CSC 223 Course Outline
CSC 223 Course Outline
CSC 223 Course Outline
Pre-requisites: CSC111 Introduction to Computer Systems and CSC211 Data Structures and
Course Content
Week Topics
Week 1 1. Operating systems concepts and overview
Week 2 2. Early Memory Management Systems
Week 3 3. Memory Management: Paging and Segmentation
Week 4 4. Memory Management: Virtual Memory
Week 5 5. Process Management: Scheduling
Week 6 CAT 1
Week 7 6. Process Management: Threads
Week 8 7. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation and
Week 9 8. Input/Output Management
Week 10 CAT 2
Week 11 9. File Management
Week 12 10. Operating System Security
Mode of Delivery
Use of lectures
Laboratory Exercises
Course Assessment
Continuous Assessment 30%
End of Semester Examination 70%
Total 100%
1. Silberschatz, Abraham and others Operating System Concepts 4th Edition, Addison
Wesley, 1994.
2. Comer, Douglas Operating System Design Prentice Hall, 1987.
3. MilenKovic, Milan Operating Systems-Concepts and Design McGraw Hill, 1987.
4. Peterson, James Operating System Concepts 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1985.
5. Davis, William S. Operating Systems 5th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2001