20 spells. If College of Magics
the countryside; they are never located within a city. The is available, then all spells from the Vivamancer should
Brotherhood of the Earth is a widespread organization, be considered to be part of the list of selectable spells.
reaching from the Sithi lands far to the north all the way Brotherhood Sphere Selectable Spells
south to the edges of the Hierocracy of Asut (where they Animal Forms* Bless*
are outlawed). Some members of the Brotherhood even Control Animal* Calm*
sojourn into the lands of the Hierocracy and teach what Divine Hammer* Dreams*
they know there, but always carefully so as to avoid notice Herbal Enhancements* Find Shelter***
whenever possible. Holy Symbol* Guidance*
Membership: Humans or (rarely) Sithi. Many Major Healing* Hues***
Rangers are lay members of this order, or affiliated with it. Nature’ s Strength* Intuitions*
Lay members do not gain the benefits of membership that Nature’ s Tongues* Locate Food***
full members gain. Neutralize Poison* Merging Ways**

6 Benefits of Membership: +10 to locating herbs in the

wild, identifying plants, and tracking outdoors.
Plant Disguise*
Summon Animal*
Tree Door*
Path Lore***
Quiet Ways**
Restrictions: No killing of any animal or plant Tree Merge* Traceless
needlessly. Tree Skin* Passing***

Symbol: A tree. This normally takes the form of an * = Spells from the Cleric Sphere
amulet or brooch pin that is worn by the cleric. ** = Spells from the Mage Sphere
*** = Spells from the Ranger Sphere
Dress: Brown hooded robes with a leather belt. All
wear a simple amulet in the shape of a tree; the color and
ornamentation indicate rank. (It is often a PP Adder as
well – i.e. by use of the Holy Symbol spell).
Structure: The head of a branch (the church is often
referred to as the Tree) is referred to as Father or Mother,
while all other are simply brothers and sisters. The struc-
ture of the religion is very loose.
Philosophy/Purpose: Respect for nature is the theme
stressed by the order. While not vegetarians, they teach that
killing for sport or other wasteful purpose is evil. The order
has an understanding of smart farming techniques (crop
rotation, etc.) and imparts this information to area farmers.
They bless harvests and often preside at fall festivals.
Activities: These Clerics are rurally oriented and a
good portion of the membership travels constantly,
teaching farming techniques and urging respect for the
earth. The group operates in opposition to the Seidheri.
The Seidheri see these people are political threats and
heretics. Fortunately, the Seidheri have little interest in
pursuing a religious war against them. The Seidher’s
bardic allies have composed a series of rather pointed and
wicked songs sneering at the Brotherhood.
Favored Categories: Clerics of this order place both
of their selected Favored Categories into the Outdoor
Category, gaining a total of 6 ranks in that category.

Chapter Six Cosmology

THE TRUE SPEAR True Spear Sphere Selectable Spells

Focus: Perkuna. Bladeturn***
Air Wall**
Culture (Temple Locations): The “true spear” is a Guardian Blades***
Divine Hammer*
society of warriors drawn from all over the northern Hammer Strike***
Treaty Kingdoms and southern Skaldi armies. These men Jolts**
Drain Life*
and women follow the lord of the Skaldi pantheon. Their Long Door**
goal is to protect Skaldi communities from monsters, Magic Shield***
Elemental Weapon
marauders, and other enemies. Mighty Charge***
Membership: The members of this society are all Guidance*
Quiet Ways**
warrior priests, but may be from any race. Holy Symbol*
Resist Damage***
Benefits of Membership: Warriors who serve with Stun Cloud**
Neutralize Poison*
distinction often go on to become respected leaders of Vacuum**
Skaldi communities. Warrior’ s Might***
Steel Skin***
Weapon’ s Fury***
Restrictions: Spear-men must always have their Turn Undead*
weapons at the ready. They must always carry an ash spear * = Spells from the Cleric Sphere
(in memory of the god’s spear Terror). They must hold true
to all oaths made in the god’s name or suffer for eternity.
** = Spells from the Mage Sphere
*** = Spells from the Warrior Mage Sphere 6
Symbol: The members of the cult have no distinctive
dressing or markings. They all carry finely carved ash
Dress: The members of the True Spear do not dress This order is based in Tarahir and is the premier
distinctively – though as warriors, they tend towards religion among the Treaty Kingdoms. There are two
comfortable and practical clothes that leave lots of space main branches of this order. The first branch is the
for fighting. Lightbringers, the clerics who maintain the temples and
churches throughout the Treaty Kingdoms. They are the
Structure: The most senior military officer who most prevalent religion among the Treaty Kingdoms
carries the spear is considered the most senior member and have been since the rise of the Tarahiri Empire
of the True Spear present. There are two basic ranks: thousands of years ago.
lords (those who are ranked officers) and warrior The second branch is collectively known as the
(those who aren’t). The warriors serve the lords and the Firebrands. These are the holy warriors of the order. There
lords serve Perkuna. are many different sects of Firebrands, each one devoting
Philosophy/Purpose: The True Spear believes that themselves to mastering one type of weapon, and even one
the forces of good are under threat from evil powers. The sect that fights without conventional weapons.
order’s goal is to oppose the “malign powers”. Focus: The Lightbringers worship Memra first
Activities: The True Spear is a militaristic cult, who and foremost.
operates by a chivalric code which applies to both noble Culture (Temple Locations): The Lightbringers can
and lowborn members. be found all across western Anias. In many cities, there are
Favored Categories: Clerics of this order place both temples of gleaming white marble where the priests and
of their selected Favored Categories into the Combat clerics hold services.
Category, gaining a total of 6 ranks in that category. Membership: The Lightbringers will accept anybody
Spells: Clerics who belong to the “True Spear” have as a member.
access to the following spells as their Sphere. They gain Benefits of Membership: The Lightbringers are the
access to all of the spells listed under Seidheri Sphere and spiritual leaders of many communities, and often act as
may select any 6 spells from the Selectable list to bring the advisors to the leaders of those communities. The
total for their sphere up to 20 spells. If College of Magics is Lightbringers also receive special training changes the base
available, any Air-related spells from the Elementalist duration of the Light spell (Universal Sphere) from 10
profession may also be considered to be a part of the list of rounds per rank to 10 minutes per rank with no addi-
selectable spells. tional cost to the Cleric.

Chapter Six Cosmology

Restrictions: No restrictions. The Firebrands also wander the lands seeking out evil
Symbol: The Lightbringers wear a stylized sun and helping those in need. However, Firebrands are often
medallion for those Clerics who maintain the temples and more concerned with destroying undead and evil than
churches. Firebrands wear a medallion of a stylized they are in helping the needy.
flaming torch. These medallions are often PP Adders by Favored Categories: Clerics of this order must place
way of the Holy Symbol spell. one of their selected Favored Categories into the Influence
Dress: The Lightbringers wear ceremonial robes for category giving a total of 3 ranks in that category. The
services, but no special clothing at other times. However, a other selectable Favored Category (3 ranks) may be placed
Lightbringer would never remove or hide their medallion. in any category, including one that is already marked as
It will always be visible under normal circumstances. being a Favored Category. Should the Cleric select the
Combat category as a Favored Category, then that Cleric is
Structure: The Lightbringers determine seniority in known as a Firebrand.
a number of ways. Most of the time, the most senior will
lead the order; however, there have been instances of Spells: Clerics who belong to the Lightbringers have
unusually gifted and wise younger men being given the access to the following spells as their Sphere. They gain
leadership of the order. The Firebrands have much the access to all of the spells listed under Lightbringer Sphere
same structure when in training. Once training is over, and may select any 5 spells from the Selectable list to bring
the total for their sphere up to 20 spells. If College of
6 the Firebrand is usually on his own until he rejoins a
temple (see below).
Philosophy/Purpose: Lightbringers seek to bring the
Magics is available then a character of this order may also
select from the following spells as well as those below:
Elemental Aura (Fire), Flash, and Heat.
light of Memra to all. They believe that in doing so; they
can destroy the dark forces that haunt the world, most
especially undead and those who traffic with demons.
Activities: Lightbringers maintain the temples and
rarely adventure, although some are often sent on special
missions for the church. A number of Lightbringers also
wander the lands, fighting evil wherever they can find it
and administering to the poor and needy.

Lightbringer Sphere Selectable Spells

Bless* Bladeturn***
Calm* Divine Hammer*
Control Undead* Elemental Bolt (Fire)**
Cure Disease* Elemental Weapon***
Dreams* Fire Nerves**
Guidance* Fire Wall**
Herbal Enhancements* Hammer Strike***
Holy Symbol* Lifegiving*
Intuitions* Lifekeeping*
Major Healing* Magic Shield***
Neutralize Poison* Presence**
Restoration* Steel Skin***
Sleep**** Warrior’ s Might***
Tongues **** Weapon’ s Fury***
Turn Undead*
* = Spells from the Cleric Sphere
** = Spells from the Mage Sphere
*** = Spells from the Warrior Mage Sphere
**** = Spells from the Harper Sphere

Chapter Seven Magic


n keeping with Stave and Barrin’s tradition that

the best place to start an adventure is with what
you expect to be the most difficult work, the four
agreed to start their explorations the next day at
the base of the Thin Walk. First, they would climb,
at least to get a lay of the land and to make new
decisions. They each agreed to bring along a new
friend, a kindred spirit who shared their love of
adventure. It was short work for Stave and Barrin to
find two Skaldi, named Droze and Amaron, who
were young and skilled at arms. Roalan had already
befriended a Gryphon named Sylla whose spirit of adventure
was unrivalled amongst her peoples. And, perhaps not surpris-
ingly, Agarek had spent most of his time since finding his way
to Belynar with Elena, whose training with the Pascalline
Order made her both a formidable warrior and magician. Four
became eight; to all, it seemed a lucky number.

Chapter Seven Magic

Cyradon is the house setting for HARP.

Cyradon magic works as described in
Chapter 11 of the HARP rulebook. This LEY LINES & NEXUS POINTS
chapter discusses how magic influences the Magic flows through the world of Mithra in rivers
setting and its people. and currents. These rivers and currents are referred to as
Magic is a form of energy that ley lines. The places where two or more ley lines intersect,
suffuses and pervades the entire universe. or cross are known as nexus points. Nexus points often
Magic flows through the world of Mithra have an abundance of extra mana that can be tapped.
in rivers and currents, occasionally Sometimes this extra magical energy channels itself into
settling in pools. In some places it moves other effects, slightly bending reality in some small
through the air like a breeze, changing manner, such as spontaneously forming a magical portal
direction and intensity from one moment to another location or perhaps another world, being the
to the next. In other places it flows deep home of some unusual or rare creature, hosting exotic
within the earth in giant veins, or runs and magical plant life, having a strange feature imbued
just below the surface. Certain objects or with a magical property, having a strange climate, or
places seem to collect and store magic. other unusual effect.
Magic is different from place to place on Belynar is built above a nexus deep within the
Mithra, just as the soil is different, the volcano, but it is unknown what properties it possesses.
plants are different, and the rocks are Some scholars believe that the Cyrads deliberately built
different. Magic is shaped by its environ- the portals for the Royal Roads at nexus points, to have
ment and in turn can subtly influence its the ambient mana power the magical gateways.
environment. Magic can also be pro- The Dwarven city of Blackflame is also built upon
7 foundly influenced by the beings who use
it. A strong mages guild for example,
seems to attract magical energy. Continu-
another magical nexus, just as many Dwarven commu-
nities are. One of the many effects that could possibly
occur at a nexus point happens at Blackflame. The
ous use of destructive magic or the use of metals and minerals, both magical and mundane, found
magic for evil purposes can even warp within the deep mines have a tendency to regenerate
the magic in an area, making it dark and over time. This regeneration takes thousands of years to
dangerous. The flows of magic are accomplish, but the mineral deposits do renew them-
particularly strong in Cyradon, and are selves. Unfortunately, anything mined from such
called the “Echoes”. deposits do not retain this ability.
The magic-workers of Mithra tap There are many ley lines and nexus points scattered
magical energies in different ways. To across the world of Mithra. There are no records of their
some races such as humans or Mablungen extent or locations. The ones mentioned above are just
or Gryphons, magic is an external force, two of the dozen or so that have been documented.
channeled and worked by an initiate. To
the more spiritual races such as the Elves
and the Gnomes, magic is a birthright. It is
an inherent thing, a gift and a talent that
one should be proud of, and a skill that
must be worked at. To these races, magic is
the flip side of the gift of music, and one is
equally important as the other. Magic is not something to Each group has their own Traditions and this is
be feared, but a power to be respected and enjoyed and a reflected in the way that they cast spells. Many of the
gift to be shared. different Traditions also have their own Sphere of spells
The ways of working magic and the effects of the that differs from the basic Sphere listed in HARP. When
workings are remarkably similar. Just as musical notes playing a character of a given Tradition, that character is
define songs for the Skaldi and Arali alike, so to do the limited to the spells available to that tradition rather than
aspects of magic working define magical works. The actual the list of spells available to the profession as given in
workings may vary, but a human mage would recognize HARP. When selecting a Mage or Ranger or Warrior
that an Arali Weaver has just worked a Bladeturn spell, Mage, that the player must decide which tradition the
even though the Weaver did none of the things a human character is using. The tradition is generally aligned to
mage would do when working the spell. These different culture, but some cultures have more than one tradition
ways are known as Traditions.

Chapter Seven Magic


The high magic of old is long dead. shamans and sorcerers, and dealing with the
However, some High Magical artifacts remain elven kindreds they encountered. As the
scattered in the sands of Cyradon. With this in Empire grew, the Order’s membership
mind, it’s worth discussing the history of the swelled and its library of knowledge grew.
Narsin and its impact on the world. At the order’s height, a Narsi (for that
The Narsin practiced something they was the name the members of the Narsin
called High Magic, or the True Path. It was the called themselves), could make the earth
magic of shape and form, of thought and idea, quake, tear open hidden paths between
and the fundamental powers of the universe. It places, make the very sky darken. It was
was a hybrid tradition, a combination of the more magic and more knowledge than
human shamanism and sorcery as practiced by mortal minds should ever know, and it was
the Tarahiri people, their ancestors, and the their undoing.
Celestial powers of the Arali Weavers. It was put The Narsi True Path has left legacies: the
together without any real understanding of the sleeping constructs of the Stadium, the
powers involved, or any true experimentation. peculiar rituals being worked by the Schirae
The Narsi believed themselves successful at in the north, the Aberrations, and some odd
unlocking the secrets of the universe. They and dangerous artifacts lying hidden in old
never stopped to consider if these secrets could ruins of the Devastation. No sane magic
cause harm. worker of these later years would dare try
As the Empire of Tarahir expanded, the and work with these things, but no doubt
Narsin went along with the legions and the
tradesmen, confronting and recruiting native
some will be tempted.

or a given tradition is shared by more than a single

culture. The following sections give more information on
the magical traditions available and some information on
groups that use these traditions.
As is normal in HARP, all professions may learn spells
from the Universal Sphere and they may also learn Cantrips as
well (see page 124 for more details on Cantrips).


The long scattered human magical traditions of Anias
will be coming into their own in Cyradon. Skaldi
dwimmer, Tarahiri alchemy other traditions will be
energized by contact with the Gryphons and the Rhona
and the story of human magic will begin again.
There is no unified magic tradition amongst the people
of Anias. Legends recall how the Tarahiri legions over-
whelmed their enemies by sending powerful wizards along
with the legions. For the Tarahiri people and the Skaldi
tribesmen magic is something that is respected. To the Orsai
it is an offense against their god. Unfortunately, the presence
of groups of Skaldi and New Tarahiri magicians and

Chapter Seven Magic

warrior mages such as the Pascalline Order means that the around the Guild Clerk and the Clerk must at least whisper
Orsai priests redoubled their efforts to harass and destroy the words of the spell while making small gestures with his
the mountain realms. Certain traditions mention specific hands. Those of the society may still cast spells using the
magical orders. These Orders are detailed in the section normal casting time; however the caster has a -10 modifier
about magical traditions beginning on page 122. to his casting roll when doing so.

Magic was very much a part of new Tarahiri life. The Skaldi magical traditions of the modern world are
Cantrips made the life of rich and poor easier. Potions referred to by the Skaldi as dwimmer and the practitioners
cured colds and remove warts. The right magical unguent of this tradition are known as the Drei. Most Skaldi clans
could make a noble look younger. Diviners cast the are pleased to have the services of a local Drei. Skaldi Drei
horoscopes of the privileged and determined the most include several different professions, rangers, mages, and
auspicious times for business transactions and engage- warrior mages among them. The Skaldi are keenly aware of
ments. Sophisticated illusions graces the banquets of magic, its potential and its ability to harm and heal. When
nobles and small magical toys were all the rage. needed, the dwimmer worker will be called upon. Wander-
The Tarahiri also used magic to defend their city. ing Drei have a dubious reputation however. They some-
Mages, Warrior Mages, Rangers, Bards and Monks served times sell their services to the highest bidder, and work with
in the city’s armies in various capacities. Mages skilled in no loyalty to clan or village, and incite petty quarrels. When
item creation supplied equipment to elite units. a cow runs dry, when a well runs dry or cattle grow sickly,
some will automatically assume that a Drei is to blame.
Both of these organizations utilize the same magical DREI

7 traditions. They cast spells using wide gestures and words

spoken at normal volume in combination to shape the
mana that powers the spell. As they are casting, a glowing
Some in the north still call the Drei “Elentirael,”
hearkening back to the legendry nomadic wizards of old.
Some Drei even carry ancient Elentirael lodestones in
form takes shape above or in front of them. This shape is memory of their mighty forbearers. The main similarity
the spell’s matrix and once complete the spell is then sent between the Elentirael of old and the Drei of recent years
at its target. Many of this tradition will create their own is their nomadic lifestyle. They spend many years away
Mage Staff and be able to use it while casting as well. from home seeking tutors and training in the ancient
arts. Their studies have given them an inkling of the size
PASCALLINE ORDER of the world and all those who study the ancient ways
The Pascalline Order is a regimented order of Warrior invariably want to see it all and experience it all. For
Mages. Those of this order are taught how to use any one- these reasons and more, most of the heirs of the
handed weapon as a casting focus, be it a dagger, rapier or Elentirael walk the wilds of northern Anias, returning
mace. Those of the Pascalline order also chant the words home only on special occasions. This wanderlust makes
of the spell as they shape the mana using their weapon; them a lot more cosmopolitan than their fellows, but
this provides no bonus other than being able to cast with a also makes them a lot more individualistic and some-
weapon in their hand. If a character using this tradition times unsociable. In the north people say only three sorts
attempts to cast a spell without using his weapon as a of people wander the roads year ‘round: the bards, the
casting focus, he receives a -10 to the attempt. bandits and the Drei. Sometimes the rural mages are all
three. Many Drei have other professions to help keep
THE VENTURER’S GUILD body and soul together. It is not uncommon for a Drei to
The members of the Venturer’s Guild must be very be a rogue, warrior or a thief as well as being a mage.
careful when they cast spells as they often operate within More than a few are also bards or Harpers..
the bounds of the Theocracy of Asut where magic is Despite their wanderlust, their seeming distance from
outlawed. Because of this, they have learned how to cast their fellows and their road worn personalities, the wanderers
spells in a subdued manner that is not always so easily are deeply loyal to their tribes, families and friends. When the
detectible. Using this tradition, casting a spell takes twice as word went out that many of the Skaldi clans were sending
long as normal (2 rounds for every 5 Power Points or men south to help liberate Tarahir; the wanderers returned
portion thereof). Any character with the Sense Magic talent home to help their kin fight. They did not march south for
may still notice that they are casting a spell with a normal money or reward; they merely knew their kin were facing
Medium Perception maneuver, and those without the talent danger and they would not let them do so alone.
may realize it with a Very Hard Perception maneuver. While The Drei among the Skaldi are interesting in that they
casting, there appears to be a slight shimmering of the air use material components in the casting of their spells in

Chapter Seven Magic

addition to the words of the spell and the gestures out in the provinces, the Ghershal (magic-men) still ply
required to shape the mana of the spell. These material their trade. They do so in secret, with one eye always open
components are often odd bits of unusual plants, tufts of for the priests and their agents. The Ghershal are most
fur, or oddly shaped stones and are consumed with the common amongst the Orsai tribes who are far from the
casting of the spell. So far nobody has been able to centers of power. Most of the Ghershal are from the
determine any rhyme or reason behind the selection of Gherek tribe, and are members of the Gherek Scouts.
these components. A Drei who is without his bag of Most Ghershal are rangers or rogues who know a few
components may still cast spells, but it requires 2 addi- spells or some Cantrips such as Purify Water. The priests
tional Power Points to cast. This is treated as a normal have little interest in such distinctions. The Ghershal are
scaling option for all spells known by the Drei. For those breaking the rules. Before the battle of Tarahir, a number
Drei who have an Elentirael Lodestone, the Lodestone of respected Gherek scouts were murdered by the priest-
replaces the pouch of material components for the Drei hood for practicing “forbidden arts”. Many young Orsai
and acts as a non-consumable component for their spells. warriors, who have great respect for the Gherek, have
started to resent the priest’s interference. This is the reason
ORSAI: THE GHERSHAL/GHEREK SCOUTS that many happily defected from the Orsai in the after-
The Orsai priests have spent generations trying to math of the battle of Tarahir.
wipe out sorcery in their lands. Magic is a sin against God, As with the Venturer’s Society, the casting of spells
they say. It is a danger to society. But beyond the cities, far takes twice as long as normal (2 rounds for every 5 Power
Points or portion thereof). Any character with the Sense
Magic talent may still notice that they are casting a spell
with a normal Medium Perception maneuver, and those
without the talent may realize it with a Very Hard Percep-
tion maneuver. While casting, there appears to be a slight
shimmering of the air around the Ghershal and the
Ghershal must at least whisper the words of the spell while
making small gestures with his hands. Ghershal may still
cast spells using the normal casting time; however the
caster has a -10 modifier to his casting roll when doing so.


The Mablungen have no fear of magic and consider
magic as much a part of the world as the mountain winds.
In fact they prize the practical applications of magic, and
enjoy tinkering with spells. Mablung mages are constantly
working on improving their spells and the magical spells,
and delight in practical innovation.
Mablungen mages are called Trallen. What counts
amongst the Mablung is not arcane study but results. The
Trallen are interested in spells that can get things done.
The Mablung want spells which can help defend their
communities, Cantrips which make it easier to survive in
winter, or healing magics. Trallen therefore are expected to
contribute and make themselves useful.
The Trallen are an informal society. The have a code
of conduct, a pool of resources (such as books and
artifacts), and a network of contacts. A Trallen traveling
abroad always knows that a fellow Mablung magician will
offer him bed and board on his journeys. Other Mablung
often learn a few useful Cantrips, usually passed from
friend to friend, or parents to children: “If you need to
heal a bruise in a hurry, try this…”.
Spells cast in the Mablung tradition have a few
idiosyncrasies compared to other traditions. When casting
a spell in this tradition, the Mablung use wide gestures

Chapter Seven Magic

and words like many other traditions. However, when ELVES (ARALI): WEAVERS
forming a spell matrix, it has a more geometric appear-
ance than those of other traditions. As it forms, it can be Arali Weavers cast spells by weaving strands of
seen glowing above the mage’s head. When scaling a spell, magical energy into intricate patterns. Weavers can sense
those of this tradition only receive a -5 modifier to the strands of magic all around them; whenever they cast a
casting roll for every full 2 Power Points above the base spell; they reach out with their minds and “pull” suitable
cost; however all scaling options cost 1 extra Power Point. strands of magical energy into visibility to create a spell
Thus, a scaling option that normally costs 2 Power Points pattern. When the pattern is complete, the spell is cast and
costs 3 for those of this tradition, but it only incurs a -5 the pattern dissipates.
modifier rather than the normal -10 modifier. The
number of ranks required for the spell is, as always, linked
to the number of Power Points required. Rhona magic is a wide and subtle magic born of
the interaction with Echoes. Rhona magic is particu-
ELVES (SITHI): CEALLA larly effective on “holy ground”; pools of magical
The Cealla of the Sithi view magical energy as a rainbow energy. The Rhona enjoy using magic and consider it
of color. Certain colors have an affinity for different types of part of life and their culture
magic; blues are associated with protection and healing The Rhona tradition uses a powder that the Rhona call
magic, and red with fire magic. A Cealla carries a pouch of the “Heartblood of the Earth” when casting spells. They
material components like the Drei, but their components are carry with them a small pouch of this powder which is a
chosen for their color or hue. A Cealla is constantly on the deep red in color. As they chant the words to the spell, they
lookout for the component of the perfect color. This color throw a pinch of this powder into the air where it helps
association helps them gather threads of magical energies of them to stabilize the matrix of the spell and to gather mana.
Those of this tradition who do not have this powder with
7 various colors. Once they have gathered the threads of magic,
they cast their spells. If for some reason a Cealla does not
have his pouch of components, then he may still cast spells at
them for some reason will still be able to cast spells, but do
so with a -10 modifier to their casting roll.
a cost of an extra 2 Power Points.
CYRADON MAGICAL TRADITIONS The Nagazi learn magic in a very formalized setting.
They have schools and colleges which teach the casting of
All beings who cast spells on Cyradon use the
spells. To the Nagazi, having the ability to perform magic
“Echoes” either consciously or unconsciously. The Elves,
is an honor and one that many strive to achieve. Mages are
heirs to ancient Mithran magical traditions are most
welcome in all parts of Nagazi society.
aware of the Echoes. They tend to see the Echoes as elvish
The Nagazi tradition requires that the mage craft his
Magic, which is incorrect. In the past they used the Echoes
own wand which he then uses as a focus for his spell
to create the Veil, in a misguided attempt to protect
casting. Each wand is unique to its creator and reflects his
Cyradon from human incursions. Instead, the Veil slowly
personality. Those of this tradition must chant the words
leeched life and magic out of Cyradon. With the destruc-
of the spell being cast while waving their wands in a
tion of the Veil, the magical Echoes of Cyradon have
specific pattern. The tip of the wand will glow brightly
begun to slowly regenerate.
while they are doing this. Should a mage not be able to use
GRYPHONS: USIRAE his wand, all attempts at spell casting will be at -10 until
he can reclaim the wand or craft a new one. These wands
Gryphons are not built like the other races, thus their
are not magical in any way; however they do act as a focus
magical traditions tend to be different as well. Even among
device for the Nagazi Zirhus.
their own kind the Usirae are separate. Their abilities seem
strange to their kin, who rely more on their physical
When casting spells, the Gryphons of this tradition Rivers of mana flow under the skin of the earth. The
utilize words and heavy concentration. Those using this magic flows from springs deep beneath the world. At the
tradition do not create a visible matrix near them as they centre of the earth, flickers of pure creation trapped in the
cast a spell, however the air will seem to shimmer and the planet’s core at the beginning of time, spring forth
caster’s eyes will glow brightly (each eye about the towards the surface of the world. The mana flows under
equivalent of a candle, and easily seen even in daylight) the earth and touches everything. Energy changes as it
while they are casting. This glow cannot be hidden. touches the earth. The energy of mountains is sharp and
powerful and dangerous. The energy of the low hills is

Chapter Seven Magic

At their height, the Cyrads commanded

a vast area of the world, claiming lands as far
THE VEIL west as the Juras Mountains, and far to the
The Veil was created after the Devastation. Angry and grief north. Indeed, some old maps mark out
stricken Desnian Arali weavers created the Veil to keep Cyradon much of the territory of the Tarahir Empire
safe and isolated from the rest of the world. The Veil took the as having once been part of the “Empire of
form of mists which would rise from the sea and make human the Cyrads”. The Cyrads were never numer-
sailors confused and lost. If the sailors turned back immediately ous. So how did they dominate so much
they would find themselves far out in open sea with a strong territory? The answer is the Royal Roads.
wind filling their sails, driving them home. If they did not, their The Royal Roads follow the flows of magical
ships would fetch up on shoals beneath the waves and the energy and open portals from one place to
sailors would be lost. The sailor’s spirits would be trapped in another. The Roads link the powers of the
the net of the Veil, and their voices would add to the howls and earth and sky and allow someone to move
whispers heard by others. with great speed across the world.
The Veil kept Cyradon separate from the rest of the world A Royal Road brought the human
for half a millennia. A scarce few months before the humans refugees from Tarahir to the old city in the
returned to the magician’s city, the veil fell, ripped open by the centre of the Daybreak Country. It is one of
sacrifice of an Arali poet. the few remaining functioning Royal Roads.
As the Veil drew power from the land and its people, it Indeed by rights the Western Road (as it
drew power from all the Elves of Cyradon, weakening the land was once named) should have long been
and its people, making the Devastation’s curse all the more dormant. But a long time ago the Narsin
painful. The Elves were especially hard hit. Since the Veil was found a way to reactivate the Road.
created with both the Echoes and elven magic, it sapped the
vitality of the Elves, causing their birthrate to plummet. The
natural ability of the land to heal itself was also lost. Over time,
Royal Roads are a form of
teleportation. A character walking down a
Royal Road is teleported many hundreds of
life should have returned to the blasted plains of the Devasta- times in one direction. The character does
tion. That life - those seeds, those mosses, ferns and fresh not feel the transition: he or she is merely
streams which would have eventually covered the land and moved inexorably towards her destination.
made it whole – was drawn away to feed the Veil. The only thing she does feel is extreme
The Veil only served to keep humans out of the Daybreak motion sickness. The Royal Road is a series
Country, but other, darker things could easily sneak through. of portals all linked together and magically
Some may have been lured from the void by the howling, bound to the geomantic power of the earth
destructive energies of the Veil. itself. The Rhona call this power the “veins
The poet’s sacrifice ensured that the humans could reach of the earth.” A road follows a geomantic
the Daybreak Country – and offers hope that one day the life of power route, drawing energy from the earth
the land could return. to power itself.
At the peak of the Cyrad civilization,
there were dozens of Royal Roads, all
linking the various Cyrad cities and
outposts. A Cyrad could therefore walk, in a
matter of minutes, what it would take a
horseman on the fastest horse months to
travel. A Cyrad lord could move goods,
gentle and sleepy. The energy pours out into the air in
troops, horses – or whatever else he might wish – to
wellsprings, holy places to the Rhona. Between the
wherever he wanted in the Cyrad domain in a small
wellsprings the power flows just below the surface in
amount of time.
torrential invisible rivers. The Rhona call these invisible
The Western Road only (currently) goes one way –
rivers the “veins” of the earth.
heading from west to east between the Mablungen outpost
The Cyrad’s greatest skill, beyond their skill at
above Tarahir to Belynar.
masonry and construction, was their ability to manipulate
Traveling a Royal Road means a traveler will reach his
the world’s mana. The Cyrads learned to align their homes
or her destination in a fraction of the time normally taken.
and fortifications along the flows of mana. This made
their homes strong and their nations powerful.

Chapter Seven Magic


The Elves call teleportation across great distances
“Mistwalking”. An elvish company who wishes to ALCHEMISTS
move quickly enters one of the Crowns, stone circles Group Name: The Society of Alchemists of Tarahir
and menhirs erected all across Cyradon by the Arali in Group Type: Commercial guild.
ancient times. The most senior mage in the group Motto: We Are the Healer’s Helpers. We are the
summons a magical mist fueled by the Echoes. The servants of the people.
company is then enshrouded in a strange, eerie white Sigil: A pestle and mortar.
mist. The company then travels normally. They seem Group Activities: Alchemists are magicians who
to move in a twilit world, where sounds, shapes and make an honest living brewing medicines and potions,
voices are blurred and indefinable. helping create alloys, and creating methods to harden
The travelers can only enter and exit at power certain materials. Even in the Orsai Empire, Alchemists
points. The biggest and most reliable of shops are licensed and even Theocracy
such portals are at the crowns. agents will frequently pay for an
However, some smaller places of Alchemist’s services.
power can also be used. The Candidate Require-
crowns are linked by the ments: A “scholar” (a
rivers of mana flowing euphemism for mage) of
under the earth. The good standing in his
ancient Arali community, with
Weavers erected interests in such
the crowns in spells as Minor
7 places where the
energy pooled.
In smaller
Healing, Boost
Haste, and Light.
pools, they He must also
drove half have an interest
buried mag- in the creation of
netic menhirs potions and have
into the at least five levels
ground, lonely in Herbcraft.
waypoints in Acceptance
out of the way into the Group: The
places. These exit candidate serves a
ways are less reliable, three year apprentice-
but they do work. Most ship to earn his pestle.
Arali prefer not to exit Most of the work for these
the mists at one of the three years involves memorizing
minor way stations. various lists of Herbcraft, little of
The company will see, just which is magic. Membership does not
beyond sight, a golden light leading constitute a training package, but it usually gives
them on to their destination. When they reach their at least three new ranks in Herbcraft. During the appren-
destination, the mist evaporates and the golden light ticeship, magical study is discouraged.
fades away. Their journey will have taken a fraction of Expulsion: members who bring shame to the Society,
the time expected. or cause harm can expect to be suspended from the
Note: Mistwalking is a ritual performed by only society, pending a meeting. Most misdemeanors are fined.
the most accomplished Arali Weavers. It is not avail- Serious offenses result in expulsion. Expulsion is final, and
able to starting player characters. It will be detailed in enforced. If an expelled member keeps causing trouble,
a later Cyradon supplement. members are expected and encouraged to find the
miscreant and harm him.
Advancement: The most senior members of the
society are those deemed “the most competent” – having
the most skills in spellcasting and Herbcraft.

Chapter Seven Magic

THE MAGE’S GUILD interest in the mystic arts, and a decent ability (more than
three ranks) in Navigation. New members will be given
Group Name: The Mage’s Guild
training to make them first level Clerks. In terms of system
Group Type: A magical society of the Treaty King-
mechanics, the character must take either the Additional
doms protected by civil decree.
Profession talent, selecting the Clerk variant of the Ranger,
Motto: We Watch.
or the Arcane Power talent, selecting the Clerk Sphere of
Sigil: A stinna, a navigational device used by the
spells, and then purchase the Clerk Training Package
mariners of the Treaty Kingdoms.
detailed in Chapter 5. This training costs two years of salary.
Group Activities: The Mage’s guild is a crown ap-
It makes more sense for an already trained Ranger to join.
proved organization of mages. Magicians belonging to the
He or she can expect to be earning money immediately.
guild advise kings and merchant princes on auspicious
Acceptance into The Group: Most new “clerks” are
timings for voyages or military actions, or advise on an
expected to undertake at least three “voyages” under the
enemy’s schemes. The mages also help keep the Treaty
care and tutelage of an older “clerk.” Upon the completion
Kingdoms safe from enemy attack. The Guild is old, dating
of the third voyage, the newcomer is considered “one of
back to the years following the fall of the Tarahiri Empire.
the group”.
Candidate Requirement: Magical ability, discipline,
Expulsion: Anyone who brings the guild in disrepute
and loyalty to the Treaty Kingdoms.
will be immediately expelled. The precise definition of
Acceptance into the Group: Candidates must spend
“disrepute” depends on the superior clerks present.
five years studying magic, as well as other academic
Advancement: Rank is dependant on the number of
subjects, at the end of which time they are considered first
voyages completed. A clerk who has completed 20 voyages
level Mages.
has more authority than one who has completed 10. Older
Expulsion: Any member who shows treason or
clerks who no longer travel are automatically given a great
disloyalty to the guild or to the crown of the Treaty
Kingdoms will be expelled.
Advancement: Advancement is by election. A low
level, but popular, mage can easily expect to outpace a
deal of moral authority, but they can be still outranked by
a clerk who has made many voyages. 7
high level but unpopular one. Advancement means a Group Name: The Zirvak Alumni
higher income and greater status. Group Type: A Nagazi magical society of Acad-
THE VENTURER’S GUILD emy graduates.
Motto: Knowledge, Duty, Honor.
Group Name: The Venturer’s Guild
Sigil: A wand wrapped in a scroll.
Group Type: Professional society based in the Treaty
Group Activities: The Zirvak Alumni are the gradu-
ates of the Nagazi Zirvak Academy of Magic. This is a
Motto: In the Service of the Client.
rather loosely organized group of mages who have met the
Sigil: A stylized map and writing feather.
requirements set by the school to achieve their mastery.
Group Activities: The Venturer’s Guild is a much
After graduation, the Alumni are required to spend at least
smaller, much newer and richer guild operating in the
one year teaching at the Academy, although it is not
Treaty Kingdoms. They are more akin to a professional
unusual for one to remain for many years. Other than
society than a guild, and they remain aloof from politics.
teaching future mages, the Alumni also search for new or
They perform a singular service, and perform it well, and
unusual magics to supplement their studies, and to benefit
they expect to be well paid at the end. The guild is
the school. This is done through long tedious research or
composed of specialized Rangers whose expertise lies in
through explorations of ancient ruins by the more daring
mapmaking and exploring. They name their members
and adventurous members of the alumni.
“clerks” and one of these “clerks” must accompany the
Candidate Requirements: The Alumnus must be a
client on their journey. On the journey, they are expected
graduate of the Zirvak Academy or must be made an
to use their mystical skills in the service of the “venture”.
honorary Alumnus through the unanimous consent of the
Venturer “Clerks” can be found accompanying
current faculty of the Academy.
caravans in the desert, naval convoys on the high seas, and
Acceptance into the Group: Most Nagazi are tested
mapping expeditions into the east.
at an early age for magical aptitude. The Zirvak Academy
The guild has offices in each of the New Tarahiri
is only one of several magical academies within Nagazi
city states, and in the Treaty Kingdoms (where they do
society. They actually compete against each other to be
most of their business).
selected by the candidate, under strict guidelines set by
Candidate Requirements: The guild wants young
the Regency Council, a council made up of members
people of good standing who have, at the very least, an
from each academy.

Chapter Seven Magic

Expulsion: An Alumnus is expelled from the organi- CANTRIPS

zation only for betraying the academy or the members of
the organization to another academy. BODY CLOCK
Advancement: The Alumni have no internal organi-
zation other than the election of their President and the
Board of Regents; with the post of President presiding
over the organization and the school itself. The President
is also a member of the Board of Regents who works
RR: —
towards increasing the prestige of the school.
SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION : Caster can reset his body clock
CANTRIPS before going to sleep, so that he will wake up at a
Cantrips are relatively easy to learn. Like Universal predetermined time.
Magic, cantrips may be learned by members of any
profession. A Cantrip requires the purchase of only one skill CLEAN BODY
rank for a caster to fully encompass the spell. Unlike other PP COST: 1
forms of Spell Magic where each spell must be acquired as RANGE: Touch
an individual skill, Cantrips only require the wielders to DURATION: —
develop the Cantrips skill (see Chapter 5, page 87) both to SPELL TYPE: Utility
learn cantrips and to cast them. Hence the more cantrips a RR: —
character knows, the easier it is to cast them. SPHERES: Cantrip
All the normal rules regarding spell-casting apply to DESCRIPTION: All dirt is immediately removed from
Cantrips, so casters who insist on wearing armor will have the target being, leaving him perfectly clean.

7 to expend additional power points, have as many skill ranks

in the Cantrips skill as PPs to be invested in the spell, and
suffer the normal casting penalties for scaling. Cantrips are PP COST: 1

resolved on the Utility column of the maneuver table with RANGE: Touch
the caster adding his Cantrips skill to an open-ended roll. DURATION: —
All results from the table are applied as normal. SPELL TYPE: Utility
Cantrip lore is not limited to the ranks of the spell- RR: —
using professions. Specific cantrips are often passed down SPHERES: Cantrip
from generation to generation as “knacks” that help to DESCRIPTION: All dirt is immediately removed from
ease everyday life. Skilled artisans may use the various the touched object, leaving it perfectly clean.
Repair cantrips to mend damaged tools and farm imple-
ments, while the reputation of the local hedge wizard may
be founded on the shrewd application of healing Cantrips PP COST: 1
and common sense. RANGE: Self
DURATION: Concentration
SPHERES: Cantrip
Body Clock Dry Clothing Ignite Repair Clothing DESCRIPTION: As long as the caster
Clean Body Dry Manuscript Magnify Repair Crack concentrates, he can perceive the direction
Clean Item Dry Weapon Measure Repair Nick of “true” north.
Compass Find Page Purify Food Repair Tear
Count Float Purify Drink Repel Filth
Create Water Glowing Eyes Relieve Pain Repel Tiny Insects
Cure Hangover Heal Bruise Remain Dry Smoke Rings DURATION: 2 rounds
Dry Armor Heal Cut Repair Binding Weigh SPELL TYPE: Utility
RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Caster can determine the exact
number of one group of like items within line of sight -
useful for counting one’s gold.

Chapter Seven Magic


RANGE: Touch RANGE: Touch
RR: — RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Caster can create one pint of pure water, DESCRIPTION: Caster can remove any surface liquid or
causing it to appear in a ready container over the course of moisture from a weapon.
two rounds.
RANGE: Touch DURATION: 2 rounds
SPELL TYPE: Utility RR: —
RR: — SPHERES: Cantrip
SPHERES: Cantrip DESCRIPTION: If the caster touches a book or scroll and
DESCRIPTION: The target is instantly cured of a hangover. thinks of a specific page or section, then the book will
open at/turn to the right page or the scroll will unroll to
the chosen area.
RANGE: Touch
SPELL TYPE: Utility DURATION: Concentration
RR: — SPELL TYPE: Utility
SPHERES: Cantrip RR: —
DESCRIPTION: Caster can remove any surface liquid or SPHERES: Cantrip
moisture from a suit of armor, piece of armor, or shield. DESCRIPTION: Caster remains afloat on any normal
liquid as long as he concentrates.
SPELL TYPE: Utility DURATION: 2 rounds/rank (C)
RR: — SPELL TYPE: Utility
SPHERES: Cantrip RR: —
DESCRIPTION: Caster can remove any surface liquid or SPHERES: Cantrip
moisture from an article of clothing. DESCRIPTION: Caster can cause his eyes to glow any
color desired at up to 1 candlepower per eye. This is an
DRY MANUSCRIPT illusion with a maximum duration that depends on the
PP COST: 1 caster’s Cantrips skill.
RANGE: Touch
RR: — RANGE: Touch
DESCRIPTION: Caster can dry any moisture contained SPELL TYPE: Utility
in one book, text, scroll, etc. RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Caster is able to heal up to 5 concussion hits.

Chapter Seven Magic


PP COST: 1 DESCRIPTION : Magnifies any visual image viewed
RANGE: Touch by the caster by x5. Caster can only use this spell on
DURATION: — items, surfaces, etc., that are no further than 5' away
SPELL TYPE: Utility from the caster.
SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Caster is able to heal a 1 concussion
RANGE: Touch
hit per round bleeding wound. This cantrip has no
effect on more severe bleeding wounds.
RANGE: Self DESCRIPTION: Caster can determine the exact dimen-
DURATION: Concentration sions (i.e. length, width, height) of one item.
RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip
RANGE: Touch
D ESCRIPTION : A 1" flame springs from the caster’s
fingertip. This can be used to set alight any flam-
mable material.
RR: —
7 PP COST: 1
DESCRIPTION: All impurities, poisons, etc. are
immediately eliminated from one pound of food
DURATION: Concentration (equivalent to 1 day’s ration).
RR: —

Chapter Seven Magic


RANGE: Touch RANGE: Touch
RR: — RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: All impurities, poisons, etc., are immediately DESCRIPTION: Repairs one crack in a wooden object.
eliminated from one pint of liquid, leaving it totally pure. This cantrip cannot mend items that are broken into two
or more pieces, nor restore any lost magical properties.
RR: — SPELL TYPE: Utility
SPHERES: Cantrip RR: —
DESCRIPTION: Caster is able to heal one slight injury, SPHERES: Cantrip
equivalent to eliminating a maneuver penalty of -10 or DESCRIPTION: Repairs one nick in a bladed weapon,
less. This cantrip has no effect on injuries with higher helping to keep it serviceable. This cantrip cannot mend
maneuver penalties. weapons that are broken into two or more pieces, nor
restore any lost magical properties.

RANGE: Self RANGE: Touch
DURATION: Concentration DURATION: —
RR: — RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Precipitation is gently repelled from the DESCRIPTION: Repairs any one continuous tear in a
caster, ensuring that he remains dry for the duration of sheet of paper or parchment, restoring the document to its
this cantrip. undamaged state.
RANGE: Touch RANGE: Self
DURATION: — DURATION: Concentration
RR: — RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Repairs the binding of any one book or DESCRIPTION: All dirt, grime, mud, blood, gore, etc. is
scroll. Does not restore any lost magical properties. repelled from the caster for the duration of this cantrip.
RANGE: Touch RANGE: Self
DURATION: — DURATION: Concentration
RR: — RR: —
SPHERES: Cantrip SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Repairs any one continuous tear or DESCRIPTION: Any tiny insects (i.e. normal bees, wasps,
rent in an item of clothing. Does not restore any lost flies, ants, etc.) that come within 6" of the caster are
magical properties. pushed away from the caster.

Chapter Seven Magic

SMOKE RINGS alternate Sphere of spells rather than the normal Sphere
PP COST: 1 for their profession. Each of the different magical
RANGE: Self traditions also has different spheres of spells. Other than
DURATION: Concentration the Pascalline Order (Warrior Mages), the Venturer’s
SPELL TYPE: Utility Guild and the Gherek Scouts (Rangers), all of the other
RR: — Spheres listed below are variant Mage Spheres.
SPHERES: Cantrip
DESCRIPTION: Caster can create one smoke ring (of up
to 3" in radius) per round. Smoke rings may be of any The tables below and on the facing page list alternate
color. Caster needs a source of smoke such as a pipe or Spheres for each of the magical traditions. A few of those
fire, and the rings dissipate naturally. spells are not from the HARP rulebook, but from College
of Magics. Those spells from College of Magics are
WEIGH reproduced for the convenience of the players.
SPELL TYPE: Utility RANGE: Touch
RR: — DURATION: 2 rounds/rank
SPHERES: Cantrip SPELL TYPE: Utility
DESCRIPTION: Caster can determine the exact weight of RR: —
one item (which may be a filled sack or other container). SPHERES: Mage
TRADITION: Drei, Cealla
7 Certain groups such as the Pascalline Order, the
Venturer’s Guild and the Gherek Scouts have access to an
DESCRIPTION: The target takes the form of a mist (caster’s
choice of color), able to seep through cracks and extend
himself to become virtually invisible. In this form, the
target may accomplish no physical action other than

Anias Traditions
Mage's Guild Pascalline Order Gherek Scouts Venturer's Guild Drei Cealla Trallen
Use the Mage Bladeturn Changing Ways Distractions Air Form* Air Form* Bladeturn
Sphere from the Dancing Weapon Find Shelter Find Shelter Air Wall Air Wall Changing Ways
HARP core rules Deflections Haste Locate Food Animal Transformations* Bladeturn Darkness
as it stands. Elemental Bolt Hues Natural trap Changing Ways Darkness Deflections
Elemental Weapon Locate Food Nature's Awareness* Darkness Deflections Earth Tunnel*
Guardian Blades Natural Trap Nature's Strength Distractions Elemental Ball (Water) Earth Wall*
Hammer Strike Nature's Awareness* Nature's Tongues Elemental Ball (Air) Elemental Bolt (Water) Earthen Transmutations
Magic Shield Path Lore Path Lore Elemental Bolt (Air) Fire Nerves Elemental Ball (Earth)
Reload Weapon* Traceless Passing Predict Weather* Fear Force Wall* Elemental Bolt (Earth)
Sharpshooter* Tree Door Quiet Ways Fire Nerves Haste Fear
Steel Skin Tree Merge Tongues Icy Mist Wall Icy Mist Wall Fire Nerves
Weapon's Fury Tree Skin Traceless Passing Invisibility Invisibility Fissure*
Jolts Jolts Invisibility
Long Door Long Door Jolts
Mage Armor Mage Armor Long Door
Magestaff* Magestaff* Mage Armor
Merging Ways Merging Ways Magestaff*
Misfeel Nightvision* Merging Ways
Nightvision* Obscuring Mist* Molding*
Obscuring Mist* Passing Nightvision*
Passing Past Visions Passing
Past Visions Phantasm Past Visions
Phantasm Presence Presence
Presence Quiet Ways Quiet Ways
Quiet Ways Rune mastery Rune Mastery
Rune Mastery Shock Spikes
Share Animal Sense* Sleep Stoneskin*
Shock Stun Cloud Stun Cloud
Stun Cloud Vacuum Trench*
Vacuum Water Wall Vacuum
* = Spells from College of Magics, reproduced at the end of this chapter.

Chapter Seven Magic

moving at BMR (i.e. the target Cyradon Traditions

cannot grasp items, attack, etc.) The
Zirhus (Nagazi) Weavers (Arali) Gramarye (Rhona) Usirae (Gryphons)
target can still be the target of spells
Air Wall Air Wall Bladeturn Air Wall
and may be harmed by magical
Bladeturn Bladeturn Changing Ways Bladeturn
weapons. The target cannot cast
Breezes* Darkness Darkness Changing Ways
spells while in this form.
Darkness Deflections Deflections Darkness
Scaling Options: Deflections Distractions Distractions Deflections
Increase Duration Elemental Ball Elemental Ball Earthen Transmutations Distractions
(5 rounds/rank) +4 PP Elemental Bolt Elemental Bolt Elemental Ball (Earth) Elemental Ball (Air)
Increase Duration Fire Nerves Fear Elemental Bolt (Earth) Elemental Bolt (Air)
(10 rounds/rank) +6 PP Fire Wall Fire Nerves Growth* Fear
Increase Duration Flash* Fire Wall Herbal Enhancements** Fire Nerve
(1 minute/rank) +8 PP Fly Force Wall* Invisibility Haste
Able to cast spells +6 PP Icy Mist Wall Icy Mist Wall Jolts Icy Mist Wall
Jolts Invisibility Long Door Invisibility
ANIMAL TRANSFORMATIONS Long Door Jolts Magestaff* Jolts
PP COST: 6 Mage Armor Long Door Merging Ways Long Door
RANGE: 10' Magestaff* Mage Armor Misfeel Mage Armor
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank Merging Ways Magestaff* Nature's Strength** Magestaff*
SPELL TYPE: Utility Nightvision* Merging Ways Nature's Tongues** Merging Ways
RR: — Passing Misfeel Nightvision* Misfeel
SPHERES: Mage Past Visions Nightvision* Passing Nightvision*
DESCRIPTION : The caster may
transform target into the physical
Quiet Ways
Obscuring Mist* Phantasm
Past Visions
Plant Disguise**
Past Visions
Shock Phantasm Quiet Ways Presence
form of any one animal that he has
Sleep Presence Share Animal Sense* Quiet Ways
studied using the spell, Study
Spikes Quiet Ways Shock Shock
Target. This animal must be Stun Cloud Shock Shrink* Sleep
between ¼ and 4 times the target’s Telepathic Bond* Stun Cloud Sleep Stun Cloud
normal size. The target retains his Vacuum Vacuum Stoneskin* Telepathic Bond*
normal mental faculties. The target Water Wall Water Wall Tree Skin** Vacuum
does not gain the physical attacks, * = Spells from College of Magics, reproduced at the end of the chapter.
movement type, and/or senses of ** = Spells from the Cleric Sphere of HARP. Treat as Mage spells for this one tradition.
the new form.
Note: If the scaling option,
Unwilling Target, is employed, then this spell’s type BREEZES
changes to Attack and an unwilling target may make a RR PP COST: 5
versus Magic to avoid being transformed. RANGE: Self
Gain Physical Attacks +2 PP SPELL TYPE: Utility
Gain Movement Type +2 PP RR: —
Gain Senses +2 PP SPHERES: Mage
Increase size variance TRADITION: Zirhus
(1/20th to 40 times normal size) +3 PP DESCRIPTION: Caster can create a small breeze in a cone
Increase size variance that extends from himself to a distance of 20' away, with
(1/40th to 400 times normal size) +6 PP the width of the point farthest from the caster being 10'
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP wide. This is a light breeze that can ruffle papers and move
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP clouds of gases, with a maximum speed of 1 mile per hour
Increase Duration (10 minutes/rank) +9 PP (3' per round).
Unwilling Target +12 PP SCALING OPTIONS:
Increase Strength (per additional 1 mph) +2 PP

Chapter Seven Magic


RANGE: Touch RANGE: 50'
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank DURATION: —
SPELL TYPE: Utility SPELL TYPE: Elemental
RR: — RR: —
DESCRIPTION: By placing his hands on earth or stone, the DESCRIPTION: When cast, this spell causes a crack in the
caster can cause earth or stone to part before him to create ground to extend out from the caster to the target. As the
a 5'R and up to 50' long passage or tunnel. The tunnel crack reaches the target, it expands to become a fissure that is
need not be horizontal. If necessary, the spell will fill the 10' deep, 10' long and up to 5' wide at its widest point. The
tunnel with breathable air. Once the spell’s duration ends, target of this spell may, if aware of the incoming attack, make
the tunnel will close completely - entombing anyone who a Light Agility or, if they have the skill, an Acrobatics/
remains in the area. The tunnels opens at the rate of 10' Tumbling maneuver to avoid falling into the crevasse created.
per round and once the duration expires, the tunnel will If the target should happen to fail in this maneuver, he will
close at the same rate, starting from the point of origin of take a Tiny Crush critical and be at the bottom of the fissure.
the tunnel. SCALING OPTIONS:
SCALING OPTIONS: Increased Range (per additional 50') +1 PP
Increase Length (per each additional 50') +4 PP Increased Difficulty (per maneuver difficulty level
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP increase) +2 PP
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP Increase Critical (per degree of severity) +4 PP

7 Increase Duration (up to 10 minutes/rank)

Increase Tunnel Size (10' R)
Increase Tunnel Size (20' R)
+9 PP
+2 PP
+4 PP PP COST: 6

EARTH WALL DURATION: 2 rounds/rank
RANGE: 10' RR: Magic
DURATION: 2 rounds/rank SPHERES: Mage
RR: — DESCRIPTION: In the first round of this spell, the caster can
SPHERES: Mage cause a small globe of light to appear above his head, and
TRADITION: Trallen “explode” it in a dazzling flash. With the exception of the
DESCRIPTION: Creates a wall of packed earth with dimen- caster, everyone who is within a 10' radius of the caster
sions of 10' wide x 10' high x 1' thick. An opening can be must make an RR versus Magic or be blinded for the
dug through the wall at a rate of 2' by 2' by 1' per minute. remaining duration of this spell.
The Earth Wall must be created on a solid surface. Scaling Options:
SCALING OPTIONS: Increase Duration (to 5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
Stone Wall +5 PP Increase Radius (per additional 10' radius) +2 PP
(wall is made of stone, can only be breached with
proper tools and takes 1 hour per 2' by 2' by 1' hole)
Increased thickness (per additional 1') +3 PP
Increased size (per additional 10'x10'x1' section) +3 PP
Shape wall +3 PP
(wall can be shaped even into a curved form
- a large enough wall can be shaped into a hemisphere)
Meld wall +3 PP
(wall can fit seamlessly against other surfaces or
other Walls)
Increase Duration (5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP
Increase Duration (up to 10 minutes/rank) +9 PP

Chapter Seven Magic

RANGE: 10'
DURATION: 2 rounds/rank
RR: —
TRADITION: Cealla, Weavers
DESCRIPTION : Creates a translucent wall
of force with dimensions of 10' wide x
10' high x 1' thick. Each wall segment
has 10 hits per rank of the caster in this
spell. The Force Wall must rest on a
solid surface.
Increase Wall Strength (to 20 hits per MAGESTAFF
caster rank) +5 PP
Increased size (per additional 10'x10'x1' section) +3 PP PP COST: 13
Shape wall +3 PP RANGE: Touch
(wall can be shaped even into a curved form DURATION: Permanent
- a large enough wall can be shaped into a hemisphere) SPELL TYPE: Utility
Meld wall +3 PP RR: —
(wall can fit seamlessly against other surfaces or
other Walls)
Increase Duration (5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
DESCRIPTION: The caster must first obtain and craft a wooden
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP or metal staff. The staff’s length must be equal or greater than
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP the caster’s height. The caster then enchants the staff with
Increase Duration (10 minutes/rank) +9 PP arcane energy, turning it into a magestaff. This item is attuned
Invisible Wall +5 PP to only the caster and can only be used by him. When this spell
is cast, the caster’s staff is enchanted to work as either a +1
GROWTH Power Point Adder or a +1 spell adder. This spell may be cast
PP COST: 6 on the staff multiple times, no more than once a day, to
RANGE: Touch increase the power of the magestaff. Each increase must be cast
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank separately. This spell has three special scaling options:
SPELL TYPE: Utility Dual Adder: This option allows the magestaff to be both a
RR: — spell adder and PP adder. This option may only be used
SPHERES: Mage when Magestaff is first cast on the item.
TRADITION: Gramarye Alternate Form: The magestaff need not be a staff in its
DESCRIPTION: Caster can alter target’s size, enlarging him form - armor, weapons, clothing, jewelry, etc., may be
and his possessions to twice his original size. enchanted as PP and spell adders using this option.
SCALING OPTIONS: Unkeyed: This option allows the “magestaff ” to be used
Increase size variance (up to 5x normal size) +5 PP by anyone.
Increase size variance (up to 10x normal size) +10 PP SCALING OPTIONS:
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP Increase from +1 PP adder to +2 PP adder +6 PP
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP Increase from +2 PP adder to +3 PP adder +12 PP
Increase from +3 PP adder to +4 PP adder +18 PP
Increase from +4 PP adder to +5 PP adder +24 PP
Increase from +1 spell adder to +2 spell adder +6 PP
Increase from +2 spell adder to +3 spell adder +12 PP
Increase from +3 spell adder to +4 spell adder +18 PP
Increase from +4 spell adder to +5 spell adder +24 PP
Dual Adder (also a +1 spell adder or +1 PP adder) +6 PP
Alternate Form +6 PP
Unkeyed (may be used by anyone) +6 PP

Chapter Seven Magic


PP COST: 12 Increase Range (per +50') +1 PP
RANGE: Touch Increase Radius (per extra 10'R) +2 PP
DURATION: Permanent Increase Duration (5 rounds/rank; no concentration) +4 PP
SPELL TYPE: Utility Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank; no concentration) +6 PP
RR: — Increase Duration (1 minute/rank; no concentration) +8 PP
DESCRIPTION: Caster can reshape an object made from
inanimate materials (i.e. earth, clay, ice, cloth, leather,
RANGE: Touch
wood, etc.), simply by using his hands. To mold an object
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank
into a specific form (e.g. a chair into a stool), the caster
must either have the new form memorized using Study
RR: —
Target or succeed in a Hard (-20) Crafts maneuver
(Difficulty degree may be higher at GM discretion).
Remolding an object takes at least one minute (longer for
DESCRIPTION: The target gains the ability to clearly see up
large or complex objects at GM discretion.) In its base
to 100' on a starlit night, and by the light of a full moon
form, this spell cannot affect stone, metal, gems, magical
can see up to 500' as if it were daylight. In total darkness,
materials, or magical items. An object carried or worn by a
the target’s vision is not enhanced. In an interior setting,
living being cannot be affected by this spell. The Mold
artificial illumination allows him to see twice as far as the
options have the following effects:
illumination provides.
Mold Stone: Caster can reshape non-magical stone.

7 Mold Base Metals: Caster can reshape non-magical base

metals and alloys, e.g. copper, iron, tin, lead, bronze,
pewter, steel, etc.
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank)
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank)
Mold Precious Metals: Caster can reshape non-magical Increase Duration (10 minutes/rank) +9PP
precious metals and alloys, e.g. silver, gold, platinum, etc. Increase Duration (1 hour/rank) +10PP
Mold Gems: Caster can reshape non-magical crystals Increased Distance +4PP
and gems. (see clearly up to 100'/rank by starlight or
Mold Magical Materials: Caster can reshape magical 500' + 100'/rank by moonlight)
materials, metals and alloys. Improved Vision +3PP
Mold Multiple Objects: Caster can reshape multiple objects (can see up to 100' in total darkness)
simultaneously. Normally this option is used by casters who Improved Vision +4PP
want to join or meld different objects together. (can see up to 100' in magical darkness)
SCALING OPTIONS: Improved Vision +6PP
Mold Stone +6 PP (can see up to 100' in Utterdark)
Mold Base Metals +12 PP OBSCURING MIST
Mold Precious Metals +18 PP
Mold Gems +24 PP PP COST: 8
Mold Magical Materials +30 PP RANGE: 50'
Mold Multiple Objects +4 PP DURATION: 5 rounds/rank
(per extra object molded) SPELL TYPE: Utility
RR: —
PP COST: 5 TRADITION: Cealla, Weavers
RANGE: 100' DESCRIPTION: Caster uses the elements of Air and Water to
DURATION: Concentration create a dense unnatural mist of up to 20' radius. The
SPELL TYPE: Utility center point of the mist must be within the range of this
RR: — spell. The mist obscures vision - use the visibility penalties
SPHERES: Ranger for a moderate fog. This spell can be successfully cast both
TRADITION: Gherek Scouts, Venturer’s Guild outdoors and indoors.
DESCRIPTION: The caster can perceive all animate activity
(including subtle movements) occurring in a 20'R within
the range of this spell. This spell may only be cast outdoors.

Chapter Seven Magic

SCALING OPTIONS: to draw back a bowstring for bows and re-cock reloaded
Deep Mist (as heavy fog) +3 PP crossbows. Due to the exact timings involved in this spell,
Increase Radius (per additional 10'R) +2 PP Reload Weapon cannot be combined with Haste.
Increase Range (per additional 50') +1 PP SCALING OPTIONS:
Increase Duration (to 10 rounds/rank) +6 PP Increase Duration (5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
Increase Duration (to 1 minute/rank) +8 PP Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP
Increase Duration (to 10 minutes/rank) +9 PP Reload Bow +6 PP
Reload Light Crossbow +9 PP
PREDICT WEATHER Reload Heavy Crossbow +12 PP
SPELL TYPE: Utility RANGE: 100'
RR: — DURATION: Concentration
TRADITION: Venturer’s Guild RR: Will
DESCRIPTION: Caster is able to make a prediction concern- SPHERES: Mage
ing the weather to occur in the caster’s current location. TRADITION: Drei, Gramarye
This prediction will include the time (within +/- 1 hours), DESCRIPTION: The caster may share in the perceptions
type and severity of the weather. The prediction will be received through any one sense (sight, hearing, smell,
accurate 25% of the time plus 1% per rank known in this taste, etc.) from any one animal within range. Once this
spell (otherwise, the results are random). The prediction spell has been cast, the caster may continue to receive
may not concern events further than one hour per rank
into the future, and only relates to natural weather events.
Note: The Alternate Location scaling option allows the
this sensory data as long as the animal remains within
100' of the caster. (This can be scaled using the Increased
Distance options below). This spell gives the caster no
caster to make a prediction concerning the weather at a control over the target.
different place than his current location. However this other SCALING OPTIONS:
place must previously have been Studied using Study Target. Share Another Sense (per extra sense) +4 PP
SCALING OPTIONS: Increase Range (per extra 50') +1 PP
Increase Interval (1 day/rank): +2 PP Increased Distance (100'/rank) +4 PP
Increase Interval (1 week/rank): +4 PP
Increase Accuracy (to 50% + ranks): +8 PP SHARPSHOOTER
Alternate Location +4 PP PP COST: 3
RANGE: Self RR: —
DURATION: 2 rounds/rank SPHERES: Warrior Mage
SPELL TYPE: Utility TRADITION: Pascalline Order
RR: — DESCRIPTION: The caster can reduce all his missile weapon
SPHERES: Warrior Mage penalties due to range by 10 for the spell’s duration.
TRADITION: Pascalline Order Range penalties cannot be reduced below zero, so the
DESCRIPTION: In its base form, this spell automatically effective point blank range is unchanged.
reloads a sling, allowing the caster to fire the sling every SCALING OPTIONS:
round. The caster must fire the sling every round as the Increase Duration (to 5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
spell teleports a new slingshot into the sling every round. Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +3 PP
If the caster does not fire the sling or if the caster fumbles
any attack, then this spell ends immediately. Likewise if
the caster has no more ammunition within a 5' radius,
then the spell also ends. The Reload scaling options allow
the caster to reload bows and crossbows with the same
benefits and restrictions. Note that the caster will still have

Chapter Seven Magic


PP COST: 5 Increase Targets (per extra target) +4 PP
RANGE: Touch Increase Distance (per 50' per person) +3 PP
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP
SPELL TYPE: Utility Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP
RR: —
DESCRIPTION: Caster can alter target’s size, shrinking him RANGE: 10'
and all his possessions to one half of the original size. DURATION: —
Scaling Options: SPELL TYPE: Utility
Increase size variance (1/4th times normal size) +5 PP RR: —
Increase size variance (1/8th times normal size) +10 PP SPHERES: Mage
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP TRADITION: Trallen
Increase Duration (1 minute/rank) +8 PP DESCRIPTION : The casting of this spell causes the
formation of a trench or ditch in the ground. It is 10'
STONESKIN deep by 10' long by 5' wide. The dirt from the location
PP COST: 4 of the new trench is neatly piled to one side of the
RANGE: Touch trench (caster’s choice). The Refill Trench scaling
DURATION: 2 rounds/rank option may only be used if the trench is empty. The
SPELL TYPE: Utility scaling option, Shape Trench, may be used to create
RR: — trenches of different shapes, so long as the volume of

TRADITION: Gramarye, Trallen
DESCRIPTION : Target’s skin takes on a stony look, and
the trench is not changed, except through the other
scaling options.
becomes as protective as Soft Leather armor (+20 DB). Increased Range (per additional 50') +1 PP
The target is not affected by maneuver penalties or Increased Length (per extra 1' length) +1 PP
spell casting modifiers associated with the armor. Increased Width (per extra 1' width) +1 PP
Increased Depth (per extra 1' depth) +1 PP
Scaling Options:
Shape Trench +4 PP
Increase Protection (as Studded Leather, +30 DB) +3 PP
Refill Trench +4 PP
Increase Protection (as Chain Mail, +40 DB) +6 PP
Increase Protection (as Plate/Chain, +50 DB) +9 PP
Increase Protection (as Plate, +60 DB) +12 PP
Increase Duration (5 rounds/rank) +4 PP
Increase Duration (10 rounds/rank) +6 PP
RANGE: Touch
DURATION: 5 rounds/rank
RR: —
TRADITION: Usirae, Zirhus
DESCRIPTION: This spell allows the caster to create a
telepathic bond between himself and one other target.
The bond will only allow mental communication if the
members of the bond are within a certain distance of
one another. This distance is equal to 50' per member
of the bond.

Chapter Eight Belynar


hile the Thin Walk was difficult going for all

save Sylla, it was well worth the effort. From
their vantage high above the city, they could all 8
get a sense of what the Devastation and the
passing of time had done to Belynar’s majesty.
The more imaginative amongst them could get
a sense of what was; even the least imaginative
could envision what might be. Considering this
was before noon of their first day together, the spirits
of the eight adventurers could not be higher.
“I want to explore the Observatory,” Elena said out loud
to no one in particular. Each of them were roaming about
without any real purpose.
“Then we’ll go there next,” Stave said.
The walk to the Observatory was relatively straightforward.
At one point, Elena nearly lost her footing on the treacherous
Walk, but she recovered quickly enough. Though she said
nothing, it almost felt as though someone, or something,
gave her a little nudge just as she was about to negotiate a
tricky broken step.
They achieved the Observatory, and once there, their
problems began almost immediately.

Chapter Eight Belynar

The haunting, ruined city of Belynar stands at the Between these peoples, confused, broken, battered
heart of Cyradon. Much of Cyradon’s sad and tragic and facing an uncertain future, the city has begun to live
history has happened here. But now the city stands at the again, after a fashion. Lights burn in the empty man-
center of events again. The rebirth of the continent begins sions. The forges beneath the earth ring again, as the
here. In the shattered ruins of old, arrogant and decadent Dwarven and Tarahiri smiths seek to finish the work left
cultures, the human newcomers are determined to make undone by those who perished in the Devastation. They
the city their home. Under the guidance of the Gryphons bravely explore the broken underground tunnels of the
and the Rhona, the humans have taken the first steps to city. Others spend time trying to translate the mysterious
putting the land to rights. Cyrad glyphs in the rooms of the oldest buildings. Still
A few weeks ago, the land was empty, dead desert. others wonder what the large stadium to the north east
Now a small fragile rebirth has occurred. One of the of the city is for, and why all its entrances have been
precious Tears of Life were sacrificed in the Ritual of sealed shut by molten metal.
Estrousal. Living grass, living water and flowers bloom in The city is no utopia. It is a place of tension, of
what was red, sick, sand. Dead, petrified trees bear leaves scarcity and of fear. At any moment, the Schirae might
for the first time in half a millennium. Children swim in storm out of the wastes. At any moment, the results of the
rivers long dry. Skaldi poets call the newborn realm “the Ritual of Estrousal might gutter and fade and the people
Re-Awakened Land.” will be doomed. But even still, there is a sense that the
In the city above, the people from Anias are going humans stand on the cusp of something, that they are
about turning this blasted city into a home. They are ready to undertake something that will make history.
laying plans to explore the continent and colonize it.
For the first time in a long time, there is hope amidst BELYNAR: CLOSE UP
the despair of the Devastation.
The ancient city of Belynar is really two cities. There was
But it is only hope. The magic cannot last forever in
the Belynar of the Cyrads—a city that was full of beautiful,
the face of a land poisoned down to the roots of the world.
elegant, buildings, full of gardens and laughter and there was
Already the winds bring the poisonous red sand across the
Belynar of the Narsi, full of artifice and elaborate magic, and
streams and pastures. In the desert beyond, the Schirae
full of intrigues and huge monuments—in its day the greatest
wait, ready to assail the city and slay all within.
city in the world. And now, the city of Belynar stands on the
brink of yet another rebirth.
The Belynar of the Cyrads was the most beautiful and
In the city of Belynar, several thousand human, Sithi perhaps the most enduring city. Time, the efforts of the
and Gryx refugees, and another couple of hundred Narsi, and the Devastation have been unable to obliterate
Mablung make their home (if only temporarily). Most are the work of the Cyrads. The Cyrads built their city into all
from the city of Tarahir in the distant west, a city which, sides of Mount Belnos and around its base. They built
like Belynar, was the center of an empire once. around the shores of the lake and across the plains that
The city exists under the watchful eyes of the lead to the Camal Sea. And they built to last. The Cyrads
Gryphons of the Blunt Hill Eyrie, a nest of those prized light and space, and greenery. They terraced the
beautiful creatures built high up in the Shival Moun- sides of the mountains to create space for light and airy
tains, just below the snowline. The Gryphons were homes and gardens. Most Cyrad public spaces were
sworn to guard the city by the ancient Cyrads. They gardens, and they loved the sound of flowing water.
shirked that duty once, and the Devastation was the Magical pumps and cisterns supplied water to all parts of
result, they will not do so again. Belynar. Parts of this water supply works to this day,
When the ancient Royal Road opened, it was a group sustaining the refugees.
of terrified bedraggled refugees, fleeing for their lives, Cyrad architecture is perhaps the most visionary
not a group of arrogant magicians or empire building architecture of its time, or any time. The Cyrads were
legions. The Gryphons also sensed that other forces were master metalworkers, expert woodworkers and toolmakers.
at work, and the coming of the humans would put things But their true love was stone working. They were brilliant
in motion which could change their lives – forever. architects and master masons. But the strangest fact about
Humans had enslaved the Gryphons once before, with the Cyrads is that they created their impressive, soaring,
the connivance of the Arali. But these humans came fleeing amazing cities…without any form of concrete or indeed
slavery. The Gryphons of the Blunt Hill exist on the fringes mortar. Instead, the Cyrads expertly worked each stone,
of their society. They quickly found common cause with the each column, and each support individually. Their stone
human fugitives. Fellow mortals, they have much more in work was more akin to the Sithi’s woodwork. Tabs and
common with the humans of Tarahir than they have with alternating slots were cut into the blocks – made of basalt
creatures such as the Arali Elves or the Rhona Gnomes.

Chapter Eight Belynar

and granite and marble – with microscopic perfection. in the world, felt that they could do better. They would
Once a block was laid, it fitted perfectly and would not rebuild and remold Belynar in their own image. It would
move. The combined effect of gravity, the weight of the become a place, where free of mundane distractions and
stones and the marvelous perfection of each individually burdens, they could devote their time to magical pursuits.
carved stone meant that the effect was an incredibly solid The new city would also be built to impress and intimi-
structure. A Cyrad building, once built, would not move. date—the haughty Arali Elves who grudgingly suffered the
But the Cyrads did not merely build solid rectangular presence of the human wizards had to be shown that the
buildings: the Cyrads built smooth, curved structures: Narsi were a force to be reckoned with.
towers, roundhouses, temples and halls all surrounded by The Narsi chose the southern and western slopes of
wide, smooth, curved walls. The Cyrads built their cities in Mount Belnos for the site of the new Belynar. They
the highest mountain peaks, shaping the very mountains demolished existing Cyrad buildings, reopened some of
themselves into places where cities could be built. The the Cyrad forges in the western depths of the city, and
Cyrad towers and mansions soared out of their high alpine then completed the tunnels out to the western slope.
homes. The Cyrads made beautiful cities on mountains the Practical considerations, however, did force the Narsin to
way lesser men made primitive fortresses on bald hills. reuse some of the old Cyrad areas of Belynar, since it was
The heart of Cyrad Belynar is the “Central Court”. unfeasible to build a new entrance to the city. The House
This is where the refugees first set foot in Belynar. In of Meeting, which the Narsin used to entertain distin-
addition to the Royal Road, the square is rimmed with guished visitors, was located in the old city as was their
large, stately buildings. Most of these buildings survived magical academy.
the Devastation reasonably well, though time has naturally Only a new site would do for the Prime Sanctum
taken its toll. Fanning outward from this square are the however, which they placed on the southern slopes of the
streets, terraces, houses, shops, and workshops of ancient mountain. The Prime Sanctum was built as a deliberate
Belynar. Most of the human refugees have established echo of the Temple Sanctum in Tarahir, but larger. The
themselves in the buildings surrounding the Central sanctum was surrounded by a ten foot high, white wall.
Court, since they have access to the working water supply Inside the walls were temples, workshops, towers and
and roofed accommodations. Much of this area still libraries. They used only the most expensive materials, and
remains unexplored, especially the areas leading to lavished the buildings with decorations. Roofs and fittings
chambers and passages built into the mountain.
Note: The readily accessible areas of Cyrad buildings
were gilded, paths were inlaid with panels of semiprecious
stones and walls were decorated with glittering patterns of
are empty save for the debris of two millennia. There are precious stones. Large marble statues of famous Narsi
no obvious Cyrad artifacts and no remains of unfortu- adorned the sanctum. At the center of the complex stood
nates caught by the Devastation. There are however sealed the Tower of the Stars, a thin needle like tower jutting into
doors, painted walls, and carved glyphs aplenty. When the western sky. Outside the walls, the Narsi built extrava-
asked, the Gryphons will say that these buildings have gant, elaborately decorated villas with huge amounts of
been empty as long as they can remember. As for the internal space. The more important Narsi were given leave
sealed doors and underground chambers, the Gryphons to build their villas close to the walls of the Prime Sanctum.
will say that they have not explored them—seeing no need Less important Narsi built their villas further down the
to poke their beaks into dangerous places that don’t slope, towards the bottom of the falls. Far from the concerns
concern them. (Though a few very curious Gryphons have of Anias, the Narsin looked out onto the serene sight of the
indeed made forays into these areas.) When asked about Shival Mountains and the waterfalls.
the Cyrads, the Gryphons will say that the Cyrads van- The Prime Sanctum was especially badly hit during
ished. Where the Cyrads went and what became of them the Devastation. The beautiful white walls survived
are unknown. However, Gryphons that are knowledgeable intact, though they are blackened and covered in red
in history will say this—by all accounts there was no dust. All that remains of the Tower of the Stars is a pile of
evidence that Belynar or other Cyrad cities were attacked rubble. The roofs have caved in on the few buildings that
or invaded. Scouts sent to investigate the disappearance of remain standing. Semiprecious stones lie scattered across
the Cyrads found no traces of violence. the ground. Crumbling walls mark the outlines of most
When the Narsi came to Belynar, they found that city of the buildings, and black cellar holes lead into the
was “too cluttered” with deserted buildings. Although the depths of Mount Belnos. Statues erected in memory of
buildings could all be repaired, the Narsi wanted a blank great Archmages of the order stand, anonymous and
slate for the heart of their magical activities, a place they blackened, on raised plinths proclaiming that their
called the Prime Sanctum. Cyrad architecture and names will never be forgotten. But their names have been
achievement was all very well—if you liked that sort of forgotten. Newcomers can walk through the remains of
thing. But the Narsi, who were after all the greatest wizards the citadel and wonder who precisely Gentalus was, and

Chapter Eight Belynar

Chapter Eight Belynar

Chapter Eight Belynar

who Eriksal might have been. No one knows, no one central court, is the safest area of the city since it has
cares and it hardly matters. been regularly patrolled by Gryphons.
The Devastation destroyed most of the villas around 3. THE VOLCANO BRIDGE
the sanctum; they were built of brick, but roofed and This was an impressive piece of engineering, origi-
floored with wood. The western slope of Belynar is a sad nally built by the Cyrads and later modified by the Narsin.
graveyard of broken buildings, fallen walls, blackened It was a long, elegant bridge that stretched across the
rocks and tumbled towers, all looking out towards the old gaping depths of the volcano itself. It was damaged during
waterfalls. Three gushes of water pour out of the moun- the Devastation, but it remains intact enough for someone
tain snows. At one time, there were a dozen such streams brave or foolish enough to pick his way across. The bridge
pouring down in endless white waves. The Narsin once spans the way across the dark abyss below. It’s a long drop.
called the cleft between the mountain of Belynar and the
waterfalls the Rainbow Valley. The flow of water has begun 4 THE RIVER GATE (AKA THE MAIN GATE)
to increase once more since the Ritual. The River Gate forms the centerpiece of the Central
The Gryphons ignore the old villas as a rule. Too Slope of the mountain. It rises at the foot of the mountain,
many young Gryphons have come to injury playing a white and blue gate, gleaming in the dawn. A wide tunnel
amongst the loose stones. Some of the refugees have taken leads beneath the gate complex and slopes upward, termi-
to coming out here to be alone, or to conduct private nating at the upper gatehouse. Visitors exiting the gatehouse
business. It is a long walk from the shelters on the eastern emerge in the central court.
side of the mountain and one is unlikely to be disturbed. Two “arches of light” pass over the road on either side
Some treasures may lie preserved and buried beneath the of the gate. The arches were made of white marble and
fallen stones. It is a lonely place, of little importance. But illuminated by a dozen torches on each arch. The lights on
there, up at the top of the slope, near the peak, the either arch and on the River Gate danced off the surface of
observatory still stands. If someone could only repair the the lake and made a beautiful and impressive sight.
damage to it and let it gaze into the heavens again. Despite all its finery, the gate is a defensive and defensible
After the Devastation, Belynar was left empty. position. It was once part of a high Cyrad built wall construc-
tion, a wall which ran the circumference of the mountain. The
BELYNAR MAP gate remained one of two primary entrances into the heart of
This is the terminus of the Royal Road. It is a large
the mountain and successive occupants have both fortified and
beautified the gate. The gate is actually a long tunnel, dotted
with murder holes for archers to man and a succession of
square with a marble “floor” and a heavy stone pedestal with
heavier and heavier gates concealed in the ceiling. If an invader
a jewel embedded in it. Beautiful old Cyrad buildings flank
were to breach the main door, a secondary gate would fall from
the square. The largest of these is called the royal palace,
the ceiling, then a third, fourth and fifth gate.
though its original purpose is unknown. The palace is now
Invaders have never entered the River Gate – anyone
the headquarters of the refugees provisional government.
assaulting the mountain would have to climb the sleep
2. OLD BELYNAR slopes under archery fire, falling rocks and counterattacks
The original city of Belynar was built on a series of by skirmishers. The mountain is hardly invulnerable, but
wide, sloping terraces carved out of the mountain. Some it does represent a difficult tactical problem. At the height
of the buildings are set into the sides of the mountain of the city’s power, it had thousands of defenders.
and others are free standing. Even the freestanding The gate is remarkably well preserved, though no one
buildings often have underground storerooms and access has relit the torches yet. The command and control areas
to the interior of the mountain. These buildings are in above, from where someone can operate the gate mecha-
different states of repair, some are almost entirely in nisms and get a good view of an attacker, are in excellent
ruins, but a surprising number are almost habitable— condition and the gates have almost been repaired by the
and have easy access to fresh water. In several places, Dwarven and the Tarahiri Guard. The Tarahiri Guard has
there are large tunnels that lead into the mountain. taken control of the Gate.
Courageous refugees who have explored these buildings Immediately above the gate is a mesa style series of
and the outskirts of the tunnels have reported many barracks rooms, built behind fortified stone. The rows of
sealed and locked doors. This area of Belynar, next to the the barracks are crowned by crenulated defensive
positions, but the roof is in a very poor state of repair.
Many of the Tarahir Guard, New Tarahiri military and
Note: The scale of the Belynar map is in Skaldi warriors have taken up residence in the old
cubits. A cubit is approximately 18". barracks and all have worked very hard to turn the ruins
into something homelike.

Chapter Eight Belynar

A sheer escarpment, fifty feet high, looms over the platform-roads (called Streitos). Some of the houses open
barracks. The barracks are not built into the mountain, but up into cellars carved into the mountain – and by tunnels
rather built against the mountain. Thus if an invader were back towards the grand staircases inside the volcano.
to win into the barracks he would find that there is but one
heavily armored door, barely high and wide enough to fit a
The Piersin Theater took its name from a legendary
man through, blocking the way deeper into the mountain.
actor of Tarahir. Once this was one of the most popular
5+6+7 THE WESTERN MOUNTAINS buildings in Belynar; the Narsi and Arali Elves flocked to this
The western mountains are tall, sharp, snow capped large marble building in droves for theatrical performances.
and almost unclimbable by any on the ground. In the The building is now a blackened, crumbling shell. The stage
crags and cliffs below the snowline, some of the Gryphons floor is exposed revealing rooms and passages carved into the
make their homes. depth of the mountains. Gryphons have occasionally
8. THE LAKEBED reported hearing voices, music, and laughter in these ruins.
Once filled by a deep, blue lake stretching for miles 13. THE COLISEUM
out on the low plateau in front of the volcano, the lakebed The ruins of the coliseum are an enduring symbol of
became a dry, dusty waste in the wake of the Devastation. Narsi and Arali folly and hubris. Here magical constructs
Now after the ritual, the lake has slowly begun to fill again. and monsters fought one another in huge spectacles. Vast
The shores of the lake are surrounded by the ruins of sums of gold were wagered on the outcome of these battles.
Cyrad, Narsi and elvish villas and temples. Mages and Arali princes vied with each other to build more
9. THE PRIME SANCTUM powerful constructs and to import exotic monsters. Rumors
The Prime Sanctum was almost completely de- abound that some of the monsters who fought in these
stroyed in the Devastation. All that remains of the battles had their origins on other worlds. The vast pits
Tower of the Stars is a pile of rubble. The roofs have beneath the coliseum still contain constructs that were used
caved in on the few buildings that remain standing. in these battles. The pits also contain monsters—held in
Semiprecious stones lie scattered across the ground. magical stasis. Occasionally, one of these constructs or
Crumbling walls mark the outlines of most of the monsters rumbles to life and will run amok among the
ruins of Belynar. As yet none of the Gryphon guardians
buildings, and black cellar holes lead into the depths of
Mount Belnos. Statues erected in memory of great
Archmages of the order stand, anonymous and black-
have found a satisfactory means of controlling and deacti-
vating the constructs or dealing with the monsters. They
ened, are raised on plinths proclaiming how their have a disconcerting tendency to come to life when anyone
names will never be forgotten. approaches. All of the refugees have been warned in no
uncertain terms to not go near the coliseum.
These were the buildings constructed by the Narsi. They
were ornate, well constructed, and enchanted. It wasn’t The Thin Walk is a slowly climbing dike built late in
enough. The mountainside was scoured by the fury of the the time of the Narsi, a walkway which allows someone to
Devastation – and many of the buildings were flattened. A progress past the gatehouse and then up past the old
few dozen hollow ruins still stand. The majority of the Narsi’ Fountain Path towards the Mages Guild. The various
homes and laboratories were on the upper slopes of the military defenders of Belynar argued against the Walk’s
western side of the mountain, but two important places are construction and continued existence. The Narsi pointed
easily accessible on the eastern side. The Lower Academy and out that their magic could defend against all comers. The
the Storehouse are easy enough to get to, but navigating military men responded by using the Walk as a place to
inside is difficult and treacherous. Fallen rocks and magical practice archery. The message was clear – any foe climbing
traps are the least of the adventurer’s worries. Many of these The Thin Walk could be shot off by archers.
buildings have chambers built deep within the mountain. 15. THE FOUNTAIN CLEFT
11. THE MESA HOUSES On the ninth level, a flue of warm volcanic water
On the cliff face above and on either side of the bubbles forth in a raging torrential stream. The stream
courtyard, there are dozens of small mesa buildings, pours down the mountainside, forming the “Fountain
rooms, homes and workshops cut into the rock. They too Cleft,” the distinctive river scar that cuts down the central
were mostly consumed by the Devastation, but the rooms slope of Belynar. The Fountain River disappeared under
themselves still exist. The rooms are linked by a series of the earth near the road, and then filtered into the old lake.
tunnels and an underground city behind. The houses are The Fountain stopped running when the Devastation hit.
generally large, and usually built in rows along the The Fountain Path is one of the newer constructions
in the city, a stairway from the custom house which met

Chapter Eight Belynar

an old animal trail close to the barracks complex. The a sad, faded, somewhat tawdry look. The frescoes and
idea was that someone in the barracks complex could mosaics are long ago soiled and stained. The stained glass
walk up to the Custom’s House without entering the city. windows which opened to the sky are broken.
Plans were drawn up to build a proper walkway to the Even now, no one comes up here. The pipes are dry.
barracks, but they were never implemented. No water flows. It is a cold, miserable place to be, as the
Instead, the Fountain Path was extended into the wind scythes in off the highlands. Black pumice stones still
Thin Walk, the only direct route from the ground level up lie on the paved street, left in heaps by the pseudo erup-
onto the slopes. tion which caused the Devastation.
16. THE HOUSE OF MEETING Inside the bath houses, the floors are covered by the slag
mounds left by the few actual eruptions of lava that accom-
This once lavish building was where the Narsi
panied the Devastation. In one of the lava flows in the Narsin
received important visitors, diplomatic delegations and
bathhouse, the remains of a Narsi servant can be seen, half
held official diplomatic functions.
burned, half mummified by the poison. He lies, half sunk
The House is an empty ruin. Its circular walls stand
under the lava, his boney face staring blankly to the sky. The
naked inside. Its floor, once decorated by carvings, carpets
Gryphons have tried to cover him up on many occasions, but
and intricate mosaics, is now covered with debris and red
whatever shroud or barrow they cover him with always seems
sand. Four stories of windows stand empty and open.
to fall away after a few years. Likewise, he cannot be moved.
The roof, and its map, is half intact, but the map is so
Tools blunt when someone tries to pick at the lava.
faded as to be barely recognizable. Cyradon is plainly
recognizable. Some of the Shattering Islands are also 18. THE BATH HOUSES
visible, but little else. A ruby “star” far to the west of the • The Arali House is the southernmost of the three
Cyradon map seems to represent Tarahir. houses. It is a plain building outside, built like a
The House is linked to the Merchant’s Streitos by the Tarahiri mansion. Inside, the remnants of Janieal
Western Fountain Path, a broad stepped path leading upwards. styled murals and frescos can be seen. The house
The only thing that survives in the Meeting House is a seems to moan with the wind; it’s a very sad,
small Memoriam. The Memoriam has a statue represent- echoing sound.
ing the day god as the merchant, but carrying a sigil of the • The Narsin House is the next house, heading

8 Narsin, a long bejeweled staff.

north. The Narsin House has a distinctly
Memraic temple feel to it; it was built as an echo
to one of the largest Memraic temples in old
The Fountain Streitos is the bathhouse street of
Tarahir. The interior is decorated in the lust,
old. The old hot spring used to burst up from a fissure
almost gaudy Tarahiri style. The floors are
high on the shoulder of the mountain. The geyser used
covered by lava. The strange remains of the
to shoot out from the mountainside and most of the
servant lie there, staring at the heavens.
water pooled just below the vent and formed the source
The Servants’ Houses are two almost identical houses,
of the powerful mountain stream that carved out the
except the second house is a lot longer – its facade hides a
Fountain Cleft over the centuries. The Cyrads caught
Memraic temple behind. The servants’ baths were larger
the water in an artificial reservoir and piped the high
and more spacious than the bathhouses to the south. They
pressure hot water around their houses on the east face
are less sheltered, and now feel a lot colder, and the wind
of the mountain.
seems sharper inside the buildings. The servants’ baths
The Narsin expanded the pipe system and built a series
were not decorated. There are apartments on the top floor
of baths. Five houses catered to different inhabitants in the
of both buildings where the servants who maintained the
city. One was for the Arali, one for the Danae, one for the
baths dwelled. The floors are scattered with tiny bits of
Narsin, and the last two were reserved for the servants. The
scorched human bone.
Arali, Danae and Narsi baths were rather grand affairs,
decorated in the highest of Tarahiri style. The servant’s baths 19. THE OBSERVATORY
were practical and undecorated. Even so, the buildings were The Observatory is a large domed structure, 500 feet
quite impressive and had a sort of Spartan charm. These in diameter, standing about 200 feet tall from floor to the
baths, beyond the various buildings erected by the Narsi, or top of the roof. The Narsi built a construct to open and
the stadium, represented Belynar at its height and at its most close the sky doors and another construct would raise and
comfortable…and at its most Tarahiri influenced. lower the telescope. Neither of the constructs still works.
The baths are sadly dry now, the plumbing is broken The Observatory had three floors: a level where one
and the hot spring that fed them is now dry. The Rhona could view the telescope, a level where the Narsin astrono-
say that the spring still bubbles, a sullen, filthy puddle of mers worked and a viewing level which served no grander
water deep inside the mountain. As a result, the street has purpose than giving a beautiful view of the mountains and
the sky – and access to the lenses of the giant telescope.

Chapter Eight Belynar

The telescope itself was about 150 feet long, with a the remains of Narsi stores. A small number of chambers
massive lens of about 20 feet in diameter. The lens is a are locked and magically sealed. These chambers are
particularly impressive piece of work since it was not built clearly labeled in ancient Cyrad “Stasis Chamber—
with any form of magic. Emergency Stores.” Opening these chambers breaks the
stasis. The contents may prove to be the salvation of the
UNDERGROUND BELYNAR refugees. The chambers contain food, seeds, clothing,
The inside of Mount Belnos is a warren of storage cloth, tools, books, and other useful items.
chambers, workspaces, sanctums and even living spaces. The Narsi also expanded the underground city. They
The tunnels run from naturally occurring lava flues to needed workshops and laboratories far from the distrust-
meticulously carved mining shafts to wide halls for ful and prying eyes of the Arali Elves and the Gryphons.
industrial production. The Cyrads made the first deep The Narsi turned some of the inner halls into parts of the
excavations, where the vile smelling works such as city proper, installing eternally glowing magical lighting
tanning, forging and distillation could be carried on. The and sealed off the places below. The “winding path”
Cyrads created filters – made of specially soaked pieces of climbing between the levels on the inner cone of the
linen – which could absorb the worst of the smells. The volcano was one of the wonders of the world, and roman-
stinking wads were then buried further down, in tunnels tic Arali elves would travel far to see the beautiful universe
opened in the lava flows. of lights suspended in the shadow at the center of the
As Belynar became the all important Eastern Gate of the mountain. Below, past locked doors, the Narsi set about
Cyrad realm, the city was expanded further, with vast refining their high magic, learning ways to open paths to
stairways linking hewed inner levels and the artificial shelves new worlds, and seeking to tame their creations and the
and precipices within the vast cone of the volcano itself. In otherworldly creatures they had captured.
time the Dwarven friends of the Cyrads established a small Then came the Devastation, and all these fine works
complex in Belynar, and contributed much to the beauty, of mortals were equally destroyed. What remains – as
strength and design of the tunnels within the mountain. above, so below – of their work is a confused jumble of
The Cyrads also used many of the mountain cham- debris, ruins and randomly preserved monuments to the
bers for storage. Most of these chambers are perfectly creativity, intelligence and hard work – and arrogance – of
those who had dwelled in Belynar in times past.
ordinary store rooms, some are empty and others contain
The Coliseum
The Coliseum symbolizes the folly and grandeur of the monsters and constructs The tunnels beneath the coliseum are a
Narsi and the Arali at the height of their power. The building labyrinth of monster pens, stasis chambers for dangerous
grew out of their mutual obsession with the bizarre, the monsters, storerooms, training rooms, armories and accommo-
monstrous, the exotic, and their love of spectacle. In the years dations for guards and trainers.
after the Narsi came to Belynar, a few of the wizards began Coliseum spectacles varied. There were, of course, the
researching the origins of monsters. These wizards would use the perennially popular monster versus monster events, but the
Royal Roads in their studies, often capturing monsters and sophisticated tastes of the Arali and the Narsi demanded more.
bringing them to Belynar for study. The captives were housed in Events were designed to show off the monsters and constructs to
private zoos, and became objects of curiosity and envy. Still other their best advantage. Some of the larger saurian monsters were
wizards invested their time in building magnificent magical trained to be ridden by jousters, and went into battle armored.
constructs, which they periodically paraded through the streets Other monsters and constructs were trained and designed for
of the city. mass combat. Many of these events were accompanied by
Maintaining a monstrous zoo or magical constructs elaborate magical illusions.
required power and wealth, and thus became an outlet for the Over time the Narsi and the Arali began breeding
political and social rivalries of the Narsi and the Arali. Owning a monsters and building constructs especially for arena combat. Many
zoo of exotic monsters or a collection of constructs soon became of these creations were destroyed in the Devastation, but some
de rigeur. Some wizards and Arali even went so far as to recruit managed to survive and even thrive. Still others remained in stasis
the more intelligent monsters as bodyguards and retainers. beneath the coliseum in the years that followed. Occasionally a stasis
Monster acquisition and construct design and building and chamber would fail and release a monster. Gryphon and Arali mages
display became an obsession among the aristocracy of Belynar, responded by magically sealing the coliseum entrances.
Desnia and Shival. In time it became necessary to establish the After the Devastation, many of the Desnian Arali gave
superiority of rival collections. up their perilous hobby. Although the human wizards were
What began as small private events soon became blamed for the disaster, the Desnians privately at least, acknowl-
public spectacles, which naturally required a suitable setting. The edged their role in the events that led to the Devastation. On the
Coliseum was built to accommodate 30,000 spectators and Desnian island of Cairnus however, the entrenched habit of
provide secure stabling and holding pens for a host of different monster breeding continued.

Chapter Eight Belynar

THE RE-AWAKENED LAND 1. Belynar – In the heart of Cyradon and the center
of the Devastation lays the great city of Belynar.
The Re-Awakened Land is a loose circle of “healed” Once home to the mysterious Cyrads and later
land in the heart of the devastation. It is about 240 miles home to the powerful mages of the Narsin, the
across at its widest point. However, on the fringes of the city is once again alive with the sound of inhabit-
green area, the pastures are already slowly dying. What’s ants. Thanks to the Ritual of Estrousal, per-
more, the reawakening has lent the realm a very poignant formed by the Rhona Gnomes, the land around
air. Shoots of grass now sprout amongst ruined temples Belynar has been “Re-Awakened” and is once
and houses where the Shivan Arali and the Narsi once again healthy and able to support life.
lived. The old rivers fill but slowly – much of the snow- 2. Nabdur– This is more of an outpost than an
melt from the Shival Mountains that should flow down actual town. It sits upon the coast where the river
into watershed around the Camal Sea has not filled the flowing past Belynar empties into a small bay on
network of dry river channels and irrigation ditches. the Camal Sea. It consists mostly of warehouses,
Slow moving trickling streams seep through channels shipyards, and other structures to support both
carved by much bigger rivers. sea and river traffic. Nabdur was also home to a
The land has a long way to go before it can ever be small fleet of barges that were used to shuttle
properly restored. But the refugees have a fighting chance goods up river from the Camal Sea to Belynar.
to survive here.

Chapter Eight Belynar

3. Sefnar – This is the town of Sefnar, located upon a 9. Rhona Valley – This long valley is protected from
small hill surrounded by fertile fields that are nearly the Devastation by the surrounding mountains,
ready to harvest. Once a thriving community the and by the later efforts of the Rhona. Within the
town now stands desolate and bare. For more forests covering the slopes of the valley are a
information about Sefnar, refer to Chapter 10. number of areas specifically set aside for the
4. Ruins of Adahar and Khafar (the Twin Cities) – breeding of animals. Since the Ritual of Estrousal
These two cities are often referred to as the Twin has awoken a portion of the land, the Rhona have
Cities. This is partially because they sit facing slowly been releasing these animals into the wild.
each other across a small 3 ½ mile wide channel. 10. Orjavir, a Dwarven Mine – This distant outpost
It is also because they were founded by twin was the location of an ancient dwarven mine,
brothers; twin Narsi that were always in competi- last used back when the Dwarves aided in the
tion with one another. Legend has it that they building of Belynar. Like many dwarven
would battle aquatic monsters and constructs in outposts, it was abandoned when the minerals
the Channel between their cities. Whether or not played out.
this is true has never been proven. 11. Korolf, a Dwarven Mine – Unlike the Orjavir
5. Ruins of Kausur – Kausur is a small fishing Mine, this mine was for a small node of magical
village built on the coast of the Camal Sea. minerals. Like all magical ores, the metals and
Sheltered by a thick forest on the landward side, minerals found in this mine regenerate over time.
the inhabitants of Kausur tried to stay out of the It is quite likely that this mine has fully regener-
normal Arali politics and the rivalries that ated in the years since the mine was closed.
formed between the other Arali and the Narsi. 12. Ruins of Adjmar– This large town was once the
Unfortunately, this could not save them from the center of a large agricultural community. The
energies and baleful magics released by the edge of the Re-Awakened Lands pass right
Devastation. Although the land around Kausur through this town, giving it an odd, extremely
has been restored, the town is still a desolate, disturbing appearance as you can look down one
empty place. street and see lush growing plants on one side,
6. Ruins of Sansur – Sansur is easily twice, perhaps and the cracked, dusty ground of the Devastation
even three times, the size of Kausur. Sansur was
once a major port for the Camal Sea. It was the 13.
on the other.
The Necropolis – This area is, literally, a city of
gateway port for ships from other port cities and the dead. It contains nothing more than
towns around the Camal Sea, and ships that plied thousands upon thousands of small, medium
the Tanolain River between the inland sea and and large crypts, tombs, and mausoleums. They
the city of Taravant and on further to Jalapur. reside on the ridge above the cliffs, on the plains
7. Ruins of Paliranur – This town served as a below the cliffs, and even dug into the face of
gateway between eastern farmlands and Belynar, the cliffs.
Taravant, and Jalapur. It has many large ware- 14. Jagmar Keep – High atop a lone plateau, jutting
houses for holding freight bound for Nabdur or above the highland plains, is Jagmar Keep. This
Sansur. This city actually sits outside the Re- ancient fortress stands like a sentry over the
Awakened Lands, so there is nothing growing in surrounding farmland and the small villages
or around it, except for perhaps a few monsters. clustered around the base of the mesa. What is
8. Nostin, a Dwarven Outpost – This ancient city is strange is that there seems to be no road leading
located within the cliffs overlooking a large lake from the base to the top of the plateau, and
at one end of a valley that has been long pro- there do not seem to be any caves or tunnels
tected by the Rhona. Nostin was home to the allowing entrance either.
Dwarves that aided the Cyrads in building
Belynar. It even has a teleportation chamber
leading directly from Nostin to Belynar.

Chapter Nine Bestiary


9 oalan was gazing at the ruins of the telescope and its

workings with Sylla while Stave, Barrin and Agarek
were rooting around an upper level when the ghostly
baying began.
“Help us, please won’t you help us?” the voices
moaned. Amaron, who was standing closest to Elena
when the ghosts made their move, was horrified. At
least a half-dozen spirits had surrounded her,
buffeting her about as, slack-jawed, she struggled
to master her terror.
“We’re in trouble down here!” Amaron shouted,
leaping to Elena’s defense.
Before he got within four feet of her, the ghosts knocked him to the
ground. The others were running to aid their beleaguered comrade,
weapons at the ready. But the ghosts were determined – each of
Elena’s friends were driven off; the ghosts continued their harassment.
And then Droze, craftier than he seemed at first blush, removed a stone
from a pouch he kept at his belt and spoke a simple word of power. Much
to his surprise, the ghosts fled, leaving Elena, buffeted and bruised but
unhurt; sprawled beneath the telescope.

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Once you have determined which table to roll on, you

MONSTROUS ECOLOGY make a percentile roll and find out what the characters
Cyradon is a land of excitement and adventure. It is also a have encountered. Just remember, if a rolled result does
land filled with many different types of dangerous creatures. In not make sense for the situation, then feel free to re-roll it,
the decades before the Devastation, the Narsi and the Arali or to just select one that is more appropriate. The follow-
collected creatures from all over the world and possibly even ing descriptions detail the entry for each row on the
further abroad. They kept these in private zoos as a status encounter tables, and also provide other information that
symbol, or they experimented on them for use in the coliseum may be used to help define the encounter.
games. A few would even release these creatures into the wild
Normal Animals – These are encounters
just to see what the effect would be on the local ecology. And
with normal animals. They may be
of course, some creatures would escape captivity on their own.
animals that are native to a given region
Due to the magical onslaught caused by the Devasta-
or that have wandered into less hospi-
tion, most such creatures perished, or were warped and
table regions. Most often, animals will
changed into something even more monstrous.
run from those who encounter them,
When planning adventures, the Game Master (GM),
unless they are defending their young, or
needs to keep the ecology of the area in which the
something else is driving them in a given
encounter is to take place in mind. Concepts such as “food
direction. Rarely will they attack
chain” are very important, especially within the Devasta-
adventurers or even venture near a
tion, where there is little to no vegetation on the surface
nighttime fire.
for herbivores to feed upon.
Vegetation – Sometimes, the local vegeta-
The Devastation is mostly filled with apex predators.
tion can be quite deadly. Plants such as a
This means that they are relatively high up on the food
Giant Venus Fly Trap, or a Strangler
chain. To these creatures, just about everything else is seen
Vine, or other dangerous plants com-
as prey. They often end up hunting each other, but the
prise encounters of this type.
introduction of the Re-Awakened Lands is sure to draw
Terrain – Even the ground can be dangerous
them in as they search for easier prey.
to adventurers. Quicksand, landslides,
Within the Re-Awakened Lands, there is much more
sinkholes, hidden bogs and tar pits are
variety of life. Not only did the Ritual of Estrousal restore
all examples of possibly dangerous
the land to full health, but it also caused the rebirth of
terrain. One wrong step and an unwary
many different species of animals. While most of these
adventurer could be in serious trouble.
newly reborn animals and creatures were oviparous, laying
eggs that had been petrified
during the Devastation,
some were not. This poses a Central Highlands Encounter Table
conundrum to scholars Re-Awakened Yftelan Melanae
who are studying the effects Encounter Lands Devastation Mire/Wood Forest Shival Mtns.
of the ritual used by the Normal Animals 01 - 15 01 - 02 01 - 02 01 - 03 01 - 14
Rhona Gnomes. Vegetation 16 - 18 03 03 - 13 04 - 08 15 - 21
Terrain 19 - 21 04 - 12 14 - 34 09 - 12 22 - 29
ENCOUNTERS Weather 22 - 23 13 - 18 35 - 39 13 - 18 30 - 36
The GM can create Locals 24 - 44 - - 19 - 29 37 - 54
encounters specifically for Merchants/Traders 45 - 48 19 - 22 - - -
Cyradon using the rules Messengers 49 - 51 23 - 25 - - 55 - 57
and guidelines posted in Pilgrims 52 - 54 26 - 28 - - -
the beginning of Chapter Local Guard 55 - 64 - - - 58 - 64
13 Encounters & Monsters, Military Patrol 65 - 74 29 - 32 - - -
from the HARP rulebook. Raiders 75 - 78 33 - 40 40 - 48 30 - 32 65 - 69
However, rather than using Schirae 79 - 82 41 - 55 49 - 54 33 - 50 70 - 74
the encounter tables from Coliseum Monsters 83 - 88 56 - 67 55 - 62 51 - 61 75 - 81
HARP, the GM should use Aberrations 89 - 92 68 - 85 63 - 79 62 - 77 82 - 87
the following tables. Each Monstrous Creature 93 - 94 86 - 94 80 - 94 78 - 91 88 - 92
table has been designed for Trap/Ambush - - - 92 - 98 93 - 94
specific areas of Cyradon. Adventurers 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 99 95 - 99
Special 100 100 100 100 100

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Weather – Cyradon has some really lively Messengers – Magical communication is

weather. There are frequent storms all expensive, and is not the norm. Messen-
around its coasts, with the exception of gers are often used to transport impor-
the east coast. There are also sand storms tant messages from place to place. Using
with the Devastation and the layout of mounts, or traveling by foot, they ensure
the various mountain ranges tends to that the messages are delivered. Cyradon
produce some odd and potentially has a network of messengers already
dangerous weather at times. established. With the restoration and
Locals – The people who live in a given area revival of Belynar, they will be expand-
are considered locals. In Janieal, this ing their routes to include the Re-
would be the Arali. In the Melanae Awakened Lands as well.
Forest the locals would be Schirae, in the Pilgrims – Word of the arrival of humans in
Madiarian Forest the locals would be the Belynar is quickly spreading across
Nagah, and in Selant the locals would be Cyradon. As it spreads, there will be
the Ashari Elves. those who decide to take a pilgrimage to
The locals of a given area are Belynar, and perhaps other sites, in order
most often the non-combatants. This to visit the ancient city and see the
means that they are quite often the strangers. Some pilgrims also undergo a
women, children, aged, and infirm (for journey for more spiritual reasons. This
those who let their aged and infirm live). latter type will often travel all across
The vast majority of these will be going Belynar just to visit ancient sites of a
about their daily tasks as normal and in spiritual nature. Some pilgrims may also
areas that are hostile to the characters; be the descendants of those few who
they will immediately attempt to sound escaped the Devastation, and wish to
the alarm about the intruders. return to Belynar and the surrounding
In other areas, the locals will have area to reclaim their heritage.
attitudes that range from friendly to Local Guard – This is your average city
outright rudeness to distrust. It all guard or town sheriff. His job is to keep
depends upon the culture from which the peace, and to capture local criminals
the locals come. as best as he can.
Merchants/Traders – These are
9 traveling merchants and
traders. They often care little
for the politics between
Southlands Encounter Table
various regions, wanting only Tanolain Southland Ashman
to continue in their trading. E n c o u n t e r A n e i ri n S e l a n t D e l t a P l a i n s J a l a p u r Range
The more prosperous they are, N o r m a l A n i m a l s 0 1 - 1 1 0 1 - 0 3 01 - 0 7 0 1 - 0 9 0 1 - 0 4 0 1 - 09
the more likely they are to V e g e t a t i on 1 2 - 2 4 0 4 - 06 0 8 - 1 8 1 0 - 1 4 0 5 - 1 1 1 0 - 16
have guards escorting them Terrain 25 - 27 07 - 10 19 - 36 15 - 18 12 - 17 17 - 27
and protecting them from Weather 28 - 29 11 - 15 37 - 41 19 - 22 18 - 20 28 - 31
bandits and raiders. Merchant Locals 30 - 50 16 - 41 42 - 45 23 - 38 - 32 - 40
caravans are quite often Merchants/Traders 51 - 61 42 - 48 46 - 48 39 - 44 - 41 - 47
willing to do a little trade with Messengers 62 - 64 49 - 51 49 - 48 45 - 53 - 48 - 52
those along their routes, as Pilgrims 65 - 67 52 - 52 49 - 51 54 - 56 21 - 23 -
well as hiring extra guards for Local Guard 68 - 75 53 - 63 - 57 - 61 - -
the more dangerous stretches Military Patrol 76 - 81 64 - 80 52 - 62 62 - 73 - 53 - 63
of their route. Many mer- Raiders 82 - 88 81 - 83 63 - 71 74 - 82 24 - 44 64 - 66
chants are also willing, for a Schirae 89 - 91 84 - 84 72 - 74 83 - 84 45 - 61 67 - 71
small fee, to allow others to Coliseum Monsters - - - - 62 - 70 72 - 74
travel with them and gain the Aberrations - - 75 - 77 - 71 - 87 75 - 81
protection of those guards. Monstrous Creature 92 - 94 85 - 87 78 - 94 85 - 91 88 - 94 82 - 83
Thus it is not unusual to find Trap/Ambush - 88 - 94 - 92 - 94 - 84 - 9 4
some pilgrims along with a Adventurers 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99
merchant caravan. Special 100 100 100 100 100 100

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Military Patrol – This is a squad of soldiers, Aberrations– The Devastation destroyed

often found patrolling a border or many people and creatures, but not all of
protecting something of importance. them. Some were changed into what are
The size of the squad may vary, and now commonly called the Aberrations.
quite often you can find several squads These are creatures that were altered
working in concert to accomplish their even more than the Schirae were by the
goals. In Cyradon, border patrols tend to wild magics released. Aberrations are
be made of larger units, platoons and tied to the Devastation. They are
sometimes even full companies, depend- dangerous in the extreme, and are
ing upon how serious the Schirae threat usually without reason.
is in a given area. Monstrous Creature – The Narsi brought
Raiders – Raiders are groups of bandits and many creatures to Cyradon. Some of these
thieves, and perhaps others with even escaped, while other were purposely
more nefarious plans. Most often, released into the wilds. Other creatures
raiders will be comprised of one of three may be natural to Cyradon, or been
major groups, although others are transported there by other means.
possible. The most common raiders will Whatever the case of their origins, there
be either Nagah or Ashari groups are a number of monstrous creatures
making incursions into the Devastation roaming the wilds. While never numerous,
or neighboring lands. Along the eastern one does occasionally find its way into
and northern coasts, raiders are more civilized lands and cause problems until
likely to be comprised of Schirae. dealt with.
Schirae – The Schirae are a savage people. Trap/Ambush – Traps and ambushes are set
They hate all of the other races with a by thinking beings. They are intended to
passion, and wish to kill them or enslave capture or kill those caught within. A
them for unknown purposes. Groups of number of races employ traps, and may
Schirae are always hostile and aggressive. have left them unattended. Others may
Coliseum Monsters – During the many prefer to employ ambushes to capture or
years the Narsi lived in Belynar, they kill foes. Occasionally, those for whom
captured and imported many unusual the trap or ambush was not set may
and dangerous creatures for use in the happen upon them.
coliseum games. Some of these
they improved upon using their
magic, while others were kept in
Westlands Encounter Table
Madiarian Mtns. Of Nagaral Northern
their natural forms. Many of Encounter Ciastan Forest Evening City States Penninsula
these were kept in stasis cham-
Normal Animals 01 - 11 01 - 11 01 - 09 01 - 07 01 - 17
bers under the coliseum, while
Vegetation 12 - 15 12 - 20 10 - 16 08 - 13 18 - 26
others were kept in chambers
Terrain 16 - 18 21 - 33 17 - 27 14 - 19 27 - 34
located at the homes of the Narsi
Weather 19 - 21 34 - 38 28 - 30 20 - 23 35 - 43
and Arali who owned them.
Locals 22 - 42 39 - 47 - 24 - 44 44 - 57
Over the centuries, these stasis
Merchants/Traders 43 - 53 - - 45 - 49 58 - 65
chambers have occasionally
Messengers 54 - 58 - - 50 - 52 66 - 70
failed, releasing these creatures
Pilgrims 59 - 61 - - 53 - 54 71 - 74
into the wild. Some have
Local Guard 62 - 70 48 - 58 - 55 - 65 75 - 77
survived, most have not.
Military Patrol 71 - 81 59 - 71 31 - 43 66 - 78 78 - 81
However, those that have
Raiders 82 - 87 - 44 - 58 79 - 90 -
survived have sometimes found
Schirae 88 - 90 - - - -
their way out of the Devastation
Coliseum Monsters - - 59 - 65 - -
and into other lands.
Aberrations - - 66 - 74 - -
Monstrous Creature 91 - 94 72 - 85 75 - 85 91 - 94 82 - 94
Trap/Ambush - 86 - 94 86 - 94 95 - 94 -
Adventurers 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99
Special 100 100 100 100 100

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Adventurers – Often the Northlands Encounter Table

most dangerous of any
Llyrius Blackflame
creature, adventurers
Encounter & Neras Mellianour Qumar Cairnus Andalasa Region
seek out excitement
Normal Animals 01 - 09 01 - 08 01 - 11 01 - 07 01 - 17 01 - 9
and danger for their
Vegetation 10 - 13 09 - 11 12 - 15 08 - 11 18 - 21 10 - 13
own purposes. They
Terrain 14 - 18 12 - 14 16 - 21 12 - 14 22 - 27 14 - 20
often react badly to
Weather 19 - 25 15 - 21 22 - 30 15 - 23 28 - 36 21 - 25
those who stand in
their way or who are Locals 26 - 40 22 - 29 31 - 48 24 - 42 37 - 63 26 - 32
after the same goals. M e r c h a n t s / T r a d e r s 4 1 - 4 9 3 0 - 3 6 4 9 - 5 9 4 3 - 4 7 6 4 - 7 4 3 3 - 40
Special – This option allows M e s s e n g e r s 50 - 5 4 3 7 - 3 9 6 0 - 6 6 - 7 5 - 7 8 4 1 - 45
for the GM to introduce P i l g r i m s 5 5 - 5 7 4 0 - 4 1 6 7 - 6 8 - - 4 6 - 49
any type of encounter L o c a l G u a r d 58 - 6 8 4 2 - 4 8 6 9 - 7 9 - 7 9 - 8 7 -
that he wishes. It is M i li t a r y P a t r o l 6 9 - 8 0 49 - 61 80 - 8 6 5 1 - 59 88 - 9 1 5 0 - 62
completely his option, R a i d e r s - - - - - -
and his decision on Schirae 81 - 89 62 - 76 87 - 89 60 - 74 - 63 - 73
what the encounter C o l i s e u m M o n s te r s - - - - - -
could be. Perhaps it is A b e r r a t i o n s 9 0 - 9 1 - - - - -
something like a Monstrous Creature 92 - 94 77 - 87 90 - 94 75 - 85 92 - 94 74 - 90
meeting with an T r a p / A m b u s h - 8 8 - 9 4 - 8 6 - 9 4 - 9 1 - 94
unusual stranger or a A d v e n t u r e r s 95 - 9 9 9 5 - 9 9 9 5 - 9 9 9 5 - 9 9 9 5 - 9 9 9 5 - 99
creature that goes Special 100 100 100 100 100 100
against the norms, like a
friendly and helpful Schirae. This could into the Devastation to search for
also be a special event, like a dimensional magical treasures.
rift opening near the characters and Bounder – Bounders are most common in
dumping a few demons into the mortal the Madiarian Forest, the Yftelan Mire,
world. Anything is possible. and the Tanolain Delta. It is rare for
them to be spotted elsewhere. Rare,

9 In the previous section, we gave

you encounter tables for the various
regions of Belynar; however that
Eastlands Encounter Table
Mtns. of
does not tell you what monsters are Encounter Janieal Desnia Penlasse Arimispia Ischea Morning
where. The following tells you where Normal Animals 01 - 13 01 - 09 01 - 08 01 - 11 01 - 11 01 - 09
you can find the creatures listed Vegetation 14 - 19 10 - 16 09 - 15 12 - 17 12 - 23 10 - 15
within this chapter. Terrain 20 - 23 17 - 19 16 - 19 18 - 20 24 - 34 16 - 23
Aoifar – This race of Leonar is Weather 24 - 26 20 - 26 20 - 26 21 - 27 35 - 38 24 - 28
normally only found in Locals 27 - 47 27 - 51 27 - 55 28 - 50 39 - 45 29 - 35
the grasslands and plains Merchants/Traders 48 - 58 52 - 62 56 - 64 51 - 59 - 36 - 41
of the western Messengers 59 - 67 63 - 66 65 - 71 60 - 68 - 42 - 45
southlands. It is rare for Pilgrims 68 - 70 67 - 68 72 - 73 69 - 68 - 46
them to travel elsewhere, Local Guard 71 - 77 69 - 79 74 - 84 69 - 82 - -
but not impossible. Military Patrol 78 - 88 80 - 94 85 - 93 83 - 91 46 - 51 47 - 59
Ashari – These Elves are an Raiders - - - - - 60 - 62
offshoot of the Arali; Schirae 89 - 91 - - - 52 - 58 63 - 73
changed from the Coliseum Monsters - - - - - 74 - 78
prolonged exposure to Aberrations - - - - - 79 - 85
the tainted waters of the Monstrous Creature 92 - 94 - 94 92 - 94 59 - 73 86 - 91
Tanolain River and Trap/Ambush - - - - 74 - 82 92 - 94
Delta. They most often Adventurers 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 95 - 99 83 - 87 95 - 99
stay within Selant, but Special 100 100 100 100 88 - 100 100
do send raiding parties

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Cliff Rukh – These large avians are most Rasicar – Originally a creature designed and
commonly found in mountainous created by the Narsi, the Rasicar are
regions unless they are out hunting now pure Aberrations of the Devasta-
prey. The restoration of the area tion. Luckily, not many of these huge
around Belynar has revived a scavengers have found their way into
number of these creatures. other areas.
Fey Drake – These small creatures are most Schirae – The Schirae live scattered around
common in Aneirin and the forests of the outskirts of the Devastation, most
northern Janieal and southern Ischea. notably in the Melanae Forest.
Gorger – These creatures are Aberrations Stionoir – These avians thrive in the highland
and freely roam the Devastation. plains of the Re-Awakened Lands, and
Infrequently, a group of Gorgers may the restoration has generated many
find their way into other lands. wild herds of these creatures.
Leshii – These elusive beings are only found Swamp Octopus – This creature lives
in Aneirin. It is rumored that a few primarily in swamps such as the
may live within the bounds of Ischea, Yftelan Mire and the Tanolain Delta. It
but that is unknown. is not known if they can live in streams
Malas – The Malas live in hilly ground and or rivers outside the swamplands.
forested lands. This would make them Tagus – These creatures are only rarely
common to the Madiarian Forest. found in the wild, but when they are,
They are less common, but also found they are most often found in moun-
in the wilds of the Re-Awakened Lands tainous and rocky terrain, which suits
surrounding Belynar. them quite well.
Manticore – These vile creatures are most Three of the creatures on the above list are also
commonly found around the foothills listed within Monsters: A Field Guide. They are included
of the Mountains of the Moon, a spur here because they are creatures that are definitely found
of the Mountains of the Morning. within Cyradon. Other creatures from both the HARP
Murshie – These creatures are most com- rulebook and Monsters: A Field Guide may also be
monly found in the Yftelan Mire, but it found, but it is up to the GM to determine whether or
is rumored that they may also dwell in not they will be found. The following table lists the
shallow rivers, and perhaps even in creatures from those two products that may make good
both the swamplands of the Madiarian
Forest and the Tanolain Delta.
Nagah – Nagah live exclusively within the
additions to Cyradon. More information on the listed
creatures may be found in the HARP rulebook and
Monsters: A Field Guide respectively.
Madiarian Forest, however, it is not
unusual for raiding parties to leave
the forest. HARP Monsters: A Field Guide
Nagaral – The Nagaral live only around the Ant, Giant Normal Animals, Any
bay where they built their cities.
Ape, Giant Barghest
However, a few Nagaral do travel, and
they can be spotted in Ciastan, and, Beetle, Giant Cerebus Hound
more rarely, Llyrius. Cat, Large Cockatrice
Patago – These creatures live solely in the Demon, Any Demons, Any
Madiarian Forest. Golem, Iron Elemental Bird
Quinakh – These creatures live in deep pools
Hydra Fiend, Any
of water in swamps and rivers. They
can be found from the Yftelan Mire Rat, Giant Harpy
down to the Tanolain Delta. Luckily, Sabertooth Tiger Lernean Serpent
they are quite rare. Scorpion, Giant Nightlord
Rainbow Beetle – This giant insect is prized
Spider, Any Undead, Any
and bred for various purposes. They
can often be found in great numbers Undead, Any
in wet woodland areas when located in Wasp, Giant
the wild. Wolf

Chapter Nine Bestiary


The Devastation is home to many monsters, includ- The stables beneath the coliseum housed the mon-
ing the warped and twisted versions of normal animals sters and constructs that the Narsi and their Arali allies
and creatures, collectively known as Aberrations. Since the used in the coliseum games. These creatures, when not
time of the Devastation, other monsters and creatures being trained or improved were kept in stasis chambers
have moved back into the Devastation and adapted to its within the stables. These stasis chambers were patterned
conditions and now compete with the Aberrations. Not all on some of the stasis chambers discovered under the
monsters encountered with the confines of the Devasta- Cyrad portion of Belynar, however they are not as stable as
tion will be Aberrations, some are escaped Coliseum the Cyrad stasis chambers, and one will occasionally fail,
Monsters and others normal monsters who have since setting free the creature or creatures within.
moved into the area of the Devastation. The Schirae, With the arrival of the refugees from Anias, the
created by the Devastation, are not Aberrations, and it is chances are good that one or more of these chambers will
highly recommended that the Aberration Template never be opened by the curious. The newly awakened monsters
be applied to the Schirae. are likely to be very hungry and quite willing to snack on
The following Aberration template may be applied to whoever opens its chamber.
any animal or monster that the GM wishes, turning it into Most of the creatures held within the stasis chambers
a Devastation Monster. have been “improved” to make them tougher and more
deadly, so that the coliseum games would be more
ABERRATION TEMPLATE exciting. Some of the creatures were awaiting improve-
Aberrations are giant, misshapen versions of ment when the Devastation struck, so are still normal, but
normal creatures. All Aberrations encountered so far this is the exception, not the rule.
have had the following abilities; however it is quite The following templates are just a few examples of the
possible that some Aberrations may have additional or improvements that have been made on creatures for the
completely different abilities. coliseum. The methods for making these improvements is
• Aura of Fear – All characters within a 20' long gone, lost in the destruction of the Devastation, but
radius of the Aberration must make a Will- the effects can still be seen when one of the creatures
based Resistance Roll against RR (100 + escapes0 the stables as its stasis chamber degrades.
Aberration’s Level) or they will flee in terror
from the Aberration.
• Bane Fury – Aberrations will attack anything

9 on sight, they also ignore damage caps on a

91-100 rather than just the normal 99-100.
• Gigantism – The creature is approximately
2-3 times its normal size. It gains a +10 to its
Strength and Constitution bonuses. It also
receives a -10 to its initiative bonus. All
attacks are increased in size by one.
• Immortality – So long as the creature is
within the bounds of the Devastation, it
will come back to life with 2d10 days of
being killed so long as the body has not
been completely destroyed, such as through
being burned. During the time that it is
“dead”, its body will fully repair all damage
done to the Aberration.
• Toughness – All Aberrations are covered
by a toughened hide or by thick scales, fur,
or rigid plates, giving the Aberration a +20
to its DB.

Chapter Nine Bestiary


This template may be applied to any creature or This template was applied to many creatures to
construct. No creature will have more than a single make them more entertaining in the coliseum games. It
Elemental Template applied to it, as the rules of the was often combined with other templates to create
coliseum games disallowed this; however, this template has more interesting combatants. The effects of this
often been mixed with other templates to create better template are as follows:
monsters for the coliseum. • Size Increase – The creature became twice
There are four varieties of this template, one for each its normal size.
of the four elements. The following table shows what the • Stat Bonuses – The creature gained a +10 to
elements are and what their opposing elements are as well. both its Strength and Constitution bonuses.
Element Opposite • Movement Increase – The creature gained
Air Earth +5 to its BMR, however it also received a -10
Earth Air to its initiative bonus.
Water Fire
One of the Narsi’s “greatest achievements” in improv-
This template provides the following abilities to the
ing monsters was the ability to infuse the monsters with a
creatures to which it is applied:
bit of demonic energy, making them much more deadly
• Elemental Affinity – When the creature is than before. Creatures and constructs with this template
struck by an attack based on the same tend to turn a shiny black in color, and have red glowing
element as the one the creature is attuned to, eyes, giving them a baleful appearance. This template also
the creature is healed a number of points gives them the following abilities:
equal to the amount of damage that the
• Dark Vision (Demonic) –The creature can
attack would have normally done. If the
see up to 100' in total darkness.
creature is struck by an attack of the Oppo-
• Demonic Hide – The creature’s tough hide
site Element, it does double the normal
grants it a bonus of +20 to its natural DB.
amount of damage to the creature.
• Soul Burn Strikes – When creatures make a
• Elemental Manifestation – The creature can
physical attack, if it does damage, the target
surround itself with a field of elemental
of the attack must make a Stamina-based
energy of the same type as the element to
RR (100) or lose 1d10 points from its
which it is attuned. This field has a radius of
1' for every Power Point (PP) put into it and
lasts one round for every Power Point used
in creating the field. All creatures within the
Constitution and 10x that amount in
concussion hit damage.
• Demonic Stats – The creature gain a +5 to
Strength, Constitution, Agility, and Quickness.
field, including the creature that created it,
Note: It is rumored that some of the Narsi would
receive a Tiny Elemental Critical each round
improve various monsters and then set them free in the wild
that they are in, or in contact with the field.
just to see the effect that they would have on the ecology. This
The creature may increase the size of the
is only a rumor however and has never been proven.
elemental attack done by the field for an
additional 4 PP for every size increase.
Creatures with this template often used this
ability to heal themselves and damage their This section contains a description of the monsters
foes at the same time. listed previously. These creatures and monsters were built
• Elemental Imbuement – All normal, as if they were Fighters of the appropriate level. They all
physical attacks by the creature do an also used a standardized 75 for all their stats. Using this
additional Elemental Critical of equal information along with the information contained in
severity as the physical attack it accompa- Monster Quick Stats table, the GM will be able to custom-
nies. This additional critical uses the same ize the creatures with additional levels of the Fighter
results of the physical attack to determine Profession or any other profession if he chooses to. The
what damage is done with this attack. GM may also take the information provided and create
variations of the creatures that are professions other than
Fighter. For ease of use, all numbers have been rounded to
the nearest multiple of 5.

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Monster Quick Stats

Name Lvl Size BMR Init DB Hits Attacks #Enc Outlook Treasure Stamina Will Magic
Aoifar 6 M 14 15 60 125 100 We; 65 S-Slash 2-20 Aloof/Prot. N2 N2(10) R2 90 70 70
Ashari 6 M 11 10 70 105 95 We; 75 We 6-15 Bellig. R N3 N2 85 80 65
Bounder 9 M(L) 12 20 110 245 125 L-Slash; 110 L-Puncture 2 Hungry PPP 85 70 70
Cliff Rukh 8 L 20 25 110 240 115 L-Slash; 95 L-Puncture 1-2 Aloof —N3 — 120 80 85
Fey Drake 1 T 5 20 45 60 50 T-Puncture; 40 T-Slash 1-10 Aloof/Aggress. P N3(4) N 20 25 25
Gorger 2 M 14 20 40 105 70 L-Puncture; 40 M-Slash 2-20 Berserk ——— 40 20 30
Leshii 20 M(L) 14 20 85 230 130 We; 105 Spells 1 Aloof/Prot. R3R3R3 110 115 115
Malas 3 M 16 20 60 115 80 L-Slash; 60 M-Puncture 1-5 Aggress. ——— 40 35 35
120 H-Puncture; 100 L-
Manticore 10 L 13 20 125 250 1 Bellig. R3 P N 110 105 100
100 L-Puncture (Poison)
Murshie 5 M 12 20 65 130 70 S-Slash; 60 We 1 Hungry/Cruel N2 —— 55 45 55
Nagah 6 M 12 15 60 115 100 M-Slash; 65 We; 2-10 Bellig. PPN 80 65 70
65 M-Crush/Unbalance
Nagaral 4 M 12 15 55 115 85 M-Slash; 55 We 2-10 Aggress. N P R3 70 60 60
Patago 2 S 12 20 40 80 70 S-Slash; 55 S-Grapple; 1-10 Hungry/Agrress. N2 N5 N 25 25 25
45 T-Puncture
Quinakh 10 L 20 35 160 255 130 L-Puncture; 105 L-Slash 1 Hungry/Bellig. NNN 100 70 70
Rainbow Beetle 1 S 10 15 65 80 35 S-Puncture 11-20 Aloof ——— 30 15 25
Rasicar 7 L 10 5 85 255 115 L-Slash; 80 L-Puncture 1-5 Hungry N R(5) N 35 40 85
Schirae 6 M 11 15 75 120 100 We; 60 We 2-20 Hostile NPN 80 75 75
Stionoir 4 M 18 15 55 225 85 M-Puncture; 55 M-Slash 1-10 Aggress. ——— 50 45 45
Swamp Octopus 6 M(L) 13(5) 15 45 185 100 L-Grapple (x6) 1 Hungry ——— 70 55 55
Tagus 6 L 18 20 90 235 100 M-Crush; 85 L-Crush 1-10 Aloof ——— 70 55 55
Vulakah 9 M 12 15 105 150 125 L-Slash; 90 M-Puncture 1-5 Hungry ——— 105 70 70
Zenasant 8 M 10 15 125 140 120 L-Slash; 85 L-Puncture 1-10 Bellig. ——— 80 70 70

NOTATIONS levels in different professions in order to make things

interesting for the players.
9 Several of the statistics are self-explanatory: Level,
BMR = Base Move Rate, Init = Initiative Modifier, DB =
Defensive Bonus (DB breakdown available in the
Size – This is the relative size and toughness of the
creature. Large and Huge creatures receive criticals on
monster’s description), Hits. The rest are detailed below: special charts rather than on the normal ones. Other
Size: S = small; M = medium; L = large (attacks resolved creatures may also be immune to certain effects of
on the Large critical table); H = huge (attacks damage such as bleeders or stun. The following list
resolved on the Huge critical table); M(L) = medium gives the type of entries that may be found in the Size
sized but receives criticals as if Large; M(H) = column and what those entries mean.
medium sized but receives criticals as if Huge. S – Creature is Small in size and receives criticals
Attacks: A creature’s attacks are divided into three parts. normally.
The bonus, attack size, and attack table. The bonus is M – Creature is Medium in size and receives criticals
what is added to the attack roll. The size is as follows normally.
and indicates maximum attack size: T=Tiny, S=Small, L – Creature is Large in size and all criticals to this
M=Medium, L=Large & H=Huge. The tables are self- creature are resolved on the Large Critical Table.
explanatory. Thus a 75 L-Slash equals a +75 to the H – Creature is Huge in size and all criticals to this
roll on the Slash chart with a damage size of Large. If creature are resolved on the Huge Critical Table.
multiple attacks are listed, then the creature gets to
(L) – Creature is Medium in size, but all critical
decide which attack to use. The code We= weapon.
received are resolved on the Large Critical Table.
Level – This is the average level of an adult version of the
creature. This level should be considered as levels of (H) – Creature is Medium in size, but all criticals
the Fighter profession. Looking at it this way, the GM received are resolved on the Huge Critical Table.
can then customize the creatures by giving them Init Bonus – This is the bonus that is added to the
creature’s initiative rolls during combat.

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Base Move – This is the Base Movement Rate of the creature. creature having treasure is dependant upon the level
This represents how many feet that the creature may of the creature. To determine the chance of the
move in a given round at a walking pace. creature having treasure roll percentile dice, and roll
Hits – This is how many Concussion Hits a creature has at under a number equal to 20% + 3% per level.
the given level. If the GM alters the creature from the The code for treasure determination looks like
base level, he needs to remember to change the the following: N2R3(10)P and is used to determine
number of hits accordingly as well. what rolls to make in order to determine the treasure
DB (Defensive Bonus) – This is the creature’s Defensive to be used. The code contains three segments (Magic,
Bonus, and is subtracted from all attacks made Money, and Mundane, in that order) and each
against the creature. It already includes such features segment contains three possibilities, Poor (P),
as armor and shields that the creature may have. Normal (N), or Rich (R).
Intelligent creatures may increase this by parrying, or If a code is followed by a number, then the GM
through the use of magical items. should roll on the indicated column the indicated
number of times. If the code is followed by a number
Attacks – This section gives the creature’s Offensive Bonus
in parenthesis, then the results of all rolls are then
(OB). It often lists more than one OB if the creature
multiplied by that number to get the total. If the code
has different forms of attack available to it. The first
is not followed by any number, then only a single roll
one listed is the primary attack of the creature, with
is needed for that chart. If there is a ‘—’ instead of a
any others listed being secondary attacks.
code, then no roll is made for that type of treasure.
# Enc – This is the number of creatures normally encoun- Using the example code above, N2R3(10)P, we can
tered when they are found. This does not represent see that the treasure is comprised of 2 rolls on the
how many may be in its lair, only how many normally Normal Magic column (N2), and 3 rolls on the Rich
travel together. column of the money chart, with the total of all three
Outlook – This represents the creature’s normal outlook rolls being multiplied by 10 (R3(10)), and finally a single
and attitudes to those that it encounters. This also is roll on the Poor column of the Mundane Items chart.
used to denote the creature’s basic behavior patterns Stamina RR – This is the creature’s total bonus to Stamina
as well. The following list shows the codes that may Resistance Rolls.
be used. Will RR – This is the creature’s total bonus to Will
Aggr. – Aggressive. Creature is aggressive and will Resistance Rolls.
attack if provoked. Magic RR – This is the creature’s total bonus to Magic
Aloof – This type of creature will normally ignore Resistance Rolls.
others unless attacked or interfered with.
Bellig. – Belligerent. This type of creature has a nasty
disposition and will often attack without provocation. This section gives a description of the monsters listed
Berserk – This creature will attack the closest living on the Monster Quick Stats table along additional
creature until it is destroyed. information about the creature. Each description
contains the following items:
Cruel – Not only is this creature hostile, but it enjoys
Abilities – This section will list any racial or special
causing death, pain, and suffering.
abilities of the monster. Any abilities given that are
Domin. – Dominating. This creature desires power not located in the Talents section will be detailed at
and attempts to gain it by controlling and the end of the Monster descriptions.
dominating others. IQ – This section will give the creature’s intelligence
Greedy – This type of creature will attack and/or steal and sentience level and some information on how the
from others if the risk is not too high to itself. creatures act.
Hostile – Will normally attack other creatures on sight. DB – This section will give a breakdown of the
Hungry – This type of creature will normally attack monster’s DB telling where each portion of it
anything that it considers edible when hungry, comes from.
otherwise consider it to be Aggressive. Skills – This section will give a few commons skills
Prot. – Protective. This creature is normally very that will be useful in running the monster. The GM
protective of a thing, place, other creature, etc. may add other skills as he sees fit. They are in the
following format: Skill Name (# of ranks) Total Bonus
Treasure – The section of the stat block for treasure gives
you some codes to use in determining what treasure
the creature might have. The base chance of a

Chapter Nine Bestiary

AOIFAR This is an apt title for them as their skin has a

greenish-grey cast to it, and they have adapted in ways that
The Aoifar are a race of lion-centaurs more commonly
allow them to survive better within the Devastation. A few
called leonars. They live a nomadic lifestyle on the plains in
even have weakened versions of the same abilities held by
the south-western portion of Cyradon. There are nine
the Aberrations.
major tribes of Aoifar, each tribe consisting of nine major
The Ashari still scour the Devastation looking for
clans with each clan consisting of nine prides. The prides,
forgotten magics. However, they are no longer trying to
clans, and tribes all move about the plains constantly, in
find them to reverse the Devastation, but just to hoard and
seemingly random patterns created thousands of years ago.
use the magics for themselves.
The Aoifar came to Cyradon all those many thou-
sands of years ago; they are at war with the Nagah, and Abilities – Night Vision; Internal Stability; Spirit
patrol the banks of the large river south of the Madiarian Sense (refer to the Arali racial description on
Forest, preventing the incursions of the Nagah with their page 80 for more information on these abilities).
spears and slings. IQ – The Ashari are a very intelligent
Physically, the Aoifar are about the same race, they are as fully intelligent as any
height as humans; possibly a little shorter. They of the other races of Cyradon.
stand around 5'6" and have a humanoid upper DB – +20 Stats; +30 Full Shield; +20
body sprouting from where the neck and Soft Leather Armor
head of a large feline would be coming out of Skills – Perception (21) 80;
its shoulders. The Aoifar are covered from Tracking (12) 65; Stalk & Hide
head to toe with a short course fur, their (12) 65
heads and faces have a BOUNDER
definite feline cast to
them, and some even Bounders are four-legged,
have a shaggy lion-like tailless creatures with
mane on their heads. smooth, dark green skin
Abilities – Tough Hide and bodies between 5'-7'
(Minor); Natural Weapons long. Their bodies are
(Claws); Blazing Speed graceful and catlike,
IQ – The Aoifar are a and their heads
very intelligent appear froglike—that is
until a Bounder opens its
9 race, they are
as fully
intelligent as
jaws to reveal rows of
sharp, businesslike teeth. A
any of the Bounder’s front legs are
other races larger and more power-
of Cyradon. ful than its hindquar-
DB – +20 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); ters, giving it a bound-
+20 Soft Leather Armor ing motion when it
Skills – Perception (21) 80; Tracking (12) 65; Stalk & runs. It is agile and sure
Hide (12) 60 footed. The powerful
claws on each leg
ASHARI provide additional
The hidden city of Selant in the Tanolain Delta was traction—and weapons.
originally founded by Arali who wanted to search the Bounders are
Devastation, against the wishes of their brethren, for magics reptiles and can be
that they hoped would reverse the damage to the land. found in either the
Over the centuries since they settled there, the Arali Madiarian Forest or hot,
have changed and been warped by the tainted waters humid swamps, or even underground. They are fairly
flowing down the Tanolain River. Their distance from the intelligent. Bounders live and hunt in mated pairs. They
Devastation has helped them survive, but the changes have bare live young, which take about 3 years to mature.
been wrought, and the Elves can no longer be called Arali. When hunting moving prey, Bounders will attempt to
Approximately 100 years ago, they renamed themselves tire their prey before moving in for the kill with the
the Ashari, the grey ones. powerful jaws and sharp claws. A bounder will hurl itself

Chapter Nine Bestiary

against a stationary target at full speed in hopes of Fey Drakes form colonies, building nests from tree
overwhelming the target. bark, mud, and other materials to create what eventually
Abilities – Tough Hide (Major); Survival becomes a nest as tall as a man. Up to a dozen of the
Instinct; Dense Musculature creatures live within it. At night, they gather in the colony
IQ – Bounders are very smart animals, not above for warmth, and feed on small insects and other tiny
laying in wait for their prey before running it down. creatures they have stored in a hoarding chamber. During
DB – +20 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Minor); +5 the day, they roam rapidly around the forests and plains
Dense Musculature; +45 Survival Instinct where they build their colonies, feeding on nectar and
Skills – Perception (30) 90; Ambush (20) 86 trapping insects to return to the colony’s hoard. Fey Drakes
are territorial, and they will attack anything they perceive as
CLIFF RUKH a threat to the colony. This means anything that blunders to
The Cliff Rukh is an extremely large bird of prey that within a few hundred yards of the colony, whether the
likes to nest in the crags of high mountains. While they are unfortunate victim has the hive within sight or not. These
most often found within the mountain ranges where they creatures attack en-masse, swarming intruders, snapping
nest, they will sometimes venture into other types of tiny jaws, and lashing out with their tails.
terrain that are nearby. Fey Drakes aren’t especially dangerous; they are
Until the Rhona performed the Ritual of Estrousal, merely an annoyance to surprised “intruders”. In combat
the only place where Cliff Rukhs could be found was on Fey Drakes will continue to fight as long as they think
the more remote mountains of the islands surrounding there is a threat to the colony or themselves. Once the
Cyradon. A side effect of the Ritual restored those long threat has left the proximity of the colony, they will usually
lost eggs to life, and quickly brought not only the eggs, but retreat. Swarms of the determined creatures, however,
the newborn hatchlings to maturity as well. Thus there are could potentially kill a smaller creature, such as a Halfling
now dozens of these large airborne predators soaring or a human child.
across the sky. It is rumored that the Narsi tried to improve upon the
These birds have a 10' wingspan and a body that is Fey Drakes to make them more exciting for the coliseum.
generally about 4' in length. The average Cliff Rukh is There have been reports of colonies of Fey Drakes who
amazingly strong for its size and can easily lift prey seem to have received an Elemental Template, but these
weighing up to 50 lbs, meaning that it is capable of reports have never been verified.
carrying off small children when hungry. The Cliff Rukh is Abilities – Flight; Enhanced Scent; Tough Hide
not above stealing food from other Rukh, or attacking (Minor); Survival Instinct
other animals in order to steal their food. Normally, there
will be only one Cliff Rukh within a given 50 mile radius.
However, the sudden birthing caused by the Ritual has left
IQ – Fey Drakes are extremely intelligent crea-
tures, equivalent to that of a small child. They
work extremely well with others of their colonies.
the skies above Cyradon teeming with dozens of these DB –+20 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); +5
creatures, all of which are ravenous. Survival Instinct
Abilities – Tough Hide (Major); Flight; Enhanced Skills –Perception (6) 43; Tracking (6) 93
Senses; Survival Instinct GORGER
IQ – The Cliff Rukhs are birds of prey and have
only an animal intelligence, being about as bright The Gorger was created by the ritual that caused the
as a domesticated dog. Devastation. The ape-like gait and massive jaws are perhaps
DB – +30 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Major); +40 its most remarkable characteristics. With great gaping maw,
Survival Instinct and a body resembling a hairless Giant Ape, the Gorger
Skills – Perception (20)82; Flying/Gliding (27) 97 combines the attributes of a shark with the mobility of a
biped. Its mouth is filled with multiple rows of teeth
FEY DRAKE capable of cutting through leather as easily as paper. As it
Fey Drakes are small Dragonets; their bodies are feeds, the jaws oscillate with a frightening buzz, allowing
roughly 5"-7" in length with a thin, whip-like tail of equal them to chew through materials even tougher than leather.
length. These creatures are prized as intelligent and In some cases, the Gorger can bite right through metal.
trainable familiars, although in their native environment The Gorger has no known ecology or method of
they can be annoying as they swarm and bite anyone near reproduction; in fact no one really knows a lot about the
their colonies. These creatures have iridescent scales and creature other than it was never seen prior to the Devasta-
small powerful wings that they beat rapidly in order to tion. The grey, hairless body reveals no gender, and it bears
hover and maintain flight no resemblance to Demons or mythological creatures

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Cyradon are found within the Idrisil Forest in Aneirin,

although there are a few in other areas around Cyradon. A
Leshii’s forest demesne normally is no more than about 10
or 20 miles in diameter.
A Leshii will monitor all visitors within its demesne,
attacking all who wantonly kill animals, plants, and trees.
So long as intruders into its demesne are respectful of
nature, it will leave them alone. Occasionally, one will
befriend an outsider and possibly even teach them some
magic. Leshii all possess Nature’s Gift, which is the
knowledge of all plant, tree, and nature related spells, as
well as instantly knowing when somebody enters their
demesne, and where that person is at all times while
within their sphere of influence.
Abilities – Shapechanging (any form); Elo-
quence; Nature’s Gift (see above)
IQ – The Leshii are extremely intelligent, often
more so than most of the mortal races.
DB – +15 Stats (rounded); 70 Survival Instinct;
+variable Spells
Skills – Perception (63) 135; Power Point
known to sages and wizards. Those who survive the Development (63) 35; Stalk & Hide (40) 110;
feeding frenzy of the beasts will swear they have never seen Tracking (40) 110
such a voracious appetite or ability to eat almost anything.
What is known about the Gorger is that the creature is MALAS
fearless and will attack communities in small groups. The Malas is a large marsupial cat about the size of a
Gorgers will travel in these small packs, usually at least 10 in leopard, which ambushes prey by springing on it from hiding.
number. It’s easy to bring one down with a few well-aimed The Malas is not fast, but it is
axe blows. They become dangerous when their jaws lock extremely powerful, able
onto an arm or leg. Their fearless demeanor combined with to make incredible leaps
their voracious appetite has led to an increasing number of (up to 30' in distance)
9 encounters with the monstrosities in recent time.
Abilities – Natural weaponry—claws &
teeth; Tough Hide (Minor)
to pounce on prey.
The Malas has a
rear-facing thumb
IQ – The Gorger is not a very intelligent claw that it uses to
creature. However, it will work together help it latch onto
with others of its kind against larger, more large prey in order to
numerous, or stronger prey. wrestle it to the
DB – +20 stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor) ground. Its incredibly
Skills – Climbing (9) 55; Jumping (9) 55; powerful forearms are
Swimming (9) 55; Perception (9) 55 well suited to wrestling
larger prey.
LESHII Abilities – Tough Hide
The Leshii are powerful forest spirits and (Minor); Enhanced
Mages. Their true forms are unknown. A Leshii may scent; Survival Instinct
change its shape and size at will, though it does have a few IQ – The Malas is as smart
favorite forms. The first form is that of a humanoid, made as other large cats. While
completely out of wood, with clothing that seems made mostly a loner, the Malas will work with others of its
from bark and hair of foliage and leaves. In this form, the kind to bring down extremely large prey.
Leshii carry a large club which it uses to great effect. Its DB – +20 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); +15
other favorite form is that of a giant talking mushroom. Survival Instinct
The Leshii can only be found in their home forests, Skills – Perception (9) 65; Tracking (6) 90; Stalk
from which they never travel. Most of the Leshii on & Hide (6) 45; Ambush (6) 45

Chapter Nine Bestiary

MANTICORE solitary creatures and will not work with others

of its kind.
The Manticore has the body of a lion, a spiked tail
DB – +15 Stats; +60 Tough Hide (Greater); +50
that can deliver a virulent poison, and a head that re-
Survival Instinct
sembles that of a human with an impossibly large mouth
Skills – Perception (33) 95; Stalk & Hide (20) 85;
filled with huge sharp teeth. Those few who have encoun-
Tracking (20) 85
tered the Manticore and survived all seem to agree that it
is the deadliest predator around. MURSHIE
There was no record of these beasts before the
The Murshie are hideous, green-grey skinned
Devastation; therefore it is assumed that it was the
creatures who dwell in the sucking black mud of the
Devastation that created
swamplands. They are often mistaken for undead
them. Certain Arali
creatures or trolls, and some say they are the twisted
scholars believe that
spirits of those who perish in the swamps. The reality,
Manticores were
however, is much worse, as they are creatures that seem
originally members
to be part demonic. It is rumored that the first Murshie
of the Narsin who
were created when the apprentices of one of the Narsi,
were utterly trans-
who lived near the Yftelan Mire, attempted to improve a
formed into these
creature with a demonic infusion. Due to flaws in their
beasts. Manticores
ritual, they themselves were infused with the demonic
share many traits with
energies, transforming into the first of the Murshie. They
other Devastation
escaped into the Mire after killing their master and most
Monsters (see the
of the servants within the compound.
Aberration Tem-
Murshie are poisonous creatures, tainting the land
plate), though
with their presence. They are squat, inhuman creatures
it is different
who sleep in the darkest depths of quagmires. Their
in a few
claws are long, bone yellow, and sharp. They reek of
respects. For
death and rot. Where the Murshie live, trees grow
instance, it is
gnarled and stunted, water pools into fetid ponds,
only the size of a
plants die and lichen and fungi thrive. Those who are
large lion rather than a
foolish enough to enter the Murshie’s swamp make
being of gigantic size like
warm, raw, tasty food.
other Devastation monsters.
The Manticore will slay anything
that comes within its territory. They are able to eat flesh,
The Murshie tend to hunt alone, but lair in packs of
three or more. A Murshie will attack with its long sharp
claws and jagged teeth, but it will fight defensively, as it is
bone, leather and metal; the Manticore leaves nothing
not a particularly strong creature, bound as it is in the
behind of its prey. The tail spikes on the Manticore carry a
physical world. It will use its knowledge of the terrain and
potent poison that totally incapacitates its prey so that it
natural camouflage (that sickly, green-grey hide blends in
may eat it at its leisure. Victims of the Manticore’s poison
rather well with the swamp) to ambush PCs and pick
are fully aware of their surroundings, and a Manticore will
them off, one by one.
often terrorize captured prey before eating it.
Manticore Poison: A target damaged by the Abilities – Tough Hide (Minor); Survival
Manticore’s tail spikes must make a Stamina-based RR Instinct; Demonic Template
(100) or be paralyzed for one hour for each point by IQ – The Murshie is an intelligent creature quite
which the Resistance Roll is failed. able to use tactics, especially to ambush prey that
might wander by. It is extremely rare for a
Abilities – Aura of Fear (Aberration Template);
Murshie to work with others of its kind, though
Bane Fury (Aberration Template); Immortality
they will combine forces to capture extremely
(Aberration Template); Tough Hide (Greater);
large or deadly prey.
Survival Instinct
DB – +20 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); +25
IQ – The Manticore is extremely intelligent,
Survival Instinct
often comparable to most humans and Elves. It
Skills – Perception (15) 82; Stalk & Hide (15) 73;
has an excellent grasp of tactics and is quite able
Ambush (15) 73
to determine the most dangerous individual
among a group of prey. Luckily, Manticores are

Chapter Nine Bestiary

NAGAH fortunately, these war parties are small due to tribal

infighting. Should the Nagah ever unify, they would truly
The Nagah live solely in the Madiarian Forest in the
be a force to be reckoned with.
western portion of Cyradon. They are a tribal race of
lizardmen with extremely long tails that they use in Abilities – Tough Hide (Minor); Natural Weap-
combat to bash and unbalance foes, and powerful claws on ons (Claws & Tail); Night Vision
their hands for rending the flesh of enemies. IQ – The Nagah are very intelligent and excep-
Legend has it that the Nagah, along with the ancestors of tionally crafty. They make use of ambush and
the Nagazi and the Nagaral, were created by a black dragon concealment tactics to overcome their foes when
ages ago to act as servants and warriors against her foes. The possible. Nagah of the same tribe work well as a
Nagah still worship a dragon totem, a small dragon head group and often use that to their advantage.
carved out of obsidian. The tribal shamans say that the totem DB – +15 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); +25
is a conduit to their goddess, the Black Dragon, and that she Normal Shield
can both see and speak to them through the totem. Skills – Perception (18) 75; Stalk & Hide (10) 60;
The Nagah are constantly at war with one another Tracking (10) 60; Ambush (10) 60
and any who they come across, including the Nagaral to NAGARAL
the north of the forest, the Aoifar to the south, and the
Schirae in the mountains to the east. There are 5 large city-states on the northwestern coast
Occasionally, Nagah war parties will slip through of Cyradon inhabited by lizardmen known as the Nagaral,
these foes and venture into other parts of Cyradon; who are cousins to both the Nagah and the Nagazi.
Physically, they are discernible from their cousins by the
length of their tail, as Nagaral tails hang to their knees,
whereas the Nagah are long-tailed, and the Nagazi short-
tailed. Centuries ago, the Nagaral and Nagazi were part of
the tribal nations of Nagah, but a schism developed with
the influential return of the Black Dragon, goddess of the
Nagah. Both the Nagaral and the Nagazi left the Madiarian
Forest. The Nagaral eventually settled on the shores of the
northwestern coast while their Nagazi cousins migrated
east to found their own nation.
The Nagaral first formed four separate city-states, and
then a fifth on a large island at the mouth of the bay
9 surrounding the area. The Nagaral value strength of arms
and combat prowess over most other traits, which is
strongly reflected in their culture. They hold weekly
tournaments in arenas where warriors pit themselves
against one other.
Each city-state is a separate nation unto itself, and is
often in conflict with the others. However, rather than
fighting costly wars (especially with the Nagah on their
southern borders), the city-states use the arenas to settle
their differences. All of the city-states meticulously follow
these ritualized duels of honor.
Although the Nagaral trade with their Nagazi cousins,
they have little respect for those that they consider to be
the weaker races. It is extremely rare for individuals of
another race to gain the respect of the Nagaral.
The Nagaral are currently more interested in their
internal conflicts between the city-states, but scholars
generally agree that should the entire Nagaral unite under
the banner of a powerful leader, it is possible that they
could pose a major threat, especially if that leader had a
desire to expand.
Abilities – Tough Hide (Minor); Natural Weap-
ons (Claws); Night Vision

Chapter Nine Bestiary

IQ – The Nagaral are a very intelligent race and kill any natural animals incapable of fighting back, and
work extremely well together. They have a strong terrorize the local environment. Luckily, the Patago has
grasp of small unit tactics and frequently use it to one fatal weakness – itself. Patago in frenzy will drink
their advantage. blood from anything, including other Patago, and when
DB – +10 Stats; +20 Tough Hide (Minor); +25 hungry all sense of intellect leaves them and is replaced by
Normal Shield a terrifying appetite. The most efficient way of dealing
Skills – Perception (15) 70; Stalk & Hide (8) 50; with the creatures is to seal up a cavern where a colony
Tracking (8) 50 exists, and wait for them to cannibalize one another. This
tactic has saved many a small community from bleeding
PATAGO dry at the hands of these voracious little predators.
The Patago are hunched, nocturnal creature roughly Patago have no fighting style; they just latch on, bite,
the size of a monkey that are humanoid-bat hybrids. These and drain. This tactic usually isn’t very efficient for
hybrid creatures appear to have been magically inter- survival unless there is a cloud of these creatures attacking
mingled, bat and monkey, fused into a creature with a a given target. The normal tactic is to swarm a target, with
malicious demeanor. They have wing flaps under their arms several of them latching on and biting into the flesh,
that allow them to fly, and they have incredible night vision draining the body of its blood in a few minutes. Bloated
and a keen sense of smell. Their tiny red eyes gleam with a Patago can’t fly well, and often a well-fed Patago will crawl
spark of intelligence uncommon amongst most animals. under a nearby rock or bush to digest its meal, and fly
These creatures love to drink blood; it is one of the away when it feels light enough.
few things they do well, other than infest and destroy Exsanguination: A Patago that successfully scores a
herds of livestock. These creatures are exceptionally Grapple critical hit against its foe does not do critical damage
cunning, and can undo latches, work door handles, open as normal. Instead, the creature latches on and sinks its jaws
gates, locks, and windows. Where these creatures have into the victim. The victim suffers an automatic Tiny Puncture
bred to vast numbers, they become a menace to all life, critical and in the next combat round the victim loses 1-10
stealing into any location to find blood. Some will even Concussion Hits, and does so per combat round until the
boldy invade rooms in the midst of the night. Patago has drained up to its Constitution bonus x5 in hits or is
Patago have a colony-based ecology, like the colonies torn off. Even then the wound bleeds 1 hit for 1-10 rounds.
of the common bat. However, Patago are much more Removing the Patago is a straight Strength vs. Strength
competitive and intelligent than the common chiropteran. Maneuver Roll; both the Patago and the character trying to
Given enough time, Patago will try to eliminate any other remove it roll, and add in 2 times their Strength bonus. The
predators that they directly compete with in order to one with the higher roll wins. Slaying it will also cause it to let
secure a food source. They will drink packs of wolves dry, go. Once sated the creature will then let go and fly off at half of
its BMR due to its bloated and heavy stomach.
Frenzy: Patago that do not feed to full at least once
per week begin to starve, and their hunger drives them
into a frenzy to find food. A frenzied Patago is a danger to
anything that has blood in its veins. Frenzied Patago gain
+10 to initiative, +10 to attack rolls, +20 to resist all Stuns,
and loses its Stat bonus for determining its DB. The
creature loses all sense of reason and may not use skills or
special abilities other than Exsanguination. A frenzied
Patago will seek to fill its belly by any means, attacking the
nearest living being and drinking until its stomach is full,
then it will fall into a deep slumber for 1-10 hours.
Abilities – Natural weaponry (claws & teeth);
Night Vision; Flight; Tough Hide (Minor)
IQ – Patago are about as intelligent as a small
child and are able to work simple mechanisms.
They have no sense of tactics, however, and will
often attack one another if hungry enough.
DB – +20 stats; +20 Tough hide (Minor))
Skills – Stalk & Hide (9) 63; Ambush (9) 63; Fly/
Glide (9) 63; Perception (9) 55

Chapter Nine Bestiary

QUINAKH Discarded carapaces are carved into scales or molded into

armor. This armor has the same DB as chain, and the encum-
The Quinakh is one of the Narsi’s major accom-
brance of hardened leather. Beetle armor is very durable. The
plishments, but also one of their greatest mistakes.
carapaces are also used for decorative inlay, jewelry making,
Originally bred for the coliseum games, these mon-
and many other decorative arts. Some of the ancient mosaics
strous creatures escaped into the wild and have taken
of Belynar are made from Rainbow Beetle carapaces, proving
up residence in the Yftelan Mire and several other
that the Cyrads also valued these giant insects.
bodies of water, including the swamp at the mouth of
The beetle resin has a variety of practical applications.
the Tanolain River. The Quinakh is a large reptilian
A light coat of this resin will harden soft leather armor in a
creature about 20' in length, with a mouth filled with
few hours, converting it into hardened leather armor. (The
many extremely sharp teeth that can hew through
resin must coat the entire piece of armor.) It is also used to
almost anything, even metal.
strengthen and waterproof small light fishing coracles,
stiffen cloth, lacquer wood, and to protect and beautify a
variety of objects.
Rainbow Beetles are omnivorous, and about
as intelligent as most insects. Their minds run to
normal insect activities, food, mating, etc. They
cannot be trained, and are normally not aggressive
unless they are hungry or feel threatened.
Abilities – Tough Hide (Major); Survival
Instinct; Blazing Speed
IQ – The Rainbow Beetle is not very intelligent and
does not work well together with others of its kind.
The Quinakh mates once every ten years, and its DB – +20 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Major); +5
young are totally aquatic in nature for the 5-7 years that Survival Instinct
it takes them to mature. At this point, the young Skills – Perception (6) 40
Quinakh begin a feeding frenzy, often devouring each
other, as they grow and change from their fish-like forms
into smaller versions of their adult forms. Those that The Rasicar was originally developed by the Narsi as a
survive this leave to seek their own hunting grounds, creature to clean their streets of debris and garbage. They
resemble large centipedes, with black metallic hides. The
9 which are always near water.
Abilities – Tough Hide (Major); Survival Instinct;
Blazing Speed; Demonic Template
Rasicar can and will literally eat anything. They metabo-
lize all organic matter that they consume, so their only
IQ – The Quinakh is not an especially intelligent waste product is any inorganic matter ingested. The Narsi
creature, although it is about as smart as a dog. Its trained the Rasicar to excrete this waste in a single
primary concern is simply to feed itself. location where servants could recover any inadvertently
DB – +50 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Greater); + 50 ingested material. This was before the Devastation.
Survival Instinct; +20 Demonic Hide The Rasicar survived the Devastation and retained
Skills – Perception (33) 95; Stalk & Hide (20) 85; their original form, but grew to many times their normal
Tracking (20) 80 size. Where the original Rasicar were not large enough to
swallow a person, the Aberrant form of the Rasicar is
RAINBOW BEETLE much larger, being about 4' wide and tall and about 20'-
25' in length. On either side of it mouth is a large man-
The Rainbow Beetle is one of the most beautiful
dible that can be used to tear apart anything not small
animals on Cyradon. These 3' long beetles have carapaces
enough to fit in its maw.
in deep glowing colors; rich reds, greens, blues, purples,
and even, in rare cases, gold and silver. The beetles shed Abilities – Tough Hide (Major); Survival Instinct;
their carapaces twice a year, and these discarded cara- Aberration Template
paces are highly prized by the Arali Elves. The Elves IQ – The Rasicar is not very intelligent at all, and
maintain herds of Rainbow Beetles to ensure a steady will attempt to consume anything within its path.
supply of these carapaces. The beetles also secrete a DB – +10 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Major); +35
resin-like substance, which has a variety of uses. Survival Instinct
Skills – Perception (24) 85

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Born out of a desire and a dream to soar among the The Stionoir is a large, flightless, bird-like creature
clouds like the Gryphons, the Arali known as the Shival native to Cryadon. There are several different breeds of
wanted the Narsi to give them wings, to improve them Stionoir on Cyradon, and they are often used as mounts
like they had so many of the creatures that battled in the due to their carrying capacity and ability to maintain a
coliseum. At a crucial moment, however, the aspects of steady pace.
the ritual were altered through the intervention of The most common type of Stionoir is the Aumo which
others. This interruption changed the ritual, ultimately stands 7' tall (treat as a Lesser Warhorse with a carrying
causing the Devastation. Those Shival that survived were capacity of 700 lbs). Other common types include the Vatoh
scarred in both mind and body. They became twisted at 5' tall (treat as a Riding Dog with carrying capacity of 200
and deformed, robbed of much of their intellect and lbs.), and the Okin at 6' tall as a Light Horse with a carrying
grace. In the language of the Arali, this accursed race capacity of 500 lbs). One variety of Stionoir, the Areya, is
became known as the Schirae. much slower than its cousins and is often kept as livestock
Vicious, bloodthirsty and cannibalistic, the Schirae and a food source for the races of Cyradon.
are savage beyond belief. They are no longer Elves at all, Stionoir are omnivorous, and will eat almost anything,
but are quite different and infinitely more dangerous. having an amazing digestive system. They can live on food
The Schirae have the pointed ears of their cousins, but that would not support many other creatures. Stionoir
that is where similarities end. They all possess vestigial make the best mounts when captured young or bred in
wings upon their backs, and numerous ritual scars upon captivity, as they are notoriously hard to break to a saddle.
their stocky, muscular bodies. Their lives are much Like the Cliff Rukhs, the egg-laying Stionoir were
shorter than the Elves from which they came, their brought back to life and to maturity within the spaceof a
longevity burned away in the horrific aftermath of the few days. Not only did this include the various riding
Devastation that formed them. types, but also many of the livestock breed as well.
The Schirae create totems to primal, elemental Abilities – Blazing Speed; Tough Hide (Minor);
spirits, all of a violent nature. One of their favorite Survival Instinct; Portage Skills
sports is hunting Gryphons as they believe that the skin IQ – Stionior are about as intelligent as most
and feathers of the Gryphons contain its spirit, and that horses, though they are often more temperamen-
should they collect enough of the spirits, they will be tal. They make excellent mounts when well
able to complete their transformations and remove trained, but they are also very difficult to train.
their curse. DB – +15 Stats; +20 Tough Hide
Abilities – Dense Musculature; Dark Vision
Accelerated Healing
(Minor); +20 Survival Instinct
Skills – Perception (15)70;
Tracking (8) 50
IQ – The Schirae are not quite as
intelligent as the average
human, but they come
close. While group
tactics are not their
strong suit, an
exceptional leader has
appeared from time to
time who has been
able to rally multiple
clans to a single cause.
DB – +15 Stats; +30
Full Shield; +30
Studded Leather Armor
Skills – Perception
(21) 80; Stalk & Hide
(12) 65; Tracking (12)
65; Ambush (12) 65

Chapter Nine Bestiary

Swamp Octopi resemble their ocean counterparts; Aquatic – The creature is a fully aquatic
their bodies are ca. 2' long and their tentacles can reach up life form and dwells in water for the majority
to 6' long. Their coloration ranges from muddy browns of its existence. For every 5 ranks the creature
and grays to dull greens and black. has in swimming, it adds +2 to its BMR while
Swamp Octopi make their homes in swamps, marshes in the water. If the creature does travel on land
and slow moving rivers. They use their coloration to their for any reason, its land based BMR will be
advantage, lying motionless for long periods of time listed in brackets beside the aquatic BMR.
waiting to ambush their prey. A Swamp Octopus will
grapple its prey with its tentacles and shred its prey with
sharp teeth and tusks. All Vulakah have a strip of longer,
its sharp beak. It hunts fish, small mammals, birds, lizards
coarse hair running from the top of their heads down the
and amphibians. It generally will not attack anything
center of their backs.
larger than a medium size dog. Swamp Octopi are shy, and
For the most part, Vulakah are solitary, although it is
are normally no threat to the sentient races of Cyradon.
possible to come across a family group, or pack. A group
Abilities – Reverberating Strength; Aquatic*; of Vulakah will likely consist of two adults and several
Survival Instinct younglings in tow.
IQ – The Swamp Octopus is a simple predator. It These creatures crisscross the Devastation, scroung-
waits for prey to pass by its hiding place and ing for food, and while one has occasionally wandered
then drags it beneath the water. into other lands, this is fortunately rare.
DB –+15 Stats; +30 Survival Instinct
Abilities – Dense Musculature; Aura of Fear;
Skills – Perception (21) 80; Swimming (21)90
Bane Fury; Tough Hide (Major); Survival Instinct
IQ – The Vulakah are little more than ani-
TAGUS mals, surviving more by instinct than by
actual intelligence.
This elegant animal is a reptilian warhorse with grey,
DB –+15 Stats; +5 Dense Musculature; +40
green or azure scales, a snake like tail, the head of a lizard
Tough Hide (Major); +45 Survival Instinct
and a long reptilian fin in place of a mane. They do not
Skills – Perception (30) 90
have hooves, but instead have lizard-like feet, allowing
them to navigate rough terrain easily. The Tagus is about
the size of a large warhorse, and is stronger and hardier

9 than a horse. It can travel about 20% longer than a

normal horse, and is just as fast as their equine counter-
parts. A Tagus can carry 400 pounds. They live in small
herds and are omnivorous.
The Tagus is rare on Cyradon, and is extremely
prized. They were particularly sought after as mounts for
coliseum jousts prior to the Devastation. They are easy to
train, and if well treated, make loyal companions. In the
wild, they are shy and elusive.
Abilities – Portage Skills; Tough Hide (Major);
Survival Instinct
IQ – The Tagus is about as intelligent as most horses.
DB –+20 Stats; +40 Tough Hide (Major); +30
Survival Instinct
Skills – Perception (21) 80

Vulakah are creatures of the Devastation. They are
the remnants of the servants of the Narsi that populated
Belynar in ages past. Roughly humanoid in size and
shape, the muscular and misshapen Vulakah are covered
in a short, wiry grey fur. Their hands end in massive
claws and their oversized mouths are filled with razor

Chapter Nine Bestiary

ZENASANT DB – +20 Stats; + Dense Musculature; +60 Tough

Hide (Greater); +40 Survival Instinct
The Zenasant is a most unusual creature, bred
Skills – Perception (27) 85; Tracking (16) 70
specifically for the coliseum games of the Narsi. It is a
bipedal creature that has short, muscular legs attached to a
large triangular-shaped body and stands about 4' tall. The
creature lacks a neck, with its head being the topmost
portion of its body. It has two long arms that end in savage
claws. Many of these creatures were also later improved
upon by the Narsi with Elemental Templates, most
frequently the Elemental Template (Air).
In the wild, these creatures will hunt in small
packs, devouring anything they come across. They are
relentless and are known to have tirelessly tracked prey
for days once they come upon its scent. Unlike many of
the other creatures found within the Devastation, the
Zenasant are quite willing to leave it for other, more
favorable, terrain in pursuit of food.
Abilities – Tough Hide (Greater); Survival
Instinct; Dense Musculature
IQ – This is a primal creature, acting on instincts
alone. While is has no grasp of tactics, it is about
as smart as a small child, and can learn.

Monster Racial Stats

Racial Stat Modifiers Power Resistance Bonuses
Name St Co Ag Qu SD Re In Pr Endurance Points Stamina Will Magic
Aoifar* 3 3 -2 4 0 0 0 2 40 20 20 5 5
Ashari* 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 25 35 15 15 0
Cliff Rukh
Fey Drake 0 0 5 5 3 0 0 5 20 5 5 5 10
Gorger 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 50 - 20 0 10
Leshii 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 100 30 25 25 25
Malas 2 2 3 6 0 0 0 0 50 - 10 10 10
Manticore 5 5 3 3 3 0 0 5 150 50 40 40 40
Murshie 2 5 3 5 0 0 2 0 50 25 10 10 15
Nagah* 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 35 25 15 5 10
Nagaral* 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 40 20 10 10 10
Patago 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0 25 10 5 5 5
Quinakh 10 10 5 20 0 0 0 0 150 50 20 10 10
Rainbow Beetle 5 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 50 - 10 0 10
Rasicar 10 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 50 20 5 15
Schirae* 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 35 25 10 10 10
Stionoir 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 150 - 15 15 15
Swamp Octopus 5 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 100 - 30 30 10
Tagus 5 5 2 4 0 0 0 0 150 - 20 15 15
Vulakah 10 10 0 3 0 0 0 5 50 25 30 15 15
Zenasant 5 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 50 25 20 20 20
* = Monster Race is suitable for use by players with GM approval.

Chapter Ten Adventuring


ou’re Seidheri!” Barrin exclaimed.

“Apparently a powerful one, too,” Stave added.
“Well… not really,” Droze said slowly, “but I
10 learned a thing or two before getting here. I’m
better with a blade than a lodestone.”
“No matter,” Roalan said. “I suspect we’re
going to need all the skills of our peoples if
we’re going to survive here on Cyradon.”
“They spoke to me,” Elena whispered to no
one in particular, her gaze distant. “They need
our help.”
“Who spoke to you, the ghosts?” Amaron asked.
“They’ve been waiting so long,” Elena continued, as
though she didn’t hear the question, “but we can help them, I
just know it.”
The eight considered her statement in silence and, with
shared purpose, nodded their heads in agreement.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

A NOTE TO PLAYERS the Royal Roads, unaware that the Roads had actually
been used. The scholars are accompanied by a large
If you are playing in a campaign set in Cyradon, then group of retainers, assistants, students, scouts and
I have only three words to say to you. Away with you! guards, approximately 200 Elves in all. The Elves are
This chapter is for the Game Master (GM) only. extremely surprised by the presence of the refugees
and immediately use a magical item to send a message
GETTING STARTED back to the universities that they come from, to be
One of the most difficult problems that a GM faces is delivered to their governments. Although the mes-
how to gather the heroes together, give them a viable reason sages are sent by magical means, they must be
to form a group, and to keep that group together over the conveyed by hand to the local governments, before
course of many adventures. In Cyradon, finding a reason to traveling further up the chain of command. It will
band together is much easier than many other settings. take a minimum of a week for the governments to
formulate a response. In the meantime, the Arali Elves
WHEN TO START THE CAMPAIGN in Belynar will continue to relay information to their
There are three major Time Frames during which a governments as events unfold.
GM can begin a campaign in Cyradon, each having its 28th day of Cilia: Several hundred dwarven men,
own advantages and drawbacks. When selecting a Time women, and even a few older children arrive via the
Frame other than the first one, Just Arrived, the GM Royal Road. The Dwarves desire to open and re-
should just narrate the events that might include the colonize their ancient city of Blackflame. However,
characters, or that the characters might know about, in as prior to tackling such a monumental goal, they
much detail as he sees fit. The default Time Frame for must establish a camp from which to base their
campaigns set in Cyradon is the Post Ritual Time Frame. operations. The Dwarves are planning on inhabit-
One thread remains constant throughout each Time ing an old dwarven outpost from the time when
Frame: Grayson, the leader of the refugees is extremely their ancestors aided the Cyrads in building
shorthanded and will ask for volunteers to form teams for Belynar. It will take them at least a week or two
specific missions. The players could easily be one such before they are prepared to leave the city and
team. Grayson will accept all the help that he can get and inhabit the nearby outpost. First they have to send
will even allow people from the races of Cyradon that are in dwarven teams to explore the outpost and make
present in Belynar to join such teams. sure that nothing has taken up residence in it since
As the teams are placed under the command of one last they closed the halls. Grayson is fully willing to
of Grayson’s aides, player characaters will not have any aid them in any way that he can.
direct contact with Grayson under normal circumstances. Another unexpected outcome of the arrival of the
The three Time Frames are as follows: Dwarves is that some of the refugees desire to be sent
back. Although the Dwarves would like to oblige, they
TIME FRAME 1: JUST ARRIVED are unable to get the Royal Road to work anymore as
The refugees arrive in Cyradon on the 22nd day of
Cilia, in the Arali Elven year of 1683 IR. They are quickly
contacted by the Gryphons of the eyrie high above
the Gatekeepers, those Trallen who know how to
operate the portals, never came through with the rest
of their group.
Belynar. Early the following morning, the Rhona Gnomes
1st day of the Elven Festival of Arene: Another group
arrive in Belynar to assist the refugees, responding to an
of visitors arrive in Belynar, this time from the north.
envoy sent by the Gryphons the night before.
Shortly before the arrival of the refugees in Belynar,
Campaigns using this time frame should begin on the
Nagazi clerics received visions of unknown allies
23rd day of Cilia, shortly after the Gnomes’ arrival. Major
arriving in Belynar and that they were in trouble and
concerns for early play in this type of campaign will be
would need supplies. The Nagazi mobilized quickly,
finding enough food and water for the refugees, and clearing
packing supplies and choosing an Ambassador as
out enough buildings to house the masses. The Rhona will
their representative. The Ambassador and his entou-
be a huge aid to the refugees and are able to provide some
rage quickly made ready to travel to Belynar, along
food and water, but not enough to keep things going for
with a large number of Nagazi, curious about the
more than a few days, or a week at the most.
newcomers. In addition to bringing needed supplies,
The following events will occur during this Time Frame: the Nagazi wish to open trade negotiations with the
27th day of Cilia: A combined group of elven scholars refugees. At the request of the Rhona and the
from Desnia and Janieal arrive in Belynar. They are Gryphons the Nagazi agree to wait a few days before
there to research recent fluctuations detected within starting any negotiations.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

Night of the Vernal Equinox, the 2nd day of the causes some dissension among the nobles within the
Festival of Arene: One of the leaders of the Rhona refugee masses, as they feel that they should rightfully
requests that a representative of each of the races be placed in charge.
present accompany him that night to the top of the 7th day of Seius: Another contingent of Arali Elves
volcano upon which Belynar rests. The elderly Rhona arrives in Belynar, ambassadors from both Desnia and
does not offer a reason, saying only that it is extremely Janieal. Those from Desnia have come in an effort to
important. Upon reaching the summit, the Rhona persuade the refugees to become subjects of the Arali
explains that he wishes to perform a ritual in an nations, while those from Janieal are far more lenient
attempt to revive the land immediately surrounding to the newcomers. The Desnian request causes much
Belynar so that the refugees may survive on their own. friction among the various groups as the Gryphons
After much discussion, they all agree and join hands and the refugees both see this as tantamount to
in a circle around the Rhona as he begins the ritual. becoming slaves of the Elves. The Rhona and the
As the ritual is completed, a powerful burst of energy Nagazi also quickly side with the humans. After a
leaps out from a small object in the Rhona’s grasp week of intense and heated discussions, even the
before promptly disintegrating. The Rhona collapses Janieal Elves lend their support to the humans; the
from fatigue, barely clinging to consciousness. Before Desnians have no choice but to recognize the humans
he passes out, he whispers, “That was much more as a fledgling nation. However, they are able to wrest a
powerful than I thought it would be. I do think that it few concessions out of the refugees, such as the
will be interesting to see what the morning brings”. establishment of an official Desnian embassy in
Belynar, and a ban against any of the refugees
TIME FRAME 2: POST RITUAL traveling east of the Mountains of Morning. This
Belynar appears transformed the morning after the becomes known as the Belynar Compact, and is
Vernal Equinox. The once dry riverbed and lake now signed by representatives from each of the races in
contain slowly rising water, and fish can spotted within. Belynar on the 21st day of Seius.
The land around Belynar, as far as can be seen, is also While the ambassadors discuss and form the Belynar
returning to life, as well as a variety of animals, including Compact, refugees continue to spread out and settle
the Stionoir. Fields that have lain barren for centuries areas of the city as quickly as Grayson allows. Around
suddenly have crops growing at an incredible rate. As the the time that the Compact is signed, things are finally
day wears on, the rate of growth wanes until it stabilizes at beginning to settle down.
a normal rate. Belynar has returned to life!
Campaigns set during this Time Frame should begin TIME FRAME 3: POST COMPACT
on the 1st day of Seius; the second day after the Ritual of In but a single month, refugees have experienced some
Estrousal has been performed. The major concerns for radical changes and upheavals in their lives. They began
early play within this Time Frame are exploring the their tale fleeing an army seeking their annihilation, to
changes wrought by the ritual and establishing a life in traveling half way across the world, ending up in a ruined
10 Belynar so that things may settle down.
As mentioned in the previous Time Frame, the Arali
Elves have been in contact with their homeland since
city, in the middle of a blasted, cursed land with little to no
supplies. Soon after, they met several new races and
established friendly relations, only to discover, much to
arriving in Belynar. They have dutifully reported on each their surprise, that the Devastated lands could be restored.
new event as it has occurred, and have taken all the actions Following that, they were nearly annexed and made virtual
required of them. slaves by one of the nations of Cyradon. Only after settling
3rd day of Seius: Grayson has a few aides begin on an accord that allowed them to become their own nation
establishing a government for the refugees in Belynar. did the refugees finally know freedom.
Grayson gathers representatives from each of the Campaigns beginning with this Time Frame should
races and factions among the refugees and creates a begin on the 24th day of Seius, just a few days after the
council to lead Belynar. He also assigns scholars the signing of the Belynar Compact. The major concerns of
duty to write a City Charter. Other projects are this period will be the growth and expansion of the Free
started in an effort to turn the refugees into a self- City of Belynar and the opportunity for exploration of the
sufficient town. These projects include varied tasks, lands around it.
such as asking for volunteers willing to move out of Unfortunately, none of the races thought to send the
the city to one of the small towns nearby, to repair it, support staff needed to run and maintain an embassy.
and to begin tending the fields. Grayson’s decision Over the course of the next few months the ambassadors
that only those with the ability to lead may do so will frequently travel back and forth to their homelands as
they work on establishing their embassies.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

During this time period Belynar also experiences a food is discovered in the tunnels under the city. Early
number of changes, such as a formal election of council the next morning, he hurries to Grayson to tell him of
members; Grayson is then confirmed as the leader of the this vision. Grayson immediately dispatches a team
Free City of Belynar for the next 5 years. The elections are (the PCs, of course) to escort the gnomish Mage and
held on the 1st day of Trinius, leaving the former nobles to help him uncover the store rooms that he dreamed
even more disgruntled, a situation that is extremely ripe about. The PCs must deal with the eccentric Gnome
for intrigue and conflict. as he wanders about the ruins of Belynar, heedless of
the danger he is in as he tries to locate the tunnel from
The following Adventure Seeds are designed to give The food is eventually found in special stasis
the GM enough information to get started with his rooms. When the door of the room is shut, everything
campaign and to provide the spark for several possible within is held in stasis, including unfortunate individu-
adventures. None of the entries are intended to be als. The PCs and the Gnome Mage will actually come
complete adventures, and will require the GM to adapt across a series of storerooms, off a hidden tunnel, filled
them to suit the campaign that he is running. with all sorts of food, water, wine, and other
Each Adventure Seed will tell for which Time consumables; enough to last the refugees for several
Frame it is best suited, but other Time Frames may be months at the very least.
applicable as well. These stasis rooms are actually located off of the main
tunnel leading from the plateau to the road outside the
CLEANING HOUSE main gate, but the Rhona enjoys the prospect of poking
The refugees have only recently arrived in Belynar around a little bit, so will lead the PCs on a merry (albeit
and have already met the Gryphons. Grayson tasks several dangerous) tour of some of the city before “finding” them.
groups to commence exploring the various buildings Time Frame: Just Arrived
around the big square next to the Royal Road’s portal.
The first priority is to make sure that there are enough I WANNA BE A COWBOY
empty buildings that are sufficiently safe enough to house Grayson has struck a deal with the Nagazi and the
the refugees from the harsh sun. Arali Elves. He needs trained mounts for the scouts that he
There are monsters living in many of the buildings in wants to send To the Edge and Back (see below). Thus he
Belynar, with possible candidates including Gorgers, offers two wild Stionoir for each saddle trained Stionoir
Giant Ants, or perhaps something even worse. Grayson that they are willing to trade to him. Both the Nagazi and
decides that a buffer zone must surround any buildings the Arali agree to this arrangement, so Grayson sends
cleared for use by the refugees, and that all buildings teams, rope in hand, out to round up enough of these
should be grouped together. He will only allow new untamed creatures to close the deal.
buildings to be used once the buffer zone has been Time Frame: Post Ritual
expanded. His primary targets will be to secure the
plateau where they arrived and the tunnel leading to the
outer wall. He will also want the main gates to be cleared
and kept that way.
Although the suggested Time Frame for this Adven- Characters from Anias will initially only
ture Seed is Just Arrived, it can be used with any Time have skill in riding horses, not Stionoir. Until
Frame as it will be a long and tedious process to get the they can learn the proper way to ride
city fully cleared. Stionoir, they may use one quarter of their
Time Frame: Just Arrived Riding skill, up to a maximum (including
stat bonuses) of +25.
HUNGER PANGS The GM may also allow players to
The refugees have arrived in Belynar with very little convert their skill at riding horses into riding
supplies. The Gryphons aid them by hunting the few Stionoir at a rate of 1 rank for each day
protected valleys deep in the mountains as best as they are actively spent training with and/or riding the
able and the Rhona Gnomes have brought food stores as creatures for a good portion of the day.
well. Unfortunately, there is not enough to feed everybody
for very long.
The night after arriving in Belynar, one of the
Rhona Gramarye has an unexplained dream in which

Chapter Ten Adventuring


The land has been restored to life, but how much, and The Belynar Compact has just recently been signed,
to what degree? Grayson desires the answers. The PCs, but none of the Cyradon races visiting Belynar have
astride their newly acquired mounts, are sent to determine established embassies within the ancient city. Although the
how far the restored lands extend, as well as what sort of Desnian and Janieal Elves have means of communicating
life is now growing out there. Should the PCs not have the with their homelands and organizing and sending the
skills required to determine such details, they are assigned proper staff for maintaining embassies, the Nagazi do not.
to guard one or more scholars that do. Nor do any of the Nagazi wish to leave such an interesting
Time Frame: Post Ritual city and such interesting people as the refugees.
The head of the Nagazi delegation assigns the task
CLEAN SWEEP of returning to Ciastan to one of his own, and asks
Now that the land has been restored to life, entire Grayson for the boon of borrowing a few people to act
fields of ripening crops can be seen from Belynar, ready to as escorts. This is done for several reasons. First, the
be harvested. Before that can be done, however, a place for Nagazi being sent home will have company and protec-
such workers to stay must be prepared. Scattered across tion on the trip, and second, the people back in Ciastan
the land are several small, ancient villages that can be used, will have a chance to get a first hand look at these
once they have been surveyed and cleared of any monsters strange newcomers.
that may have taken up residence. So who gets the job of In addition to the normal dangers of traversing the
checking out one of these towns? The PCs do, of course. Devastation, the escort party will be bombarded with
After being selected for the task, the PCs are given a map countless questions from their curious companion. The
and description of Sefnar, the closest town to Belynar. See PCs are charged with keeping him alive and happy on the
the section, Adventuring in Sefnar, for more information. trip to Ciastan.
Time Frame: Post Ritual The easiest way to reach Ciastan will be to head north
to Llyrius and take a ship across the Gulf of Evening.
M IS FOR MURDER Llyrius is not exactly a peaceful town, and opportunities to
Following the Ritual of Estrousal, Grayson opened get into trouble, or to rescue their Nagazi companion,
talks with the newly arrived ambassadors from Desnia and should abound.
Janieal. However, one of the minor officials accompanying If one or more of the PCs are playing Nagazi, then they
the ambassadors, an Elf from Janieal, is found dead, his are the ones selected to deliver the message to Ciastan.
throat slit. The Desnians immediately want to blame the Time Frame: Post Compact
humans, while others are focused on finding the murderer.
The Desnians also use this event as a reason to push their TEARS OF LIFE
claims that the refugees should be placed under their rule. One of the most overriding goals of Grayson and the
Grayson tasks the PCs to find out the truth of the matter. leadership of the refugees is to locate more of the rare
There should be many false leads, often implicating stones known as the Tears of Life. Only a single stone was
10 various refugees (such as traders or craftsman), along
with a couple of leads pointing to other Janieal and
used in the Ritual of Estrousal, and it restored a sizable
portion of the Devastation to life. Unfortunately, not
Desnian Elves. enough has been restored; the land still cannot heal itself
In truth, the murdered Elf had been speaking to many the rest of the way. More Tears of Life are needed to
refugees for several reasons. He was attempting to gather continue the process.
opinions of Grayson, so that the Janieal Ambassador At the request of the Rhona, Grayson puts out the
might have a better idea of how to deal with him. A word that he will reward anybody who discovers one of
second goal was to generate various trade possibilities the Tears of Life while traveling outside of Belynar.
with the refugees, to improve the fortunes of his family, Arali scholars believe that a few of the Narsi once
which was also a merchant house. possessed Tears of Life; they conjecture that it would be
The murderer is not a refugee, but one of the Desnian well worth exploring Narsi ruins around Belynar and
Elves. The Desnian comes from a rival merchant house, Narsi tombs for the precious stones. All who leave the
who merely wanted to keep the refugees from trading with city are given permission to search the numerous ruins
the Janieal if things did not go well in the Desnian bid to located within the newly restored lands in hopes of
rule the humans. finding one of the Tears.
Time Frame: Post Ritual This Adventure Seed can be included as a side trip
type of adventure for one of the other Adventure Seeds
such as To the Edge and Back, Escort Duty, or Border Patrol.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

It is also eminently suited for longer quests as well. BELYNAR – THE CITY BELOW
Discovering one of the Tears of Life should always be a
Mount Belnos, the ancient volcano upon which
difficult and dangerous task.
Belynar sits, is honeycombed with passages, tunnels,
Time Frame: Post Compact
chambers, and caverns large enough to host regular
BORDER PATROL buildings. Grayson is attempting to keep people away
from these tunnels, at least until they can be checked and
The land in and around Belynar has awakened, yet the
cleared of any hazards. The truly resourceful will always
Devastation remains, and along with it the creatures of the
find a way in. Finding their way back out, however, is
Devastation. The refugees require protection from the
another matter entirely.
monsters roaming the area. Grayson wants to set up forts
Many of the tunnels beneath Belynar are not con-
along the edges of the Awakened Lands manned with
nected; some of them do not have exits at all, at least not
patrols to protect those living in the newly restored lands.
in the conventional sense. The ancient Cyrads used a
In an effort to accomplish this goal, Grayson first
system of teleportation chambers and portals, all of
assigns groups (such as the PCs) to scout various areas
varying sizes. The smallest were nothing more than an
that border on the Devastation. The PCs can be one
archway framing a recessed alcove while one of the largest
such group.
is a 30' diameter ring set into the floor of a storage
This Adventure Seed can easily be combined with
chamber. A small metal panel with numerous crystals set
Tears of Life above.
into it is always found near these portals and teleport
Time Frame: Post Ritual
chambers. Activating a portal requires touching three
ADVENTURING LOCALES crystals in a proper sequence and then touching the
activation crystal. Each crystal has a unique symbol carved
Belynar is a vast ruined city filled with unexplored into it, but their meanings are unknown. The number of
nooks and crannies. It is home to approximately three crystals on a particular panel also varies, which seems to
thousand humans with little in common with one indicate that not every teleportation device goes to the
another. Additionally, hundreds of beings from other races same destination. Some panels even have indentions
–Gnomes, Gryphons, Dwarves, Sithi and Arali Elves co- where it appears that some sort of key or device might be
exit in uneasy peace with the humans. The city is haunted necessary for operation.
by memories of the past. It is surrounded by enemies and Even while the Narsi inhabited Belynar, the under-
by fearsome creatures that pose a constant threat to those ground chambers were never fully explored. The haughty
living in and near the city. mages only used buildings and chambers left behind by
Belynar is a relatively safe haven amidst the wilds of the Cyrads when they absolutely had to.
Cyradon, but it can be a source of adventure and danger The Narsi did build their own chambers and tunnels
all the same. beneath the city, however, so it is quite possible that they
connect to some of the Cyrad complexes. The Narsi also
BELYNAR – THE CITY ABOVE built tunnels stretching from the main plateau of the city
Adventuring locales within the city of Belynar are
going to be minimal for the time being. Grayson is doing
his best to keep the masses confined to the main plateau
all the way down to the Coliseum.

and to keep them out of the tunnels underneath the city, The coliseum is a short distance to the northeast of
at least until he can procure brave adventurers to ensure Belynar and this massive structure is where the Narsi held
that there are no creatures from the Devastation lurking their games. Beneath the coliseum is a network of tunnels
among the ruins. and chambers where the Narsi and Arali stored their
Grayson has posted guards at all exits from the main powerful constructs and creatures, frozen in a magical
plateau, with orders that nobody is to be allowed access stasis. Occasionally, one of the stasis fields will fail, and the
into the city or into the tunnels, at least until teams have creature or construct within becomes free to prowl and
checked them out. Details such as this will not hinder wreak havoc. All of the refugees have been warned against
most adventures for long, but at least it keeps the common entering or exploring the coliseum
folk safe. The Bestiary Chapter gives several of the most
Chapter 8 offers brief descriptions of some of the common templates used by the Narsi in developing
major features of the upper city. From these details, the unique creatures. They were also fond of mixing different
GM is encouraged to put together adventures within creatures together to create entirely new species; the
these locations. creation of the Hippogriffs, which led to the schism
between the Narsi and the Gryphons, is a perfect example.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

As mentioned previously, occasionally a stasis field THE MADIARIAN FOREST

will fail, releasing a construct or creature so that it may
The Madiarian Forest is also available for exploration,
roam about and attack anything it happens upon. A few
although the Nagah and other creatures that live there are
wandering creatures are not the only danger, however.
likely to be very unfriendly. Many valuable plants, trees,
Adventurers beneath the coliseum could very well open
and herbs can only be found there, and some Arali are
these stasis chambers themselves, much to their surprise,
willing to pay handsomely for such rare items.
or do something that shuts down all of the stasis cham-
bers, which would be far worse. THE SOUTHWEST
Some of the tunnels beneath the coliseum do lead
back to the tunnels under the city, as the Narsi were The Aoifar of the south-western plains will welcome
unable to replicate the teleportation devices of the visitors, but will be very unfriendly of those who come
Cyrads. Should some of the creatures gain access to seeking to conquer or enslave. A few may even be willing
the city, the destruction that they would wreak would to travel with adventurers in order to see what the lands
be devastating. outside the plains might hold for them.
Along the southern coast, hidden in the marshes and
THE RE-AWAKENED LANDS swampland at the mouth of the Tanolain River, lies Selant.
It was originally settled as a launching point for groups
The devastated land around Belynar has been healed
interested in scouring the Devastation for magical items,
and restored, in approximately a 120 mile radius. This
with the hope of discovering the means to restore the land.
revived land is teeming with many species of creatures
Unfortunately, proximity to the Devastation, and the foul
that were also returned to life, as well as abominations of
waters flowing out of it, warped the original inhabitants.
the Devastation, and newly released animals that had been
The goal of finding Narsi magics still lingers, but it is now
carefully nurtured by the Rhona for many years.
fueled by more selfish reasons.
The Re-Awakened Lands are also filled with many
The Aoifar do trade with Selant, but their interac-
types of ruins that can be explored. The Narsi were
tion is limited. Most outsiders are unwelcome in this
quite fond of elaborate tombs and mausoleums and
swampy city.
their crumbling edifices dot the landscape. There are
many small towns and villages scattered about the land
as well. Also sprinkled across both the Re-Awakened
Lands and the Devastation are numerous manor In the section above, general information was
houses, originally built by the Cyrads and later co- presented that GMs may use in creating their own
opted for use by the Narsi. adventures. This section details one specific location that
These sites and many more lay waiting to be discov- can be used for designing adventures.
ered and explored.
THE DEVASTATION After establishing themselves in Belynar, and at the

10 Covering a large portion of Cyradon, the Devastation

is rife with ruins. Just as with the Re-Awakened Lands,
there are tombs, mausoleums, manor houses, strongholds
heart of Arali power, the Narsi made it the largest city on
Cyradon, rivaling even Jalapur and Janieal in size and
exceeding both in population.
and many different towns and villages. A few small cities Due to their profound distaste of Cyrad architecture,
even existed along the Tanolain River. There is a lot to the Shival Arali choose not to live within the city walls,
explore, but the danger is even more prevalent from the and built their own towns and villages in the surrounding
horrors that stalk the wastelands. countryside. Many of these small towns were the personal
holdings of powerful individuals or families, and the
OTHER LANDS inhabitants were those who sought their protection.
The Arali of Janieal and Desnia do not wish to have The Shival maintained the traditions of their home-
the humans (or other refugees) crossing into their lands. lands of Neldor on Anias, constructing walls around
The Arali of Llyrius and the northern coast, however, as towns, villages and cities whenever possible. Thus, many
well as the Danae and Rhona of the Southlands, welcome of the ruins of settlements to be discovered within the
visitors with the desire to trade. The Nagazi will also Devastation will be walled.
welcome all visitors to their lands, and will even be willing The Re-Awakened Lands are filled with the shards of
to escort them across the Mountains of Evening to the ruined dwellings. Travelers may stumble upon their
Five Cities of the Nagaral. remains in the most surprising places. Down among tiny
valleys, clinging onto the bald crown of a bare hill, or in
the thicket of a newborn pasture, travelers can stumble

Chapter Ten Adventuring

across fallen rocks, bare walls or even the foundations of 1. The Town Hall
entire villages. Here and there, more solid structures This building’s official title remains unknown, but it
remain intact, with seemingly no rhyme or reason to appears to have been the central administrative structure
acount for their survival. Thin varnished wood sheds for the town (and perhaps the Lord’s great hall). Although
stand in one place, while thick white granite walls lie as it had a glass roof in ancient times, the Devastation
rubble elsewhere. apparently melted the glass. It is now sheets hanging down
The following village, Sefnar, is an example of what the walls, and in puddles across the floor, frozen once
many of the towns and villages of the central highlands again in its crystallized form. This building is easily the
were like, although many others may vary widely from it largest in the small town, being five stories in height and
in both size and shape. Unlike many other towns and capped by a slender vanity tower. The interior of the
villages, Sefnar survived the Devastation and the ensuing building seems to have been an open space surrounded by
centuries with relatively little damage and degradation. mezzanine floors.
The main hall seems to have several statues in
SEFNAR, A SAMPLE TOWN life-like poses, expressions of mute terror and despair
A day’s ride to the north of Belynar, Sefnar was one of displayed upon their faces. These are not statues, however,
the oldest towns. It sits atop one of the larger hills over- but the petrified remains of the Arali who sought shelter
looking a number of large fields. Sefnar seems to have inside the building.
been the personal domain of a reasonably influential Two wings, leading off to the east and west, seem
Shival noble family. A sign still legible on the western gate to be later additions designed to assert the lord’s authority.
(the town is aligned perfectly on an east-west axis) reads The west wing is clearly a living area with lots of light
“Sunil, High Chancellor of Sefnar, bids thee welcome” in channeled through from the roof (perhaps assisted by a
both Elu, the language of the Arali, and in an archaic form series of mirrors to reflect the light down). The rooms are
of Tarahiri Common. spacious with floors of an unknown type of wood.
The town is surrounded by thick, white granite walls The eastern wing suggests an administrative purpose,
and the gates are comprised of an unknown hardwood, and seems to have also housed a library. A few covers and
banded in iron. Both the wall and the gates remain intact, tattered remains of the books once shelved here are all that
but many of the buildings inside the town are not. The remain. On the floor, behind a large service counter of
gates have stood open for over 500 years, and there is no some sort, are several piles of bones. The bones are all
telling what may have entered or taken up residence twisted out of shape, as if they had been turned to clay and
within the town. reworked into rough spirals and curves. This is all that
Within the town, a studious adventurer will be able to remains of the librarians who once worked here.
guess at the function of most of the buildings. Sefnar was 2. The Lookout Towers/Guardhouses
a town of industry. While other communities may have There are two of these defensive fortifications in the
used constructs to do the work, the people of Sefnar took town, standing aside both entrances. The small strong-
more pride in their work. The architecture of the town is holds are some of the oldest buildings in the town,
both simple and practical, but the delicate arches, glass
roofs and open living spaces so beloved of the Arali are
still very much in existence.
constructed by someone who obviously had practical
experience in defending isolated settlements. The thick
walls are crowned with a grey, crenulated roof. The
The Re-Awakening has had a mixed effect on the guardhouses stand beside a 60' tall circular watch tower,
town; in most places, the streets are dusty and bereft of constructed of a dull grey stone. Later generations
life. However, areas that once held foliage are now over- decorated the grey stone of the inner guardhouse walls
grown. In many place, the grass stands at waist height to a with friezes and frescos. The insides of the guardhouses
human. Vegetable gardens within small plots are ripe for are gutted, but beneath the floor in each are small armor-
the picking. At the center of town rests an old fountain ies, where the garrison stored its swords, spears and armor.
and well, the town’s primary water source. Although They are of an unadorned, though practical type. The
originally dry, the water is slowly refilling; the fountain armor is of Shival design, light quilted armor coats with
mechanism remains broken, however. studded leather breastplates (protects as rigid leather, but
Sefnar is dotted with small shrines to Sunil’s ances- encumbers as soft leather). There are enough usable arms
tors, various illustrious Arali from ancient times. The and armor to outfit 20 warriors in each guardhouse.
shrines are elaborately wrought statues in heroic poses, The weapons are well made, consisting of mundane,
perched above small marble altars. Many of the statues long swords, buckler shields, long spears and compound
have long since crumbled, and their remains scattered bows. There are 60 of each item kept in the armories. The
upon the ground at their base. bows (and the stocks of arrows; 1,000 in each armory)

Chapter Ten Adventuring

1. Town Hall
2. Lookout Towers/Guardhouses N
3. Garrison
4. Inn & Stable
5. Market Square
6. Temple
7. Warehouses/Workshops
8. Housing
9. Workers Housing

Chapter Ten Adventuring

have suffered poorly over the years, and of the lot, only can trick a listener’s ears, causing them to think that it is
10% are actually usable. The rest are likely to snap when carrying the voices of those long dead.
used. The weapons might be valuable to collectors of 6. The Temple
Shival equipment, as several noble families in Desnia and Arali spirituality is based upon ancestor worship.
Janieal are related to the Shivan nobility and may pay well Temples in Arali towns are places of meditation where the
for the keepsakes of their dead kin. living sit in contemplation of the lives of those who have
The guardhouses are mainly dormitories for the duty passed. The Shival Arali had a rather more baroque view
watch to sleep in. There are five small rooms in each of religion, however, assigning hierarchies of the “as-
guardhouse, suggesting that each guardsman was given a cended” and discussing the weight of a soul and its ability
degree of privacy. to transmigrate to a new essence. While the Shival Arali
3. The Garrison Building didn’t have priesthood, they came rather close with a
The garrison was originally equipped for a larger distinct caste of scholars and intellectuals whose duty it
retinue of soldiers, but was rarely used for this purpose. The was to maintain the temples and “assist” in the debates
garrison house in Sefnar was used as many things over the about the nature of a soul. The temples were run by these
years, including a hostelry, a storehouse for civic decora- Arali as private fiefdoms, and centers of political power.
tions, a stable, and even once, a prison. Within the strong The temples were dark inside, illuminated only by
room, behind barred doors, someone has scratched: “When smoky, incense perfumed candles. At the center of the
the wyverns awake, the earth shall shake and the skies weep temple, beneath a lofty domed ceiling, a single blade of
blood.” Also found in this room is an odd skeleton, that sunlight reached down onto a prayer wheel on the floor
resembles a Nagazi. The tail, however, is several feet long. below, causing it to move with a whispery, murmuring
The garrison itself is two stories tall and the outside is sound; mystically glowing with the touch of sunlight.
forever marked by the shadowy outlines of those who Those who entered the temple could watch the light play
died, crouched against the walls, their bodies completely on the running water and marvel at the ingenious design
burned away. of the wheel’s mechanism. The prayer wheel survived the
Inside the garrison, the bottom rooms (six in num- Devastation. It stands, four feet tall, beside a fountain
ber) have been converted to suit other purposes. Upstairs, which was fed by a bubbling underground spring. The
the empty grey rooms have small windows to look out wheel has long been seized shut and no force on earth,
into the town. The largest room commands an excellent magic or otherwise, can make it move even though the
view, and it may have originally been an officer’s quarters. spring once again bubbles forth from the ground.
On the top floor, behind a hidden door, is an almost Today, the temple remains dark inside. The air of the
empty safe. There is a small pile of approximately 100 Shivan main chamber is musty and everything is filthy and grimy
Annat gold coins. The Annat is worth roughly as much as a to the touch. Red sand and ash crunch underfoot. The light
Desnian crown, but may be of higher value to a collector. no longer lances down from the sky as the roof was torn off
4. The Inn during the Devastation. Dusty, dusky sunshine gleams from
Before the Devastation, patrons would have sipped above in good weather; in poor weather the inside of the
fine wine while relaxing in the bright and airy common
room. An enclosed stable is also present on the inn’s
ground, and a high wall kept the sounds and smells of the
temple is suffused with a somber, gloomy light.
7. The Warehouses/Workshops
Sefnar was a community that served the small pastoral
stable from the senses of the clientele. The inn was open hinterland surrounding the town. It was also a useful way
and resembled more of an enclosed garden than a station for travelers heading to or from Belynar either on
drinking establishment. Above the common room was a foot or by horse. Each warehouse or workshop seems to be
mezzanine floor, which (according to typical Arali design dedicated to a different craft. Among the ruins, ancient
for hostels) was open to the sky and covered by a marquee tools of the trade may be found littering the ground.
in inclement weather. 8. Housing
The furniture is long since gone. All that remains to offer The residential district of Sefnar originally contained
clues as to the purpose of the building are a stack of wine jugs a population of several hundred. The residences were
in one room, the wine itself long since evaporated. small, single story cottages crammed together on small
5. The Market Square cobblestone streets. Despite their small size, all have a
As befits an industrious town, a wide market square garden or park-like area inside the house open to the sky.
stands abandoned at the heart of the village. The ground is Each house also contains stunning architectural flourishes,
still stained with red sand, even after the Awakening. A such as arches or columns. Most of the houses have about
piercing wind whips through the town, through the empty four or five rooms. If searched, small treasures may be
gates and howls across the square. The noise of the wind found in a few of the houses.

Chapter Ten Adventuring

9. Workers Housing
Due to the town’s position at the centre of an agrarian
community, poorer Arali and Danae often traveled to the Ultimately, a GM must decide how to introduce
town to work the fields on a seasonal basis. Sefnar provided Cyradon to his players. Several options are detailed below,
housing for these itinerant workers. This housing consisted along with a few ideas to help new adventurers along.
of small, plainly built, three room structures, open to the
sky in the center, like most other Arali buildings. The 1. A NEW CAMPAIGN
central portions often housed tiny herb gardens. This method is the easiest and most straight foward
of all the options, as it requires players to generate new
ADVENTURES IN SEFNAR characters using the information in Chapter 5 of this
Sefnar is an excellent location for exploration. book, and the appropriate chapters of the HARP core
Grayson believes that it might be a good idea to move rules for information on all of the races and cultures
several hundred of the refugees into Sefnar and allow available for play. Players wishing to play magic users
them to start their own town. In order to accomplish this, should definitely also read the Cosmology and Magic
however, he first has to ensure their safety. The first task is chapters of Cyradon as well.
to send a group to Sefnar to verify that there are no The section on starting Time Frames is a decision that
creatures within. Of course the player characters just you, as GM, will have to make. Much of this product
happen to be the team, or part of the team selected to defaults to the Post Ritual Time Frame, allowing time for
explore the town. the refugees to get slightly settled in, and yet also allowing
Unfortunately for the PCs, the town is inhabited, not you to keep things moving at a steady pace.
by one, but several different types of creatures, including It is possible that your players will ask questions to
Gorgers, Rasicar, Giant Wasps and Giant Beetles. which this product offers no answer, such as where the
There are approximately 10 Gorgers in town. They refugees stay, where their food is stored, and the like.
make their nest in one of the old worker’s buildings after Much of this will be answered in greater detail in a future
having chewed through one of the walls. The Gorgers hunt product, which will focus entirely on the city itself. The
Giant Beetles and Giant Wasps for food. The Giant Wasps following paragraphs present you with a small amount of
have a hive high up in the Town Hall, their nest dangling detail to use in answering such questions. This informa-
from the top-most mezzanine and feed on the Giant tion will be expanded
Beetles. There are currently about 20 Giant Wasps in Sefnar. At first, the refugees take shelter in the large curved
The Giant Beetles have established their nest in a building at the southern end of the main plateau; the one
basement of one of the workshops in the northeast section near the pyramid-shaped structure. The smaller building
of the city. There are about 20 Giant Beetles in all, and they across the street from the pyramid is being used as the
will consume anything that they can catch, even each other governmental headquarters and barracks for Grayson,
if they are unable to capture a Gorger or a Giant Wasp. his aides and the military personnel under him, as well as
In addition to these creatures, there are 2 Rasicar the original contingents of Arali and Nagazi. The

10 roaming the streets of Sefnar, eating anything that is in

front of them. Sometimes the Gorgers will attempt to
attack one, but this fight does not last long. So far,
Mablung take possession of the round tower due south
of the pyramid.
These buildings were selected because they are the
whichever Rasicar they attack often ends up having the least damaged of those on the plateau and the most
Gorgers for a meal instead. defensible, being relatively intact. Protecting the people
in his care is one of Grayson’s biggest responsibilities,
and he takes it very seriously. The Adventure Seed,
Cleaning House, details Grayson’s desire to keep the
refugees together where he can protect them. As adven-
turing groups check and clear more buildings, he will
make them available as residences.
As the Adventure Seed, Hunger Pangs, points out,
there are extensive stores in special hidden stasis chambers
off of the main tunnel leading from the plateau to the
main gate. In this tunnel is a secret door leading to a
chamber with several halls leading off it. Down each of
these halls are a series of large stasis chambers. Not only
do these stores contain enough food to support the
refugees for several months, there are also a number of

Chapter Ten Adventuring

other items here as well, objects that Grayson and the Orsai, the Royal Road activated on its own
Belynar government can use to open trade negotiations accord, providing them with an avenue of escape.
with the Arali and Nagazi. It then promptly shut down, preventing the Orsai
Fortunately for Grayson, the main building that he from following.
selected for temporary housing of the refugees con- • The Royal Roads have continued to sporadically
tained a large restaurant, complete with an extensive activate, transporting stragglers and others who
kitchen that serves as the main cooking area for the are fleeing the Orsai to Cyradon. Never once,
refugees. Shortly after the Ritual of Estrousal, the however, has a single Orsai been passed through.
Mablung began constructing a clever, though tempo- • When the Mablung activated the Royal Roads,
rary aqueduct from the small river that flows down the their Gate Keepers were returned to their place of
side of Mount Belnos, attaching it to a cistern outside origin, and were unable to open the Royal Roads
the building. again. Something prevented them from passing
In order to secure the area, Grayson does post guards through, and continues to prevent those with the
at all exits to the plateau, especially after a few Giant Ants knowledge of how to operate the Royal Roads
killed a man out wandering about. The guards are from reaching Cyradon.
supposed to keep creatures from entering the plateau and • Although the Royal Roads stretch only across
to keep people from wandering about the city. However, it Mithra, a few small groups arrived in Belynar
is unlikely that they will be able to stop those who are may have been from other worlds altogether (i.e.
really determined, like adventurers. PCs from other campaign settings). Are they
being directed to this portal on purpose?
2. EXISTING CAMPAIGNS • The stores of food and other items found in the
There are two direct methods of incorporating stasis chambers are very unusual. One Mablung
Cyradon into existing campaigns. The first is to place it in stoneworker who has examined the stasis
an unexplored area of your current campaign setting. The chamber claims that they are only a few years
second is to transport the characters from their world to old, a fact that seems impossible. He has related
Cyradon in some fashion or another. Either way, the this information only his own leader and
quickest method of getting characters from their current Grayson, and been asked to keep quiet about it
location to Cyradon will be via the Royal Roads or a for the time being.
similar portal mechanism. • Many of the foodstuffs and other items found
Since the arrival of the bulk of the refugees in within the stasis chambers are not indigenous to
Belynar, the Royal Roads have been activating on an Cyradon, and other stored items are unique
irregular basis, randomly depositing new arrivals into even to the refugees from Anias. Where did it all
Belynar. Although the Royal Roads have been allowing come from?
travel to Cyradon, no one has been able to activate them • The Veil that hid Cyradon for centuries was
from the Cyradon side, and their one-sided activity pierced and broken by a single man. How
remains a mystery.


could something as powerful as the Veil be
destroyed by a single person? Did he have some
unknown help?
Cyradon is a land of mystery. Events that take • The dream experienced by the Nagazi priest was
place here seem to be guided by an invisible hand. exceedingly detailed in what sort of assistance
While the particularly astute have noticed certain was required by the “new friends” to be found in
incongruities, no one has pieced together everything Belynar. The sendings of most deities are rarely
yet. Even if all of the mysterious events that have taken this exacting or detailed. Was the dream truly the
place were to be listed, it is unlikely that the truth work of the Seven Sages or did it come from
would be discovered. Some of the more puzzling another being entirely?
events have included the following: • The Rhona Gnomes have been working for
• The Royal Roads suddenly flickered to life several centuries to restore the lands of the Devasta-
weeks prior to the arrival of the refugees in tion, with very limited success, and then only
Belynar, gaining the attention of a variety of in sheltered vales within the Shival Mountains.
sentient races already present on Cyradon. The The Ritual of Estrousal performed with the
cause of this event, and the reasons behind it, aide of members from all the races present in
remain unsolved. Cyradon was much more powerful than
• As the refugees sat huddled within the dwarven anything the Rhona have ever experienced. The
outpost, awaiting their fate at the hands of the Rhona believe that it was the presence of the

Chapter Ten Adventuring

humans that made the difference since humans The gods theory is not a popular one; many find it
were involved in the original event that caused difficult to believe that a god, or even a group of gods,
the Devastation. Is that the only reason? Did would so frequently intervene in such a manner without
the conjunction of the comets have any impact revealing their presence in some way.
on the ritual? Was it the location of the ritual, Another possible explanation is that the events are
at the heart of the Devastation that made the not the work of the gods, but one or more of the ancient
ritual more powerful? Or perhaps something Cyrads, having returned only to discover the existence of
else intervened and gave the ritual a huge boost the Devastation. Since that point, it has been actively
in power. If so, who , or better yet what, could directing events from the shadows in an effort to bring
it be? Cyradon back to life. If this is the case, the Cyrad has
Altogether, these events seem to weave a picture of apparently only been willing to provide assistance in
some hidden force working behind the scenes to direct subtle, inexplicable ways that ultimately keeps its existence
and influence events in a specific manner. Whatever this from being discovered. If this is true, then what are its
mysterious force is, it seems to want the humans in motives, and what could it possibly have to gain from
Belynar, and lands of the Devastation to be restored. providing this aid?
Could this be the will of the gods, or is the answer even The actual force behind all of these events could be
more complex than that? something else entirely. It is up to you, the GM, to decide.
It is up to you to make Cyradon your own!


A Ancient History ............................. 18 B
Andalasa ......................................... 65
A Note to Players ......................... 167 Aneirin ........................................... 59 Beith ............................................. 105
Aberration Template 15 .................. 2 Anias ............................................... 16 Belynar Map ................................. 140
Additional Arali Anias Magical Traditions ............. 117 Belynar, The City of Gryphons ... 135
Racial Information ................ 81 Alchemists and the Belynar: Close Up ........................ 136
Additional Gryphon Mage’s Guild ....................... 118 Bestiary ......................................... 146
Racial Information ................ 77 Drei ........................................... 118 Bladgorn ......................................... 92
Additional Gryx Dwarves (Mablung): Trallen ... 119 Blood Talents ................................. 82
Racial Information ................ 73 Elves (Sithi): Cealla .................. 120 Anias Races Blood Talents ......... 83
Additional Human Orsai: The Ghershal/Gherek Cyrad Blood (Lesser) ................. 85
Racial Information ................ 72 Scouts ................................... 119 Mablung Dwarf Blood
Additional Nagazi Pascalline Order ....................... 118 (Greater) ............................... 84
Racial Information ................ 82 Skaldi ........................................ 118 Mablung Dwarf Blood
Additional Mablung Tarahiri ..................................... 118 (Lesser) .................................. 83
Racial Information ................ 74 The Venturer’s Guild ............... 118 Sithi Elf Blood (Greater) ........... 84
Additional Rhona Anias Races & Cultures ................. 71 Sithi Elf Blood (Lesser) ............. 84
Racial Information ................ 80 Dwarves (Mablung) .................. 74 Bounder ....................................... 156
Additional Sithi Elves (Sithi) ................................ 75 Brotherhood of the Earth ............ 112
Racial Information ................ 76 Gryx ............................................ 73
Additional Spells 12 ........................ 8 G’Shul Culture ........................... 74
Adolescent Skill Ranks Table ......... 83 Humans ...................................... 71 Cairnus ........................................... 65
Adventure Seeds 16 ......................... 9 Mablung Culture ....................... 75 Cantrip List .................................. 124
Border Patrol 17 .......................... 1 Sithi Culture ............................... 76 Cantrips .................................. 87, 124
Clean Sweep 1 ........................... 70 Skaldi Culture ............................ 73 Central Highlands
Cleaning House ....................... 169 Tarahiri Culture ......................... 72 Encounter Table .................. 147
Escort Duty .............................. 170 Anias Races Blood Talents ............. 83 Character Creation ........................ 68
Hunger Pangs .......................... 169 Anias Traditions ........................... 128 Anias Races & Cultures ............. 71
I Wanna be a Cowboy .............. 169 Anias Training Packages ................ 91 Dwarves (Mablung) .............. 74
M is for Murder ....................... 170 Alchemist ................................... 91 Elves (Sithi) ............................ 75
Tears of Life .............................. 170 Arcurias Bowman ...................... 91 Gryx ....................................... 73
To the Edge and Back .............. 170 Argentian Legionnaire ............... 92 G’Shul Culture ....................... 74
Adventures in Sefnar ................... 176 Bladgorn ..................................... 92 Humans ................................. 71
Adventuring ................................. 166 Charmweaver ............................. 92 Mablung Culture ................... 75
Adventuring Locales .................... 171 Fesharian Acolyte ....................... 92 Sithi Culture .......................... 76
Belynar – The City Above ....... 171 Gherek Scout ............................. 93 Skaldi Culture ........................ 73
Belynar – The City Below ........ 171 G’Shul Rover .............................. 93 Tarahiri Culture ..................... 72
Other Lands ............................. 172 Osh’Tahl Herbalist ..................... 93 Blood Talents ............................. 82
Specific Locations .................... 172 Skalgorn ..................................... 94 Anias Races Blood Talents .... 83
Sefnar, A Sample Town ........ 173 The Pascalline Order ................. 93 Cyrad Blood (Lesser) ............ 85
The Townlands .................... 172 Venturer’s Clerk Apprentice ...... 94 Mablung Dwarf Blood
The Coliseum ........................... 171 Aoifar ............................................ 156 (Greater) ............................ 84
The Devastation ...................... 172 Arcurias Bowman .......................... 91 Mablung Dwarf Blood
The Madiarian Forest .............. 172 Argentian Legionnaire ................... 92 (Lesser) ............................... 83
The Re-Awakened Lands ......... 172 Arimispia ........................................ 56 Sithi Elf Blood (Greater) ....... 84
The Southwest ......................... 172 Armor Descriptions ....................... 97 Sithi Elf Blood (Lesser) ......... 84
Alchemist ....................................... 91 Ashari ........................................... 156 Choosing a Culture ................... 71
Alchemists .................................... 122 Atla ............................................... 103 Combat Styles & Maneuvers ..... 87
Alchemists and the Mage’s Guild .... 118 Atriah Apprentice .......................... 94 Cyradon Races & Cultures ........ 76
Alchemy ........................................ 87 Danae Elves ............................ 81
Alternate Spheres ......................... 128 Desnian Culture .................... 81

Elves (Arali) ........................... 80 The Age of Emperors) ........ 19 Vasila .................................... 103
Gnomes (Rhona) ................... 79 The Origins of the Races ........... 25 Gnomish Deities ...................... 108
Gryphons ............................... 76 Weather & Climate .................... 17 Gnomish Totems ..................... 108
Janieal Culture ....................... 81 Cyradon Calendar ......................... 17 Earth ..................................... 109
Lizardmen (Nagazi) .............. 81 The Months ............................... 17 Moon .................................... 109
Nagazi Culture ....................... 82 Weeks & Days ............................ 17 Sun ....................................... 109
Rhona Culture ....................... 80 Cyradon Campaigns .................... 176 Gryx Deities ............................. 103
Languages ................................... 84 Behind the Scenes .................... 177 Elgan .................................... 104
New Equipment ......................... 96 Cyradon Economy ......................... 67 Rasa ...................................... 104
New Skills ................................... 87 Cyradon Glossary ............................ 6 Rema .................................... 104
Alchemy ................................. 87 Cyradon Magical Traditions ....... 120 The Shrine Deities of
Cantrips ................................. 87 Elves (Arali): Weavers .............. 120 the Juras Mountains ......... 103
Charmcraft ............................ 87 Gnomes (Rhona): Gramarye .. 120 Memra ...................................... 101
Professions ................................. 86 Gryphons: Usirae ..................... 120 Nagazi Deities .......................... 109
Clerics .................................... 86 Nagazi: Zirhus .......................... 120 The Sages ............................. 109
Fighters .................................. 86 Cyradon Mounts and Livestock .... 97 Sithi Deities .............................. 104
Harpers .................................. 86 Stionoir ...................................... 97 Beith ..................................... 105
Mages ..................................... 86 Cyradon Races & Cultures ............ 76 Dairda .................................. 105
Monks .................................... 86 Danae Elves ................................ 81 Huaithe ................................ 105
Ranger .................................... 86 Desnian Culture ......................... 81 Uira ...................................... 105
Rogue & Thief ....................... 87 Elves (Arali) ............................... 80 Skaldi Deities ........................... 102
Warrior Mage ........................ 87 Gnomes (Rhona) ....................... 79 Niamh .................................. 102
Races & Cultures ........................ 70 Gryphons ................................... 76 Perkuna ................................ 102
Choosing a Culture ............... 71 Janieal Culture ........................... 81 Vella ...................................... 102
Racial Characteristics ............ 70 Lizardmen (Nagazi) ................... 81 Y’Gin .................................... 102
Skills ........................................... 87 Nagazi Culture ........................... 82 Tarahiri Deities ........................ 100
Important Skills ..................... 89 Rhona Culture ........................... 80 Memra .................................. 101
New Skills .............................. 87 Cyradon Rivers .............................. 44 Miah-sha .............................. 101
Special Starting Items ................ 90 The Janiel River ......................... 44 Nirgal ................................... 101
Talents ........................................ 90 The Marisant River .................... 44 Samia .................................... 102
Training Packages ...................... 91 The Meriona River .................... 44 The Gryphons .......................... 106
Who am I? .................................. 69 The Tanolain River .................... 44 The Yazatas ........................... 106
Charmcraft ..................................... 87 Cyradon Settings Culture .............. 71 Demonic Template ...................... 153
Charmweaver ................................. 92 Cyradon Traditions ..................... 129 Descriptions ......................... 155-164
Choosing a Culture ........................ 71 Cyradon Training Packages ........... 94 Aoifar ........................................ 156
Ciastan ............................................ 62 Atriah Apprentice ...................... 94 Ashari ....................................... 156
Clerics ............................................. 86 Desnian Palladine ...................... 94 Bounder ................................... 156
Cliff Rukh ..................................... 157 Garuda Apprentice .................... 94 Cliff Rukh ................................ 157
Coliseum Monsters ...................... 152 Graym Warders .......................... 94 Fey Drake ................................. 157
Combat Actions & Janieal Infantryman .................. 94 Gorger ...................................... 157
Special Attacks ....................... 78 Meeta Apprentice ...................... 95 Leshii ........................................ 158
Combat Styles & Maneuvers ......... 87 S’tok Initiate ............................... 95 Malas ........................................ 158
Cosmology ..................................... 98 Usirae Apprentice ...................... 95 Manticore ................................. 159
The Otherworld ......................... 99 Varaghra Acolyte ........................ 95 Murshie .................................... 159
The Worlds ................................. 99 Nagah ....................................... 160
Cyrad Blood (Lesser) ..................... 85 D Nagaral ..................................... 160
Cyrad Geomancy ......................... 120 Dairda ........................................... 105 Patago ....................................... 161
Cyradon .......................................... 16 Damage & Flight ............................ 78 Quinakh ................................... 162
Ancient History ......................... 18 Danae Elves .................................... 81 Rainbow Beetle ........................ 162
The First Age (aka Deities ........................................... 100 Rasicar ...................................... 162
The Age of the Dragons) .... 18 Dwarven Deities ...................... 103 Schirae ...................................... 163
The Second Age (aka Atla ....................................... 103 Stionoir .................................... 163
The age of Saena) ............... 18 Mikuel/Nirgal ...................... 103 Swamp Octopus ....................... 164
The Third Age (aka Tamine ................................. 103 Tagus ........................................ 164

Vulakah .................................... 164 The City of Belynar ............... 48 Gnomish Totems ......................... 108
Zenasant ................................... 164 The Gap of Orius .................. 47 Earth ......................................... 109
Desnia ............................................. 54 The Highlands ....................... 46 Moon ........................................ 109
Desnian Culture ............................. 81 The Schirae Trails .................. 47 Sun ........................................... 109
Desnian Palladine .......................... 94 The Western Devastation ...... 48 Gorger .......................................... 157
Drei ............................................... 118 The Whispering Hills ............ 47 Graym Warders .............................. 94
Dwarven Deities .......................... 103 The East ...................................... 50 Gryphon Armor ............................. 96
Atla ........................................... 103 Arimispia ............................... 56 Gryphon Combat .......................... 78
Mikuel/Nirgal .......................... 103 Desnia .................................... 54 Combat Actions &
Tamine ..................................... 103 Emmanel ................................ 53 Special Attacks ....................... 78
Vasila ........................................ 103 Janieal ..................................... 52 Damage & Flight ........................ 78
Dwarves (Mablung) ....................... 74 Penlasse .................................. 55 Gryphon Dodge &
Dwarves (Mablung): Trallen ....... 119 Ramsel .................................... 51 Sudden Dodge ....................... 78
The Daybreak Country ......... 50 Hit Locations & Wings .............. 78
E The Ruins of Ischea ............... 50 Pounce ........................................ 78
Earth ............................................. 109 The Forest of Ischea ................... 42 Rend ........................................... 78
Eastern Steppes .............................. 34 The Forests of Cyradon ............. 42 Stoop .......................................... 78
Eastlands Encounter Table .......... 150 The Idrisil Wood ....................... 43 Gryphon Culture ........................... 79
Elemental Template ..................... 153 The Melanae Forest ................... 43 Gryphon Dodge &
Elgan ............................................. 104 The Mountains of Cyradon ...... 41 Sudden Dodge ....................... 78
Elves (Arali) ................................... 80 The Mountains of Evening ....... 42 Gryphons ...................................... 76
Elves (Arali): Weavers .................. 120 The Mountains of Morning ...... 42 Gryphon Culture ....................... 79
Elves (Sithi) .................................... 75 The North .................................. 61 Gryphons: Usirae ......................... 120
Elves (Sithi): Cealla ...................... 120 Andalasa ................................. 65 Gryx ................................................ 73
Elvish Beliefs ................................ 107 Cairnus ................................... 65 Gryx Deities ................................. 103
Emmanel ........................................ 53 Ciastan ................................... 62 Elgan ......................................... 104
Encounters ................................... 147 Llyrius .................................... 61 Rasa .......................................... 104
Mellianour ............................. 62 Rema ........................................ 104
F Neras ...................................... 62 The Shrine Deities of
Fesharian Acolyte ........................... 92 The City of Blackflame .......... 66 the Juras Mountains ............ 103
Fey Drake ..................................... 157 The City-State Kingdom G’Shul Culture ............................... 74
Fighters ........................................... 86 of Qumar ............................ 66 G’Shul Rover .................................. 93
Flying/Gliding ................................ 88 The Five Cities ....................... 64
The Mountains of H
G the Moon ............................ 65 Harpers ........................................... 86
The Queen’s Wood ................... 44 Hit Locations & Wings .................. 78
Garuda Apprentice ........................ 94
The Shival Range ....................... 42 Holy Magic ................................... 100
Geographic Overview
The Southlands .......................... 58 How to Use This Book .................... 5
of Cyradon ............................. 39
Aneirin ................................... 59 Huaithe ......................................... 105
Cyradon Rivers .......................... 44
Jalapur .................................... 59 Humanity ....................................... 28
The Janiel River ..................... 44
Selant ...................................... 58 Humans .......................................... 71
The Marisant River ................ 44
Taravant ................................. 59
The Meriona River ................ 44
The Tanolain River ................ 44
The Yftelan Wood ...................... 43 I
Getting Started ............................. 167
Madiarian Forest ....................... 42 Important Skills ............................. 89
Time Frame 1: Just Arrived ..... 167
Swamps ...................................... 45 In the Dwarven Homelands .......... 36
Time Frame 2: Post Ritual ....... 168
The Estuary Lands ................. 45
Time Frame 3: Post Compact .. 168 J
The Sleep of Rivers ................ 45
When to Start the Campaign ... 167
The Yftelan Mire .................... 45 Jalapur ............................................ 59
Gherek Scout .................................. 93
The Ashman mountains ............ 42 Janieal ............................................. 52
Gigantism Template .................... 153
The Climate ............................... 40 Janieal Culture ............................... 81
Gnomes (Rhona) ........................... 79
The Devastation ........................ 45 Janieal Infantryman ....................... 94
Gnomes (Rhona): Gramarye ..... 120
The Blunt Hill Eyrie .............. 50
Gnomish Deities .......................... 108
The Camal Sea ....................... 47

L Nagaral ................................. 160 P
Patago ................................... 161
Llyrius ............................................. 61 Pascalline Order ........................... 118
Quinakh ............................... 162
Languages ...................................... 84 Patago ........................................... 161
Rainbow Beetle .................... 162
Leshii ............................................ 158 Penlasse .......................................... 55
Rasicar .................................. 162
Lizardmen (Nagazi) ....................... 81 Perkuna ........................................ 102
Schirae .................................. 163
Stionoir ................................ 163 Pounce ............................................ 78
M Professions ..................................... 86
Swamp Octopus .................. 164
Mablung Culture ........................... 75 Tagus .................................... 164 Clerics ........................................ 86
Mablung Dwarf Blood (Greater) .. 84 Vulakah ................................ 164 Fighters ...................................... 86
Mablung Dwarf Blood (Lesser) .... 83 Zenasant ............................... 164 Harpers ...................................... 86
Madiarian Forest ............................ 42 Monstrous Ecology ...................... 147 Mages ......................................... 86
Mages ............................................. 86 Monstrous Locations ................... 150 Monks ........................................ 86
Magic ............................................ 115 Monstrous Templates .................. 152 Ranger ........................................ 86
Anias Magical Traditions ........ 117 Aberration Template ............... 152 Rogue & Thief ............................ 87
Cantrips ................................... 124 Demonic Template .................. 153 Warrior Mage ............................. 87
Cyrad Geomancy ..................... 120 Elemental Template ................. 153
Cyradon Magical Traditions ... 120 Gigantism Template ................ 153
Magical Orders ........................ 122 Moon ............................................ 109 Quinakh ....................................... 162
The Veil .................................... 121 Murshie ........................................ 159
Magical Orders ............................ 122 R
Alchemists ................................ 122 N Races & Cultures ............................ 70
The Mage’s Guild ..................... 123 Anias Races & Cultures
Nagah ........................................... 160
The Venturer’s Guild ............... 123 Dwarves (Mablung) .............. 74
Nagaral ......................................... 160
The Zirvak Alumni .................. 123 Elves (Sithi) ............................ 75
Nagazi Culture ............................... 82
Malas ............................................ 158 Gryx ....................................... 73
Nagazi Deities .............................. 109
Manticore ..................................... 159 G’Shul Culture ....................... 74
The Sages .................................. 109
Martial Arts Combat Styles ........... 89 Nagazi: Zirhus .............................. 120 Humans ................................. 71
Meeta Apprentice ........................... 95 Neldor ............................................ 33 Mablung Culture ................... 75
Mellianour ..................................... 62 Neras .............................................. 62 Sithi Culture .......................... 76
Memra .......................................... 101 New Equipment ............................. 96 Skaldi Culture ........................ 73
Miah-sha ...................................... 101 Armor Descriptions .................. 97 Tarahiri Culture ..................... 72
Mikuel/Nirgal .............................. 103 Cyradon Mounts and Choosing a Culture ................... 71
MistWalking ................................. 122 Livestock ............................... 97 Cyradon Races & Cultures ........ 76
Mithra — the World ...................... 16 Weapon Descriptions ............... 96 Danae Elves ............................ 81
Anias ........................................... 16 New Skills ....................................... 87 Desnian Culture .................... 81
Cyradon ..................................... 16 Alchemy ..................................... 87 Elves (Arali) ........................... 80
The Other Two Continents ....... 16 Cantrips ..................................... 87 Gnomes (Rhona) ................... 79
The Shatterings .......................... 16 Charmcraft ................................. 87 Gryphons ............................... 76
Monks ............................................. 86 Combat Styles & Maneuvers ..... 87 Janieal Culture ....................... 81
Monster Quick Stats .................... 154 Flying/Gliding ............................ 88 Lizardmen (Nagazi) .............. 81
Monstrous Descriptions .............. 153 Martial Arts Combat Styles ....... 89 Nagazi Culture ....................... 82
Descriptions ............................. 155 Niamh .......................................... 102 Rhona Culture ....................... 80
Aoifar ................................... 156 Nirgal ............................................ 101 Racial Characteristics ................ 70
Ashari ................................... 156 Northlands Encounter Table ....... 150 Racial Characteristics .................... 70
Bounder ............................... 156 Notations ...................................... 154 Racial Statistics Table ..................... 70
Cliff Rukh ............................ 157 Rainbow Beetle ............................ 162
Fey Drake ............................. 157 O Ramsel ............................................ 51
Gorger .................................. 157 Ranger ............................................ 86
Leshii .................................... 158 Orsai: The Ghershal/
Gherek Scouts ...................... 119 Rasa .............................................. 104
Malas .................................... 158 Rasicar .......................................... 162
Manticore ............................. 159 Osh’Tahl Herbalist ......................... 93
Recent Events ................................. 35
Murshie ................................ 159 Religious Orders .......................... 110
Nagah ................................... 160

Brotherhood of the Earth ....... 112 T Neldor ........................................ 33
Seidheri .................................... 111 Recent Events ............................. 35
The Lightbringers of Tarahir .. 113 Tables Sithi Forests ................................ 33
The True Spear ......................... 113 Additional Arali Skaldi Kingdoms ........................ 33
Rema ............................................. 104 Racial Information ................ 81 Southern Lands .......................... 34
Rend ............................................... 78 Additional Gryphon Tarahir ........................................ 32
Rhona Culture ............................... 80 Racial Information ................ 77 The Theocracy of Asut .............. 32
Rogue & Thief ................................ 87 Additional Gryx The Treaty Kingdoms ................ 32
Racial Information ................ 73 Western Jungle ........................... 35
S Additional Human The Continent of Cyradon ............ 38
Samia ............................................ 102 Racial Information ................ 72 Geographic Overview
Schirae .......................................... 163 Additional Nagazi of Cyradon ............................. 39
Seidheri ........................................ 111 Racial Information ................ 82 The Cyrads ..................................... 27
Selant .............................................. 58 Additional Rhona The Dangers ................................... 13
Sithi Culture ................................... 75 Racial Information ................ 80 The Daybreak Country .................. 50
Sithi Deities .................................. 104 Additional Sithi The Devastation ............................. 45
Beith ......................................... 105 Racial Information ................ 76 The Blunt Hill Eyrie .................. 50
Dairda ...................................... 105 Adolescent Skill Ranks Table ..... 83 The Camal Sea ........................... 47
Huaithe .................................... 105 Blood Talents ............................. 82 The City of Belynar ................... 48
Uira .......................................... 105 Central Highlands The Gap of Orius ....................... 47
Sithi Elf Blood (Greater) ............... 84 Encounter Table .................. 147 The Highlands .......................... 46
Sithi Elf Blood (Lesser) .................. 84 Cyradon Settings Culture .......... 71 The Schirae Trails ...................... 47
Sithi Forests .................................... 33 Eastlands Encounter Table ...... 150 The Western Devastation .......... 48
Skaldi ............................................ 118 Gryphon Armor ........................ 96 The Whispering Hills ................ 47
Skaldi Culture ................................ 73 Monster Quick Stats ................ 154 The East .......................................... 50
Skaldi Deities ............................... 102 Northlands Encounter Table ... 150 Arimispia ................................... 56
Niamh ...................................... 102 Racial Statistics Table ................ 70 Desnia ........................................ 54
Perkuna .................................... 102 Southlands Encounter Table ... 148 Emmanel .................................... 53
Vella .......................................... 102 Weapons ..................................... 96 Janieal ......................................... 52
Y’Gin ........................................ 102 Westlands Encounter Table ..... 149 Penlasse ...................................... 55
Skaldi Kingdoms ............................ 33 Tagus ............................................. 164 Ramsel ........................................ 51
Skalgorn ......................................... 94 Talents ............................................ 90 The Daybreak Country ............. 50
Skills ............................................... 87 Tamine .......................................... 103 The Ruins of Ischea ................... 50
Important Skills ......................... 89 Tarahir ............................................ 32 The Elves ........................................ 27
New Skills ................................... 87 Tarahiri ......................................... 118 The Elvish Spirits ......................... 107
Alchemy ................................. 87 Tarahiri Culture ............................. 72 The Estuary Lands ......................... 45
Cantrips ................................. 87 Tarahiri Deities ............................ 100 The Five Cities ............................... 64
Charmcraft ............................ 87 Memra ...................................... 101 The Forest of Ischea ....................... 42
Combat Styles & Miah-sha .................................. 101 The Forests of Cyradon ................. 42
Maneuvers ........................... 87 Nirgal ....................................... 101 The Gap of Orius ........................... 47
Flying/Gliding ....................... 88 Samia ........................................ 102 The Gryphons ........................ 26, 106
Martial Arts Combat Styles ... 89 Taravant .......................................... 59 The Yazatas ............................... 106
Special Starting Items .................... 90 The Ashman mountains ................ 42 The Gryx ........................................ 29
Southern Lands .............................. 34 The Blunt Hill Eyrie ...................... 50 The Heavens ................................... 15
Southlands Encounter Table ....... 148 The Camal Sea ............................... 47 Constellations ............................ 15
Stionoir .................................. 97, 163 The City of Belynar ....................... 48 The Mithran Solar System ........ 15
S’tok Initiate ................................... 95 The City of Blackflame .................. 66 Comets ................................... 15
Stoop .............................................. 78 The City-State Meteors .................................. 15
Sun ................................................ 109 Kingdom of Qumar .............. 66 The Mithran Moon ............... 15
Swamps .......................................... 45 The Climate .................................. 40 The Highlands ............................... 46
The Estuary Lands ..................... 45 The Coliseum ............................... 143 The Idrisil Wood ............................ 43
The Sleep of Rivers .................... 45 The Continent of Anias ................. 31 The Janiel River .............................. 44
The Yftelan Mire ........................ 45 Eastern Steppes .......................... 34 The Lightbringers of Tarahir ....... 113
Swamp Octopus ........................... 164 In the Dwarven Homelands ...... 36

The Mablung Dwarves .................. 30 The Ruins of Ischea ....................... 50 Atriah Apprentice .................. 94
The Mage’s Guild ......................... 123 The Sages ...................................... 109 Desnian Palladine .................. 94
The Marisant River ........................ 44 The Schirae Trails .......................... 47 Garuda Apprentice ................ 94
The Material World ....................... 99 The Shatterings .............................. 16 Graym Warders ...................... 94
The Sphere of the Moon ........... 99 The Shival Range ........................... 42 Janieal Infantryman .............. 94
The Melanae Forest ....................... 43 The Shrine Deities of the Juras Meeta Apprentice .................. 95
The Meriona River ......................... 44 Mountains ........................... 103 S’tok Initiate .......................... 95
The Mountains of Cyradon .......... 41 The Sleep of Rivers ........................ 45 Usirae Apprentice .................. 95
The Mountains of Evening ............ 42 The Southlands .............................. 58 Varaghra Acolyte ................... 95
The Mountains of Morning .......... 42 Aneirin ....................................... 59
The Mountains of the Moon ......... 65 Jalapur ........................................ 59 U
The Nagah ...................................... 29 Selant .......................................... 58 Uira ............................................... 105
The Nagazi ..................................... 29 Taravant ..................................... 59 Underground Belynar ................. 143
The North ...................................... 61 The Sphere of the Moon ............... 99 Usirae Apprentice .......................... 95
Andalasa ..................................... 65 The Story So Far… .......................... 8
Cairnus ....................................... 65 The Tanolain River ........................ 44 V
Ciastan ....................................... 62 The Theocracy of Asut .................. 32 Varaghra Acolyte ............................ 95
Llyrius ........................................ 61 The Treaty Kingdoms .................... 32 Vasila ............................................ 103
Mellianour ................................. 62 The True Spear ............................. 113 Vella .............................................. 102
Neras .......................................... 62 The Veil ......................................... 121 Venturer’s Clerk Apprentice .......... 94
The City of Blackflame .............. 66 The Venturer’s Guild .......... 118, 123 Vulakah ........................................ 164
The City-State The Western Devastation .............. 48
Kingdom of Qumar .............. 66 The Whispering Hills .................... 47 W
The Five Cities ........................... 64 The Worlds ..................................... 99
Warrior Mage ................................. 87
The Mountains of the Moon .... 65 The Material World ................... 99
Weapon Descriptions ................... 96
The Origins of the Races ............... 25 The Sphere of the Moon ....... 99
Weapons ......................................... 96
Humanity ................................... 28 The Yazatas ................................... 106
Weather & Climate ........................ 17
The Cyrads ................................. 27 The Yftelan Mire ............................ 45
Western Jungle ............................... 35
The Elves .................................... 27 The Yftelan Wood .......................... 43
Westlands Encounter Table ......... 149
The Gryphons ............................ 26 The Zirvak Alumni ...................... 123
When to Start the Campaign ...... 167
The Gryx .................................... 29 Themes and Mood ......................... 13
Who am I? ...................................... 69
The Mablung Dwarves .............. 30 Time Frame 1: Just Arrived ......... 167
The Nagah .................................. 29 Time Frame 2: Post Ritual ........... 168 Y
The Nagazi ................................. 29 Time Frame 3: Post Compact ..... 168
Training Packages .......................... 91 Y’Gin ............................................ 102
The Rhona ................................. 30
The Other Two Continents ........... 16 Anias Training Packages ............ 91 Z
The Otherworld ............................. 99 Alchemist ............................... 91
Holy Magic ............................... 100 Arcurias Bowman .................. 91 Zenasant ....................................... 164
The Outer Planes ....................... 99 Argentian Legionnaire .......... 92
The Outer Planes ........................... 99 Bladgorn ................................ 92
The Pascalline Order ..................... 93 Charmweaver ......................... 92
The People ...................................... 11 Fesharian Acolyte .................. 92
Other Races ................................ 12 Gherek Scout ......................... 93
The Elves .................................... 11 G’Shul Rover .......................... 93
The Gnomes .............................. 12 Osh’Tahl Herbalist ................. 93
The Gryphons ............................ 12 Skalgorn ................................. 94
The Nagazi ................................. 12 The Pascalline Order ............. 93
The Newcomers ......................... 12 Venturer’s Clerk Apprentice ... 94
The People of Belynar ................. 136 Cyradon Training Packages ....... 94
The Present: Escape to Belynar ....... 9
The Queen’s Wood ........................ 44
The Re-Awakened Land .............. 144
The Rhona ...................................... 30


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