Affective Computing Review

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Accepted refereed manuscript of:

Poria S, Cambria E, Bajpai R & Hussain A (2017) A review of affective

computing: From unimodal analysis to multimodal fusion, Information Fusion,
37, pp. 98-125.

DOI: 10.1016/j.inffus.2017.02.003

© 2017, Elsevier. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
(2017) 1–??

A Review of Affective Computing:

From Unimodal Analysis to Multimodal Fusion
Soujanya Poria1 , Erik Cambria3∗ , Rajiv Bajpai2 , Amir Hussain1
1 School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, UK
2 Temasek Laboratories, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

Affective computing is an emerging interdisciplinary research field bringing together researchers and practitioners from various fields, ranging
from artificial intelligence, natural language processing, to cognitive and social sciences. With the proliferation of videos posted online (e.g.,
on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) for product reviews, movie reviews, political views, and more, affective computing research has increasingly
evolved from conventional unimodal analysis to more complex forms of multimodal analysis. This is the primary motivation behind our first
of its kind, comprehensive literature review of the diverse field of affective computing. Furthermore, existing literature surveys lack a detailed
discussion of state of the art in multimodal affect analysis frameworks, which this review aims to address. Multimodality is defined by the
presence of more than one modality or channel, e.g., visual, audio, text, gestures, and eye gage. In this paper, we focus mainly on the use of audio,
visual and text information for multimodal affect analysis, since around 90% of the relevant literature appears to cover these three modalities.
Following an overview of different techniques for unimodal affect analysis, we outline existing methods for fusing information from different
modalities. As part of this review, we carry out an extensive study of different categories of state-of-the-art fusion techniques, followed by a
critical analysis of potential performance improvements with multimodal analysis compared to unimodal analysis. A comprehensive overview of
these two complementary fields aims to form the building blocks for readers, to better understand this challenging and exciting research field.

1. Introduction Data is being uploaded as videos, rather than text alone [? ].

Consumers for instance, tend to record their reviews and opin-
Affective computing is an emerging field of research that ions on products using a web camera and upload them on so-
aims to enable intelligent systems to recognize, feel, infer and cial media platforms like YouTube or Facebook to inform sub-
interpret human emotions. It is an interdisciplinary field which scribers about their views. These videos often contain compar-
spans from computer science to psychology, and from social isons of products from competing brands, the pros and cons of
science to cognitive science. Though sentiment analysis and product specifications, etc., which can aid prospective buyers in
emotion recognition are two distinct research topics, they are making an informed decision.
conjoined under the field of Affective Computing research. The primary advantage of analyzing videos over textual anal-
Emotions and sentiments play a crucial role in our daily lives. ysis, for detecting emotions and sentiments from opinions, is
They aid decision-making, learning, communication, and situ- the surplus of behavioral cues. Whilst textual analysis facilities
ation awareness in human-centric environments. Over the past only make use of words, phrases and relations, as well as de-
two decades or so, AI researchers have been attempting to en- pendencies among them, these are known to be insufficient for
dow machines with cognitive capabilities to recognize, inter- extracting associated affective content from textual opinions [?
pret and express emotions and sentiments. All such efforts can ]. Video opinions, on the other hand, provide multimodal data
be attributed to affective computing. Emotion and sentiment in terms of vocal and visual modality. The vocal modulations
analysis have also become a new trend in social media, avidly of opinions and facial expressions in the visual data, along with
helping users to understand the opinion being expressed on dif- textual data, can provide important cues to better identify true
ferent platforms [? ? ]. affective states of the opinion holder. Thus, a combination of
With the advancement of technology, abundance of smart- text and video data can help create a better emotion and senti-
phones and the rapid rise of social media, huge amount of Big ment analysis model.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 2

To date, most of the research work in this field has focused visual mediums provide more information than they provide
on multimodal emotion recognition using visual and aural in- alone. This is often the case when the brain relies on several
formation. On the other hand, there is currently rather scarce sources of sensory inputs in validating events. Using them, it
literature on multimodal sentiment analysis. Furthermore, most compensates for any incomplete information which can hinder
of the work in sentiment analysis has thus far been carried out decision processes. For example, during a car accident, a per-
in the field of natural language processing (NLP), hence, the son may not see any flames (visual) but the smell of burning
primary datasets and resources available are restricted to text- rubber and heat proliferating through the dash would signal to
based opinion mining. However, with the advent of social me- the brain that a fire is kindling, thus demanding an immediate
dia, people are extensively using multimodal social media plat- exit from the vehicle. In this example, the information driv-
forms to express their opinions, making use of videos (e.g., ing the brain’s reaction is greater than the aggregated dissimilar
YouTube, Vimeo, VideoLectures), images (e.g., Flickr, Picasa, sensory inputs.
Facebook) and audios (e.g., podcasts). Thus, it is highly crucial The ability of a multimodal system to outperform a unimodal
to effectively mine opinions and identify affective information system is well established in the literature [? ]. However, there
from these diverse Big Data modalities. is a lack of a comprehensive literature survey, focusing on re-
Research in the affective computing field is continuing to at- cent successful methods employed in this research area. Uni-
tract the attention of academia and industry alike. This, com- modal systems are building blocks for a multimodal system,
bined with advances in signal processing and AI, has led to the hence, we require them to be performing well in order to build
development of advanced intelligent systems that aim to de- an intelligent multimodal system. In this paper, we not only dis-
tect and process affective information contained in multimodal cuss the multimodal fusion of unimodal information, but also
sources. The majority of such state-of-the-art frameworks how- discuss the state of the art in unimodal affect recognition meth-
ever, rely on processing a single modality, i.e., text, audio, or ods, as these are key pre-processing steps for the multimodal
video. Furthermore, all of these systems are known to exhibit fusion.
limitations in terms of meeting robustness, accuracy, and over- Table ?? and Table ?? give us an insight of the inclusion of
all performance requirements, which, in turn, greatly restrict the more than two modalities for multimodal affect analysis. De-
usefulness of such systems in practical real-world applications. spite considerable advances reported in this field to date, there
The aim of multi-sensor data fusion is to increase the ac- remain significant outstanding research challenges, before real-
curacy and reliability of estimates [? ]. Many applications, time multimodal affect recognition enabled smart devices make
e.g., navigation tools, have already demonstrated the potential their way into our every day lives. Some of the major challenges
of data fusion. This depicts the importance and feasibility of de- that need to be addressed, are listed below:
veloping a multimodal framework that could cope with all three
sensing modalities: text, audio, and video, in human-centric en- • Continuous data from real noisy sensors may generate in-
vironments. The way humans naturally communicate and ex- correct data.
press their emotions and sentiments is usually multimodal: the
• Identifying whether the extracted audio and utterance refer
textual, audio, and visual modalities are concurrently and cog-
to the same content.
nitively exploited to enable effective extraction of the seman-
tic and affective information conveyed during communication, • Multimodal affect analysis models should be trained on
thereby emphasizing the importance of such seamless fusion. Big Data from diverse contexts, in order build generalized
Aural data in a video expresses the tone of the speaker while models.
the visual data conveys facial expressions, which in turn can
further aid in understanding of the users’ affective state. The • Effective modeling of temporal information in the Big
data obtained from a video can be a useful source of information Data.
for emotion and sentiment analysis, but there are major chal-
• For real-time analysis of multi-modal Big Data, an appro-
lenges which need to be addressed. For example, the way we
priately scalable Big Data architecture and platform needs
convey and express opinions varies from person to person [? ].
to be designed, to effectively cope with the heterogeneous
A person may express his/her opinions more vocally while oth-
Big Data challenges of growing space and time complex-
ers do so more visually. When a person expresses his/her opin-
ions with more vocal modulation, the audio data may contain
major cues for opinion mining. On the other hand, when a per-
son is making use of more facial expressions, most of the cues 1.1. The Scope of this Survey
needed for opinion mining can be assumed to reside in their As multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion recognition
facial expressions. Hence, a generic context-sensitive model research continues to gain popularity among the AI and NLP
needs to be developed which can adapt itself for any user and research communities, there is need for a timely, thorough liter-
can give a consistent result in any real-world environment. ature review to define future directions, which can, in particular,
As human beings, we also rely on multimodal information further the progress of early stage researchers interested in this
more than unimodal [? ]. It is apparent that we get a better multi-disciplinary field.
understanding of a speaker’s intention when we see his/her fa- The only other recent survey of multimodal affect analy-
cial expressions while he/she is speaking. Together aural and sis [? ], focuses mainly on the state of the art in collecting
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 3

Figure 1: Human brain considers multisensor information together for decision making.

sample data, and reports performance comparison of selected a recent literature survey which discusses primarily the accu-
multimodal and unimodal systems, as opposed to comprehen- racy comparison of multimodal methods across datasets, in this
sively reviewing key individual systems and approaches, from paper we do not focus on that aspect. Instead, we focus on cate-
the growing literature in the field. In this study, for example, it gorization of different methods, comparing them based on their
is reported that multimodal “systems were consistently (85% of individual approach. In particular, we avoid comparing the per-
systems) more accurate than their best unimodal counterparts, formance of multimodal methods on different datasets as it is
with an average improvement of 9.83% (median of 6.60%)”. highly challenging and controversial to find a generic method
On the other hand, our paper provides a first of its kind, for that comparison. Thus, we compare research on the same
comprehensive literature review, which also serves as an edu- datasets (see Table ??) based on their accuracy. We also sepa-
cational tutorial-type medium for novice researchers to enable rately discuss multimodal emotion and sentiment classification
them to understand the complex literature and carry out com- methods.
parative experimental evaluations of benchmark methods and
resources. According to this recent survey [? ], numerous stud- Figure ?? shows the overall framework of a typical multi-
ies have confirmed the potential for multimodal systems to sig- modal affect detector. The framework consists of two funda-
nificantly outperform unimodal systems. This finding alone is mental steps: processing unimodal data separately and fusing
a sufficient motivation for beginners to explore this field. Apart them all together. Both steps are equally important: poor anal-
from the survey by D’Mello et al. [? ], there is another exten- ysis of a modality can worsen the multimodal system’s per-
sive literature survey done by Zeng et al. [? ] on multimodal formance, while an inefficient fusion can ruin the multimodal
emotion recognition, which mainly focuses on identifying chal- system’s stability. Thus, in this article, we decided to review
lenges involved in collecting and processing audio, visual and both unimodal affect analysis literature, as well as the research
audio-visual (i.e., multimodal) data. works on fusion. Finally, this paper is presented in a way
In this article, we aim to give readers an overview of key that researchers can identify key visual, audio and text analysis
state-of-the-art methodologies in order to inform them about methods from the literature, and fuse them using state-of-the-art
major past and recent works, and trends in this field. We start methods.
by discussing the available datasets and key works in the visual,
audio and textual modalities, by briefly describing the method- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section ?? de-
ologies used for each. The methodologies are clustered into fines affective computing; Section ?? lists available datasets for
definite categories for readers to easily identify their points of multimodal emotion and sentiment analysis; Section ?? dis-
interest. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the differ- cusses feature extraction from visual, audio and text modali-
ent types of fusion methodologies prevalent in the literature. In ties; Section ?? illustrates the various fusion methods for data
the end, we also provide a list of available application program collected from multimodal sources and presents an overview of
interfaces (APIs) for multimodal affect analysis. notable multimodal emotion recognition and sentiment analysis
D’Mello et al. [? ] thoroughly discuss unimodal and mul- research carried out recently; Section ?? provides a list of avail-
timodal accuracy comparison using statistical measures. They able APIs for multimodal affect analysis; Section ?? presents
have proposed statistical methods in order to compare accuracy our observations on the literature, as well as future work direc-
of different algorithms on different datasets. So, as there exists tions; finally, Section ?? concludes the research article.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 4

Figure 2: A typical multimodal affect analysis framework.

2. Affective Computing question the universality of Ekman’s studies, arguably because

the language labels he used to code emotions are somewhat US-
Before discussing the literature on unimodal and multimodal centric. In addition, other cultures might have labels that cannot
approaches to affect recognition, we introduce the notion of ‘af- be literally translated to English (e.g., some languages do not
fect’ and ‘affect taxonomy’. Affective computing is the set of have a word for fear [? ]).
techniques aimed at performing affect recognition from data, For their deep connection with language and for the limit-
in different modalities and at different granularity scales. Sen- edness of the emotional labels used, all such categorical ap-
timent analysis, for example, performs coarse-grained affect proaches usually fail to describe the complex range of emo-
recognition, as it is usually considered a binary classification tions that can occur in daily communication. The dimensional
task (positive versus negative), while emotion recognition per- approach [? ], in turn, represents emotions as coordinates in a
forms fine-grained affect recognition, as it aims to classify data multi-dimensional space. For both theoretical and practical rea-
according to a large set of emotion labels. sons, an increasing number of researchers prefer to define emo-
In this paper, we focus on these two kinds of affect recog- tions according to two or more dimensions. An early example
nition by specifically identifying datasets (Table ??, ??) and is Russell’s circumplex model [? ], which uses the dimensions
works (Table ??, ??) in both fields. While there is a fixed tax- of arousal and valence to plot 150 affective labels.
onomy for sentiment which is bound within positive, negative Similarly, Whissell considers emotions as a continuous 2D
and neutral sentiments, the taxonomy for emotions is diverse. space whose dimensions are evaluation and activation [? ]. The
Philosophical studies on emotions date back to ancient Greeks evaluation dimension measures how a human feels, from pos-
and Romans. Following the early Stoics, for example, Cicero itive to negative. The activation dimension measures whether
enumerated and organized the emotions into four basic cate- humans are more or less likely to take some action under the
gories: metus (fear), aegritudo (pain), libido (lust), and laetitia emotional state, from active to passive. In her study, Whissell
(pleasure). Studies on the evolutionary theory of emotions, in assigns a pair of values <activation, evaluation> to each of
turn, were initiated in the late 19th century by Darwin [? ]. the approximately 9,000 words with affective connotations that
His thesis was that emotions evolved via natural selection and, make up her Dictionary of Affect in Language.
therefore, have cross-culturally universal counterparts. In the Another bi-dimensional model is Plutchik’s wheel of emo-
early 1970s, Ekman found evidence that humans share six basic tions, which offers an integrative theory based on evolutionary
emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise principles [? ]. Following Darwin’s thought, the functionalist
[? ]. Few tentative efforts to detect non-basic affective states, approach to emotions holds that emotions have evolved for a
such as fatigue, anxiety, satisfaction, confusion, or frustration, particular function, such as to keep the subject safe [? ]. Emo-
have been also made [? ? ? ]. tions are adaptive as they have a complexity born of a long evo-
In 1980, Averill put forward the idea that emotions cannot lutionary history and, although we conceive emotions as feeling
be explained strictly on the basis of physiological or cognitive states, Plutchik says the feeling state is part of a process involv-
terms. Instead, he claimed that emotions are primarily social ing both cognition and behavior and containing several feed-
constructs; hence, a social level of analysis is necessary to truly back loops. In 1980, he created a wheel of emotions, which
understand the nature of emotions. The relationship between consisted of 8 basic emotions and 8 advanced emotion,s each
emotions and language (and the fact that the language of emo- composed of 2 basic ones. In such model, the vertical dimen-
tions is considered a vital part of the experience of emotions) sion represents intensity and the radial dimension represents de-
has been used by social constructivists and anthropologists to grees of similarity among emotions.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 5

emotions. Most dimensional representations, moreover, do not

model the fact that two or more emotions may be experienced
at the same time. Eventually, all such approaches work at word
level, which makes them unable to grasp the affective valence
of multiple-word concepts.
All such limitations are overcome by the Hourglass of Emo-
tions [? ], a new affective representation based on Plutchik’s
model, which represents affective states both through labels,
and through four independent but concomitant affective dimen-
sions, which can potentially describe the full range of emotional
experiences that are rooted in any of us (Fig. ??). By lever-
aging on multiple (polarized) activation levels for each affec-
tive dimension, the Hourglass of Emotions covers cases where
up to four emotions can be expressed at the same time and al-
lows for reasoning on them in an algebraic manner. The model
also allows for affective common sense reasoning on both sin-
gle words and multiple-word expressions [? ] and provides a
formula to calculate polarity based on emotions, which repre-
sents the first explicit attempt to bridge sentiment analysis and
emotion recognition.

3. Available Datasets

As the primary purpose of this paper is to inform readers on

recent advances in multimodal affect recognition, in this sec-
tion we describe widely-used datasets for multimodal emotion
recognition and sentiment analysis. However, we do not cover
unimodal datasets, for example facial expression recognition
from image datasets (e.g., CK++), as they are outwith the scope
of the paper.
In the literature, we found two main methodologies for
Figure 3: The Hourglass of Emotions. dataset collection: natural videos and video recordings of sub-
jects acting based on pre-decided scripts. To curate the latter,
subjects were provided affect-related scripts and asked to act.
Besides bi-dimensional approaches, a commonly used It is observed that such datasets can suffer from inaccurate ac-
framework for emotion representation is the <arousal, va- tions by subjects, leading to corrupted samples or inaccurate
lence, dominance> set, which is known in the literature by dif- information for the training dataset. According to D’Mello
ferent names, including <evaluation, activation, power> and et al. [? ], even though, in literature, a multimodal frame-
<pleasure, arousal, dominance> [? ]. Recent evidence sug- work achieved performance improvement over unimodal sys-
gests there should be a fourth dimension: Fontaine et al. re- tems, improvement was much lower when it was trained on
ported consistent results from various cultures where a set of natural data (4.59% improvement) versus acted data (12.7% im-
four dimensions is found in user studies, namely <valence, po- provement).
tency, arousal, unpredictability> [? ]. Dimensional representa- There are several other drawbacks associated with this
tions of affect are attractive mainly because they provide a way method, e.g., the time taken to create the dataset and biased
of describing emotional states that is more tractable than using labeling. Due to these problems, a model trained on these
words. This is of particular importance when dealing with nat- datasets may suffer from poor generalization capability. To
uralistic data, where a wide range of emotional states occur. overcome such problems, Morency et al. [? ] proposed a
Similarly, they are better equipped to deal with non-discrete method of dataset collection in which the product review videos
emotions and variations in emotional states over time [? ], since were crawled from popular social websites and later labeled
in such cases changing from one universal emotion label to an- with emotion and sentiment labels.
other would not make much sense in real life scenarios. A common feature amongst both approaches is that they are
Dimensional approaches, however, have a few limitations. labeled at utterance level, i.e., for each utterance there is an as-
Although the dimensional space allows comparison of affect sociated emotion or sentiment label. Utterance-level labeling
words according to their reciprocal distance, it usually does not scheme is particularly important to track the emotion and senti-
enable operations between these, e.g., for studying compound ment dynamics of the subject’s mindset in a video.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 6

3.1. Datasets for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis collected 308 YouTube videos, out of which 228 were anno-
tated as positive, 57 as negative and 23 as neutral. They also
Available datasets for multimodal sentiment analysis have
gathered 78 movie review videos from ExpoTV, from which 62
mostly been collected from product reviews available on differ-
were annotated as negative, 14 as neutral and 2 as positive. The
ent online video sharing platforms, e.g., YouTube. The publicly
final dataset comprised a total of 370 videos, which included
available multimodal emotion recognition and sentiment analy-
all 308 videos from YouTube and 62 negative movie review
sis datasets are summarized in Table ?? and ??, respectively.
videos from ExpoTV. The annotation task was performed by
two annotators for YouTube videos and one annotator for Ex-
YouTube Dataset. This dataset was developed in 2011 by poTV videos. In contrast with other datasets, this dataset had
Morency et al. [? ]. The idea behind its development is to cap- five sentiment labels: strongly positive, weakly positive, neu-
ture the data present in the increasing number of videos posted tral, strongly negative and weakly negative.
online every day. The authors take pride in developing the first
publicly available dataset for tri-modal sentiment analysis, by 3.2. Datasets for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
combining visual, audio and textual modalities. The dataset
was created by collecting videos from YouTube that are diverse We describe the datasets currently available for multimodal
and multimodal and have ambient noises. The keywords used emotion recognition below. To the best of our knowledge,
for the collection of videos are opinion, review, best perfume, all available datasets for multimodal emotion recognition are
tooth paste, business, war, job, I hate and I like. Finally, a acted.
dataset of 47 videos was created, out of which 20 were from fe-
HUMAINE Database. This dataset was developed in 2007 by
male speakers and the rest male, with their ages ranging from 14
Douglas-Cowie et al. [? ]. The database provides naturalis-
to 60 years. All speakers expressed their views in English and
tic clips of pervasive emotions from multiple modalities and
belonged to different cultures. The videos were set to .mp4 for-
labels the best ones describing them. It consists of 50 clips
mat with a size of 360x480. The 47 videos in the dataset were
from both naturalistic and induced data, spanning a broad emo-
further annotated with one of three sentiment labels: positive,
tional space, covering cues from body gestures, face, voice and
negative or neutral. This annotation task led to 13 positively,
words and representing speakers from different genders and
12 negatively and 22 neutrally labeled videos. For qualitative
cultures. Labels describing both signs and emotional content
and statistical analysis of the dataset, the authors used polarized
are designed to be time aligned rather than global, as timing
words in text, ‘smile’ and ‘look away’ in visual, and pauses and
appears to be an important factor in many areas.
pitch in aural modality, as the main features.
The Belfast Database. This dataset was developed in 2000 by
MOUD Dataset. The Multimodal Opinion Utterances Dataset Douglas-Cowie et al. [? ]. The database consists of audiovisual
(MOUD) was developed in 2013 by Perez-Rosas et al. [? ]. data of people discussing emotional subjects and are taken from
This is a dataset of utterances, with all videos recorded in Span- TV chat shows and religious programs. It comprises 100 speak-
ish. A final set of 80 videos was selected, out of which 65 ers and 239 clips, with 1 neutral and 1 emotional clip for each
were from female speakers and 15 from male speakers, with speaker. Two types of descriptors were provided for each clip
age ranging from 20 to 60 years. A multimodal dataset of 498 – dimensional and categorical. Activation and evaluation are
utterances was eventually created with an average duration of dimensions that are known to discriminate effectively between
5 seconds and a standard deviation of 1.2 seconds. The dataset emotional states. Activation values indicate the dynamics of
was annotated using Elan, an annotator tool used for video and a state and evaluation values provide a global indication of the
audio sources, along with two other annotators. The annotation positive or negative feelings associated with the emotional state.
task led to 182 positive, 231 negative and 85 neutral labeled ut- Categorical labels describe the emotional content of each state.
terances. There were 28 features considered for computation in
total, including: prosody features, energy features, voice proba- The SEMAINE Database. This dataset was developed in 2007
bilities and spectral features. This trimodality dataset is said to by McKeown et al. [? ]. It is a large audiovisual database
produce an error rate reduction of 10.5% compared to the best created for building agents that can engage a person in a sus-
unimodality set. The authors also experimentally demonstrated tained and emotional conversation using a Sensitive Artificial
an interesting fact, that a ‘distressed brow’ is the strongest fea- Listener (SAL) [? ] paradigm. SAL is an interaction involv-
ture for segment classification, with a smile being a close sec- ing two parties: a ‘human’ and an ‘operator’ (either machine
ond. or a person simulating a machine). The interaction is based on
two qualities: one is low sensitivity to preceding verbal context
ICT-MMMO Database. The Institute for Creative Technolo- (the words the user used that do not dictate whether to continue
gies Multi-Modal Movie Opinion (ICT-MMMO) database was the conversation) and the second is conduciveness (response
developed in 2013 by Wollmer et al. [? ]. This dataset is a col- to a phrase by continuing the conversation). There were 150
lection of online videos obtained from YouTube and ExpoTV participants, 959 conversations, each lasting 5 minutes. There
reviewing movies in English. The authors used keywords such were 6-8 annotators per clip, who eventually traced 5 affective
as movie, review, videos and opinions, and the names of recent dimensions and 27 associated categories. For the recordings,
movies as listed by, as search keywords. The authors the participants were asked to talk in turn to four emotionally
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 7

stereotyped characters. The characters are Prudence, who is scribe the literature of unimodal affect analysis primarily fo-
even-tempered and sensible; Poppy, who is happy and outgo- cusing on visual, audio and textual modalities. The following
ing; Spike, who is angry and confrontational; and Obadiah, who section focuses on multimodal fusion. This particularly benefits
is sad and depressive. Videos were recorded at 49.979 frames the readers as they can refer to this section for unimodal affect
per second at a spatial resolution of 780 x 580 pixels and 8 bits analysis literature while the following section will inform on
per sample, while audio was recorded at 48 kHz with 24 bits how to integrate the output of unimodal systems, with the final
per sample. To accommodate research in audio-visual fusion, goal of developing a multimodal affect analysis framework.
the audio and video signals were synchronized with an accuracy
of 25micro-seconds. 4.1. Visual Modality
Facial expressions are primary cues for understanding emo-
Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture Database tions and sentiments. Across the ages of people involved, and
(IEMOCAP). IEMOCAP dataset was developed in 2008 by the nature of conversations, facial expressions are the primary
Busso et al. [? ]. 10 actors were asked to record their fa- channel for forming an impression of the subject’s present state
cial expressions in front of cameras. Facial markers, and head of mind. Ekman et al. [? ], considered pioneers in this re-
and hand gesture trackers were applied in order to collect fa- search, argued that it is possible to detect six basic emotions,
cial expressions, and head and hand gestures. In particular, the e.g., Anger, Joy, Sadness, Disgust and Surprise from cues of fa-
dataset contains a total of 10 hours recording of dyadic ses- cial expressions. In this section, we present various studies on
sions, each of them expressing one of the following emotions: the use of visual features for multimodal affect analysis.
happiness, anger, sadness, frustration and neutral state. The
recorded dyadic sessions were later manually segmented at ut- 4.1.1. Facial Action Coding System
terance level (defined as continuous segments when one of the As facial cues gained traction in discerning emotions, a num-
actors was actively speaking). The acting was based on some ber of observer-based measurement systems for facial expres-
scripts, hence, it was easy to segment the dialogs for utterance sions were developed [? ? ? ]. Out of these systems, the Fa-
detection in the textual part of the recordings. Busso et al. [? cial Action Coding System (FACS) developed by Ekman and
] used two famous emotion taxonomies in order to manually Friesen [? ] has been widely used. FACS is based on the
label the dataset at utterance level: discrete categorical-based reconstruction of facial expressions in terms of Action Units
annotations (i.e., labels such as happiness, anger, and sadness), (AU). The facial muscles of all humans are almost identical and
and continuous attribute-based annotations (i.e., activation, va- AUs are based on movements of these muscles, which consist
lence and dominance). To assess the emotion categories of the of three basic parts: AU number, FACS name, and muscular
recordings, six human evaluators were appointed. Having two basis. FACS only distinguishes facial actions and gives no in-
different annotation schemes can provide complementary infor- ference on emotions. FACS codes are used to infer emotions
mation in human-machine interaction systems. The evaluation using a variety of available resources such as FACS Investiga-
sessions were organized so that three different evaluators as- tors’ Guide [? ], the FACS interpretive database [? ], and a
sessed each utterance. Self-assessment manikins (SAMs) were large body of empirical research [? ].
also employed to evaluate the corpus in terms of the attributes These resources use combinations of AUs for specifying
valence [1-negative, 5-positive], activation [1-calm, 5-excited], emotions. In 1992, the seventh emotion ‘contempt’ was added
and dominance [1-weak, 5-strong]. Two more human evalu- to the universal set of emotions [? ], as it expresses disrespect
ators were asked to estimate the emotional content in record- which is equally important when compared to the six basic
ings using the SAM system. These two types of emotional de- emotions. In 2002, an updated version of FACS was introduced
scriptors facilitate the complementary insights about the emo- where the description of each AU, and AU combinations were
tional expressions of humans, emotional communications be- refined. Furthermore, details on head movements and eye po-
tween people which can further help develop better human- sitions were also added [? ]. In addition to emotion and senti-
machine interfaces by automatically recognizing and synthe- ment analysis, FACS is also used in the field of neuroscience [?
sizing emotional cues expressed by humans. ], computer vision [? ], computer graphics [? ] and animation
[? ], and face encoding for digital signal processing [? ].
The eNTERFACE database. This dataset was developed in Ekman’s work inspired many researchers to employ image
2006 by Martin et al. [? ]. It is an audiovisual developed for and video processing methods in order to analyze facial expres-
use as a reference database for testing and evaluating video, au- sions. Yacoob et al. [? ] and Black et al. [? ] used high gradient
dio or joint audio-visual emotion recognition algorithms. This points on the face, and tracked head and facial movements to
database elicited universal emotions of happiness, sadness, sur- recognize facial expressions. Geometrical features [? ] with a
prise, anger, disgust and fear with the help of 42 speakers, from multi-scale, multi-orientation Gabor Wavelet-based representa-
14 different nationalities. tion was used to identify expressions. Kalman Filter and prob-
abilistic principal component analysis (PCA) [? ] was used to
4. Unimodal Features for Affect Recognition track the pupils, in order to enhance the features. A stochastic
gradient descent based technique [? ] and active appearance
Unimodal systems act as the primary building blocks for a model (AAM) [? ] were used to recover the face shape and
well-performing multimodal framework. In this section, we de- texture parameters, for facial features.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 8

Table 1: Multimodal emotion analysis datasets.

Dataset References Modality Speakers Features Sentiment Annotators Availability

HUMAINE Cowie et al. A+V 50 Emotion words, authenticity, NA 6 (only 16 clips Publicly available
[? ] core affect dimensions, labeled) http://emotion-research
context labels .net/download/pilot-db

Belfast Cowie et al. A+V 125 Wide range of NA 7 On registration

database [? ] (31 M, 94 F) emotions http://belfast-naturalistic

SEMAINE McKeown et al. A+V 150 Angry, happy, fear, disgust, NA 6 On registration
[? ] disgust, sadness, contempt
and amusement

IEMOCAP Busso et al. A+V 10 Happiness, anger, sadness, NA 3 for each On request
[? ] (5 M, 5 F) frustration and neutral state emotion category

eNTERFACE Martin et al. A+V 42 Happiness, anger, sadness, NA 2 Publicly available

[? ] (34 M, 8 F) surprise, disgust and fear
Legenda: A=Audio; V=Video
Table 2: Multimodal sentiment analysis datasets.

Dataset References Modality Speakers Features Sentiment Annotators Availability

ICT-MMMO Wollmer et al. A+T+V 370 1000 linguistic Strongly Negative, 3 By sending mail to
[? ] +1941 acoustic Weakly Negative, Giota Stratou
+20 visual Neutral, Weakly ([email protected])
Positive and Strongly

MOUD Rosas et al. A+T+V 80 28 acoustic Positive, Negative, 2 Publicly available

[? ] (65 F, 15 M) +40 visual and Neutral

YouTube Morency et al. A+T+V 47 1000 linguistic Polarized words, 3 By sending mail to
dataset [? ] (20 F, 27 M) +1941 acoustic smile, look away, Giota Stratou
+20 visual Pauses and Pitch ([email protected])
Legenda: A=Audio; T=Text; V=Video

A comparison of several techniques [? ], such as optical 4.1.2. Main Facial Expression Recognition Techniques
flow, PCA, independent component analysis (ICA), local fea- Some of the important facial expression recognition tech-
ture analysis and Gabor wavelet, for recognition of action units, niques, face tracking and feature extraction methods are briefly
found that, Gabor wavelet representation and ICA performed described below:
better on most datasets. Considering every part of the face as Active Appearance Models (AAM) [? ] are well-known algo-
an important feature, a multi-state face component model [? ], rithms for modeling deformable objects. The models decouple
was introduced to exploit both permanent and transient features. the shape and texture of objects, using a gradient-based model
Permanent features are those which remain the same through fitting approach. Most popular applications of AAM include
ages, which include opening and closing of lips and eyes, pupil recognition, tracking, segmentation and synthesis.
location, eyebrows and cheek areas.
Transient features are observed only at the time of facial ex- Optical flow models [? ] are used to calculate the motion
pressions, such as contraction of the corrugator muscle that pro- of the objects or the motion of two image frames, based on
duces vertical furrows between the eyebrows. Texture features gradients. These methods are also termed differential methods
of the face have also been considered for facial expression anal- as they are calculated using Taylor series.
ysis in a number of feature extraction methods, including: im-
age intensity [? ], image difference [? ], edge detection [? Active Shape Models (ASM) [? ] are statistical models
], and Gabor wavelets [? ]. In order to recognize and model that deform to fit the data or object in an image in ways
facial expressions in terms of emotions and sentiments, numer- consistent with the training data provided. These models are
ous classifiers have been used, such as Nearest Neighbor [? ], used mainly to enhance automatic analysis of images under
Neural Networks [? ], support vector machine (SVM) [? ], noisy or cluttered environments.
Bayesian Networks [? ], and AdaBoost classifiers [? ].
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 9

3D Morphable Models (3DMM) [? ] are models that are An important facet in video-based methods is maintaining
used for facial feature analysis by modeling 3D faces, that accurate tracking throughout the video sequence. A wide range
are immune to pose and illumination. Thus, these models are of deformable models, such as muscle-based models [? ], 3D
used for automatic 3D face registration by computing dense wireframe modesl [? ], elastic net models [? ] and geometry-
one-to-one correspondences, and adjusting the naturalness of based shape models [? ? ], have been used to track facial fea-
modeled faces. tures in videos. Thus, deformable models have demonstrated
an improvement in both facial tracking and facial expression
Muscle-based models [? ] are models that consist of facial analysis accuracy, [? ]. Following this, many automatic meth-
feature points corresponding to facial muscles, for tracking ods for detection of facial features and facial expressions were
motion of facial components, such as eyebrows, eyes and proposed [? ? ? ], both image-based and video-based.
mouth, thus recognizing facial expressions.
4.1.4. Body Gestures
3D wireframe models [? ] are 3-dimensional models of an
Though most research works have concentrated on facial fea-
object where the edges or vertices are connected using straight
ture extraction for emotion and sentiment analysis, there are
lines or curves. Once the model is designed for a given face,
some contributions based on features extracted from body ges-
the head motion and local deformations of the facial features
tures. Research in psychology suggests that body gestures pro-
such as eyebrows, eyes and mouth can be tracked.
vide a significant source of features for emotion and sentiment
recognition. In [? ], a detailed study was carried out on how
Elastic net model [? ] represents facial expressions as
body gestures are related to emotions and how various combi-
motion vectors of the deformed net, from a facial edge image.
nations of body gesture dimensions and qualities can be found
in different emotions. It was also shown how basic emotions
Geometry-based shape models [? ] are models that represent
can be automatically distinguished from simple statistical mea-
expression changes in a face through geometry-based high-
sures of motion’s dynamics induced by body movements [? ].
dimensional 2D shape transformations, which are then used to
Based on these groundbreaking studies, a set of body gesture
register regions of a face with expressions, to those defined on
features for emotion recognition were extracted to help autis-
the template face.
tic children [? ]. Inspired by these pioneering findings, an
automatic emotion recognition framework was proposed from
3D Constrained Local Model (CLM-Z) [? ] is a non-rigid
body gestures, using a set of postural, kinematic, and geomet-
face tracking model used to track facial features under varying
rical features extracted from sequences of 3D skeletal move-
poses, by including both depth and intensity information.
ments, which were fed to a multiclass SVM classifier for emo-
Non-rigid face tracking refers to points of interest in an image,
tion recognition [? ].
for example, nose tip, corners of eyes and lips. The CLM-Z
In [? ], a mathematical model was developed to analyze the
model can be described by the parameters p = [s, R, q, t], where
dynamics of body gestures for emotion expressiveness. Some
s is a scale factor, R is object rotation, t represents 2D trans-
of the extracted motion cues to understand the subject’s tem-
lation and q is the vector describing non-rigid variation of the q.
poral profile included: initial and final slope of the main peak,
ratio between the maximum value and the duration of the main
Generalized Adaptive View-based Appearance Model
peak, ratio between the absolute maximum and the biggest fol-
(GAVAM) [? ] is a probabilistic framework combining
lowing relative maximum, centroid of the energy, symmetry in-
dynamic or motion-based approaches to track the position
dex, shift index of the main peak, and number of peaks.
and orientation of the head through video sequences, and
In [? ], both facial and hand gesture features were used
employs static user-independent approaches to detect head
to perform emotion analysis and the creation of moving skin
pose from an image. GAVAM is considered a high-precision,
masks in order to estimate user’s movement by tracking the cen-
user-independent real-time head pose tracking algorithm.
troid of skin masks over the person under experimentation.
In other works, the CLM-Z and GAVAM models were inte-
grated for rigid and non-rigid facial tracking to improve pose 4.1.5. New Era: Deep Learning to Extract Visual Features
estimation accuracy for both 2D and 3D cases [? ]. In the last two sections, we described the use of handcrafted
feature extraction from a visual modality and mathematical
4.1.3. Extracting Temporal Features from Videos models for facial expression analysis. With the advent of deep
Although we have addressed some of the key works on rec- learning, we can now extract features automatically without
ognizing facial expressions from images, most of those methods prior intervention. The deep learning framework enables robust
do not work well for videos as they do not model temporal in- and accurate feature learning, which in turn produces bench-
formation. In this paragraph, we discuss a few methods which mark performance on a range of applications, including digit
used temporal information [? ? ? ? ], Motion-Units (MU) recognition [? ], image classification [? ], feature learning [?
(otherwise called facial motion) [? ] and features in terms of ], visual recognition [? ], musical signal processing [? ] and
duration, content and valence [? ] for affect recognition from NLP [? ]. Both academia and industries have invested a huge
videos. amount of effort in building powerful deep neural networks.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 10

Figure 4: C3D for extracting spatio-temporal generic video features.

These demonstrate the potential of deep learning to develop features using a simple classifier outperforming existing state-
robust features, in both supervised and unsupervised settings. of-the-art methods.
Even though deep neural networks may be trapped in local Poria et al. [? ] have developed a convolutional recur-
optima [? ], different optimization techniques can be effectively rent neural network (RNN) to extract visual features. In their
employed to enhance their performance in many challenging study, a CNN and RNN have been stacked and trained together
fields. Inspired by the recent success of deep learning, emotion (Fig. ??). On both multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion
and sentiment analysis tasks have also been enhanced by the recognition datasets, their approach outperformed the state of
adoption of deep learning algorithms, e.g., convolutional neural the art.
network (CNN).
4.2. Audio Modality
In [? ], a novel visual sentiment prediction framework was
designed to understand images using CNN. The framework is Similar to text and visual feature analysis, emotion and senti-
based on transfer learning from a CNN pre-trained on large ment analysis through audio features has specific components.
scale data for object recognition, which in turn is used for Several prosodic and acoustic features have been used in the lit-
sentiment prediction. The main advantage of the proposed erature to teach machines how to detect emotions [? ? ? ? ].
framework is that there is no requirement of domain knowledge Since emotional characteristics are more prominent in prosodic
for visual sentiment prediction. features, these features are widely used in the literature [? ? ].
Researchers started targeting affective reactions to everyday
sounds [? ], which have ultimately led to enormous applica-
Motivated by the need for processing increasingly large and tions to date, both in unimodal and multimodal analysis. The
noisy data in the field of image sentiment analysis, CNN has current trend is to understand affect in naturalistic videos [? ? ?
been employed in [? ], coupled with a progressive strategy to ], e.g., spontaneous dialogs, audio recordings collected in call
fine tune deep learning networks to filter out noisy training data centers, interviews, etc. Early research on extraction of audio
and use of domain transfer learning to enhance performance. features focused on the phonetic and acoustic properties of spo-
ken language. With the help of psychological studies related to
In [? ], emotion recognition for user generated videos is emotion, it was found that vocal parameters, especially pitch,
performed through the extraction of deep convolution network intensity, speaking rate and voice quality play an important role
features and through zero-shot emotion learning, a method in recognition of emotion and sentiment analysis [? ].
that predicts emotions not observed in the training set. To Further studies showed that acoustic parameters change not
implement this task, image transfer encoding (ITE) is proposed only through oral variations, but are also dependent on person-
to encode the extracted features and generate video representa- ality traits. Various works have been carried out based on the
tions. types of features that are needed for better analysis [? ? ].
Researchers have found pitch and energy related features play-
More recently, deep 3D convolutional networks (C3D) ing a key role in affect recognition. Other features that have
(Fig. ??) have been proposed for spatio-temporal feature learn- been used by some researchers for feature extraction include
ing [? ]. The C3D network comprises 8 convolution layers, formants, mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), pause,
5 pooling layers, 2 fully connected layers, and a softmax out- teager energy operated based features, log frequency power
put layer. The network has been shown to be more amenable for coefficients (LFPC) and linear prediction cepstral coefficients
spatio-temporal feature learning, in comparison with 2D convo- (LPCC).
lution networks. The 3x3 convolution kernels in all layers were Some of the important audio features are described briefly
found to create the best performing architecture, with learned below:
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 11

t t t
+ t
1 + Logistic Layer
1 t+1 1D Features Hidden Neurons
Kernel 3 = n3x×n3y
t+3 2 t
t+2 t+1

t+1 Kernel 2 = n2x×n2y delay

Up Sampled RNN Time-delayed
Layer 2 Features
t 1 2D Features delay

Video Sequence 2
t+1 Layer 1 Layer 2
2D Features 2D Features
Kernel 1 = n1x×n1y
Transformed 2D feature

Figure 5: CNN for visual sentiment recognition as proposed by Poria et al. [? ].

• Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are coef- • The Perceptual Linear Predictive Coefficients (PLP) are
ficients that collectively form a mel-frequency cepstrum created from linear prediction coefficients (LPC) by per-
(MFC). The MFC is a short-term power spectrum of a forming perceptual processing before autoregressive mod-
sound or an audio clip, which approximates the human eling and followed by cepstral conversion.
auditory system more closely than any other available
linearly-spaced frequency band distribution. This feature OpenSMILE [? ] is a popular audio feature extraction toolkit
is calculated based on the linear cosine transform of a log which is able to extract all the key features as elaborated above.
power spectrum, on a mel-frequency scaling. This framework is shown in Figure ??. The affective reactions
to sound have been classified as discrete feeling states and states
• Spectral centroid indicates the center of mass of the mag- based on dimensions [? ? ]. Discrete feeling states are defined
nitude spectrum, which simply provides an indication of as emotions that are spontaneous, uncontrollable or, in other
the brightness of a sound. words, universal emotions. The states based on dimension are
hedonic valence (pleasantness), arousal (activation, intensity)
• Spectral flux defines how quickly the power spectrum of and dominance.
a signal is changing. This feature is usually calculated Recent studies on speech-based emotion analysis [? ? ? ?
by taking the Euclidean distance between two normalized ] have focused on identifying several acoustic features such
spectra. as fundamental frequency (pitch), intensity of utterance [? ],
bandwidth, and duration. The speaker-dependent approach of-
• Beat Histogram is a histogram showing the strength of dif- ten gives much better results than the speaker-independent ap-
ferent rhythmic periodicities in a signal. It is typically cal- proach, as shown by benchmark results of Navas et al. [? ],
culated by taking the RMS of 256 windows and then tak- where about 98% accuracy was achieved using the Gaussian
ing the FFT of the output. mixture model (GMM) as a classifier, with prosodic, voice
quality as well as MFCCs employed as speech features. How-
• Beat sum is used to find regular beats in a signal. It is cal- ever, the speaker-dependent approach is not feasible in many
culated as the sum of all entries in the beat histogram. practical applications that deal with a very large number of
• Strongest beat is the strongest beat in a signal and is found
by identifying the strongest bin the beat histogram.
4.2.1. Local Features vs. Global Features
• Pause duration is the time the speaker is silent in an audio Audio affect classification is also classified into local features
segment. and global features. The common approach to analyze audio
modality is to segment each audio/utterance into either over-
• Pitch is the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vi- lapped or non-overlapped segments and examine them. Within
brations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a segment the signal is considered to be stationary. The features
a tone. extracted from these segments are called local features.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 12

Figure 6: The OpenSMILE framework.

In speech production, there are several utterances and, for To overcome this problem, Long Short Term Memory
each utterance, the audio signal can be divided into several seg- (LSTM) [? ], and bi-directional LSTM [? ] have been com-
ments. Global features are calculated by measuring several monly used on hand-extracted acoustic features. In computer
statistics, e.g., average, mean, deviation of the local features. vision, deep networks are frequently used for automatic feature
Global features are the most commonly used features in the lit- extraction. A possible research question is whether deep net-
erature. They are fast to compute and, as they are fewer in works can be replicated for automatic feature extraction from
number compared to local features, the overall speed of compu- aural data. As shown in a pilot study [? ], CNN can be used
tation is enhanced [? ]. However, there are some drawbacks of to extract features from audio, which can subsequently be used
calculating global features, as some of them are only useful to in a classifier for the final emotion classification task. General-
detect affect of high arousal, e.g., anger and disgust. For lower ized discriminant analysis (GerDA) based deep neural networks
arousals, global features are not that effective, e.g., global fea- are also a very popular approach in the literature for automatic
tures are less prominent to distinguish between anger and joy. feature extraction from raw audio data. However, most deep
Global features also lack temporal information and dependence learning approaches in audio emotion classification literature
between two segments in an utterance. rely on handcrafted features [? ].
Recently, researchers have applied audio emotion and senti-
4.2.2. Speaker-Independent Applications ment analysis in many fields, in particular to one of the most
To the best of our knowledge, for speaker-independent ap- active and prominent areas in recent years: human-computer
plications, the best classification accuracy achieved to-date is interaction [? ? ].
81% [? ], obtained on the Berlin Database of Emotional Speech
(BDES) [? ] using a two-step classification approach and a 4.3. Textual Modality
unique set of spectral, prosodic, and voice features, selected In this section, we present the state of the art of both emo-
through the Sequential Floating Forward Selection (SFFS) al- tion recognition and sentiment analysis from text. The task of
gorithm [? ]. As demonstrated in the analysis by Scherer et automatically identifying fine-grained emotions, such as anger,
al. [? ], human ability to recognize emotions from speech au- joy, surprise, fear, disgust, and sadness, explicitly or implicitly
dio is about 60%. Their study showed that sadness and anger expressed in text has been addressed by several researchers [?
are detected more easily from speech, while the recognition of ? ]. So far, approaches to text-based emotion and sentiment
joy and fear is less reliable. Caridakis et al. [? ] obtained recognition rely mainly on rule-based techniques, bag of words
93.30% and 76.67% accuracy to identify anger and sadness, re- (BoW) modeling using a large sentiment or emotion lexicon [?
spectively, from speech, using 377 features based on intensity, ], or statistical approaches that assume the availability of a large
pitch, MFCCs, Bark spectral bands, voiced segment character- dataset annotated with polarity or emotion labels [? ].
istics, and pause length. Several supervised and unsupervised classifiers have been
built to recognize emotional content in text [? ]. The SNoW
4.2.3. Audio Features Extraction Using Deep Networks architecture [? ] is one of the most useful frameworks for text-
As for computer vision, deep learning is also gaining increas- based emotion recognition. In the past decade, researchers have
ing attention in audio classification research. In the context of mainly focused on sentiment extraction from texts of different
audio emotion classification, autoencoder followed by a CNN genres, such as news [? ], blogs [? ], and customer reviews [? ]
has been used in [? ]. Authors trained CNN on the features ex- to name a few.
tracted from all time frames. These types of models are usually Sentiment analysis systems can be broadly categorized into
incapable of modeling temporal information. knowledge-based and statistics-based systems [? ]. While ini-
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 13

tially the use of knowledge bases was more popular for the iden- domain and unlabeled training data from both source and target
tification of emotions and polarity in text, recently sentiment domains. Sentiment sensitivity was obtained by including doc-
analysis researchers have been increasingly using statistics- uments’ sentiment labels into the context vector. At the time
based approaches, with a special focus on supervised statistical of training and testing, this sentiment thesaurus was used to ex-
methods. For example, Pang et al. [? ] compared the perfor- pand the feature vector.
mance of different machine learning algorithms on a movie re- Some recent approaches used SenticNet [? ], a domain-
view dataset and obtained 82.90% accuracy using a large num- independent resource for sentiment analysis containing 50,000
ber of textual features. A recent approach by Socher et al. [? ] commonsense concepts, for tasks such as opinion holder detec-
obtained even better accuracy (85%) on the same dataset using tion [? ], knowledge expansion [? ], subjectivity detection [? ],
a recursive neural tensor network (RNTN). Yu and Hatzivas- event summarization [? ], short text message classification [? ],
siloglou [? ] used semantic orientation of words to identify sarcasm detection [? ], Twitter sentiment classification [? ], de-
polarity at sentence level. Melville et al. [? ] developed a ception detection [? ], user profiling [? ], emotion visualization
framework that exploits word-class association information for [? ], and business intelligence [? ].
domain-dependent sentiment analysis.
Other unsupervised or knowledge-based approaches to sen- 4.3.2. Use of Linguistic Patterns
timent analysis include: Turney et al. [? ], who used seed Whilst machine learning methods, for supervised training of
words to calculate polarity and semantic orientation of phrases; the sentiment analysis system, are predominant in literature, a
Melville et al. [? ], who proposed a mathematical model to ex- number of unsupervised methods such as linguistic patterns can
tract emotional clues from blogs and used them for sentiment also be found. In theory, sentence structure is key to carry out
recognition; Gangemi et al. [? ], who presented an unsuper- sentiment analysis, as a simple change in the word order can
vised frame-based approach to identify opinion holders and top- flip the polarity of a sentence. Linguistic patterns aim to better
ics; and sentic computing [? ], a hybrid approach to sentiment understand sentence structure based on its lexical dependency
analysis that exploits an ensemble of deep learning, common- tree, which can be used to calculate sentiment polarity.
sense reasoning, and linguistics to better grasp semantics and In 2014, [? ] proposed a novel sentiment analysis framework
sentics (i.e., denotative and connotative information) associated which incorporates computational intelligence, linguistics, and
with natural language concepts (Fig. ??). commonsense computing [? ] in an attempt to better understand
sentiment orientation and flow in natural language text. Figure
4.3.1. Single- vs. Cross-domain ?? shows how linguistic patterns can function like logic gates
Sentiment analysis research can also be categorized as in a circuit. One of the earliest works in the study of linguistic
single-domain [? ? ? ] versus cross-domain [? ]. The patterns for sentiment analysis was carried out by [? ], where a
work presented in [? ] discusses spectral feature alignment to corpus and some seed adjective sentiment words were used to
group domain-specific words from different domains into clus- find additional sentiment adjectives in the corpus. Their tech-
ters. Authors first incorporated domain-independent words to nique exploited a set of linguistic rules on connectives (‘and’,
aid the clustering process and then exploited the resulting clus- ‘or’, ‘but’, ‘either/or’, ‘neither/nor’) to identify sentiment words
ters to reduce the gap between domain-specific words of two and their orientations. In this way, they defined the idea of sen-
domains. timent consistency.
Bollegala et al. [? ] developed a sentiment-sensitive distri- Kanayama et al. [? ] extended the approach by introduc-
butional thesaurus by using labeled training data from a source ing definitions of intra-sentential (within a sentence) and inter-
sentential (between neighboring sentences) sentiment consis-
tency. Negation plays a major role in detecting the polarity of
sentences. In [? ], Jia et al. carried out an experiment to identify
negations in text using linguistic clues and showed a significant
performance improvement over the state of the art. However,
when negations are implicit, e.g., cannot be recognized by an
explicit negation identifier, sarcasm detection needs to be con-
sidered as well.
In [? ], three conceptual layers, each of which consists of 8
textual features, was proposed to grasp implicit negations. A
method to exploit discourse relations for the detection of tweets
polarity was proposed in [? ]. The authors showed how con-
junctions, connectives, modals and conditionals might affect
sentiments in tweets. In [? ], a discourse parser combined infor-
mation of sentential syntax, semantics and lexical information
to build a tree that served as a representation of the discourse
Wolf et al. [? ] presented a method to represent discourse co-
Figure 7: Sentic computing framework. herence, using contentful conjunctions to illustrate coherence
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 14

relations. Discourse coherence relations have also been ex- of their study, we identify two major advantages of the BoC
plored in [? ] and, in [? ], discourse connectives identification model:
is applied to biomedical text. Liu et al. [? ] proposed a collec-
tion of opinion rules implying positive or negative sentiment. • Replacement of surface matching with semantic similar-
First, the rules at a conceptual level are described without con- ity: the BoC model calculates semantic similarity between
sidering how they may be expressed in actual sentences, i.e., words and multi-word expressions at a higher level.
without considering context. Next, an inspection at expression • Tolerance with new terms: once concepts related to a cate-
level combines more than one input-constituent expression to gory are modeled, BoC is able to handle new words under
derive an overall sentiment orientation for the composite ex- that category.
Moilanen et al. [? ] introduced the notion of sentiment In [? ], Zhang et al. discussed semantic classification on a
conflict, which is used when opposite sentiment words occur disease corpus. Though their approach does not focus on the
together, e.g., ‘terribly good’. Conflict resolution is achieved BoC model, they attempted to capture semantic information
by ranking the constituents on the basis of relative weights as- from text at a higher level. According to their study, use of
signed to them, considering which constituent is more impor- contextual semantic features along with the BoW model can be
tant with respect to sentiment. In [? ], a holistic lexicon- very useful for semantic text classification. Wu et al. [? ] built a
based approach was used to evaluate the semantic orientations sentiment lexicon using a commonsense knowledge base. Un-
of opinions expressed on product features in reviews, by ex- der the hypothesis that concepts pass their sentiment intensity
ploiting external evidence and linguistic conventions of natural to neighbors based on the relations connecting them, they con-
language expressions. This approach, implemented in a system structed an enriched sentiment lexicon able to perform better on
called Opinion Observer, allows for handling opinion words sentiment polarity classification tasks.
that are context-dependent. The authors found that both aspect Concept-based approaches to sentiment analysis focus on a
and sentiment expressing words are important and proposed us- semantic analysis of text through the use of web ontologies
ing the pair (aspect, sentiment word) as an opinion context. or semantic networks, which allow the aggregation of concep-
In a more recent work, Poria et al. [? ] presented the tual and affective information associated with natural language
first deep learning approach to aspect-based sentiment analy- opinions. By relying on large semantic knowledge bases, such
sis. Authors used a 7-layer deep convolutional neural network approaches step away from the blind use of keywords or word
to tag each word in opinionated sentences as either aspect or co-occurrence counts and, instead, rely on implicit features as-
non-aspect words. They also developed a set of linguistic pat- sociated with natural language concepts [? ]. Unlike syntacti-
terns for the same purpose and combined them with the neu- cal techniques, concept-based approaches are also able to detect
ral network. The resulting ensemble classifier, coupled with sentiments that are expressed in a subtle manner, e.g., through
a word-embedding model for sentiment analysis, allowed their the analysis of concepts that do not explicitly convey any emo-
approach to obtain significantly better accuracy than state-of- tion, but are implicitly linked to other concepts that do so.
the-art methods. The analysis at concept level is intended to infer the seman-
tic and affective information associated with natural language
opinions and, hence, to enable a comparative fine-grained
4.3.3. Bag of Words versus Bag of Concepts aspect-based sentiment analysis. Rather than gathering isolated
Text representation is a key task for any text classification opinions about a whole item (e.g., iPhone7), users are gener-
framework. BoW looks for surface word forms and does not ally more interested in comparing different products accord-
consider semantic and contextual clues in text. Most of the ing to their specific features (e.g., iPhone7’s vs Galaxy S7’s
well-known techniques have focused on BoW representation touchscreen), or even sub-features (e.g., fragility of iPhone7’s
for text classification [? ? ? ]. To overcome the problem of vs Galaxy S7’s touchscreen). In this context, the construction
limited capability in grasping semantic clues, some existing re- of comprehensive common and commonsense knowledge bases
lated works relied on using knowledge bases [? ? ]. is key for aspect extraction and polarity detection, respectively.
The bag of concepts (BoC) model leverages on representing Commonsense, in particular, is necessary to appropriately de-
text as a conceptual vector rather than relying on terms in text. construct natural language text into sentiments; for example, to
For example, if a text contains “red” and “orange” then, BoC appraise the concept ‘small room’ as negative and ‘small queue’
models them as the concept “color”, e.g., BoC looks for hy- as positive, or the concept ‘go read the book’ as positive for a
ponym. The BoC model was first proposed by Sahlgren et al. [? book review but negative for a movie review.
] to enhance the performance of SVM in text categorization
tasks. According to their method, concepts are synonym sets 4.3.4. Contextual Subjectivity
of BoW. Among recent approaches adopting the BoC model, Wilson et al. [? ] reported that, although a word or phrase
Wang et al. [? ] presented the idea of concept as a set of entities in a lexicon is marked positive or negative, in the context of
in a given domain, e.g., words belonging to similar classes have the sentence expression it may have no sentiment or even have
similar representation. opposite sentiment.
If a document contains “Jeep” and “Honda” then both of In their work, subjective expressions were first labeled, with
these words can be conceptualized by “Car”. On the basis the goal of the work aimed at classifying the contextual senti-
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 15


nsubj cop
cop advmod

det advmod neg

The car is very old  but it is rather not expensive

(a) Dependency tree of a sentence.

ƚŚĞ ŝƐ





 ƌĂƚŚĞƌ ŶŽƚ

ŝƚ ĞdžƉĞŶƐŝǀĞ
(b) The old way: averaging over a bag of sentiment words. 

The overall polarity of a sentence is given by the algebraic sum of the

polarity values associated with each affect word, divided by the total 

number of words.  
(c) The dependency tree of a sentence resembles an electronic circuit:
words shown in blue can be thought as sort of “boolean operations”

acting on other words.

ŽůĚ ǀĞƌLJ 



(d) The electronic circuit metaphor: sentiment words are “sources” while
other words are “elements”, e.g., very is an amplifier, not is a logical
complement, rather is a resistor, but is an OR-like element that gives
preference to one of its inputs. (e) The final sentiment data flow of the “signal” in the “circuit”.

Figure 8: Example of how sentic patterns work on the sentence “The car is very old but it is rather not expensive”.

ment of the given expressions. The authors employed a super- 4.3.5. New Era of NLP: Emergence of Deep Learning
vised learning approach based on two steps: first, it determined Deep-learning architectures and algorithms have already
whether the expression is subjective or objective, second it de- made impressive advances in fields such as computer vision
termined whether the subjective expression is positive, nega- and pattern recognition. Following this trend, recent NLP re-
tive, or neutral. search is now increasingly focusing on the use of new deep
learning methods. As demonstrated in [? ], a simple deep learn-
ing framework outperforms most state-of-the-art approaches, in
In [? ], authors presented an analysis of opinions based on several NLP tasks such as named entity recognition (NER), se-
a lexical semantic analysis of a wide class of expressions cou- quential role labeling (SRL), and part of speech (POS) tagging.
pled together, inspecting how clauses involving these expres- Alternative approaches have exploited the fact that many
sions were related to each other within a discourse. Narayanan short n-grams are neutral while longer phrases are well
et al. [? ] aimed to analyze the sentiment polarity of condi- distributed among positive and negative subjective sentence
tional sentences, studying the linguistic structure of such sen- classes. Thus, matrix representations for long phrases and ma-
tences and applying supervised learning models for dynamic trix multiplication to model composition, are also being used to
classification. evaluate sentiment.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 16

Figure 9: RNTN applied on the dependency tree of the sentence “This movie doesn’t care about cleverness, wit or any other kind of intelligent humor”.

In such models, sentence composition is modeled using deep process of combining data collected from various modalities
neural networks such as recursive auto-associated memories [? for analysis tasks. It has gained increasing attention from re-
? ]. Recursive neural networks predict the sentiment class at searchers in diverse fields, due to its potential for innumerable
each node in the parse tree and attempt to capture the negation applications, including but not limited to: sentiment analysis,
and its scope in the entire sentence. In the standard configura- emotion recognition, semantic concept detection, event detec-
tion, each word is represented as a vector and it is first deter- tion, human tracking, image segmentation, video classification,
mined which parent has already computed its children. Next, etc. The fusion of multimodal data can provide surplus infor-
the parent is computed via a composition function over child mation with an increase in accuracy [? ] of the overall result or
nodes, which depends on words being combined and, hence, decision. As the data collected from modalities comes in vari-
is linguistically motivated. However, the number of possible ous forms, it is also necessary to consider the period of multi-
composition functions is exponential, hence, in [? ], a RNTN modal fusion in different levels. To date, there are mainly two
was introduced (Fig. ??), which uses a single tensor composi- levels or types of fusion studied by researchers: feature-level
tion function to define multiple bilinear dependencies between fusion or early fusion, and decision-level fusion or late fusion.
words. These have also been employed by some researchers as part of
More recently, a new trend has emerged [? ? ] focusing a hybrid fusion approach. Furthermore, there is ‘model-level
on the use of word embeddings pre-trained on a large corpus fusion’, a type of multimodal fusion designed by researchers as
[? ]. In such methods, word vectors are typically concatenated per their application requirements.
to form a sentence or document vector and then fed to a deep
Table 3: State of the art of multimodal affect recognition where the text modal-
network for training. Studies show that these methods outper-
ity has been used.
form state-of-the-art feature extraction based opinion mining
methods, thus establishing themselves as new state-of-the-art
References Data Modality Fusion
benchmarks [? ].
Type Type
Chuang & Wu (2004) [? ] act A+T dec
5. Multimodal Affect Recognition Forbes-Riley&Litman (2004) [? ] nat A+T feat
Litman&Forbes-Riley (2004) [? ] nat A+T feat
Multimodal affect analysis has already created a lot of buzz
Rigoll et al. (2005) [? ] act A+T dec
in the field of affective computing. This field has now become
Litman&Forbes-Riley (2006) [? ] nat A+T feat
equally important and popular among the computer scientists [?
Seppi et al. (2008) [? ] ind A+T feat
]. In the previous section, we have discussed state-of-the-art
Eyben et al. (2010) [? ] ind A+T model
methods which used either of the Visual, Audio or Text modal-
Schuller (2011) [? ] nat A+T feat
ities for affect recognition. In this section, we discuss the ap-
Wu and Liang (2011) [? ] act A+T dec
proaches to solve the multimodal affect recognition problem.
Rozgic et al. (2012) [? ] act A+T+V feat
Savran et al. (2012) [? ] ind A+T+V model
5.1. Information Fusion Techniques Rosas et al. (2013) [? ] nat A+T+V feat
Multimodal affect recognition can be seen as the fusion of
information from different modalities. Multimodal fusion is the
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 17

References Data Modality Fusion References Data Modality Fusion

Type Type Type Type
Wollmer et al. (2013) [? ] nat A+T+V hybrid Karpouzis et al. [? ] (2007) ind V+A feat
Sarkar et al. (2014) [? ] nat A+T+V feat Kim (2007) [? ] ind A+Pp feat
Alam et al. (2014) [? ] nat A+T+V dec Schuller et al. (2007) [? ] nat V+A feat
Ellis et al. (2014) [? ] nat A+T+V dec Shan et al. (2007) [? ] act V+B feat
Poria et al. (2014) [? ] act A+T+V feat Zeng et al. (2007) [? ] act V+A model
Siddiquie et al. (2015) [? ] nat A+T+V hybrid Haq et al. (2008) [? ] act V+A feat
Poria et al. (2015) [? ] nat A+T+V dec Kanluan et al. (2008) [? ] nat V+A dec
Poria et al. (2015) [? ] nat A+T+V feat Metallinou et al. (2008) [? ] act V+A dec
Cai et al. (2015) [? ] nat T+V dec Wang & Guan (2008) [? ] act V+A feat
Ji et al. (2015) [? ] nat T+V model Wimmer et al. (2008) [? ] ind V+A feat
Yamasaki et al. (2015) [? ] nat A+T model Bailenson et al. (2008) [? ] ind V+Pp feat
Poria et al. (2016) [? ] nat A+T+V feat Castellano et al. (2008)[? ] act V+A+B feat
Chetty & Wagner (2008) [? ] act V+A hybrid
Legenda: Data Type (act=Acted, ind=Induced, Castellano et al. (2009) [? ] nat V+C feat
nat=Natural); Modality (V=Video, A=Audio, T=Text); Emerich et al. (2009) [? ] act V+A feat
Fusion Type (feat=Feature; dec=Decision). Gunes & Piccardi (2009) [? ] act V+B feat
Haq & Jackson (2009) [? ] act V+A dec
Feature-level or early fusion [? ? ? ? ? ] fuses the fea-
Khalali and Moradi (2009) [? ] ind Cp+Pp feat
tures extracted from various modalities such as visual features,
Paleari et al. (2009) [? ] act V+A model
text features, audio features, etc., as a general feature vector and
Rabie et al. (2009) [? ] act V+A model
the combined features are sent for analysis. The advantage of
D’Mello and Graesser (2010) nat V+A+C feat
feature-level fusion is that the correlation between various mul-
[? ]
timodal features at an early stage can potentially provide better
Dy et al. (2010) [? ] nat V+A dec
task accomplishment. The disadvantage of this fusion process
Gajsek et al. (2010) [? ] act V+A dec
is time synchronization, as the features obtained belong to di-
Kessous et al. (2010) [? ] act V+A+B feat
verse modalities and can differ widely in many aspects, so be-
Kim and Lingenfelser (2010) [? ind A+Pp dec
fore the fusion process takes place, the features must be brought
into the same format.
Mansoorizadeh and Charkari act V+A hybrid
Table 4: State of the art of visual-audio affect recognition
(2010) [? ]
Mansoorizadeh and Charkari act V+A hybrid
(2010) [? ]
References Data Modality Fusion
Wollmer et al. (2010) [? ] act V+A feat
Type Type
Glodek et al. (2011) [? ] ind V+A dec
Busso et al. (2004) [? ] act V+A feat Banda and Robinson (2011) [? act V+A dec
Chen et al. (2005) [? ] act V+A feat ]
Gunes & Piccardi (2005) [? ] act V+B feat Chanel et al. (2011) [? ] nat Cp+Pp dec
Hoch et al. (2005) [? ] act V+A dec Cueva et al. (2011) [? ] act V+A dec
Kapoor & Picard (2005) [? ] nat V+B+C model Datcu and Rothkrantz (2011) [? act V+A feat
Kim et al. (2005) [? ] ind A+Pp feat ]
Wang & Guan (2005) [? ] act V+A feat Jiang et al. (2011) [? ] act V+A model
Zeng et al. (2005) [? ] act V+A model Lingenfelser et al. (2011) [? ] act V+A dec
Gunes & Piccardi (2005) [? ] act V+B feat Lingenfelser et al. (2011) [? ] ind V+A dec
Pal et al. (2006) [? ] nat V+A dec Nicolaou et al. (2011) [? ] ind V+A+B model
Sebe et al. (2006) [? ] act V+A model Vu et al. (2011) [? ] act A+B dec
Zeng et al. (2006) [? ] nat V+A model Wagner et al. (2011) [? ] act V+A+B dec
Caridakis et al. (2006) [? ] ind V+A+B model Walter et al. (2011) [? ] ind A+Pp dec
D’Mello & Graesser (2007) [? nat B+C feat Hussain et al. (2012) [? ] ind V+Pp dec
] Koelstra et al. (2012) [? ] ind Cp+C+Ppdec
Gong et al. (2007) [? ] act V+B feat Lin et al. (2012) [? ] act V+A model
Han et al. (2007) [? ] act V+A dec Lin et al. (2012) [? ] ind V+A model
Joo et al. (2007) [? ] act V+A dec

Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 18

References Data Modality Fusion The result of that fusion were then fused with the prediction of
Type Type the textual classifier using decision-level fusion.
Lu and Jia (2012) [? ] act V+A model Model-level fusion [? ? ? ? ? ]. It is a technique that uses
Metallinou et al. (2012) [? ] act V+A model the correlation between data observed under different modali-
Monkaresi et al. (2012) [? ] ind V+Pp feat ties, with a relaxed fusion of the data. Researchers built models
Park et al. (2012) [? ] act V+A dec satisfying their research needs and the problem space. Song
Rashid et al. (2012) [? ] act V+A dec et al. [? ] used a tripled Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to
Soleymani et al. (2012) [? ] ind Cp+Gaze dec model the correlation properties of three component HMM's
Tu et al. (2012) [? ] act V+A dec based on audio-visual streams. Zeng et al. [? ] proposed
Baltrusaitis et al. (2013) [? ] ind V+A model a Multi-stream Fused Hidden Markov Model (MFHMM) for
Dobrisek et al. (2013) [? ] act V+A dec audio-visual affect recognition. The MFHMM builds an opti-
Glodek et al. (2013) [? ] ind V+A dec mal connection between various streams based on maximum
Hommel et al. (2013) [? ] act V+A dec entropy and maximum mutual information principle. Caridakis
Krell et al. (2013) [? ] ind V+A dec et al. [? ] and Petridis et al. [? ] proposed neural networks to
Wollmer et al. (2013a) [? ] ind V+A model combine audio and visual modalities for emotion recognition.
Chen et al. (2014) [? ] act V+A dec Sebe et al. [? ] proposed the Bayesian network topology to
Wang et al. (2014) [? ] ind Cp+C feat recognize emotions from audio-visual modalities, by combin-
Legenda: Data Type (act=Acted, ind=Induced, ing the two modalities in a probabilistic manner. According to
nat=Natural); Modality (V=Video, A=Audio, B=Body, Atrey et al. [? ], fusion can be classified into three categories:
Pp=Peripheral physiology, CP=Central physiology, rule-based, classification-based and estimation-based methods.
Content=Content/context); Fusion Type (feat=Feature, The categorization is based on the basic nature of the methods
dec=Decision). and the problem space, as outlined next.

Rule-based fusion methods [? ? ]. As the name suggests, mul-

Decision-level or late fusion [? ? ? ? ? ]. In this fusion pro-
timodal information is fused by statistical rule based methods
cess, the features of each modality are examined and classified
such as linear weighted fusion, majority voting and custom-
independently and the results are fused as a decision vector to
defined rules. The linear weighted fusion method uses sum
obtain the final decision. The advantage of decision-level fusion
or product operators to fuse features obtained from different
is that, the fusion of decisions obtained from various modalities
modalities or decision obtained from a classifier. Before the fu-
becomes easy compared to feature-level fusion, since the deci-
sion of multimodal information takes place, normalized weights
sions resulting from multiple modalities usually have the same
are assigned to every modality under consideration. Thus, the
form of data. Another advantage of this fusion process is that,
linear weighted fusion method is computationally less expen-
every modality can utilize its best suitable classifier or model
sive compared to other methods, however the weights need to
to learn its features. As different classifiers are used for the
be normalized appropriately for optimal execution. The draw-
analysis task, the learning process of all these classifiers at the
back is that the method is sensitive to outliers. Majority vot-
decision-level fusion stage, becomes tedious and time consum-
ing fusion is based on the decision obtained by a majority of
ing. Our survey of fusion methods used to date has shown that,
the classifiers. Custom-defined rules are application specific,
more recently, researchers have tended to prefer decision-level
in that, the rules are created depending on the information col-
fusion over feature-level fusion. Among the notable decision-
lected from various modalities and the final outcome expected,
level fusion methods, Kalman filter has been in [? ] as method
in order to achieve optimized decisions.
to fuse classifiers. They considered video as a time dynamics or
series and the prediction scores (between 0 and 1) of the base
Classification-based fusion methods [? ? ]. In this method, a
classifiers were fused using Kalman filter. On the other hand,
range of classification algorithms are used to classify the mul-
Dobrivsek et al. [? ] employed weight sum and weighted prod-
timodal information into pre-defined classes. Various methods
uct rule for fusion. On the eNTERFACE dataset weighted prod-
used under this category include: SVMs, Bayesian inference,
uct (accuracy: 77.20%) rule gave better result than weighted
Dempster-Shafer theory, dynamic bayesian networks, neural
sum approach (accuracy: 75.90%).
networks and maximum entropy models. SVM is probably the
most widely used supervised learning method for data classi-
Hybrid multimodal fusion [? ? ? ? ]. This type of fusion fication tasks. In this method, input data vectors are classified
is the combination of both feature-level and decision-level fu- into predefined learned classes, thus solving the pattern clas-
sion methods. In an attempt to exploit the advantages of both sification problem in view of multimodal fusion. The method
feature and decision-level fusion strategies and overcome the is usually applicable for decision-level and hybrid fusion. The
disadvantages of each, researchers opt for hybrid fusion. One Bayesian inference fusion method fuses multimodal informa-
such hybrid fusion proposed by Wollmer et al. [? ] is shown in tion based on rules of probability theory. In this method, the
Figure ??. As we can see in Figure ??, in their method, audio features from various modalities or the decisions obtained from
and visual features were fused using BLSTM at feature level. various classifiers are combined and an implication of the joint
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 19

Figure 10: Hybrid fusion for multimodal sentiment analysis in YouTube videos as proposed by [? ].

probability is derived. The Dempster-Shafer evidence theory a simulation-based method used to obtain the state distribution
generalizes Bayesian theory of subjective probability. This the- of non-linear and non-Gaussian state-space models.
ory allows union of classes and also represents both uncertainty
and imprecision, through the definition of belief and plausibility 5.2. Recent Results
functions. The Dempster-Shafer theory is a statistical method In this section, we describe recent key works in multimodal
and is concerned with fusing independent sets of probability as- affect recognition. We summarize state-of-the-art methods,
signments to form a single class, thus relaxing the disadvantage their results and categorize the works based on the datasets de-
of the Bayesian inference method. The Dynamic Bayesian Net- scribed in Section ??.
work (DBN) is an extension of the Bayesian inference method
to a network of graphs, where the nodes represent different 5.2.1. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
modalities and the edges denote their probabilistic dependen- MOUD Dataset. The work by Perez et al. [? ] focused on mul-
cies. The DBN is termed by different names in the literature timodal sentiment analysis using the MOUD dataset based on
such as Probabilistic Generative Models, graphical models, etc. visual, audio and textual modalities. FACS and AUs were used
The advantage of this network over other methods is that the as visual features and openEAR was used for extracting acous-
temporal dynamics of multimodal data can easily be integrated. tic, prosodic features. Simple unigrams were used for textual
The most popular form of DBN is the Hidden Markov Model feature construction. The combination of these features were
(HMM). The Maximum entropy model is a statistical model then fed to an SVM for fusion and 74.66% accuracy was ob-
classifier which follows an information-theoretic approach and tained.
provides probability of observed classes. Finally, the other In 2015, Poria et al. [? ] proposed a novel method for ex-
widely used method is Neural Networks. A typical neural net- traction of features from short texts using a deep CNN. The
work model consists of input, hidden and output nodes or neu- method was used for detection of sentiment polarity with all
rons. The input to the network can be features of different three modalities (audio, video and text) under consideration in
modality or decisions from various classifiers. The output pro- short video clips of a person uttering a sentence. In this paper, a
vides fusion of data under consideration. The hidden layer of deep CNN was trained, however, instead of using it as a classi-
neurons provides activation functions to produce the expected fier, values from its hidden layer were used as features for input
output, and the number of hidden layers and neurons are cho- to a second stage classifier, leading to further improvements
sen to obtain the desired accuracy of results. The connections in accuracy. The main novelty of this paper was using deep
between neurons have specific weights which can be appropri- CNN to extract features from text and multiple kernel learning
ately tuned for the learning process of the neural network, to for classification of the multimodal heterogeneous fused fea-
achieve the target performance accuracy. ture vectors. For the visual modality, CLM-Z based features
were used and openEAR was employed on the audio data for
Estimation-based fusion methods [? ? ]. This category in- feature extraction.
cludes kalman filter, extended kalman filter and particle filter
based fusion methods. These methods are usually employed to YouTube Dataset. Morency et al. [? ] extracted facial features
estimate the state of moving object using multimodal informa- like smile detection and duration, look away and audio fea-
tion, especially audio and video. The kalman filter is used for tures like pause duration for sentiment analysis on the YouTube
real-time dynamic, low-level data and provides state estimates dataset. As textual features, two lexicons containing positive
for the system. This model does not require storage of the past and negative words were developed from the MPQA corpus dis-
of the object under observation, as the model only needs the tribution. They fused and fed those features to a Hidden Markov
state estimate of the previous time stamp. However the kalman Model (HMM) for final sentiment classification. However, the
filter model is restricted to linear systems. Thus, for systems accuracy was relatively lower (55.33%). Possible future work
with non-linear characteristics, extended kalman filter is used. would be to use more advanced classifiers, such as SVM, CNN,
Particle filters, also known as Sequential Monte Carlo model, is coupled with the use of complex features.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 20

Poria et al. [? ] proposed a similar approach where they which in turn made the training more time taking.
extracted FCPs using CLM-Z, and used the distances between Nicolaou et al. [? ] developed an algorithm for automatically
those FCPs as features. Additionally, they used GAVAM to ex- segmenting videos into data frames, in order to show the tran-
tract head movement and other rotational features. For audio sition of emotions. To ensure one-to-one correspondence be-
feature extraction, the state of the art openEAR was employed. tween timestamps of accorder, annotations were binned accord-
Concept-based methods and resources like SenticNet [? ] were ing to video frames. The crossing over from one emotional state
used to extract textual features. To this end, both feature-level to the other was detected by examining the valence values and
and decision-level fusion were used to obtain the final classifi- identifying the points where the sign changed. The crossovers
cation result. were then matched across coders. The crossover frame decision
was made and the start frame of the video segment decided. The
ICT-MMMO Dataset. Wollmer et al. [? ] used the same mech- ground truth values for valence were retrieved by incrementing
anism as [? ] for audio-visual feature extraction. In partic- the initial frame number where each crossover was detected by
ular, OKAO vision was used to extract visual features which the coders. The procedure of determining combined average
were then fed to CFS for feature selection. In the case of audio values continued until the valence value crossed again to a non-
feature extraction, they used openEAR. Simple Bag-Of-Words negative valence value. The endpoint of the audio-visual seg-
were utilized as text features. Audio-visual features were fed ment was then set to the frame including the offset, after cross-
to a Bidirectional-LSTM (BLSTM) for early feature-level fu- ing back to a non-negative valence value. Discerning dimen-
sion and SVM was used to obtain the class label of the textual sional emotions from head gestures proposed a string-based au-
modality. Finally, the output of BLSTM and SVM were fused diovisual fusion which achieved better results for dimensions
at the decision level, using a weighted summing technique. valence and expectation as compared to feature-based fusion.
This approach added video-based events like facial expression
5.2.2. Multimodal Emotion Recognition action units, head nods, shakes as ‘words’ to string of acoustic
Recent Works on the SEMAINE Dataset. Gunes et al. [? ] used events.
visual aspects which aimed to predict dimensional emotions The non-verbal visual events were extracted similar to the
from spontaneous head gestures. Automatic detection of head unimodal analysis illustrated in [? ] (use of nodeHMM and
nods and shakes was based on 2-dimensional (2D) global head shakeHMM). For detection of facial action units, a local binary
motion estimation. In order to determine the magnitude and di- patterns descriptor was used and tested on the MMI facial Ex-
rection of the 2D head motion, optical flow was computed be- pression Database. For verbal and non-verbal acoustic events,
tween two consecutive frames. It was applied to a refined region emotionally relevant keywords derived from automatic speech
(i.e., resized and smoothed) within the detected facial area to recognition (ASR) transcripts of SEMAINE, were used. Key
exclude irrelevant background information. Directional code- words were detected using the multi-stream large vocabulary
words were generated by the visual feature extraction module, continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) engine on recognizer’s
and fed into a HMM for training a nodHMM and a shakeHMM. output, rather than ground truth labels. Finally, a SVR with lin-
A Support Vector Machine for Regression (SVR) was used for ear kernel was trained. The event fusion was performed at the
dimensional emotion prediction from head gestures. The final string level per segment, by joining all events where more than
feature set was scaled in the range [-1, +1]. The parameters of half of the event overlapped with the segment in a single string.
SVR, for each coder-dimension combination, were optimized The events could thus be seen as ‘words’. The resulting strings
using 10-fold cross-validation for a subset of the data at hand. were converted to a feature vector representation through a bi-
The MSE for detection of valence, arousal and other axis was nary bag-of-words (BOW) approach. This lead to an average
found to be 0.1 on average, as opposed to 0.115 resulting from correlation coefficient of 0.70 on Activation, Valence and Inten-
human annotators. sity which nearly matches human accuracy for the same task.
Valstar et al. [? ] focussed on FACS Acton Units detec-
tion and intensity estimation, and derived its datasets from SE- Recent Works on the HUMAINE Dataset. Chang et al. [? ]
MAINE and BP4D-Spontaneous database. The training par- worked on the vocal part of the HUMAINE dataset information
tition (SEMAINE database) consisted of 16 sessions, the de- to analyze emotion, mood and mental state, eventually com-
velopment partition had 15 sessions, and the test partition 12 bining it into low footprint C library as AMMON for phones.
sessions. There were a total of 48,000 images in total in the Sound processing starts with segmenting the audio stream from
training partition, 45,000 in development, and 37,695 in test- the microphone into frames with fixed duration (200 ms) and
ing (130,695 frames in total). For SEMAINE, one-minute seg- fixed stepping duration (80 ms). The features selected were
ments of the most facially-expressive part of each selected in- LLDs (ZCR, RMS, MFCC, etc.) and functions (Mean, SD,
teraction were coded. For the baseline system for this task, two skewness). AMMON was developed by extending an ETSI
types of features were extracted: two-layer appearance features (European Tele-communications Standards Institute) front-end
(Local Binary Gabor Patterns) and geometric features derived feature extraction library. It included features to describe glot-
from tracked facial point locations, which were then fed into a tal vibrational cycles which is a promising feature for monitor-
linear SVM. The average MSE on AU in BP4D datasets was ing depression. They performed a 2-way classification task to
around 0.8, while similar techniques were not applied on SE- separate clips with positive emotions from those with negative
MAINE. [? ? ] took into consideration all the frames of videos, emotions. A feature vector was extracted from each clip using
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 21

AMMON without glottal timings. Finally, the use of SVM with expansion and negative for contraction) and were used to de-
these feature vectors produced 75% accuracy on BELFAST termine movement of facial regions. Marker-based audio vi-
(The naturalistic dataset of HUMAINE). sual features were obtained by dividing the face into several
Castellano et al. [? ] aimed to integrate information from sectors, and making the nose marker the local center for each
facial expressions, body movement, gestures and speech, for frame. PCA was used to reduce the number of features per
recognition of eight basic emotions. The facial features were frame to a 10-dimensional vector for each area. LDA optimized
extracted by generating feature masks, which were then used to SVDF and VDF feature vectors and an SVM classifier was used
extract feature points, comparing them to a neutral frame to pro- for evaluating expression quantification, as High, Medium and
duce FAPs as in the previous research. Body tracking was per- Low. The unimodal implementation of audio features led to
formed using the EyesWeb platform which tracked silhouettes an overall performance accuracy of around 70% on DaFEx and
and blobs, extracting motion and fluidity as main expressive 60% on eNTERFACE corpus, but the sadness-neutral pair and
cues. The speech feature extraction focused on intensity, pitch, happiness-anger pair were confused significantly. The over-
MFCC, BSB and pause length. These were then independently all performance accuracy for visual only features was found to
fed into a Bayesian classifier and integrated at decision-level be around 82% for the eNTERFACE corpus and only slightly
fusion. While the unimodal analysis led to an average of 55% higher on the DaFEx corpus, however, a significant confusion
accuracy, feature-level fusion produced a significantly higher value on neutral-happiness and sadness-anger pairs was found.
accuracy of 78.3%. Decision-level fusion results did not vary Audiovisual fusion led to an improvement of 10% on both cor-
much over feature-level fusion. pus, significantly decreasing the misclassification probability.
Another interesting work in [? ] aims to present a novel ap- Another attempt [? ] at merging audio-visual entities led
proach to online emotion recognition from visual, speech and to 66.5% accuracy on the eNTERFACE dataset (Anger being
text data. For video labeling, temporal information was ex- the highest at 81%). They adopted LBP for facial image rep-
ploited, which is known to an important issue, i.e., one utter- resentations for facial expression recognition. The process of
ance at time (t) depends on the utterance at time t. The audio LBP features extraction generally consists of three steps: first,
features used in the study included: signal energy, pitch, voice a facial image is divided into several non-overlapping blocks.
quality, MFCC, spectral energy and time signal, which were Second, LBP histograms are computed for each block. Finally,
then modeled using a LSTM. The spoken content knowledge the block LBP histograms are concatenated into a single vector.
was incorporated at frame level via early fusion, wherein nega- As a result, the facial image is represented by the LBP code. For
tive keywords were used for activation, and positive for valence. audio features, prosody features like pitch, intensity and qual-
Subsequently, frame-based emotion recognition with unimodal ity features like HNR, jitter and MFCC are extracted. These
and bimodal feature sets, and turn-based emotion recognition features were fed into a SVM with the radial basis function ker-
with an acoustic feature set were performed as evaluations. Fi- nel. While unimodal analysis produced an accuracy of 55%
nally, whilst a SVR was found to outperform a RNN in recog- (visual at 63%), multi-modal analysis increased this to 66.51%,
nizing activation features, the RNN performed better in recog- demonstrating support for the convergence idea.
nition of valence from frame-based models. The inclusion of While the previous two papers focused on late fusion-based
linguistic features produced no monotonic trend in the system. emotion recognition, SAMMI [? ] was built to focus on real-
time extraction, taking into account low quality videos and
Recent Works on the eNTERFACE dataset. eNTERFACE noise. A module called ‘Dynamic Control’ can be used to adapt
dataset is one the most widely used datasets in multimodal emo- the various fusion algorithms and content-based concept ex-
tion recognition. Though in this discussion we mainly focus on tractors to the quality of input signals. For example, if sound
multimodalities, we also explain some of the notable unimodal quality was detected to be low, the relevance of the vocal emo-
works which have impacted this research field radically. tional estimation, with respect to video emotional estimation,
Among unimodal experiments reported on this dataset, one was reduced. This was an important step to make the sys-
of the notable works was carried out by Eyben et al. [? ]. They tem more reliable and lose some constraints. The visual part
pioneered the openEAR, a toolkit to extract speech related fea- was tested on two approaches: (a) Facial FP absolute move-
tures for affect recognition. Several LLDs like Signal Energy, ments (b) Relative movements of couples of facial FP. For low
FFT-spectrum, MFCC, Pitch and their functionals were used as cost benefits, authors used the Tomasi implementation of the
features. Multiple Data Sinks were used in the feature extrac- Lukas Kanade (LK) algorithm (embedded in the Intel OpenCV
tor, feeding data to different classifiers (K-Nearest Neighbor, library). The vocal expressions extracted were similar to those
Bayes and Support-Vector based classification and regression reported in other papers (HNR, jiter, intensity, etc.). The fea-
using the freely available LibSVM). The experiments produced tures were fed as one second window interval definitions, into
a benchmark accuracy of 75% on the eNTERFACE dataset. two classifiers: SVM and a conventional Neural Network (NN).
The study by Chetty et al. [? ] aimed to develop an au- Finally, SAMMI performed fusion between estimations result-
diovisual fusion approach at multiple levels to resolve the mis- ing from the different classifiers or modalities. The output of
classification of emotions that occur at unimodal level. The such a module significantly enhanced the system performance.
method was tested on two different acted corpora, DaFEx and Since the classification step is computationally efficient with
eNTERFACE. Facial deformation features were identified us- both NN and SVM classifiers, multiple classifiers can be em-
ing singular value decomposition (SVD) values (positive for ployed at the same time without adversely impacting the sys-
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 22

tem performance. Though the NN was found to improve the each emotional utterance, a GMM was built via MAP adap-
CR+ value in fear and sadness, an overall Bayesian network tation using the features extracted in the same utterance. Top
performed equally well with a CR+ of 0.430. 600 words from each of the four emotion classes respectively
Poria et al. [? ] proposed an intelligent multimodal emotion were selected and merged to form a basic word vocabulary of
recognition framework that adopts an ensemble feature extrac- size 2000. A new lexicon for each emotion class (in which
tion by exploiting the joint use of text, audio and video fea- each word has a weight indicating its inclination for express-
tures. They trained visual classifier on CK++ dataset, textual ing this emotion) was constructed. The new emotion lexicon
classifier on ISEAR dataset and tested on the eNTERFACE not only collected words that appeared in one emotion class
dataset. Audio features were extracted using openAudio and but also assigned a weight indicating its inclination for express-
cross-validated on the eNTERFACE dataset. Training on the ing this emotion. This emotion lexicon was then used to gen-
CK++ and ISEAR datasets improved the generalization capa- erate a vector feature representation for each utterance. Two
bility of the corresponding classifier through cross-validated types of fusion schemes were experimented with: early fu-
performance on both datasets. Finally, we used feature-level fu- sion (feature concatenation) and late fusion (classification score
sion for evaluation and a 87.95% accuracy was achieved, which fusion). The SVM with linear kernel was used as emotion
exceeded all earlier benchmarks. classifier. The system based on early fusion of Cepstral-BoW
and GSV-mean acoustic features combined with ACO-based
Recent Works on the IEMOCAP dataset. In multimodal emo- system, Cepstrum-based system, Lex-BoW-based system, and
tion recognition, IEMOCAP dataset is the most popular dataset Lex-eVector-based system through late fusion achieves the best
and numerous works have reported its use as a benchmark. Be- weighted emotion recognition accuracy of 69.2%.
low, we outline some of the recent key works. A summary and Continuing with bimodal systems, Metallinou et al. [? ] car-
comparison of these studies are shown in Table ??. ried out emotion recognition using audio-visual modalities by
exploiting Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Markers were
Rehman and Busso [? ] developed a personalized emo- placed on the faces of actors to collect spatial information of
tion recognition system using an unsupervised feature adaption these markers for each video frame in IEMOCAP. Facial mark-
scheme by exploiting the audio modality. The OpenSMILE ers were separated into six blocks, each of which defined a
toolkit with the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge fea- different facial region. A GMM was trained for each of the
ture set was used to extract a set of common acoustic and emotional states examined; angry (ANG), happy (HAP), neu-
prosodic features. A linear kernel SVM with sequential mini- tral (NEU) and sad (SAD). The marker point coordinates were
mal optimization (SMO) was used as the emotion detector. The used as features for the training of Gaussian mixture models.
purpose of normalizing acoustic features was to reduce speaker The frame rate of the markers was 8.3 ms. The feature vector
variability, while preserving the discrimination between emo- for each facial region consisted of 3-D coordinates of the mark-
tional classes. The iterative feature normalization approach it- ers belonging to that region plus their first and second deriva-
eratively estimated the normalizing parameters from an unseen tives. GMM with 64 mixtures was chosen as it was shown to
speaker. It thus served as a suitable framework for personal- achieve good performance. MFCCs are used for vocal analy-
ized emotion recognition system. In the IFN scheme, an emo- sis. The feature vector comprised 12 MFCCs and energy, their
tion recognition system was used to iteratively identify neutral first and second derivatives; constituting a 39-dimensional fea-
speech of the unseen speaker. Next, it estimated the normaliza- ture vector. The window length for the MFCC extraction was
tion parameters using only this subset (relying on the detected 50ms and the overlap set to 25ms, to match the window of
labels). These normalization parameters were then applied to the facial data extraction. Similar to facial analysis, a GMM
the entire data, including the emotional samples. To estimate was trained for each emotion along with an extra one for back-
the performance, the study used leave-one-speaker out, 10-fold ground noise. Here, a GMM with 32 mixtures was chosen. Two
cross validation. The results on the IEMOCAP database indi- different classifier combination techniques were explored: the
cated that the accuracy of the proposed system was 2% (abso- first a Bayesian approach for multiple cue combination, and the
lute) higher than the one achieved by the baseline, without the second an ad-hoc method utilizing SVMs with radial basis ker-
feature adaptation scheme. The results on uncontrolled record- nels that used post classification accuracies as features. Anger
ings (i.e., speech downloaded from a video-sharing website) and happiness were found to have better recognition accuracies
revealed that the feature adaptation scheme significantly im- in the face-based classifier compared to emotional states with
proved the unweighted and weighted accuracies of the emotion lower levels of activation, such as sadness and neutrality; while
recognition system. anger and sadness demonstrated good accuracy in voice-based
While most papers have focused on audio-visual fusion, Qio classifiers. A support vector classifier (SVC) was used to com-
Jio [? ] reported emotion recognition with acoustic and lexical bine the separate face and voice model decisions. The Bayesian
features. For acoustic features, low-level acoustic features were classifier and SVC classifiers were found to perform compara-
extracted at frame level on each utterance and used to generate bly, with neutral being the worst recognized emotional state,
feature representation of the entire dataset, using the OpenS- and anger/sadness being the best.
MILE toolkit. The features extracted were grouped into three While previous works focused on bimodality, the work in
categories: continuous, qualitative and cepstral. Low-level fea- [? ] aims to classify emotions using audio, visual and tex-
ture vectors were then turned into a static feature vector. For tual information by attaching probabilities to each category
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 23

Table 5: Comparative table: Key studies on multimodal emotion analysis datasets.

Datasets Reference Summary Performance

SEMAINE Gunes et al. [? ] V 0.094 (MSE)

Valstar et al. [? ] V 68.10% (Acc)
Eyben et al. [? ] A+V 0.190 (MLE)

HUMAINE Chang et al. [? ] A 93.60% (Acc)

Castellano et al. [? ] A+V 78.30% (Acc)
Eyben et al. [? ] A+T 0.55 (CC)

Eyben et al. [? ] A 75.20% (Acc)

Chetty et al. [? ] T+V 86.10% (Acc)
Zhang et al. [? ] A+V 66.51% (WAA)
Paleari et al. [? ] A+V 43.00% (WAA)
Dobrivsek et al. [? ] A+V 77.20% (UNWAA)
Poria et al. [? ] A+T+V 87.95% (WAA)

Rahaman et al. [? ] A 72.80%(A)

IEMOCAP Jio et al. [? ] A+T 69.20% (WAA)
Metallinou et al. [? ] A+V 75.45%(UWAA)
Rozgic et al. [? ] A+V 69.50%(WAA)
Poria et al. [? ] A+T+V 76.85%(UNWAA)
Legenda: A=Audio; T=Text; V=Video; MSE=Mean Squared Error; MLE=Maximum Likelihood Estimate; Acc=Accuracy;
WAA=Weighted Average Accuracy; UWAA=Unweighted Average Accuracy; CC=Co-relation Coefficient

based on automatically generated trees, with SVMs acting as evaluation of the kiosk was carried out by the Wizard-of-Oz
nodes. There were several acoustic features used, ranging prototype system, which had two human operators for deciding
from jitter and shimmer for negative emotions to intensity and verbal and non-verbal responses. This development of Sim-
voicing statistics per frame. Instead of representing the non- Sensei kiosk was carried out over a period of two years with
stationary MFCC features using statistical functionals as in pre- 351 participants, out of which 217 were male, 132 were fe-
vious works, they use a set of model-based features obtained male and 2 did not report the gender. In this work, termed the
by scoring all MFCC vectors in a sentence using emotion- Multisense framework, a multimodal real-time sensing system
dependent Gaussian mixture models (GMM). The lexical fea- was used, for synchronized capture of different modalities, real-
tures were summarized using LIWC and GI systems repre- time tracking and fusion process. The multimodal system was
sented by bag of word stems. The visual features encapsulated also integrated with GAVAM head tracker, CLM-Z face tracker,
facial animation parameters representing nose, mouth and chin SHORE face detector, and more. The SimSensei Kiosk used
markers, eyebrow angle, etc. A randomized tree is generated 4 statistically trained utterance classifiers to capture the utter-
using the set of all classifiers whose performance is above a ance meaning of the users and Cerebella, a research platform
threshold parameter. The experiments were conducted in leave- for realization of the relation between mental states and human
one-speaker-out fashion. The unimodal feature set achieved an behavior.
accuracy of around 63% whereas their combination led to an
increase of around 8%. Alam et al. [? ], proposed an automatic personality trait
recognition framework using the YouTube personality dataset.
The dataset consists of videos by 404 YouTube bloggers (194
5.2.3. Other Multimodal Cognitive Research male and 204 female). The features used for this task were lin-
DeVault et al. [? ] introduced SimSensei Kiosk, a virtual hu- guistic, psycholinguistic, emotional features and audio-visual
man interviewer named Ellie, for automatic assessment of dis- features. Automatic recognition of personality traits is an im-
tress indicators among humans. Distress indicators are verbal portant topic in the field of NLP, particularly aimed at process-
and non-verbal behaviors correlated with depression, anxiety ing the interaction between human and virtual agents. High di-
or post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD). The SimSensei Kiosk mensional features were selected using the relief algorithm and
was developed in such a way the user feels comfortable talk- classification models were generated using SMO for the SVM.
ing and sharing information, thus providing clinicians an au- At the final stage, decision-level fusion for classification of per-
tomatic assessment of psychological distress in a person. The sonality traits was used.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 24

Table 6: Study characteristics of recent papers on multimodal analysis.

References Modality Speakers/Datasets Model Features Fusion

DeVault et al. A+T+V 351 (217 M, 4 statistically trained Smile intensity, 3D head position and MF
[? ] 132 F and 2 did not utterance classifiers orientation, intensity or lack of facial
not report the gender) expressions like anger, disgust
and joy, speaking fraction, dynamics,
speech dynamics, gaze direction, etc.

Alam et al. A+T+V 404 YouTube vloggers SMO A-V, lexical, POS D
[? ] (194 M, 210 F)/ for SVM psycholinguistic, emotional
YouTube personality and traits

Sarkar et al. A+T+V 404 YouTube vloggers/ LR model with A-V, text, demographic N/A
[? ] YouTube personality ridge estimator and sentiment

Poria et al. A+T+V 42/ ISEAR, CK++, SVM 66 FCP using Luxand software, F
[? ] eNTERFACE dataset JAudio software, BOC,
Sentic features and Negation

Poria et al. A+T+V 47 (27 M and 20 F) ELM Softwares using Luxand FSDK 1.7 and F and D
[? ] /YouTube dataset GAVAM, openEAR and Concept-
SenticNet gram and SenticNet-based features

Poria et al. A+T+V 47 (27 M Multiple Kernel Softwares using CLM-Z and GAVAM, D
[? ] 20 F)/YouTube Learning openEAR and using CNN

Siddiquie et al. A+T+V 230 videos/ Rallying RBF SVM and LR Softwares using CAFFEE and features F and D
[? ] a Crowd (RAC) dataset classifier (prosody, MFCC, or spectrogram)
and using SATSVM and DCM

Legenda: A=Audio; V=Video; T=Text; ML=Machine Learning; SMO=Sequential Minimal Optimization; LR=Logistic Re-
gression; MKL=Multiple Kernel Learning; D=Decision; F=Feature; MF=Multisense Framework

Other notable work in personality recognition was carried out sentiment in the viewers’ comments. For the audio domain,
by Sarkar et al. [? ], who used the YouTube personality dataset several grades of speech arousal and related semantic categories
and a logistic regression model with ridge estimator, for clas- such as crowd reaction and music were detected. For the visual
sification purposes. They divided features into five categories, domain, visual sentiment and semantic content were detected.
i.e., audio-visual features, text features, word statistics features, The research employed both feature-level and decision-level fu-
sentiment features and gender features. A total of 1079 features sion methods. In the case of decision-level fusion, the author
were used, with 25 audiovisual features, 3 word statistics fea- used both conventional- and learning-based decision fusion ap-
ture, 5 sentiment feature, 1 demographic feature and 1045 text proaches to enhance the overall classification performance.
features. In conclusion, their in-depth feature analysis show- In Table ??, some key research works in multimodal senti-
cased helpful insights for solving the multimodal personality ment analysis and opinion mining are summarized and catego-
recognition task. rized based on their proposed method.

Siddiquie et al. [? ], introduced the task of exploiting multi-

6. Available APIs
modal affect and semantics for automatic classification of polit-
ically persuasive web videos. Rallying A Crowd (RAC) dataset In this section, we list 20 popular APIs for emotion recogni-
was used for experimentation with 230 videos. The approach tion from photos, videos, text and speech. The main categories
was executed by extraction of audio, visual and textual features of emotions that are detected using the APIs are Joy, Anger,
to capture affect and semantics in the audio-video content and Contempt, Fear, Surprise, Sadness and Disgust.
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 25

Sentiment analysis is also explored by some of the APIs, in • Sightcorp10 is a facial expression analysis API and is also
addition to emotion recognition, to determine whether the ex- used for eye tracking, age and gender estimation, head
pressed emotion is positive or negative. pose estimation, etc.
• Emotient1 detects Attention, Engagement and Sentiment • SkyBiometry11 is a face recognition and face detection,
from facial expressions. These factors are considered key cloud biometrics API. This API is used to detect emotions
performance indicators for adding business value to ad- such as happy, sad, angry, surprise, disgust, scared and
vertising, media, consumer packaged goods and other in- neutral from faces.
dustries, which need consumers’ feedbacks to improve the
quality of their products. • CrowdEmotions12 detects the dynamics of six basic emo-
tions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness.
• Imotions2 combines Emotient face expression technology It also captures people’s engagement, emotions and body
to extract emotions and sentiments from various observed language, towards a particular event.
bodily cues. It can also be easily combined with other
technologies such as EEG, eye tracking, Galvanic Skin re- • Affectiva13 is an API for emotion recognition using deep
sponse, etc., to improve emotion recognition accuracy. learning. It is said to have nearly 4 million faces as emo-
tion database in order to provide great accuracy.
• EmoVu3 by Eyeris is a comprehensive face analytics API
that employs deep learning for emotion recognition. The • The Tone Analyzer14 is an API, powered by IBM Watson,
API also provides vision software to support ambient in- for analyzing emotional states in text.
telligence and is also useful for detecting age and gender • Repustate API 15 is used for sentiment analysis in text. This
identification, eye tracking and gaze estimation. API is based on linguistic theory and review cues based on
• nViso4 uses 3D facial imaging technology for emotion POS tagging, lemmatization, prior polarity and negations.
recognition from facial expressions in real time. The soft-
• Receptiviti API 16 is used to analyze texts, tweets, emails,
ware is completely automated and received the IBM award
chats, surveys and voice data to provide insights into vari-
for smarter computing in 2013.
ous aspects of people’s personal lives, such as personality,
• Alchemy API 5 is also powered by IBM Watson. The emotion, tone and relationships.
API performs sentiment analysis on large and small doc-
• Bitext17 is a text analysis API that is used for sentiment
uments, news articles, blog posts, product reviews, com-
analysis, categorization, entity extraction and concept ex-
ments and tweets.
traction. It is mainly focused for market research special-
• Kairos6 provides an API for analyzing facial expressions ists.
and features for emotion recognition, gender and age de-
• Mood Patrol18 is used to detect emotions from given text.
tection and attention management. It provides applications
It was developed by Soul Hackers Lab and works reason-
for various industries such as advertising, market research,
ably well on small documents.
health, financial services, retail, etc.
• Tone API 7 provides emotional insights from written text. • Synesketch19 is an open source software used for textual
It focuses mainly on marketers and writers to improve their emotion recognition, sentiment recognition and visualiza-
content on the basis of emotional insights. tion. It analyzes text in terms of emotions such as happi-
ness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise, and the in-
• Project Oxford8 by Microsoft provides APIs for cate- tensity of emotion and sentiment, such as positive or neg-
gories such as Vision, Speech, Language, Knowledge and ative.
• Sentic API 20 is a free API for emotion recognition and sen-
• Face reader by Noldus is widely used for academic pur-
timent analysis providing semantics and sentics associated
poses. It is a facial expression analysis software for ana- with 50,000 commonsense concepts in 40 different lan-
lyzing universal emotions in addition to neutral and con- guages.
tempt. The software is also used to observe gaze direction
and head orientation. 10
1 12
2 13
3 14
4 15
5 16
6 17
7 18
8 19
9 20

Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 26

7. Discussion More recent works, such as Poria et al. [? ] have used a CNN
for automatic feature extraction from text and fused with the
Timely surveys are rudimentary for any field of research. In visual and audio features. The effectiveness of this approach
this survey, we not only discuss the state of the art but also is evident from Figure ?? where we plot the percentage of re-
collate available datasets and illustrate key steps involved in a search works on multimodal affect analysis with or without text
multimodal affect analysis framework. We have covered around modality, reported over recent years. As can be seen from the
100 papers in our study. In this section, we describe some of our Figure, most of the research studies on multimodal affect anal-
major findings from this survey. ysis report that the use of text modality boosts the performance
of both unimodal and bimodal affect detectors.
In our literature survey, we have found more than 90% of
7.1. Major Findings studies reported visual modality as superior to audio and other
The multimodal analysis of affective content now a days is modalities. Audio modality often suffers from the presence
as popular as the unimodal analysis. This is due to the need of of noise in the signal. However, recent studies on multimodal
mining information from the growing amount of videos posted sentiment analysis by Perez et al. [? ] and Poria et al. [? ]
the social media and the advancement of human-computer in- have demonstrated that an efficient and intelligent text analy-
teraction agents. As discussed in [? ], the trends in multi- sis engine can outperform other unimodal classifiers, i.e., vi-
modal affect analysis can be classified into two timelines. Till sual and audio. In both these independent studies, text modality
2003, “the use of basic signal processing and machine learning was found to play the most vital role in multimodal sentiment
techniques, independently applied to still frames (but occasion- analysis, and, furthermore, when fused with audio-visual fea-
ally to sequences) of facial or vocal data, to detect exagger- tures, it was shown to improve the performance significantly.
ated context free expressions of a few basic affective states, that On the MOUD dataset Perez et al. [? ] obtained accuracies
are acted by a small number of individuals with no emphasis of 70.94%, 67.31% and 64.85% respectively for textual, visual
on generalizability” – in other words, mainly unimodal and in and audio modalities. On the other hand, Poria et al. [? ] ob-
some cases bimodal, i.e., audio-visual clues, were used for af- tained 79.77%, 76.38% and 74.22% accuracies for the respec-
fect analysis. In 2016, the trend leans towards using more than tive modalities, on the same dataset.
one modality for affect recognition of videos using machine In summary, as noted earlier, there are several concerns that
learning techniques. In particular, there has been a growing in- need to be addressed in this research field. Firstly, the amount
terest in using deep learning techniques and a number of fusion of trust that should be placed in acted corpora is debatable. The
methods. There is a significant amount of work that has been primary question that arises is if they appropriately replicate the
done in multimodal sentiment analysis in the past 3 years. The natural characteristics of a spontaneous expression. For exam-
types of dataset are radically changing, wherein the past, acted ple, in acted data, people rarely smile while acting as a frus-
data were being used, but presently, videos are being crawled trated person, whereas studies [? ] show that in 90% of cases in
from YouTube and used for experimentation in research. real-life situations, people smile while expressing their frustra-
Though visual and audio modalities have been used for mul- tion. Such errors eventually lead to poor generalization of any
timodal affect recognition in many studies since 2004 (Table multimodal sentiment analysis system.
??), it is worth mentioning that although most of the reported Apart from replication, the taxonomy of the emotions and
works use audio and visual information for affect recognition, sentiments is never set in stone. Though for sentiment analy-
recent advancements in text affect analysis [? ] have led to in- sis, it is relatively straight forward and practically convenient to
creasing use of text modality in these works, particularly from use positive, negative and neutral sentiment dimensions, in the
2010 onwards [? ? ]. For example, from the table ?? it can be case of emotions, the number of emotional dimensions to use
seen that from 2010 onwards, text modality has been considered is unclear. In the literature, most studies use Ekman’s six ba-
in many research works on multimodal affect analysis. sic emotions, i.e., Anger, Disgust, Joy, Surprise, fear and Sad,
for experimentation, however people often tend to use complex
emotions like love, frustration, etc., in their day to day conver-
For text modality, deep learning is now a days the most pop-
ular methods. Compare to the commonly used bag of words
method bag of concepts based methods are also developed by
researchers [? ]. On the other hand, also for visual modality
the trend has shifted from the use of different complex image
processing methods to the development of complex deep net-
works. With the advent of CNN [? ], C3D [? ] the video clas-
sification performance using the deep networks has overshad-
owed existing image processing algorithms like Optical flow,
ASM, AAM. Though deep learning based methods are quite
Figure 11: Percentage of research works done using different modalities for popular in text and visual affect recognition, not many works
affect Recognition over the years (Legenda: A=Audio; T= Text; V=Video). have been proposed in the literature for audio classification us-
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 27

Figure 12: Percentage of research articles in multimodal affect analysis using different fusion methods over the years (Legenda: F=Feature-Level Fusion;
D=Decision-Level Fusion; H=Hybrid Fusion; M=Model-Based Fusion).

ing deep networks. So, for audio classification the hand-crafted Extensive research is also required on videos containing
feature computation methods, e.g., OpenSMILE [? ], are still spontaneous expressions rather than acted expressions. Further-
very popular and widely used in the audio affect classification more, real-time fusion methods for fusing the information ex-
research. The degree to which a multimodal system can be gen- tracted from the multimodal data are also an interesting area
eralized is also a crucial factor in determining its practical im- of research, which can be enhanced through: 1) Testing the
plementation. For example, it is particularly difficult to deter- method on several datasets, 2) Increase in generalizability.
mine whether a developed approach is subject independent and Another aspect of future research worthy of exploring, is to
can work well with any context, and to what extent the system understand affect in a conversation. In such conversations, emo-
should be trained on diverse contextual data. tion expressed by a person can impact other persons in that con-
To date, the most widely used fusion method is feature- versation. If the multimodal system can model the inter person
level fusion, which consumes a lot of time and requires effec- emotional dependency, that would lead to major advances in
tive feature selection methods. Since 2010, multimodal fusion multimodal affect research.
has drawn increasing attention of researchers, and a number of
decision-level fusion methods have been recently reported, as 8. Conclusion
can be seen from Figure ??.
In this paper, we carried out a first of its kind review of the
7.2. Future Directions fundamental stages of a multimodal affect recognition frame-
As this survey paper has demonstrated, there are significant work. We started by discussing available benchmark datasets,
research challenges outstanding in this multi-disciplinary field. followed by an overview of the state of the art in audio-, visual-
One important area of future research is to investigate novel ap- and textual-based affect recognition. In particular, we high-
proaches for advancing our understanding of the temporal de- lighted prominent studies in unimodal affect recognition, which
pendency between utterances, i.e., the effect of utterance at time we consider crucial components of a multimodal affect detec-
t on the utterance at time t+1. Complex deep networks like 3D tor framework. For example, without efficient unimodal affect
CNNs, RNNs have already been used to measure this temporal classifiers or feature extractors, it is not possible to build a well-
dependency, however these need to be further evaluated com- performing multimodal affect detector. Hence, if one is aware
paratively, on a range of real benchmark multi-modal datasets. of the state of the art in unimodal affect recognition, which has
Textual modality is often ignored in video classification. The been thoroughly reviewed in this paper, it would facilitate the
progress in text classification research can play a major role in construction of an appropriate multimodal framework.
future of the multimodal affect analysis research. Our survey has confirmed other researchers’ findings that
With the advent of deep learning research, it is now a viable multimodal classifiers can outperform unimodal classifiers.
question whether to use deep features or low-level manually- Furthermore, text modality plays an important role in boost-
extracted features for the video classification. Future research ing the performance of an audio-visual affect detector. On the
should focus on answering this question. A valid question is, other hand, the use of deep learning is increasing in popularity,
can the ensemble application of deep learning and handcrafted particularly for extracting features from modalities. Although
features improve the performance of the video affect recogni- feature-level fusion is widely used for multimodal fusion, there
tion? The use of deep learning for multimodal fusion can also are other fusion methods developed in the literature. However,
be an important future work. since fusion methods are, in general, not being used widely
Poria et al. / (2017) 1–?? 28

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