Tle7 Week-8

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Computer System Servicing Grade 7/8
Quarter 1 Module 8


Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division

particularly the Learning Resource Management and Development Section,
Department of Education, Schools Division of Benguet, Cordillera Administrative
Region which is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education-CID,

Schools Division of Benguet. It aims to improve students’ performance specially in
Technology and Livelihood Education – Computer System Servicing.
The learning competency for this module was identified as a competency that
can be done alone or needing less or little supervision from parents or guardians.

Date of Development : September 2020
Resource Location : Division of Benguet, La Trinidad
Learning Area : TLE – Computer System Servicing
Grade Level : Grade 7/8
Learning Resource Type : Learning Material
Language : English
Quarter/Week : First Quarter, Week 8
Competencies and Codes : Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PC)


The developer would like to express her profound gratitude to the following
who have made significant contributions and inputs for the creation and improvement
of this module:
The School Principal of Benguet National High School-Main, Nestor O. Dalay-
on; Assistant Principal II, Madison B. Kiong; SPA-ICT Coordinator/Master Teacher I,
Imelda D. Espiritu; co-teachers and personnel of Benguet National High School-
Main; Samuel S. Ayangdan, Education Program Supervisor for TLE; and the Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System Staff and the

           To my family, friends, and relatives, who prayed and inspired me to continue
to finish this module. 

   And most especially to our Creator for His guidance, wisdom, courage and
strength He bestowed to the developer in order to finish this module;


Melvin L. Alfredo Antionette D. Sacyang

Librarian II Project Development Officer II

Sonia D. Dupagan, EdD,

Education Program Supervisor– Learning Resource


Samuel S. Ayangdan
Education Program Supervisor– TLE

Rizalyn A. Guznian, Ed.D

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Samuel T. Egsaen Jr., Ed.D

OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Benilda M. Daytaca, EdD, CESO VI,

OIC, Schools Division Superintendent


Copyright Notice
Table of Contents
What I Need to Know
What I Know
What’s New
What It Is
Importance of Entrepreneurship
Activity 2: Read Me
Activity 3: Let us Read!
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Additional Activity
Answer Key

What I Need to Know

This module contains the lesson on Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies for

Grade 7/8 Learners. It is developed for a clearer and more purposive teaching-
learning of the topic.
It includes a pretest that would measure how far you know about the topic, the
concepts that you would need to learn, varied enrichment activities that would allow
you to enhance your skills in entrepreneurship, an application that would deepen
your knowledge about the topic and a post test that would measure what you have
learned from this module.

Before you start this module, be reminded of the following:

• Do not write anything on the pages of this module. Use an activity

notebook/separate sheets as your answer sheet;
• You can work at your own pace; however, make sure that you will be able to
finish all the assigned tasks within a week;
• This module is designed for self-learning at home with or without the
supervision of a parent/guardian/adult. Therefore, accomplish all the tasks
diligently and honestly;
• Make your work neat and clean for easier checking.


1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of an entrpreneur

2. Assess one’s PECs; characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits.
3. Value PECs in becoming a successful entrepreneur.

What I Know


Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on your TLE-CSS activity sheet.
1. Which of the following entrepreneurial competencies described when an
entrepreneur has the determination to succeed?
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
2. It portrays fondness for updates on information.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Information Seeking
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
3. The quality of being dependent upon to finish one’s work.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
4. The insistence for the best results at the shortest possible time.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand or quality and efficiency
5. The trait of being always on the lookout for opportunities.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
6. The plotting of strategy for a goal and evaluating its progress.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
7. The ability to convince people about the merits of a product and induce them to
tell others about it.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
8. One of the following PECs that shows trust in one’s abilities.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
9. The readiness to venture into new fields.
a. Goal setting b. Risk taker c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
10. Which of the following competencies involves establishing a clear objective?
a. Goal setting b. PECs c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
11. These are sets of characteristics that make a successful entrepreneur.
a. Goal setting b. PECs c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship

12. It refers to a person who sees the potential in the product or service and takes
the risk selling it.
a. Goal setting b. Risk taker c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
13. Economies grow because there are entrepreneurs who make new products and
____ existing ones.
a. improves b. quality c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
14. Entrepreneurship helps to improve the ________ of living of a person by
increasing the income.
a. standard b. quality c. entrepreneurship d. entrepreneur
15. A society becomes greater if the ___________ base is large and diversified.
a. employment b. quality c. entrepreneurship d. entrepreneur

What’s In

The image below shows a daily scene in the market place. We can see people
having transactions with one another. Encircle the people who are offerring products
or services to sell, and put check, across who are buying these products and

What’s New

Activity 1

Directions: Look at the list below. Choose who among them are entrepreneurs. Write
your answers in your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

1. Fisherman
2. Accountant
3. Policeman
4. Teacher
5. Bakery shop owner
6. Computer shop owner
7. Taxi operator
8. President of a big company
9. Beauty salon owner
10. Salesman

What it is

What is Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a
business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The
most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.

Meaning of Entrepreneur
The people in the marketplace whether online or not who are selling goods or
offering services for a fee are called entrepreneurs. Some of the businesses may be
as simple as selling vegetables on the sidewalk or carting “buko” juice and selling
“balut” around. Others may involve huge amounts of capital like selling different
types of computers, rice and grocery items. Whatever the size of the business is, the
person who owns it can be considered an entrepreneur.

Generally, an entrepreneur is a person who sees the potential in a product or
service and takes the risks of selling it. The risks involved in selling it a new product
or offering a new service is losing money over it. The reward, on the other hand, is
when people see the advantage of buying the product or availing of the service. This
is when they begin patronizing the business and the entrepreneur starts making

Importance of Entrepreneurship:

 Creation of Employment-  It provides an entry-level job, required for gaining

experience and training for unskilled workers.
 Innovation- It is the hub of innovation that provides new product ventures,
market, technology and quality of goods, etc., and increase the standard of
living of people.
 Impact on Society and Community Development- A society becomes
greater if the employment base is large and diversified. It brings about
changes in society and promotes facilities like higher expenditure on
education, better sanitation, fewer slums, a higher level of homeownership.
Therefore, entrepreneurship provides a more stable and high quality of
community life.
 Increase Standard of Living- Entrepreneurship helps to improve the
standard of living of a person by increasing the income. The standard of living
means, increase in the consumption of various goods and services by a
household for a particular period.
 Supports research and development- New products and services need to
be researched and tested before launching in the market. Therefore, an
entrepreneur also dispenses finance for research and development with
research institutions and universities. This promotes research, general
construction, and development in the economy.

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of an Entrepreneur

Not all entrepreneurs are successful; there are definite competencies that make
entrepreneurs successful. A few of them are mentioned below:

1. Vigilance for Opportunities

Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and take the initiative to transform them into
business situations.
2. Persistence
When most people tend to abandon an activity, successful entrepreneurs stick
with it.
3. Commitment to the Work Contract
Entrepreneurs keep their promises, no matter how great the personal
4. Demand for Efficiency and Quality
Entrepreneurs try to do something better, faster or cheaper.

5. Willingness to Take Risks
Taking calculated risks is one of the primary concepts in entrepreneurship.
6. Goal Setting
This is the most important competency because none of the rest will function
without it. Entrepreneurs set goals and objectives which are meaningful and
7. Information Seeking
Entrepreneurs gather information about their clients, suppliers, technology
and opportunities.
8. Systematic Planning and Monitoring
Systematic behavior means acting in a logical way. Planning is deciding what
to do. Monitoring means checking.
9. Persuasion and Networking
Entrepreneurs influence other people to follow them or do something for them.
10. Self-Confidence
Entrepreneurs have a quiet self-assurance in their capability or potential to do



Julien and her classmates are required to do a lot of

paper works like researches and term papers. All these
need to be encoded, forcing her classmates to get their Vigilance for
paper works done at computer shop. Because she has a Opportunities
laptop, she offered to encode her classmates paper works
for a fee.
She sometimes finds it hard to get the typing job done
because she also has her own papers to work on. But
Julien does her best to finish her tasks that her classmates Commitment to the
entrusted her. She therefore skips her leisure activities to Work Contract
deliver the task.
Because she is loaded with typing jobs, Julien sometimes
mixes up her classmates’ selection and type the wrong
items. Instead of losing patience and quitting, she revises Persistence
her work until she gets the job done correctly.
Surprisingly, Julien has saved enough amount and was
able to send their old model desktop computer to a
computer technician. It was a lot of money for a Grade 7 Willingness to take
student like her, but she knew she would profit from it by the Risks
renting it out to her classmates.
Julien practices accurate typing and double her speed.
She does this to make sure she is able to come up with Demand for Quality
the best results at the fastest possible time. and Efficiency
Many of Julien’s classmates frequent her house to take
turns renting her computers. She then resolved to use all Goal Setting
her profits to buy two or more second hand computers in

the next two months.
Her classmates and schoolmates demanded for an
Internet connection so they won’t have to rent computers Information Seeking
outside to do their research. She made inquiries about
Converge ICT up to 25 Mbps and applied online for
connection with her parents guidance.
Having acquired two more computers, she carefully
planned on the additional software to install in the units so Systematic Planning
that the systems will not slow down. She also installed a and Monitoring
program that automatically records computer user.
Julien was able to convince her classmates to share her
page advertising her computers for rent to their Facebook Persuasion and
friends. Networking
Although there are computer shops around, Julien’s
classmates still prefer to rent her computers. This is Self-Confidence
because she shows total belief in the advantages of her
services over the more expensive and impersonal
computer shops.

What’s More

Activity 1:
Directions: Using the PECs checklist, assess yourself by putting a check (/) mark in
either strengths or development areas column. Interpret the results by counting the
total number of check marks in each of the columns. Write it in your TLE-CSS
activity sheet. Follow the format below.


Personal Entrepreneurial Personal Assessment in terms of:

Competencies of an Entrepreneur

Strengths Development Areas

Vigilance for Opportunities

Commitment to the Work Contract


Willingness to take the Risks

Demand for Quality and Efficiency

Goal Setting

Information Seeking

Systematic Planning and Monitoring

Persuasion and Networking




Assessment 1

Direction: Fill out the details below. Write it on your TLE-CSS activity sheet

If you were an entrepreneur, what particular business would you like to venture?

If I were an entrepreneur, I would venture in the ___________________business


Activity 2: Read Me

Direction: Read the story about the successful entrepreneur.

Charles grew up in a poor family when he learned the importance of hard
work. When he was in high school, he sold newspapers and candies to help pay his
school finances. He learned he was good at carpentry in his TLE classes, and
realized he wanted to make it his profession someday. After senior high school, he
was not able to go to college due to lack of finances. Instead he was obliged to work
in a furniture shop.
The shop where he worked closed when Charles was 21, and he found
himself suddenly jobless. He raised an amount from his savings and through loans.
To save his limited capital, Charles did not hire any help. He managed his
savings very carefully, spending most of it on woodworking tools and materials. He
worked long hours creating unique designs for his furniture, and looking for better
ways to build them.
Charles started selling his designs through online. They liked his work so
much, and soon, huge orders began and his business grew.
Today, Charles is known to be one of the most successful furniture shop in the
municipality of Benguet.

Assessment 2:

Direction: Answer the question below. Write your answers in your TLE-CSS
activity sheet.

1. What are the competencies that helped Charles succeed in his business?


Hi My name 1.
is Charles




2. How did Charles acquire his good traits as an entrepreneur?


Activity 3: Let us Read!

Gwen is good in painting. Once during her spare time, she decorated a white
coffee mug with beautiful designs using acrylic paint. Her sister Precious was very
impressed when she saw her handiwork, and told Gwen that she would earned profit
out of her talent.
A friend of Precious’s asked Gwen to decorate a mug personally for her and
was very happy for the result. Later, more of her sister’s friends asked her to make
personalized mugs, which became trending because she can be counted on to
produce good work and clever designs.
People advised Gwen to make full-time business out of his talent. However,
Gwen knew she would not be able to handle the pressure of a big workload. She
was afraid of failing customer’s expectations and did not want to accept
Assessment 3:

Direction: Assess Gwen’s chances of being an entrepreneur. On the space

beside the arrow up, write the qualities that can help Gwen become a

successful entrepreneur. Beside arrow down, write the bad traits that
prevent her from succeeding in business. Write your answer in your CSS
Activity sheet.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentences. Write your answers
on your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

Entrepreneurs are people who see the _____ for a _____ or service and take
the risk of putting up _______ to sell the product or render the service.
Businesses are created to answer a need and cater for a _______. It may
also be born based on the availability of resources. In this case, goods may be
produced and marketed without necessarily having an existing demand.
There are general competencies that make a __________ entrepreneur.
These include the ability to recognize a supply and need, and the desire to market a
skill or talent.
Entrepreneurs also have to be hardworking, patient, and dedicated to
succeed. Moreover, they have to love the business they are in because they will
inspire them to work not just for _______ but for self-fulfillment.


What I Can Do

Let’s Do It!

Directions: Examine yourself as an entrepreneur / business person once again.

Make a short list of PECs that you need to strengthen. From this activity, prepare an
action plan that requires further development. You may opt to follow the suggested
format below. You may improve or change it for so long as it suits your own plan of
action. Please use your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

Focus Current Goal Measures Actions Time Reward/

Area Situation of Success Required Frame Recognition

My I need to - To Achieve -Selling -During -Earns

PECs develop exercise 100% finished culminating expected
my my own completion of products activities income
undefined PECs development derived -After -Outstanding
characteris during of my own from learning performance
tics need selling PECs culminating the in selling and
for my and through activities in principles, promoting
retail producing selling and any of theories, products and
business. products/ production of chosen processes service
such as: services products, career. of any
-To proper -Participate chosen
become manner in skills business /
proficient when dealing competition enterprise
in my with people. sponsored
chosen by the NGO
skill. and GO


Let’s Check It Up!

Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on your CSS activity sheet.
1. Which of the following entrepreneurial competencies described when an
entrepreneur has the determination to succeed?
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
2. It portrays fondness for updates on information.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Information Seeking
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
3. The quality of being dependent upon to finish one’s work.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand for quality and efficiency
4. The insistence for the best results at the shortest possible time.
a. Demand b. Persistence c. Commitment to contract
d. Demand or quality and efficiency
5. The trait of being always on the lookout for opportunities.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
6. The plotting of strategy for a goal and evaluating its progress.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
7. The ability to convince people about the merits of a product and induce them to
tell others about it.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
8. One of the following PECs that shows trust in one’s abilities.
a. Vigilance for opportunities b. Systematic planning and monitoring
c. Persuasion and networking d. Self Confidence
9. The readiness to venture into new fields.
a. Goal setting b. Risk taker c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
10. Which of the following competencies involves establishing a clear objective?
a. Goal setting b. PECs c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
11. These are sets of characteristics that make a successful entrepreneur.
a. Goal setting b. PECs c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship

12. It refers to a person who sees the potential in the product or service and takes
the risk selling it.
a. Goal setting b. Risk taker c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
13. Economies grow because there are entrepreneurs who make new products and
____ existing ones.
a. improves b. quality c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
14. Entrepreneurship helps to improve the ________ of living of a person by
increasing the income.
a. standard b. quality c. entrepreneurship d. entrepreneur
15. A society becomes greater if the ___________ base is large and diversified.
a. employment b. quality c. entrepreneurship d. entrepreneur


Let's Do More

Read the selection below and do the activity that follows.

Alyana had a talent in cross stitching. She learned the skill in her Junior High
School TLE classes and continued practicing it until college. She finished excellent
designs which her family and friends in social media truly admired. She planned to
start a cross stitch business right after college.
Upon graduation, Alyana started a small shop selling her framed cross stitch
designs. Things were not always easy for her in the beginning because there were
similar shops around competing for customers. But Alyana was not discouraged. She
constantly looked for new designs and asked for her customer’s suggestions to
improve her products. She also avoided her tendency to slack off at times, and
continued working to keep the lead she had set.
Because of her fondness for her craft and her customers, Alyana’s decision
mostly proved helpful for her business. Her decisions are guided by her commitment
to give her customers total satisfaction. She is also careful not to repeat same errors,
applies the lessons she had learned in her past decision-making.
Alyana also believes honesty as the best policy, so her clients grew to respect
her and continued patronizing her business.

Identify the entrepreneurial competencies that helped Alyana succeed in her





Key Answers
Post Assessment
What I Know
1. B
2. C 1. B
3. C 2. C
4. D 3. C
5. A 4. D
6. B 5. A
7. C 6. B
8. D 7. C
9. B 8. D
10. A 9. B
11. B 10. A
12. C 11. B
13. A 12. C
14. A 13. A
15. A 14. A
15. A
What”s More
Activity 2
Other activities;
1. Hardworking Answers may vary
2. Risk taker
3. Self-confident
4. Committed
5. Goal Setter


Ramilo, Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo V. 2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 9
Ramilo, Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo V. 2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 10


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Benguet

Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Telephone: 074 422 2001 

Email Address: [email protected]


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