Dairy Proteins

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Dairy Proteins

This document, prepared by the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research and the
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, is intended to help clarify the present dairy
protein issue. It can also be used as a resource for commonly used dairy terms,
an illustration of the “flow” of milk to its components, and technical information
regarding the use of dairy proteins and other milk components. If you have
further questions, please contact Rusty Bishop [(608)265-3696], Matt Mathison
[(608)836-8820], or Karen Smith [(608)265-9605].

Table of Contents

Section Page

Cheese Milk Protein Review 2

Basic Flows and Definitions of Milk Products 4

Background on Milk Proteins Products 5

I. Glossary 9
II. Outline of processes used to produce milk protein products 11
II. General outline for the manufacture if casein and milk protein
concentrates 12
IV. Composition of some milk protein concentrates (MPC) 13
V. Relative milk component sizes in comparison with membrane
pore size ranges 14

Cheese Milk Protein Review
This document, developed by WMMB and CDR, is intended to provide background information on
the various dairy ingredients used in the cheesemaking process, with a focus on the key dairy
protein ingredients.

Typical raw milk arriving at the cheese plant has the following average composition:
3.30% protein (3.0% true protein composed of 80% casein and 20% whey protein)
3.65% fat
4.75% lactose (milk sugar)
0.65% minerals (calcium, etc.)
87.75% water

Raw milk for cheesemaking is often standardized to a specific casein and fat composition
(referred to as the casein to fat ratio). The exact ratio depends on the cheese being
manufactured. Standardization often involves the addition of protein to the cheese milk. The
various sources of this additional protein have created significant controversy with the
U.S. dairy industry.

There are two key benefits from the standardization of cheese milk with protein.
• It improves the consistency of the finished cheese composition.
• From an economic perspective, vat efficiency is increased; meaning more total
cheese is produced per vat due to the addition of more cheese milk solids, resulting
in more cheese throughput per day for the plant.

Why is protein (casein) so important in cheesemaking?

Casein coagulates in the presence of rennet/acid to form the cheese curd. Coagulated casein
forms a three-dimensional lattice or backbone structure, which then entraps fat, water, minerals
and starter cultures and results in cheese curd formation. As the casein coagulates, whey begins
to separate from the curd. The amount of casein at the beginning of the cheesemaking process
is the single biggest factor affecting cheese yield.

The only permitted ingredients for cheese and cheese products that are covered by the Food and
Drug Administration’s Standards of Identity regulations (21 CFR Part 133, Subpart B), are milk
(liquid or milk powder), non-fat milk (condensed skimmilk or non-fat dry milk) and cream. Cheese
types not covered under the specific Standards of Identity included in the CFR are allowed to use
additional food-grade ingredients; however, protein and fat must still be from a dairy source.
Dairy protein products such as milk protein concentrate (MPC) therefore, are permitted in
cheeses that do not have a specific Standard of Identity.

Condensed skimmilk and non-fat dry milk (NFDM) both have been traditionally added to milk for
cheese manufacture for the sole purpose of increasing the amount of casein in the cheese milk.
Because only water is removed during condensing and drying of milk, the compositions of the
solids or nonwater portion of either milks are identical. The majority of the solids in the milks are
lactose (50%). Casein is approximately 28% of the solids. Minerals (15%) and whey proteins
(7%) are the remaining components.

The cheesemaker is actually adding lactose at a greater rate than the casein they want when
they use NFDM or condensed skimmilk to fortify cheese milk. The additional lactose must be
removed from the curd when the whey is drained to prevent serious quality problems in the final
cheese. Whey proteins will not remain in the curd and also drain into the whey. Therefore, a
cheesemaker adding NFDM or condensed skimmilk to the cheesemilk is adding a lot more of the
components that they do not want (lactose and whey proteins) compared to the amount of casein
that they do desire in the cheesemilk. Even though the actual casein content is low in these
dairy products, they are still widely used in cheese manufacturing.

What is the issue with MPC?
Membrane filtration technology is being used to produce liquid ultrafiltered (UF) milk. Membrane
filtration systems separate milk components according to size. Small molecules such as lactose
and minerals pass through the filter while large molecules such as proteins are held back. The
removal of lactose and minerals causes the concentration of protein to increase in UF milk. A
chart of the “Relative Milk Component Sizes in Comparison with Membrane Pore Size Ranges” is
in the Appendix of the paper titled “Background on Milk Protein Products” by Karen Smith,
Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research.

UF milk is becoming more common as a standardizing agent for cheese milk. Farms in the
southwest United States, chiefly the New Mexico area, produce most of this UF milk. Product is
shipped as a liquid from the southwest for incorporation in cheese milk in other parts of the
country. UF milk from the New Mexico area typically has approximately 17.5% total solids.
Casein is about 51% of these solids as compared to condensed skimmilk or NFDM which has
28% casein. The higher level of casein in UF milk as compared to condensed skimmilk or NFDM
means the cheesemaker can put more of the protein that will become cheese curd (casein) into
the cheese vat and less of components that they do not desire (lactose and minerals) with UF
milk. The sources of these dairy solids in UF milks are U.S. dairy farmers.

While liquid UF milk has found its way into cheese vats in Wisconsin and other States because of
their shortage of milk for manufacture into cheese, it is the dry version of this product, known as
MPC, that is at the center of the current controversy. UF milk is dried into MPC to extend the
shelf life of the product and allow for easier distribution and storage. MPCs typically range from
42 to 80% protein with corresponding casein contents of 33.6 to 64%. Since there is little MPC
presently is produced domestically, the source of these dairy solids has mainly been foreign dairy

From a purely technological standpoint, the ideal dairy ingredient for standardizing cheese milk
would be casein itself, since casein is the protein that forms the cheese matrix. However,
commercially available forms of casein are either quite insoluble or do not react with rennet/acid
and, therefore, these forms of casein are hard to incorporate into either cheese milk or curd. This
type of casein is not widely used anywhere in the world for natural cheese production.

Because commercial casein products are unsuitable, the best dairy ingredient for standardizing
cheese milk would be UF milk in either a liquid or dry form (MPC). Condensed skim milk and
NFDM with the lowest casein and highest lactose contents of all the products discussed would be
the least desirable dairy ingredients for standardizing cheese milk.

Since this issue extends beyond simple technology aspects, much more discussion will be
needed before the U.S. dairy industry can agree upon a clear direction. More detailed
information concerning dairy proteins is available in the attached document titled “Background on
Milk Proteins” by Karen Smith, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research.

Basic Flows and Definitions of Milk Products

Raw Milk



Nonfat dry milk Standardized UF Milk Clotted milk

cheese milk

Milk protein
Cheese Whey concentrate Curd Whey

Whey protein Whole whey Casein


Casein – Casein is one of two major groups of protein present in milk. The action of rennet on
casein during the manufacture of cheese results in the separating of milk into curds and whey.
Casein forms the cheese while the whey proteins go into the whey stream.

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) – Milk protein concentrates are produced by ultrafiltration (UF)
of milk. The product in liquid form is generally referred to as UF milk while the dry form is known
as MPC. This product contains unaltered forms of both casein and whey protein. The level of
protein, lactose and mineral present vary depending on the degree of protein concentration.

Nonfat dry milk (NFDM) – Nonfat dry milk or skimmilk powder is skimmilk with the water
removed. The composition of the original skimmilk is not altered.

Skimmilk – Milk that has had the fat removed. The dry form of skimmilk is known as nonfat dry

Standardized Cheese Milk - Milk that has had the fat and protein content adjusted such that the
cheese produced from this milk will have the appropriate composition.

Whey – Whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacture. There are two general types of whey –
acid and sweet. Acid whey is produced from cheeses such as cottage and cream. Sweet whey
is from cheeses such as Cheddar and mozzarella. Whey contains whey proteins, lactose,
minerals and a small amount of fat.

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) – Whey protein concentrates are produced by ultrafiltration of
whey. They can be in liquid or dry form and have a protein content typically ranging from 34 to
less than 90%. When the protein concentration exceeds 90% the product is known as a whey
protein isolate (WPI).

Whole dry whey – Whey that has had the water removed. The composition of the whey has not
been altered.

Background on Milk Protein Products
Karen E. Smith, Ph.D.
Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research
August, 2001

Milk Constituents
Milk consists of fat, proteins, lactose and minerals.
Fat - The fat portion generally is removed before milk is processed into milk protein
products and therefore the fat component is not a great concern.
Proteins – Milk contains many types of proteins; however, they can be grouped into two
general categories – casein* and whey proteins*. When milk is made into cheese, casein*
remains in the cheese while the whey proteins* go into the whey* stream.
Caseins* are about 80% of the proteins in milk. Casein* will precipitate (i.e. join together
and fall out of solution) when treated with rennet or acid.
Whey proteins* are approximately 20% of the proteins in milk. These proteins are
soluble unless they are denatured by exposure to high temperatures. A denatured protein has an
irreversible change in its structure that causes the protein to precipitate. A precipitated protein is
not soluble in water.
Lactose - Lactose or milk sugar is a carbohydrate found only in milk. Lactose is a
disaccharide; that is, it is made up of two sugar molecules, glucose and galactose. Bacteria
added during cheese manufacture break lactose into glucose and galactose and they then
convert the glucose to lactic acid. It is the lactic acid that is responsible for the acid flavor in
cheese. When milk products are heated to high temperatures the lactose can interact with
proteins and cause a brown color in the milk.
Minerals – Minerals are also known as milk salts or ash. The major salts are calcium,
sodium, potassium and magnesium, which combine with phosphates, chlorides and citrates in

General Milk Protein Manufacturing Processes

The following is a general outline of the processes involved in the manufacture of milk protein
products. Appendix II and III have outlines that provide greater detail of these processes.

Raw Milk



Nonfat dry milk Standardized UF Milk Clotted milk

cheese milk

Milk protein
Cheese Whey concentrate Curd Whey

Whey protein Whole whey Casein


Terms marked by asterisks are defined in the glossary.

Skimmilk Powder Manufacturing Process
Skimmilk powder or nonfat dry milk* (NFDM) is essentially skimmilk* with the water removed.
Skimmilk* is pasteurized to eliminate pathogens and then dried on either a roller or spray dryer.
The milk can be given a heat treatment before drying. This heat treatment denatures the whey
proteins* and gives the NFDMs different functional properties. The amount of denaturation is
given by the Whey Protein Nitrogen Index (WPNI). NFDM* is categorized according to its WPNI
as low, medium or high heat powder.

Milk Protein Concentrate Manufacturing Process

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) is produced from skim milk by a series of processes that include
ultrafiltration* (UF), evaporation and drying. Ultrafiltration* determines the composition of the
MPC while evaporation and drying are used to remove only water. The product also is
pasteurized to eliminate potential pathogens in raw milk.

The first step in the manufacture of MPC* typically is UF* of the skim milk. UF* is a sieving
process that separates milk components according to their size. There are two clear groups of
compounds based on size in milk. Minerals and lactose are smaller in size while proteins,
including casein* and whey proteins*, are much larger. It is this large difference between the size
of the two groups of components that allows milk to be separated efficiently by UF*. The
relationship between size of milk components and UF* is illustrated in a chart titled “Relative Milk
Component Sizes in Comparison with Membrane Pore Size Ranges” which can be found in the
attached appendix.

During UF*, milk passes across a membrane that resembles a piece of thin plastic. Some of the
lactose, minerals and water will cross through the membrane and become the permeate* stream.
Casein* and whey proteins* because of their large size will not be able to pass through the
membrane. The proteins along with the lactose and minerals that did not go into the permeate*
stream will become the retentate* stream. The concentration of protein in the retentate* stream
will increase as more lactose and minerals are removed in the permeate* stream. A diafiltration
(DF) or washing step is required to get protein concentration greater than 65% in the final dried
product. Diafiltration involves adding water to the retentate* as it is being ultrafiltered to reduce
product viscosity and further remove lactose and minerals.

UF* can be done over a range of temperatures; however, for microbiological reasons UF* of milk
typically is done either cold (41° F) or hot (115° F). The temperature of the process affects the
economics of producing MPC* but does not affect the final product composition.

Following UF*, the retentate* may be evaporated to increase the total solids in the processing
stream which improves dryer performance. Because milk proteins are sensitive to damage by
heating, falling film tubular evaporators typically are used.

The retentate* then is spray dried. Dryer designs such as tall form, spray bed and stage dryers
are considered appropriate for drying MPC*. These types of dryers are designed to minimize the
temperature exposure of the MPC* during drying so that important functional properties such as
solubility are retained.

Whey Protein Concentrate* Manufacturing Process

Whey* is a byproduct of cheese manufacture. Rennet, an enzyme that clots milk, or acid is
added to milk thereby causing casein* to join together. The milk then separates into curds and
whey*. The whey* is drained from the curds (casein*) and becomes the starting material for

The production of whey protein concentrate* (WPC*) is very similar to the methods used to make
MPC*. Ultrafiltration*, evaporation and drying are used to manufacture WPCs* with 34 to 80%
protein in the dry product. Additional processing steps are needed to make whey protein isolates
which have greater than 90% protein. As with MPC*, UF* determines the composition of the
WPC* while evaporation and drying are used to remove water only.

Casein* Manufacturing Process

Commercial casein* is made from skim milk by one of two methods – precipitation by acid or
coagulation by rennet. Fat, whey proteins*, lactose and minerals must be removed from the
casein* through washing with water to improve the quality of the final casein* product. The
product is dried to improve keeping quality.

Commercial casein* products:

1. Precipitation by acid – Acid casein*
2. Coagulation by rennet – Rennet casein*
There are also two other types of commercially available casein* products of note:
1. Co-precipitates*
2. Caseinates*

Casein* – Casein* is manufactured by adding either acid or rennet to skimmilk*. Addition of acid
or rennet to milk will cause casein* to join together and separate from the other components.
This separation is exactly what happens during cheese manufacture where the casein* portion is
referred to as curds and the remaining milk components are known as whey*. The casein* then
is separated from the whey* and the casein* washed and dried.

Co-precipitate* – Calcium chloride or dilute acid is added to skim milk and the mixture then is
heated to precipitate both casein* and whey proteins*. The precipitated proteins then are washed
and dried to produce an insoluble protein mixture. The proteins can be treated with neutralizers
to make a co-precipitate* that is more soluble in water.

Caseinate* – Caseinate* is produced by neutralizing acid/rennet casein* with alkali and then
drying the resulting product. The alkali treatments makes caseinate* more soluble in water than

Composition and Functionality of Milk Protein Products

Skimmilk* powder
Skimmilk* powder or NFDM* has approximately 3.2% moisture, 0.8% fat, 36% protein, 52%
lactose and 8% ash. Both casein* and whey proteins* are present.

The amount of heat used to produce NFDM* affects solubility of the protein with high heat powder
slightly less soluble than low heat powder.

Whey protein concentrate*

Whey protein concentrates* average 4% moisture. They have protein contents ranging form 34
to 80%. Casein* is not present. As the protein levels increase, the percentage of lactose
decreases. Minerals range from 4 to 7%.

WPCs are soluble in water because of the processes used in their manufacture.

Milk Protein Concentrate*

MPCs* can be produced with protein contents ranging from 42 to greater than 80%. As the
protein content increases, the lactose content decreases. Because some of the calcium is bound
to casein*, the concentration of calcium remains fairly constant in MPCs*. Both casein* and whey
proteins* are present. All of the proteins in skimmilk* remain in a MPC*; therefore, the biological
protein value does not change for MPCs* versus skimmilk*.

The processes used to make MPC* do not damage the proteins; therefore, MPC* behavior is
similar to milk when MPC* is used as an ingredient. The ability of a milk protein product to
dissolve in water is one of its most important functional properties. Because MPC* production
processes do not alter the proteins this product has good solubility.

Acid/Rennet casein*
Acid casein* has 10 to 12% moisture. Fat and minerals are less than 4% and lactose is absent.
It is approximately 90 to 95% protein which is all in the form of casein* (whey proteins* are not

Moisture varies from 12 to 13% and fat and minerals make up approximately 8.5% of rennet
casein*. There is approximately 89% protein in rennet casein* that is all in the form of casein*
(whey proteins* are not present). Lactose is absent.

The processes used to make acid and rennet casein* make the products insoluble in water.
Neither acid or rennet casein* will react further with rennet. Acid/rennet casein* in general does
not react with other components and therefore acid/rennet casein* does not have a lot of
functional properties.

Caseinate* have approximately 3.8% moisture and 91% protein (all in the form of casein*). There
is 0.1% lactose and approximately 3.7% ash in caseinates*. These products are usually salts of
sodium or calcium.

The neutralization process makes caseinates* soluble; however, the protein will not react further
with acid or rennet.

Unlike acid and rennet casein*, co-precipitates* contain whey proteins*. Calcium may be present
in greater amounts because of the use of calcium chloride in the production process. Small
amounts of lactose (0.5%) also are present. Co-precipitates* have approximately 5 to 10%
moisture and 89 to 94% protein.

Co-precipitates* are insoluble unless they are treated with neutralizers in process similar to that
used for caseinates*. Because whey proteins* are denatured during production of co-
precipitates*, this product may remain incompletely soluble despite treatment with neutralizers.

Appendix I

Acid casein – Acid casein is produced by the addition of acid to milk. Acid casein has 10 to12%
moisture. Fat and minerals are less than 4% and lactose is absent. It has approximately 90 to
95% protein all in the form of casein. The pH of acid casein ranges from 4.6 to 5.4. This product
is insoluble in water.
Acid casein is the major casein product of world markets. It is used as an additive for
glazing high quality paper and in the production of paints and cosmetics. Lactic acid casein is
favored for food uses by New Zealand and Australia.

Casein – Casein is one of two major groups of protein present in milk. The action of rennet on
casein during the manufacture of cheese results in the separating of milk into curds and whey.
Casein forms the cheese while the whey proteins go into the whey stream.

Caseinate – Caseinates are produced by dissolving casein in dilute alkali. Caseinates have
approximately 3.8% moisture and 91% protein. The protein is in the form of casein. There is
0.1% lactose and approximately 3.7% ash. Caseinates are usually salts of sodium or calcium
and have a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. These products are soluble in water.
Caseinates are used in the food industry. Some examples of their use include
emulsifiers in cured meats, and as milk and cream substitutes.

Co-precipitate – Dilute acid and or calcium chloride are added to heated skim milk to form
coprecipitates. Co-precipitates contain both casein and whey proteins. Calcium may be present
in greater amounts because of the use of calcium chloride in the production process. Small
amounts of lactose (0.5%) also are present. Co-precipitates have approximately 9.5% moisture.
The pH varies with the method of manufacture. These products are insoluble in water. Co-
precipitates are used in food products.

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) – Milk protein concentrates are produced by ultrafiltration (UF)
of milk. The product in liquid form is generally referred to as UF milk while the dry form is known
as MPC. This product contains unaltered forms of both casein and whey protein. The level of
protein, lactose and mineral present vary depending on the degree of protein concentration.

Nonfat dry milk (NFDM) – Nonfat dry milk or skimmilk powder is skimmilk with the water
removed. The composition of the original skimmilk is not altered.

Permeate – The portion of the processing stream that permeates or crosses the membrane
during ultrafiltration. This stream contains compounds that are small enough to go through the
pores of the membrane.

Rennet casein – Rennet casein is produced by the addition of rennet to milk. Casein is the only
protein present in the final product. Moisture varies from 12 to 13%. Rennet casein contains
approximately 1.5% fat and 7.5% mineral. Lactose is absent. Rennet casein is insoluble in
Rennet casein is used to produce materials similar to plastics. There is some use of this
product in processed cheese.

Retentate – The portion of the processing stream that is retained by the membrane during
ultrafiltration. This stream contains compounds that are too large to pass through the pores of the

Skimmilk – Milk that has had the fat removed. The dry form of skimmilk is known as nonfat dry

Standardized Cheese Milk – Milk that has had the fat and protein content adjusted such that the
cheese produced from this milk will have the appropriate composition.

Ultrafiltration (UF) – Ultrafiltration uses semipermeable membranes to separate components

based on their molecular weight. The portion of the processing stream that is retained by the
membrane and contains the larger components is referred to as the retentate stream while the
components that are smaller and cross the membrane are known as the permeate portion.

Whey – Whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacture. There are two general types of whey –
acid and sweet. Acid whey is produced from cheeses such as cottage and cream. Sweet whey
is from cheeses such as Cheddar and mozzarella. Whey contains whey proteins, lactose,
minerals and a small amount of fat.

Whey proteins – Whey proteins are one of two major groups of protein present in milk.

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) – Whey protein concentrates are produced by ultrafiltration of
whey. They can be in liquid or dry form and have a protein content typically ranging from 34 to
less than 90%. When the protein concentration exceeds 90% the product is known as a whey
protein isolate (WPI).

Whole dry whey – Whey that has had the water removed. The composition of the whey has not
been altered.

Appendix III. General outline for the manufacture of casein and milk
protein concentrates

Rennet Casein Lactic Acid Mineral Acid Casein Co-precipitate Milk Protein
Casein Concentrate

Pasteurized Skim Milk

30 C 23 C 32 C CaCl/acid

rennet starter acid

gel forms gel forms gel forms 85 -95 C lactose,

1 -20 min

cut gel cut gel cut gel CaCl/acid

UF skimmilk
(native casein,
60 C 50 - 55 C 40 - 45 C whey proteins,
stir curd stir curd stir curd lactose,

separate whey



wash/dewater water

dry/grind water

mineral co-
rennet lactic acid
acid precipitate
casein casein


25-30% TS

dilute alkali

pH 6.7, 60-75
30-60 minutes


dry water dry water

caseinates co- MPC

Appendix IV
Composition of some milk protein concentrates (MPC).

Component Skim milk MPC 42 MPC 56 MPC 70 MPC 80

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Moisture 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.2 3.9
Fat 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.8
Protein 36.0 42.0 56.0 70.0 82.8
Lactose 52.0 46.0 31.0 16.2 4.1
Ash 8.0 7.5 8.0 8.2 7.4

Percentage composition of commercial casein and caseinate products.

Component Rennet Acid Sodium Calcium Co-

Casein Casein Caseinate Caseinate Precipitate
Protein 89 95 94 93.5 89-94
Ash (max) 7.5 2.2 4.0 4.5 4.5
Sodium 0.02 0.1 1.3 0.05 -
Calcium 3.0 0.08 0.1 1.5 -
Phosphorous 1.5 0.9 0.8 0.8 -
Lactose (max) - 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.5
Fat (max) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Moisture (max) 12 10 4.0 4.0 5.0
pH 7 - 6.6 6.8 6.8

Composition of some whey protein concentrates (WPC).

Component Sweet whey Acid whey WPC 34 WPC 50 WPC 80

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Moisture 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0
Fat 1.0 0.5 3.0 4.0 5.0
Protein 12.0 12.0 35.0 50.0 80.0
Lactose 73.0 68.0 51.0 35.0 4.0
Ash 8.0 11.0 6.0 7.0 4.0


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