Trade Cycle Since 2003-04
Trade Cycle Since 2003-04
Trade Cycle Since 2003-04
The trade cycle described above brings out clearly India’s helpless dependence on foreign capital
and external demand. Since the Western capitalists in our view control all the firms in the
capitalist world, they are in complete command of all the foreign investments made in India and
the external demand for the Indian products. They, therefore, created the trade cycle. The
question is why. We will try to give an answer to this question here. We have already argued
that the most plausible hypothesis that explains the existence and survival of the Indian
capitalists is that they are representatives of the Western capitalists and running the business of
the Western capitalists in India on their behalf. Therefore, the most reasonable explanation of the
boom in India since 2003-04 is that the Western capitalists instructed the Indian capitalists to
step up the growth rate of production and investment since 2003-04. To enable the Indian
capitalists to do so, the Western capitalists started investing heavily in India’s bond and stock
market so that the supply of foreign exchange to the Indian capitalists increases substantially.
Using this large inflow of capital and borrowing very heavily from the Indian banks, the Indian
capitalists sustained high rates of growth of real investment and, thereby, that of real GDP
creating the boom period. However, the inflow of capital tapered off, the stock market crashed
and India entered into a recession since 2011-12 and this recession is continuing even today (see
Table 13 and Ghosh and Ghosh (2016), Chapter 8). Why did the Western capitalists turn this
boom into a recession? The events narrated below, in our view, throws light on this issue. With
the onset of the recession, the ordeal of the public sector banks (PSBs) in India began. The
corporate sector, fully under the control of the capitalists, started defaulting on their loans on a
very large scale giving the excuse of recession. As a result, the PSBs’ stock of non-performing
loans (defined as loans that do not yield any income) as a fraction of their total amount of loans
given started increasing at an alarming rate driving them towards bankruptcy (see Table 14).
This problem of non-performing loans remained confined principally to the PSBs and left the
domestic private banks unaffected (see Table 14). At the same time, bank frauds, which also
were confined principally to the PSBs, started increasing at an alarming rate. Apart from the
dramatic episodes of Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi who defrauded the public sector banks
(PSBs) of Rs.9000 crore and Rs.11,500 crore and left India in 2016 and 2018, respectively,
evidences that have come up recently suggest that bank frauds are quite widespread in the
banking sector in India and these frauds are concentrated principally in PSBs. The Annual
Report 2018-19 of RBI (2018-19, pp.122-123) states that the number of cases of frauds reported
by the banks increased by 15 percent in 2018-19 on a year-on-year basis, with the amount
involved rising by 73 percent from Rs.382608.7 million to Rs.645094.3 million. More than 90
percent of the defrauded amount is related to the PSBs. According to the RBI’s Financial
Stability Report 2018 (RBI (2018)), large borrowers accounted for 58.8 percent of gross loans
and 85.6 percent of gross non-performing loans of banks. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume
that the bank frauds were principally perpetrated by the corporate sector. The evidences cited
above give us a plausible explanation as to why the capitalists created the above mentioned
boom and recession in India. We delineate it below.
In the period of boom, the Indian capitalists, at the behest of their Western counterparts,
borrowed from the PSBs on a very large scale and it was quite possible for them to steal a large
part of it. Let us explain this with an example. Suppose a capitalist borrows Rs.40,000 crore from
a PSB to build a company and offers the company to be built with the loan as the collateral to the
PSB. The capitalist uses only half of it to build the company and steals the rest. However, on
paper, he shows the value of the assets of the company to be equal to Rs.40,000 crore. Given the
nexus between the government and the capitalists, the PSB turns a blind eye to it. The capitalist
runs it for a few years and, when the recession sets in, declares his company to be bankrupt and
stops servicing the debt. The PSB takes over the company and the obligation of the capitalist
ends there. The PSB sells the company but by selling it the PSB can recover only a small part of
its dues. The PSB again turns a blind eye to it and writes off the rest of the loan. Most of the time
the PSB cannot even sell the bankrupt company because other companies of the capitalist move
the court saying that the bankrupt company owes them money and the PSB has to pay them their
dues first before selling the company (see Chandrasekhar and Ghosh(2018)). These litigations
usually continue indefinitely and no party shows any interest in resolving the problem. The PSB
in such a case writes off the whole of the loan. This scenario is highly plausible, given the
alarming rate of increase in the incidence of bank frauds in recent years in India. Since the
capitalists own the private banks, they did not default on the loans taken from the private banks.
Another reason for defrauding the PSBs may be the following. The capitalists want to make them
sick and show them as inefficient relative to the private banks. This gives the government an
excuse to sell off the PSBs at throw away prices to the capitalists. The capitalists want to gobble
up the government owned financial institutions, which at the present dominate by far India’s
financial sector. Thus, the capitalists created the trade cycle described above to rob the workers’
savings parked with the PSBs and provide the government with a reason for selling off the PSBs
at throw away prices to the capitalists.
In fact, trade cycles all across the capitalist world are created by the capitalists to make gains at
the expense of the workers. For a detailed discussion of this view, go through Chapters 5 and 7
Growth Rate of GDP, Net FDI, Foreign Portfolio Investment, Government Consumption
and Gross Fiscal deficit (GFD)
Year Growth Net Net Total Government GFD1 Rate Rate
Rate of FDI Portfolio (US $ Consumption (% of Of Of
GDP (US Investment Million) (in Rs bn) GDP) GDCF2 NDCF
At $ Million) (US $
Factor Million)
2000 5.3 3270 2590 5860 3247.27 5.65 24.6 16.7
2001 5.5 4734 1952 6686 3323.69 6.19 24.6 16.5
2002 5.0 3157 944 4101 3317.53 5.91 25.4 17.3
2003 8.1 2388 11377 13765 3409.62 5.48 27.3 19.5
2004 7.0 3712 9291 13003 3545.18 3.88 32.8 25.5
2005 9.5 3033 12492 15525 3860.07 3.96 34.9 27.8
2006 9.6 7693 6947 14640 4005.79 3.38 36.2 29.2
2007 9.6 15891 27434 43325 4389.19 2.54 39.0 32.2
2008 6.7 22343 -14032 8311 4845.59 5.99 35.6 27.9
2009 8.4 17965 32396 50361 5517.02 6.48 38.4 30.9
2010 8.4 11305 30292 41597 5843.52 5.87 39.8 32.5
2011 6.5 22006 17171 39177 6345.59 5.89 38.8 31.1
2012 4.5 19819 26891 46710 6620.33 5.06 38.9 30.9
2013 4.7 21564 4822 26386 6873.89 4.85
Source: RBI 1Gross fiscal deficit, 2Gross domestic capital formation
Table 10
Exchange Rate of the Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the US Dollar (Monthly average)
Year/ US $ Year/ US $ Year/ US $ Year/ US $
Month Average Month Average Month Average Month Average
2008 Oct 46.7211 Jul 44.4174 Apr 54.4971
Jan 39.3737 Nov 46.5673 Aug 45.2788 May 55.1156
Feb 39.7326 Dec 46.6288 Sep 47.6320 Jun 58.5059
Mar 40.3561 2010 Oct 49.2579 Jul 60.0412
Apr 40.0224 Jan 45.9598 Nov 50.8564 Aug 64.5517
May 42.1250 Feb 46.3279 Dec 52.6769 Sep 64.3885
June 42.8202 Mar 45.4965 2012 Oct 61.7563
Jul 42.8380 Apr 44.4995 Jan 51.3992 Nov 62.7221
Aug 42.9374 May 45.8115 Feb 49.1671 Dec 61.7793
Sep 45.5635 June 46.5670 Mar 50.3213 2014
Oct 48.6555 Jul 46.8373 Apr 51.8029 Jan 62.1708
Nov 48.9994 Aug 46.5679 May 54.4735 Feb 62.3136
Dec 48.6345 Sep 46.0616 June 56.0302 Mar 61.0021
2009 Oct 46.7211 Jul 55.4948 Apr 60.3813
Jan 48.8338 Nov 46.5673 Aug 48.3350 May 59.3255
Feb 49.2611 Dec 46.6288 Sep 54.3353 June 59.7143
Mar 51.2287 2011 Oct 52.8917 Jul 60.0263
Apr 50.0619 Jan 45.3934 Nov 54.6845 Aug 60.9923
May 48.5330 Feb 45.4358 Dec 54.6439
June 47.7714 Mar 44.9914 2013
Jul 48.4783 Apr 44.3700 Jan 54.3084
Aug 48.3350 May 44.9045 Feb 53.7265
Sep 48.4389 June 44.8536 Mar 54.5754
Source: RBI
Table 11
2011-2012 2012-13
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
Growth 8.0 6.7 6.1 5.3 5.5 5.3
Rate of
Source: RBI
Table 12
2011-12 2012-13
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
30.5 28.3
Source: RBI
Table 13
GDP and Its Growth Rate at Constant 2011-12 Prices
We will prove here mathematically the propositions regarding India’s growth performance
during the period 2003-04 – 2013-14 using a macro-theoretic model that we hope captures all the
relevant salient features of the Indian economy at the present. The model belongs to the tradition
set by Keynes (1936) and Kalecki (1954) and it is borrowed from Ghosh and Ghosh (2019 a).
Following Keynes (1936), aggregate output in our model is demand-determined. The goods
market equilibrium condition is, therefore, given by
( )
P¿ e
( )
Y =C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) +I r , e +G+NX
− − P
, C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) , I ( r , e ) ;Y ¿ , φ
+ +
+ (A.1)
In (A.1), Y GDP, P domestic price level, t income tax rate on income, P foreign
price level in foreign currency, e nominal exchange rate, Y foreign GDP, and a
parameter that indicates Western capitalists’ attitude towards India. An increase in implies an
improvement in the Western capitalists’ attitude towards India. Hence, export and, therefore, net
export denoted NX is an increasing function of . In (A.1), consumption is made a function of
aggregate real disposable income. Investment is made a decreasing function of the interest rate r
as well as that of e. The reason why we have made I a decreasing function of e is the following:
In India, there are strong reasons to believe that it is a decreasing function of e, as well. In case
of India, an important determinant of the cost of investment is the exchange rate as a large part of
investment demand represents demand for imported capital goods, whose average price in terms
of domestic currency is P*e. Since India is a small open economy, it is a price taker in the world
market. This implies that P* is given to India. So, an increase in e raises the cost of investment
and, hence, given expectations, reduces investment demand for Y. Production in India is highly
import intensive. An increase in e, therefore, generates a strong cost-push. Both these adverse
supply shocks demoralize the investors and dampen investment demand. Studying the relevant
data carefully, we have already pointed out above that there is a strong inverse relationship
between the exchange rate, the rate of capital formation and growth rate in India. (For more
details, one may go through Ghosh and Ghosh (2016)). For all these reasons, we think that
investment is highly sensitive to exchange rate in India. Hence, we have incorporated e as a
determinant of investment and made it a decreasing function of e.
P¿ e
Net export, as standard, is made an increasing function of the real exchange rate, P .
Moreover, consumption and investment are highly import-intensive. Hence, we have
incorporated them in the net export function. Their increase represents a rise in import demand.
Hence, net export falls. Net export is also an increasing function of Y . Since India is a small
* *
open economy, it has to regard Y and P as given. We, therefore, take their values as given
We also make net export an increasing function of the Western capitalists’ attitude towards
Besides exports and imports of produced goods and services, there also occur cross-border
capital flows. Since net inflow of capital depends on the plans and programmes of the Western
capitalists in the main in India, we take it as exogenously given and denote its exogenously given
value by K . Thus, we write the BOP equilibrium condition as
( )
P e
,C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) , I ( r , e ) ; Y , φ + K̄ =0
P + +
+ (A.2)
Following Kalecki(1954), we assume that the producers set P on the basis of the average variable
cost of production. The determinants of cost are the money wage rate W and P e . We assume
W to be given in the short run. We, therefore, write P as an increasing function of e. We do not
show W and P as determinants of P explicitly, as it is not necessary for our purpose. Thus, we
P=P e
+ (A.3)
Substituting (A.3) into (A.2), we write it as
( )
NX , C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) , I ( r ,e ) ;Y ¿ ,φ + K̄=0
P (e ) + +
NEP imposes stringent restrictions on government’s fiscal deficit, which means government’s
borrowing. We assume for simplicity and without any loss of generality that the government
seeks to achieve a target of zero borrowing so that government’s budget constraint is given by
G=tY (A.5)
In India interest rates are the policy variables of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The RBI keeps
the interest rates at target levels through policies such as the Liquidity Adjustment Facility, open
market operations etc. Denoting the RBI’s target level of the interest rate by r̄ , we have
r= r̄
Substituting (A.6) into (A.4), we rewrite (A.4) as
( )
Pe ¿
NX , C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) , I ( r̄ , e ) ;Y , φ + K̄ =0
P (e )
Note that in (A.7), following a ceteris paribus increase in e, both P e and P go up. Since
production in India is highly import intensive, the increase in P is likely to be substantial. Hence,
the increase in the real exchange rate will be quite small. For simplicity, we shall assume P ,
which we denote by p , to be independent of e and fixed. We, therefore, rewrite (A.7) as
NX ( p , C ( Y ( 1−t ) ) , I ( r̄ ,e ) ;Y , φ ) + K̄ =0
Figure A.1
We can solve (A.8) for e as a function of, among others, Y ,Y ,φ and K̄ . Thus, we get
( )
e=e Y , Y , φ , K̄
− − − − (A.9)
We can explain the partial derivatives of (A.9) using Figure A.1, where the equilibrium value of
e corresponds to the point of intersection of the NX+K schedule representing the LHS of (A.8)
and the horizontal axis. The NX+K schedule is upward sloping for the following reason.
Following an increase in e, investment falls. This lowers import and, thereby, raises net export.
Let us now examine how a ceteris paribus increase in Y is likely to affect the equilibrium value
of e. Following a ceteris paribus given increase in Y, consumption demand will go up bringing
about an increase in demand for imported consumption goods. Note that, given the very high
degree of income inequality in India, most of the additional income will accrue to a small section
of extremely rich people. Hence, most of the increase in consumption demand will represent
additional demand for imported consumption goods bringing about a BOP deficit. Therefore,
following a ceteris paribus increase in Y, the NX+K will decline corresponding to any given e
bringing about a downward shift in the NX+K schedule in Figure A.1. Hence, the equilibrium
value of e will increase. Similarly, one can easily explain the signs of the other partial
Substituting (A.9), (A.5), (A.6) and (A.8) into (A.1), we rewrite it as follows:
Y =C ( ( 1−t ) Y ) +I ( r̄ ,e ( Y ;Y ,φ , K̄ ) ) +tY − K̄
Determination of Y
Y0 Y
Figure A.2
The specification of our model is now complete. It contains two key equations (A.8) and (A.10)
in two endogenous variables: Y and e. We can solve (A.10) for the equilibrium value of Y.
Putting it in (A.8), we get the equilibrium value of e. The solution of (A.10) is shown in Figure
A.2 where we measure Y on the horizontal axis and the LHS (Y) and the RHS (AD) of (A.10) on
the vertical axis. The values of the LHS, when plotted against Y give us a 45 0 line. The AD
schedule representing the RHS of (A.10) has a positive vertical intercept under the assumption
that the sum of the autonomous components of C and I is larger than K̄ . Following a unit
increase in Y, C and G go up by [C ( 1−t ) +t ] , while I goes down by ( e Y ) . The slope of the
' −I e
AD schedule, {[C 1−t +t ]−( −I e e Y ) } , is, therefore, ambiguous. For simplicity and without any
( )
loss of generality, we assume the slope of the AD schedule to be positive and less than unity. The
equilibrium Y that corresponds to the point of intersection of the AD schedule and the 45 0 line is
labeled Y0. We are now in a position to examine how an increase in K̄ and φ affect Y, e and P.
Western Capitalists’ Two Instruments for Controlling Indian Economy: K̄ and φ
We shall examine here how an increase in K̄ and φ affects the economy. Let us focus on K̄ first.
Consider (A.8). Following a given increase in K̄ by d K̄ , there emerges a BOP surplus of d K̄
corresponding to any given e, with the values of Y and the exogenous variables remaining
unchanged. In terms of Figure A.1, the NX+K schedule shifts upward by d K̄ . To equilibrate the
BOP, e, therefore, falls so that NX falls by d K̄ . A decline in e lowers net export by raising I. An
increase in I raises import and, thereby, lowers net export. However, a unit increase in I raises
import by less than unity since a part of a unit increase in I represents demand for Indian goods.
Therefore, when net export falls by d K̄ , I increases by more than d K̄ . Now, consider the RHS
of (A.10) representing the AD schedule of Figure A.2. Corresponding to any given Y, e has
fallen to lower NX by d K̄ . But, the fall in e has increase I by a larger amount. (Thus, even
though K̄ has increased by d K̄ , I has increased more.) Thus, the AD schedule in Figure A.1 will
shift upward. However, the values of the LHS of (A.10) will still be given by the 450 line. Hence,
the equilibrium Y will increase.
Let us explain how Y increases. Following a given increase in K̄ by d K̄ , there emerges an
excess supply of foreign currency at the initial equilibrium ( e , Y ) of d K̄ . e begins to fall to clear
the foreign currency market. To clear the foreign currency market, e has to fall by such an
amount that the net export goes down by d K̄ making ( NX + K ) zero again. As we have already
mentioned, the impact of a fall in e on the real exchange rate is insignificant. It clears the foreign
currency market mainly through its impact on investment. Investment rises and, since it is highly
import intensive, raises import and, thereby, lowers net export. As per unit increase in I net
d K̄
export falls by (− NX I ) , I has to rise by
−NX I to lower net export by d K̄ and, thereby, restore
BOP equilibrium. At the initial equilibrium Y, therefore, there emerges an excess demand for
goes up by
dY 1 =
( 1
−NX I )
−1 d K̄
. This increase in Y produces two effects on aggregate planned
demand for Y. On the one hand, it raises public and personal consumption demand by
[ C' ( 1−t )+ t ] dY 1 . It also raises import demand creating a BOP deficit. e rises to restore NX to its
initial value. It does so by lowering I. Therefore, while NX goes back to its initial value, I falls
by . Therefore, in the second round, aggregate planned demand for Y increases by
. Accordingly, in the second round, Y increases by
. Similarly, in the third round Y goes up by
. This process of expansion will
continue until the additional demand that is created in each successive round eventually falls to
zero. When that happens, the economy achieves the new equilibrium. Thus, the total increase in
Y from the initial equilibrium to the new one is given by
The above discussion makes it clear how the economy moves from the initial equilibrium to the
new one.
Note that, even though it is not explicitly stated in many text books, the model presented above
actually determines the growth rate of real GDP and the rate of inflation in the price level from
one given short period (such as a quarter or a year) to the next. Let us explain. Equations (A.1) -
(A.10) represent a given economy (which is India here) in a given short period of time. In the
given short period, values of Y and P that prevailed in the previous short period are given and
known. Therefore, determination of Y and P in the given period amount to determination of the
rate of growth of the real GDP and the rate of inflation from the previous period to the given
period. From the above it is clear that, if in any given period, there takes place an increase in the
net inflow of capital or net foreign investment, the rate of growth of real GDP from the previous
period to the given period will increase.
Thus, the Western capitalists can create booms and recessions in Indian economy through their
control over K̄ . In fact, from the data given in Table 9, we find that during 2003-04 to 2010-11,
with the exception of the year 2008-09, India experienced unprecedented high rates of growth of
GDP. The growth rate more than doubled from 2002-03 to 2003-04 and this very remarkable
jump in India’s growth rate can only be explained in terms of a substantial increase in the net
inflow of capital (foreign investment). From 2002-03 to 2003-04, foreign investment more than
trebled (see Table 9). All through the boom period, India received very large foreign investment.
In fact, the dip in the growth rate in 2008-09 was also accompanied by a sharp fall in foreign
investment (see Table 9). Thus, there is prima facie evidence that the Western capitalists created
the boom in India during 2003-04 to 2010-11 by raising their investment in Indian assets very
substantially. During the boom period mentioned above, India’s average annual growth rate of
GDP was around 8.5 percent. However, India went into a recession since 2011-12, when growth
rate slumped to 6.5 percent. The growth rate dropped further in 2012-13 and 2013-14 when
growth rates of GDP were 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent respectively (see Table 9). In both 2012-
13 and 2013-14, the deep recession was on account of large drops in Western capitalists’
investment in India (see Table 9). Let us first focus on the experiences in 2012-13. In February
2012, Government of India announced General Anti Avoidance Rule in the budget and also
undertook Retrospective Amendment to Income Tax Law pertaining to indirect transfer of Indian
assets. Both these measures aimed at restricting the scope for tax evasion on the part of foreign
investors. This angered the Western capitalists. The global credit rating agencies downgraded
India’s credit rating and threatened to downgrade it further to junk status in April 2012. There
took place a large fall in foreign investment. Exchange rate soared. This made both the domestic
investors and the government extremely nervous. The growth rate plummeted to a low
level.Hastily, to reassure the foreign investors, the GoI announced postponement of the
implementation of the two measures mentioned above, removed the then Finance Minister,
Pranab Mukherjee, who tabled the budget and announced the anti-foreign investor measures and
brought in his place P.C. Chidambaram. The GoI also allowed foreign investment in retail and
promised further relaxation of restrictions on foreign investment on that line in future. The GoI
also brought about a steep hike in the administered price of diesel and cooking gas. Thus, the
large fall in foreign investment and the nervousness it created together were responsible for the
deepening of recession in 2012-13. The deep recession in 2013-14 was also the handiwork of the
Western capitalists. They spread the rumour that the Fed was going to hike its policy rate. This
created a basis for expecting higher return from investments in US assets. As if using this rumour
as an excuse, foreign investors cut down their investment in India substantially (see Table 9).
Exchange rate increased sharply. In fact, between May and September 2013, exchange rate
increased by 17 percent (see Table 10). As a result, investment and growth rate declined sharply
perpetuating the recession. From the above it is clear that in the post-reform period, India is
completely under the control of the Western capitalists. They create recessions and booms in
India at will by changing their investment levels in Indian assets.