CSC 223 Course Outline

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University of Embu

Department of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)



Pre-requisites: CSC111 Introduction to Computer Systems and CSC211 Data Structures and

Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to introduce the basic principles of operating system. The student will
be introduced to the role of the operating system in controlling and coordinating all the
operations of a computer.

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Course

At the end of this course/unit, the learner should be able to:
i. Describe and explain the concepts, structure, and design of operating Systems.
ii. Describe the impact of operating system design on application system design
and performance.
iii. Demonstrate competency in recognizing and using operating system features.

Course Content
Week Topics
Week 1 1. Operating systems concepts and overview
Week 2 2. Early Memory Management Systems
Week 3 3. Memory Management: Paging and Segmentation
Week 4 4. Memory Management: Virtual Memory
Week 5 5. Process Management: Scheduling
Week 6 CAT 1
Week 7 6. Process Management: Threads
Week 8 7. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation and
Week 9 8. Input/Output Management
Week 10 CAT 2
Week 11 9. File Management
Week 12 10. Operating System Security

Mode of Delivery
Use of lectures
Laboratory Exercises

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Case studies

Instructional Materials and/or Equipment

White boards
Marker pens

Course Assessment
Continuous Assessment 30%
End of Semester Examination 70%
Total 100%

Core Reading Materials for the Course

1. McHoes, A., & Flynn, I., Understanding Operating Systems. Boston: Cengage
Learning, 2018
2. Stallings, W., Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles. Harlow: Pearson
Education Limited, 2018.

Recommended Reference Materials

1. Silberschatz, Abraham and others Operating System Concepts 4th Edition, Addison
Wesley, 1994.
2. Comer, Douglas Operating System Design Prentice Hall, 1987.
3. MilenKovic, Milan Operating Systems-Concepts and Design McGraw Hill, 1987.
4. Peterson, James Operating System Concepts 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1985.
5. Davis, William S. Operating Systems 5th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2001

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