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A Powerful Team

ControlIT – OperateIT

Industrial IT Solutions
from ABB

ABB Automation
IndustrialIT – Information flow as a success factor

The availability of information is becoming increasingly crucial in the view of growing global competition. In
future, a decisive competitive edge can only be achieved by providing the right knowledge at the right time,
in the right place and in the right format for the right people.
Innovative applications in the area of ABB´s Industrial IT make this knowledge available enterprise-wide.

ControlIT – Standardization improves OperateIT – Intelligent access to the system

process control

ControlIT entails developing automation systems con- OperateIT, our man-machine interface, supplies all
sistently and efficiently to form IndustrialIT. users with standardized system access that is based
At ABB, we integrate modern hardware and software on Web browser technology. The object-oriented
components which seamlessly incorporate process architecture of the integrated software environment
information into truly open applications. We thus use enables seamless information exchange throughout
universally accepted standards to monitor and opti- the entire company.
mize process control. Furthermore scalable platform-
independent products increase installation efficiency OptimizeIT integrates on-line and off-line
and pave the way for an environment of information optimization into IndustrialIT:
technology. The OptimizeIT product suite offers integrated solu-
tions for on-line and off-line optimization. From exist-
EngineerIT leads Engineering into IndustrialIT: ing field devices and control systems to plant infra-
The Engineering Tools improve significantly the inte- structure and the supply chain, these solutions are
gration of information in both dimensions, the Asset targeted to provide visibility to manufacturing assets
Lifecycle dimension – from design to implementation from business management and the optimization of
to installation to commissioning and operation – manufacturing capacity based on business needs
as well as the Operation dimension from the field and the asset life cycle demands.
equipment via control systems to Business systems.
EvolutionIT guides the installed base into
ProduceIT integrates production management IndustrialIT:
into IndustrialIT: The EvolutionIT program protects the customer invest-
This comprehensive batch production solution confi- ment while incorporating evolution by enhancement.
gures, schedules, monitors and controls both multi- The existing automation installation is upgraded to
product and multi-path productions and offers an the latest ABB technology.
unmatched level of batch integration with scheduling,
electronic batch records and history to deliver excellent InformIT transforms enterprise-wide information
batch-to-batch consistency, quality and productivity. into IndustrialIT:
This solution increases manufacturing productivity
in key ways by obtaining data, turning it into useful
information, which is transformed into valuable know-
ledge and finally into process and business wisdom.

ABB Automation
Innovative ControlIT: Maximum automation High quality…
with minimum expense

ControlIT with the AC 800F – the ABB FieldController It goes without saying that engineering becomes
800 – provides new, flexible options for exploiting child’s play. We have integrated functions for offline
fieldbus technology. We have combined advanced configuration and online commissioning in just one
fieldbus management with optional redundancy fea- tool, whereby the user interface complies with the
tures, which noticeably increase the productivity of universally-accepted IEC 61131-3 standard. This
the automated plant. And we also guarantee efficient reduces the time and effort required to familiarize
engineering and easy diagnosis for devices on the yourself with the product.
fieldbus, thus minimizing the amount of time required to Integrated diagnostic functions assist you in monito-
detect errors and implement suitable measures. ring the controller, the connected devices and the
fieldbusses during operation. The displays required for
this, which also allow you to operate the controller,
AC 800F – Controller with integrated fieldbus are generated automatically. All data – the functional
management blocks used for the control logic and all variables –
are stored in a system-wide, global database.
The AC 800F collects process and diagnostic data
from up to four fieldbus lines. If required, it can also
work with various fieldbus types – and this is, of … together with high productivity
course, in addition to the usual task of processing
the control logic. Furthermore, the AC 800F has a All essential components are designed redundantly,
compact and modular structure which allows its use thus allowing high plant availability. If one component
as a universal controller for all tasks – in the switch fails, the redundant partner immediately takes its
room or even directly at the process. Locate it in the tasks. ControlIT, together with the AC 800F, offers
plant itself or in a control room. It's your choice. redundancy for:
• the network, which connects the controller to
other components
• the user interface (OperateIT)
• the controller and connected input/output
• the connected fieldbus lines
Easy access to the system Keeping an eye on everything

ControlIT with the AC 800F displays its full strength In ControlIT, alarms from the process are generated
when combined with OperateIT. For example, this synchronously and given a timestamp. OperateIT
man-machine interface provides numerous features offers progressive management for these alarms and
and functions which help you to operate, monitor events, which enables you to make the right decision
and optimize your processes. without delay should a fault occur.
The OperateIT software implementation is based on Using freely configurable filters, you can present
client/server technology, which makes it possible to alarms where you need them.
distribute the applications over several computers.
This allows you to utilize the computer performance
of several stations. Due to the fact that all applica- Relevant information on your fingertip
tions and data are stored on servers, all connected
operator terminals (clients) have access to the con- All you have to do is click with the right-hand mouse
sistent database. User profiles with defined access button to obtain further information about things such
rights provide you with the certainty that each user is as a signal, a motor or a plant component (in other
only allowed to perform precisely defined actions, for words an object). This information, called aspect, is
example on specific devices or plant components. connected to the object. These "aspects” or additio-
For smaller applications, it is no problem to install nal information include:
client and server software on one PC. Large installa- • Maintenance information
tions, for example with Symphony Harmony (I90), Sym- • Instructions for the operator
phony Melody, Freelance 2000, Contronic P control- • Data sheets
lers or other controllers connected via OPC, can be • Procedural instructions
migrated to one common HSI: OperateIT. • Applications for optimizing assets
• Internet or Intranet sites
• Anything that can be addressed with an URL
Benefit from innovation OperateIT’s progressive window management en-
sures that essential information is given priority over
You will benefit from market progress and innova- less relevant data.
tions as soon as you install OperateIT, as the product
uses consistently established standards such as:
• Windows NT/Windows 2000
• Internet technologies
• Standard Ethernet

ABB Automation
Open and flexible

Scalability and flexibility are key terms, both at oper- At the process level, a system can consist of one or
ator level and process level. The operator level in- several process stations or ABB FieldController 800
cludes traditional control system functions such as (AC 800F). You have the full choice of configuring the
operation and observation, archiving, and logs, as controllers either redundantly (CPU redundancy, field
well as trends and alarms. bus module redundancy) or without redundancy.
The operator stations use standard PC hardware, Modular plug-in input/output modules mounted in
either conventional or industrialized, running the racks are used in accordance with the type and
Windows NT® operating system. The system soft- quantity of process signals. You can connect field-
ware can easily be transferred to any PC, guarding bus-compliant I/O components such as remote I/O
against obsolescence. or field devices directly to the AC 800F via fieldbus
The engineering station is used to configure and modules.
commission the system. It can be either a standard
desktop PC or laptop. The operator level PCs can
also be used for configuration tasks. A permanent
connection to the system is not required.

ABB Automation
For additional information, visit us on
the Internet at www.abb.com/control

3BDD 010 078 R0001 Specifications subject to change without notice.

ABB Automation Products GmbH

Dudenstraße 44-46
D-68167 Mannheim
phone +49 (0) 1805 266776
fax +49 (0) 1805 776329
E-mail: [email protected]

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