Collection of Data

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Points to remember:
1. Collection of data is the first important aspect of statistical survey.
2. Data – Information which can be expressed in numbers.
3. Two sources of data – Primary & Secondary Primary data – data collected by investigator
himself. Secondary data – data collected by someone and used by the investigator.
4. Difference between Primary and Secondary Data
a] Primary data is original data collected by the investigator while secondary data is already
existing and not original.
b] Primary data is always collected for a specific purpose while secondary data has already
been collected for some other purpose.
c] Primary is costlier or is more expensive whereas secondary data is less expensive.
5. Methods / Sources of Collection of Primary Data:
a] Direct Personal Interview – Data is personally collected by the interviewer.
b] Indirect Oral Investigation – Data is collected from third parties who have information about
subject of enquiry.
c] Information from correspondents – Data is collected from agents appointed in the area of
d] Mailed questionnaire – Data is collected through questionnaire [list of questions] mailed to
the informant.
e] Questionnaire filled by enumerators – Data is collected by trained enumerators who fill
f] Telephonic interviews – Data is collected through an interview over the telephone with the
Questionnaire – A list of questions with space for answers.

6. Pilot Survey: Try-out of the questionnaire on a small group to find its short comings.
7. Qualities of a good questionnaire:
a] A covering letter with objectives and scope of survey.
b] Minimum number of questions.
c] Avoid personal questions.
d] Questions should be clear and simple.
e] Questions should be logically arranged.
8. Difference between census method and sampling method.
Census Method Sampling Method
1) Every unit of population studied Few units of population are studied
2) Reliable and accurate results Less Reliable and accurate results
3) Expensive method Less expensive method
4) Suitable when population is of Suitable when population is of
homogenous nature heterogeneous nature

9. Personal Interview Method:

Advantages Disadvantages
1) Highest response rate Most expensive
2) Allows all types of questions Informants can be influenced
3) Allows clearing doubts regarding Takes more time

10. Mailed Questionnaire Method:

Advantages Disadvantages
1) Least expensive Long response time
2) Only method to reach remote areas Cannot be used by illiterates.
3) Informants can be influenced Doubts cannot be cleared regarding

11. Telephonic Interview Method:

Advantages Disadvantages
1) Relatively low cost Limited use
2) Relatively high response rate Reactions cannot be watched
3) Less influence on informants Respondents can be influenced
 Census Method – Data collected from each unit of population.
 Sample Method – Data is collected from few units of the population and result is
applied to the whole group.
 Universe or population in statistics – Total items under study.
 Sample is a section of population from which information is to be obtained.

12. Sources of Secondary Data:

1. Published Source – Government publications, Semi-government publications etc.
2. Unpublished Source – Census of India [They are collected by the organizations for their own
13. Sampling Methods:
1] Random sampling 2] Non-random sampling
1. Random Sampling – It is a sampling method in which all the items have equal chance of
being selected and the individuals who are selected are just like the ones who are not
2. Non-random sampling – It is a sampling method in which all the items do not have an equal
chance of being selected and judgment of the investigator plays an important role.
13. Types of Statistical errors:
1] Sampling errors 2] Non-sampling errors
Sampling Error: It is the difference between sample value and actual value of a characteristic
of a population.
Non-sampling errors: Errors that occur at the stage of collecting data.
Types of non-sampling errors:
a] Errors of measurement due to incorrect response.
b] Errors of non-response of some units of the sample selected.
c] Sampling bias occurs when sample does not include some members of the target
14. Census of India – It provides complete and continuous demographic record of population.
15. National Sample Survey Organization – It conducts national surveys on socio-economic
 Sarvekshana – Quarterly journal published by NSSO.


Multiple choice questions: ( 1 Marks )

1. Data collected for the first time from the source of origin is called:
a) Primary Data
b) Secondary Data
c) Internal Data
d) None of these
2. Which of the following is a method of secondary data collection?
a) Direct Personal Investigation.
b) Direct Oral Investigation.
c) Information Through Questionnaire
d) None of these
3. Which of the following is a merit of a good questionnaire?
a) Difficulty
b) Less Number of Questions
c) Invalid Questions
d) Not Arranged in proper order.
4. Which of the following is a source of secondary data?
a) Government Publication
b) Private Publication
c) Report Published By State Bank of India
d) All of these
5. Under mailing Method, Questionnaires are mailed to the _____ (Informants/
Ans 1) (a), 2) (d), 3) (b), 4) (d), 5) Informants

1 Mark Questions:

1. Define Primary Data.

Ans Data collected by investigator himself from the source of origin
2. Which type of data involves less time and is less expensive?
Ans Secondary Data
3. Name 2 sources of secondary data.
Ans Sources of secondary data. Published Source and unpublished source.
4. What is pilot survey?
Ans Try-out of the questionnaire on a small group to find its short comings.
5. Define sampling error.
Ans Sampling Error: It is the difference between sample value and actual value of a
characteristic of a population.

3/4 Mark Questions:

1. Which of the following errors is more serious and why?
a] Sampling error b] Non sampling error
Ans Non- Sampling errors are more serious than sampling errors because the sampling errors
can be checked by taking a larger sample, but non- sampling errors can’t be minimized by
taking a larger sample size as these errors are related to the collection of data.
2. Distinguish between primary data and secondary data.
Primary Data Secondary Data
1.Original data collected by the Investigator. 1.Already existing and not original
2.Always collected for a specific 2.Has already been collected for some other
purpose. purpose
3.Primary data is more expensive. 3.Secondary data is less expensive
4.It is more accurate. 4.It is less accurate
5.It is more time-consuming. 5.It is less time-consuming
6.It involves more effort. 6.It involves less effort

3. Which of the following methods gives better results and why?

a] Census b] Sample
Ans It depends on the purpose of inquiry and type of population. For example: Census method
is a better method when we deal with heterogeneous population and area of study is small
but Sample method is suitable if we are dealing with homogenous population and area of
study is large.
4. Write four differences between census and sample methods.
Census Method Sampling Method
1) Every unit of population studied Few units of population are studied
2) Reliable and accurate results Less Reliable and accurate results
3) Expensive method Less expensive method
4) Suitable when population is of Suitable when population is of heterogeneous
homogenous nature nature

5. Distinguish between random and non-random sampling.

Random Sampling Non random sampling

1.It is a method in which every item of the 1.It is a method in which every item does not
population has an equal chance of being have an equal chance of being selected in the
selected in the sample. sample.
2. Based on the rules of sampling. 2. Not based on the rules of sampling.
3. Does not involve investigator’s bias. 3. Involves investigator’s bias.
4. It is scientific method. 4. It is not a scientific method.
6-mark questions:

1 State the basic difference between direct personal investigation and indirect oral
investigation method. Write 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages each of indirect oral
Ans The basic difference direct personal investigation and indirect oral investigation is:
a) There is direct contact between the investigator and the informants in the direct personal
investigation method while there is no direct contact in case of indirect oral investigation.
b) Direct personal investigation method is used when area of study is small but indirect oral
investigation method is used when area of study is large.
c) The investigator must be well-versed in the language and culture of informants but there is
no such requirement in case of the latter.
d) Direct investigation is costlier than indirect investigation.
Indirect oral investigation method:
Advantages Disadvantages
Wide coverage Less accurate
Less expensive Possibility of bias
More reliable Doubtful conclusions

2 What do you mean by questionnaire? State five principles which should be followed while
drafting a good questionnaire.
Ans Questionnaire is a list of questions with space for answers. The five principles to be
followed while drafting a good questionnaire are:
a] A covering letter with objectives and scope of survey.
b] Minimum number of questions.
c] Avoid personal questions.
d] Questions should be clear and simple.
e] Questions should be logically arranged

3 . Explain the various methods of collecting primary data.

Ans a] Direct Personal Interview – Data is personally collected by the interviewer.
b] Indirect Oral Investigation – Data is collected from third parties who have information about
subject of enquiry.
c] Information from correspondents – Data is collected from agents appointed in the area of
d] Mailed questionnaire – Data is collected through questionnaire [list of questions] mailed to
the informant.
e] Questionnaire filled by enumerators – Data is collected by trained enumerators who fill
f] Telephonic interviews – Data is collected through an interview over the telephone with the

4. Write a brief note on Census of India.

Ans Census of India:
It is decennial publication of the government of India published by Registrar General and
Census Commissioner of India. It is a comprehensive source of secondary data.
It includes statistical information on:
Size, growth rate and distribution of population.
Density of population, sex composition, literacy, etc. This information pertains to all states
and Union Territories.

5. Write a short note on NSSO:

Ans The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) is a very important source of secondary
data in India. It is a government organization under the Ministry of Statistics and Programmed
Implementation. NSSO conducts regular sample surveys to collect basic information relating
to a variety of economic activity in rural and urban areas like:
a) Land and livestock holdings
b) Housing conditions and migration
c) Employment and unemployment status of India
d) Consumer expenditure in India
e) Sources of household income in India

1 Mark Questions
1. Fill in the blanks:
a) ____ data are collected from published or unpublished reports. (Primary/ Secondary)
b) ____ is a person who helps the investigator in collecting the data. (Enumerator/
2. State whether true or false:
Indirect oral investigation method is applied when the field of investigation is very limited.
3. What do you mean by pilot-survey?
4. Define primary data.
5. Expand NSSO.
6. What kind of data are contained in the census of population and national income estimates,
for the government?
a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
c)Internal data
d)None of these
7. Schedules are filled by the:
a) investigator
b) enumerator
d)None of these
8. Which of the following is a merit of a good questionnaire?
a) Difficulty
b) Less number of questions
c)Not in proper order
d)Invalid questions
9. Investigator is a person who plans and conducts an empirical investigation independently.
10. There are ............main sources of secondary data .
a) 3 b) 2 c) 5 d) 4

3 / 4 Mark Questions

1. What is questionnaire? What is the difference between questionnaire and schedule?

2. Define the terms (i) Investigator, (ii) Enumerator and (iii) Respondent

3. Distinguish between primary and secondary data.

4. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?
5. “Census of India provides statistical information on various aspects of demographic changes
in India”. Explain.

6 Mark Questions

1. What are primary data? Explain the various methods of collecting primary data.
2. There are 10 students in school who excel in the game of cricket. All are equally brilliant, but
you only must select 3 out of 10 for representing your school. Give details with reasons.
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of collecting primary data by (i) Personal Interview
and (ii) Mailing questionnaire to respondents?
4. Frame four “two-way” questions and four “multiple choice” questions relating to a
questionnaire that you intend to design for collecting primary data on the level and
composition and expenditure of people in your locality.
5. Distinguish between sampling method and census method.

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