Shakeela Synopsis1
Shakeela Synopsis1
Shakeela Synopsis1
KURNOOL - 518 002 (A.P)
Ms. Shakeela Banu C, MBA Faculty Seshadripuram First Grade College Yelahanka, Bangalore. PP MAN 0522 Management Dr. M.Prakash Principal Seshadripuram First Grade College Yelahanka,Bangalore.
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Lets look at the definition of urban and Rural India. The census defined urban India as All the places that fall within the administrative limits of a municipal corporation municipality, cantonment board etc., or have a population of at least 5000 and have at least 75% male working population in outside the primary sector and have a population density of at least 400 per sq km. Rural India, on the other hand, comprises all places that are not urban. The field of rural marketing has taken a giant leap at the threshold of 20th century. Rural Marketing has become an booming sector in all over the globe. The proverb need is the mother of invention is proving equally correct in case of rural markets. y Urban markets have almost reached a saturation level that further tapping them with a high profit margin has become difficult. y Competition is becoming tough in urban markets compelling may firms to incur heavy costs in promotional expenditure. y Awareness level of urban consumers is high and hence product features have to be changed often. The rise of rural markets has been the most important marketing phenomenon of the 1990s providing volume growth to all leading companies. Many corporate have been trying to get a grip on rural markets. But challenges are many : how to make the product affordable, how to penetrate the villages with small population, languages, brands etc., The reasons why companies are going rural are y High rural incomes driven by agricultural growth mass media etc.,
To have a thorough knowledge of Rural Market and to understand the problems and issue pertaining to Rural Markets following literature survey was done. Peter Drucker : A leading management theorist, puts it this way : there will always, we can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed them is to make the product or service available. C.K. Prahalad : if we stop thinking of the poor as victims or as a burden and start recognizing them as resilient and creative entrepreneurs and value conscious consumers, a whole new world of opportunity will open up. Harish Bijoor 2003 : The definition of rural is largely pastoral. It is ownership oriented and deprivation oriented. The rural home is at times a geographically defined entity. In the beginning everything was rural, and then developed islands of urban within the large rural mass. As urban centres developed near the ports, near the points of business access and indeed in areas that showed a great deal of potential to house the best of facilities. That were to grow, the rural hinterland remained a large mass and urban terrain emerged as a subset of this. Bhatia. T.K 2000- These villages and small towns, which were once inconsequential dots on maps, are now getting the attention of global marketing giants and media planners. Thanks to globalization. Economic liberalization, IT revolution, Indian diasporas, female power, and improving infrastructure, middle class rural India today has more disposable income than urban India. Rural marketing is gaining new heights in addition to rural advertising. Hansa Research 2006 explored that the preferences in rural India are shifting from loose to packaged products. Rural India is now buying specialized, branded utensil cleaners, and moving away from the typical ash / soil usage in the past. The penetration of branded items has also increased significantly for the products like tooth paste, detergents cakes, hair oil etc.
Rajendhiran N saiganesh S, Asha P (2006) : explored that brand ambassadors play an important role in putting an impact on the brand preferences of rural India. Keeping the literacy scenario into consideration, the promotion of brands in rural markets requires the special measures. The same become the base for brand awareness and preference in the markets. BBS pariah, Sanjay Yadav and Irfan Siddique (2007) : empirically found that there is a significant between the buying behavior of urban and rural consumers with regard to their preference for technology, style, brand image, price and after sales service. Rao G Srinivas 2002 : revealed the fact that the awareness of the consumers about various products / brands plays a significant role in promoting a particular brand. Hence, a marketers needs to focus his attention primarily in the major source of information for the rural consumers. The main sources of major motion for a rural consumer are found to be friends, radio, TV, newspapers, cinema, retailers etc., Sayulu and Ramana Reddy (1996) : Suggest that the rural market offers a very promising future, but this market has certain characteristics that hinder marketers from exploiting the opportunities. These include low literacy level, ignorance of right consumers, indifference to quality standards and lack of co-operative spirit. Ramana Rao (1997) : observers that the boom in rural areas is caused by such factors as increased discretionary income, rural development schemes, improved infrastructures, increased awareness, expanding private TV channel coverage and emphasis on rural market by companies.
1. To understand Rural Market 2. To review the practices adopted by the Corporate 3. To investigate the mode of rural Marketing 4. To estimate the response of rural people for the supply of improved technological goods. 5. To analyse the demand especially for Bangalore and Chikkaballapur rural District.
y y y The study refers only to Bangalore and Chikkaballapur rural District. Survey will be conducted in 20 villages of Bangalore and Chikkaballapur rural District. 150 respondents ---customers, agriculturist and corporate.
The researcher can rely on primary and secondary data A) PRIMARY DATA
1. Personal Interview: By personal interview the researcher can collect the facts and figures. 2. Observations: The researcher can exercise the salient observation to identify the mode and mood of rural people. 3. Samples: All researchers can select the respondents on random basis questions to serve the purpose. 4. Questionnaires: All selected respondents can be circulated a set of questions to serve the purpose.
1. Reference to printed publications: The researcher can approach many government and non-government institutions for collection of data. 2. Reference to books, journals and many such printed materials: The researcher can refer the readymade printed matters, from various publications. 3. Reference to various committee reports and many such legitimate printed matters may also refer. 4. Local references may also be considered to present Bangalore situations.
y y y Population Bangalore and Chikkaballapur rural District Sampling Technique Simple random sampling. Sample Size 200 from Bangalore and Chikkaballapur rural District
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Rural Marketing ---An Overview Review of Literature Research Design Marketing practices adopted by Corporates Analysis of Customers perception Summary of Findings and Conclusion Suggestions and Recommendations