Summative Test Weeks 1 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Santa Barbara National Comprehensive High School
Santa Barbara, Iloilo


I. Directions: Read each statement/question carefully and understand what it asks for.
Write the letter of your answer on your pad paper.

1. All of the following are characteristics of communication competence EXCEPT

A. communication cannot be learned C. competence is situational
B. there is no ideal way to communicate D. competence is relational
2. Julia told Kacie that Taylor was “loaded.” Kacie took this to mean that Taylor had too much to
drink, when Julia meant that he was very wealthy. This is an example of
A. meaning is in people not words
B. communication is simple
C. communication does not always require complete understanding
D. communication is not always a good thing
3. Which is true about communication?
A. Meanings are in words
B. More communication is better
C. Communication always requires complete understanding
D. Communication won’t solve all problems
4. Kim was sitting in a crowded room that was very warm and stuffy. This was making it difficult for
her to listen to the speaker’s message. What type of noise was Kim suffering from?
A. psychological noise B. physiological noise C. physical noise D. emotional noise

5. Which type of noise is represented by having a stuffy nose, allergy congestion, and a sore
A. physical B. external C. physiological D. psychological
6. As he drove out of the driveway, he saw his wife waving but did not realize that she wanted him
to stop to avoid running over the tricycle. He thought she was just waving good-bye. The
problem in this nonverbal episode is that, we…
A. use a variety of cues to communicate the same meaning
B. use the same cue to communicate a variety of meanings
C. have a one-to-one relationship between signal and meaning so that one cue has one
D. have many ways to say good-bye including handshakes, hugging, and waving
7. Which is a correct definition of communication?
A. the exchange of thoughts C. may vary from spoken to written words
B. is the transmit of messages using words D. all of the above
8. Which of the following is an example of audience feedback?
A. half-closed eyelids B. laughter C. tears D. all of these
9. “Each employee is required to wear his complete uniform every time he enters the vicinity of the
workplace.” Which insensitivity is shown?
A. Gender B. Social Status C. Age D. Religion
10. The sender of a message is responsible for
A. Confirming the message is understood
B. Ensuring the receiver agrees with the message
C. Scheduling communication exchange
D. Presenting the message in the most agreeable manner
11. Below are examples of barriers to communication. Which one refers to emotional barrier?
A. You are having a bad day and you are experiencing frustrations.
B. You are a doctor discussing medical terminologies to your patient who doesn’t know much
about the topic.
C. You are asked to share something about your day, but you are hesitant because you are shy.
D. You are having a conversation with a friend when suddenly a song was played loudly

12. All exemplifies mass communication EXCEPT

A. Radio Broadcasting C. International Job Interview
B. Television News D. Billboard Advertisements
13. The type of communication that exists when one is praying.
A. Interpersonal Communication C. Public Communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication D. Small Group Communication
14. “The classroom officers of your class are having a meeting.” As a small group communication,
what is common among all the members of the said group?
A. Aspirations B. Grade Level C. Ideas D. Interest

15. All types of communication incur an immediate feedback. Which one does not?

A. Interpersonal Communication C. Public Communication

B. Mass Communication D. Small Group Communication

II. Identify the Type of Communicative Strategy used in each statement. Refer your answers from the
pool of choices inside the box. Write the letter of your answer on your pad paper.

A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-taking D. Topic Control

E. Topic Shifting F. Repair G. Termination

1. “Do you have anything to say?”

2. “Best regards to your parents!”
3. “Have you heard the news about the most handsome boy in the town?”
4. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”
5. “By the way, there’s a new shop opening at the mall.”

III. Identify the Speech Style used in the situations given. Refer your answers from the pool of choices
inside the box. Write the letter of your answer on your pad paper.

1. Do not argue with me!

2. I’m sorry but I really can’t join you.
3. You look better when you’re with me.
4. Take my word, you will be rich.
5. I have done it for years, leave it to me.

IV. Tell whether the statement is true or false.

1. Greetings are all the same whatever culture one is in. Greetings should all be formal.
2. There is no such thing as Filipino time and American time. In all culture, everyone is expected to come
on time.
3. Intercultural communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from different
cultural backgrounds
4. Intercultural communication is used to describes only a single person trying to interact in a foreign
environment and doesn’t include people from both cultures trying to improve their communication.
5. Learning other culture is an act of abandoning one’s culture.
6. Everyone has a cultural identity. Knowing where you come from can give you a sense of belonging and
a sense of self.
7. Eating food from other countries will give you multiple cultural identities.
8. Manga comics are Filipino cultural Identity.
9. Gender roles change in the same society over time.
10.Age does not influence one’s self image, personality, language use, attitudes and communication
with others.


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