Promotional Activities of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.

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Internship Report On

An analysis of Promotional Activities of

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.
(A case study on Jigatala branch)

Submitted To
Controller of Examinations
National University Gazipur-1704

Supervised By
Dr. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain
Principal, Associate Professor
Daffodil Institute of Information and Technology (DIIT)

Submitted By
Nushrat Jaman
Registration No.: 15501003927
Program: BBA, Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration

Date of submission: 18/02/2021

Letter of Transmittal

Controller of Examinations
National University,
Subject: Submission of “Internship Report”.
Dear Sir,
I am very pleased to submit my report on an analysis of Promotional Activities of
Bangladesh Commerce Bank. I have prepared this report based on three (03) months
of service experience in Jigatala Branch of Bangladesh Commerce Bank. I have
attempted my best to make it as worthwhile as possible. Despite time constraint and
exhaustive knowledge, I have put my best exertion to represent it in the best way.
Kindly accept my sincerest apology for misrepresentation, if any.
If you have any interrogation about this report kindly feel free to ask me.
I hope your kind judgment to the matter and oblige thereby.
Yours Sincerely,

Signature of the Student

Nushrat Jaman
Registration No: 15501003927
Major in Marketing
Session: 2015-2016
Bachelor of Business Administration
Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)
Student’s Declaration
I am Nushrat Jaman a student of Department of Business Administration, Daffodil
Institute of IT, proclaims that the Internship Report on an analysis of Promotional
Activities of Bangladesh Commerce Bank shows the result of my own research
works, pursued under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain
Principal, Associate Professor, Daffodil Institute of Information and Technology

I further certify that the submitted report is unique and no part or entire of this report
has been submitted to, in any structure, in any other university or institution for any
degree or some other reason.

Signature of the Student
Nushrat Jaman
Registration No: 15501003927
Major in Marketing
Session: 2015-2016
Bachelor of Business Administration
Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)

This is to certify that Nushrat Jaman, student of BBA, Bearing National University.
Registration Number: 15501003927, Academic session 2015-2016, Major in
Marketing, is a regular student of BBA program, Department of Business
Administration, Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT), under National University. She has
completed a three month internship program Promotional Activities of Bangladesh
Commerce Bank (Jigatala branch), under my supervision, which is a fulfillment of
particular requirement of BBA degree.

I wish her every success in life.

Dr. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain

Principal, Associate Professor,
Daffodil Institute of Information and Technology (DIIT)
At first I want to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah who enabled me to complete
the report inside the booked time. I’m thankful to Bangladesh commerce bank Ltd. for
providing me the opportunity to complete my internship program. I also want to thank
all the people who have given their support and assistance extremely grateful to all of
them for completion of the report successfully.

I need to offer thanks to officers and members of staffs of Bangladesh commerce bank
jigatala Branch, for their cooperation without which it would not be conceivable to
finish the report.

I would like to offer my gratitude to my internship supervisor Dr. Mohammed

Shakhawat Hossain, Principal, Associate Professor, Daffodil Institute of Information
and Technology (DIIT) for his direction and guidance to complete my report.

Preparing this report was exciting and hard work at the same time. It is for the first
time that I have been able to gather real life experience working on a report.

I am also grateful to the Branch manager & AVP Md. Mutasim-Bin-Shahid

Bangladesh Commerce bank limited, Jigatala branch for giving me his valuable time
and co-operate me by providing all necessary papers, documents and information in
carrying out the study.

I’m thankful to all officer of Bangladesh commerce bank Ltd and customer of Jigatala
branch, Dhaka for their sincere co-operation and who helped me to learn about
banking during my internship. It would not possible to prepare the internship report
without their help and valuable advice and instruction.

I am thankful to all the faculty members for their teaching.

Table of Content
Chapter Particulars Page No.

- Executive Summary

1 1.Introduction

  1. Introduction

  1.1 Objectives of the Study

  1.1.1 Broad objective

  1.1.2 Specific objective

  1.2 Methodology of the Study

  1.2.1 Research Design

  1.2.2 Data collection process

  1.2.3 Primary Data

  1.3 Literature Review

  1.4 Limitations

2 2. Theoretical Framework



3 Bank Overview & Analysis

  3.1.1 Company profile

  3.1.2 Corporate Vision, Mission & Values

  3.1.3 Promotional Activities

  3.1.4 Analysis of Promotional Expenses with Total Profit

5 Findings

5.1 Summary of findings

6 Recommendations

6.1 Recommendation

7 Conclusion

8 References

9 Appendix
Executive Summary
Banking industry in Bangladesh up to now is leading the financial system. All of the
banks in Bangladesh are introducing new and new products to meet the dimensional
demands of customers. But only adoption of new products is not sufficient. Customers
should get the proper information about the products. For this Banks are now
emphasizing on proper marketing strategy. And of course in this aspect they are
applying different promotion mix. I was given Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. to
analyze their promotional activities. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. is maintaining
its competitiveness by leveraging on its online Banking Software and modern IT
infrastructure. Different types of promotional activity undertaken by Bangladesh
Commerce Bank Ltd. including: Newspaper advertisement, television advertisements,
advertisements in radio stations, magazines, bill board advertisements and
sponsorship program etc. It is also involved with various types of sponsorship and
donation activities. Different types of promotional techniques that bank used for the
promotion of their product promotion also discussed basis on qualitative and
quantitative strategy. Based on their promotional activities some recommendations
will also suggest that will helpful to increase the product selling and quality of
customer service.
Chapter 1

1. Introduction

Promotion is a form of corporate communication that uses various methods to reach a

targeted audience with a certain message in order to achieve specific organizational
objectives. Nearly all organizations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, in all types of
industries, must engage in some form of promotion. Such efforts may range from
multinational firms spending large sums on securing high-profile celebrities to serve
as corporate spokespersons to the owner of a one-person enterprise passing out
business cards at a local businessperson’s meeting. Like most marketing decisions, an
effective promotional strategy requires the marketer understand how promotion fits
with other pieces of the marketing puzzle (e.g., product, distribution, pricing, target
markets). Consequently, promotion decisions should be made with an appreciation for
how it affects other areas of the company. The way banks compete has changed
dramatically during recent years, mostly because of international trends such as
advances in information technology, globalization and deregulations. This has made
competition harsher meaning that survival and success requires knowledge about the
competitors and understanding about the way they act and react. In our country after
declaring the monitory policy by Bangladesh Bank the situation became more
competitive than before in banking industry. Reason is Bangladesh Bank has given
full freedom to all commercial bank to decide their interest rate. It is applicable for all
types interest rate except exchange rate.

Now a day’s bank reduces interest rate on deposit and increases interest rate on loan.
Some banks are reduces their interest rate on deposit by 1.5%, and some reduces by
2% and so on. On the other hand some banks increase interest rate on providing loan

As customers view point it is very important to know which bank is giving

comparatively high interest on deposit and which bank is asking for high interest rate
on loan amount and that information will influence customers’ decision. It is very
clear to us that now banks have to inform and promote services to their both existing
and potential customer.
1.1 Objectives of the Study

1.1.1 Broad objective

The objective of the paper is to analyze the promotion activities of commercial bank
of Bangladesh.

1.1.2 Specific Objective

Specifically the objectives of the paper are:

i. To discuss the promotion tools applied by private commercial bank

of Bangladesh.
ii. To find out whether there is any difference in promotion mix.

1.2 Methodology of the Study

1.2.1 Research Design

There are several types of research, such as exploratory, descriptive, causal, and
conclusive etc. The research that I conducted to understand the problem clearly is an
exploratory research. I have collected and gathered data from the Annual Reports of
different Banks, articles, internal stored magazine and reports, journals, websites,
articles etc. to accomplish my objectives. Secondary data have collected to get the
present promotional activities scenario of the different banks. This involved searching
the websites of every individual company’s and collected some journals, articles.

1.2.2 Data collection process

To collect the information the design of research could be exploratory and descriptive.
Through exploratory research I have gathered information based on depth interview
of executives of the selected banks. This report paper is based on mainly secondary
data collection as well as primary data also.

1.2.3 Primary Data

Primary data have been collected from the selected banks having interview of bank
officials. The data was collected following a structured format given in appendix.
Total number of samples conducted in depth interview with employers of those banks.
1.2.4 Secondary Data
 Annual reports
 Working papers
 Office files
 Selected Books
 Printed forms

1.3 Literature Review

One of the sectors within the service industry that has been influenced the most by the
changes in the globalization process, and at the same time has been highly
internationalized, is the banking sector (Sanchez-Peinado, 2003). So today most bank
face a market that is extremely dynamic. In this intense competitive market if a bank
has to survive successfully it needs to attract and retain the customers by offering
them wider range of services. Zineldin further states in his writing that banks are no
longer in the business of buying & selling money. They are rather in the business of
offering complete financial services. Browldh (1989) observes that commercial
banking has expanded its range of products & services into what is known as
universal banking, thus motivating into new areas. According to Goldsmith (1969)
financial development is the outcome of continuous proliferation and diversification
of financial institutions as well as financial instruments. But to sell this wide range of
products & services, a bank needs to employ different promotions to attract the
customers and to make them purchase from the banks.
In recent time, increasing competition in the business world has forced firms to
become more aware of price and costs, which has resulted in a shift in the promotion
mix to a greater use of promotion tools that are cost effective in reaching the
customer. (Boyd et. al. 1998). According to Rowly (1998), promotion is used by
organizations to communicate with customers regarding their product offerings, and
also to ensure that customers are aware of the available products. Boyd et. al.(1998),
describe the promotion strategy as a controlled & integrated programme of
communication methods and materials designed to present the organization and its
products to customers, and to contribute to long run profit.
Grankvist, Kollberg & Person (2004) state that with the growing importance of the
financial sector, pressures are escalating for more effective marketing management of
the financial services. Median (1996) argues that despite the recent recession, the
financial services sector is continuing to grow in terms of turnover and profits and
thus, has a supreme impact on the other spares of the economy. Consequently there is
currently growing interest in applying marketing techniques and tools in financial
The role of promotion has been redefined by Dawes & Brown (2000) into managing
long term relationship with carefully selected customers, including construction of a
learning relationship where the marketer maintains a dialogue with an individual
customer. Due to this fact, the personnel are one of the most important resources of a
bank. Their competence will determine the quality of the bank and how well it
operates (Marquardt, 1994).
Shahid, Banerjee & Mamun (2004) state that the economy of Bangladesh has been
growing gradually, and as such it needs the support of a financial structure, which is
responsive to the needs of development. In the process of development of
Bangladesh, banks will have to shoulder more responsibilities than before meeting the
financial needs of customers of different sectors of the economy. In this aspect the
need of promotion for financial products in banking industry of Bangladesh has
become an emerging issue in this country. Brassington & Pettitt (2000) state that
promotional mixes often have to be adjusted to suit the local environment and reflect
the target markets preferences. Recently a research has been done on the issue by
Ikhtiar Alam & Zahid (2004). They showed that the private commercial banks,
operating in Bangladesh, constantly focus on understanding & anticipating customer
needs. The PCBs in Bangladesh are now feeling the greater importance of marketing
because of increase competition, technological innovations and government
regulations. They are trying to create a vision of marketing with a large number of
promising issues.
We need a long way from time when the banks were deposit taking and money-
lending institutions. The old concepts, attitudes and methods in banking have
undergone a marked change all over the world. Modern banking is an outcome
development driven by changing financial activities and lifestyles. Bangladesh has not
lagged behind. The aim of the research was to investigate the promotional activities in
different private banks in Bangladesh. For all banks, by understanding how
communication works can improve the delivery of their message. Banks must have
good understanding of how their audience interprets words, symbols, sounds and
other stimuli. Targeting the right message receiver will go a long way to improving a
bank’s ability to promote their products and services. Messages are much more likely
to be received and appropriately decoded by those who have an interest in the content
of the message.

1.4 Limitations:
 Inadequate knowledge in studying reports.
 Lack of in-depth understanding of certain terms and concepts prevented me
from going into details.
 Lack of research.
 Using secondary data in large scale.
 Unavailability of updated data.
 Lack of information and coordination.
 Confidentiality of data was another imperative barrier that was faced during
the conduct of this study.
 Power Crisis.
 I went to the managers/owners but they did not give me enough opportunity
for my survey. Because they couldn’t manage their valuable time.
 Amount of data collection is not very huge.
Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework

Customers stand in the middle of all the marketing activities. The main objective of
marketing is to establish a strong and profitable customer base to accelerate sale of the
company. For this mission, the company sets a marketing strategy where by it
segments the total market into certain groups, targets the group it wants to serve and
lastly focuses how to satisfy the target customers. Thus marketing strategy comprises
of three elements segmentation, targeting and positioning. Under this market strategy,
a company detects a marketing mix consists of product, price, place & promotion.
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2006), Promotion means activities that
communicate the merits of the product and persuade the target customers to buy it.
Usually under promotion mix a company adopts six tools. They are

i. Advertising: It is a non-personal form of communication through which a company

presents and promotes ideas, goods or services to persuade the audience to purchase or
take some action. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or
service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to
consume that particular brand. A number of media can be used for advertisement, like-
TV, Radio, Newspaper, Website etc.
Meidan (1996) states that due to the impression of banks as impersonal institutions
with no interest in their customers as people, and of financial services as abstract and
quite similar, the institutional advertising has become more and more important. Brand
advertising follows closely in the footsteps of institutional advertising. Its purpose is to
create awareness the bank’s name and to advertise the different services it is offering.

ii. Sales Promotion: Through sales promotion a company offers different short term
incentives to customers to motivate the purchase or sell of a product. The incentives
may come in different forms, like discount on price, free gifts, buy one get one free
Peatti & Peatti (1994) claims that normally coupons, special offers and other forms of
price manipulation are the dominant forms of sales promotion. Meidan (1996) states
that sales promotion within financial services appears to be the most effectively used in
combination with advertising.
iii. Personal Selling: Sometimes companies build up an efficient sales team who
with personal interaction try to motivate potential customers to purchase from the
company. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with
the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale".

According to Julian & Ramaseshan (1994) the relationship between the salesperson
and the customer is perceived as being of great importance for the marketing of a bank.
Verhallen et al. (1997) indicate that banks should see the selling as a problem solving
process in which the sales force engages and co-operates towards the customer, trying
to find a solution to the customer’s problem, rather than only persuading him to
purchase the products or services. Lee (2002) state that personal selling can be
performed either face-to-face or through technological aids such as the Internet.

iv. Public Relations: To establish a good relationship with the different parties of a
company. PR covers a range of activities, like creation & maintenance of corporate
identity and image; charitable involvement, media relation for the spreading of good
news etc. (Grankvist, Kollberg and Persson,2004). Meidan (1996) claims that the
importance of public relation is being increasingly attended, and financial services
often have public affairs officers, working actively to generate publicity.

v. Direct Marketing: According to Kotler (2006) direct marketing indicate direct

connections with carefully targeted individual customers to both obtain an immediate
response and cultivate lasting customer relationships. The use of telephone, mail, fax,
e-mail, the Internet etc. is the different tools of direct marketing.
Lee (2002) states that the fast advances in technology over the past 30 years have
reshaped how consumers today interact with their financial institutions. The financial
sector has extended its face-to-face selling towards direct marketing of products and
services in the form of phone, mail or computer transactions.

vi. Event & Experience: The last component of promotion, i.e. event and experience
is a new dimension in promotion activities of companies. By participating in different
events like trade fair, export fair, seminar etc. companies try to make people aware
about themselves. Commercial banks now a day are participating in different events
and thus try to promote their products. Banks participate in SME Fair, Financial
Institutions Fair, and Remittance Fair etc. Besides they sometimes arrange training
programs, seminars, conferences as a part of their promotion.
Chapter 3

Banks Overview & Analysis

3.2 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.

3.2.1 Company Profile

Bangladesh economy has been experiencing a rapid growth since the '90s. Industrial
and agricultural development, international trade, inflow of expatriate Bangladeshi
workers' remittance, local and foreign investments in construction, communication,
power, food processing and service enterprises ushered in an era of economic
activities. Urbanization and lifestyle changes concurrent with the economic
development created a demand for banking products and services to support the new
initiatives as well as to channelize consumer investments in a profitable manner. A
group of highly acclaimed businessmen of the country grouped together to responded
to this need and established Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. Limited in the year

3.2.2 Corporate mission vision and goals Corporate mission

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. is committed to fulfill its customer needs and
become their first choice in banking so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return
and contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a motivated
and professional work force. Corporate vision

To become a Bank of first choice by the customers with meaningful contributions to the society. Corporate goal:

 To maintain a healthy growth of business in all core activities with desired image

 To acquire state-of –the art technologies and adopt innovative ideas for financial

 To strengthen the risk management technique and compliance culture

 To expand the customer base and maintain an incremental deposit & reduce the
non-performing assets.

 To develop appropriate corporate governance system and culture with best


 To establish relationship banking & continuously improve service quality

 To extend banking services to all classes of people.

 To ensure environment friendly investment in line with the “Green Banking
Guideline” issued by Bangladesh Bank.

 To take effective measures to increase capital base and provision shortfall.

 To enrich management capacity & human resources quality and develop a pro-
active work force with a suitable compensation package.

 To be a trend-setter in the socio-economic development of the country

3.2.3 Promotional activities

There are different types of promotional activity undertaken by Bangladesh

Commerce Bank Ltd., which approve themselves in front of the country. At first we
want to include different types of advertisement made in different ways by the bank.
These contain:
 Newspaper advertisement
 Advertisement television channels
 Advertisement in radio stations; etc.
 Bill board advertisements in different locations.
 In magazines.
 Sponsoring tree plantation program especially in the sides of the roads.

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. also sponsor many function, play such as cricket,
hockey, tennis etc. they also work with social development organizations, donated
money in different sectors these are as follows

 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.donated Taka 2.4 Million to Kidney

Transplant Unit of BIRDEM

 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.donates Taka 10 Lac to Prime

Minister’s Relief Fund for Cyclone Aila Victim

 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Sponsor JAWS Sculpture at Kolatoly

Crossing, Cox’s Bazar
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.participated in SME Fair 2009

 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.participated in 1st Bangladesh Remittance

 Donation for Two Army Officers’ Family killed in recent BDR Carnage
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.donates Taka 25 Lac to Prime Minister’s
Relief Fund
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.sponsored 23rd International Junior Tennis

 Training Program held on "Continuous Improvement, Level – II"

 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Sponsored Hockey Team in Neheru Cup
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Foundation donated Taka. 2 Cr. to Kidney
Foundation for Dialysis Unit
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Foundation donated Taka 1.2 Million to
 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.donates Taka 50 Lac to Bangladesh Army
Relief Fund

3.2.4 Analysis of Promotional Expenses with Total Profit

The promotional expense and total profit before tax of fiscal year 2010 to 2012 are
given below:

Table 3.2

Year Total Profit (BDT Promotional Expense (BDT

million) million)
2012 3841 17.2
2011 4284 18.36
2010 3223 16.06

Source: Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Annual Report(2011-2012)

In 2012 promotional expense was 17.2 million taka and the total profit before tax was
3841 million taka.

Figure 3.2

Source: Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.Annual Report (2011-2012)

Chapter 4

Comparison of Promotional Activities

4.1 Comparison of Promotional Activities

Promotional Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.

Ads on TV Very often
Ads on radio sponsor News on Radio Foorti

Newspaper Frequently

Magazine Very often

Sponsorship Sponsor News on Channel I,

Social Donate to different schools & hospitals


Billboard Frequently

Participation do
in different

Table 4.1: Comparison of Promotional Activities

Chapter 5

5. Summary of Findings

The analysis shows that promotional activities in those private banks are not in a
structured form. The presentation of data can be summarized as of the following

♦ Form the above comparative analysis I found that, the Bangladesh Commerce Bank
Ltd. are not involved with almost all sorts of promotional activities.

♦ Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. is not involved with most of those activities. It is
only involved with various types of sponsorship and donation activities.

♦ Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. doesn’t even participate in many kind of fairs.

♦ Developing an effective promotional marketing strategy is now being considered

important by the banks

♦ Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. usually applies all the six different tools of
promotion though the extant of applying a particular tool.

♦ Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. must have good understanding of how their
audience interprets words, symbols, sounds and other stimuli.

♦ Targeting the right message receiver will go a long way to improving a bank’s
ability to promote their products and services.
Chapter 6
6. Recommendations

After studying the total scenario the following recommendations may be offered for
improving present condition of the market as well as its prospects.

 During promotional activities it is also important for the banking sectors to

determine the communication objective and to design an effective message.
The communication objective can be to inform, remind, persuade or educate
the current and potential customers of the bank.

 It is important for the promotional activities of banks. Advertising might be a

current expense, but can become an intangible asset, particularly if bank
branches have small budgets and cash flow problems, and wish to get the best
return for the advertising expenditure.

 Using magazine advertisements on a large scale is therefore not generally

recommended for the businesses under review. However, the cost per reader
can be kept relatively low during corporate advertising campaigns, which are
carried out by national headquarters and where only a fraction of the expenses
need to be paid by individual businesses.

 Newspapers can be use as an advertising medium. By utilizing this advertising

medium as newspapers are flexible and timely and can vary in size from
classifieds to multiple pages. Pages can also be added or dropped, which
means that there are no time constraints to newspapers. As newspapers can
also be used to cover a particular geographic area, the cost per customer
reached is relatively low. The only disadvantage of newspapers is that their
life span is very short and they are often discarded shortly after being read.
However, the advantages of newspapers still outweigh its disadvantages and
banks should consider using this medium on a regular basis.

 If banks have a direct marketing strategy then they should keep a database of
customer information .They do so by means of Internet marketing, SMS
(telemarketing), and telephone (telemarketing). The other businesses could
easily make use of direct marketing by phoning or contacting customers via
SMS to share with them any information regarding their skims. This is a
personal and direct means of low cost communication with potential
customers, which banks could use to keep the cost of promotional activities
low. The banks could also make more use of the Internet. Many advantages
exist for Web advertising. These advantages include the facts that Web
advertising can be interactive and that it can be used to build up the banks
customer database. Potential customers also have the opportunity to provide
feedback, which results in two-way communication. This advertising medium
can also be used to target a more executive niche market due to the strong
correlation between Internet access and personal income.
 Digital marketing can also be used for customer retention strategies by means
of loyalty clubs and special offers. This promotion variable is very effective,
especially for people who are short on time and need quick information.

 It is recommended that the banking sectors use public relations more

frequently to their advantage. They can publish articles to inform the public
about the latest activities of the bank regarding corporate social
responsibilities. Public relations can also be used to assist in the launch of new
products, build interest in different skims of bank, influence niche markets and
in building a better image

 Market research can provide the necessary information to the bank about the
current market situation in which they operate. Market research should
become part of the culture of banking sector in the business area. This
approach can help the banks to discover new market opportunities, which can
be used to their advantage and strategy formulation. Market research will also
enable the banks to customize their skim offering & advertising.
Chapter 7


From the every inception of banking history in our country, Bangladesh Commerce
Bank Ltd. banks are playing a vital role in the economic development. Till now banks
are the major drivers in the financial sector of our economy. After the privatization
trend, Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. have taken over major part of business among
all commercial banks. In 2012 PCBs disbursed the highest amount of term loan
compared to others (Bangladesh Bank, 2012). But to survive in the competitive world
of globalization and to make them up to date with the modernization trend, banks are
introducing new products based on new technologies which will meet up the demand
of their customers. To make these new services informed by the customers, the banks
are also focusing in different promotion tools. According to marketing discipline
promotion tools bring a product and service under customers’ knowledge and induce
them to purchase it. Banks usually applies all the six different tools of promotion
though the extant of applying a particular tool may vary bank to bank. In this paper I
have analyzed the different tools applied by the sample banks to promote their
products to potential customers. We need a long way from time when the banks were
deposit taking and money-lending institutions. The old concepts, attitudes and
methods in banking have undergone a marked change all over the world. Modern
banking is an outcome development driven by changing financial activities and
lifestyles. Bangladesh has not lagged behind. The aim of the research is to investigate
the promotional activities in different private banks in Bangladesh. For all banks, by
understanding how communication works can improve the delivery of their message.
Banks must have good understanding of how their audience interprets words,
symbols, sounds and other stimuli. Targeting the right message receiver will go a long
way to improving a bank’s ability to promote their products and services. Messages
are much more likely to be received and appropriately decoded by those who have an
interest in the content of the message.
However through this paper I get an idea about the different promotion tools applied in
private commercial banks in Bangladesh and their importance in the operation of
banking business. And there is no doubt that the proper application of promotion tools
will play an important role to make the banking products more acceptable to the
people. So I can conclude that promotion activities have immense significance for the
banking industry in Bangladesh to adopt new dimensions of promotion to utilize this
tool efficiently. I wish a prosperous future for these banks.
9. Appendix


1. Please mention the foundation year of the Bank.

Part1- Foundation Year


2. Is Information Technology important for the promotional activities?

A. Yes B. No

3. What is the degree of importance of promotional activities in Banking Sector?

A. High B. Moderate C. Low

4. What is the main objective of the promotional activities in your Bank?

A. Build Awareness
B. Create Interest
C. Provide Information
D. Reinforce the Bank

5. What is the degree of awareness in the whole Bank regarding Promotional


A. Very strong B. Strong. C. Moderate. D. Low E. very Low

6. What is the Budget amount for the Promotional activities in the Bank?

A. High B. Moderate C. Low

7. Do you think Promotional activities are main factor for the success of the

A. Yes B. No C. No Comments

8. Do you think Promotional Activities of Bank Creates any impression in the

mind of the Customers?

A. Yes B. NO C. No Comments
9. Is Promotion important for ensuring higher public awareness & higher
market share of the organization.

A. Yes B. No. C. No Comments

10. Under promotional activities what types of activities are undertaken by your
bank? You can give several answers.

A. Bill board advertisements

B. Advertisement in different Media .like – TV, Radio

C. News paper advertisements

D. Social marketing like sponsoring in different social welfare activities.

E. Others.

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