Philippine Water Supply and Sanitaton Master Plan

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Published by the

National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

12 Saint Josemaria Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center
Pasig City, Philippines
The National Economic and Development Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
Authority extends its deep appreciation and System;
gratitude to the various agencies and Philippine Association of Water Districts;
organizations for their invaluable cooperation Philippine Water Partnership;
and support in the multi-stakeholder planning Public-Private Partnership Center;
process in preparing the Philippine Water River Basin Control Office; and
Supply and Sanitation Master Plan. University of the Philippines - National
Hydraulic Research Center.
Formulating a national water supply and
sanitation master plan has proven to be a
The development partners, whose unwavering
great challenge, considering about 7,641
support towards the improvement of the
islands, and coordinating with 12 water
country’s water and sanitation sector is again
resources regions, 17 administrative regions,
manifested in the preparation of this plan:
over 700 water districts, and approximately
5,000 Level III water service providers. Thus, Asian Development Bank;
the Agency would like to recognize the Development Bank of the Philippines;
assistance and proactive collaboration of the Japan International Cooperation Agency;
following central and regional agencies: Land Bank of the Philippines;
Oxfam International;
Department of Agrarian Reform;
United Nations Children's Fund;
Department of Agriculture;
United Nations Development Programme;
Department of Budget and Management;
United States Agency for International
Department of Energy;
Department of Environment and Natural;
World Bank; and
Department of Finance;
World Health Organization.
Department of Health;
Department of the Interior and Local
The various private water and sanitation
service providers whose representatives and
Department of Public Works and Highways;
resource persons took the time to actively
Department of Tourism;
participate in the project’s numerous
League of Cities of the Philippines;
workshops and dialogues:
League of Municipalities of the Philippines;
Local Water Utilities Administration;
Balibago Waterworks;
National Anti-Poverty Commission;
Manila Water Company, Inc.;
National Irrigation Administration;
Maynilad Water Services Inc.;
National Water Resources Board; and
Metro Pacific Water; and
Office of the President - Office of the
Suez Environment.
Executive Secretary.
NEDA also acknowledges these other And lastly, the NEDA Regional Offices and
agencies and institutions for their valuable staff, local government units, water districts,
inputs and contributions to this plan: members of the academe, and all water and
sanitation service providers who have been
Bureau of Soils and Water Management;
very instrumental in crafting this plan. Through
National Housing Authority;
their efforts, the plan’s development has been
Cooperative Development Authority;
participatory and consultative and has
Department of Human Settlements and Urban
reflected what the stakeholders, both at the
national and local levels, truly need.
Department of Social Welfare and

APIS Annual Poverty Indicators Survey INFRACOM NEDA Board Committee on Infrastructure
-SCWR – Sub-Committee on Water Resources
BWSA Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Association Change
CBO Community-Based Organization iWASH Integrated Safe Water, Sanitation, and
COA Commission on Audit IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management

CPC Certificate of Public Convenience JV Joint Venture

DA Department of Agriculture KPI Key Performance Indicator

DBM Department of Budget and Management KRA Key Reform Agenda

DENR Department of Environment and Natural LGC Local Government Code

DILG Department of the Interior and Local LGSF-AM Local Government Support Fund –
Government Assistance to the Municipalities
DMA District Metered Area LGU Local Government Unit

DOF Department of Finance LWUA Local Water Utilities Administration

DOH Department of Health LSSP Local Sustainable Sanitation Plan

DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

DWR Department of Water Resources MDG Millennium Development Goal

EMB Environmental Management Bureau MFI Microfinance Institution

EO Executive Order MIS Management Information System

FIES Family Income and Expenditure Survey MOA Memorandum of Agreement

GFI Government Financial Institution MWSS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage


HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board MWSS-RO Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
System – Regulatory Office
HUC Highly Urbanized City NCR National Capital Region

IA Implementing Agency NDHS National Demographic and Health Survey

IEC Information, Education, and Communication NEDA National Economic and Development
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NPC National Power Corporation RBCO River Basin Control Office

NRW Non-Revenue Water RBO River Basin Organization

NSSMP National Sewerage and Septage Management RDC Regional Development Council
NWMC National Water Management Council RWH Rainwater Harvester

NWRB National Water Resources Board SALINTUBIG Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig Para sa Lahat

O&M Operation and Maintenance SB Sangguniang Bayan

OBA Output-Based Aid SDG Sustainable Development Goal

OP Office of the President TIEZA Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise

Zone Authority
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and TOR Terms of Reference
Astronomical Services Administration
PAWD Philippine Association of Water Districts UN United Nations

PD Presidential Decree URAF Unified Resource Allocation Framework

PDP Philippine Development Plan VGF Viability Gap Funding

PDRS Project Development and Other Related Studies WD Water District

PFI Private Financial Institution WDM Water Demand Management

PHO Provincial Health Office WMO World Meteorological Organization

PMO Project Management Office WQMA Water Quality Management Area

PNSDW Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water WRC Water Regulatory Commission

PPP Public-Private Partnership WRI World Resources Institute

PSA Philippine Statistics Authority WSP Water Service Provider

PSC Project Steering Committee WSS Water Supply and Sanitation

PSSR Philippine Sustainable Sanitation Roadmap

PWSSIS Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation

Information System
PWSSMP Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Master
PWSSR Philippine Water Supply Sector Roadmap

Currency Equivalents,
Units, and Measures
% percent

CMD cubic meters per day

km kilometer

km²/sq. km. square kilometer

km³ cubic kilometer

L/s/ha liters per second per hectare

lpcd liters per capita per day

lps liters per second

m meter

m³ cubic meter

m3/d/ha cubic meters per day per hectare

m3/mo cubic meters per month

MCM/year million cubic meters per year

mg/L milligrams per liter

mm millimeter

PHP Philippine Peso

PHP/m³ Philippine Peso per cubic meter

psi pounds per square inch

T ton

Part of the distribution line of the
Water Supply System of the
Municipality of Dalaguete, Cebu
Executive Summary
The Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Besides degrading the quality of life in
Master Plan (PWSSMP) serves as the affected localities, unhygienic circumstances
national action plan to achieve universal also spawn poor living and working
access to safe, sufficient, affordable, and environments that exert downward pressure
sustainable water supply, hygiene, and on economic productivity.
sanitation by 2030. Linked to the national
Climate change aggravates the sector’s
water supply and sanitation (WSS) targets,
challenges, such as higher water demand
the PWSSMP is grounded on the realities of
with increasing global temperatures, rainfall
every region, with insights from over 1,000
variability, sea level rise, and extreme
representatives across the country.
weather events, leaving the country more
The PWSSMP defines the activities, vulnerable to longer droughts and floods.
responsible agencies, and budget necessary WSS infrastructure, especially in coastal
to support the WSS sector in addressing the communities, is extremely susceptible to the
needs of the country. The proposed policies, disruptive and destructive impacts of these
as well as economic, environmental, and climate hazards.
engineering solutions have all factored in
The WSS sector remains fragmented, and the
different levels of development to match the
efforts of many government agencies remain
specific realities and requirements on the
uncoordinated. The lack of oversight makes
ground. These solutions also recognize that
the programs of the sector prone to
situations, conditions, and challenges vary
exploitation from political factions at the
from one community to another.
expense of long-term goals and the
communities’ welfare.

Sector Overview The need for a unifying apex body for the
WSS sector and the enforcement of its
The gap between available water supply and reforms are both urgent and imperative.
demand continues to widen in the country.
Some areas are already experiencing water
stress and water scarcity. The water crisis is Vision and Development
projected to worsen by 2040 if the sector
remains business as usual. Outcomes
About 12.40 million people are limited to Every Filipino must have access to
getting water from unsafe sources. Some sustainable and affordable safe water supply
areas do not have water service providers as well as adequate safely managed
(WSPs). Most WSPs are not financially and sanitation services.
technically capable of delivering the required With only 87.7 percent of the population
services to a growing population, let alone having access to safe water and 73.8 percent
expanding their coverage. In addition, only to basic sanitation as of 2015, achieving the
515 or 68.9 percent of the country’s 748 sectoral goals of 95.0 percent access to safe
water districts (WDs) are operational at water and 97.0 percent access to basic
varying levels of efficiency and coverage. sanitation by 2022, and universal access to
Because of inadequate improved sanitation WSS services by 2030, is a challenge. The
facilities, more than four million people are national standards set for water quality,
constrained to practice open defecation. An availability, and pressure must be met.
additional two million are limited to using WSS providers must focus on customer-
unprotected pit latrines or buckets. These oriented business and financial models to
conditions expose them to higher risks of sustain their operations. Local government
contracting foodborne and waterborne units (LGUs) can enhance the well-being of
diseases. These risks result in high their constituents with appropriate, reliable,
incidences of water-related diseases, such as and efficient WSS services.
typhoid and acute bloody diarrhea. In
addition, these illnesses have economic Open defecation must be eliminated by 2022.
repercussions on our people and the country. Sewerage and septage management services

must be available, starting with highly These figures also include non-physical
urbanized cities (HUCs). investments amounting to PHP 1.13 billion that
would cover the implementation of the PWSSMP
Furthermore, developing reliable WSS
reform programs.
information systems supports the initiative to
unite the sector.

Implementation, Monitoring, and

Priority Reforms and Investment Evaluation Arrangements
Program The execution of the PWSSMP includes four
phases. Phase 1 (2019), or the pre-investment
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017–
phase, includes the approval and adoption of the
2022 identifies the creation of an apex body as
PWSSMP and Investment Program, which will not
the key to institutionalizing reform. The
require any investment costs. The Investment
PWSSMP introduces the eight key reform
Program covers the projects in Phase 2 (2020 to
agenda (KRA), each designed as a cluster-
2023) and Phase 3 (2024 to 2030). Phase 4
type solution to complement infrastructure
(beyond 2030) will cover the remaining projects
and activities that may be implemented beyond
The eight KRA focuses on the following: 2030 up to the culmination of AmBisyon Natin
2040. Implementing these projects require
 Establishing effective WSS sector
commitment and collaboration among agencies in
the WSS sector, with a strong champion being key
 Strengthening the regulatory environment; to coordinating all efforts. While the envisioned
apex body is being considered, a project
 Creating and ensuring effective WSS management office (PMO) can assume this role in
services; the interim.
 Balancing water supply and demand; The Philippine WSS Information System
 Building climate resiliency; (PWSSIS) and regional offices will monitor the
progress of the infrastructure projects, while the
 Enabling access to funding and financing; National Economic and Development Authority
 Managing data and information; and
(NEDA) and PMO will monitor the progress of the
 Driving research and development.

The implementation of the reform programs

and activities in the areas mentioned above will
create the enabling environment that the sector
needs to achieve its target goals. The said
implementation will spur infrastructure
development in the WSS sector through
interventions backed by robust investments,
which will benefit households that do not have
access to safe water and improved sanitation.

Investment Program and

Financing Plan
The total budget required to achieve WSS
universal access is estimated at PHP 1.07
trillion over 11 years (2020–2030). Around
PHP 0.73 trillion is required to achieve the
PDP targets. Another PHP 0.34 trillion is
needed to achieve universal access by 2030.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………. v
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... vi
Currency Equivalents, Units, and Measures ...................................................................... viii
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... x
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... xii
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………….... xiii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………….. Xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction…….......................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………………... 2
1.2 Strategy ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Principles ....................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Program Logic Model ..................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Sector Overview ......................................................................................... 6
2.1 Background ……………………………………………………………………….. 6
2.2 Water Resources ........................................................................................... 8
2.3 Sector Performance ....................................................................................... 10
2.4 Issues and Challenges ................................................................................... 18
Chapter 3: Vision and Development Outcomes ........................................................... 20
3.1 Vision ............................................................................................................. 20
3.2 Sector Goals and Outcomes: Benchmarks and Targets ................................ 20
3.3 Key Performance Indicators …………………………………………………….. 21
Chapter 4: Priority Reforms, Programs, and Activities ................................................. 24
4.1 Policy Directions ............................................................................................ 24
4.2 Key Reform Agenda (Soft Components) …................................................... 25
4.3 Key Reform Agenda Action Plan ………………………………………………... 32
Chapter 5: Investment Program and Financing Plan .................................................... 59
5.1 Investment Requirements .............................................................................. 59
5.2 Financing Plan ............................................................................................... 61
5.3 Plan Timeline ................................................................................................. 67

Chapter 6: Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation Arrangements ……………….. 74

6.1 General Oversight and Guidance .................................................................. 74

6.2 Management and Supervision ....................................................................... 75
6.3 Project Execution ........................................................................................... 75
6.4 Framework of Collaboration ……………………………………………………... 76
6.5 Mechanisms and Processes (General) .......................................................... 77

Glossary and Bibliography………………………………………………………………………. 83

List of Tables Page
Table 1: IWRM of the WSS Sector 5
Table 2: Service Level against Classification of Source of Water 11
Table 3: Water Service Providers Registered under Listahang Tubig (2018) 13
Table 4: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of WSPs, National Average 14
Table 5: Operating Performance of Water Districts 15
Table 6: Sanitation Service Ladder 16
Table 7: WSS Issues and Challenges 18
Table 8: Sector Goals and Benchmarks 20
Table 9: Proposed Benchmarks for the Water Supply Sector 22
Table 10: Proposed Benchmarks for the Sanitation Sector 23
Table 11: Eight Key Reform Agenda 25
Table 12: Total Investment Requirements from 2020–2030 59
Table 13: Total Amount of Non-Physical Investments for 2020–2023 60
Table 14: Projects under the Priority Investment Program 68
Table 15: Priority Investment Program 69
Table 16: Proposed Strategic Interventions for Water Supply 70
Table 17: Scope of Works Requiring Capital Investments Required for the Water Supply Targets 70
Table 18: Proposed Strategic Interventions for Sanitation 71
Table 19: Management and Supervision for PWSSMP Implementation 75

List of Figures Page

Figure 1: WSS Targets for 2020, 2022, and 2030 2
Figure 2: IWRM Principles Adopted in the PWSSMP Framework 4
Figure 3: Program Logic Model 5
Figure 4: Water Resources Potential by Administrative Region 7
Figure 5: Total Water Resources Potential 8
Figure 6: Water Availability per Capita per Annum (Using 2015 Values for Population) 9
Figure 7: Main Source of Water Supply of the Population (2015 FIES, PSA) 10
Figure 8: Levels of Service in Terms of Percentage by Region (2015 FIES) 11
Figure 9: Proxy Value of Data for Safe and Accessible Drinking Water Using Available Secondary 12
Figure 10: Access to Safe and Accessible Drinking Water per NDHS 12
Figure 11: Components of Sanitation Infrastructure 16
Figure 12: Access to Basic Sanitation Data from Available Sources 17
Figure 13: PWSSMP Results Framework Diagram 25
Figure 14: Breakdown of Water Supply Investments, 2020–2023 61
Figure 15: Grant Allocation for Water Supply Projects 62
Figure 16: Financing Plan for Water Supply Sector Investments (in PHP Billion), 2020–2023 63
Figure 17: Flow of Funds for Water Supply Investments (in PHP Billion) 2020–2023 63
Figure 18: Breakdown of Sanitation Investments, 2020–2023 64
Figure 19: Grant Allocation for Sanitation Projects 65
Figure 20: Funding and Financing Allocation for Sanitation Projects (in PHP Billion) 66
Figure 21: Proposed Flow of Applications for Financing Sanitation Projects 66
Figure 22: Proposed Flow of Funds for Sanitation Projects (in PHP Billion) 67

1 Introduction
“The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life
in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of

1.1 Background
other human rights.”1

The Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation  Combines the investment for the
Master Plan (PWSSMP) is a national Philippine Water Supply Sector Roadmap
action plan that seeks to enable the (PWSSR) and the Philippine Sustainable
government and its partners in the private Sanitation Roadmap (PSSR) into one
sector to achieve universal access to water comprehensive plan (see Chapter 5); and
supply and sanitation (WSS) from 2019 to
 Formulates a monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) system (see Chapter 6).
The PWSSMP sets the direction towards
This document is the abridged version of
achieving the WSS-related targets
the PWSSMP that presents a summary
stipulated in the Clean Water Act of 2004,
and the salient points of the Plan.
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017–
2022, and the United Nations (UN) The original version includes the following:
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
 Detailed financing plan and investment
Figure 1 presents the sector targets and the
prescribed period for target completion.
 Seventeen regional roadmaps: region-
In setting the direction towards achieving
specific data, targets, and proposed
the WSS targets, the PWSSMP:
 Proposes strategies and policy reforms
 PWSSMP data book: maps showing the
based on current and potential issues
existing major WSS infrastructure; and
(see Chapter 4);
 WSS database management system.
 Identifies priority short-, medium-, and
long-term programs and projects (see
Chapter 5);

General Comment No.
15 on the Right to
Water, 2002, UN
Committee on
Economic, Social, and
Cultural Rights (UN

Figure 1: WSS Targets for 2020, 2022, and 2030
1.2 Strategy  Economic, social, and political interest
groups or power blocs as other actors:
The overall strategy of the PWSSMP is to Influence claimholders and duty bearers.
establish a living plan that is
comprehensive, participatory, and The WSS sector must follow the
operational. Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principle.
1.3 Principles The PWSSMP uses the IWRM principle for
Access to water and sanitation is a a comprehensive and integrated approach
human right. in describing the sector and addressing the
gaps towards ultimately achieving the
The PWSSMP affirms the UN declaration of
the human right to water. In addition, the national targets and commitments. As such,
Philippine Constitution emphasizes that the following interlinked systems have been
“The State values the dignity of every considered:
human person and guarantees full respect
 Natural Resources System (NRS),
for human rights.”2 The three main actors in
the human rights-based approach are the which is governed by the climatic and
following: physical conditions of the Philippines
affecting its water resources, and
 Local government units (LGUs) and water considers the country’s water resources
districts (WDs) as duty bearers (as water regions;
service providers [WSPs] or regulators):  Socioeconomic System (SES), which is
Create conditions for the realization of all defined by the demographic, social, and
human rights for all, especially the most economic conditions that determine the
vulnerable, by providing goods, services, demand for WSS; and
institutions, and resources based on
human rights standards, norms, and  Administrative and Institutional
principles; Systems (AIS) which are formed and
bound by the constitutional, legal, and
 Water users as claimholders: Exercise political systems governing WSS in the
rights responsibly and claim entitlements country.
to goods, services, institutions, and
resources necessary for quality of life The interface and interaction of the three
consistent with humanity and dignity; and systems that define the multifaceted nature
of the WSS sector have been considered:
 Use of and impact on water: reflected
by balancing the supply (natural
resources system) and demand
(socioeconomic systems), as well as the
impact of the use and improper
Natural use and Socioeconomic management of wastewater;
Resources System balanced System
Efficiently managed finite
demand and
Promoting  WSS infrastructure: reflected by the
water resources and socioeconomic growth responses of the administrative and
water ecosystems Sustainable and through water supply and
affordable safe water sanitation institutional systems to properly and
supply as well as sustainably address WSS sector gaps;
adequate safely WSS-
Sufficient, managed
related and
responsive sanitation
and policies, and
for all
regulations,  Policies, Regulations, and
in place Management: established and
promulgated by administrative and
Administrative and institutional systems to promote the
Institutional Systems sustainable use of limited water
Article 2, Section 11 Enabling administrative
of the 1987 Philippine and institutional
Constitution arrangements

4 Figure 2: IWRM Principles Adopted in the PWSSMP

WSS Framework The objective statements of each system
and interface relative to IWRM principles
The WSS Sector Assessment was
are presented in Table 1.
undertaken and validated at the regional
consultation workshops, which led to the
development of the PWSSMP Framework 1.4 Program Logic
(as shown in Figure 2).
To achieve the WSS national targets and
commitments, the vision statement
underscores sustainable and affordable The Program Logic Model (see Figure 3)
safe water supply as well as adequate sets the direction towards achieving its
safely managed sanitation services for all. sectoral objectives by addressing the
issues and challenges of each component
of the WSS sector, ultimately contributing
to AmBisyon Natin 2040.
Table 1: IWRM of the WSS Sector
Components of the WSS Sector Objective Statements
Efficient management of finite water resources and water
Natural Resources System
Promoting socioeconomic growth through WSS
Socioeconomic System

Administrative and Institutional Enabling administrative and institutional arrangements

Responsible use and balanced demand and supply
Use of and Impact on Water

Sufficient, responsive, and sustainable WSS infrastructure and

WSS Infrastructure
Policies, Regulation, and Setting WSS-related policies, regulations, and management in
Management place

Figure 3: Program Logic Model
2 Sector Overview
2.1 Background
The Philippine WSS sector has a myriad of
challenges to overcome before it can fulfill
its obligation to assure every Filipino of
adequate and affordable WSS services.
supply cannot cope with the demand for
clean water of the country’s rapidly
increasing population, migration, and
economic growth.
In addition to the challenge of providing safe
and adequate water supply, surface water
As shown by official government data and groundwater in some areas are
below, the sector is still a long way from contaminated because of open defecation
achieving the level of development and and improper management and disposal of
efficiency necessary to bridge existing gaps human excreta and blackwater.
and address weaknesses in water supply
and demand management. Weak or inadequate operation and
maintenance (O&M) practices also expose
The following facts, circa 2015, are as piped systems to contamination through
revealing as they are instructive: illegal tapping and pipe leaks. Unhealthy
 Despite the country’s abundant water sanitation and hygiene practices expose
resources, it has experienced water communities to waterborne diseases.
stress3 with overall water availability per The Philippine WSS sector is fragmented,
capita per year of 1,446 cubic meters; owing mainly to the weak cooperation
 Approximately 87.7 percent of the among different agencies and LGUs in
national population have access to safe regard to WSS programs, activities, and
water supply, while 12.3 percent (12.40 projects. Investments in infrastructure and
million people) do not; capacity-building have not been
comprehensively planned and coordinated.
 Less than 50.0 percent of the country’s
total number of households have piped The National Economic and Development
water in their premises, with some still Authority (NEDA) is creating a unifying
getting unsafe water from the tap; framework for planning, implementation, and
 Approximately 332 municipalities are funding in the WSS sector.
considered waterless, which means more
than half of their residents do not have
access to safe water;
 Approximately 73.8 percent of
households have access to on-site or off-
site water treatment facilities; and
 More than four million people do not have
access to toilet facilities and are
constrained to resort to open defecation.
A realistic estimate of the currently available
UN Water considers freshwater that can serve the growing
an area is experiencing
population cannot be determined until an
water stress when
annual water supplies updated comprehensive assessment and
drop below 1,700 m3 inventory of the country’s water resources is
per person. The values
for water availability per
capita per year cover
domestic water supply
Furthermore, water supply is unevenly
and water uses for distributed across the archipelago on
other sectors (e.g., account of rainfall variability as well as the
agricultural, industrial,
commercial, power). size and features of each island. Available

Computed based on
groundwater estimates
plus surface water
estimates at 80 percent

Figure 4: Water Resources Potential by Administrative Region 4
2.2 Water Resources 2.2.3 Water Use
Based on awarded water permits by the
National Water Resources Board (NWRB),
2.2.1 Climate and Rainfall water use was recorded at approximately
The climate in the Philippines is tropical and 212,800 MCM annually as of 2017.
monsoonal with an average temperature of Approximately 130,500 MCM (61.3 percent
27°C throughout the year. The humidity is of the total) are allocated for power
relatively high and is generally above 70.0 generation and are categorized as non-
percent all year round. consumptive use, along with approximately
350 MCM allocation for recreational use.
The country’s climate is classified into four The remaining 82,000 MCM are reserved for
types5 which are based on rainfall variability, consumptive use.
the influence of the country’s topography,
and air stream direction. For comparison, the irrigation sector is the
greatest consumer of water among all the
Rainfall in the country ranges from 1,000 to sectors (at 76.0 percent allocation). The
4,000 mm per year with an average of 2,400 domestic or municipal sector consumes only
mm. Of this number, 1,000 to 2,000 mm are 8.0 percent.
collected as runoff by more than 421
principal river basins, 59 natural lakes, and
numerous small streams.
2.2.4 Water Availability, Water
Stress, and Water Scarcity
2.2.2 Water Resources Hydrologists typically assess scarcity by
Potential looking at the population-water equation.
Per UN Water, “An area is experiencing
The country has a total water resources water stress when annual water supplies
potential of 145,990 MCM/year. This sum drop below 1,700 m 3 per person. When
considers the total surface water potential of annual water supplies drop below 1,000 m 3
125,790 MCM/year (taken at 80.0 percent per person, the population faces water
dependability) and the total groundwater scarcity, and below 500 m 3, ‘absolute
potential of 20,200 MCM/year (see Figure scarcity.’”6
Figure 6 shows the water availability per
Figure 4 shows the country’s water capita per year by region and highlights the
resources potential per administrative level of water availability, stress, and
region. scarcity. Based on the country’s population
Type I – Two in 2015, its average water availability was
pronounced seasons:
dry from November to
only 1,446 m 3 per capita per year
April and wet the rest of nationwide. This indicates that the country is
the year experiencing water stress.
Type II – No dry
season with a very The values for water availability per capita
pronounced maximum
rainfall from November per year cover domestic water supply and
to April and wet the rest water consumed by other sectors (e.g.,
of the year
agricultural, industrial, commercial, and
Type III – Seasons not
very pronounced: power).
relatively dry from
November to April and Climate change, economic development,
wet the rest of the year urbanization, and population growth will
Type IV – Rainfall
affect future water availability in the country .
more or less evenly
distributed throughout A study by the World Resources Institute
the year (WRI) has predicted that the Philippines will
Managing Water experience a high degree of water shortage
Report under
Uncertainty and Risk, by 2040 under a “business-as-usual”
UN World Water Figure 5: Total Water Resources Potential scenario (Luo, Young, and Reig, 2015).
Development Report 4
(Volume 1)

Figure 6: Water Availability per Capita per Annum (Using 2015 Values for Population)
2.2.5 Climate Risks and rising sea levels can contaminate freshwater
sources and damage water-related
Geological Hazards infrastructure in the coastal areas.
The country is often battered by various
climate hazards (induced by rainfall 2.3 Sector
variability, increasing temperature, and sea
level rise). In recent decades, it has Performance
experienced extreme weather conditions,
such as temperatures above 35°C, more
intense rainfalls, and typhoons stronger 2.3.1 Water Supply
than the 30-year average of an area.
Access by Source and Levels of
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Service
and Astronomical Services Administration
(PAGASA) has predicted that there will The 2015 Family Income and Expenditure
generally be an increase in rainfall by 2020 Survey (FIES) conducted by the Philippine
and 2050. The same models project an Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that only
increased peak rainfall during the wet 87.7 percent of the population7 had access
season and longer dry conditions during the to water sources classified as safe. The rest
dry season. However, some parts of the of the population (12.3 percent) drew water
country show decreasing total rainfall. This from unsafe sources such as dug wells,
rainfall variability translates directly into lakes, peddlers, rain, and unprotected
changes in water supply dynamics. springs, rivers, and streams. Figure 7
illustrates the distribution of the main
Changing rainfall patterns could mean lower sources of water by the percentage of the
flows, resulting in water shortages. Intense population.
rainfall may not replenish the groundwater
as much as when rainfall is spread evenly Water supply can also be classified
according to the level of service. NEDA
across the year. A lower than average or defines these as follows:8
prolonged dry days during the dry months
may affect soil porosity and vegetation,  Level I (point source): This service
which leads to reduced soil infiltration and level provides a protected well or a
lower groundwater recharge. Higher developed spring with an outlet but
temperatures will increase without a distribution system. Hence, the
evapotranspiration and cause longer and users fetch water from the nearest
more intense droughts. Extreme rainfall source. Rural areas (where houses are
induces surface runoffs that could trigger thinly scattered) are generally adaptable
landslides. to Level I sources. These sources serve
The World Meteorological Organization an average of 15 households within a
(WMO) recorded the highest sea level rise radius of 250 meters.
(three times the global average) over the  Level II (communal faucet system or
last century in the Philippines in 2015. The standpost): This refers to a piped system

n=22,730 households
NEDA Board
Resolution No. 12,
Series of 1995

10 Figure 7: Main Source of Water Supply of the Population (2015 FIES, PSA)
whose components include a source, a Table 2 provides a matrix of the service
reservoir, a piped distribution network, level compared with the classification of
and communal faucets. Each communal sources of water (i.e., whether safe or
or public faucet usually serves four to six unsafe sources) according to the PSA.
households within a radius of 25 meters.
Approximately 43.6 percent of the
Users still go to the supply point
population is provided with water service
(communal faucet) to fetch water. This
from Level III systems, 11.2 percent from
simple piped system is generally suitable
Level II systems, and 45.2 percent from
for rural and urban fringe areas where
Level I systems. Figure 8 shows the
houses are densely clustered.
population served according to the levels of
 Level III (waterworks system): This service by region in 2015.
system includes a source, a reservoir, a
piped distribution network, and individual
household taps. It is generally suited for
densely populated urban areas where the
population can afford individual

Table 2: Service Level against Classification of Source of Water

Service Level Source of Water Classification (Safe/Unsafe)
Level III Own faucet community water system
Safe source
Own tube/piped deep well
Level II Shared faucet community water system
Shared tube/piped deep well Safe source
Piped shallow well
Level I Protected spring, river, stream, etc.
Unprotected spring, river, stream, etc.
Dug well
Unsafe source
Lake, river, rain, and others
Other sources

Figure 8: Levels of Service in Terms of Percentage by Region (2015 FIES) 11

Access to Drinking Water the source. Per the findings of the NDHS
and responses of the respondents, a proxy
Access to safe and affordable drinking
value for safe and accessible drinking water
water is one of the indicators stressed in the
may be derived using the following
SDGs. At the time of the preparation of this
assumptions (see also Figure 9):
document, the country has no instrument by
which data on access to safe drinking water  Bottled water is considered safe and does
nationwide can be generated. The closest not need any treatment.
equivalent of such data is the PSA’s  Respondents whose water source is
National Demographic and Health Survey bottled water need not treat their drinking
(NDHS). water.
The 2013 NDHS classifies sources of  An appropriate treatment method is
drinking water as improved and sufficient to make water safe for drinking.
unimproved. However, this classification
does not measure the water quality, noting  The percentage of respondents doing
that water from improved sources may be appropriate treatment methods includes
contaminated while in transit and in storage. those whose drinking water does not
The report also indicated the percentage of include bottled water.
the sample using an appropriate treatment  It is considered accessible when water is
method (e.g., boiling, bleaching, filtering, drawn from a source available in the
and solar disinfection). premises or if fetching water takes less
The NDHS measures the time spent to than 30 minutes.
obtain water, but there is no available data Figure 10 plots the data on safe and
on the accessibility of drinking water. The accessible drinking water gathered from
time spent to obtain water, however, may be
related to the accessibility of water users to

Figure 9: Proxy Value of Data for Safe and Accessible Drinking Water Using Available
Secondary Data

Safe water
percentage is based on
access to improved
sources. Accessible
water is based on
percentage of
households with water
in premises and those
that spend less than 30
minutes (roundtrip) in
obtaining water.

12 Figure 10: Access to Safe and Accessible Drinking Water per NDHS9
By Type of Service Providers
The NWRB created a national water survey of
all WSPs called Listahang Tubig.10 The survey
provides data on the levels of service by
management type. As of December 2018, a
total of 24,821 WSPs have been registered in
its database (see Table 3).

Table 3: Water Service Providers Registered under Listahang Tubig (2018)

Management Type No. Percentage Level I Level II Level III
Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation 6,620 26.7% 2,980 2,498 1,142
Association (BWSA)

Rural Waterworks and Sanitation 1,418 5.7% 62 619 737

Association (RWSA)
Cooperative 403 1.6% 46 90 267
Unnamed WSPs 7,878 31.7% 7,486 303 89
LGU-Run Utility 4,184 16.9% 1,147 1,608 1,429
Water District 634 2.6% 19 4 611
Homeowners' Association 377 1.5% 168 77 132
Real Estate Developer 107 0.4% 8 8 91
Industrial Locator 45 0.2% 3 3 39

Peddler 211 0.8% 108 80 23

Ship Chandler 4 0.0% 1 2 1
Private Operator 1,779 7.2% 711 268 800
Refilling Station 1,161 4.7% 1,122 24 15
Grand Total 24,821 100% 13,861 5,584 5,376

can be accessed
through http://

Technical and Operating data annually, and not all information are
Performance provided. Only data as of 2013 are nearly
complete (Table 4). The collated data
The Listahang Tubig summarizes the provide benchmarks for service, efficiency,
operational data of WSPs registered in the and financial indicators.
database. Some WSPs do not upload their

Table 4: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of WSPs, National Average

Areas KPI Description National

Service Service coverage This measures the percentage of the population 27.0
Indicators in a service area covered by a WSP. It also percent
indicates a service area’s possible expansion or
Consumption per This measures the average consumption per 98 lpcd
capita person per day. It indicates if a WSP is able to
meet the water needs of a user.
Average consumption This refers to the national average water 14 m3 /
per month consumption per month of a household. month

Average tariff This is the resulting average tariff computed by PHP

the WSP and total water sales divided by total 18.00/m3
billed volume.

Service hours per day This is the average number of hours a WSP 19 hours/
operates per day. day

Efficiency Non-revenue water The NWRB mandates that the percentage of 22.0
Indicators (NRW) NRW should not exceed 25.0 percent. percent

Average production This refers to the per cubic meter production cost PHP
cost of water. 13.00/m3

Operating ratio, before This measures the proportion of expenses to 1.00

depreciation and revenues. The ideal values are less than 0.70.
Staff employees per This measures efficiency in utilization of 40
1,000 connections personnel and if WSPs are appropriately staffed
as compared to other WSPs of comparable size.

Collection period This measures the number of days within which 2 months
to collect receivables. The benchmarking
average is 1.7 months.
Connections per staff This measures the average number of customers 80
ratio served per employee.
Financial Current ratio This measures the capacity to pay current 9.19
Indicators liabilities from current assets. The NWRB’s
acceptable value is 2.00.
Return on assets or This measures the capacity of each peso to 6.0
return on investments generate profits. The NWRB’s threshold is 12 percent
Return on equity This measures the amount of profits generated 20.0
by each peso invested by owners. The threshold percent
provided by private financial institutions (PFIs) is
8.0 percent.
Debt service ratio This determines a WSP’s ability to generate 2.66
enough income in its operations to cover
payment of its debt. This ratio also indicates its
14 ability to pay its loans. The threshold given by
PFIs is 1.2.
Water Districts LGU-run utilities often do not have staff
members with the required skill set, regular
Based on 2016 data, the country has 748
training of trainers and participants is
active WDs, of which 515 (68.9 percent) are
operational and 233 (31.1 percent) are non-
operational. Metropolitan Waterworks and
WDs operate and maintain their water Sewerage System (MWSS)
supply systems and submit financial reports Concessionaires
and monthly data sheets to the Local Water
MWSS concessionaires cover WSS
Utilities Administration (LWUA), who then
services in the National Capital Region
reviews and imposes tariffs based on these
(NCR) and parts of Region III and IV-A. The
Manila Water Company, Inc. handles the
In addition, the WDs’ performance is East Zone concession, and Maynilad Water
measured by a set of KPIs with respect to Services, Inc. handles the West Zone
marketing, efficiency, profitability, and cost- concession. These two concessionaires
effectiveness. Their performance is service around 17,276,280 people, or 93.2
monitored through the WD Industry percent of Mega Manila’s population
Average. In 2015, the World Bank according to the 2015 census.
conducted a study to assess the operating
and financial performance of 45 sample Privately-Owned and Managed
WDs. The findings are shown in Table 5. Water Utilities
LGU-Run Utilities Most water privatization contracts outside
Mega Manila are between LGUs and large
A study11 in 2013 found that LGU-run companies. However, some small-scale,
utilities typically encountered technical and often informal, local operators provide
management challenges related to services to a city or a municipality. In
addition to Manila Water and Maynilad,
LGU-run utilities report an average of 19 other big private operators include Prime
hours of water availability per day. Water and Balibago Waterworks. There is
Production is not measured, and the no accessible financial and technical
absence of commercial protocols is quite information, however, on the WSPs they
prevalent. For example, accounts are not operate.
ring-fenced, connections are not metered,
collection efficiency is low, and the number These private utilities generally operate
of staff employees per 1,000 connections is more efficiently than most LGU-run water
only around 34. Only 21.0 percent of these utilities, given their stronger capital base
sample LGU-run utilities reported water and ability to recover their operating costs
potability tests. from tariffs.

The capacity-building system of LGU-run

utilities has not been established. Because

Table 5: Operating Performance of Water Districts

Category, Connections Sample WDs Category, Connections Sample WDs

No. of Samples 45 Collection Efficiency 91.0%
Percentage of Population Served 54.0% Current Ratio 5.00
Active Service Connection per 238 Debt Service Ratio 6.30
Employee De Vera, Antonio et
al., Developing the
Operating Ratio 80.0% Debt to Equity Ratio 40.0% Institutional Framework
for the WSS sector and
NRW 25.0% Net Income Margin 19.0% Identifying Investment
Plans and Programs –
Average Collection Period 39 days Final Report

Source: MWSS, World Bank, 2015

Sanitation service has three data attributes:
2.3.2 Sanitation
 Facility refers to the structure or
The SDGs, which have evolved from the infrastructure for the sanitation service;
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
 Usage refers to the availability of the
have expanded the definition of the term
facility for households; and
access to sanitation.
 Management refers to the proper disposal
MDGs simply involved access to basic
of excreta (i.e., on-site or transported and
sanitation or the availability of sanitary
treated in an off-site facility).
toilets. On the other hand, SDGs have
qualified “access” by designating sanitary Basic sanitation refers to a level of service
toilets as either safely managed, limited, or where the sanitation facility is private (not
unimproved. shared with other households) and where
Figure 11 illustrates the components of the excreta are separated from human
sanitation infrastructure. The SDGs define contact (e.g., using a toilet fixture).
adequate and equitable sanitation to include However, the excreta may or may not be
collection, treatment, and disposal or reuse. safely managed (e.g., with or without a
septic tank). Table 6 below tabulates the
service ladder of sanitation against its three
data attributes.
Table 6: Sanitation Service Ladder
Service Ladder
No Service Unimproved Limited Basic Safely Managed
Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation
Open Use of pit Use of Use of Use of improved
Defecation* latrines improved improved facilities which

without facilities** facilities are not shared

slabs or shared which are with other
platforms, between not shared households and
hanging two or with other where excreta are
latrines or more households safely disposed of
bucket households on-site or
latrines transported and
treated off-site

With toilet/ No Yes Yes Yes Yes

latrine facility

Usage N/A Maybe Shared Private (not Private (not

(private/ private or shared) shared)
shared) shared

Management*** N/A No Maybe Maybe Yes

*Open defecation refers to the disposal of human feces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches, and
other open spaces or with solid waste.

** Improved facilities include flush or pour-flush toilets, piped sewer systems, septic tanks or pit latrines, ventilated
improved pit latrines, composting toilets, and pit latrines with slabs.

***Excreta are safely disposed of on-site or transported and treated in an off-site facility.

Base diagram is
taken from Philippine
Sanitation Sourcebook
and Decision Aid.

Figure 11: Components of Sanitation Infrastructure12
PSA provides data on basic sanitation in service, sometimes collectively referred to
the following surveys and reports: as wastewater or fecal sludge management
service. This service includes collection or
 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS):
conveyance, on-site or off-site treatment,
A part of the survey is determining the
and final disposal of wastewater, fecal
type of toilet facility the family is using
sludge, or septage.
(e.g., own toilet, shared toilet, close pit,
open pit); Outside Mega Manila, sanitation service
providers are principally comprised of WDs,
 2015 FIES: The report includes the
LGU-run water utilities, private sector
number of households with electricity,
service providers, and cooperative-run
main sources of water supply, and toilet
service providers. Private service providers
facilities by income decile;
are known for their famous monikers—
 NDHS; and Malabanan and Pozo Negro. Their services
are generally part of a private business
 Philippine Census.
enterprise. However, some of these private
The availability, values, and trend of desludgers do not have their own treatment
access to basic sanitation data over the facilities or access thereto.
past 14 years are shown in Figure 12.
As of writing, there has been no known
survey of sanitation service providers
outside Mega Manila. Unofficial data shows
Septage and Sewerage Services that there are about 36 septage treatment
facilities constructed all over the country at
Households and communities are various stages of operation. LGUs offer
responsible for constructing their own some sanitation services, but most are by
toilets and septic tanks in compliance with WDs.
the National Building Code. For sanitary
toilets and on-site treatment systems to be As of 2015, only around 17.0 percent13 and
considered safely managed, wastewater 12.0 percent14 of the country's population
and septage (sludge content of the septic had access15 to septage collection and
tanks) from these systems should be sewerage system services, respectively.
treated and disposed of properly. Those that are connected to and serviced by
these providers are fewer at an estimated
These on-site systems must be maintained 3.0 percent16 of the population.
by a service provider offering sanitation
service (which includes desludging or
emptying of septic tanks) and sewerage
PWSSMP Inventory,
For septage and
sewerage systems,
access is defined as
having a service
available to users. A
household is
considered to have
access if it is within the
franchise or coverage
areas of existing
sanitation systems and
can connect to and tap
into them. This number
may be different from
the number of those
Figure 12: Access to Basic Sanitation Data from Available Sources that are actually
connected or have
actually tapped into the
MWSS Regulatory
Office (MWSS-RO)
Evaluation of
Concessionaires’ 2017
KPI and Business
Efficiency Measures
(BEMs) Report

2.4 Issues and Challenges
This master plan summarizes the most important issues and challenges faced by the WSS
sector per component.

Table 7: WSS Issues and Challenges

Components of Issues and Challenges
WSS Sector and █ Water Supply
Their Objective █ Sanitation

Natural Resources  Some potential water sources are polluted or contaminated.

 Water sources are insufficient in some areas. Other sources are drying up because of over-
Efficiently Managed extraction or sensitivity to weather patterns and climate change.
Finite Water
Resources and  Assuming business as usual, the country will have experienced high water stress due to high total
Water Ecosystem water withdrawal against projected renewable water resources by 2040.

 Rainfall variability and extreme weather events (usually attributed to climate change) make water
resource management more difficult.

 Excessive groundwater extraction has led to saltwater intrusion and groundwater-related

Socioeconomic  Increasing population and economic growth increase the demand for water and the generation of
System waste and wastewater.
WSS Promoting  Rising temperature (due to climate change) will increase water usage.
 Climate change increases the risk of waterborne diseases and transmission of malaria.
Use of and Impact  The quality of water resources is deteriorating because of unmanaged wastewater entering the
on Water water ecosystem.
Responsible Use  There is a lack of awareness and concern about the effects of unmanaged waste and wastewater
and Balanced on watersheds, water sources, and water ecosystems.
Demand and
Supply  There is a lack of appropriate technologies, or the application thereof, to optimize the use of water

 There is no clear policy promoting water demand management (WDM) to maximize available water
supply. This includes water efficiency and water conservation for all users, the use of the right
quality of water for its intended use, the use of economic instruments and other incentives/
disincentives to effect behavioral change.
Administrative  There is no single body focused on WSS, resulting in a fragmented sector with multiple water
and Institutional institutions and no clearly defined institutional roles with respect to sanitation issues.
 There is no apex body to oversee the whole cycle with respect to the use of the country’s water
Enabling resources – from the source, to the quantity and manner to which water is used, to sanitation and
Administrative and treatment, and ultimately, back to the source. Also, the absence of river basin organizations (RBOs)
Institutional makes it impossible to carry out a holistic planning approach.
 NWRB does not have the appropriate institutional structure to complement its mandate as a policy-
making body, water resource regulator, and economic regulator.

 WSS data gathered by the PSA are limited.

 LGUs lack the capacity and capability to perform their obligation of ensuring WSS services per the
Local Government Code (LGC).
The regulatory stick of NWRB is not exercised when financing from their institution is unavailable.
LGUs that run water utilities often lack the technical and financial capacity to operate, maintain, and expand their services. Furthermore, in some LGUs,
WSS is not a priority.

Table 7 (continued): WSS Issues and Challenges
Components of Issues and Challenges
WSS Sector and █ Water Supply
Their Objective █ Sanitation
 The sector’s economic regulatory framework is severely fragmented, 19 poorly enforced, and has
Policies, low20 coverage. Also, there is no regulatory oversight on Joint Venture (JV) arrangements.
Regulation, and
Management  Poor enforcement of and compliance with policies and laws (i.e., Clean Water Act, and other
resource-, economic-, environment-related policies) can be observed.
Policies,  The sector lacks an independent water agency with the power to grant and revoke licenses, as well
Regulations, and as the authority to set standards and targets for private and public WSPs.
 WSS data and information used for decision making are limited, scattered among the different
government agencies/offices that have water-related functions, and poorly managed and
 Implementation, monitoring, and management of WSS services and infrastructure are lacking. 22
 There have been no directives or strategies to translate PDP/SDG targets and commitments into
local programs and projects.
 Issuance of water rights is not regulated. In addition, speculators hoard water permits.
 Sanitation interventions are inadequate, not sustainable, and unbalanced in terms of

 There are WSPs with inadequate management and O&M capability.24

 Water rates are too low in some areas, thus yielding no cost recovery.
 Access to potential technologies is restrictive.25
 Water is being used as a political commodity. Arising conflicts between some LGUs and WDs affect
the interest of water consumers.
 Investments in WSS sector are insufficient.
WSS  Water supply systems (or structures) are not properly designed26, constructed, operated, and
Infrastructure and maintained.
 There is a lack of water supply structures to optimize available resources, 27 ensure water quality and
Resilient, sanitation,28 or provide access to water.29
Responsive, and
Sustainable WSS
 Funds are inadequate30 or there is difficulty31 in accessing funds, yet there are programs and projects
(National Sewerage and Septage Management Program [NSSMP], LWUA WD Development Sector
Infrastructure and
Project) with very few takers.
 Some WSPs are not operational and sustainable.32
 Some WSPs, including WDs and LGU-run utilities, fail to serve barangays within their franchise area
and meet water supply and service delivery standards33

 Some WSPs are unfamiliar with new technologies and updated techniques.

Several economic regulatory agencies were formed to oversee the water sector, thus making them very inefficient with respect to their regulatory
Only 27.0 percent of the country’s piped water utilities (mostly WDs and private utilities) are subject to economic regulation, leaving 73.0 percent without
any standard guidelines for tariff setting or oversight on performance.
Issues on WSS data collection and management include, but are not limited to: (a) lack of an information and monitoring system on access and
coverage; (b), lack of baseline data on WSS; (c) inadequate sector data that can guide policy and investment decision makers; (d), unavailability of current/
up-to-date water resources data; (e) very limited data on water quality and sanitation; and, (f) outdated data of most WSPs registered under NWRB's
Listahang Tubig.
Monitoring of water quality and sanitary facilities is minimal or rarely done. There are no nationwide programs established to implement and monitor
wastewater/fecal sludge collection and treatment tied to water pollution control. A lack of comprehensive and participatory planning at a local level, and a
lack of proper community engagement can also be observed.
The government has failed to invest on a scaled-up, sustained, and well-coordinated campaign that is deployed at the national and the local levels.
Sanitation policies and programs are lopsided, i.e., emphasis is placed on the responsibility of WSPs but not on the participation of the public and sanctions
for noncompliance.
There is a lack of capacity with respect to O&M and WS improvement planning, and fundamentals on tariff-setting among some WSPs. Some LGU-run
utilities, in particular, cannot increase rates and thus, are subsidized. To some extent, unqualified board members are appointed to head many WDs.
Potential technologies entail many requirements and conditions, thus making such technologies expensive or difficult to adopt.
WSS infrastructure is not resilient to climate change and climate hazards. Furthermore, proper and comprehensive studies on intended water sources are
not conducted before structures and conveyance pipes are constructed. Many (relatively) newly constructed water supply systems (mostly in rural areas) do
not or poorly operate because water sources are not enough.
Potential water sources may be located very far from communities and are expensive to develop.
There is a lack of water laboratories and septage facilities in far-flung areas.
Most surface water sources require high dams, tunnels, and long conveyance lines. Elevated communities have no access to water supply when a water
source is located in a lower area. Water has to be transported to island communities that have limited or no potential water resources.
National funds are inadequate for the maintenance, rehabilitation, and expansion of water systems.
Smaller and less or non-creditworthy WDs and LGU-run utilities find it difficult to comply with the stringent requirements to access funds and financing. 19
WSPs are not operated as business enterprises. There are WSPs with high NRW (e.g., 60.0 percent or more).
Some WSPs need to address consumer-related issues such as unsatisfactory service, limited coverage of franchise areas, and inefficient water supply
Vision and
Development Outcomes
3.1 Vision
“All Filipinos have access to sustainable and affordable safe
water supply, and to adequate safely managed sanitation
services by 2030.”

3.2 Sector Goals and Outcomes: Benchmarks

and Targets
The PWSSMP’s vision is set on the universal access to WSS services by 2030. It is in
accordance with the direction towards achieving the PDP targets by 2022. Table 8 details the
sector goals and targets per the SDG, PDP, and Clean Water Act of 2004.

Table 8: Sector Goals and Benchmarks

Hierarchy of
Source of
Objectives National Targets and Commitments Baseline

Goal Universal (100.0 percent) and equitable access 92.0 percent NDHS,
to safe and affordable drinking water by 2030 2017

Universal access to adequate and equitable 69.0 percent NDHS,

sanitation by 2030 2017

Outcomes Increase to 95.0 percent in the percentage of 88.0 percent FIES,

households with access to safe water supply by 2015
Increase to 97.0 percent in the percentage of 74.0 percent FIES,
households with access to basic sanitation by 2015

By 2020, all LGUs (1,634) will have developed 3.0 percent PWSSMP
septage management systems. (52 of 1,634) Inventory

By 2020, the 17 highly urbanized cities (HUCs) 6.0 percent PWSSMP

will have developed sewerage systems. (1 of 17) Inventory
41.0 percent PWSSMP
By 2020, approximately 43.60 million people will
(17.93 of Inventory
have had access to septage treatment facilities
43.60 million)
By 2020, approximately 3.20 million people will 24.7 percent PWSSMP
have had access to sewerage treatment (3.20 of 12.98 Inventory
facilities. million)
By 2020, PHP 26.30 billion will have been No data available
invested in sanitation improvement projects.
By 2020, approximately 346 million kilograms of No data available
BOD will have been diverted from the
environment per year as a result of the
sewerage and septage management projects.
20 Legend: █SDG 2030 █ PDP 2017–2022 █Clean Water Act 2004
3.3 Key Performance  Sustainability of water supply is
manifested by ensuring that the minimum
Indicators average per capita consumption is
maintained (i.e., at least 20 lpcd for Level
The normative content of the human right to I, 40 lpcd for Level II, and 80 lpcd for
WSS guides the assessment of the Level III).
minimum baseline requirements for
providing WSS services to the populace.
Concerning sanitation, the following should
The said content is divided into five
be complied with:
 Various access targets set by the PDP,
SDGs, and Clean Water Act are
 availability; achieved;
 physical accessibility;
 Morbidity rate caused by water-related
 quality/safety;
illnesses and diseases is significantly
 affordability; and
 acceptability.
 BiochemicalOxygen Demand (BOD)
removed from the ecosystem is
Aside from ensuring that access targets are
met, it is equally important that the quality
and sustainability thereof are maintained.  Volume of wastewater collected and
treated is increased; and
With regard to water supply, the following  Treatment plant capacity utilization is
standards must be met: maximized.
 Water quality meets the requirements set In addition to the Plan’s goals,
by the Philippine National Standards for improvements in the service quality and
Drinking Water (PNSDW) as updated and sustainability of WSPs shall be measured
stipulated in Department of Health (DOH) and monitored. Table 9 and Table 10 show
Administrative Order No. 2017-0010; the proposed benchmarks to guide local
 Water must be reliable and available 24 governments and service providers on their
hours a day; water pressure (for Level III respective targets.
connections) must not be less than 7 m.
However, in most small WSPs, economic
reasons prevent 24-hour daily water
service. Availability depends on system
pressures (e.g., during peak hours) and
the capacity of available water sources. In
these cases, monitoring and recording of
the average number of hours of water
availability must be done. Collected data
are paramount in establishing an average
at the national level, which may serve as
a benchmark for operating WSPs; and

Table 9: Proposed Benchmarks for the Water Supply Sector

2015 2022
Key Performance Indicator Source of Data 2030 Target
Baseline Target

Percentage of households with no PSA 12.8% 6.6% 0.0%

access to safe water

Percentage of households with PSA, Regional 43.6% 58.3% 77.1%

access to Level III systems Consultations

Percentage of households with PSA, Regional 11.2% 15.0% 14.0%

access to Level II systems Consultations

Percentage of households with PSA, Regional 32.4% 20.1% 8.9%

access to Level I systems Consultations

Percentage of WSPs providing water No data available

that meets PNSDW requirements

Percentage of Level III WSPs No data available

achieving 7 m minimum water

Percentage of WSPs that have ample No data available

water sources to serve franchise

Percentage of Level III WSPs with an No data available

average per capita consumption
equal to or less than 120 lpcd

Table 10: Proposed Benchmarks for the Sanitation Sector

2015 2022 2030

Key Performance Indicator Source of Data
Baseline Target Target

Percentage of households with DOH/PSA 94.0% 100.0% 100.0%

access to improved facilities

Percentage of households DOH/PSA 4.0% 0.0% 0.0%

practicing open defecation

Percentage of households with DOH/PSA 74.0% 97.0% 100.0%

septic tanks (on-site system)

Percentage of households with DOH/PSA 17.0% 69.0% 100.0%

access to septage collection

Percentage of households with DOH/PSA 12.0% 23.0% 60.0%

access to a sewerage system

Percentage of households DOH/PSA 3.0% 20.0% 50.0%

connected to a sewerage system

Percentage of HUCs with DOH/PSA 53.0% 94.1% 100.0%

sewerage service

Percentage of non-HUCs with DOH/PSA 0.7% 61.2% 100.0%

septage service

Percentage of WSPs complying LGUs/DENR- 17.0% 67.0% 100.0%

with national standards for EMB/DOH
sanitation (e.g., DENR, DOH and

Volume of BOD removed from the LGUs/ 65.40 233.20 514.10

ecosystem,34 in tons (T) Department of
Environment and
Bureau [DENR-

Volume of wastewater collected LGUs/DENR- 2.95 3.32 3.81

and treated, in tons (T) EMB/DOH
In addition to
Treatment plant capacity utilization LGUs/DENR- For septage and sewerage treatment facilities, reduced BOD
EMB/DOH percent utilization starts high after the first year content of
and reaches full capacity towards the end of wastewater released
the 3–5 year cycle. to the environment,
water quality of
effluents must also
comply with the
minimum standards
provided in DENR
Administrative Order
No. 2016-08 (Water
Quality Guidelines
and General Effluent
Standards of 2016).

4 Priority Reforms,
Programs, and Activities
4.1 Policy Directions
“The primary strategy for the water resources sector is to
address its fragmented structure through the creation of an
apex body and the formulation of master plans that will foster
coordinated efforts across the country.” — PDP 2017–2022
Creation of an Independent
Creation of an Apex Body
Economic Regulatory Body
The PDP identified the creation of an apex The creation of an independent economic
body for the water supply, sewerage, and regulatory body shall address the
sanitation subsectors as a primary strategy fragmented, poorly enforced, and low-
to address the fragmented structure and coverage regulatory regime in the WSS
uncoordinated efforts of government units sector. This single entity shall consolidate
and agencies across the country. The the economic regulatory powers of various
continued fragmentation in the management water agencies into one national body that
and regulation of WSS services impedes shall have the power to grant and revoke
the implementation of long-term solutions to licenses, as well as the authority to set
decades-old sectoral issues and hinders the standards and targets for both private and
attainment of universal access targets. public water utilities.
The apex body shall address the The proposed measure has the following
fundamental governance and institutional objectives:
issues of the sector by being the single
 Achieve universal access to improved
entity in charge of the overall policy-making,
WSS services for the entire country
planning, programming, and management
through an effective economic regulatory
of the country’s water resources. It will
system that can compel expansion and
coordinate, monitor, and evaluate sector
improvement of service;
performance and take appropriate action as
needed.  Encourage private sector participation in
the provision of WSS services;
The apex body will enable future plans,
 Protect the interests of consumers;
programs, and projects to be anchored on
an integrated and coordinated approach.  Regulate wastewater (i.e., sewerage and
Said approach will promote a synchronized, septage) tariffs; and
sustainable, and science-based  Address the conflicts of interest inherent
management of the country’s water in the current regulatory agencies.
resources. This shall address the following:
 imbalance in water resource utilization;
 reduced water availability;
 declining water quality,
 recurrent flooding; and
 other water-related issues in many parts
of the country.

4.2 Key Reform Agenda (Soft Components)
Eight key reform agenda (KRA) have been
identified prioritizing specific interventions
for the WSS sector. These are based on
important issues and challenges confronting
the sector. Figure 13 illustrates the
PWSSMP results framework with the eight
KRA while Table 11 summarizes the focus
of each KRA.

Societal Impact: AmBisyon Natin 2040 | PDP 2017–2022

Infrastructure Sector
Water Supply and Sanitation
PDP 2017–2022: WS=95.0%; SS=97.0% SDG 2030: WS=100.0%; SS=100.0%

Public Infrastructure Strategic Infrastructure Infrastructure Assets Research and Development

Spending Increased Implemented Preserved Intensified

Subsector Outcomes (PDP 2017–2022)

Infrastructure Sector

KRA 2: Strengthening the KRA 1: Establishing Effective KRA 3: Creating and Ensuring
Regulatory Environment WSS Sector Institutions Effective WSS Services

KRA 4. Balancing Water Supply and Demand KRA 6: Enabling Access to Funding
KRA 5: Building Climate Resiliency and Financing

KRA 7: Managing Data and Information

KRA 8: Driving Research and Development

Figure 13: PWSSMP Results Framework Diagram

Table 11: Eight Key Reform Agenda

Key Reform Agenda Focus
KRA 1: Addressing the fragmented WSS sector.
Establishing Effective WSS Sector Institutions
KRA 2: Regulating and managing water resources
Strengthening the Regulatory Environment and WSPs, including water tariffs.

KRA 3: Ensuring appropriate and sustainable

Creating and Ensuring Effective WSS Services operations of WSS service providers.
KRA 4: Managing and maximizing finite water
Balancing Water Supply and Demand resources with end-users.
KRA 5: Adapting to climate change.
Building Climate Resiliency
KRA 6: Improving availability and acquisition of
Enabling Access to Funding and Financing funds / financing for WSS data.
KRA 7: Ensuring the availability and accessibility of
Managing Data and Information reliable WSS data.
KRA 8: Investing on research and innovations. 25
Driving Research and Development
The eight KRA, including their specific The following are also considered top
objectives, and a summary of the proposed priority for this KRA:
reforms and priority actions to achieve such  NEDA to lead the representation at the
objectives are discussed in more detail in Office of the President (OP) to issue the
the following sections. Executive Order (EO) establishing the
National Water Management Council
4.2.KRA 1: Establishing (NWMC) (1.9); and
Effective WSS Sector  NEDA to identify champions in the
Institutions Upper and Lower Houses to sponsor the
creation of an apex body for the WSS
Rationale and Objectives sector and support the deliberations
KRA 1 establishes an effective WSS sector based on the Executive Version (1.1).
institution through the following objectives:
Follow-Through Actions
 Create an apex body to address the
The identified top priority actions will set the
fragmented structure of the sector and cornerstone for the following actions:
institutionalize a science-based river
basin approach that integrates the IWRM  NEDA to request and accomplish the
principles; establishment of an OP order for all
government buildings and new
 Create master plans to foster coordinated
construction projects, including those in
efforts and guide the concerned resettlement areas, to have rainwater
Implementing Agencies (IAs) to attain harvesters (RWHs); require all LGUs to
universal access in the sector; and issue ordinances requiring the use of
 Strengthen NWRB and NEDA’s RWHs and storage facilities for all new
coordination with partner institutions developments within their jurisdiction;
across different subsectors. and issue the use of water-efficient
fixtures (1.8);
Top Priority Actions
 The Department of the Interior and Local
 NEDA to lead in addressing the Government (DILG) and DOH to
institutional fragmentation in the promote the formulation of a rights-
absence of an apex body for the WSS based provincial master plan as the
sector that would coordinate basis for the preparation of local/
development policies and plans municipal WSS development plans
following the IWRM principles (1.10). (1.6);
Related to the above action, NEDA will  LWUA to formulate verified business
then: plans and seek approval of its
 Coordinate issuance of administrative rationalized budget increase for LWUA’s
guidelines, rules and regulations programs (1.5);
requiring all LGUs to adopt climate-  NEDA and NWRB to map out the
resilient and green technology, as well organizational setup for NWMC (1.2.2);
as promoting a rights-based planning
approach (1.7);  NEDA and NWRB to come up with a
Framework Plan (1.2.3);
 Coordinate the mandate of all WSPs to
prioritize water supply provision with  NEDA and NWRB to review the capacity
integrated sanitation services (1.3); and requirements of NWMC’s organization
 Develop an advocacy and
communication plan to garner support  NEDA to pursue the establishment of
for the prioritization of the sector’s policy the NWMC, pending the creation of an
reforms and investment requirements apex body for the WSS sector(1.2); and
(1.4).  NEDA to spell out the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) for NWMC
(with NWRB as Vice-Chairperson)

(1.2.1). will promote financial sustainability (2.4),
The culmination of this KRA is the which will also require:
Creation of an apex body for the WSS  NWRB, LWUA, and DILG to review current
sector (1.11). cost recovery framework and tariff setting
methodologies (WDs, LGU-run water
utilities, private sector) to cover sanitation
4.2.2 KRA 2: Strengthening the services (2.3).
Regulatory Environment  NWRB to continue updating its data in
Rationale and Objectives Listahang Tubig (2.8a) with the following sub-
KRA 2 aims to strengthen the existing
regulatory environment consistent with the  NWRB to assess the quantity and quality of
PDP through the following objectives: all water resources (2.6).
 Pursue institutional reforms to encourage  NWRB to coordinate the review and
and guide investments in the WSS assessment for existing guidelines for issuing
sector; water permits and Certificates of Public
Convenience (CPC) of NWRB and NIA (2.7).
 Create an independent economic
The pre-requisite actions for which are as
regulatory body for the WSS sector for
transparent and consistent regulation;
 Review and rationalize NWRB guidelines
 Expedite the processing of water permits
for granting of water permits and CPCs to
by deputizing and capacitating local or
private operators (2.7.1);
regional agents; and
 Review existing water permits and CPCs to
 Review and strengthen existing laws and
weed out speculators, and check and verify
regulations on water resources.
water rights (i.e., volume granted should not
Top Priority Actions exceed volume required); NWRB to require
the following in water permit applications:
 NEDA to identify champions in the
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with
Upper and Lower Houses to sponsor the
WD for private bulk water supplier
creation of an apex body for the WSS
(intending to sell to WD), and Sangguniang
sector and an independent economic
Bayan (SB) resolution (for LGU level
regulator for WSS, and support the
Certificate of Public Convenience [CPC])
deliberations based on the Executive
(2.7.2); and
Version (2.1).
 Review water permits granted to NIA to free
 LWUA to strengthen its enforcement of
up water sources for water supply (2.7.3).
economic regulations, especially on
service expansion (2.9), which will Follow-Through Actions
require the following sub-tasks: The follow-through actions for this KRA to ensure
 NEDA to review and improve NEDA sustained development are the following:
JV Guidelines to be responsive to WD
 LWUA, NWRB, and MWSS Regulatory
conditions (with considerations on the
Office (MWSS-RO) to capacitate and
Local Water District Manual on
increase its tariff review staff (2.5);
Categorization, Re-Categorization
and Other Related Matters (LWD-  DILG to issue a Memorandum Circular to
MaCRO)] (2.2); and LGUs to be guided by tariff setting
methodologies for water supply and
 NWRB, LWUA, and DILG to review
wastewater management services (2.11);
current cost recovery framework and
tariff setting methodologies (WDs,
LGU-run water utilities, private sector)  NWRB to establish benchmarking system
to cover sanitation services (2.3). results (2.8b).
 DILG to issue guidelines for LGUs to The milestone of this KRA is the creation of the
adopt a cost-based methodology that Water Regulatory Commission (WRC) (2.10).

4.2.3 KRA 3: Creating and programs for WSS-related community
-based organizations [CBOs]) (3.1);
Ensuring Effective WSS
 DILG to put up central management
Services systems (develop a template on how
LGUs could come up with this setup)
Rationale and Objectives
KRA 3 focuses on interventions for WSPs
 DILG to keep BWSAs (LGU responsible
and service providers. It aims to address the
for technical standards) (3.6b);
issues and challenges that hinder the
effective delivery of WSS services to its  DILG to encourage the operation of
target beneficiaries and franchise areas. WSPs as economic enterprises by LGUs
and/or with private partners (3.4); and
KRA 3 ensures effective and sustainable
WSS services with cost-efficient and well-  DILG, DOH, and LWUA to conduct
designed WSS structures, and adequate capacity needs assessment of WSPs
institutional capability to efficiently operate and LGUs within their respective
and maintain WSS systems. This area jurisdictions and prepare training/
proposes the following measures: mentoring programs internally or in
partnership with other service providers
 Enable the government to enhance the
(3.8). This will require NEDA to:
capacities of concerned entities in
developing and managing water-related  Lead the preparation of the capacity
projects; development agenda for the national
agencies involved in WSS activities
 Support plans to broaden the scope of the
(3.8.1); and
NSSMP to improve the response from
LGUs and WDs;  Compile a compendium of reference
materials, toolkits, knowledge
 Assist WDs by expanding the coverage of
products for planning, project
reliable water service at affordable rates
development, utility reform, etc.
and by reducing NRW while ensuring
economically viable operations; and
 Expand and upgrade sewerage and
Follow-Through Actions
sanitation infrastructure. The follow-through actions are based on the
identified priority actions:
Top Priority Actions
 LWUA to set KPI targets for service
 LWUA to classify at what reform
coverage, performance, and financial
stage the WDs are (i.e., critical,
sustainability (3.2b); and
recovery, stable, and expansion)
(3.2a);  DILG to develop and conduct a pilot
implementation of a business/
 LWUA to assess the viability of non-
management model where the
operational WDs towards their
government and CBOs enter a
operationalization (3.3);
partnership/arrangement to operate
 NWRB to capacitate WDs and LGU- and maintain a water utility (3.5).
run WSPs on tariff setting and
formulation of business plans (3.7);
 DILG to evaluate the effectiveness of
other programs, especially those
directed at poor and waterless
municipalities, in accelerating access
to WSS services, (e.g., Sagana at
Ligtas na Tubig Para sa Lahat
[SALINTUBIG], Local Government
Support Fund–Assistance to the
Municipalities [LGSF-AM], and other

4.2.4 KRA 4: Balancing Water  NWRB to develop and implement a
communication strategy for WDM and
Supply and Demand wastewater management (4.7).
Rationale and Objectives
KRA 4 focuses on interventions in Follow-Through Actions
addressing water scarcity and managing the
The following are subsequent actions from
finite water resources with end-users. It
the top priority actions:
balances demand and supply while
safeguarding the water ecosystem through  NEDA to request and accomplish the
the following measures: establishment of an OP order for all
government buildings and new
 Explore policies and projects to promote
construction projects, including those
efficient water utilization;
in resettlement areas, to have RWHs;
 Prioritize surface water source require all LGUs to issue ordinances
development for water-critical areas; requiring the use of RWHs and
 Incorporate groundwater recharge storage facilities for all new
systems in the development of surface developments within their jurisdiction;
water sources for critical areas wherever and issue the use of water-efficient
possible and in accordance with fixtures (4.2);
prescribed standards;  NWRB, LWUA, and DILG to initiate
 Use and design eco-efficient water shift to surface water and bulk water
infrastructure to address any mismatch development (4.8);
between water demand and supply; and  NWRB to strengthen implementation
 Develop new water sources to protect of resource management and
watersheds that are critical to existing allocation of water resources policies,
and potential water sources. systems, and database (4.10);
 DILG and LWUA to identify an award
Top Priority Actions
and recognition program for good
 DILG and LWUA to encourage WSPs performing WSPs (4.11);
implementation of NRW reduction
 LWUA and DILG to provide rewards
programs (leak detection) to achieve
for best performing WSPs (4.1); and
standard performance improvement
program (4.3), which will require:  Enter into co-management
agreements with other agencies,
 WSPs to control and establish district
LGUs, and multi-stakeholder
metered areas (DMAs) and install
organizations such as RBOs and
mother meters (4.6).
Watershed Councils to protect and
 NEDA to coordinate issuance of rehabilitate the watersheds within
administrative guidelines, rules and their areas following the IWRM
regulations requiring all LGUs to require principles (4.5).
green technology (4.9);
 NWRB to conduct resource assessment
and recommend which areas should
shift from groundwater to surface water
sources (4.4). The following are
identified sub-tasks for NWRB:
 Rationalize water permit system
 Review existing water permits to
weed out speculators (4.4.2); and
 Review and update pricing system for
resource extraction (4.4.3).

4.2.5 KRA 5: Building Climate  LWUA and DILG to ensure the installation of
RWHs and storage facilities (5.10);
 DPWH and WSPs to construct new WSS
Rationale and Objectives infrastructure in low-risk areas (5.1a); and
KRA 5 focuses on interventions in addressing  DPWH to ensure implementation of climate-
issues and challenges related to climate change. resilient hydraulic structures and retention/
It intends to build a climate-resilient WSS sector retarding basins for flood control and
through the following measures: drainage systems. (5.9).
 Consider disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation strategies to ensure climate
-resilient facilities; and 4.2.6 KRA 6: Enabling Access to
 Enable the government to enhance the Funding and Financing
capacities of concerned entities in developing Rationale and Objectives
and managing water-related projects.
KRA 6 focuses on interventions geared towards the
Top Priority Actions improvement of access to funding and financing
 The Department of Public Works and for WSS services through the following:
Highways (DPWH) to revise the Referral  Establish a unified resource allocation
Codes of the National Building Code of the framework (URAF) with a definite scope and
Philippines to include policies and standards streamlined process to consolidate and offer
for water efficiency in building design/ financial resources to WSS projects.
construction. (5.6);
Top Priority Actions
 DPWH to issue and require design standards,
guidelines and specifications for climate-  LWUA to review and rationalize government
resilient hydraulic structures (5.8); financing policies to harmonize with URAF
principles (6.2);
 DPWH to issue a Department Order requiring
retention/retarding basins for flood control  DPWH to adopt the URAF principles for the
and drainage systems (5.2); and inclusion of funding and coverage of NSSMP
 NEDA to coordinate issuance of
administrative guidelines, rules, and  The Department of Finance (DOF) to develop
regulations requiring all LGUs to require and recommend for adoption policies to crowd-
green technology (5.4). in PFIs (6.3); and
 NEDA to pursue the implementation of the
Follow-Through Actions
URAF in the sector in accordance with the
The identified top priority actions will reinforce PWSSMP. URAF has the following
these follow-through actions: fundamental criteria for allocating resources
 WSPs to design WSS infrastructure based (6.1):
on the DPWH Design Guidelines, Criteria a. Poverty incidence;
and Standards and Standard
b. Level of access; and
Specifications for climate-resilient hydraulic
structures. (5.1b); c. Incidence of waterborne diseases.

 NEDA to request the establishment of an Prior to this, NEDA is expected to:

OP Order for all (NGAs and LGUs)  Establish the URAF Technical Working
government buildings and facilities to Group (TWG) to be the focal technical team
utilize green technologies, including that will implement URAF, draft the
groundwater infiltration (5.3); implementing guidelines of the URAF, and
 NEDA to review all major WSS proposed develop an investment program to achieve
projects to check if climate considerations SDG 6 targets (6.1.1); and
were already integrated (5.7);  Develop standard appraisal tools such as a
 LWUA and DILG to require WSPs to viability gap funding (VGF) model for
prepare WSS Emergency Response Plans, rationalizing national government grants
and to coordinate with the LGU on the (6.1.2).
development of their Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management (DRRM) and
Contingency Plans (5.5);
Follow-Through Actions Listahang Tubig, WD data from LWUA, water
supply-related data from DILG, and sanitation-
The follow-through actions for this KRA are as follows:
related data from DOH and DPWH (7.2.3).
 NEDA to build the capacity of national
institutions to effectively carry out mandates and Follow-Through Actions
new roles under the URAF (6.5); and The identified priority actions will justify the follow-
 DOF and the Department of Budget and
through action:
Management (DBM) to support budget  NWRB, DILG, DOH, and LWUA to develop
requirements (6.6). information, education, and communication
(IEC) programs for their respective
advocacies. (7.7)
4.2.7 KRA 7: Managing Data and
4.2.8 KRA 8: Driving Research and
Rationale and Objectives Development
KRA 7 focuses on interventions in addressing issues
and challenges related to availability, accessibility, Rationale and Objectives
reliability, and use of WSS data and information. It KRA 8 focuses on interventions related to research
ensures the availability and accessibility of reliable and development, innovative solutions,
and sound WSS data for planning, programming, and technologies, or policies that restrict the use of
policy formulation, consistent with the PDP 2017– potential technologies concerning WSS. It explores
2022. new technologies in water supply.

Top Priority Actions Top Priority Actions

 Develop database of WSS information system that  NEDA to promote the conduct of research and
can be used for strategic planning, policy development studies based on priority research
formulation, program/project development, and and development agenda (i.e., tie-up with
M&E (7.8); academe, WSS partners, and experts) (8.3); and
 NWRB and NEDA to develop and deploy a  NWRB to formulate research and development
comprehensive WSS management information agenda based on priority needs of key partner
system (MIS) (7.3); agencies and stakeholders. The agenda should
 NWRB and NEDA to develop and streamline include, among others, technology on lowering
programs for the establishment of baseline data energy costs and increasing water efficiency;
(e.g., pertaining to SDG, coverage, safely sanitation technology options for challenging
managed sanitation services, and other relevant contexts (e.g., high water table, flood-prone,
indicators) (7.4); etc.); low-cost and decentralized septage
systems; and policies such as raw water pricing
 NEDA to develop communication strategy for the
and tradeable water regime (8.1).
sector development plans and programs (7.6),
which will also require NEDA to: Follow-Through Actions
 Facilitate an inter-agency discussion on the The identified priority actions will justify the follow-
communication strategy for the programs of through action:
NWRB, DILG, DOH, and LWUA (7.5).  Create a Research and Development Division
 NEDA, with support from agencies, to integrate a under the envisioned NWMC Planning
database for the WSS sector that shall act as a Department with the immediate task of
repository of all WSS data (7.2). This action has formulating the WSS research and
the following sub-tasks: development agenda based on needs (8.2).
 Formulate guidelines and framework(s) for the
harmonization and integration of WSS data
4.2.9 Other Actions
 NWRB and NEDA to link the data repository The KRA Action Plan of the PWSSMP also identified
with PSA (7.2.1); other actions that will aid in achieving the goal of
each KRA, albeit relegated into lower priorities.
 NWRB and NEDA to identify official/credible
These are presented in Chapter 4.3.
sources of data such as PSA, PAGASA, etc.
(7.2.2); and
 NWRB and NEDA to map out current sources of 31
WSS data such as PWSSMP database, NWRB
4.3 Key Reform Agenda Action Plan
Simultaneous with the implementation of PWSSMP and investment
program are various activities and actions identified in the eight KRA.
The action plan and corresponding action tree for the respective KRA
are presented below.
KRA 1: Establishing Effective WSS Sector Institutions

Key Actions Driver Timeline

A. Priority Actions
1.1 Identify champions in the Upper and Lower Houses to NEDA NWRB, 2019–
sponsor the creation of an apex body for the WSS sector LWUA, DILG, 2020
and support the deliberations based on the Executive DPWH, DOH
1.2 Pursue the establishment of the NWMC pending the NEDA NWRB, DOH, 2020
creation of an apex body for the water sector: DILG
1.2.1 Spell out the IRR for NWMC (with NWRB as Vice-
1.2.2 Map out the organizational setup for NWMC
1.2.3 Come up with a Framework Plan.
1.2.4 Review the capacity requirements of NWMC’s
1.3 Coordinate the mandate of all WSPs to prioritize water NEDA DILG, LWUA, 2019–
supply provision with integrated sanitation services. LGUs, DOH, 2020
1.4 Develop an advocacy and communication plan to garner NEDA NWRB, 2019–
support for the prioritization of the sector policy reforms and LWUA, DILG, 2020
investment requirements. DOH
1.5 Formulate verified business plans and seek approval for a LWUA NEDA, DBM 2020–
rationalized budget increase for LWUA’s programs. 2021

1.6 Promote the formulation of a rights-based provincial master DILG, DOH NEDA, LWUA, 2020
plan as the basis for the preparation of local/municipal WSS NWRB, LMP, onwards
development plans. LPP, LGUs
1.7 Coordinate the issuance of administrative guidelines, rules, NEDA DILG, DPWH 2019–
and regulations requiring all LGUs to adopt climate-resilient 2020
and green technology, as well as to promoting a rights-
based planning approach.
1.8 Request and accomplish the establishment of an OP order NEDA DPWH, 2019–
for all government buildings and new construction projects, Housing and 2020
including those in resettlement areas, to have RWHs; Land Use
require all LGUs to issue ordinances requiring the use of Regulatory
RWHs and storage facilities for all new developments within Board (HLURB)
their jurisdiction; and issue the use of water-efficient

Key Actions Driver Timeline

1.9 Lead the representation at the OP to issue the EO NEDA NWRB 2019–
establishing the NWMC. 2020

1.10 Address institutional fragmentation in the absence of an NEDA NWRB 2019–

apex body for the WSS sector that would coordinate 2021
development policies and plans following the IWRM
1.11 Create an apex body for the WSS sector. NEDA NWRB, LWUA, 2020–
DILG, DPWH, 2021

B. Other Actions
1.12 Establish a WSS Data Center. Apex Body DOH, LWUA, 2020–
Department of DPWH, MWSS
NEDA (interim)
1.13 Develop and conduct a pilot implementation of the LWUA, DILG, NEDA 2020–
integrated provision of WSS services in selected water DOH 2021

1.14 Develop and conduct a pilot implementation of a local DILG NEDA, DOH 2020
WSS governance framework that enables LGUs to realize
their obligation of ensuring access to WSS and where the
LGUs shall drive the effective provision of WSS services.
Consider the creation of a local WSS development office
that will help plan and coordinate WSS activities and
coordination at the local level with national agencies.

1.15 Develop a strategy and program that will prioritize NEDA LWUA, DILG, 2020
investments in far-flung and security risk areas. NAPC, and
selected LGUs
1.16 Come up with a Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) on an NEDA DILG, DOH 2020–
integrated water and sanitation planning process at the 2022
local level (municipal) based on the Local Sustainable
Sanitation Plan (LSSP) from the DOH, and Integrated Safe
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (iWASH) from the DILG,
and in line with the development of provincial master plans
and regional WSS roadmaps.

1.17 Recommend improvements/changes to certain LWUA NEDA, COA, 2021

governmental regulations (mainly Commission on Audit DBM, DENR,
[COA], DBM, DENR, and NWRB) that will enable WDs to NWRB
be run efficiently and effectively as commercial enterprises.
There are certain governmental regulations that hamper
the operational procedures of the WDs which could be
reviewed and streamlined.
1.18 Propose amendments to Presidential Decree (PD) 198 and TBD TBD TBD
certain regulatory guidelines of various agencies that
impact WD operations. 33
KRA 1: Establishing Effective WSS Sector Institutions
Action Tree

1.8 - NEDA to request and accomplish

the establishment of an OP order for all
government buildings and new
construction projects, including those in 1.6 - DILG and DOH to
resettlement areas, to have RWHs; promote the formulation of
require all LGUs to issue ordinances a rights-based provincial
requiring the use of RWHs and storage master plan as the basis
facilities for all new developments within for the preparation of local/
their jurisdiction; and issue the use of municipal WSS
water-efficient fixtures. development plans.

1.7 - NEDA to coordinate 1.3 - NEDA to

issuance of administrative coordinate the

guidelines, rules, and mandate of all WSPs

regulations requiring all LGUs to prioritize water
to adopt climate-resilient and supply provision with
Lead Agency: NEDA
green technology, as well as integrated sanitation
promoting a rights-based services.
Support NWRB, LWUA,
Agencies: DILG, DPWH, planning approach.

Period: 2019–2021
1.10 - NEDA to lead in addressing the
institutional fragmentation in the absence
of an apex body for the WSS sector that
would coordinate development policies
and plans following the IWRM principles.

- KRA Milestone
- Top Priority Actions

1.11 - Create an apex body for the
WSS sector.

1.2.1 - NEDA to spell out the IRR for NWMC

(with NWRB as Vice-Chairperson)

1.2 - NEDA to pursue the establishment of

the NWMC, pending the creation of an apex
body for the water sector.

1.2.4 - NEDA
and NWRB to
1.5 - LWUA to formulate review the
verified business plans 1.2.2 - NEDA and 1.2.3 - NEDA
NWRB to map out and NWRB to capacity
and seek approval of its requirements of
rationalized budget the organizational come up with a
setup for NWMC. Framework Plan. NWMC’s
increase for LWUA’s organization.

1.4 - NEDA to develop an

advocacy and 1.9 - NEDA to lead the 1.1 - NEDA to identify
communication plan to representation at the OP to champions in the Upper
garner support for the issue the EO establishing the and Lower Houses to
prioritization of the sector’s NWMC. sponsor the creation of
policy reforms and an apex body for the
investment requirements. WSS sector and
support the
deliberations based on
the Executive Version.

KRA 2: Strengthening the Regulatory Environment

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions
2.1 Identify champions in Upper and Lower Houses to Apex body Legislative 2019–
sponsor the creation of an apex body for the WSS sector (NWMC/DWR), champions, 2020
and an independent economic regulator for WSS, and NEDA DILG, LWUA,
support the deliberations based on the Executive Version. NWRB, MWSS
and Enterprise
Zone Authority
2.2 Review and improve the NEDA JV Guidelines to be NEDA LWUA, 2019–
responsive to WD conditions (with considerations on the Philippine 2020
LWD-MaCRO). Association of
Water Districts
2.3 Review the current cost recovery framework and tariff NWRB, LWUA, NEDA w/ 2020
setting methodologies (WDs, LGU-run water utilities, DILG selected LGUs,
private sector) to cover sanitation services. development
partners, CDA,
private sector
2.4 Issue guidelines for LGUs to adopt a cost-based DILG Not Applicable 2020
methodology that will promote financial sustainability.

2.5 Capacitate and increase its tariff review staff. LWUA, NWRB, NEDA, DBM 2019–
MWSS-RO 2021
2.6 Assess the quantity and quality of all water resources. Apex body NEDA 2019
(NWMC/DWR) onwards
2.7 Coordinate the review and assessment of existing NWRB NEDA, NWRB, 2019–
guidelines for issuing water permits and CPCs of NWRB LGUs, LWUA, 2020
and NIA. NIA,
Department of
2.7.1 Review and rationalize NWRB guidelines in regard
to the granting of water permits and CPCs to
Reform (DAR)
private operators.
2.7.2 Review existing water permits and CPCs to weed
out speculators, and check and verify water rights
(i.e., volume granted should not exceed volume
required); NWRB to require the following in water
permit applications: MOA with WD for private bulk
water supplier (intending to sell to WD), and SB
resolution (for LGU level CPC).
2.7.3 Review water permits granted to NIA to free up
water sources for water supply.
2.8a Continue updating Listahang Tubig. NWRB Not Applicable 2019
2.8b Establish benchmarking system results. NWRB Not Applicable 2020

2.9 Strengthen its enforcement of economic regulations, LWUA NEDA 2019–

especially on service expansion. 2021
Key Actions Driver Period
2.10 Create the WRC. NEDA Legislative 2019–
Champions, 2021
Economic Zone
2.11 Issue Memorandum Circular to LGUs to be guided by tariff DILG LWUA, DOH, 2019–
setting methodologies for water supply and wastewater DPWH 2021
management services.

B. Other Actions
2.12 Submit Annual Data Report of all water utilities as input to Apex body DILG, LWUA, Annual
Annual Benchmarking Report of all WSPs. (NWMC/ CDA
DWR) /
2.13 Formulate a policy on the imposition of fees or charges Apex body Not Applicable 2020
deemed necessary, for water resources conservation and (NWMC/ onwards
protection, such as: DWR) / NWRB
a. Polluter’s Fee, which shall be based on the net waste
load depending on the wastewater charge formula
pursuant to R.A. 9275, or the Clean Water Act;
b. Raw water price, determined by the Apex Body, which
shall take into account, the scarcity of water; and
c. Appropriate structures for payment of environmental

2.14 Disseminate and monitor compliance of WSPs with Apex body Union of Local 2019
standards. (NWMC/DWR), Authorities of onwards
DILG, LWUA, the Philippines
2.15 Publish all hearing decisions in the NWRB website. NWRB Not Applicable 2019–
2.16 Align WD business plans to KPIs. LWUA Not Applicable 2020–
2.17 Continue LGU competitiveness awards and recognition DILG Not Applicable 2019
2.18 Conduct learning events to harmonize economic regulations TBD Not Applicable TBD
at the regional roundtable discussions (RTD) (sharing and

2.19 Improve tariff formula to take into consideration WDM, small NWRB, LWUA, DOF, NEDA 2019–
WSPs, poor communities, power cost adjustment, and MWSS, 2020
consumer price index (CPI). Independent
Body, WSPs

KRA 2: Strengthening the Regulatory Environment
Action Tree

2.10 - Create the WRC. 2.5 - LWUA, NWRB,

and MWSS-RO to
capacitate and
increase its tariff
review staff.

Lead Agencies: NEDA, LWUA,


2.1 - NEDA to identify 2.9 - LWUA to
champions in the Upper strengthen its
Support MWSS-RO,
and Lower Houses to enforcement of
Agencies: DPWH, DOH,
Economic Zone
sponsor the creation of an economic regulations,
Authorities, TIE- apex body for the WSS especially on service
ZA, NIA, DAR, sector and an independent expansion.
LGUs economic regulator for
WSS, and support the
Period: 2019–2021 deliberations based on the
Executive Version.

2.2 - NEDA to review and improve

NEDA JV Guidelines to be responsive
to WD conditions (with considerations
on the LWD-MaCRO).


- KRA Milestone
- Top Priority Actions

2.11 - DILG to issue a
Memorandum Circular to
LGUs to be guided by
tariff setting 2.8b - NWRB to
methodologies for water establish benchmarking
supply and wastewater system results.
management services.

2.4 - DILG to issue 2.8a - NWRB to 2.7 - NWRB to coordinate

guidelines for LGUs to adopt continue updating its the review and
a cost-based methodology data in Listahang assessment for existing
that will promote financial Tubig. guidelines for issuing
sustainability. water permits and CPCs
of NWRB and NIA.

2.3 - NWRB, LWUA, and 2.6 - NWRB to 2.7.1 - Review and rationalize
DILG to review current assess the quantity NWRB guidelines for granting of
cost recovery framework and quality of all water permits and CPCs to private
and tariff setting water resources. operators.
methodologies (WDs,
LGU-run water utilities, 2.7.2 - Review existing water
private sector) to cover permits and CPCs to weed out
sanitation services. speculators, and check and verify
water rights (i.e., volume granted
should not exceed volume
required); NWRB to require the
following in water permit
applications: MOA with WD district
for private bulk water supplier
(intending to sell to WD); and SB
resolution (for LGU level CPC).

2.7.3 - Review water permits

granted to NIA to free up water
sources for water supply.

KRA 3: Creating and Ensuring Effective WSS Services

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

3.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of other programs, especially DILG NEDA, LWUA 2020–
those directed at poor and waterless municipalities, in 2021
accelerating access to WSS services, (e.g., SALINTUBIG,
LGSF-AM, and other programs for WSS-related CBOs).

3.2a Classify at what reform stage the WDs are (i.e., critical, LWUA NEDA, DILG, 2020–
recovery, stable, and expansion). DPWH, DOH, 2021
CDA, Non-

3.2b Set KPI targets for service coverage, performance, and LWUA NEDA, DILG, 2020–
financial sustainability. DPWH, DOH, 2021

3.3 Assess the viability of non-operational WDs towards their LWUA NEDA 2020–
operationalization. 2021

3.4 Encourage the operation of WSPs as economic enterprises DILG LGUs 2020–
by LGUs and/or with private partners. 2021

3.5 Develop and conduct a pilot implementation of a business/ DILG, select CDA, NEDA, 2021
management model where government and CBOs enter a LGUs LWUA, NGOs,
partnership/arrangement to operate and maintain a water development
utility. partners

3.6a Put up central management systems (develop a template DILG, LGUs NWRB 2020–
on how LGUs could come up with this setup). 2021

3.6b Keep BWSAs (LGU responsible for technical standards). DILG, LGUs NWRB 2020–

3.7 Capacitate WDs and LGU-run WSPs on tariff setting and NWRB LWUA, DILG 2020–
formulation of business plans. 2021

3.8 Conduct capacity needs assessment of WSPs and LGUs DILG, DOH, NEDA 2020–
within their respective jurisdictions and prepare training/ LWUA 2021
mentoring programs internally or in partnership with other
service providers.

3.8.1 Lead the preparation of the capacity development

agenda for the national agencies involved in WSS
3.8.2 Compile a compendium of reference materials,
toolkits, knowledge products for planning, project
development, utility reform, etc.

Key Actions Driver Period

B. Other Actions
3.9 Conduct a capacity needs assessment of LWUA and WDs. LWUA NEDA, DBM 2020–

3.10 Develop and implement a responsive capacity-building program for LWUA NEDA, DBM 2020–
LWUA and WDs. 2021

3.11 Conduct a capacity needs assessment of selected LGUs, the DILG CDA, NEDA 2020–
regional water and sanitation (WatSan) hubs, and of the DILG. 2021

3.12 Develop a capacity-building program for LGU-run water utilities and DILG CDA, NEDA 2020–
Regional WatSan Hubs, and study the needed reforms for DILG to 2021
enable it to respond to the needs of the LGU-run water and
sanitation utilities.

3.13 Study the feasibility of setting up Regional Training Centers for NEDA LWUA, 2020–
WDs and LGU-run water and sanitation utilities. DILG, CDA, 2021
Water and
Hubs, or

3.14 Develop and implement capacity-building programs, including DILG, LWUA, NEDA, 2019
disaster risk reduction (DRR), designed for WSS personnel and DPWH, CCC, DBM, onwards
officials. Private Sector, LGUs
Office of Civil
3.15 For Public-Private Partnership (PPP): NROs, PPP Not 2020–
a. Formulate decision tools to guide WDs and LGUs to Center, LWUA Applicable 2021
determine appropriateness of PPP as a service provision
b. Disseminate materials/templates for PPP project development
and procurement.
c. Develop guidelines for PPP contract management.

KRA 3: Creating and Ensuring Effective WSS Services
Action Tree

3.2b - LWUA to set KPI targets for

service coverage, performance, and
financial sustainability.

3.2a - LWUA to 3.3 - LWUA to 3.7 - NWRB to

classify at what assess the viability capacitate WDs

reform stage the of non-operational and LGU-run

WDs are (i.e., WDs towards their WSPs on tariff
critical, recovery, operationalization setting and
stable, and formulation of
expansion). business plans.

Lead Agencies: DILG, LWUA,


Support NEDA, DPWH, 3.8 - DILG, DOH, and LWUA to conduct capacity needs
Agencies: DBM assessment of WSPs and LGUs within their respective
jurisdictions and prepare training/mentoring programs
Period: 2020–2021 internally or in partnership with other service providers.

3.8.1 - NEDA to lead the preparation of the

capacity development agenda for the
national agencies involved in WSS


3.8.2 - NEDA to compile a compendium of

reference materials, toolkits, knowledge
products for planning, project development,
utility reform, etc.

- Top Priority Actions

3.5 - DILG to develop and conduct a pilot implementation of a business/
management model where government and CBOs enter a partnership/arrangement
to operate and maintain a water utility.

3.1 - DILG to evaluate the 3.6a - DILG to 3.6b - DILG to 3.4 - DILG to
effectiveness of other put up central keep BWSAs encourage the
programs, especially those management (LGU operation of
directed at the poor and systems responsible for WSPs as
waterless municipalities, in (develop a technical economic
accelerating access to WSS template on standards). enterprises by
services (e.g., SALINTUBIG, how LGUs LGUs and/or
LGSF-AM, and other could come up with private
programs for WSS-related with this setup). partners.

KRA 4: Balancing Water Supply and Demand

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

4.1 Provide rewards for best performing WSPs. LWUA, DILG DPWH, DOH, 2019
LGUs onwards

4.2 Request and accomplish the establishment of an OP order NEDA DPWH, 2019
for all government buildings and new construction projects, HLURB/
including those in resettlement areas, to have RWHs; DHSUD
require all LGUs to issue ordinances requiring the use of
RWHs and storage facilities for all new developments
within their jurisdiction; and issue the use of water-efficient
4.3 Encourage WSPs implementation of NRW reduction DILG, LWUA LGUs, LWUA, 2019–
programs (leak detection) to achieve standard performance DILG, NWRB 2021
improvement program.

4.4 Conduct resource assessment and recommend which Apex body NEDA 2020–
areas should shift from groundwater to surface water (NWMC/ 2021
sources. DWR), NWRB
4.4.1 Rationalize water permit system.
4.4.2 Review existing water permits to weed out
4.4.3 Review and update pricing system for resource

4.5 Enter into co-management agreements with other DENR, RBOs, LGUs, NGOs, 2019
agencies, LGUs and multi-stakeholder organizations such LGUs RBOs, onwards
as RBOs and Watershed Councils to protect and watershed
rehabilitate the watersheds within their areas, following the management
IWRM principles. councils,
4.6 Control and establish DMAs and install mother meters. WSPs LGUs, LWUA, 2019–

4.7 Develop and implement a communication strategy for NWRB NEDA, NWRB, 2019–
WDM and wastewater management. LWUA, DILG, 2020

4.8 Initiate shift to surface water and bulk water development. NWRB, NEDA 2020

4.9 Coordinate issuance of administrative guidelines, rules, NEDA DILG 2020

and regulations requiring all LGUs to require green

4.10 Strengthen implementation of resource management and NWRB NEDA 2020

allocation of water resources policies, systems and

4.11 Identify an award and recognition program for good DILG, LWUA NEDA 2020–
performing WSPs. 2021

Key Actions Driver Period

B. Other Actions
4.12 Develop strategic WSS communication plans and IEC DENR, LWUA, Not Applicable 2019–
campaigns targeting the public on the following: MWSS, NEDA, 2021
a. Proper sanitation; DOH, DILG
b. WDM (water efficiency, water conservation, rainwater
harvesting, reuse of treated wastewater, reduction of
NRW); and
c. Promotion of WSPs’ services, plans, and programs.

4.13 Strengthen and coordinate policy making and planning for Apex body Not Applicable 2020–
flood management by integrating stormwater/urban (NWMC/DWR) 2021
drainage as well as appropriate retention/retarding basins to
help mitigate the detrimental and catastrophic effects of

4.14 Develop encouraging conservation measures and/or LGUs, LWUA, Not Applicable 2019–
ordinance that will reduce per capita consumption. DILG, NWRB 2021

KRA 4: Balancing Water Supply and Demand
Action Tree

4.1 - LWUA and DILG to provide rewards for best

performing WSPs.

4.11 - DILG and LWUA to identify an

award and recognition program for good
performing WSPs.

4.2 - NEDA to request and accomplish the

establishment of an OP order for all government
buildings and new construction projects, including
those in resettlement areas, to have RWHs; require
all LGUs to issue ordinances requiring the use of
RWHs and storage facilities for all new
developments within their jurisdiction; and issue the
use of water-efficient fixtures.

4.3 - DILG and LWUA to encourage 4.9 - NEDA to coordinate issuance


WSPs implementation of NRW reduction of administrative guidelines,

programs (leak detection) to achieve rules ,and regulations requiring all
standard performance improvement LGUs to require green technology.

4.6 - WSPs to control and establish

DMAs and install mother meters.

- Top Priority Actions

4.5 - Enter into co-management
agreements with other agencies,
LGUs and multi-stakeholder
organizations such as RBOs and
Watershed Councils to protect and
rehabilitate the watersheds within their
areas following the IWRM principles.

4.10 - NWRB to strengthen

implementation of resource management
and allocation of water resources policies,
systems, and database.

4.8 - NWRB, LWUA, and DILG to

initiate shift to surface water and bulk
water development.


4.4 - NWRB to conduct resource 4.7 - NWRB to develop Agencies: LWUA,
assessment and recommend and implement a NWRB
which areas should shift from communication strategy Support LGUs, DOH
groundwater to surface water for WDM and wastewater Agencies:
sources. management.
Period: 2019–2021

4.4.1 Rationalize water permit system.

4.4.2 Review existing water permits to weed

out speculators.

4.4.3 Review and update pricing system for

resource extraction.

KRA 5: Building Climate Resiliency

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

5.1a Construct new WSS infrastructure in low-risk areas. DPWH, WSPs DILG, LWUA, 2019
LGUs, DOH onwards

5.1b Design WSS infrastructure based on the DWPH Design DPWH, WSPs DILG, LWUA, 2019
Guidelines, Criteria and Standards and Standard LGUs, DOH onwards
Specifications for climate-resilient hydraulic structures.

5.2 Issue a Department Order requiring retention/retarding DPWH NEDA, DENR, 2019–
basins for flood control and drainage systems. NWRB 2020

5.3 Request the establishment of an OP Order for all (NGAs NEDA DENR, DILG, 2019–
and LGUs) government buildings and facilities to utilize CCC 2020
green technologies, including groundwater infiltration.

5.4 Coordinate issuance of administrative guidelines, rules and Apex body NEDA, DENR, 2019
regulations requiring all LGUs to (NWMC/ CCC, DOH,
require green technology. DWR), DILG DPWH

5.5 Require WSPs to prepare WSS Emergency Response LWUA, DILG OCD, CCC, 2019–
Plans, and to coordinate with the LGU on the development LGUs 2022
of their DRRM and Contingency Plans.

5.6 Revise the Referral Codes of the National Building code of DPWH Not Applicable 2019
the Philippines to include policies and standards for water
efficiency in building design/construction.

5.7 Review all major WSS proposed projects to check if climate NEDA DPWH 2019
considerations were already integrated. onwards

5.8 Issue and require design standards, guidelines and DPWH NEDA 2020
specifications for climate-resilient hydraulic structures.

5.9 Ensure implementation of climate-resilient hydraulic DPWH Not Applicable 2020–

structures and retention/retarding basins for flood control 2021
and drainage systems.
5.10 Ensure the installation of RWHs and storage facilities. LWUA, DILG DPWH 2020–

B. Other Actions

5.11 Develop risk mitigation measures for vulnerable WSS LGUs DILG, OCD, 2019
infrastructures in high risk areas (i.e., including conflict DOH onwards

KRA 6: Enabling Access to Funding and Financing

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

6.1 Implement the URAF in the sector in accordance with the NEDA DOF 2020
PWSSMP. URAF has the following fundamental criteria for
allocating resources:

a. Poverty incidence;
b. Level of access; and
c. Incidence of waterborne diseases.

6.1.1 Establish the URAF TWG to be the focal technical

team that will implement URAF, draft the
implementing guidelines of the URAF, and develop
an investment program to achieve SDG 6 targets.
6.1.2 Develop standard appraisal tools such as a VGF
model for rationalizing national government grants.

6.2 Review and rationalize government financing policies to LWUA NEDA, DOF 2019
harmonize with URAF principles.

6.3 Develop and adopt policies to crowd-in PFIs. DOF NEDA, 2019–
Government 2020
6.4 Adopt the URAF principles for the inclusion of funding and DPWH NEDA Board, 2019–
coverage of NSSMP. DBM 2020

6.5 Build the capacity of national institutions to effectively carry NEDA DOF, DBM 2020
out mandates and new roles under the URAF.

6.6 Support budget requirements. DOF, DBM Not Applicable 2020

B. Other Actions

6.7 Put up regulations, for LGUs that are given grants, NEDA, GFIs, Not Applicable 2021
regarding KPIs and appropriate institutional setups to DILG
ensure that greenfield investments are sustainable.
Consider the initial investment by the national government
as capitalization, which is leveraged by external financing.
6.8 Have an appropriate policy with LWUA on debt overhang, NEDA, GFIs, Not Applicable 2021
have measures in place, such as suspending debt DILG
payments or a moratorium for not imposing penalties
(requiring WDs to have a balloon payment for them to be
able to borrow money to improve or expand their services).
6.9 Pursue Presidential issuance directing national government Apex body DILG, NEDA, 2022
and/or local government interventions in areas with high (NWMC/DWR) LWUA, DOH, onwards
poverty incidence, low level of access, and high incidence OP, DENR
of water-borne diseases.
6.10 Review financing facilities with emphasis on its effective DOF, NEDA, Not Applicable 2020–
implementation. LWUA, GFIs, 2021
KRA 5: Building Climate Resiliency
Action Tree

5.1a - DPWH and WSPs to

construct new WSS

infrastructure in low-risk areas.

5.5 - LWUA and DILG to require
WSPs to prepare WSS Emergency
Response Plans, and to coordinate
with the LGU on the development
of their DRRM and Contingency

5.1b - WSPs to design WSS infrastructure

based on the DPWH Design Guidelines,
Criteria and Standards and Standard
Specifications for climate-resilient
hydraulic structures

Lead Agencies: DPWH, NEDA 5.6 - DPWH to revise the Referral


Codes of the National Building

Support DILG, LWUA,
Code of the Philippines to include
Agencies: DENR, NWRB
policies and standards for water
Period: 2019–2020 efficiency in building design/

- Top Priority Actions

5.9 - DPWH to ensure implementation of
climate-resilient hydraulic structures and
retention/retarding basins for flood control
and drainage systems.
5.10 - LWUA and DILG to
ensure the installation of
RWHs and storage
5.7 - NEDA to review all major WSS proposed projects to
check if climate considerations were already integrated.

5.3 - NEDA to request the

establishment of an OP
Order for all (NGAs and
LGUs) government
buildings and facilities to
utilize green technologies,
including groundwater

5.4 - NEDA to coordinate

5.8 - DPWH to issue and 5.2 - DPWH to issue a issuance of administrative
require design standards, Department Order guidelines, rules, and
guidelines and specifications requiring retention/ regulations requiring all
for climate-resilient hydraulic retarding basins for flood LGUs to require green
structures. control and drainage technology.

KRA 6: Enabling Access to Funding and Financing
Action Tree

6.5 - NEDA to build the capacity of

national institutions to effectively carry

out mandates and new roles under the


6.2 - LWUA to review 6.4 - DPWH to adopt

and rationalize the URAF principles

Lead Agencies: NEDA, DOF,

government financing for the inclusion of

policies to harmonize funding and
Support DBM, DILG, with URAF principles. coverage of NSSMP.
Agencies: DOH

Period: 2019–2020

- Top Priority Actions

6.6 - DOF and DBM to support budget

6.1 - NEDA to pursue the implementation of the 6.3 - DOF to develop

URAF in the sector in accordance with the PWSSMP. and recommend for
URAF has the following fundamental criteria for adoption policies to
allocating resources: crowd-in PFIs.
a) Poverty incidence;
b) Level of access; and
c) Incidence of waterborne diseases.

6.1.1 - NEDA to establish the URAF 6.1.2 - NEDA to develop standard

TWG to be the focal technical team appraisal tools such as a VGF
that will implement URAF, draft the model for rationalizing national
implementing guidelines of the government grants.
URAF, and develop an investment
program to achieve SDG 6 targets.

KRA 7: Managing Data and Information

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

7.1 Formulate guidelines and framework(s) for the Apex body PSA, DOH, 2019–
harmonization and integration of WSS data. (NWMC/ DWR)/ LWUA, 2020
NEDA (interim) NWRB,
7.2 Integrate a database for the WSS sector that shall act as a Apex body DOH, LWUA, 2019–
repository of all WSS data. (NWMC/ DWR)/ DILG, NWRB, 2020
NEDA (interim) DPWH,
7.2.1 Link the data repository with PSA. MWSS, PSA
7.2.2 Identify official/credible sources of data such as
7.2.3 Map out current sources of WSS data such as
PWSSMP database, NWRB Listahang Tubig, WD
data from LWUA, water supply-related data from
DILG, and sanitation-related data from DOH and
7.3 Develop and deploy a comprehensive WSS MIS. Apex body DOH, LWUA, 2019–
7.3.1 Completely and efficiently roll out the existing WSS NEDA (interim) DPWH,
information system at NWRB with support funding. MWSS, PSA,
7.3.2 Train apex body and data custodians on WSS DBM
information system.

7.4 Develop and streamline programs for the establishment of Apex body PSA, DOH, 2020–
baseline data (e.g., pertaining to SDG, coverage, safely (NWMC/DWR)/ LWUA, DILG, 2021
managed sanitation services, and other relevant NEDA/NWRB DPWH
indicators). (interim)

7.5 Facilitate an inter-agency discussion on the communication NEDA NWRB, DILG, 2019–
strategy for the programs of NWRB, DILG, DOH, and DOH, LWUA 2020
7.6 Develop communication strategy for the sector NEDA NWRB, DILG, 2019–
development plans and programs. DOH, LWUA 2020

7.7 Develop IEC programs for the respective advocacies of NWRB, DILG, NEDA 2020–

7.8 Develop database of WSS information system that can be NEDA NWRB, 2020–
used for strategic planning, policy formulation, program/ LWUA, DILG, 2021
project development, and M&E. DPWH

B. Other Actions

7.9 Determine extent of adoption/harmonization of UN PSA, NEDA DOH, LWUA, 2020–

definitions of SDGs. DILG, MWSS, 2021

7.10 Develop common data report for all WSPs. Apex body DILG, LWUA, Annual

KRA 8: Driving Research and Development

Key Actions Driver Period

A. Priority Actions

8.1 Formulate research and development agenda based on Apex body DOH 2019–
priority needs of key partner agencies and stakeholders. (NWMC/ 2020
The agenda should include, among others, technology on DWR) /
lowering energy costs and increasing water efficiency; NEDA/NWRB
sanitation technology options for challenging contexts (interim)
(e.g., high water table, flood-prone, etc.); low-cost and
decentralized septage systems; and policies such as raw
water pricing and tradeable water regime.

8.2 Create a Research and Development Division under the Apex body DOST, DBM 2019–
envisioned NWMC Planning Department with the (NWMC/DWR)/ 2020
immediate task of formulating the WSS research and NEDA (interim)
development agenda based on needs.

8.3 Promote the conduct of research and development studies Apex body DOST, 2019–
based on priority research and development agenda (i.e., (NWMC/DWR)/ Academe 2021
tie-up with academe, WSS partners and experts). NEDA (interim)

B. Other Actions

8.4 Establish an improved accreditation process of WSS- Apex body DOST, 2019–
related new technologies. (NWMC/DWR) Department of 2020
Trade and
Industry (DTI)

8.5 Establish and implement government financial support on DBM, DOF DOST, 2019
local WSS-related inventions. Academe onwards

8.6 Tap local inventors and scientists with attractive Apex body DOST, 2020
government support. (NWMC/DWR)/ Academe onwards
NEDA (interim)

8.7 Develop and adopt advance infrastructure design and Apex body DOST, DPWH 2021
construction methodology solutions. (NWMC/DWR)/ onwards
NEDA (interim)

KRA 7: Managing Data and Information
Action Tree

7.3.1 - NWRB to completely and efficiently roll out the

existing WSS information system with support funding.

7.3.2 - NWRB to train Apex Body and data custodians on WSS

information system.

7.2 - NEDA, with 7.3 - NWRB and


support from agencies, NEDA to develop and

to integrate a database deploy a
for the WSS sector that comprehensive WSS
shall act as repository MIS.
of all WSS data.

7.8 - Develop database of WSS information

system that can be used for strategic planning,
policy formulation, program/project
development, and M&E.

7.2.1 - NWRB and NEDA to link the

data repository with PSA.

7.2.2 - NWRB and NEDA to identify

7.1 - Formulate
official/credible sources of data
guidelines and
such as PSA, PAGASA, etc.
framework(s) for the
harmonization and
integration of WSS data. 7.2.3 - NWRB and NEDA to map
out current sources of WSS data
such as PWSSMP database,
NWRB Listahang Tubig, WD data
from LWUA, water supply-related
data from DILG, and sanitation-
related data from DOH and DPWH.

- Top Priority Actions

7.7 - NWRB, DILG, DOH, and
LWUA to develop IEC programs
for their respective advocacies.

7.4 - NWRB and NEDA to develop

and streamline programs for the
establishment of baseline data
(e.g., pertaining to SDG,
coverage, safely managed 7.6 - NEDA to develop Lead Agencies: NEDA, NWRB
sanitation services, and other communication strategy
relevant indicators). Support PSA, DOH,
for the sector Agencies: LWUA, DILG,
development plans and DPWH, MWSS
Period: 2019–2021

7.5 - NEDA to facilitate an

inter-agency discussion
on the communication
strategy for the programs
and LWUA.

KRA 8: Driving Research and Development
Action Tree

8.2 - Create a Research and Development Division

under the envisioned NWMC Planning Department
with the immediate task of formulating the WSS
research and development agenda based on needs.

8.3 - NEDA to promote the conduct of research

and development studies based on priority
research and development agenda (i.e., tie-up
with academe, WSS partners, and experts).

8.1 - NWRB to formulate research and

development agenda based on priority needs
of key partner agencies and stakeholders. The
agenda should include, among others,
technology on lowering energy costs and
Lead Agencies: NEDA, NWRB increasing water efficiency; sanitation
technology options for challenging contexts
Support DOH, DOST, (e.g., high water table, flood-prone, etc.); low-
Agencies: Academe cost and decentralized septage systems; and
Period: 2019–2021 policies such as raw water pricing and
tradeable water regime.

- Top Priority Actions

Investment Program and
Financing Plan
5.1 Investment Requirements
The cost of infrastructure investments was derived from anticipated demand based on
projected population, economic growth, and factored-in investments. This is to ensure the
continuous delivery of WSS services of existing systems. The computation included the
anticipated upgrade of existing service levels (e.g., Level I to Level II or Level III, basic and
limited sanitation to improved sanitation, etc.).
Table 12 summarizes the total investment needs to meet the target of 95.0 percent access to
water supply and 97.0 percent access to basic sanitation by 2022, and universal access by
2030. The WSS sector requires about PHP 1.07 trillion over 11 years (2020–2030) to
achieve the targets set by the PDP and SDG.
Around PHP 0.73 trillion is required to achieve PDP targets by 2023.35 Another PHP 0.34
trillion is needed to achieve universal access by 2030. These figures also include non-
physical investments totaling PHP 1.13 billion that would cover the implementation of the
PWSSMP reform programs.

Table 12: Total Investment Requirements from 2020–2030

Investment Requirements
2020–2023 2024–2030 Total
(in PHP Billion)

Physical 733.66 334.53 1,068.18

Water Supply: 278.07 233.01 511.08

Level III 234.11 216.95 451.06
Level II 37.56 15.32 52.88
Level I 6.40 0.74 7.15

Sanitation: 455.59 101.52 557.11

Improved/Basic 349.50 84.02 433.52
Septage 48.89 6.00 54.89
Sewerage 57.20 11.50 68.70

Non-Physical 0.66 0.47 1.13

Eight KRA* 0.32 - 0.32

Project Management 0.34 0.47 0.81

TOTAL (in PHP billion) 734.32 335.00 1,069.31

*Additional investments for the eight KRA for 2024–2030 will be defined at a later stage.

One year added to
implementation timeline
from the original 2022.

5.1.1 Physical Investments proposed DWR. These agencies may
employ consulting services to assist in
Physical investments comprise the program implementation, such as research,
required infrastructure to achieve the WSS and consultative, development, and legal
access targets. Development cost intended work.
to bridge sectoral gaps and improve levels
of service of access determine the total The project management cost of the
investment requirements. operational plan requires an additional PHP
335.30 million over four years. It entails the
To achieve universal access to WSS establishment of a PMO, which will be an
services, approximately PHP 734.32 billion inter-agency umbrella led by the NEDA
and PHP 335.00 billion in physical Board Committee on Infrastructure–Sub-
investments are needed for 2020-2023 and Committee on Water Resources
2024-2030, respectively. (INFRACOM-SCWR), LWUA, DILG, NWRB,
and DOH.
5.1.2 Non-Physical
The PMO must be adequately staffed to
Investments evaluate proposed projects, assist in
Non-physical investments needed by the project preparation, organize and
sector total PHP 1.13 billion. This amount strengthen the implementing units for
covers: (a) the implementation cost required specific subprojects (WDs, LGUs,
to carry out programs and activities under CBOs), and assist in technical and
the eight components of the KRA; and (b) environmental concerns (e.g., water
the project management cost of the sources, review of proposals, environmental
operational plan. impacts, climate change adaptation works,
economic and financial evaluation, and
The former requires approximately PHP review of contracts).
323.00 million, which will be allotted to the
activities conducted by concerned Approximately PHP 469.00 million will
agencies. These agencies may include be allotted to the PMO for project activities
from 2024 to 2030, which will be distributed
over seven years. Table 13 shows the total
National Power Corporation (NPC),
investment requirement per KRA.
Department of Energy (DOE), and the

Table 13: Total Amount of Non-Physical Investments for 2020–2023

Amount in
Non-Physical Investments
PHP Million

A Implementation Cost of the Programs 322.70

1 Establishing Effective WSS Sector Institutions 45.70

2 Strengthening Regulatory Environment 52.60

3 Creating and Ensuring Effective WSS Institutions 52.60

4 Balancing Water Supply and Demand 26.50

5 Building Climate Resiliency 35.80

6 Enabling Access to Funding and Financing 44.80

7 Managing Data and Information 33.60

8 Driving Research and Development 31.10

B Project Management Cost of the Operational Plan 335.30

TOTAL 658.00

5.2 Financing Plan As shown in Figure 14, the financing plan
shall be as follows:
a) The PWSSMP lists 37.4 percent (PHP
A financing plan for the required
103.99 billion) of water investments from
investments for the period 2020–2023 is
GFIs, including 7.0 percent (PHP 19.45
shown in the following sections. Only the
billion) for Level III systems under LWUA.
plan for the short term of PWSSMP has
been detailed because financing b) Private sector financing through
mechanisms may change with the commercial loans for funding project
finalization of the URAF. development costs of HUCs is assumed
to be 42.7 percent (PHP 118.86 billion) of
5.2.1 Funding and Financing total water infrastructure investments.
Water Supply In addition, private capital has been
Funds for implementing the Master Plan will considered, with 6.3 percent (PHP 17.63
be sourced mostly from public funds. billion) of the investments coming from
However, increased collaboration with the WSPs’ partnerships with private operators.
private sector is considered to leverage These partnerships have emerged owing to
loans from both government financing changes in the management and
institutions (GFI) and PFIs. This is operational arrangements of WSPs.
consistent with the reforms in the financing The principles of the URAF (i.e., to
policies for the WSS sector under EO 279, maximize development financing through
s. 2004. capital grants) have been adopted and
Pursuant to these reforms, LGU-run utilities made available to WSPs to keep usage
availed themselves of loans and credit lines charges affordable and implement target
from the Municipal Development Fund subsidies to benefit poor communities.
Office, GFIs, and PFIs. Moreover, WSPs that cannot afford to
Approximately PHP 4.00 billion in loans expand their service in outlying areas can
have been approved to finance various access the 13.5 percent (PHP 37.59 billion)
WSS projects in 2015 (per 2015 COA grant allocation for expansion of service
Annual Financial Reports for LGUs). At coverage. This grant allocation aims to
least 30 eligible WDs were issued clearance incentivize the operationalization of the 200
to secure over PHP 6.00 billion in WDs36 in low-income municipalities.
commercial loans for funding efficiency
improvement programs in 2016.

36 233
non-operational WDs as
of December 2015

Figure 14: Breakdown of Water Supply Investments, 2020–2023 61

Tariff-setting policies adopt full cost to rural and urban fringe areas and to
recovery. Thus, capital grants through institutions that offer small and affordable
VGF37 output-based aid (OBA),38 or blended loans for water service connections of the
financing will ensure that poor communities poor and marginalized population.
can satisfy their basic needs without having
to spend beyond 5.0 percent39 of their family The proposed financing mechanisms per
income. level of service are as follows:
Further identification of actual VGF, OBA, Level III
and blended finance beneficiaries must be
established during the PWSSMP  Grant financing (VGF and OBA) is based
implementation. This evaluation is based on on criteria;
eligibility criteria and depends on achieving
industry KPIs (e.g., service coverage).  Technical assistance grants are for non-
The criteria for determining grant allocation operational WDs and qualified LGU-run
include poverty incidence, waterborne and utilities;
sanitation-related disease incidences, and
 Financial assistance is to be given to
universal access gaps. Figure 15 shows the
proposed prioritization criteria, which will be WDs under LWUA’s revised lending
further refined through the implementation policies (BOT Res. Nos. 57-2017 and 92-
of the URAF. 2017);
Water Supply Financing Plan  GFIs and PFIs, and commercial loan
programs are available to eligible WSPs;
To achieve the universal concept of SDG 6
and mobilize additional financing, the  Private capital funds for HUCs and WSPs
PWSSMP has varied financing plans per may be disbursed under JV agreements;
level of service. To supplement
Level II
development and commercial loans, VGF
and OBA are available to less viable WSPs  A 100.0 percent grant allocation is given
to fund their equity or manage their issues to the Top 20 provinces with the highest
concerning tariff affordability. poverty incidence; 50.0-50.0 percent loan
grant mix, on the other hand, may be
Technical assistance grants for capacity
applied to the remaining provinces;
development, project preparation and
implementation, and O&M efficiency are  Blended finance, through microfinance
included. institutions (MFIs), is considered to fund
users’ equity (e.g., Water Credit and
In addition, the PWSSMP provides leverage
Water Connect Programs); and
37 233 finance to WSPs that extend their services
non-operational WDs as
of December 2015
VGF is defined as
capital grants which
reduce the need for
commercial finance to
keep tariffs at affordable
levels. Poverty
OBA, as defined by
Global Partnership for Diseases
OBA, is a results-based Top 20 poorest
financing scheme
provinces Provinces with Coverage
designed to estimate
access to and delivery of high waterborne Provinces with
infrastructure and social
services for the poor and sanitation- service coverage
using performance-based
incentives, rewards, or
related disease below 30 percent
subsidies. It links the incidences
payment of aid or grant to
the delivery of specific
Affordability threshold
for combined water and Figure 15: Grant Allocation for Water Supply Projects
sanitation tariffs per
LWUA BOT Res. 59-2017

Level I Flow of Funds
 100.0 percent grant financing is intended Figure 17 presents the flow of funds for
to support poor rural communities; target water supply investments.
aid is also extended to community-based
Funding for the WS subsector under
WSPs or institutions serving the rural
development loans will come from LWUA,
areas, which may be implemented
and GFIs/MFIs. Grants will be coursed
through the DILG’s LGSF-AM Program,
through LWUA and DILG/LGUs, as well as
in partnership with MFIs, among others.
the DOF-MFIs. HUCs and private WSPs will
Figure 16 presents the computed mostly take up funding from commercial
distribution of investments per level of loans.
service following the financing plan
mentioned earlier.

 Grant = 7.60 (3.3%)

Level III = 234.10  Users’ Equity = 17.70 (7.6%)
 GFIs/LWUA = 90.00 (38.4%)
 Private (Commercial and HUCs) = 118.80 (50.7%)

 Grant = 23.50 (62.5%)

Level II = 37.60
 GFIs/MFIs/Users = 14.10 (37.5%)

Level I = 6.40  LGU Grant = 6.40 (100.0%)

Figure 16: Financing Plan for Water Supply Sector Investments (in PHP Billion), 2020–2023

Figure 17: Flow of Funds for Water Supply Investments (in PHP Billion), 2020–2023

5.2.2 Funding and Financing b. Expand the NSSMP to provide technical
grants for feasibility studies and other
Sanitation project preparation activities;
Achieving universal access to sanitation c. Enhance access to development or
requires dedicated public funds and scaling commercial loans to finance the
up of private investments to enable the remaining balance after the 50.0 percent
government and its development partners to grant subsidy under the NSSMP. This
integrate the implementation of water and strategy includes incorporation of
sanitation infrastructure. sanitation projects in existing financing
Similar to the strategy for water, the programs of GFIs, e.g., DBP’s Lending
PWSSMP allocates 45.2 percent (PHP Initiative for Sanitation (LINIS) Program;
205.87 billion) grant funds to move d. Create incentives for LGUs that have
investments towards urban areas outside been consistent in complying with
Mega Manila. Development financing NSSMP guidelines; and
through GFIs for basic and improved
e. Expand the NSSMP criteria for grant-loan
sanitation account for 43.2 percent (PHP
mix available to other LGUs or WSPs.
196.67 billion); investments for septage and
sewerage programs implemented by LGU- Figure 19 shows the grant allocation
run utilities, the private sector, or WDs scheme considered for sanitation
amount to 10.2 percent (PHP 46.45 billion) investments. For LGUs implementing a
of the total sanitation investment septage/sewerage program, 50.0 percent
requirement (see Figure 18). will be provided as grant under the existing
NSSMP. Under the PWSSMP,
The PWSSMP has considered the following
enhancement of financing for basic to
strategies based on the findings and
improved sanitation is recommended.
deliberations in the regional consultation
Grants at 25.0 percent (HUCs) and at 50.0
percent for other LGUs will be provided to
a. Develop an estimated investment poor communities through blended
requirement by level of sanitation and financing.

Figure 18: Breakdown of Sanitation Investments, 2020–2023

HUCs Cities/Municipalities/Others

Improved and Basic

Grant = 50.0% and 25.0%
Grant = 50.0%

Grant = 50.0%
LGU = 50.0%
Grant = 50.0%

Figure 19: Grant Allocation for Sanitation Projects

Sanitation Financing Plan Sewerage Systems

The strategies for financing sanitation  Develop a specialized subsidy
projects are listed below: mechanism to support large-scale and
high-cost sewerage programs that will
Basic/Improved Sanitation
address efficient collection of sewage
 Establish mechanisms for 100.0 percent generated by households and
grant financing of the construction of commercial buildings, and effluent
sanitary toilets for poor households released from individual septic tanks.
(estimated at 25.0 percent of the The NSSMP framework prioritizes HUCs
population) practicing open defecation or with 50.0 percent capital grants and
using unimproved sanitation facilities; and subsidies subject to program guidelines.
 Develop blended finance through NGOs  Other priority areas, such as tourism
or institutions to extend small and zones, heritage sites, and qualified critical
affordable loans to households to fund areas, may be eligible for a grant subsidy.
users’ equity (e.g., WaterCredit and
With the adoption of VGF under the URAF,
WaterConnect Programs).
GFIs may be utilized as a conduit for grants
Septage Management for sewerage projects. LWUA will continue
to oversee project implementation and grant
 Promote increased access to financing
dispensation of WDs undertaking sanitation
through VGF and concessional loans to
projects in partnership with LGUs. Figure 20
fund project implementation, including
presents the computed funding per level of
equity. The rationale for this strategy is
service and financing type for the total
that the government carries the
sanitation subsector investments.
responsibility of ensuring proper septage
management systems. Flow of Funds for Sanitation
Under the PWSSMP, the NSSMP shall be A flowchart detailing the process of
subsumed under the URAF principles. As submission, evaluation, and approval of
part of the NSSMP, a 50.0 percent grant subsidy grant applications is shown in
fund may be supplemented with 50.0 Figure 21.
percent development financing from GFIs to
For improved and basic sanitation
ensure tariffs remain within the affordability
infrastructure, it is recommended that GFIs
threshold. This scheme is aimed at
and MFIs consider blended financing if they
mobilizing private financing of septage
are to submit their proposals to DOF for
management programs for all cities and first
-income class municipalities, in partnership
with WDs, WSPs, or LGUs.

Under the expanded NSSMP, three WDs may submit theirs to DPWH and
agencies, namely, the DILG, DPWH, and LWUA.
LWUA, will be tasked to disburse grant
Figure 22 presents the proposed flow of
subsidies and financial assistance,
funds for sanitation projects. As previously
facilitating a more robust dispensation of the
discussed, grants will be coursed through
grant money and increased number of
evaluated applications. It is recommended
Development loans for improved sanitation
that LGUs and LGU-run utilities submit their
may be accessed by LGUs from GFIs-MFIs.
proposals to the DILG, while HUCs and
For septage and sewerage projects, loans
may be accessed from GFIs and LWUA.

Basic/Improved Sanitation Septage = 48.90 Sewerage = 57.20

= 349.50 (76.0%) (10.7%) (12.6%)

Grant = 24.50 Grant = 28.60

Grant = 152.80 (50.0%)
Development Loans =
20.50 (41.9%)
Development Loans =
26.00 (45.4%)
WSP Equity = 2.00
Development Loans
= 196.70
(56.3%) WSP Equity = 2.60
Private = 1.90 (4.6%)

Figure 20: Funding and Financing Allocation for Sanitation Projects (in PHP Billion)

Figure 21: Proposed Flow of Applications for Financing Sanitation Projects

Development Users Equity WSP / LGU / WD
Grants = 205.80
Loans = 243.20 (PPP / Private) = Equity = 4.70
(53.4%) 1.90 (0.6%) (1.0%)

LWUA / DPWH (Septage

and Sewerage) =
Loans (Improved)
= 196.70 (80.9%)

12.00 (5.8%)
(Septage and
Sewerage) = GFI-MFI / LGU =
46.50 (19.1%) 152.80 (74.3%)

Figure 22: Proposed Flow of Funds for Sanitation Projects (in PHP Billion)

5.3 Plan Timeline immediate development

implementing entities (e.g.,
plans of
agencies, etc.).
While the PDP and SDG targets will have Proposed projects in the short term that
been met by 2023 and 2030, respectively, have secured or likely to secure funding are
the PWSSMP takes into account the state included in the Priority Investment Program.
of the WSS sector beyond that period. In The majority of the projects in the Priority
particular, further improvement of service Investment Program are based on pipeline
access and upgrading of related projects as gathered from DILG and LWUA,
infrastructure will consistently be pursued. which have been the main project and fund
Thus, the PWSSMP considers the following IAs in the WSS sector in recent years.
The consultations with LWUA and its
 Short Term: 2020 to 2023 roadmap determined the agency’s plans
 Medium Term: 2024 to 2030 and direction, aiding the prioritization of WD
-covered areas for short-term projects. In
 Long Term: 2031 to 2040 addition, DILG’s pipeline projects under
Projects and activities contributing to the SALINTUBIG and Bottom-up Budgeting
realization of sector targets and goals, programs for 2020 have been considered in
especially for the short term, have been the priority list.
identified to facilitate their implementation As of 2018, feasibility studies for
alongside the operationalization of the Mandamus, non-Mandamus, high NRW,
PWSSMP. The assessment was made on and non-operational WDs were undertaken.
the basis of the reform activities and their The WDs with expected complete concept
schedule of implementation. design and feasibility studies by 2019 have
The prioritization of short-term projects is been included in the pipeline projects for
based on: (a) the readiness of the projects 2020 (mobilization).
(e.g., preliminary studies and assessment Also included under NEDA’s Project
conducted, coverage area and project Development and Other Related Studies
beneficiaries defined, project proponent/s (PDRS) Fund is the conduct of feasibility
organized and well-capacitated to operate studies and/or concept designs for bulk
and maintain WSPs to ensure water supply in selected provinces in the
sustainability); (b) funding or financial country. DILG will execute the project in
assistance having been secured; or (c) the collaboration with the appropriate LGUs .
project study area being included per

Initially identified and proposed projects in preparation such as feasibility studies,
the short term are based on the key sector detailed engineering and design, and other
agencies’ plans and directions in the work that shall be procured and conducted
immediate future. These are expected to prior to the construction stage.
increase and be expanded once the
Activities related to soft components (e.g.,
PWSSMP implementation is in full swing.
capacity-building and IEC programs for the
Programs, activities, and projects (PAP) to sanitation subsector), shall also be
be determined thereafter shall be directed conducted in the same period. The budget
towards achieving WSS sector access requirement for project preparatory activities
targets per province and/or region. Targets will be estimated using assumed
not met in the short term (if any) shall be percentages based on prevailing and
covered by PAPs that are slated for the historical industry trends and standards.
medium and long terms.
Table 14 lists and describes the schedule of
programs included in the Priority Investment
Program. Table 15 details their
5.3.1 Short-Term Investment corresponding investment requirements and
Needs projected disbursements for 2020 and 2021.

As discussed in section 5.1.1, the required

infrastructure investments for the period
5.3.2 Medium- to Long-Term
2020–2023 total PHP 734.32 billion. Of this
value, about PHP 62.00 billion worth of Investment Needs
programs and projects have been initially
The WSS sector requires about PHP 1.07
identified and proposed, and included in the
trillion worth of physical and non-physical
Priority Investment Program. The Priority
investments from 2020 to 2030 to achieve
Investment Program is scheduled for
the targets set by the PDP and SDG. A
implementation in the short term.
large fraction of this amount is needed in the
Most of the items in the Priority Investment short term to reach the targets in inclusive
Program are based on concrete pipeline years.
projects from LWUA and DILG. The
However, spending for the remaining and/or
projects’ tangibility requires that they be
unrealized targets in the short term is
implemented within the short-term planning
expected to be carried over to the medium
and long terms, and shall be combined with
Each project under the Priority Investment the required PHP 0.34 trillion worth of
Program has a total investment requirement infrastructure investments with respect to
upon which the projected disbursements for universal access.
2020 and 2021 are based. Activities for
these first two years include project

Table 14: Projects under the Priority Investment Program

Projects Description
Schedule A  WS improvement and expansion projects with pending requests for financial
assistance from LWUA
 An ongoing evaluation of requests, with projected approval in 2019
Schedule B  WDs under LWUA Master Plan available list
 WDs covered by Proposed Water Supply Expansion/Improvement and NRW
Reduction Program
Schedule C  WDs lined up for feasibility studies with regard to NRW reduction
 Expected FS completion in 2020
 program for improvement activities to start in 2021
Schedule D  Non-operational WDs lined up for FS with regard to operationalization
 Expected FS completion in 2002
 Program for operationalization to start in 2021
Schedule E  DILG SALINTUBIG projects lined up for 2020
Schedule F  DILG Assistance to Municipalities projects lined up for 2020 (water and sanitation
Schedule G  Investment requirements for sanitation; percentage for FS derived
Schedule H  Septage management projects for non-Mandamus WDs
Table 15: Priority Investment Program

Total Projected
Investment Disbursement
Identified Short-Term Projects Requirement (in PHP Billion) Remarks/Details
(in PHP
Billion) 2019 2020

1 Existing WDs 11.29 0.42 0.54

1.1 With confirmed funding: ADB loan 3.24 0.07 0.11 Completion of FS and project
preparation of four WDs (9.0
percent) in 2020, project
construction work starts in 2021
(10.0 percent mobilization of four
projects to be completed in three
1.2 With proposed projects: 8.05 0.35 0.43

Approved 2020 Budget 0.35 0.35

With Ongoing Evaluation/ Schedule 2.75 0.28 Assumed 10.0 percent in 2021 or
Request A under Official Development
Assistance (thereafter)
WUA Master Plan Available List Schedule 4.35 0.09 Feasibility studies and project
for 2020 B preparation (9.0 percent) in 2021
With Feasibility Studies Schedule 0.60 0.06 An NRW Reduction Project FS will
Completed by 2020 C be completed in 2019; the project
starts in 2021 (10.0 percent
2 Non-operational 0.70 - 0.08

2.1 With Feasibility Studies Completed Schedule 0.60 0.06 10.0 percent mobilization by 2021
by 2020 D

2.2 SALINTUBIG Formed as LGU/WDs 0.10 0.02 10 LGUs at PHP 10.00 million
(9.0 percent feasibility study and
project preparation in 2021)
3 DILG 4.24 2.69 1.55

3.1 2020 List of Projects Schedule 1.55 1.55 Water supply projects in various
E barangays and municipalities
3.2 2020 List of Assistance to Schedule 1.14 1.14 Potable water supply, rainwater
Municipalities Projects F catchment facility, health and
sanitation projects
3.3 2020 Assumed Same Amount 1.55 1.55

4 Sanitation 46.15 0.24 3.88

4.1 Feasibility Studies of HUCs in 2020- Schedule 44.65 0.24 1.67 Feasibility studies of sewerage
2021 G projects in 2020-2021
4.2 6 percent Project Preparation for 1.96 44.0 percent government funds for
Basic and Improved Sanitation basic and improved sanitation;
assumed FS and project
preparation (6.0 percent) in 2021
4.3 Septage Projects (LWUA Master Schedule 1.50 0.25 Establishment of septage
Plan) H management programs for 30 WDs
at PHP 50.00 million per WD; five
WDs scheduled in 2021

Grand Total 62.38 3.35 6.05

5.3.3 Strategic Interventions Water Supply
The proposed strategic interventions for the
Apart from the activities and reforms
water supply sector are presented in Table
proposed in the eight key agenda
(discussed in detail in the Master Plan), a
number of other strategic interventions to To meet the targets for access and
achieve the WSS sector targets in 2023 and coverage, and the normative content of
2030 are discussed below. These shall help water (service standards), the scope of
ensure that the proposed infrastructure works requiring capital investments needed
projects are realized and are readily in 2023 and 2030 are listed in Table 17.
applicable and adoptable at the local level.
These interventions shall also be discussed
in detail and shall be region-specific in the
subsequent regional roadmaps included in
this Volume.

Table 16: Proposed Strategic Interventions for Water Supply

Access to Planning and Service

Regulation Promotion
Safe Water Development Provision
 Planning, program or  M&E expansion  Arbitration  Willingness to connect
project design  Integration/  Compliance with and pay
95.0 percent  Establishing laboratories Amalgamation PNSDW 2017  Demand creation
and water quality testing  Automation  Compliance training from
Access to
centers DOH
Safe Water  Residuals management
 Lobbying for the Region-
by 2023  Mitigation
al WSS Masterplan
 Water potability main-
tained at all times

Universal  Providing 24/7 water

supply service
Access by
 Achieving 100.0 percent

Table 17: Scope of Works Requiring Capital Investments Required for the Water Supply Targets
Service Level 2023 2030
 Construction of water treatment facilities  Construction of water treatment facilities
 Distribution network expansion  Distribution network expansion
 Provision of service connections  Provision of service connections
Level III  Development of a Water Safety Program  Development of a Water Safety Program
 Establishment of adequately equipped laboratory  Automation of operations and major services
testing centers in strategic areas to serve all service
levels clientele

 Rehabilitation of existing water supply system to  Rehabilitation of water supply system to upgrade it to
Level II
upgrade it to Level III Level III

 Upgrading to “safe level” those water sources found  Adoption of a rain water harvesting program in areas
Level I
“unsafe” not reached by Levels II and III services

A Department Administrative Order on
Sanitation standard septic tank use and design will
Table 18 presents specific strategic also be released by DOH soon after the
interventions for varying levels of access planned consultation activities are rolled out
coverage for improved sanitation. This in the country’s three major island groups
indicates that proposed interventions are (i.e., Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao).
specific and tailor-fitted to actual local
For septage management, a clustering
approach will be recommended to reduce
Capital investments for the sanitation capital costs and attain economies of scale.
targets will include programs in basic Clustering of municipalities to be served by
sanitation, septage management, and their dedicated proposed STP has been
sewerage management. accomplished by the provinces’
representatives in the regional
For basic sanitation, it is recommended that
consultations. Clusters shall be discussed in
DOH prescribe a national basic sanitation
detail in the succeeding regional roadmaps.
program for the entire country, looking into a
combination of micro-financing and behavior
change communication.

Table 18: Proposed Strategic Interventions for Sanitation

Planning and Development

Service Provision Regulation
Planning Promotions
Operations Tariff/Pricing
Access to Program or Project Design Social Preparation
M&E Resource
Improved Institution Building Advocacy
Expansion Arbitration
Sanitation Training Demand Creation
Amalgamation Registration, Permits,
Financing Behavior Change
Automation Rights
Climate/Disaster Resiliency

 LSSP should be incorporated  Sanitation programs  Tariff should be  Promotions should

into the WSS Sector Plan, should focus on computed using full focus on enjoining
local development plan (LDP), implementing cost recovery with the public to
annual investment program sewerage systems infusion of capex connect to the
(AIP), and local health plan and completing subsidy for sewerage system
(LHP). septage sewerage projects. when made
 A sewerage system program management  LGU implementers available stressing
should be developed to programs. have undergone the importance of
provide service in the urban  Expansion of compliance training compliance and
High Access core coordinating with those in urbanized and given by DOH and the benefits
charge of the septage urbanizing barangays DENR (particularly therefrom.
Areas with 60.0 management program; project should be pursued. in sewerage  Promotional efforts
percent to 100.0 urban sprawl  M&E system should systems), and the regarding WDM
percent  A NSSMP subsidy grant for conform to PSA/ Dept. of Agriculture should be
Improved sewerage and septage Census (covered by (DA) with respect to supported to
management programs (SMP) sewerage system, regulations/ minimize wastage
should be in place. households guidelines and unnecessary
Coverage governing disposal use of water.
 Capacity development in desludged, and on-
site systems). of by-products.  Building buy-in for
regard to sewerage systems
should be planned and  Penalties should be paying for
integrated with other strictly imposed on sanitation services
infrastructure. those not complying should be
with certain promoted.
 A sanitation ordinance
covering sewerage system and
including LGUs/
septage management services
WDs by filing cases
should be passed, possibly
with the
integrating it into the
environment code and Water
Quality Management Areas
(WQMA) action plan.

Table 18 (continued): Proposed Strategic Interventions for Sanitation
Planning and
Service Provision Regulation
Planning Promotions
Operations Tariff/Pricing
Access to Program or Project Design Social Preparation
M&E Resource
Improved Institution Building Advocacy
Expansion Arbitration
Sanitation Training Demand Creation
Amalgamation Registration, Permits,
Financing Behavior Change
Automation Rights
Climate/Disaster Resiliency
 LSSP should be  Sanitation programs  Tariff should be  Promotions should
incorporated into the WSS should focus on computed using full focus on enjoining
Sector Plan, LDP, AIP, implementing cost recovery with households to have
and local health plan. septage management possible infusion of their septic tanks
 A septage management programs and capex subsidy for desludged once SMP
program should be completing projects septage management is in place.
developed to provide on basic sanitation projects (with  The importance of
service to the entire and zero open possible clustering of building the right
population using a defecation. LGUs). septic tanks and the
Medium customized approach in  Systems should be  LGU/WD benefits of good
Access rural areas. expanded to cover implementers should sanitation should
 The NSSMP subsidy grant increase in population have undergone likewise be promoted.
Areas with 30.0 should be included in and additional compliance training  Building buy-in for
percent to 59.0 septage management buildings. given by DOH and paying for sanitation
programs.  M&E system should DENR (particularly in services should be
conform to PSA/ septage management promoted.
Improved  A sanitation ordinance
Census (covered by systems), and by DA
Sanitation covering septage
households regarding regulations/
management services
Coverage desludged and on- guidelines on
should be passed,
site systems). disposal of by-
possibly integrating it with
the environment code and  Sewerage system
WQMA action plan. programs should be  Strict penalties
introduced. should be imposed
on those not
complying with
certain procedures,
including LGUs/WDs,
by filing cases with
the environmental

Table 18 (continued): Proposed Strategic Interventions for Sanitation
Planning and
Service Provision Regulation
Planning Promotions
Operations Tariff/Pricing
Access to Program or Project Design Social Preparation
M&E Resource
Improved Institution Building Advocacy
Expansion Arbitration
Sanitation Training Demand Creation
Amalgamation Registration, Permits,
Financing Behavior Change
Automation Rights
Climate/Disaster Resiliency
 LSSP should be  Sanitation programs  LGU/WD  Promotions should
incorporated into the WSS should focus on implementers should focus on enjoining the
Sector Plan, LDP, AIP, implementing projects have undergone public, households
and local health plan. in basic sanitation compliance training and building
 A basic sanitation program and zero open initiated by DOH and administrators to
should be developed and defecation. DENR (particularly in have their toilets and
an ordinance thereon  M&E system should basic sanitation septic tanks properly
passed to make sure that conform to PSA/ systems). installed
Low Access every household/building Census in place  Compliance with  The level of public
has a toilet and septic tank (covered by on-site Office of the Building awareness of the
Areas with 0.0 and access to on-site systems). Officials and Sanitary benefits of good
percent to 29.0 treatment.  Septage Inspectors sanitation should be
percent  Financial support should management regulations and raised.
Improved be pursued for basic programs should be guidelines should be  Public awareness of
Sanitation sanitation programs – a initiated. required. the health and
Coverage combination of micro-  Strict penalties environmental
finance and behavior should be imposed hazards of open
change communication, on those not defecation should be
possibly integrating OBA complying with generated.
sweat equity, and building regulations
sanitation vouchers. and laws on open
 Interventions should be defecation.
planned for rural and
inaccessible areas;
alternative on-site systems
should be developed.

Monitoring, and
Evaluation Arrangements
The PWSSMP is ready for implementation  The PWSSMP can be implemented in four
using the current WSS institutional phases:
arrangements and practices. The eight KRA
 Phase 1 (2019) includes the 12-month
(soft components) improve the enabling
pre-investment activities;
environment of the WSS sector even as
priority programs (hard components) are  Phase 2 (2020 to 2023) marks the
being pursued. start of the implementation by the
PMO of the PWSSMP investment
The implementation of the PWSSMP has
program from 2020–2023;
the following guiding principles:
 Phase 3 (2024 to 2030) is the
 The PWSSMP includes the creation of the
continuation of the implementation of
apex body.
the PWSSMP investment program by
 A PMO must implement the initial the DOW starting 2024; and
activities of the PWSSMP while the
 Phase 4 (beyond 2030), on the other
creation of the apex body is underway.
hand, considers the remaining projects
 The infrastructure investment program and activities that may be
can be implemented in two stages: implemented beyond 2030 and may
lead towards the culmination of
- Stage 1 is to be implemented by the
PMO. The apex body has to be set up AmBisyon Natin 2040. While the
with the objective of creating a new PWSSMP considers the planning
horizon of 2019-2030, continuous
department (referred to in this
document as The PMO shall improvement of service access and
implement the initial investment accompanying infrastructure shall be
program as set in the PWSSMP
during the transition and in support of
the DWR.
- Stage 2 is to be implemented by the 6.1 General Oversight
DWR. With the PMO catalyzing the
implementation of the PWSSMP in
and Guidance
Stage 1 and building the capacity of While the apex body is still being created,
the DWR, the next stage should have NEDA shall be the executing agency with
a smooth transition. respect to the PWSSMP implementation.
The DWR will be the IA backstopped by
 The financing mechanisms in the previous NWRB during the interim setup.40
chapter may change with the finalization
of the URAF. The first phase of the INFRACOM-SCWR will provide oversight
infrastructure investments includes and guidance. The project steering
activities to allow the transition to the committee (PSC) must include NEDA,
NWRB has the legal URAF. DPWH, DILG, DOH, DOF, DBM, and the
mandate but needs
further support and  The pre-investment activities are required
strengthening to be in implementing the investment program
able to function as for PWSSMP. This section may take 12

6.2 Management and Phase 1 (2019): Pre-Investment
The following offices shall manage the phases The pre-implementation activities will include
of implementation: the following:
 Approval and adoption of the PWSSMP and
Investment Program;
Table 19: Management and Supervision for
PWSSMP Implementation  Scope, program, and plan for finances;

Phase Management Supervision  Rollout of the PWSSMP and Operational

Plan; and
(2019)  PWSSMP and Investment Program
preparation activities for the Priority
Investment Program
Phase 2 PMO NWRB,
(2020 to NEDA, OP
Phase 2 (2020 to 2023) and
Phase 3
(2024 to
DWR OP Phase 3 (2024 to 2030):
2030) PWSSMP and Investment
and Phase
4 (beyond Program
The PWSSMP and Investment Program will
The PMO can be placed under the oversight of include the following components:
NEDA or NWRB.  Pro-poor WSS infrastructure;

 PPP-friendly WSS investments;

6.3 Project Execution  Integrated WSS investments;

The PWSSMP will be implemented as follows:  Support for WSS investments regarding
climate-resilient structures; and
 Phase 1 (2019) covers the pre-investment
activities, and must be executed by NEDA  Support for infra-expansion investments to
as the PMO. This phase includes the increase coverage.
approval and adoption of the PWSSMP and Two modalities are preferred but not imposed in
Investment Program. implementing PWSSMP and Investment
 Phase 2 (2020 to 2023) implements the Program:
PWSSMP and Investment Program. Phase  Investments for WDs: For existing and
2 shall execute investment programs from potential WDs, the mode of implementation is
2020 to 2023 to achieve the WSS targets as that undertaken through LWUA.
stipulated in PDP 2017–2022.
 Investments thru LGU-run utilities: For
 Phase 3 (2024 to 2030) must be led by the existing and potential LGU-run utilities, the
DWR and must continue the mode of implementation is carried out through
implementation of Phase 2. Phase 3 shall DILG or LGUs.
execute investment programs from 2024 to
2030. This phase covers the remaining WSS The other investment modalities for private and
gaps to achieve universal WSS services in community-based service providers are to be
the country. Implementation of any remaining established during Phase 1 (pre-investment
and/or unfinished PAPs after said period may activities) and the URAF.
be executed beyond 2030 and shall be
covered in Phase 4 (beyond 2030).
Implementation of the Key Reform
Simultaneous with the implementation of
PWSSMP and Investment Program are various
activities and actions identified in the eight 75
6.4 Framework of
Collaboration Working Together
This section sets the framework of
The following principles govern
collaboration of the agencies, institutions,
collaboration initiatives:
and WSPs in the WSS sector.
 A conviction that we can be more effective
by working together;
Statement of Common Purpose  A public service philosophy with the
In addition to the national targets and constituents at its core;
commitments to achieve universal access to  A commitment to transparency and
safe water and basic sanitation, a common accountability;
purpose of this WSS endeavor states:
 A commitment to regular, open, and
“Water is life, and inclusive communication; and

sanitation is dignity.”  A mutual respect for the distinct (though

overlapping) responsibilities and
undertakings of line agencies consistent
Access to water is a basic need and a right with the overall thrust of the sector.
to life. In addition, providing safe water and
safely managed sanitation recognizes and
respects human dignity. Roles and Responsibilities
Goals  Evaluate and approve proposals;

The goal of this PWSSMP is to set the  Procure the services of consultants for the
country’s direction towards achieving the DED/FS;
WSS national targets and commitments.
 Implement DED/FS and other preparatory
Thus, the PWSSMP considers the current
studies for LGU-run utilities;
situation and works with the fragmented
sector towards achieving these targets.  Prepare an updated investment and
disbursement program;
The goals of the PWSSMP are as follows:
 Procure and engage construction
 To achieve a collaborative and effective
supervision consultants; and
working relationship among line agencies,
institutions, WSPs, partners, and the  Monitor and evaluate the PWSSMP and
stakeholders; Investment Program;
 To collectively influence national policies LWUA
and the public on water use, conservation,
 Receive, process, and endorse proposals
and sanitation;
from WDs;
 To offer or improve opportunities and
 Prepare Terms of Reference (TOR) and
supports regarding WSS initiatives and
assist in the selection;
 Implement DED/FS and other preparatory
 To demonstrate a united and integrated
sector with a common purpose and goal;
and  Prepare an updated disbursement
program based on the status of DED/FS;
 To work towards an integrated and
coordinated WSS sector.  Procure and engage construction
supervision consultants to verify
disbursement to the WDs.

DILG Regional NEDA and Provincial
 Receive, screen and endorse proposals LGUs
from LGU-run utilities;  Provide regional and provincial data as
 Prepare TOR and assist in the selection; well as targets and accomplishments
based on agreed-on KPIs;
 Monitor progress of implementation and
liaise between the LGU and the PMO;  Receive, review for completeness, and
and endorse proposals;

 Liaise between the PMO and the LGU  Monitor the physical progress of projects
and develop or implement a capacity- and disbursements through Local Project
building program for Level I and Level II Monitoring Committees; and
WSPs.  Provide feedback on project development
Water Districts and LGU-Run and implementation.

 Submit proposals to LWUA/DILG;
6.5 Mechanisms and
 Assist in the selection of consultants (if
required); Processes (General)
 Work with the consultants in regard to the
PWSSMP and Investment
 Prepare for the implementation and Program (Hard Components)
construction of WSS systems, and submit
requirements to LWUA and DILG; and Planning and Programming
 Engage contractors. Regional WSS master plans set regional
targets and the regions’ contribution to the
DOH, NWRB, DILG national targets. These plans include
 Review proposals that respond to establishing provincial and municipal WSS
programs and projects specific to the data and provincial strategies, programs,
agencies; and identified projects. The data will be
entered into the Philippine WSS Information
 Provide inputs to the TOR and assist in
the selection of consultants for respective
projects of the agencies; WSS Projects for Funding
 Provide input to the disbursement The process and mechanism for WSS
program, when appropriate; infrastructure projects for funding vary by
 DOH shall liaise with the DILG on the component and mechanism (e.g. through
needs for capacity-building regarding LWUA, DILG, DPWH, DOH). These shall be
sanitation; and detailed and finalized during Phase 1.

 NWRB shall facilitate the processing of Progress Monitoring and

water permit applications and ensure a Assessment
rational water allocation.
The progress of the PWSSMP shall be
DBM monitored through the PWSSIS. The status
of projects will be updated by the concerned
 Review and approve requests for funds;
provinces and validated by the respective
 Monitor disbursements; regions.
 Review, approve, and allocate funds Monitoring of projects includes attribution of
based on the approved investment approved WSS projects to the regional and
program (only from the government’s national targets. Thus, progress in reference
end); and to national targets can be assessed, and
appropriate actions can be made to address
 Disburse funds to the PMO for LGU-run
concerns and improve performance.
Assessment of Performance
In terms of achievement of national targets and commitments, assessment of performance
shall be done using PSA data.

Key Reform Agenda (Soft Components)

Implementation and M&E
The eight KRA will be implemented by various agencies. Provided below is the results-based
matrix that indicates which KRA are to be undertaken, the responsible agencies, success
indicators, means of verification (e.g., data sources), and timeline.
NEDA, PMO, and DWR shall evaluate the progress of the KRA.

Results-Based M&E Matrix

The following results-based M&E matrices summarize the expected outcomes of the
PWSSMP by KRA and are supplemented by data on the time frame and agencies
To ensure alignment and conformity with the government’s reporting system, the timing,
manner, frequency, method of aggregation, and other procedural elements of data collection
for the proposed success indicators will abide by the protocol already established by the
government in monitoring and reporting its accomplishments.

WSS Sector Outcomes

Reform Means of
Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame
Outcome Verification
Water Percentage of households with National NEDA, PSA 2019
access to safe water supply surveys onwards
Sanitation Percentage of households with National NEDA, PSA 2019
access to basic sanitation surveys onwards

KRA No. 1: Establishing Effective WSS Sector Institutions

Means of Data
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Time Frame
Verification Source
WSS service Number of WDs meeting Water utility LWUA, 2019
providers meeting KPI targets accomplishment NWRB, onwards
key WSS reports MWSS

Synergy of efforts MOUs between and Copies of signed NGAs 2019

in the fulfillment of among NGAs in the WSS MOUs onwards
WSS-related sector
agency mandates


 WSS apex body established

 Local WSS Development Office established
 Capacity-building programs developed and implemented for LGUs (WSPs, WSS Development.
Office), WDs, and LWUA
 LGU-led water utilities transformed into economic enterprises or with PSP/PPP
 Study on possible amalgamation of WSPs conducted
 PD 198 amended

KRA No. 2: Strengthening Regulatory Environment

Means of Time
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source
Verification Frame
Stronger Percentage of JV agreements Copies of NEDA, 2019
enforcement of reflecting the consumer approved JV LWUA onwards
regulatory safeguard provisions identified contracts
guidelines to by the GoP
protect customers’
Percentage of consumer LWUA and NEDA, 2019
interests and to
complaints resolved WD reports LWUA onwards
ensure the viability
of WSPs Number of days to approve NWRB board NWRB 2019-
requests for tariff adjustment resolutions 2020
Percentage of households Provincial DOH, PHOs 2019
inspected for compliance to set Health Offices onwards
sanitation standards (PHOs)


 Regulator clearly identified

 Transparent bidding procedures established
 Contracts with clearly defined investment schedules, service obligations, and penalties enforced
 Responsive tariff structure developed
 Tariff review processes improved and expedited
 NWRB guidelines for granting of water permits and CPCs to private operators reviewed and
 Water permits granted to NIA reviewed
 WRC established

KRA 3: Creating and Ensuring Effective WSS Services

Means of Time
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source
Verification Frame
WSS service No. of days within which Consumer LWUA, DILG, 2019
integrated in its WSS service is approved surveys DOH, LGUs, onwards
approach and from time of request reduced WDs
Percentage of households Water utility LWUA, DILG, 2019
provided with both water reports DOH, LGUs, onwards
supply and sanitation WDs


 WSS services well designed (with emphasis on residents in geographically isolated and
depressed areas [GIDA] and who belong to poor communities, indigenous people, and other
marginalized sectors)
 Community awareness of the importance of water quality and the causes of water pollution raised
 Appropriate and sustainable WSS facilities and infrastructure built
 WSS services in annual local development programs integrated and mainstreamed

KRA No. 4: Balancing Water Supply and Demand

Means of
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame
Optimized utilization No. of WSPs with non- Water utility LWUA, 2019
of available water traditional water sources accomplishment LGUs, WDs onwards
sources (e.g., rainwater, recycled reports
floodwater) formed

No. of hectares of FMB and River NWRB, 2019

watershed protected Basin Control DENR (FMB onwards
Office (RBCO) and RBCO),
reports LGUs
Percentage of NRW Water utility LGU, LWUA, 2019
reduced accomplishment NWRB onwards
Regulated Per capita consumption Water utility NWRB, 2019
water demand reduced without accomplishment LGU, onwards
downgrading the standard reports LWUA
of living

 IWRM councils formed
 River basin studies completed
 Potential water sources developed
 Bulk water supply at provincial and/or river basin levels established
 Policies on the efficient use of water implemented
 Wastewater reclaimed and recycled
 Nontraditional water sources (e.g., rainwater) explored and developed
 New pipelines and appurtenances replaced and/or installed
 System pressure regulated
 Number of sanitation projects (with emphasis on rainwater) increased

KRA No. 5: Building Climate Resiliency

Means of
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame

Climate-resilient Percentage of water utilities with LWUA and LWUA, DOH 2019
WSS infrastructure water security plan approved DOH records onwards
and services

Percentage of flood control and DPWH, DPWH, 2019

drainage structures built with HLURB HLURB onwards
retarding/retention basins for records
future use


 Climate resiliency measures passed and made mandatory

 New WSS systems located, designed, and constructed taking climate risks into consideration
 WSS systems improved and made climate-resilient
 Sanitation systems designed to consider volume reduction and changes in wastewater
characteristics and ecosystems
 Water efficiency standards of water fixtures issued and included as a provision of the Building
Code and Plumbing Code
 Guidelines requiring labelling of efficiency of water use of water fixtures issued
 Watersheds protected and rehabilitated

KRA No. 6: Enabling Access to Funding and Financing

Means of
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame
Increased Percentage in financing and LWUA, GFIs LWUA, GFIs, 2019
investments in funding (by amount and type) and PFIs records PFIs onwards
the WSS sector increased

Percentage increase in LWUA, GFIs and LWUA, GFIs, 2019

number of WSPs with access PFIs records PFIs onwards
to financing and funding


 URAF fully implemented

 LWUA financing policies and transaction processes streamlined
 WSPs and LGUs trained in accessing financing
 Funding arrangements consolidated through LWUA
 More competitive and flexible terms of GFIs effected

KRA No. 7: Managing Data and Information

Means of
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame
Comprehensive, Increase in the number of PSA website NEDA, PSA 2019
harmonized, WSS performance indicators onwards
integrated, up-to- harmonized with SDG WSS
date and reliable indicators
WSS database of
the Philippines. Increase in the number of PWSS database Apex body, 2019
SDG-related WSS indicators NEDA onwards
captured by PWSS database (interim)
within six months

Data from WSS 100.0 percent of data used in NGA planning NGAs 2020
Information reporting WSS performance and onwards
System readily taken from PWSS database implementation
available and documents
regularly used by
line agencies,
LGUs, and WSS
partners, and
WSS service

 Guidelines and framework for the Harmonization and Integration of WSS data drafted
 Philippine WSS Information System developed
 Data custodians in the apex body trained in WSS Information System
 Law compelling data custodians to timely and regularly enter and upload WSS-related data

KRA No. 8: Driving Research and Development

Means of
Reform Outcome Success Indicator Data Source Time Frame
Use and Percentage in per capita LWUA, WDs, LWUA, 2019
adoption of consumption reduced MWSS, NWRB NWRB, onwards
innovative WSS records MWSS, DILG,
technologies and LGUs
Satisfaction with sanitation Customer WDs 2019
services (with particular satisfaction onwards
focus on innovation and surveys, WD
cost) kept up records
Sanitation service fees
maintained or reduced

 Research and Development Division and division in charge of accrediting WSS-related new
technologies at apex body formed
 Accreditation process of new technologies related to WSS improved
 Studies on innovative technologies and cost-effective solutions adopted and properly
implemented; government financial support for local WSS-related inventions sustained
 Studies on advance infrastructure design and construction methodology solutions adopted,
enforced, and properly implemented
 Philippine WSS database made responsive to macro-level WSS research and development

Annual Poverty Indicators A nationwide survey that presents data on the socioeconomic
Survey (APIS) profile of Filipino families, and other information that relates to
their living conditions. (PSA)
Basic Sanitation Facility Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other
Basic Water Facility Drinking water from an improved source provided collection time
is not more than 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing
Black Water Wastewater containing feces or other remnants of sanitary use
(UN International Groundwater Resources Assessment Center)
Biological Oxygen Demand A measure of the amount of oxygen removed (respired) from
aquatic environments by aerobic microorganisms either in the
water column or in the sediments. (DENR)
Climate Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the average
weather, or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms
of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of
time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. The
classical period for averaging these variables is 30 years, as
defined by the World Meteorological Organization. The relevant
quantities are most often surface variables such as temperature,
precipitation, and wind. Climate in a wider sense is the state,
including a statistical description, of the climate system. In various
chapters in this report different averaging periods, such as a
period of 20 years, are also used. (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change [IPCC], 2012)
Climate Change A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by
using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the
variability of its properties and that persists for an extended
period, typically decades or longer. Climate change may be due to
natural internal processes or external forcing, or to persistent
anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in
land use. (IPCC, 2012)
Cold Days/ Cold Nights Days where maximum temperature, or nights where minimum
temperature falls below the 10th percentile, where the respective
temperature distributions are generally defined with respect to the
1961-1990 reference period. (IPCC, 2012)
Creditworthy WSPs Self-sustaining WSPs capable of accessing financing from GFIs
and/or PFIs (LWUA)
Domestic Consumption (Use) Water used for household purposes such as washing, food
preparation and showers . It is the quantity, or quantity per capita,
of water consumed in a municipality or district for domestic uses
or purposes during a given period. It sometimes encompasses all
uses, including the quantity wasted, lost, or otherwise
unaccounted for.
Disaster Risk Reduction Denotes both a policy goal or objective, and the strategic and
instrumental measures employed for anticipating future disaster
risk; reducing existing exposure, hazard, or vulnerability; and
improving resilience. (IPCC, 2012)
Drinking Water Water intended for human consumption or for use in food
Effluent Discharges from a known source passing into a body of water or
land, or wastewater flowing out of a manufacturing plant, industrial
plant including domestic, commercial and recreational facilities.
Effluent Standard Any legal restriction or limitation on quantities, rates, and/or
concentrations or any combination thereof, of physical, chemical
or biological parameters of effluent which a person or point source
is allowed to discharge into a body of water or land.

El Niño-Southern Oscillation A warm-water current that periodically flows along the coast of
Ecuador and Peru, disrupting the local fishery. It has since
become identified with a basin-wide warming of the tropical Pacific
Ocean east of the dateline. This oceanic event is associated with a
fluctuation of a global-scale tropical and subtropical surface
pressure pattern called the Southern Oscillation. This coupled
atmosphere-ocean phenomenon, with preferred time scales of 2 to
about 7 years, is collectively known as the El Niño-Southern
Oscillation. It is often measured by the surface pressure anomaly
difference between Darwin and Tahiti and the sea surface
temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. During
an ENSO event, the prevailing trade winds weaken, reducing
upwelling and altering ocean currents such that the sea surface
temperatures warm, further weakening the trade winds. This event
has great impact on the wind, sea surface temperature, and
precipitation patterns in the tropical Pacific. It has climatic effects
throughout the Pacific region and in many other parts of the world,
through global teleconnections. The cold phase of ENSO is called
La Niña. (IPCC, 2012)

Environmental Management A system which includes, but is not limited to, conservation,
regulation and minimization of pollution, clean production, waste
management, environmental law and policy, environmental
education and information, study and mitigation of the
environmental impact on human activity, and environmental

Flood The overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or other body

of water, or the accumulation of water over areas that are not
normally submerged. Floods include river (fluvial) floods, flash
floods, urban floods, pluvial floods, sewer floods, coastal floods,
and glacial lake outburst floods. (IPCC, 2012)
Governance The way government is understood has changed in response to
social, economic, and technological changes over recent decades.
There is a corresponding shift from government defined strictly by
the nation-state to a more inclusive concept of governance,
recognizing the contributions of various levels of government
(global, international, regional, local) and the roles of the private
sector, of non-governmental actors, and of civil society. (IPCC,

Groundwater Subsurface water in which the pressure is equal to or higher than

the local atmospheric pressure. In other words: water below the
water table or phreatic level. (UN-International Groundwater
Resources Assessment Center)

Integrated Water Resources A process which promotes the coordinated development and
Management management of water, land and related resources to maximize
economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without
compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the
Landslide A mass of material that has moved downhill by gravity, often
assisted by water when the material is saturated. The movement
of soil, rock, or debris down a slope can occur rapidly, or may
involve slow, gradual failure. (IPCC, 2012)
Latrine A structure, usually consisting of a hole in the ground that is used
as a toilet.
Level I Water Source Point source;
This service level provides a protected well or a developed spring
with an outlet but without a distribution system. Hence, the users
go to the source to fetch water. Level I sources are generally
adaptable in rural areas where the houses are thinly scattered.
These sources serve an average of 15 households within a radius
of 250 meters.
Level II Water Source Communal faucet system or stand post;
A piped system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped
distribution network, and communal faucets. Each communal or
public faucet usually serves four to six households within a radius
of 25 meters. Users still go to the supply point (communal faucet)
to fetch water. This type of system is generally suitable for rural
and urban fringe areas where houses are clustered densely to
justify a simple piped system.
Level III Water Source Waterworks system;
This system includes a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution
network, and individual household taps. It is generally suited for
densely populated urban areas where the population can afford
individual connections.
Limited Sanitation Use of improved facilities shared between two or more households.

Limited Water Drinking water from an improved source where collection time
exceeds 30 minutes for a round trip, including queuing.
Millennium Development Goals Eight international development goals for the poorest people for the
year 2015. It was established during the Millennium Summit of the
UN in 2000. (UN Development Programme)
Morbidity Rate Number of deaths due to a disease divided by the total population.
Non-Revenue Water Water that has been produced and is "lost" before it reaches the
Open Defecation Disposal of human feces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of
water, beaches or other open spaces or with solid waste.
Public private participation Contractual arrangements entered into by the government with the
private sector.
Runoff That part of precipitation that does not evaporate and is not
transpired, but flows through the ground or over the ground surface
and returns to bodies of water. (IPCC, 2012)
Safely managed Water Facility Drinking water from an improved water source which is located
within premises, available when needed and free from fecal and
priority contamination.
Safely managed Sanitation Facility Use of an improved sanitation facility which is not shared with other
households and where excreta are safely disposed on-site or
transported and treated off-site.
Sanitation A wide range of services and arrangements pertaining to the
hygienic and proper management of human excreta (feces and
urine) and community liquid wastes to safeguard the health of
individuals and communities;

A process pertaining to preventing diseases by hindering

pathogens or disease-causing organisms found in excreta and
sewage from entering the environment and coming into contact
with people and communities;

The construction of adequate handling, collection, treatment, and

disposal or reuse facilities and the promotion of proper hygiene
behavior, so that facilities are effectively used at all times.
(Philippine Sanitation Roadmap)
Sanitation Facilities On-site facilities such as toilets and septic tanks for safe disposal
of human waste.
Sanitation Services Management of excreta from the facilities used by individuals,
through emptying and transport of excreta for treatment and
eventual discharge or reuse. (UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring
Septage The sludge produced in individual onsite wastewater-disposal
systems, principally septic tanks and cesspools.
Septage Management Comprehensive programs for managing septic tanks and the
procedures for the desludging, transporting, treating and disposing
of septic tank contents.
Sewage Water-borne human or animal wastes, excluding oil or oil wastes,
removed from residences, buildings, institutions, industrial and
commercial establishments together with such groundwater,
surface water and storm water as maybe present including such
waste from vessels, offshore structures, other receptacles intended
to receive or retain wastes, or other places (or the combination
Sewerage which include, but are not limited to, any system or network of
pipelines, ditches, channels, or conduits including pumping
stations, lift stations and force mains, service connections
including other constructions, devices, and appliances
appurtenant thereto, which involves the collection, transport,
pumping and treatment of sewage to a point of disposal.
Sludge Any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste or residue generated from
a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or
water control pollution facility, or any other such waste having
similar characteristics and effects.
Sustainable Development Goals Also known as Global Goals, which build upon the successes
of the MDGs. It has 17 goals for year 2030 that call to action to
end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people
enjoy peace and prosperity. (United Nations Development
Surface Water Water located on the surface of the Earth, such as in streams,
rivers, and lakes. (UN-International Groundwater Resources
Assessment Center)
Treatment Any method, technique, or process designed to alter the
physical, chemical or biological and radiological character or
composition of any waste or wastewater to reduce or prevent
Tropical Cyclone The general term for a strong, cyclonic-scale disturbance that
originates over tropical oceans. Distinguished from weaker
systems (often named tropical disturbances or depressions) by
exceeding a threshold wind speed. A tropical storm is a
tropical cyclone with one-minute average surface winds
between 18 and 32 m s-1. Beyond 32 m s-1, a tropical cyclone
is called a hurricane, typhoon, or cyclone, depending on
geographic location. (IPCC, 2012)
Unified Resource Framework The URAF-WSS is a framework that aims to address the
Allocation (URAF) fragmented and uncoordinated approach in funding and
implementing WSS projects across the country and will aid the
achievement of universal access and improved service
standards. It intends to address the inequitable delivery of
basic WSS infrastructure caused by inadequate funding, low
technical capacities of small service providers, and institutional
challenges through the development of a common structure for
rationally allocating available resources towards expediting the
improvement and expansion of WSS services provision.
Unimproved Drinking Water Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected
Unimproved Sanitation Facility Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines
and bucket latrines.
Vulnerability Degree of loss to a given element or set of elements at risk
resulting from a hazardous phenomenon of a given magnitude.
Warm Days/Warm Nights Days where maximum temperature, or nights where minimum
temperature exceeds the 90th percentile, where the respective
temperature distributions are generally defined with respect to
the 1961-1990 reference period. (IPCC, 2012)
Water Supply The share of water abstraction which is supplied to users
(excluding losses in storage, conveyance and distribution).
(Global Water Partnership)
Waste Any material either solid, liquid, semisolid, contained gas or
other forms resulting from industrial, commercial, mining or
agricultural operations, or from community and household
activities that are devoid of usage and discarded.
Wastewater Waste in liquid state containing pollutants.
Wastewater Treatment A process used to convert wastewater into an effluent
(outflowing of water to a receiving body of water) that can be
returned to the water cycle with minimal impact on the
environment or can be directly reused.
Water Pollution Any alteration of the physical, chemical or biological or
radiological properties of a water body resulting in the
impairment of its purity or quality.
Water Quality The characteristics of water which define its use in terms of
physical, chemical, biological, bacteriological or radiological
86 characteristics by which the acceptability of water is evaluated.
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