Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking System

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Summer 2021

Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking System

Israa El-Sabbagh
University of Windsor

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El-Sabbagh, Israa, "Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking System" (2021). Electronic
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Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking

Israa El-Sabbagh

A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
through the Industrial Engineering Graduate Program
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master of Applied Science
at the University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

© 2021 Israa El-Sabbagh

Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking


Israa El-Sabbagh



M. Azzouz

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering


W. ElMaraghy

Department of Mechanical, Automotive, & Materials Engineering


H. ElMaraghy, Advisor

Department of Mechanical, Automotive, & Materials Engineering

May 10, 2021


I hereby certify that I am the sole author of this thesis and that no part of this thesis has
been published or submitted for publication.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my thesis does not infringe upon anyone’s
copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, quotations, or
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otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices.
Furthermore, to the extent that I have included copyrighted material that surpasses the
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I declare that this is a true copy of my thesis, including any final revisions, as approved by
my thesis committee and the Graduate Studies office, and that this thesis has not been
submitted for a higher degree to any other University or Institution.


The research encompassed in this thesis includes the development of a work order and
subassembly identification and tracking software system created in-house and tested at
SPM Automation (Canada) Inc. The research is motivated by the significant losses the
company is enduring and the recurring problems occurring at the facility (i.e., excess
inventory, late ordering, reordering, misplaced components, etc.). These problems are
critical in the progress and profits of the company.

An extensive literature review was completed, and the research gaps were presented. The
optimal work order and subassembly process was created using Process Mapping
Methodology, Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, and 5Why Analysis. The software architecture
diagrams were developed and used to code and program the software. The software was
tested on five work orders and results were compared against a previous job. Application
of the developed system minimized late ordering by 67%, reordering by 50%, and number
of changes to project timelines by 71%. The occurrences of misplaced components for the
specific job tested were eliminated using the developed solution.

A cost structure model was used to illustrate the associated costs and benefits of the
developed system. There would be a one-time cost for training SPM employees, however,
the benefits outweigh the training cost significantly. It was estimated that the
implementation of this software system could give the company an average annual cost
saving of approximately $40,884 and a time decrease of 77.78%. Since the software system
is created in-house, there would be minimal additional costs for implementation and
continuous software support. Work order and subassembly tracking issues are not unique
to SPM Automation (Canada) Inc. Many small and medium size manufacturing companies
are facing these challenges. The methodologies developed in this research would be
applicable and useful to other discrete parts manufacturers.


To my family and friends


I want to thank my supervisor, Dr. Hoda ElMaraghy, for her continuous support and
guidance. I am forever grateful to have such a passionate and outstanding supervisor. I
would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Waguih ElMaraghy and Dr. Maher
Azzouz, for their valuable advice and support throughout this research.

Moreover, I would like to thank my employer, SPM Automation (Canada) Inc., for their
support. Without their help and collaboration, the implementation of this thesis would not
have been feasible. I would especially like to thank Mr. Chris Holtkamp, Mr. Boris
Novakovic, Mr. Zachary Touesnard, Mr. Shailkumar Patel, and Ms. Lisa Lapico for their
advice and encouragement throughout the completion of this thesis.

Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Mostafa Moussa for his continuous help and guidance.

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF EQUATIONS ................................................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 SPM Automation (Canada) Inc. ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Subassembly Definitions and Importance........................................................................ 1
1.3 Research Problem Statement ........................................................................................... 2
1.4 Research Motivation ........................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5.1 Hypothesis....................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Stakeholders ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Resources Required ......................................................................................................... 4
1.8 Thesis Outline .................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 Product/Part Traceability ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Inventory Management Systems ................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Spare Parts Inventory .................................................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Dynamic Environments................................................................................................. 17
2.1.5 Product Families ........................................................................................................... 18
2.1.6 Product Structure / BOMs ............................................................................................. 20
2.1.7 Subassembly Identification and Tracking ..................................................................... 21
2.1.8 Work Order Identification and Tracking....................................................................... 21
2.2 Literature Review Analysis.................................................................................................. 22
2.2.1 Subassembly Types ....................................................................................................... 22
2.2.2 Bibliometric Analyses ................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Research Gaps...................................................................................................................... 26
2.4 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 28

3.1 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 IDEF0 Design Process ......................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Systematic Design Process (Pahl & Beitz) .......................................................................... 35
3.3.1 Task Clarification.......................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2. Conceptual Design ....................................................................................................... 37
3.3.3 Embodiment Design...................................................................................................... 37
3.3.4 Detail Design ................................................................................................................ 37
3.4 Zachman Framework ........................................................................................................... 38
3.5 Group Technology of SPM Machines: Subassembly Commonalities ................................. 39
3.6 Initial Work Order and Subassembly Process...................................................................... 52
3.7 Optimal Work Order and Subassembly Process .................................................................. 58
3.8 Software Architecture .......................................................................................................... 61
3.8.1. SPM Software Architecture ......................................................................................... 63
3.8.2 Coding and Programming ............................................................................................. 68
3.9 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 68
4.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 69
4.2 Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 69
4.3 Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 71
4.3.1 Work Order Barcode Scanning ..................................................................................... 71
4.3.2 Stock Check .................................................................................................................. 74
4.3.3 Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking .......................................... 76
4.4 Testing ................................................................................................................................. 87
4.5 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 87
CHAPTER 5: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 88
5.1 Results .................................................................................................................................. 88
5.1.1 Work Order 42181 – Upper Tool Base (C1UC – MCM RCL) Laser Weld ................. 88
5.1.2 Work Order 42233 – RCL Bottom Side Support Slide (RH) ....................................... 90
5.1.3 Work Order 42220 – RCL Inboard Support Slide (Lower RH Tool) ........................... 92
5.1.4 Work Order 42197 – C1UC RCL Lower Tool Assembly (RH) ................................... 93
5.1.5 Work Order 42248 – C1UC MCM RCL Upper Tool Nest (RH).................................. 95
5.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 97
5.2.1 KPI Percentage Decrease (%) ....................................................................................... 99
5.2.2 Cost Structure Model .................................................................................................. 100
5.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 101

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................. 102
6.1 Research Contribution ....................................................................................................... 102
6.2 Significance ....................................................................................................................... 102
6.3 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 103
6.4 Future Research ................................................................................................................. 103
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 105
VITA AUCTORIS ....................................................................................................................... 112


Figure 1- Wastes (Mudas) Related to Recurring Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Problems
......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2- Industry 4.0 Technological Pillars, adapted from (Saturno et al., 2017).......................... 6
Figure 3- Subassembly Identification Bibliometric Analysis ........................................................ 23
Figure 4- Database Systems Section .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 5- Work Order Tracking Bibliometric Analysis ................................................................. 25
Figure 6- Work Order Tracking Section ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 7 - IDEF Diagram A0 No.1 ................................................................................................ 31
Figure 8 - IDEF Diagram A0 No.2 ................................................................................................ 32
Figure 9 - IDEF Diagram A1 ......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 10 - IDEF Diagram A2 ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 11 - IDEF Diagram A3 ....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 12 - IDEF Diagram A4 ....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 13 - Pahl & Beitz, adapted from (Wright, 2005) ................................................................ 36
Figure 14 - Zachman Framework .................................................................................................. 38
Figure 15 - Gen 1 Machines........................................................................................................... 40
Figure 16 - Gen 2 Machine ............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 17 - Gen 3 Machines........................................................................................................... 42
Figure 18 - DT Wheel Flare Machines .......................................................................................... 43
Figure 19 - Ultrasonic Welder Machines ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 20 - Cluster Hood Machines ............................................................................................... 45
Figure 21 - Subassembly Commonalities: Gen Machines ............................................................. 46
Figure 22 - Subassembly Commonalities: Ultrasonic Machines ................................................... 47
Figure 23 - Initial Work Order and Subassembly Process Flow.................................................... 54
Figure 24- Excess Inventory Cause-and-Effect Diagram .............................................................. 55
Figure 25- Late Ordering Cause-and-Effect Diagram ................................................................... 55
Figure 26- Reordering or Misplaced Components Cause-and-Effect Diagram ............................. 56
Figure 27 - 5Why Analysis ............................................................................................................ 58
Figure 28 - Optimal Work Order and Subassembly Process Flow ................................................ 60
Figure 29 - Software Architecture Layers (Richards, 2015) .......................................................... 62
Figure 30 - Work Order Barcode Scanning Software Architecture Diagram ................................ 64
Figure 31 - SPM Location Code Example #1 ................................................................................ 65
Figure 32 - SPM Location Code Example #2 ................................................................................ 66
Figure 33 - Stock Check Process Software Architecture Diagram ................................................ 67
Figure 34 - Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking ........................................ 68
Figure 35- Work Centers ............................................................................................................... 70
Figure 36- Overall Developed Software System ........................................................................... 71
Figure 37 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #1 ......................................................................... 72
Figure 38 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #2 ......................................................................... 73
Figure 39 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #3 ......................................................................... 73
Figure 40 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Status Summary Example ............................................ 74

Figure 41 - Stock Check Procedure Step #1 .................................................................................. 75
Figure 42 - Stock Check Procedure Step #2 .................................................................................. 75
Figure 43 - Stock Check Procedure Step #3 .................................................................................. 76
Figure 44 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #1 ....................................... 77
Figure 45 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #2 ....................................... 78
Figure 46 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #3 ....................................... 79
Figure 47 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #4 ....................................... 80
Figure 48- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 ........................................ 81
Figure 49- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Scroll Bar ....................... 82
Figure 50- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Headings (First Half) ..... 82
Figure 51- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Headings (Second Half) 83
Figure 52- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1 .................................................. 84
Figure 53 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1 Headings ................................. 84
Figure 54 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1 WO 42233 .............................. 85
Figure 55 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #2 WO 42233 .............................. 86
Figure 56 - WO 42181 Tracking Progress ..................................................................................... 89
Figure 57- WO 42181 Bin Build Status First Half ........................................................................ 90
Figure 58 - WO 42181 Bin Build Status Second Half ................................................................... 90
Figure 59 - WO 42233 Tracking Progress ..................................................................................... 91
Figure 60- WO 42233 Bin Build Status First Half ........................................................................ 91
Figure 61 - WO 42233 Bin Build Status Second Half ................................................................... 91
Figure 62 - WO 42220 Tracking Progress ..................................................................................... 92
Figure 63- WO 42220 Bin Build Status First Half ........................................................................ 93
Figure 64 - WO 42220 Bin Build Status ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 65 - WO 42197 Tracking Progress ..................................................................................... 94
Figure 66- WO 42197 Bin Build Status First Half ........................................................................ 94
Figure 67 - WO 42197 Bin Build Status ........................................................................................ 95
Figure 68 - WO 42248 Tracking Progress ..................................................................................... 96
Figure 69- WO 42248 Bin Build Status First Half ........................................................................ 96
Figure 70 - WO 42248 Bin Build Status ........................................................................................ 97
Figure 71 - KPI Percentage Decrease (%) ..................................................................................... 99

Table 1- Research Gaps and Future Research ............................................................................... 27
Table 2- IPC-1782 Standard (Ford, 2016) ..................................................................................... 28
Table 3- SWOT Analysis, adapted from (Shewan, 2021) ............................................................. 30
Table 4- Machine and Subassembly Legend ................................................................................. 48
Table 5- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #1 ............................................................................. 49
Table 6- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #2 ............................................................................. 50
Table 7- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #3 ............................................................................. 51
Table 8- Subassembly Families ..................................................................................................... 52
Table 9- Test Results: KPI Comparison between Jobs 50277 and 50853 ..................................... 98
Table 10- Cost Structure Model ................................................................................................... 101


5-1 .................................................................................................................................................. 99


1.1 SPM Automation (Canada) Inc.

SPM Automation (Canada) Inc. (SPM) is a Tier 1 equipment supplier that manufactures
automation equipment for plastics joining, finishing and assembly applications. Their work
is tailored towards the automotive industry. Their customers vary from companies like
Flex-N-Gate, YAPP USA Automotive, and Magna International.
1.2 Subassembly Definitions and Importance
(Shi et al., 2020) states that the “assembly [process] is the most important and time-
consuming step in the whole product life cycle.” This is because it plays a crucial role in
the build of the final product. That being said, it accounts for approximately “50% of
manufacturing hours and [at least] 20% of total costs” (Shi et al., 2020). To properly build
and manage assemblies, subassemblies are created prior and combined with other
subassemblies, according to a specific project timeline that must be achieved.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a subassembly as “an assembled unit designed to be

incorporated with other units in a finished product” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, n.d.).

Universal Logistics Holdings Inc. also defines a subassembly as “the process that combines
or builds components into component assemblies for inclusion in larger end items. It is the
combining of components to create a new parent that requires assembly. This is a
manufacturing process in and of itself” (Universal Logistics Holdings Inc, 2016).

It is proven that subassembly identification reduces the time for overall assembly (Venkata
Rao, 2017). It is also proven that separating an assembly into subassemblies aids in the
design, manufacturing, and assembly of the final product (Mathew et al., 2013). Moreover,
tracing subassemblies throughout the entire manufacturing process ensures detailed
documentation and flow of its history (Keating, 2011).

1.3 Research Problem Statement
SPM Machines are broken down into assemblies and subassemblies. All items needed for
the build of a machine at SPM are categorized with their respective subassemblies. These
subassemblies are placed into bins and labelled with their respective work order number
for easier access for the assemblers. There is no tracking of the work orders within the
facility. Once the bin is complete, meaning all items on the work order are in the bin, the
assembler grabs the bin and begins to work on it. This is done manually, and there is no
tracking of where the subassembly bin is once it is taken out of the Crib, who has it, and
how long they have had it. This leads to recurring problems like reordering parts that may
have been taken out of a bin, misplaced parts and waiting for subassembly bins. Sometimes,
employees must double-check if items have been ordered or arrived and where they are
within the facility.

One of the main goals of any company or facility is to minimize wastes. Waste, also known
as Muda, is anything that does not add value to a product or service. Typical examples of
Mudas within a manufacturing facility would be rework and a surplus of inventory (Khan,

Bernie Roseke, P.Eng, PMP, wrote an article that lists and explains the seven recognized
types of Muda within the manufacturing world. They are (1) overproduction, (2) waiting,
(3) transportation, (4) over processing, (5) movement, (6) inventory, and (7) making
defective parts (Roseke, 2019). Recall the information presented above; it is evident that
these wastes are affecting the facility’s performance. Figure 1 below illustrates the wastes
related to recurring work order and subassembly tracking problems.

Figure 1- Wastes (Mudas) Related to Recurring Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Problems

1.4 Research Motivation

The motivation of this research stems from the significant losses the facility is enduring.
Time and money are being unnecessarily spent, resulting in excess expenses. Moreover,
because of SPM’s unique environment, it is challenging to find and purchase a software
system that can be used for their specific needs. The Crib has an entirely different purpose
and process compared to other facility environments. Also, looking at the research gap
discussion in Chapter 2, one can see the research gap presented regarding the development
of a work order and subassembly identification and tracking software system.

1.5 Objectives
The objective of this research encompasses the identification and tracking of work orders
and subassemblies for more efficient retrieval, tracing, and handling. This will include the
development of an in-house work order and subassembly identification and tracking
software system.

1.5.1 Hypothesis
If work orders and subassemblies are identified and tracked within a software tracking
system, then recurring problems, such as:

• Excess inventory
• Late ordering,
• Reordering,
• Misplaced components, and
• Changes to project timeline

will be minimized or eliminated.

1.6 Stakeholders
The stakeholders of this research are the employers, employees, customers, and suppliers
of SPM and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Windsor.

1.7 Resources Required

The primary resource required to complete this research is access to relevant data from the
Crib at SPM, along with the shop floor and any other departments involved. Other
resources include computers, barcode scanner, SPM Connect software, and the Mechanical
Designer / Software Developer used for the coding, programming, and testing of the
developed software.

1.8 Thesis Outline

The following chapters dive into the conducted research, data gathering, analysis, and
conclusions of this thesis. Chapter 2 presents the literature review on a variety of topics
covered within academia and industry. Chapter 3 discusses the initial work order and
subassembly process, optimal work order and subassembly process, software architecture
diagrams, and other tools and concepts (i.e., IDEF0, Pahl and Beitz, Zachman Framework,
etc.). Chapter 4 is the testing of the data presented in Chapter 3 (case study example).
Chapter 5 goes over the results and discussion of the case study example. The last chapter,
Chapter 6, includes the research contribution, significance and conclusions, and areas for
future research.


2.1 Overview
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has been around for almost a decade and has drastically improved
society’s functionality regarding to accessibility, productivity, and efficiency. It has
introduced various technologies that are constantly used by thousands of companies
worldwide. Figure 2 below illustrates the technologies that I4.0 has introduced over the
years, adapted from (Saturno et al., 2017). One can see how many of these pillars can be
applied to this thesis—the first being cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity aims to protect online private information and data from external attacks and
access (Groot, 2020). This can be applied because SPM is already centred around
cybersecurity and uses it every day to ensure external attacks do not happen. This thesis
will have cybersecurity incorporated in it, as the SPM Connect software utilizes the tool.
This follows into the second pillar, which is RFID technologies. RFID stands for radio-
frequency identifier and is defined by AB&R as “a technology whereby digital data
encoded in RFID tags or smart labels are captured by a reader via radio waves” (AB&R,
2020). RFID technologies are used within inventory management systems and would be a
potential pillar used in this thesis. These are just some of the pillars that can be integrated
into this thesis. Others include the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, mobile APS,
and cloud computing. One can see that inventory management systems have a broad range
of I4.0 pillars that can be utilized to aid in security, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Figure 2- Industry 4.0 Technological Pillars, adapted from (Saturno et al., 2017)

Below is the literature review that was conducted for this thesis. It is separated by each
respective topic and includes research catered to both academia and industry.

2.1.1 Product/Part Traceability

(Hu, Zhu, & Zhou, 2018) proposed using a document type, NoSQL, to solve three main
recurring problems when dealing with complex data for product traceability systems. The
system is composed of an entity-relationship model and a relational database. When there
is a large amount of data that the system cannot handle, specific problems occur. These are
entity/table explosion, query disaster, and sorting. Entity/table explosion occurs when the
system cannot track all the data and ends up “exploding.” Query disaster is a result of

entity/table explosion. This is due to too much detailed data inputted into the system.
Sorting problems happen when there are multiple streams the data can flow to. This
problem was addressed by using NoSQL. NoSQL, as defined by the authors, is a “database
[that] provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modelled in means
other than the tabular relations used in relational database.” Since NoSQL is non-relational,
it can store multiple data structures linked to a product under one “table.” This
characteristic can solve entity/table explosion, and therefore, solve query disaster. This was
implemented in a case study for pleurotus eryngii, a type of mushroom agriculture. It was
concluded that using NoSQL can eliminate the three problems stated. It can also be applied
to products with higher complexity.

(Lu & Xu, 2017) proposed a method to trace products using a blockchain system. This
system, OriginChain, replaces a company’s current central database with a blockchain. As
defined by the authors, a blockchain is “an ordered list of blocks that contain transactions
such as monetary transfers and smart-contract creation and invocation.” The problem was
addressed by altering a company’s service provider traceability and replacing it with
OriginChain. This resulted in improvements to traceability and clarity through all the
processes involved. Because of OriginChain’s lack of data privacy, it poses a security risk.
The authors concluded adopting this method would cost a lot of money. There will also be
a big learning curve, as it is a new system that all users must learn how to use correctly.
Lastly, it is not a secure system, making it an option many companies would avoid.

(Savino, Xiang, & Menanno, 2017) proposed creating a software system that traces items
throughout a production process. The motivation behind this idea links to the standards of
ISO 9001:2015. It is required by employers to have some sort of traceability system to be
ISO certified. This was addressed by developing a traceability software using Unified
Modeling Language (UML) and a traceability software tool. The authors define UML as
“a formal graphic tool that can be used to describe structure and behaviour of a software
system.” The traceability software tool used was Traceability Link System Software
(TLSS). This system consists of four phases. They are as follows: software requirements,
product identification, data linking, and database core design. The prototype was tested at
a juice production facility. It was concluded that the software improved product quality

and traceability. However, it does not focus on specific processes within the overall
production process. This means data extracted from this study was based on the bigger

(Sánchez et al., 2015) proposed a new computerized framework based on cyber-physical

systems (CPS) for developing traceability systems in small manufacturing companies. The
framework (TF4SM) allows real-time traceability and process monitoring through a
flexible, open architecture capable of adapting to all types of manufacturing companies.
This was done by taking the reference CPS architecture regarding RFID-based traceability
systems and altering it to meet the requirements needed for small manufacturing
companies. Once the TF4SM architecture was created, the system was tested using RFID
tags to scan to track their progress. This was done to keep track of the number of items in
the warehouse and what the employee was working on. It was concluded TF4SM decreased
inefficiencies compared to traditional traceability systems. Although the system reduces
inefficiencies, it does not eliminate them. Moreover, it is not catered for dynamic

(Nelson, 2003) proposed a traceability system that aids with and prevents product
defects/recalls. A process implementation breakdown is provided to improve the delivery
and recalls of products. The two goals of this system are to decrease the number of
recalls/defects and prevent them or catch them prior to being shipped to the customer. In
order to achieve these goals, a series of processes must be implemented and created. Firstly,
process planning and manufacturing execution systems (MES) must be present. These are
critical factors in the development of a traceability system. Linking these two together will
result in product and component traceability. Moreover, the steps needed in a traceability
system are as follows: identification, tracking and process management, and verification.
The system must also track all information related to the product’s process. This means
who worked on the product, the machines utilized, the location it was assembled, etc.
Lastly, a step-by-step verification management system must be integrated to prevent
unnecessary tasks and errors. This is similar to an online checklist, where an operator is
walked through the entire process and has a list of things they should have completed
before sending the product to the next station. The system was developed and tested using

data collected. It was concluded that a decrease in defects/recalls was present. If used
properly, it is predicted that this system can eliminate recalls and improve the overall
process of any facility.

(Jansen-Vullers, Van Dorp, & Beulens, 2003) proposed a method for designing traceability
information systems. This was done using the concept of gozinto graphs. A gozinto graph
is defined as an overall collection of all the raw materials, parts, intermediates, and
subassemblies. Their primary purpose is to illustrate the process flow from the beginning
(raw materials) to the end (final product), along with the operations performed. This
method takes the gozinto graph and applies the concepts of traceability. A reference data
model was established to test the proposed method. It was concluded that future work could
involve the ability to conduct multiple inputs and output processes. There is also room for
improvement of the system with regards to product quality and recalls.

(TruTrace Technologies, 2019) Deloitte and TruTrace Technologies Inc. have partnered
up and proposed a product traceability solution targeted towards the cannabis industry.
This is implemented using blockchain databases. Aside from tracking products, the
database keeps information secured for Intellectual Property (IP) protection and strain
validation. This means that all products must complement their credibility source. This also
plays into the safety and quality of the products and process, making it more reliable and
transparent. This solution increases customer trust, loyalty, and satisfaction. It also
provides accurate information and shipment dates and ensures credible and verified

(Ford, 2016) Michael Ford from Mentor Graphics, an industry corporation, developed a
standard for tracing parts. This standard, IPC-1782, is flexible in terms of its adaptability
within any industry setting. The goals of the standard are to increase efficiency,
productivity, quality, and reliability. It is comprised of four (4) levels.

Level 1 “Basic”:

• Manual data entry (potential mix with a computerized system)

• Assemblies grouped and identified using work orders
• Materials and parts not identified

Level 2 “Standard”:

• Fully computerized system

• Materials and assemblies identified

Level 3 “Advanced”:

• More specific processes and materials

• Faster
• “Smarter” (automation and data)

Level 4 “Comprehensive”:

• Highest level
• Material and traceability data collected
• Extreme detail to processes and data

2.1.2 Inventory Management Systems

(Silver, 2008) discussed the concept of inventory management, along with various practical
applications within Canadian companies and organizations. Some examples include the
Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Mint, IBM, and Bell Canada. The paper also identifies
the gaps between theory-based inventory management methods and practical
implementation of the concept. Although researchers have come a long way in
understanding and developing the concept, there is still research to be done to merge both
aspects further together. Several potential research topics are introduced for the
contribution of minimizing the gaps.

(Atieh et al., 2016) proposed two main concepts in their investigation of a warehouse for a
telecommunications service provider in Jordan. The first concept was to study the supply
chain processes in the warehouse and customize a software that will increase efficiency
and reliability. The software was tailored to this specific warehouse and its environment.
The warehouse management system consists of three phases of the product life cycle. They
are receiving, processing, and distribution. These phases were discussed in detail. This
solution proposed their second concept of adding a production station that will include
three stages – bundling, labelling, and repackaging. The primary outcome of this study is

the breakdown of the similarities and differences of software and traditional management
systems and how they can be utilized for increasing productivity. It was concluded a
software management system outweighs a manual management system in many positive
aspects. One main aspect is the controlling and monitoring of product handling. The overall
warehouse process has increased in efficiency, reliability, and productivity.

(Kara & Dogan, 2018) investigated the inventory management system of perishable goods
to determine which type of ordering policy would be best suited to ensure products are
being tracked by age information. Two different policies were proposed that can aid in this
problem. The first policy, stock-based policy, involves the replenishment of stock based
on their quantities. The second policy, age-based policy, involves the replenishment of
stock based on the level of inventory and age of products. These policies were tested using
a model software called Reinforcement Learning (RL) and algorithms called Q-learning
and Sarsa. A cost analysis was created for both policies to compare policies with regards
to long-term financial benefits. It was concluded that the age-based policy provided overall
better results. Moreover, the Sarsa algorithm presented better results concerning cost
performance. This solution can aid in the management of perishable inventory systems and
minimize total retail costs.

(Duong, Wood, & Wang 2015) proposed a simulation model with specifically tailored
metrics to investigate an inventory management system catered towards perishable and
substitutable products. This model is intended to be easily understandable and integrable
for professionals. It manages realistic situations by including various inventory methods
that coincide with cross-functional continuous improvements. Moreover, an analysis of
inventory theory was conducted to examine products that have multi-period lifetimes, lead
times, and customer service levels. It was concluded that the model presented can analyze
various input factors. These include product lifetime, lead time, and substitution ratio.
These factors provide a foundation and understanding of how perishable and substitutable
products can be managed, and performance metrics can be improved.

(Alyahya, Wang, & Bennette, 2016) proposed an algorithm that manipulates RFID-tacked
items to determine where their final location should be and send them there. It also
eliminates long wait times by prioritizing items with longer travel times. This is done by

assigning each item a priority using pre-defined metrics. This was implemented by
conducting a pilot test to determine if the application is feasible in an RFID-based
management system. Theoretically, this system can be used and adapted to fit into any
RFID-based system by adjusting the pre-defined metrics. However, due to the pilot test
being based on a small number of items, an accurate representation is not given.
Warehouses contain large amounts of items, so this process may bring up issues and
concerns. It was concluded that further analysis and studies are needed. Future work
tailored towards different computerized simulation softwares would be the next step in
improving RFID-based warehouse systems.

(Almaktoom, 2017) proposed a method of measuring the reliability of inventory

management systems. The method introduced the idea of creating a model that is capable
of assigning and scheduling time while considering uncertainty factors. This is done by
determining the target time for each step in the process and scheduling accordingly. It also
has the ability to decrease buffers and downtime. The processes investigated using the
model are listed as follows: purchasing, shipping, receiving, tracking, warehousing,
storage, and turnover. The model was implemented at a furniture company in Saudi Arabia
to determine the overall effectiveness. It was concluded that the model created and tested
minimized the uncertainty in the company. This resulted in improved customer satisfaction.

(Deloitte, 2020) proposed a method to optimize inventory by introducing Supplier

Managed Inventory (SMI). This inventory method consists of suppliers managing specific
inventory for a specified period. This was implemented using a case study at a utility
company. It was concluded that 80% of total inventory decreased and 6% of total costs.
Moreover, 1500 transactions that were originally done annually were no longer necessary.
Lastly, the company experienced an increase in revenue due to the availability of the
warehouse since inventory is no longer being stored there.

(Ellingrud, 2020) published an article in Forbes that discusses supply chain resilience. With
the unprecedented year of 2020 and its overall uncertainty, companies are now looking into
new inventory management approaches instead of the traditional Just-In-Time (JIT)
approach, with 93% planning to increase their supply chain's flexibility and transparency.
It is stated that McKinsey Global Institute researched the risk and resilience associated with

23 different value chains. It was concluded that companies could lose a year’s worth of
profit from a significant disturbance in the supply chain. One way to increase the resilience
of supply chains is to develop a database that includes all suppliers and parts. Also, the use
of digitalization plays an essential role in supply chain transparency. Having fully
computerized systems increases efficiency and effectiveness and decreases costs and time.
A case study about a chemical manufacturer is discussed. The company decided to increase
its use of digitalization by 30%. It was concluded that this increase helped the company by
identifying issues and increased its production throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.

(Inbound Logistics, 2020) discusses an industry example of a company that increased its
inventory performance using drone technology. Romark Logistics was having issues with
its inventory management system. The aisles that stored their inventory are too narrow, and
counting the inventory resulted in excess time and labour. Inventory is placed in wooden
pallets with assigned barcodes on the front. The company decided to invest in drone
technologies to increase efficiency and productivity. It was concluded that drone
technologies were the most efficient method of counting the pallets. They are also used to
determine which pallets are empty. The drones can scan and read the barcodes on the
pallets. This solution does not interfere with production and ensures the safety of
employees working on the floor.

(Bustamante et al., 2020) published an article in McKinsey & Company that discusses the
positive impacts of digital twin on warehouse performance. The ability to experiment with
various warehouse metrics digitally saves companies time and money. Two metrics stated
in this article are floor plans and workflows. This method is a part of inventory
management, as it directly affects a company’s tangible assets. Moreover, seeing potential
results prior to physically moving around items in the warehouse is a game-changer for
many companies. A digital twin is also proven to increase overall efficiency by 20-25%.
An example of a North American manufacturer is discussed. The company decided to use
a digital twin to mimic their warehouse. This was used to analyze three main sections:
warehousing, kitting, and value-added operations. It was concluded that the company
decreased its overall costs by over 30%. Another example of another company is discussed.
This company used digital twin technology to experiment with potential operational

improvements within the warehouse. This was done without disturbing the current
production flow. This allowed the company to choose a design that was best for them, all
while ensuring their production is not disturbed. This resulted in an 18% decrease in

(Lyu et al., 2020) introduced a model named Zero-Warehousing Smart Manufacturing

(ZWSM). The purpose of this concept is to minimize and eliminate non-value-added
activities that exist within warehousing environments. To do so, a ZWSM platform was
created. This platform consists of three main levels. They are as follows: smart
infrastructures, Data Source Management Service (DSMS), and Decision Support Service
(DSS). IoT-enabled infrastructures and tools are also used to ensure efficiency and
accuracy. A case study of a construction company in Hong Kong is discussed. It was
concluded that the integration of ZWSM and the ZWSM platform improved the logistics
and overall communication.

2.1.3 Spare Parts Inventory

(Yang & Niu, 2009) proposed a model for spare parts inventory management. They stated
that the management of spare parts inventories consists of a correspondence of inventory
costs and costs and risks of no stock available on hand. Different inventory classification
methodologies were present and explained. These include ABC Classification,
Maintenance Mode Classification, FSN Classification, VED Analysis, and ADI
Classification. It was concluded that spare parts play an active role in industries related to
capital equipment. Various manufacturing and assembly process companies deal with
spare parts in their inventory systems. Depending on the type of inventory environment,
classification methodologies can be implemented to minimize unnecessary inventory costs
and costs and risks associated with no stock available on hand.

(Liu, Liu, & Deng, 2020) proposed two second-order cone constraints and an outer
approximation algorithm that can be integrated into a mixed-integer nonlinear
programming problem. This problem was based on a level of repair analysis and inventory
control problem used in the article. It was concluded that the algorithm improved efficiency
within many spare parts in inventory. It also made the inventory process flow smoother.

(Bousdekis et al., 2017) proposed a decision model for predictive maintenance and
enhancements of spare parts inventory. This model can be integrated into an Event Drive
Architecture (EDA) to improve the overall processing time of the scenario. The model was
tested in a lighting equipment company. It was concluded that inventory and maintenance
costs decreased drastically after implementing the model in the company. This was due to
replacing the traditional time-based strategy with a Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)

(Hasan et al., 2020) proposed a blockchain solution to track spare parts from the first point
of contact, manufacturing facilities, to the last point of contact, customers. This system
tracks storage using Interplanetary File Systems (IPFS) to communicate specific data about
any available spare part in inventory. Testing was conducted to ensure the system flows
smoothly and effectively. A cost analysis was also presented to illustrate the overall
breakdown of the system and how a blockchain solution is more efficient and effective in
the long run. It was concluded that blockchain spare parts tracking has many benefits. It is
cost-efficient, reliable, fast, and secure. Like any new system, integration and
implementation in a new environment will take some time. However, the learning curve is
exponential and therefore, it will be a smooth transition for all parties involved.

(Zhang & Wu, 2017) proposed a spare parts inventory management system that considers
two different types of spare parts classifications. These classifications are consumable and
contingent parts. Consumable parts are for preventive maintenance, while contingent parts
are for repairs and breakdowns. Depending on the type of part, the system tracks them
through a cyber-physical inventory management system, having a system for each part
type. This system collects data on the parts and develops a guideline for each machine to
ensure the correct components and quantities are being utilized and ordered. Two main
concepts needed for this system to function are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data
Analytics. The system was created and tested in a manufacturing company in Singapore. It
was concluded that the system could improve the ordering, tracing, and reliability of spare
parts. It also allows users to have a better understanding of when contingent parts should
be ordered, depending on time and cost constraints.

(Zhu, Jaarsveld, & Dekkerc, 2020) proposed a forecasting solution that consists of a
maintenance plan and dynamic inventory control method to predict spare part demand
distribution. It was concluded that this proposed solution improved overall costs by 23-
51% compared to traditional solutions currently being used in Industry. It is evident that
this method of forecasting demand has outstanding benefits for both short- and long-term

(Wang, 2012) proposed a model that uses enumeration and a stochastic dynamic
programming algorithm to improve the process of ordering spare parts, specifically spare
parts quantities. Preventive maintenance (PM) is also a touchpoint that is investigated and
integrated into the model. It was concluded that the model was successful in generating the
best possible solution. Moreover, it was stated that the testing of the model showed the
commonalities between spare parts and PM and how they should be tracked and monitored
simultaneously for optimal efficiency.

(Molenaers et al., 2012) proposed a classification method that ranks spare part items by
priority. The method ranks each item given the information inputted. The rankings are four
categories: high, medium, low, no. The categories represent the items’ critical, or priority,
level. The method was tested in a petrochemical plant. It was concluded that the
implementation of the method increased the overall efficiency of the spare parts inventory
control process. Moreover, identifying and locating priority spare parts was easier, as they
have been grouped into a classification and can be easily found.

(Sheikh-Zadeh, Farhangi, & Rossetti, 2020) proposed a new method for developing an
optimal inventory grouping system for spare parts. This method is adapted from the multi-
echelon repairable parts stocking model. A heuristic optimization model was also created
to enhance the ability for the integration of both methods. Conditions placed on the model
abide by the constraint that all the parts have similar stocking policies. It was concluded
that grouping parts with similar stocking policies decreased costs and increased efficiency
with regards to inventory management. It also made the ordering and tracking parts easier,
as parts with similar stocking policies have similar characteristics.

(Baldesi, Kervazo, & Lavandier, 2019) published an article in McKinsey & Company that
discusses the financial impacts of spare parts inventory. It is stated that “10-40 percent of

inventory is made up of slow-moving items”. These items are usually kept because of
contract agreements or in case any potential opportunity arises. A case study about an
equipment manufacturer is discussed. The company implemented a plan to identify and
separate parts based on their age (length of time in inventory) and demand. This helped see
which items are actively being used, excess, and obsolete or “slow-moving” items. A
service-level review and cash metrics were also implemented. Sales and operational
planning processes were also revised and improved. It was concluded that after six months
of these improvements, the “slow-moving” inventory decreased by one-third in 3 months,
while spare parts revenue increased by approximately 3%.

2.1.4 Dynamic Environments

(Lim et al., 2015) proposed implementing a planning and scheduling software system to
solve daily production challenges of make-to-order high-mix-low-volume small and
medium scale industries (MTO HMLV SMIs). This was done by addressing factors like
products, processes, and resources using the software created. It was implemented in two
local manufacturing companies over the course of one year. It was concluded that the
system improved the company’s overall production and efficiency of the processes.
Although the system was deemed successful, it did not specifically trace products through
the system, meaning it has no access to product traceability.

(Jain et al., 2020) published an article in McKinsey & Company that discusses dynamic
risk management. Companies need to implement and monitor their approach to dynamic
risk management to ensure a plan is present when unprecedented times occur. The
importance of this is especially seen in 2020’s economy, with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Dynamic risk management consists of three main components. They are as follows:

• Detect risks and control weaknesses

• Delimit risk appetite
• Decide on risk management approach

It is essential for companies to start investing time and resources into building a dynamic
risk management approach. The economy has shifted, and uncertainty is growing faster

than before. It was concluded that companies could take the following five actions for
dynamic risk management:

1. Reset aspiration for risk management,

2. Establish agile risk management practices,
3. Harness power of data and analytics,
4. Develop risk talent for the future, and
5. Fortify risk culture

(Ferrari et al., 2020) proposed a model that can aid in the monitoring of dynamic
manufacturing environments. This model includes the application of Dynamic Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) systems and how they can be used within an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) software. LCA is an important factor companies must consider when
analyzing their environments, as Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is a part of this assessment. It
is also mainly incorporated within Industry 4.0 environments. A case study of a ceramic
tile manufacturer is discussed. An LCA tool was incorporated in their ERP system, with
the help of Business Intelligence (BI) software. The model was tested on a variety of
scenarios, specifically static and dynamic environments. It was concluded that Dynamic
LCA could successfully monitor and analyze the manufacturing environment presented.
This, in turn, can potentially increase a company’s readiness and proactive measures
related to any dynamic changes.

2.1.5 Product Families

(H. ElMaraghy et al., 2017) proposed a method of introducing a new product family within
a dynamic environment. This involved a variety of steps to ensure smooth transition and
effectiveness. The steps consist of four enablers. They are listed as followed: mobility,
modularity, scalability, and convertibility. The method was tested on a new product family
of belt tensions in the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Center (IMSC). It was concluded
that the steps presented in this paper were successful in implementing and integrating the
new product family into the existing one.

(Takai, 2018) proposed a framework that encompasses commonality, product family

design, and inventory decisions. The main purpose of this framework is to be able to
optimize the three factors stated. This was done by introducing a profit formula that

specifically included costs pertaining to inventory. They are as follows: holding cost,
ordering cost, tracking cost, and understock cost. An example of beverage containers was
discussed. It was concluded that considering inventory costs greatly impacts the
commonality and product family design of the containers.

(Kim & Moon, 2017) proposed a methodology for the identification of sustainable
platforms for product families. The platform consists of three elements. They are as
follows: high sustainability, low risk to product design, and high commonality. Bayesian
network and fizzy interference system are some of the tools used to create and implement
the platform. The methodology and platform were tested on a group of coffee makers. It
was concluded that the platform improved the visualization of the degree of sustainability
for the coffee makers. It also made it easier to forecast potential designs with minimal costs.

(Yao, Moon, & Bi, 2016) proposed a methodology for product families applied within
additive manufacturing platforms. This methodology is geared towards costs, as it
primarily focuses on the estimation of production costs. A variety of tools and applications
are used for the implementation of the platform. These include a fuzzy time-driven activity-
based costing (FTDABC) approach, adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system (ANFIS),
and Mamdani-type expert system. A case study discusses the methodology’s application
on the design of a race car family. It was concluded that the platform increased performance
while ensuring the minimization of production costs compared to other traditional

(Galizia et al., 2020) proposed a decision support system (DSS) that is used for product
platform design. This system focuses on the selection of platforms in high-variety
manufacturing environments. Median-joining phylogenetic networks (MJPN) are used for
the design of the platform, while phylogenetic tree decomposition is used for the selection.
The DSS was tested on a family of plastic valves. It was concluded that platform variety
decreased by 60% and customization tasks by 20%. These reductions proved the system
increased overall efficiency and decreased costs and time.

2.1.6 Product Structure / BOMs
(Jiao et al., 2000) proposed a data structure to integrate and analyze various business
elements. These elements include customer ordering, product engineering, and operations
planning. The data structure, Bill-of-Materials-and-Operations (BOMO), functions by
combining both the bill of materials (BOM) and data transfer. The BOMO also monitors
other internal business factors like order processing, engineering change control,
production job planning, cost accounting, and capacity planning. A case study of a clock
manufacturer is discussed. It was concluded that the production operations increased
efficiency. Moreover, the overall management of production and internal factors stated

(Kashkoush & ElMaraghy, 2013) proposed a new method of matching pairs of BOM trees
within manufacturing environments. The purpose of matching pairs is to analyze and select
the design with the greatest similarities. The significance of this method is that it uses linear
time algorithms, whereas other traditional methods use state-of-the-art algorithms. A case
study of centrifugal pumps is discussed. It was concluded that the implementation of BOM
tree matching increased productivity and efficiency and decreased the time taken to retrieve
information pertaining to designs and other processes.

(Kashkoush & ElMaraghy, Product Design Retrieval by Matching Bills of Materials, 2014)
proposed a method to automatically recognize legacy designs that have the greatest
similarities with one another. It is done by comparing legacy designs and then grouping
them based on similar product BOM. This concept was adapted from the matching of
phylogenetic trees within the stream of biological sciences. A case study of centrifugal
pumps is discussed. It was concluded that using the method resulted in cost savings. An
increase in productivity was also observed. This, in turn, increased overall efficiency. The
increase was noticed within the following areas: process plans, fixtures, tools, programs,
and relaying information.

(Kashkoush & ElMaraghy, Product family formation by matching Bill-of-Materials trees,

2016) proposed an integer programming model tailored towards BOM tree matching. This
model focuses on the commonality and assembly structure of components. It is
implemented by grouping product families by BOM tree matching and ranking them by

hierarchical assembly structure. A case study of centrifugal pumps is discussed. It was
concluded that the overall application of assembly increased. Moreover, the model has the
ability to compute significant problems, making it more efficient and reliable.

2.1.7 Subassembly Identification and Tracking

(El Saadany & Jaber, 2011) developed a mathematical model for managing subassembly
inventories. This was targeted towards returns’ subassemblies. Returns’ subassemblies are
subassemblies that make use of used components. It was concluded that disassembled parts
and components should be considered, as not doing so can lead to unfitting inventory

(Wang & Liu, 2013) discuss various subassembly identification methods to increase the
simplicity of assembly sequence planning for intricate products. The main goal is to break
down subassemblies within an assembly for efficient identification and handling. In order
to identify these subassemblies, assembly constraints must be acknowledged. They are as
follows: topical, geometrical, and process constraints. These constraints are used in the
assembly models to identify the subassemblies involved. It was concluded that there are
three main steps to identify subassemblies. They involve a variety of tools like algorithms,
programs, reasoning strategies, and virtual reality technologies.

(Shi et al., 2020) proposed a subassembly identification framework that is used within
modelling programs that illustrate and design assemblies and products. It was concluded
that this framework could help with the complexity of current subassembly identification

2.1.8 Work Order Identification and Tracking

(Pendegraft, Kees, & Lawson, 1994) developed an in-house work order tracking system to
eliminate the manual labour associated with work order tracking. This was done by creating
a software system, which consisted of several databases, where all data would be stored,
retrieved, and handled. The overall system cost the facility approximately $18,000. This
amount did not account for the time associated with team meetings and research that was
conducted. However, the amount was still cheaper than other alternatives. Moreover,
implementing the system eliminated over time, and maintaining the software is done in-
house, meaning there are no additional system fees. It was concluded that the

implementation of the work order tracking system increased accuracy, efficiency, and

2.2 Literature Review Analysis

2.2.1 Subassembly Types
Analyzing the literature review presented, it was found that there are different types of
subassemblies that are researched and discussed. The three main types are tangible and
conventional, intangible and conventional, and tangible and returns.

Tangible – physical subassemblies that can be touched. These subassemblies are usually
created by either personnel or machines.

Intangible – subassemblies that cannot be physically touched. Examples include

subassemblies within design programs (i.e., AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Siemens NX, etc.).
other examples are subassemblies within simulations or software programs.

Conventional – standard subassemblies. This is a term used to define a typical


Returns – subassemblies that make use of used components (El Saadany & Jaber, 2011).

It is evident that there is research pertaining to intangible and conventional subassemblies

(Wang & Liu, 2013), (Shi et al., 2020) and tangible and returns’ subassemblies (El Saadany
& Jaber, 2011). However, there is no research regarding tangible and conventional
subassemblies tracking. These subassembly types are further analyzed in the Research
Gaps in section 2.3 below.

2.2.2 Bibliometric Analyses

Bibliometric analyses for subassembly identification and work order tracking were created
using the VOSviewer software and illustrated in Figures 3-6 below. The search engine used
to determine the key words and form the bibliometric analyses was Scopus. Subassembly Identification Bibliometric Analysis

The key words used in creating the figures below are Subassembly Identification,
Subassembly, Manufacture, Planning, Assembly Planning, Assembly Sequence Planning,

Assembly Sequence Generation, Assembly Sequence, Assembly Variations, Identification
(control systems), Mechanical Assembly, Process Monitoring, Assembling Method,
Assembly Analysis, Codes (symbols), Computer Implementations, Industrial
Manufacturing, Database Systems, Parts Assembly, and Production Engineering.

A total of 23 documents, 14 articles and nine conference papers, were discovered between
the years 1990-2021.

Figure 3 is the overall subassembly identification bibliometric analysis and Figure 4 is a

zoomed in section targeting the key word Database Systems.

Looking at Figure 4, it is evident there is research opportunity regarding subassembly

identification using database systems. It also shows the relationship between subassembly
identification, control systems, database systems, planning, and assembly.

Figure 3- Subassembly Identification Bibliometric Analysis

Figure 4- Database Systems Section Work Order Tracking Bibliometric Analysis

The key words used in creating the figures below are Work Order Tracking, Work Order
Tracking System, Work Order Identification, Computer Software, Database Systems,
Systems Engineering, Bar Codes, Bills of Materials, Business Improvements, Business
Process Improvements, Cost Control, Cost Effectiveness, Spare Parts Inventory Control,
Information Management, and Production Planning. A total of nine documents, five
articles and four conference papers, were discovered between the years 1984-2020.

Figure 5 is the overall work order tracking bibliometric analysis and Figure 6 is a zoomed
in section targeting the key word Work Order Tracking System.

Looking at Figure 6, it is evident there is research opportunity regarding work order

identification and tracking system. It also shows the relationship between work order
identification, work order tracking system, bar codes, database systems, and computer

Figure 5- Work Order Tracking Bibliometric Analysis

Figure 6- Work Order Tracking Section

2.3 Research Gaps
Table 1 below illustrates the research gaps presented in this research. The first publication
by (El Saadany & Jaber, 2011) encompasses using a mathematical model for returns’
subassemblies. Returns’ subassemblies are subassemblies that make use of used
components (El Saadany & Jaber, 2011). Although this method is done using tangible
subassemblies, they are not conventional.

The second publication by (Wang & Liu, 2013) discusses subassembly identification
methods for assembly sequence planning. The methods mentioned are pertaining to
intangible subassemblies. The third publication by (Shi et al., 2020) is similar to the second,
as it also focuses on intangible subassembly identification.

The fourth publication by (Ford, 2016) is the IPC-1782 Part Traceability Standard. This
standard consists of four levels that traceability can fall under. This standard is being used
as a reference and further proving why the need for a Subassembly Traceability Standard
is critical. The work encompassed in this thesis does not fall into a specific level of the
standard, rather a novel mix of three levels. Table 2 below shows the four levels of the
standard, along with red boxes surrounding the “novel level” resulted from this research.

The fifth publication by (Savino, Xiang, & Menanno, 2017) consists of a software system
for product traceability. The last publication by (Pendegraft, Kees, & Lawson, 1994)
consists of a work order identification and tracking software system.

One can see the literature gap for developing a software system that encompasses the
identification and tracking of both work orders and tangible and conventional
subassemblies. Moreover, there is a literature gap for developing of a Subassembly
Traceability Standard and tracking of tangible and returns’ subassemblies.

This research will cover the development of a software system to identify and track both
work orders and tangible and conventional subassemblies, a topic that bridges the gap
between many of the publications mentioned in Table 1. This topic is crucial to have, as it
can minimize or eliminate recurring problems such as late ordering, reordering, misplaced
components, and changes to project timelines. It also increases efficiency by incorporating
two variables within the same software (work orders and tangible and conventional

subassemblies). These problems are prevalent within manufacturing facilities and are
problems that facilities actively look to minimize or eliminate.

The other research gaps mentioned (Subassembly Traceability Standard and tracking of
tangible and returns’ subassemblies) are shown in colours green and blue in Table 1. They
are also discussed in the Future Research section in Chapter 6.

Table 1- Research Gaps and Future Research

Table 2- IPC-1782 Standard (Ford, 2016)

2.4 Summary
The technological pillars of I4.0 play a critical role in today’s advancement in society and
technology. Based on the conducted literature review for both academia and industry, it is
evident that there are many case studies pertaining to product identification and
traceability. However, subassembly identification and tracking is a research area with an
opportunity for investigation. The research related to this area consists of tangible and
returns and intangible and conventional subassembly identification. These topics include
mathematical models, methods, or tools to develop a solution to the respective research
area. It is evident that there is a research gap for the identification and tracking of tangible
and conventional subassemblies using software systems. Moreover, there is no literature
pertaining to a software system that incorporates both work order and tangible and
conventional subassembly identification and tracking. Therefore, this thesis will focus on
the development of a software system that identifies and tracks both work orders and
tangible, conventional subassemblies in an inventory environment.


3.1 SWOT Analysis

The table below, adapted from (Shewan, 2021), illustrates the SWOT analysis for the
development of the optimal process and software system. The strengths of the developed
solution are:

• The ability to identify and track work orders and subassemblies within the facility,
• The potential to minimize or eliminate late ordering, reordering, misplaced
components, and changes to project timelines,
• A software system that is built in-house, resulting in easier employee training and
functionality, and
• Time and cost sensitive solution

The weaknesses of the software system are the research time frame and budget limitations.
Since this research was completed within a certain time frame, it restricts the potential for
additional functions and commands that could be integrated into the system. Moreover, the
budget of this research was minimal, with the SPM Connect software being the sole
resource provided.

One opportunity of the software system includes further work that could be completed and
integrated into the software for more efficient and effective use. Potential SPM Connect
additions are discussed in the Future Research section in Chapter 6. Another opportunity
is the competitive advantage SPM has over other competitors of owning a work order and
subassembly identification and tracking software system.

Threats include the possibility of the SPM Connect software malfunctioning, resulting in
downtime of the software and time and money wasted and cyber threats or data breaches.

Table 3- SWOT Analysis, adapted from (Shewan, 2021)

3.2 IDEF0 Design Process

The figures below illustrate the inputs, mechanisms, controls, and outputs necessary to
solve the problem presented.

Figure 7 - IDEF Diagram A0 No.1

Figure 8 - IDEF Diagram A0 No.2

Figure 9 - IDEF Diagram A1

Figure 10 - IDEF Diagram A2

Figure 11 - IDEF Diagram A3

Figure 12 - IDEF Diagram A4

3.3 Systematic Design Process (Pahl & Beitz)
Figure 13 illustrates Pahl & Beitz, a systematic design methodology, adapted from (Wright,
2005). The sections used within this research are task clarification, conceptual design,
embodiment design, and detail design. The breakdown of each section is explained below.

Figure 13 - Pahl & Beitz, adapted from (Wright, 2005)

3.3.1 Task Clarification
The task clarification outlines the problem statements and overall objectives of the problem
that is being investigated. They are as follows:

• Excess inventory resulting in storage issues and unnecessary costs

• No tracking and process flow for work orders and subassemblies

• Identification and tracking of work orders and tangible and conventional

subassemblies for efficient retrieval, tracing, and handling

• Develop software architecture to implement via software to minimize costs and

time while increasing efficiency

3.3.2. Conceptual Design

The conceptual design consists of an overview of the potential solution and how it will be
implemented. It is the blueprint of the entire problem. This includes brainstorming and
methodologies like Zachman Framework, Rank Order Clustering, Process Mapping and
Group Technology of SPM Machines. It also consists of creating the software architecture
diagrams for the optimal work order and subassembly process that will be integrated into
the software system. This will form the basis of how the process will function and track
work orders and subassemblies throughout their entire cycle, from beginning to end.

3.3.3 Embodiment Design

The embodiment design is the beginning of the actual design process that will incorporate
the conceptual design. This section includes the coding and programming of the SPM
Connect software. The software architecture diagrams depict the flow within the software,
meaning the coding and programming are heavily dependant on them. The software must
be easy to use and understand, as employees will be accessing it to retrieve specific
information about subassemblies.

3.3.4 Detail Design

The detail design is the final part of the design process. This includes the actual testing of
the conceptual and embodiment designs. The software architecture diagrams are
implemented within the software and tested to ensure it is easily accessible,

understandable, and efficient for all users at the facility. Once testing was complete, the
data was analyzed to construct a detailed discussion on the findings. The testing is
explained in Chapter 4, and the results and discussion are presented in Chapter 5.

3.4 Zachman Framework

Figure 14 below is the Zachman Framework model, which outlines the overall concept of
this research. The three main models consist of conceptual, logical, and physical.

Figure 14 - Zachman Framework

3.5 Group Technology of SPM Machines: Subassembly Commonalities
Group Technology (GT) is a method that identifies commonalities between parts,
subassemblies, assemblies, or processes. It has a wide range of applications and can be
used within various industries. Examples of Industries that can apply GT are automotive,
agriculture, healthcare, retail, construction, etc. Some benefits of GT include an increase
in productivity and quality and a decrease in design variety (Engineering Notes, n.d.).

SPM creates various machines, and within each machine are many subassemblies.
Currently, there are two main types of SPM machines: Gen Machines and Ultrasonic
Machines. Gen Machines consists of the Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 machine. Ultrasonic
Machines consist of the DT Wheel Flare (Front and Rear) Welders, P42J Winglet Welder,
P558 Front Flair Welder, and T1 IP Cluster Hoods (MTC, SOFT, HUD). The Bills of
Manufacturing from SPM Connect for each machine and the common subassemblies are
shown in Figures 15-20 below.

Figure 15 - Gen 1 Machines

Figure 16 - Gen 2 Machine

Figure 17 - Gen 3 Machines

Figure 18 - DT Wheel Flare Machines

Figure 19 - Ultrasonic Welder Machines

Figure 20 - Cluster Hood Machines

Figures 21 and 22 below illustrate the information into tree graphs for further analysis.

Figure 21 - Subassembly Commonalities: Gen Machines

Figure 22 - Subassembly Commonalities: Ultrasonic Machines

It is evident there are many common subassemblies between machine types, and
identifying these commonalities improves productivity. The machines and subassemblies
above were inputted into a matrix to apply the Rank Order Clustering Methodology. This
method determines the part families associated with machines and parts. However, for this
research, the method will be used with machines and subassemblies. Tables 4-8 below give
the legend of the machine and subassembly numbers, as well as the matrices and
subassembly families.

Table 4- Machine and Subassembly Legend

Table 5- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #1

Table 6- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #2

Table 7- Rank Order Clustering Screenshot #3

Table 8- Subassembly Families

3.6 Initial Work Order and Subassembly Process

The initial work order and subassembly process is illustrated using the Process Mapping
Methodology in the figure below. It all starts in the Engineering Department. The
Mechanical Designer creates a subassembly on SolidWorks, and once the Engineering
Manager approves it, it is released through Genius, the Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system at the facility. A copy of the subassembly package, which includes the work
order, is sent down to the Production Manager. The Production Manager manually
conducts a stock check on all the items on the work order. This is done in the Crib – they
physically look for items that are already in stock. They also mark which components need
to be made in-house or outsourced. This is dependent on capacity, complexity, quantity,
etc. The in-house/outsource operations consist of lathe, milling, boring, and CNC (3-axis
and 5-axis).

Once the stock check is complete, the Production Manager gives the work order to the
Purchasing Manager. The Purchasing Manager begins to order the components needed.
Once the components are ordered, the Purchasing Manager gives the work order back to
the Production Manager. The Production Manager creates a bin label containing the work
order number and gives the work order and bin label to the Crib Attendant. The Crib
Attendant then places the bin label onto the bin and the work order into the bin. They
manually track the bin completion status, as they are responsible for ensuring the bin is
filled with the correct items and quantities on the work order.

Once the bin is complete, the Crib Attendant gives the bin to the assembler to begin
building the subassembly. If the subassembly is not entirely built by the end of the

assembler’s shift, it is sent back to the Crib and taken out of the Crib the following shift.
This bin build process will repeat until the subassembly is entirely built.

Figure 23 - Initial Work Order and Subassembly Process Flow

Figure 24–26 below illustrates the Cause-and-Effect Diagrams that determine some of the
recurring problems in the initial work order and subassembly process.

Figure 24- Excess Inventory Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Figure 25- Late Ordering Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Figure 26- Reordering or Misplaced Components Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Based on the Cause-and-Effect diagrams above, three critical recurring problems arise
from this process. They are excess inventory, late ordering, and reordering or misplaced

1. Excess inventory – since stock checks are done manually, there is a higher
probability of human error. Sometimes, components are missed on the stock check,
leading to ordering components already in the crib.
2. Late ordering – forgetting to order components leads to shifts in project timelines.
If long-lead items are not ordered within the scheduled ordering time frame, it can
significantly affect the timeline and customer satisfaction. Due to the manual
process in place, work orders are misplaced or lost, leading to late ordering.
3. Reordering or misplaced components – since tracking the bin completion status in
the Crib is done manually, there is a high probability of human error. Sometimes,
the work orders in subassembly bins are not updated correctly, resulting in
reordering or misplaced parts.

One can see how solving these problems can positively affect the company’s overall
performance, productivity, efficiency, and costs.

To solve any problem, it is crucial to identify why the problem is continuously reoccurring,
in other words, the causes pertaining to the problem. The following list includes the reasons
involved in the reoccurrence of the issues presented above:

1. No Work Order and Subassembly Tracking – there was no information to explain

where the work order or subassembly is and who has it.
2. Lack of Communication / Transparency – human error can cause subassembly bins
to go out to Assembly while missing components. Sometimes, the Assembler
would grab an item they need from another subassembly bin to complete the bin
they were working on. This was done without informing the Crib Attendant.
Examples of these components are pneumatic cylinders, clamps, and pins.
3. Underutilization of Employees – due to the initial process being heavily human-
dependent, employees were manually conducting stock checks and tracking
components and bins. Automating the system allows employees to do productive
work and focus on other tasks that greatly benefit the company.
4. Manual system – the initial process was completed manually, meaning it was
heavily human-dependent, which almost always results in human errors being
made. This was consuming time and resources. By automating the process using
the company’s SPM Connect software, stock checks are done efficiently and

The causes are illustrated in the 5Why Analysis in Figure 27 below.

Figure 27 - 5Why Analysis

3.7 Optimal Work Order and Subassembly Process

After multiple discussions and brainstorming sessions with the Engineering Manager and
Mechanical Designer / Software Developer, it was agreed that the Engineering Department
releases the subassembly package to Purchasing instead of Production. Moreover,
Purchasing would be responsible for stock checks, and it will be automated. The stock
checks will be done on SPM Connect. Releasing the work order to Purchasing allows the
Purchasing Manager to stock check the items on the work order and order what is
necessary. Once items have been ordered, the work order is given to the Production
Manager. The Production Manager will mark which items need to be made in-house or
outsourced and creates the bin label. Both the bin label and work order are given to the
Crib Attendant.

All employees with access to SPM Connect will be able to search the work order tracking
progress. The whole process will be tracked with barcode scanning. The work orders will
have to be scanned by the department that has them. For example, the Engineering

Department will scan the barcode on the work order when leaving Engineering. The
Purchasing Department will then scan the barcode, showing that it has been received and
is currently in that department. When Purchasing is done with the work order, they will
scan the barcode and give it to Production and so on.

Moreover, all work orders will be available on SPM Connect. This automated improvement
will give the Crib Attendant access to any work order online, rather than a piece of paper.
This will prevent the misplacement of work orders.

Furthermore, access to the crib will be restricted to only the Crib Attendant. This will
eliminate any potential situations where Assemblers take items from other subassembly
bins. This will be enforced by applying an RFID keypad lock system on the entrance of the
Crib. In case of urgent inquiries, the additional employees with access to key cards are the
President, Purchasing Manager, Production Manager, and Engineering Coordinator.

All these improvements minimize or eliminate the problems stated above. Having a process
flow that is automated and tracked by barcode scanning improves transparency and
provides employees with information on which department has the work order. Also,
highly automated systems minimize human error and underutilization of employees. This
decreases late ordering, reordering, misplaced parts, and excess inventory. Lastly,
restricting the Crib to having only one person in charge of the bins eliminates the lack of
communication. The optimal subassembly process is illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 28 - Optimal Work Order and Subassembly Process Flow

3.8 Software Architecture
Techopedia defines software architecture as “a structured framework used to conceptualize
software elements, relationships and properties. This term also references software
architecture documentation, which facilitates stakeholder communication while
documenting early and high-level decisions regarding design and design component and
pattern reuse for different projects” (Techopedia, n.d.).

Software Architects use software architecture to illustrate and relay their designs. This can
be shown in several methods. These methods are called software architecture patterns.

There are five types of software architecture patterns. They are layered architecture, event-
driven architecture, microkernel architecture, microservices architecture, and space-based
architecture. (Richards, 2015). The software architecture pattern used in this research is the
layered architecture. It is also called the n-tier architecture pattern.

The layered architecture pattern is frequently used within various technical applications, as
it is very compatible with conventional IT communication and structures within various
companies and organizations. The name of this pattern explains its overall design concept.
Layers are designed horizontally, with components in each layer. Each layer conducts a
separate, specific task. The combination of all tasks results in the development and function
of an application. The number of layers varies, depending on the Software Architect’s
preference and the size and functions of the application. On average, there are four layers.
They are as follows: presentation, business, persistence, and database. The presentation
layer handles the user interface and displaying the program. The business layer applies
specific rules depending on the request received. The request is the main problem that is
trying to be solved. The persistence accesses the data and information requested by the
business layer from the database layer. This requires a programming language and logic.

Matt Pfeil wrote an article on data persistence and defined persistence as "the continuance
of an effect after its cause is removed.” This means that the persistence of data is the
continuation of the data being in the system, even after the specific request has been
completed (Pfeil, 2010). For example, suppose the system is asking for a particular
outcome, like the number of customers enrolled in a specific training, the persistence layer
will retrieve that information from the database. Once the information has been relayed to

the presentation layer, it will be brought back into the database and stored again, but not
be deleted. Therefore, data persistence ensures all data is enclosed in a database and is kept

The database stores and handles all data and information. The figure below illustrates the
four layers.

Figure 29 - Software Architecture Layers (Richards, 2015)

When designing the data architecture, there is the option of making the layers open or
closed. Having all closed layers means layers cannot be skipped. The layer on top must go
to the layer directly below it and so on. For example, the business layer must go through
the persistence layer to get to the database layer. Closed layers separate each layer
individually, making it easier to alter or edit a layer, if necessary. This is called the Layers
of Isolation Concept.

There is also the option to keep some layers open while having some closed. This will
allow a layer that is above an open layer to skip it and go to the layer under the open layer.
If layers are open or closed, they will be labelled with an “open” or “closed” box on the far
right in each layer. There are two types of arrows following into and out of these diagrams.
The black arrows indicate the user input, while the red arrows indicate the system output
(Richards, 2015).

3.8.1. SPM Software Architecture

There are three software architecture diagrams for this research. The first diagram is the
work order barcode scanning. The second diagram is the architecture pertaining to the
automated stock check. The last diagram is the computerized retrieval and tracking of work
orders and subassemblies. The primary programming language used for SPM Connect is
SQL SERVER. All the diagrams in this research are closed layers. Work Order Barcode Scanning

Scanning work orders in and out of an automated system is essential in tracking their
location and progress. Therefore, the purpose of this process is to ensure proper tracking
of work orders throughout their respective project timelines. This also allows users to see
a work order’s status. The software architecture diagram for this process is shown below.

Figure 30 - Work Order Barcode Scanning Software Architecture Diagram Stock Check

For the stock check at SPM to become automated, all inventories must be inputted into a
software system. Therefore, an inventory cleanup was conducted, and all inventory
components were counted and given a location code. This was done using the 5S
Methodology: Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Once the items were sorted, set,
and shined, they were standardized by giving them location codes. The use of the location
codes would result in the sustaining of the items in the crib. The location code is a
combination of the row, section, and shelf of where the component is in the Crib. The
inventory in the Crib is from rows 7-16. The section varies from A-Q, depending on the
row. The shelf number also varies from 1-4, depending on the row and section. The figure
below illustrates an example for the generation of a component’s location code.

Figure 31 - SPM Location Code Example #1

Sometimes, when components are on the shelf, they are placed into bins. These
components’ location code contains an additional section outlining the bin number.
Therefore, the code would be the row, section, shelf, and bin number. The figure below
illustrates an example of this code variation.

Figure 32 - SPM Location Code Example #2

Once the location codes were all created, they were imported in Genius and, from there,
were inputted into SPM Connect. The Purchasing Manager can now look up components
for stock checks and see the location codes, as well as their respective quantities. The
software architecture diagram of this process is shown in the figure below.

Figure 33 - Stock Check Process Software Architecture Diagram Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking

This process ensures all SPM Connect users can track and retrieve information about any
work order or subassembly. The work order tracking progress consists of the location
(which department it is in), who has it (last employee to scan the work order), and the
check-in/out time. This allows users to see a work order’s current location, the name of the
last person that scanned it, and the time it was scanned. It also shows the bin build status.
Lastly, the users can see which subassembly family any work order belongs to. These
subassembly families are discussed in Section 3.5 above. The software architecture
diagram is shown in the figure below.

Figure 34 - Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking

3.8.2 Coding and Programming

The coding and programming of the SPM Connect software was completed by Mr.
Shailkumar Patel, the former Mechanical Designer / Software Developer at SPM.

3.9 Summary
Various tools and methodologies were used to brainstorm and determine subassembly
families. These include IDEF Methodology, Systematic Design (Pahl & Beitz), Zachman
Framework, Group Technology, and Rank Ordering Clustering Methodology. Moreover,
the optimal work order and subassembly process flow was determined by using Process
Mapping, Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, and 5Why Analysis. Other tools like 5S
Methodology and Software Architecture Diagrams were used to establish the functionality
of the developed software system. The following chapter explains the testing of the SPM
Connect software, as well as procedures on how to navigate each section of the software.
There are three sections discussed, each directly related to the software architecture
diagrams above.


4.1 Overview
The testing of this research was held within SPM’s facility. It consisted of five main
departments. They are Engineering, Purchasing, Production, Crib, and Assembly. There
were five work orders tested using the optimal work order and subassembly process.

4.2 Equipment
The equipment needed for this case study include the SPM Connect software and one
barcode scanner. If the company chooses to implement the developed software system, five
barcode scanners would be needed – one for each department involved. The figure below
illustrates the work centers involved.

Figure 35- Work Centers

4.3 Procedure
The procedure is identical to the optimal work order and subassembly process flow,
illustrated in Chapter 3. The figure below illustrates the overall developed software system,
along with the connections between each procedure. All procedures start at the SPM
Connect main interface screen.

Figure 36- Overall Developed Software System

4.3.1 Work Order Barcode Scanning

Whenever a department receives a work order, they need to scan it into SPM Connect. To
do this, the user opens SPM Connect and clicks on “Job Numbers.” A new screen pops up
with the list of all jobs at SPM. The user then clicks “Scan Work Order.” A new screen
will appear where the user will then scan the work order number. This is done when it is
being checked in and out of a department. Figures 37-39 below illustrate the barcode
scanning procedure.

Figure 37 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #1

Figure 38 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #2

Figure 39 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Step #3

If the work order is already in the system, meaning Engineering has released it, a note will
pop up stating so. This note will pop up for every department, except Engineering. After
clicking “OK,” a summary of its status is shown. An example is shown in Figure 40 below.

Figure 40 - Barcode Scanning Procedure Status Summary Example

4.3.2 Stock Check

This procedure is specifically for the Purchasing Manager, as they are the ones to complete
the stock checks in the optimal process flow. The user opens SPM Connect, right clicks
any item on the screen, and clicks “Show Inventory.” Another screen will appear, listing
all the inventory in the Crib. The user can type in the component they are looking for or
scroll through the list. Once the component is found, the user double clicks on it and a new
window will appear that consists of the location code and quantity. Figures 41-43 below
illustrate an example of the stock check procedure.

Figure 41 - Stock Check Procedure Step #1

Figure 42 - Stock Check Procedure Step #2

Figure 43 - Stock Check Procedure Step #3

4.3.3 Work Order and Subassembly Identification and Tracking

SPM Connect users can look up any work order to see its overall status, as well as the bin
build status. The bin build status is the logging in and out of the subassembly bin. This
tracks how long Assemblers are taking when building subassemblies. It also shows how
many times the bin was returned to the Crib.

To access either of these, the user opens SPM Connect and clicks the “Job Numbers.” A
new screen pops up with the list of all jobs at SPM. The user then clicks “Crib
Management.” A new screen will appear where the user will click the “Inventory” drop-
down button on the top left of the screen. This will prompt a new screen to pop up asking
for the Employee’s ID. Once the Employee ID is scanned or typed in, the user clicks the
“Inventory” drop-down button again and clicks “Inventory Bin Status.” This will open a
new screen that displays all work orders in the system, their bin build status, and overall
work order status. The user can scan a work order in the search bar or scroll through the
list. Figures 44-51 illustrate an example of this procedure.

Figure 44 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #1

Figure 45 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #2

Figure 46 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #3

Figure 47 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #4

The “Bin Build Status” tab shows the checking in/out of the subassembly bin. This
interaction is between the Crib Attendant and Assembler. This tab consists of the work
order number, employee checking out the bin, check out time, employee approving the
checkout, time it was approved for check out, employee checking in the bin, check-in time,
employee approving the check-in, time approved for check-in, inbuilt status, and
completed status. The inbuilt column is regarding the subassembly’s assembly. The
completed column is regarding the bin being empty upon arrival to the crib. If the inbuilt
and completed columns are yes, the subassembly has been built, and the Assembler is
returning the empty bin back to the Crib. If they are both no, it means the Assembler is
returning the bin with the unfinished subassembly to the crib. The only employee that will
be approving the check-in/out of bins is the Crib Attendant.

Figure 48- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5

Figure 49- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Scroll Bar

Figure 50- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Headings (First Half)

Figure 51- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Procedure Step #5 Headings (Second Half)

The “WO Overall” tab shows the tracking of the work order. This includes which
department has the work order, who it was checked in/out by, and what time it was checked
in/out. The boxes of each department change colours, depending on the progress within
each department. The colour grey indicates the department has not received the work order.
Orange indicates the department has received the work order, and it is currently working
on it. Green indicates the department has received the work order, completed the necessary
requirements, and has checked out the work order from the department. The circles in
between each department also change colour to indicate the process of the work order. If
the circle is orange, that means the department prior has completed their work and is
waiting for the following department to check in the work order. If it is green, then the
work order has been checked in by the latter department. If it is red, the department prior
has not checked out the work order.

The top right of the interface includes the “Subassembly Family” section. This will indicate
which subassembly family a work order belongs to, based on the subassembly families in
Section 3.5 of Chapter 3. If the subassembly family is n/a, it means that the work order
does not belong to any of the common subassemblies listed within the numbering legend
in Chapter 3. The figures below are an example of a work order in the tracking system.

Note: Employee names have been removed for confidentiality and privacy reasons.

Figure 52- Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1

Figure 53 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1 Headings

Figure 54 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #1 WO 42233

Figure 55 - Work Order and Subassembly Tracking Example #2 WO 42233

4.4 Testing
The system was tested on SPM Job 50853 - C1UC MCM RCL Laser Welding Tooling.
The job consists of the following five work orders, listed in numerical order:

• 42181 – Upper Tool Base (C1UC – MCM RCL) Laser Weld

• 42197 – C1UC RCL Lower Tool Assembly (RH)
• 42220 – RCL Inboard Support Slide (Lower RH Tool)
• 42233 – RCL Bottom Side Support Slide (RH)
• 42248 – C1UC MCM RCL Upper Tool Nest (RH)

4.5 Summary
The testing, equipment, and procedures for each section of the optimal process are
discussed and explained in detail, along with screenshots of the SPM Connect software.
The following chapter presents the results and discussions of the five workorders that were
tested using the developed system. Specific KPI metrics are analyzed, and percentage
decreases are calculated for each. A cost structure model is also presented to illustrate the
estimated average annual cost savings and time decrease.


5.1 Results
The testing of the optimal work order and subassembly process was conducted using Job
50853 - C1UC MCM RCL Laser Welding Tooling. The following subsections illustrate
the results for each work order tracked, along with an explanation of the interface. The
subsections are listed in order from which they were first checked in by the Purchasing

Note: The empty sections and columns in the figures of this chapter are supposed to have
the employee names but have been removed for confidentiality and privacy reasons.

5.1.1 Work Order 42181 – Upper Tool Base (C1UC – MCM RCL) Laser Weld
The Engineering Department first released the work order on March 15th at 11:56 AM. It
was then checked in by the Purchasing Department at 12:30 PM and checked out at 1:02
PM. The Production Department checked in at 1:03 PM and checked out at 2:33 PM.
Finally, the Crib checked in at 2:40 PM and checked out on April 5th at 8:55 AM. One can
see that the Purchasing Department took approximately 30 minutes to check in the work
order. This is due to other tasks the department may be working on at the time. Moreover,
the time spent in each department is written within the interface to give the user a better
understanding of how long it takes each department to check out the work order. Figure 56
below shows the interface for this work order’s overall tracking status.

Figure 56 - WO 42181 Tracking Progress

As stated in Chapter 4, the bin build status represents the relationship between the Crib and
Assembly. It is an automated log of which Assembler is taking the bin out to Assembly.
However, this can only be done when the Crib Attendant approves it. For this work order,
the subassembly was completely built within the Assembler’s shift. This is shown in the
“Inbuilt” and “Complete” columns in Figures 57-58 below. Both columns are marked as
“yes,” meaning the subassembly has been built, and the empty bin was returned to the crib.

Figure 57- WO 42181 Bin Build Status First Half

Figure 58 - WO 42181 Bin Build Status Second Half

5.1.2 Work Order 42233 – RCL Bottom Side Support Slide (RH)
The Engineering Department first released the work order on March 16th at 9:21 AM. It
was then checked in by the Purchasing Department at 9:30 AM and checked out at 9:58
AM. The Production Department checked in at 10:00 AM and checked out at 11:02 AM.
Finally, the Crib checked in at 11:06 AM and checked out April on 6th at 11:21 AM. Figure
59 below shows the interface for this work order’s overall tracking status. The bin build
status for this work order is in Figures 60-61 below.

Figure 59 - WO 42233 Tracking Progress

Figure 60- WO 42233 Bin Build Status First Half

Figure 61 - WO 42233 Bin Build Status Second Half

5.1.3 Work Order 42220 – RCL Inboard Support Slide (Lower RH Tool)
The Engineering Department first released the work order on March 16th at 9:21 AM. It
was then checked in by the Purchasing Department at 10:00 AM and checked out at 10:37
AM. The Production Department checked in at 11:15 AM and checked out at 1:15 PM.
Finally, the Crib checked in at 1:30 PM and checked out on April 6th at 1:07 PM. Figure
62 below shows the interface for this work order’s overall tracking status. The bin build
status for this work order is in Figures 63-64 below.

Figure 62 - WO 42220 Tracking Progress

Figure 63- WO 42220 Bin Build Status First Half

Figure 64 - WO 42220 Bin Build Status

5.1.4 Work Order 42197 – C1UC RCL Lower Tool Assembly (RH)
The Engineering Department first released the work order on March 16th at 9:21 AM. It
was then checked in by the Purchasing Department at 10:40 AM and checked out at 11:20
AM. The Production Department checked in at 1:30 PM and checked out at 5:35 PM.
Finally, the Crib checked in on March 18th at 8:30 AM and checked out on April 8th at 2:07
PM. Figure 65 below shows the interface for this work order’s overall tracking status. The
bin build status for this work order is in Figures 66-67 below.

Figure 65 - WO 42197 Tracking Progress

Figure 66- WO 42197 Bin Build Status First Half

Figure 67 - WO 42197 Bin Build Status

5.1.5 Work Order 42248 – C1UC MCM RCL Upper Tool Nest (RH)
The Engineering Department first released the work order on March 18th at 5:05 PM. It
was then checked in by the Purchasing Department on March 19th at 8:21 AM and checked
out at 9:01 AM. The Production Department checked in at 9:03 AM and checked out at
1:18 PM. Finally, the Crib checked in at 1:20 PM and checked out on April 9th at 9:32 AM.
Figure 68 below shows the interface for this work order’s overall tracking status. The bin
build status for this work order is in Figures 69-70 below.

Figure 68 - WO 42248 Tracking Progress

Figure 69- WO 42248 Bin Build Status First Half

Figure 70 - WO 42248 Bin Build Status

5.2 Discussion
Specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were chosen for analysis to quantify the
results presented. KPIs are critical in the determination of a process’ efficiency and
effectiveness. Companies and organizations commonly use them to measure progress and
various metrics. Metrics vary depending on the company’s objectives or scope and the type
of process being evaluated. Different processes require different metrics to be analyzed.
Table 9 below shows the test results of Job 50853.

Recall the entire work order and subassembly process was conducted manually in the past,
and therefore, there is no quantifiable data to compare the results. However, SPM has a
current state of educated approximations based on a previous project (Job 50277 – Magna
C1YC MCM RCL Tooling). These educated approximations will be used to compare both
Job 50277 and Job 50853. Analyzing the table below shows that incidents of late ordering,
reordering, and changes to the project timeline were minimized.

Table 9- Test Results: KPI Comparison between Jobs 50277 and 50853

One can see a decrease in components being ordered late, reordered, and misplaced
between the two jobs in the figure above. The developed system resulted in no misplaced
components while minimizing late ordering, reordering, and changes to the project
timeline. Although there were no incidents of misplaced components in the testing of this
system, they still have a possibility of occurring, as the bin completion is still conducted
manually, which can lead to human error. This is the only part of the developed process
done manually, making the overall process approximately 70-80% automated, based on
IPC-1782 Standard from Mentor Graphics. Further discussion is included in the Future
Research section in Chapter 6.

5.2.1 KPI Percentage Decrease (%)
Equation 5-1 below illustrates the percentage decrease (%) of the four main KPIs: late
ordering, reordering, misplaced components, and changes to project timeline.

[ 𝐽𝑜𝑏 50277 𝐾𝑃𝐼 − 𝐽𝑜𝑏 50853 𝐾𝑃𝐼] 5-1

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 (%) = × 100%
𝐽𝑜𝑏 50277 𝐾𝑃𝐼

Figure 71 below illustrates the percentage decreases of the KPIs using the equation above.
One can see that late ordering decreased by 67%, reordering decreased by 50%, misplaced
components decreased by 100%, and changes to project timeline decreased by 71%.

Figure 71 - KPI Percentage Decrease (%)

5.2.2 Cost Structure Model
Having a cost structure model is essential in determining the overall profits and losses the
company can gain or lose during the implementation of a new system or process. This
model can vary in details and illustrations. The cost structure model used to analyze and
determine the cost savings in this research is shown in Table 10.

The cost to train all SPM employees on the developed system totals $1,585.94. This is a
one-time cost, as training will be done once before the implementation of the system. Since
the system is created in-house, there will be no implementation and software support costs.

The developed work order and subassembly tracking system brings many benefits to SPM.
Firstly, it is largely automated system, compared to the current manual system. Secondly,
it minimizes critical KPIs, as demonstrated. Moreover, tracking and management of the
two jobs, 50277 and 50853, was compared using hourly rates (shop floor rate, admin rate,
and design rate). The total costs for each job are presented, and the difference between the
two, otherwise known as the total cost savings per job, is shown in the last box in the
bottom right in the figure below. To gain a better understanding of the annual savings SPM
will achieve, the average number of jobs per year is multiplied by the total cost savings per
job, and the one-time cost is subtracted from the total. This resulted in an estimated average
annual cost saving of approximately $40,884 and a time decrease of 77.78% for this case

Table 10- Cost Structure Model

5.3 Summary
The results presented, discussed, and analyzed using KPI metrics from two SPM jobs were
compared (50277 and 50853). Percentage decreases of each KPI were calculated,
concluding that late ordering decreased 67%, reordering by 50%, misplaced by 100%, and
changes to project timelines by 71%. A cost structure model was presented, indicating an
estimate of approximately $40,884 in average annual cost savings and a time decrease of
77.78%. The following chapter discusses the research contribution, significance,
conclusions, and future research.


6.1 Research Contribution

The research presented in this thesis includes the development of a software system for the
identification and tracking of work orders and tangible and conventional subassemblies.
Although this software system was created and tested in the Automotive industry, it can be
used within any industry that requires the identification and tracking of work orders and
subassemblies. By using this software system, work orders and subassemblies are tracked
throughout their life cycle, and specific information like work order location and check-
in/out times. It also provides the bin build status, which details the log of completion of the
subassembly bin.

6.2 Significance
The significance of the research presented in this thesis includes:

• The development of work order and subassembly identification and tracking

software system
• Ability to minimize/eliminate recurring problems, such as excess inventory, late
ordering, reordering, misplaced components, and number of changes to project
• Creating a system that encompasses both work order and subassembly tracking
• Novel focus on tangible and conventional subassembly tracking, as discussed in
Chapter 2
• Potential time and cost savings regarding employee time spent on fixing recurring
problems presented

6.3 Conclusions
A work order and subassembly identification and tracking software system was developed
to aid SPM employees track work orders and subassemblies efficiently and effectively
within the company.

The testing of the software system indicated the developed methodology and software
ability to identify and track both work orders and subassemblies minimizes recurring
problems, like late ordering, reordering, and changes to project timeline. Moreover, it
demonstrated that misplaced components were eliminated with the use of the developed

KPI Percentage Decreases were calculated for each KPI. Late ordering decreased by 67%,
reordering by 50%, misplaced components by 100%, and changes to project timeline by
71%. These critical KPIs play a significant role in the company’s profits. This is shown in
the cost structure model in Chapter 5, where the estimated average annual cost savings per
year resulted in approximately $40,884 and a time decrease of 77.78%.

These percentages are specific to this case study; however, they demonstrate the type and
order of magnitude of achievable improvements in the performance and cost of work order
and subassembly tracking and management in typical manufacturing companies.

6.4 Future Research

Future enhancements include developing a fully automated system. This means that the
process of ensuring the subassembly bins are filled with the components and quantities on
the work orders would be done through SPM Connect, involving barcode scanning. A work
order checklist will be automated on SPM Connect, where the Crib Attendant can scan
each component in the bin and the designated work order checklist will check off which
components are currently available with their respective quantities.

Another method of automating the process includes a robot in the Crib that tracks the bins.
I4.0 technological pillars would be used in the development of the robot’s functionality.
Some of the pillars used would be cyber security, RFID technologies, sensors, and artificial
intelligence (AI). Incorporating these pillars would result in the robot replacing the Crib

Attendant, as there would no longer be a need for human personnel in the Crib. Hiring
Programmers or Software Engineers would be necessary.

Moreover, research pertaining to Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) would be

beneficial as it can illustrate all possible outcomes based on specific problems in the work
order and subassembly tracking process flow (Passage Technology LLC, 2021). More
research on the use of modules vs. assemblies and sub-modules vs. subassemblies would
be beneficial for the identification of commonalities and differences between module/sub-
module tracking and assembly/subassembly tracking, and better streamlining of the
tracking process.

Furthermore, a Subassembly Traceability Standard and tracking system for tangible and
returns’ subassemblies should be investigated. A Subassembly Traceability Standard is
especially important, as it can create a guideline for tracing subassemblies within
manufacturing environments.


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NAME: Israa El-Sabbagh



EDUCATION: University of Windsor, B.A.Sc., Windsor, ON, 2018

University of Windsor, M.A.Sc., Windsor, ON, 2021


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