Export Transient Analysis Report

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Doc. title Export Network Transient Analysis Report Rev.: 00 Status: AFD
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09002
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Doc. title Export Network Transient Analysis Report Rev.: 00 Status: AFD
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09002
Page: 3 of 99
Contractor No.: N/A

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................... 10
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 12

1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

1.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 12

1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 13

1.4 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................................. 14

2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................. 15
3. PRE-FEED STUDY CONTEXT ........................................................................... 16

4.1 Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 17

4.2 System Description ....................................................................................................................................... 17

4.3 Process Battery Limit Conditions ............................................................................................................... 19

4.4 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 19

4.5 Fluid Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 19

4.6 Pipeline Design Flow .................................................................................................................................... 19

4.7 Piping and Pipeline Data ............................................................................................................................. 20

4.8 Environmental Data ..................................................................................................................................... 20

4.9 Pipeline length and topography .................................................................................................................. 21

4.10 Pump Suction and Discharge Piping .......................................................................................................... 21

4.11 Pump Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 22

4.12 Valve Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 24

4.13 Carbon Steel and Fluid Properties ............................................................................................................. 24

4.14 Piping/Pipeline pressure limits .................................................................................................................... 24

4.15 Model Set-up ................................................................................................................................................. 25

4.16 Case Definition.............................................................................................................................................. 27

4.16.1 Normal Pipeline Operation .................................................................................................................... 27
4.16.2 Cases ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.16.3 Simulation Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 28

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4.17 Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 32

Case 1: Closure of SDV2 ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Case 2a: BVS-1 closure in 1inch/second (40 seconds), with all pumps operating .................................................. 35
Case 2b: BVS-1 closure in 1/3inch/second (120 seconds), with all pumps operating ............................................. 38
Case 2c: BVS-1 closure in 1inch/second (40 seconds), all operating pumps tripped .............................................. 41
Case 3: Trip of two export crude oil main pumps ................................................................................................... 43
Case 4: All operating pumps are tripped ................................................................................................................. 47
Case 5: Closure of BVS-2, with all pumps operating .............................................................................................. 49
Case 6: Closure of BVS-3, with all pumps operating .............................................................................................. 52
Case 7a: Closure of SDV1, with all pumps operating ............................................................................................. 55
Case 7b: Closure of SDV1, with all operating pumps tripped ................................................................................. 57
Wave Speed ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Summary ................................................................................................................................................................. 60

4.18 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 61

5. OVERPRESSURE AT PS-1 TANK FARM .......................................................... 62
6. TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF LPG EXPORT PIPELINE ...................................... 63

6.1 Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 63

6.2 System Description ....................................................................................................................................... 63

6.3 Process Battery Limit Conditions ............................................................................................................... 65

6.4 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 65

6.5 Fluid Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 65

6.6 Pipeline Design Flow .................................................................................................................................... 65

6.7 Piping and Pipeline Data ............................................................................................................................. 66

6.8 Environmental Data ..................................................................................................................................... 66

6.9 Pipeline length and topography .................................................................................................................. 67

6.10 Pump Suction and Discharge Piping .......................................................................................................... 67

6.11 Pump Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 68

6.12 Valve Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 70

6.13 Carbon Steel and Fluid Properties ............................................................................................................. 70

6.14 Piping/Pipeline pressure limits .................................................................................................................... 70

6.15 Model Set-up ................................................................................................................................................. 71

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6.16 Case Definition.............................................................................................................................................. 72

6.16.1 Normal Pipeline Operation .................................................................................................................... 72
6.16.2 Cases ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
6.16.3 Simulation Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 73

6.17 Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 76

Case 1a: SDV1 closure ............................................................................................................................................ 76
Case 1b: SDV1 closure ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Case 2a: SDV2 closure ............................................................................................................................................ 82
Case 2b: SDV2 closure ............................................................................................................................................ 85
6.17.1 Wave Speed ........................................................................................................................................... 88
6.17.2 Summary................................................................................................................................................ 89

6.18 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 90

7. TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF SALES GAS PIPELINE ........................................ 91

7.1 Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 91

7.2 Description .................................................................................................................................................... 91

7.3 Battery Limit Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 93

7.4 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 93

7.5 Flow Correlations ......................................................................................................................................... 93

7.6 Fluid Composition ........................................................................................................................................ 94

7.7 Pipeline Data ................................................................................................................................................. 94

7.8 Environmental Data ..................................................................................................................................... 95

7.9 Pipeline length and topography .................................................................................................................. 95

7.10 Pipeline pressure protection ........................................................................................................................ 95

7.11 Model Set-up ................................................................................................................................................. 96

7.12 Case Definition.............................................................................................................................................. 97

7.12.1 Normal Pipeline Operation .................................................................................................................... 97
7.12.2 Cases ...................................................................................................................................................... 97
7.12.3 Simulation Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 98

7.13 Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 99

7.14 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 99

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Table 4-1: Block Valve Station Location .................................................................................. 17
Figure 4-2: Crude Oil Export Schematic .................................................................................. 18
Table 4-3: Battery Limit conditions .......................................................................................... 19
Table 4-4: In-plant Class 150# piping diameter and wall thickness .......................................... 20
Table 4-5: In-plant Class 150# piping diameter and wall thickness ........................................... 20
Table 4-6: Crude Oil Export Pipeline Data .............................................................................. 20
Figure 4-7: Crude Oil Pipeline Topography ............................................................................. 21
Table 4-8: Crude Oil: CPF in-plant piping lengths.................................................................... 21
Table 4-9: Crude Oil: Booster Pump Data ................................................................................ 22
Figure 4-10: Crude Oil: Booster Pump Curve........................................................................... 23
Table 4-11: Crude Oil: Main Pump Data .................................................................................. 23
Figure 4-12: Crude Oil: Main Pump Curve............................................................................... 23
Table 4-13: Pipeline and Fluid Data ......................................................................................... 24
Figure 4-14: PIPENET Model for Crude Oil Export Pipeline ................................................... 25
Table 4-15: PIPENET Model Parameters ................................................................................. 26
Figure 4-16: Normal Operation: Pump and Pipeline flow, and pipeline velocity ....................... 27
Figure 4-17: Normal Operation: Main Pump and Booster Pump Pressure................................. 27
Table 4-18: Normal Operation: Pressure and Velocity for Rated Flow ..................................... 28
Table 4-19: Transient Case simulation steps and Equipment/ Valve position ............................ 29
Figure 4-20: Case 1: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow ............................... 32
Figure 4-21: Case 1: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .................................................................. 33
Figure 4-22: Case 1: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure ................................................................ 33
Figure 4-23: Case 1: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure ...................................................... 34
Figure 4-24: Case 1: Pipeline Maximum/ Minimum Pressure Profile ....................................... 34
Figure 4-25: Case 2a: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .............................. 35
Figure 4-26: Case 2a: NRV inlet and outlet pressure ................................................................ 35
Figure 4-27: Case 2a: BVS1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................... 36
Figure 4-28: Case 2a: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure .................................................... 36
Figure 4-29: Case 2a: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure Profile ................................... 37
Figure 4-30: Case 2b: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow.............................. 38
Figure 4-31: Case 2b: NRV inlet and outlet pressure ................................................................ 38

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Figure 4-32: Case 2b: BVS-1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................. 39
Figure 4-33: Case 2b: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure .................................................... 39
Figure 4-34: Case 2b: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure Profile .................................. 40
Figure 4-35: Case 2c: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .............................. 41
Figure 4-36: Case 2c: NRV inlet and outlet pressure ................................................................ 41
Figure 4-37: Case 2c: BVS-1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................. 42
Figure 4-38: Case 2c: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure .................................................... 42
Figure 4-39: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP1) Discharge Pressure and Flow ................... 43
Figure 4-40: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP1) NRV inlet and outlet pressure ................... 43
Figure 4-42: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP2) Discharge Pressure and Flow ................... 44
Figure 4-42: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP2) NRV inlet and outlet pressure ................... 44
Figure 4-43: Case 3: Working Pump Flow ............................................................................... 45
Figure 4-44: Case 3: Crude oil pipeline inlet pressure .............................................................. 45
Figure 4-45 : Case 3: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure ............................................... 46
Figure 4-46: Case 4: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow ............................... 47
Figure 4-47: Case 4: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .................................................................. 47
Figure 4-48: Case 4: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure ...................................................... 48
Figure 4-49 : Case 4: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure ............................................... 48
Figure 4-50: Case 5: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow ............................... 49
Figure 4-51: Case 5: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .................................................................. 49
Figure 4-52: Case 5: BVS-2 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................... 50
Figure 4-53: Case 5: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure ...................................................... 50
Figure 4-54 : Case 5: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure ............................................... 51
Figure 4-55: Case 6: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow ............................... 52
Figure 4-56: Case 6: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .................................................................. 52
Figure 4-57: Case 6: BVS-3 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................... 53
Figure 4-58: Case 6: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure ...................................................... 53
Figure 4-59 : Case 6: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure ............................................... 54
Figure 4-60: Case 7a: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .............................. 55
Figure 4-61 : Case 7a: NRV inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................... 55
Figure 4-62 : Case 7a: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure.............................................................. 56
Figure 4-63 : Case 7a: Maximum pressure reached in Class 300# pump discharge piping ........ 56

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Figure 4-64: Case 7b: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow.............................. 57
Figure 4-65 : Case 7b: NRV inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................... 57
Figure 4-66 : Case 7b: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................. 58
Figure 4-67 : Case 7b: Maximum pressure reached in Class 300# pump discharge piping ........ 58
Table 4-68: Wave Speed .......................................................................................................... 59
Table 4-69: Peak surge pressure ............................................................................................... 60
Figure 6-1: LPG Export Pumps and Pipeline ............................................................................ 64
Table 6-2: Battery Limit conditions .......................................................................................... 65
Table 6-3: In-plant Class 300# piping diameter and wall thickness .......................................... 66
Table 6-4: In-plant Class 900# piping diameter and wall thickness ........................................... 66
Table 6-5: LPG Export Pipeline Data ....................................................................................... 66
Figure 6-6: LPG Export Pipeline Topography .......................................................................... 67
Table 6-7: LPG: CPF in-plant piping lengths............................................................................ 67
Table 6-8: LPG Booster Pump Data ......................................................................................... 68
Figure 6-9: LPG Booster Pump Curve...................................................................................... 69
Table 6-10: LPG: Main Export Pump Data............................................................................... 69
Figure 6-11: LPG: Main Export Pump Curve ........................................................................... 69
Table 6-12: Pipeline Characteristics ......................................................................................... 70
Figure 6-13: PIPENET Model for LPG Export Pipeline ........................................................... 71
Figure 6-14: Normal Operation: Pump and Pipeline flow, and pipeline velocity ....................... 72
Figure 6-15: Normal Operation: Main Pump and Booster Pump Pressure................................. 72
Table 6-16: Normal Operation: Pressure and Velocity for Rated Flow ..................................... 73
Table 6-17: LPG Export Pipeline: Simulation Matrix ............................................................... 74
Figure 6-18: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .................................................... 76
Figure 6-19: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .............................................................................. 76
Figure 6-20: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................. 76
Figure 6-21: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................ 77
Figure 6-22: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping ....................... 78
Figure 6-23: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .................................................... 79
Figure 6-24: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .............................................................................. 79
Figure 6-25: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................. 80
Figure 6-26: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................ 80

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Figure 6-27: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping ....................... 81
Figure 6-28: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .................................................... 82
Figure 6-29: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .............................................................................. 82
Figure 6-30: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................. 83
Figure 6-31: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................ 83
Figure 6-32: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping ....................... 84
Figure 6-33: Maximum pressure reached in LPG pipeline ........................................................ 84
Figure 6-34: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow .................................................... 85
Figure 6-35: NRV inlet and outlet pressure .............................................................................. 85
Figure 6-36: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................. 86
Figure 6-37: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure ............................................................................ 86
Figure 6-38: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping ....................... 87
Figure 6-39: Maximum pressure reached in LPG pipeline ........................................................ 87
Table 6-40: Wave Speed .......................................................................................................... 88
Table 6-41: Peak surge pressure ............................................................................................... 89
Figure 7-1: Sales Gas Export Pipeline ...................................................................................... 92
Table 7-2: Process Battery Limit Conditions ............................................................................ 93
Table 7-3: Sales Gas Composition............................................................................................ 94
Table 7-4: Sales Gas Export Pipeline Data ............................................................................... 95
Figure 7-5: OLGA Model for Sales Gas Export Pipeline .......................................................... 96
Figure 7-6: Normal Operation: Pipeline Inlet Pressure, Flowrate and Velocity ......................... 97
Table 7-7: Normal Operation: Pressure & Velocity for Rated Flow rate ................................... 97
Table 7-8: Simulation Matrix ................................................................................................... 98
Figure 7-9: Sales Gas Export Pipeline: Line packing ................................................................ 99
1. Final pump vendor curves/data
2. Valve closure profiles/characteristics.

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40” Export Crude Oil Pipeline:

• The 40” crude oil pipeline transports stabilized crude oil to PS-1 tank farm. The crude oil
pipeline grade is API 5L X60. A wall thickness of 11.13mm is adequate for the pipeline
mechanical design pressure of 47.0 barg. If the pipeline was constructed from the next
wall thickness up (11.90 mm), the system is restricted to a mechanical design pressure of
47.5 barg, given the limitations of ASME B16.5 #300 class flanges. Pipeline mechanical
design pressure of 47 barg is recommended (refer to Technical Query, Ref.17).

• For the surge analysis reported herein, Poisson Ratio of 0.3 (Ref. ASME B31.8) and
Elasticity Modulus of 203 GPa (Ref. ASME B31.4) for carbon steel material are applied.
The predicted surge pressures are based on pump curves derived from assuming 125%
rise to shut-off from the rated point. Linear valve closure profile is assumed. Run down
due to pump trip has been modelled based on preliminary vendor pump power and
moment of inertia data.

- Tripping of the crude oil pumps with no valve closure does not cause the pressure in
the pump discharge piping or pipeline to exceed the mechanical design pressure
(Case 4, Figure 4.48).

- BVS closure while the pumps continue to run does not cause the pipeline pressure to
exceed the allowable ASME B31.4 limit for pipeline surge. However, as it is intended
that the BVSs are only used for pipeline section isolation if required for maintenance
etc. rather than a safety shut-down, there is no requirement for the BVSs to close
quickly. For a scheduled shut-down of the pipeline, the pumps would be stopped prior
to closure of any of the pipeline BVSs. However, in the event of inadvertent closure
of a BVS by Operations while the pumps are in operation, the valve travel should be
slowed to 1/3 inch/second to prevent pipeline surge pressure exceeding the code

- As per Cause and Effect logic, considering all operating pumps are tripped upon
closure of the pump discharge shutdown valve (SDV1), pressure in the Class 300#
piping on the crude oil pump discharge is not exceeded (Case 7b, Figure 4.67).

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12” LPG Export Pipeline:

• The 12” LPG pipeline transports LPG product to the LPG pipeline, and then to
the LPG National Grid via the 14” Umm Qasr-Baghdad LPG pipeline. A HIPPS valve set
at the inlet of the 12” LPG pipeline is required because the pipeline is rated to a lower
mechanical design pressure (94 barg) than the LPG pump discharge pressure at shut-off
of 110 barg (based on FEED phase estimate of pump shut-off head).

- As per the GTP Cause and Effects [Ref.16], the LPG HIPPS valve closes upon High
High Pressure at HIPPS, but does not close directly if SDV1 or SDV2 are closed i.e.
there is a time delay while the pressure is increased to HIPPS SP before the HIPPS
valve is closed.

- Upon closure of SDV1 at the CPF, 91 barg is reached 12 seconds after the SDV1
begins to close. HIPPS valve is then shut. With a 1inch/second HIPPS valve closure
rate, the peak pressure reached in the Class 900# pump discharge piping is within the
design pressure limit. Class 900# pressure rating to the outlet of SDV1 is required.

- Upon closure of SDV2 at , 91 barg is reached 25 seconds after SDV2 begins

to close, at which time the HIPPS valve starts to close. A maximum pressure of 98.3
barg is reached in the LPG pipeline, less than the ASME B31.4 allowable surge
pressure limit of 103.4 barg (110% of 94 barg).

28” Sales Gas Pipeline:

• The 28” sales gas pipeline transports Sales Gas to the Sales Gas
pipeline, which is in turn transported to the Gas National Grid via the 42” North
Rumailah-Baghdad Gas Pipeline.

- Upon closure of SDV2 with the sales gas compression trains continuing to run, the
sales gas pipeline will pack. It will take 2.4 minutes for the pipeline to reach 91 barg
pressure (PAHH) and a further 1.5 minutes for the pipeline to reach 94 barg
(mechanical design pressure), assuming that the compressors have not tripped on
PAHH as per the Cause and Effect logic. A PSV on the discharge of the sales gas
compressor is set at 94 barg for final protection of the pipeline from overpressure.
Further to the above, it is advised that transient analysis for the crude oil export pipeline, LPG
export pipeline and Sales gas export pipeline is revisited during the Detailed Engineering Design
Phase based on final vendor equipment selection (pumps, valves etc.)
It is also advised that transient analysis for the produced water pipeline, TRW import pipeline,
and CSSP import pipeline not included within the FEED analysis is reviewed by the EPC
contractor at the Detailed Engineering Design Phase.

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( ), in partnership with the Company of , is
developing its upstream production facilities and infrastructure to meet a target of 1.2MMBOPD
of production in the 2 oil field in Southern . The field consists of two primary
reservoirs, and , which are developed as separate projects. It is envisaged that
the reservoir will produce 650MBOPD of the 1.2MMBOPD targeted from the entire
WorleyParsons has been contracted to execute the FEED phase of the Development
Project. The development includes well pads, gathering systems, water injection facilities, gas
and water treatment, a gas turbine power plant, a light oil export pipeline and tank farm
upgrades, tie-ins to LPG and gas export systems and further expansion of supporting facilities
such as accommodation camps, security systems and expansion of the infrastructure as
The Project aims to produce a comprehensive FEED Package in order to allow the progression of
the Project to the EPC (Execute) Phase.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to present the study basis and findings of the transient analysis
of crude oil export line, LPG export pipeline and Sales gas export pipeline for the

1.2 Scope
The scope of this report includes transient analysis for:
1. 40” Crude oil export pipeline
2. 12” LPG export pipeline
3. 28” Sales gas export pipeline.
Note that transient analysis for the produced water pipeline, TRW pipeline, and CSSP pipeline
are excluded from the FEED scope. It is recommended that transient analysis for each of these
systems is reviewed by the EPC Contractor during the Project Detailed Design Phase.
The crude oil and LPG export pipeline are reviewed in terms of;
- Benchmarking of steady state normal operation results with PIPESIM
- Determining the peak surge pressure in the piping and pipeline for the defined upset
scenarios and assessing this pressure against piping and pipeline code allowances for
surge pressure
- Review of surge mitigation measures (where applicable)
Transient analysis of the sales gas export pipeline has been completed to determine;
- Upon closure of the shut-down valve at IPS, the packing time to reach Sales Gas
Compressor PAHH set point pressure, and pipeline mechanical design pressure.

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1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
B/L Battery Limit
BP LPG Booster Pump
BVS Block Valve Station
CPF Central Processing Facility
CSSP Common Sea Water Supply Project
EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FV Full Vacuum
H&MB Heat & Material Balance
HIPPS High Integrity Pressure Protection System
ID Internal Diameter
IPS Intermediate Pigging Station
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MASP Maximum Allowable Surge Pressure
MAOP Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
MMBOPD Million Barrels of Oil per day
MBOPD Thousand Barrels of Oil per day
MP LPG Export Main Pump
MP1 Crude Oil Export Main Pump 1
MP2 Crude Oil Export Main Pump 2
NRV Non-return valve
OD Outer Diameter
PAHH High High Pressure Alarm
PS-1 Pump Station-1
PSV Pressure Safety Valve
SDV Shutdown valve
SP Set Point
TRW Third River Water
WT Wall Thickness

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1.4 Assumptions

For this analysis, the following assumptions have been applied:

1. Pump curves are assumed to have 125% rise to shut-off from the rated point.
2. Valve closure is modelled assuming a linear valve closure profile
3. Check valves on the pump discharge are modelled in PIPENET as ‘ideal’ check valves
which prevent all flow in the reverse direction, with no delay on check valve closure (i.e.
check valve closes immediately to prevent reverse flow).
4. Valve ID is equal to piping or pipeline ID.
5. Pumps are modelled as ‘inertia’ pumps in PIPENET with moment of inertia data based
on preliminary vendor pump data.
6. As the dynamics of the flow control valve on the pump minimum flow return are
unknown, no credit is taken for pump minimum flow protection (i.e. it is assumed that
the pumps can go to shut-off).

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1. Export and Import Pipeline Steady State Hydraulics Report, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-
2. Gathering, Water Injection, Export & Import Pipelines Basis of Design, Doc. No. 8015-
3. Export Network New 40” Oil Export Pipeline from CPF to PS-1, Doc. No.
4. HTFS (Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service) Handbook
5. Export Crude Booster Pump Datasheet, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-22-411-PC-DS-
6. Export Crude Main Pump Datasheet, Doc. No. 8 015-0152-WP05-22-411-PC-DS-04003
7. Export LPG Booster Pump Datasheet, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-21-413-PC-DS-05002
8. Export LPG Main Pump Datasheet, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-21-413-PC-DS-05003
9. Heat and Material Balance 8015-0152-WP05-21-240-PC-HM-05001
10. Pipeline Route Map – Export Network Sales Gas, LPG Export and Water Supply
Pipelines, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-60-600-PL-DB-09002
11. Alarm and Trip Schedule –CPF, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-21-240-PC-LS-05005
12. ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
13. ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid and Slurries
14. MOM SOC PS1 Tank Farm Meeting, dated 10th-11th November 2014
15. CPF Cause and Effect Diagram, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-22-200-PC-CE-04001
16. GTP Cause and Effect Diagram, Doc. No. 8015-0152-WP05-21-240-PC-CE-05001
17. Crude Oil Export Pipeline Design Pressure Technical Query 8015-0152-WP05- L-

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In Pre-FEED, the transient study for crude oil export pipeline was carried out for the following
Case 1: Closure of battery limit valve on the export line close to PS-1 tank farm
Case 2: Similarly closure of block valve stations valve (BVS-1)
Case 3: Tripping of Export Crude Main Pump at time delay of 5secs from BVS-1 closure
Case 4: Tripping of Export Crude Main Pump
Transient analysis of the LPG export pipeline and Sales gas pipeline was not reviewed.
For the crude oil pipeline, a mechanical design pressure of 43 barg was recommended; with a
further detailed review of the below concepts during FEED.

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4.1 Objective

The objectives of the Crude oil export system transient analysis are
1. Determine surge pressure in the crude oil pump discharge piping and pipeline upon valve
closure and pump trip events (refer to the detailed list in Section 4.16.2) and compare
with the allowable surge pressure limits as per piping and pipeline codes.
2. In the event where code allowance is exceeded, review surge mitigation options (if
3. Report wave speeds for the purposes of piping and pipeline stressing.

4.2 System Description

For reference, refer to the Schematic in Figure 4.2 below.
Stabilized crude oil is stored at the CPF and then is exported to the PS-1 Tank Farm through an
87 km buried pipeline. The CPF is equipped with two (2) pump stations, Booster Pump and
Export Pump stations. At each pump station, there are five (5) pumps with a philosophy of four
(4) pumps working and 1 pump standby. All Booster Pumps are connected in parallel within the
Booster Pump station. Similarly, all Export Pumps are connected in parallel within the Export
Pump station. The Booster Pump station and export Pump station are connected in series.
There are seven (7) block valve stations along the pipeline route. The distance between each
Block valve station is provided in the following table:
Table 4-1: Block Valve Station Location
Description Kilo Points (km)
BVS-1 16.73
BVS-2 18.86
BVS-3 32.51
BVS-4 63.09
BVS-5 64.20
BVS-5A 76.94
BVS-5B 77.38
• SDV1 = 30” shutdown valve downstream of main pumps prior to the pig launcher
located inside the CPF (EIV-0005).

• SDV2 = 40” shutdown valve downstream of the pig receiver located within PS-1 Tank
Farm (EIV-0011).

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Figure 4-2: Crude Oil Export Schematic

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4.3 Process Battery Limit Conditions
For the transient analysis, the following battery limit pressure and temperature conditions are
Table 4-3: Battery Limit conditions
Parameter Description Parameter Reference

The pressure at Export Crude Booster

0.01 barg Ref [5]

The temperature at Export Crude Booster

57°c Ref [5]
Pump suction

The pressure at PS-1 tank farm 5.0 barg Ref [2]

The temperature at PS-1 tank farm Calculated -

4.4 Software
Transient analysis software PIPENET from Sunrise (UK), version 1.7 has been used for pipeline
surge analysis.
PIPENET uses Darcy Equation and Coulson and Richardson equation for pressure drop and
frictional effects.

4.5 Fluid Properties

The following fluid properties for stabilized oil are used. The properties at 57°C operating
temperature are as follows:
Oil Density : 832 kg/m3
Oil viscosity : 3.1 cP
Vapor pressure : 0.74 bara

4.6 Pipeline Design Flow

As referenced from the Basis of Design 8015-0152-WP05-61-600-PC-BD-09001 Ref [2],
pipeline design flow is 684 MBOPD (650 / 0.95 availability) plus 10% design margin.

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4.7 Piping and Pipeline Data

In-plant piping from the Stabilized Crude Oil Tank to Export Crude Oil Main Pump is carbon
steel and rated to ASME B16.5 Class 150#. Table 4.4 below provides the pipeline OD, ID, and
thickness applied.
Table 4-4: In-plant Class 150# piping diameter and wall thickness

Material: Carbon Steel, Design Pressure = 18.1 barg, Design Temperature = 87°C

Nominal Diameter (in) OD (mm) Thickness (mm) ID (mm)

18 457.2 6.35 444.50
26 660.0 7.92 644.16
30 762.0 7.92 746.16
40 1016.0 12.70 990.60
In-plant piping from the Export Crude Oil Main Pump to Crude Oil Pipeline is carbon steel and
rated to ASME B16.5 Class 300#. Table 4.5 below provides the pipeline OD, ID, and thickness
Table 4-5: In-plant Class 150# piping diameter and wall thickness

Material: Carbon Steel, Design Pressure = 47.5 barg, Design Temperature = 87°C

Nominal Diameter (in) OD (mm) Thickness (mm) ID (mm)

16 406.40 12.70 381.00
30 762.00 19.05 723.90

Steady state hydraulic analysis has been performed for different pipeline sizes and recommends
40” pipeline diameter. The pipeline design pressure, diameter and wall thickness for API 5LX60
pipeline grade as shown below in Table 4.6 is referenced from Export and Import Pipeline
Steady State Hydraulic Report 8015-0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09003 Revision 1, Ref[1].
Table 4-6: Crude Oil Export Pipeline Data
Material: Carbon Steel, Grade: API 5L X60 Corrosion Allowance: 3mm
Nominal Pipeline Wall Pipeline
Design Pipeline OD Thickness ID
Temperature (°C) Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm)
70 (buried) /
47.0 40 1016 11.13 993.74
87 (above ground)

4.8 Environmental Data

Pipeline is buried 1 m below the ground. The soil temperature at 1 m burial depth is considered
as 15°C.

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4.9 Pipeline length and topography

Crude oil pipeline length is 87 km with 11 m as net elevation. As per the Export and Import
Pipeline Steady State Hydraulic Report 8015-0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09003 Ref.[1], the 5%
design margin on length is considered to account the exact pipeline routing and fittings. The
routing and elevation change of crude oil pipeline is provided in the following Figure 4.7. Note
that pipeline surge pressure is to be revalidated during the detailed design phase based on
topography surveying and final pipeline alignment data.
Figure 4-7: Crude Oil Pipeline Topography

Elevation (m)

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Length (m)

*Point (0, 0) represents the datum level.

4.10 Pump Suction and Discharge Piping

In-plant CPF piping diameter and equivalent length are provided below.
Table 4-8: Crude Oil: CPF in-plant piping lengths
Description Diameter (inches) Equivalent Length (m)
Suction Main Header 40 1042
Suction Line to each Booster Pump 24 58
Discharge Line from each Booster Pump 18 58
Booster Pump Discharge Header 28 128
Suction Line to each Main Pump 18 85
Discharge Line from each Main Pump 16 85
Discharge Main Header 30 883
Piping equivalent lengths have been derived by multiplying actual piping length by the factors as
per Table 7.1 of Process Design Criteria 8015-0152-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-120001.
• Booster pump and main pump suction is considered with +0.5 m net elevation change
from the grade to pump center point.

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• Net elevation change from booster pump discharge to main pump suction line is
considered as zero
• Main pump discharge to Fiscal metering is considered with +0.5 m net elevation change.
The in-plant pressure drops provided below are considered in the PIPENET model based on
preliminary FEED pipe routing, and can be revalidated in detailed design once pipe routing
and isometrics are finalized. However, this will not impact the decisions made in this report.
- Booster pump suction = 0.1 bar
- Main Pump suction =0.9 bar
- Main pump discharge piping + Fiscal metering = 2.23 bar

4.11 Pump Characteristics

The pump flow vs head curves are assumed to have 125% rise to shut-off from the rated point.
The rated point is referenced from pump datasheets, Ref [5, 6]. Approximated pump curves
applied for the analysis are provided in Figure 4.10 and 4.12 below. During the EPC phase, the
cases should be revisited based on final procured pump curves [HOLD-1].
Pump trips are modelled as ‘inertia’ pumps in PIPENET, which take into account pump moment
of inertia derived from impeller, fluid and motor moment of inertia. Pump inertia data is sourced
from preliminary pump vendor data.
Table 4-9: Crude Oil: Booster Pump Data

Parameter Description Parameter

Rated Capacity 1294 m3/hr per pump [Note 1]

Suction Pressure 0.01 barg

Discharge Pressure 3.65 barg

Shut-off pressure 4.5 barg [HOLD-4]

Note 1: Four pumps are running and one pump is stand-by.

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Figure 4-10: Crude Oil: Booster Pump Curve

Table 4-11: Crude Oil: Main Pump Data

Parameter Description Parameter

Rated Capacity 1294 m3/hr per pump [Note 1]

Suction Pressure 2.42 barg

Discharge Pressure 27.3 barg

Shut-off Pressure 31.1 barg [HOLD-1]

Note 1: Four pumps are running and one pump is stand-by.

Figure 4-12: Crude Oil: Main Pump Curve

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4.12 Valve Characteristics

All block valve stations are equipped with ball valves. In PIPENET, the BVS is defined as full-
bore with contraction ratio of 1 [HOLD2]. The valve ID is considered equal to the 40” pipeline
SDV1 (EIV-0005) and SDV2 (EIV-0011) are considered as full bore ball valves with contraction
ratio of 1 [HOLD2]. The valve ID is considered equal to the piping ID.
4.13 Carbon Steel and Fluid Properties
The properties of a carbon steel pipeline/piping and bulk modulus of crude oil considered in
PIPENET are provided below:
Table 4-13: Pipeline and Fluid Data

Parameter Description Parameter

Pipeline Material Carbon Steel

Poisson Ratio 0.3 [Ref. 13]

Young Modulus 203 GPa [Ref. 12]

Roughness factor 0.0456

Bulk Modulus 1.5 GPa (Note-1)

Note 1:- Referenced from HTFS (Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service) Handbook, Section FM12
'Pressure Surges in a pipeline with Liquid Flow', Table 1, 1990.

4.14 Piping/Pipeline pressure limits

The maximum pressure limit of the piping is determined from the piping design pressure and
code allowance for overpressure.
For ASME B31.8 code (piping):
“Subject to the owner’s approval, it is permissible to exceed the pressure rating or allowable
stress for pressure design at the temperature of the increased condition by not more than:
(a) 33% for no more than 10 hr at any one time and no more than 100 hr/yr; or
(b) 20% for not more than 50 hr at any one time and no more than 500 hr/yr.”
If the pressure rating is exceeded as per the above clause, it is noted that owner’s approval is
required and each incident must be logged and recorded.
Otherwise, as per Section 845.4 of ASME B31.8, maximum allowable pressure in the piping is
limited to 110% of piping design pressure. This limit is applied for the basis of the analysis
reported herein.

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For ASME B31.4 design code (pipeline):

Pressure rise due to surges and other variations from normal operations shall not exceed the
internal design pressure at any point in the piping system and equipment by more than 10%.

4.15 Model Set-up

1. CPF crude oil tank discharge line is set as pressure of 0.01 barg to represent the booster
pump suction pressure.
2. Booster Pump and Main Pump curves are defined with three points (refer to Figure 4.10
and 4.12).
3. Pressure at pipeline outlet at PS-1 Tank Farm is set at 5 barg.
4. Check valves located on the pump discharge are modelled as ‘non-return valves’ which
assumes the valve acts as an ‘ideal’ check valve, preventing all flow in the reverse
direction with no delay on check valve closure (i.e. check valve closes immediately to
prevent reverse flow).
PIPENET model schematic view is provided below:
Figure 4-14: PIPENET Model for Crude Oil Export Pipeline







Time Function: Power Ramp up

This gives change in specification value over a specified time period. The specification value is
assumed to be constant before and after the power ramp up.

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Table 4-15: PIPENET Model Parameters

Parameter Value
Maximum No. of Iterations 50 with 1% Interpolation tolerance
Output time Step 0.1 sec for Graph and 1 sec for data
Calculation Time Step 0.05 sec

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4.16 Case Definition

4.16.1 Normal Pipeline Operation

The pressure and velocity profile during normal operation is established for the crude oil
Figure 4-16: Normal Operation: Pump and Pipeline flow, and pipeline velocity

Figure 4-17: Normal Operation: Main Pump and Booster Pump Pressure

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The results are compared with PIPESIM steady state results [Ref-1] in Table 4.18 below.
Table 4-18: Normal Operation: Pressure and Velocity for Rated Flow
Description Flow rate Pipeline In Velocity
pressure Pipeline Out Pressure

PIPENET 5173 m3/hr 23.8 barg 5 barg 1.85 m/s

PIPESIM 5094 m3/hr 23.1 barg 5 barg 1.80 m/s

PIPENET predicts a higher pressure drop due to the higher flowrate. Flowrate and fluid
properties used in PIPENET are based on the H&MB [Ref-9], HYSYS predicted values, whereas
in PIPESIM properties are based on the inbuilt multi-flash PVT package. However, a higher
pressure at the pipeline inlet yields conservative surge pressures.

4.16.2 Cases
A pressure surge is generated in a piping system whenever there is a change in flow rate of the
liquid in the line. Surge pressures can cause extremely rapid changes in pressure, rapid enough
to cause metallic percussions or a pounding of the line. The following cases are reviewed to
assess the surge pressure in the in-plant crude oil piping within the CPF, and in the crude oil
pipeline itself:
Case 1: Closure of SDV2 (shutdown valve in PS-1 tank farm), with all pumps operating
Case 2: Closure of first pipeline block valve station (BVS-1)
- Case 2a: BVS-1 closure is 1 inch per second (40 seconds), with all pumps operating
- Case 2b: BVS-1 closure is 1/3 inch per second (120 seconds), with all pumps operating
- Case 2c: BVS-1 closure is 1 inch per second (40 seconds), with all operating pumps
Case 3: Two export crude main pumps trip (while the other two main pumps continue to
operate), with no valve closures
Case 4: All crude oil operating pumps trip, with no valve closures
Case 5: Closure of second block valve stations BVS-2, with all pumps operating
Case 6: Closure of third pipeline block valve stations BVS-3, with all pumps operating
Case 7: Closure of SDV1 (shutdown valve downstream of crude oil pumps in the CPF)
- Case 7a: SDV1 closes in 30 seconds and assumes all operating pumps continue to operate
- Case 7b: SDV1 closes in 30 seconds and assumes all operating pumps trip (as per CPF
Cause and Effect Diagram 8015-0152-WP05-22-200-PC-CE-04001, Ref [15].

4.16.3 Simulation Matrix

Simulation sequence and equipment/valve operation in PIPENET are listed below:

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Table 4-19: Transient Case simulation steps and Equipment/ Valve position
Equipment / Valve: Mode of Operation
CASES Steps Booster Main
Pumps Pumps
4 pumps 4 pumps
Normal t = 0 to 60 sec running running
Operation Pipeline is in S.S condition +1 +1
standby standby
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
4 pumps 4 pumps
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 40 sec
Transient running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSE
Case 1 +1 +1
• t> 140 sec standby standby
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure
is higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
4 pumps 4 pumps
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 40 sec
Transient running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed OPEN CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 2a +1 +1
• t> 140 sec standby standby
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure
is higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
4 pumps 4 pumps
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 120 sec
Transient running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed OPEN CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 2b +1 +1
• t> 220 sec standby standby
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure
is higher than S.S pressure

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Equipment / Valve: Mode of Operation

CASES Steps Booster Main
Pumps Pumps

t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 1 sec
Upset scenario - All operating
pumps are tripped instantaneously. 4 pumps 4 pumps
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 40 sec tripped tripped
Case 2c
Upset scenario- valve is closed
• t> 140 sec
Pumps tripped + Valve closed &
Pipeline pressure is lower than S.S
• t = 0 to 60 sec
Normal S.S operation
4 pumps 2 pumps
• t = 0 to 60 sec + 1 sec
Transient running running
Upset scenario- Pumps are tripped OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 3 +1 +1
• t > 61 sec standby standby
Pumps are tripped & Pipeline
pressure is lower than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 60 sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 60 sec + 1 sec
Upset scenario - All operating
Transient 4 pumps 4 pumps
pumps are tripped instantaneously. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 4 tripped tripped
• t > 61 sec
Pumps are tripped & Pipeline
pressure is lower than S.S pressure

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Equipment / Valve: Mode of Operation

CASES Steps Booster Main
Pumps Pumps
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation 4 pumps 4 pumps
Transient • t = 0 to 100 sec + 40 sec running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed OPEN OPEN CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 5 +1 +1
• t> 140 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is standby standby
higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation 4 pumps 4 pumps
Transient • t = 0 to 100 sec + 40 sec running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 6 +1 +1
• t> 140 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is standby standby
higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 60 sec
Normal S.S operation 4 pumps 4 pumps
Transient • t = 0 to 60 sec + 30 sec running running
Upset scenario- valve is closed CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Case 7a +1 +1
• t> 90 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is standby standby
higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 60 sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 60 sec + 1 sec
Upset scenario - All operating pumps
Transient are tripped instantaneously.
4 pumps 4 pumps
Case 7b • t = 0 to 60 sec + 30 sec
tripped tripped
Upset scenario- valve is closed.
• t> 90 sec Valve closed & Pipeline
pressure is lower than S.S pressure
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4.17 Results

Case 1: Closure of SDV2

Shut-down valve in the PS-1 tank farm (SDV2, 40’’ diameter) is closed in 40 seconds.
Figure 4-20: Case 1: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Note: Although the plot above shows the flow and discharge pressure of one crude oil main
pump only, all 4 pumps are running (applicable to all cases where 4 pumps are running).

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Figure 4-21: Case 1: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-22: Case 1: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-23: Case 1: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

The peak pressure seen in the crude oil pipeline upon SDV1 closure is 41.7 barg. The peak
pressure in the main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 42.2 barg.

The pipeline maximum and minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-24: Case 1: Pipeline Maximum/ Minimum Pressure Profile

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile




Pressure (barg)





0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

* The pressure profile plot is for the simulation duration of 500 seconds

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Case 2a: BVS-1 closure in 1inch/second (40 seconds), with all pumps operating
BVS-1 (40” diameter) is closed in 40 seconds.
Figure 4-25: Case 2a: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-26: Case 2a: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-27: Case 2a: BVS1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-28: Case 2a: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

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The peak pressure seen in the crude oil pipeline upon SDV1 closure is 50.1 barg. The peak
pressure in the main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 51.3 barg.

The pipeline maximum and minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-29: Case 2a: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure Profile

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile



Pressure (barg)




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

* The pressure profile plot is for the simulation duration of 500 seconds

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Case 2b: BVS-1 closure in 1/3inch/second (120 seconds), with all pumps operating
BVS-1 (40” diameter) is closed in 120 seconds.
Figure 4-30: Case 2b: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-31: Case 2b: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-32: Case 2b: BVS-1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-33: Case 2b: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

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The peak pressure seen in the crude oil pipeline upon SDV1 closure is 47.9 barg. The peak
pressure in the main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 48.4 barg.

Figure 4-34: Case 2b: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure Profile

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile



Pressure (barg)




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

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Case 2c: BVS-1 closure in 1inch/second (40 seconds), all operating pumps tripped
BVS-1 (40” diameter) is closed in 40 seconds. All operating pumps trip at the same time as
BVS-1 starts to close.
Figure 4-35: Case 2c: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-36: Case 2c: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-37: Case 2c: BVS-1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-38: Case 2c: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

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Case 3: Trip of two export crude oil main pumps

Two Export Crude Main pumps are tripped at a time, while the other two main pumps continue
to operate.
Figure 4-39: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP1) Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-40: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP1) NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-41: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP2) Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-42: Case 3: Crude Oil Main Pump (MP2) NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-43: Case 3: Working Pump Flow

Figure 4-44: Case 3: Crude oil pipeline inlet pressure

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It is to note that the working pump flow rate may increase due to the decrease in system pressure
drop. However, this to be analyzed with the pump curve for the procured pumps [HOLD-1].
Tripping of pumps does not predict any adverse pressure surge effect. After pump trip, the
pipeline inlet pressure is 17.7 barg. The peak pipeline pressure is 23.8 barg, and the peak
pressure in the in-plant main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 27.0 barg (which are the
steady state pressures before the pumps are tripped).
It is also noted that the pump trip does not cause cavitation. The pipeline maximum and
minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-45 : Case 3: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum Pressure

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile


Pressure (barg)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

* The pressure profile plot is for the simulation duration of 500 seconds

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Case 4: All operating pumps are tripped

All operating pumps (booster and main pumps) are tripped at the same time. No valve closure.
Figure 4-46: Case 4: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-47: Case 4: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-48: Case 4: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

Tripping of all operating pumps does not predict any adverse pressure surge effect on the
pipeline and in-plant main pump discharge piping. The peak pressure seen in the crude oil
pipeline when all operating pumps are tripped is 23.8 barg, and the peak pressure in the in-plant
main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 27.0 barg (which are the steady state pressures
before the pumps are tripped).
The pipeline maximum and minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-49 : Case 4: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile



Pressure (barg)


0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000

Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

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Case 5: Closure of BVS-2, with all pumps operating

BVS-2 (40” diameter) is closed in 40 seconds. Valve position, maximum pressure at valve inlet
and pump discharge flow rate and pressure is shown below:
Figure 4-50: Case 5: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-51: Case 5: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-52: Case 5: BVS-2 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-53: Case 5: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

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The peak pressure seen in the crude oil pipeline upon BVS2 closure is 49.9 barg. The peak
pressure in the in-plant main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 50.9 barg.

The pipeline maximum and minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-54 : Case 5: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile



Pressure (barg)




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

* The pressure profile plot is for the simulation duration of 500 seconds

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Case 6: Closure of BVS-3, with all pumps operating

BVS-3 (40” diameter) is closed in 40 seconds. Valve position, maximum pressure at valve inlet
and pump discharge flow rate and pressure is shown below:
Figure 4-55: Case 6: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-56: Case 6: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-57: Case 6: BVS-3 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-58: Case 6: Maximum crude oil pipeline pressure

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The peak pressure seen in the crude oil pipeline upon BVS2 closure is 48.4 barg. The peak
pressure in the in-plant main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is 48.7 barg.

The pipeline maximum and minimum internal pressure vs pipeline length is shown below:

Figure 4-59 : Case 6: Pipeline Maximum & Minimum pressure

Crude Pipeline Min / Max Pressure Profile



Pressure (barg)




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000
Pipeline Length (m)

Min. Pressure (barg) Max. Pressure (barg)

* The pressure profile plot is for the simulation duration of 500 seconds

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Case 7a: Closure of SDV1, with all pumps operating

SDV1 (located on the crude oil pump discharge piping prior to the pig launcher, 30” diameter) is
closed in 30 seconds.
Figure 4-60: Case 7a: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-61 : Case 7a: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-62 : Case 7a: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-63 : Case 7a: Maximum pressure reached in Class 300# pump discharge piping

Without taking credit for the operating pumps tripping on High High Discharge Pressure (as per
Cause and Effect, Ref [15]), the peak pressure in the in-plant main pump discharge piping (Class
300#) is 58.3 barg, which exceeds the piping code overpressure allowance.
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Case 7b: Closure of SDV1, with all operating pumps tripped

SDV1 (located on the crude oil pump discharge piping prior to the pig launcher, 30” diameter) is
closed in 30 seconds, with the operating pumps tripping at the same time the valve starts to close.
Valve position, maximum pressure at valve inlet and pump discharge flow rate and pressure is
shown below:
Figure 4-64: Case 7b: Crude Oil Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 4-65 : Case 7b: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 4-66 : Case 7b: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 4-67 : Case 7b: Maximum pressure reached in Class 300# pump discharge piping

Taking credit for tripping of all operating pumps, the maximum pressure reached in the in-plant
main pump discharge piping (Class 300#) is only 27.0 barg (which is the steady-state pressure
prior to pump trip).
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Wave Speed
The wave speed in a pipe is the speed at which pressure surges are propagated along the pipe and
depends on the material (carbon steel), ID of the pipe and bulk modulus of the fluid. The wave
speed in the piping and pipeline are reported below.
Table 4-68: Wave Speed

Section Wave Speed (m/s)

Booster pump suction header 1083

Booster pump suction piping 1070

Booster pump discharge piping 1102

Booster pump discharge header 1047

Main pump suction piping 1102

Main pump discharge piping 1218

Main pump discharge header 1192

Crude Oil Pipeline 1057

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Booster pump suction, discharge and main pump suction lines are rated to Class 150#. Main
pump discharge piping is rated to Class 300#. Crude oil pipeline mechanical design pressure is
47 barg. The surge pressure seen in the piping and pipeline for each case is reported below:
Table 4-69: Peak surge pressure

Class 150# piping Class 300# piping Crude Oil Pipeline

Mechanical Design
18.1 (Note 1) 47.5 (Note 1) 47
Pressure (barg)

Allowable Surge
19.9 52.3 51.7 (Note 2)
Pressure by Code (bag)

CASE Maximum Surge Pressure (barg)

1 – SDV2 close 8.4 42.2 41.7

2a – BVS1 close 40s 13.2 51.3 50.1

2b – BVS1 close 120s 10.8 48.4 47.9

2c- BVS1 close 40s 23.8

11.7 27.0
All pumps trip

3 – 2 pumps trip 10.4 27.0 23.8

4 – All pumps trip 11.7 27.0 23.8

5 – BVS2 close 13.1 50.9 49.9

6 – BVS3 close 12.0 48.7 48.4

7a – SDV1 close 30s 20.2 58.3 Note 3

7b – SDV1 close 30s

11.7 27.0 Note 3
All pumps trip

Note 1: Design pressure of piping as per ASME B16.5 P-T flange ratings for Group 1.1
Materials at 87°C design temperature
Note 2: As per ASME B31.4 pipeline code, the allowable surge pressure is 110% of pipeline
design pressure.
Note 3: Case 7 is for closure of SDV1 at the CPF to review peak surge pressure in the in-plant
crude oil piping. Peak surge pressure in the pipeline is not applicable.

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4.18 Conclusion
For BVS-1 closure at 1inch/second rate, the predicted peak surge pressure in the pipeline is 50.1
barg. As per ASME B31.4 pipeline code, the allowable surge pressure is 110% of pipeline
design pressure. With pipeline mechanical design pressure selected at 47.0 barg (within Class
300# rating), the allowable surge pressure is 51.7 barg. With the pump curves and valve closure
profiles assumed for this analysis, the surge pressure is within the allowable pipeline surge
pressure as per ASME B31.4.
However, from review of preliminary pump curves sourced from different vendors, there is
variation in pump shut-off head between vendors. Depending on the final pump selection, the
resultant peak surge pressure may exceed the ASME B31.4 limit of 51.7 barg. As details will not
be finalized until EPC phase when equipment is procured, additional safeguards are implemented
in the FEED design to account for this uncertainty.
It is intended that the BVSs are only used for pipeline section isolation if required for
maintenance etc. rather than a safety shut-down, and hence there is safety requirement for the
BVS valves to close quickly. It is expected that for a planned shut-down of the pipeline, the
pumps are stopped prior to closure of any of the BVSs. However, in the event of inadvertent
closure of a BVS by Operations while the pumps are in operation (an event that cannot be
discounted), the valve travel should be slowed to 1/3 inch/second to reduce the peak surge
pressure. The resultant surge pressure in the pipeline is reduced to 47.9 barg.
Peak surge pressure in the in-plant Class 300# pump discharge piping on SDV1 closure for
1inch/second rate is 58.3 barg, which exceeds piping limit for overpressure. As per CPF Cause
and Effect Diagram [Ref.15], all operating pumps trip on High High pump discharge pressure
(due to increase in pressure seen at the pump when SDV1 closes). With taking credit for the trip
of all operating pumps when SDV1 is closed, the flow drops off while the pumps run down
(within 5 seconds-refer Figure 4.64) and the allowable piping overpressure limit is not exceeded.
Tripping of the crude oil pumps with no valve closure does not cause the pressure in the pipeline
or piping to exceed the mechanical design pressure.
For the purposes of stress analysis, wave speeds in in-plant piping and the crude oil pipeline are
listed in Table 4.68.

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There is a ASME B16.5 Class 300 / Class 150 pressure break at PS-1 where the Class 300 rated
crude oil pipeline ties into the existing 36” North Rumaila pipeline and 28” South Rumaila
pipeline, and hence over pressure protection for the Class 150# pipelines is necessary.
In the IFA Report revision, overpressure protection at PS-1 was proposed as part of the
FEED design. However, it has subsequently been confirmed by SOC [Ref.14] that there are
existing surge relief valves on the 36” North Rumaila pipeline and 28” South Rumaila pipeline
set at 13 barg set pressure. Therefore these Class 150# pipelines are already protected. Additional
overpressure protection as part of the FEED design has not been specified.

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6.1 Objective

The objectives of LPG export system transient analysis are

1. Determine the peak surge pressure in the LPG main export pump discharge piping upon
closure of SDV-1 (12” shutdown valve at the CPF prior to LPG pig launcher).
2. Determine the peak surge pressure in the LPG pipeline upon closure of SDV-2 (12”
shutdown valve located at the IPS downstream of the LPG pig receiver, prior to tie-in to
Export pipeline) (Refer Figure 6.1 below).
3. Determine HIPPS valve closure time such that peak surge pressure is maintained within
110% of pipeline design pressure.
4. Report wave speeds for the purposes of piping and pipeline stressing.

6.2 System Description

For reference, refer to the Schematic in Figure 6.1 below.
LPG produced in the CPF is stored in mounded bullets and then exported to the LPG
export pipeline after fiscal metering. The 12” LPG pipeline is 9.4 km buried pipeline. The CPF is
equipped with two (2) pump stations, Booster Pump and Export Pump stations. At each pump
station, there are two (2) pumps with 1 pump working and 1 pump as standby. The 12” LPG
pipeline transports LPG product to the LPG pipeline, and then to the LPG National Grid
via the 14” Umm Qasr-Baghdad LPG pipeline. A HIPPS valve set at the inlet of the 12” LPG
pipeline is required because the pipeline is rated to a lower mechanical design pressure (94 barg)
than the LPG pump discharge pressure at shut-off of 110 barg (based on FEED phase estimate of
pump shut-off head).
SDV1 = 12” shutdown valve downstream of main pumps prior to the pig launcher located within
the CPF (EIV-0003).
SDV2 = 12” shutdown valve downstream of the LPG pig receiver prior to the tie-in at
the IPS (EIV-0004).

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Figure 6-1: LPG Export Pumps and Pipeline

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6.3 Process Battery Limit Conditions

For the transient analysis, the following battery limit pressure and temperature conditions are
Table 6-2: Battery Limit conditions
Parameter Description Parameter Reference

The pressure at Export LPG Booster

12 barg Ref [7]

The temperature at Export LPG Booster

56°c Ref [7]
Pump suction

The pressure at Tie-In Pressure 80 barg Ref [2]

The temperature at Tie-In Calculated -

6.4 Software
Transient analysis software PIPENET from Sunrise (UK), version 1.6, has been used for pipeline
surge analysis. PIPENET uses Darcy Equation and Coulson and Richardson equation for
pressure drop and frictional effects.

6.5 Fluid Properties

For the purpose of this study, the following fluid properties for LPG are used. The properties at
56°C operating temperature are as follows:
LPG Density : 504 kg/m3
LPG viscosity : 0.1 cP
Vapor pressure : 13 bara

6.6 Pipeline Design Flow

As referenced from Basis of Design 8015-0152-WP05-61-600-PC-BD-09001 Ref [2], pipeline
design flow is 4083 t/d plus 10% design margin.

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6.7 Piping and Pipeline Data

In-plant piping from LPG bullets to the export booster pumps and main pumps is carbon steel
and rated to ASME B16.5 Class 300#. Table 6.3 below provides the pipeline OD, ID, and
thickness applied.
Table 6-3: In-plant Class 300# piping diameter and wall thickness

Material: Carbon Steel, Design Pressure = 47.5 barg, Design Temperature = 87°C

Nominal Diameter (in) OD (mm) Thickness (mm) ID (mm)

18 457 11.13 434.74
14 355.6 11.13 333.34
In-plant piping from the export LPG main pump to LPG Pipeline is carbon steel and rated to
ASME B16.5 Class 300#. Table 6.4 below provides the pipeline OD, ID, and thickness applied.
Table 6-4: In-plant Class 900# piping diameter and wall thickness

Material: Carbon Steel, Design Pressure = 142.6 barg, Design Temperature = 87°C

Nominal Diameter (in) OD (mm) Thickness (mm) ID (mm)

12 323.8 25.4 273
Steady state hydraulic analysis has been performed for different pipeline sizes and recommends
12” pipeline size for LPG export system. The pipeline design conditions, diameter and wall
thickness is referenced from Export and Import Pipeline Steady State Hydraulic Report 8015-
0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09003 Revision 1 (Ref.[1]) and is provided below. Pipeline grade
for the LPG pipeline is API 5L X60.
Table 6-5: LPG Export Pipeline Data
Material: Carbon Steel, Grade: API 5L X60, Corrosion Allowance: 3mm
Nominal Pipeline Wall Pipeline
Design Pipeline OD Thickness ID
Temperature (°C) Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm)
85 (buried) /
94 12 323.9 8.4 307.1
87 (below ground)

6.8 Environmental Data

Pipeline is buried 1 m below the ground. The soil temperature at 1 m burial depth is considered
as 15°C.

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6.9 Pipeline length and topography

LPG pipeline length is 9.4 km with zero net elevation. 5% design margin on length is considered
to account the exact pipeline routing and fittings. The routing and elevation change of LPG
pipeline is provided below. Note that pipeline surge pressure is to be revalidated during the
detailed design phase based on topography surveying and final pipeline alignment data.
Figure 6-6: LPG Export Pipeline Topography
Elevation (m)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Pipeline Length (m)

*Point (0, 0) represents the datum level.

6.10 Pump Suction and Discharge Piping

In-plant CPF piping diameter and equivalent length are provided below.
Table 6-7: LPG: CPF in-plant piping lengths
Description Diameter (inches) Equivalent Length (m)
Suction Main Header 18 349
Suction Line to each Booster Pump 18 95
Discharge Line from each Booster Pump 14 95
Booster Pump Discharge Header 14 166
Suction Line to each Main Pump 14 95
Discharge Line from each Main Pump 12 95
Discharge Main Header up to Metering 12 226
Discharge Main Header up to SDV1 12 116

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Piping equivalent lengths have been derived by multiplying actual piping length by the factors as
per Table 7.1 of Process Design Criteria 8015-0152-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-120001.
• Booster pump and main pump suction is considered with +0.9 m net elevation change
from the grade to pump center point.
• Net elevation change from booster pump discharge to main pump suction line is
considered as zero
• Main pump discharge to Fiscal metering is considered with +0.3 m net elevation change.
The in-plant pressure drops provided below are considered in the PIPENET model based on
preliminary FEED pipe routing, and can be revalidated in detailed design once pipe routing
and isometrics are finalized. However, this will not impact the decisions made in this report.
- Booster pump suction = 0.001 bar
- Main Pump suction =0.01 bar
- Main pump discharge piping + Fiscal metering = 1.65 bar

6.11 Pump Characteristics

The pump flow vs head curves are assumed to have 125% rise to shut-off from the rated point.
The rated point is referenced from pump datasheets, Ref [7, 8]. Approximated pump curves
applied for the analysis are provided in Figure 6.9 and 6.11 below. During the EPC phase, the
cases should be revisited based on final procured pump curves [HOLD-1].
Table 6-8: LPG Booster Pump Data

Parameter Description Parameter

Rated Capacity 476 m3/h

Suction Pressure 12.11 barg

Discharge Pressure 13.15 barg

Shut-off pressure 1.3 barg [HOLD-1]

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Figure 6-9: LPG Booster Pump Curve

Pressure/ Bar fluid(reference)




0 150 300 450 600 750

Flow Rate / m3 /h

Table 6-10: LPG: Main Export Pump Data

Parameter Description Parameter

Rated Capacity 476 m3/h

Suction Pressure 12.9 barg

Discharge Pressure 85.2 barg

Shut-off Pressure 90.4 [HOLD-1]

Figure 6-11: LPG: Main Export Pump Curve

Pressure / Bar fluid (reference)





0 150 300 450 600 750

Flow Rate / m3 /h

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6.12 Valve Characteristics

In PIPENET, SDV-1 (EIV-0003), SDV-2 (EIV-0004) and HIPPS valves are considered as ball
valves with contraction ratio = 1. The valve ID is considered equal to the piping ID.
6.13 Carbon Steel and Fluid Properties
The properties of a carbon steel pipeline/piping considered in PIPENET are summarized below:
Table 6-12: Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Description Parameter

Pipeline Material Carbon Steel

Poisson Ratio 0.3 [Ref.13]

Young Modulus 203 GPa [Ref.12]

Roughness factor 0.0456

Bulk Modulus of LPG 0.36 GPa (Note-1)

Note 1: LPG bulk module is considered same as propane bulk modulus of 0.36Gpa for the conservative
surge pressure.

6.14 Piping/Pipeline pressure limits

The maximum pressure limit of the piping is determined from the piping design pressure and
code allowance for overpressure.
For ASME B31.3-2002 design code (piping):
“Subject to the owner’s approval, it is permissible to exceed the pressure rating or allowable
stress for pressure design at the temperature of the increased condition by not more than:
a) 33% for no more than 10 hr at any one time and no more than 100 hr/yr; or
b) 20% for not more than 50 hr at any one time and no more than 500 hr/yr.”
If the pressure rating is exceeded as per the above clause, it is noted that owner’s approval is
required and each incident must be logged and recorded.
Otherwise, as per Section 845.4 of ASME B31.8, maximum allowable pressure in the piping is
limited to 110% of piping design pressure. This limit is applied for the basis of the analysis
reported herein.
For ASME B31.4 design code (pipeline):
Pressure rise due to surges and other variations from normal operations shall not exceed the
internal design pressure at any point in the piping system and equipment by more than 10%.

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6.15 Model Set-up

1. In the CPF, the LPG bullet discharge line is set as pressure of 12 barg to represent the
booster pump suction pressure.
2. Booster Pump and Main Pump curves are defined with three points (refer to Figure 6.9
and 6.11).
3. tie-in point is defined with 80 barg pressure
4. Check valves located on the pump discharge are modelled as ‘non-return valves’ which
assumes the valve acts as an ‘ideal’ check valve, preventing all flow in the reverse
direction with no delay on check valve closure (i.e. check valve closes immediately to
prevent reverse flow).
PIPENET model schematic view is provided below:
Figure 6-13: PIPENET Model for LPG Export Pipeline

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6.16 Case Definition

6.16.1 Normal Pipeline Operation

The pressure and velocity profile during normal operation is established for LPG pipeline.
Figure 6-14: Normal Operation: Pump and Pipeline flow, and pipeline velocity

Figure 6-15: Normal Operation: Main Pump and Booster Pump Pressure

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The results are compared with PIPESIM, steady state results [Ref-1] in Table 6.16 below:
Table 6-16: Normal Operation: Pressure and Velocity for Rated Flow
Description Pipeline In pressure Pipeline Out Pressure Velocity
PIPENET 83.3 barg 80 barg 1.8 m/s

PIPESIM 82.8 barg 80 barg 1.6 m/s

Results are comparable. The flow considered for PIPENET is higher than in PIPESIM, because
PIPESIM results are based on pipeline design flow (10% design margin) while PIPENET
considers pump rated capacity (15% design margin).

6.16.2 Cases
The following cases are reviewed:
Case 1: Closure of SDV-1
- Case 1a: SDV-1 closes over 12s. HIPPS valve closed over 12s at the same time (0 time
- Case 1b: SDV-1 closes over 12s. HIPPS valve starts to close at HIPPS SP of 91barg.
HIPPS valve closes over 12s.
Case 2: Closure of SDV-2
- Case 2a: SDV-2 closes over 12s. HIPPS valve closed over 12s at the same time (0 time
- Case 1b: SDV-2 closes over 12s. HIPPS valve starts to close at HIPPS SP of 91barg.
HIPPS valve closes over 12s.
Table 6.17 below provides a detailed description of the cases.

6.16.3 Simulation Matrix

Simulation sequence and equipment/valve operation in PIPENET are listed below:

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Table 6-17: LPG Export Pipeline: Simulation Matrix

Equipment / Valve: Mode of Operation
Booster Pumps Main Pumps SDV1 SDV2 HIPPS
t = 0 to 100 sec 1 pump running +1 1 pumps running
Normal Operation OPEN OPEN OPEN
Pipeline is in S.S condition standby +1 standby
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
Transient Case 1a
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 12 sec
Shut SDV1 and 1 pump running +1 1 pumps running
Upset scenario- valve is closed CLOSE OPEN CLOSE
HIPPS at the same standby +1 standby
time • t> 112 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is
higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 12 sec
Transient Case 1b
Upset scenario- SDV1 is closed
Shut SDV1 1 pump running +1 1 pumps running
• t = 0 to 112 sec + 12 sec CLOSE OPEN CLOSE
HIPPS shut at 91 barg standby +1 standby
SP Upset scenario- HIPPS is closed
• t> 124 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is
higher than S.S pressure
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
Transient Case 2a • t = 0 to 100 sec + 12 sec
Shut SDV2 and Upset scenario- valve is closed 1 pump running +1 1 pumps running
HIPPS at the same • t> 112 sec standby +1 standby
time Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is
higher than S.S pressure

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Equipment / Valve: Mode of Operation

Booster Pumps Main Pumps SDV1 SDV2 HIPPS
• t = 0 to 100 sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 100 sec + 12 sec
Transient Case 2a
Upset scenario- SDV2 is closed
Shut SDV2 and 1 pump running +1 1 pumps running
• t = 0 to 125 sec + 12 sec OPEN CLOSE CLOSE
HIPPS shut at 91 barg standby +1 standby
SP Upset scenario- HIPPS is closed
• t> 137 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline pressure is
higher than S.S pressure

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6.17 Results

Case 1a: SDV1 closure

SDV-1 is closed in 12 seconds. HIPPS valve starts to close at same time as SDV-1 and is also
closed in 12 seconds.
Figure 6-18: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 6-19: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 6-20: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-21: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-22: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping

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Case 1b: SDV1 closure

SDV-1 is closed in 12 seconds. The pressure in the in-plant Class 900# pump discharge piping
increases due to valve closure. When HIPPS SP of 91 barg is reached, HIPPS valve is closed in
12 seconds.
Figure 6-23: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 6-24: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-25: SDV1 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 6-26: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-27: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping

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Case 2a: SDV2 closure

SDV-2 is closed in 12 seconds. HIPPS valve starts to close at same time as SDV-2 and is also
closed in 12 seconds. Note that in the plots below, M_VALVE = SDV2.
Figure 6-28: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 6-29: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-30: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 6-31: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-32: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping

Figure 6-33: Maximum pressure reached in LPG pipeline

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Case 2b: SDV2 closure

SDV-2 is closed in 12 seconds. The pressure in the LPG pipeline increases due to valve closure.
When HIPPS SP of 91 barg is reached, HIPPS valve is closed in 12 seconds. Note that in the
plots below, M_VALVE = SDV2.
Figure 6-34: LPG Main Pump Discharge Pressure and Flow

Figure 6-35: NRV inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-36: SDV2 inlet and outlet pressure

Figure 6-37: HIPPS inlet and outlet pressure

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Figure 6-38: Maximum pressure reached in Class 900# pump discharge piping

Figure 6-39: Maximum pressure reached in LPG pipeline

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6.17.1 Wave Speed

The wave speed in a pipe is the speed at which pressure surges are propagated along the pipe and
depends on the material (carbon steel), ID of the pipe and bulk modulus of the fluid. The wave
speed in the piping and pipeline are reported below:
Table 6-40: Wave Speed

Section Wave Speed (m/s)

Booster pump suction 818

Booster pump discharge 824

Main pump suction 824

Main pump discharge 837

12” LPG pipeline 820

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6.17.2 Summary
Booster pump suction, discharge and main pump suction lines are rated to Class 150#. Main pump discharge piping is rated to Class 900#. LPG
pipeline mechanical design pressure is 94 barg. The surge pressure seen in the piping and pipeline for each case is reported below:
Table 6-41: Peak surge pressure

Piping / Pipeline Section Class 300# piping Class 900# piping LPG Pipeline

Mechanical Design Pressure (barg) 47.5 (Note 1) 142.6 (Note 1) 94

Allowable Surge Pressure by Code (bag) 52.3 156.9 103.4 (Note 2)

CASE DESCRIPTION Maximum Surge Pressure (barg)

1a SDV1 closes over 12s at t=100s. HIPPS valve close over 12s at t=100s 17.8 108.5 Note 3

SDV1 closes over 12s, at t=100s. Time when outlet pressure of HIPPS Note 3
1b 17.5 108.1
valve reaches 91barg = 112s. HIPPS valve close over 12s, at t=112s

2a SDV2 closes over 12s at t=100s. HIPPS valve close over 12s at t=100s 18.0 108.6 88.5

SDV2 closes over 12s, at t=100s Time when outlet pressure of HIPPS
2b 17.0 107.4 98.3
valve reaches 91barg = 125s. HIPPS valve close over 12s, at t=125s

Note 1: Design pressure of piping as per ASME B16.5 P-T flange ratings for Group 1.1 Materials at 87°C design temperature
Note 2: As per ASME B31.4 pipeline code, the allowable maximum pressure is 110% of pipeline design pressure (Refer Section 6.14 above).
Note 3: Case 1 is for closure of SDV1 at the CPF to review peak surge pressure in in-plant LPG pump discharge piping. Hence peak surge pressure in
the pipeline is not applicable for this case.
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6.18 Conclusion

As per the GTP Cause and Effects [Ref.16], the LPG HIPPS valve closes upon High High
Pressure at HIPPS, but does not close directly if SDV1 (EIV-0003) or SDV2 (EIV-0004) are
closed i.e. there is a time delay while the pressure is increased to HIPPS set pressure before the
HIPPS valve is closed. Hence Cases 1b and 2b are reported herein are relevant.
Upon closure of SDV1 (EIV-0003) at the CPF, 91 barg is reached in 12 seconds after SDV1
begins to close, and the HIPPS valve is closed. For 1inch/second HIPPS valve closure rate, the
peak pressure reached in the pump discharge piping is 108.1 barg, within the pressure limit for
Class 900#. However it is noted that Class 600# piping limit with design pressure of 95 barg @
87°C design temperature is exceeded, and hence Class 900# pressure rating to the outlet of
SDV1 (EIV-0003) is required.
Upon closure of SDV2 (EIV-0004) at , 91 barg is reached in 25 seconds after SDV2
begins to close, at which time the HIPPS valve starts to close. The peak pressure reached in the
LPG pipeline of 98.3 barg is maintained within the allowable surge pressure as per ASME B31.4
of 103.4 barg (110% of 94 barg).
For the purposes of stress analysis, wave speeds in in-plant piping and the LPG pipeline are
listed in Table 6.40.

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7.1 Objective

The objectives of the sales export pipeline transient analysis are:

1. Determine the time for the pipeline to pack upon closure of shut-down valve at the
pipeline outlet (SDV2, refer Figure 7.1 below). Determine the time to reach:
• PAHH set point of 91 barg
• Pipeline mechanical design pressure of 94 barg

7.2 Description
The net sales gas from the outlet of low temperature separator after process heat integration is
routed to the sales gas compression unit for generating the pressure required for product delivery.
A portion of the sales gas produced by CPF is consumed for fuel gas and power
generation demand. The net gas is exported via a pipeline which connects into the existing NPS
28 CPF sales gas export pipeline.
The sales gas export pipeline is designed to operate in reverse mode such that in the initial years,
dry sales gas can be utilized as fuel gas for the facility. Within the CPF, piping
will be provided to connect the reverse-flowing sales gas export line to the GTPP fuel gas
With reference to Figure 7.1 below:
SDV1 = 16” shutdown valve downstream of fiscal metering prior to the pig launcher located
within the CPF (EIV-0001).
SDV2 = 28” shutdown valve downstream of the Sales Gas pipeline pig receiver prior to the
tie-in at the IPS (EIV-0002).

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Figure 7-1: Sales Gas Export Pipeline

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7.3 Battery Limit Conditions

The process operating conditions for the sales gas pipeline inlet and outlet are summarized

Table 7-2: Process Battery Limit Conditions

Parameter Description Parameter Reference

Pipeline Inlet Pressure at CPF (barg) Calculated -
Pipeline Inlet Temperature at CPF (°C) 70 Ref.[9]
Pipeline Outlet Pressure at Tie-in (barg) 85.1 Ref.[2]
Pipeline Outlet Temperature at Tie-in (°C) Calculated -

7.4 Software
OLGA Version 7.3 has been used to model the sales gas pipeline packing upon valve closure.

7.5 Flow Correlations

The physical properties are generated using PVTsim21 by Calsep.
Flow Correlations: OLGA applies the OLGAS 3-phase correlations for pressure drop.
Thermodynamic Model: The Peng Robinson Equation of State with Peneloux volume correction
factor is used for this analysis.
Viscosity: The standard lumping of plus fraction components has been employed along with CSP
viscosity and thermal conductivity correlations.

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7.6 Fluid Composition

The export sales gas composition is referenced as per Stream 117 ‘Sales Gas to Export Pipeline’
of GTP Heat and Material Balance 8015-0152-WP05-21-240-PC-HM-05001 [Ref. 9].
Table 7-3: Sales Gas Composition
Component Mole %
Hydrogen Sulphide 0.00%
Carbon Dioxide 0.05%
Nitrogen 0.55%
Methane 74.63%
Ethane 19.38%
Propane 4.38%
Isobutane 0.25%
Butane 0.48%
Isopentane 0.01%
Pentane 0.01%
Hexane 0.00%
Heptane 0.00%
Octane 0.00%
H20 0.00%
NBP[0]5* 0.18%
NBP[0]19* 0.06%
NBP[0]32* 0.01%
NBP[0]46* 0.00%
TOTAL: 100.00%

7.7 Pipeline Data

Steady state hydraulic analysis has been performed for different pipeline sizes and recommends
28” pipeline size for sales gas export system. The pipeline design conditions, diameter and wall
thickness is referenced from Export and Import Pipeline Steady State Hydraulic Report 8015-
0152-WP05-60-600-PC-RP-09003 Revision 1, Ref.[1] and is provided below.

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Table 7-4: Sales Gas Export Pipeline Data

Material: Carbon Steel, Grade: API 5L X60, Corrosion Allowance: 3mm
Nominal Pipeline Wall Pipeline
Design Pipeline OD Thickness ID
Temperature (°C) Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm)
94 85 28 711.2 15.9 679.4

Note that the transient analysis reported herein is based on WT of 19mm for API 5LX65 pipeline
grade, however the impact on the results with reduction in WT to 15.9mm is considered to be
negligible and has no impact on the design.

7.8 Environmental Data

Pipeline is buried 1 m below the ground. The soil temperature at 1 m burial depth is considered
as 15°C.

7.9 Pipeline length and topography

The length of the sales gas export pipeline is 9.43km [Ref.10]. Note that elevation difference has
not been considered because it is expected that gas static pressure from elevation is negligible.
An equivalent length 1.05 of the actual pipeline length has been applied to account for friction
loss from pipeline bends and fittings.

7.10 Pipeline pressure protection

The PSV at the sales gas compressor outlet is set to 94 barg to safeguard the sales gas pipeline
from overpressure. PAHH set point for compressor control is considered as 91 barg based on the
Alarm and Trip schedule-CPF [Ref-11].

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7.11 Model Set-up

1. Sales gas pipeline and SDV2 is modelled in OLGA.
2. Input node is set at 352 MMSCFD to represent the total compressor discharge flow.
3. tie-in point is defined with 85.1 barg pressure
OLGA model schematic view is provided below:
Figure 7-5: OLGA Model for Sales Gas Export Pipeline

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7.12 Case Definition

7.12.1 Normal Pipeline Operation

The pressure and velocity profile during normal operation is established for Sales gas pipeline.
Figure 7-6: Normal Operation: Pipeline Inlet Pressure, Flowrate and Velocity

* The profile plot is for the simulation duration of 3600 seconds

The results are compared with PIPESIM steady state results in Table 7.7 below:
Table 7-7: Normal Operation: Pressure & Velocity for Rated Flow rate
Description Pipeline In pressure Pipeline Out Pressure Velocity
OLGA 86 barg 85.1 barg 3.8 m/s

PIPESIM 86 barg 85.1 barg 3.8 m/s

Steady-state results are comparable.

7.12.2 Cases
The following case is reviewed:
Case 1: Closure of SDV-2 with closure rate of 1inch/second (28 seconds). Determine time for
sales gas pipeline to pack and reach PAHH (91 barg) and pipeline mechanical design pressure
(94 barg). Table 7.8 below provides a detailed description of the case.

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7.12.3 Simulation Matrix

Simulation sequence and equipment/valve operation in PIPENET are listed below:
Table 7-8: Simulation Matrix
Equipment / Valve: Mode of
Cases Steps Operation
t = 0 to 3600 sec
Normal Operation OPEN OPEN
Pipeline is in S.S condition
• t = 0 to 3600sec
Normal S.S operation
• t = 0 to 3600 sec + 28 sec
Transient Upset scenario- valve is closed
Case 1 • t> 3628 sec
Valve closed & Pipeline
pressure is higher than S.S

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7.13 Results
SDV2 is closed in 28 seconds. The sales gas line packing pressure upon SDV2 closure is as
Figure 7-9: Sales Gas Export Pipeline: Line packing

As show above, the time to reach PAHH (91 barg) is 143 second (3771-3628 seconds). The time
to reach pipeline mechanical design pressure (94 barg) is 231 seconds.

7.14 Conclusion
Upon closure of SDV2 with the sales gas compression trains continuing to run, the sales gas
pipeline will pack. It will take 143 seconds for the pipeline to reach 91 barg pressure (PAHH),
and within the next 88 seconds, the pipeline reaches 94 barg (mechanical design pressure),
(assuming that the compressors have not tripped on PAHH as per the Cause and Effect logic).
This data may be provided to the compression train vendor if required (for input into the
dynamic simulation of the compressors). A PSV on the discharge of the sales gas compressor is
set at 94 barg for final protection of the pipeline from overpressure.

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