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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

Manasa M et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Nov;6(6):2340-2345 pISSN 2349-3283 | eISSN 2349-3291

Original Research Article

A study to assess the prevalence of hypertension in children with

nephrotic syndrome
Manasa M.1, Anitha S. Prabhu1*, Santhosh Pai2, Kiran Raj H.3

Department of Pediatrics, 2Department of Nephrology, Yenapoya Medical College Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka,
Department of Pediatrics, Srinivas Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre, Mukka, Mangalore, Karnataka,

Received: 23 August 2019

Revised: 31 August 2019
Accepted: 04 September 2019

Dr. Anitha S. Prabhu,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Hypertension is been one of the most common co morbidity of this disease. It was mostly attributed to
sodium retention, which is a major clinical feature of nephrotic syndrome. These mechanisms likely have a role in the
development of hypertension in nephrotic syndrome, where hypertension may be difficult to control, and provide new
therapeutic options for the management of blood pressure in the setting of nephrotic syndrome. Objective of study the
prevalence of hypertension in children with NS and also the number of antihypertensive required to control it.
Method: A Retrospective study of the hospital records of 100 children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome admitted
to Pediatric and Nephrology Ward at YMCH was accessed.
Results: In our study 35 (35%) of them were Infrequent relapse nephrotic syndrome (IFNS) and 35(35%) were
Frequent relapse nephrotic syndrome (FRNS) ,while 30 cases (30%) were First episode nephrotic syndrome (FENS).
65 cases were steroid sensitive, while 28 and 7 of them were steroid dependent and resistant respectively. Of the 100
study population 54 of them had hypertension while 46 of them did not develop it .Of the 54 hypertensive nephrotic
syndrome children, 15 of them (28.%) required three anti hypertensives to control the pressure, while 19 (35%) and
20 (37%) required single and dual anti hypertensives respectively.
Conclusion: Prevalence of hypertension is increasing among the children with nephrotic syndrome. Its more
prevalent among the male then female FRNS, SRNS and SDNS are more prone to develop hypertension and also they
needed two or more antihypertensives to control the hypertension, whereas hypertension in SSNS could be managed
with single drug.

Keywords: Epithelial sodium channel, Hypertension, Nephrotic Syndrome, Proteinuria, Steroid resistant nephrotic

INTRODUCTION cause and is currently categorized into primary and

secondary forms. Hypertension is been one of the most
Nephrotic syndrome is the clinical manifestation of common co morbidity of this disease. It was mostly
glomerular disease presenting with the triad of attributed to sodium retention, which is a major clinical
hypoalbuminemia(<2.5g/dl), edema, and hyperlipidemia feature of nephrotic syndrome. The mechanisms
(cholesterol >200mg/dl).1 NS generally has a glomerular responsible for sodium retention in this setting have been
a subject of debate for years. Several lines of evidence

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6 Page 2340
Manasa M et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Nov;6(6):2340-2345

suggest that activation of ENaC (endothelial sodium Remission

channel) by proteases aberrantly filtered through
damaged glomeruli contributes to urinary sodium When the early morning sample urine albumin is nil or
retention in nephrotic syndrome.2,3 trace (proteinuria <4 mg/m2/hr) for 3 consecutive days it
is refered to as remission.
Recent studies have provided new insights regarding
mechanisms by which sodium transporters are activated Relapse
by factors present in nephrotic urine. These mechanisms
likely have a role in the development of hypertension in Urine albumin 3+ or 4+ (or proteinuria >40mg/m2/hr) for
nephrotic syndrome, where hypertension may be difficult 3 consecutive early morning specimens, after having been
to control, and provide new therapeutic options for the in remission.
management of blood pressure in the setting of nephrotic
syndrome.4 Infrequent relapse

Moreover, studies have shown a higher prevalence of Patient who have three or less relapse a year.
initial and subsequent steroid resistance, a characteristics
not consistent with typical minimal change NS with a Frequent relapses
benign prognosis. The results suggest that in the current
era, NS in children may not be as benign as indicated by Two or more relapses in initial 6 months or more than
earlier studies. This changing trend of the disease as also three relapses in any 12 months.
increased the prevalence of hypertension in nephrotic
syndrome5. Hence the present study is on prevalence of Steroid dependence
hypertension in children with NS and also the number of
antihypertensive required to control it. Two consecutive relapses when on alternate day steroids
or within 14 days of its discontinuation.
Objective of the study to estimate the incidence of
hypertension and usage of Antihypertensives in children Steroid resistance
with nephrotic syndrome
Absence of remission despite therapy with daily
METHODS prednisolone at a dose of 2mg/kg/day for 4 weeks.
A Retrospective study was conducted at YMCH from Initial steroid resistance
2016 to 2018. A total of 100 children who were
diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome and admitted to Lack of remission at first episode of nephrotic syndrome.
Pediatric and Nephrology Ward at YMCH were included
in the study. The patients record were obtained from the Late steroid resistance
Medical Records Department and data such as relevant
history, general status, number of relapses, use of regular
Initially steroid sensitive, but later show steroid
antihypertensives, and blood pressure at admission and
also the treatment given were taken.
The data was analyses using SPSS v 21. Chi-square test
Inclusion Criteria
was used to evaluate the statistically significant
relationship between variables.
1. The children admitted with Nephrotic Syndrome.
Exclusion Criteria
The total number of patients enrolled during the study
1. Patient with congenital Nephrotic Syndrome. period was 100.
2. The children who were taking Antihypertensive In our study the Males (68) outnumbered females (32)
treatment for any other cause of hypertension other with male to female ratio 2.1:1 and age range between 1-
than nephrotic syndrome. 18 years. A total of 26 patients (26%) were in the age
group <5 years, followed by 40 (40%) in the age group
Terminologies in nephrotic syndrome1,6 (5-10) and 34(34%) in age group > 10 years. In our study
35 (35%) of them were Infrequent relapse nephrotic
1ST episode syndrome (IFNS) and 35(35%) were Frequent relapse
nephrotic syndrome (FRNS), while 30 cases (30%) were
When a child is diagnosed with protienuria/nephrotic First episode nephrotic syndrome (FENS).65 cases were
syndrome for the first time is called 1st episode.

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6 Page 2341
Manasa M et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Nov;6(6):2340-2345

steroid sensitive, while 28 and 7 of them were steroid hypertensive patients 41(75.9%) were male and
dependent and resistant respectively (Table 1). 13(24.1%) were female (Figure 1).

Of the 100 study population 54 of them had hypertension

while 46 of them did not develop it. Among the

Table 1: Social profile of the children.

Social Profile Frequency Percentage

<5 Years 26 26
Age 5-10 Years 40 40
>10 Years 34 34
Male 68 68
Female 32 32
Infrequent relapse nephrotic Syndrome (IFNS) 35 35
Nephrotic Syndrome Frequent relapse nephrotic Syndrome (FRNS) 35 30
First Episode of Nephrotic Syndrome (FENS) 30 35
Steroid Sensitive 65 65
Response of Steroid on
Steroid Resistance 7 7
Nephrotic Syndrome
Steroid Dependent 28 28

Prevalance of Hypertension in NS Out of 44.4% (24) of the hypertensive children belonged

to frequent relapsers while 31.6% (17 cases) and 24% (13
Present Absent cases) were IRNS and FENS respectively. (Table 2)

46% Of the steroid sensitive 65 cases, 30.7% (20 cases)

developed hypertension, while 96.4% (27) and 100% (7)
of steroid dependent and steroid resistant group
respectively developed hypertension. p value is
<0.001and r value is 0.05both of which are significant.
(Table 3)

Figure 1: Prevalence of Hypertension in

Nephrotic syndrome.

Table 2: Prevalence of Hypertension within the Subgroup.

Episodes of nephrotic Hypertensive Normotensive

Syndrome Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
FENS 13 24% 17 37%
IFNS 17 31.6% 18 39%
FRNS 24 44.4% 11 24%

Table 3: Prevalence of Hypertension depending on Steroid Sensitivity of the disease.

Hypertensive Normotensive
Steroid Sensitivity
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
SSNS 20 37% 45 98%
SDNS 27 50% 1 2%
SRNS 7 13% 0 0
p value <0.001, r value = 0.05

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6 Page 2342
Manasa M et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2019 Nov;6(6):2340-2345

Of the 54 hypertensive nephrotic syndrome children, 15 0.098 and on chi square test p value is <0.001 which is
of them (28.%) required three antihypertensives to significant. (Table 4)
control the pressure, while 19 (35%) and 20 (37%)
required single and dual antihypertensives respectively. Majority of the hypertensive SDNS (37%) and SRNS
Within the subgroups of nephrotic syndrome 12(50%) of (71.4%) required three antihypertensive, while 70% (14)
the hypertensive FRNS required triple antihypertensives of the hypertensive SSNS responded well to single
while majority of the FENS (53.8%) responded well with therapy. 44.4% (12) of the hypertensive SDNS required
single drug. dual drugs to control hypertension. both p and r value,
<0.001 and 0.035 are reported respectively, which is
Hypertension in children with IRNS could be controlled significant. (Table 5)
with single (52.9%) or dual (47.1%) drugs. r value is
Table 4: No. of Antihypertensive requirement within the subgroup.

Type of Nephrotic Number of anti-hypertensive drugs

Syndrome 0 One Two Three
FENS 17 37% 7 37% 3 15% 3 20%
IFNS 18 39% 9 47% 8 40% 0 0
FRNS 11 24% 3 16% 9 45% 12 80%
p value <0.001, r value = 0.098

Table 5: Antihypertensive requirement depending on the steroid sensitivity.

Number of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs

Type of Nephrotic Syndrome
0 One Two Three
SSNS 45 98% 14 73.6% 6 30% 0 0
SDNS 1 2% 5 29.4% 12 60% 10 67%
SRNS 0 0 0 0 2 10% 5 33%
p value <0.001, r value = 0.035

DISCUSSION with resistant hypertension, where microalbuminuria was

associated with sufficient plasmin to activate ENaC
Nephrotic syndrome remains a major cause of referral to (epithelial sodium cells) in cultured cells to precipitate
paediatric nephrologists because of the chronicity of the hypertension.
disorder and the complexity of its evaluation.7 In this
study 100 patients aged (1-18) years with NS were Steroid therapy being the main stay therapy of nephrotic
studied, where male: female ratio was found to be 2.1:1 syndrome was received by all the patients with initial
which is in accordance with the findings of previous attack and relapses. Steroid sensitive NS was found in
authors Trompeter et al, Mishra et al, and Constantinescu 65cases (65%), SDNS and SRNS were found in 28 (28%)
AR et al.8-10 Hypertension was found in patients with and 7 cases (7%) respectively. High prevalence of SSNS
relapse and long-time treatment with steroid. In this study also found in Port Harcourt contrasts with earlier reports
54 patients (54%) were hypertensive a figure higher than from other parts of Nigeria where poor response to
that found in Mishra et al, (2013, 2014) Tarhish et al, steroid therapy was common.17,18 Steroid and alkylating
(1997) where incidence of hypertension was noted as agents were used for 7 patients who had no response to
10%, 10% and 12% respectively. Iranian and Jordanian steroid alone. All seven (100%) of them developed
study, which reported (15.6%)and (14.28%) hypertensive hypertension. This result is higher than Saudi Arabia
patients respectively, while the Ibadin MO et al, (1998), study which recorded that cyclosporine causes HT in only
study showed 41.4%prevalence of hypertension in (20%).19 The frequency of hypertension was observed in
patients with NS. 9,11-15 20 cases (30.7%) of SSNS, 27 cases (96.4%) with SDNS
and 7 cases (100%) in SRNS patients(p value o.ooo1
Among the hypertensive patients 41(75.9%) were male highly significant) ,these figures are higher than that of
and 13(24.1%) were female. Of the 54 hypertensive previous Iraqi study (2000) by AL-Mewashi H.H et al,
patients 24 (44.4%) were FRNS, and 13(24%) and 17 which reported (11.2%), (6.1%), (10.2%) of SSNS,
(31.6%) were FENS and IRNS respectively. 43.3% of the SDNS, SRNS respectively, and (2005) Gabban et al,
FENS (13cases ) developed hypertension which favours study, where 7%. 19.7% and 12.7% were reported as
the hypothesis that, even at low levels, proteases filtered SSNS, SDNS and SRNS respectively.20,21
by leaky glomeruli may contribute to hypertension12 as
put forth by Buhl et al16 in his study on diabetic patients

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